ir t u 1 4 ( I u i LIVE IX LOVE TI3 PLEASANT -LIVING. Bo not harsh and unforgiving; Live in lore tis pleasant living. If nn angry wan tdionld meet thee, And aail tlice Indiscreetly, . Turn not thou again and rend him, Vst thou needlessly offend Jiim. Show him love hath been thy teacher; Kindness is a potent preacher, (lentleness is e'er fonnving : Live in love 'tis pleasant living. Why he angry with each other! Man AvasTnnd'e to love his brother; Kindness is a human duty, Meekness ft celestial beauty. 1 Words of kindness, sjoke in season, Have a weight with men of reason; Pon't be otlierVfoUiosbhwuiug, Andtheir littlo failingf naming; Charity's ft cure for every railing, Suffers much is all-prevailing. Courage, then, and be forgiving; Live in love 'tis pleasant living. A TERRIBLE LIAR. " ; From the New York San. DETROIT'S PRETTY,BARBER. JTotc the lion. Eli Perkins Got Shared, and - then Missed a Tram. : : Detkoit, Nov. 15. This iuorning, on a street here u gen tleman handed me this card : emma' will a rd,' """. J BARBERESS. . . Sbatingj Shampooing, - Hairdressing. ; I 8 Woodbridge street : "Do you mean tosay you have a woman barter in DetroitP I asked. "Yes, sir two of 'em and twoas pret- ty. girls as there are in the city.". In a few moments I walked np W ood bridge street, and sure enough, there was a sign and a pretty girl standing by the window homing a razor. I wanted to go in and get shaved, and still I could not make np my mind to do it. Three times w I T OToll-o.l 1T- nnil firinllr- T fnrmfHI n. flir i. UllL.l4 WJ , " " ....... t Fnyn the Chicago Times. AN AWKWARD BRIDEGROOM. How He Resented an Insult and Abandoned T His Bride at the Alter. The guests at a recent expected mar riage in a certain church of the West Side were treated to a singular and rather startling sensation at the very moment when the connubial knot was to be tied. The bride and groom were a young con pie, and had made all necessary prepara tions for the anticipated happy event that was to unite them as one, and it was thought by the respective friends of the pair that the course of true love had run quite smoothly with them, and a genuine mutual affection existed between them. The invited comnanv had entered the house of worship, and the attendants on the couple had taken their places at the alter, while the minister remained in waiting to perform the ceremony. The bride, attired in all the gorgeous finery customary - on such occasions, alighted Pcbusbxo Wkbklt 3. J. BRCNER. Ed. and Prop T. K. buuaU. Associate imi. SUBSCRIPTION BATES : Per Year, payable In advance, $3 90 , 81s monliia,.. 1 85 ADVERTISING RATES '. One Inch, one publication,... " two publications,.... Contract rates for months or a vear. Si 00 , t &o from the carriages, and the groom stepped blithely and lightly after her and upon her long trail. As he did so the fair ladv uttered a low cry, and exclaimed sharply, "Oh, dear; how awkward you are !" The young man's face colored as he stumbled off the rich garment, and he gave his arm to the lady while laboring under a confused mind. The pair walked into the church and down the aisle to the alter. All eyes rested upon their move ments, and a murmur of voices arose as they came in and toolc their positions be fore the minister. The ceremony pro ceeded, the minister asked the bride if wan the orfulcst liar I ever seen, said Cooley O'Lcary as we returned from ageous resolution, and,, hanging my head hit friend's funeral. "Why, -he told me as a member of the Young Men's Christian 11 island out Association does when he coes into the UIVV illUV UV -. - - in the Pacific ocean on which there was a Mabille or-Harry .Hill's I plunged in. volcano. AmThe said that there was an trembled from head to foot as soon as active demand out in that region for wa- Centered the door. I couldn't look the termelons, so he went into the business of pretty barberess 1n the face. I couldn't raising them. And ho said one year his summon up courage enough to speak to whole crop failed except one melon, and her. In fact, I had nothing to say, so that kept on crowidg at such a rate that stood and looked very sheepish. it crowded him off the low land up on the "Have a shave, sir!" said the barber side of the volcano, which generated steam ess, advancing with a razor in one hand and caused an explosion which blew up and with the other pointing to the chaic. the whole concern to atoms, and shot him "Yes, shaved !" 1 gasped and flung my .four hundred miles out to sea, where he self into the chair. was picked up by a whalr. He used to "Why, you've just been shaved, 8lie she would accept the groom for her wed tell me that one great mistake of his Y$A said, drawing her silky palm across my Ljed husband, and received the usual af- vas that he didn't drive a plug into the face. firmative answer, and was about to inter crater of the volcano so as to make it wa-1 "Have H I said, and then recollecting, rogJlte the young man, when the latter im- firiif ami fhn ftlirft niwn th water-1 4Ah. vps. shaved this niormwr eariy. 1 melon and come sailing home on the half always shave, twice a day." ; "Shave close 1" asked the pretty girl. "Yes, the closer the better." "Hair cut too!" "Yes, everything." And then she commenced. , With a lit- came across a dead whale, frozen into the tie camel's hair brush she painted my face " . .-I. . ... i mi 1 . t O-T ice. go he took off his shirt- it was night with white soap suas. i uen sue put uer ,io unht to comfort her left the chnrch for six monts in the year up there tore it fingers plump against my face and rubbed f tb . homes. The occun-ence was an into strips for a wick, ran the strips it all over, fcne stooa oenmu me, anu pus d - treated no small through the bamboo fishing-rod, stuck' the Uier arms around my neck. I saw her in amount of gossip Q the vicinity where the church is situated IMMENSE ATTRACTION T BELL'. The Jeweler of Salisbury. THE LEST AND LARGEST STOCK CF GRALIPTOri'S ' -i s . ... .- IMPERIAL SOAP IS THE BEST. Crampton'a Imperial Soap i the Lest. Orampton'ii Imperial Soap is the Best. Crampton's Imperial Soap i the Be?t. Crampton imiierial boap itt the Heft. Crampton s Imperial boap is the le8t. Crampton a imperial boap is the iet. Crampton's imperial Soap j the Best. Crampton a Imperial boap is the-Let. Crampton a Imperial boap is the Beet. Crampton's Imperial Soap is the Best. This Soap is manufactured from pure material; and as it contains a large per cent age oi Vegetable Oil, is warranted fully equal to the best imported Castile Soap, and at the same time con tains all the cleansing properties of the cele- brated German and French Laundry Soaps, It is therefore re commended for the use in the Laundry, Kitchen and Bath Boom, and for general household purposes; also for Printers, Painters, Engineers and Machinist, it will remove spots of Ink, Tar, Grease. Oil, Paint, etc. from the handa. T- J :- v - - u mm it i ii i CENTEWNIAL H&RDWA STORE. ELEGABT WATCHES shell. "He would lie. He said that once ho was cast awav on an icebenr. with no - " baggage but a pair of skates and a fish ing pole. But he skated about until he 1 pulsivcly and unexpectedly said to the bride : "0, dear; how awkward you are !" and quickly turning on his heel walked out of the editice without another word of explanation, leaving the astonished bride Htanding at the al tcr in mute bewilderment. The young man weut his way in a carri age, and the disappointed bride and maids rod into the fat of the whale, and lit thol the glass in front. I never felt so in my other end.. He said it burned splendidly, lifev "What would my wife say to this f and the iceberg reflected the light so I thought. "Still, everybody in Detroit strongly that it was bright as day for forty hlocs it; and why not I?" So I shut my miles around, and one vessel ran into the eyes and letf her go on. After rubbing tier?, thinking it was a licrht-house. He her velvet finirers over my cheeks and n - n I W The Turks arc said to be hopeless of nti -w -1 TV A 1 A. Riiccess. l lie Jonuon itmcs savs umi a person holding a position of trust connect ed with one of the highest personages of said he sold the iceberg to the Captain for chin till the beard jwas softened, she took Unc Ottoman empire declares that the S5,000, aud i the captain split it up ana out a razor, nonea it, ana piacvng one arm Turks .IS soon ag Erzcronm is taken and took it home, and made two hundred around my head and her hand against my the rianople road threatened,' will treat separately with Russia, and cede the full panies. "Lie? Well, sir, he beat any man ever came across. He told mo ouco that in the face, but I couldn't. So.I sat, and out in Nevada a mountain lion attacked I took it with my eves shut. I don't think him, with its mouth wide open. He had I enjoyed it. And still I .Jet her go on presence of mind enoucrh to crrab itbv the She shaved me, drew her silky hand all tongue and pull. The lion roared with over my face to see if it was closely sha - pain, but he did his level best at pulling, ven, and then combed my hair. JEWELRY CLUSTER DIAMOND AND 18K EN GAGEMENT RINGS, Holiday and Bridal PRESENTS. No charge will be made for engraving any article of silverware purchased. All Watch & Clock work faithfully repaired as low as the lowest and warranted. N. B. Any article of Jewelry sold by me in the last three 3'earsif found not as represented can be returned and money will be refunded., 22:ly B. A. BELL. The Huntington. Pa.. Monitor of April 5th, 1877. pronounces this soan the best in the a a. market, as follows : Reader, we don't want you to suppose that this is an advertisement, and pass u over un heeded. Read it. We want to direct your at tentioc to the advertisement of "Crampton s Imperial Soap." Having used it in our office for the last vear. we can recommend it as the best quality of soap in use. It is a rare thing to eft a soap that will thoroughly cleanse print ing ink from the hands, as al$o from linen; bu Crampton s laundrv soaD will do t. ana we know whereof we speak. It is especially adapt ed for printers, painters, engineers and ma chinist, and it will remove grease of all de- .scription from the hands as .well as clothes, with little labor: J-or general household pur poses it cannot be excelled. On sale and constantly arriving, . TYRE IRON 1 to 21 inches at 3ents per lb. Do round and square, from 3-46 to 3 inches, 3 to 10 eeut Do Band, to 6 inches, from 3 to 10 cents, j . PLOW MOULDS and irons, all shapes ami sizes, WIRE CLOTH for screens, ofjrarious sizes, BUGGY and Carriage Material of Iril qualities,' SPRINGS and AXLES, for Wagons, Carriages, Boggi. & SulkM, PRESERVING KETTLES, brass and ImedTfrom 1 to 5 gallons, -APPLE PEELERS, 100 do. retail 73 eentsr WHITE LEAD'and prepared paints, all colors OILS, linseed and machine, best brand. VARNISHES, all kiud8l COOKING Utensilsrall sorts, sizes and styles, warn movement oi uie uiauc. unco or assaffe of thc Pl0 sphorus to the Russians W t . 1 1 1 11 A. A. 1 1 I I twice l inea ro iook lire preiry uaruerc8 1, vnnn .n I idtuvt irv a iiiiv v i Constantinonle. The final issue of the war prooauiy turns on l-ievna. i uat place is the key to the Bulgarian country. Its loss w ill force the entire Turkish army, operating along the Danube, to fall back to the Balkans, and give the Russians and pretty soon theongno began to give "Sliall I wax your monstache, sir !" she Mch ft d ideA vanta in the contest that Turkey's wisest "course then would lie to sue for peace. A FAITHFUL DOG'S REWARD. and the tail to shorten, and directly out asked. they came, the tongue and the tail in one "Yes, wax away !" long continuous string. Ho saidf he had Then she leaned over till I could hear em at home, and ho showed 'em to me, her breathe and feel her heart beat, placed but mv belief is ther were onlr three or her little fingers under my moustache and four cow-hides and a bulFs tail dove-tail- waxed the ends. Now I never wear my The Jefferson (Mo.) Tribune says: "A ed together. moustache waxed, but I couldn't ask her gentleman who lives in Vernon county iUe was astonishing as a truth-crusher. I to stop. Said. he served on a guu boat rtunng the "mere, uoes it sniti" sue asuen, as jwar which was very small and light, while she dusted off my neck and removed thc the mrtar on the deck was very large and apron. heavy, and he said the first time they "Yes, it's just right lovely !" I said, tried to fire a fifteen inch shell, the shell "too sweet for anything!" and then I remained stationary, while the recoil was strode back to thc depot to find the train so great that it fired the gunboat four had just one, and that this Detroit bar- miles up the-stream and landed it in a beress had caused me to miss a lecture tree. He was a liar, but now he's dead I engagement ami a hundred dollar fee. No more pretty girl barberesses for me. Eli pRKixs. mm aoain ! And I am happy to say that 1 have the best selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS I have ever offered in this market; and can sell them lower than ever known before Black Alpaca, 2o to 45cls. per yard; 4-4 Sheet ing? ct.; Flannels, 20 to 30 els.; and bargains in pant goods; bargains in every department. (Mini! Clothing: ! ClotMi! In. this line I can ofTer great inducements, and can sav to rav customers lhat tbev can save 25 per cent, by calling on me before buying elsewhere. ALSO A full line of Hals, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Groceries, &c, and I expect to continue the ROOT AND HEKB BUSINESS as heretofore. Call and see. V. WALLACE. (3:2mos.) reckon he'll ketch it." There was no doubt about it. Mr. O'Leary'r friend was verlf successful as a constructor of energetic works of fiction. THE MYSTERY SOLVED. The7bwrfll of Progress (Mibile), in an article under the above heading, tells why tho North is rich and the South is poor. Here it what it says abont the farmers : nhl. j.1 . r . 21 .piurui ucce8a among - Legislature in 1860-tlie only " was a queer look at first, but nothin the farmers. Passing through the coun- .....'..... . . J i.i i l r,M ., try with his eyes open, the close observer Atlanta Constitution : Gen. Matthew C. I Butler, South Carolina's new. Senator, is the son of ex-Congressman. William But ler, and a nephew of Gen. Pierce M. Jiuticr, wno ieu at uneruousco. tie is also a nephew of ex-Senator A. P. Butler. On his mother's side he is a nephew of Commdoore O. II. Perrv. He was elect- tells a remarkable story of the sagacity of a uog which accompanied mm on ins travels. While in the Short Creek tim ber, on his way to Jopliu, the dog jump ed and caught the horse by the bridle rein. Mr. Ewing drove the animal off. but it persisted in catching the horse by tho reins, until the gentleman concluded it must be mad. Under the impulse of the moment he polled his revolver and shot the auimal, which then ran back along the road over which he had come- In a few minutes Mr. Ewing missed his overcoat, which had been tied to his sad dle. He turned back to find it, and after riding about a mile, not only found his coat, but his faithful dog, which was lying on the garment dead." A beautiful young heiress iu Moscow has married a beggar eighty-six years old will, at the proper season, soon have his attention arrested by an improved mower sweeping over the meadow under the ex elusive management of jl youth of, say, sixteen, and accomplishing more iu a day than could iu that time be worried out of a dozen freedmcn with their scythes. A little later and he will see the younger brother turning the hay with a horse ma chine; and then in due time will come a still smaller boy with a horse-rake, follow ed by a trio of little fellows having all sorts of fun, as they, with an improved hay-fork, store away thc-erop in" the hay loft. In everything done on the farm in New England this same plan is resorted to. If the soil is to be prepared, instead of set ting a dozen freedmen at it with their 1 ,1 1 1. A ' l . uiuies iihu piougus u sweat lurougu a week, as we would do, tnt come a ma chine managed by a boy or two, and in an incredible short space of time the job is done and well done. Alot of seed is to be sown that would give our hands along, tedious task; but there a stripling with a seed sower puts it down exactly right and in very short order. And when "the crop is ready to be hoed, instead of charging it civil ofliee he had held up to his admis- coald be moro natural. The youug girl sion to a seat in the United States Senate. e,ie ia only twenty-two could not enter He rose during the war from the captain- ,uto tDe possession of her fortunes until cy of a cavalry company to the rank of 8"e wa8 marneti, and the young men Major-General. His ability as a lawver whom her guardian introduced her to and his eloquence as a speaker are sure wcre empty-headed creatures, to whom to win for him a high rauk in the national sne was unwilling to bind herself for life; councils. I o she resolved to marrj' an old beggar, and get the money without sacrificing her Wendell Phillins is of oninion that tho. independence. The old man was one of i Republican party is on its last legs. He jner pensioners, and readily consented to says : "It was merely a form when, Jjy marry her andjhen keep out of her way, the skin of its teeth, it won the Presi- retiring on a comfortable allowance. A11 dency. The power and purpose and! the beggars in town feasted and made strength have gone out of it. Death and merry on the wedding night. disagreement among its leaders have helped to kill it. The young generation of citizens know nothing of the great pur poses of the party, the great battle it was organized to fight, the mighty leaders wh won its victory, the fruits of which are Smalls, the convicted South Caroliua colored Congressman, is said to bo 'in a state of deep humiliation." The kindness of Smalls to the family of his former own er, the McKee family, of Beaufort, seems being fritted away and sold out by their to haTe mado a Proufund impression iu degenerate descendants. The Republican j party is a thing of the past." Senator Lamar says tho Republican party is doom- ed. So both sides are agreed on this. his favor. The A. M. E. Zion connection, recently in session at Columbus, Ga., adopted the following upon the Liberian question : "Whereas, Our people are being persua ded to go to Liberia; Resolved, That we. as miuisters of the A. M. E. Zion connec- - Reduction in IT 'ages. W ILKESBARRE, Pa., Dec. 10. A 10 pCT cent reduction in wages of miners goes 1 tion, do discourage their going, as we be with a black army to play for pay, a boy Jjthih wm-iVa. i n Heve it best for them to stay in the United Jesses his nag to a horse-hoe, tokes his operated by Charle Parish & Co. The States and tivate the land, and make fleacv.M...u.mJr, uui over mIi hav ,.. .iw;n ior uiemseives nomes, ana scliool their remain oi work upon "the condition that fhildren and cultivate the kindest of feel- the old wages will be restored when the mgs wwara lueir loraier owners." price of coal will warrant it. the fielaVoeing several rows at a time. In short, NeVngland works by machin ery, and therelnIies the secret of her Death of Prof. Bledsoe. Alexandria, V., Dec. 10. Dr. Albert prosperity. r - in " J Messrs. E. C Grier & Son, we learn - A colored man and woman wer 0nwn- from the Observer, have the machinery all T. Bledsoe, editor of the Southern Review, ed iu the Catawba river in Lincoln eemt- ready for their new cotton factory in and former Professor of the Virginia Uni ty, on Friday last, by thc capsizing of arjieciuenDurg county, and expect to be I versity, is dead. His death was caused frklff in which they were crossing the ready lor spinning early m the approach- by a severe attack of paralysis. At the river, ling year, J time of death he was CD years of age. Manufactured onlv bv Crampton Brothers, 2, 4, 8 and 10, Kntgera PJace, and 33 and 35, Jefferson St., New lork. For sale by ii. ill. IIIIIS, 46 SALISBURY, N. C. EUGENE L. HARRIS. zirtist in rcajon, Sassafras Fork, N. C PORTRAITS EALiKGED crayon drawing in the most finished style of from PHOTOGRAPHS, FEREOTYPES, DAGUERREOTYPES, MINIATURES, ETC. 14xl7$lO.OO. Framed $13.00. 18x22 $15.00. Framed S20.00. Send for circular. 51: JOSHUA T AS, 53 Light Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Buckeye Mower and Reaper. Sweepstake's Threasher & Cleaner. Eclipse Portable Farm Engines. Ilion Wheel Horse Hakes. Continental Feed Cutter. Ball Steel mid Cast Plows. Watt Cast Plows. HARDWAR Wc could saw off the north pole if we could get at it. DISSTOX'S " Great Amtrican - has never heen excelled : saws of all sizes and for all purposes. " WELL BUCKETS, pulejs, chains aud ropes, GLASS, window, from 8 x 10 to 36 k 44, Blue Glass to order. NAILS, cut, from 10-penny upr $3 per 100 lbs. From lO-penny to j 4, 3J to 4 cents, WTrought and horse-shoe nails, variable. SCREWS, tacks aud brads of all sizes and for all uses. Blacksmith-Tools, all sorts ; a patent drill. nw and splendid. : ROPE, jute, ceisal, inanilla, hemp and cotton, from i to 2 inches. BELTING, rubber and leather, from 1 to 14 inches. Horse Collars, horse and mule shoes, bailies, aud traces. ' Edge Tools and boring implements in endless variety. . r FARM TOOLS and MACHINERY ! For all purposes of superior quility aud equal to any demand. Straw Cutters, Cradles, Plows. Hakes. Iloes and Shovels. House n rtii stock (in my line) complete. Saddlers' hardware and tools, full assortment. Table and Pocket cutlery elegant aiid abundant, Pistols from Ji5 cents to 20 plated Fevolvers. Guns from children? S2to $40 sporting. IRON GATES-and FENCES, aud gate latches. BRUSHES paint, varnish, white wash, horse, scrnb-and all other kinds fine and coarse. Wine-and Cider Mills. Caue Mills and Evaporators. . . Carpenters' Tools, splendid and more complete than exci-and ! Still a few more of them Machines left! Come one come all, and see Sam Taylok, the paraxon of R, R.-Crawford's Centennial Hardware Store. COME TO CRAWFORD'S. J5;ly .v. ,y, t$- aillllililliiiignagisiii 51 CHEAPER WHM TOU WAST HARDWARE Call How, At Low Figures on the undersigned at Ko. 2, Granite Salisbury, N. C. D. A. AT WELL. June 8 tf. IHill Stonss, Smut Machines. Bolting Cloths,, Belting. Mill Machinery in General. Send for Catalope and Price List. (26:Gmo.) A Monthly Magazine devoted to Litera ture, Science and Art, published in 117 mington, North Carolina. The Corps of ("ontributors includes several of the lnot Distinguished Authors of the pres ent day. A Serial Story, Poems, Sketches, Re views, Scientific and Historical Articles will appear in every number. This Magazine will contain only Original Literature. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR $300. SINGLE COPY 25 Cent. ADVERTISING TERMS 1 page one year $120 00 )4 " " " 75 0 V " " 5000 " " " 36 00 l page one Insertion $25 00 v. " " " 15 00 '1- " 10 00 " y " 5 00 All communications should he addressed to Mus. CICEHO W. IIAKRIS, Kditor and Proprietor. KERR CRAIGE, JLttornts at 3pato, Salisbury, ZC. O. f f f f f f f f To the, Working- Class. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the yhole-of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new. light and profitable. Persons of either sx easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per eveuipg, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys nnd girls earn Dearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this unpar alleled offer . To such as are not well sat isfied we will send oce dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Fuil particulars, sam ples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sept free by mail. Reader if you waut permanent, profitable work, address George SxiNSrtW Ar Pot. Portland. Msine, Greensboro Female College. The Fall Session of 1877 will begin on the fourth Wednesday in August. Charges Per Session of 20 Weeks : Board, (exclusive of washing & lights,) $75 00 Tuition in regular English course, 25 00 Moderate charges for extra studies. For full particulars, apply to Pres. T. M. Jones for catalogue. N. II. D. WILSON, 37:Gt. pd. Pres. Board of Trustees TIMETABLE WESTERN N.C. RAILROAD. To take effect June I2d, 1877. GOING WEST. STATIONS. Salisbury Third Creek Statesville Plotts Catawba Newton Canova Hickory I card Morganton Bridgewater Marion Old Fort ... Henry A BRIVE. 9 04 10 30 11 07 U 27 12 18 P, 12 38 A. M, .M, t Leavf. j8 55 ATM. 9 45 " 110 35 " 111 07 " 11 30 ,12 20 P. M. 05 05 50 37 25 18 30 i. 12 38 1 2 2 3 4 it u it 25 10 53 40 P. M. 30 " 20 " THAN IYER, m sTffSS. K iriTM .V. - 'yoT'v'vTi -sr is? ORDERS FOR PRINTING FROM Responsible persons, or on cash remittances, shall receive PROi lPT kM CAREFUL ATTENTION. m COURT AND JUSTICES' BLANKS KEPT ON HAND. PRICES STRICTLY LOW. Mxtss WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, N. C aw feJ V 'F W T W 4 T 'Sj3P W H? t f f DEEDS & MORTGAGES. 4:r Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust," Mortgage Deeds, Commissioners' Deeds, J5herrff3 Deeds. Cbattle Mortgages, Farm Contracts, Marriage and ' Confirmation Certificate Distillers' Entries, and various other forms for sale at the WATCHMAN OFFICE. GOING EAST. i STATIONS. , ; Arrive, j Leave. H en r y i " j 6 00 A. M Old Fort C 12 A. M.! 6 15 " Marion 7 07 ' i 7 10 " Bridgewater 7 52 " j 7 55 " Morganlon 8 22 " . 8 28 ' I card 9 05 j 9 10 " Hickory 9 50 " j 9 52 " Canova 10 20 " 10 23 " Newton 10 35 " 10 37 Catawba 11 25 ' 11 35 " Plotts 11 55 12 00 P. M Statesville 12 32 P.M. 12 52 " Third Creek.- 1 40 " 1 45 Salisbury 2 30 ' GOLD Great chance to make money. If you cant get gold you can tret greenbacks. We need a person In every town to tafcej suuMoipuuiis lur uie largest, cneapest In the world. Any one can become a successful agent. Tne most elegant work of art given free, to suliscrtbers. The price Is so low that almost every body subscribes. One agent reports making over $150 a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make mon ey fast. ou can devote all your time to the busi ness, or only vour spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms tree Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want pro fitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. To one who engages falls to make great pay. Address "The People's Journal,'' Portland, Maine. 42:ly. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and various other blanks for sale here Dll. RICHARD H. LEWIS, (Late Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Savannah Medical College.) Practice Limited to the EYi; - I EAR, RALEIGH, N. C. Eefcrs to the State Medical Society aud to the Georgia Medical Society. 47: ly. OMNIBUS & BAGGAGE WAGOK ACCHHODATIflB. I have fitted np an Omnibus and Baggag Wagon which are always ready to convey er sons to or from the depot, to and from parties, weddings. &c. Leave order at Mansion House or at my Livery & Sale Stable, Fisher street near Railroad bridge. . M.A.BRIKGLE Aug. 19. tf. ; NOF IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN National Hotel Board by RALEIGH, N. C. the Pay, 82.00. Beautiful situated next to Capital Square Col. C. S. BROWN, Propr. GET THE BEST. The Raleigh Ne DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one year, - ws- - 1.00 SFSend Postal Card for Sample CopTv Addreaa TEE RALEIGH NEWSJ lialeigh, Blactmer and HenflersonT Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N.C: Jaaaay22 1376 tt. j

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