VOL. VIILTHIRD SEEIES f t samsbuey; it. ia;:;;jijiiE, 21, 1877, BE YE ALSO READY. EcaJy when the dawning J j Comes creeping cold and grey, .-T nd we wakenup fim slumber To greet another day. Ready when the noon-tide Is quivering wkh heat, And there Rtealeth o'er the spirit T A languor dreamy, sweet. - Readv when evening fall, And lilies fill with dew 5 As the westering sun's last gleam I lading from your view. Reading at midnight hour 5 A vigil still to keep ; The heart awake, though weary eyec Have closed themselves m sleep. - Blessed the servant found, - - What -time his Iord returns, . Who raidr in!) is hand both hold A lamp that brightly burns. M.i in the London Christian " " m-rk. -WT T - TTTTT 111 THE luunw wiuuw. 'If you please, ma'am, could I speak to yoa one minute said Mrs. Locksley. Theodora Dale started from the deep wrprie in which she was buried, and look- V f np with large, startled eyes. 'Certainly, Mrs. Locksley, said she. 'What is it f It's about the rent for these three rooms, Mrs. Pale,' said the landlady, drawing: herself up with a little Jerk, 'Two good months you've ocenpied 'em, and it stands to reason, ma'am as a hardworking widow woman, as hasionly herself to look to, "wants to see tM color of her money. Not m I would a' hurried you, ma'am, with a half relenting glance towards Theodora's deep mourning garments, while the poor Major lay ill, nor yet while he was being buried, but' ? Theodore looked pained. The deep scarlet dyed her cheeks. 'I'm sorry to" have inconvienced you, Mrs. Locksley, she said, 'but I was of course obliged to settle the undertaker's 1 Til nL nunn 11 ml lma tnlrAii nil 4-ltA. Udil ui inner, ciiiu tiiat 114(0 &itM itm 1111; reauy iuoue wmcu a nau at. coiumuuu. x 1 ' 1 1- T 1 1 i 1 T have written to my husbands relatives however, and expect a remittance verv toon wmcn x - 1 1 . j,:-: '-". f ' , - - - jMrs. Locksley compressed her lips. " 1 have heard that same thing from my louirers before, ma'am. jhe Rind. 'All I ran sav is mat i would very mucn iiKe 10 ' ll 1 T 11. 11 "1 A have the bill mid as soon as possible 'It shall be paid to-night, Mrs. Locks- loT. without fail.' said rheodora. her cheeks becoming hotter than before. Aud the instant the "door closed upon the stout fiirure of the landlady- she let her head fall unon her clasped hands and burst into tears, tears that were almost like distilled fire, so scalding and bitter were tnev. - 1 1 Theodora Dale had been married only ! three months. She had been a school girl of only scv- eujtecn at M'me. Bonmerci s establish ment, when Maj. LioneiDale saw and idmired her. 1 He made some careless inquiries about H joungjbeauty with the gazelle eyes, wrlet lips,, and black hair "that clustered w jow upon her forehead, and learned, in m incidental sort of a way that -sho was m orphan, training at the expense of M' ffle Donmii-ci liArailf ." for n rnvprnna . ,.. . . . , . . - - 'Hang it V said Maj, Dale she is too pretty for that. I will marry her.' Little Theodora Mayder, who had scarce ly left off playing with dolls, was heartily ifkof M'me Bonmerci's exactions on ona le, and tkentneonscious tyranny of the cliildren on the other, when the handsome, fiiddle-aged Major proposed matrimony t her." ' .. 'nut I am so young,'- she pleaded, the ttroafhniB and lilies succeeding each oth tt anon tliA fl, 'Von are the prettiest little half blown bad in the world ,' the Major answer gallantly. Jlme-Bonmcrci spoke a word or two of rning to her. V y child,7 she said," beware that you "V He is three times your age he gnm- It is true that your life is now a bj-d one; but ' 1 " shall marry him,'-retorted Theodora. And she did. At the end of three months Major Dale's Toritc horse: ran awav with him and Medium, and Theodora was a widow. Vtnrally enough, she wrote to her Wband's relatives, whom she had never and now upon this October evening ' tras expectiucr an answer to her let ?le color mounted to her face as the Pmaa paused beneath her window. aue caucht tho letter from his hand tore it eagerly open. contained nothing but her own letter, "uiiea to her, with these words pencil f across th envelope r " v 'Chandos Dale's comnlimentstothe tan lad rct tlinrriorro onil 1n Tlil All flv "yP jopbion that her talents in tho hus nanting)ipe needs no assistance.' this cutting taunt,: tlds gi-atuitous ias'all; eodora sat paleand silnt, ..' ' knew that her husband did not care vl lO hl rlafiwAH nnl ironoHillr Jed the subject whenever she broach-' f3 Vt she had neverdreahicd that he allowed them to thinVlier a mere ad- lUrwwho lma ,nTix,A -nfmr. lnto a disad VanUgepua marriage'. . "officWieaf Boston. - - 'j fehe had long ere this discovered that Lionel was a selfish man, but she had never before dreamed how selfish. U Bnt the blow, &harp and sadden as it was, nerved her to further exertion. -Sheput'on her hat, went oat to the nearest jeweller, and sold her watch and chain Lionel's wedding present, for probably about one-third of its value. With this she paid her bill at Mrs. Locksley's. ' 'Beg your pardon, ma'am, but wliat are yon going to do now V 'I am going to give music lessons,' said Theodora. 'It wilt be a life of druggery,' Uhe said to herself, but I "would starve sooner than apply to the Dale, for assis tance.' And the year crept by, and tbft seven teen year old widow nho stormed- the eitadel so bravely, won the day. y '6ignora Theodora Dalli. Xo, I have not beard her yet,' said Mr. Chandos Dale indifferently. 'But they say she is the best Marguerite we have yet had, and I sent to secure a box for to-morrow night.' Signora Dalli was in her best voice that night when Chandos Dale, her brother-in-law, sat with folded arms in the proscen- 'ium box. " ' And the half ldown bud of five years ago had ripened by this time into a full blown rose. And Mr. Chandos Dale, sitting there with intense eyes-and artist's soul, all alive to the flute-like richness of her voice, though t-th&t- she was simply the most beautiful creature he ever saw. The Mayor of the city where the Signo ra was singiug had a little private recep tion in her honor after the opera was over. Chandos Dale, of course was among the invited guests and then Siguora Dalli, knew who he was. "I have the advantage of him,' said Signora to herself, smilling a curious smile, "and 1 shall take care to retain it." Jiist a month later Mr. Dale proposed to make the beautiful Signora hjs wife. 'Are you. really in love with nie f'.said the Signora, opening wide her almond shaped eyes; where the jetty fire seemed to burn with jetty lustre. 'With me an opera singer V And Chandos, about as" hopelessly in fatuated as it is in thepower of man to 1h, vowed that he would commit suicide if she did not have him at once. 'Put it in writing,' said Siguora with a laugh. , 'Why!' 'It ismy fa-ncy.' 'Your will my law,' protested Mr. Dale. So he wrote a very pretty and polite de claration of love on tinted paper, aud sent it to the Signora's suit of apartments at the private hotel. , The very same evening he received the very letter which had come to Lionel Dale's widow that October sunset with the penciled bit of sarcasm, and under it written : Chandos Dale's brother into a secret mar riage has needed no assistance from his re latives. The Signora Dalli otherwise Mrs. Lionel Dale returns the enclosed compliments, and has the honor to bid Mr. Chandos Dale farewell.' Theodora never enjoyed anything so much in her life as she did the writing of that letter. - - . ,? . She had conquered her own fortune now. Sh was indebted to one and the next month she was married to a young English""- gentleman who had followed her bright eyes half, over two continents,' while Mr. Dale had the satisfaction of knowing that be had wrought out his own destiny. Iloie a Chinaman Xkiught a Ticket Agent. Silver coin is at a discount in California just now, and it is customary to demand gold when the amount is over $10, which explains the following from the San Fran cisco Bulletin : "Two niuchee Smartee," was what the moon-eyed child of the Orient said to tlie ticket seller at the wharf when gold was demanded "for three tickets to Stockton, at $3.50 each, making $10.50. ; ... "Too; mnchee smartee; yon no cachee gold allee time." '4Yes, John, J must have gold for these tickets ten dollars and a half. Come, out!'1 "How muehee one ticket?" "Three dollars and a half." "Alio right; me takee one," and he paid, his three dollars and a half in silver; then bought another one and paid thrcelollars and a half iu silver, and bought a third in the same way, having paid out ten dollars and a half in silver without showing any gold. With a look of triumph "tho. raild ' eyed son of Confucius gathered iu his last ticket, and said: , . "Too mnchee smartee." Earlv American advertisements are cu rions. Here is one in 1808 : "Much Want edA neat, well-behaved female, to do kitchen work in a small family at Charles town, near Boston. She may. prayand ing Jiymns, but not over the fish kettle ; inay go to meeting, but 1 'jlic divinity of Elias Smi tlio "whining congregati not to believe in Smith ; nor belong to. tho whining congregation ot mmnignt n - nraliinnersw Enquire at the ReiMjrtorv GOVERNOR T LDEIT SPEAKS AT LAST. He Denounces Republican Fraud, but is Hopeful of the Republic.) By tlgrpli to the Kew and Courier.J June 12.--Governor Tilden made a brief speech at the reception of the Manhattan Clnb toni:ht. After al luding to the departure of Governor Hen dricks to-monfow,1 with ! bis best wishes for a prosperonjs voyage and safe return, he said : "Ev4rybody knows that after the" recent election' the men who were elected by the people President and Vice President of the United States were 'counted out, and men who were not elected 'counted in and 'seated. I dis claim any thought of the personal wrong involved in thu transaction. , Kot by Any act or word of mine shall that be dwarfed or degraded ii to p personal giievance, which is, in truth, the greatest wrong that has stained our national annals. To every man of the four and a quarter mil lions who were defrauded of the fruits of iueir eiecuve xrancmse, it is as great a wrong as it -is to me. And no less to every man of tlje iniapnty will the nlti Evils in gov- mate consequences extend. ernmcnt grow by success and impunity. They do not arrest their own progress. They can never be limited except by ex- If the men in possession of the government can in one instance maintain themselves in power against an adverse decision at the elections, such an example will be imitated. Temptation exists always. Devices,to give the color of law, and false pretences on which to found fraudulent decisions, will not be wanting. The wrong will grow into a practice if once condoned. In the world's history, changes in the succession of gov ernments have usually been the result of fraud or force. It has been our faith and our pride that Vfe had established a mode of peaceful change to be worked out by the agency of the ballot-box. The ques tion now is, "whether our election system in its substance! as well as form, is to be maintained? This is the question of questions. Until it is finally settled there can be no politics founded on inferior questions of administrative policy. It in volves the fundamental right of the peo ple. It involves the relective principle. It involves the whole system of popular government. The people must signally conderan the great wrong which has been uone to tncm. uney must stun tins ex ample of everything that can attract im itators. They must refuse a prosperous immunity to crime. This is not all. The people will not, be able to trust the au thors or beneficiaries of the wrong to de vise remedies, but when those who con demn the wronir shall have the power. they must devise the measure which slmll render a repetition of the wrong forever impossible. If my voice could reach throughout our country and be heard in its remotest hamlet, I would say : "lie of good cheer, the Republic will live, the institutions of our fathers are not to ex pire in shame; the sovereignty of the peo ple shall be rescued from this peril and re-established." Successful wroug never appears so triumphant as on the very eve of its fall. Seven years ago a corr.npt dynasty culminated in its power over the million of people who, live in the City of New York. It had conquorcd, or bribed, or flattered, and won almost everybody into acquiescence. It appeared to be in vincible. A year or two later its mem bers were in the penitentiary or in exile. History abounds in similar examples. We must believe in the right and in the Lfuture. A great and noble nation will not sever its political from its moral life." MISSOURI. . Senator Bogy's Son a Crushed Man. St. Louis, June 14. A dispatch says: "There is a considerable sensation among the stockholders of the Commercial Firo Insurance Compan, which made an as signment on Tuesday. Joseph Bogy, son of U. S. Senator Bogy, was president of the company, and its active manager. Senator Bog- was the heaviest stockhold er. He states that he is a loser to the extent of a hundred thousand dollars casli, and that the disaster will ruin him financially, if his creditors are not indul gent. Joseph Bogy loses sixty thousand dollars, including a full mortgage on his residence, and all his property. Joseph Bogy was also president of the Exchange Bank of this city, and to-day resigned that position. His friends rep resent that he is completely crushed. What is an J$ditor T Well, he is the man who reads; the newspaiKrs, writes articles on most any subject, sets tpve, , , .,, .. , read proof, folds mail, runs on errands, ' Bfiira rnrvt .flraw. u-.ifpr TinvV in tliA garden, taiKs to. an wno can, is niamea for a hundred things which is nobody's . 1 t-l 1 i OUSlliess uui -ill vu, iin in-uiur uri into office who forgets all about it after - wards and frequently gets cheated out of half his earnings. He puffs and does oreto bui.d.p .ha J body, and the miser and fogy are benefit- ed thereby j yet they will say, that the editor's paper is! of 110 account,? will not ' advertise or take the paper, but will bor- 1 row it. t Who wouldn't be an editor T Oxford Torek-LighU Ertract from. the JToc York Correspondence of the Iialeigh Observer, ' pfEt Yosx, June II, 187?. " ' '" The habit of cheating seems to .afTect" every thing here, I have been smprise4 to hear that ground coffee W sold as low as 12 cents per pound. As ' the cheapest green coffee is worth 18 or 20 cents, this roasted and ground article is of course com posed mainly of some' other! substance, with a little coffee mixed With it to give it fragrance and flavor. I learn that peas furnish the bulk of the mixture.. These are worth perhaps two cents a pound, Chickory is not used in. these cheapest pound packages, because chickory is worth 8 cents er pound,,. There is, one consola. tion about this adulteration and fraud---there is no harm in the peas, as there is in most of the adulterations of liquors and other articles of diet and drink. Cham pagne and cider are notoriously made, not of grapes and apples, but of chemicals and water; and whisky owes much of its power to strychnine. A few da3"8 ago I was asked by a customer to purchase for him a bolt of ribbon. In a first class store I found it, marked 2J inches wide, 12 yards long. It really measured 2f and 11. The saleswoman spoke of this as a matter of course. I hope no Southern manufacturer has followed such dishonest customs. When I was familiar with such matters, some twenty years ago, Southern sheetings and shirtings had a reputation as being honestly made, not filled in with starch, to hide defects, and dishonestly measured. I trust they retain their char acter. These are queer people, every way. In a lecture at Rochester, N. Y., a few days ago, George Francis Train, who is quite a character here, declared, that "there would only be about il,000,000 saints in heaven, and that all the rest of the human race would be condemned to the infernal' re gions. Among the latter such men as Byron and Franklin would certainly be found, and Train in his enthusiasm for these great men exclaimed. "I want to be able to grasp their extended hands if I have to go to h to do it. "And, by the waj-, all those in favor of going fob with nie say 'ay' " The audience responded with a unanimous "aVe !" that made the hall ring. This is almost past belief ; yet it appears to Ik? tine in all its horrible profanity. It is awful. H. STRANGE STORY ABOUT HATCH ING CHICKENS. A correspondent of the Xetcbcrnian states the following facts : "On Wednesday, the 23d inst., an inci dent of such a strange and incomprehensi ble nature occurred at my plaee just be yond the corporate limits of this thrifty little village, that I take the liberty of writing you and giving you the details in as concise and succint a manner as will comport with a truthful narration and cor rect, understanding of the affair. Last Fall I obtained a pair of beautiful pure blood "white Leghorn" chickens. I gave them every attention in my power, antic ipating a goodly return for my care in the way of young cjiickens this Spring. In due course of time 1 was much gratified and partially rewarded for my pains. My hen began laying; after she had, as we say down here, laid her latter, 10 make assu rance doubly sure, I set her on a limited number of eggs, six only. Last Wednes day a week ago was the time set apart for her to bring oft her brood of little birdies. On the moruing of that day, however, I discovered her wandering about the yard forlorn and in evident distress. I watch ed her every movement narrowly and with considerable, anxiety you maj- be sure. After the laps of some three hours, and she not having returned to her nest, my curiosity got the better of me and I determined to see what was the matter. Accompanied by my little son, I at once repaired to the nest, and imagine my sur prise, as well as sorrow, when I saw the nest perfectly empty, no sign of eggs was any where to be seen. 1 assure you, I was very much vexed and annoyed. As I turn ed thoroughly angered to retrace my steps, I espied al6ut four paces away a tremen dous king or corn sna'ke stretched at full length basking in the noon -day sun. The mystery was sit once solved. The snake had robbed the nest. This snake is a spe cies of the Boa, and is innocuous, has 110 fangs, is parti-colored, being flecked with alternate blotches of white and black, is an enemy of all other snakes, 'is superior to a cat as a moilser, bolts its food and lies in a semi-domant state after it is glutted till digestion is complete; forget ful, however, of all its good qualities and remembering only my disappointment and loss, I seized a hoe and with a single blow killed it outright, severing its head from its body, I discerned a singular spasmodic twitching of its stomach. Impelled by curiosity, I took my knife, opened the snake, wheu 10 and behold! six sprightly, bright little chickens skipped from its in testines; the process of incubation had ev idently beenconsumated in the stomach of the snake, as the presence of the re mains of the egg shells would plainly in dicate; but the strangest part of the affair is yet to be told; the liberated chickens 1 J -1 t . 1 . iimKiw uvmijj jiuic m niiD itlllli:! P?rl(, er wu Vmc anrt -Wa 1 diamond shaped blotches, just as (1 might , narent. Annk-P: the rw,n l 7 U.,VU. tueir legs are laenticai in structure, ar rangement and color with those on the body of the snake ; their feet look more ! an incongruous mass of vermiform atteme I xl xl J. lfl- i il . A ... . , v is. that when armroachinir anv obieet j man mey uo uneiors nomer peculiar- they do 60 m a zigzag or vernicular man- v' 1 A Cz7 J ! ever straight forward, and though ; ITnl ! one of these, but on the contrary, they ' seem to instinctively avoid them. Strange - as it may sound to your ears, yet I aver, t 1 . i ii t 1 wueuiutuuu uie- juiu certainly possess some ot tne attributes and char4- actenstics of the snake tamilr. "Truth is oftentimes stranger than fiction.' To say the least, these chickens ma vbe rank ed among the phenomena of nature. "There are scores of intelligent crentlemen in this icinity of undoubted veracity, w ho have duimueu me cnicKens ana. will readily vouch for the truthfulness of the above statements. N .k'j . Respectfully, Abiel Dixos. Grantsboro', Pamlico co May 31, 1877f -. . . . ' ' , ; Salem Press : It is a general remark that the chestnut trees and chinquapin bushes are annually, becoming less in this section of country. The trees and bushes die, the cause of which has excited con siderable interest, but remains as yet a mystery. "'""" The fact is a notable one, borne out by proofs abundant in this immediate neigh borhood. Also by the death of immense quantities of chestnnt'along -the dine-of" the Westerji NO. Rf R.K is n opera tion of nature, we suppose, id her process, of change going on in the East as well as in the West, in which one growth is su perseded by another. You will find patches of young oak trees in the long leaf pine forests; and a variety of short leaf pine springing up on old fields where the long leaf formerly grew. , In this section the oak lands after being worn out in the cultivation of crops, if "turned out" first spring up in old field pines, winch grow broad and stubby ; and after a while other trees, such as sassafras, sycamore, dog wood, poplar, black gum, &c, come forward, especially near the margin of the piece of ground. Accidents, as the cuttiuir of a pine in the season fa vorable for the development of the pine lorer frequently happen, and the greater part of the pine treesare killed, thus giving a better chance for tjie more rapid growth of the other kinds, together with vines, sumac, &c. Later, the pines which are left, few fear, and -scattered, begin to assume more and more the appearance of the for est pine ; and later still some species of the oak struggle into view ; and ultimate ly, as iu some places we h.tve seen, sev eral varieties of the oak, particularly the chestnut, flourishes finely, and it becomes difficult to decide whether or not the land was ever before in cultivation. In this case we observe the process of nature in redeeming the soil wasted by bad cultivation. In the other it seems to be somewhat similar nature adapting herself to some new condition which is more favorable for the growth of one kind of tree than another. The trees which die seem to have failed in resources either from the soil or climate and give place to other varieties possessing different re quirements for health and growth. Watchman. Great Loss of Sicinc. Mr. Dodge, the Statistician of the Department of Agricul ture, at Washington, as the result of an investigation of the losses from diseases of swineduringthe past twelve monthsshows the destruction of 4,000,000 animals of all ages, and a moivey loss of more than $20, 000,000. One-filth of the reported loss oc currs in Illinois; next iu prominence are Missouri, Iowa, and Indiana, which to gether lose 81 0,000,000. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi anu Louisiana nave neariv as large a percentage of loss in numbers, ag gregating in value a million and a half dollars. The reported losses are very small in New England, the country bor dering on the great lakes, and the Pacific coast. Of the remaining districts, West Virginia comes nearest . exemption, and Ohio and the Atlantic coast" States stand better than the alluvial districts. The ap parent loss is equivalent to a third of the sum of exports of pork products last year. It is somewhat greater than usual, elicit ing demands from correspondents for a competent scientific investigation by the Government, Jekf. Davis Wins a Scit. The Su preme Court of Mississippi has decided that Jefferson Davis, bv a residence of thirty years, and other acts of ownership, acquired title to tne plantation known as "Brierficld," notwithstanding Joseph E. Davis, his brother, never conveyed to him the title thereof; that when the latter sold this plantation he became indebted to the former in the amount of $70,000, the price thereof ; aud that Jefferson Davis is not estopped by the fact that having become executor of his borther's will, or by any acts of executorship doue by him, or bv jwiy other thing, from asserting his claim to Jhe proceeds of sale of said plantation against the estate of Joseph E. Davis, but is entitled to be paid the same. A Lesson for the Times. Few per sons properly estimate the difference be tween a high aud a low rate of interest, aud therefore borrow money at ruinous rates that no legitimate business can Stand, but few have figured on the differ ence between six and eight per cent. One dollar loaned for a hundred years at six per cent., with the interest collected annually ! and added to the principal, will amount to $340. At eight per cent, it amounts to $2,203, or nearly seven times as much, j At three per cent., the usual rate of inter- ' est in England, it amounts to $iy.&, 1 - ' - ; whereas at ten per cent., the, usual rate in the United States, it is $13,809, or nearly A. tW.lv. VT cent- it amounts to $15,145,007, and at twenty-five per cent., (which ,we some times hear talked of) it reaches the enor j mftna - f c,, 700.404. or more than . . T. . - . ou-,Y. Y""11 -n.y 'vrl 'y."?'! , nal. THREE THREATENING Fl REST"" Three aJarming fires, though not seri ous in their results, occurred, last week from the same general 6puree-stagelights and scenery One was in a theatre and two were iu Roman Catholic churches. A panic occurred in two instances and some persons injured, but the panics were hap pily quelled and no fatal consequences re sulted.? On the evening of Decoration da v a the- atre iu Twenty-third streei was filled with a fashionable audiance to witness an in vitation musical and magical soiree. Du ring the jierformance the scene, which had been raised too high, took fire from the chandelier, nd ii a moment the stage was one mass of frames. The fire was ex tinguihed with -eome rdifliculry and the? managers, who assisted iu putting it out,! were badly burned. The audiance, who wer at first alarmeof, were finally quiet ed, and the entertainment proceeded. The next day, Thursday, two altar fires occurred in Roman Catholic churches in this city and Brooklyn. At the Church of St. Antonio, on Sullivan street, the sacrament was to be administered for the first tijne to a number of Sunday school children who had been confirmed. The new members in white dresses with white veils on their heads, stood in front of the altar, upon which were lighted chandela- bra. Suddenly the flames from one of the jets ignited the veil upon the head of one ofthe girls. The cry of "Fire" was followed by an immediate uprising of the congregation, and a rush was made for the doors. Several persons were severelv bruised iu the rush, aud it was uecessary to remove an old woman to her home iu a carriage. At the Church of St. John the Baptist, Brooklyn, the same day, folds of spangled lace which enveloped the, statue of the Virgin took fire from one among tho myri ads of candles by which it was surround ed. The sexton of the church mounted the burning altar and endeavored to snatch the folds tf lace from their hang ings, but, after scorching himself to no ef fect, he was fored to retreat. A number of men rushed forward and tore down the frame and its decorations from the wall. No further injury was done. X. T. Ob (icrrer. EXTItAOKOIXAUV ('ASK OF MlSTAKKX Idkxtitv. Mrs. Margaret Alemslyof No. 14 Gay street was arrested "recently by officer Vallety of the Eighth precinct po lice, in front of No. 477 Broome street, while quarrelling "with a man who--he said was her husband and who had aban doned her. Both were taken to Jefferson Market Police Court, when Mrs. Alemwly told Justice Waudell that the man was Edward Alemsly, her husband, whom she had married in February, 18(5, at Charles ton, S. C, aud had lived with him until about two years ago, when he abandoned her. She knew him by his peculiar teeth, hair and beard, and was positive it was her husband, and also brought in two witnesses who ako identified him as Mr. Alemsly. One of the witnesses, a little girl named Mary Edgerton, was brought, into court after the case had been begun, and picked the man out of a crowd of spectators, reporters, &c. The man de clared positively that he was not the wo man's husband, that his name was not Edward Alemsly, but August Jansen,and instead of being a Scotchman, he was a German, and born iu Prussia. He pro duced one ofhis employers, a highly re spectable firm doing business at No. 477 Broome street, and proved that he had been in their employ as janitor for seven years, and thatrhe was a married man and had a family of five children. It was evi dent from his Speech that he was a Ger man. and the Justice decided that it was a sijigular case of mistaken identity, and dismissed the complaint. Mrs. Alemsly left the court in a highly excited condi tiou, evidently dissatisfied with the deci sion of the Justice. X. Y.'Evcning Post. Tuir Under a Water-Wiieel. The New London Telegram tells the following marvelous story : "A little son of James Chapman, aged five years, had a very nar row escape from death lately. He was playing on tjie embankment at the lower end of Brigg's pond, when he slipped and fell into the flume of the old oakum mill, aud was carried rapidly down the stream, being tossed about by the rushing waters like a chip. It was thought that when he reached the old wheel his brains wonld.be dashed out against it, as the space beneath was not large enough to admit of his pass ing safely through. But he shot under it like a fish, and went under the bridge at Cedar street, and into the trough through which the water i conducted into Smith's orf-an faetorv. Here he succeeded in clutch ing a joist fastened across the trough, where he clung until he was rescued. His first word, after he had leen put iu a place of safety, were: "Where's my top." Marshal MacMahon is for muzzling the press. He fears public discussion. Sev eral papers have already been prosecuted. An exchange says : "The immediate cause of the dissolution ofthe ministry and the proroguing of the Assembly ' was the press law which the dictator "objected to.' A republic where the journals are forbidden to iscuR.4 pnb Iie affaii s seems a outradietyn of terms." mm - t. . . r ; - ; r.-i -.u til 1 SMrt from yur :earUg-yltinsureouV'J:f pr incipletaga inr the peril it of- tridfeulej you tan up moreWrqige' yourl csasoa.if you life in the. cWant. dread; of daaghr ter, than you caBmjoyypurlifeif you re 1 inconstant terror deathi JfyoBlttbak it right tQ.differ frW the. times, and to mate it a point of morals, do it, boVcW rustic or antiquatcijtfowevcr'peaanilcit may appear; do it, tot for, insonoe, but seriously, as a man 'who woro &' soul,, of of his own in his boomiand didjtfpJt. till it was breathed into him by tkVbjfji&'f offashion. Sidney Smith. VsX'i?' Whenever you want to go out of this s. city and do not know jthe hours when the , irains lea-nr, you, get-a; pewspaper .ftttd read the time table -h wheueyer.yjqnlejnoj know when the church begins, ym(gejj tJle paper and reads its advertising , columns for the hour ; whenever you want tokaow the price of gold, stocks, thecondU(iu uf the grain, flour, cattle, and otuerarjtejtfj you get a newspaper to obtain tbemfprjiua tion. And so it isiwith the current nwa J of the day. And herein lies p the prpt - and success of those who advertise. There is no item or branch of business that is not benefited by advertising ' "V- " ..... -.. Glorious was the scene when Enoch was translated, or when Elijah's chariot of fire , appeared in the whilwind and took hiyx "up to his glory ; yet more glorions was the scene wheu, surounded with his disci-, pies, the risen Saviour slowlyjuid majes tically ascended by. his own .power, and; glory before them-while blessing them, and a coud rccejvejl lliin out of their sight, How unspeakably glorious then will be that full result of his resurrectiou ? and ascension, when crowding from, every country, in glorious remirrectionTbodie, shining as the sun, at one and the same moment, the myriads and myriads of, LJa saiuts, of every age, are all gathered into , his presence, where is fullness of joy and . are forever with the Lord. E. Biciei'ftctli.. WISE SAYINGS. V!T Z . The moment a man is satisfied yirU himself, everybody else is dissatisfied wiUl , . him. c-, ,; There are many shining qualities in th -, mind of man, but none so useful as dir cretion. : ,.H i If we do not flatter ourselves the flat tery of others will not hurt us. The man who minds his own business has a good, steady employment. Never apologise for a long letter you only add to its length. Retiring early at night will surely shor ten a man s days. lie speaks in his dunk what he thought 111 nis urouui. 1 True men make more opportunities than they find. ' An angry man opens-his mouth 4ilfid -shuts his eyes. ' ' "" ,tmi ' ' 0 my soul, impressed with the image bf God, redeemed with the blood of Christ, betrothed by faith, endowed witli Spirit, adorned with virtues', K reckoned witkthe angels! Love Hi ni, by whom thou Jiast been so greatly loved. Wait upo' Him, 1 . .1 - . 1 .1 . tri 1 II' I who nain wanei on iee seeketh thee. Love thy loverf?who8e love hath anticipated thee, whose ?ove. is ilia miiui n reward, the fruit, the use, the Jend-fe4- gusUne. ri . Mr. Evarts has written a letter, to, Pres, ident Diaz insUting that tiie Mexican marauders be coufiued to their pw jtf rrjU tory. He is for trying turf.,fivst &4& i that is unavailing stoues, wilLbthurh?, , ... ....? XL 4,11 1 UC 7i.UAtiAU iau bia w "fSrr J ; Gen Ord.will then bTarUthorized Jo ta,k such steps as will put an end to W 47 -must put down the brakes or tlere- will - le lively times on. the border anj..ier . 1 yonu. . :T . . ,ttt -mi . ' i 1 An exchange says, rX iittte,crc4 t 'now and then is relished by newspapermen c An? if we must choose between tnecrea- it of our'tailor and that of our contempo raries, we shall cling to out tailor, tJ 'What is editorial coutesy I" ask a New Jersey paper, n Why, it is wheal' Ian editor is caught fctealiog thickens at mide i night, and hi brother editors JtinaJj Mm . ... . r . . 5 1 ciHitemiwrary, who lias leeu giving ;4h0- fair sex a lesson on health, remarkl' tha "i-wl clieeks are simply oxygen iu areflecf M IOVIU ; ana lauir iiia.iuu .v jim thein should setdc thenv where ; tJie?rdse8 gets theirs out of doors" 4 '"' ? Doubtless this U aVMrne t but let's liear something from tle other side. How does our medical friend explain, tho fact tliat Tost s stJiy in their lc4l liy f fliatV the quest ton. dfsfortl lQ.nli?JAghl.h There are. some liadicals that are, VTi anxious for the formation of aiew. party. 1 iir- 11 iuii vi , 111c- ni.iiiri t'iy, mv.v garment is woru turviMi nun "u 1 last much longer, and in order -to present a -resixictable apiearauce, tljeivvauktoi get an old Whig natdi stuck on, tjheseat, of the Bemiblicau breecliesV Oj-brJ Torch-Light, -h.. 'An old Whig patch" can't Wmade tq'- stick on radical IncTbei?. " " "