i - , , nu ...I.. n , i. . I , ... . . . n j ' , im n i 1 1 tj ... i ... i .m, ,, ., ,,, . . , , , ,, ,, j , i 1. , i .1. i , ii a 'l I , 4 i i j.-.- fit V 1 r i";J 'I'J ' M " '.i , , a T- i"" , - - .; -T f J t ErlilSA'iET THAT'S TKUE. - Tll me nol of fpfti klinf gem?, 'i irX Set in royal dia Jems'; Yon mar hoast your (liamonds rare, , KuWeS fVrg1it afltt goms so fair r " ' But tlier(' fwltrle gem on eartli, - (if richwf-ravy n ttirer Worth ' Ti iricelesw, but 'lis worn by few It jdit is the heart that's true. Bring the tulip and The rose. While tleirJbriHiant beauty glows y. Let the gtorin-cloud fling a hade, ; Koe and tulip both will fade ; E there's a flower that ftill is found .. . Vteen mist and darkness close around, - 4 Changeles,", fadeless in its hue Jt is, it U the heart that's true. Ardent in its earliest tie, ij' -Faithful in its latest sigh Jjove nd .friendship, godlike pair, t ' Find their throne of plory thwe,' ' " .' rttudly BcorntngTmbe and threat.'" Naulit can break the seal 'once set " ' AJl'theeTil gold can do . " " Cannot wrap the heart lhal'a true' U ' 'a i. y4v: - ' ' ; w. t First in Freedom's cause to bleed, ' First in joy "when slaves are freed ; Their hearts were true and , what coald quell 1 ' - ' Tli roight-of -Washington or Tell ? ' OJitJiere is one mortal fhrine, t J Lighted up with rays divine? Se,ek it yield the homage due ; Defy the heart that's true, ' Thenlet me 4ry, each day and hour, Tq, act upon this plan WJIat Hi tie good U in my power, ' VT6-do it while I can ; If to be useful thus I try, I may do better by and, by. - - Ex, SU13JHCTS FOR DISCUSSION . TEACHERS' INSTITUTES. hJbest coursa to . pursue tn organi- zong a School . Tile means for securing good discipline ThVtneans to be used for e elf .improve menu Some of the means far true moral cul ture. . . - ' Irregularity, aa ow to remedy it. evils of tardiness, and how to rem- edy- iL - - - ' Requisites for success in teaching. How to teach good inanuers. illov to secure the cQoperation of pa- tents. IIIow -farjshould oral teaching be adop- ld . , Seme of the causes of failure. fTho true aim of the teacher. Same of tbe ZLcthods of teaching, Head- iogj'Spelliiig, G rammer, Geography, Arithmetic, &c. 1 jProper method of conducting recitation. Best. method of teaching object-les3ons Ho v to interest and advance dull pupils, What is deaii able in a text-book ? fPe-'phject of school governnen. f. Th$ objrct of punishment. ;PA)per methods of puniehments. jProper inceitiives to study. Improper incentives to study. - iDdties of teachers to patrons. IDutJes of patrons to teachers. WjjaJSjbse should he made of the JBtble in school THE STOUY OF A BOY'S; , . POCKET.' iAjjoulh'.hill school marra, the other day v pays the .Burlington Uawk-Eyev while,, wording an example on the board detected an urchin directly behind her in the unlawful act of devouring an apple. She said to hiu:: irim what are you doing V No'hin,' said Tom with his mouth so full that his checks stuck out on either side "of his head like an aldermen's stom achs. Yes pat are,' paradoxically insisted the teacher, 4 What have you ia your hand' . N apple' said Tim - with some sur prise, as he looked at the fragment of the ; apple ithis hand, aud wondered who bit it while hewassludying. jsWliat has become of the rest P j'DdBno,' aid Tim, looking around iji an amazecl effort to discover who had he jest of it. Somebody is been eatin' it. 'llavt you any more J' demanded the teachci.'; 4 'YesiA Vaid Tim dolefully. ?Qot noth- 'Where is it ?' relentlessly pursued the teacher. 4 'X'my desk,' sighed Tinxas he began to auspett.'lbat the teacher was going to defnandjt of him. fWell take it out and go upon the plat form, -and cat it.' , - Eat 'cm both V qneried 'Pirn. Yes eat them both.' . f Eat all I g(t V demanded Tim u a sujbdqed lone and countenance. ("Yes, eat all you have' impatiently repouded the teacher and turning to the board continued, "And don't you leave that platform while you have any apple left uneaten.' . - ilncereigned iiT the school room. 'Therfyapfr pellet pursued its tranquil transit unobserved. The busy hum of the ltud6us made more noise than the cautiou smile of the indolent. Tim stood at jh:j&fot,.. Munch, munch, munch. ThVfragment ia his hand soon disap- pekwd, andihe fell upon the other apple gileutly.nbut' detenuiuedly. Quickly it followed the first. Then he put his r;ght hand Into his pants pocket and took out anjaJpte and after a cautious reconnoitre, dufiitg; which, he wjped jt on bis trpwsers, be ibs'jap the attack. IJe carried the fort, Dou ut tie hand again, aud another apple was brought to light. It. was M U...' : 11.. ft.'.l 11' quickJyi dispatched, ' A third followedH her iitt changed his position, and, resting the! weight of his body on his left leer, sighwl as he drew from his left breeche pocket another apple. When it was gone lie dfeXv 6 tit his commissary for another, by the time he produced the eighth apple he was silently being observed, by two thi ds of the boys in the school -room. The teacher turned aud saw the boy still standing in tire attitude oi one who was reaching for something in his coat pocket. 'Aren't you ihrongh yet ? she cjuer icd tti'some astonishment. 'Gtt 'uoiLer,' stoically responded Tim, producing it .mud' falling' UMirork OU lt Iu surprise the teacher saw hi bo reach for etill'auotfier, and when that was gone surprise grew to amazement' at hla '.. un wavering baud again sought tnc gaping mouth at' lLat pocket. As the bo v ales b grew ia dimensions, and ibe teacher r.fe catne aiarmed. There seemed to be jno end to the apples that he bad in bis clothes. - t s.;r t,. u r. : Tim, for mercy's sake, have you got any more apple?.!' ' J 'j ' Got 'noiher,' said Tim, indtfferehtiyi. 'How manyJmWe apples have you ?! rDunno, said Tim gueEg got two j or thre more.' ' :v J T " The teacher did not dare to let " him proceedi and appointed herself an inves tigating committee to look after' the hick counties.- 1 he boy never .changed a muscle -of his countenance nor moved an inch while the teacher palled apple after apple from his coat, stacked them' upon the desk, until there was something Jess than a peck piled up, with ; Dade - county to bear from, ibe scbooUroora was! a ecene o( hilariiywhicU wasn't so much subdued as it had been.' Titn ! bad laid fr apples for the winter, and the f his coat hairinjr'rio bottom the coat was thus aa immense bag, which would' hold as many as be could carry. The ruai ter hasn't been laid - before the school board yet, but the exhausted school ma'am declares that the next time she wOl learti how much of a crop of apples a boy has about him before she issues auy orders. .. - ! The Importance Agriculture. What must be the feelings f happi ness and .contentment of the man who, by skillfully turning tq proper account his intimate knowledge of the peculiarities of his land, has succeeded, without increased application of labor or capital, in gaining fromjt a permanent i increase of pj-oduce For such a resuU is not ouly d per sonal advantage ti himself, but a most important benefit confen ed upon all man kind, j . - How paltry and insignificant do all our discoveries and inventions appear, com pared to what is iu the power of the ag ricuhutist to achieve ! Ail our advances in arts and science are of no avail in increasing the condi tions of human existence ; and though a small fraction of society may, "by their meains, be gainers in material and iutt-1 teciliaL enjoyment, the load t.t misery ' i .. l i i t . i weighiiig upon the great mass of the peo ple leraains the same. A hongrv iaaH cares uot for preaching, and a child that is to learn anything at school must not he sent there with au empty' stomach. Every step in advance, however, made by agriculture, serves to alleviate the sufferings and troubles of mankind, aid to make the human mind susceptible and eapable of appreciating the good - aud the beautiful that aft and-science presents to us. Improvements in agi iculturc consti tute the only solid foundation for firther progress in all other branches of knowl edge. Lkbig. GRASS IS KING. Charles Seyrahur, in an address before the Wiscousju Slate Board of Agriculture, says ; "British agriculture is almost perfec tion. Taking the farmers ot Great Brit ain as oOT instructors, we may derive some valuable hints from their experience. Of the fifty millions of acres under cul tivation in the United Kingdom of Great Britain, less than twelve millions of acres, are. devoted to 'white crops' or cereals ; while over twenty-six millions of acres are kept in permanent pasturage; Bix millions of acres utider clover and rota tion grasses ; and six millions of acret! devoted to turnips and other vegetable. Euglandi Wales, Scotland and Ireland have about two and three-fourths millions of horBes. ten millions of cattle, and oyer" thirty millions of sheep. Repetition: of white or grain crops is not permitted. In stead of the -old process of restoring ; or testing land by keeping It fallow eveiy fourth year; which was equivalent to jibe permanent withdrawal of one quarter! of the tillable land from cultivation, the tur nip crop, which its broad leaves that sbield the sil from the rays of the sun, and with its nutritious roots that are f-d, before ripening, to cattle and sheep, is re sorted to as the most effectual method of benefiting both laud aud stock; as bien nial plants derive their chief nourishment from the air, aud do not exhaust the soil, if used "before they ripen.'' GRADUAL DISSOLVING STONES. OF The soluble part of the soil 'is the in organic food of the plants. Itaiu water ranuot come in contact with the soil,: or even with argravel heap, without 'dissolv ing some of it. Expose almost any stone, or handful of gravel, washed clean, to the action of a quart or so of rain water sev eral day?, and, upon evaporating the wa ter, it will be seen from the residue left, that a portion has Jeen dissolved. Now, let these same stones be exposed, covered or partly covered with water, in a saucer, to the action of frost, setting them out of doors for two or three, cold nights, taking I care I that they thaw , by day. Pour off : . -.1 r l the vater, vinsiug with fresh, and evap orate as above, aud it will be seen that a very much larger quantity has come into solution. The res sun ia, that all stones being somewhat p r us, by the action; of the frost their outer portiou is broken up, ecaled and fissured, and a Taslly greater surface is exposed to the action of the water, even though this flssnnin-j is not visible to ihe naked eye. When land' is 'exposed to alternate freeiingr and thawhie. I the same effect must take place. Spien tific American. In Iaiis a swindler who styled himself Count Deiuski, preluded to be a Russian millionaire, hired a bo jc at a theatie, and gave grand breakfasts at a hotel ia Rue Druoit, has Jjeeni" sentenced to fifteen mouths', imprisonment. He! i only eighteen years of age, aud .nlleged in court that he came to Paris J,o ppert a subscription for the Serviaos, Good Women . j,The modest .virgin, the prudent wife, or the careful matron are muck more, ser viceable in life than petuoated philoso phers, ' I bl ustfci ing heroines or virago queens"J: She? who makes 'her .husband and children happy, who reclaims the one from vipe and trains the other fo virtue, is a much greater character ! ha riiadieS describe in romance,wT6se sole Qccap lion is o murder manktud with their shaftfj from ikji quiver of theiiuyeifcJ u -n jV-if L ;jTr- . - :; h By te breaking down of, a rail; road bridgeajt Ashtabula, O., a train of eight orten cars, was precipitated to the creek, below, distance of sixty feet. The car? fook fire and were speedily consumed Sixty pSersons lostjheir lives, and about the same number weie wounded some of whom have since died. Among : the: killed was Bliss, the compiler or com4i poser of the well known music of Moody, and Sankey. His wife perished with him. Recorder; - Few iare aware of the mportahcej of checking a cough or common cold in its; nrst stage. 1 hat which in the begjujiing would yield to a5 lil'ld ifmedy.f ncgloc ted, soon preys upon the Lungs. Dr. Bull's Qmigh Syrup affords iustaut relief.1 Piice, 2$ cents. . There is a growing feelin among the American people .that thu tuau win,, can hear a fellow mortal complain of a cold in the lead, and abstain from leMfug him what to do for it, is the man who should be the next President. Ther p seems to be a seneral feehnsr about tiiwn that when there is no light iu the eulijy a man ouj;ht to be excused for his wife when she lets him iu provided he thinks it is the chambermaid Norwich Bulktin, "Do vou see that lovely girl over there, Tom? jiVt'll, she is callerl Kline, afuri Tenny soil's heroine." '-Is she though 1 When she is in one of her tautrums I should tall her Madeline." 'Whit a nice thing if2 a fellow could always have his sweaiheart close at band," said Iluhen to his sister. " J'liiit'u a nigh dear (an idea) of your own, isu'i it, Uubei ' was his; sister's response. Thcr; are ytt four counties in arrears in the. pi ulemeiit of their taxes. Pender ia,ltl Bidden have made no show or it. tlmg, and l'efiie ami Stokes have eeuled ouly pailially. "What branch of education do you have chk-fly in your school ?" was asked a pupil.! ,4A birch branch sir: the mafter has used almost a whole .tree." . -cs - "We ifind that he came to his death from tryf.ng to cut out Joe Willot in court ing"S:i.Je Jack?on." -,v;,3 the verdict re cently of a coroner's jiiry in Aikansas. It is aid that the Hornets' Nest Rifle men are now spakiog of going to Wash jngion to see Uncle Sam Tildeu take his seat. " What is that which is lengfhened being cut at both ends 1 A ditch. by Three Paints fur Consideration. Dnrfnjr tfcr prt fiv years VK5K1 INK hp.e Wen steadily vrorkin itsi-lt ir. " " pr.l!i- fnv r, nrd lh.s who were at firt nu).-t IntTt'tltiloiiJ. in rt gard to its merits are now i!n mo.t ardent lrieiiUe hud suppor ters. Tliere are three.essential canses for thc having Sncti it horror of itent incii fine.--, rlianlng their opiniotr mid U-od r.? their ia!.jence toward the ad-' vtmcemettt uf VKGETIKE. I'm It ia Oil honestly prepard rtmdiciiie. from batUf. root? unil le rb. Sud It ho'ieetly HC!-.)!i'j.ht-pi 11 that is claimed for it, without leaving nuy had -etttxis in tli pv-tem. !rd It pfwnt houest Vouchers lu testimonials from hontjst, well known citizens, whose ginatuies re a sufhciejit guaiautee oftiieir earneytDess in the matter. Tnkinjr in tt co".f idMation the vaet fiunntity of med;ini lro"tirtt conspicuonsly before the public through the fiaui in-f udverlit-ecieuts in the titupii per column?, v.i h uo proof of merit or rerniine vouchers of what it tin. hne. veslioiild 1k KirJoned ilor in;inii-i:iii a suih.1 d"yteeof pride iu presenting the fo!..)u-ing U-st!:iioui.il Tnm Hev. J. S. D1CKKH SON, D. E)., the K)t)iil;ir .mid ever Keniul pgetor of the South r.aiit!8t Olmic',1, Boston. Tlie Tired Uody Sues for .Sleep Cosrosi, March 16, 1574. II. I?. PteViens, E.q. : Dar Silt If i as m'ich from a sense f Arftr as of gratitude that I write to say thiit your Yl(lE TISK even if it is a patent medicine has been of great helpito me when nothing el-e seemed to avail which I con Id safely u;e. Kither excessive mental work or ntiusuul cure brings upon me a nervonH ex haustion tjiat desperately needs ;kep, hut a? desper ately defle it, K;p:lit after nipht the poor, tired body Sites for sltfp until the d;iy-t:iwn is welcomed buck, and we bein our work tired out with au almost fruitless c(ia-e after re.t. Now I have found that a little VE(;KT1NE ta'.eij )ut .iK-fore i rp:im.give.4 me sweet and;mm"di!it tltepi ain!'-itbout ai:y of the evil eifeetp of the i;su:tl ii:ircttics. I think two thingB wjn!d tend to make bra in-workers fleep. 1st A little less work. Sud A little more VEUli T1NE. This prescription hns helped me. Now I have a yirticnlar horror of " PaiPnt Medi cine, " but) I hr.ve a greater horror of beinu sfraid to tell the stmi-ht out truth. The VEGETIN'E has helped me and I o'vn it np. Yours tr.. j J. S. DICivERSON. Vnliinble Evidence. The following unsolicited teslimonial from Key. O.T.Waiktir.D.IMoruieily pastor of llowdoin Square Clituch, 15iton. imd ut pre-eut : settled in Providence K. I., uins le deemed w rtiiahle evidtnee. No one houid failj to o!serve thi:t this testimonial is the result of two years' experience in the use of VE(J KTINE injthe Lev. Mr. Walkers lamily, who now pronounce it invaluable : I Pp.oMiiKNt E, R. I., 1(U Transit Street. n.R. 8TEVENS. Eso.: I fcul binuuU to exp ess witl. mv siirnature the higli Talneil plate upon your VEOETINE. ty fam ily have used it tor the last two years. ' In nervous debility it is invl:tabir. and I recommend it t all who may Ueed an iuviyor.itiii'. reiiovatine tonic. I O. T. M ALIvEit. Fonaerlj T&stor of Cowdoiu Square Church, Boston. Tlie I! est KvitTencr. ' The following k-Uer from Rev. K. S. Best, Past of the MJ E. Clinn.-h, Nntick, Mr.ss., will be rena with interest by many physicians ; also tho.-e suff-- eriiig from the same c'i.-cnse as iitnVtd tlie sou of ttie Rev. E. S. B(st. No nerson can doubt this tes timony, a-; there is no doubt about the curative pow er of YeUetlne, Natick, llass, Jan. 1st, 1874. MR. H. Rj STEVEN'S: Dear Sir We have Erood reason for reffardlno' vour VEG13TIXE a medicine of the greatest valued e icei aw u red uiai 11 nas neen tt:e means ot saving onr sou's life. He is now seventeen years of age ; for the last two years he has suffered from uecrosis Of his leg, canned by scrofulous affection, and was so far reduced that nearly all who saw him thought his recovery impossible. A conuc'l or able physicians could give jus but the faintest hope of his ever rally ing: two jof the number declaring that he was be yond the reach of human remedies, that even am putation qmld not save him, as he had not vigor enough to endure the operation. Juwt then we com menced giving him VEOETINE and from that lime to the present he lias beeu continuously improving. He has lately resumed studies, thrown awav his Crutches itnd cane, and waits about cheerfully aud rongj. 'Though f here U still some discharge from the o pening w hbre his limb was lanced, we have the full est confidence that in a little time he will be perfect ly cured. He has tke about three dozen bottles of VEO ETINE. bit lately uses bnt little, as he declares fc Is too well to be taking medicine. Kospectfullv vonrs, E. S-'BtST. tn. L.C.K. BEST. Reliahle Evidence. - 1T8 Baltic St.. BROOKJ.TK. N.Y.. Nov.. 14. nn H. R. Stkyess, Esj. : - Dear Sir-From personal benefit received by its use, as weB as from personal knowledge of those whose cures tlisrehj have seemed almost miraculous. I can most; heanily tj-H sincerely recommend the VEOETINE Tor tu coniplsinn for which it Is claimed to cur. JAM ES P. LUDLOW. Late Pastor Calvary Bap. Church, Sacramento, CaL Yegetine Is Soil by All Druggists. THE OBSERVER Needs po. formal statement of principle?, nor elaborate recital of 'what: it will 'do, or ex pects to do. in -. the ,cwini year. It can' offer no stron geV guarantee If Its future' than it offered by its past5 eondd6t.! It twill labor earnestly and faithfully ' kr the 'ad? yaucemeiit of the Deinocratio party,- aud for the good of the State, which it .'believes., to 1 1. this, eudif desired at, once . a. largely increased circulation, for. Ti8 Ubseryeh and the wholesome literature it is giviug to the i)eoV)te of JTurth5 'Carolina". Once, in a household", T il'Ei Ob-seeveh becomes a fixt- iaxA It needs- Only to be sen ' tof" lnatee- us Way into" every uok And Corner" of the State ; Tb$t lv may be su seeat . and pteedily. Its XidiUrs offer; th. fully wiug 'r.Aut Jti I !.P R E M I U M S ' PO R 187 7 : si., t FOR THE OBSERVEIfTTJAILY ?'To each' and every persim; who shds ' us 3 for tuie1 year's subscription to Tlie Qb farcer, ' dalfy ' will he inailed pVstpa'id any ime of th folfowidg novels" 'of Si? Walter iicott, beautifully printed, elegantly bouud, aud profusely illustrated; j,J. Waverley, 2 vlutnes. . 2. Guy.Manuering. 2 vuiuuies ; 3. The -Autiuary, 2 Volumes. . ' ; 4. Kob Roy, 2 volumes. 5. Heart of Midlothian, 2 volumes, .' 6. IvauhtK. 2- voIuiuhsw 4 7. IJride of Luitninermoor2 voloines. . i 8. The Monastery, 2 volumes. 9. The Abbot. 2 vol mnes. jj ll). . Old' Mortality. 2 v.luni. s. ; 11. Keuifwovth,- 2 volumes. 12. The Pirate, 2 volumes. Or. to an v one who may send us $96 for twe(l ve anuual subscriptions, tlie whole of 'the'abuve. will be forw arded, by mail or ex press,- free of all charges. ; Or, to any ouV who may send us $192. for tweuty-foar aqnnal subscriitious, will be forwarded, free of charge, all the above i ouee, aud the reniaiuing 24 volumes of ttiis unrivaled edition of Scott's matchless novels, as issued monthly; the whole deliv ery to be completed by October, 1877. FOR TnE OBSEiiVElt, WEEKLY. To each aud every person who seuda us $2 for one year's subscription to The Obser rer, i weekly, will' be untiled, postpaid, a eopy ( oue of the followiuj; valuable books : . , . . j 1. A II Stephens', History of the U. S. I 2. Shepherd's llistry of Eug. Language. li. Ueed's Memories of Fatniliaf lio-ks. I 4. l'oelns of Ileury Tiiurtd. 5 Poems of Paul II Uavue. :. (5. E W Fnller's Sea Gift. 7. The 0i I Trump. ; 8. Ilarvrood, ly same author. ; 9. The Lacy Diamonds, by same. I 10. Flesh nud Spirit, by same author. 11. Ellen Story. 1. Thompson's Hoosier Mosaics. Or, to any one who may send us $54 for twelve annual subscriptions, the twelve books above named will he forwarded bv in. ill or express free of all charges, jj. '1 o that persmi, man. woman, or child. iUho may semi us the cah for the largest number of annual subscriptions to TlIR On SKRVEl:, daily, or weekly, or hoth comhined, between January 1, 1677. and March J. Jfi77. ivill he forwarded, free of all charges, all the books named its premiums to each paper, and a commission of TEN pi-:n cent, ok the Amount kkmittld. ! To the person who may sond us the sec ond largest list, one-half the volumes named, aud the same cash commission. ; To the pers"ti who may send ns the third largest list, otie-tiiitd the volumes uatned, auil the same cash commission. . -Samples of the above books, all well prin ted aod hound, aud most of them pro tiouueed by the press tnnth and sutli to he gems of typographical beauty, may be seen at the ollice of The Observer. ii To those disposed to canvass for Tin Ob Server and preferring money to hooks, ex ceedingly liberal commissions will be paid, to be deducted by canvassiug agent from his It-tiiittauces. Rates ok SL'r.cr.'PTiox Tx Advance. ). illy, one year, mai pos paid. . . .S S 00 V " six moiiihs, " " $4 00 ! " ihrce " " " 2 00 Weekly, or:c year, mail postpaid. . . .2 00 44 six monihs 14 1 00 i Sj)ccimeir copies of the daily, pr weekly, or both, mailed on application. -Address ..THE OBEIS'EU, lla!eih, N. C. Carolina Central Railway Co. OFFTCK CiKSEUAL StPKRINTEMXT. Wilmiugtun. N. C. April 14, 1875. Change of Sciiedule, .? On and after Friday. April 10th, 175, the trains will.ruu over this liailway as follows . !i PASSENGER TIIAINS. Leave Wilmington at Arrive atOharlotteat Leave Charlotte at Arrive in Wiimingion at 7.15 A M. .7. To J. M. 7.0U A. M 7.0UP. M FSEIGHT TEAINS Leave Wilmington at Arrive at Charlotte at Leave Charlotte at Arrive in Wilmington at ! MIXED TRAINS- Loave Charlotte at Arrive at Buffalo at Leave Buffalo at. Arrive in Charlotte at 0.00 P M 6.00 P M fi.O'.A M 6.00 A M ...8.00 A M 12 M . .12.30 PM ...4.30 P M ; No Trains on Sunday eccept one freight tratn that leaves Wilmington at 6 p. m., instead of on Saturday night. Connectons. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington & Weldon, and Wilmington, Columbia A- Augusta Railroads, Semi-weekly New York and Tri weekly Baltimore and weekly -Philadelphia Steamers, and the River Boats to Fayetterillc. ; Connects at Charlotte with its Weitern Di vision, North Carolina Railroad. Cbarlotto & Statesvile Railroad. Charlotte & Atlanta Air Line, aud Clwrlotte, Coliiiubifc Aagusta Rail road. jThus snpplyingtho whole West, Northwest and South -vet with a short and oheap line v the Seaboard and Europe. - i S. h: FREMONT, Chief E4iginoer and Superintendent. ilayG. 1875. tf. Yt ll Blaciier asi Henderson, Attorneys, Counsel or and Solicitors. i ' - jj SALISBURY, N.G. Janaay22 1876 tt. a I SiM ifimrVmrGtt! J JJil-JKKO '.'4 FIedmont.Air Xine Railway i .lde i -in;- Vf,tlf it ,t ,' i R cnirond. & Danvile, Eichmond ,& Danville K.. Mi, - N Cv Divison. and inorxu wesxern. u. u. ii. w. i-. " t ta .vt-iv " i o i !- t ' i-t ' CO H D E H EO ' T HE-JAB LE In Effect on aBid after Sunday, Dec 10th, 1875 i g6ing m&tf.'. r STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Charlotte ;-.- i ,' ' Air-Line Juntion ' Salisbury . " Greensboro . Danville " Dundee ! . . ; BurkevilU - Arrive at Kichruond 4 .55 A M i 5.20 7.35 9.55 , 12.23 pm 12.46 , 5.05 '? 7.43 p M i GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Rich m olid " Bnrkeville " Dundee : " Danville 7.50 A M 10.4G M 2.55 P M 2.5y " 5.40 " Greenshorough " Air-Line Junetionl0.25 Arrive at Charlotte 10.37 GOING EAST GOING STATIONS. j 5? MAIL. A MAIL, Leave Greenlioro I I 0.05am i Arr- 5,25 PM Co. Simps - II ''l " - Lv. 4.1 ;i Arrive at liitleisrh ? 2.41 pm'S! Arr. 12.30pm Arrive at (Joldsboro ' S 5.15 pi , Lv. 10.10pm ( Sai.em Urancii.) ; Leave Cireensboro 5.50 1 M ! ' Arrive at Salem 8.00 ' Leave Saleui 7.30 A St Arrive at Greensboro 9.35 44 Passenger Train leaving lvileih at 12.34 P. M. connects at Greensboro with the Southern bound train; making the quickest time to ail Southern cities. j No Change of Cars Bsttveen Charlotte and Eichraond, 232 Miles. I'apers that have arrangements to advertise the schedule of this company will please print as above and forward copies to Genl.'I'assenger Agent. - i'or Anther information jhlreF JOHN K. MACMURDO, Genl. Passenger Agent, June G, '76 Ki hnind, Va. . SI Q a day at h 16 tit a lid tell gtista, Maine. me. Agents wanted. Out rusfiee. TIU'KtfCO. Au March 9, 76: 1 vr. RIOTS! R8WS! RIOTS! Not between the races hut among Swiiig Machine Gotupanies became the , world re nowned Singer Seving Machines are greatly reduced in price for cash. We will sell lor 25 percent lf-s tlian heretofore. Need le, oil, attachments, itc, for sale-aiid . machines cleaned, repaired or "traded for. Address-, all orders to ; WILL H. ILVRKEIt, At. i SALisntitY, N. C. Oftiee Karker's Dmg Sture. Sept. 21, 187G. 49:tf Si: 31 1 -MONTHLY Masonic "Journal. The cheapest STWC.TLY MASONIC PAPHK published iu the. United States! Eight pa ges, thirty-two hnad columns and only $1.50 pnr year, six months 75 cents. tVkeliablw Agents Wantl to cauvass every Lotlge in the L" nitd States, to u hoto the l)e-t terms u iil be given. Ei'dose .stamp timl suldress E. A. V ILSON, i(t S-tf Greensboro, N. C. PAINTING. House, Sign, and Ornamental PAINTING, GraMi& Frescoim a Specialty. All letters addressed to the under signed at Kerneraville, N. C, will be promptly answered. , Wj - V VS KM J UIC UV Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ad.! less J. GILMER KERNEXL Kertlerprille, X.C. Long apo the world was c-ouvineed that sew ing can be done liymuehiuery rthe only ques tion now is, wh it machine combines in itself the greatest number of important advantages. Just here the FLORENCE comes in with its self-regulating tension, sov.; mgfroin muslin to leather without change ol thread or needle, then from right to left and left to right while one style of the machine sews to or from the operator, as may he .desired and with stitch alike on hoth sides. Iu elegance oi finish and smoothness of cperatloii; variety of woik and reasonableness 111 price, the Florence has wou tHe highest distinction. P. G. Cartiand Greensloro, C, is the gent. He ia also Agent for Bickford Knitting Machine i upon which 30 pairs of socks"have been knit per day, without srnm. aud wii h perfect hret aud toe. Hoods. Shawls, Scarfs, Gloves. Ac, may be knit upon this Howa.V Tritud, which costs but $:U). Correspondence in relation to either knitter or Sewing Machine is invited, and samples oi work sent upon application. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Machines ship ped to any part of the State, and satisfaction guaranteed. Agents tcanted in every County. Address all communications to J. E. C A RTL AND, Salisbury. Or, E. G. CARTLAND, Getfl Agt. Greensboro, N. C In the absence of Salisbury agent, call oh Irs. Scuxoss, at the National Hotel, (iSSAy f SIMOUTOH ,EEMALE .COLLEGE- kU Statesville, IT.'' C. 's!the! IXext Session3 will open Ail gust 30tbLl&76: Circulars with terms.' ect , upon application. -, References SlUvt Wi At" "Wood, States ville, N. C.f eit-Gor. ' Z. Br-Vance, Char ii.tte, N. C. Prof. W J Martin. iDaido CollgH. N; C; Kev.; R. Brtrweil, .liah-igh. N. Q.; and Hll.flle.uds.a.ndpupHs ; ot .JUv. DrMitchelL late Prolessor iu University of N- C. , "'i' 'TWO 76-1 y" ffllER-HOUSE . STATESVILLE, if. C, : ' G. S. L it IR .& CO., . - - ibPr6prielors!i 1 fiServknts Jolite andCAttentive. and IarH all abQut Ui. Wurk t oU V W;',K,,,.,; ..--Hti. ur-i . & CO.. Augusta, MaiuH. t , NatiohaT Hofel RALEIGH, N. a Board by Tlie Day, $2.00. Beautifully isitnated ;next Ut Capitol square Col. a S..BHOWN, Propr f ? P f To the .Wprking Class. 'e are now prepared to furnish all classes with c ustaut employment at hou.e. the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new. light and profitable. I'ersons of ei.htr sx easily earn from.iO eents to so per evtuiu;, and a proportional sum by dovotiujf their whole t'uue to rh'busiuess.'. Boys antl fjirl? earn nearly as niueh as nieu. That ali w ho gee this notine. may send thvir addregM. and test the business we make this unpar alleled ofJer : To such' as afre not well . pat isfied we will send ore dollar to pay for I he trouble of writing. Full partieulars, sani ples worth several dollars tocommetii-e work ou. and a "pv f Horn and Fir-ide. -".lie of the hut; est and best Illustrated Puhlications. all sent free by mail. Header, if you want permanent, profitable work address, (jEOU"JE 8T1XSON 6c Co., Portland, Maine. , WINTER.-STOCK 1S76. Al Wholrsalc and Retail. NOW IN STORE AND ARRIVING Bhls do do 75 . Molasses. N-w Orleans Syrup. Bajjs Coffee. 10 10 .eys ida. 10 d iz. Lemon Syrup, 50 boxes Adamautiue Candtes. 25 Brtxes Soap, 75 Cases Oysters r 20 eases Brandy Peaches, 20 Fresh Peaches, 10 Piue Apples, Gross Snuff '2o Coils Cottonaod Jute Rope 4 Diz. Painted Pails. , 40 Gross Flasks.,. t.nb) lbs. Candy 40.000 Oiirars 50 Kecs Powder 50 Batrs Shor 100 Reams Wrsppmej Paper i 10 Doz. Scotch Ale ALSO . A full line of Wood, and "Willow Ware, Boots,Shoes, Hats, Sa Idles BridlesrAxes, Gnu.. Pistol. &;, &. , Also, a large lot Tf Canned Goods, a i"H V pper. Spire, Ginjjr. Roval Bakiujr Pow ders. Kaisns. Currants. Figs. JL'it rons, Xt Sardines, Cocoanpls. Pickles. Sauees, Cat sup. Pottel Meat. Kerosene. Tauuers aud Machine Gils. Liquors of all kinds, &c., &a. The above Stork was bought at the close of the shhsou at. greatly reduced prices, and is offered at Wholesale & Retail at very short iirotits. BINGHAM t CO -Salisbury, X. C, June 12, 1S7G. KERR CRAIGE, glttonmi at itof 3NT. O. The Carolina Vatcbman l'UniJSUEl) IN SALISBURY, N. C. Pit fCE $2 IN ADVANCE.' ' ! ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1832. Alirrjis Co.tneretitire. CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES: ., , Inches.' Rates by the Month. 1 2 3 C 12 $2.00 $3.50 $3,00 $7.00 $12.00 4.00 6.00 7.00 10.00 16.00 6.00 S.00 10.00 15.0-J 20.00 S.O0 10.00 12.00 1S.00 23.00 10.00 13.00 13.00 22.00 33.00 13.00 21.00 27.00 S4.00 53.00 23.00 35.00 45.09 65.00 100.00 ALL KINDS . ; Oneluch for Two Inches 'for Three lueuc3 for Four Indies for ii columu for no for one do for JOB PRINTING IJfCt,CT)I!tO COURT BL4KC3 Ijlll ill 15 CtS j)?' b"yoIie Hox of ConceutajteV EXXISS S rnr -Italia i -JltaUan stocks I .Jtorgaajcoj 52.50 p.; :, , Uis ion. $ Can't be made bv' Prn.i - f.verir jn rervjnonth iq thV liil.N' fijrujsh. bat those willing 1 ea 3 dozen dollars a cau or t- a u uoiiars a h. - : . .... - i o irltlif-ir own loealiti-. Tla. ; h f explain here. Business pleasant 1 orahle. Women, and boys and eTrl. M rll asen. . We will famish jui , jilrtf Outfit free. The lMtsSns pi ii than Hnyhing else , j We' will beaMl l siarnug, f -you, l ameuiars fr - ? aud, se-.- Farmers i aud tnechHtiU-Jl sou ria dAuehtets. aud all classed in do:ly.id. THE M0EHIHG STM - WILMINGTOX, N.fj. A FIRST CLASS DmocilAll NEWSVAl'EIl ! 1 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF XV DAILY NEWSPAPER i f NORTH CAROLINA THE Only-, Daily Paper Published in W I LM NGTOXr t .'C of neatly 20,000 Inhabitant's, 8 the Great" Centre of Xorib Carolina Trade ! i feUBSGiilPHGX- Oae Year, Six Months, Three Mouths, ADVERTISING RATES REASjONAo Address, V WM. II. BERNARD, Editor d Propr ink 52: t WitiiiKGTov J. & H. HOIIH, JEW KLKRR MA I N . STREET. SA LISBPRY. j HAVE JUST HECEVED A LARGE AND SPLBIDIS Sfii 1' Most Beautiful Jeweln We have just reeei ved the liirt s hand -onicsL stock oi' JoweJrv ever c.liil)i in Salisbury, antl ri-j poet fully jnyite.puUll inspcciiotL It com prices', Gold land Silvtl Wa.c hes.of all kinds: Silver PitdhcTiCI Castors, Napkin ltihtr Forks. Knives. u spoons. The liijet and most beautiful sf. j.of Jewelry of aff4;imls, as Ear-dii)H. Br i I'in, Finger Rins, Bracelets, Seahi, Loeke- etc., vc., AC. " ; Also, a lot of plain i SOLID GOLD RINGS. Also, agents ior the celebrated Scliafiiiauseii Spectacle! g-the finest glasses niade.4 ... Will sell us low as any House in the sou -CALL JIlvKE ASD GET YOfU Wi llll Al) t LOf K KKPimiC done promptly aslisual. All wnrk jrrt."rflB''f 12 months, Lee. 16; 1875, 12; II III I) WA KE. VVhen )oa waivL Ilairlwarc at tigureg, call on the undersigned at Granite Row. T). A. AT W ELL Salisbiiry, X. C.. Juhe S tf. Mill Stones Of any size desire!. ut out of the H Granite in the State, inuy-.be .obtained snort notice. Al.-ri. window and. door w-i pedestals for inonnmcrits: itc. AuH E. E. PhiHios S:.15v1hvv. 16:tf OMNIBUS & BAGr&6fi; WAGON ACCOEiltlODATIONS.f : i nave mien upan ummons ana x-se -j Wagon wbich are always ready to conTey Pi Sons to or from the depot, to and from PrllJi ; weddings. Ac. Leave ordersat Mansion flo ; or at mv Liverv&Sale Stable, Fisher str, ; Hear Kail road bridge. ! i M. A. BIUXCiLE', Aug. 19 tf. Sendee, to Qur. ROW ELL & CO York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages.contaiWPf lists i ,uuu newspapers, a no esiirai" lug cost of Hdvertising. , 3darch 9, 7C: y- Cheap Chattel Mortfge$. J -Jd'- v?.i 9 ir and varios c ther blanks tor sai f;

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