VOL IXr-THIED SEBIES SmSBTJBY; IT; CMvIIAYf ;i87& ' ! ' i Hit t ; 1 ff028 Forjnie XVatcnman- sitting alone wntchinjr the rain pats mn the trindow sill, string the gashes 3 vivid lightning, hearing peals of hoarse Led distant thunder in a coming storm, , 'w pleasant it is to remember Our 1 ather wideband all villi veil. The highest au thority sa vs "take no thought for the mor row" for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself." How few of us ioDreciate tliia most merciful command wWit bids us to enjoy the present nod U not too solicitous for the world s future. If it be well to-day, it is unwise to make the iireseut miserable by fearing it- may bo ill to-morrow. Enjoy the blessings ef this dav, if God sends them, and its evils besrr patiently. He that enjoys the pre-Mu-fV srootlenjoys nit much as pos tible. But in enjoying the present we must not cto time, but should glean up its golden dust, save the brokeu frag- ments. those leaving ui u.y nauts of hours, which so mauyure sweep ing out1nto the vast waste of existence. Truthfully the poet saugi The years that pass come not again, The Uiinestliat die no life renew, y ' v t e'en from the rust ol his cankering chain A Kf.lden truth is gllmmertn? through; That to hlai who learns Irom errors past Awl turns away with btrengtH sublime, And makes each year outdo the last, There Is no vanttd Time. Itutalas! how many ill-spent yester .Iivh jii-h weiirhinff unou.the hearts of t;...'u nf.uVnr-iiB. The aired are the H"tMl HIO Hie I j trj tiiir crlTilTl ' . . . I grOWtll'OI IliaUV yCSeiUiJo ni4v ri.j the soul with marks of weal and woe. Can it le true the spirit has scars as well as the flesh t If so, the youthful should take heed; for Harrow says, "The dead sea that swallows up all virtue, and the self-made sepulchre of a living man, is idle vets. Then if industry is no more than hab it, it Is at least a desirable one. Our Maker does not expect every one. to do some great thing. He only asks us to be faith ful in our sphere; to honor him in our dnilv life, to be dad, grateful, temperate, to cherish" the present, ami prize it, and-: 'l,.r if nor po until it bless us" with the i " O of shrinking from naught that we can do to restrain ourselves from sin; then shall remembrances le sweet unto the soul when memory attends us through the vast hall of Eternity, I LA NCI IK. 110X011 TO THE DEAD. The monument of Thomas Jefferson is to be repaired. That erected in Chicago to the memory of Stephen 4. Douglas is nearly completed. Kentucky has appro priated $5,000 to build a monument to Gen. Zachary Taylor. General Wool is -to' have a $50,000 monument to be paid for out of fuuds he left. "Stonewall Jack son that hero of great genius is -honored with a lieautiful statute made at the ex pense of appreciative and sympathetic '.Knglishmenpand fasltioned by the plastic skill of the great English sculptor, Foley, lialleek, the author of some line poems, has a statute in Central Park, New York. Manv others might be named that have Wen reared within a few years. We mention these that we may ask a ques tion or two. lias North Carolina jio great men? Has North Carolina no State pride? Has North Carolina no appreciation of geniusno gratitude for services render ed! Where arc the men of the Revolu tion 1 Have we no memory of what Davie and Davidson, Caswell and Lillington, -Harnett aud others wrought! What 4ther State with such a naval hero as John ston Blakeley would not have had por trait or bust or statute of him in its capi tal ! Then, too, we have men of great "civic fame. We have lawyers and divines and jurists who were great men in their day, and vhoretlected undying fame up on our annals.I Henderson, Gaston, Uad jjer, Graham, Bragg, Beit ton, Hawks, ; and other great men we boast of were ornaments to their race, and shed great glory upon our Stated. Were none of these worthy of the chisel or the brush ? Among our fallen heroes in tlie late war we have two names that are worthy to le forever cherished, and well worthy of the painter's art aniTthe sculptor's skill. We refer to Pettigrcw and Pender. "What constitutes a State ? Not high-raised battlements or labor'd mound, ' Thick wall or moated gate ; Not cities proud with spires and turrets crowu'd ; Not bays and broad arniM ports, Where, laughing at the storm, rich navies ride : - No: Men, high-minded men. Who know their rights, and, knowing, daro maintain, These constitute a State.'' CURE FOR RHEUM ATISM. The New England Farmer recommend the following receipt as a simple and in valuable remedy for rheumatism. Take a pint of the spirits of turpentine, to which add half au ounce of camphor, let it stand till the camphor hasdissolved; then lubit onthe parts affected and it will never fail to remove the complaint. Flan nel should be applied after the part is bathed with turpentine. Repeat the ap plication morning and evening. It is said to be equally available for burns, scalds, bruises and sprains, never failing of success. As you pass along the street you meet with a familiar face say good-morning as though you felt happy, and it will work admirably in the heart-of your neighbor. Pleasure is cheap who will not bestow it liberally T If there are smiles and sunshine all about its, let us not grasp them with a miser's fist, and lock them up in onr hearts. Rather let us take them and scatter them about us. Out of 2,500 cases of measles in Mont gomery, Ala., there was not a death.- THE SILVER KING. There is a man alire at this present moment who, if he were so minded, could give his daughter a marriage portion of one hundred and fifty million dollars. He would then hare about fifty million left for himself. He lives half way up a mountain side in Xavada, and his daugh ter lives with him. Seven years ago he was a poor man, to-day he is the silver king of America. He has dug two hundred million dollars' worth of silver out of the billheislivingon,and has about two hun dred million more yet to dig. If he lives throe years longer he will be. the richest man in the world His name is James Fair; he is the manager, snperintendant, chief partner, and principal shareholder in the con sol ida ted, Virginia aud.rCaliforn i Sil ver Mines, known to men as the "big bonanzas." He has an army of men toil ing for hjni day and night, down in the very depths of the earth, digging, picking, blasting ami crushing a thousand tons of rock every twenty-four honrs. He works as hard as any man of them. The man who, by his own unaided exertions, can l ailLU I11U1 VIllUO .llUUlllMOiroilllH n f t .0 rif-li LrnAirinrf Qimotltlnrv nlmnr . - .a. . unit ia ilium .uuning uvuiviuiujjuuTruv. jt jg wortu while to hear how such a fabu- lous fortune can be accumulated. - - Several years ago there were two little Irishmen in the city of San Francisco, keeping a driuking-bar of very modest pretentions, close "to one of the principal business thoroughfares. Their customers were of all kinds. Among them was an unusually large proportion of stock and share dealers, mining-brokers and the like, who, in tlie intervals of speculation, rushed out of the neighboring exchange five or six miles a day fordrinks. Whis key being almost the religimKpf Califor nia, and the two little barkeepers being careful to sell nothing but the best arti cle, their bar soon became a place of pop ular resort. Aud as no true Californiau could ever swallow a, drink of whiskey under any circumstances without talking about silver minesor gold-mines or shares in mines, it soon fell out that, next to the stock exchange itself, there was no place in Sari Francisco where so much mining-talk weut on as in the saloon of Messrs. Flood & O'Brien, which were the names of the two little Irishmen. Keep ing their ears wide open, and sifting the mass of gossip that they listened to every day, these two gentlemen picked up a good many crumbs of useful information, be sides getting now and then a direct con fidential tip ; and they turned some of them to such good account bya few quiet little speculations, that they shortly had a comfortable sum of money lying at their bankers'. Instead of thrownis; it awav headlong in wild extravagant ventures. which was the joyous custom of the aver age Californiau in those davs, thev let it lie where it was, waiting, with commen dable prudence, till they knew of some thing good to put it iuto. The j' soon heard of something good enoujrh. On Fair's advice they bought shares in amine called the Hale and Norcross, aud were speedily taking out of it fifteen thousand pounds sterling a month in dividends. This mine was the property of a com pan y, and though it had at one time paid large and continuous dividends, it was now supposed to be worked out and worthless. Mr. Fair, however; held a different opiu-, ion ; and when he came to examine it care fully, he found just what he expected to find a large deposit of silver-ore. There upon he and Flood and O'Brien together bought up all the shares they could: lay their hands upon, and obtained complete control of tlfe mine. It was immediately put under Fair's management, and it pros pered, and the three partners waxed very rich. Mr. Fair, being an experienced and clever practical miner, spent most of his time down in the mine, laying out and directing the work for his men. It was necessary that he should know all there was to be known, and see all there was to be seen, about the property ; and he made such constant and thorough'explora tions of it, that he very soon got it by heart? In a little time there was not an inch with which he was not thoroughly acquainted, not a trace of mineral in shaft or tunnel of which he was not personally aware. By and by, being a reflective kind of man, who noticed everything and forgot nothing, he took to thinking over things, and pntting odds and ends of ob servations together, and comparing notes, and rummaging in old out-of-the-way corners of the mine, and making all sorts of examinations in all sorts of abandoned places, and generally carrying in on a cur ious way, until he finally persncd him self that somewhere, close by the Hale and Norcross, there ran a gigantic rein of silver-bearing ore, whose value he could only calculate in figures that frightened him tolook at. "Week after week he hunted for this vein without success, and under difficulties that would have disheartened an ordinary man ; but he stuck to the search and ultimately found a clue. He followed it wp for ten days, aud then struck the bonanza, a huge sheet of glit tering stephauite, one hundred feet w ide, of unknown length and depth, aud of tlie estimated valae of six hundred millions of dollars the mightest fortune that ever dazzled the eyes of man. In a Week he and his partners were the absolute own- ers of three-fourths of it, the prospective possessors of four bundled aud fifty mil- lion dollars f Figures like these stun tlie imagination. In the excitement cansed by this as tounding discovery it is scarcely more than the hard truth to say that San Fran -eisco went raving mad. The rein in which the bonanza was' found was known to run straight through the consolidated Virginia and California mines, dipping down as it went, and could not be traced any farther. Bat that fact was nothing to people who were bent on having min ing stock ; and, vein or no vein, the stock they would have. Consequently they bought into every mine in the neighbor hood, good and bad alike, sending prices up to unheard-of limits, and investing millions in worthless properties that have never yielded a shilling in dividends, and sever will. When , Flood'liad bought a large quantity of tlie bouauza stock, and had assured to himself "and his partners the controlling interest in the mines, he recomriiended all his friends to buy a lit tle, and O'Brien did the same. Those who took the advice are now drawing their proportionate share of dividends, amounting to about two million five hun dred thousand dollars a mouth. The majority of thoso who bought into other mines, in Californian partance, "busted." What these three men and their, latest partner, Mackay, are going to do with their money is a curious problem, the solution of which will be watched with great interest in a year or two to come. The money they are holding now is yield ins them returns so enormous- that their maddest extravagances could make no impression on the amount. Every year they are earning more, saving more, and investing more. They have organized a bank with a capital of ten millions of dollars ; they control nearly all the min ing interests of Nevada and California ; they have a string grip on the commer cial, financial, and farming interests aloug the Pacific slope ; and by a single word they cau at any moment raise a dis astrous panic, and plunge thousands of men iuto hopeless ruiu. It will be an in- . teresting thing to wait and watch how this terrible power for good or evil is to be wielded. Home Journal. From the Lutheran Obsenx-r. SIGHTS IN ROME. MY PROF. V. L. COXKAD. MAKIOLATUV. Persons who have not visited Roman Catholic countries cau scarcely form an adequate idea of what Mariolatry really is, or of the extent to which it prevails as a practice among the people. In all the cathedrals and churches of such-countries ! there are statutes or paintings of the Vir gin and Child, which are the objects of special homage from those who worship there, and persons can frequently be seen "crossing themselves'' or dropping upon one kneo for a moment, as they pass the image; while others remain kneeling for some time, gazing upon the statute with expressions of the deepest devotion. Along the public highwa3s, also, and sometimes iu or near villages, plain or rude shrines containing a coarse painting or statute of the Virgin may be seen. These are often located on the spot where some special accident, deliverance, cure or recovery is said to have occurred "through the interposition of the Holy Virgin Mother," and the faith and devo tion of the simple villagers and peasantry are thus promoted. But to see Mariolatry in its highest de velopment, one must go to Rome. There it has not only blossomed aud matured, but has actually goue to seed, as it were, under the special efforts and fostering patronage of the late pope. THE DECREE OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Ill order to relievo Romanists from the just charge of idolatry for paying divine homage to the Virgin Mary, Pius IX, called a general council in 1854, and had it adopt the decree of the Immaculate Conception. This was a sort of practical apotheosis of Mary, aud elevated her to a divine or semi divine rank, and thereby reudered her worthy to receive the hom age and worship of all faithful Romanists throughout the world. This decree was promulgated under circumstances of great pomp and pageantry, and like the chief official acts of other popes, it is commem orated on the walls of one of the galleries of the Vatican by immense and brilliant paintings in fresco of the council, the scene at the promulgation of the decree, and various allegorical representations of the event. This decree furnished another special dogma to the Roman Church with which to inspire the devotion of the faithful, and the late pope employed it with signal suc cess. With his express approval, his su bordinates iu all countries encouraged Mariolatry in various ways, and it be came one of the chief features of his pon tificate. Miraculous appearances of the Virgin were manufactured to order iu different countries aud at secluded out-of-the-way places, where none but priests, girls aud sickly women could testify about them; aud these were trumpeted abroad, certified as true, and pilgrimages of the faithful by thousands every year were made to the places where these marvel ous apparitions of the Virgin were said to have occurred. The grotto of Lourdes in in France, and Marpingen, in Rhenish Prussia, are among themore recent and fatuous localities ; at which such appari tions and pilgrimages have been made. 4 POPULAR MADONNAS . Roman churches have their fashions to attact the multitude, just as some sensa tional and spectacular Protestant churches who feebly imitate them, have.: One of these is, to get up a popular madonna in some of their large city , churches. The usual method is, to attribute ' some re markable cures of sick persons, made in answer to prayers offered to an image of the V'irgin in some cathedral or 'church. Sometimes the cures are real, and are ouly attributed to the -wrong ; cause; ibu the actual cure is sufficient; it is attributed to the kind and loving Virgin Mother of our Lord, and her imago in the .church - thus becomes an object of special no4nug!Cand worship to the multitude. This is the way some madonnas become popular, and the churches in which they are, attract more worshipers lhau others. A FASHIONABLE MADONNA. The most popular and fashionable ma donna in Rome at the present time, is that of Giacomo Tatti, in the church of St. Augustine. It is a group of the Vir gin and Child, and has loug since super seded in popular favor the famous madon na of Loreuzetto, at the tomb of Raphael in the Pantheon. This statute is believ ed to possess superhuman power, and to have caused miraculous cures in answer to prayers. The walls of the church are hung, with pictures representing such wonderful recoveries from sickness, and protection aud deliverances from danger and accidents. The image is arrayed iu a gorgeous robe, which is literally cover ed with necklaces, bracelets, rings, chains, watches, and all kinds of costly jewelry, all of which are votive, offerings from per sons who have sought or received benefits attributed to this madonna. So numer ous are these offerings, that the bracelets clasped around the arms, for instance, cover them entirely from the shoulders to the hands, and some aic even clasped doubly over others, while other gifts are pinned and otherwise fastened on the dress, which glitters with gold and gems of all colors from head to feet. The statue stands in a niche sufficiently high to ena ble devotees conveniently to kiss its foot, which is covered with metal to preveut its being worn off by the frequent contact with the lips of the multitudes who thus pay their homage from day to day and year to year. Near the foot is a money box to receive the gifts of the worshipers, and before it hang silver lamps which are kept constantly lighted. KISSINt; A MADONNA S TOE. On the floor lefore the image of this madonna, devotees may nearly always be seen kneeling, and during" tho fifteen or twenty minutes in which we examiued the statute, and observed the worshipers, one day last summer, we counted over thirty who bowed, crossed themselves, fell tin their knees before the image, and, after praying a few moments, rose and kissed its toe ! Most of these jersons were richly dressed ladies in silk and jewels, who daintily wiped the toe of the madonna with their embroidered hand kerchiefs before kissing it, and then "crossed themselves," bowed again, and departed. But some were poorly-clad and sickly-looking woman, who brought their dirty, ragged, sore-eyed children sometimes a baby in arms aud these kissed the sacred too without wiping, and lifted their children to do the same. Then they dipped their fingers into a small box of holy oil beside the statue, aud annoint ed the ey-es of their little ones, crossed their foreheads, bowed again in homage and withdrew, doubtless believing that the holy oil, and the intercession of the madonna, would soon cure them aud the eyes of their children. Ou the portico of the church, photo graphs, rosaries, pictures, and all manner of cheap but holy charms and mementoes are kept for sale, and for a penny we pur chased a tawdry little colored picture of this fashionable madonna and Child, framed with pasted paper aud glass, with a loop attached, to be worn as an amulet against disease. Many of these are pur chased by the poor to be hung up in their dwellings, or worn on their persons, to secure the favor of the madouna, and to protect them from harm. Such is Mariolatrv in Rome, as it blossomed under Pio Nono, and as we saw it exhibited there in the year of grace, 1877. Recent reports from Rome, however, seem to indicate that the new pope Leo XIII. does not intend to encourage Mari olatry after the manner of his predeces sor. If so, it is well that even Romanism should be relieved from the shame of such disgraceful and pitable exhibitions of im posture, practised upon tlie credulity!, of the people iu the name of Christiauty. There are so many rules, regulations, restrictions and orders issued and enforc ed by the Commissioner of Revenue at Washington, that we are almost surprised that any honest mau will engage in the manufacture of tobacco, cigars, &c. The manufacturer is Ijable. even when he is trying to deal honestly with the govern ment, to have his property seized and put to heavy expense to get released from the clutches of Revenue officers. The whole Internal Revenue system should be abol ished as a nuisance almost unendurable by good citizens. Char. Denwrat. GRIST FOR BLAIR'S MILL. Ttco Florida Eadteah Turn State's Fri- aence Against Their Fellow i btctndlers. Elettoral Jacksonville, Fla April 23. The Daily San and Press announces that Mc IJn, Secretary of State under Governor Stearns, and L. G. Dennis, the little giant of Alachua county, have made a confes sion in writing of frauds in 1876 by which Florida was carried for Mr. Hayes. Den nis covers all the details of the Archer precincts frauds, which played so impor tant a part befare the returning board. He says that 214 names were put ou the returns of . Archer after tlie voting. Mc Lin's confession is said to cover all the transactions before tlie State canvassing boanL; These confessions were ,put 4n the hands of the "present Secretary of State, Bloxham, and have been forwarded to Washington. After Dennis made his confession, eleven indictments against him for fraud in Alachua and Levy coun ties were nol prossed. McLin, it is said, was rewarded, but how is not known. The Sun and Press to-morrow morning will close au editorial as follows : "These gentlemen have unbosomed themselves, and their written statements have gone to Washington. The Archer fraud is ful ly developed, and the little crookedness in Baker is laid bare, and also the secrets wf the State canvassing board at Talla hassee." THE DEATH OF A GENERATION. Popular Science Monthly. A writer in an English magazine stud ies from birth to death the march of an English generation through life, basing his remarks on the annual report of the registrar-general. The author singles out,, in imagination, a generation of one million souls, and finds that of these more than one-fourth die before they reach five years of age. During the next five years the deaths number less than one-seventh of those in the first quinquennium. From ten to fifteen, the average mortality is lower than at any other period. From fifteen to twenty the number of deaths increases again, especially among women. At this period, the influence of daugerous occupations begins to be seen in the death rate. Fully eight times as many men as women die violent deatlis- The number of such deaths continues to rise from twenty to twenty-fivf, aud keeps high for at least twenty years. Consumption is prevalent and fatal from twenty to forty five, and is responsible for nearly half the deaths. From thirty-five to forty-five the effects of wear and tear begin to ap pear, and many persons succumb to dis eases of the important internal organs By fifty-five the imagined million has dwindled down to less than one-half, or 421,113. After this, the death-rate in creases more rapidly. At seventy-live, there remain 1(11,124, and at eighty-five, 3S,56o. Only 202 reach the age of one hundred. At fifty-three, the number of men and women surviving is about equal, but from tiftv-fivo onward tlie women ex ceed the men. AN OUTSIDE VIEW OF NORTH CAR OLINA POLITICS. . Washington Special to Baltimore Sun. Washington, April 23. North Caro lina politics are attracting some attention here at this time. The Democratic con vention to nominate candidates for judi cial offices, &c, will meet in June. For a month or two there has been a discredit able squabble in progress between several of the aspirants for judicial position, which has threatened the harmony of the Democratic party of the State. This has had the effect to stir up hopes in the Re publicans of regaining some, at least of their hist ground, aud some of the more prominent of them have come on to Wash ington to consult with the Republican leaders as to what means shall be used to take advantage of the situation. One re sult of this consultation is said to be the understanding that both orators and mou ey can be supplied from here if the out look should continue sufficiently promis ing to justify it. Tho Democratic Congressmen from North Carolina, while admitting that the quarrel over the judicial offices has not lieen beneficial to tho morale of their par ty, are of tho opinion that it will not have any serious effect upon Democratic pros pects at the approaching election. An other element which will make the can vass of unusual interest is the senatorial succession. Tho contest will be between Judge Merrimon, the present Senator, and Govt Vance. The great point attempted to be made against Judge Merrimon is that he was elected tothe seat which he now holds in the Senate by the vote of the Republican members of the Legislature, aided by a few Democrats who would not vote for Gov. Vance, who at the time was the Democratic caucus nominee. If you have an enemy act kindly to him aud make him your friend. You may not win him over at ouce, but try again. Let one kindness be followed by another, till you have conipaseed your end. By little and little, great things are comple ted; ami so repeated kindness will sotten the heart of stone. Fight hard against a hasty temper. Anger will come but resist it strongly. A spark may set a house on fire. A fit of passion may give you cause to mourn all the tlays ol your inc. injury. A NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWN ING. A very distressing accident happened at the residence of Mr. C. II. Schnlken, residing on Walnut, between Third and Fourth streets, on Sunday afternoon, and one which culminated in one of the nar rowest escapes from death we have ever heard of. It seems that Mrs. S. was ab sent, and Mr. S. was sitting on the steps of his back piazza, while . his little baby boy, aged about seventeen months, was playing about in the yard. The little fel low finally got beyond the range of his vision, and remained so perhaps about three or four minutes, when he missed hira and commenced looking around for him, but still anticipating nothing wrong, until suddenly iie was horrified. bevond description hy seeingthe feet of the little fellow protruding from a duck trough on the premises, consisting of the half of a lard barrel sunk iuto the ground and nearly filled with water, his head and body submerged in the dirty, filthy pool. uickly lifting him from this perilous im- sitionjie found him to be apparently cold and lifeless, and was sure at the time that the vital spark had entirely left the body. rhe neighbors were seut for, however, and after rolliug him upon the floor and using other meaus of resncitation for some time, the little fellow finally commenced show ing signs of returning life and conscious ness, and at last accounts.-we are irlad to learn, had so far improved that all danger was considered to be past. Mr. Sehulkcn says,and we can readily lielievo it, that his seusations upon beholding the little feet of hischild protruding from the trough were almost enough to freeze his soul with horror, and that the impression then made upon his mind will never be entirely erased as loug as his life shall last. If he had been ouc minute later in discovering his wherealM)uts, his death would have been certain. 1VH. Star. NO MORE QUESTIONS FOR HIM. From the Kochester Express. The Rev. Dr.. Ritchie, of Edinburg, al though a verj clever man, has met his match. When examining a student as to the classes he had attended, he said : "And you attended the class for math matics t" "Yes." "How many sides has a circle V "Two," said the student. "What are they ?" What a laugh in the class the student's answer produced when he said : "Au iu side and outside." But this was nothing compared with what followed. The doctor having said to this student : "And you attended the philosophy class, also !" "Yes." "Well, you would hear lectures on sub jects. Did you ever hear one on cau so and effect ?" "Yes." "Does an effect ever go before a cause ?" "Yes." "Give me an instance." "A man wheeling barrow." The doctor then sat down, and propos ed no more questions. Atheism in Politics. Belief in some sort or degree of religion on tlie one hand, and in nothing like religion on the other hand, are so widely di vergent standpoints in regard toal questions of right and wrong, that it becomes a problem of ever increased difficulty and magnitude how a state can bo governed harmoniously by Christians and atheists in common. In the State of Mississippi the con stitution for thirty years before the year 18G8 provided that no person who denied the existence of God, or a future state of reward or punishment should hold any office in the civil de partment of the State. Then, how ever, that part of the constitution was changed, and this law was set aside A few years, however, have passet away, and the workings of things have been such that it is now propos ed to restore the law. This is well With the State and the individua alike, the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God, and it is only in acknowl edging him that any can expect to be let! in right paths. Canada is a convenient place of refuge for rascals. Every diity fellow who has committed a robbery flees to the Domin ion of the Queen and thinks himself safe from the clntches of the law. The other day General Smalley stripped across the Itorder, and now II. II. Skimpton, the fiscal agent of South Carolina in Jfew York, has fled, aud is said to be iu Can ada, without beard and with a new name Gov. Hampton is anxionsly inquiring his whereabouts, but Skimpton is ufraid-o Southern malaria, and is craving to sip his mint juleps this summer with his legs dangling over the Canada side of Niagara, i Fulls. Star. DEATH OF ISRAEL G. LASH. (From the Salem Press.) L Hou. Israel G. Lash died at his deuce, in this place, on Wednesday morn-" ing, after a protracted illness. He had reached tlie average age of 67 years and & J -' months. Mr. Lah was born at Bethauia. For- Z syth county, (then Stokes) on the 18th of ' 4 August, 1810, and worked on his father ' farm until 1830, when he engaged iu tho mercantile business, and subsequently commeuced, with his brother, an extend" sivercigar manufactory. ' 't In 1847 he WameTPrcsideiit of tho j Bank of Cape Fear at Salem which f- '1 1 fice he held to the cud of the "war. ' "". ' ' After the war. he. with others, started ' and satisfactorily conducted the 4 First" NationaVBankorSnlem; vet f fifiucces r fol operation. .: " 't " He was electeil to Jilje State Convention 18C5 with Judge D. H. Starbuck. The deceased also represented tlijs District in the 40th U. S. Cougrcss of 1867-'U3 and was re-elected to the 41st Congress 'of 13(39-70, as a Republican. 1 ue deceased was a maij of large wealth. and in this State and beyond its limits, was well known to the world of finance; which specialty he shone pre-cminen- tly. - A Word to Infidels. A writer in the Mdhoditt has the follow.- ing pertinent remarks to skeptics : Avoid boastful scofliiag, Su& conduct awakens the pity or the contempt of those whom you Wftuld bring over to your own way of thinking. . Upon your own showing there is something about tjje Christian relir gion which ctjlh fqr your r.ospect.. It is cm- braced by multitudes of those whom you admit to have a fair share of virtue and of . intelligence. It has inspired iiijen to do and. to suffer great things ; it has advanced civil liberty; it is an important factor in mod ern civilization, and is a living power in tho world. No man can write history and omit to notice the progress of the Christian rli- gion, for its truths are in the social system as are the iron atoms in the blood. And do you really think, 4) infidel, that you aro the youthful David that is going to slay this mighty Goliath ? Put away your mock ing and scoffing spirit, for that is not tho temper with which you are to fight the giant. You .had better lay him-low before you indulge in ridiculous lioasting. "With--in a hundred years," said an infidel in my hearing, ''Christianity wilfc'ease. to be."' To which the only reply it was necessary to make was this, "All men arc not J rue proph ets." Such a prophecy as that has been uttered, and in the flight of time has Jjeen refuted again and again. "I am living in the twilight of Christianity," j;aid Voltaire, who was the mostbrilliant Frenchman of the eighteenth century. Well, Ypltajre, seventy years have shown that it was the twilight, not of the evening, as you thought, but of the morning, which is R owing brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. Many an infidel injures his own cause and excites disgust by his boast, "I pan pull down with one hand the temple . which it took the hands of the twelve Apostles! $ lifetime to build." With this thought he obtrudes himself upon the public gae, and begins not to argue, but to grin, and utter witticism", and to lash himself into a strange kind of indignation. That is not the way to draw followers. An infidel -shouhlbe in: tensely seriousif it is a possible thing for him to be so. It is. a safe assertion to make that the man who takes his pickaxe and goes to the ' base of the Alleghauies, and resolves to uii: derminc those mountain ranges an4 level them with the plain, his a long and rather serious task lefore him. Loukers-pn may think that he will fajj. But if he honestly thinks he will accomplish his task, let him by his conduct show that he has a long and a serious work to do. Let hiurnot be forever smiling and joking, as though he was out on a holiday's sport.- The trouble with many an infidel is that he does not realize, what a serious work' he is about, lie is trifler, and sometimes a babbler. Esrth, heaven and hell are gazing npon him, am if he levels the mountain ot Christian truth, as he is now trying to do, he will change the destiny of the human raee forever. Let him realize what his work means. Of alj men tin the face of the earth lie ought, on his own reasoning, to le tlie most i-prtous and the most consecrated. The papers are laying down platforms for the candidates for the next Legisla ture. We have met with several, and we are glad to see that in each that a tax on all dogs is the leading plank. Father Evansjvants the dog tax To be applied to the public school fund. This is a gool idea. The Biblical L'ecorder cputajns an excellent article from the jen of llev. Dr. Pritohard, upon farming in North Caro lina, that should be widely read. Ho far vors strongly the dog tax. II". Star, - A very cute fellow was he who advised that no direct attack should be made on the dog because he has numerous friends wjiq will fight for him to the bitter eud. On the contrary the female cants is geii: erallv without friends. Tax 7cr, saya the wise one, heavy ten or twenty dollars a;i I let a man have as many as he is wil ling to keep at the pi ice. The dogs wilj soon die out, aud under the oppeiation of such a law tlie numlier will din'iinihh aut the breed will be improved. ' . 1 ' .. ! h

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