i i iJ" - r--- j L O O A 3- legal-tender 1 . . Hero, there and eerywnere-muut - . -o Rogers says wood is a Salisbury. - - ..... .A-!1 TnMutltn 'JllSIOl ICHi in For the Watchman. CROSSING -TIIE BROOK. "You can't cross on dat bridge dar, Mr. .... - ! shall appeal in our next. -o- Look out for weddfngs iuoiit two startling affairs of tins ki'ud are o dtt. - o MillerV Grub ami tree "extractor -will pUllout grubs at the rate of one a min ute. j ' . o ' The colored folks have a brass band. Three bands in Salisbury four, counting Sim Schloss. o- - ' Thursday the 17th is our birth day No presents will be received. But fur thus timely notice, we might have done a big thing in that line. o- "Can't, eh r , ; With this admonition .we turned the jm tient face of our steed toward the .Imomi.n:: creek which, swollen with weeks of rain, was rushini: in'turious swirls out from un der Cant. i mills. -As' Csesar paused I BUSINESS IiOCAI COLUMN. Notice to Gas Consumers.- Hereafter all gaa bills willW made payable on 15th of ieach mouth, instead of 1st as heretofore. - J. ALLEN BROWN, Prest. Gas Co. Printing Office for Sale. . Providence permitting the Rev. F. H. Jordan will pi each in Meroney's Hall next Sunday (the 20th) at 11 o'clock in the morning. v.''.. o Ice Crop Saved. Mr. A. L. Johnson wived between five ami six hundred tons ol ' ce the best he ever housed during RiiniK He lias euouirh to K liVy A - - u 1' " " ' supply our market and some to spare. The Hook & Ladder Company will be nut on dress parade Thursday evening. accompanied by the Silver Cornet Band The truck Lai leii tastefully decorated l.v Mr. .Lis. Wren. Thev will make a good show in their bright new uniform. The Examiner Newspaper and J-b office will be sold to the highest bidder, to satisfy i a mortgage, on th 22d of January, instant. There is a good press, types, slab; stands. &(. (in good repair), enough to run a paper 24x30, and do ordinary job Work. KFVWill the Press ot the State can at tention to the sale and" oblige. J. J. Stewart. Jan. 2d, 1878. At the Salisbury Book Store may be found writing paper from 5 cents per on the banks of 1 he Rubicon so paused our steed on the brink of this wrathful torrent. We sutrscsted that he move on, but he ".re- nigged"' wished to know how deep the water was. We asked mm to measure it with his legs. He seemed still meditating on the problem of ingress and egress, when we annhed a scion of 7 funk of me on his epi 1 1 . 1 A 1 A. dermis, ami he suddenly remenioenng mm we wanted him to oro, bravelv traveled into the centre of the stream when, " mirabile diem." he ttonrxd. Like the Pyramids of the Nile, the Obelisks of Luxor or the Peak of streaming over his Tack, and we perched qmre up, Envelopes from 5 cents per pack jjnon top of the saddle were Molli-fe& by up, Ladies Fine Papers from Id cents a . t ri i the audible smiles ot a uevy oi, very Jtosy up &c. faced, pretty and very modern yong ladies 1 N- . t f cbronio encravincs aud wno were rusiicnung on a. neiu wnug We asked permission of Equinus to insist photo statuary. on his immediate locommoting. He wished Inks, pent and pencils the proposition to be laid on the table or School books very cheap. put to vote, the vote stooir i yea idj. Albums, Note Books, Blanks Books, We ueffifeu mm to recoiismer iiibiumk, t .i. K .; .i. B'i,ii nK. nf wind In the Ledgers, &c, low down. meanwhile minntes were-paesing away and New Sheet Music and Scrap Books. matters were setting no better tast, and we A select lot of Novels by different au sat like Patience on a monument smiting tuor8m fact everything usually kept in Thinkitiff n aniren ins sionv i . ... av unci., " .......... CT - j . i 1 U.L- etnrn Anxr rwutLr r other article not in stock, will be ordered immediately on application. Give me a trial. GEO. W YOPP. In Mclntyre's furniture room right hand door. Dr. Allen is here -o selling his Lightning Cure and Green Mountain Oil. The Dr. is a fine talker and sells lots of his medi cine. He is accompanied by Prof. J. C. Bodine, who is. the tiuest Ventriloquist Ave ever heard? His daily performance on the public square is very amusing. An old fashioned country dauce Mr' J Y Barber got up and carried through successfully, a rousiyg old country- dance at Meroney's Opera" Hall last Tuesday night. There were some fifty ladies and gentlemen from the country aud as many - from town assembled, and as the musk began they took partners and began to enjoy the festive dance with keen aud mirthful relish. They continued on the "'light aud" fantastic1' till Wednesday's Attn bade them cease their merriment. o 1 Murder Yill Out Conductor Murphy tells us that the body of a -woman and child have just been discovered, hurried about one and a half feet under the ground, heart we began to sing On Jordan's stormy baoks I stand On the balkiest horse in all the land, Wlille slippery pebbles roll-below Come, old fellow, won't you go ! . With a snort he answered" o." Come, stem the Hood and take me through ; Here pnnderlng stand no longer, dont 1 And In my taee the cold spray Uevr, As the water from his snout he blew And calmly said-" I won't." Here we changed the metre and keeping time ori his visible portions with Think of ?ne, we began Wtll rou go or will you stay ! - Or If you riont I'll swim away And come for you another day. Presto! as the sea pod rose from the watery waste On his t ripple headed beast, So we our departure toqk From tun oiu muaay diook. - WII V pounded were satisfactory and were given in such a manner as to show her acqnain tance with the law. Not a single ques tion was unanswered aud it is stated that she passed the examination as well if not better than any of the masculineapplicanta. License to practice law in this Stat was then grunted lier, and bearing her honors in this new field she had entered she took her departure from the Court Roo'na.r Miss Hoi ton, who has now the distinc tion off leiiig the first lady lawyer ever admitted to the. Bar in this State, was born in Guilford county, and is the daugh ter of a minister of Jamestown. Her age is about 22 years, she is pettite iu figure, has dark hair and eyes, and a very pleas ing winsome expression. Iu manner, she is modest and unassuming to the extreme, and appeared to feel the seeming delicacy of her position as an applicant. She tie parted for her Western home yesterday, aud her future career will be watched by the members ofthe Bar and other. Jial. Xetcs. CALENDAR OF CASES SET FOR. TRIAL AT THE SPECIAL (JANUARY) TERM, 1878,;" OF ROW AN SUPERIOR COURT. His Hox. JOHN KERR, Judge, Presiding CIVIL ISSUE DOCKET. TUESDAY, January 15th, 1878 No. 2 spe She The and iJUSS . 11P"H IIMUUID nun uri un eg. . There was & pious smile .going the rounds about a Miss AYilson whu wauled to be a Baptist and presented herself for baptism. Now Miss. Wilson weighed, two mndred ouudrf, including her cork leg, which was n full-length leg, and modelled iu due proportion. She made au attempt to reach the officiating clergyman bieastJ deep iu the water, bat her cork leg was seized with an unwonted activity. Miss Wilson knew nothing of the law of citic gravity, and was not to blame. was suddenly reversed iu the water, minister feeliugly, righted her up, observing the grinning of the spectators at the solemu sceue, asked Miss Wilson to please not do that again. He was in nocently ignorant of the cause of the dis turbatice of her equilibrium. He gently ed. the maiden out, wheu, with a wild shriek, she fell backwards, and her lively eg shot out of the water. The minister made half a dozeu efforts, but could not keep the con vert riirlit end up louir enough I to baptise her. At length she told hint of her trouble, and he called for a weight to balance her. The siiectators tied precipi tately to give vont to their feelings. Miss Wilson flip-flopped ashore in indignation and amazement, and went and joined the Presbyteriaus. Portchester Journal. The New York Herald says the Alder- mauic committee which was appointed in July to investigate the Riug frauds hav ing concluded its labors have made a long report to tlieiioard of Aldermen Riimmiug up the result. The committee make it appear that between Jauoary 1, 1868, and July 1, 1871, the enormous sum of thirty millions of dollars was fraudulently di verted from the city treasury by the cor rupt practices of the Ring, and that this does not include the amount stoleu by the Riug in the Hoard of Supervisors between I860 and; 18G(i. "It is safe to assume," savs the report, "that from 1800 until We have a Bleached Domestic at 10 cents-a yard that we guarantee to be posi tively the cheapest goods in the market. Same price by the yard or bolt, asR lor the "Gold Coin." Meroueys Sc Rogers'. Genuine "Het Axpku" Bolting clothes at Meroueys Jtogers'. Full assortment ot Ladies 2 Button Kid Gloves at 50 cts. 75 cts. and 150 a pair. The cheapest kids in the market.. Meroueys-at ltogers. Ladies Striped Hose 10 cents to $1.00 a w i i tr rr a a. n:ir. Parties v aire nose o cents w to cents a pair. Meroneys & Rogers. -'Handsome line of the new Knicker bocker and Bouratte Suitiugs at extreme ly low figures at Meronevs & Rogers'. Alice V March, etal vJH Verble Admr. Daniel Shaver Dec d. 25 S H Wilev, r James W Hackett, et ah 2SW. A. Morris et al r Andrew Cowles, Admr. 2JJW. B. March r J. W. Hinsdale Admr. Walter Drauxhan. ;j0jollu A Houston r Jno II Dalton XI Thomas J. Foster r U. H. Plyler .U-Pleasiint II. Martin r B. F Cheatham. 42 Jesso E. Fralev r James A Kellev. 44 Reeves & Couclieuhour r J ----- Sturges Davis. WEDNESDAY, J.vx'v. lfith, 1878. v0. 4;3 ('. S. Brown r Israel A. Fisher. " 47 Charles Wilkes r Southern Ex press Company. 4!) X. C. G. A. Co., v E. Mauney eta 50 Alfred Dolan r Susan Dolan. " 51 W. B. Pendleton et al r Jo!iu II Dalton. " 52 F. M. Phillips r Jacob Sowers " 21 Jane Correll etal v Win. Kluttz Sewing Machines, Needles and attach ments always ou hand at No. li:4t. Meronevs &. Rogers'. Hickory. One Whisenantarried ! July, 1871, the people of this city have near a woman some nio'uths ago ami after liv iii"' together foi-ik tinu the woman and child disapiM'ared. WliLseuant said she had gone to Washington City. It is be lieved by the people, thut Whisenant murdered them in fact, there is some evidence of his gr.ilt. The ollicers aw on his track. . . . -o ; ! been robbed to the extent of fifty millions of dollars at least." The amount recov ered by all the suits amount to only $1, 119,525, and when. the legal expenses are i deducted there is left as the total net ! amount recovered ouly .$876,241, or less i than one-fiftieth, of tire amount stolen. That beats the stealings of the North Car i olina, rihg, in the palmiest days of Radi- n the TtciiikliiHj of an Eye. Last night ; t.:li;.s,;,..f,f. Xews. etal. The Congressional Directory shows that out of 369 members of Congress only 193 are natives of the States which they repre sent. Only one State, North Carolina, is represented entirely by native born citi zens, while the delegations of ten States do not contain a single native. When the Directory was printed the Senators from each of four States were resideutsof the same towns. Messrs. Ant now and Bi'knsipk lived in Providence, R. I.; Messrs. Conkung aud Conoveh in Utica, N. Y.; Messrs. Gokden und Hill iu At lanta, Ga.; Messrs. McDonald and Mint ton in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jialeiyh Ubsfrrer. In the Slpejuou -jr-'-.-i... la the most Renlal balsam mr otcd bf laffpTcn from pulmona it dl. ' It la eompoirrt of herbal product, wblcn have a specine effect on the throat and lunirai detaebe from tb air eeUs all ir rltaiinsr matter; caue It to bw expecto rated, aad at once ebeka tbo Inflammation which prod nee tbo cough. A single doso relierea the most dintressins paroxysm, soothes nervousness, and enables the suf . ferer to enjoy noiet rest at night Being pleasant cordial, it tones the weak stem ach, and is, specially recommended for" children.' What others say about TutVs jExpectoranu Had Asthma Thirty Years, Baltimorx, Fehrmmry, 1875. " I hare had Asthma thirty years, ami never found a medicine that had such a 1piy effect." W. F. HOG AN, Charles St. A Child's Idea of Merit. Next Ok leans, Novtmher 11, ' ' "Ton's Expectorant is a familiar name in my house. My wile thinks it the best medicine in the world, : aad the children sst it w nicer than molasses candy." NOAH W00DVMRD, 101 N. Poydrti St. "Six,jand all CroupY-" " I in the mother of six children ; all of them have been croupy . WithouVTutt's Expectorant, 1 don't think they could have survived some of the attacks It is a mother's bl-ssinjj." MARY STEVENS, Frankfort, Ky. A Doctor's Advice. " la my practice, 1 advise all families to keep Tutt's Expectoraut, in sudden emergencies, for coughs, I; croup, diphtheria, etc." V T. P. ELLIS, M.D., Nwrk, N. J. Sold by nil dmao- Trice $1.00. Otfice , SS Mmrmy jreetA fftw lorc IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. No. The Chief Justices of the Supreme Court since its organization are, John Louis Taylor, elected January 1S1J): Leonard Henderson, elected at June term lfi-20 : Thomas liu ili n. elected at Decem ber term, ; Frederick Nash, elected j December term, 1S5'2; llichniond Murufovd j Pearson, elected at Deiember term, It)?. -L'alei'jh Xvws. 11 TIIUUSDAY, Jas'v. 17th, 1873. 53 John Ilammill r James C. Mc Canless. 56K. J. Holmes r U. C. Ijinier. 57 V. L. Carrow r Absy Lucky. 53 -W. II. Kesler r W. F. Blum. 59 Marjrai-ett A. Neely r Julius Xeely et al. (!( II. A. Lemlv et al r James Heard, Admr. 2G Johu V. Hiice iJames Calloway. A. B. when the North Carolina train arrived at "..the depot in Salisbury, 11 lady who was , on board, and traveling alone, deposited 1 her bundles on the wat and stepped out on the platform. A man met her there, -! they shook hands and he twk a position by her side. The next moment another man emerged fronrtbe crOwd, stoml iu front of them and spoke a few solemn words in a low tone. He was a magis trate, and the mau: and Jtbe woman had lieen made man and wife. Ther boarded - the train it only stops a few moments ' i there and were soon on their way to Charlotte.? The peopla ou the platform looked t(ward the r, then at each other and -wenfaway. Clifcr. Observer. SENATOR MEKRIMON. For the Watchman. A VERY AGREEABLE SURPRISE. Sometime since, tlie llev. R. L. Hi own married -a couple of some pecuniar' stand ing, for which he expected to receive, at least, some comiMinsuion. At the time ofthe marriage the license wis handed to him folded, with the names of the parties on the biick. The" wedding all passed over, and not aword said about any tee. The minister returned home with the sup ination that he had made another water haul. But, more than two weeks after, when the' attached certificate was to be filled the license Was opened -and a beau tiful V fouud inside. Mr. Browu is much obliged; aiid affirms that all such parties shall be furnished with a beautiful guilt marriage certificate. He would uot care to be surprised again. This was better fare than a certain Prosbvterian minister we wot of had for renderiug a similar service. He received his fee in the dark, just before mount ing his horse to go home. It was a coin, aud he dropped it into his pocket without knowing- its value. The bride : 5100m was a dressy,"Bplurging fellow, of - some considerable standing, and the par don had no doubt he had done a clever thing for him. His fingers touched the piece next morning and he hauled it out to inspect it, and tbunjl a iftlcer quarter. A Lotcer Class of Government Iionds. It is now. urged in financial circles that the government, iu order to secure a wide distribution of its bonds . in the hands of most thrifty citizens in all parts of the 'country, and as a measure of security for the people themselves, issue bonds bear ing four or five per. cent, interest, and of small denominations ranging from ,25 upward. This ijdea was oue of the most judicious features of Hie late message of Mr. Hayes. A" very large amount of bonds would soon be absorbed through this scheme, besides giving to a uumeroug class of citizens an interest in the stability ot the government hitherto unknown to them. Charlotte Observer. vtv von- much vo'Tct the attacks of The Greensboro Xew State upon Senator Merrimon. We were present in Raleigh, during the Senatoral struggle of 1872, and we know that no bargain wa3 made be tweeii the Republican members of the Legislature aud Judge Merrimon. There were leaders of the Republican party who preferred Gov. Vance, and used all their, influence to have the Republican vote cast for him. Republicans voted against Jov. Vance because they thought by so doing they could divide arid distract the Democratic party. They expected no other benefits than this. Therefore, we regret that Senator Merrimon should be de nounced as au ingrare when lie was elect ed without any effort on his part. So far as gratitude is concerned, we know that Senator Merrimon acknolwedges that he owes every man that voted for him for Senator, a debt of personal gratitude, which he is ready and auxious to discharge whenever a fit opportunity presents itself to do so. Senator Merrimon is -it part of North Carolina. . So far as his reputation and character as a public man representing hir State is concerned, that which tends to destroy standing as Senator, does au injury toJ the .State. While the beuator is not of onr political faith, we feel it our dnty to uphold him as far as we can, and thus enable him to lie of all service possi- li1 tit h St.itp. and neonle. A man 01 greater purity of character than Judge Merrifnon, has never represented North Carolina iu any public capacity. Being si self-made man. aud havinjr risen to Jiis present high position by his own exertions we should regret the occurence ot any thinir tpndinir to iinnair his usefulness as c? a man and Senator. It is not probable that the Republicai members of the next Legislature will be called upon to decide the contest for Sena tor. If there should he no chance of elect ing a Republican, It willJbe the impera tive duty of the Republican members to cast their, votes for the man who can be of the most service to the State without regard to party. Raleigh Register. New York cigar makers are on another strike. Col. Steele. Hon. Walter L. Steele has hcen confined-to his bed since his return from Washington, three weeks ago, with muscular and nervous rheuma tism, and will not be able to: be present at the re-assenibling of Congress. Charlotte Observer. MOTHERS SAVE YOUR CHILDREN from torture and death by using Shriner's Indiam Vermifuge. It w ill , destroy and expel worms of every kind if used accor- j ding to the directions. ; OUR LADY LAWYER. At the beginning ofthe present term ot the Supreme Court,- Miss Tabitha Aune Holton, of Jamestown, iu Guilford county, applied to be examined for licence at the same-time as the other applicants, but the Court declined to so examine until the point as to whether the law ofthe State woultT admit women to practice at the bar had been decided. Accordingly, yesterday morning was selected as the time for hearing the argument in the case. At the hour of 10 a. m., she made her appearance iu the Court room, accompan ied by Hon. A. W. Tourgee, her couusel, who began the argument of the case be fore the Judges. In the course of his speech, which lasted about an hour and a half, he took the following grounds in fa vor of permission of examination being "ranted: The Statute does not debar women from practicing the legal piofes- sion, as the "person" is used, nor is the sex anywhere specified. The Court had so extended the meaning of the word person" as to include colored people, when at the time the statute became a aw it was never contemplated that its provisions could or would be so construed. The word "person" is always used to designate persons appointed administrv tors or executors. The law .further Rays that any persons who may Invve obtained license to practice iu other States, shall, on producing such license, lie permitted to practice iu our courts, so a woman ad mitted into the profession in one of those States, would of course be received here ; we could not debar her. Five States ad mit females to practice by statute, three by construction of a law similar to ours, while in the District of Columbia and in nearly or perhaps all of the FederalCourts in the Northwest they have the same rights iu this respect as are accorded to men. At tbo Rnme. time of the enactment of the statute of this State 011 this subject, the Legislature never thought ot a wo man's making application for admission into the profession, but 111 the great pro gress of events woman's sphere has be tended that the sex is now represented in almost all the professions In the United States one woman is a presi dent of a bank, while two banks have lady cashiers. Many women have risen to eminence in the profession of medicine, and at this moment one of them is a mem ber of the Medical Society of this State Continuing his remarks he referred to the wife of Earl Russell, who, when that no bleman waa arraigned on a charge of trea son, prepared hi defence. Citing other instances of her ability to master the in tricacies ofthe law, be concluded by as sertiug that no man can give any reason why a woman cannot undertake any hon est work for her support. After this hearing of the case, the Court decided to permit the examination of the lady applicant, and this at one began. Her answers to all the questions pro lyl DAY, Jantakv, IS, 1878. X. 01 W A Blount, Adin'r, v Alexander Parker. " G2 Rosa Maria Lentz, v Ebenezer Lentz. fit State ex rel Sarah Peeler v Luke BlacS;iu'i'. 55 S E Warren v Geo. Ackenback. -Pinknev Hall et al v J W Hall, et al. MARRIED. In Salisbury, by Rev J Rumple, on the lOtl iiift., Mr 13 Cass Arey and Mips Box ana Barrincer, daughter ofthe late Laurence Bar ranger, all of Kuwait county. liv t he K-v K L. Brown, :it the residence o the irilfV father, on the 27lli of D?c, 1877 Mr Duiftil L Vrey to Alina Nancy Shemwel! both of Rowan county. At Mill Bridge, N C, Jan. Oil., 1878, by Rev Jas A K;un.iv, T A N Sinoot and Miss A D Pool. On the evening of Jan. Till, by the Rev R F M:ira!ilf, at hi residence in GoMsboro, Mr John V Kerr, of Salisbury, N (J, to Miss H tu ne L Preini't-ri, of Raleigh, N C. On the morning of the IGth, at the Methodist K Church, bv the Rev J J Renn, Dr J F Griffith to Miss Mollie E Klntt, all of this city. No cards. The happy' pair boarded tho morning train for Cuiltbrd, the former home of the groom. Cupid isa pranky fellow; The little cunning scamp Let's a boy run wild sometimes 'Til he gets old and horny, Then .sends a dart Right at his heart And makes him think it's fnuny. "THE TREE Tatt's Pil! are wonh their weight in p"ld." REV. I. R. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. Tatt's Pills rf ft ecuTT'bles'iine of the nine-tecnthcentury."-BEV. F. R. OSGOOD, Nw York. " I have nsed Tutt'ITTlTsTor torpor of the liver. They are superior to any medicine for biliary dis orders ever made." I. P. CARR, Attorney at Law, Augusta, Ga. "I have used Tutts Pilis hve years in my family. They are unequaled forcostivenessand biliousness." F. R. WILSON, Georgetown, Texa. 'I have used Tutt's Mcuinne with great benefit. W. W. MANN, Editor Mobile Realtor. 'We sell fiftv boxc lull's Pill to fire of all others." SAYRE & CO., Cartertville, Ga. Tutt's Pills have only to be tried to establish their merits. Thev work like magic." W. H. BARRON, 96 Summer St., Boston. There is no medicine so well adapted to the cure of bilious disorders as Tutt's Pills." JOS. BRUM MEL, Richmond, Virjpnia. AND A TlTotTSAND MORE. Bold by druggists. 23 cents a box. Office 35 Murray Street, Xew York. NORTH CAROLINA, ) ; r " Davie Couxtv, w y PelitSm to 8IV,fcndTfor 'parlilivn Jnwj.Ii A. Hawkfn, William' Gabird and wife,' Ca(r.iw riot, JmHua McCiautroch, Luciur ilJlamrK;h.. Gargr McClanirwch, Nelson T21!is 'and;, wiTe, ' Mary, . VlainCiffi. ' 1 . " "i-v ": ''Against ... .,. " '. J. R. Nuylor, and wile; Mury, ATniiara N. ' lor, LKiij:niiii NTkr, John Naylor,"Sophi"i, wife of lifore McIIenry, Ltirnnia Naylor, tnnl Adeline Cain. , Lffeadantt. From the afli lavlt filed, it appears lli.nt J. K. Xnylot and wife Mary, are re.-ilertt of Jlhe Sle of Iaw.i, bin wI-.osHi lVtOiBce isLtinktMwrtrj tlint William Naylor, ! lietry-Nvlor "Bnja mitt Nylir, Jthn Nattor, Sophia Mrllenrjr wife of 'tlrge Merittit, Lurnnii Nay lor, cliildrtrt ot John W. Najlur nd Sarah D.N hr, reside i he Slate of Missouri and their : place of riUth& is . u'nkhuwo, and Adelitv 4 L ain of the Ht:i(r cf Imlinnn, whose Uce o. residence is iinktMtVii; 1h.1t all of Raid dentt,' ants are non-rwdtHl vf the State of .KorrtH Carolina, mid the KiuHnv7) IxTtoCoreiW n ii.l defendant; luw heen returned bt the' ttief iff im exicated ; It is now ordered thai jmbn. cation be m ill? for six sneewlte neek" in the in the.toyn of SilnhnrypN. C, mrtlfyin g aa4 defenflnnts that they appear nl the 'office of the Clerk of the Superior Court,-at the- Cwurt House iu MH kiville, 011 or tefor-l!ie 2nd L7 of Kehriiai, 1873, arid aruwr tli" petition, of s I'laiiiliitM. r the prayer of the jetitionerwUL bv grunted and the order nude t eil the land,; duiH-rtlied in the etilion. ' " ? -Dec. ISlh, 1877. II. li. HOWARD, 10Kt. ; Clerk" 8tnerh)r Court, j Salisbury Male Academy The exorcises of thl Institution will le re nnnied tihder the directiott f Mr. R. M. Dati Jan. 2d. 1878. Persons wishin'ir to enter pnpila fthofild apply to Mr. R. M. Dayis or S. H. Wilev. t Xnew depaeture. D J ONLY FOR CASH OR BARTER. NO CREDIT. TUTTS HAIR DV HIGH TESTIMONY. FROM THE PACIFIC JOURXAL. -A CREAT INVENTION . has been made ly lm. I i n, of New York, which restores youthful beauty to the hlr. That emluent-chemlst has succeeded lu producing a Hair lire which Imitates nature to perfection. Old bachelors may now rejoice." Price $1.00. Office 3S Murray St., ( ITew York. Sola by all druggists. 2 The R'llwr.iher ia now receiving a Stocfc of. General Merchandise, which he sell for- e:is!i or barter, at such prices as will .nit the times. He invites the public to call and ex amine. He will a!' Imy Cotton, Flour, Wheat, Corn, and country produeeyenerally. Rorden House, Nov. 20, 1877. 5:tf. S. W. COLE. va u nw 1 o x v viz 1:0. An oM phystc-lan retired trora active practice, har lug had placed in his handsBy an Kast Indian rrals sio nary the formula ot a simple vegetable, remedy lor the speedy anl permanent cure of Consumption, llronciiitls. l auirii. Aot'iHiia, and all 'lliroat and 1 Lun a tractions, also a iiositlve and radical cure tor ! (ieneral DeUiiltv aud all "nervous efmiplalnts, alter i havin? thorouirlilv testid Its wonderful curative I powers In thousands ot ca-ses. feels ll his duty to i L-iak it Known to Ills suffertng fellows. The recipe ' will be sent five ut charpe, t. all who lealre it, with full directions for prepartiur and successfully usinp. I Address with stamp iiamtmr this paper, Lr. J. C. ! Stone, 44 North Math Street, 1'hiladelpUla, l'a, j (Gnios.3:) the fir.-t inquiry is al alth. Why? Because is ot the h'st consideration; vet manv reparuless of nieetinj; a friend retninliii'' his 1, On wa vs healtl will sit in a cold, damp theatre, No. SATURDAY, Jam-aky, 1, 1878. . lit William SatVet, guardian, vT W Ilaynes, Adnrr and other. (jy X A Ro.vden v A II Boyden, Ex. 70 Saniuer-A Ketchey v .Margaret E Kftfiuv. 71 11 A Leiuly, et al v Luke lilack nier. 72 ll A Caldwell c J V Symons et al. 73 Jane E Chambers r Sam'l Cham bers. 40 John A Hoyden r Henry Cauble. In this county on the 1 4th, Charles Ray, aged about 15 vears. son of Thomas J. Kay. MONDAY, January, 21, 1873. Xo. 74 S F Lord aud wife, r T J Mero- ney, e t al. u 75 S F Lord aud wife v Margaretta Heard. Sarah D Sumner v Jacob A Fisher, Atlm'r. No. War W E Dunham. No. t it TUESDAY, Jan. 22, 1876. 7G C II Heraheim r T Koaue ing, et al. 77 J M Churchill r 79j W Johnson v Geo Lyerly, etal ftn Marsraret A Reeves r W II Kest- ler. HI Thomas Washington r Samuel R Harrison. 14john Hughes, Admr, r J G Flem ing, et al. 35 Charles Price r R M Oates, et al. 3( Charles Price r H C Eccles. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 23. 1878. 82 .lames Krider r R A Ramsay. 83 W W Rollins et al v Jacob Allen, et al. 84 E E Harris r M Sehloss. 85 Charles Hright v W A Poston. 87 Joseph Graham r Delia Graham. 88 Jno A Hoyden r Margaret Reeves. 89 David L Hringle v Wallace R Warren. 92 McNeely & Walton v Calvin Havnes. 93 Edwin Shaver v Comni'rs of Town of Salisbury. DIED. The Btickeve ha? virtues which lie in the bitter principle called Esculin, which have been utilized for the cure of Hemorrhoids, or Piles. In suffering, with that disease use Tab- er's Buckeve Pile Ointment, only 50 cents a bottle. For sale at Tranthaiu'a Drug Store. 'German Syrup." No other medicine in the world was ever riven such a test oi us curative quauuen at Boschee's German Svrup. In three years two million four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine have heen distributed free of charge by Druggists in this country to those aimcted with Consumption, jvstnma, iroup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and other diseases ofthe Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that German syrup will cure them. The result has been that Druggists in every town and village in the United States are recommending it to their cus tomers. Go to your Druggist, and ask what thev know about it. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve an v case. weaK lungs mid hnckincougii. uiscaru some of the ephemeral pleasures of theday, piit h as thealre-aoinir, eiijar-sniokingr, Ac and invest your small change in something that will be a asting benefit, l or instance, Cotissens Com pound Honey of Tar costs only 0 ctr.ts, anl will cure your Cough, Cold, and U disca-r-s ol the Throat and Lungs. Try it. For saler at II. T. Trant ham's ur.ig Store. 4U:3m. A. Very Good Reason. The reason why onlv one sample liottle of Mekukl's Hepatine for the Liver will be sold to the same-person, for ten cents, by our Drug gist, Theo. F. Kluttz is because of the enormous expense of importing the Hepatine into this country : but as there are fifty doses in the large size hollies, it seems two cents per done ischeap enough afterall for a medicine that cures dys- nevsia and liver complaint. All who have not had a sample bottle are entitled to one for ten cents at Theo. F. Klultz's Drug store. Three doses relieves any case of dyspepsia, constipa tion, indigestion or liver complaint, in the world. Regular size boltles.lifly do?es, 1,00. FA5EW EDITION OF BUSBEE'3 JUSTICE AND FORM BOOK. The exhaustion of the old edition and the re cent changes in the Constitution and Statutes o!' thtfHtaie, greatly a Heeling the jurisdiction ot Magistrates and Lountv Orhcers, makes a new and revised edition of this STANDARD WORK a necessity. . - - - The Publisher would therefore announce that he has in press ami will shortly issues new and revised edition embracing the recent changes in the Constitution anl Statutes of the Slate, thus making-it a complete, accurate and relia ble guide for all Magistrates, County Officers and Business men. i'rice 2.50. Law sheep binding. Sent free of postage on receipt of rice. Address, J. II. ENNISS, Publisher, Raleigh, N. C. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. Now and Then. It is only now and then that such men as Hon. Alex. II. Stephens, Ex-Gov Smith and Ex -Gov. Rrown of Ga., endorse a medicine for the throat and lungs, and when they do it is pretty good evidence that the remedy must be good'for the cure of coughs, colds and lung af fections. They recommend the Globe Flow rr CniTftit Syrup, and their testimonials are to be seen round the ten cent sample bottles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for sale by Theo. r. Klntti. A sample bottle relieves the worst ioiiirh nnd w ill cure sore throat. Regular size bottles, fifty doses, $1. For the benefit of tlie public the following directo ry ot the Post Oiln-e or this city Is published: Two malls north of Klchuumd, Ya., per day. First opens, 11.30 A. M. Closes 7.oo P. M. Second opens 6.00 i. M. " 9.00 South'n mall opens T.oo A.M. " 5 .on " Western " " 3.uo P. M. " lo.su A. M. But one mall a day east, of Greensboro to Raleigh and other points eastward which closes ati.oo i'. .M. Hut one man a uay to points oetween sausourj andVtUchmond, Ya., whlcta c loses at 9.oo P. M. Three mails a week to Mocksviue ana oiner points on this route. Leaving on .Monday, eunesuay ana rlday ana returning the following days. Two mails a week to Albemarle and other points on this route. I.eaUng on Monday and mursaay and returnlncr the follow lnsr days. One mail a wrek to Jackson nui ana oiner points on tlds route. Leaving Monday and returning next rtav. One mall a week to .Mooresviue anu intermediate points. Arriving at 12 M., Friday, ana leaving l P, .. same aav. One mall a week to Mt. Yernon and Wood Leaf. Leaving Saturday at 7 A.M.,and returning at 6 saiae dav. Ofriee hours for delivering malls from ,.m a. m .: ton P. M.. and from 1.3a P. M.. to 6.30 P. M. Sunday office hours from 7 A. M.. to 8 A. M. From ll.ao A. A., to i M.. and from fi P. M. to tf.r.o i. m. Monev orders issued ana paiu, ana ltuers regis tered from 9 A. L to 4 P. M. DAYIU L. 15KIMJLE, P. M. A GBEAT OFFER for HOLIDAYS I We will during these HARD TIMES -Mid the IIOLIDAYS dispose of 100 KEW PIANOS ar.d ORGANS, of first-clas makers at lower prices or cash, or Installments? than ever before offered. WATERS PIANOS & ORGANS are the BEST MADE, warranted for five jeffnii. 111. Catalogues Mailed. Great Inducement fo the trade. PIANOS, 7-octave,$140;7 1-3 octave $150. ORGANS, 2 stops, $48; 4 stops, 53; 7 stops, $05; 8 stops, 70; 10 stops, $85; 12 stops. 500: in perfect order, hot vct a year. Sheet Mu sic at half price. HORACE WATERS & SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 40 Ea!"t 14:h Street, New York. 4w THURSDAY, Jas'v. 24th, 1878. No. 1)5 Murv C. Webb r John l . w euo. " 9t Nauuio E. Sunnier c Charles . Sumner. 93 Simeon Kluttz r L,atayette josoy 99 Elizabeth Bcncini r Moses L. Holme?, et al. a 100 Peter M. Trexler, admr., t; Mo ses Trexler, et al. " 101 Roliert Hare t Arthur Mont gomery. - tt C7 J. J. Mott r J. A. Ramsay. FRIDAY, Januaky 25th, 188. No. 102 Edmund UurKc v Henry t eirana 10:i Edmund Burke r Vergil Oakley 104 A. H. Boyden v George Aehen bach. 103 Win. Smithdeal t Salisbury B. and L. Association. 10( Patterson & Misenheimer v F. ' Stirmvalt. 107 John S. Henderson r Shaver & T.pmlr. ina T. .1. Mftronev v Bhtckmer & rj w w McCorkle. 100 J. S. McCubbins v B. F. Jones. 110 Thomas Ellis r R. & D. R.R Co VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Pufl Xumher contains Thirtv-two Pages of read'uiL'. manv fine Wood Out Illustrations, and one Colored Plate. A beautiful Garden Magazine, printed on elegant paper, and full of information. In English ard German. Price, 51.25 a vear: Five comes So.00. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cts, in oaoer covers: in elegant cloth covers $1.00 Vick's Catalogue, 300 Illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, Is. . n tt if tt A little girl in Philadelphia died of cat bite. FARMER'S YOUR ATTENTION T The Arabian Susrar Cane was brought to America during the World's Fair at Vienna in 187-3-. It will yield double that of any other nnalitv ever crown in this country. The stalks . t r .1-1 1 erow on an average ol IZ to li leei mgu, anu f m from 4 to o inches in circumterence. ine Svrup made from it i of the very finest quali ty. Also a good quality oi sugar can oe mane from it. We have sent this seed to every State in the Union, and returns from it are highly satisfactory. AgenLs are wanted to canvass in every County and take orders for these and other seeds. A sample package ot ine Arabian Sugar Gme Seed containing enough to plan 1-8 of an acre, and special terms to agents with mv Seed Cataloene for 183 will be sent to any address on receipt of Fifty Cents. In tructioiid for planting and cultivating are printed onevery package. Address, W. S. TIPTON, Seedsman, 1 3:4 1. Cleveland, Tennessee. FOR 1878, IMMCE CUES IS EXT. Corrected by J Cottox dull Middlings, low do stains Bacon, county, hog round Butter Eoos Chickens per do7.cn Corn now Meai, moderate demand at Wheat rood demand at M. Knox & Co.) January 10, 1878. SI 1 Flour market stocked- su-pcr. Potatoes, Ikisii Onions no demand Lard Beeswax Tallow Blackberries Apples, dried -Sugar -best fain 10J10 ot)t 6 1011 2025 12 J 0 C(h 2.00 40 45 50 101.2.) $3.00 2.75 75 75 12J15' 35 40&45 2830 67 5 40 1115 GOLD J Mortgage Deeds for sale here Great chance to make money. It you can't set pold you can pet greenbacks. We need a person in every town to take subsenpTl'ins lor the largest, cheagst r.n,i i;t iiinairtitAir! famllr unhlleatJnn HUH 1 . .11 ... In the world. Any one can become a successful agent. Tne most elegant work ot art given tree to subsorlDers. Tlie price is so low that almost every body subscribes. (ne apent reports making over $l50a w.eek. A lady agent reports taking over -wo subscribers In ten days. All who engage make mon ey last. ou can devote all your time to tne dusi nens, or only vour spare time. You need not be a way from home over night. You can do It as-well as otners. FuU particulars, directions and terms tree. Elegant and expensive Outfit free.. If you want pro fitable work send us your address at one. It cchts. nothing to try the business. No one who emrasres fails to make jrreat pay. Address "The People's Journal," Portland, Matn.e 42:y, Don't neglect to call on C Plvler at tile Book Sture for all kinds of Books wanted. The best quality and latest styles of writing paper kept here. Also the renowned binger newmg Machine can be had here at from 35 to $40 He respectfully invites all tocall and examine. goods and machines. ll:ly. - T.J. WILLIAMSON, M.D. diseases ot v;omen. 137 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Refers to Prof. S. PrWiUon, M.D., Pult Medical College, Cincinnati; Prof J A Hocker M.I), Cincinnati Medical College Prof J B Willann (.:itt nf 1 11 urn r Medic:il t'ollrm. Y.l, Cincinnati, Ohio: Jndge Jrjh-n Ketr, Keids- ville, N C; Hon Chas Price, Salisbury, N C'r Col W B March, M HPinnix, Eq, Lexington, X C; J N Nelson, C S-C, (ireenslioro, N C; Dr Preston Roan, Winston, N C; Dr C J Vat kins, Salem, N C; EH Pass, Esq, Mocksville, N C. Will sjend two months (from loth Jan. to ,15th .March) in Mocksvillc, Visiting his brother J" A Williamson," where he will give special attention to all surgical and medical diseases of women. Office room at the Hotel, "'-i '11:1 mo. MtiTinnnrl- TlnwT net Um Poctnrprl ! iiiuiuiuuu. uunuuDi, nun uuuiunu,. gyjj Jnst publUhel, a new edition of Dr.. IgllCnlverweirs Celebrated Essay on 'he radical cure (without medicine of Si'Jckmaioruikka or Semi nsl Weakness, lu- voluntary Seiumal Losses, iMrOTEJiCY, Mental and Physical lnc;ipa( ily, Impediment to Mar riage, etc; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex travagance, &C. Price in sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application ofthe knife; pointing out a mnili nf Mire at once simple, certain, BmierTect- ual, by means of which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition may be, may cure him self cheaply, privately, antTrfrVy. BQ,This Lecture should be In thehandr of every youth and everynsn In the land. Sent under senl, in "a plain envelope, to any adddress, post-paid, on receipt of six ut or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, THE CTXLVEHWEIX MEDICAL CO , 41 Ann St, New York; Port Office' tax, 45S6. NOW IS THE TIME-TOURSC'KIIIE FOR THE WATCHMAN

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