t 1 3 aiy err: is' m r ails, aud busiuess locals ju this luipcr Pleasatlt Band gives another rin Mt ' ..ntlie iiigt't of the 22nd. Prof. VHXcaveBstiUvviththen,. , The Local went turkey hunting last rw.fc and got a turkey. No one knows . Io- he got it-rather strange ! . nM rnirnlsir election of of- ficer in Vulton -Iodgfi, a. T...! ,1 ... vear 1?' will bo lieiu on m-xi night, Dee.: 21st. o - - The weather, this week, so far as teiiMK'rature and sun light are concerned, .asUU spring-like and delightful. Ratii Vaim to butcher heavy pork lrogs. . -o- - The Sunday School children of Union church and sin rounding country are to have i 'in-; still as day. Union church is on tlie old Hajttei Shop road, 5 miles from town -o One little Hull, with a steady hand to drive inadeon a Davie -farm this year, nWbushela corn, 2 bales cotton, 30 bush es xvtimt and two ban s of tobacco po tatoes, cabbage, &c. o The next semi-annual meeting of the IJttwan, &c, Teachers Association will be 'lii-ia in Salisbury on lnday aud Satur day, I)ec28tli and 2I)th., ' i GEO. II. McNEILL, Pres. - o Salisbury Hook Store See. the adver .tiscment of Mr. Geo. opp. He lias opened a new lioolc More in ran or jone, i . . T Gaskill & Co's store. It is a new thing and we hope it will be successful. o ri'' Owing to some" unpreparedness as 0 a dwelling house, we tliink, at his des Ttlnation in Wayne, tiie Rev. Mr. Gannon idid not leave here as formerly announced. .lie will now -probablj-. await the signal ."front his church friends in said county. ., ,, ' o- Mrs. Honorable Burton Craige took the train here Tuesday evening to visit her .'son," Mr. Frank Craige, residing in Maury : Co.t Tennessee. 5 She was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Annie Craige. They 'expect to spend tlie winter in Tennessee. o Returned. Mr. W. S. Blackmer has re lumed from the University of North Caro " lina, at Chapel Hill. Mr. George Harrison - has returned from St. Louis, or there abouts, where he has been doing business, lie likes old Salisbury liest, he says. Mr. W. L, Rankin, the efficient express iigent at this point, asks ns to say to those Ripping any kind of Christinas presents ; ly express to be careful, about marking. " Be suie and mark boldly and -plainly, to avoid mistake, for the express frttices are always full during the holidays. o "Wc learn that on last Thursday night, between twtuaud three o'clock in the .'.'morning, -the 'barn of Mr. Sandy Smith, of Davidson county, with seven mules and n his forage was entirely consumed by lire. Supposed to be the work of an iu , rccndia;ry. Loss about $2,(KX). -o One; day. last week, while looking out of our .-sanctum window, 'we saw a hog stealthily approach a man's wagon, rear tip on the wagon tongue and lift out his dinner basket ami start down street. Thereupon, immediately, there began a most exciting chase, which woundup in a general scatterution of biscuits, pies, pork and the like. Every body enjoyed it except that man and he, well, he must have been the man Josh Billings was look ing for. -o- DIED. In this city,. Dec. 14th, Miss Bettie Murphy, eldest daughter of Mr. Andrew J. Murphy, in thje 20th year of her life. Death has invaded this family three times within the past 12 months? Jfirst, the wife and mother was taken ; tlien the -eldest son, and now the eldest daiighter. It is seldom any family experiences such waves of sorrow within one year. Miss Bettie's remains were followed to the grave on Sunday last by hundreds of sy mpathis k ing friends. ; o Mr. John F. Wilson, of this place lost his left forefinger Saturday .-evening, last while1 out hunting. He was sitting on a , rail fence or was crossing one, the butt of his gun on the ground and his left hand on the niuzzel. In attempting to lift the gun, the cck struck a rail and exploded one barrel of the piece, the charge passing through the upper part of the palm, carrying away" tho bones, ten dons and muscles of the forefinger. This involved the total los of that meinbei , so that when Drs. Whitehead ami Trantham came with their surgical relief they decid ed at once to take a way the linger, together with all the shattered -bones, and close up the racancy as neatly as possible. At the present writing tho patient is doing well. -o Information Waxtko, of an itinerant Methodist preacher, whose name was Isaac Robinson. He came as is supposed, " from Prince GeorgeXo., Maryland, about 1801, to Iredell Co.,. C, with a young son, Andrew -Green liobinson, who also be eame a Methodist preacher. It is further supposed that the family jnternianied with another, by Ujo name ff Caton at or near tlie Forks of the Yad kin. Some of the" same family went to Canada and changed their name to Kob ertson, and those w ho came this way may have done the same. Hon. John K. Rob inson, a member of Congress, is desirous to know whether any of the descendants f this Robinson family, or of the Catons Are now living in this section of country. If any one can give information, ho is re quested to communicate to this paper; to Hon. John R. Robinson, House of Reps., Washington, or to Geo. R. McNeill, Salis bury N. C. Sad and Fatal Accident. Little Ellen, 1 an epileptic daughter of Mr. D. C. Iieid, aged seven years, residing a few miles east of jtowD, although the ' subject of unremitting solicitude and watchful ness, wliile being leu alone in t ue sitting room, one morning last week, not exceed ing 2 or 3 minutes, fell into the fire, and was so badly: burned before assistance reached her, as to cause her death in four hours. When found she was standing in the floor, iichtiug the flames out of her face with her hands. Her clothing w entirely consumed except a band around her waist. - She only spoke, twice, once in answer to a question, she said, "yes, I had a fit and fell into the fire." And again "Oh, papa, I cannot stand it." o Prof J. II. Denck, assisted by Mrs. Annie R. Rankin, Miss Jeanelte Schloss and Prof. E. B. Xeave, gave a musical concert at Meroueyfs opera Hall last Mon day night. Prof. Denck's performance was truly wonderful. It is only a few times in one's life (in this section, at least,) that an opportunity to hear such a dis tinguisheu musician as 1'rot. Uenek is offered. Prof. E. Ik Neave in his cornet solo, certainly, displayed much skill in x - - - execution and splendid judgment in ex pression. W e nave heard many , play a cornet, but none. ever, that eouals Mr. Neave. Mrs. lean kin, sang two songs in her usual attractive style. Miss Schloss in Cavatinapfrom Robert le Diable cer taiiily deserves the highest praise it was i J " 1 by far the finest song of the evening. o Now ! the girls are happy ! The boys are happy ! What makes them happy " .... ujlt we jiave it skating Rink. - Mr Jas. Wren is conducting it in Meroney's Hall. The vounir folks are sliouinjr and sliding in all directions. There are'several class es who visit ska'tiusr Rmks. 1 here are the professional skaters gracefully (?) gliding 'round the room ou one foot and the like. Then we have the sliders, these strike one lick with the left foot and then slide across the floor with both arms out stretched like a turkey buzzard about to light. Then we have the zigzaggers these can't control their feet, and each leg isJeft to go its own way and they gener ally go different ways. Then we have the girls, they are always, without excep tion, about to fall, this they never do, but they are scared the boys must stay close about in case of accident. Some of the girls laugh right loud, if you were to stand justgoutside and keep right still, you. miglifbear one laugh occassioually. They are ajl, as we said at the outset, very happy. o ; THE LATE MRS. PI11LO WHITE. Xv have already published notices of the decease of the late Mrs. Nancy- R. White, wife of Philo Whiteat Whites town, New York. Probably no other Lady "to the manor-born" in Rowan county, or in Western CaroFiua, or possi bly within the limits of the State was ever called to sustain more aeltcate Tiner rr sponsBnVsocial and official relations with society in public life, as tlie companion of her husband in the varied official posi tions to which he had been called, by both National and State Governments, at home and abroad, diplomatic and otherwise, than tlie lamented subject of this obitua- ry. it was tneir aesuny 10 nave resiueu many years in foreign countries, and for lengthened periods in each of three of these United States: And it must be con solatorv to the bereaved husband, in his anguisli for the loss of his most cherished treasure on earth, as well as of heart-felt satisfaction to Iier numerous surviving relatives and attached friends here and elsewhere, to know that the deceased ladV was esteemed, and loved, and honored, in eacli and all the communities where she had resided and was best known. During fourteen years, at the meridian of their lives, and in the primeval days of that State, Mr. and Mrs. White's home was in Wisconsin, where they were active par ticipauts in the responsible work of aid ing to .mould the political, social, literary and religious institutions of that then new and rapidly rising State sovereignty And that it may be seen how well the late Mrs. White acquitted herself of her obli gations to that community, to its social institutions and its religious organiza- Hons, we extract the following obituary notice from a Racine (Wisconsin) News paper : From the Racine Argus. Died at Whitcstown, N. Y.. November 29th, 1877, Mrs. Nancy K. White, wife of Hon. Philo White, aed neventy-tive years. For long years, at an early day, they were prominent residents of Racine, as well as of Milwaukee previously. It is with a senRation ol real griet and pain that the-veiy many friend of General and the late Airs. White, hear of the death of that most lovely and estimable lady, whose amaible char abler wax 01 the highest-type ot Christian wo manhood. So loving and" devoted to her friend, 0 genial, kind and charitable to all. Of personal character, with the advantage of very extensive travel, a life time of familiar intercourse, with the best society, she Was generous, simple, elegant, Christian woman, H)ssessed of a constant habit of courtesy and kindness, and a singularly winning manner and countenance. Gone when most we felt her worth, When her virtues brightest shonej Cone when all the joys of earth, Might be counted ad Iter own. May a loving mid merciful God comfort her noble husband, for He alone can. - A bale of cotton was washed sixty miles down Nense river by the recent freshet, and Burton Adams swam out and floated it a shore and took it to Raleigh and sold it for $40.41. Dr. Penny went to Raleigh and knew his own cotton and took it homeland now tlrey have Adams in jug for that $40Al.BeSdesraU Tunes. Wasn't that a little hard on Adams ? The Danbury Reporter says : We are authorized to announce the fact that Governor Vance will furnish at Winston, free of charge, 30,000 fish- (black base, a choice variety), to any one who will go for theni, and put them in Dan river. The following lines were written on the fly leaf of a copy of the Iliad sent to Gen. Lee by a young English poet, Philip Stanhope Worsely, a scholar of . Cornus Christ i College, Oxford, who in I860 pub itshed a translation of the llaid in the Spenserian stauza. The grave old bard who never dies, Receive him iu our native tongue, I send thee, but with weeping eyes, The story that he snug. Thy Troy has fallen Ihy dear land Is marred beneath the spoiler's heel; I cannot trust my trembling hand To write the grief I feel. Oh, home of tears ! But let her bear This blazen to the end of time; No nation rose so white and fair None fell so pure of crime. The widow's moan, tho orphan's wail Are round thee; but in truth le strong; Eternal truth, though till tilings fail Can never be made wrong. 1, - An angels heart, an angel's month, 1 (Not Homers), could alone for me Hymn forth the great Confederate South, Y irguna hrst then Lee. MEETING OP TOWN SIONERS. COM MIS-. Abstract of 1'roeeedimjs. Mayor's Office, Dec. 7, 1677. Present Mayor Stewart and Comuiiss'ers, Holmes, Kestler, Craige, Atwell, Suider, Marsh, Hovah and Kluttz. Citv Wtdcrhpr rpnrirrofl crrrs rereints of . ,. , .. x. . ,ia public scales tor November 8 ISAo. Long &, Lowry and A. G. II aly burton were granted retail liquor licenses. The city attorney reported that the county attorney agreed with him that certain property belonging to the Presby terian, and Episcopal churches, occupied respectively by R. J. Holmes and A. G Haly burton, are liable to taxation under the law. Tlie city attorney reported that he had collected : On judgments rs Meronev & Bro., 8G2fi.G0. " " J. W. McKenzie, liWXU. $JXK).S0. And paid out : The Wet herb il judgment rs the Town, - - 8507.47. 413.88. 4d.l(i. Paid to Town Treasurer, Attorneys' fees, - - - Total, - - - SlHtf.SI. The subiect of building Market. House, &c, in public square was diseased, and pending its consideration the Hoard ad journed to 7 P. M., when it re-assembled, and on motion the Mayor appointed Messrs. Holmes, Craige and Atwell a committee to consider the matter and re port at next regular meeting. J no. V. Mauney of counsel for town reported that the administrators of John I. Shaver had obtained judgment against the town for $778.23. $200 was appropriated for uni forming the Hook & Ladder Company, and $100 for uniforming the colored Fire company. Theo. F. Kluttz was elected Chief of the Tire ITennTxment," and Messrs. Marsh, Kestler and Kluttz appointed a commit tec to report regulations lor the government of that department. Messrs. Holmes, Kluttz and Horah were appointed a finance committee to audit all accounts against the town. The following accounts were then approved, subject to taxes : R J Holmes, supplies to hands, $26.50; M L Arey, ditto, 56.15; Mauney & Ross, ditto, $23.85; J M Brown, ditto, $3.25 ; John H Euniss, ditto, $1.75; Wm Smith deal, Hardware, 77 cts.; C M Pool, police, $30; Geo Shaver, police, $30; Thos Bell, sexton, $25; Jas Swink, blacksmithing 60 cts; J P Webber, ditto, $1.60; J J Stewart, hauling $6.90; YV M Nelson, Lumber, $9.73; Julian & Fraley, carpen tering, $3.50; J II Earuhnrt, blacksmith ing, $2.25. Total amount, $226.90. Ordered that taxes due from adminis trators of John I. Shavers estate be cred ited on their judgment against the town. Adjourned. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Clerk. ONE CENT A DAY ! Economy is the order of the hour, and every expenditure, however small, is ex pected to uive a return in full value. every family requires one good, reliable family newspaper. If such an article can be procured for less than one cent for each working day of the year, we are not aware of it. -.1 Family Newspaper should contain a carefully-prepared summary of all the news of the day, both Beliyious and iSecu lar; and if arranged so that tho two de partments may be separated aud read by two individuals at the same time, so much the better. The Family Xeic2oper shonld have attractive reading and information for the various members of a household. Some portion of the paper should be de voted, every week, tWreligious and moral improvement, to current secular news, to agriculture, commerce, markets, finance, to general literature, &c, with a special department for the young. Above all, the Family Newspaper should be perfectly pure, and free from all contaminating in fluences in its readiug matter or iu its ad vertisements. Too much attention cannot be paid to this feature, when the press is Hooding the country with so much that is vile aud pernicious. To crown all, the Family Newspaper should be untrammelled by any afliliatiou with sect or party, and should be free to give all the good news from and about all the world. If such a Family Newspajyer can be had for one cen t a day, it should be taken by every family in the land. Such a Family Newspaper, in every re spect, we find in the New York Obser ver, now commencing its fifty -sixth vol ume. Progressive, comprehensive, sound, reliable, pure, it is just what is needed in your household. Send $3.15 for a year to The New York Observer, 37 Park Row, New York. Sample copies are sent free. It is ill to bring but of the flesh what is bred in the bone. y' J k2XJL iJUU WUUUilUti I Parties having work in my shop for re pairs will please call for the same on or before Jan. 18th 1S7S, or it will lie sold for repairs?-" B.A.BELL. We very much regret to learn from an other source, that Mr. Bell will leave this place in January, to open a Jewelry Store in Newbern. Mr. B. has been one if the most euterprizing business men in. our town for several years fair and just in all his transaction, with many of our citi- zens warmly enlisted towards him as a social gentleman. Watchman. o A fine variety of Holiday Books, Box Paper, &c.. at C. Plylernj Book Store. Call and examine. At the Salisbury Book Storo mav be found writing paper from 5 cent per quire up, Envelopes from 5 cents per pack up, Ladies Fine Papers from 15 ceuts a box up, &c. Nice lot of chroiuos, engravings and photo statuary. Inks, pens and pencils. School books very cheap. Albums, Note Books, Blanks Books, Ledgers,. &c, low dowh. A select lot of Novels by different au thors in fact everything usually kept in a first-class book store., -..Any book or other article not in stock, will be ordered immediately on' application. Give me a trial. GEO. W. YOPP. In rear of Jones, Gaskill & Co. Go to G. M. Iiuis' if you want to buy groceries and confectioneries cheap. He is just receiving a full and splendid as sortment of goods in his line for the Holi days. Sells staple goods cheaper than ever. Good brown sugar 10 cents, and coffee as low as 20 cents per pound other goods as low in proportion. TIIE CHILD CAN'T SLEEP. AN army of Worms is eating it up. One dose of Shriuer's Indian Vermifuge will de stroy them and ave its life. Only 25 ceuts a bottle or live for one dollar. Life is short, and we should do all we cau to prolong it. Check a cough or cold nt once by using an old and reliable rem edy such as Dr. Bali's Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents. Gen. Sheridan is in Washington and has expressed the opinion ihat there will be no war with Mexico unless it comes "by accidental collision of American and Mexican forc-s.'" It probably never has occurred to him that under the Constitu tion of the United States war cannot come by accident," and that it belongs to Con gress and not to the army to declare war. If he lives until after 1879, we trust he will learn that by the same Federal Con stitution the military power is subordinate to the civil in these United States, and and that a Lieutenant General who shall dare to propose to the President to declare citizens banditti with the assurance that upon such proclamation he will summari ly iut them out of the wav, will be in danger of losing his commission in the shortest sort of order. But it would take Sheridan a million of years to learn all he needs to know. Hal. Obserrcr. THE SUPREME COURT. A correspondent, "N," iu to-day's paper, pays a fitting tribute to the sterling worth, the commanding abilities and the irre proachable character and spotless reputa tion of Hon. George Davis, in advancing his claims to a grateful recognition of his merit at the hands of his fellow-citizens through the General .Assembly, . by his promotion to the bench of the Supreme Court of North Carolina. As a lawyer, Mr. Davis is a peer of the most prominent in the profession iu North Carolina : deeply read through the fruits of long study ; thoroughly disciplined by an extensive practice ; a powerful advo eate and an impressive orator, he would adorn the bench as he has shed lustre on the bar. His services to the country and to his people are too well known to require no i tice from' us suffice it to say that to him belongs that rare virtue of true citizenship which never shrank from the acceptance and the performance of public duty. Amid the many eminent names which have been mentioned in connection with the Supreme Court bench, the Legislature could not err in the selection of that of Hon. George Davis. North Carolina Ga zette. REVENUE SEIZURES. Revenue officers haVe been making several successful raids in this regioi within the last week and quite an excite inent has been created thereby. Most of the seizures have been made several miles out of the city, the blockaders generally considering it safest to keep that distance from the city. Mr. A. C. Brvau. deputy collector, one the party who have been makiug the seiz ures, reports the following : From W. A. Heudrix, of Davie county ou the 11th inst., one wagon and team for peddling, tobacco, without a license. On the 12th inst., from John Combs, o Wilkes county, two wagons and teams for carrying empty whiskey barrels, the brands ou which had not been defaced, as required by law. On the 15th instant., one wagon and team from Thomas Combs, of Wilkes coun ty for selling stamped packages without orders. On yesterday, from W. A. Bentley, of Wilkes county, one wagon and team, ten bushels of chestnuts, a lot of cabbage fcc, for hauling stamped packages without orders. On the same dav. from J. A. Bibe, of the fifth district, one wagon aud team, aud thirty-two boxes of tobacco. On the ; Villi iJj-tlUC Ul llloo ncifcotauura luiitiiuiiu been used before, and on the other," which was half full" of tobacco, there' was no stamp at all. The wagons and teams tegpther with all the property seized, have !hcii brought into tris city, and for t!i? present are left in charge of J. V. Wadsworth, Esq. Charlotte Observer. DISTRESSING AND ACCIDENT. FATAL A fatal and must distressing accident occurred in Beriyhill township, Satui day. Benjamin and Rnlwi t Price sns of John J. Price, Esq., the former about twenty years of age aud the latter about uigh.te?i., were engaged iu a wnstle, when Ben jamin threw his brother and fell on him. At first, the younger brother exper ienced 110 pain or inconvenience from the fall, but subsequently be discovered thai he had lost the use 01 his arm, and then legau to feel himself growing weakr . He kept on siuki'.ir for a short time, wh 11 he died. An examination .showing that he had burst an artery in tlie lower part of his neck and had bled to death intern ally. The unfortunate occurrence will be deplored all over the comity. The father of tlie young man is one of our widest known and best citizens. Tlie remain of young Price were in terred at Steel Creek church yesterday. Char. Obncrnr. Let us hold the Supreme Court judge ship up as an office to be filled only by our purest, truest and greatest citizen? Xew.bervian. Even so. Anie 1. The Russians are rejoicing immensely over their Plevna victory. They have nothing mneh to boast of. They crushed Gsman rasha by the weight 01 superior forces and the heaviest artillery. Iialeiyh Xetrs. n A K Rfl ED. At Oakley. Ark., at the residence ot tlie bride's fa ther, on mu November, Dy i.ev , or f i.kas. 11 I'kndi.kton, or Auburn, Arc, to Miss itannik u Mooke, daughter of Col James 11 .Moore. 1 lie Uuckeye ha viruns which lie in Hit bitter principle called Iculiii, which have. been utilized lor the cure ot Hemorrhoids, or iles. In stdfi'riin with that dint-ase use Tnb- ler s JJuckeve 1 lie Ointment, onlv ov cents a bottle. For wile at Traiitliani's Dru' Siore. it German Syrup." other medicine in the world was ever given ptich a test of its curative qualities af lioscliee tjcnnan Sviiiu. in three years two million lour hundred thousand small hottles of this medicine have been distributed free i ctutrnc bv liruuiMsts in lliis counirv to uiom. rllicted with Consumption, Asthma, Cron severe otirhH. i neurnoiua and oilier diseases of the Throat nml Lnnus, giving the American people undeniable proof that German fcyrup' will cure tin in. The result has bti n that Druirc-ists in e'rrv town and village in lite United States arc recommending it to their ens tomers. Co to vour 1 r iir"ist. and ask what hev know a'.out it. .vaunle Bottles 1U cents Regular size 70 centa. Three doses will relieve nv case. Now and Then. It U only now ami then that such men a? Hon. Alex. II. Stephens, hx-Cov- fMnith anil Kx-Oov. Ilrown of endorse a medicine for the throat ami lungs', nnd when they do it 1? pretty good evideiue loat the remedy must be good for the cure of cough, colds and lung af fections. Thev recommend the d lobe ri.ow- KR Coeou Sykup, and their testimonium are to he .seen round llie ten cent Kainple bottles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for fale by 1 heo. I. Kluttz. A simple buttle relieve" the worst .1. .1 t- 1 ..: coiiirli ami win cure sore uiroai. xwegui;ir m.c bottles, fifty dose?, $1. Salisbury Male Academy The exercises of this Institution will be re sumed under the direction of Mr. 11. M. Davi., Jan. 2d. 187$. Persons wishing to enter pnpils should applv to Mr. K. M. Divis or . JI. Wilev. A NEW DEPARTURE. EW ONLY FOR CASH OK DARTER. NO CREDIT. Tho-Huhsrril.er is now receiving a Stock of General Merchandise, which he will sell Tor cash or barter, af such prices as will .nit the times. He invites the public to call and ex amine. He will also bnv Cotton, Flour, Wheat, Corn, and country produce generally. Borden House, Nov. 20, 1877. 5:tf. S. W. COLE. CO.SU Jli'TIO.Y CURED. An oV physician retired from active practice, hav ing hail nlu-.'rt 1 in his hands by an Kast Iudian mis sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perin inent cure, 01 consumption, Bronchiits, L'atirrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lu;i" atTi'ftliins. al.so a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous compl;UnUs after bavins thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousiiuds of cases, feels It his duty to make it known to his suffer! as; fellows. The recipe will be sent free of charge, u all who desire It, with full directions for preparing and successfully using., Axldress with stamp naming this paper. Dr. J. C. Stonk, 44 North Ninui Strtet, Philadelphia, Pa. (oin s.3:) Special Ten ef Mjurinr Coirf. In pursuance of an order of the Governor of the State of North Carolina, "a Special Term of the Superior Court, for the trial of Civil Cases, will be held for the county of Rowan, on Monday the 14th day of January, 1878, and continue" until the business is dis posed of." All civil suitor, having actions at issue in the Superior Court of Rowan county, are noti fied to attend said term of the Court at the tine aforesaid, together with all witnesses, who Pie under subpoena in civil actions depending in said Court. - D. A. DAVIS, Chairman County Commissioners. December 4th, 1877. 7:4w. iMEW EDITION OF BUSBEE'S JUSTICE AND FORM BOOK. The exhaustion of the old edition and the re cent changes in the Constitution and Statutes of the State, greatly affecting the jurisdiction ot Magistrates and County Officers, makes a new and revised edition of thin STANDARD WORK a necessity. The Publisher would therefore announce that he has in pres and will shortly issue a new and revised edition embracing the recent changes in the Constitution and Statutes of the State, thus making it a complete, accurate and relia ble guide for all Magistrates, County Officers and Business men. Price$2.50. Law sheep bind inc. Sent free of postage on receipt of price. Address J. H. ENNISS, Pubrfsher, Raleigh, N.C. . mmmmmmm m Ii the most rental balsam ever used OT sufferers from palmonary diseases. It Is composed of herbal products, which hare a specific effect on the throat and lane ; detaches from the air cells all Ir ritating matter; causes it to be expeeto. rated, and at once checks tho Inflammatioa vrhlch produces the eonirh. A single dose? relieves the most distressing. paroxysm soothes nervousness, and enables the sur ferer to enjoy niet rest at night. Beta pleasant cordial, it tones the weak stom ach, and is specially recommended for children v q What others say about Tutt's Expectorant. Had Asthma Thirty Years. Baltimore, February 3, 1875 " I have had Asthma thirty years, and-nevcr found a medicine that had such a hanpv eflrct." W. F. H0GAN, Charles 8L A Child's Idea of Meril. Niw Orleans, forembtr 11, 1S76. "Tutt's Expectorant is a familiar name in my house. My wife thinks it the best medicine ia the world, and the children mr it is 'nicer than molasses candy " NOAH WOODWARD, 101 N. Poydrts St. "Six, and all Croupy." I am the mother of sit children ; all of them hare beencroopy. Without Tutt's Expectorant, I don't think they could have survived some of the attacks. It is a mother's blessing. " MARY STEVENS, Frankfort, y. A Doctor's, Advice. t " In my practice, I advise all families to keep Tutt's Expectorant, in sudden emergencies, for coughs, croup, diphtheria, etc." T. P. ELLIS, M.D., Newark, N. J. Hold by nil druggUt: Price $1.00. Office 35 Murray Street, JTete York. inc. mcr. id Biiuwii di mo rnuu Tutt's Pills are worth their weight in gold." . v REV. I. R. SIMPSON. Lovisville, Ky. ' Tutt's Pills are a TpecIaTblessinsj of the nine teenth century'-REVfJR OSGOOD, Now York. I have used Tutt's ilis tor torpor of the liver. They are superior to any medicine for biliary dis orders ever lnade., Tiir rnrr te iiunuia ou itp en 11 it i I. P. CARR, Attorneys Law, Augusta, Qa. I have csed Tutt'i t's Pills nv ; hve years in my family. Thev are uneaualed for costi veiness and biliousness.' r. n. wiLsun, uoorgsiown, lexas. 'I have used Tutt's Meuicine with irreat benefit.' W. W. MANN, Editor Mobile Register. We sell fifty boxesTCTTs Pills to five of all others." SAYRE & CO., Cariortvillo. Ga. "Tutt's Pills have only to be tried to establish their merits. Thev work like marie." W. H. BARRON, 96 Summer SL, Borloa, There is no medicine so well adapted to the cure Of bilious disorders as Tutt's Pills." JOS. BRUM MEL, Richmond, Virginia. AND A TrldJAND MORE. Sold by druggist. 25 eents t boae. Offlet 35 Murray Street, Jfete York. TUTT S HAIR DVE HIGH TESTIMONY. FROM THF. PACIFIC JOVRMAL. t t CREAT INVENTMN has been made by 1)r. Tctt, of New York, which restores youthful beauty tetfce hair. That eminent chemist has succeeded In producing a Hair Dye which Imitates nature to perfection. Old bachelors may now rejoice." Price $1.00. Office 35 Murray SL, ( Kete York. Sold by all druggists. On meeting a friend the fir t inquiry is a -ways rogardins his health. Why? Beca e health is of the first consideration; yet many will sit in a cold, damp theatre, reardles of weak lungs and liacking cough. Discard some of the ephemeral jdeasures of the day, such as theatre-going, cigar-smokirig, &c, and invest your small change in something that will be a noting henelit. For instenoe, Couwieiiii' Com pound Honey of Tar costs only 0 c?nts, and will nirtryour Cough, Cold, ami II diseases of the Throat and Lnii;. Try it. For nale at II. T. Trantham'.-nJrtig Store. 40:.jiu. A "Very Good Reason. The reason why only one sample bottle of Mehkej.'s Hepatixk for the Liverwiil heboid to the same person, f.r ten cents, by our Drug gist, Theo. F. Kluttz is because of the enormous expense of importing the Hepaline into this country ; but as there are fifty daes in the large size bottles, it seems two cents per dose is cheap enough afterall for a medicine that cures dya peysia and liver complaint. All who have not had a sample buttle are entitled to one fir ten cents at Theo. F. K blitz's Dru; store. Three doses relieves any case of dyspepsia, constipa tion, indigestion or liver complaint, in the world. Regular size bottles, fifty doses, 1 00. poiT orncs directory. For the benefit, of the public the following directo ry of the Post oilk-e of this city Is published : Two malls north of iilclimoud, Va., per ilay. First opens, 11. so A. M. Closes 7.oo P. M. Second opens "..') P. M. " 9.ini South n mail opens 7.00 A.M. " 6.00 " Western " " 3.i:o P. M. " 1.50 A. M. Hut one mall a day eat of Greensboro to Kalelgh and other points eastward which closes at T.ihi P. M. Hut one mail a day to points between Salisbury and litchmond, Va., which closes at 9.00 P. M. Three mails a week to Mocksville and other points on thl route. Leaving on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and returning the following days. Two mails a week to Albemarle and other points on this route. Leaving on Monday ana Thursday and returning the following days. tine malt a week to Jackson HUT and other points on this route. Leaving Monday and returning next day. One mail a weeTTto Mooresville and Intermediate points. Arriving at 12 M., Friday, and leaving 1 P M., same day One mall a week to Mt. Vernon and Wood Leaf Leaving Saturday at X A. M., and returning at 6 same day. onice hours for delivering mails from 7.30 A. M., to 1 P. M.. an l from 1.30 P. M., to ti.::op. M. Sunday oflice hours from 7 A. M., to s A. M. From 11.30 A. M., to ia M., an i from 6 P. M. to . P. M. Money orders Issued and paid, and letters regis tered from a A. M. to 4 P. l. DAVID L. BTIINOLE, P. M. p k i v 1: c: u is u i; t . Corrected bv J. M. Kxox &, Co. Decern bcr, 19, 1877. Cotton dull Middlings, 10i10J low do U(a9f stains (5 Bacon, countv, hog round 1011 Butter " 2025 Egos 12 Chickens -per do7.cn ftl.SQt&OO Coux new 404o Meal moderate demand at CO Wheat good demand at 1.101.25 Flouu market stocked- superr Potatoes, Ihisii Onions no demand Lard Bef.swax Tallow -best fain. $3.00 2.73 75 75 12iLri 35 4045 2830 67 Blackbeurter Apples, dried Sic An 5 46 Simonton Female College. State sville, TI. C. The Fall Tern Opens Aug. 29, 1877. Board and English tuition, $85.00 per ses sion of twenty weeks. Catalogue and circular with full particulars, on application. Address MRS. E. N. GRANT, 41:6m. PrincipaLl Positively xhe Last Notice. All persons indebted to me, either by note or account, mast call and settle by tlie 1st day of November, 1877. All failing to comply will, after that date, find the same in the hands of an officer for collection. 51;3t W. SMITH DEAL. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ft? A'T-W PIANO, ORGAN W-t. esr L.-k Q-Jtil i 1 nun ling r See! Organs, 12 i; Pi:n,waMifjf $130,rc $b.V. Or. rrer. ).miel K. JJrnltr, Wanhingloii N. J. ' 4w llUllO Li m frt Ilevolver. llniKtiaied Pri-e v. tifrvl Wetter m (i Wurk, Pillid.iiry, I'. V ' 4w C STY-LBS OF CARDtL Mte. V. X t YetrCanl. oc. buiaple sc. 4. nustl 4' Xasfctu, X. V FfEF MAIOloTjTF.TTb nil I3 ir fctKt80ttfa , "-"Hr US Ba &a watch Jne with flrrft ur-Urr. Ten (tolLir u iUv tnnrai.teed. M. CliOlAill & CO., riiiladilpins, V , or Milvauke, Vi- ?ousin. .St FlUI HABIT CUBXD. A Certain zii M KnreT '.jr;re Ied.if'?i..n in !'ri A trial l It ! ft,,-. Mr. .1. A. DKOLLlNGKK.La JVrtf. Indian. Box 1003 ( Fo.-Hiiily Mrs. Dr. SVlI. CuIIm. FATKEES For Cms. limits A 8piaio, lilind Miii. 1 leetli u Tiles l.luii- iM.i in. Fr :rt irel f imV, Fro ! Lixnbs nr.d I'nr , 1'iiiis in i! Mm-i I. an 1 li.do euj I ''com, Dii- ar hg Somh, 6ell d Sore 5 eg1. Frx pel and VariiMe Veins ia Sax- yofxos. hxiR.vn ok Wncii 1 azki- Ask li.r t, b -c:r.;e it i Im tier, hi runt' r mid r4ai-r tit m aiiv r-lier. and ! w.irr in'rd bv WKFKS . l'JLMER, U'lioi.isAi k Dki ggisT, 500 vVasliiiun n y reet, Uoton, .!asj. 4w Sen I for Reduced 1'ruc Lit of CABINET 0P.(.AX.S. SKW AKDSI'LENDID STYLES; PRICE.? REDUCED $10 to $"iO. EACH, TIILS MONTH, (Nov. 1S77). Address, MA8ON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO., Bonton, New York. it Chicago. 4w. AGENTS WANTED!! FOR PARTICULA RS, ADDRESS WILS0KSEVIN8 MACHINE CC S59 IJroadway, New York City Chicago, II!.: New Orleans, La. 4w or San Fram-isro. Cal." Those wishing Relief and Cure fvr !li'PTtT:K should consult Dr. J. A. SHERMAN, 26 Broadway, New Ynifc- Send 10cfs. for hi new book with Pbotr-" graphic likenesses f bad eases before arid after cure. Beware of rheats who pretend lt fnrnWh Dr. ShernrMn's treatment. One of these- fel'ows, a germaii clerk, now calling himself Dr. W. (i. Crempien. is indict ed on complaint of Dr, S. a.nt await.otrial for forgery and embezzlement. 4w, -oU WEEKLY PAPER rORo V VVI ' sT mum mmM - --, - AN D TM E FAMILY; It aim lo be a farorite hi- rtry family looked for eagerly by the young folks, arid reail with intereft by the older. Its j nrpose is to interest while it a Minxes; lohu judicious, prac tical, sensible, and l? have really jiermaneni worth, while it attracts for the hour. It is handsomely illustrated, and has for con tributors some of the most attractive writers iu the country. Among these are : I. T. Trowbridge, Jin:il M 11 loch Craik, James T. Fields. J. D.AN'hittier, Rebecca II, Davis, Louise C, Moullon, Mr. A. II. Leonowens, C. . Stephens, Edward Everett Hale, Harriet K SHiffonl, A. T. D. Whitney, Win. CulUn Bryant, Louisa M. Aleott. Its reading is adapted to old and voting; ia very comprehensive in it character. If gives Sloi ies of Adventure, Letters of Travel, Editorials upon Current Topics, Stones of Home' and School -Life, Tales, Poetry, Seleciions for Decla- iiiation. Anecdotes, Punles, Facts and Incidents. Historical Articles, Biograph'I Sketclus, Religious Articles, Subscription Price, $1 75. Speeiwen eopies sent free. Please mention in what Iaper ion read this advertiserrfent PERU'S' 2MEASOX? 6l CO.. G:4w. 41 Temple Place, Boiton. PiiEPArtEK for Immediate Use. 207;PEARL ST.,tNEW Y0EK. From t he thourandt of purchuer$ of our UHK- PARED PAINTS, we havt rtt to hear the first Complaint. Tlie reason i apparent. Our paiYite have stood the test of yea i, where' all other paints hate Jailrd in durability Their covering capacity, leing greater than un other pan.t, preseiit a practical item oj fcnvotut. Our taints are ovaranteed in everv particular, tha consumer assuming no rifle whatever, as we will re-paint any building on which our paints do not prove satisfactory; allowing a choice of Englmb B. B. W lute Lead, or anv other paint muse. FOR SALE ? (20:3m) . T. F. KLUTTZ" Salisbury, N. O J. K. BURKE, AUCTIONEER, SALISBURY, X. C. Will also attend to the calling of sale in the country for Administrators', Executors, and others. Terms to suit the times. 7:1m. A GREAT OFFER for HOLIDAYS ! We will during these HARD TIMES and the HOLIDAYS dispose of 100 NEWIPIANO and ORGANS, of first-cliots makers at low'er prices for cash, or Installments than tf belore offered. WATER PIANOS b ORGANS are the BEST MADE, warra.ed for fire year. III. Catalogues Mailed: threat Inducements to the trade. PI ANOS,7 octave,$140;7 1-3 H!taT $150. ORGANS, 2MOs, $48j 4 stojis, GC; 7 stops, $05; S s-tops, $70; 10 Mi,$&5; 12 sto, $90; in perfect order, ot uetl a yir; Fhi et Mu sic ut half price. HORACE WATERS & S)NS, Manufacturerji nml Dtaltm, 40 Eat 14:h Street, New York. 4w RGRTURE.

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