Carolina Watchman; THURSDAY, APRIL, 25, 1878. The .Sunday School Convention, recent ly in rniou at Atlanta, was a grain th-in'. comprising :nnwng tho delegates limnv Pf tiio niost distinguished ineu M tht coun try an J Canaijas. Anjong than wer$ Wv'.'iolin E. earlei, Kcv. Geo. A. r'nnUt' of Ga..' Rev. Dr. John Pott, of L'aMa; Gpn. Clinton If. Make, oi iew Yprk ; Rev. l)r. Prjtclurrd, jf JJaleigfr, . Chantaug UrtMiddua Baucher Riehard 3sewton, D. D., Penn.; and great many pfteh also distinguished for their great ahiiity a? Dj vines or .mpu of ieifriiing. The Convention was marked j,y a fevept zeal in tho Sunday school work and characterized by having ior ii friends and helpers many of the greatest men in the country. L A Surrender TkaiuU will bo thinir if the Democrat in every county lUUlJf Ul I the State shall give up their local prefer ences fn reject to candidates for Judgos, and instrupt thoir delegates to the State Convcntioif to go tot general ami active zeal second.- There ought to P.S rrof. W.-e Doud, oi urcen.svru, ' f 0 Court Beuch or gabntit to having N. p.i Dr. W. S. Plnmmer, of S. C.; ltey, h, Qpon t1m Democratic party Aa Warren Randolph, D. p., of Indianapo; roVoee:W yy wwMwif lis; Rer.' John Hall, D. D; ofXey yojrk; Ja h-mi,iate4 r he entertained Rev. J. II. Vincent, D. D., (Chop of j;-'- TliCreforo ifc was that Judge a), of ew i oik ; p.-sj. Sclieik permitted his nam a to be used, , - P f fi Jtwk j ; Prof. L- . - ' S ili8 frietld. in connection with D. P. Pennsylvania: lfev.i n-;n.H;1r ni,f Justice. fAud . ' ... , .imABa I .nalltheppQ drf?prev?, ,,ft,1,WK,i"r7 . T.t f 1878 will be as grand a snccoss as that of , " ' Thero was a very destructive fire at ing 15 ftcers pf buildings eoo.e of large valiiP. Siinnosed to e on incendiary nrftrrmesentcdtoleinArcry bad hnmor " - T ' ' ' V " ' with tho whites on account of the lynch- ins? of ono of their-'nnmber somo weeks Xtotoro for an attcmptetl rape : and tho Rubsooiio'iit killing of anpther whilo re-1 sistlng a policeman. The Jlon. Piin.o White, wJio has been spending somo few weeks with his friends horeandin the vicinity, took rtho cars vesterday morning for Whitcstown, his home in N. Y. Ili. health has improved inco in this State, and he leaves thus early on urgent ealls growing out of un-J ,frseen events in which he is interested and which demand his immediate and personal attention. ' An old colored woman who was kid-1 napped from Cincinattt, Ohio, 25 years ago, by a man in Kentucky named Zeb Ward, having returne froiu Lousianaf whither she was sent off and sold, brought suit against Ward, laying her damages at $2,500. She recovered her flujt; and the best of t is, will got her monef, as Ward jsnowrieh. Another Xovelty. It has been practi- pally demonstrated in Npw ork accord- ing to the orld iewspaier, that rail road carS can Ixv successfully run by com- pressed air. Trains can be driven by it t the rate of 00 miles an hour ; are easily controlled, aud can be stopped in less time tDau tlio.Iiorse cars. Mitchell County, with a populaHqn of 4,705 233 colored-- has 30 Baptist and 19 Methodist churches. No pther deubm- ination bus a sliowiug in' tbis' county. Pho haa 31 JiaptUt prfftcher?, all tol l, accqring te Bransonf ten of whom are uvxvin ,i Mui..n.t. tw. "Free Will," and one MethcMlist. There is hardly another county in tke State of no larger population, can boat of ao.great number of proachers. ttt n lfivc Van r'n..i ; put in a lengthy reply to Mr. ShotweU on Jndgo Scheiick. It'' a very cool and dlspaMionaterjr' written dopnment, and as ft reply is Cirtaj nly able. It contradicts mnnV of llr. SuotLfill'i stateineuts. and leaves the general reader n suspense as to the merits of th case. CoN'conn PuEsnvTEKY. This body, met ana Yeijo wiu iHvVjr,ua.I,,dSchenck and . Wegt fl.iends at Beth page church, Cabarrus co., Thursday the mayor of that city that hereafter he f last week, the 13th inst. There was a will licenRe' ko ,k T, full attendance both of ministers and elders, , . .. , and the members engaged earnestly in the C!lkewalk wmstitntjonjs peculiar to the Work of the meeting. The opening sermon colored vrple and one of which fhey are was preached by Rev. IT. Colton, and' the extremely fond. It means and here wo liCVVy- P; V tp "Meral "f;r aro speaking to our white readers-a con Mr. Charles W.RolHnson, a grandson of Pr. v . ; . . A. . , , - John lbinsois of Toplar Tct5vas liccns- t between two or three hundred cou )h1 to preach tho Gospel, 'lie Prcgbylfcry pjes-nialo and female who, for the adopted the Book' of Church Order, almost poupd cake which is put up as a prize, jSSSSS4SwSSi& l.llltorrU,.: pommisshiDcrs efected- to the General 'As, 11,0 cfnile .wh? the IUOt te&M" , sembly arc as follows : ... " 1 walking being awa-rdet tlie prize, aud - Rev. J. Rumple; of Salisbury, and MrCL. bearing for the time Iwing the distinction Curlcrtson,of Unity, principals; and Rev. of being the creme de la crane of colored l I. remcK, oi Mooresvilieand Prw. B. Alexander, of Bethel, alternates, I I ..4 I . I .11.. A Jho 4th Sabbath in beptcmbcr, 1878. Hr'W . , CosoREss.-Mr. Harriss of Tenn., intrp- duced a bill for repealing the tax on Mate 'imnaing associauons. was reterreu to the pmmmceoBfmancc. - we noie tins in i win nnsa T mro ,a firoosoiy noiiung wnicn wotiui more speed ly relieve the financial troubles of the coun try than this very measure; With cold.sil- yer and greenbflcka at nsur, arid a comicti-1 lion between local and national banks, we "V j iiiuiiij unnaausoi The proceedings of-Congrc4 given in an- rtua ii jjiiuiiummis out-uusy scson me aim so many attrays rresbjtcry adjourned late-Saturday evening couples rarely leiug .. i. : , . .... to meet m btatesviire, on Thursday lcfore verdict. ptber part of tfns paper -are of more "thanj!1 residential dispute and the-Mqut prdmary lntcreBt. a Jrf,WJlh-w i discovcrrd on Craggy mountain. Buncomlm county, N. Cv 'fljey ' manufactured paper money, ami tua it wen. i ne occupantspt he place were out when it was found. Thos. Beckhama IjttJe boy in Alexander countycame very near losing hia Hie, as we iearh'Jfrom' the StatesvilJe Amekijpn, by jIayingcircus tricks on a hank of yarn fas lehed to u joists - He got ft twisted aroupd his neck in such a way as to hang him. lie was discovered and rclicyji'd just in limp' to ave his life. WITHDRAWAL OF THE NAME OF 1 J LTDG ESCII EXCK FOR CH I EF JOS- When it wa pn'ppqscA iSf believed iy a large uuniber of jweoyle in tJrc ypstenj section of tlie. Stale and elsewhere that the present Chief Justice, IIqdW. N. II. Siuith, entertained the opinjoq tfstf tha trial of lliej-cune officer and others who violated our $tato laws could: kyqlly and Constitutionally hrp their oasea removed from a State pquH to the Uuited States Court, iW doterniiued nevor iu ppott Mr, Smith for a I j-, ,. a. i init Imrii tliflf jre iiiiuK we ougui iu buiio ju ....... we were not one of the nnmber wuo put his name forward for that position, or thought it prudent to do bo, but wo do not li esitate to sav that we would have supported him heartily for that position gjj, ?iad enterteined Jbe anti- States - Rights views that he. was accused of entertaining and which we (with many others) Bftpposexf hh entertained. But, . .. 1 1.. 1 as soon as it was niaue Known, vy yvuu authority, 'that Judge Smith did not en tertain the objectionable views attributed to him, but, on the contrary .agreed with the position taken by Judge Scbpnek against T.V,.T,.-, 1 inriBlitwin nvnp AtiltA MM!. VV 41 Mil 7 thon w the same good and sufficient causeibr running in opposition to Judge Smith's nomination for Chic Jast4 ; still, Judge Schenck' friends knowing his strength and his good quali- fications forChief Justice, did not think it nocessarv to sneedilv withdraw him from tho race. Wo know that whon the positive infor I ination was coninmiiicated to Judge Scheuck that Judge Smith's views about Feleral jurisdiction were the same as bjs (Schcnck's), ho was snrpnsexl, ami de clared that ho had been laboring under a different impression. judghciiencK is not at iiomc, ami is too far off (holding Courts m the extreme Westcra part of the State) for his friends to communicate with him and act with his explicit authority at au early day, but under the cirenmstances, and considering tho erroneous impressions heretofore en tertained by him and many of his friend in regard to Judge Smith's views, we fee justified in saying that his friends will no longer press ins name for the oflice Chief Justico, but will support him for Associate Justice of tho Supreme Court. We know ho is thaukful for and warm j y appreciates the support and nomina tions' Rendered him by several counties pnd npwspaier8 for Chief- Justico, but I we are authorized, after consul tin several of Ju'ijge gjchenck's most' intimate friends, (o say that lS name will be used hereafter only .for Associate Justice. We have written tho above at tho re quest am! advice of some of Judge I Schonck's most iiititiinta frionds. And we Mievo it ha3 in colltemi)ifttipn fQr pagt wfek tQ . , . . ' made ; at least that was the intention when Judge Smith's views on the federal jurisdiction question was first correctly-understood : mwl w fullv ii- cnHn the action of the Judge's friends in I withdrawinir him from tho rontnst for Chief Justice. Vy ' . ;fec :tfully retiuest our Demo W teimft fJ u article so that their rea cratic cotempyraries, whether they pre- , w copy tne auovo T b u 'i ?u 1? in2,T 8er,l" we ,avo on; the bect,-0mr. Pern. ' ' ' ' ! ' MOVEMENT AGAINST THE CAKE Walk. ' " ' r I ' - l ' 11 wlM V Jnteresing to oureplored iep- pie to know, and fqr their benefit wo mako lwjal mentioa of tlfo' fast that there is , .si: L i n Wl S"h of teeth, anda I probability of an appeal to the organic law I of the land and the ciyil rights bill and some pther things in Baltimore. Tho cause of tho trouble is a formal ntioce by society. The results of those rivalries is I . . . I i generally a score or two of heart-burnings , tho disappointed satisfied with the This Lm.4 lkn tliA enso in 1t:Hi. fUolp, and so many uoses, ears and throats have beeiT slashed as tlte result of tho "cake winks" tlisit tTi n!rir lma ed that either the f!cake walks" must cease otthe eolorwl population cease to carry razors. Tho "cako walks" ele ,ncut of charlotte will t will take notice i i t 4 for GampaUjn Purpose Merely. (Wilmington star.) i Here lias lioen n mvu ilon.1 nt nmn what "Pr! w!h fhe VU r-P- gomery r?l:ur l-esolutions. It seems to le the opinion offt great many memWrs that U, .mdcW committee, to whom tlie bill nas 000,1 referred, Avill tako action on tlie subject ami make a report. , This will re- citj that the seating of Rresident Hayes was a fraud ; that ho was not elected : that Tilden was elected, "but i that in the interest of peaee and harmony they re commend tbat no actjon le t-iken. O course such a report wonld bo used for campaign purposes, and, if made, that will le its sjlo object peat on the Sur L1IV t VMaWV fV . WASHINGTON. . PROCEEDINGS 3F CONGRESS. apd Ifarjjpr Bill Passe the House. GENERAL NEWS AND GOSSD?; Wasitixtox. April 22. Harris, of 'ennessee. introduced ft bill to repeal Rcction 3,412 of the revised statutes, which rovides for a tax on tne notes oi arare banking associations. Referred to the committee on Finance. ' The House eommitteeon Commerce ha agreed to allow $50,000 orNew Orleans 1 AllUt u'lk T'ml riiruv nntl St 1 rt 000 for Bayou Lafaniche. The committee ou weignts ana Moas ures has nnanimously agreed to report the Senate bill appropriating $75,000 for putting in working oi-der the New -Or- eans mint. The Louisiana delegation will vote for the river aud harbor bill in its preseut shape, but will appeal to the Senate com mittee to increase tne jouinwesieru ap nronriation. Voorhecs. of inamna, snDmua'U an amendment to the substitute for the House bill to repeal the specie resumption act, rcnorted bv the committee on Finance on Wednesday last, so as to striKe out inai, portiokT naming Octeber 1st, 1878, as tho time when United States notes shall be receivable foriuiports, so as to read that "from and after the passage of this act Unitod States notes shall be receivable in payment for 4 per cent bonds now au thorized bv law to be lssnea, ami ior uu- ties on imports." He also moved to an mil the substitute so as to strike out 'October 1st, 1878," as the time when the volume ot said notes in existence shall not be cancelled nor hoarded, and insert in lieu thereof "tho passage of this act." A further amendment repeals immediately all that part of the specio resumption act authorizing tho retirement of 80 per cent of United States notes, instead ot on Oo tober 1st, 1878. uordon, of Georgia, moved to make the lull the special order lor u eduesday, May 1st. Ferry, of Michigan, who reported the bill, said he hoped an earlier dato wouk be fixed for its consideration. The Fin ance committee would meet to-morrow and would probably take tho bill up in the Senate. After some further discussion Gordon withdrew his motion. Blaine, of Maine, submitted the follow ing resolutions : Jlcsolved, I hat any radical chango in our present tariff laws, would, in the judgment of tho Senate, be inopportune would needlessly derange tho business interests ot the countrv. and would ser iously retard that which all should earn easily co-operate llesolrcd, That in tho judgment of the Senate it should be the uxed policy ot tin government to so maintain our tariff for revenue as to afford adequate protect ion to American labor. Ordered that it bo printed. NIGHT PIsrATClIKS. House. Butler s bill for tho issue ot fractional currency and treasury notes of small denominations was deferred, yeas 120, nays 124. The river and harbor appropriation bil passed under a suspension of the rules yeas 102, nays (Ai. Cox desired to pre sent a protest against tho bill signed by a number of the memlers ot the House, but lending a decision ou a point of-ordi raised airaiust its reception, the House adjourned. f-m A Nominations None. 'Confirmations Merely military pro motions. Senate. Tho Pittsburg cbamlKT of commerce, presents ft protest against inugjng jjie Mississippi river ai mem his. 1 .1 A. If The bill for the relief of the Masonic I all at Atlaiita, (ia., passed. On motion of Mr." Bailey, of Tennessee, t was ordered that the Senate bill for the elief of the book agents of the Methodist Kpiscopal Church, South, be taken up as soon as the unobjected cases on' the cal endar should be disposed of. In the House the river and harbor ap propriation bill passed under a suspension of tho rules, and ariiid turbulence. It gives James river $7bU00, Appomatox 30,0(10, Ureat Kanawha $22,110, Cape Fear 'tpo.OUO. Norfolk; harbor, $20,000, Savannah harbor $,0U0. Charlestop har bor $5,000. Cedar Keys $20,000. Chatta- looehee river $18,000,; Alabama 635;000, l-ombigleo and Black Warrior $40,000,, ship channel, Galveston, $7,50Q, Mijsis: sippi and Arkansas rivers $18,00(1, en trance to Galveston harbor. $125,0(K)t Sabine Pass $30,000, Matiigorda ffexa bay $25,000, Yazu 25,(KX), Ited river raft $2T,000, mouth of Red river (Louis iana) $50,000 Quays of Red river $25,000, Cumberland river, above Nashville, $G0, 000, below Nashville, $45,000, Tennessee river $14,000, Chattanooga river $15,000, below city of Chattanooga, $30,000 X'oosa liver $7;,000. New Orleans harbor $o0, opq, Memphis harbor $-16,000, Mississippi rivea,at Vicksburg, $40,000, Neuso (North Carolina) $20,000, Currituck sound (N. U.) $20,1100. 1 he bill leaves it discretionary with tlie Secretary of War whether the work shall 1m3 done by contract or bv hired labor. It also appropriates $150,000 for surveys of rivers. The Senate Committee to consider the subject of the election of President and Vice-President, havo rejiorted a bill, of which the lollowmg are the more impor tant provisions : See. 4. .bach Suite may lv law provide for tho 'judicial determination of any controversy concerning the appoint ment of electors, betoro the time fixed for the meeting of tho electors, shall be conclusive evidence of tho lawful titlo of the electors whom ' gucli Court shall have so decided to havo been appointed, and shall govern in tho counting of the eloctorial votes, ns provided in tho Con stitution and as hereafter regulate See. o. in all cases of a disputed ap pointment of electors not iudiciallv nass- ed'upon aa hereinbefore authorized, 'the certilicato or judgment of tlie board or tribunal empowered bv tho Legislature of any Stao to canvass the returns of votes for electors and certify or declare tho re sult, shall be conclusive evidence that tho persons so i lied or declared to have been appointed werp lawfully appointed such electors, and shall govern in the count of electoral vqtes as provided iu the Constitution aud .as hereinafter reirulated. If but one set or retiirus come from a Stato the adverse vote qf both Houses of Congressf acting separately, shall be re quired to throw out such returns. If there are two or more sets of rcturnsj tljat set received from the board or tribunal men tioned in Section 4, above given, shall be accepted ; but jf returns are received from Hill to Jlemqre the Tux from State Jinnl$ $75,rtOO for the Sew Orleam Mint Specie Resumption ltepeal Blaine Jn reuihs AqainstthcNew Tariff llittUfper V1AA f 1l Oil nil tf k 1 fcO Mm iKtTio1 in n CtnfA the House shall nepatately eonslder the matter and only those ret urns ah all ' be counted which both Ifonses agree upon. These features are, p the main, similar to those of the bill iqtroduced by Senator Merrimoty, some months ago. As the Com mittee, consisting of Ednju9ds,Conkliug. lowe, IpMiBan, Teller, Davia, of IUi- nois, Bayard, Thurnian and Morgan, were 1 unanimous, the bill is likely to pass ; and a reputation of the electoral frauds of I 18 b, become impossible. 2?acj7 Acirs. MOB VIOLENCE 12 SAN FRANCISCO. I A pretty state of affairs bust . exist in " I San Francidco when a ruffian like Kear-It noy con defy tho authorities aud alarm I t J I lie is Co ing in is exactly - At an agitators meetins the other eveumff lie mauo an I harangue full of violence, among other things saying : "I hoie to God they will get up the vigilantes again. I just want the authorities to lay low and let as a! one, and yon will see the biggest fight you ever heard of. Tixley said to me that the narrow-faced Yanks in California wonld clean us out, but I just wish they'd try it. I would drive them into the sea or die." He concluded with the following significant utterance "I tell them they are standing on a nmgaziuo. l would rattier see baa Fran cisco sink beneath the wave than become the home of Chinese lepers. Sau Fran cisco is a proud city; so was Moscow; but she was marked for destruction and laid in ashes. Oar city is built of wood, and if the vigilantes move oue solitary step to break up the Workingmen's party of Cal ifornia, I predict a similar fate for San Francisco." This must be delighful reading for "the narrow-faced Yanks" whose capital is in vested in goods and buildings iu tho City of the Golden Gate. One of them writes to tho San Francisco Bulletin saying that ho and many of his friends have engaged passage iu tho next steamer for Central America, for "this howling gang of Mile siaiTdevils have turned tho city topsy tnrvc" and made it unsafe for peaceful Americans. He adds: "To my certain knowledge theso lalmr agitators are well armed; in fact, you can see plenty of them in tho streets daily carrying muskets and gnus, having pro bably bought them with money begged in the name of charity. On the other hand tho Chinamen aro well armed and will tight like dovils if forced to. Tho militia may Ik; able to take a hand in it, so that altogether there will be a terrible time when the word is given. This is a city of wooden buildings, wooden streets aud wooden sidewalks, so that if a series of fires were started in different sections of tho city when tho wind wnslii'di, it would boa second Chicago Cue. Things look every Nfrii enRaged in any biiMiiw-. , ' . , lion, or employment, which renders linn liable pretty blue lor ban liancisco, and the to a Kinvial tai, i required to procure anrfacc sober-minded people are very anxious, and keep conspicuously in hi establishment or and when the tiro alarm bell leal out at 'W. a stamp, denoiin-the payment ... , , , . of said Hpecial tax for tlie apecial-tax year be night, more thau half tho population rouse gijg May 1, 1S78. Seeiion 3244, Hevised up at once, trembling lest the fatal hour Statutes, designates who are liable to special has conic." ax' return, as prescribed on Form 11, is Ti . r, . , . also remit red by law of every person liable to It is a iact that San 1 rancisco to-day is ,)eHal tax as above. Severe pewltUs are pre- really in the hands of theso agitators, and scribed for non-compliance with the foregoing' even the Stato Legislature bows before requirements, or for continuing in business xl . i , . after April 30, 1878. without payment of tax. their mandates. Ihey have spies every- A,(,,,ic.llIon wholId be made to J. J. Mott, where. What the end will be is fearful Collector of Internal Kevenue at Statesville. to contemplate. This correspondent de clares that they only wait lor the word to " "- " " I rwl tir nnvtliinif fl'pr tnnu ii itti tlii rnn. " -'J ""J o " " tinent. In tho fiice of this alarming state of affairs it is pitable to see the timidity the journals of tho city had tho courago to publjsh in full Kearney's villainous harangue from which wo quote, and noth ing has been lone so stop his incendiary exhortations in tho future. Wushinyton Post. WISPFALljQF $ 0,000,000. (Washington Star.) Mr. Elins. Weutworth, of Elizabeth port, X. J., has fallen heir, it is reported, to an estate of colossal proportions. His father, man years ago, settled a largo tract of landf ou which the pity of Little Rock, Ark.f was afterward partly built. Twen ty years ago suit was brought by the heirs of tho elder 'Woiitworth against tho city, to-recover tne property, lhe suit was contested step ly step? and finally the heirs abandoned, al lpijjo of realizing any thing. On Sunday evening a gentleman arrived in Elizabethpoi t from Little Rock, and having found Mr. Weutworth, con veyed to lifin tb&lu formation tlfat the U. ct i . ; .1 o. courts naa just lemicreu a oecision in favor of the heirs. ' Tho value pf fife pror j perty is said to be oyer $p,0fK),(pp. NEITHER CHILI) QR AliUJLT CAN I , . i t .1 haven rosy, br.ght complexion VleH worms exist. Shrinei s Indian Vei niifuco I will reinovo system. the worms aud purify tho Hack line to Albemarle. The nmlcraigned is running a comfortable in-wcckly Hack line from Salisbury to Albe marle, N. C. Will convey passepgera to Gold Hill, or elsewhere on tha line,' cheaper than any Livery Stable. Leave Salisbury every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 a, ty. Re turn every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, y ! iu, Leave orders at National Hotel. ' G. W.:'iilTLOCK, 27:ly. Proprietor. (JET THE BEST. TheRaleiah News DAILY, one year, as nn WEEKLY, one year, 1 00 SSSeiid Postal Card for Sample Copy. Add rcss TTTTJ DAT TTn TT wnnra Kaleigh, N. C of the local press which, it it had done its from Raleigh, has taken and htted up the lnr.v nf. th mirr, imVht IrnvG Rent tha Gallery on Main street, Salisbury, Is. C.,wt . J. .. . . . . he is prepared to execute all styles of PI jvholo gaujf to State s prison, ivot ono oi Rrapi Fereotypcs. &c, in tho very best stj III; Tke Oldest Specialist In. America, -Tin T A PlnntnTi nf UnntririilQ kfo MJi.Vtt UlUpi'JJ, Ul liUlllOimU; illU., ... , tti,1 .. .11 Ckncerous affection all Scrofulont affec- Hons, Excresences and Tumors about the '?ceva lle.! f" ui' "VCu f rr -lr A m ha IVwfAiiatflAitAfi fFAm htvta address his sen, John Robert Clopton, giving his name in full. Send fur Pii-rnlor and kpa Trtiflmnnlali from men known to every one in tw Slate. i l,on8a"d" Z.u V?- ,eaT ve liitan iiFod Kar tha nazi nf t tm pamadiaa I'pivif. airfitim Rccomoanr all Dacka-e. no that any man or woman can use them with Writa Wif. V fin m a in tnli mi an vaup lrml Office. County and State. Always wrile my name, or mr sons name in full. 2o.Cm. AT offom fmes! WE ARE RECEIVING DAILY A NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, sroceoes, SHOES, &c., &c, WHICH WE OFFER AT LOW FIGUltES FOR CASH 08 WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY, WHEN WE ADD THAT WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! Call and sec us, at the old stand o Mauuey & Ross. Ross & Greenfield. March 12th, 1873. (21:lm.) NOTICE. U. S. IHTERHAL-REVENUE SPECIAL TAXES. Under the Revised Statutes of the United States, Sections 3232, 3237, 3238, and 323'.), A PTTQTTf PTTnTnP"R A PTTQ -r TTT TTT J VV .. WtlLbOlJ, jhe old original and reliable Photographer. old lere loto- le. Call and nee him Work the best in th over Plvlei's liook Store. e State. 21. ly. P. N. HEILIG & SON, would call attcnLIon to their large and splendid ' ' " " r f ktockof HAHtDWARE Embracing TRON and STEKL every variety of sizes and stiapes best quality. Wagon and "Buggy Materials, comprising all the various kluls roquiml-sprlngs, ax ios, wneeis, &e., reauy unsci up. Teleph Straw Wters .,j.a,.nai m n...n r,.i Great American Lightning SAWS, every kind and size, embracing MILL & CROSSCUT. NAILS alt sizes cut and wrought. The most popular and approvel styles Plow Cast ings, all kinds, bolU, &c. No. 6 potnUs ftjrf 1.- WINDOW CLASS from sxio to4r.o Putty.olla, I'idnts, Varnishes, Lightning Drier. Ac. FAIKIJANK. tCJA LllH Steelj anls and lialances. Worls. Tools For Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, Farmers. Champion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Threshing Machines, Horse-Powers, Pumps, fT"Uraln Cradles, tirass Scythes. Planters II;indlcl lines. CUNS, Pistols, Knives, andCHTLKRYnf all kinds. our stick embrace everything to le frmnd In a large and Cfmplete Hardware Htore, and all at low prices for casli. Jut With ttianks for past favors we hope to merit continued confidence and Incites!. patronage. March I, 17S, u:ly Warranted to euro! ENNIS CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE ; . ' ' ' r T 1 . ' . ir iiiouey reiuuueu ir uircctlonH am Bry followed. PRICE 25 CENTS, ot (:tf- - ENNISS1 lhn Store j Mortgage Deeds for sale here Hfif GOOD BARTER IiisitalHHlil? 1 BOO. 1 878 E. S. KGONGE: Yon are notified to pay up the note due the l?t January,. D. 1878, for ten hundred and ten dollars and eighty-nine cents, and also the interest on the two other notes given for the fmrchase of the Ferrebee tract of land; and un es the raid note and interest duo thereon, as well aa interest on the other -notes are paid within sixty days from the date hereof, pro ceedings will bejnstitnted to enforce the pay ment of aid note and interest due the under signed. rillLLIPSOWERS. March 20th, 1 878. 22:2m. pd. ! Lie SHOP AROUND the CORNER. To the Public, Giieetingt- 1ULIAN & FRALEY Present compliments to the public and desire to eall renewed attention to their efforts to be useful as AND GAI1PENTERS. Their prices are as low as it is possible to make them, and their work not inferior to any. They till orders in two departments, and have so far given satisfaction. They have extended their facilities recently, and are encouraged to hope for increased de mands. Their ready made stock in hand comprises a general assortment of house fur niture Bedsteads, Hureaus, Clothes Presses, CiiplKards:nd China Presses. Candle Stands, Tin Safes, IVesks, Tables, Washstands, Chairs, 3cc. I ney also Keep an assortment oi COFFINS- of walnut, pine and poplar, from $3 upward. Also, Window -Sash. They fill orders w ith out vexatious delays. A V ill contract forrar penter's work and warrant satisfaction. Will take good lumber and country produce in exchange for furniture. Shop nearly oppo site Watchman office. Julian & DR. BUTTS No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Louis. Mo. Who hut hi frttrr exptrtenM in the trotment of th cxinl troifble of both male and female than niy phjriician iu he Weit, pires tha rrnilta of hi, lonz and fiirrtaafui practice in hia Iwtatw wtrki, juat publiaUed, eutiUeu The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Book that are rcallT Gala aad rlMatraara la all mat. tcra pertaining to Mahw4 and "ukw4, and supply vant long felt. The are braaUrall lllBrtralra, and la plain lai.Kuajre. eaaily understood. Tha two book embrace Mi paire, and contain talaahl lafaraiallaa for both marriedand aiii(fle, withaJl the rccen t improvement In medical treatment JU-ad whatour homepapera tar : "The knowledge imparted in Ir Batta new work i in no way of questionable char acter, but i aomethine that errry ... abaaM km. Tha Vaath. the victim of early indiaeretxm t taa aUauotnerwiaa perfrrtly healthy maybe, bat with waning rigor in the prime ui iuo, uu ua naaiaa, in mnenw" from the many ill her aex la heirl lo. ixiui Journal. rOPCLAB PKICU 60 ct. waehj both in one volume, ml t in cloth and Kilt, 25 eta. extra. Sent under aeal, onl ' raceiptof price in money or itampa. (j PRESCRIPTION FREE! Fortlit sjiri'dy C' of rSemlnnl W'-iikiifs. Ist ManhOfxl mid all diaortler hrou;lit nn h Inrlis cretiou or cxc,j. Anv Dmgtriia h:s th lti)rr difiits. . W. J tqi !. Jk !No. 13 Wrat KixUi Ktreet, t'lnolunutl, O. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ictohial HISTORYofheWORLD Embracinff full and Authentic accounts of every nation oi ancient anJ uioilern times, anil tneluitln a history of the and fall of the (Ireelc and Koifran Empires, the prowth of tho nations of modern Eu ropt, the middle ages, the crusades, the feudal sys tem, tlie reformation, the discovery aud settlement of the New World, etc., etc. It contains 67Sfln'i htstorlcnl engravings and 1260 large double column pages, and Is the most complete History of the World ever published. It sells at sight. Send lor specimen pages and extra terms to Agents, and soo why it sells faster than any other book. Ad dress, 21:4t. National Tcbusuing Co., Philadelphia Pa Great, chance to make money. If you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. We need a person In every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest 1 and best Illustrated famtlv nublieatlon In the world. Any one can become a successful agent. Tne most elegant work of art given free to subscribers. Tlie price is so low that almost every body subscribes. One agent reports making ov-r a week. A lady agent rctmrta taking over 400 HUhseribers In ten days. All who engage make mon ey fast, i ou can devote all your time to the busi ness, or only vour spare time. You neid not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars, dlni'tlons and terms free. Kleganl and expensive outfit free. If you want pro lll:ttic work send us your address at one. It costs, not hi ng to try the business. No one who engages falls to 'make .great pay. Address "The People' Journal," Portland, Maine 4'i:ly. EUGENE L. HARRIS, tlrtist in rayonf Chapel Hill, N. C? PORTRAITS i;f,AK(iK) in the irpst finished stylo of crayon drawing from PHOTOGRAPHS, F1S11EOTYPES, DAGUERREOTYPES, MINIATURES, ETC. PRICES: 11x14 inches $7.00. 14x17 inches, $13.Qq. 18x22 inches, $20.00. Above prices include a fine, frame for cap picture. Send for circular. 51: Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and various other bl ink.rTor sale liere GOLD , - 1 87 I take pleasure in again offering you this Season, - The eld HeliaMe aid Hart FERTILIZERS, THE SOLUBLK NAVASSA GUANO Navassa Acid Phosphate C5T"Out ot the 100 tons sold last Spring, i I have yettio hear om' complaint of its use and this, with what, your neighbors may teH you, who have used It, Is sufficient evidence or Its excellence. ....... X3TFor composting with cotton seed, bu - ble manure, and other vegetable matter, tho Acid Phosphate has no equals tar Call at once, see certificates, get terms nd leave orders. - ' J. ALLEN BROWN, lT:3m Agent rH TTl tU S s SPUING MILLINERY. I have just returned from the North and urn receiving -injr- stock of goods em bracing all the latest styles of' II ATS and BOX-XETS, for LadieA, Miseri and Chil dren. FLOWERS and RIBBONS, in end less variety. TRIMMING BIL KS, L IN EN CO LLA US AND CUFFS, FANS, Zephyr Worsted MaterialTor faticy work, Silk Handkerchiefs, Nock Wear, CorscU, a good stock of Human Hair Goods, kc fcc., All Ijought for cash, which will enable me to Bell as low as the lowest. Call boforo buying elsewhere. "MRS. S. A. GREENFIELD. Opposito Crawford's Hardware Storo. 2G:3inos. PRESERVED Wlojt Siar or Salt Having bought the countjr right for tho "Tropical Fruit, Vegetable and meat Preserv ing IrceR," I will ell rcceic at $2. It will preserve a barrel of fruits or vegetables at a cost of 5 cents, and 100 lbs pork or beef for 5 cents, and the fruits, meats and vegetable retain their natural taste. The process in a dry one, simple and perfectly harnilesnj" and U used in almost every family. For sale at 20: ENNISS' Drug Store DR. RICHARD H. LEWIS, (Late Professor of Diseases of tho Eye and Ear in the Savannah Medical College.) Practice Limited to the EYE and EAU, RALEIGH, N.C. Refers t the State Medical Society and to the Georgia Medical Society. 47: 1 y. A Fresi Snppjj of Garden Sees. A great fall in Garden Reed Twenty-five cents witriniy 8 papers of fresh assorted (Jar den Seeds at - ENXISS' DRUG STORK. LAW SCHOOL The undersigned. purosea to establish a school in Salisbury for the preparation of ap plicants) for admission To the liar. The healthfulpeSa of the place, and the cic new of Roard are some of tho advantages, which young gentlemen who desire to read lav, will lini hy coming to this place. Stpdente will not only bo taught the course aa prescribed by the Supreme Court, but will learn tbe-practical details of the profession, such as dnming pleadings, and other kindred hiibjects, which daily arise in an Attorney's office. Fee for the course, one hundred loII ir. J. M. Mct'OKKIJy 17:3iu. .Salisbury, N. V Was? . . ffii5?l oi S mm K. h lfcrfl mm "fi Willis , Wiiq fiSg! .. 'rf W -lis .B i fej r; 5 iig. -mmm PlfUa wisp Q2 illlr - mm ri