-4 -i ' -U - - ....... - . . t "i 1 1. ' v. i 1 r ' .T 1 '!' i X , Ah. ! i '" 1 V 4 1 Ml t I n M - : ... . . iMKUKVMfrV T - - - - - I . !' ; Frem the Xew York Observe', XE V G EAPES VOBDEX : MARTHA. M nVJsSivII thm fiav'ifaDr itecSase! tbeV I arenas 'yet practically unknown to a great '.maiority of the peoole of the United States, although it is fifteen years or more since they were originated, as seedlings of the onwrit X wish invite attention to them for the reason that they hare proved Stealthy,' hardy trad abundant bearers over I Vjwpajportfon of the country, while a Urge majority of the new grapes have Treved absolutely worthless almost every- "wliftW: Nriirlv everv one wishes to dut- chase some early, reliable grape vines every year, but among the multitude of- .?fiV? nr-0 31 a i08S vwUi&-ra gowl aud wlndi are good-for- i nethhig? ; y ; . ' . ' ' V.f vv men iot ejgui ears, and it has- uniformly been healthy W 'toWliWk, laVgeJwtiehes of large grapes, and ripen two; weeks ear lier than the Concordj is of a letter qual ity, though' not fully up to the standard it as perfection by the advanced pomo- gist; but it is so good that is highly prized by the million, aud has the prospect of superceding its valuable mother, the Con cord. A few days since I received a let ter from Mr. Wovden, the originator, and he informs tnc that it has uniformly fruited for fpurteenyars in Oswego coun ty. Hence We may' infer that ft would be ar4y almost anywhere 1n the United States. TW! faHTia U a white grape. Good wlute .grapes are not plenty t The Re becca is good grape, by t the leaves sun burn to Buch an extent that the fruit el dom ripens. On the other hand, the Martha is in as full foliage the entire .season as it good old mother, -the Coit ord;..ii.A it.: - - ', I havre fruited it for six years, and it is uniformly-an abundant bearer, in fact it is hotter usually to remove one-half of the cluster when small, giving a better char acter and sue to the remainder. . The fan t. 3 enough,' but the multitude eat all they 'can, procure of them, and the man who iwmoteatwith u relish a icelt-groicn and weUrtptncd Martha, had better consider himself sick, and send to his family physi- films for some appetixing bitters. Sylvester, Lyons, X. . , i HOW TO GET RID OF HOUSEHOLD PESTS. were to be brought in, mercury would speedily exterminate tliem ; but I think cleanliness the best and perhaps the only preventive? The common house fly I do not molest, Thieving that it mortPthan compensated for tts trouble by cleaning the atmosphere of-effluvia and the animalcules which always arise from the putrefaction of decaying substances during warm weather. . ' T numerous here during tlie summer. In- 00 aiso wmi tne wrds, which, are qiute stsa'd of sliootihgthem or setting up scare- ro to frighten them awav, I throw out evcry possible inducement for them to build their nests in my fruit trees. The birds eapture' a large share of the inseets ijfthe larva;state,ratid T3iu"temfllers art prevented from tTmpbsitlrig eggs for fiiture worms As (n the loss of friiit'by tlie .jirds, the latter are always nre to Ueoa koj;'i)i frce in the se,asoA of ripefndt a correspondent of tlve ScMntiJic-Ameri- with water aud let them, stiindi our, fwsayi:4 1 putting the stoppers or coferajnajbqwl ajejeenAlifHlbug or a flea in to skkn"ihe'8;tme, way. 4 ThehftrM Jayaotis fof ntanv years. If an aniiv of Rnil km Id nindv. wiim drv. set in sun 01 wiiethertheycome eavlj-td take the" worms future use. For a. dose, a teaspoonfuije or)otf; , " " ' fore each'meal is sufficient foran.adatl For the residue of insect which infest Herald and Presbyter 'l.,s fi4rr.'ix ZF$ffitZ, rd - H Mnsty coffee-pet. and uj$&?& boratoi-y-of the chemist furnishes mntnr? , , . '.f:.. -v. hRa- AAL-SJ liell and Cayenne pepper are of the most utility. The bug or worm vhieh cjuinetHd x,getatimi unflavod tllPSA jlrtlPlitta Will oaiAr U. 1 these articles will seek its b-eakfast tbe where and lesave a garden unmolested. rA few-drops of tfcrboHc acid in a pint of vt&tbr will clean house plants from lice in a very 8hWt timet-osqnitoesT)r other hlooduckerff tfeat our Weeping Toonat night, we uncoil a bdttle of pennyroyal, aud theTte insect leave in great haste, nor will they retnrn so long as the, air in the room ij loaded frith i thW fdmi of; thai aromatic herb. If rats enter the cellar, a littte powdered potash thrown into their holes, or mixed with meal and scattered - . rti. - , . w,7 "Ve wieiotliad take soxlwi If cooks vybuldTclSn -.. v t ;. x i J CAyenne pepper will keep the buttery and BtoreroVmi from ants and cockroaches. Jf a;uouse makes allien tmnee into, any partfif ydutTveHiug aturatQ a rag with Cayenne iu ution and -stuff rtinto'a h'olo"'f,UMI?-. 00 repaired with either woodDf njortar. Torat or mouse will cat 1,at3 lfoW? iArpseitt opeulng com niuuuJtioirVih the. depot of supplies. H "'fef'VT'TTT' - " ..." PROPEfeTT OF TOMATO LEAVES. paraUdV'and1 the. trees grew iwelll andH ? "V ."v.vkij 1 MT stronjjly .They.lad but jist commenced to bfioTwhen theywere Jnyaded by-the curculio "ofvidchMnscti were fol lowed M'fretiiiently happen,-by atrts Having cut stuue tonatpfeS, the idea oc curred to me hat VilfffHV? i 1 h IcaxMuoiiSdltlie. U nlo4fRl lraiielre-eV tb taeh-treeii, I 'night preser them from' therayof tm sunl Which. were8 very powerful, llyanrprlse was greatr .upou the following Uy,t find the trep seutirefy j free frooTtheir Vneuuea.'not bueieinain. lnr. MMtit here aud there where a curled itflueu;l V 4h'eUve r0y. llim fresh OO? frnt fh tiHiiRto vine, with the result Vi bauUliiug the Jast insecty and enabling the- tree to grow with luxuriance. yisn: ins to carry still further my experimenti I steeped iu water some fresh Ieaycf .of the tomato, ana gpnnKim wiiu iu fusion on other plants, roses and oranges tn two days these were also free from the innumerable 4risects which covered them and I felt sure that had I used the same means with my melon patch I should have met with the Raine result. I therefore deem it ' duty .1, own to the Society of Uorticul- tufc to make known this singular, and useful property pfthetoiuato which I dlscqVere by Uie ; merest acci- dent. A CURE FOR DIPHTHERIA. Dr chenerr oBosfem, Is iASt entttfgh tubiilHM specific for the cure of diphtheria. It is hyposulphije of soda. He my it ig R guXe remedy j AiitMlW" . hi practice, anAhas cured more than one hundretl and fifty cases.. We arftold . , f hvt-ajnhite is froiu .five to ifteen grftin80r mQre injsyrupoysry two or three hours, according to the age and circumstances of the patient. Purging is the one evil which jin overdose can pro-J duce, hence as much as the patient can bear without producing that result fsa a good rule in the severer cases. The solution or mixture can be used in doses ofnve drops to half drachm in milk. For thorongh stimulatiim the amount is greater than can be taken in water. Jr. Clienery usually gives the specifld in such doses as can be readily taken in milk, using milk besides as food for small child ren. It is said, however, that hyposul phite prevents the digestion of milk, and tlieTefore it should not be. 'given in less than one hour .after administrating the medicine. .: THE HOUSEKEEPER. T? rewwre inl from paper, put one pound of chloride of lime to 'fotir qitaKs of sal j water. Shake well together and let it stand twenty-four hours ; theij strain through a clean cotton cloth. Add- one teasooonful of acetic acid to an ounce ef this spared limewater, and upply to the blot and the ink wil1 diPPr- At8rb the moisture with blotting paper. The remainder may oe oouieti, cioseiy corneu, iae Ior I,unre nse" Preserve jars or bottles should be care -rfnllv wnshod s soon as emntied. takintr -aw. tiaf tha atTWtra ant nvrft have their stiare ot atteetian.. J oBHiKe assur ance doubly 6ure, it is well to put soda or ammonia into, the jars pr bottles fill up wind .Umtr, jand thefi set awjay.fircfiiUj' Stains on marble can usually be remov ed by a mixture of one ounce ipjr8oda a pieee of stone time the size of a'. waluut, quarter of pound of whiting and the same amount of soft soap. Boil thesetpgether ten or fifteen minutes, and thn'ytit tlie mixture on the marble while hot. lieave this on twenty-four hours, thenvwash ott' with clean warm water and polisjifirst with soft flannel and then with chamois , . -. J - ,.v - skin. Remedy forAttlima. The following reci- pe has been used by. some gat ourajib- scribers with wonderful resultsaiuttwe pnblish itwith th hope thaitnutpjpve equally efficacious to otheres-TapTimc quart oX water, Jieat it until it' wmmers; then add six ounces of sugar. . When lhe sugar is melted: add two ounces of iodide potassa. - Wheii dissolvwl, jxi Hprfor cieaneu 8?t eeteneti Dy puiung a. guixi nlling Upith Fater&&e w-inVtiiilSS ZZt i - ' - S.y'- cool ,-wheor the inside should befauhfully washed ahd scrubbed in hot'soapT suds, using a small brush that every pjt niy be reached, thee" scald tw o or three times, and wipe. till well dried. It must bea desperate'case if the vessels are not found perfectly sweet aud clean if this advice L strictly followed. Pots and pans or plates that have beeu used for baking and grown raucidy mny be cleaused ia ihk sHnie way. Put tin) plates - into I"pan;with wootl ashes and cold Water, and proceed I Bwuusu. 11 no woo If no wood ashes eante their pie-plates and bakiug dishes ' iyr this fashion after using, they jnroul -'keep sweet all the time. Keeping Egg. If living iu tieeoii-, ox situated so that you can 5p",heis, select the time when eggs are meat Tile n- tiful oxftt th(iUua.priceyei $m-e that t&SSSa. poun d of stonehniuTiotwo gallon sjofouie water. When cold add a pint of salt, aud sur tue wno togetbor, tlMrpgkly. If too strong of lime it will destroY tlie eirc ahll And ruin tli u-hnlu i j stonepot, keg or half-barrel, according to j the quantity you can oUetlte-Tnit down. WhSSVtor the vessel, r snll end, down j Pack refii elosa iogether; taking care not to cfack the shelir One broken oriackpd egsvin rui the whole. This doae,jir er hem. haljme yiiter without disiding? tU. sediment. Pour in caref iTJy so, aj Ahi tp . wash the eggs out of ThTce. -iW sttre tliat-they are more thajuiyvere4, jin4 Josty aieU ting i wWItlmiiitHicU iutwSliinfaitfvj may upt be thoroughly subinergetl, 4t i! well to wait a few miuutea till no bubbleawib destroyed.-Protcro, rise to, the surface,, and hen pour on more lime-Water if necessatyV Then close the arleselyijapiVdo npt disturb theniftfll needed. - ' 7. T(krtpari Sptash for Pies etc--Sour a squasli ii half, lean out tne seedsfctc., then place open end down in a pan con taining an inch of boiling water, placing small slips of wood or thick wire under neath: them, so that the edge will not burn oi)i, the pan. .Let i steam until thorough-K-tcnder 'ik flesh of the squash is lheu easjiy. fccxapuu out wnn a spoon, auuim through a Colander; if thought desirable? though it is not necessary, there being no hard lumps in it.- By this plan none ot the aroma of, the squash is lost, while it greaily reduces the labor of preparation another plan is to take the two halves at- ter cleaning from seeds, etc, join tiiewi together, and bind firmly with twine,; and, placj iu tlie oven to bake until tender, There is little, if any difference in thfc re sult, but I give the preference to the first; wetliod as much the easiest. , - --j Enttermilk Dread. Put tliiee, or, four, pint of fresh buttermilk ruto a saucepal and boil it- Stir it pretty constantly while it is pleating, to keep it from separating into j whey and curd. Have a quart' of flour sifted into a suitable vessel, pour the boiling buttermilk ou the flour, and scald it thoroughly. Stir until all the flour is mixed, and set to cool. When sufficiently cool! add a teaenpful of good yeast, and let ijt rise over night ; in the morning sift and mix into the sponge enough flour to make a stiff dough, knead well, and set to vise fur two hours, then divide into loaves and knead slightly. At this time use as ittle flour as possible. Set to rise again, and bake as soon as liffht enough. Hake iu steady oven for three-quarters of an hour. This is a, good sponge for dark or ruimy flour. The bread will lie white aut: moist. Graham flour, prepared with scalded' buttermilk, mixed a little stiffer than where sweet milk or water is used, in very sweet and good. Do not put soda into the milk or sponge. It will be per fectlv sweet when baked if the yeast is fresh and if the whole process is carefull v attended to in the right time Viet for Consumptives. Consumptives must see that, their bodies are- properly fedThey should nt)t take food as a med iceneTJQrsjaourishmt'ut. "They" should have5 fhecry best things to eat tli'ej can ge$,-'aud, fortunately, the lx'st tliinjue not always the most expensive, or difficult to obtain. If it agrees, a cup of cream inay;very;apprppriatcly Ik? taken eVpry dayoVttiipee who are inrliued to con&qmp tio.'iirowbreftd and milk airrferVam, oatmeal and cream, eggs, with a moder ate use of-lieef .-aud mutton, good'bfitter and mealy "potafoes, will of themselves constitute a peifect diet. They should avoid ntck-na'cksnnd fancy foods, andlve on L. tilings substantial and nourishing. Fifuita should be used in their season moderately. Consumption is a constitu tional disease showing poverty of Uktod arid Jwverty of healthy tissue, aud litis poverty, must be eradicated. It c;iu Iw done artially by such fVxxls as are need ed to build up a strong healthy body and curry onfall its functions. Many physi cians think that the disuse of fat is a cause of consumption, and they prescribje tM liver ail, not as medicino, but as a food, and in many cases it has proved useful. YVe thinks however, that it is tlesciU'it;irv aijd unnataral life people lead thuVhas mpst t6 do in .causing so much consump tion, and that with this sedentary life ctnnes a feeble condition of body and brain favorable to the disease. A wise physical education, abundant wholesome nourish t ........ niejht, would dissipaU' half the cousurup- tin in the world, and the other half would sopn be banished by some other me.Tus. Consumption is a disease to be avoided, nt cured. J I era Id of Health. EASTER SIMXEL CAKE. In oldeai days, in England, there were raiiuy yurjoua citstoms, which are now passing away. One of these was the pre paration of a ftimnel cake. This cake Is yet made at Shrosphire, where it is said to have originated iu the following manner? yirVffja vrnrpte; living in their hobie- stead; were visited by their eon Simon 7 an,d drtrtghteiv Nelly, at Easter. On. ar-f ritipg'at the iiopse, they found that the old folks had nothing tvherewith to en teirtainltlieTii, save tlie nnleavened dougli fiijnV'tjie Lenten fast. X'elly projMsetl to bake this Into cakfes for the younger child re; "and Ti-liile prepariug it, she came across the remains of the Christmas plain pikdding. This she proposed to cover oyer with the dough, and bake it hard, so when the hard crust wjis bitteu through, tlie rich inteiior would be a surprise. The cake Wits accordingly made, when Master Sfmon came along, and said it was. the p1 roper way to boil it. Nelly said it should belKikd. Thereupon they quarreled, and even came to blows. Nelly threw tlie stool wgejr6nfsh was sitting at $imon. Siuiou took tbe broom-handle to defend Injtflsfclf, but his sister soon go it away, and Wat him with it. Thus the quarrel went on,;w7ri Nelly said she wouhli boil the cake J first and then b1ke ifT ;The stool and the broomstick were used for fuel, and some eggs, which had beeu brok- l! ejea tile, were used to smear oVer and give it a glossy appearance. ipe coolnng was a great success, and ejeryear thecake became more popular alid was kuoAVn as Simon Nelly's cake. After a while, however, only the first parts oi their names trcre-ped, and for short wjas called Simnel cake. ( Wide A icale). j H: feljfy ilds the sacred page ; -. . I -rIaJe6UQ the euu; l ."It-gives :a 4ight to every age, j 1 "gtve, but borrow none." I :-- '- -; - ' ' He that walketh with' wise men shall be visei But a companion of fools shall i We are glad to; learn thattho Board, of Agriculture) T&ib are auorlxed tp'acl as a Fsish jConi;4issioat as f welK . haye n? tb6' arrangements to begii) tue important woi;k of re--stockiug our rivers with, shad. , , A member of ithei Executive- ITommittee of the- Hoard was "summoned to Richmond last Week to meet the. United States. A's-, sistant Commissioner,! Prof. Muner, and the Commissioner of Virginia, to conceit measures' for' immediate 'operation. .. An expert was-engaged by tclegmph who isH expected in IlaJeigh next wek and mate rial for hatchirrg-tbxeSTrocTlredi "fiftnie.of wliili lias'jilieady arrived by expies?. lSo that, tire, mysteries of, tlus ,new, anil iin-r, ineniuly profitable industry, will sooufbe witnessed in Our midst. 1 f ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Th6 Uiiited States coimuission put 80, (K)0 jfonng shad iif the Xense, near Raleigh, last May, ad,the same number in the Ca tawba, at 4he railroad bridge. The board loipe1 to -distribute several "millions in, our if the season shall prove prove propitious. The people on-the upfiJatwba show mor e ptesnj. thfsjrfmrttniaL'r n tuosi'of any" ofherlsection'of - the than St Jtate. QneofJ tttx rcpresWalijea, Alaj . ngetlwtjftgfi his intefligncoa'nd ac tivity, secured the passage of a law tor the protection, of fish in the Catawba riv ead-4hodki -river -was- i mjlwdedf and Ju.ocUaok, wlJb ii liWy Enter csted ivtle general jmhject Of fish culture, has succeeded, in, exciting tlie general at tention of the citizens of Catawba and other. neighboring counties, so that the county commissiouers liave entered suit alreacty agaiust recusant mill owners td: compel tlie construction of fish-ways ; as; feVinhVd by law. ilif course the Hoard of Agriculture. wilf DUt the fish which they: may succeed -in hktchiiig in those rivers froni which ob' tlijctions have been removed; and If county commissioners are ifiuis,s, nd, public opinion does not drive tbettite the' perfolinance of their duty under the bwtl Wjjiy the peojde of such sections must fiU get their fish from the cost iustead;of at tlieHrjwii door, and pay roundly fortkii privilege. lUdeUjh Xeus. ' - TIGHT, TIGHTER, TIGHTEST. "' ' Paris Letter The "eel-skin" dress, now'ttiereat 'rage'tmttr "in Loiitton and Pari, -riit Qie-wildyat r flay'of- the Tfra- back or Din-back mama, there never was 1 seen mch a tightness in tile mutter of skirts as. now pruvaUs- .hiUever . tUv paucity of f.dds in the'pin-bhctrln 'tts frhliter part, in the enormous ex ubeviuice of the pannier, .... 1.... tl... 1 ... ! n.. m-.i kii iiil' lint now. not onlv is the bustle a thing of hoi- rv h lvw the-jiecessary fthdyi(!ju iobHuWrerjfe 'fr!. . To! leuJeji' ItDw - waist far Im-voihI its natural proportions, a stiff" webbing of elastic is fastened to the! stays to the depth of half a foot j and tu j this, at liist, narrow skirts were buttoned, j Hilt even this is now abandoned for an- other scheme to acquire slenderues.s. Mrs. j .Swisishelin's much-ridiculed cheiniloon is 1 in.'demaud, aud garments made in this! way ao .suld at the furnishing shops, and ; patterns of it pass eagerly from hand to; hand among lady friend. .Some ladies j have had regular stage tights made in j thick webbing, and over these they wear r nothing but the outer dress, nnderskirt- nothing Imttlie outer dress, . mmerskiits being ittiiahtftI ideat A tiUfLciofjiite : musyrVnifW the- ed.K!W Ms, wbicli is then tied back till the woman ; within is shm'kled almost like a convict j in a jjn-gang. .No nioiv luicomfortable taslitrVrrevt'r'wns devisetlf fol- not only are j they confined by the. brnding dress, but the wearer, tujn 1st constantly tpnctH'U.'hvmdf . abivtft rtio 'condrtibu of the boilice, 'tllat , portion be iri;' in incessant d,aiiger of turn- I ingitsprfnf) m-Hind, nobg sitte ouf,'ine. j an umbrejla in a windstoj iu. 1'he desired ; etlecU?iiJ-jCiwiWifnl sleiMlerWssimrlly j obtained by the 'N-el sktu.'1 b nt a gyd deal 6f inei44ice 4Tiwrsmtrt ;we. r :J M()THER-1X-LAW abu se a 1 ui Va u?t -'fnfd i n g'aidj fun that ,UaiVffl t'J.tWflt' i- memorial, about nnrtbers-in-law, it is time sottt&Aiib gbmild wiy'a jiiwluo(l for them. I'm sneak inff more of "his rnober" ',biii"n6v, and 1 hayitVmin'Won- than of. deitd whether irls who juarr'fmvji Wth niothcbtwer have any areciaTitm-of the;nytheiVJe4djns-never jundi-sUntb, who has petted her' boy so, who rciueu- bers him as her own little baby, who 1 thought be would never leave her but al-. wavsefvhr better t)iu) ayjiitels M thu. world, should feel hurt antl grieved and aAtrmifl'red'wlien he1 'cTiooses to teare home to live with some girl whose bright eyes and pretty ways have charmed hiu. Jealousy is a part of love of any sort. A mother cannot help being jealous. Oft en she must hate her rival iu her son's af feetions, for a little while. i$lc knows it is w roller, aidjf she is wise h will hide it ; aud aftvr,a wliile it will jaissjoff, and she will find tliat she has a daughter as well as a son, and laugh at herself, 'for' feeling Hut, at first oh, daughters-in-law, you should "be pitiful! Don't b1ame,1he old la dy if tie is very: glad that her. son does not like your gingerbread ni he Iters, pr rlmt wn'have forgot tt'ti ii button. IIu- pr rnat yxm nave forgot te 1nan nature is but human nature., Juid when you are older, arxl a little boy sits upon your knee, vou Avill liegirt t'o tlbdei staud iow mucli your husband's mother hadXo bear when he fortok her to cleaves unto his NVife. Ledger Mr. Taylor, in a philological lecture in,' London, sjeaking of some characteristics of the English tongue, says that it is well that.' English . has these. Jiigh, pfathi-al qualities, ior statistics ikoyv s that it will pnbal4 absorb all otliet vilixed lan guages. Though at present nearly" 'as many nSf k feV or French c4K the mpUtnHMe of the EnglwugwHrfWKreat Ltiiiit, at tliulAdiiB y ciatUJ'wlIIJalcu- Tated there, woidd be SQUmillyHis speaking r&nglijb, aintraa4iWUUPfti,PieaJting ; Gvrratu and 70 millioslFreii, " - T t .With .reference to ihfiMefffVITrftheatfnrr Professor.Taii;. BJinlinrHi Ilnivorsifcv. says:. "Hut even when we have arrivedi t at the conclusion that we ha,ve to thank e' suri for'alf our food,' we are not at the : itt of our louniryi The suuTs energy had entr or our inquiry a source. It used to be thou ight that' til' lie sim was a liuge tfrey but frdm the progress raade.by modern slbmidal knowledge, 'we are able to,siyi:thati a'fipe of the dimeri-: gjoa&of tlieisui;a(K)4)00'n)iU8 in- radius, een if it. had: consisted oft the very best mate. vial for giving nut beaV would Only haveuppiedu.spitli the amoanVof en- Mrft ITlf i?1 .feWWi OUl.TT, ld-3-epreftff OmftnVsnhe arrsount oferxOik-L aunkbi LuiJuxFd br.it s " ! I';-' "T; iVLh: ROW Ett.- ASsriclaXd EX'- :n it. H rt '; P?T YearT payable In rtvftnce:. ... . ;..".;. fl ! Six montihs.;i :u r?yt . ; . . f.'.. n 8$ One lncn, one pnbUcfttlon, . . .'. .. . : . . . " t wo publlcatlous.,-.,.. -ht-Contract rtes tor mortlis ot rear. . ., ft 00 SO T- Puji$ei the Eiccxjj EcccTCtcs and Inviariitas - . t ;,1i13Tl?,eV? .1 1 i ' '1 ' - ' '- " , . 1 It Jllej'.lcnl rroprrtle re 1 ' r ...UURS&r . -ft . A (. 1 U' J it A '2 -1 r ) yrm? l mi1 oTrlrtfelr fmm the y.Hm Df eitftily hl-iucI' iI Jttl'.''. roots aud herbs ilt o ftroualy C4H-c(rHVei tlmt it Tvi!l rfTtrtnnlly eadt fnln IUiiants lildurrf t'inoer,. CbniCKThai It.tinor, Jtrfiiw4ivWiWi Klieam' HyrlilM Ue ltsffui-, Cunlirr, laiiit iich Jf KtiJI-Ji, aiii.l H disi-asv? tlijiv ari.-c.fuju irujiiev blcxxk TJcl lirntlnllniiiHtory nml 'lironic liliriiuNittBili, K n al!H, 4u.lutUiKnl .V!l:!4alalir,"rC4B Fb-lrlmHIintK fffteatf th Siln, F4(nleNt.l'laiti IMotrW'lirtM, Tolter, RcnWIjcnil and UMiuiit, VIolsiTSe lis nevtr to tttctt a tHii Hiiwitnl cur. and (ihmrnl ri-bil.'tr, VKirTfEMj!,nirecU.v up Oil tllc'i-nili' of t u-fi: c !iii! i Ills'. IT inx iuriim uni ct,rengtl:rti the whrrto cyst, in, act iiikiii 8cCre five o'-uim, nlhijs jnfUaaaiiuu, cures jilccration ftud r-gt;lMtu thej)05-d., ' . . , For 'ntnrrli, Ijspci-la, llnbitnnl Coatlre p 1'itlpilnlion of lh Henri, Ilciuinrli, l';1c, NrrvuONnes.anil.inrrar- from ration f tbe Nrrro ? tnt! i ban -e er j iw fw the bio.ni, i -ancs n i or the ori,.and gyi-;em The hare JtW a j u.- hluup A"i;iiiiiiAt? 3 4 -pkwtf i puH.-. ., , . .. and ir tins onlT nMia- Arr r.ct th ciaar tclniwiiI pi weo fovhe dlffr , em cMiiiilnm!s jjLsr.u"!0! v to :iny r,'Hnii!iii u:!n)n sntT-rirfTfjlh atir o!swe-mmifhiarir:rt6vt; tlmtcau be-ciirt-.i t; I .;:,--''' f ltc rt tbe dirVrent !etliuoial ;f"n. nd io one c?n d.mht. In ni'iny rT the rswvtie ihtsoiii fay t H A t'icir p-iin roifl n(f.-: ?n ' inihf S.' V5ri'.s-of', a- iu-'ea- of Sonift.lii; lnTi-.ora'ily. wiiole lo.! v u na one iiaf -4r,riiJou, . It Vr.OKTiNE will relieve (ntn. cleniiBe. jinrif'v ami run: nuCM ti s-ei!-v rwr;tll;)ft;y.t -r'rtfcrtt1 nVcr trynsr rirtf.Hr.ifhfi i;fin;ikye;!v!hjrtff,-riiiLr toriyar.'Ve i"it i(ln:lve inot, if you . arya n-.lfi-rer, you rnn Ik; cnn-il ? Wt'v i t his .tAf-fliciro l-ert'K-mjn? irh ftv-iiii? If vrki' in thb nml in the ciixniiatUiic thtftl: it mil truly bi ratlevl tlie Oral i'ii J tH'f ri 1Im are.it aouirte-ul tliwac or i'uiute in tlicli xU ; jikI n uu-l'Ue duns not ni; direr) K; ,m)i!i. f, to'.urify and renovate, Las auv iusi ila'.ia ilfmu jnifTie atien'tion. u li.-u tlie, bkioff brrrnit- tlfe-ffs aud 'fii.'iir.r.t. eitherTrom' climlWrffi'ilTtiW of of tRfrrite. va:it of exerci-e. ineuj.ir CieU or Jnim :iav ofTrr rauso. tin- VKit Tisfe ft 111 reneC tfte b'oort.Tarrj itl ihe msid lia-. mr,, r 1 rim & trflHrlf. n : r!t e 1 h6 To wo1g, and impart - tii"ftfciNiwhTt lxk1y('The ' cntuactiaa m nJhaililtout4s M m iir4h u.eiliotl. paofntoMHiKV -H(kiiM,(ii.l br the i'UUsHvkW-,4WH UYIt WM'-''- fill tVC tine Ot diiU'-t-4JUH,IUl:ii.l Ul;U; Ju'S. VrStriN'B is eoayiosejoj rvj.it., irK nil 1 "her'.is. It i ff'ffr.arirTri iskfj ftlul ij.-r'ojjlv.irf5o');ivo i i.. -;t . i . n$ ,i . - - -i 3 . i. a -t'l - " i ' 11 - WOULD NOT B2 YtlTUO.UT . , . ... . ' FOB TF.T 'jriHLS- ITS COST. Tlie prr-at nhSeflt I iiavr K-'Ttyor! fro na of' VEGUTINR iriditr iKtrW my ttrmySy ftl its favor. 1 U.'Iksvi in lieji. W-pivin. value for r-!oi-iiis the lienhh, by; I'A'of VU' dieeflses pectit'ar to the trfiii; tii;rl'Si;h iin r io;isoji9. I would not be.itCi)M!Wiit.ivi:ii(.V'iro. 1 Attornjr and Oucral A'-nt for Maaai-hure'ts of Sears liuilJiug, Uort(.:yL Yefe6tiir0 Is Slcl; "byAIl DrnSTgffttS. THT5 BEST AD lJARG'EWOCS'rF fho he found inWmKWihOlrfiU, consist ing of ''" H d : t; '"I GgM anfi SiLYgr latexes, '.. ; kGold sind-Sil SilvCT.drAfnssiiolfd cMA and'jdaVed f 'every k i ltd f fil ledM t 1 K jo!rl urut li"mnd KnsrieraehiRfogw.' '6l!tl jkjrveT and plaUd'tfFUtXS; ! -... . - i FORK.V' to ' : s ,. J ... tiAbTQRSy. i.t i-. - i No ch;r;;e will Ue made fornigriii onine otner liana, wq suppose, a,- Leave mriotie i od am- mass of conitmsKbTes 'to be jet mil, upon. AiLin Jabtiun: ft.y.i tVe attraction of the ,sun during its fall. ' lanVllle ' ' .I'S r sr"' ,,s J;.if I I : - '..! Jl .!!. fill- !' - . . . . . , would give it so large an amount otkyi-, uniwiee- " ' 1 euc energy iieu 11 reacjjnjjmij surt; ? j wa i illMT IILl'L Cluck Vork failhfnjlv repaired aa, low.,aa lit'- If8 wur,V several dynars tu eoinmence wok lowest: a'ml warranitdJ " " v F ."'j. atiH'a'cdpy oMfomf ana-FfreHM''oT B.' Any arfJcle'crT JltfiM'Vy Tjc)n thp largest idltf Illntt(IPtfbllcatimis, thelast tbree-ytfar irffAinHora represented, al-j sut fr- by ma4ir Rtnler if yiu . want c'a retnrniedaliaitnWriovifte rRfnfed.- m maotnt.prvtiUbl work, address Q&Okoe PiednLflEllt. AiC IiHTB' KailWay i i.i-' .Wuf u-j( r.u,i . fUcsi I" Rcnnioiid5 & Danvile,-.B.ichmeiid f& .Uanvu:e 1L. W;, X.-, u..aiviyu hh North Western, a . U. JS-. 1 , 1 . . 1. i . ' 'I.I Jl'V If nn?inPNSE&' TIME-TABLE In' Effect on and after Sunday, Pc.'lOtR, lS76 GOING NuPwTH. -H- stations; MAJL. Arrive at liicfnuond P M STATIONS. MAJL. eavts KichroonJ ' fiurlveville " Dundee " Danville Greensborough 10.4(?' "" 2. ho r ii 2.59 -5.40 " cr S.lo A it-Li n f Jn n el ion 1 0.25 : tl Arrive at Charlotte GOING RASF 10.37 GOING WESJ STATIONS. f.MAIL. MAIL. Arr. 5.23 pm Lv. 4.15 ArrJOrM Lv. 10.1 OrM Leave Greensboro Coi Shops Arrive. at KaleixU 1 1 VI im v ., 7. .41 PM Arrive at (iold.-sboro is o.iprM riOHTH WESBItN n. C. XL. It . eSxiM Branch. ) Leave Greensboro Arrive at Saleui ' . Leav.Sak'ni Arrive at Gretnsboro 8.00.. ft: 7.30 AM 9.35 " Passpnger Traisp leaving K.ileibat.124 P' M. cuimeots a,t Greensbury witli tlje Southern fjo'iind (fain; making the' quickest time to all fout her n'trtiea."-' '"'! No Chanore of Cars Between Charlotte and Richiaond. 282 Miles. Papers that 1i'nv rirrHngemnts to 'advertise llie schedule of this company will please print as atove ami forward copies tollem. Passenger Agent. ; , , )f , j ! , . . : For fm tber information address ' JOHN R. MACMURDO, ' ' ". Genl. I'asiienger -Agent, une 6, '7,0 . Uichmr.d, Va,,i ... S11otM FEMALE COLtEGE. Statesville, N". C. MRS. E. X. GRANT. Principal. Tho West Session will open Au gust 30th 1376. Cjieulars viih terms. ?cl , np'Mi appliiaalhn. i Refeteip't : Rev. W. A. ' Wood, Smtes- ! nilr, K. U.; eK-(Jov. Z. 15. Vauce, Chnr-i lt .,. X. JU.. -Prof, W. 4 Martiu. Davidsii Cwlle. X. C; Kv. R. linrwell, Ra.-j-'h. ' X. 0.; and all friends and iiumUs of Re-. i j Dr. Mitchell, hite Professor ui UniVer.irv ofj X.-C-. .July b "7(5-lv. i PAINT I KG. J. OILIER KEIi IIojso, Sign, and Ornameiital PAINTING,1 GraMns & Mmi a Specialty. All inters addressed to ! lltitlCl- will be siffiied al Kri nersville, N. I' nroinnuy answeieu. . . . . . . i i - Wiik done bv contract or by the day; i Satisfaction Guaranteed. Addrca.s j-. GiLjyrrR kernse, Kernervije, N. C' When ) on want Hardware at TfiU figured, call on the undersigned aV N? 2 Granite Row. - aalisbnry , 2s . U.. .June S tt. aNsuriiPTiow . Positively Cured; All sufferers from tldadlsMQs that an ntktoustb bo -ure1 should trv DI. KISSNEK S CKtKBKATKU COXSUMPTIVK POWDKKS. l utso iiojvaeri are tlie onlr pfepnraUon knwnfliat will cure OONSfMP TION ami allUlsea.-Mis 04 tin- TllKOAIAXD W-XtiS- .lnlpnl. s stronor 1 our t.ilth In tcm, and also to' convince you that tiiy are no huinlwic wUl for- to every sufferer, by ma.il, po.st paid, a FREE TKIAl. BOX. ' We don't want your money tint 11 you are perfectly sitlstte.1 of their curative powers. If your life Is w-f.rui s uir.K, don't delay lajrlvltitf tho.se4UWpltii it trial, as tiiry will surely cure you. I'riee, for Uire box, $'i.m, sent U) aoy partot the I'nUe l sitat or Canada by mall on receipt of price. A Idress, ASM & ROBBINS, ' 3C0 Futon Htkekt, Bbooiltw, OLD m REVIVED ! The Coparlners'nij) heretofore ex istinff under the name ot Lnckey, Lyerlv 4.V Co., dissolved in J will I aini i ry last, ha.s been revived, and they I v-ontiniie tlieir mercantile brisiness-al Row- an Mills as heretofore Their old friends andfmtrons will beeerved with ri.dvliiy, aixl'iliev h ill do all iu their k. er lo U1VtJ satisfaction. w.A.trcif-EV.-' . J. A. LYKKLV, March , To the Working lass. We are now trtp4rjedl fnniisli hIJ lajwe ntl constant eiiiiloyinent at Iio'i.e, the WlyilH of th.tiine, r for tneir'ppare nicnfiVVs, Riisniess new light and profitable. JVfForis of ei.hfr,,svjt e;siKVirrt ftviit'54 nts in if 5 per 'evening! aid aiptUporiional sunt by. dcdit)r -.thr vn de time to th husin?. Roys and girls earn, nriirly as. yuicl) as men." . That al i-io see tins nittice may send their address, and test the business we -rnnW tlvfa Hiittsifr: 'led iffi iX . ri. . 1 . 1 ' 4 er i ?acif Ts Tt re not wen gat, eiiw.irjU ed?wrif.4dlar'to payfor'itbif i .. . .. ...... i. f. ' s em . iL t. i.ili.fi'il HARDWARE til 1 nave miM up an UmmTmi hff 1- Wagon which are-U n -rt-iJ v t ,... "a8 soMIa ot froin the depot, lo nfid frfm, ?r weddings. Ac-. Leave orderK at MatWor , tT or at niv Liverv & Hale Stable rtli.T near. Railroad Indae, Rlret Augi 19, tf; ' -! . ' i ,LE , ,Jlaciier;ai;..HeiiiErso!,. Attorneys, Coiinselors and Solicitors. " ' SALISBtJiY,W;r Jirtiy!J 1 -7) tf. Can't l.o ... J.. 1... ...... . .j uiauc njr every fint 1 -vety month in' the liuVini 4 " furnish.Oot hm nt,V4. L can easily ea 2 a dozen dollars ! in th-ir own localities. Have no ro., , explain Win' Bosioess pleasant And orable, Vromeo, aud boyaud ila 0 J well as men. We will furnish vou a plete Out fit free. Tbe business pav. bSr than anjthuig e!sf. y -il.WrViiH.as vfptarting you. Particulars free. rrif. aiid S?r. Fanners and iichan?-s, ttivft son and daughters, ami sllf lasses in of paying work at 1mhi. should., write to m and learu all alwjut the u,rk at mce. Xw is the tiiue, Dpu't delay. Address TltUE Ac CO.. Augusta, Mniue. S5:ry.i.d. ' MANSIONHOUSE Centrally Situated On tlio 3EviVlio iSquaro SALISBURY, N. C. r I RE ROUSE u m. tbe cent oflnAinesii A uud Ldnearest to the dent.N ' i , " ' i Table as good as the best. Servants attentive and polite. l)eard per day .. Simile AlealB. . . . . . . . Ul. . $150 JSpecial Contract foT longer terur. , UiuitiUi to aud from all trajiix. Re.st Livery .Uible near at hand. rpThc nndersigned tender his thankn to . many friends who have called on him at ht MASSKTN.oml assufi-a th"em thnt no effmt!sill b spared to ma.kaibUT future viii.s pJeaMtit.! EV"The Traveling Public will always jud pleusabt quarters find refreshing fare. ,: WM. EOWZEE.' ' Feb. 3, J87. I7:tf K:ERR CRA16E, ttonun at vtof f3alJsl3urv, 2XT. O. LANIER HOUSE STATESVILLE, 2T. C, 6. S. LA1IIM k CO., ProprielorM. " tServants Politr ad Attentive. I 4.c.:tl. Altenlion FARMERS. GR1SS SEED. i Just received fa fresJi fi)dy of.Cl"ff I f-j, OrcharVr GfaVs.'Bm G'ras. lied To tahd'HrnoTRv, M hlch 1111 Pell "dip. At a THIS P-ITEB IS ON FILE Vf ITU ft VVher AdrrtUi&v tntracti can b Carolina- Cetttfa! Railway VP. OFFICK GkSERAI. 3rtKRlKTK.NltKT. Ayiluiiustou.". C. April 14, leT5. i . Change of Schedule, ; On and 9 fter Friday,, A prd lfith, ,1- tk train's will run over this Railway as follow . : PASENGEU TRAINS. Leave Wilmington at . A f rite'at Oharlotteat . . .' . . Lieavp Charlotte at...,-...- Arrive in Wilmington at 75 A M. M5P.- 7.00 A.J FREIGHT TR AITTS Leave Wjlmington aUV. -Arrive at Charlotte at. . '. . .....fi.OOl' .G.iKJl'M A O'.AM .6.0lA If Leave Charlotte at. Arrive in Wilmington, at? MIXED TRAINS- L-ave Charlotte at........ w-- AM Arrive ar'tfuffalo at....'...: :-.Ai Ixave 1 Hi tf alo at . . . . v . K?30 P Arrive in Charlotte at.. ; , " NTo Trai as on Snnday ecccpt one freight train that leaves Vilnungtou-at 6 p. m., inrteau on Saturday night. i i -i ... Ccavct'jns. ConBCrtrttTVilmingtf.n with TVilminftoti W e.ldou,; au d V ilmi)igton.Cdunibiat A uf' hailrtmdx, Semi-weekly iw York a,A,? weekly Raltim'ore and' weekly ' Philadelpn" I, CjOQuea at Charlotte Tvitb its Wertern & vision. North Ci otirm Railroad, Ctarf i Statesvile Raifrltad.' ChatfoHe' A" Atlanta Line, and Charlotte, Columbia A Augui rTtrrfV sppiytrlg the trBoIe XZeit, ffortlnrt artiHm? Hvert WitbTt fehMt and ebeap n . . S. L.. FREMONT. "" CrrifefEninebr and Superintendent. May6.-STJ.-f. ft ; ' ,; i , i-T-r- Cheap Chattel -Mortea . 999 . .a.ji