tfgp eg gaL. ""lijtlie adds in the business local col- pecial inducements are offered. : U - Vaxce and Hon. W. ROBT Tuesday, on J7L1JBIS O" tbeirfny to Washington. o cbi'ken thief visited Mr. Julius Me rely V''P Monday night and carried 'fpoine tiue Brahma ehickens which he tuld like to-re cover. o- Ir. . H. Kestlcr informs us that he intends opening in a short time, his res tauraei- II u;,s krl)t iu the best style list vcr as tlu- puhlieTwcn remember. o ,od many are enquiring: "Are you areThat this is a moral circus coming T Tl.v want that pohit settled. We cau't lsav positively till we hear the baud. ' . o ' -- (Joorge Woodson requests, iu the most plicate manner, that we hint to smokers tl. it if they w ish something really good, tn mil on him at Enniss' Drug Store. We advise ytu to go. rx r n,vi fouutv Examiner, will be U. ' at thi Court House on Thursday next, and Friday and Saturday, if necessary, to ex ull applicants for teacher f public whools. Hours? from ?:m. 11 A. M., to 3 Mr. Adam Brown, a well to4o farmer 1 GH) pounds of fruit. Lie sold in this iiiaiket pounds of it, which averaged ." cents the other .'iOO pounds he has kept - for his wn use- o Mr. Iliutou James challenged W. II. Kestler, Esq., te-settle a difficulty between tliein '"by the code of Honor." Mr. Kes tler accepted and chose brick bats, the distance, 4 miles.; The Grand Jury are already grinning prospectively over that 1 ..tbiiura Or AVe call attenthw to the-advertisement ofE. L. Harris, crayon artist, Sassafras Folk, X. C He is the fittest artist in this line in the Stale. We can assure parties ordering from htm that they will get a really fine picture at -a moderate price. - rv.r.1.- T?n(Ti.i-!i itf Mfnmpvs Sr. Roorprs A i 'ri j O ' has returned from New ork looking as eould le expected. Their goods are toll ing in every day and are uriusually hand some and cheap. Frank now wears one of those pretty Boston Telephone Hats. The hoys smile when they see him com- Hotr lie tea Taken In. A little negro, i .i:. :n., WHO WHS U1SU linilllin uina iu i uiu ni- jimhehing circus, met a countryman front ' the neighltorhood of Olin, N. C, in the outskirts of the tovsii, and approaching tlw ouiitrymanV team, h,anded him a sliovy bill; then displaying live cardsfour UauV, the fifth .having a black dot in the ventre, he said : '.'Do you-want to know liov to make j500 clear ?"' The man told hint. he did.' The boy tlpen said: "If you have five dollars and will let me have it, I will show you," all the time arranging his cards. The man handed him the mp- iir aim mi" I'wj juiupt u me umiciti xin v. and-was gone. The countryman never otiiiisniouev. -o- The' commissioners have,, had the gas turned off on the streets, except iu a few lamps on Main street. We hear a some Jitfle complaint about it. The people 'say the taxen have not been reduced, but if anything, is rather looking up, and that the money i spent iu piling mud on the streets and other like needless expen ditures. They think it pot right to de prive them of light on the streets, and especially now, as the time of year is ap- -proaching when the street lamps are most 'iieeessary. We hope the Board will re consider this step aud if possible please the taxpayers and the public. o -4 Beautiful Store. Bell, the Jeweler, has return from the cities with a very fine and beautiful stock of Silver-ware, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, &c. He hds also adorned his store with a number of new pieces of Statuary, altogether making it one of the most attractive stores, in the fity. Young -gentlemen wishing to. buy fine things to present to their adored, will be shown jeweled rings and sets of a qual ity aud price equal to the highest ambi tion. The stock, when fully in, will be .large and varied. Blinkins is "going, to sue this 'ere darn ed old town." He was "waikin' alon 4he street last night 'bout 10 or 11 'clock and hit his toe against soniethiu' aud pitched right 'head into a darn old ditch half full of mud and water, and liked to drowned and smothered before he could fitt outen it. Was never in such a place in his life before; and there oughtn't to be any such ja the world. Would have r damages outen the mayor or somebody -look at my clothes spiled a whole suit." . "And there weren't a dropf of liquor in the scrape, Blinkins ?" . . "You be darned I was not drunk knowed e verything as good as any man -and you can't lay that" JAll right all right I'll take it back Blinkins." ' Blinkins was in a sad plight of bruises and muddy Rothes. He was one of whis key's best jobs, and no doubt felt like an injured individual, as indeed he. was. . -o Felonious Attempt. Some miscreant at tempted to enter the store of Messrs. R. & A. Murphy Tuesday night by a false '.v. lie worked for some minutes, but failing to get in went away. Mr. John Murphy, sleeping in the store, heard the ieiio at the door, and aruiiusr himself ith a ood revolver stood near waiting 10 :.ce Ins man if the door should swing n. After heleft Mr. Murphy stepped "-t nnd looked around, but could see no one. He then went to bed .again j but before he fell asleep the burglar returned "and renewed his efforts. Fortunately for him self no doubt, he again failed ; for had "he opened the door it might have been his instant death. Mr. Murphy was patientlv waiting on the inside with pistol cocked, anxious to give hitn a surprising recep tion We hope tire police will keep diiligent watch over the beef market. The ordK nance reads as follows : That no beef or other fresh meats shall be hunir ud. or publicly exposed, on the streets or side walks, between the hours of 10 a. , am., and 4 p. in., during the winter months, uttder a penality of a tine' of $500, for each and every ;fFebce. The same applies to fish. We think it a violation of the spirit of the law to expose these things in lanes or lots, close enough to sidewalks to be touched, without moving off the walk. The Commissioners ought to have forbid den it altogether instead of allowing the exposure part of the day and that part, evening whea ladies are mostly on the streets. . It might be done in the early morning, but certainly at no other time of the day. o ' Military at the State Fair We have received, copy of General orders No. 11, from which we make a few extracts : Four companies of5 the first Batalion, nine companies of the second, and three companies of the third Battalion are or dered to Hssemble at Camp Mussel, in the city of Raleigh, at or before 10 a. in., on Tuesday the Kith inst. All troops will appear iu heavy inarching order with blauketsaud each company must depend upon itself for subsistence during the eu campmeiit a period f three days. Free transportation will be furnished, both coming and returning, to officers, privates and musicians of the North Carolina State Guard. The Uuited States Army regulations governing encampments will be followed. By order of the Goveruoraud Coininau-der-in-chiefj Johnston Jones, y Adjutant-General. - The. Rifle Guards of this place, known as company "A'' 3rd Batailion in the or ders, will, we fear, not be able to attend hope, however, they will. NotlTiug is said about the Consequences of a failure to obey these orders. o Yesterday morning dawned rather cold and chilly, although the vast spread or canvass on tacrbluff at the tout of Madison street announced to tue crowd Lot expectant observers that at last V. W. Cole's Great New York and New Orleans Circus, Menage rie, Museum, Egyptian Caravan, Aquarium, Aviary, School or Gymnasia and Trained Animal Exposition" of Wonders was here. Sonic were led to expect that the street parade would not be seen in all its glory; but nature smiled, and at last the clouds cleared away, and as the bright sun poured down it shone on the handsomest street display that any exhibi tion ever made in the sifsets of our city. The prin cipal streets through which the procession passed were blockaded witl spectators who were evidently amazed at the long line oi gold and glitters, banners, dags and curiosities. ConUlin's open den of per forming lions was one of the principal features, while the Hindoo Zluga in his plate glass den of writalag serpeats, the chariot of Neptune and the ste;un organ were extremely handsome- and attrac tructlve. The display was unexpectedly excellent, and was an indication of the delightful performances which was witnessed In the afternoon and evening by vast crowds of sightseers, completely QlUng the iarge teats of the couceru. The Menagerie is a cost ly collection of rare and splendid animals", and one where the student of zoology can pass hours pleas antly and profitably. Mr. Cole introduces a rare curiosity the mermaid or woman fish, eating and drinking under water in such a way as to almost lead one to believe she was amphibious. The-exhibition is something which every one should see, and seeing be deligTued. Mr. Cole has exhibited a great deal of energy in putting such an elegant sjd.v oatae roil, aad an apprecl itioi of what the people want these hard times by reducing lils prices to tue nominal sum of fifty and twenty live ceats. After two more exhibitions here he will journey through Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, TexaSj etc., and there give onr rural brethren a chance o; enjoying the rare treat which le has presented us here. Jnfact, every point was complete and thorough in finish and detail. .Hrm- phii Ledger, A pf il 'Srd. -o- Oua Dream. We had a dream last Wednesday night and as it pertains to a matter we intended- to speak of, we will tell the dream : "W e were sitting in our office writing up a few d.ts tor the Watchman, when a nnvP-cnme iu. He walked up to a chair and stood holding to its back. We asked htm to take a seat without looking up Presently he asked : "Are you the para graph writer for this paper f We re plied, looking at him, iu the affirmative. He was dressed in the style of the an cients aud had a face that seemed familiar He asked: "Do you know me?" Told him we were not certain, thought we had seen nan somewnere. .uv name is Shakespeare," he said. "William, the man that wrote the poetry ?" we iuquired "les, I am the man." We told him we had seen his picture in one of the Raleigh opera houses, that we remembered him perfectly and was glad to see hint. He said he wanted to speak to us confiden tially and would like to go to a private place. We took him into the inner sanc tum. When -seated he said: "In your last issue you made a quotation from on of my little poems, I think it was from Ham let, Prince of Denmark, in which you busted." We were very sorry aud would correct it with pleasure. He went on: "You made me say 'that this too,' too social flesh,' instead of 'that this too too solid flesh.' You see, my young friend, you made a sort of a fool of me." Yes, we were sony", and told him that we had written it correctly and that the compositor had made the error and that it was overlooked in the proof. He said I might thiuk strange of his coming to tell me of it, but that he wasmisquoted by so many people and so many times. 4hat-he felt he must take steps to have a stop put to it, and this being my first offense, he thought it well to nip it in the bud. We promised to be more careful. ; aud shaking hands with him ho left the i office. TITTRTWRRS! A T. nrT TTTUrKT I Porter and Imported Ale at Kestler's. Baker's old Bye Whiskey (3 years old) at Kestler's. A fresh keg of Bergner & Engle'a Beer tapped every day at Kestlefs. The report circulated by some of the Lager Beer drinkers that all the beer in town was sour is not the truth. My Phil adelphia Beer is fresh and "good. My customers have found it good all during the summer and I expect to keep it iu that condition in future. 51:4t. W. II. KESTLER. Removal. Bearnhardt & Sons have removed their stock of goods to the store rooms formerly occupied by A. M. Sullivan & Co., where they will be pleased to meet their custom ers and the public. 51:2t. Personal. We are requested to state that Gen. Ilufus Barringer will attend the first two daj-8 of the coming Superior Court of Rowan, when persons wishing to see him, had better do so, as he may uot be able to remain longer. (It) -o- We call the attention of our customers to the following special inducements in our new stock : We offer yard wide A A sheeting smooth and weighing 3 yards to the pouud, at 8 cents a yard by the bolt. We offer yard wide A sheeting for flour sack, &c, at 7 cents a yard by the bolt. We offer a good Jeans for 12 J cents per yard. We offer calicoes at 7 cents per yard. We offer a good pebble grain Ladies Shoe at $1.25 pet pair. We offer a handsome cloth shoe at $1.00 per pair. We offer Ladies Hose at 5 cents per pair. We offer a shirt that we guarantee to be the best in the market at $1.(0 each. We offer Ladies 2 button Kid Gloves, handsome dark colors, at 50 cents per pair. We offer special inducements in Rib bons and Hamburgh Edgings. We offer Worsted Dress Goods at 20 cents to $1.00 per yard. We oner Itaudsome black alpacas at 3o cents to $1 .00 per yard. We offer a new and desirable line of Hats and Clothing at specially attractive prices. Our entire stock is well selected and is offered at prices that can not be beaten. All goods are soul for cash or barter only. MEKONEYS & IJOGEKS. TTM, ,10th, 1377. 51 It. I. V. Brown h is a line double barrel shot gun, and two good Rifles for sale cheap. It. Blum's Almanac for 1878 is for sale at Knox's store. You can now get any style of Picture you want, from the common lin-type-to Life size Portrait, at prices within the reach of all. Call at the Old Stand in Salisbury, and see for vonrself. ' As the perfection of entirety depends upon the perfection of miuutia.', so no one can hope for robust health of the entire system it the blood should become iu the least impure. Its standard of purity is best maintained by the use of Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. IiIAURIED. By Rev. W. C. Gannon, October 3rd Is", Mr John P. W'ebek and Miss Matilda Ann Pkesneli- of Salis bury, '. C. DIED. Monday nicht last, Amelia, Infant daughter of P. N. llelllg, Ks., aged less than one monjth. Of Diphtheria, In Unity township, 1st inst., il--iam Baxtek clam pet. aged years, infant son of ii. and Elizabeth Clampet. The Confedetate Soldikk's Keti us, or The Lost Cacse. A magnlllccnt picture, beautiful in design and artistic in execution, it represents a conieui-r-ate soldier atter the war returning to his home, which he finds ruined by shot and shell, looking lonely and desolate. Inlrcfnt of tlie ruined cottage, telling a sad tale of the miseries of war, are two jr ives with rude crosses, on one of which some rriendiv hand has hung a garland. The. graves are overhung by a weeping willow, in the shadow of which stands the returned soldier with bow ed head, as If thinking of the past. To the right the calm river and rising moon Indicate peace and rest. The stars seen through the trees repre sent the Southern Cross, draped over the graves, an emblem of the Confederate flag as well as a harbin ger of brighter days to come. The Hood of glorious moonlight streaming through the trees and retlect lng on the peaceful river adds to the sentiment and beauty of the scene and its surroundings. No de scrlotion of this gem of art will dolt justice it must be seen. It Is a picture hat will touch every south ern heart and should find a place in every southern home, it is wxis inches in size, on heavy plate pa per. One copy will be sent by mail. In a pasteboard roller, to any address, post-paid, on receiptor 25cts.; three copies for oo cts., or six for $1, la currency or postage stamps. Agents wanted everywhere to sell this and a variety of other pouular and cheap pic tures. No money required until they are soW. No trouble to sell them, bend stamp tor catalogue and trms. Address, i A. CIIEOAU & CO., Publishers, 40:3t. 16T Market St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Now and Then. It i only now and then that such men as llOn. .-ICA. U- OlCJMICIIi-, .......... ....-y (.'r.finv. Iln.wn of Ga.. endorse a medicine for the throat ami lungs, and when they do it is preltv jjood evidence that the remedy must be nood'for the cure of coughs, colds a id lung at t'ecthin. They recommend the (.Ji- -bk Flow kii COUGH Sykcp, and their testi nniaU arc to be seen round tlie ten cent nample bottles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for sale by fheo. Y . IChittz. A sample" bottle relieves the wort cough and will cure sore throat. Regular size bottles, fifty doses, $1. A Very Good Reason. The reason why only one sample bottle of Meurels Hepatink for the Liver will be Fold to th same person, for ten cents, by our Drug gist, Theo. F. Kluttz is because of the enormous expense of importing tlie Hepatine into this ouniry ; but as there are fifty doses in the large size bottles, it seems two cents per dose is cheap enough after all for a medicine that cures dys- nevsia and liver complaint. All who have not had a sample bottle are entitled to one for ten cents at Theo. F. Kluttz's Drug store. Three doses relieves anv ease of dvspepsia, constipa- 'ion. indigestion or liver complaint, in the world. Kegular size bottles, fifty doses, 1.00. How it is Done. The first object in life with the American people is to "xet rich"; the second, how to re gain :ood health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second, (ood health,) by usitv; Green's August Flower. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the efieet? orDyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, &c, such as Sick Headache, Pal pitation ofthje Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, &c., yon need notsuf ftr another day: Two doses of August Fixnv f.r will relieve you at once. Sample Bottles 10 centa. Positively sold by all first-class rrHggtst in the U. S. TUTF A Noted Divine says They are-worth their weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: Dk. Tutt: Dear Sir: For ten years I hove been a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation, nnd Piles. Last sprine your nils were recommended to roe ; I used Ihcni (Uut wiili liulc tuitli). I tm now a well man, have good ajKtitc, ('it-stion penect, regular tools, piles gonr, and I h:t vc gmm-d forty pounds solid flesh. They are wor Ii their weight in gold. Rev. 11. L. SIMPbON. Louisyille, Ky. Tll'i lift msi a I Dr. Tntt has been en. I U I Id riLLo 1 PaPVd. in M?e fracture of medicine thin years, and' CT7BB SICK HEAD ACHE. tuttFpils CUKE DYSPEPSIA. TUTPSKILS CTKZ CONSTIPATION TUTPSPILLS CTTBE PILES. TUTPSRLLS CTXHI FEVER AND AGUE. TUTPSlltS CUKE BILIOUS COLIC TUTPSPiLLS for a Ion jr tinn- was demon, str.itor of anatomy in the Medical College of Geor pia, hence persons nsing his fills have the puaran te that they are prepared on siRmihc principles, "and arc free from all quackery. 1 lo lias snccceded in comhining in them the hcrctolore antagonistic qualities of a strength tng.furgative,anda fur itymgtotiii. 3.Yhcir first apparent ef fect is to increase the ap petite lv causing the food to properly assimilate. Thus the system is nour ished, and by their tonic action on the digestive or ga'is, regular anil healthy evacuations are produced. The rapidity with which persons take on fifth, while tinder the influence of these pills, ol itself in dicates their adaptability to not'rish the body, and henrfc their efficacy in curing- nerroits debility, mel ancholv. dyspepsia,' wast ing of the muscles, slug pi'liness of the liver, chronic constioation. and CUBE KIDNEY COM PLAINT. TUTPSPiLLS CUBE TORPID LIVER tmpnrt-.Tiw hea'th and strength to tho system. Sold everywhere. Office, 35 Mu ray Street, New York. TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE. Gray Hair can be chang-ed to a plossy black by a single application of Dt.Tutt's H jii Dye. It acts like magic, and is warranted as harmless as water. Price $1.00. Office 35 Murray St., N. Y. i qnn Miyijiijjumiiii nii 'i li What is Queens Delight i Read the Ansraev It is a plant that prows In the South, and is spe cially adapted to the cure 01 du.ia&cs ot that climate. '"natures own remedy, Entering at once into the blood, expelling all scrof ulous, syphilitic, and rheumatic affections. Alone, it it a searching alterative, but when combined withi Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forms Dr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight, The most powerful blood purifier known to medical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul discharges trom the ears and nostrils, abscesses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney complaint, evil effects of secret practices, disordered liver and spleen. Its use strengthens the nervous system, imparts a fair com plezion, and builds up the body wilii HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. As an antidote to syphilitic poison it is strongly recommended. Hundreds of cases of the worst type have been radically cured by it. Being purely veg etable its continued use will do no harm. The best time to take it is during the summer and fall ; and instead of debility, headache, fever and ague, you will enjoy robust health.) Sold by all druggists. Price, $1.00. Office, 35 Murray Street, New York. Tlte Buckeye ha virtues which lie in the bitter principle called Esciilin, whhh have ieen utilized fur the cure of Hemorrhoids, or Piles. In swfl'ring with that disease use Tab ler'irBuckeye I'ile Ointment, only 50 cents a bottle. For sale at TranthanV Drily Store. On meeting a friend the first inquiry is al ways' regarding his health. Why? Because' health is of tlie (Wt consideration; yet many will sit in a cold, damp theatre, regardless of weak lungs and hacking rough. Discard some of the ephemeral pleasures ol the day, such as iheutre-goinjr, cigar-smokinsr, tc, anil invest vour small change in something that will be a astinj: benefit. For instance, Coussens' Com pound Honey of Tar costs only 5O cents, and will fiire your Cough, Cold, and II diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Try it. For sale at H. T. Trantham's Drug Store. 40:3m. POT OFFICE DIRECTORY. For thelxMifflt of the public t'.ie following directo ry of the Post o.iicc ot tills city is published: ' Two malls north of Richmond, Va., per day. First opens, '.'11.3 A. M. Closes 7.00 P. M; second opens r.m P. M. " imw South "n mail opens .i A.M. " 5.ou " Western " H.cO P. M. " 10.50 A. M. But one mail a d xy ea t of Greensboro to Kalelgh and other points eastward which closes at 7.eo P. m. Hut one mall a day to points between Salisbury and Richmond, Va., which closes at tf.oo P. M. Three mails a week to Mw ksvllle and other points on this route. Leaving on Monday, Wednesday and Friday aud returning the fallowing days. Two malls a week to Albemarle and other points on tins route. Lca-ing n Monday and Thursday and returning the following days. one mall a week to .lackson lilll and other jwlnt.s on this route. Leaving Monday and returning next day. one mall a week to Moorcsvllle and intermediate points. Arriving at u M., Friday, ana leaving 1 r. M., same day. one mill a week to Mt. Vernon and Wood Leaf. Leaving Saturday at 7 A. M., and returning at 6 same day. Office hours for delivering malls from 7.30 A. M., to 1 P M., and from P. M., lo P. M. Sunday oi'tlce hours firmi 7 A. M., to s A. M. From A. .M., to 12 M., and from P. M. to .ho P. M. Money orders Issued and paid, and letters regis tered from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. DAVID L. P.IUXGLE, P. M. IMtlCE CUKKtiXT. Corrected by J. M. Knox & Co. : October, 3, 1877 Cotton dull Middlings, low do stains 10 8 6 Bacon, county, hog round Bctteii Enos Chickexs per dozer. Coun scarce. j Meal moderate demand at Wheat y;ood demand at 10.ll 202o 10 S 1.50 2.00 60 65 1.00,1.10 Flocr market stockedbest fnm super.' Potatoes, Irish Okioxs no demand Laud Beeswax- $:loo 2.T5 75 12i15 35 30(35 2830 67 5 46 1115 Tallow dried -Sua au y MARKET REPORT. New York, Oct. 9. Gold opened at 21. Stocks unsettled. Money 7. Gold 2$. Exchange long $4.81; short $4.85. State bonds dull. Governments firm. Cotton quiet uplaudg 1H; Orleans 1H; sales 552. Futures easier October 1 1.60 1 1 .61 ; November H.39l 1.41 ; December ll.3oll.33; January 11.39 11.41; February 11. 521 1.55. Flour firm : Wheat better. Corn shade firmer. Pork duljat $14.:. Lard heavy steam $9.15. Baltimore, Oct, P. Floor fairly active firm and unchanged. Southern wheat quiet and steady, western active but low er: southern red good prime $1.401.50; amber. $1.52 1.55; western steamer $1,314; No. 2, western winter red, spot and October $1.47 ; November $1.44 bid. Southern corn steady ; western steady and firm; southern white C8G9; yellow 62 t33. 100 TIMES MORE GRAND THAN ANY SHOW EVER SOUTH - At SALISBURY, SATURDAY, Oct. 13 Coming on 3 Special Trains ! Fifth Tour of the Continent by Railroad. A CONGIiESS OF BEWIL DEBING A TTRA CTI0XS ! 10,000 SEPARATE AND DISTINCT NOVELTIES! The Earth, the Sen, the Sky are all represented in a VAST WILDERNESS OF EXHIBITION TENTS. 0,E TICKET ADUITS TO ALL. THE Most Famous OP FAMILY SOCIALS A PANOPLY CP SPLENDOR O WW Q WW New and Great 33t Show on Earth. ZOOLOGICAL AND EQUESTRIAN A ManotS fflosem ! AStupeMons Menagerie! A Fains Circus! W. W. COLE.... 1 ifv .- The Proprietor of this vast and unparalleled consoli dation of interesting and attractive features has Tor ihe season of 1877, through a life-lonj experience and a lav ish outlay of monev, the pleasure of placing before tin uhlic the GRANDEST EFFORT OF HIS LIFE, In rocuring all the atiainahl - novelties of the Unite Crea on from all quarters of die world, and in connection uerewith will he found Gymnasts, Grotesques and Artists, to he found in any and classic entertainment elegancies and coarseness too Irequently permitted iv most of lent exhibitions. In litis Great Show there is nothing ever presented that a gentleman would hesitate to bring his family to witness, or the most exacting lak exceptions to. OL'R SUPERIORITY OVCR AX Y OTHER SHOW in AMERICA. The Wonders and Beauties of Nature ! Ten Thousand Ocean Marvels! The Gaucho Horsemen af the Pampas! uperb Display of Arenic Prowess! Monarches of the Rivers i'v: Jungles of India, Africa and $outh America ! I Challenge the World (o Equal my "cw and Great Show. $100,000 Worth of EXTBAORDIXARY FEATURES JUST ADDED: mm AMa vThe only specimen of Real Fur Seals ever upon exhibition.) BABY EL.EPII VNTS, BABY LIONS, DEN OF MONSTER SERPENTS, (Some of which are 50 feet long.) DROVE OF BACTRI AN CAMELS, A HERD OF ELEPHANTS, A $20,000 HIPPOPOTAMUS, BABY CAMELS, BABY MONKEYS, BABY TIGERS, 1 BABY SEA LIONS, A SEA ELEPHANT, (Captured in the South Sea.1 . TRAINED anfl PERFORMING fflD BEASTS. (A Sjicrialily in o CO o 55 CO CO o CO THE MOST GORGEOUS STREET PAGEANT EVER SEEN, More Wild Beasts, More Men and Horses ; More Curiosities, Mag nijicent and Gorgeous Wardrobes, Heralds, Kings, Knights, Body-Guards, Ladies of the Court, Soldiers, Baffle Men, Horse Guards, clad in Armor of Silver, Steel and Gold Platings, FOnMING- -A. SCENE OF SPLENDOR NEVER BEFORE EQUALED. SEE THE Grand Free Hiuuodramatic Street Pasreant Comin? on 4z Hailroaa (Jars. - ALL RAILROADS RUN TO AND FROM THIS NEW AND GREAT SHOW AT CHEAP RATES TO ALL. ADMISSION as iTsual To Circus, Menagerie, Aviary, Museum, Aquarium, Amphitheatre, & Trained Animal Exhibitions of Wonders. Doors open at 1 P. M. aud 7 P. M. 1200 Cushioued Opera Seats. HTREMEMBER ! Only One ticket required for all advertised exhibitions of the GREAT SHOW OF THE WORLD. TT7Z also Erhibit at MARIOX, OCTOBER 15th. (50:2t.) - FUNNY CLOWNS Performers HAVING NO EQUALS t o SOLE PROPRIETOR the most conspicuous Riders, Acroh.'tie, Mstle and Female part of the world. ThUsrand is wholly exempt from the in- Coldon Tableau Cnrs and Chariots like Mountains of Burnished iiold In Sunlight. Oceanic Lions BABY DROMEDARIES, BABY LEOTARDS, THE WALRUS, this Great Show.) O S25 tr1 CO Horses mi in iine tonuitiou J, ICLODFIMPi I CO Wholesale and Retail 'Defter in n OF ALL "sALxsauzts CT. c. "Sperlrtl order made from Photographs in onr office will be suj pl;ed. Also Aped? fr the Remington Sewlnjr Mcliir, the most perfect and liglit running Machine in the market. They hare no rotary cams, cog wheels or ever aim to mike a noi. rim liard. or fret nf f order. Ve warrant erery Machine. If they don't plefle we take them Vek and return the monev. Call befoie buyinp irl seelleiD. lt;y fir A. S. MUHPHY, Attorney at Law. Oftlce in No. e Lawyers Row,- Opposite .Court House. I Salisbury, X. ii ST. CHARLES sOTEL, STATESVILLE, N. C, 3 M LANIER, Proprietor. Servants Polite and Attentive. ,45:tf. ne r a i) vj:i;tisi:mexjs. DPArpmypiAKO, ORGANi'est frLook! UUnl 1 I st:titlif." ! Sc4 Organs. 12slot.s JO. I'l.mot onlv $13, cost $it')0. ( ir. Free . )amel I Beattv. Washin'Moii N. J. 4w SUNS and Revolvers. 1 1 lust 1 attd Price Li-t free. G'rmt Western Cnn Wmkn, I'lttshurL'. Pa. Au.- USB TI I C Pfil Dm in "runs prn tl uH! DULiu I MDLC I o, or all diseases of the THE0AT & LUNGS. old hv all D'ritgaisls. FSK NONK RUT WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, . '. N. 'kitten ton , 7 Sixth Avenue. N. Y. 1 en Harvest tor Aeentrf U'u eiid freeonr new -10 prep i. Iur-atel Jewelry and Wmi-d itah ue, with in-tiueli n- how to nir ke num- y. Ail0iess, .M l K().M.(ilI tl).. l'hila Pii., or Milwaukee. W i". - 4 r IffentS V anted ! V-'la!s. Diplonois Awanled "'" Moral BIBLES 1000 Illustrations. Address lor new eirrolara . J. HOLMAN iV CO., 9:U) AllCll St., l'hila! aiDTHFIt'S .1- rSi. .. .-.,1 . 1.1.. .. r REM JJ Y Limbs tV: Far!: oison i.v Jvv.-rr07.en I)iehargiti" Sore Milk Lfr ore aiMl wiak eves. loil-. ( nrhui'.i es l-. ii.n 1 . . . n ' md Stye-i, Sore Nippies, Broken J!n Erv- ipelas Acute rains, Heanacl.e. 'Earache nirr Toothache, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Bieed- 'iijr ot the linisr, l terinc 1 lenuirrha'e and inllamations nnd U.'eerations peeolirir to females IS ANI-ORI)S II, XT It ACT HY 1TCI1 IIa'FI. sk for it, because it is better, etronoer nnd heapei than anv other, and h warranted bv vVeeks A- Potter, Wholesale Drucist. .o,60 Washington St., Boston. Mas. 4w Thoe wishing Relief and Cnre-for I't'PTrRK dioirld consult Dr. J. A. SHERMAN, 258 llroadway. New Yor!;. ' Semi lUcts. for his new book with Plioto- jrnphic likenesses ol linl cases before nnd ifiercnre. Ikwaieo!" cheats who iiretend lo I'limi-di Dr. Stierm i;:'s .I; j ;itnient. One of these fellows, n eerman clerk, now C.HU112 inmseil Ir. . r. t reniiuen is indu-l. d on complaint ot Dr. S. and awaits trial for forgery i.d cnibezh n. en!. 4W. AGE ITS WANTED!! FOR PARTICULARS, ADDHLSS WILSON SEWING MACHIUE CO. i'2J Broadway, New York Lily ; Chicago, 111 .; .tw Orleans, La.; I'v r San Francisco. Cal. mm HABIT CURED. ainnl Sire Uxi Large Reijuc'ioM in Price. .. tri;i bottle free Mrs. .1. A.DI;or.LIN;KR, rr,P- lntiana; I .x 103-:. (nimnrlv Mr- Dr. S. K Collins.) Pkevareu for Immediate L'se. 207 PEARL ST., ; Frrun tie tli'it'tnt'is of 7rc(or.cajif iur PLI PAKKD PAINTS, e liv,' vh r. hr il ttrst L ompl-iint. I he reasw. a pi .arc it. One ";l7 y iVr ,,l1v!V'r MKr..e "!1 mull Hi MUfe jyinu 111 II 11 1 ,t I ! I i I V jit-r enverin rapacity, heinp ga iter th:!ii ;in otht-r pau.t. prrsi-nts prartn-jil tlem 1 reoiiuviy. Our pain! .-ire yunrnntcril 111 evtry prticnl; r,--tli(. ron-unuT usxummg vn ri?k wjpiuver, as we w ill re-paint any buildinq on hu b our pJiints not prove patififnetory; allowing n choire of Lnpli.-h 13. B. White Lt:ul, or nny other paint iittie. FoiTTale ; (29:3tu) T. F. KLUTTZ Salisbury, C Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and variourt oibtr blanks for sale hre NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN FUMTTUfiE 0 n "Wl Cert El iv t afBi."" , - .,,,