'GOD'S FINANCIAL SYSTEM. One tenth of ripened grain, One tenth of tree nnd Vine ; One tenth of all tli yield From ton tenths' rain and shine Ow tenth of Iqwiug herds That browse on hill and plain; One tenth of bleating flocks, For ten tenths' tdiine and rain. One tenth of all increase From conntiug-room and mart; One tenth that science .Yield, One tenth of every art. One tenth of loom and press, One tenth of mill and mine; One tenth of every craft Wrought out by gifts of Thine P One tenth of glowing words That golden guineas hold One, tenth of -written thoughts That turn to abiuiug gold. One tenth! and dost thou, Lord, Hut ask this meager loan, When all the earth is thine, . -And all we have thine own? The Churchman. A WORD FITLY SPOKEN. BY MINNIE JKXKINS. -7 A wonderful deal of good often comes finn'i wlmfc Solomon calls a Trnnl firlr-l i ..i. I ,.,, l.orp means "set on wheels." All , Tf tw ., will W VJ va naa Ka.. v " i .rood words thev am wherfine on forcood. tfthev are evil words, thev co wheeliu2 uu for evil., Remember this. One day a boy was tormenting a kitten. His little sister, with her eyes full of tears, said to him, "Oh, Philip, don't do that ; it is God's kitttcn." That word of the little trirl was not W. Itwast on wheels. Philio left i,ff tormenting the kitten, but he could not help thinking about what his sister 8aid. , "God's kitten. God's creature for He ,n.wi ;t u;,i i,;nicoif. T novnr thought of that before. The next day, on his way to school, he met one of his companions beating un mercifully a poor half-starved looking dog. Philip ran up to him, and before he .knew it. was usinjr Jiis sister's words, savins, "Don't, don't do that, Ned ; its God's crea- ture." The bov looked ashamed and tried to excuse himself by saving the dog had stolen his dinner. "Never mind," sahl Philip, "you shall Invebalf of mine." So thev went on their wav to school to- gether, and soon forgot all about the dog. Rut Philips words had been set on wheels again, and much good" was to fol low them. lwo persons were passing lust as Philip spoke, and they heard his words, "breathed prayer over the dead, or a whis Oue was a young man in prosperous busi- I"1 tt5Xt of hope and consolation for the nessin a neighboring town; the other living. Aud for the surviving partner, was a ragged, .dirty, miserable looking creature. He had got into the habit of liinkiiiir. and. in couscmieucc of this. had just leeii dismissed by his employer, aud was going home feeling very unhappy and despairing. - "God's creatures," said the poor fellow, and it seemed 'a new idea to him too. "If that dog is God's creature, then I'm God's creature too. aud He will help me if no one else will." Just then he came to a tavern where he had been in the habit of wasting his mon ey, and then going home to abuse his family. He stopped a moment the temp tation was very strong to go in, but the new" thought was stronger. "No, I'm God's creature," he said to himself, "I'll go in Ihere no morer Aud he went on toward home. His wife was astonished to nee him come home sober, and still more when he burst into tears, saying that he was a ruined man, and was determined to give up drinking, and try, by God's help, to be a better man. Just then a knock, was heard at the door. It was the gentleman of whom we have just spoken. He had heard Phillip's words, too. They were words on wheels to him. They -were rolling atter him. He could not get away from thcni "This is one of God's creatures, too," he said to himself, as he looked, at the ragged man who was walking before. "He ldoks as if he needed help,"he went on to say, "and perliaps I can give it him." This led him to follow the poor man to his home. He offered him work. This was thankfully received, and faithfully done. The poor fellow kept his good resolution. He was never found in the tavern again, but becamea sober, iudus t rotis, useful, happy man. And the sim ple words which that little girl set on wheels when she spoke to her brother were the means of doing all this good. TJIE CHILD'S LAUGH. Tliere is no tlay sacred bur that tlie lauxh of a child will utakei it holier still. Strike with hand of fire, O weird musi cian, the lyre strung with Apollo'a golden hair. Fill the vast cathedral aisles with symphonic sweet and dim, deft toucher of the organ keys. Blow, bugler, blow, until your silver notes do touch aud kiss the moon-lit vine-clad shores; but know, your sweetest strains are discord all, com pared with childhood's happy laugh the laugh that tills the eyes with light. Oh rippling river of laughter, thou nit theJ Jles8ed boundrv line between the beast ntyl man, and every wayward wave of thine doth drown some fretful fiend of : are. Daughter should make tlimples of joy enough ju the cheeks of the .world to catch and hold and glorify the tears of grief. ' Squibbles, an old bachelor, shows his socks, which he has just darned, to a mai den ladj', who-contemptuously remarks, "Pretty good for a man darner." Where upon hqnibbles rejoined, "Yes, good enough for u woman, darn her!'' jiisTOtiriOPoDD.TEl.Lbwsnir. ORIGIN IN GREAT BRITAIN. The origin of Odd-Fellowship as an institution, is involved in oosenruy. . - . When the small stream first issues into the light of history. It is very Jiurauie also. The Nile, though known long before the davs of Joseph, has only lately nad its Hnnrca discovered bvEttroneans Jur. Spry, in his "History of Odd-Fellowship, cava, that "in the early part of the last centurv, the writer Dauiel DeFoe, men tions the society of Odd-Fellows; and The Gentleman1 1 Magazine for 1745, speak of the Odd-Fellows' Lodge as a place where very comfortable and recreative eveniucs may be spent." In 1788, 9.jf we learn from his Biography, James Mont gomery, the poet, wrote the song begin ning "When Friendship, love, sad Truth abouad. Among a band of brothers," ' for a society ju London, bearing the motto of our Order, and prelnmcd to be a lodge of "Ancient and Honorable Loyal :Odd. Fellows." All beyend these dates is mere conjecture. ,V only know that when Odd-Fille wahip cones into the domain -of certainty. the Fatherhood of God "and JirOlUCrilOOU UI aiau ID iia louuuaiwui . . m i f .1 A : of rtrecents and of practice. Korean we trace the precise step i by which our pecn liar measures of mutual relief in sickness m J"d distress, and provision for the bu rial f t,,e ,leadKand care for the widow or the orphan, "grew up among our predeces sors; Rut knowing that it was an insti tut ion originated by common circumstan ces of want and providence, and cement ed by social feelings frequently indulged I . i-M it 1 i 1 1 unu ,ni a imwruai gm, we can radily imagine how great pnn ciples would lie suggested, and measures for carrying them out be successively im- provea. They were toiling laborers, in a land and under a government where hard handed industry is less esteemed than here; where distinctions of rank and wealth are greater than we have ever known. Their aily labor barely sufficed procure them daily bread. When sick- ncss came, gaunt and terrible Avant was not far off. When calculating wealth re fused them the privelege to toil for bread, Uy lacked means to seek employment elsewhere, and support theur fanii lies meanwhile. When on the bed of dis ease or death, none could spare time to smooth the creased pillow, or moisten the fevered lips, or speak calmless to the de lirious mind. When they looked forward to the close of this "fitful, feverish" life, beyond it was ouly a pauper's coffin to be pressed into a pauper's grave into which to be huddled out of sight without a and bereaved children no future was pre sented, but trundling them from parish to parish until they were thrust into the vice and infamy of the aim-house; or, perhaps, thrusting them into the streets, to grow up beggars or criminals, if they did not earlier perish iu the gutter. Such were most probably the circumstances and prospects of not a few who commenc ed our Order, devised its first crude meas ures of relief and burial of the dead,, and based -the whole structure on the Father hood of God and the Rrotberhood of Mau. Feeling that Rank and Wealth would degrade them if they could, they resolved to support and aid each other, and to con tribute weekly a portion f their scanty earnings for that purpose. Feeling also how sectarian and party- strife estrange men from each other, and reader them powerless and abject by such divisions, they excluded all such topics and dis tinctions from-their meetings, and resolv ed only to know, to labor for, and to love each other as men as Rrethren. 7cr. A. B. Grosh in Frankfort (Pa.) Gazette. A WIFE'S STRATAGEM. Portlind (Me.) Argun. There is a certain well-known gentle man, a resident of Ward 1, who not long ago was the hero of a little episode which is altogcter too good to be allowed to sink into new paperless obscurity, tie had been passing the evening at a friend's, making one of a merry euchcr party, and when he reached his own residence it was quite late in fact, past 12 o'clock. On entering his sleeping room he noiselessly undressed and crept into bed very quietly, in order not to awakeu hu wife, who was apparently calmly sleeping, wrapped in pleasant dreams. The gentleman was glad to think his better half, instead of sitting up for him, as was her custom though against his. repeated requests, had retired, so took especial pains not to dis turb her repose, and in a few minutes was asleep himself. It was broad daylight when he awoke the next morning, and the motionless fig ure beside him showed that his wife, usu ally a quite early riser, had not yet got up. He thought it strange she should not be upl and stranger that she should be so soundly sleeping; but feeling still too sleepy to say anything, he again consign ed himself to slumber. The sunlight was streaming into the room when he again awokv, and still his wife was sleeping be side him. Puttiug his hand on her head and playfully catching hold of a lock of her hair, what was his surprise to find a whole head yield to his gentle pull, while a sudden burst of laughter from a lady looking into the room through the partly opened door, told the gentle man there was something wrong some where, and, rising on his elbows, he soon discovered that instead of sleep ing with his wife the past night he had been reposing by the side of a "dum my," which the partner of his bosom had skillfully decked out in all the parapher nalia of a sleeniu? Venus. How the rnrv got abroad is a mystery, bfet one thing is certain, the gentleman who slept with the "dnmmv" never told it. Wood' Tor tepeatMSe5Hnce-pie; en late at iiiglrC f 1 jf (f&iQfy Alcoluil jrill cleao silTeniflalcoljoJ well stuck to wttc3eajd but all lheiiliret you havegofr : iJ.t,-;.JLC ' r f f ' . r : . t '. '4 t . t if . Rea ii ty is a btessl ng bei ug blended wi th benevolence, but better be .bald, bleared, blotched, andbloated, than beantiful and bad. A Frenchman has discovered a nieans of making real rubies, garnets, and many other precious stones of.jjlaaa. w,,, very cheaply that the real sioncs Mill uouutiess lose mch of their VAlne . A. i 1 3 1. i- r m The liestoiiautyofnucnage in the mar ket is said to bo made by dissolving clear glue in equal volumes of water and strong vjuegar,and adding oue-tputh ot an eqnai volnma pt iilcohol, 4ind aaniall qaantity nf a solution oi aium tu I will never purchase lottery tickets so long as l ean hire a man to rob me at rea sonable wnge.-JwA HilUwjKS Somebody, told Dan Voorhees that his speech read like a torchlight procession going through a tunnel, and Dan didn't know whether to smile or not. Boston Pot. ' Haury Wrard Reecher has exploded an other torpedo under Satan's place of bus iness. There won't be enough of the old shop left next year to broil a mackeral.- -Kanm City Times. An appalling famine is raging in north ern China. Nine millions of people are destitue. Children are daily sold in the markets for food. Appealtor relief are made to America and England. Rcfore voting against Matthews' silver resolution Senator RlainCstated that on the question of the letter of the law he would be compelled to say that the bonds nre payable either iu gold or silver coin of the standard of July 14, 1870. Senator Lamar saw lit to eulogize ex President Davis and the Confederate chieftains in his monometalic speech. He cannot thus hold the South and gain the East. The other horse, iu the pair he is trying to straddle, is too far in the past. Xashrille A m erica n , Dem . General Grant has sent home a package of the gifts he has received abroad. The gold boxes presented bv' Glasgow and Ayr, and the Edinburgh silver box, are among them. Then there are gold, sil ver, and bronze medals, illuminated ad dresses, badges, and decorations. Maybe they did "have giants in those days," but they couldn't have looked any bigger than a free-born American citizen feels when he is in a procession. nati Breakfast Table. Cinein- In 1750 the population of London was (5,000; in 18o0 it was 2,3(W,0()0. It is not far from three and a half millions, with a prospect of an early increase, as several persons are talking of moving in shortly. , There is a woman in Jersey so econ omical that the other night, while her husband was alcd, she, turned and made over his last pair of pantaloons for one of the children. VEGETINE. HER OWN WORDS. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 13, 1S77. Mr. II. It. STEVEN., lar .Sir, Since several years I have got a sore and very painful foot. I had some puyslclans, but they couldn't cure Die. Sow I have heard of. your Vegbtink from u lady who was sick for a long time, and became all well from your Vkuktink, and 1 went and bought me one bottle of Vkqetise; nnd after I had used one bottle, the palus left me, and It began to heal, and then I bought one other bottle, and so I take It yet. I thank Jod for this remedy and yourself; and wishing: every sufferer may pay attention to it. It Is a blessing for health. Mrs. C. KKAUE, 63S West Baltimore. Street. VEGETINE Safe and Sure. Mb. II. It. Stevens : In 187 your Vkoktink wa recommended to mei and yielding to the persuasions of a friend, I consent ed to try It. At the time I was suffering from gen eral debility and nervous prostration, superinduced by overwork and irregular habits. Its wonderful strengthening and curative properties seemed to al- reci my aeoiuatea system irom the nrst nose; ana under its persistent use I rapidly recovered, gaining more than usual health and good feeling. Since then I have not hesitated to give Vkoktink my most un quatlOed indorsement as being a safe, sure and pow erful agent In promoting health and restoring the wasted system to new life and energy. Vegktink is the only medicine I use, and as long as I live I never expect to And a better. Yours truly, W II CLARK, t0 Monterey Street, Alleghany, Penn. VEGETINE THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. CHAKLK8T0WN. II. It. Stevens. Jtear Sir, This Is to certify that I have used 3'6ur "Blood Preparation" in my family for several vears. and think that lor Scrofula or Cankerous Humors or Rheumatic affections it cannot be excelled: and as a blood purlfler and spring medicine It Is the best thing I have ever used, and 1 have used almost everrthlng. I can cheerfully recommend It to anv one In need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully, Mrs. A. A. D1N8MOKK, 1 Russell Street. VEGETINE. WHAT IS NEEDED. Boston, Feb. 13, 1871 . II. It. Stkvkns, Esq.. Dear sir, About one year since I found myself In a feeble condition from general debility. Vkoetink was strongly recommended tome by a friend who naa oeen mucn oeneuttea by its use. I procured the article, and, after iudng several bottles, was restor ed to health, aad discontinued its use, I feel quite confident that there Is no medicine superior to It tor those complaints for which It Is esoeclaHv nreDar- ed, and would cheerfully recommend it to those who ieei tnat tney need something to restore them to perfect health. Respestfuuy yours, U. L. JETTE?f OILL, Firm of S. M. Pettengill & Co., No. 10 State St., Boston. VEGETINE. ALL HAVE OBTAINED RELIEF. Sou ra Berwick, Mk., Jan. 17, 1871, n. R. Stevens, Ksq. Dear Sir, I have had dyspepsia Id its worst form tor the last ten years, and have taken hundreds of dollars' worth of medicines without obtaining any rellef. In September last I commenced taking the Vkoktink, since which time my health has steadily Improved. My food digests weu, aad I have gained nrteea pounds of nesh . There are several others in ttjjslace taking Vkoktink, and aU have obtained Tours truly, THOMA8 X. MOORE, Overseer of Card Room, Pon&mouth Co.s Mills. VEGETIIVE Prepared by H. E. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists, PDBU3BED WKXtXY 3. 3. BttUXER. L sad Prop I i T. K. BUUNEK. Associate d. -" ' 'HnasCRfpTios rates : '' ' I - . , 1 Per Tear, my able in advane,. .$ so 1 Ul. n.nt.ri.j - . ... . 1S AUVKRTISINO HATES : uuc mn, vm niuuuftuuHw " " two publications, Contract rates tor months or a rear. $1 00. 1 60 TO FARMERS. MAKE YOGlt OWN FERTILIZER. USE MAURIS' OR H6me-Made Fertii izer. You can with these chemicals make your own Fertilizers at home, and thereby ave the money paid for high priced commercial Guanos. The cw i fthnut one-fourth the price of com mercial Feitilizers, and the yield is as great and in many instance greater than in the com mercial Guanos. All 1 ask is a trial. Chem icals for sale. Agent wanted for right and chemical in Davie Con hi v. J. II. ENNISS, Dr.igg-st, Salisbury, N. C. Spanish Chnfa, The Great IIojt Fattener. Jnst received, a few bushels of Spanish Chufa, for Hog raising. You can on an acre of your poor land raise one hundred bushels to the acre with ease and thereby save so much corn. At EN NISS' Drug Store. GERMAN GOLDEN MILLET. Two crops in one year. CLOVER SEED, ORCHARD GRASS, KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS. At ENNISS Drugstore. viok's ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Each Number contains Thirty-two i'ages of reading, many tine oou (,ut Illustrations, and one Colored Plate. A beantifuKJarden Magazine, printed on elegant paper, and full of information. In English ard German. Price, $1.2ia vear: Five copies $5.00. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cts. in pajer covers : in elegant cloth covers $1.00. Vick's Catalogue, 300 Illustrations, only 'J cents. Address, JAMES VICE, Rochester, N. Y. FARMER'S YOUR ATTENTION ! The Arabian Sugar Cane was brought to America during the World's Fair at Vienna, in 1873. It will yield double that of any other quality ever grown in this country. The stalks grow on an average of 12 to 14 feet high, ami from 4 to oi inches in circumference. The Syrup m;tde from it is of the very hnest qunli- tv. Also a good quality l sugar can oe mane from it. We Imve sent this need to every State in the Union, and returns from it are niglilv satisfactory. Agents are wanted to canvass in every County unl take orders fur these and other seeds. A sample p u.kage of the A rabian Sugar Cane Seed containing enough to plant 1-8 of an acre, and special terms to agents, with my Seed Catalogue for 1S7S will be sent to any address on receipt of Fifty Cents. In struction for planting ami cultivating are printed on every package. Address, W. S. TIPTON", Seedsman, 3:4t. Cleveland, Tennessee. HOftlE AGAIN ! And I am liapjy to say that I have the best select ed stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS I have ever offered in thi nnrket; and can nell them lower than ever known before Black Alpaca, 2 ) to 45 et. per yard; 44 Sheet ing? ct.; Flannels, 20 o o(J cts.; and bargains in junt goods; bargains in every department. Clothim! (Mini Clotiine ! In this line I can offer gieat inducements, and can say to my customers that they can save 25 per cent, by calling on me before buying elsewhere. A LSO A full line of Hats, Hoot, Shoes, Crockery, Groceries, &.., and I expect to continue the HOOT AND HERB-BUSINESS as heretofore. Call and see. V. WALLACE. (3:2mos.) ont-tlanttct -1 Monthly Magazine ileroted to Litera ture, Science and Art, published in 117 mingtonj Xorth Carolina. The Corps of Contributor? includes fevernl of the most Distinguished Authors of the pres ent dy. A Serial Story, Pocm, Sketches, Re views, Scientific and Historical Articles will appear in every number. This Magazine will contain oidy Original Literature. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR $3.oo. ! SINGLE COPY 25 Cents. ADVERTISING TERMS t page one year f ISO oo X " " ' 75 oo " 44 60 00 V " " ' 8 00 l page one insertion $35 00 i,. " " 15 00 " " 10 00 i - " " 5 00 All communications should be addressed to Mrs. CICE1M) W. IIARUIS, Editor and Proprietor. KERR ORAIGE, gittornto at ?ato, JSnlijsi'to'u.xrv, 3J. O. To the Working Class. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the wIhmV of the time, or fortheir spare moments. Business new, light anil profitable. Persons of eiihf r sx easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to th busiuess. Boys and girls earn nearly as much a? men. That all wln see this notice may send their address, and tesi the business we make this nnpar alleled offer j To sueh a are not wll sat isfied we will send ntf dollar to pay for the trouble of writi;.. Full particulars, sam ples worth several dollars to commune work on, and copy of IJoiii' and Firsid, one of the laret and Im-m I!hitrted Publications. all SMnt frfe by mail. leoir u yon wantj permanent, profitable work. ntitress UEOROE Tissrtv r C.tt:. Potlnd. M;ine. EMPI COMPOST EUGENE L. HARRIS, i,- . i A, - Chapel Hili; C. PORTRAITS i:LARfiED in the nioat finished style of crayon drawing from PHOTOGRAPHS, ! FERROTYPES, DAGUERREOTYPES, MINIATURES, ETC. PRICES: 11x14 inches, $7.00. 14x17 inches, $13.00. 18x22 inches, $20.00. Above prices include line frame for each picture. Send for circular. 51: I HARDWARE. WIIEi YOU WANT HARD W ARE At Low Figures Call on the undersigned at No- 2, Granite Row, D. A.ATWEJJ. Salisbury, N. C. June & if. Greensboro Female College. GREENSBORO, N. C. The Spring Session of J 878 will begin on Thursday, the 10th of January. This Instiution offers superior advantages on reasonable terms. For full particulars, apply to T. M. Jones, President. N. II. D. WILSON, 9:tf Pres. Roard of Tiustees TIMETABLE WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD. To take effect June 1 2d, 1877. GOING WEST. STATIONS. Salisbury Third Creek. ... Statesville. Ploits Catawba Ne lon Canova Hickory I curd . Morganton I'ridgewaler Marion Old Fort Henrv Arrive. : Leavf. S 5o A.M. "J 4.) " 10 3'j " 11 07 " 11 30 12 20 1 M. 12 3S " 1 25 " 2 10 M 2 .3 " 3 40 P. M. 4 30 5 20 " 9 04 A. M. t10 30 11 07 U 27 12 IS p. 12 :is I 1 (V, 2 0") ; 2 .-o 3 37 4 2 ". fi IS 5 30 I 2 tiOl.N't; EAST. STATIONS. Hnrv (I1 Fort Marion Bridgewater... . Morgnnlon It ard H ickory Canova Newton Calawba Plotts Statesville Third Creek... . Salisbury Arrive. . f 12 A. M. 7 07 ' . 7 .r2 " . , 8 22 " . .t ti" " . 9 ")0 " J 10 20 " 10 3" ' 111 2o ' -.11 o." . Leave. "(Too A. M. 0 15 " 7 10 " 7 "" " . 8 '28 " 9 10 9 52 " 10 23 " 10 37 ' ill 35 " ;12 00 P. M. '12 32 P. MJ12 .V2 40 30 1 45 Simonton Female College. Statesville, 17. C. The Fall Term Opens Aug. 29, 1877. Board anil English tuition, $85.00 per ses sion of twenty weeks. Catalogue and circular with full particular?, on application. A dd res M RS. E. N . (i K A NT, 41:6ms. Principal. Prepared for Immediate Ue. 207 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. From the thovmnds of jmrclutters of our PB E PAKKD PAINTS, wc have yet to "near the first Complaint. The reason is apparent. Our paints have Ptood the left of years, where all other paints hare failed in durability Their covering capaiity, being greater than any oilier pair.t, presents a practical item of coiiutny. Out paints are guaranteed in every particular, ihe consumer assuming no rixk whatever, as we will re-paint any building on which our paints do not prove satisfactory; allowing n choice of English B. B. White Lead, or any other paint inuse. FOR sale t f (29:3m) T. F. KLUTTZ Salisbury, N. C JOSHUA THOMAST 63 Light Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Buckeye Mower and Reaper. "Sweepstake's Threasher & Cleaner. Eclipse Portable Farm Engines. Ilion Wheel Horse Rakes. Continental Feed Cutter. Ball Steel and Cast Pious. Watt Cast Plow. Mill Stones, Smut Machines. Bolting Cloths, Belting. Mill Machinery in General. Seii for Catalope and PrtoList. (2G:Cmo.) FOR SALE. A $50 Centennial Sewing Machine. New and warranted to be- good, I Cnll at thin office. n;0t. sr. -t. ,t, ,t - II I . Li CHliiPEB astSllSlIsisssBassga i ORDERS FOR PRINTING FROM Responsible persons, or on cash remittances, shall receive PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION-. COURT AND JUSTICES' BLANKS KEPT ON HAND. 1! PRICES STRICTLY LOW. -WATCHMAN, iiissiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiil i -vrY; y. t' tf- tj V. 'A' DEEDS & 1 Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust. Mortirnire Deed--, Commissioners Deeds. Sheriff Deeds, ('battle Mortpaifcs.'Farnt Contracts. Jlardaire and Confirmation Certilicatc-s, Distillers' Entries, and various oilier loniss tor sale at Ihe WATCHMAN OFFICE. i'r arc advised t' c:.l! prepared to liU ok1..' nuinln'r. at this (.fiicc fr 1- (ill -hoi t l'lOtll'l' Wc arc :i! wed The owners of line sturk have alwrrv and pedigree, age, Icnus, !: it will become more inijMritivi Hie spirit SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors. rom;ni-sior.ei . -shi i i'li'-. c;!;t.-ibie-f, a.-erts. occ arc advised to call on us lor printed sale notices. It is ee; tain! great in;utkc to owners to' put up their property at public auction without iii-i uiiug au.ple notice of the sale. The re quii'f nicnts ol' 1 he law on the subject every body knows are insullicietft. Property i often Pacriiiced I ron; i his i ause when a dollar or two spent in advertising might have saved it and made it bring its Value. Wc furnish hale notice's promptly nd cheap. PAMPHLETS, - SCHOOL CIRCULARS, BILL-HE AS, - .... LETTER Monthly CARDS, Posters, DR. RICHARD H. LEWIS, ' (Late I'rofePsor of Diseases of the Kyp ::n K:tr 'in the Savannah Medical College.) Practice Iiiaiitccl Jo the EY1 a,a EAR, RALEIGH, N. C. Pc'.ers to tho State Medical Society to the Georgia. Medical Society. 47 ly. anl OMNIBUS & BAGGAGE WAGON ACOfflfflODATIOL I haveTitled up :in Omnihus and I!:ip:il Wagon whi h are always rendy to oonvev pet- Boris to or front the depot, to and from panics, I wedding!. &t Le ive ordersat Minuti. n tvM or at my Livery & Side Stable, FMh-j stree! near Railroad bridge. M. A . Hill N ; li:- Aug. 19. tf. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUF.S.t KUU: FOR THE WATCHMAN .9. iffy fi J THAN EVER. SALISBURY, N. C; Ufa t. RAISERS. J? X- ? h 'Uidl)iils to :tlt -rtisc their stock horses. We are upward, :ic-(.rdinj; t( size, style, Jiiid Irom i in iu'!i:-!i aflvcnj.-cnicnts lor foiir.ll it indispensable to nblish a description of the animttls offered to the 'public, and the necessity ot ol improvement increases. HEADS, Statement all kinds, GET THE BEST. The Raleiah News. DAILY, one vtar, $5.00 1.00 WEEKLY, one year, - f Soiid Postal Card for SKinple CPT' Address THE RALEIGH NEWS, Kaleigli, N-1 Blaciier aM Henderson, tiurnevs. uounsp nrs - j-m m and Solicitors. SALISBURY, iV C- J-Hiinav2'J IS7t; 1. J, IC. BURKE, AUCTIONEER. SALlsni'KV, X. c 1 -j&k ! in i!n- 11 also attend to thceatfinz of f1' com trv for Arlmini-'t r;itr-.'. Kxpc'" aiul ( tin rs. Terms to suit the tun.-.