rt- - Mr. C. r. ttartonf ' inopnowrpuer, baa gone lo.Grahani, N. C. TlieUct proceeds of the Bauquetly the ladiea of the Melodist Churck waa $360. A party of gentlemen are talking of jetting up a real large, vessel for. the ' Yadkin. Succew to them. . ; , : : o The Associate is attending the meeting of the North Carolina Press Association, .,uw in session at Charlotte, ' ' o r n r r l ' f fx We were pleased to sec our frWrid &. v. Brooks, of the Statesviile Landmark in the city last week. 4 " Prof. A3 W Ovren wa' invited to deliver an address on the occasion of the launch ing of the skiff,- Ci irvttia n Tieid, but other " en gagenients prey en ted his dqing so... -t; '.' " " ' " l'o - 7rhe.first"dip'of.the season. Mr.'Thos. Vanderford iu a canoe race lasf Monday wot overboard. No sooner had he touch- ed bottom than he battle! himself In and : went ashore by drum music, i "I' : - " - ' nnhtptrad-fteVi vriiiclMlrfc "diWr-liaif vfe- Jited. AshallowjdodiJQ ibr going a eat o'Tiie ajaedlt6t tdls-oflftomcbodjr bor rowing hi- umbrella ;udrrtarujyig it. Tnars a out or wnoie ciotn. v noever -heard of a borrowed umbrella being re 'torned. " '. : - ' "( "Prohibition'1 and "no prohibition will run a tilt id Concord Township on the 5th of Jun. v ';i T5' ,-- . . o ' Hook and Ladder Co. This company . at its meeting last Monday night, ordered a parade for Thursday evening, the 17th iuht., at 5-o'clock; "The Commissioners i have been consulted by. the committee on , uniform, which resulted.in on understand- ing that the commissioners would either bay or help, buy a nice uuifoi ui for the company. We think this would be the right thing for the commissioners to do. lt would be appreciated by both the citi zens and the gentlemen' composing the company. ; Excunion.U Henrys On-Friday 16th of May, there wilj-be.iiu Ejcui-sion traiu run Iroin Salisbury to'Heiiry and return same la!y, firtlieateres't bf thesertiall Presby terian congregation at -Newton, for some time past struggling to raise the means for building a church. The ladies of Newton have jtW; aeJiemft under, jtheir direction, aud propose to malce the Excursion as en joyable, as ' jiosstble. They will have ice! cream and strawberries on. this train, autl in other -ways secure the comfort and happiness of those who shall lc pleased to patronize their effort. They expect a large party of ladies and gentlemen from Salisburytfand we hope they may not be dlsappduited. ' ' ' Last. Wetlnesday night there was eon- ideniblc 'business -done.-by some thief or thieves in this city. They entered Capt. r T. ILBeall's boarding. hoiisti and one of the sleeping rooms occupied by his guests, whose clothing they took out and rob bed. J. J.- Litcbford and Seaton Gales were among the heaviest losers. On the same night Mr. P. P. Meroney's j house was euteredfroni the back door. With the assistance of a Navy revolver, Mr M. succeeded in getting clear of his visitor. The same night, Mr. Ilalybur ton' store was entered aud the contents t of hejiwney drawer. taken.' j Ladien Excurtion. We renew the notice of the Excursion got up by the ladies of Teffn, for Friday next. It is to bt' a ince .-affair, -'and foi tire1 benevolent purpose of raising funds to aid in building a Presbyterian church in Newton. There will be ample accommodation in seat, and an-Ice Cream and Strawberry euter taininent ou the train and at Henry's. : .' Price of tickets from 'Salisbury and Third Creek todienry's and return, $1.50. It yill be highly gratifying to .the ladies of Xewton to have a large delegation of their friends from Salisbury, and there is no reason why it may not bo to them a tcry pleasant trip. , 'SifttfJAVe, are just now enteriug upon the most? bewitching season of the Jmt.' The bursting flowers and unfold ing foliage, so fresh and delicate in their - new-born glory, woo the lovers of nature" frn their homes to'seek in tie wild woods and the meadows the gratification of a i?j4 paasian n fftr; tie reatbiBg of Spring'; Jt isa feeling' confined to neither ta aged nor the young, (though, in the young most active) the rich nor the poor, tte eckcated nor the ignorant, but is shared by all alike, aud to gratify it is "U a compliance.. with the cravings of toman nature, given no doubt for its ele vation and refinement. It is pleasing wwretore, to see so. many of our citizens ""proving this delightful season; for it evidences a sensibility of mind with a Satcr .teudency to virtue than to vice. of the beautiful is oflended at de fcrmiryj and he is to be pittied wJio has noa wr flie beauties of nature. o ? KIVEU AND MARINE. JpAVHlXO op the SKIFF CHRISTIAN An was announced in our last the lanneh- lng of 'the skiff Christian lieid came off Sroniay. The skiff and the Silver Cornet Band of this city, accompanied by rge' procession of ladies and gentlemen "J fiaudsome equipages moved out of the c&rtbout 5 o'etcjcV, P. M. The party bed the river about half an hour in ad-i UNiAfl..'t..i j. : .1 l wxs uu.li, which ume was paiwu Pleasant jest and merry repartee. The Jet at this point (Sowers' ferry) is very ide and the water is reniarkably still, latest aceVar rr Pleasnw roVingr "Tlie scfnetr h1 filso Ver fine,hich fact adds another fcarrn to the point Selected. The boat arrived amid loud cheers and as she was launched into "toe atetW-hand gaye:s nusic, sweet and low." Immediately she was loaded trith ''fair women and brave men? Yielding to die strike of skfllfalbarsnieu, she moved'' "like .a; thing, of life." The band together with about forty ladies and gentfemen boarded the flat, and followed iu the wake of the boat to a lone rock iu the center of the river, where disembark ing, the festive youth' "tripped the light fantastic." After an hour spent in this way they re-embarked and "made for the shore." No company of school children were ever better pleased with trifles, or smiled on each other with sweeter smiles. When they launch another boat "may I be there to see." - LadietP Banquet. The Entertainment provided by ' the ladies of the Methodist church last week, was a grand success in every point. ' It was the- finest thing of the kind we -remember to have seen here. The place selected for it (Meroney's Hall) was exactly well choseu. None but the largest room in town could have accom modated the visitors. No other could have so well admitted of the Floral deco rations ; no other had a stage and scenery so well suited for the beautiful tableaux. Taken al' a whole the conception was grand ; and it was wrought out in detail with exquisite taste and artistic skill. Few were prepared Jo witness such. a pro fusion of attractions, and fewet still ex pected to meet there such a fine array of beautiful forms and faces wreathed inr" ver nal adornments and radiant smiles. What a wretchedly poor place this world would be without girls and flowers in it, aud without mamas skilled in bringing them out for such a time as this! "We suppose it will be no injustice to others to say that Mrs. John Enniss is entitled to the credit of originating and plannlugthisEn tertaiVmieut in which she was warmly sustained by Miss Mafia Rntledge. But they had scores of helpers, and among the latter the inimitable James T. Wren, whose varied accomplishments fit him for any work" w here fine taste and skillful ex ecution is "required. We thank our Methodist .friends for our shiire" of this pleasant entertainment. Three hundred and sixty dollars for church repairs was not a- high price for the? good moral effects prodncedt)y bring ing our people together in .cordial and so cial intercourse. It - should be done oftener. -o- The excursion given by the Lodge at this place to the Grand Lodge of the State, to Henry's lust Friday, was a most enjoy able affair. The train left here about 5 o'clock iu the morning with three coaches, two of them well filled but not crowded; the third Was- reserved for those getting on at States-cille, at which place a goodly nnmlH'r of hulies and gentlemen joined the already ..lively party". Statesville's leading belle formed ' a very attractive portion of the party Salisbury was nt as well represented iu.nuinber, but equally so in other respects. The party arrived at Henry's between 12 and 1 o'clock, and there immediately followed a general scat tering, onie going east, sonic going, west and some going over to the convict's nest.' Mr. Win. Howard, who lias charge of the convicts" engaged iu the great work of tunneling the Blue Ridge, kindly led those going over to see the tunnels, by the short e.stTathrtnd tooktheiu ' fo the most in teresting places. Towards evening the pieasure-seekers were seen' coming in from every directions, the ladies with hats fan cifully decorated with flowers and with hands full of ferns, firs, laurels, &c, the men, most oftheni, carried a long stick, their hats set far back on their - heads and their faecs'flush, showing that the girls had made good use of them climbing up steep places, and down deep ravines for some delicate flower of pretty fern for the girls they they were willing foodie'" for. The, party started back about ( TV MI, then some fell to singing and some to playing euchre and other some to sleep, most generalli-thof latter,- ?Af portion' of the Salisbury Band -No.V2; a'ecompanied the excursionists and discoursed, a few tunes by .way of a change. ' The . train reached this place abonf2 o'clock Saturday morning. ,All expressed themselves well pleased with the trip and some with each other. BTJSI1IESS IiOCAL COLUMN. " Mrs. Nea ve and pupils offer their heart felt thanks tojthe talented ladies and gen tiemen who' sr generously ' aided in niak - ing the late Concert an interesting success. : n::- uf? :,i ff , , ... , -o- i Dr. It. P. Bessext has taken rooms at the Boyden House for a ahort time, where he will be pleased, to receive tho calls of such: friends and the public as desire hia profew-sfonaRervices. ; o " ' - ' Hambtirgh Edgings for half-their value at Meroneys & llogers?. Cbats' and Clark's Spool Cotton at 75 cents per dozen at lei oney s t Uoge'ra'. Get married Calicoes have gone down to 71 cts per yard. Good bhick" Kid Gloves at 50 jsenta a pair at Meroneys & Kogers'. Sewing Machines formerly sold at $75 for $45 at Meroneys & Rogers'. Corded Piques are 12$ cents per yard at Meroneys &. Rogers. The best 25 cent Coffee aud the best 121 cent Sugar at Meroneys & Rogers1. will Paper and Window. Shades at Mernrieys & Rogers. ' ''..STVt. lei"' - Bst?Caliebea are 71 tent per, yard at Meroneys Kogers . ' -The-"Baby's IJest friend" is the most appropriate i titlejfqr Pr, BuU'gJBaby Syr-fi- 5Tt i absolutely ,eq , froniC-pUm, Morphia and other 'powerful' agents, ;is perfectly safe and reliabhi under all cir cumstances and by 'allaying the usual Stomach and Bpwcl Disorders of Baby hood keeps tlwCMltf "flwey ffgttlny nud crying soiujirrrorrstoritelf and anaoyiug to all. . Price to lenisv --- ; V x REDUCING THE ARMY. Washington, May 9. The Secretary of War has ordered 2,500 enlisted men of the army to be discharged between this and J uly 1, ou account of the potponement of the extra session. Had, the session been called on the 4th of June tho discharges would not: have been made fbr some months. Under the act of August 15, lB7y.the President, was empowered to in crease, tlie tiumber of enlisted men to 100 for jeach ccpipany of t such, regiments of calvary as j may be employed' in Indian hostilities, provided that no. more than 2,500 enlistpd men shMV $as fe f addet at auy oue tinie to the 25,000 authorized by theact bf July 24.187Cjf and it is tjie addi tional men enlisted in pursuance of this act who arej now to be discharged. This reduces the army to 23,000 enlisted men, as authorized, bv the act of July 24. The amounJk required to pay these men will Ive in the niuighbbrhood of $000,000, the average amount to be paid to each ntan being about $350, on account of retained pay, clothing not drawn, and deposits made with; paymasters, which. draw 41 per fieut, interest uuder a special act of Congress, j .' . ;, it T. TTS i .. Words of Advice, I'll. ' p ! r. I If.!. V, l. - TIT l-a tl' rrs TfTT'S TJ'-TT S or.M'KI rrUI.LY na.r.. r.v ! I -TlTTT t'TT. 'M.l f'W ui i v t. ii fj...., ypar-a iifMintifitrntoi or .n;i' i.r.,,. if,-,. , j !! Me'liciil (.'mI-a or .M'orni.K ' ; '! i.ri-I-.'j ''I'HCtV .." .':rri-...-i. i.i lUt P' 1 'S TCTT )r;i-!ML' of i! id I .;. t"i. r-l:;i ll M.t Tl'TT S !irt-( ii i:ir' I.-n ( T11H I'ill . IM I.T.- TlTT!rii Vtu- iin-.in:il ; .1 n- In! ' tM . I TPTT" rvf f Uiflr I'tirv. Tr.irr.ft n- "jl,!. Tt""T n ,l",c tl'.nl t!t-v -vill o-tllvi lT . , Tl" XT' vwr'' " ''' ?'i-it re-nit IVo li --u'J tiver. .Th-v " 1:01 ivc- i.ii,'. 'iui(-:il'l t'i :r; ili' t':il a:l!ii-: 1 1 TUTT'S lnu:inltv. I.ut f .r LK ,,:, -laii'i- Tl'TT'S aire, f.i i itl-.ntioi. fif- -. SttM f !.'.. TUrTMi'-iiPiJ ton-s i'o'le. 1 1 -ti -i : -t i ui. I! M.S TC TT'S I'n'l'HIaf i" if ti Hcsrl. K i Itn y pil.l.S Tt' TT'S Af1'4'! ion-;. Ki'intilff ;laltt. ,f.r.. f t, f, n wi'1Y-s 1 ii i it l f" i ii i irii a 'H ra"v f v tit nr' !f ' l l-ivcr. ! iin-li-i..c iisi ,V .,r!,i,. ' v' l'ven m K-.ifi'4'i ru 1U. : I;:' ncrrsTtTTT s veuevaulk uvr.::'' TL'Tf'S I'll I'tl.I.-S TCTT'S Tt TT'S TUTT'S Tl'TTM Terrs TCTT'S TI'TP TUTT'S TL'TT'S TtTTT'3 IM .S P1I.I.S I'li.l.S I'll l.f I'll LS ru.i.s ftf.T. iM ! f;s rtt.i.s ri u I'l LI S TUTT'S in.i.sr CriiC SICK IIKAt HE. j ..'..'."...'.'.'.".".';.' '.'.'.".'.'1 ; I TITTTS ITI-LS RtQLMRJC N irilANOB of DIET. -- TL'TT'S TITTTH IMI.I.S TUTT'S ..;.... 'Pf,iw TUTT'S i - ft I.I. TUTT'S I TIT TT'S PIM.N I l ll.l. TUTTsi;:8VucririrPH)trjvr5i.'s fti.i. Trrrs!i- t i atb. r- J 'ii.i. TUTT'S" ...... !.....'r:'..f...r..... il'll.l. s TUTT'S f " : I'll. I TUTT'S : TlIK DEMAND Foil TVTI-S: IMI.i TCTTS iriliCSMs not'cooftiir.lorilFtlX TUTT'S JcnuitrT, but cxtcmls to I1 part- I'll I TUTT'S :of thu worltl. : I'I1.! TL'TT'S TUTT'S TL'TT'S TL'TT'S TUTT'S P1L1. PILL PILL4 IMLL PILLS PILLS PILLS PILL. PILL PILLS PILL PILLS PI LM PILIyS PILLS PILL5 I-ILLS PI I.LS PILLS j A CLKAR HKAD.Mtio limM,: :Khk liislion, fiiDi tlftp,; il.iiojaut fpiiiti", fiu Ki'Ptit", an imii'' of tho rwult.i of tin1; TUTT TUTT'S insaof TUTT'S PILLS. TtrTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TITl'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S TUTT'S AS A FAMILY MEDICINE TUTT'S PILLS ABE THE HEST PEIJk'ECTLY 11 ARM LESS. SOLD KVERYWMEKE. PRICE, TWJCXTY-KIVE CT. , PRINCIPAL OTH-Irt G nils r lflt JIUBH A Y fSTItKETii- Kfl.LS JtKW VOBIi. 5 TILLS ? PILLS TUTT'S HP CipSilT. lhis unrtvaled preparation has per formed some of the most astonishing cures that aire recorded in the annals of history. Patients suffering for years from the virions diseases' dfvthe LutSjs, after trying tTiflfwrent remecUe,s, spending thou sands of doHars in traveling ami doctor ing have, by thz nse of a fevbotlcs, entirely recovered their health, v -V "ArVONrr oo to Florida. N- -?, I Kow York, AunirtSO, 1871 D r. Turti Dr Sir:-Wlfev4aA.i5cen.lAt1!titer, I ud your Expectorant fou my SUsli.'B'J f realized more benefit frara it thin aaythinq; I ever took. I am as well that XwHCBot eAi IVrfda "a9dttwniter al iatendU SMid ms oi$ don bttie,T by express, fir aoia1 123 West Thir.f -arat Street. i . : r ' - Thfs earttflaa Chat I hire reobmmended the uae ot Dr. Tutt'a Expectorant for diaeaaea of the luagi , for the past tw year,and to my mowledca- manjr bottlea hare been need by my jatienU with the hap piest results. lafctfleaie Vhxa ItarsW thought oon. firmed consamptioa had taken plaoe the Expeotorant ffeotWaear. i X. H. 8KULOUX, M.D. W can not apaak too hichly of Dr. Tutt's Ex pectorant ad for tk of MNriz kitiaaiilty hop it max beoaa mor fwMmUJraojra,''fiiBia Hold br Irnsg-Uta. Price 1.00 I The Buckeye. It i a well established fact, that Tabler's Buckeye Pile Oiutment will cure, if used ac cording to directions, the Eeulns Hoppocnst amim, or Iloiise Chestnut, commonly known as the Buckeye, has been highly esteemed for many years, owing to the fact, that it possesses virtues, lyin's: Jin the bitter principle called Esculin, which! can be utilized for the cure of Piles- Jf affected with that terrible disease, use Buckeye Pile Ointment, and he relieved. For sale at Dr.jTrantham's Drug Store. South America and Southern United ... j States- Owing to their warm and delighful climntes. their inhabitants grow sallow from torpid Liv- er, Jndjgestioit and all dieses arising frpm a uisoruerea ovoniacn anu Jioweis. oer mtoui of"c"6n fire at afi times keep the Tlver acti ive, aiic to ourTeaders j'ewonkK recnmnienl''TaWr's Vegelafcle Liver Powdm Takw in 4rme,Slrill often sav money and much wifTerin. Price 50 cent. !For ale,a;i Dr.. Ttantaan Drug Store. i A Restorer of 'InSmsic Worth , and Oiiia that Pleases All. Wood's Improved Hair Eestorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has faer:yegetiUle kmic proper ties; restores fcrey hair to a glosy, uatural color; restores faded, dry. harsh aud falUutt hair ; restores. jdresses, gives Mgr t' the hair; restores Hair'tt prematurely hald heads: remove daudtuff, humors, scaly eruptious ; removes irritation, itching ami scaly dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects. Try rj Lt.fiB f" Wood'. Wproye AHair i Rest torilive", and don't be nut off tcith am, either artitfi. fJif ArnZiCiili in this place anf dealers eerywnfere. Tfade sup pliHl at inaaujfAeturers'' prioea ly C. 'A. Cook & Co.. Chicagi' Sole Agents for the UuiledStites 4nd Canadas? ariiri)y '!. T.i Henry. Curraul &i Co.. New York. 51 1 Good 'Advice. if n how h th time of Ter for Pneumonia. Lung Fe-zerfc. Etrerv' family ahonld hnve a boitleof Doschec's Qkmax Brmn Don't allow for one moment that cough to take hold of your child, yodr ftmily or yourself.' Con smupUoiiAsthra, Pueumonij, Croup,, Heru orrhage, and other fatal duea.sts may te in. Although it i true German Syucp is curing tbtHinanilij pf these dreaded diseases, yet it ia much better to have it at hand when three does wiU enre yon. One bottle will last your whole family a winter and keep you safe from danger. If you are consnmptive, do not rest until you have tried this remedy. Sample Botlle 10 cents. Regular ize 75 cents Sold by yourDruggist, T , F. Klutti. ADVICE GltATlS. ., The Hon. Alexanler If. Stfpheossays: 'The Globe Flower Cugh Syrup has proven a most valuable remedy to m- Gov. Jnmes M. Smith, f Georgia, says: "I shall ahrnys ns it with perfect cnti dii.ce, and recommend it to the public as a remedy which will afford that satisfaction experieut-ed by mo and mine. It exceeds everything for roughs, colds and obstinate lung affections." Ex-Gov. Rrown, of G., says: "He finds the Gkbi; Flower Coujih SSyrup a most ex cellent remedy."- Such endormemeut by our trreat and good men deserves the, attention of the ntH'.cted. Those stuTering fnun cuh, colds and lung affections should use the Globe Flower Couzh Syrup. It will positively cure con sumption. Fur ale by Theo. F. Kluttr,; Theo. F. KlnttR is'ifivins away a hand some tok ,tititlel "Pearls Vr the Peo pl.M cutaiuiur much valuable information and many interesting articles. It also con tains a history of the discovery of the "Hep- miiuf. ior tnaeasea oi me liver. uvsnensi;i. contiiation and indigestion, d'c. and gives positive assurance that when the Hepatine is used it effects a permanent and lasting cure of these diseases, which p revs'1 1 to su!i au alarming extent in our country. Take the Hepatine for alt diseases of the liver. Oat'aa lath lrwk, a. the residence or the , bride's Fatter, Ty A. L. Halt. Ksn., Mr. I). M. Tkoi.inukk to Allss An-ik B. Kosixsjm, daughter of Thos. T. Kob lso:i. DIED. In Divio county, nt his rrshl-.-nc c, May l )t?i, Rpv. C. W. Bkssksi, tt-U 63. years. Dei-iMeil h.is l rt an a-xel in )t:ior, a vir.. aal several cnttdreu to mourn the law of 0:13 very dear to theui. 1 HI G C II R tl E ST. fConcctcd by J. M. Kxox fc Co. 3Liy, 10, 1877 Cottox dull Middlings, low do stains Bacox, county, ho round HUTTKIt Ciiicxkxs per do;:tr. Co ft x scarce. Mv:.vl moderate demand at VriiC T 'Mo I demand at 10J 1011 lOliJ ii..Oo2.oo 80 l.001.2" st fani $4.."50 F i.o u u m a r k c t 3 1 o v. k e d - super. Potatoes, Tuisii Onions no demand Laud Hkf.swax Tam,ov lil.ACKIiKKIlIE3 Arri.i-is, dried Strnvn CoKKEK CXI.U'OS 4.25 To 75 lllo I 25 New Millinery Store. (Opposite R. R. Crawford's Hardware Store.) Mrs. S. A. Greenfield fi just opening a new ami carefully selected stock of MILLINERY aii FANCY GOODS, comprising all thelate novelties in Bonnetsand llals, (trimmed and nntri turned ) Ribbons,! Iniiumn;' .Silk, V lowers. Silk Tie, Collars. R'ltTs White Trimmings, Plain Perforated and Silver Card Boards, Zephyrs, &., &e. She hopes by strict attention to the business, to receive and merit a share of public patronage. . Those wishing such goods are invited to call and examine her stock before purchasing else where. Cash Orders Solicited. ; 26: 1 m. JOSHUA THOMAS, 53 Light Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Buckeye Mower and Reaper. Sweepstake's Threasher & Cleaner. E:lips9 Portable Farm Engines. Ilion Wheel Horse Rakes. Continental Feed Cutter. Ball Steel and Cast Plows. Watt Cast Pious. Mill Stoni Smut Machines. Bolting Cloths, Belting. Mill Machinery in General. Seii for Catalope ai Pries List. (26.-Gmo.) FITS EPILEPSY, OR FALLING SICKNESS PERMANENTLY CFRED-NO HTM BUG BY ONE MONTH'S UaAOK VK Ult. GOULARD S CELEBR V U'ED INFALLIBLE FIT POWDERS. To convince sufferers that taese powders win do alt we claim for them, we will send tueni by mail, postpaid, aJKltEK TRIAL BOX. ' As Dr. Ooularrt Is tho onlv physician that lias everinaile thin disease a special study, and as to our icnowiedge thousands have been PERM -NENTLY CURED Jy tBe use or these POWDERS WE WILL GUARANTEE A PERMANENT cure lii every case, or. REFUND YOU all Money EX PENDED. All sufferers should rive these Powders an early trial, an be convinced q their curative powers. Prtce, tor large box, $3 oo, or 4 boxes for t 0 00, sent by mail to any part of United States or Canada on receipt ot price, or by express. C. o. D. Address, ASH&RQBIUiYS. 80 FCXTON STREET, BROOKXTV, T. -Mortgage Deeds for sale here i U.i-iliTiHHAtliEilUE.i May 1, 1877, to April 30, 1878. The Revised Statutes offthe tnited' States Section S232. 32S7 3233," and ' 325t), 'require every person engaged in any buldne avoca tion, or employment which renders lifni liable to special TAX, TO R 1 0CU E AND PLACE CONSPICUOUSLY IN HIS ESTAB LISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS STAMP denoting the payment of said SPE CIAL TAX (or the -Special-Tux. Tear begin ning May 1, 1S77, before commencing or cou- ' tinuing business after Afirii 30, 1S77 . . A return, as prescrilieil on Komi 1J, ia also required by.lanr of eyery; person liaWe.to Spe cial Tax, as above. . The Taws Embraced Within the Provisions of the Law above (looted are the Folliwin?, Viz : '.;.: Rectlflera. . . tm oo Dealers, ictall liquor i. 85 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor ' 100 oo Dealers la malt liquors, w holesale '6000 Dealers In malt Muuors, retail 0 00 Dealers In leaf tobacco . ; t& 00 Ketall dealers la leat tobacco 500 00 And on sales of over $l,ooo, fifty cents for every dciUr In excess of $1,000. . . . . Dealers lu manufactured tobacco 1 ...... . 5 00 Manufacturer! f stills....... . -.......,...'. ' 5uoo And for each still manufactured o uo And for each worm manutattured-. . . . ..... . WOO Manufacturers of tobacco , ...r, 10 00 Manufacturers of etgars MM Peddlers of tobacco, first c,lad0nore than two horses,or other aulmaL'j) , 50 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class, (two horses or other animals) 25 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class (one horse or other animal) 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth, class (on foot or public conveyance) 10 oo Brewers of less than 50i barrels ' 50 oo Brewer of ooo barrels or wore , . .loo oo Any person so liable, who shall fail to com ply wiih- the foregoing requirements will be subject to severe penalties. I'ensons or firms liable to p?y any of the Spe cial Taxes named above mutt apply to J.J. Mott, Collector of Iutern;il Revenue at States viile. and pav for and procure the SpecirITax Stam or Stamp tbev need; prior lo Mav 1, 1877, and WITHOUT FUKTIIEK NOT1CK. Special-Tax Stamps will, be transmitted by mail Only on receipt from the person or firm ordering ibe same or specific directions eoto do, together with the necessary postage stamps or the amount required to pny the poM:ife. The postne oo one stamp is three, cents and on two Htanijs sir cents. If it is desired (hat they be transmitted by registered mail, ten cents addi tional should accompany the application. GUEEX H. KOl'M. CuWiL''!iiinrr of Internal llcrentte. OFFICK OF IXTtRXAl. UCVFNUF, M'anhinyton, I). C, January 'J3, 1S77. 23: It. HIGHEST HONORS AT TFI E UNITED STATES G 1 N T E n N 8 A L World's Exposition, 1876 li 1 1 HAM: CABINET ORGANS Unanimously assigned tne IN THE SEVERAL REQUISITES" Of such Instruments ! . The MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. Ii;ve tlie liefoor to aiiiiuiiuce lliat tlie organ (if their inauufacttire have heen unanimously assigned "the FM?MT KANK in the SKV L Ul tl 1.1 I KS of inurnment of the claiw" hv t lie J uja lL. U ift C E N T K N X I A L KXIIIlUriOX at flulaaeliihia, 1S7G, and art the ONLY IXSTUMKXTS OF THIS OKX EUAL CLA-S AWAUDKD THIS HANK. This is after the severest competition by the hest maker?, he fore one of the most competent juries ever assemhhd. ' They have also received the MEDAL, bnt, as is well known, medals of equal merit have heen awarded all articles deemed worthy 01 recognition; so that it will he easy for many makers to advertise that they have received "tirst medaU." .. i The dill'erencea iu competing articles, and their comparative excellence, are recognized in the Keporta of the Judge, from which the following is an extract : 44 THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 's exhibit of Reed Organs and Har- moniums snows msirumenis 01 me FIRST RANK IN THE SEVERAL RE QUISITES OF INSTRUMENTS OF THE CLASS viz.: Smoothness and equal distribution of tone, scope ot exnression. resonance andsinerine aual ity, freedom and quickness in action oi Keys ana Denows, wua morougn ness of vvor manship. combined with simPlicitV of action' iSianrd by nil the Judges ) The Mason and Ham lin Organs ar .hus declared to rank first, not in one or two respects onlv, hut in the 8EV EKAL REQUISITES o"t mich instrument?, and thev are the ONLY ones assigned this rank. This triumph waa not unexpected, for the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs have uniformly heen awarded the highest honors in competitions in America, there having been scarcely six exceptions in hundred of competition. They were awarded Uigbt&t honors and FIRST MEDALS Paris 1867; Vienna 73 Saitiam 75; PHILADELPHIA, 1876, '. and Iiav thus heen awarded highest hon6r at Every World's Exposition at which they have been exhibited; beiug the oroxir American onGiirjs which bav ever obtained AiY AWARD at any competltloa with oest Kuropean makers, or la any Kuronean Vorlrl"s expotltlon NEW. STYLES, with lmprorenients, exhibited' at the CENTENNIAL ; elegant new cases La great ' v. rlety. Prices verp louM consistent vlth best mate rial and worinanBllp. Organs, sold for casn or installments, or renteu unm rent Every Or- gan varranita to (juc entire fianxTttctiim erery rta- omnUe parch4tr or TH1T" MOMET KT.FVKPTV, IL, ILVS- TKATtu CATALOiiuts sent mc. MASON & HAMLIN OKtiA'V CO, 154 Treuiont Street, Boston; lt Vsiou Square, New York; 6ia 82 Adams Street, t'ulcatro; 31 Great Marlborouffh tttreet London; 2 Backer strass, Vienna; llGSn llns Stiver, Mh4irti&. SOiit. 21, 1ST a ly MCSS9BMB J: - i :-Iflf -Lost,- Hoi Restorer!! i 'fbft pnli!.sLea;;a ne edition Of K. Cri- VEB WKLt'a i.L&K AXED b'SSAV OO the KAO- iCal'cl-SE without melicineor Sfkk m a- j 'sriT0RK,hBA0r Sertiinaf Weaktiefes, Ipvlim - 4 - tary Rcmlnal JLoskic, Impotenct, Menial and Pbj leal Incapacity, Impediment to Marriage, elc; alao, CoxsuMmoN, triLF.pr and tiT. induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance &c S3" rrlc'e, in a sealed envelope, oaly eix cent. - The celebrated atiUibr, in this admirable Easffy, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice; that the alarming consequences of seFf abuse may be radically carjd' witboat tlie danger ous use of internal medicine or tlie apphcaticm pf tlie knifes poinlirig oht a mode of cure at once sim ple certain ad efletlnal', hy mean ot which every sufferer, no matter what his condition n ny be, may enre himself cheaply, privately, and KAMCALrT. J3 Thistjectare sh.iol J uc i tne hands or every vouth aad everv-inan in the land. ' Bent nhder seal, in a plain envelope, to any itd drets, rosT-pai, on receipt of six cents or two pos tage stamps. . Address the 'PnbKsher, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO, 41 Ann St, New York; Post Office box, 4586. 2&ly.) DXVIR COU.VTY, ' , . . ... - ' IN THE SCPEItlon COUHT. E. A. Hcndrix and M. R. Chaffin ftdmrs of John H. Ilendrix, dec. I , . ' : " Plaintiff -Againxt Summons Jos. A. Henilrix, Susan Rice, Louisa Stoker, David Shoaf and wife Cainelme. ITeirs at law, Defendant. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA To the Sheriff (J)((cle County Greeting : You are liereby commanded to summon Jos. A. Hcndrix, Susan Rice, Louisa Stoker; David Shoaf , ami wife Cameline, the Uefenl ants above named, if they be found within youn county, to appear nt the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Davie, rrithin twenty days after the ser vice of this summons on them, exclusive of the day of such -service, and answer the com plaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for sard county, within ten days from the date of this fummons, and. let them take notjee that .if they fail to answer the said complaint within that time the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint. Herein fail not. and of this summons make' due return. 'Given under mv hand and seal of said Court; this dav "of March. 1877. II. II. HOWARD, - Clerk Superior Court 'of DavieConntv-. It .appearing from the affidavit filed that' Susan Rice, .one of the defendants named in the above summons is a non-resident of this State, and that her place of residence is'iinknow h - It is ordered that service of the summons be made by publication for six successive weeks, in the -Carolina Watchman,'' a news paper published in Salisbury. X. C. II. B. "HOWARD, Clerk Superior Court, Davie County. 24:Gw. CENTENNIAL BY E. E. CEAWF0ED. cn.VMI'lON LIGHT LOWERS REAPEBS ' w i -wk r f A LAiiiit, jau. mrmQT1 MAfiniNK IN TM! 1 Uil UUU J. UlU.VU.tXi U XJ.1 U UU. A SPLKN'DID LOT OF HOES, REA UY MADE STE'X PLOWS, (!RAlNr " CIiADLESf&c. . rrr "XT' XT' O ( IT" JpMr jfSfei jT fl jm - j ' , : Aw.Hfd', all jtt ' received 'and cheaper , I """!. Sallinry. A il 24ih, 1ST7.' (15:V )l J fSfi I II IS II r tej 5 1 lmm la - w gfeglii S S g s- . , M - 2 gis L Co p L SHtf Z 5 5 mmse r S o 2. jpiKS So tepfi J ? Oi 50 Z Wmjl ? hj 3 - 3 r WXSiM ' ' ' I- Cotton Press Birildin?. Toe undersigned otfera Ijis .services to the public for JCot ton I'rt w titjjovny and Kepair inf, and will do this, wark ch'eapc'r than ever mjr. bef 'ore done in thiicottntrV. - Address, u. w:. oyeHCASir, nochvilHe, Rpwa Qount N. C. SO-' THE XORTU CIROLIXA, FAR1IER, A Monthly Journal of Agriculture. Quarto el pages, t4SoIurao3. Price only $100 per year, ' Sent Free of Postage.' ,: CLUBJtATESs : 5 Ci.pie. for $4.M -ia Copies foe $7.C0. Addrtss JAMKS ir. liXXISSACO " ruUishew, Ualeigh, X. C. r Kach nniuhcr of the ' ' X0RT1I CAROLINA FAE3IER, Contains originnl and well selected article npen Farms and Farmers, Soils and , Fertilizers, Grasses and (irains, Cotton nd Tobacco, 1,'oot Crof Trt-es and "Fruits. Livestock, the Dairy, The Poultry Yard, the Apiary, JJirda and In secis. the Garden. - ". . Also, Remedies for the Disease of Stock, Questions and Answers npon Agricultural Sub jects, Useful .llulea and Tables applicable to farm life, and a Department of Domestic Econ omy, containing valuable Household and Med ical Receipts often needed in every family. All of which is tabulated on the first nate-nf MMt jnninber7l).r rTilch articles can be readily found "In LVring the North Cnlrolina Farroero the farmers of the State the Publislwra fetl conti profitable to every farmer , who RubscrUies for it, and to plaee it within reach ct twejy farmer we ofterlr to single subscribers for onfy $1.00 per year.. NFAV ADVERTISEMENTS. 6!Cew pieces sWt music, retail 'for 51.75 10ct A stamp. Cheap McbIc t'o.', Mi T B, r.t frr dditboro. Mass 4 OfUADIES FAVORITE CARDS '.wftb'hamc w v10e. Post paid. J. It. HuateilNawau, N. Y T- REVOLVER FREE Seven Sliot RrvoLvta w ith bns I'nrti Mtps Jus. Brow n Son, IGo & lSS Wood St, PitthLot jr, ?IRI1 package comic Kn.velopes, pk. comic 1 U Is Cards, pack scroll enrds, 24 p. book? of Fun; aft for 10c. & stamp. Novelty Co., MM- dlebcro, Mas. ,,t -4w. Sect his. (hi !y 8 1 .5(1 eapitakcciiWred ii start canvassing tor MARK TWAIN'S NEW SCRAP-BOOK. Aiii.iv, WiUi htjimn. to Joiin K. Hal!owell,l:;8fe . fPHj1 pa-k ncrpniinttnee cards, '1 p"k. hdkf. B UllHirtation, 1 p:itk scioll. all eorrs,for onlv 10 Cent & stamp. Jmiu Card Co., Middle- 10 ro, Mas? WITH A COLD IS ALWA YS DAXGLTROUS TJsq WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. a sure remedy fr COT Cl IIS. and iH di?ea5es nfth TH HOAI'r LUNfTS, nTTTTind MUCOUS ME.MURANE.' f '; ; I Mf PUT IT ONLY IN I5LIIE BOXES SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C N. CRITTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenue New York. 4W CUfJ1 cnr'y curious love letter, 1 nk! comic I UIc:,rdS 1 pick -popping questtrtHj-ardF; all lor 10 cts. & stamp Fun Card Co., Mid(He- boro, .Mass. 4w. Hio Tip Ton rackaen tn tt -1; ;ti).1 iKartsrlliiiRout. READ AND Kiiva-Uiiiw rcm-IL Pen-holiliT. Golil- eu I'm. hel ilf Kleeant ini1 ftuma , tSlpov riittmw. (Jrnti Ijikrt Oorgo Diamond Pin, Ainc l!) y:.t Siniio liiiif.'lnlai.l v. ith guld, Atuelh jst blow' Scurf l"ln. Otld llatt WIrttns Riny.SinRosebail Eiir "DTpi, I'luwcrt"! amlilvivl Uh tPtn, LadUn' Kaiicy 8( t Pla mid Dnino. HiOd-plnW Collar Buituri, Onti, Goirtht- c J. BRIDE, Ciinton Place, Now Tfork4 NOT TIII2 6LD;BlTTflENEy BOLLINGER TURBINE Water Wheel Only wheel with tight fclinUing . tiL's. iocs nci cioc in i m ocl or ii;ilc, nor ci-t out of NWordc rtv P.h i!t r 1 1 1 r Ke tlia int'Ar . tor. ' , O. J.OLLINuEllTYork, Ta. B. DAVltr kox, Agent, Company's shops P. O., Alamiime Co., N. C. " 4-v 1 comic oil chrr.niOj 7x11, mounted, worth 25c, 1 pk love card, 1 pk comic envelope. 1 rk comiccards. 1 pk scroll, 1 24p book Fun, all sent for only 5 3c. damp, Novelty Co.,-Middliboro, MasB. 4w. R Y for alL The EUREKA JEWELRY CASKET contains 1 pair gold-plated engraved ideeve but ton", I set (3) fpiral shirt Muds, one Gents' Im. coral pin, one improved ohnpe cellar st (id, one Gents' fine link watch chain, and one Ladieb' Heavv weldin rinj; price of one casket com plete, "50 ceni three for $125 pi (ot S2, and 12 for $3-50, all m nt postpaid bjTmail. Six dozen aid a olid silver watch for $20 A;:ent can make inoncyse!lTn;r these caskets. Send 50 rl- lt,r S imple and Catalogue?. VYe have, all kinds of Jewel rv at low prices. "W-COLES & CO , 735 Broadway. N. Y. City. r jgs"Wc arc i lie Originals in thiK Lusines, and have no "Milton Gold ' or "Draw" jewelry. "This Jewelry Casket U remarkably attrae? live, and .( LIiS i CO., are reliable dealer.'' lioilOli G'ojbr. ,4w rnF.rAF.Ei ton Immediate Usf. 207 PEARL st,:new york. Vvntn ,K1 lh)MnfJ f ,mrrhnrrn of nnr PHI' PA lit-I) PAINTS, we Ii.tv.. vtt In liMr thu I first Complaint, Tlie reason is anparent. Our p'inh have MimhI the tr.t ofyears , wliyre U covering capacity, beii'g greater than any other pan.i, pri st insa iiraciieaiwt.'t ui nuiv. vur rnmiimpt nnminv no rhk whatever, sxwe trill j rejmiHt auyhui'ltfag on hii h onr paii is devrr prove 6at;r!.iCtoiA ; i.itun ;i c.iioin i jt.n.vi B. D. White Lead, or r.y other pjiitit in.ueA FOR ?AI.E BY "-") T- F- KLUTTZ, u'lit LuryN. C.. nent ihnt Uiejr.jre presenting the roast practical r iirmer'a Journal ever attempted in the South, a Journal wiuch cannot fall to be Ix.tbnspriil .l UUU1 El M EI ctj Wnti h ChHln nit.1 .Sit il K! .If! jgTjjs. y8SS ThrPotioldiHtd Sn.!. 7'f iP f ICO ants. t-XTKAORDIXARYln SStJ 11 JEWEL t f r- t - li I 1 v. J? it Ml

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