. ... . m 5 t? T f-i J6 '1 i I'- if Carolina Watchman;, THUUSDAY MAY , 1878. llai. Vi:J. iiontgonicry of t'abarro County, waa rcnortiiaated iu theCth Jadi tial District, 'Jot Solicitor. Mh JOS. 1 Caldwell, of the Observer, rcadUio Dreinration of Iudepeiidenco at Hub eelcbratiou iu Cli.ulutU- "tfh the 20th. miking herself from her The Senior U off on hi annual tour through BtUuly and Montgomery counties, vWdug t!i Narrows, Ac. He will proba bly biiS biick "tidings of good thinga." The Press of the State are favoring the Idea that correspondents should write .r tin ir real names. There is no doubt but that it should be jlone it is fair all round. We hope the press will insist oa it hi future " -. .. i tlr manifest, the part-! Mrs, Southern, tv of the ballot protected, and the Tight rivals prostrate body, - . of the n iority rnle indicated,: Ami Mrs. Southern escape witU her bus WnfthaMr. Hayes was a par. band and some of Ms relatives into North V o frTud, he should be unseated, not Carolina, whero they settled down on ft liv unsettiu the decisis of the elector! farm and commenced to make a crop. The clniission if U were possible for that to relations of the murdered woman howev- .. i i. Kr ItHnpnrlimenL er, nau oeeu wuihi..s It !ft needle to disguise the fact that ively to have her death avenged and .-T .,i,,rtr5. fr from united when the Southerns had beeu in North :.. 4i.5, ,n Tlre are those who be- Carolina eight or nine mouths, they heard lit line , . .1. 1 il .eve the Potter resolutions unwise anrt that partiw were on uieir uacu, auu ...CJ .... i.-t Hm action of Hares' set out to move to the W est. Aear jua 7 . . .-. v.! i ...:n I fm.r... tmv itit tutu trimhm with of !i5 timft im most lUlDOlllic ami win t ., vj. fe - 11. V- ... . . , , ii . i I. i... . . j t if f hi L-Pfix-r t atoll irate, wnicii iwi u fesult iu nogooutoour lutiij - - Thnofthis wav of thinking their arrest, i hey were brought back, I - - m M : A 1 A..! I ......nlAtl.il MT iWideil m noritv. and as ami Mrs. oouuieru uieu aim iuuucu U1F1M (11 -'-' - I ;t n.nr 'more and more apparent every muruer, ami Bcntc.. dav that the peacclof the html will uot be Five of the ablest lawy ers in Georgia .lief iv t ie liiresiisa-1 oeienueu ner, auu "c wim.i..", The Raleigh Obterfer, in an euTtprial of hearlr a column's lejjgth,idvocates Matt W. IUxsom as the democratic candidate for Vice Presidntj and closes with these truthful remarks : 'His loyalty has never been and can hever be suspected. He has suffered with his people, ami he knows what they staud in need of from natural sympathy. His views on all-subjects of legislation are as broud as his knowledge of them is thor ough. Ior all these reasons and as a tar dy reward for the patieut work of a hos Of good North Carolinians who have al ways been true to country aud to princi ple, we believe that we shTall see Senator IUxsom preside over that body of which he is uow an honored member," in tlin OAt tion the numbers of-this minority are despairing of a more favorable judgment Pridentlv dwindling ' - from a higher court, laid the case before r . . I . - ... 11 I. i. .1... - The North Carolina delegation support Gov. Uoiquur, anu nave oroiigm. uie the Potter resolutions. In doing so, we pressure of public opinion to bear upon believe they are not at all in advance of him to secure u iirdoii or at least a com the Democratic sentiment of the State. mutation. Numerous affidavits have leen secured and presented to hiin,tnese maK- .u,r....i-.Bt nf tlm ILileisrh JVcirs. ini? out the following, case i. Jvate iium- Vl'l A m'UUU VU v --w C7 - - o and a lawyer of the 12th District, says: brick, who was a girl of modest, chaste Dut Jud 'c Sehenck is not our character, loves and marries Bob South- Southern, papers, aud published in the State where the 'crime was committed, takes this sensible view of the affair : The argument against the hanging of women is equally shallow and fraught .:ik 1 .i a.' f s the etjual of man iutellectually. She is gifted with equal power to distinguish be tween good aud evil. I he criminal laws of every State and country recognize this fact anil put her upon the same footing irilli ninit If nnmtnitt' ttt,ir Inn'ftiiV ...... A. 1 ' " v ' is she not seut to jail ? If she forges is she not condemned to the peniteuiuary i auu if she murders shall she not be hungf The proiHwition that the sex should shield a criminal from punishment is irion- strous. 1 he history ot all countries and of ttli aws teaches that women are often canublc of Committing the most bloody and brutal Crimes. The history of each day as it conies to us in the newspapers shows that they have the intellect to plan crimes and the resolution to execute. On ly a few days stgd there died in the State iiiisou of Lounectictit a wretch wno con fessed to having poisoned three husbands and four children. If capital punishment ia wroiiir let it be abolished : but until - o Davis County IX Till? PKOBATE COUHT. V J Alkinnor., as the next frifinu of Alary A Atkinson, J r!titioi to re- irnnor, Flaintiff, move guardian. Against Geo W Swicegood, guardian, j Defendant. J UiKjn the afli.lavil of the Plaintiff, it la or dered ly the Court, lint publication ltd made lit the "Carolina Watchman" lor ix successive weekn notifvint; the defendant. George W rfwicegood, who i a non-reaident of the State to apif;ir at the otnee of ihfe Clerk of the supe rior Court of shuI county, on Monday the 1st dav of Jiuv 1S& and answer the complaint which will be tiled in the above entitled net ion within ten dava from ihe d.ile hereof, and if he tail to answer the romidaint, the iiaiulih will, apply to theCOiirt for the relief demanded in the complaint. V i tr. cs. II. 15. 11U V A ii 1 K Jnde of Probate and Clerk Superior Court of D:me Counlv. May 17th, 1878. 3l:Gl:pf$7. first choice. It is true, this and most, u not all the counties west of liuncomue, have declared for Judge Schenck. But Judiie Schenck was and is holding oar courts in the west, and a few men have run the machine. Had auy -other Democratic Judge been on the circuit, aud an aspirant for the Su preme Bench, he would have fared as The truth is iust simply thi: if Judge Schenck is nominated, we will support The press, all over the Union, give pub licity to the "last remarks," "confessions," &c, of criminals who are paying the pen alty of crimes with their lives. Sonic of them say t "I am ready for heaven "Je- tma urill mither me in his arms." &c. This is boaud to have a bad effect, especially among the ignorant. To hear a man ou the scaffold, professing such things w ith his last breath will undoubtedly impress the idea that repentance and acceptance are things easily gained, and that no fears heeirexist on that score. If a man has no fear of hell, what will he not do? The effect is bound to Imj disastrous, ye pro test against the press giving publicity to sucli things ; for ninty-nine out of every hundred professions are lies that is, you have any faith in the courts of jus tice. Hon. Wm. M. Bobbins passed through Falisbury last Saturday on his way to Statesville and returned Tuesday enroute for Washington, lie has been working hard foi the people of this section and has gaiued a high and influential stand iu Con giess. the people in this section are proud of hiui as their representative, and will do all iu their power to keep him in the position which h& has so ably and acceptably filled- Why turn out a gooi man T A man that has done his duty faith fully a man that has gaiued a position i 'our National Legislature that is felt and respected ? Why T Answer, who can. Maj. Bobbins is iu position now to benefit the people he represents more than auy new man jnissibly could." The people cannot afford to 6cnd men to Congress just to give them a chance to make mou ern. She discovers that he 1ms before marriage contracted an illicit intimacy with a handsome, fast aud reckless wo man of the county. She finds that through certain threats of exposure her husband is under the influence of this woman, who succeeds in carrying him to her house three davs before the marriage, and se duces him away from home on the fourth bight after the marriage. She learns from all sides that this woman swears that she and her husband shall have no peace or satisfaction as I0112 as she lives ; that she U cirtMilatinir reports that blacken her - - - o a (the young wife's) character, and is carry in" these reports to her husband and his Imuoitant. At the approaching elec- relatives. After being driven out of the it is let it be dealt out to women aud men with strict impartiality.' This is sound and healthy talk. It wil 10UI water. The time has long ago pass ed when women Were regarded as inferi ors, soci ally or intellectually. They are the man's equal, aud have far less induce ment to crime than men. When, there fore, they turn "fcke-devils" ami become murderers, they should be punished as men are for such hideous, diabolica crimes. The law should not be a respec ter of persous." a 11m, out COl.. PAVIU COL KM AN, of Buncombe, is the choice of the west, ten to one, it matters not who opposes, ind your Laicyer kuows this. Ub.UOCiiAl. tion in August, three ballots will be voted as follows : 1. The Chief Justice and the two Asso ciate Justices of the Supreme Court, the thrf .tudrcs of the Superior Courts and , ... C3 " neighborhood by this persecution, sheje turns for a visit, sick, enciente, nervous and worn down by epilepsy. The first nijrht of her return she is confronted by her rival aud enemy, who tries to take E' S. K00KCE : Yon are notified to pay tip the note due the i-. n 1.S7H. lor ten itunurvu on IM manual , - 1 . ten dollar and eighty-nine cent, and ! '? interest on the two other notes gifrii fr the fiurrh-se of the Ferrebee tract of land; and un- J . .1 : 1 r.il iniorMt due thereon, a Aaa inoinni iiuir ami iiiva " " " ------ . I well a interest 011 the other noies are r...u within siHty day- frehi the Mate nereis ,-rr ceedines will be irrtituteu 10 enioree me i-jr- mentofsaid note and interest uiie uie unuer Rigned. ntirT t to cnwpns IIUliLlll i;viikii March 20th, 1878. 22:2ia.pd. That Little the Solicitor shall be voted for 0:1 one eha,ge of her husband, pulls her confidant ballot. from her lap, and taking her into an an 2. The Senator and Members of the te-rooin, fills the ears of this friend with House of Bepresentativcs shall be voted tjl0 vilest abuse of her character. This for ou one ballot. friend returns and tells her what, has been 3, The, Clerk of the Superior Court, s:vidand iu a few moments, while she is Treasurer, (111 such counties as have a hmiartiug under this scandalous attack treasurer,) Begister of Deeds, Surveyor, 1 ant fearfel of the future, this woman Coroner, and Sheriff shall be voted for on comes to her in tho presence of her hus- oue ballot. Ballots shall band, and insults her hy flaunting herself be on white paper, and hu front of her and saying, "Now, Kate Southern, I am ready for you." She jumps up to confront her insulter, .she is enuirht bv the hair and thrown may be printed or written, or partly writ ten aud p.irtly printed, and shall be with out device. There will le a ballot-box for eacli bal- down, a struggle ensues in which Kate lot. Raleigh Observer. l iQK THE WOMAN GIVEN I1EB LIFE. From the Charlotte Observer. Southern's sister takes a part, and before tho bystanders can interfere Narcissa Cowart is dead. This is the new story, and the sister Men for the Legislature. It is a pity that the good business men of this coun ty, men who can do their particular sec tion great good in the Legislature, are not prevailed upon by their fellow citi eeus to sacrifice their business at home for only a two months trip to Raleigh at four (lullats a day. An effort should be made at once to pursnade such meu to go to the Legislature. The very men who have bunsiness at home aud do not want to go are the very men the people should have to go. Reidsville Times. Thk Grand Coxceut bv the Golds- r.ouo Coknet Baxh. Ou Thursday, the audience that irreeted-our amateurs was certainly one of the most intelligent that we have ever seen assembled in our citv, and were, sevmiagly, quite appreciative. The accoustical ananireinents of the hall are so poor I hat the vocaliz.itio.i was ac complished under diiliculties. and the sweet tones of "Am Meere" lost some of the richness in expression, which was full and complete iu the actual rendition by the singer. The airs from "Somiiam- bnla," were greeted with decided favor, and the critical portion of the assembly pronounce it one of the best ell'irts of the evening. There were beautiful strains in the Terpsichuiean Melange; and the Slide TromlMiiue Solos by lrif. W. II. Neave were considered excellent. The air of "Long, long Ago," is one of those touching pieces born of tlu heart and when rendered as it was 011 this occasion Hows back to the fountain of its birth. The most charming feature of Eiiday To all whom jft may Concern THE season of the year has arrived, when It be I euines all tfood citizens of Salisbury to aid in the preservation ot the health ot our Town. Your inte rest demands this mue!i at yo:u" hands, and it all the householders ot the town will lend their aid towards policing their lots properly, great good will result to ihe public Our lives and health will be protected slmulY b? keeolnir our lots in a clean condition. To this end I ask each any every citizen of Salisbury oc cupying a residence to clean out. and keep in good condition, aay and all cellars, privies, stables, and anv other place3 on their lots likely to endanger the public health. If this request Is not com piled witSi, a committee of public, health and safety will report the condition of all delinquents, who will be lined in accordance with the Ordinances ot the Town of Sal isbury. It Is confidently hoped, aud believed that every citizen will not fail to attend to ttits request at oace, and not bv a different eourae Jeopardize the health of theaid dvea and fanilUes, as well as incur the displeasure of their neighbors, and also the pay ment of heavy penauied ior sucu neiecu May 14, 1S7S-NO. 30:2t.' FOXJTZ'S HORS E AND CATTLE POWDERS, PSlt ;;:Kd I A10 anoqtialed for tb enre ua prevenwoaoi in lie JAVtD E. i"OUTZ.j?roT) Baltimore. ilO. AT olforn Fnees I SHOP AROUND the CORNER. To the Public, Greeting : JULIAN & FRALEY Present comnliments to the public and desire to call renewed attention to their efforts to be useful as W Iff co - -3 . f Pi III g afl AN& CARPENTERS. Their prices are r.s low as it is possible to make them, and their work not inferior to any. They till orders in two departments, :m'.l have so far friven satisfaction. They have extended their facilities recently, and arc encouraged to hope for increased de mands. Their ready made stock in hand comprises a general assortment of house fur niture Bedsteads, Bureaus, Clothes Presses, Lounires. Racks. Wardrobes, Book-Cases, Cupboards and China Presses, Candle Stand Tin Safes, Desks, Tables, Washslands, Chairs. &e. They also keep an assortment ot s COFFINS ot walnut. :nc and oplar, from-J upward. Also, Window Sash. Thcy-till orders with out vexatious delays. Willcontract for car penter's work and warramt satisfaction. Will take sjood lumber and country roduce in exclianire lor furniture. Shop nearly oppo site Watchman otnee. Julian & Fk.vj.ky. who is now in the penitentiary for two Yerv tew criminal eases in this country years tor her van m the muroer, lssaiti to j evening s entertainment was uie voca "Usiltuiir with tho Ti.Ie.' 1 WE AliE IIKCKIVIXU DAILY A NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK ! OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, SHOES, &c, &o.5 - WHICH WE OFFER AT LOW Fi'tU'RES FOR have ever excited more general comment be willing to swear that site did the kill or attracted a larger degree of public in- ing. terest than that of Mrs. Kate Southern, who, at a ball in Pickens county, Georgia, a year ago, stabbed and killed Miss Nar cissa Cowart, a woman who was trying to win from her the affections of the man who had but a few weeks la-fore beeu Ueorgia has been stirred up over this case sis it had rarely ever beeu stirred up before. The people were almost unani mous in their expressions against the gal lows in the case of this grossly wronged and justly incensed wife, and petitions quartete literal v author made her husbaud. The Observe -'pub- for her commutation or pardou poured iu Fished at that time one of tho first ac- upon Gov. Colquitt from all parts of the counts of the occurrence ever given the! Union. public, but a repetition of the story, with He has yielded and commuted the sen- y that is not the ohject of Confess. 8ome a(lllitiousl1 and bottom facts, is not twice from that of death to imprisonment Congress is not an institution designed to of place here: Nafcissa Cowart and in the penitentiary for the term of ten Congress confer honors aud afford favored oues a chance for money making.' Some people talk as if that were the prime object and nrgo a change on just those grounds. And ft is fhis "change" business that has so Kate Humbrick were livals for the love of Bob Southern. He married Kate, aud some mouths after the marriage a nartv was given at her father's house. Miss Cowart was invited to be present. Mrs. 5 c t i : ii i 1 crinnled the South. Thev rand a man for warneu ner nus one, 'two or three terms and just about baud that he must hot, dance with her or the time his influence is felt, he is left at speak to iier during the night. He laugh home and a new man sent, and iu his ed nt her jealous fears and promised that . i.: i - ..1 :., he would respect her wishes. He did so ,nnd Pver wkenin- onrinse. The uutl1 ltlte 1,1 the ll,'ht' !He tbnm-h ply must think more aud not allow them Bel vea to be led hither aud thither by plirowd politiciaus. carelessness r in a freak for it appears that he did loVe his wife devotedly took Miss Cowart on the floor for a dance. His wife at oucc went up to the couple, deter mined to prevent their dancing together. She claimed that her husband was en gaged for a dauciug together. She claini- Froui the Raleigh Sews. THE POTT K It I X V ESTIG AT 1 0 X. The committee appointed under the ed that her Jiusband was engaged for that Potter resolution to investigate the elec- set to her. Miss Cowart denied this. torn! fruuds o( 167G-V7 have organized and said "she had a right to dance with a ... . y. .. i . . - . na aro aoout to oeglu work. A tremen- hun if he desired to dance with her dona outcry is raised agaiust this search Southern himself took sides with Miss Hfter ruth, by the Republicans. Some Cowart, and the dance went ou. Mrs. riAItffi rlinf thn n ., ...... ..I Z I . un.ui w iCuiuiiou- South ICU CiV lllT WUV. A1W thft ibnn. . . . i o CT y v pry, ana protess to be greatly shocked at wa8 uver Mrt, Southern soiurht l.pr 1k. !. l ..e - I - i wa. mm oi unseating .Mr. nayes.nKindf .uuI takiug hil1 to one sidc of tbe Others regard the investigation as simply rooll, lown bv 8ilc. W1lt f. -.TOH.U1 (lMuuaui.ug youueai capi- Raid to each other m.iv nnvrr lx. L-n i i I. r..n a i i-... . - J x'"" ..rV ' n"Vlv lu oeiieve mat it While they wero talking, however, Miss ; , r 1 Tia l" l" . 8 aS w vr,u l,e Cowart, evidently very much exhilarated. uu'iu l,i,r Ollgmatea It. d.inel in f.nnf. J tl...n 1 j 1 1 , ..... I - -..-..v ... V l III I I L Ilrhltri nmin aimin flu. ..f ii I .-. . . o , .v.,u ,m,,a i nil- mas- t mP. This k.....a1 f va,n.Mt, M., ler manipulator of the matter ,n the work, Southern verv much, and at length Rbe console themselves with tbe-renectinn that rose suddenly and sought her father, who, it n ill f .;i l rV ir " ,Ct U with r mother, was in an adjoining in uwT ; ' W,a,ne room- -GinS I to him she asked for his If h fo' PWn- knife, telling him she wauted to pare her ,ent. Ifthereisauythingcousolatoryiu nails. He handed the weapon to her and v w mm m - r n h w w fli vn ir irvt w 9 mm i. j l iivna niii;iiiui m y ieiuuo IHCIU selves, they are welcome to it all. The Democrats don't tlrink they them selves aregoing to be hurt by promtlin' Trith the investigation, aud proceed they' she left Hie room. Re-euteriusr the dane 9m? mg-rooiu she discovered her rival still dancing in an elated sort of w ay across the room. She rushed unon her with the - w rapidity of lightning, and seizing her by - l7 Kcn the throatsaid:"Youhavedaucedeuoughr 'Vr Z Z " 7 Ulu ie:i l" With this she plunged the knife iuto her 7 f Inr i -hboulder.strikingherjustabovctheheart ..... ..lFrlv,,v U4fr UcUm never uttcrwj a worJ b the movement, since it isscen clearly that felt atone. T ft.ii,-..;. u'.cJi ,.o s.enous agitatiouvjll h causeq by it, .toMied her cnU ,,... vu;..jjj.j v-'- gash tfereral inches long. , As she touch tiiMira er rhn nmiiitrt- A full n.l e I , .. . . ' " ;.v.v . V J. , Z ;. u:' etttnenoorilrs. Southern threw herself ?nve?ngatmn is ucmaimeii. uie umc is upon her and rdunreil th kif w gonehyfor tcnunising xrith those who body again,4his time cutting th rough her corrupteu tue oaiiot or stoie tnc rruits oi ciothes and belt aud opening the alxlo- nc popular eiecr.qn ot icVb. Jt is onty mcn. Miss Cow;ut ded instaut1yf and w siu BAiyiuuiin imo auu rxmnurr i Deiorie crfifwd could uiiderstaud what pi toe W(,CKeu practices connectea witu was going on. The confusion was ten t f he .electoral counts of Ioimia.ia and ble. Some one called out : "Where is the F2P?7k ,t tho victory won by pur party mau that did thU V 7l did it'" screamed years. The public, familiar with the facts, cannot fail to applaud the course of 'his excellency in the premises. There is a strong sentiment iu enlightened minds against the shedding of blood by the law except iu the most aggravated cases, and call it sentimentality or what you will the idea of hanging a woman is not an agreeable subject for contemplation. While this opposition to the death penal ty in the case of females cannot be defend ed upon moral, logical or philosophical grounds, the seutiment remains the same; and while it cannot but be admitted that its geueral application would be utterly subversive of the principles upon which the. law is founded, and would contribute to the speedy dowufall ofthe fabric of so ciety, still in such cases as that of Mrs. Southern, where, upon the testimony the jury could not do otherwise thau lind guilty, or the court otherwise than pro nounce the death sentence, the executive does right in carefully weighing all the circumstances which Surrouud the case aud considering and giving due weight to all those circumstances o. aiarravation of which the court does not take cognizance. It is for this good reason that the pardon ing power is wisely vested in the execu tive olticer of the State, and he who with holds it when there appears good ground ror us use, nas oiood upon his hands. It is with him to make allowances for cir cumstances aud for the frailties of human nature, and where this is taxed beyond what it can bear, and the slaver in a" mo ment of temporary insanity, and under impulses born of no motion of his or hers. A 1 I a A. Ill . ' Rinses rue ratal uiowyit is tnsiiutv to step uemeeii me onenuer ami the gallows. Such seems to have been this case. For Mrs. .Southern to have submitted further than she did, would have reunited an ex fcibition of higher attributes than we need look for in poor human nature. For tbe crime which she committed, the circum stances considered, ten years imprison meiit is the amplest punishment. From the Wilmington Star we glean the following ou the samo subject : "The press is becoming highly senti mental over the Georgia murderess, and Gov. Colquitt is expected to vield to very gauze-like persuasious and to grant a par- lion, ii .urs. southern has been wrong fully convicted, then, by all means let the humane and Christian Governor grant a pardon to the poor woman. If she really committed murder and is insane, why should she not pay the penalty duo for a great and fearful crime f The Augusta Chrpniel?, oufiqf the ablest le did little for it. .Th poem is poor. Apart from thi se.itinie.it, that is .somehow inseparable from the title there is an insipidity about the wurds But the musical composer in giving t it life, sold aud e fleet, has made it one of the most beautiful of vocal melodies ; and as we listen to "Drifting with tho Tide'1 the spirit s gondola lorgets .its earth mooriug aud drifts with tho rippling waves of the song-tide. When the en tire baud played the effect was tine, fur the volume of sound was sutlicient to overcome the physcal disad vantages which resulted from a poor hull. The concert was a decided success a an en tertainment, and the recepts wero hand some. M. GoUhboro Messenger. ASH OR BARTER ! ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHS. J. W. Watson, The old original and reliable Photographer, from Kn!ciiih, h;is taken and tilled up iht old Gallery on .Main sti eel, S;iii-lr.:rv, N. C, where he is prepared-to execute .i!t styles of Photo graphs. Fereolvpes, A;c, in the verv best style. Call and see him over IMylei's Hook Work the best in ihe State. H 111 S o 5 (J ! '2 ' at x -fe ill SK1 c E Z, mm9m. fe ;' H '1 ' J -.fbiPill 2 :-l Store. 21.1 v. wi: meax what vi: say, wiikn YK ADD THAT W K WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! Call and see lis, at the old stand Maiiuov & lloss. Ro33 & Gieanfield. larch lth, 17r. (21:lm.) The Raleiah News. DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one year, - Trustee's Sale of eal Estate. I virtue of a Mortgage or I)eeI in Trn-t executed by H. II. Cwan and wife to J;nies S. MCu't:)"ins d..ted 30th March, 1870. and registered in the ofhVe of the liegUtor of Deeds of Kowan County, iu hook 4", page 100, &c, and upon which default has heen ma!e, I will expose for sale at public aucr.on at the Court House door in the Town of Sidisburv, on Mon day, the first d iv of Jul v, 1878, r.l 1 1 o'clock, A. M., the fid lowing real estate, to-wit : Three (3) tracts of laud, consisting ot 032 acres, more or less, situated in Kuwait County, adjoining the lands of Kohcrt Smith, James 11. (iihson, Allison Overcash, the Nixon place and others One tract of IDS acres, one of 205 acres, and one of 129 acres; for bound ries, see hook 45, page 100, Register oniee, or the Mortgage in mv possession. The lands all join and form one of the most desirable plantations in the count Iving ou lnth tude of the Lincuhiton Koau six miles west or.ahburv. Term3 Cash. Dated at Salisbury this 23 I day of May, 1S7S. J. C5. McCLUr.IXS, 32:5t. Trustee. NOTICE! All persons havbit: claims against the Town oFSabsbury. whether, in the t-liane of J udg nients, Notes or Accounts, will please present them to the uuderMgned, ou or before the Is ol June. ,s- 11. U IliKY. May 21, 1878. T. C. IiKKNTI A RDT, P. A. FUERCKS, Committee Finance for Corn's of .Salisburv 31: 2t. Davie 01111 ty IN THK Si:i'lC;u)U COt UT M. R. Chaffin, arlmr. of J, Wallace Cannon dee'd, i 'lain tiff, Against W b Cannon, Geo A Cannon, L E Gaine wile of R S Gaines, J Wesley Cannon, Marth A Cannon, V C Cannon, Tho A Cannon and ilhe Emma Cannon, luira at law, Defts. Petition to sell Land for Assets. Upon the allidavit of Plaintiff, it is ordered the Court, t hal "'publication be mnde in the Carolina Watchman for six successive week notifying VV F Cannon, one of the defendant who is a non-resident of the Stale, to anoear at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of said county on Mondav. the 1st dav of Julv 1878, and answer the complaint which will be tiled in the above entitled action, within ten days from the date hereof, and if he fails to answer the complaint, the Plaintiti will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Witness, II. B. HOWARD, Clerk Superior Court of Davie County. 31:Gt:pf$7. - f (JET THE BEST. SPRING MILLIHEEY. I have just returned, from the Xinth and am receivin;; my stock of -roods cm bracin; nil the latest styles of -HATS and BOXXETS, for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren. FLOWERS and R11IU0XS, in end less variety. TRIMMIX; SILICA, LIXh'X COLL A .'.s AND CUFFS, FAXS, Zephyr Worsted Material for fancyvojly Silk Huudkerehiefs, Neck Wear, Corset-, a good stock of Human Hair Goods'. Ac.," All Ik:i.4!i1 for cash, which will enable me to sell as low is the lowest. C.iil before buyiir else v. lure MRS. S. A. GREEN FIF.LT. Opposite Crawford's Hardware Stoic. 2(!!nus. . P. N. HEILIG & SON, would call attention to their large and splendid -HARDWARE 85.00 1.00 nay Send Postal Card for Sample Copy Address, THE RALEIGH NEWS, Raleigh, X. C DR. sons No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Louis. Mo. Who hu had grrttrr mxrienee in the treatment of th exual troirt.les of Ixith mmr and ft-male than inv phvsicinn in Ihe Wot, givi-a the n uilta of hi lone and sutxeaiful practice in hu tw. mew warb, juct published, entitkc Tho PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Boofci that are mJly Mali-a.4 iwm artmtm In all inat tert pertaining to jfaahood and Womak.4. and auppl want lung felt. They are fc.ufa'l illmtratr, and in plain Uwifuape, eaaily untK-rstovd. The two booki embraceM5 page, and contain T.laahl. tnfrl!a for both married and ainK'.e, with all tlie nvtr.t improwiwnt in u-ii:cal treatment Kead what our homeparH-ro tay :ThcknowU-dgeinipnrti-d hi Ir. Buiu' new wort, it in no way of questionable char acter, but ia something Out ereryaaa boald aaw. The Taatk.tnc victim of early indinretion ; tke aa.otnerwiaa perr.-ctly healthy maybe, but with w.ninevicor inthepriine Ziiilraclnif HIOXS nn l ST4CEI.S every variety oi an'J s'.ripe -Kv;t piallty. Wagon ,ud Buy 2i&.terials, co!u;)risia? all the viri .us kia-t-i riulre.l -springs, axles, wlieels, ,tc, ready I'tKt tup. Tele2"s,p!i Straw Cuiters, all sizes, ana unsiirpassfHl m nuaUty aiul durability. Great Araorioan Lightning SAY7S, every ki-i 1 1 size, embracin? MILL & CUOSSCTT. NAILS 'l si..'-cut and wrought. 2?2jOWS T'ae mst popular a:i I approved styles now Cast liiirs, all kil.-. bolls, c- No. 5 piJnts tor l. WINOOV CLASSfrom si?. 1 1 1; 24:h' l'utty, oils, I'alnts, Varnishes, I lyrlit nlnr Ihlor, itc. FAIrtBANK scAUiS -steelyards ami Uaianees. XTtToi-ls. Tools I'or Carpenters, RtaekHailt'as Sho.';maker, Fanacrs. Champion Mowers 'and Rep.pers. Horac Rakes, ThresLing Machines, llor.serovvers, Pumps, t-'iT"ralH CYadleK, (irass Sevthes, PKinie-.-s Handle-J llees, GUNS, Pistols. Knives, and CUTJ.KKY ot all kinds CT"ur stoes ernbntees eeryUd:i to In? found In a lanre aid eornpleie H art ware Store, and all at low prices furcasa. j ltii thanks Tor p-.ist Tavors we hope to hir-rlt cuiii liaied con'idi'iice and Increasing pulrooage. March 7, 1TS. if:;iy PBESEEVED.. fflliOEt MuT OF Salt: Having bought lite eont.ty right fur ihe "Tioj-ieal rrnii1'Vejetabie ami meat" ' I'rei rv i Froeess," 1 will sell receives at It will preserve a larreTtf fruits" or vegt taliles ht i eost of h eeiiti", ami !)0 Ibspoik tr lat f fr h eents, and the Iniirx, oieat-s ai.il vteul.lw retain their nator.il laste. The prwes i a dry one, in pie ami jn-rfeet!y liannles, nntl i used in si most evt rv famUy. For sale at 26: KNNl.SS' Inig Store of lite, and the Wmu, in miat-rv from the many Dl her sex ia hen to" St. Tjouia JournaL I-OI ILAR eRHKS AO etl. each: both In one Tolume, (1 1 in cloth and Kilt, 25 eta. extra, gent under ccal, on receipt of price in money or atampa. Hack Line to Albemarle. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REALMS TATE. In the matter of A . J. Mock. 1 T T , Bankrvpt. In l?"y- By virtue of an order of ihe District Court of the United States, for the Western District of North Carolina, the undeiitrned will sell at I'ubiic Auction, at the Court-House door in the Town of Salisbury, on the first day of June, 1878, a House and Lot in I lie town of Salis bury, adjoining the premises of Willi.mi Over man and John M. Colhn being the .i; d Residence of said Bankrupt. Terms Cash. Dated this 1st day of Mav. 1S78 DAVID L. BK INGLE, Assicnee. JohnS. Henderson, Trustee. 28:1m. E. H. MARSH'S MACHINE WORKS SALISIiUllY, X. C. Mortgage Deeds for sale here Having my Foundry in readines. I am nn prepared to do all kinds ol Casting in either Iron or Bras. All kinds of Engine and Boiler lturK uuik wun oi.aoatcli; aIo-all kinds of Agricultural and Mining Machinery built or repaired to order. l am also prepared to Dress Lumber, make all kinds of Mouldings, make Sash, Blinds and Doors. Sash, Doors, and all zes of mouldings, kept constantly on hand A stock of Lumber always on hand or furnish ed at nhort notice. A 16 Horse Portable Engine and Boiler for ale at my 6hops. ors guaranteed, and at prices to 8U tl -S:'y.r,d The undersigned is running a comfortable in-weekly Hack line from Salisbury -to Alhe- marle, A. Hi convey passengers to (iold Hill, or elsewhere on the line, cheaper than- any l.ivery- Stable. Leave Salislxiry everv Monday, edncsday and Friday. 7 a. in. Ke turn every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, o p. in. Leave orders at National Hotel. G. V. WIUTLOCIC, 27:1 y. l'roprittor. lilllli ail.EICHAHI) H.LEWIS, (I. ale I'm V-soi of lMj-casfs if the Kye and Kar in the Saauni!ii ilttiical (olicf;.) Practice IListisfrcMo Hit? , EYE an.! EAK, RALEIGH, N. C. Refers to the Stattv Medical Society ami tt the Georgia Medical Society. 47; ly. A FresLSaplf if Garden A great fill in Garden Seed Twenty fire eents will l;iv 8 papers of fresl. aurlcu Or- len Seeds at - LNNISS' DUUG STOKh." imeF ie The Oldest Specialist iu America Dr. J. A. Cloptoii, of HnntsYille, Ala. Treats with almost Universal "Pieces? all Cancerous a irections, n Scrofulous afiec tions, Excresences :"d Tumors ai.out the face, Ac, Piles, Fistula, Dropsical affec tions, &c. As the Docttir is o ften from home, address his son, John Robert Clopton, giving his name in full. Send for Circulars and see Testimonials from men known to every one in the State. l nousanas woo could not leave home, have been cured by the use of his remedies, 'print ed directions . accompany all packages, ko that any man or woman can use theni with success. Write yotir name in full, also your Post Office, Count and State. Alwavs "write mv name, or my sons name in full. " 25.6m. " LAW SCHOOL; The undersigned purposes to eMalli"- school in Sali-li'iry for the preparatiuii ol ! plicnnls lor adiiiisiion to the Bar. Die liea Ilh iu mess of the place, an. 1 1 !- ''"-Ji ness ot urranl are some ol trie a -i :i."-y ' which voing gentlemen who iU-sire to rei law, will find by coming to this plact-. Stitdcntsviirnot only lie taught the coiir? as prescribed by the Supreme Couit, bill learn the practical details f the ir(nVssi'n such as drawing pleadings, anil other, kiii'"1 subjects, which daily arise in an AtlornfVJ office. Fee for the course, one hundred ttoilar--. J. M. MeCUKKU, 17:3m. Salisbury, N-( Sparkling Catawba Springs. CATAWBA COLN I V, X. '. - This desirable watt-ring place wilL'"' "J" -for select visitors 20th May, 1 S7--. Tlie st'rl" -are situated near-Hickoiv Statiuii, o " Western North Caiolina Kailroad. . , The bracing mountain atmosphere, wiin health restoring properties of their w;,:eS,rjur -der these Springs a most desirable n-ort invaliOH auo pleasure seekers. . . The mineral wjitt-ra embrace blue and w' Sulphur and Chalybeate. It is the bf most extensively fitted up watering l',afe. j the State, and can accommodate three hum. " persons. ill renin m. ai .i , .,,! ,.-11 ilso-faci ah"ordel for amusements usually f"1I,d a. rs. class watering jdaces will be ollered tov'm A gootl supply of iecons!nnlly on ',an, '.. t Conveyances -wtll meet the trait-" d " (je Hick-irv Station to convey visitors w Springs 4i ver Board : 3- per month of 'Zi iavN - " ' , . week, $2 per day. Half price f-r children . and liberal oeuiii-' BONDS m 1 m a . . in make ntle to Land, ami LaWcr r.ml Aiecnauics Liens, for sale at this Office ;;tu-s colored servants, families. 29;2in. Dr. E. O. KLLIOTT t..,.r -ml I'rf.i-rietor- VOAV IS THV.-nMK TO SUTSf 11 1 FOR THE WATCHMAN Si -I-

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