it ' SALISBURY, If. C, DECEMBER, 6, 1877. NO 7 VOL. IX, THIRD SERIES .. i ' '" " ' i i i . i ' I ... 1 i i . I. i H , in imm I ' 111 " ' i- .v..:m rtk:V;n ilvnntpl From me as"v,'ic v LETT Ell FKOM IHSHOP MARVIN. THE SKA. OF GALILKE. What a contrast with the time when Tiberias was a flourishing city, and Ca pernaum almost rivaled it; when Chora L Whsaida, and Magdala, were bust- ling towns; when there were at least two Roman garrisons, one-at Tilerias and one at Capernaum f and when hundreds of boats dotted the sea with their white sails. Tilth, death," death! 'Woe unto thee, rhortziu! Woe unto thee, llethsaida!' You have rejected Hinu and his mighty works. The bolt that is to smite you is already forged, 'And thou Capernaum exalted, to' heaven shall be east down to )ie)V This is one instance, at least, in which prophecy has taken effectrnot only n persons, but on stones. u u Wt. nriniT another. All these silent tn.-i v "i Mini desolate shores are under the rejectee Messiah." The most fearful -thing, in -the imi verse of being is love when it flames into jealousy. The wrath which is the most consuming is the wrath of the Lamb. 'Let it alone this year' it is the voice of Incarnate Love of the Intersessor. '1 will dig about it and thing it' I will ex haust all the resources of cultivation upon it it is the labor of Incarnate Love. 'Tticii after that,' if it remain unfruitful, 'thou shall cut it down.' Works that would have brought Tyre and Sidon to w..,f.iitniu ' were done here to no avail i " ...- and then came the ax, which was already lying whetted, at the root of the tree, i(t,t if. down ' Ah ! it has been iLur up hv the roots. Death, death, death ! Yds, the doom 1ms fallen, and Death reigns over the sea and its. shores where the Lord of life came,and ottered himself to man, and was despisejd and rejected. Thistles six feet high, and as-thick as bailey in the field, cover and hide the ruins of Ca pernaum; and as for llethsaida, there is no trace even of any ruin. Indeed, the same is true of Capernaum if Kahn Min- veh be the true site. Poor patches of wheat dot the slopes which once wared with a universal bar ve:St and even Gennesaret, that fed its thousands, is little more than a mass of Yet so it was. There are two places, one on the lake Tiberias and one perched high upon the mountains above it to the northwest, and overlooking it Safed which are held by many Jews now, and havebecn for many ages past, in as high regard, or nearly so, as Jerusalem itself. How it came about that the Slabbing connected the Sea of Galilee with the coming of Messiah,.! know not, but the fact is- cer tain. Whether this belief led to the es tablishment of the great universityzof hat people in Tibsrias in the early p art of the Christian era, or whether its loca tion here rose out of that fact, I knew not; but for three centuries that university was the great center of interest and sacred learning among the Jews scattered over the whole earth. , Here the great Maiirtoo- ides was buried. Here the most'di'sUn guished Rabbians were trained, and here they taught the Law and the Tar- iriim. Here---also was 'the seat of the C5 Patriarch, who exercised an almost papa sway over the wide extent to which his exiled country men had lcen scattered.' It became a received tradition among them that Messiah would rise out of the Sea of Galilee, land at Tiberias and fix the seat of his kingdom at Safed. Thus this sheet of water became- as dear and sacred to them as to the Christians, and to this day many of them make their homcjn Tiberias, and in Safed, looking for the day when the Delivered shall come. They cherish the words of the Rabbins, . " t TP 1 "I have created seven seas, saitu tne Liotu, but out of them all I have chosen none butthe Sea of Gennesaret." After a brief examination of the ruins of Tell Hum, we returned to the boat, for we had no time to spare. At the water's edge we found a few-oleanders, but they were not so large as I expected to see. Our boatman toiled at the oars with hear ty good-will; we passed near the mill which they call Bethsaida, aud saw our luggage train coming up through the plain of Gennesaret. Landing a few rods below Kahn Minyer, our goodUnatured fisherman accompanied us out a quarter ofamileto the place where our horses were already 'awaiting us. Coming to a brook too wide to step over, one of apostate Peter. For a few hours my eyes had feasted themselves upon its scenery, lovely so I think in itself; unutterably so in its his tory. I had bathed in its waters, had gathered pebbles upon its beach, slept upon. its surface. At Jerusalem I had touched upon his sacrificial death, here I had communed with his all gracious life. As I sat there on the mountain, on horseback, gazing upon it for the last time, the whole scene entered too deeply into my heart to be forgotten. I am snre it will never fade. I turned my horse's head and left it or rather, in a deeper sense, I carried it away, a rich possession of the soul forever. E. M. Marvin. Uaalbec, April 27, 1877. THE REASON WHY. ji- ne vital fluid towards the bead j but thick substance of the brain prevents its inte rior vessels from being influenced by the variations of the external temperature, and hence a fullness, or congestion, is caused. '.. - Why, during a course .of, sea-bathing, do the ankles sometimes swell and retain the mark of the impressed finger T Because the coldness of the bath oc casions a temporary torpor of the absor bent vessels of the extremities. FIIOM FATHER HYACIXTHE. rankest bramble. It has been, indeed, more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon, even theyustepped into the water, and putting in the judgments of tiniefor, smitten as his strong arm around me lifted nie tothe they are, they still exist. other side as lightly as it I had been a Our object in visiting Tell Huni was child. We passed through a jungle, and -not only to et a good stand-point from then caiuo to a patch of the rankest wheat which to survey the lake ami its snores, Why does perspiration sometimes be come visible in drops on the skin ? Because in such cases it generally aris es from some violent exercise or excessive heat, aud is produced too copiously and freely to be immediately absorbed by tlte atmosphere.' Why is a person less apt to catch cold from being wetted by salt water than by fresh f Because water impregnated with salt evaporates more slowly than fresh water, in consequence of which the heat of the body is more gradually abstracted; and also because the saline particles havp a stimulating effect on the skin. Why is the hand better adapted for ap plying soap to the face than a towel or a sponge T Because the hand is not only soft and smooth, bnt is also endowed with proper ties which render it capable of imparting a gently friction to the skin, more effect- uallv than any other agent. Whv should a moderately rough towel be used for drying purposes 1 Because the skin requires a moderate amount of friction, which too rough a towel would exceed, and too soft a one be inadequate to produce. Why should persons uot suffer their bodies to cool previously to going into a cold bath ? Because the temperature of the body being lowered, it possesses less nervous energy to resist the depressing influences of cold. From the N. Y. Observer. Sir: In your journal of Sept. 13th your correspondent "Irenams," writing from Geneva, devotes a part of hi letter to my mission chapel andj$rme.-l have not the habit of repfyiiig to the calumnies of my enemies, nor to the errors of my friends. The task would be gigantic. And in this case I shall certainly not at tempt to correct the numerous inaccura cies of this letter of your correspondent nor discuss its very questionable tone and taste, but I must, in all Christian forbear- Frotu tlie IUIeigh News. ( LIFE INSURANCE. Life Insurance took such a sudden hold upon the South immediately after the war, absorbed and still absorbs so much of our nett earnings, and latterly, has been so much shaken in the estimation, of the publie by.jthe fall of certain of the larger companies that it is well to look both to the foundation of our faith and our fears. With a view of giving the public some light on the subject we have compiled the following data. An examination of it will show that while Life Insurance, in good companies (and there are, we are glad to say, several such) is prudent and advisa ble, the insuring of lives without properly examining into the safety of the qmpa ny.'and the hasty Insurance hy ; persons who over eitfinated Ttheir ability to lcepp" up policies, which subsequently lapsed, have entailed a loss of dollars and cents to the country and especially to the Sodth, w hich if put in one lump would appal us. A devastating storm sweepiug over the country and doing the same amount of pared with the importance of being in sured. To give confidence and security to the policy-holders the assets should be looked upon as trust funds, and it has been sug gested that-Congress compel by law all companies and associations to invest in 4 per cent, bonds and deposit with the U. S. Treasurer, who should publish quarter- y a statement showing the lowest amount jeld for each company during the quarter. We hesitate togive our endorsement to this suggestion 'It smacks rather of be- iug in the Jutercft ot tne Jioiuera oi uni ted States bonds than of life insurance. We are, however, firmly of opinion that stronger safeguards shonld by law be thrown around an institution which ab sorbs so large a portion of the earnings of the public and to prevent ; failure which when they come tall roost nanny on tne most" helpless class the widows and or phans. No class of swindling is more ne farious than that which stints the strong man of his earnings that it may rob the helpless beings he leaves behind him. Every sound company will welcome legislation of this kind, for every failure of a fraudulent corporation recoils to some extent on them. When legislation shall have done its best, even then the lesson remains to ev ery one desiring to make a provision for his family. 1. To be very careful in - From an old English Magazine f . A HOMILY ON PREACHING ' , .. , How oft,"w hen Paul has served us with 1 " text. """" ! -ir:.. s Has Enictetus. Plato, Tully preach'd ! .- , ... Men, that if now alive would sit content, , 1 l. .. 1.1. 1 m CairtvTir'a wnrfh ' Preach it who mighlff8uch was i theilove'of troth, 'v' 'i f " . r i Their thirst of knowledge, and their .candor too I .,, uowper. damage to fences, houses and crops would a II. i tii niior l rwiii iiniiiiir;iiiif, in n n u ance refuse to accent one oi iuc .v.... - sinshe.iimmtestome. that of idolatry : great disaster. Below are the figures - -i . - i , . . i. winch is the most ctoss and unpardon- pVe commend tlie lesson tney teacn to our v I 1 1 J . 1 able with the Christian, whatever his readers, it pronteu uy, ve wm xeei ,a,r u consciousness of having done at least Even though your correspondent be not some service to tlie public, it is an ap- i 1 . i! 1 1 nnllinir lliilllnv lf ltaA. Billlkrilllt COI11- an over correct ooserver, auu eiuueij uiij, ur.j . 1 - ignorant of my principles or my work, panics 9 per cent. Liabilities ot bankrupt and though he may possess little knowl- companies $4fi,tXX),000 with 8736,000,- edge of Biblical truth or Church history, J00 of Insurance on their hands. This is and still les of theology, lie cannot exclusive of the lapsed and forfeited poli- failto understand, if he be capable of cies in good companies. sober reflection, that this is a grave charge The following abstract will serve in a swollen cotters of the corporation whose to brini? a-rainst a partaker of the Re- general way to show the co ndition of the asset8 jt .,0es to swell. -"CJC m demption and Grace of our Blessed Lord companies: and Saviour Jesus Christ. and especially Total number of companies choosing a company. 2. To take no more insurance than can certainly and .easily be carried. Let these lessons be heeded aud many a dollar will be saved that is more needed in the scanty purse it leaves than in the but to get a sight oft he locality and ruins as well. The rim of the lake here is com posed of round stones, some the size of a man's head, some larger, some smaller, Why should sea-bathing not be had I ever saw, though it had evidently been i recourse to when the frame is greatly de- planted in tlie most slovenly way. w nai ; imitated T land this plain of Gennesaret is ! Our horses were now in sight but our friendly boatmau did not leave us. They held -worn smooth bv the waves, but evidently our stimips wheu we mounted, and shook of volcanic origin. A very fuvteps hands with us with an unmistakable cor- brmi"ht ns un to the edre of a level plot diality. It was the only instance ot any of' Ground -of nerhans a hundred acres, attention being paid, us in a special way with a rather irentle ascent of the grouud by the natives, in all Palestine, that did Ant. I iwf. crfiii to roiitenmlate backshish. -For tliUUIlU lb UIl illl oiih iivv " .. i ..v, . , This was covered with mass of weeds one, I felt gratified that this exceptional and shrubs in which the thistle prevailed, instauce shonld appear in the case of fish- The growth was exceeding rank. A few ermen, on the Lake of Galilee tourists who had proceeded us had broken Passing northward, we ascended cut of a narrow path to the ruins. Some arch- tne plaiu, and soon reached the summit aoloirists assiirn a portion of these ruins ()f the mountain, where we had the lake to the beginning of the Ch.iistain era. in fn vicw again. AVe paused upon ourT Why is a sensation of thirst, especially Because the organs have become too feeble to produce that reaction which gives rise to the glowing warmth on the surface of the body after immersion. And hence the shivering and sense of ch ill ness which persons under such circum stances commonly experience. Why is the appetite keener by the sea side than under ordinary circumstances f Because the usual degree of exercise in the open air, together with the bathing, augments the amount of insensible per spiration, and occasions a greater waste of the body, which must be proportionate ly supplied. for the first few days, generally felt at the seaside ? Because the sea air impregnates the atmosphere with saline particles, which are inhaled and coninmnicated to the full the The most massive are supposed to be the i,0rses to look upon it for the last time, reinainsiof a synagogue, and- if this was perhaps it is natural, if not excusable, in (jaj)ci'ii)hi)n, it may have been the work Writing about these hallowed places, after of that pious centurion of 'whom they having seen them, to exaggerate the emo- said. 'He loveth our nation and hath built tions which were felt at that moment. ms-n. sviumimn' ' Thev are very massive nt that one sin I have not been guilty, blood and in dstvle of art, but I cannot un- Anv statements of the sort that I have Why is bathing injurious after a dei hike nn v description of them. inside have been well considered, and meal T T,n ntl.pp remains supposed to be ,.tn;nlv this last Merht of the waters so Because the process of digestion re those of a basilica, built on the traditional oftcn traversed by the Master, and around quires a uniform degree of heat, which is site of Simon Peter's house, in the sixth ,v,h1i so irreat a portion of his teaching rendered irregular by the alternate chill "ccnturv. These I did not examine par- Uh1 his murhty works were done, I did and glow which bathing produces. tic.Wlv. ovvience the deepest sensibility. Stand- Why, when high water occurs in The ruins of a massive public edifice infr u.,on tl,e shore, just down there, with afternoon, iVthe temperature of the sea raise a strong presumptiou in iavor oi i tjie hike spread out beiore nun, aim mo mucn uirhci " this :isth site of the principal city on lowest coverel slopes in the background, the morning T . - ..... . . . I - . . ... , i,;. Vf f ti.o 1,1 to. -Hid eieeiallv as i. i...,i ,111 Shnnn. and Andrew, his Because tlie early retiring uue ie.ics lilO ' J " 1 I u II tl4. 7 - I , lii-.ttlior from anions iust sncli fisherman tlie sonu uncovered, k as we had beeu with tins morning, to lie many hours to be exposed to the rays of the I V a 1 . j. V i v.5 . !( iiaahi row- i . filwi of men. He had cast nis com- sun. nunug n i'wi u mnndin.r eve on the sons of Zebcdee, in siderable degree of heat. As the tide H hnt with their father, mending their rises, the particles constituting tne lower ,,ot Mi-hpr. "Follow me." and they "left stratum of the advancing thin sheet of tiwir- fiir mwl the, shin and followed water, as they successively come into l'.im Tliere in Capernaum sat Matthew contact with the heated saudare warmed. tlie receipt of custom." when the expanded, and arise to the surface. , .i ... i:..:., .wi.,ii.Dn- tiii.i Win-, nn :i second immersion in the cnarni oi uic iit mo w-v numnvn ...... from his money-bags, aud he, too, for- water, does the body feel colder than it sook all, and making a feast at which the Kdid on the first I against one who believes himself called, and is ordained to preach the gospel. Aud I can only refer him, in all brotherly chav ity, to the Divine command which is a serious matter for the Christian to ignore: " Ih oh shall ntt bear false witness a'jainst thy neighbor. n I remain Mr. Editor, Yours most sincerely, In Xio. Hyacixtiie Loysox, Priest. G exes a, Switz., Oct. 1877. It is work of superrogatiou to publish the above letter, inasmuch avs it does not specify a single erroneous statement in the letter of "Irenams ;" it simply denies the propriety of applying the term "idol atry" to the Komish celebration of the mass, about which he has a different op inion. But we give place to the letter, lest Father Hyaciuthe should feel further aggrieved ; and in connection with it we reprint iust what "Irenasus" wrote of a " what he saw : "The service was begun when we ar rived, but the room was not more than half full when we entered. Others came in, until the hall was nearly filled. Very- few of the audience were lioman Catho lics, as was very evident from the num ber who understood the order of the service, when to rise and when to kneel, &c. The assembly was composed of strangers, travellers mostly, attracted by curiosity to see and hear the celebrated orator and reformer. Mass in a church where the altar and pictures, and vestments and 205 that have failed 144 now in existence Gl Sixty-nine per cent, of the whole have failed. Average age of all companies in round numbers 10 years. Average ago of the solvent companies 17 " Average age of the bankrupt HAYES HOLDS THE FORT. I OI.OXFI. FOKXEY S Ti.IBl'TE TO TI1E FRE3 1PEXT HIS POLICY THE llOl'E OV RE rtBLICAXISM. From Forney's Washington Letter to the Press. Three years arc a long time for a party- It should be brief, if lengthy it will steep Our hear.s in apathy, our eyes in sleep; The dull will yawn, the chapel -lounger doze, Attentfon flag, and memory's rtalsclose. ' . It should be warm, a liTing altar-coal -To melt the icy heartund charm the soul; A sapless dull harangue, however read,'. i a Will never rouse the soul or raise the deadV It should be ViJapKptid iuiadfiar... No fine-spun theory to please the ear ; No curious lay, to tickle letter'd pride, And leave the poor and plain unedified. . t should be tender nd affectionate, s his warm theme who wept lost Salem's fate : The fierv law with words of love allay'd, Will sweetly-warn, and awfully persuade. t should be manly, just, and rational ; Wisely conceiv'd, and well-express' d withal: Not stuft'd with silly notions, apt to 6tain A sacred desk, and show a muddy brain. fit" should possess a well-adapted grace, To situation, audience, time and place; sermon formed for scholars, statesmen, lords, ' With peasants and mechanics ill accords. It should with evangelic Ixniuties bloom, Like Paul's at Corinth, Athens, or. "at Rome; Let some Epictetus or Sterne esteem, A bleeding Jesus is the gospel theme! It should be mixed with many an ardent prayer, To reach the heart, and fix and fasten there : When God and man are mutually addrest, God grants a blessing, man is truly blest. It should be closely well applied at last, out of power to adjust tself to the possi- Toanake the moral nait securely fast : bilities of an uncertain campaign, and Thou art the man, and thou alone will make companies Assets of tlie solvent companies Assets of the bankrupt companies at time ot failure Total Liabilities of the solvent ( " .$422,715,097 14 . 93,234,183 22 .$515,949,280 3G three years are a Aery long time to an honest man in the Presidency fighting for 6ucha mission as that of President Hayes. He has gone beyond tho precepts of Abra ham Lincolu; ho has faced multitudes pledging himself that his professions were to be riveted bv his practices, and in do- A Felix tremble and a David quake ! companies ....... Liabilities of the bank rupt companies, at the Decline of Ecclesiastical Magnificence. The decay of ecclesiastical magnifi cence all over the world has been so !338 547 989 39 inS tlicse things he has, as I have said, rapid of late years that men begin t terribly suaKea ine orgitmzuuou ui Hornet that maffnihcoes oi tne Vynurcn, time of failure own party. But lie Holds tlie lort, ami , .- , nohlea J 1QS S73 Ofi , . " A, i... . ....!,. ;.... eu wn -a- notoiume uieoiuerua uiut.. iulc..u i ,.,i,ini. P i , , . ... .. i in Hie s us ux i u cn cuicuuui v I l.ll it- .in.! liinintnm its nnsitmn. I ,u '' v. Total $384,740,867 05 Jl-T ' w ktntplv lives" ever existed. They . 1.1 I 1 j" llll'lll ,111 I KItllllt MIU llirli UVll mi".! i -- J oi- - . . - - , ominf -f R;ann all liabilities, solvent to give sucu a inau a iun, iun cikuhc reau ui. a-nuuwu o . r companies (14,030,582 43 jg integrity and firmness, extending Strossmaver's crandeur ; of his income Surplus or balance over throuch more than three years ' will still , -n nnfl n VMra-2nO.000 ex- il nihilities, bankrupt . ... . i- I Ui j . i tim hnn rt a rr t id ikfiiiit. I w.. 4 Vi ceedine in that region the revenue ot Parties can no longer conere upon me oiu - A ,i;,; i,renllvnothinJrforthem U Dukeof Northumberland in En- to adhere to to-day better than the policy gland; of his palace, much grander ot President Hayes. 1 lie Kepublican than k ulliam ; ot hisjMCUire-gaiienes, panics ., $1,702,249,(3 70 party has only to bide its time and to Lpng and-farms ; of the 100 horses Amount of insurance car- place'full confidence in President Hayes, K Wes, and lu3 open tables, 'V i"n.ii'. and il it iioes ntn bucwth iu , ...:t ,i . c l:d o1.7xcf Presidential election it will have so modi- ,u J'.... . companies, at time of failure i Total Amount of insurance car- lied by solvent coni- 5,255,124 27 $09,291,700 75 companies, at nine oi failure Total Number of polices in force, solvent compa- 'ArM,lo 00 flcQ tho other rty to make all fature princely rank among Catholics in Cro $2,438,598,38870 administrations of the government faithful atia and Bosnia, and of his immense interpreters of the wholesome and patriot political powcr,Tvith a kind ot tlreamy mes . . music may give effect to it, is a very dif- dumber of jiolicies in ferent thinir from what it is in the naked force, bankrupt com- idolatrv with which Father Hyaciuthe panics, ait time of tail- i , i i. i...i it. ure -- ceieoraies ii in nis pieieuueu itiuim, ic stood behind a table on which four candles were burning. Before him was placed a crucifix about two feet high. A boy lvrmio-lit .in tli censer and Rwuntr it with the burning incense. Father Hyaciuthe Average f poli- consecrated the wafer and ate it, after elevating and adoring it in the presence of the people. He did the same with the cup, and, having drunk it, washed it thoroughly and rinsed it, that no particle Total Average amount of poli cies in solvent compa- nies 833,304 there arc no such remains at any other place. It would be a" most singular thing that the only building of such size and material as to resist the ravages of time should be foiiud in a village, and none such in the only city of the neighborhood. But whether this might to outweigh the considerations which favor Kahn Minyeh as the place where Capernaum stood, or not, I leave others to determine. Tiberias, built by Herod, and named for the Emperor of Pome, was never,! so 2,189 00 cies in bankrupt com panies . Shepherd Homans, the well-known life insurance actuary, is the authority for saving: It i !i Rt:u tlincr fact that, in round imm- surrender where one is terminated by- death, also that tlie average duration or fnr ns we know, visited bv our- Lord. ' It4 tv;,! 1, was leaving and the Master lie Because, on leaving the bath, the aud- urn cmin" with should meet, thenceforth den transition to a cold and dense meu- followedhim withsoever he went. But ium, creates an effort in the body to pro - there, in such a boat as we had been in, i of the divine essence might remain in tlie niue oliciea lill)SC by forfeiture and chalace. Aim ne. went inrougu an me mummery of the most absurb supersition of the real presence, teaching the congre gation by his every action, that he holds to the doctrine of the real presence as cordially as he ever did. He said no one word to guard the hearer against the idolatry of the mass, and the whole per formance was as lioinish or pagan as if it had been done in Notre Dame or St. Pater's." was some eight miles south of Capernaum, on the west side of the lake, and was the largest city in that region.. Having been built on a grave yard, tlio Jews refused to settle in it, and so tlte King had to get straugers to occupy it. It was essentially a. heathen city, and noted for its wicked, ness. I remember only one passage of Scripture that speaks of it, and that in an incidental way. The site of the old eity was nearer to the Baths than that of the present town. There are some con siderable ruins there, but I had no time to examine them, though I took a moon light walk to them. It is probable that our Lord was never in the street of this city, and that there fore it never had the opportunity of re jecting lfim in any formal way. Does this account for the fact that it still exists ? AVho can tell ! Yet even it, barely exists. The glory of it is all gone. It is one of the very strange facts of history that the place so abhorred by the Jews at first should have become a sacred place with them at a later da v. he was asleep on a pillow in the hinder part of the ship much in the same posi tion as we had seen one of the boatmen. asleep to-day when a fierce storm swept down from the mountains, and the dis ciples, affrighted, called him, and he arose to rebuke the wind aud the sea. There, dace heat or resist cold, and the contin uance of this action, for some time after leaving the bath, occasions a second im mersion to feel colder than the first. Why, after cold bathing, should the clothes be resumed as speedily as possible? Because the body is not restored to its ac in tl.o of nirht. he had come to his customed temperature uum u is ciuu.., disciples in the boat, walking on the tern- and by exposure to the air is liable to be Overlookinir it. proba- come chilled blvohtheheisrhts ofHattin, he had de- Whyfe violent exercise after bathing IU kpmI thA rmnn nf sermons. In siffht injurious f of its waters, whether on Tabor or Her- Because the pores of the skin having njon, he had been transfigured. There been recently cleared, their functions are his gifts of healing were showered among thereby stimulated and calculated to tl, w ith a divine benefieieuce. All throw perspiration more copiously than it hill :m1 nil its ripples had beeu made ordinarily. radiant bv his presence. Even after he Why is bathing sometimes succeeded suffered he had met his heart-broken dis cipfes there, after their night of fruitless toil, feeding them, with human tenderness, with fish broiled upon it "fire of coals," and with divine compassion restoring the AT THEIR OLD TRICKS. Romish piiestsare at their old tricks in this citv. Mrs." Caroline A. Merrill, widow of Nathaniel W. Merrill, died here on October 18, leavins a large estate. She seems to have been an eccentric ieron, and of weak mind during the latter part of her life. Of this the Roman Catholic priests, who knew of her wealth, took advantage, and, although she wa reared and had always lived a Protestant, they persuaded her to make a will, leaving the bulk of her property, about $340,000, to Cardinal McClos- key. The will is to be contested by the rela tives, and while we are opposed to the practice of contesting will, which is growing alarming ly frequent, we are equally opposed to priestly influence upon feeble-minded and aged per sons in order to get possession of their mon ey. A'. 1'. Obsurter. Some sweet, dreamy poet tunes his lyre to the refrain of "Love's Long Ago;" but Hams part of his fee. "Williams got the pardon and very naturally wanted the balance of his fee. but Mrr McKee could not see the thing as Mr. Williams saw it. The value of Williams' services seemed much greater to McKee a convict ih the Penitentiary than to McKee a free man ontf the Penitentiary, by grat e of Grant. life-time of a policy is about seven years wmhung brought suit and McKee, plead only. Taking the average life of the insured at 40 vears, aud tlie average premium at 25 per $1,000, will show that the policy holders iu those bankrupt companies were Because the blood-vessels on the sur- 1 what the youth of this generation want U face of the body become contracted by to get hold is a quantity of reliable hints the diminished temperature of the bath, on the subject of loves immediate present, and impel an unusually large portion of -Worcester Tress. fin 4"j3 ic l,olic" he 80 conscientiously inaugurat- feen as if could not be true, or ed and resolutely maintained. .f , bishop i,atr-in SOme way wrongfully acquired all this mag- ),91l w,en Mr. Mckee, the editor of the St. rnficence. Bishop btressmayer, how- Louis Democrat, the leading Radical organ cvcr onv jjve3 a3 ,1S predecessors of the West, was in the penitentiary last on proceed, 0f land8 granted vearon account of his connection with ' ' . . . . , ... . , . . - i .. to his see. and lus splendor is only re- $2 tw5 00 tlie Wlnsk-y King, ne empioj eu .in utiA,.- - - . v,uo.j w i f o I Klo Kdmiiso it is now retained. nev named Williams to get a paruon ior i ma. v.. him from President Grant, lie paid Wil- by so few ecclesiastics. The Primate -of Hungary is, we be lieve, still richer, and one or two of the Austrian bishops have still princely revenues aud estates; but outside the Hapsburg dominion there is no eccle siastical grandeur-of the old, 'full bodied kind remaining in the worldr Less than a hundred years ago, Eu rope was full of great clerics; five'or SIX OI tnem were ftovticijjii nuvta, twenty at least were ruling viceroys and statesmen, and some scores ranked in wealth and position and influence on affairs with the greatest nobles and ministers of state. Now there, is not one ecclesiastic left in Europe, except the Bishop of Urgal, who retains some feudal riglits over A ndora, possessed of power to send an offender to prison, or of any direct share in the govern- meut ot a state unless the isishop ot N'izen is stilt in the Cabinet of Lisbon or of any legal immunities not be longing to the meanest subjects. The clerical electors no longer rule, the sovereign bishoprics have been secularized, the cardinals no longer reign as absolute viceroys in the lega tions, and outside Austria, and we fancy. one or two South American di oceses, the Archbishop t Canterbury, shorn and impoverished as he is, is probably the richest prelate. Great bishops in Germany are content with 1,200 ayear (G00O)ma-ny in France live on MOO (83000). most of those iu Spain do not get their stieiids, aud the Italian bishops ure hardly belter off than fairly-paid civil' oiiicers. IiOndvu Spectator. that even if he did promise to pay Wil liams money, as alleged, to secure his pardon that he ought not now to be made to do it because such promise was unlaw ful and eontrarv to cood morals, and on paying, in round numbers, annually $12,- M dav juUve Wickman, of the Circuit XX),000 for what ? Court at St. Louis, sustained it, using the Taking a similar average for the com- folowig language : Contracts of the na pauies now iu existence will show that fcnre of tho ()ne get ont in the petition are over 833,000,000 is being paid annually illegrtl) as they teu(i to encourage the use by policy-holders. And according to of iniproper ,ueang to accomplish the ob- Shepherd Homans, only one-tenth of it will anU ten(1 to interfere with the proper ever be required to pay death claims. exercise of the pardoning power, and are Sixty-nine per cent, of all the compa- therefore against public policy 7,'e nies that have done business in the Unit- tfaerver. ed States for the past twenty-live years have (to nse the slang phrase of a notori ous stock gambler) "gone where the wood bine twineth." And it amaze the Hon. Commissioner for New Hampshire "that the subject of insurance should have met, during the past year, with such a merci less ouslough of criticisms, strictures, and denunciation," with the failures at only 09 per cent, of the whole. Instead of "dissolving like lumps of sand ' it is more like an immense land slide. No war is here made upon tho princi ple of life insurance. In season aud out of season, all who have families depend ent upon them are urged to effect an in surance upon their lives for the benefit of those they hold most dear. The particu lar system is of little consequence coui- The impurities that make water injurious to health are organic matter?, t-uch as are abundantly supplied by barnyard, drains and eemetaries, where the decay of animal and vegetable snbxtance ia going on. Some familiis who live on farms, and who fancy they are drinking the best of water, are, in fact con stantly imbibing poison that wilt appear, per haps n tne dreaded form of diphtheria or typhoid (ever.Scienitfe American. Recreations shonld not lie -expensive, lest the pain of purchasing them exceed the pleasure of their enjoyment. In Yucatan and Honduras musk is ex tracted from alligators. Their fat is used for oil, and their skin for shoe leather. '

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