j : it are coming in fast. pears Peaches are becoming abundant m our i select party -enjoyed a dance at the National Hotel last Jioijuaj nhrlit. fberc Avas about 1,500 visitors lu our ;r last W eduesuaj . weather i$ very favorable for corn, 1tr Mid-tobacco. We are having nice crseverytby or two. - Mr Georgcrltuis has bought out Julian . t.:i:,m r and will do business at bc 0i(i stand. We weko me G corge back . Mr. A. jyiiw"'ai""Jo -ui vi'th his ice customers gives them from 1 to 3 pounds over what they pay for. . 6- , Mr. Joiix Wkex, experienced its the ,rt, will open a Photograph gallery in bis place sometime next week. -o The Mayor was kept very bnsy last Thursday and 'Friday, straightening out i . ...,vQ nttpiuliuir the big free excur- iie uuu'jii-.i cj . " won. Excursion trains leave this .place every -i- ..i'Dii'71 na nf flip. Yostfrn w-fTJi " - pnw1at Ilenrv. TJie fare is from 90 cents t0 1((I0 the round trip. o The Charlotte Observer reports a bull frog in that County which was detected in ting young chickens. lie had gradually reduced a flock of sixteen to eighf. o Excursion. D. R. Julian and Capt. John Lowery will run an,excursion car'to Henry cu the. 21st inst., to return Mou 23d. at $1 the round trip. ; O : Mr. W.F.Gray has greatly improved M property in the suburbs ot the western Ward. He has painted all the houses and fences ami cleaned it p the grounds. A cent near town had the threshers atJ " bis house last week and it was then that he killed his 12 pound chicken. We are indebted to Mr. II. Murphy for this item. : O V nrc nntned to announce the death of little Jimmy, youngest son of Capt. T. b and Mrs. Bettie Beall, which took plaee last Monday morning at 3 o'clock, A.M. - - , o Dr. Bessent is stopping at the National House for a short time, where he will be pleased to-see his old friends and all. others who wish his umtal eervices, at an early day.' o MessrB. Brown &- Verble h'avejulded to tfteir already large assortment of convey -ancp a beautiful double Park Pli.Ttou. It is the' most stvlish rig that graces our . .. -o Wv J; Ycates of the Chailottc Bimccrat nd 1L T. Fiilguin," reporting for---the Rjileiirh' Xeics were the oulv 'journalists attending the Stockholders Meeting last Thursday. The author of Uain on the Roof ' w as .--killed-by' lightning in the Black Hills. Hwnaiiic was Coates Kinney. "Xo more will we listen to the patter Of the soft raiu on the roof." ... -o About the prettiest, and among the most important rivers of the States-is. the Linvflle.. It was not mentioned in the list nnhlUhfxl bief. '!.- Wp. don't, know why. The article was taken from the Or phans' Friend at Oxford. '" O Fire at Winston. There was a fire at Winston, Friday night, which destroyed the large Tobacco Factory run by the MesHM. Banes. Loss said to be $30,000, on which there " was an insurance of $15,000. 1 ... . o : CFKotice! The regular meeting of the Teacher's Association of Rowan and xljoiaiii e-ounties" is post6ned from the 26th aiid H7ih of July until tlie 16th and 17tfiThursday and Friday) of August. By order of Executive Committee. ' - Geo. B. McNeill, Chairman. The entertainment that was to have been pvea last Friday night, was postponed on aecp.unfrof sickness. The Band and those taking part, regret it very much, lat it was a case of necessity. The time willbejtnnpuuced on fhelDills, which will appear in a day .or two. The programme Kill -fee rare in its richness. -o- We asked a' fl iend the other day for a piece of news that would dolor publica tion 1 He said that if he was to be hung- and his life depended on it, he did not tliiuk he could find a local. We told him e would skirmish around and see what could bo dono before slipping our head in the noose. j Mr. V H Ke8tlerhad his under jaw brok en in two places last Monday. .1ft and fiveral others were in a two-horse car riag,f, when one of the horses got the lines inderliis tail and began to kick. Mr. Kestler was struck twic$ in the face with the horses' heels while trying to jump from the vehicle. The horse vral the property of Nathan Scliloss, and not Messrs. Brown & Verble, ra at first reported. - Oar friend Brown, of the Washington r'f got his foot iuto it when he made me remark about "Ladies Dressing." 0le of the Washington ladies, takes him ttP And proceeds to correct him, showing that he Was one sided in his remarks on Wall importaut subject. She draws Jter liner, compares gentleman's undr ess to . J'' "ali dress. She fumes about man thin shirt-sleeves,. while our friend was talking about ladies in full drees, Some young men received n postal from the Groenslkuo Base Ball Club, telliug them to be ready to play on '.Thursday. There was no cluli here, but some of the boys got together and practiced some on AVednesMlay -evening." The next evening they repaired to Henderson's Grove and began the game. They had played only 3 ov4 innings when a difficulty arose be tween some of the players and several outsiders. They took sides and had a general fisticuff set to. No one was hurt badly. We had anticipated reporting a Cue game of ball but how sad there, seems nothing bnt disappointments in this woiTd. ' o Death from a Horse Kick. Mr. David C. Turner, of Unity Township, a good man and a valuable citizen, was kicked in the bowels by a horse on the 10th in stant, and died on the 131 h. He,wasaged about 40 years," a single man; and when he found he must die, made a will be queathing his property to some of his neighbors, and a part to Presbyterian foreign missions, antUpart to the Episco palian Missions. (Written Ipr the Watchman.) AN EPITAPH. To "our Uttle" Jimmie Beaix. BT WALLACE K. GRAT. May the flowera that o'er his little grave bloom, Be like to those of Eden, rich with sweet perfume Floating In the air. Peace to the asaes, laid In their tiny cell, l est ! angel spirit, with Jesu3 ever dwelT In the realms of love. Those lovely eyes, their sparkling ray, The kind request "bless mamma, papa, Lord I pray," We now wni miss. Grant us, dear l ord, by faith to see, 1 hairthoujrh death is a mystery Salvation 's free to all. Weep noMond mother, for the dead, For Carrael's holy prophet said 'It Is well w ith the child." So like a strayed spirit from the blest, No wonder Death tooi him to re3t Asleep in Jesus. Farewell ! sweet child with glory crowned, Methlnks I see thee standing round The throne of God la Heaven. e3, Mother, thy sweet, loving babe "Has crossed the river rests under the shade" Of the ever verdant trees. Delta Orove, July, 1S77. A beautiful complexion depends"-upon the purity of the blood. To keep the blood pure and healthy use Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. BUSINESS LOCAL, COLUMN. Yard 'wide A sheeting at 7 cents per yard by the bolt at j - , Meroney3 oc Rogers . r ; " . Ladies' Hose atJ cents a pair at Meroneys & Rogers'. rioirr oacus. reaov-maae nt iu cents apiece at Meroueys &. R"ogers'. Wall Paper and Window Shades at Meroneys&; Rogers'. Best Calicoes 1 cents per yard at .Merouevs'&. Rogers'. V Job lot Shirts, ready laundried at $1.00 arid $ J. 25 at Meroueys &; Rogers'. Imported buff Piques at 15 cents per yard (very cheap) at Meroueys 5c Rogers'. Coates' and Clark's Spool Cotton at 73 cents per dozen at Meroueys &. Rogers'. .Cane Mills &. Evaporators the Bly myer Patent, best in use prices reduced. Sole agency at Meroneys 6l Rogers'. THE REVENUE. Letter from Hon. Walter L. Steele, Bcprc sentative Sixth Congressional District Contrcssmaii Bobbins' View in the Jlain Endorsed The Bread & Butter Brigade The Tariff Question. ' Rockingham, July 9, 1377. to the Editor of the Xews : Sir: I received your letter aud the copy of Mr. Robbins' letter, which it in closed, asking ray opinion upon the inter nal revenue system, which Js now great ly afllieting the people our of State. You will be content with a very brief answer. Before your letter reached me, I had seen, at the Sparkling Catawba Springs a copy of the News, containing Major Rob bins' views upon that vexatious question. If I understand him, he favors the aboli tion of the entire svstem, and desires that all revenues shall be raised by a tax on imports, so adjusted that revenue and not protection,- shall be consulted. lie, no doubt, believes as I d, that this plan will afford all the fostering care which the manufacturing interests should require at the hands of the Federal government, and that other discriminations work injustice to all other occupations. Without at tempting to discuss the matter, I have uo. Iresitation in saying, that if I lightly un derstand him, there is no disagreement on that part of the subject. - " - I shall be ready to join Major Robbins in any effort to give relief to the tax-burdened people of the State either by alter ing or abolishing the Internal Revenue laws, readjusting the details of au iniqui tous, .tariff, which taxes the many for the bene'tit of the few, or by any other means consistent with honesty and good faith. It is mr wish that the manufacturing in dustries of the country shall prosper; but I do not desire it to be at the expense of all other interests. These interestsslipuld now lie able, after so mauy years of pro tecting kindness on the part of the gov ernment, to stand without further sup port in the way of burdeus upon the con sumers of their products. Common decen cy demands that they ask uo more direct aid that they call for no further taxation of others for their exclusive benefit, but that they shall be ready with all classes to bear with them equally the burdens of supporting the government. The true doctrine in my opinion is set forth in the phrase: "Buy where you can buy the cheapest, and sell where you can get the best prices." This doctrine, every man will practice if he is let alone even the protectionists themselves and ..what is true in the management of private affairs, cannot be ruinous in government. You will allow me to say tbat if we were beginning the experiment of govern ment, I should oppose all indirect means of raising" revenue. I should, do so . be cause in a self-governing State the peo ple are entitled to know, at aU timeex.- actly what.tliey! are paying for the pub lie support and, this they cannot know tnilesg the taxes! are so laid as to be ap parent to the tax payer. Taxe raised upon imports are paid by the consumer, but paid, often, so that he does uot know that he is contributing' at all, or in what degree, to the support of the general gov ernment. If laid directly, ho that all would know we should have a far more economical administration of our public affairs. Besides this, we should avoid a system which does not bear equally and which affords so many opportunities for unjust burdens upon the larger part of the people for the benefit of a very small num ber who clamor fin- what they are pleased to term a principle, when, in fact it is nothiug butra demand that money be ta ken from thA profits of others for their own benefit. Bat these views cannot now be strictly carried out, and I shall be glad to see the present tariff system regulated exclusively, as par as possible, so as to i raise the necessary revenue. Wnen that is ; done sufficient "lurgrfoiffir protection" will i "... " i protect l ue given to all manufacturing indus- tries. . On the whole I apprehend there is little difference in the views entertained by Major Bobbin 8 and myself upon the ques tions embraced ;in his letter. They are doubtless entertained by a large majority of the people of the State. Indeed, I sus pect that there are very few, outside the circle of office-holders, who dissent from them. Very resiectfully, Walteu L. Steele. THIEVERY IX THE REVENUE SERVICE. Winston Sentinel. Deputy Marshal Hodges, of the sixth district, some fonr months ago came into Forsyth couutyj and seized three stills belonging to Wpi. Griffith, without any charges of a violation of the revenue laws except that thej were on the furnace. These stills were left with B. F. Jones, in xadkin county. I This seizure was not re ported to the collector of either the fifth or sixth districts. Griffith applied to Jones for his stills and was told that they had been stolen, but not being satislied with this answer, he went to a magistrate and took out a search warrant and found two of his stills in Jones' distillery the other we learn was found in possession of another person. There is a criminal abuse of authority in this transaction, and a deliberate attempt to rob a citizen of this county of his property by an officer of the federal government, acting under cover of his office. IMPORTANT TO CLERKS OF THE SUPERIOR COURTS. The State Treasurer has issued the an nexed circular to Clerksof Superior Courts: State of N. Carolina, Treas'y Dep't Raleigh, July 10, 1S77. To the Clerks of Superior Courts : The circular letter from this Depart ment, of June 22d, 1877, addressed to Clerks of Courts, &c, containing a con struction of Section 4, Schedule C, of the Revenue Act, w as a reply io certain direct questions presented to me as the intent of the section in imposing a tax on official seals. The construction therein given was based upon the language of the section as disconnected from auy other statute. I have since been asked by Clerks for addi tional advice as to their duty in collecting a tax on chattel mortgages and laborer's liens, and being desirous of construing the intent of the General Assembly as liber ally as the language of the law will admit, I suggest, with the approval of the Attor ney General, that no charge be made for affixing the seal to the class of documents herein mentioned, viz: chattel Mortgages and loborer's liens. Very respectful lv, JOHN M. WORT 117 State Treasurer. 2Gtii Volume. With this issue of the "Democrat" the paper enters upon its twenty-sixth Volume. The "Democrat" is now as well sustaiued as it ever was, for which the Editor is thankful. He never expects to forget those who have shown a steadfast friendship and patro nized the paper during the past twenty five vears. Char. Democrat. Many of the farmers of this section arc now using Steam Thrashers. About 12 have been sold by dealers in this city dur ing the present year. The grain conies out at the rate of about sixty bushels per hour. Char. Democrat. TJtistle. This annoying, disagreeable plant, now growing abundantly in out yards, along fences, ditches and roadsides, should be exterminated by the root before it fully blooms. We learn that the root is bought at the Botanic house, if clean and dry, at 5 ceu,ts per pound. We ad vise our friends to have it dug op, there by getting paid for the removal of a nuis ance. Statcsville American. We hope some one will dig up all the thistles growing about Charlotte and send the roots to the "Botauic house" at Statcs ville, so as to kill it out in this section. Chan Democrat. There is an opportunity of the name kind here. We saw several bags of the dried thistles at V. Wallace's gtore this week not the roots but the tops. B'nrca man. HIS HONOR STILL ON INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. When-His Honor Judge Cloud held court here, he instructed the grand jpry to order the county commissioners to lay a cheap carpet down in the aisles of the court room. His Honor it is said, objects to noises both those made with the feet and those made with the mouth, but more especially to suspiration and it was with a view to prevent noise in the court that the order was given. His Honor stated that if the commissioners declined to pay for the bagging, he would do so himself. It is stilted that at Concord a few days ago, while making a charge to the grand jury, and giving instructions in relation to the same thing, His Honor told what he had said in "Mr. Barringer'a county ,r and stated that theT bill for the carpet had been sent to him a,nd be supposed he'd have to pay for it, and somebody sitting near said he supposed so too. Char. Ob' server. July 1st 18T7, in FrledenUEv. Lutheran Church, Guilford county, by Rev. W. Kimball, Mr Jon A. Tuom and Miss C Eettik Kuibau, both ot Glbson Tllle, N. C. Siffoiid. Died,in Rowan count v, N. C, July 11, 1877, Mr. Samuel Sifford, iu the 71st year of his age. The deceased, in early life, familiarized himself with the doctrines and duties of 1 thoRHvlo noi i.;.if -). cMl, , . I Lutheran Churcn, and continued in exem- plary membership with the same up to the time" of his death. In his death a vacuum ,,a3 OLen createci in tne iamny, ine cnurcn, and the community, which will long be rt uP ha tPft . 'rrmvm,, t i ... xi ,i . I felt. He has left a sorrow rag widow,, two sons and two daughters to mourn over their sad bereavemeut. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." 8. R. TUTT1 A Noted Divine says They are tcqrih their tveigltt ih gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: Dk. Tutt: Dear Sir: For ten years I have been a martyr tc D-x.k-'mi, CotiMipution, and Piles. Last sprine: your r-ill-. w.re mommrniic-i to me ; I used them (hut with liitlc tui'li). I :un now a well man, have (rood appetite, digestion piTiect, regular S'ools, piles none, and I linve coined forty pounds solid flesh. They-are vor It llteir weight in iold. Rev. U. L. MMfbON. Louisville, Ky. TUTPS PiLLS CUB." 8TCK IIEAD ACIIli. TirrfspiLS CUKE STSFEFBIA. TUTPSPiLLS CXT3E COKSTIPAl-IC: TUTPSliLLS CURE PILE3. TUTPSPILS CUBE FSVEfi AKD AGUIi. TUTPSiLLS CUKS EILIOU3 COLIC TUTPSPiLLS CUKE KIDNEY COM PLAINT. tutpTpIlls CUKE TORPID LIVER Dr. Tutt has been en R:i!vd in the practice of medicine thirty years, and for i longtime wasdemon. rtr.ttur ot anatomy in the Medical College of Geor gia, hence persons using his Tills have the guaran tee that they arc prepared on siuntidc principles, nn:l arc free from all fjiLlcUery; llf has snccecded in coml iiiiii'f in them the hiretolore antagonistic qualities of a -trtngthn i Hg.f-nrgaiive, aJa pur ity nig ionic. '1 heir lirst apparent ef- fict is to increase the ap petite I y causing the food tn froperly assimilate. Thus the s-ystem is notir-islu-', and by their tonic action on the digestire or- pan, rrcnlar and healthy evacuations are produced. The rnui Jit v with which penons lakt on fifth. while under the influence of these nills. ol itself in dicates their adaptability to nourish the body, and hence their efficacy in cur ing- nervous uebility.mel r.ncholv, dyspepsia, wast im: of the muscles, Mutr- irisliness ot the liver, chronic constipation, ar.d imparting hea'th and !trirf.th to the systvm. old evir where. Office, 35 Mu ray Street, New York. TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE. Gray ILiir can be changed to a elossy hl.it k by : single application of Dr.TuTT's Iljir Dye. It acts like mapic, and is warranted :is harmless as water. Price $i.ou.TDSice 35 Murray St., N. Y. What is Queen's Delight? Head h.c Answer It is a l::i t lh:it rr ' ,,"' South". :mrl is CiallV adai-tid lo the i ;.r. i.i J-wol Ui.il tliiii;ilc. It is' NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, Entirinir :.t owt into tlic bluod, cxpt-l'in utt scrof ulous, svphilitic. and r!icuin:uic nficctions. Alone, it it ;i s-;irchinsi silt'-r.uivc, i-ut when combined with Sarsiipariil.). Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forms Dr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight, The most powerful blood purifier known to medical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul discharges Iroin the curs and nostrils, abscesses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney complaint, evil effects of secret practice;, disordered liver and spleen. Its use Strengthens the nervous system imparts a fair com plexion, and builds up the body vrit.i HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. As an antidote to syphilitic poison it is strongly recommended. Hundreds of cases of the worst type have been radically cured by it. Being purely veg. etable its continued use will do no harm. The best time to take it is during the summer and fall ; and instead of debility, headache, fever and ague, you will enjoy robust health. Sold by all druggists. Price, $1.00. Office, 35 Murray Street, New Y ork. Murder Will Out. A few year :igo "August Flower" was dis covered to le a certain cure for - Dypepiia :nt Liver complaint, a few thin Dyspeptic mult known to t heir friends how easily and quickly they had been cured lv it ne. The great mer its of UiitEN's August Flowku became her alded through the country by one nuHerer to another, until, without adverlUins, its sale hn become immense. Druggist in EVEliYTOWN in the United States are Kellirrjj it. No person Kiiffering with Sour Slomic.h, Sick Iljadache, C-ostiveneMi, pilpiution of the Heart, Indiges tion, low spirits, etc., cm take three doe with out relieT. Uo to your Urusgwt. 1. r. KLUTTZ, nil. I get a bottle for lo cents and try it. Sam pie bottles 10 cents. ADVICE GU ATI S. The H n. Alexander H.itephens 9 iys: 'The GIoIk. Flower Congli Syrtip h;is proven a most valuable remedy to tn." Gov. Jainj M. SiiiTth, of Gworgia, says: I shall always use it with perfect ciifi di ce, and recouiuieud it to the public a a remedy which will alf rd that satisfaction experienced by ui Hud.miue. It exceeds everything for coughs, colds and obstiuate lung affections." Ex-Gov. Browu, nf G.says:. 4,IIe. finds the. Glob? Flower Cough Syii'p a most ex cellent remedy." Such endorsement by our gieat and good men deserves the atteulioij of the afflicted. Those suffering from cough: colds and lung affections should use the Globe Flowe Cough Syrup. It will positively cure con sumption. : For sate by Then. F. Kluttz. HORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, Mt, Pleasaiit, Cabarrus Co., N.C. The First Term of the next Scholastic year will begin on Monday, August 6tU, 1877. 1 Expenses for Teem of 20 Weeks. Collegiate Department S76 to $.' Academic Department, 65 to f In this mtiniate. Poard, Tnltioh, Poom-rect, Washing, Lights and Fuel, are included. The course of instruction is thorough, and the government is firm and decided. For further particulars address L. A. BIKLE, D. D., President. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and various other blanks for sale her S PILLS f lt'3 I : When used for Rhenmaiisrof' Sore "Throat Lime Back, Neuralgia, Sprains, BruLies, Cuts, Contracted Mucle, Stiff Joint. Corns and Burn, on human beings; and Spavin, King Bone, Cial Cut, Scratches, etc , on animals. Couen's Lightning Liniment is onequaled, and its effect simpij eiectric.il. A il name RUge;t., it is quick to relieve, and thousand, bear witness to its nsiciundirtg virtues. For sale at II. T. Trantliara's Drax Store. Florida. A ilironz of miiferer with cougln and colds, aniiUiilly go Suuth to enjoy the ethereal mild ness of the land of flowers. To them re would ! nay ihe necewity of that expensive trip' i obTi- ated by Compound iloney or lar, winch upeed- vanq-iwlies the cough and colds incident to nor..us clwne. tor public speakers it surpasses the Demoslherie regimen of pebbles aoi 9ea ,ore' clearinn- the throat until the voice rings with the filvery cadence of a bell, tTe Compound Honey i ofTar. Price 50 rents Store ti. " ... - Tbeo. P. Kluttz is uiviug nway a hand- tows hook eutitled fearls fir the Peo ple." containing much valuable iufinnation aud many interesting articles. It also cud- taius a history oi the discovery of th 'Hep atiue." fur diseases of the liver, dyspepsia, voustipation and iuiiigestiou, &c. midlives posittvM assurance that when the Ilepatine is used -it effects a permanent aud lasting cure nf these diseases, wiiifb.urevH'l to sab 1 m au-aiarinuig extent in our couDtrv-...-1 axe th Hepatine for all diseases". of the liver.". PRICE CUBREiT, . Corrected by J. M. Knox & Go. July, 19, 1877. Cotton dull Middlings, 11 low do 9.9$ stains 89 Bacon, county, hog round 10 11 Buttkr 2025 Eoaa 8 Chickens per dozen S1.506&2.00 Coax scarce. 70a75 Meal moderate demand at 7i Wheat good demand at "1.001.25 Flocr market stocked best fam. $3.25 super. 3.00 Potatoes, Irish 75 Onions no demand -75 Laud 12iai5 Hay 35 Oats 40 Beeswax 2830 Tallow G(&7 Blackberries 5 Apples, dried 4(6 Scoar lllo Coffee 25 Calicos 6cai0 AT THE UNITED STATES GENTENNIAL World's Exposition, 1876 CABINET ORGANS Unanimously assigned the "FIRST RANK IN THE SEVERAL REQUISITES" Of such Instruments! The MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. have the honor to announce that the orgnn of their manufacture have been unanimously assigned "the FIKST RANK in the SLV EKAL REQUISITES of instruments of the da" bv the Judges at the CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION :it Philadelphia, 1S76, unci are the ONLY IXSTUMENTS OK THIS GEN ERAL CLASS AWARDED THIS RANK. This is after the severest competition hy the best makers, before one of the most competent juries ever assembled. They have also received the MEDAL, but, as is well known, medals of equal merit have been awarded all articles deemed worthy oi recognition ; so that it will be easy for many makers to advertUe that they have received "first medals." Thed inferences in competing article, and their comparative excellence, ate recognized in the Reports of the Judges, from which the following is an extract: "THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO.'s exhibit of Eeed Organs and Har moniums shows Instruments of the FIRST RANK IN THE SEVERAL RE QUISITES OF INSTRUMENTS OF THE CLASS viz. : Smoothness and equal distribution of tone, scope of expression, resonance" and singing qual ity, freedom and quickness in action ofjieys and bellows, with thorough ness of wor mauship, combined with simplicity of action." (Signed by all the Judges) The Masou and- Ham lin Organs a:-' thus declared lo rank firat, not in one or two respects only, but in the SEV ERAL REQUISITES ot such intru:nentf, and thev are the ONLY ones as-f-ipntd this rank. This triumph was not unexpected, for the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs have uniformly leen awarded the highest honors in competitions in America, there having been scarcely dx exceptions in hundreds ot competitions. They were awarded highest honors and FIRST MEDALS Paris 1867; Vienna 73 Sai!iai75; PHILADELPHIA, 1876, and have thus been awarded highest honors at Every World's Exposition at which they have been exhibited; being the AX&2HX0AT7 which hive ever obtained XX it AWARD the CEXTESN'IAL; elegant new -cases la great va rtetr Prices terg leu-ett consistent w itn best tniTe rlal and workmanship. Organs sold tor cash or Installments, or rented until rent pays. Every Or gan vnrranttd to gU tntire atifaetion to evtry rsa. . a, am W W U V M'WTl V- T I! I I SI TBATEpCATAlUKsentrree. MASON HAMLIN ORUAN CO. 15 Tremont Street, Boston: Union Siuare, New York: s and 82 Adams Street, Chicago: 31 Great Marlborough Street London; 22 Backer Strase, Vie ana ; 1H Col Una street, Melbourne. Sept. tt, iT ly HIGHEST MOBS Mil HAEffl at any competition with best European makers, or In any European World exposition .' . new STYLES, with improvements. exhiDtted at HARD TIMES ARE "OYER, Just received an entire stock of new Sprinz goods, which vrere' ptirch.ifetJiit f lie loweut market prices, consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods.- A great variety of all kinds of Notion. Hamburg edgings at io CTS. PER YAllDAC. Also a large and well selected stock of CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTSt SHOES, d- GENTLEMEN S F UBXISHI X G GOODS. If you want to drink good coffee, come ecd Ir "Wallace's Rio. Complete Mock of Groceries, Crockery and Cutlery constantly on ham, which I can veil a low as any house iu the city. Since the great rolhic;il question have been nettled (here good tipies ahead for the people. Call on Wallace for cheap good. I hare determined to 6tart the Herb and Hoot Business in t Ids -city, .in order to give many a chance to make 75c to' $100 per da v. ' V. -WALLACE. 29:2m. . ..... ... . Salisbury glpril 24. FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORK. We have located at E. II. Marsh's ahop, cor ner of Fulton and Council atreet, where we are prepared to do all kinds of casting in either Iron or Brass. We are now manufacturing one and two horse Plows, of the improved rarmera pattern at price to pnit the time. We are also prepared to do hll kinds of Wood and Iron work: such as Pattern Makine, ben ernl llepair Work, and Manufacturing all kinds of Agricultural Implement at short notice, and at reduced price6 for cash or barter. All our work guaranteed to be equal to the best. A share of patronage is desired. TKEXLEK A OWEN. 28:3m pd. L U i i i! A. S. MUEPEY, Attorney at Law, Onjce In No. 2 Lawyers now, Opposite Court House. Salisbury, N. C. Oi 1Q XiCLODllMlCO I'vVho'esale and Retail Deslers inj5" FURNITURE OF ALL KI.VDS, SALISBUY, N. C. Hj'Spec'1! orders made froraPhotograi)hs in ocr ouice wilt be supplied. Also Agent? for the Remington Sewing Machine, the most perfect and ligiit running Machine in the market. Thej- have no rotary cams. co wheels or ever aims to make a noise, run hard, or get out of order. We w arrant every Machine. If they don't please we take them Y'.ck and return the money. Call befoie buying tidscetheui. It: ly NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL IF TAKES I. -TIMEr ENNISS' CHICKEN AND HOC- CHOLERA The bent and most tfliiient cure and pre ventive known. S;iid by those who have used it to he an unijiilins remedy. Head the follow ing testimonial trout citizens of the highest respectability in the State. Salisbchy, N. C., June 2, 1874. Mr. Enniss : Dear Sir: I have used with great alifn. lion your HogClmlera Core, arid ran truthfully recommend it to aU hog misers us a great pre vcniive ar.d Sine Cuie, when used before the hog in too sick to ent. Yours respertfnllr, U. 11. CiiAWrOKD. Newton, N. C, May 25, 1874. Mi:. Ennis: Your Chicken Cholera Cure given general satisfaction wherever it h;M been used, and we think it the lm of the kind i;i life. Respectfully. , ABERNETHY & WILLI VMS. r Druggist. For pale at EnnUa Drug Store. Price 5 cent a box. (31:3m.) TOWN JAKES. Notice i hereby given to all person subject to pny a poll tax-to the State, who resided with in the limit of the Town of Salisbury on ihe Ist'day of April 1877, and to all penoiia arho own.i'rwere powewed of taxable piqperty with in naid town on tlc lt .lay of April, 1877, to give in to me before the 30ih day of June 1877, a lUt of their said poll and taxable property, under oath, ard aUp the valuation of t aid tax able properly, ns asuewed for taxation . to the Slate. All pcraona who f.iil to litt their poll and taxable property within " tbtimc above prr-icribcd will FTavc to pay a double tax. The tx wilHe ad-tilorcm, upon all real and personal property, tnd alo upon the real value of all bonds, Stock, or ether investment ii bond, railroads or other incorporated compa- uies, and a like tax on cash on hand or depiisit; on solvent credit, and on stocks of mercandijte t - J l . a I I . , , m a.nMi. a A.I nv of .... r-.j of Tow Commission- era of SalUburv, N. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, 33:4t. - ' C. B. C. 8alisbiiry. N. C, June 4th, 1S77, MIL Ml LLlNrERl MRS. S. A. GREENITEIiP la receiving ' hew additions, to her stock eTery week, in HATS of the most popular shape, SILK TIES, - 1 Freneli aiifl American Flower?, : RIBBONS, &c, &e. Bnying exclusively fur cAah, nhe isenaUcd to aell at very low prices. Satisfaction gnaran teed. Oppote R. II. Crawford's New Ilrrdwart. , THE XORTIt CAR0L1XA FAR11ER, A Monthly JoDraal of Agriculture. Quarto size 15 pagevS columns. Price only $1.00 per. year. Sent Fre of Postage. CLUB RATES: 5 Copies for $4.00 ; 10 Copies for $7.00. Address JAMES H. ENNISS i CO I Publihei, Raleigh, N. C. Each nttuber of the ; . . , NORTH CARDIIV FABMERi Contains original and well seteded articles open Farms and Farmers, Soila and FjBttiliztrs. Grasses and Grains, Cotton and Tobacco, Root Crop, Trvta and Fruiu, Live Slock, the Dairy, The Ponltry Yardthe Apiary, .Birds and In sect, the Uarden. Also, Remedies for the Disease of Stock, Questions and Answer upon Agricultural Sub ectx, Useful Rules and Taides -applicable "to farm life, and a Department cf Domestic Econ-r omy, containing valuable Household and Med ical Receipts jalirn needed io every family. All of which is tabulated on the first psfce of each mini hereby whkh articles can be readily Hou&J" at a momenta notice In olring the ygth.fIajoIins, Fsrroer to the farmers oliheEute the i'ublUhers feel confi denULat lliey are presenting the most practical Farmer's Journal ever attempted in the Sooth, a Journal which cannot fail to be both nseful and profitable to every farmer who subxeribes for it, and to place it within reach of everj farmer we offerit to single subscribers for only $1.00 per year. NEW AD YERTlSEMENTSr OK ELEGANT CARDS all Btyhn vrith name, tJluc. pobt paid. J. ti. busied, Nassau, liens Co., K. Y 4W. Revolver and Cartridges for $3. A fine nickle plated, seven shot, pocket ra yolver; a firnt claw article. Sent CCD, or ot rereipt of price. O. W. WILLIS, P. O. Box 2,n8, New York. 4w TRIFLING WITH ACOLDIS ALWAYS DANGEROUS Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. a sure reinedv for CfoUGHS. and all diseanei fthe THHOAT, LUNGS, CHEST aud MUCOUS MEMBRANK. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C. N. CHITTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenub New York. 4w. rhTlpTop Prkijr If th larmtt and be.t icUlnroot. READ AND SEE lbSlnwiMftfiixMa Kuvi-loDi-t. rrodL rm-boidrr. OtM- tn Frn. Sot of Klcant lold Stora fflcere Cuttnni,Oont' Lk Goorgs nUmotul I'iB, Ado Uytl Stone Kltislnlsld with fold, Ametbrnt 8t(no dcurf n.). Ool.lpUtodWoa.lln-IUnji.SctRobiid Er Drops, .rvltes' Flowered and Silvered lUtrtn. Ladles' Kaivj t Tin and Dnma. GoLd-plata Collar BnWow, Uonta' Goll-plat- c-1 watch Chain ar.d bet "I Tiireo GoMnlaii-d Stud. Th iXDUCFMHNTSTOACkNTS1 mSr fc A J. BRIDE, Clinton Place, New York, CI I PI 1 pack acquaintance cards, 1 pack hdkft U If flirtation, 1 pack scroll, all Hurts for only 10 cents el stamp. Fun Card Co., Middle- boro, Mas?. 4i MIT TUB OLD. BUT THE SEW BOLLINGER TURBINE Water WJieJ Only wheel with light shutting pateRi Does not clog in the wheel or gate?, nor get out of order. Built only by the inven tor. O. J. BOLLINGER, York, Pa. B. David son, Agent, Companv'a shops P. O., Alamance' Co., N.C. ' 4w pUlflcardH, 1 pack popping question card; all for lOcts. A stamp. Fun Card Co., Middle boro, Mass. 4 GLENN'S Sulpher Soap. Thoroughly Cure Diseases of the Bkin, Beautifies the" Complexion, Prevents and rem edies Rluumalixm and Gout, Heals Sore and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Con tagion. . - SOLD DY ALL SZIUOOZST. Pmcts 2o Cents per Cake; Box S cake) 70 Cents, N.B.--Sent by Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of' l N.' CUirrENTON, Prop'r., 7;6ixth Ave-1 nue, i. X, 1 - - i" 1 comic oil chromo, 7x11, mounted, worth 25c, 1 pk love cards, 1 pk comic envelopes, 1 pk comic cards, 1 pk scroll 1 24p book Fun, all sent for only 5 3c. l p. Novelty Co., Middleboro, Mass. . 4w rBErARrirORjMMtr!iTECX. . ; 207 PEAEI ST , NEW TOES- . From-the thouand$ of purchuri of our PKE PARED PAINTS, we have yet to 1ar the" first Complaint. 1 he reason i apparmtJ - Cur nninlt Imr- strMVl t hi ttKt-tmfi. lrhcr stt other paints hare JaiUd in durability. Tbeir covering capacity, being greater than any othtr pait.t, presents a practical ilemt tcotiwtty.'- Out paints are QuarMtekd in every anji!liir, tlve consumer auming no ruuc wnstever, as we wm rePa,H 3f ".-".l"'" " Luu 1 prove satisfactory; al!fwirg w choice of Fslish B. B. W hue Lead, or any ether paint in use. roBaxrY (W-.Sm) T. F. KLUTTZ Seliebnrr, y. C ii Ei n a m u ii ii mx HA