Carolina Watchman;: Thursday riSBRUAiiVBisra P- -- - tit .--kg, inw. Lueco Mitchell well known In this part of the State wa sent to the In 5dn Aiy ItfJ t jfrj.esday n01"11 to 4jk Ilia manner f ' life fol some' year past, Iiju prrml ! friends to expect & sud tleSfiiod perhaps fatal terrain HotTat any timeiand heo at last it jtejn Jhe AapebFnieBtaTteHiistioDtfei,y accept tdU wlWlon'ai'Wne of th wt?ll known itbUirfc, f,- ,1;i:. , llr Mit&efl was at one time a rial of excellent ialnd, and tscd Ul al tttes which made him the tenter of circle he entered. He rarely failed, even to the :V. ik nVti'rV thrt little Amenities of life, so nitttril t HimJfv whitli go so other HU own worst enemy, JiW a short jvs4eto9 4b Aayinax . may re salt in his, restoration to society and friend and rtstae f rtW the mat dentro v er biie S wcU Jn(l()hel y natare to fill k noble destUy ... 1 Mii-'' 'WEDNESDAY 'MUKM. - ' Tbi papers are almosf bare of news desire id hav hit name inclnded among the Mexican Veterans lest it should hin (Sex the plssaje cf the bill for their ben rflt. No Intimation as jet from official soarc as to what tlie President will do with the allrer bill. -; In a cabinet meeting it is reported that there was a ijofc aP8sipR ; in regqra to the Ia. jtetaFnf ng Hoard. -, - Nothing new from the Eastern trouble error. -: "y-jtoaijttRaleisrli Observer. r '"supreme cbtJRT otf S4 c : ? fbliowinjf'ttttlnlohs ete filed by th Justices oil yesterdiy in the following cases r ' V- By SMITH) Ct J. A. H. Kirby Vs. Golambus Mills, irom Cauattns 1 eltof. NeWtrial. By BTtMt J.t State vs, Millard Ft Dancy from w likes; Venire de nmtd froraXJabarrna j. erroty 0gmeut vac- fcind canse remamled. By PAiRCbOfTrti J. ? ' - State vs. Allison Browning, from Alex- ejoder affirmed i L ' Samael IL Taylor ts. J. M. B rower, from Snrry $ motlen refused. " By SMtTHC. J.:- !.' ' ' !! i ' Rirly rs MUls, from Cabarrus- Errer. Wril action tried liefore fond; Jndge, at Snrincr term, 1877. Cabarrus Hupenor Court. :- '" u ' ' v- emplaved him aa.his delegate; first at THE GREAT EASTERN QUESTION. aw caoo7ince tha 0eatU pf Judge eafson, Law achools haro beep opened At sereral places in , the State are Jleaes4 tota tltUe prws, Vctyger fclljYp'eak in Very higU terms of Col. J. M, McCorkleS projwised school at this place. Thi Southern 'JTonte says, id this'reWtion tf Col. AlcCortle, "he lias no superior in the State." ; . Revivals-Thp Monroe Enquirer reports the progress'of a religions revival, iu the Methodist church at tlwt ' place. There hare been 8 or 10 conversions. Cougre- gationi large and Interest still increasing. Jler. Ci M. Pepper has been assisting Rev, -tJ. n. Guifaftj the pastor In charge. I., Charlotte had an amattire performance in the theatre at that place last week, which seems to have given great satisfac tion. DEATH OF E. C. WOODSON. a Li -J Death in our household. 0, Woodr son, City EHtpr of ;he Observer, died this niornlog, a fevr mjnutes before 3 aVlock, after a brief and painful illness. Edward Cromwell Woodson was born at Mnsgrove, Prince Edward county, Vir einia. on the 9th of March, 1841. His family removed to Warrenton, North Carolina, in April of the same year. He was edupafed at the Warrenton Male Academy and at Wjjke Forest College, an aftcp gpadatioq was a merchant in Warranto, t. In I8G0, he removed to Ar kansas, where he was at first Assistant Superintendent of the Memphis and lyittle Itock' Telegraph Company, and nexj; the Editor of, the BrpvyngvilJe fianneft At the beginaing of the war betweep the States he entered the Army as Order ly Sergeant of Company H, 25th Arkansas - volunteers, and u tlie reorguization of the Army; May 12th, 1864, he became Captain 'of that company. Faithfully , brayely, and with distinction, he served his country, and when pen. Johntson sur rendered the army that had fought so long and to well oar dead friend was in eom-i tsuua W?r0uiMA' " la l'hs became Editor of the War rintcftjGi fiatetU $ iu 809, he came RaleighNrlfh Capt Samuel T. ,WUians and V essrs. Stone & Uxzell and eetablish isd the Raleigh' JSfeki, of vhich he wm City Editor ; in 1874' he established tlw Wilson vswfp; fa 1876, he established the Wilson Jfyr'enj and in March, 1877, ebecanjp Cltjj Editor of the Qhierrtr, A, - When the fjrrajs f tlte Observer went to press ou last Sunday morning he went to : ils bed. ' : The Observer of to-morrow a . - i -1 :m i : 1. e... i notice. He was a mas known to everybody and knowing everybody. He had ill-will to tionpj;.1 f Is probab? that n all the world - thirejs.tto man, womam or child who lpd etliar than kiudjy feelings for him. Hp ' was brave,' royal, gentle and affectionate. He ha.d fyalts, but they were faults ioci- dantal to such A nature. Men pardoned tkenviftdjse we ran hope that they will fln4prdoii'iDthia Mater. aWjrA Ob- : - ' tfsi! . TJ;Roanoke Aref thinks it fs safe to say that there is, in theeonnty of Halifax, at leat wey Wiriulaiet of fencing, the cost.of which at $125 per mile is two , inilliQQjs and a half of dollars ; or, at 200 per nfile, the estimate of our coteniporary, it U four pjUUoii dollars. "These figures "ahow that tlie fpnets of HalitKX county I cost mqrp ihat?, all the real cstxte and town property in the county is rained at and is equal to a tK of two hndred and " thirty-fire dtJlars npon each inhabitant f theeoant. Now (or what is all this, norraotts expenditure of money f To fence ihj t -ealtle retoed at $ 10L2Q2 f hogs valued at 338; and hpep yaiued at S53614 acoordJng to tlie State AUrtUor report fiirthe year ending September 30th, 187djdriag total of 138,05. In dud - ing the horseK'naules Jacks, jennets and jpnats tj.iigjgato is only $364,590. t iVThe will say that sach a- vast outlay for By Rodmax, J. Miller ra. Miller, from Rowan. Judg inent affirmed action dismissed. Divorce menMetthoro. . ,i: ,--i Actiou for divorce tried before Cox, J. at Fall Term 1877, of Rowan Superior ' ' ' . ' - ' . mi. rt. The facts are. as iouows: i no husbaod defendant committed acts or adultery with the housemaid in his wife's bed chamber, whicbwere repeated in tervals during a period of less than nine months; the result of which was the preg nancy the maid. These acts of adnltery werecommitted during the absence of the wife from home, and never came to her knowledge pntij she became aware of the condition of .fcpf houenia jd. She pngnir, ed into the canfie, imnjpdffltejy ipft her husband's Jjorise and has npver since re fqrppd to it, After th offencp of the hns- .vand becajne kijpwn to the wjff it: was never repeated a4 he entreate4 ler for giveness and promised fqlure fidelity. The actlop was for divorce a jftcnta et thqt'Q undpr tlip 4th clause of section 5th Act of Assembly, permitting divorce from bed and bbarMf either party "shall offer such indignities to the person of the other as to render his or her condition intolera ble and life burdensome." Verdict and jndgmentfor the defendant; appeal by plaintiff for refusal of judgment uon ob stante rerdieto. Held, That the foregoing facts did not authorize anv kind of a divorce. The - s court (annot nndertiike to define with any precision the course of conduct which will amount to legal cruelty or to "indignities within the mean in 2 of the Act of j - u Assembly. But it may confidently be said that the indignity, whatever may be its form or nature, must be such as may be expected seriously to annoy a icoman of Ordinary good sense and temper. It must be repeated or continued in so that it may appear to have been done willfully and iutentionallyt or at least conmonshj, by the husband to the annoyance of the wife. He must liave rensou to believe thathis act or course of conduct will greatly and naturally anupy his wife, and must perr sist iu it regardles4 of such annoyances. This Court dismisses from consideration the fact that the acts were committed in the bed-room in which the Juland and wife slept when she vi a? at home, m ber ing a mere poetic and fanciful and not a real aggravation, inasmuch as it was nof, known to the wife until after the actjon was brought. The husband's couducf was not consciously or willfully to tjo ajnoy- ftnee of the wife li acts were not exr pected of Intended to annoy her, for hp never expected her to know of them. The indignities to her feeling were not willful on his part but accidental, resulting from her inquiries, which were not anticipated by him. This is not a case in which the law ought to interfere and perhaps ierpetnatc the separation of a married pair who may again, without impropriety, reunite. "An English ioet once gave advice to husbands which Burke made immortnl, rvn if its ;od sense had not otherwise served to tnako It so, by quoting it in one of his creat speeches ou the policy of Great Britain towards America. The ad vice will equally teach wives toman age their husbands: Benevente then at Bpalito And Perugiai wlifefe' htfdid good-work iti l44didg adnie of those districts of tfie prevailing scourge of briganag "Peecl was subsequently serit hS ttdrtleo to Brnssels, created Arch bishop of Ief ligtaj and was oue of the candidates forwhdih HiS old Pope reserv ed the honor of the parole he ijed I in 1846. Pecci reiuaed, however, a trttV dinal in Petto in spite of the good office bTthe Ktftg of the-Belglani',Who'1fDt!c!ted the new Pope,'PiuS IX to fulfill the be nevolent intentions of his predecessors. ge ved Vears el ap&ett before Pius IX. came to a resolution to do justice to the candi date of Grefforvs choice, and this delay was owing to the fit will of Cardinal An- tonellf, who dreaded the influence of an able man over the PopeVmindJ At last on the lSth' of lecember; 1853. Pecci re- eeived thehatbnt for roany years he was left tn! tlie cold at his See of Permn, ' the cardinal secretary of state standing in the way of any preferment 'which iuight bring a dreaded rival to5 hear thfe Vatican. In 1874, we are told upbu the death of Car dinal Barnabo, prefect of the Propaganda, an English prelate suggested' Pecci to the Pope as a man competent to fill the place. Pivi " nlpjulMt the Dclis!iman. "i so j x learned a man and so good a bishop." 1878 Just so," broke in the Pope, "an excel lent bishop, and we will leave him to take are of his diocese.' More- recently another opening occurred upon the opening of Prodataria becoming vacant by tlie death of Cardinal Vanni- cell Casoni. Pecci relied on his appoint ment, and leaving Temgia, lie tooK up his quarters in Rome in Jhe Faclnury pal ace, but he was agaiu unsuccessful, the place being givpn to Cardinal Saccoui, and it is only uqv sjopo the removal of Antonelli, by death, that Uecci obtained free access to the Pope who chose him as cardinal comerlingo. WASHINGTON, PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. General Xews and Gossip. 'Be ta Md faqlt D(tle blind, Be to bu virtues vry tlnd. And clap your padlock on Ms mind . " The distinguished counsel for the plain tiff, in J3 arglnpnt before the Couif, deprecating te refusal of his client's peti tion, quoted the following with jndignar tion : . "A dog, a woman, a walnut tree, Tne more jvn tat Wi(5m Um better tUey be."J Washington',' Feb. 25. Vice Presideut Wheeler, who has been suffering from neuralgia, gave notice this morning of his intended absence for several days, and asked the Senate to designate a president pro tern. He will leave for Pittsburg, Pa., to-morrow, on a visit to relations resid ing in that, city. SEXATE.Conkling, of New York, said he presented a petition of James Gordon Bennet, a citizen of the United States, now residing in Europe, asking Congress to aid him in the way he designed in seek ing new discoveries at the North Pole. He had purchased the Pandora, an Arctic vessel, and intended to man and mu her at his own expense. The petitioner de sired that the vessel should carry an American flag, and he (Mr. Conkling) moved that the petition he referred to the committe 'on Commerce. It was so or dered. HorsE. The nsnal call of committees. Nothing of interest. The impression fa vors the veto of the silver bill. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. SfcSAFE Mr, Conkling presented the petition qf young Bennet, that his yacht, Pandora, might climb the North pole with the American flag flaunting. It was referred tp fhe pommittee on Com merce, Wallace presented a bill, prepared by tlje executive conjnjUtee of the national export convention, rpcpptly Ju spssipn here to provide for carrying ocean malls on American ships. Mr. Wallace said the bill was prepared under the supervision of iufluenttal gentlemen from nearly every State in the Union, and deserved careful consideration. Referred to the Postofficc committee. No executive session or nominations. House. The Senate amendments to the bill for the relief of- the Eaele and Phoenix Manufacturing Company, of Georgia, were concurred in. The bill to pension soldiers of Mexican and Indian wars was taken up, and Joyce, of Vermont, made a seeeh against it on the ground that it would be largely for the I kjii en t of men who had fought against the govern inent in the late war. His speech" was denounced with great vehemence by Goode, of Virginia. Adjourned without action. LoittJdii Feui S3fiie peace meeting Was a disastrous failare. Resolutions were put to and carried by a knot of per sons who surrounded Mr. Brailaugh after he had been driven from the platform. In the evening - crowds assembled and cheered before the residences of Musurus PalHI iha tord Beac3nsfield7 Some win- dowrin Mh GladstdnVs house weni brok- The ftirie? special crtntain the follow ing: "Vienna, 24. the report that the Turks, will cede a naval statidri td Russia is prominently circulated fhe Bay of i5erkos, on tne liospnorus ana tne lsiana of Marmore is variously meutidried as the site for such station." - ' The number of Russians who accom pany jG rand Duke Nicholas to St. Stef- fanos" U .estimated at ten thousand. It may be taken for granted that this is only a step in a seuieu plan ior cuiering -uu stantlnopie." r Paris, Feb. 22.-1 1 is affirmed that the questiou of the cession of territory to the Russians in Asia; the war indemnity and the guarantees for the payment thereof, and the limits of Bulgaria will be exclud ed from the deliberations of the confer ence. n : London, Feb. 25. The Times Pera dispatch statearthat Russia demands that peace shall be concluded before the; 2nd of March, and that Mnssulmans shall quit Bulgaria within a year with the right to sell their property. Admiral Caramerell, commanding the division of the British fleet remaining at Gallinoli. has placed ships ou both sides of the promonotory so that their guns can sweep it from shore to shore, and boats patrol nightly to prevent the laying of torpedoes. The Turks assort that the Russians will bring ouly about 1,500 mxr to St. Steffanos, but-10,000 is the more probable number. Suleiman Pasah has been seu't to St. Jean Daire without trial and will proba bly receive adequte punishment. The Renter telegram company has tin following dispatch from Constantinople, under date of February 25th : "One regi ment or detachment of Cossacks and a special company detailed as an escort to Grand Duke Nicholas, entered San Htaf fauns, Sunday. The- Russian division echelon ned between Rnstchnk, Chek medge, San Staffauos. Formal peace will probably be sigued to-day." The 'Times' Pera dispatch says: ''As a reward for the Porte's ineffectual efforts to keep the British tleet out of the Dar danelles, tha Czar has consented that Russia shall pot come., nearer to Constan- I&rtablijsl&cd I8OO1 I Uke pleasure in again' oflering youthis Season, olj Relialle ani Staiflard FEETILIZEKS, THE SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUA NO ' Navasffa Acid Phosphate out of the loo tons sold last Spring, I I have yet to hear omt coxflaint ot Its use, and this, vlth what your nelghtjors may tell you, who have used It, sufficient eUdeficd of Its excellence. For compostins: with cotton seed, sta ble manure, and other vegetable matter. th Acid Phosphate has no equal. rjfcall at once, see certificates, get tena s and leave orders. J. ALLEN BROWN, 17:3m Agent LAW SCHOOL The undersigned1 pnroes to estnblish a school in 8aliilMiry fur the prejwrativn of up plicants for admission lo the Bar. The healthfulness of the place, and l he cheap ness of Board are some of the advantages, which younc gentlemen who desire to rrad law, will find by coming lo litis place. Students will not only be taught I be course an prescribed by the Supreme Court, but wiil learn the practical details of the profession, such as drawing pleadings, and other kindred subjects, which daily arise in an Attorney's" office. Fee for the course, one hundred dollars. J. M. McCOKKLTj:, 17:3m. Salisbury, N. C. ; ' Pi H. fciln; riiimtf, ) : f. A. NiclioUm.-Ei'.r., iL D.ivife U)tlniy. of SainierlIohiiui Defendant.) U vt tlieafflUvit )t tne pi utinu, it der"l ty tile Cirt, th it publication be msd in the 'VaHlIna Watchman' for six nolifring Ma'-y Snioot, William llolnun JMttq iloimani wno arc nun-reuienis of t State to spper at our Superior Courts at th Terni toh held on the 21 Monday jafte r ill, 3d Mondav of Jdarch, 1SJ8, and """wer the complaifil'fiied in thb!e, or rHdtnent he rendered w favor of Plaintiir'j. for the re!i demanded in bis complaint.- Witness, JI.B. HOWARD, Clerk Superior Court of Davie County Feb. 6th. 1878. lCti On and Off Slick as Grease I BOOTS, GAITERSY .SllOE., SLIPPERS,. THAT I ITT! S1 w I 0 3 aj OS 2 rz AROUND the CORNER. To the Public, Greetixo : JULIAN & FRALEY Present compliments to the public and desire to call renewed attention to their efforts to be useful as AND CARPENTERS. BZ, mmA i Their prices are low as it is possible to ti.wml.. thnn Sun Steff-mos. but at the make them, ami their work not interior to inf.,,.. IWt tb-vt ha had They Jill orders in two departments c4liuv; unit, miviiii.i iir "f "i ----- great difficulty to prevent f J rand Duke Nicholas from man hinginto Co lstantiuo ple, as the conquering Russiins are con ing Ut San Steifmos tis friends, not alto gether on the invitation of the Sultan, but with his consent and Grand Duke Nicho las will probably" be invited, by the Sul tan to enter Stamboul with a millitary escort. It is expected that peace will be and have so far iriven satisfaction, ihcy have extended their facilities recently, and i are encouraged to hope lr increased de mands. Their tvadv made stick in hand comprises a general assortment of house fur niture licdsteads. Bureaus, Clothes Presses. Lounges. Hacks. Wardrobes, Book-Cases. Cupboards and China Presses. Candle Stands, Tin Safes. Desks. Tables. Washstands. Chairs, &c. They also keep an assortment of OI Hill Sol ! com r Q tsSlJi 7 dlA C ca r i z COFFINS simied to-morrow ( Monday), the Turks neeentins all the conditions except the ! of walnut, pine and poplar, from 3 upward two nlxiut the immediate surrender of t4e iron clads and the payment to Russia of ten millions roubles in cash, aud forty LEO xm. A ' Italian Cardinal Elected Pope A Brief Sketch of His Life -Intellectual, JVittg, Liberal and Known for His Piety. Rome, -Feb. 19.- 9 pm. The conclave's second ballot was to begin at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The smoke of burning ballots in thjs case was not obserred un til 6:45 p mT )pwiug that the votes were much scattered The Ffanfulla states that Germany instructed Hpiculoki to declare that the eloctiop of an irreconcil able Pope would oblige that gpretement to take repressive steps immediately, wliereas a moderate poutiff could speedily terminate the existing differences. The FranfuiJa also as that the French carT dinala, contrary to their first declarations, iiltunatcJy determined to unite with the Spaisl Austrian and German cardinals in supporting a Moderate candidate. , Rqyic Feb. 20L Cardinal Gioaehiuo Pecci! Mjutica camerlingo, has been elected Poftc, He is n Italian, and will taitfi thpnam o IeJlL .. Gioachato Pocel W44 hof'n the 2nd ef March 1810, at Carpiuette, near Au- 7k MutUm i Arrest of Judgment in An derson's Cai,e Qrwrulfdt ond the Prisowr Sentenced Two Years. Nkw Ouueass, Feb,, 5. Tliomas C. Aqderstm was called before the Ijar this morning. Tl)e motion in arrest of jutlg ment was overruled, when he was asked if he had any thj jf to offer before beiug seuteneed. Anderson said that he conr sidered his case cruel persecution under the forms of law ; that he was in the povo er of the court, and was ready to receive sentence. Judge Whitaker answered the accused, telling him that he had a fair trial before an impartial jury, and that the verdict was justified by the evidence. He then sentenced Anderson, in con so. quence of the merey of the court, to the lowest term under the lavr two years at hard labor in the State penitentiary and costs. A fimpenstve appeal was granted, returnable on Wednesday. , A motion to to transfer the cases of Wells, Kennerand Cassanaye to the United States court was filed, aut will be heard on Wedussday, March 0th. Some French fishermen near Cape Agde, France, lately had a dogfish entangled in their net, which, after dragging their boat about during the entire night at the rate of twelve miles an hoar, was Anally cap tured and broqght to laud. It measured over sixteen feet in length, and weighed millions sterling in bonds. The Turks have yet received no invitation to bo rep resented at congress. The Times' second edition has the fol lowing dispatch from its Sr. Petersburg correspondent: "A much letter feeling prevails here to-day. The modus virendi with England, touching the straits and the presence of the British licet in the sea of Muriuora is regarded as satisfactory in qftjcjal quarters. I have reason to believe that there is no present intention to occupy Constantinople." Loxdox, Feb. 25. A special dlspaTeh to the 27hc from Vienna, says the Hun garian ministry and dslegatious will readi ly grant the vote of credit asked for by Count Andrassy, the Austrian-HuMgarian premier, but the Austriaus will probably offer opposition. A strong party both in the Austrian Reichstrath and delegations favor peace at any price. They may, how- ever; oe uriven iroin tneir positions uy thu necessity for self-preservation. If it were ascertained at the outset that Aus tria in no case would stand up for what affects her in the East, she must prepare to meet with pretensions ro exaggerated as to make her resist them, arms iu hand, or else resign herself to the course of events." In the House of Lords, Lord Derby, in reply to a questiou, said the Russian de mand for "the ''Turkish men-of-war had bpon refused by the Porte. It was hoped it would not be5 persisted in. If Egyptiau tribute was demanded by Russia, matters would require serious consideration. Re specting the alleged demand for the ex pulsion of MrtasulnW"1 from Bulgaria, Lord Derby said that wljatpver the de mand was originally, l believed that it had either been withdrawn or materially modified. VIso. Window Sash. Thev till order with out vexr.tious delays. Will contract forcar penter's work and warrant satisfaction. Will take good Inm1cr and country produce t exchange for furniture. Shop nearly site Watchman office. .Turns Fmi.Kt. ' c i 1:33 1 W. M. EAGLE .uH tfullv annonncea his continuance at iiis ui i Hiiml in lupoid line, on Main Street ..;-l.iie Kn'niss' Drug Store.' He it-alway n-niv'SMiKniix ioiis lo aceomniodate" customem in iiisJme ' l'e luaootir possible. He U prei'-t'ed to do tirsl class work and can com wii !i any .northern Shop or Hand made w tk His ni.?i bine, lasts, Ac., are of the latest ml best paieru.. He worksjbe very best ma-it-ri .1 ai.d keeps n band ready made work, nil -ick equal to any special order. Ix-fKiiriTiir neatly and promptly done at tea- a!le price. Satisfaction gmirantc-ed 0r no 'iirjT'. Pr i'l'Cs to Juit Ilie Times. i :,- o-i-.-r bv mail promptly filled. " . W. M. EAGLE. 0 with Boring Shears, will sell 'at a great sacrifice the follow ing ai tick's : i'iiie Shot Gun. Rifle, r - tot Power Circular Saw . ; r.-ichiiicnts, on Lathe, five aud a half ft. Hi inch Swing. i Steam Eugine 1-5 Horse Power. Fire Extinguisher. Large Screw Press. Magneto-Electro" .Machine. Parlor Fountain. Set Tinners Tools. L-'.rge Ribbon Stamp. StenciNMes aud Material. Rolling Mill tor Gold, Sjlver and Brass. (3ne Silver, and oue Brass Alto Horn. Due Snare Drum. " -Music Stands. Knitting Machine. Three Stands of Bees i;i tlie Buckeye Bee Hives. New -M'eter Wright" Anvil. Queen's I'atetit Portable Forgo. .Vrrd nialiy otl: r things. I aiso olfer Fine Acorn Cook Stoves at cost. . Ifyoiiwaut to buy cheap, you niufit conic very so:s. 17. V. BRDWN. Salisburv X. C. ll:tf. ST. CHARLES HOTEL STATESVULE, N. C , S Ni LANIER, Proprietor. Servants Polite and Attentive. 4-5m. PROSPECTUS OF DISSOLUTION iJOYIGE The co-partnership of Bernhardt Si .Sins i tlii- day dismdved by mutual concent, G. M. Bern'ia'rdt withdrawing. They return thank for the very liberal p.itronajre extended them and request that all parties indebted will call ami aetile at once, as longer indulgence cannot be granted. G. M. BERNHARDT, C. T. BERNHARDT. Feb. 13, 1878. P. M. BERN 1 1 VUDT. NEW FIRM. The biiMne will be continued it the fame stnnd by Bernhardt Bro's., who invite all to call anl see them, as they expect to keep on hand a large and fresh stock of tood which will be fold at the very lowest prices for cash and barter. ('. T. l''IlXfTAUDT. V M. BERNHARDT. 17:1m. II. A. BERNHARDT. Tib wm Tlie Davilson Record, well known to th people of Davidson county as their campaign paper, of 1876, is designed to meet a public of the business men and of the interest of the county. The time has come when almost " j every county finds it itdtsensable to have a j public journal of its own to represent its inter- PJplf I FpIV Sllllll jests in the various afl'tirs of business, local and -IllaW Lai V kill J I riUL-ki J general. There is no county in the State that I .i j . u . .i i, ci.j i... : l woniu noi ue greaiiy oenemeu uy a jumiu' within its boa nda especially devoted to the pro- ON LEE STREET. Complete in all its Details. modale I hey nave splendid stock horse -les for pleasure or business rides, (.'an fur- i Will send travellers I on llieir wav to any point Will Ik cud :tnd ' groom horses by the day, week, month or year. U'ill fill or.lers for ii.oiling. Wiil bnv .inn . .. i : . t i .. . . . .i . , . . . i ti i i ami manlv part therein, ...... , ,, .-v . . . services lor less money lli.oi ever he for given. 1G: J AS R. CH V HOLMES. thin arm nut of JjrB flock fr juo&table : Tmleigk Sews.- Mgau of n W Patrician famil.v. Je was 2,500 pfonnds. It enormous -tomach coti- in fevor nritU Pope Gregory XVI, in WHO tained the head, feet, and several other They All Do it And Get Caught Vp mm Tkektox, X, Feb Jo. Jacob R. Freeze, for embewl ing tlie funds of the depoditora of thu State Sayings Bank, was Renteucd to three years in the State prisou, and an additional two years for conspiring to dcfjsiiui; aud Touch Freeze and Harry C. Freeze for the samo offence were sentenced to six months each iu the county Jail. Walter F. Bartlett, the defaulting tax receiver of the pity of Treukw, was sen tenced on four indictments to nix months on each, making in all two years, in the fStare prison. household lie was fox some time as a pre? oortiohs of a mule, as trell a taro half late and private refereudary and who digested tunnyfislu BEWARE OF OLD SEEDS. I HAVE JUST It EC E IV ED 5,000 PAPERS FRESH GARDEN SEEDS,' Put up specially for me by the celebrated seedsman, Hotort -3-u.lst, Jr., with ni" mtme and the date pri'iteil on etery jmpcr. Every paper has 1878 plainly print ed on it. No other dealer in seeds here has oarea to no tins, forewarned is lorearmetl, and if vou buv old seeds now, it is because you won't have your eyes opened. One word more: Bcist'b seeds are the only ones in the market which are varrant ed fresh and genuine. , 8 Papers for 25 Cents, At THEO. F. KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. CLOVER SEED Only 12.! cts per B . At Kluttz's Drug Store. Early Rose and Peerless Potatoes Only $1.50 per bushel At Kluttz's Drug Store. GRASS SEEDS ooWen Millet, $2 per bush.; Orchard Grass, 52. Also, Blue Grass tor yards, Herds Grasu, Lucerne, &c. At Kluttz's Drujfg ftore. 9BJOKERS,AHOY ! motion of the local infresta of the community, Such n paper appeals very stronelv to the par- tialiiy and pritle of-the section it serves; and i -verv citizen slum id give it his countenance CRAWFORD & HOLME j ;ZZZZ . , i home and abroad. The stronger it become Come forward with am,,le facilities to acconi- i mi,r jnpfi(.;i ;ii iir -nd the regular and transient .-ustomers. .-- -;-,! r, ; r, la H,.n j i iiioi. t iviui(vi ivp ltd ni pinI v in toek"iMirfttfA and vein- .1 1 i :. :! :., uM :Mf. liic 'iiJiifi lit ;uuu 11 uuc, 11 if 111c uxrxy nmnr niaiil krf r iiiiitw w n aha insli anv tit required. ill semi tr;avellert ti... iJ. 1 ...;n - r -r in . . 1 1 c 1. tc.:i 1 u nil. v 1 11 cirrpni 11 iaac umt i the politics of the country. If it is the duty of i every man torkeep himself well informed in : respect to public affairs, and tolake a deciJed, it is especially tne littv of the editor of a newspaper faithfully t.. ii) nil Miitinna m.KII. nAnfVm. V ill Imv r;lll and provender. And as thev T i .1 r f .1 ..n. i' i- 1 1 .1 . and give to his readeis the facts of the winie. are in for a lively business they say to all 1 vi i:..-,i ..i i.:m.n l. in ? w . i this rei'ard. He will not knowinslv oeceiTe KUH)HD, 1 i - .,.ir!4 r.,T -.,1.- f ,r.v nr iinvthinr else; hot by laying leforelhem the facts, aae I may enabled to obtain them, will endeavor to I aid all lo act wisely for the general good. ,A political matters now ftand. his personal con victions are moat decidedly in accord with the views gnd t'eelinga of the Democratic Conserva tive paiiy. He btlieves that the efforts of tl'i pam in 1876 wrenched from the grasp of tyr ! ants and corruptlonists in high places the civil liberty that we now enjoy. lie regards tnsi great victory an second only to that gained by the fathers of 1776. The danger wan ininii- ; iii-nt the rdnslunl (pnilpncv fulnl. bill the COUr- age, wisdom and devotion of the lonservatt" party proved itself equal to the occasionj no', gloriously re-cued the imperiled liberties of the people. While that party shall continue more pure and truly patriotic than any other, he intends Jo be fully identified with it. But the main design of Tlie Record is to serve the county of Davidson in all the ways it nJ be possible to advance her interests and pro mote the welfare of her people. And to thi end the undersigned desires Fiich intimate-re 1 lations with her citizens as shall enable hit" - brm his dutv efficiently. .-. . . . . . . . . . . i . e paper will be published weekly i 5 in advance. "It will be small, but neatly. printed on new tvpe: and the proprietor lopta to make up in quality -what may be lacking The first number will appear about the first week in January, 1878. V ery respectfully. A Rare Ciance in- Mate Money. Agents wanted in i" . ti". r.--1 ow.isi,i,,s ofKuHan losell 1 owiisbip ri-'-lsof ibe "XTni- yersal Washing Machine." .chine is acknowledge everywhere to be the best ever patented. At KNNISS' Drug Store. HOTICE. By virtue of a Mortgage and Deed ia Trust executed by J M Sgiber to K F Sjmonlon, as executor ol David Waddell, dee'd, and record ed in the Register's office of Rowan cpimt- in bisik .o. 47, page 544. I sha en, Wednesday, the 20lh ol Febrtiary, 1878,sel forcahjoh the premises, a TracfDf Land, aituated In Rowan county, on Third Creek, adjoining the lends of bounded as follows: betmininr m i4. Pu.i JL D C "V Ji 4Hf7 ! I I. Ride of the Rail Road, thence with Kerr's line, v c.o w on ..-! . 1. e . year j puim iu a rot-K. lormeriv a coan- 1 irii oaK, tne agreed corner on Kerr's old line, thence W 2J S 153 poles to a rock, Burke's X K corner, thence S 5 E 108 poles to 'the Rail Road, thende with aid R R to the begin, ning, containing 160 acres, more or less, being the tract of land on which said J M Suther lately lived, and where his widow now "live. The land is well improved and in excellent condition. JOHN DAVIDSON, Adm'r. D B X Conre Tcriu nex of D Waddell. Jan. 29th, 1878. 15:3t. A ver'8 new brand, the daisy " rtirsr i ih bast q the warxel. 8 ets each, or six for 5 cents. Try uiaca only at . lT:iy Manufactured expressly for. and sohl Kluttz Drug Store. James Lax ton, the nearo who ljas le on twice couvicted for rape, committed on the person of Nancy Bmlow, a white girl, in this county, nearly two years ago, is to hang. -The Supreme Court rein sea to; praut a new trial, on the grounds tnat irn-p rpTrT7 ttt a rpnrrnr a tvt there w.ns 110 error. Lenoir Topic, j OK I Jtj W ATCQM AN A Fresh Supply of Garten. Seek NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE A great fall in (Jard s vill bu den Seed at iaraen eed. T'Jv.fii- cent v 1 1 1 buy 8 oarers of fres!i aortt:f 1 BnurvFL EXXISS' DRUG STORE. 1- I-'' -

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