.4, :, - J ?! . " tl i i V ill -.- -i r ". ,.:! -' "t H i 3!- ( - f : .' i ' i $ ' ' ! i 1 ' 3 i -I f 1 .1 r ri 4 I m .1 u 111 I' 1- i I Ml i. :. t r' i ft A 1 I1' ,fr i ! ; ! : s : ! it II 4? Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1877. the times but to the manner and places of holding them, liiclndinsr the method ot making other?, and of conutmg tne votes ltuennesine " CONGRESS, Cn sessional committee is investi- ftisg allegetl discfepencies in the look3 vA accounts of the Treasury Department, Delay is the Republican programme in lTlatunfto the contested se;,ts ip the Sen-r ate. The eontested case ftr a seat in the HoiuaJ from Colorado, will probably be tent back to the people to settle. Congross has waked up to a very sud den and determined intercfet in the forests of the couutrv, Will probably adopt strenuous measures to arrest the wJiolCr side destructron of timber winch has gone on for ycare, ' fetter ate than never. X is a very important matter. It was thoaght the Senate WQuld not agree to the House Dill of appropriations foF the Army, but it is said that body is receding from its opposition to it. The Senate have been considering a bill to enable Indians tobecqine citizens of the United States. Postponed to Decern ber. . House discussiug a bill making appro priation for the Paris exhibition. The President says no drunkard can be admitted to take charge of public inter- est," - - SPECIAL TERM OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. THE edited with-extraordinary ability and in dustry, and 1 am glad to know that its circulation and influence are both largely and steadily incseasing. If its income was only ennal to its influence, and its m- flueuce ro its real wortn, ine wonuiy ioi of its editors would be enviable, indeed! Rut to return to the subject. I he ex isting law f the State: relating to Con gressional elections, is contained in the "Election Law" adopted by the legisla ture at its hi6t session. The following extracts will be-sutticieut to enable us to understand the general scope and mean ing of the law, with special reference to the question betore us : An Act to JierHlate Elections. The General Assembly of North Caroling do enax;t: . S.c 1. On the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, 1880, anl every four vear thereafter, an election ulisll he held in the nevtral election preerpcln in each county for the following oGicer; Firt, (Jovernor; sec satisfactorily alf objectidns which have hitherto been urged to my view of the tliia nniiwptinn. that ! of all the 'different officers. I have no c:iuse of complaint against the! thequalihaitionsof voters giviug diree course which ttie. Observer has seen proper j tions for their proper registration, and to take on this question. It has acted the ! punishes those who shall register or vote part of a fearless public journal. It is illegally, or who shall otter to do so pi- thepart Registrars, and lr taking false oaths, giving bribes, &c. It direct! how all vacanc ies shall bo tilled has a special sub-chapter, relating exclusively to Con gressional elections, Makes radical changes in our former laws. No longer requires the sheriffs to meet at a particular pla in each Congressionl district to compare and count the votes, but directs the re? turns to be sent to the Hoard of State Can vassers at Raleigh, to be counted by them .fixes the time for all general elections j repeals all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with said act, aim expressly m vides that the whole act shall take ettect immediately after its ratification. Vow let ns examine this act careftrtly and see whether any time is specified therein fur holding the next Congression al election. The first section provides, that there shall be an election for Govern or and State officers in November, 1830, niwl pvrrv four vears thereafter, and that ond, Lieut.-Governor ; third, Secretary of State; on the same day in November, 18dU, and visal had been" merely amended in the' manner referred to and not re-enacted as a part-of said act. 1 Now suppose section 2 of ch. 22 of Battle's Revisal had - beep amended as it was and left in its old place could there be any dispute as to whether the laws of the State for holding Congressional -elections in all cases' had been changed from August to November T Most certainly not. Ot course, therefore, the law as amended and brought forward must mean the very same thiugaa if it had been amended and not brought forward. In this connection I will remark, that it is a weR settled rule in the construction of statutes, that when any statute is re vised or one act framed from another, same parts being omitted, the parts omit ted are not to be revived by construction, but arc to be considered as annulled; to hold otherwise would be to impute to the Legislature yross ca relets net or ignorance iphich is altogether inadmistutbk. Sedgwick on stat. and const, laws, p. 429. Ellis v. Paige et al. 1 Pick. 43. So on the same principle, a statute is impliedly repealed by a subsequent one, revising the whole subject matter of the first. (Do. p. I2b Raitlett v. King, 12 It is rumored that we are to have special term of the Superior Court for Rowan County in January for the trial of civil causes only. It is not desirable lis a general thing to burden the county with the expense of such Courts, but in this case) it appears to he necessary in -onsequence of the time of the last court havingbecn occupied almostentirely on the State Docket ) two of the cases requiiiug about five days to try them. Both of these cases were between parties not of this county, the expense of these trial did not tUH on our county, as his Honor very properly ordered the parties who cansed'thc prosecutions to pay the costs. If a special term is ordered we trust Governor Vsi.Mve wil select Jildge Cox to hold It, as ouy people were go delighted ' with this gentleman both on and off the Bench that we want him to hold the Bnccial term And if Governor Vance phiiU in his future appointments so wisely " consult the fitness of 4hivgs, as he did in ftplpi ttni? W. R. Cox as one of the Judges of the Superior Court, then many of the people of the State will "rise up and call him blessed. The Eatttern. irr. Telegrams dated London, Nov. 19, says that 15,000 Rus shins have capt&red -Kars, having carried it by assault, iu which they killed and captured Turks . to the number of J5.000 The guns (300), ammunition, provisions nml r.ther stoics, a lai iro amount includ- jng money, fell into the hands of the Rus sinnj. It. is a heavv loss to the Turks and may prove irreparable. The Russians lost alwut 5,000 men in the assault, killed and wounded. fourth, Auditor : fifth, "Treasurer ; sixth, Supt of Public In.xtrttciioii; seventh, Attorney gen eral. And on said Tuesday, next after the first Monday in. November aforesaid, and every two vears thereafter, a.n election shall be held for Member of Congress in the several districts j Members of the General Asscmhly; a Register of Deeds, Oounly Surveyor, Coroner, and Sheriff, and in such counties as Uave one, Ji ronnty treasurer. S$X. 5. The li.ardi)f Justices of the Peace of the several counties shall select, on or before The-lst Monday of the month preceding eaeh election, one or more persons as regis trars. Anl i.o person who is a candidate tdiall be a regis, tr ir, or a jndjre or inspector of an election. Sec. 6 Registrars xhall be furnished whh a re:i.stration book. i iut the Board of Justices of the Peace may . , direct, that there shall be amentireJy new reg istration of voters before apy election. Sec. 10. Tbe following classes of persona shall not be allowed to register or vote in this State, to wit: Seo. 17. Immediately after anv el?ction, the iudges-of election shall deposit the registration liooks with the roister ot deeds. Sec. 18. The State ofncersj viz: Governor, shall he voted fur on one bafht. The Mtmbin of Connreti fur their respective ..... ! li 1 11.. HM.- districts snail oe voteu lor on one uauui. ie niembersof theGeneral Assembly shall be voted for on one ballot. The coiinty ofEcers, shall be voted for on one ballot. sec. 23. The Hoard of countv canvassers shall meet on the second day next after every election. at the Court House of the countv. Sec. 26. The abstracr of the votes for each of the following classes-tiliall le nrade on a differ ent sheet 1st Governor and all State officers ; 2d. Reoresenratives in Congress, dd, senate and Repraentaii ve in the General Assembly 4th, Justices of tlie bupremeLourt. olh County officers, - bec. 41. The Secretary of State shall, at leaf-t, sixty days before each election, furnish, the County Corirmissioners of each county with a sufficient number of copies of this chapter. Sec, 44. It shall hot be lawful to di ect anv muster on election davs at anv place ""appointed bv law to hoi" releclions for Electors, Governor, Members 1 Congres, or members of the General Assembly MARK THESE FACTS! Tni; TESTIMONY of the WHOLE W0ELD, HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. tT" Let tae suffering uart diseased read the fol lowing. . Let all who have been given up by Doctors, and spoken or as Incurable, read the following. t-er Let all who can believe facts, and can Uave faith In evidence, read Uie following. Kii&u all men bu tU't prettent, Tliat,on this, tne TwentletU day of June in Ue year of Our lord, Oue Thnnwimi Khrhr. Hundred and Sixtr-Flx. personally came Joseph liaydock, to me known, as such, and heirisr dulv swoin denosed as follows: "That he Is tUe sole general aent for the L'uited States and dependencies thereof for preparations of medicine i-nf.wn as ur. lioiiowav 8 riuj auu uimmcjiu o.uu that the following certlfl?ates are verbatUa copies. to the best of hw knowledge ano; oeuer, JAMES SMEITUE, l. 8.) Notary Public, 14 WaU Street New ork. June 1st, is6a. ra rtnT iwAT? T tnke my Den to write you of my jrreat relief and U at the awful pain la mY side, has left me at last thanks to your Mils, oh, Doctor, how thankful I am thai I can get some sleep. I can never write it enough. I thank you ajfain and again, and am sure that you are really the friend ot all suf ferers. 1 could not help writing to you, and hope you will not take it amiss, JAMES MYERS, 1 16 Avenue D. A NewJDouble-Seated SPRING WAGON every two veiirs thereafter, an election shall le held for nu tiihers of Congress, members of the General Assembly, a reg ister of deeds, cWmty surveyor, coroner, sheriff, and couritv treasurer, It will be noticed, that none of the first class of officers will require to be elected until the year 1880; and as to the second class, the election tor all tne officers thus classified, will not fall to gether until the year 1880; the General Assembly having otherwise provided in the same act, that some of these officers should be elected iu August, and that an other description of the same class (i. e. Jepresentatives m Congress) siiouhl be leld in November, 111 the year lbS, (see's. 49, 77). The Legislature must be nresumed to have known that a constitu tional law of Congress, the supreme law of the land because constitutional, had in the most mandatory terms appointed the Tuesday next alter the hist Monday in November, A. D. 188, as the day tor holding that election. (Feb. 2, 1672 U. S. Kev. Stat,, sec. 25). Section 1, there- THE OXLY AXTIDOTE FOR Ujg PROFITS! Our representatives, Davis and Steele, have made speeches on the Resumption of Specie payments. Mr. Davis, without any iittcnipt at rhetorical display, certain ly made one of the best speeches of the day on this subject. Mr. Steele hadJbttt a short time to talk, but what he said was well said, . - The Frenoh Cabinet has resigned, nml MacMahon has accepted the resign.it ion. Othcers will hold until their successors are appointed. - Hon. James G. Blaine is said to be in a very critical condition at his home in Maine. " The yellow fever has cleared otlt from Florida. THE CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION, IN THE YKAll 1878. .i . i a... ii... : ore. moves naming m regit ru tome nine of holding the Congressional election in the vear 1878. It certainly caunot be con strued to forbid the holding ol a Con gressional election before the year 1880, the latter part .ot the section wnicn aione nis any bearing upon ttie question we ate discussing contains what the logicians call a particular affirmative proposition. trom which no negative nor uimeisai conclusion can follow u because no con sequence is valid from the particular to the universal ' and therefore it cannot be logically, nor reasonably concluded that because said section prescribes the time for holding some elections for mem bers of Congress, it therefore torbids any other Congressional election to be held before that time. Tarn now to the 49th section, and read No Conflict exists bktw'eex tie Laws op the State and those of the Uni ted States in ukgakd tiieueto, Messrs- Editors : The Raleigh Observer, in a series of editorial articles, deliberate ly arrives at the Conclusion, that there exists a very gray conflict between the laws of North Carolina and. those of the -United States, in regard to the-time of "holding the- Congressional election in this State in the year 1878,' It says i That no provision is made in tie "Election law" of March 12, 1877, for holding such an flctiup, and that the statutes of-the Satate now in force ppneerning the matter in (uiestion. ab- Bolutdy require the election to be held an the first Thjt'gfflif in Augntl, in the year 1878 (Eat. 'Rev. ch. 22, 2 L L. 1873-74, cliap. 132, Sec. 45. If aiiy person shall, at any time before or after any election w " give any money , every persou so otlending shall forfeit. v oec. 40. If any person shall treat on any day of election - he shall forfeit Congressional Elections. (For Senators and their mode of elec tiou, see act ot Congress, 2oth of July lSGti, 14th Stat, at large, 243.) Sec. 48. lor the purpose of selecting repre sentatives in the Congress of the United Slates, the State of North Garonna shall be divided into eight districts, as follows': Sfc. 4U. 1 he election -shall be held at 'he same time atid places as are pi escribed for hol ding elections for members of the (ieneral As sembly, on the Tuetthty next after the Jirxt Mon day in November, immediately preceding the termination of each ( on;rt-ss, and shall be con ducted by the sheriffs, or other persons appoint ed thetefor, in like 'mail iter as elections iter members of the (ieneral A assembly. Sec, 50. If, at any time after the expiration of any jjongrcsf, and before nnnlht r election ; or if at any tim& after any election, there shall be a vacancy in the representation in Congress, the Governor shall issue a writ of election, and by proclamation shall reqire the voters to meet in the different townships of their respective counties at such time as may be appointed therein, and at the places established by law, tlien and there to vote for a Representative iu Congress to fill the vacancy fj and the election shall be conducted as regular elections. Board of State Canvassers. Seo. 5.j. The Governor, Secretary of State. Attorney General," and two members of the State Senate shall constitute the Itinn! rf Sifnfo P-inpnccopd . l. v. vi Linn ' tn 1 . t . o v . Sec. 55. The board 01" state canvassers'ehall open the abstacts transmitted to the Secretary of State on the Thursday following the third Monday after the day ol election, and examine he returns. Sec. 5G. Thev shall make, an abstract, stat in!' the iiumber-of ballots cast -for each candi date, the names of all the perons voted for, for what othce theyrespeclivi;ly received the votes, and the number of votes each received. Sec. 60. Representatives in Congretd shall be commissioned by the Governor. Miscellaneous. .c 1. But the election cannot be held on the day filled by the law of the State because an act of Congrcse of Feb. ?, 1372 (U. S. Rev. Stat, pec. 25)refti ires the election to be held on the l uemay next after tfye fitut Monday m November, of the same y.ear. Of course, say the Observer, the Federal law mut fcootrul in' fixing the day of election, but it has uo operation iirprescrib ling the necessary machinery for holdng that "election, and there is no provision elsewhere " made for carrying f.Jie Federal law into execu tion. Jf this view of the matter le correct and tin Observer caunot see it in any oth light unless there halj be some State legislation. iu the. meautitne, it thinks that "Uie whole of the .representation, iu the 4ttlr Congress, from this State, will be se riously imperilled." And the Observer sees 110 escape from the dilemma, "except through an extra session of the General As sembly to be called by the Governor .?' I have heretofore joined issue with the Obserrer 011 this question but as yet no one ha taken the trouble to answer the Observer arguments. It is my purpose in this connection tq give a full statement of what the law of North Carolina is upon Mie whole subject, aa it is written it the iUittde boolx. ith such eoinnleuta a niay -em 'appropriate and necessary a right understanding of the law citing what .federal statute 'law has any bearing ou fhe question, and endeavoring to answer Sec. C6. All qualified electors, who shall have resided lor (J0 days, immediately preceding an election, within the limits of any ward of a city or town, and not otherwise, shall havethe right to vote in such ward for Mayor aud other city or town officers. - Rleciors of President and Vice-Prejftdent sec. C7, General Election. ' Sec. 77. The next eenerrl election for mem bers of the General Assemblv, for Justices of the Supreme Court, Superior Court Judges and solicitors, and for suryevor, coroner, sheriff, lerk of the superior court for the several conn ties, and in such counties as have one, a treas- urer, shall be held on thp st Thursday in Au gust, in the years of our Lord ope "thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, but thereaf ter, until otherwise provided, all general elec tions shall be held on the 1 nesday next after the 1st Monday in November of the year in which an election shall be held, tc, toEC. y. All uwet and elan of lams in con' jlict with this act are hereby rejieaUd. oec. ou. 1 his act shall be in Jorpe from and after its ratification. - Ratified the 12th dav of March, A, D. 1877. (L U 1870-77, ch. 275, p. 516 et eq.) A mere cursory perusal of this statute will convince the most skeptical, that the Jislature in enacting it intended it to le a revisal, compilation, and consolida tion of all the statute laws of the State upon the subjects therein treated. The title of the act shows, that the law was intended to apply to all elections, tchich should be held after its passage. 1 lie stat ute provides for the holding of all sorts of electionsfor Electors, State officers, for judges, Solictors, all county officers, members of the General Assembly, 06 Congress, and of town and city pincers. It is a general law upon the whole subject of electjqns, having reference not only t-9 it with care, and the language and mean ing are both perfectly plain. A particu lar time is therein appointed for holding all Congressional elections the year, month, aud day are all expressly men tioned aud the time iixed is not for a certain period, nor until a certain day, nor until after a future time but it is "for all time to come," after the passage of the act and the day so fixed is "the Tncsdag next after the firt Monday in Nov ember, immediately preceding the termina tion of each Cotwirwi," from the adoption of the law, being also the same day estab lished by the Act of Congress, the State laws thus exactly conforming to that of the United States. The plain, literal, grammatical, meaning of this section, tlii'i-er'ore. reouues the Conaressional elec tion in the year, 1S7S, to be held iu No vember, on the day appointed by t-O'.i-gress. This section does not conflict with the first section, it is only more general in its scope; the hist section is affirmative, but particular in its character. The 49th section is a universal affirmation proposi tion, but not at all repugnant to the for mer! The one says an election for mem bers of Congress shall be held in Novem ber 1S60 and every two years thereafter, the other, that all elections for members of Congress, which shall be held after the 12th day of March, lrv7, shall be held on . " t a 1 . a; . ...... !.... the same tlav nameu 111 me nisi se-i-uou 1 immediately preceding the termination of each Congress. The context i. e. the passages hi im mediate eonnectiou proves this inter pretation if what is so plan can be called an interpretation to be the only true one and absolutely correct. Section ou pro vides for tilling vacancies, which shall happen at any time after the expiration of any Congress, or at any time after any Con gressional election. See. 51 requires every representative in Congress, duly elected, to procure a commission from the Gov ernor, &c, The parenthesis ( ) before- sec. re fers to the 14th statutes (U. b.) at iarge, to show how U. S. Senators shall be elect ed- and adopts the rules prescribed by Congress. Sec. 48 divides the State into eight V. on- gressional districts. The whole sub-chapter under the heading of Congressional Elections., inclu ding see's. 43, 4lJ, 50, 51 and 52 is a re vision and re-enactment of chapter 22 of Rattle's lie visal, entitled "Congress." The changes made by this revision are as" follows : The introductory parenthesis is left un touched sec. 1 is literally re-enacted as Mess. K. r37), Sec. 2, ch. 22, of Uattle's I'evisal. is also virtually repealed by sec. 1, chapter 237, Laws of J874-'75, and also by sec. 1, ch. b'fcl, Laws of 187;J-'74 as amended by sec. 4, ch. 237, Laws of 1874-75. Hut if this is not enough, sectiou 77 of said Act is perfectly clear. It i there provided that the next general election for certain officers, shall be held on the 1st Thursday in August, 1878, viz: Mem lers of the General Assembly, Justices of the Supreme Court, Superior Court Judges and Solicitors! Surveyor, Coroner, Sheriff, Clerk of the Superior Court, aud county Treasurer-wind then this clause is added ''but thereafter until otherwise provided all general elections shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November of the year 111 which an elec tion shall be held.11 The word 'thereafter'' refers to"-the lirst Thursday of August, 1878. No one will pretend to deny this. All general elections, therefore, which shall be held in this State after said 1st Thursday of August, 1878, must, take place on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November of the year in which the election takes place. 1 hav.e shown that the State laws commands the elec tion to be held 011 the same day prescrib ed by Congress in November, 1878. (Sec. 49 and comments thereon.) Hut conced ing that I have not proved that, what statute of North Carolina commands the -election to be held in August, 1878 ? Is it ch. 22. sec. 2 of Uattle's Re visal ? 1 have shown that that section and the chapter of which it is a part, has been virtually repealed and annulled by the sub-division cntitled"Congressional Elec tions'" in the acts we are considering and impliedly by other acts also. And cer tainly the whole of said chapter in Uat tle's Revisal is in contlict with said "sub dtvison," and is therefore positively re pealed by see. 79 of the act of March 12, 1877. Uattle's Uevisal went into opera tion on the first day of February, 1874. Hut nearly two years before that, to-wit, on the 2nd dav of Feb. 1872. an Act of Congress had been passed "for the ap pointment of Representatives to Congress among the several States according to the ninth census" sec. 3 of which is as follows : That the Tiiesdav n xt after the fust Mon day in November, in the vmr 187b, i-1 hereby fixed and established as the dav in each of the Statea and Territories of the United Suites, for the election of representatives and delegates to the 4oth Conere.-s: and the Itiexdav next a!!cr the first Monday in Novem' er, in every second year -thereafter, is hereby fixed and est -iMished as the day for the election, in each of said Slates and Territories, of Representatives and delejratis to the Congress, commencing on the 4th of March next, th- reader, t U. S. Rev. This is to certify that I was discharg from the armv with Chronic Diarrhoea, and have been cured by l3r. llolloways Pills, WILSON HARVEY, New York, April 7, IS66. 81 Fitt Street. The following Is an interesting case of a man etn nlnvfil in n Iron Foundry, who. In oourins melted iron into a flask ihat was damp and wet, caused an explosion. The incited Iron was thrown around and on him in a perfect shower, and he was burned dreadfully. Tne following certificate was ptven to me, by him, about eight weeks after the accident : New York, Jan. It, ISfifi. My name Is Jacob Hardy ; I am an Iron Founder. I was badlv burnt by hot Iron in November last: my hums healed, but I had a runnln,' sore on my leg that would not heaL I tried Hollo vays Ointment and it cured me in a few weeks. This is all true and anybody can see meat Jackson's Iron Works, 2d A VM1116 J. HARDY, 119 Goerch Street. Extracts from Various Letters. "I had no appetite; Holloway's Pills gave me a hearty one." "Your Pills are marvellous." "I send for another box, and keep them In the house." ..... "Dr. Hoiioway has cured my neaaacne wuicu was chronic." . , , 'I g-ave one of rour Pills to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day." 'My nausea of a morning Is now cured." "Your box of Hotloway's Ointment cured me of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your Ointment behind the cars, and the noise has left." "Send me two boxes, I want one for a poor family. "I enclose a dollar, your price is 25 cents, but the medicine to me Is worth a dollar." "Send me live boxes ot your Pills." "Let me have three boxes of your Pills by return mall, for Chills aud Fevers." I HAVE OVEK 200 SCCU TESTIMONIALS AS THESE, but want of space compels me to conclude. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS, And all eruptions of the skin, this Olntment-ls most im.-ni!iihit it. iiix4 nnt. heal externally a lone, but wholeJ penetrates" with the most searching effects to the very root 01 me evu. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS Invariably cures the following diseases: Disorders of the Kidneys. In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they sec rem too much or too little water: or w hether they be aftlieU'd with stone or gravel, or with aches and i) litis settled in the loins over the regions of the kid nevs, these Pills should be takea according to the nriamd directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed Into the small of the back at bed time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when another means have lanea. For Stomachs out of Order. No medicine will so effectually Improve the tone of the stomach as these nills; they remove all acidi ty occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce It to a heal thy action, they are wonderfully eilicacious iu cases oi spasm In tact they never iail in curing all dlsor tiers ol uic liver ana stomach. Uullotcay's lll are the bet remedy knmrn in the world for the fuliotrtng ai'a.se. Will e sold at public auction at the Court House door in Salisbury, at 12 o'clock M., SaU r.iuv tU 10th d.ivf November. the property of -Levi NibhicK-sold to satisfy, claim due ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. GREAT 'BARGAINS F O II CASH. ' The Store of A. J.. Mock & Co.t Salisbury, hitherto closed under proceedings in bank- rnntcv. will be open on Saturday, October 2Cth, ai.d every article of that splendid stock of Goods-will be sold as rapidly as possible AT COST ! The stock comprises a general assortment, so that the public can find there almost anything desired. The attention of ladies is especially called to the fancy and staple articles in the lire department of the stock, well known to be superb. They, together with everything else, will be sold at cost or less. Call and see. ft IVrsnii indebted to the Firm of A. J. Mock & Co., either bv note or account, must ruiv on or before the 1st of Dec. 18T7. Any fiiilintr Uxdo o will be proceeded against ac- co: din" to law. DAVID L. BRINOLE, Assignee Salisbury, X. (.'., Oct. 10, 187. l:4w. -o- A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS! COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! I have opened at ihe old stand, recently cupittd by R. Frank Graham & (Jo., with a ect block of STAPTui: & FANCY GOODS YVith PROVISIONS X GROCERIES Added: BRY GOODS Sohl CHEAFFJi than cau be bought any where iu Salisbury. 0 " fj-CORN, WHEAT, OATS. EFT r?o , Eggs taken as Cash."&a Mv business will be conducted on ricu BASIS, thereby giving me many advir.t..1 oyer those who do a credit business. Thanking my friends for past favnr .j hoping to merit a continuation of th ' r am most respectfully, &c. ' B. FRANK GRAHAH. Rowan Couiily IN THE SUl'EUIOn COCKT David M. Cooper, Adra'r of Widiam Cooper, Against j errand afson and wife, bpecial pro- Nancy C Watson, J D. ceeuing to make Hitchev Hiid wite. Amelia (j. real estate a Iitchev. James Cooper, sets. George A. Cooper, Mary K Cooper. in this case it appearing to the Court that Mary E. Cooper, one of the defendants, is a non-resident of this State, it is ordered, Jthat oublication be made for six successive weeks in the Caroina Watchman, a newspaper pub lished in the town of Salisbury, notitying the said Mary E. Cooper to-appear at the Superior f'onri t'h.rlfV office of Kowan Lountv. on me 23th dav o fNovember, 1877. then and there to answer or demur to tne petition 01 uie iiam- tih" . . J. M. II0BA1I, Clerk. Oct. 13th, 1877. 6t. at la Feb 1 . . 1 lii, en. Stat., sec. -o. St.d XI. sec. 3, p. 23.) This Act of Congress was p'nssed in pursuance of an express provision id' the Constitution if the--United States. (Art. I, sec. 4, I 1,) to-wit : The limes, places, and manner of holding elections for Senntor and Represents! i ves shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress of the United Stales may, at any time, make or aher sm h regula tions, except as to the place of choosing Sen ators.'' It is unnecessary to add, that an Act of Congress, passed in pursuance of (lie Con stitution is the supreme law ot the land, ami must be exclusively obeyed. Every State law coming- in contlict with it must give way to, and be controlled by it, if such State law was passed before the Federal statute, but if passed subsequent ly thereto, such State law is ultra vires, unconstitutional, null and void, so far as any portion of its coming" in contlict with such a constitutional act of Congress is concerned. Such an apparent "State law needs no repeal it is a dead letter upon the statute book it has never had any vitality, foice or authority. Such a pre tended law has not as much authority as a resolution of a political convention. It is no more entitled to be called a 4,-btw,y than an imitation of the human torm made out of elav is entitled to be called a "maif with a living sou1,, It is clear, therefore, that sec. 2, ch. '22, of Hut. Rev., does not, nay, cannot re quire the next Congressional election 1 he held 111 August, Jr1?; and it saul sec tion lias not bee 11 repealed, and it could really be construed to so command in words, it is without any force or validity whatever as law, being in direct contlict with a constitutional act of Congress. JOHN S. HENDERSON. fcOXCLl DKI NEXT WEEK. Asthma, Uilllou. Coin. plaints. Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Com plaint. Colics. Constipation of .Jaim.li'-e. the Bowels, Liver Com C':isniutitloii, plaint. Uebility; Lumbago, lip.ipsv, Piles, iivseniery, Kheumatlsm. Erysipelas, Retention ot Female Irregu larities, Fevers of all Unds, Fits, (iout. Headache, Indigestion, lull una tiou. I Urine, Scrofula, or ! Klni s Evil Sore 'I'hroats, stone & Gravel, ; Secondary i Symptoms, Tle-I)oulereux. Tumors, 'Ulcers, Yeneral Affec tions, , Worms of all kinds. Weakness from J any cause, tc. 47:tf. FOTJTZ's HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, pi! 1 31 1'OHTA j T C A U TIOA . None arc sronuine unless the slgn.Uure-ef J. Hay dock, as agent tor the L ntted states, surrounds each uox of rills and ointment. A handsome reward will he given to any one rendering such Information as mav lead to ttie detection of any parly or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing tliem to be spurious. ,sold at tne Maiiuiaeiory or Professor Holloway CO., New York, and by all rc-pectable lmiggi.-its and Dealers In .Medicine throughout the eivili.ed world, In boxes at '-'" cents, r cents, and Si each. There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. .V B. Directions for the guidance of patients la every disorder arc aliixt-d to each box. 3:iy. Davidson Comity IN THE Sl l'KKIOli COI KT Nancy Thompson, Allafair Thompson, Susannah Seabolt, Jane Thompson, Minnie Kinney and James Kinney, minors by their regular Guardian, YV. P. Kinney, Plaintiffs. Against Nathan Thompson, Nancy Y. Thompson and others, l)tfe;iJunts. Summons. EUGENE L. HARRIS, rlrlist in Crayon, Sassafras Fork, N. PORTRAITS OLIRfiED in the most finished style of crayon drawing from PHOTOGRAPHS, FEllEOTYPES, D AG U E 1 1 R EOT Y P ES, MINIATURES, ETC. 14xl7$l0.O0. Framed Si 3.C0. Ibx22$!o.00. Framedx$20.U0. Seud lor circular. 51: THE GREAT CAUSE Jut Published, iu a sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A I.ECTCKE ON TDK X aTI'HK, TkEATMINT, A VP Kauicai. cure of Seminal W'eakiitss, or .perinat.or rlia;a. induced by Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emis sions. 1 in;):)tenc v, .Nervous imiy.yay. aim imijeui- nients to inirriage generally; (.'Driuiuptioii. Kpilip- sev. and t its: .Ur-ntat and I'nvsicni incaiiaciu,xiM By !i Hi-:iiT.I. Ctn.VKli'WKLL, M. !., autho:- of the Ureen Book, Ac. The world-renowned author, in tliis admirable Lecture, e.learlv proves from his own experience thattho -ivful coa-i-i-infi'-es of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical ';ritioiis. bougies, instru ments. ring, or cor. l a N: pomtinL' out a mode ol ure at once rertain and e1"-et u a I . by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition n ay be, may cure himself cherrplv. privately and radically. tSfl?Thi$ Lecture vill prove a boon to thousands and thousand. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope to any nd dress. 011 receipt lix cents, or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO , 41 Ann St, New York; Post Office box, 458G. (20: ly.) ' ORABPTeN'8 IMPERIAL SOAP IS THE BEST. Aro an eqnjiled for tbe cere and prevention of Aib&upin m Jloraes, Cattle, Kops,tbeep.and Fowk. 3 AVID H. fOUTkLPrOnLEaitirnrii-o HTH Cotton Press Buildiiiir, The undersigned offers his services to the public for Cotton Press Building and Repair-ing-and will do this work cheaper than ever before done in this country. Add row, H. V. OYEHCASII, Enochvillle, Rowan Countv, N. C. 30.5m: - Attention FARMERS.- GRASS SEED. Just received a fresh supply of Clover Seed, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass. Red Top andrimotliy, which-ill sell cheap. At July 5:5ms. - EXNISS 1823 SEND FOR 1878. TUE NEW Y0BK OBSEPtVEE. Tht Best Religious and Secular Family News paper. $3 15 a Year, postpaid. f Establhed 1823. S"37 PARK ROT, NEW YORK. SAIVIPIiE COPIES FREE. 49:5l- ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. All persons indebted to the firm of McCuH-. bins, Beall & l)ean, are hereby notified to call and settle with the undersigned assignees in Bankruptcy, as longer delay- cannot lie-given. I). A. DAVIS, A "knees m J.S. MeCUBBINS. J Banknote?. Sept. 10, 1S77. (47:4t.) " gee, 48, Sec. 2 is almost literally re-en acted as sec. 4:, the exception being, that the time for holding Coii'm'ssioiiul elec tions has been deliberately changed from the tirst Thursday in Aujnist to the lues day next after the first Monday in November, immediately preceding tho termination of each Congress and for the express pur- nosevof making the laws of the State ex actrV conform to that of the United States, as 1 am uistiv warrantee! in conciuuiug, not only from qhis circumstance but from others. Sec. 3 is literally re-enacted as sec. 51. Sec. 4 is purposely omitted, and not re-enacted for the reason that the Sheriffs no longer meet at certain places in the several Congressional Districts for the purpose of comparing and counting the votes returns being required by the express terms of the statutes we are con- sideling to be sent direct to tne 5eeretary of State at Raleigh, to be counted by the State Roard ot Canvassers, (bees. Jib, 27, 51) and 00 see also sec. 3, ch. 199, p. 393 L. L. Ie7(i-'77). Sec. 5 is liter ally re-enacted as sec. 51. And sec. 6 is amended and modified to agree with the change wade in the laws, and is brought forward as sec. 52. I call attention to the fact that the sub division of this chapter entitled Con- cressional Elections," is simply ch. 22 of Battle's Revisal, amended in certain par ticnlars, and as thus ajneuded, brought forward and inserted as an independent part of the act under consideration, and that the sections as thus brought forward have precisely the same meaniDg they would have, if chapter 22 of Battle's Re- coAsujirno cured. An old physician retired from active practice,, hav ing liad placed lu his hands by an Kast Indian mis sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption, Ilronchltls, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and iMug affections, also a positive and nuiicul cure for tiencral Uebilitv and all nervous complaints, after havimr thoroughly tested Its wonderful curative powers In thousands ot cases, fetls It his duty to make It known to his suffering fellows. The recipe will be sent free of charge, to all who desire it, with full directions for preparing and successfully using. Address with stamp naming this paper, Dr. J. C. Stone, 44 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. (3:6mos.) 6Tm of NOTICE. Books to receive subscriptions to the capital stock iu "Mihtm f'iliUl.lNA AND VIKGIMA K. KOA1) COMPANY," will be opened under the direc tion of tho following commissioners, at the follow ing places and times : IN DAVIE COUNTY : At MocksvUle, Saturday, November 17th, 1877. At Jerusalem, Tuesday, Nov. wan, J " At J. K. WUlJam's, Thursday, Nov. 22d, At A. A. Spring's, Saturday, Nov. 24th, " Smith Grove, 'inieaday, Nov. 27th, ' Farmington, Thursday, Nov. 29th, At CTarkesville, Saturday, Dec. 1st, At Cakhon Tiisrt:lV. Dec. 4th. and remain open at itoeksviUe until 12th Dec, under Commissioners. Aiarcn. taaer, auu wc. IN ROWAN COUNTY : - At Salisbury, Saturday, Nov. 17th, 1S77, At Franklin, Monday, Nov. I9tn, a t. FonrfTR Mills. Tuesday. Nov. 20th, " acd" will remain open at Salisbury until lath Dec., unucr wommiaiaoner jaiuca c. i JAS. K. KEKR, W. B. MATtCH, A. G. CAKTKK, A. M. IJUOJi, CoinhiixiiQners. Salisbury, Nov. 7th, 4877, 3:6t STATE OK XOltTII CAROLINA. To the Sheriff of Davidson County-Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon Nathan Thompson", Nancy F. Thompson, Ad eline 1J. Thompson, David W. Thompson, Milus C Thompson, Cyrus Ii. Thompson, Thompson, only heir of Jacol 'Tliompson, Martha Thompson, II. C. Thompson, V. K. Thompson, James K. Clarke and wife Eliza beth, J. Q. Thompson, Jesse Uarnall and wile Susannah,. J. W.Thompson, Martha E.Thomp son, Jane F. Thompson, Poloma Thompson, Lucretia Thompson, David F. Thompson, James Thompson, James F. Thompson, Bur well II. Thompson, Christina L. Thompson, Jno. liurkhert, Ally N. Thompson, Thos. J. Thompson. Nancy C. Thompson, Daniel C Thompson, Rachel Carroll, and Benjamin Car roll, her husband, the defendants above named if to be found within your county, to be and appear before the Clerk of our Superior Court, for Davidson County, at the Court-IIonse in Txioffton. within twenty day from tWe ser- vice oi me oumiuuiw, citiusiic . service, and answer tlie complaint which will be denosited in the otiice ot the Clerk ot tne Superior Court of said County, within ten days trom the date ot this Mimmona ana lei me said Defendants take noii-- that if they fail to aiuwer the said conirlaiut within the titne prescribed by law, the 1'lainlirls will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Hereof tail not anu oi mis ."Miraraofls maite due return. Given under my hand and seal this 2jth day of August, 1877. - U. t. LUW1S, Olerk of the Superior Court of Davidson County and Judge of Propate. BROWN & VERBLE'S Livery & Sale Stables, SALISBURY, X. C., 1 Will convey passenger to a from any point i with tire bent uock and viliieltft. - t. TEE TRAVELING PUBLIC , will n"ixlit to their interest to rall upon tliem ; bemre niakm arrangements clscwncie. Drovers and Traders will find at this establishment pood lots and j ?table, and plenty of good hay, fodder,; oU and corn. - PLEASURE DRIVES. Those wishing turnouts for pleasure driving will find the best accommodations at lhe Stables. , : " Mr- J. F. Webb will always be found at the cjoi.i ..rl iimiiiin entire satisfaction to all ...... i custoHerH. 42:tf. Crampton's Imperial Soap is the Best. Crainpton's Imperial Soap is the Best. Crampton's Imperial Soap in the Best. Crampton's Imperial Soap i the Best. Cranipton's Imperial Soap is the Bi?t. Crampton's Imp- rial Soap is the Best. Crampton's Imperial Soap is the Best. Crampton's Imperial Soap is the Best, t'rampton's Imperial Soap is the Best. Crampton's Imperial Soap is the Best. This Soap is manufactured from pure material; and as it contains a large per centage of Vegetable Oil, is warranted fully equal to the best imported Castile Soap, and at the sarae time con tains all the cleansing properties of the cele brated German and French Laundry Soaps. It is therefore re commended for the use in the Latwulry, Kitchen and Bath Room, and for general household purposes; also for Printers, Painters, Engineers and Machinist, it will remove spots of Ink, Tar, Grease. Oil, Paint, etc., from the hands. Iff prices r : GREAT REDUCTION IX We are the first to offer It appearing by affidavit and the return of the Sheriff, to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants above named are n on resi dents of this State. It is therefore ordered that publication of the summons in this case be made once a week for six successive weeks In the Carolina Watchman, a newspaper pub lished in the lown ot Salisbury, notiiyine said defendants to appear and answer according to the tenor of said summons. C. F. LOWE, CSC Lexington, Oct. 29th, 1877. 2:Cir. nr.'fee $15 First-Class Sewinr Machine - uMT Ii The Huntington, Pa., Monitor of April 5th, a nrices within the rjacli ot all. 5'icwiNtl t OTT . .1- .1 t . I I . 4 w .... ..... .-n r I ) Bl " " T ia, pronounces uiis poap me oesi in tneMIX lllfc. Uti r'- market, as lollows : - rllALlUNE Reader, we don't want vou to suppose that this is an advertisement, and passu over un heeded. Read it. We want to direct vour at " id tention to the advertisement of "Crampton's on an ornamented Iron Stand and ire For Twenty-Five Dollars Imperial Soap." Having used it in our office for the last year, we can recommend it as the best quality of soap in use. It is a rare thing to get a soap that will thoroughly cleanse print ing ink from the hands, as also from linen: but Crampton's laundry Roap will do it, and we know whereof we speak. It is especially adapt orl for nri nf'ora nainlam Ar.n!nnna -.1 .... r w- '"iincm, cutiuccio anu tuft r- . n,. ... ,n nee. 1 J .nl chinist. and it will remove greaae of all de- "JK scription from the hands as well as clothes, Viof wiuding JjS with little labor. For general household Dur- uL asd will sew from the finest came lit I v--. wiinui i4p anu inivr, . . lieLOti" ments. and deliver it at any United States, FREE OF CHARGE, - n,M.B.iBi are warranted to co. line of Family Mewins with ore rap - , ease of management, and less fat.gue to . .. v. ...o.i.;n now in use. ,u poses it cannot be excelled. ;avit overcoat cloth. Send for. "ntj laiuple of sewing. Kvery mac nine j hree years. vxvuKB&. I AGEXTSwANTKI' K r.K i - f annfupl nrail nn1r P..Jnl- T i 1. - n vr..v uj viauinun ijioinerw, i, A(iEXTS-W-A 1 rl n r. i i Jefferson St.. New York, ' ' CES IXVIUL -uach Z.uaM 4G For sale by SALISBURY, N. C. 47: ly. 729 Filbert St., Pui!adelv!j herj Mortgage Deeds for sale

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