Li,-. . ' ! ' -. " if" ':: - .... , . . S't, . ! . . t. . i- 1 A r s i ., i-i.-, - j , mZr . ...Z A NEBUCHADNEZZAR, You, Nebucnadnezzali, whojj, sab I AVhnr is you try in' to go, saU I .: I'd hab you foT to know, sab, Fi aJioldio' ob de lines. You better top dat prancin'j You's pow'ful fond ob dancin , Bat I'll bet my yealT advancin Pat FU cure you ob jour aftUes, Jook heab, mute I Better lain' out-. Fust ting you kuow you'll fin umt How quick I'll wear dis line out ' On your ugljr etubbo'n pack. You needu't try to steal up An' lif dat precious heel up Von'a got to plough dis fieP up, You has, sah, for a fac , Dar. daVs de way to do it I .He'HComin'rihtdqwn to it? . Jes' watch Urn ploughin t'roo it I; Dis niggar ain't no fool. , ., Some folks dey xranYst beat hlmj ; Now dat would only heat him Jknowjes'howtojtreathim, . Yea mus' reason wld a mule, He minds me like a nigger, If he was only bigger He'd fotch a mighty figger, He would, I tell you J Yes, sab, ; See how he keeps a clickin ! He's as gentle as a chicken. An' nebber thinks o' kickbV Whoa, ddr ! Neluchadnezzer t - T 1 -i - a nTTTTT1TT,f 4TD the treatment of disease 1 1 How . would a Art DlTUKAau lawyer jpew. fcldhitf KVm'tl f ; : 4 (TatrOeido.) cimaicie rf c iude or ittrytJwho didaiot kuow the lat-13 He watlie toanagerof eliiucik.itajr, est decisions of the, courts, or tne laiew j and one moroiDg ne wau laws enacted W; our legislature t i; Bui J newspaper dffiee and ald4 - what shall we' say of ur, farmers, when 1 WanVau ltem tbiswomiagr' . not a million out of the, sir millions inlhe 'Of course;' replied theeditor i Vfker United States subscribe for, and read an upon thetlaitoHai4' tUeJ folWWwgvUOte ooMifnral naner of anv kind T isit any i nnon ffieinable j n i wonder tliat larmers are Bwinuitsu, ""7j ;. xue iauii'oiu"w'H'w- tbey fail to make money 1 The wonder wm give a festival at their vestry hall is that they-manage to live at alls SX next Friday evening. Literary and mo- When those engaged in agriculture wm, gicl entertainments wm De proviaea, as a class, read, study, and become a Ja a supper, will be seryedto all who well informed in regard to their calling as desire. The ladie in .charge o theaflair those in other professions, then, and not hare much, experience. ,in tamjh matters, I till then, can they claim and r maintain and are sureo prov a gooaf time. f lie hir rirrlits in comDetition with those &h$ admission will be only, fifteen cents: and ... -n 1 XT T.l." I a J AT. - . it nnn nnan1 ffllT- nnw rintrol them. liurai jxcw j. 111 is ceruuu uiai u uud vum """r" ; amount taA.lietier aavauiage, e all ttai5 associated effect can do, for JQfyj&fr Vyour agricultural pa- jejr caUj leacujou, cercainiy oi success depejuds. almost entirely on your own in 4ijijQ4ffr and thought. c Reading, dbcossfona and meet in cs can ohry arouse 1 desirabilitv of thought and r't easbt and desirability, of thought and f easonmg, crammed'into a man's head, tmt' iu the knowledge ana disposition to appiy gen era! principles to the every day wants and actions of life, ot what a person eats, but Uiat which he d!gests, serves to bromote irrowth antl vigor,-, emomt vnronicie. . Is dis heah we, or pot me T Or is de debbil get me ? Was dat a cannon shot me t Hab I laid hsah mor'n a week t Dat mule do kick amazinM De beast was sp'iled in raisin JJy now I 'spect he's grazinr , On de oder side de creek, IvviwJItuKUjtik&ribnefi Jfow (My. THE BOY THAT. . STICKS TO to go, ana tae! your friends." , i' u i'FAEMlKG. 0 fl ( J " When the editor had reaT it he said i - Tmmn6d writint? . 4Ob, I see, an .adyeriieiit.", ',r-1 WoriV life ftd as I to,dav turn over "Jo: not an aavertvsement, Ti v e preier the mires, the following notes of a lime saT yt , in my early years may interest some oi tne umuaerv ,,(1 . , , the young readers of the Country Gentle And seeing SjfJ? st6P- Wbi a bov from ten to fourteen years "It will interest a , great many of your nf aire. I was lauffht to milk and do other readers and help a good cause; besides rhnres flight and morning, before and we have spent so much money getting up t.i . r- rna n. far-i onr entertainment, that we can't anora OirPT Kf III 1(11 UUUiBi - iU.T Mfcw T- . 1 'f ' ttaII aa a Twlitician. He pastured to advertise PCPLISHKP Weekly J. J. BKCNER, Ea.anaTTrop ; anaOiDT11TTAV 1) 1TPR . Per Year, iiaj aJsle In advance, ........ J six fiouOH:. .Tr. .:v?t J h i' ' (3 0 1 8 lhe lacb opf publication, .I.1. ...... , fl el)ntraitipM.e I w montiig or a vear. " ElOriS AGAIiJ ! And. I Aw iiappy to say, that I have the best BelecteaVtock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS his cattle upon the meadows after mow ing and in the late autumn and mid "wai ter when the ground was bare, aaL.the heaps or balls of debris on the meadows and pastures were broken and distnbutea, by using a maul, Saturday was vacation from school, and I worked at beating ana scattering the debris on the pasture lands being paid by my father ten cents a uay of-eiffht hours, t anonmiilated two dollars, for which it without increasing the price of the tickets. In such a matter as this we ought to be willing to help each other." " ' - "Well," said the editor, Jif if goes into the locals I suppose you would recipro cate by reading a little notice in your church next Sunday." The visiting brother asked what notice, and the editor wrote and handed him the following: "The IVeelly Chronicle for the coming year-will be the best and cheapest family as heretdTore. naner in Maine. Its proprietor has had I have ever offered in this market; and can sell them lower than ever known before Black Alpaca, 25 to 45 cts. per yard; 4-4 Mieel- ing7 ct.; i lannels, zu o 6V cis.; ana iiirani in pant goods; bargains in every department. IS.THE BEST. Crampton's Imperial Sop s the Best. Uraniplon a Imperial roap is tne brat, . Cramp ton a lpperial boap lallie liet. Urampton'8 Imperial bpap ia iue UePt. , Urampton a Imperial boap m the tietu, Cramptou'e Imperial Soap is the Best. ' Cranipton's Imperial SoairUtli Best. Crampton'a Imperial Soap Is rtie Bet.. Cramplon'a Impefiallioap is the Best, Gram pt on a Imperial Soap 19 the Meat. Th Soap is manufactured firdm pure materblj and as it contains a large per cent age Vejetabjepil, isirarraiiit'tTfulrequul to the best imported t'asuleSoap, and at the aacie time con tains all the cleansing properties of the cele- . . ' brated Germau , . . - . . . , and French " Laundry Soaps. It ia therefore Te .commended lor the use in the Laundry, Kitchen and Bath Room, and for general household , purposes; also for .triiiler, Painters, Engineers and Mathinit-t, it will remove upots of Ink, 'lar, Grease. Oil, Paint, etc., from the haito MMaMtMMlMBBMMWaW""M -..Ju. . , , i, Jg. CENTENNIAL HARDWARE STORE. ClotMnf! ClotMna ! ClotMn ! mv father sold me & heifer calf, and bar pained to keen it for me by my working half a Anv each week. That I did, and at much experience, and has all the helps theend of one year I exchanged my heiter wuicn a large outlay or money can pro If Farmersjvould experiment more on . , father for two males calves. Al cure. His paper has a larger circulation a small, cheap scale, they could lea'n Losteverv dav after these were two than any other published in the country, better howto treat their soils, insieaa j occupied .my' spare time m and is to be furnished at only S'J. it is of spendipg much hard labor and money jaoim, tem tQ work in the yoke a certain that no one can spend that amount ploughing and re.seeding large pastures, Bmai 0ne witb two bows, which a friend to a better advantage. Be sure to take often to lose more than half they expend, , -a kfttr f montha old thev the Chronicle, and subscribe for yodr if they would take a small tract and treat . - , .haw" aa well as "old friends." Parts of it by different methods, manur- l t They were then turned to pasture The manager hemmed and hesitated, insr it. with various kinds of fertilizers, 1 ..Gt -mK , 'AvThpn mv father was and then said, solemnly, that he doubted " U11L11 kJM WKU - J . I ' - ' iney migut oe ueuer prejaicu w uuUti- mow5n(r fi.e urasa on his salt mea- wnciner it wouiu De jutucious io reuu I dows. situated on the boarders of Long such a notice, but suggested that if it was Island Sound, these calves were taten printeu, copies oi it mignt De msmouteu and used to lead the heavier cattle team at the door of the vestry on the evening over the meadows. Again, they were of the entertainment, used in midwinter to lead the team in "Yes," said the editor, "but it would breaking in his two-year-olds. As these attract more attention m the middle of a calves oryoung steers grew up, I taught sermon. It will interest a large number the near ox to let me ride him, while, the of your congregation and help a good 1 off ox would come along to his plaoe, and cause; and, besides, so much money is iv father's stock from spent upon the Chronicle that I don't see In thi line I can oflVr niear inducement, and can pay to ray cuKtomera that they can save 25 per cent, by calling on me uetore buying elsewhere. ALSO A full line of Hate, Boots, hoes, Crockery, Groceries; &c, and J expect to continue the ROOT AND HERB BUSINESS Call and see. V. WALLACE. (3:2mos.) ifliifiiiiin "rum 53 Light Strut, BA.L.TI1VIORE, MD. take the more extensive jobs, and with almost a certainty of success North CarolCw fanner LEAF MANURE, Bucki'jv Mt)vvr and Reaper. Sweepstake's Threasher & Cleaner. Eclipso Portable ?ana Engines. Ilion Wheel Horse Rakes. ' The Huntington, Pa., Monitor of Air-H r)ih, 1877, pronounce thin Map the bii in iht market, a lollows : Reader, we don't want ymi to m; ftt ihis in an advertienieiil !' p.. ii. . lieetled. Renil il. We wain lo . iul i I tenlior. to the ;il vei lit nit M t "i tniup" ii Imperial Snap." Having used it in our fiitt- fur the lat yejir, we can inMin nd n as ilu best quality of miapin use. It is a rare il ii j: .o get a soap thai will thoionghly cleanse i itil- ing ink from the hanria, as tilso from linen; nut Crampton'a laundry soap will do it, and we know whereof we speak. It i. espteiany :c!;ipt ed for printers, painters, enyiiieeis and n, chinist, and it will remove grease ot all scription from the hand as well as cIoi!;- wilh lutle lahnr. For general I oui-el old t t poses it cannot be excelled. Continental Feed Cutter. Ball Steel and Cast I'Sows. Watt Cast Plows. This manure possesses excellent fertile izing properties, nd greatly improvesjhe texture and character of the soil, Analy friii nrnrea that the foilasre of trees con- o; r..Hr', minApal riHiPKsnch us so I often drove my father's stock from spent upon wwM rah and Roda-than the pasture to the barn-yard. So much how the owner can afford to print hand UUWUMW. ., . I . I . . . . , , . . I r i ll .1. : tnnm xrevr Ihilla tn ml vorti n if Tfitnnnr lTir!ismr thA RoUd wood, and that the older the iormyeariv - cuu.ius uuu - - - c v. xi.. u. Affr T wna in. mv father crave me a the subscription price. In such a matter weaves iqe greater ibo amuuni ui i - i. -foi fw,failn 1pav Uiucoofirroundeach year, that I could as this we ought to be willing to help litter the rrround. the farmer whose farm plant ana worn on snares, anuu x uuicu eacu umCi. -tit. I . -. a I rrt il ii a1 'A j.: MthPr thm rjirefullr- to be heln. I had to crive tWO days oi my ume i ueu me genucuiau saw iue siiuuuoii either used in the compost heap with other to the hired man's one day. I grew decomposible vegetable matters, or em- just what my tancy ana reauing uiciareu, ployed as litter for his animals during and from the proceeds I dressed as well winter, or as coatings for his barn -yard or as any of the boys ot the present time. i other inclosures. where animals are confin always had some time to play, ana tune ea, ana wneretue leaves oy aDsoroingine jo reau, auu now iook uk tlulu. dollars, was told bv the German, who 4KJU1U voiuings may ue reuuiiy cuuricuH jacasuuii uiuuj;uw w vr into excellent plant-food, t I the farm hand who taught me to use tools, hold, the plow, and to bring the point , , . . . , . Anvtnr lire X LLLZU iu M a rKWt. ananeeioxmy scytue so us tu ieuc ",c 8Crition very well, supposed he could get In an old book on agriculture, written i i;ica" "u" 14 T , " J " , . the oil and treat himself. Tlie doctor ftn,lr twn tlm.1R9n,1 TAar nW. thftanthnr ,u ,uc UA lcoUJ l" luo m " saw no mora of the patient for some t mc: J " r - o-j 1 1 : ii ; i:n 1 declares that he. ha4 known Professors, of TJ f " but one day riding past the. residence of all kinds, even torthose who promoted i u Iurruw UUV - """' the German, he was pleased to see him gluttony and Uugbt the most contempti- Puo f ow u. l v "" '"f out in the garden digging lustily. The case seamed such a proof of the virtues of 11"-' 1 t i 1 4 t cou liver on mat; ne sioppett to niaieinore particular inquiries about it Mill Stones, Smut Machines. Bolting Cloths, Belting. Mill Machinery in General. Ssifl for Catalope aii Price List. (26:Gmo.) Manufactured only by Crampton Brothers, 2, 4, 8 and 10, Rutgers Place, and 33 and 35, Jefferson St., New York. For sale by in. M. buis, 46 SALISBURY, N. C. j EUGENE. L. HARRIS, - tlrlist in ratjonf Sassafras Fork, N C PORTRAITS. EXLAKGED in the most finished style of crayon drawing from PHOTOGRAPHS, - Ft U EOT Y PES, DAGL'ERREOTYPES, . MINIATURES, ETC. 14xl7$10.00.- Framed $13.00. 18x22 $15.00. Framed S20.00. Seud for circular. 51: A llvr tf.ltfl nMnon nrliilo cuFFVu-in front a pulmonary attack, sent for a phy sician. In a short time the doctor called on him, prescribed two bottles of cod liver oil, and receiving his fee of eight A Monthly Jfayazinc devoted to Litera ture. Science and Art, published in Wil mington, orth Carolina The Corps of (.'nnti ihutors includes several of the most Distinguished Authors of the pres ent day. A Serial Storv, Poems, Sketches, he disliked the sizo of the bill, that he need views. Scientific and Historical Articles will not come again. The German, who by On .sale and constantly arriving, . TYRE IROtf 1 to 2i inches at Scents per lb. D round Ind square, from 3-16 to 3 inches. 3 to 10 cents. D Band, i to 6 inches, from 3 tp 1CT cents, PL' -V MOULDS and irons all shapes and sizes, " " WIRE CLOTH for screens, of various sizes, BUGGY and Carriage Material of all qualities,- - SPRINGS and AXLES, for Wagons, Carriages, Baggies, & Sulkies, PRESERVING KETTLES, brass and lined, from 1 to 5 gallons, f APPLE-45EELERS. 100 doz. retail 75 cents. WHITE LEAD and prepared paints, all colors, OILS, linseed aBd inaehine. hest hrands. .PUNISHES, all kiuds COOKtXG Utensils, all s its. si2es and styles, ' SAWS! Wc e..uhl saw off the m.rth pole if we could geVat it. DISSTON'S ' Great Aionicrin " has never been excelled; saws of all sizes and T-r all purposes. WELL BUCKETS, puleys, chains and ropes, GLASS, window. fr..m 8 x 10 to 36 x 44. Blue Glass to otder. NAILS, cut. fr-'in K pnny up $3 per JOOlbs. From 10-penny to 4, 3J to 4 cents. Wrought' and horse-shoe nails, Tariable. SCREWS, tacks and hrads of all sizes and for all uses. Blacksmith Tools, all sorts ; a patent drill, uew and splendid. ROPE. jute, reisal, mauilla, hemp aud cotton, from to 2 inches. BELTING, ruhher aod leather, from 1 to 14 inches. Horse Collars, horse and mule shoes, haines, and traces. Edge Tools and boring implements in endless variety. FARM TOOLS and MACHINERY ! For all purposes of superior quality and equal to any demand. Straw Cutters, Cradles, Plows, Rakes, Hoes and Shovels. House furnish stock (in my line) complete Saddlers' hardware aud tools, full assortineut. Tahle and Pocket cotlery elegant and abundant. Pistols fmm 25 cents tt $20 plated revolvers. .Guns from children's $2 to $40 sporting. IRON GA I'ES aud FENCES, aud gate latches. - BRUiIEs paint. vamihvvliite wash, horse, scrub aud all other kinds fine and coarse. Wine aud t idei Mills. Cane Mills and Evaporators. Carpenters ' Tools, splendid and more complete thau ever and Still a few more of Mm Machines left ! Come come all, and see Sam Taylor, the paraxon of R, R. Cbawfokd's Centennial Hardware Store. 15;ly COME TO CRAWFORD'S. . HARDWA RE .9. mm y v t- y s ? - v w ' V ' "i" i . i. .ii.. i . .a . - L th. riA. eik.: eJi cl fit ejAs r irts c3 CIlLAPhR THIN EYEE, i rtr m . appear in every numoer. inis Magazine win contain onlv Original Literature. $3.00. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR SINGLE COPY 25 Cent.. ADVERTISING TERMS ble of rices j but of. Agriculture he says : 'I have never known any that professed themselves to be either teachers or stu dents. While the world has progressed some irhat during the period named, and Pro fessor of .Agriculture is not now an un hands and laid it heavily over my back j and legs." I always afterwards drove the team out straight, and I have tried to drive straight now over severity years. "You seem to be getting very well,' The remembrance of my own boyhood h-'addreMilg thc Uerilu has always induced mn to favor all, items of encouragement at home on tho farm, known title, still we must in all candor , " " aflmir. that. a vast lORloritv of Tonl h-; Pjucwi we buouiu uae u.o.c guuu " - r I p ii.. i i .1 i i iarcuers uuu ios uiokcu-uowu mereunu, or loafing, hanging-on, time serving clerks, ready for anything except honorable la- JR. Elliott in iieve in tfye obi saying : "That any fool can b a farmer." Doubtless, many of I nr rAflf!r rilV 1rln. that thfv lwlipvo ..ii i a. l bor and usefulness belonging to the high -it takes a smart, intelligent man to make-1 ' " " b . . a god. one ; and, while we agree with them in this we must still assert" that ac tions speak at least as loud as words in this matter, and are overwhelmingly on the fool's side of the question. Now we propose to offer some facts to prove that thie vast majority of farmers est order of creation. F. Country Gentleman. WHO ARE THE BLESSED ? Blessed is the man who minds his own business. messed is .the woman who never says do not believe that agriculture is a pro- to her husband, "I told you so." fession .reaulring anv special culture or I Blessed is the man who can sew on his education; for if tbey did, their sons buttons when the baby is crying. f. ' j "would be specially trained, for the,busi- Blessed is the: woman whtv won't marry .pess, or fitted to become good farmers, a widower providing he's your own fa- , u,Tb'ere are, it is true a few ni'en in what ther. - tare called -Agricultural . Colleges, who j Blessed is the mother-in-law who never profess to be preparing to become farm- reminds you that you married above your ers) baitnese are so iew in numoer xuat, station. , there will not Me cnougn to nu tne posi- I liiessea is tne ncn relation wuo never "Yaw, I ish well, responded the former ly sick man. "You took as much oil as I told you T" queried the doctor. "O yaw, I have used many as four gal lons of de dog-liver oil. "The what V said the astonished doc tor. "De dog-liver dat you say I shall take. I liave killed most every fat little dog I could catch, and the dog-liver have cured me. It is a great medicine, dat dog-liver oil r The doctor had nothing to say, but rode quick! y away. In vestiga tor. 1 page one year fl'20 oo " 75 oo " " 50 OK ' " " S6 00 l na'e one Insertion $25 oo V ' " 15 oo y " " 44 10 00 ; 44 44 44 ) 5 00 All communications, should be addressed to Mus. CICERO V. HARRIS, Kilititr and Pi oprietor. The fields are green, mountains glorious in pnrple arrays, skies benignant. The birds sing and woo and brood. The little lambs skip in innocent delight. The cat tle are, happy in fresh fields and pastures new. Gladness flows in rythmic beauty on the waters, and Nature seems but as the very shadow of heaven. Yet mortalsi grumble and complain. The great God tions opened fof teachers, mnch less to j looks down on you when you are in the I is forgotten becans r !A .i:..i'nn,i-0, in i,. fii,i L ' alvsis! The times KERR CRAIGE, gttorncB at atof Sfvlieiloixxr-y-, 3r. o. To the Working Class. We are now prepared to furnish all elates with c i)Staut employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of eiihf r st-x easily earn from 50 t-u tsi to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by debiting their whole time to tli business. Boys and yirls earn nearly as much as men. Thai ill! who see this notice may send their address, and test the btisinem we make this iiiihi alleld offer; To such as are int well .;it isfied we will send ore dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, sam ples worth several didlars to commence work on. and a copy of Horn aud Fireside, ne of the largest and best Illustrated Publtsations, all sent free by mail. Re uler if you waut permanent, profitable work, address George $Tllsrtw Ar Pa.. Portland. Maine. WIIE. YOU WANT H A 11 D sV- A ll E At Low Figures Call on the undersigned at ( Row, I). A. AT WELL. Salisburv.N C. June 8 tf. Greensboro Female College. GREENSBORO, X. C. The Spring Session of 1878 will begin on Thursday, the 10th of January. This Instiution offers s iperior advantages oil reasonable terms. For full particulars, apjdy to T. M. Jones, President. N. II-D WILSON, 9:tf Pres. Iard ol Tmtees 1 IBO " r v- ORDERS FOR PRINTING FROM - 1 Responsible persons, or on cash remittances, shall receive IPT AMD 0AREFOL ATTENTION. COURT AND JUSTICES' BLANKS RT.PT ON HAND. . TIMETABLE WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD. To take effect June 12d, 1877. GOING WEST. STATIONS. Salisbury Third Creek. ... .SutcsvMie IMolts Catawba Xt-TWon ;hh v .i tliekorv card Mor-ianlon. Bridjifcwater .Marion Old Fort Henry A KIUVK. THE GBEAT PYliAMH?. ise Mammon has a par- i furnish practical workers in the jield. gutter. aljsis I 1 lie times are. hard because the WI.aii n. man ilesirea his -Rons to enter TUmmm! ia fha nnar illation who nn.r wy Ol tlie transgressor IS Hard. An Hon - inxr f 1a 1flirnl nrofessions. he sends lnolra nn tn von for mnnor. est return to Honest ways Will bllOff back them to a college, orgood school, then gives Blessed is the old maid that don't hate tue prosperity we havo lorteited. Cam lm-r-!inain whlrlrto stiidv the narticular I nA tmoo!a nrnrl chilflrn. . ttan at Work. branch of science or art selected, jiever J Blessed is the old bachelor that don't ATruutinff them to lkAfomo Riieressful ex- I hnt rats nnil ninenshionn. centthrouirh close application, and oft .-Blessed are the married people that! The Great Pvraniid of Egypt is the. times a long, tedjoua and laborous appli- don't wishrthey were single. . . , most ancient existing structure ever built., -w a. il . A. 1 I ti a. . I .1 ' f . J i try m cation, ii a man enters iue ninusiry, ne i liiessea are ine singte people mat are oy tne Dram anu nana oi man. it is a must need read theology, and this calls content to remain so. feet in height, and 761 feet square at the, for book by the dozeo and hundreds, I Blessed is the husband who never says base. Its solid contents Of stone is 80 which cost money ; and the saiue is true of hia mother's pica were better than his 000,000 feet. This would build a wall Taw. medicine, or even to become a suc- wife's. are. 3,000 miles long, one loot tuicK, ana nve ' lii,t lnv la it TT-ith I l'.OAJ tl, mnn irtih mVa. Vtn iU I rAt- lii All '" Tf 1 ? a lnilf rf H)tl ldVAra (LTOoOi LIA lucivuauiif uv jj v f v iii jjjvoecu 10 uiv uau nuu iic:o uio nD I lCCb l o uu,l,( v& amjv.d jk armer8 geperally f Do they purchase an j ten cents without askiig her hat she is I stone, in bfocks about seven feet wide and agrioltaral library as part and parcel of I going ta do with it. eight ieet longr and diminishing in tlack.-; : the potfit.peeded fpr the furtherance pf j Blessed is the woman who don't scold J ness with the height, from five feet to one the objept Jney may uyeiij viewi Aiew. trhen tpe StOTe pipe tails aown on tne pay do it, but the sale of even the, best dinnir-tablei and blessed is the man -works relating fx the subject, shows that wh can fix it up without swearing, pine out of ten never invest a dollar in - Blessed is the friend who nevw requires aids to success. Jhejoanrof your umbrella. - - Then a-aint wlip would employ a doc- Blessed is the Beighbor who is so busy men i -tn 0WD affair9 that he has no time tor that did not take and read the medicaj yours. journals which gave the latest discoveries Where are the blessed T - in the use of dings and chemicals, audi Echo answers, J.'Wbere t" and ft half feet. The sumrnit consists of a level platform about sixteen by eighteen feet. Its foundation is on the natural, rock. , Its sides ; were originally eased o veneereu Dy a nner stone, out uus nas ai been broken off, and ' the bare limestone remains vithau. , Some of. the inner chambers are lined with granite and other stone highly polished. Pkepakei fob Immediate Use. 207 PEAEL ST., NEW YORK. vFrom the thousands of purchasers of our PRE PARED PAINTS, we have yet tp hear the first Complaint.. The reason in apparent. Our paints' h a ve-ntood the lest of years, where all other paints, have jailed in durahility "Their covering capacity, being greater than an other paint, present a practical i(An economy. Oat toaints are guaranteed in evecy uarticular, th consumer riL whatever, as we will re-paint any building on whicli onr paints do not proVe satisfactory; allowing a choice of English B. B. VVhiteLead, or any other paint in use. , y FOR SALE . , (29:3m) T. F. KLUTTZ Salisbury, N. C Cheaf) Chattel Mortgages; and various other blanks for sale here 9 04 A il o0 '11 07 ill 'H 12 IS l 1 ' 1 Oo I - u't 1 r r7 ! 4 25 i 5 18 ! 5 UO M M. Lkavk. 1'"5-V"aT. 9 4 ") " mo ;: " ;11 07 - Ui :u ' 12 "20 I 12 08 I 1 25 i 2.10 j 2 53 U 40 P ) 4 30 i 5 20 PRICES STRICTLY LOW. oDrrss WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, N. C. f-i o O A tfrt ctea J tf ? .f. v o o rt o M. M. DEEDS & MORTGAGES. (jOLSCi EAST. , . Fee Simple Deed. Deeds In Trtist. Mortgage Deeds, Commissioners' Deeds, Sheriffs Deeds, chattle Mortgage. - Farm ontracts. Marriage and Confirmation Certificate?, Ditiller-Entries, nut vart s other forms for sale at the WATCHMAN OFFICE. STATIONS. ! A RRivg. f Lka vk. Henry j 6 00 A.M. Old Fort , 6 12 A. M.i (i 15 " Marion 7 07 " j 7 10 " Bridgewater! 7 52 " 7 55 Morganlon 8 22 " 8 28 " Ieard 9 05 " j ' 9 10 " Hickory. . 950 " 9 52 ' Canova 10 20 M 10 23 " Newton....: 10 35 16 37 " . Cntawba.- 11 25 ' 11 35 " Plotts 11 55 ' 12 00 P. M. Statesville 12 32 P.M. 12 52 " Third Creek.'. 1 40 " 1 45- " Salifbary ..... ....... j 2 30. ", Simontpn Female College. . State syille, 17. C. Tke Fal, Term O'pens Aug. 29, 1877. Board and English tuition $85.00 Jr Bec sion of twenty weekB.' Catalogue and circular With full particular!), on application. Addrea ' . MRS. E.'N. GRANT, 41:6m9. Principal FOR SALE. A $50 Centennial Sewing Machine and warranted to be good. Call at this office. 9:6U New BE HIGH A KITH. LEWIS, (Late Pnfesor of Piw;ase'S of the Eye and Ear iu the Savannah Medical Coll j.e.) Practice Limited to the EYE and EAR, RALEIGH, N. C. "Refers to the State Medical Society and to the Georgia Medical Society. 47. ly. . - OMNIBUS & BAGGAGE WAGQH ACOMODATIOll GET THE BEST. The Raleigh News. DAILY, one year, . WEEKLY, one year, $5.00 1.00 I have fitted .Omnibus and Baggag Wagon which are always ready to convey per or from the depot, to and from parties) wedding. &e. Leave 5rderBat Mansion House or at .my Livery & Sale Stable,. Fishers street -near Railroad bridge. I M. A. BRINGLE- Aug. 19, tf. . Mortgage Deeds for sale here c Scna Postal Card for Sample CopJ'" Address THE RALEIGH HEWS, BMier ai Heniersa Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, X- Januay22 1 876 -tt. J. K. BURKE, AUCTIONEER. SALISBURY, N- C- EST Vill Vl&d attehd to the callin in the country for Administrators, a- ani others. Terras to suit the times. Vi . :. fr: ' ba 11 . iy r ' tn ec t - th th , ;jh '",! in : ti : al ;- di ; of tl wl J tl h : h -e h ri T, si : t M f Q C o (i 1