LOO A I suction Saturday Heavy rams ,lUl Suuday. rr, National HutellorU,'a ucwly joted "buss. Our devil advertise in tbe Btuiues Lo tal for a wife, at once. Dou'tull tbe Kill speak -o- The colored people are.niaking prepar ations for decorating the .jgruvc of the federal soldiers buried here. I ovard 1$. James, a youns fanner, has cl0wn us a lot of very Cue lrUh potatoes 'nm this year. They were of tbe Early Koe variety. The Hickory 1'res-.nay that the citi i ,V nt-Hickory will give the Editors a linn on their icturu from thu Spsttk- Ub"- Catawba Springs. - o The city Aldermen h;ive purchased a ev lot of the latest pattern of street let ter boxes. They are distributed to tie test advanta.ee in the city. Swire one for the pev boardc o- The Educator, is the name ot a paper jns-t started at Happy Home, X. C. It is i....,.. t, fh r Educational interest of X. Ill'tUll" . . i i t r i i-; r w i -v !f i C. A very lauuauie. uuucuMi.g-.. ... x- i. t... nl.ii.-t nf it mission and "Will SUCK lO wit - iiot dabble in polities. ' How cod ! Yes, that's what everybody ycauts to kuow how to be! tool IJaiker is making the best Soda Water to be had in these parts. He tills a glass half full of shaved ice, which makes the soda cold - and nice. o : Wo return thanks for an invitation, to attend a Concert to be given by the pu pils of Siuiontou Female College, Tuesday j vt niug, June the 4th, at 8 o'clock. They jsreseut a handsome programme of choice selections; Hope to be able to attend. - ) The new commissioners in their report of proceedings, speak of taking out a pump, &c, at the corner of Lee aud Fulton Streets. Now Fulton, street runs parallel with Lee and there are four blocks be tween tliejn. We are anxious to know where they intend to make tliaCorner., J o . 5 DiKD. On last Sunday, May 20 th, iu Salisbury, X.-'C., Mrs. Elizabeth Gray, in the (iist year of her age: -.She .was a wor thy member of the M. E. ''Church, South, in this place, and died in the. .triumphant hiith of the Christian after long and severe -affliction. . - - ' o : - ; - On Main street, the Nvater runs on one '"niile up the street, on the other, hnvn. Some of our citizens remark that it. -can Aw explained by the fact tliajtlu' comnris- j M.diris have l en 4r. ing to iu.;ki wyter r.iu up hill lor the last 10 years it lealiy looks that way. ' .''; -o- "S)ine.le;ireiii t t'.iat' the . Cou. t- ilfn-e Will Ik: washed aw; iv dnriii" sirini- totui.) -. ' ? ' - i aides (he. drains in that viiinity iii e e.e..r j e l of obslrm tioiis. .lu.lu Cloud" is mi j - a. al. . I . a I aiavi..'(l lllb I til i 1 . . also need woi k whii-lf would be doue ifi Cloud was huldiu'' oitr Cmnts. Rnst in the Wheat. O.ir farn.evs .say' that the whe.it crop is much -damaged ti.is year, owing to rust. We notice along the line of tho Western Rail Road that the wheat is in very bad -condition some of it not more than kneehigh,and fheyonng l.eads blighted by rust. There w ill lfard- ly be a half a crop in this seetiou. ' o ' - A girl will go to Sunday' School and hing : "We'll stand the storm, it won't, be long." as brave as any boy-, but the iirst loud peal from a thunder storm during the .night will send hereto her mama's -room in less time than it takes to tell it. In this respect, girls are liko milk; they .sour when it thunders ou that song, at least. Some parties (believed to be" colored,) entered the "back window of the residence of the Rev. C. l'lyler on last Sunday and took a lot of cakes, sugar and buttr, aud did other things not to be mentioned here. Mr. Plyler and family had gone to Gay's Chapel, where ho preached in the foreuooii." o Patent Sel&Acting B. B. Su itek and Smooth Frog. Mr. W. A. Weaut, of this place, Bho4$fd us his patent self-acting switch and. smooth frog. It does away ttith the pointed frogt and also the; .switch man, tbe cnginear having perfect control f the track. It is the best thing of the Umi yet invented; so say the railroad men. ProL W. II. Neiive has returned from Goldsboro. He has been engaged with the Hand of that place, and gave ou last Thursday evening," a Grand Concertthe programme 'containing sixteen fine elec tions. "Music islhe art of the Prophets, and is the onhj art that can calm the agi tation of the soul and put the devil to Hight." -o- - A countryman, forgetful of -the day, drove into town last Sunday to do his .trading-. Finding the stores all closed he inquired in ouo of tho Drug Stores the cause. Vhen informed that it was Sun day, he exclaimed : "My G d, you're joking r Ho was soon convinced and "lit out" like a good man ought to have done aud went on his xvsi raj repenting. Dkowned. A colored , woman named Hargrave, was found dead in Yadkin River last Sunday, lying against one of the pillars of the old Locke Bridge. She was subject to spells or fits of "insanity and was usually fastened up wheu they tame on. Last Friday night one of th "spells" came ou her and she escaped without any ouc seeing her. She was not Heard of again 'till her body was found ithe river. in Closing" Exercisks dp CatawbI High ScnooL.--The closing exercises of this school, under charge of tbe Itevs. Clapp and Foil, took place at Newton last Tues day. Gov. Vance delivered tbe address, which was practical aud to tbe point. His theme was practical education. Gov, Vance has been preaching this all impor taut subject to the people of this State for yearn, and to our knowledge, tbere is not, iu the. State, a single institution designee to fitji boy tbe a farmer or mechanic; Ou the contrary, all are 'giving young men what is known as a liberal education; for wliich the majority of the people, have no use; because tbe majority of the people have to woik, and they want an educaj tion to fit themselves specially for what ever trade they propose to follow Vance says you may spout latin : to a mule all day "and he won't move, a peg; but yell out 'git up" and away be goes. Give the farmer boy an education iu Agricultural Chemistry, and leave off the Latin and Greek. We would like for the Governor to have his ideas on this subject published and we would be much more pleased if the teachers would give their attention to the matter. Let some enterprising man start an institution of the eb a rater described aud ho will find t'.iat it will prove a success, both finau- cialhvaud o-the jrreat cuod of the rising population. The young men who took pait in the exercises showed that careful" and sound instruction had been given them aud they reflected credit ou themscWres aud their preceptors. Baud "Xo2," of this place, furnished the music aud we believe pleased all they say they were treated as good as the Governor aud w ill remember their trip to Xewtou with pleasure. They also return thanks to the Bicdnwnt Press, for its com plimentary notice. A Bald-Face Lie. Richmond Herald Dispatch. A telegram from Asheville, X. C, re ports that the story published iu the i'o neer staging that Bald Mountain bad been rent, and -which was substantially tele graphed to the Herald last night, is a fab rication u lie out of u whole mountain. Somebody go dig a hole in that bill and letsget up a sensation. If all that stuff ele- gaut description of the mountain the lo- j cation ot the tat hornless chasm, v,c, was a li jokt it , was a any way t -well, who started th. t i I J S. Mr. Cummins, correspondent of the Xew York 'Sun, called ou us and states that there is a crack on tho mountain alnuit fifty yards long aud six feet wide ; also, that there' was jio shock,, or earth quake. The mountain is c.vered with cracks of ditlereut sizes. There is no ev idcuce of volcanic action. A HAD trouble c.ii CONSCIENCE DOES NOT 1 it'i.i i but worms make their i!i'r!ir sieeu.ess a:ui ;ius niem. Uiie 1 t I 1 Ml .1 cent ltthj o .-hriuer'tt Indian - Vermifuge! will kiw them front disease and death. A man m Illinois committed suicide by dtowuing, latilyj in six inches of water. o.iildu't have done it alone, but his wi;V, wi;!i that self-saci iticiug devotion and helpfulness so characteiTstic of the sex, sat ou his head. Dr. L. Vixsante is meeting with extra ordinary success, w e learn ot evidences of his abilitv to cure from various noints and iu to where he is nrodnciuc recov eries in most extreme cases that heretc- fore were considered hopelessly incurable. Day after day we see the crippled, deaf, blind, aud sick enquiring tneir way to ob tain treatment of Dr. Vinsante. The doc tor guarantees to remove every species of CYiitm-,jn the first stages, in seven days, without surgery, danger or; pain. Also, receives under treatment, Asthma, Hron chitis, Rhumatism, Kidney disease, and all chronic complaints ; and remedies and corrects every species of deformity, viz: club-feet, drawn limbs, spinal curvatures, etc., aud all female difficulties. Consul tatton rooms at National Hotel, Salisbury, is permanently located here. (It.) BUSINESS LOCAL! COLUMN. 0s? Kf) ' have made arrangements v withtlu publisher of that excel Mairazine. "The (Uiro- lent Agricultural una larmcr,1 at Wilmington, N. C, by which we are enabled to offer it and tne " it atchmair tor ..50 a vear. A bet ter bargain is rarely to be had. Send in your orders. - ' .. Wanteds A gooa young lady, worth a fortune of herself, for a v.lfr. Address M. Box 32. Sallsburv .,c. . 1:t. . Edit ots Watchman ; Please announce the following ticket for the General Assembly Vor the House of Commons : WILLIAM H. CRAWFORD, DAVID BARRING EU. MAXY CITIZKXS 28:3tn May 1st, 18T8. To The People "of Rowan County. T 1 iL.i . . - . i irain mat eeriaiu geuiiemen are in dustriously engaged in circulatinsr a re port to the effect that I nm, if elected to the Legislature, pledged to a division of this county. The report is false. I have uever been asked to make sueh a pledge. It gentlemen are not satisfied with mv wimple denial, I demand of them the pub Mention .ot all their, information on the subject, and in my own language, that others may judge of the import of the same. I shall, at the nroner time, be able to satisfy all anxious oue.i on this subject as to all my opinius held or expressed, and give my views on the privileges of u citi zen, and the duties of a representative of the people. Should I be called by the grace of the people to represent them in the next Leg islature, their will wifl constitute the ba sis of all my acts if they leave me in the quiet pursuit of my farm 'affaire my will will be the rule of business here. 1 thank my friends for the considera tion already shown, and shall await with resignation their further action, assuring them I shall be satisfied with what they do. Vei v respectfully, 1L IL C. Bost. W ANTED. Young man as Correspondent and Agent at Salisbury, X. C. alo one in each neighboring town. Good pay for actual work.. Address with reference (stamp for (answer Mercantile Bureau, Chicago, 111. To the Voters of Eowan County. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the oflicc of High Sheriff of Kowan County, at the ensuing August election, and will, I think, be able to satisfy the people tha't I aui actiug in good faith. C. F. WAG G OXER. May 22, 1673. 31:te. Delegates to statk democratic Convention. Hon. F Shober, Jas. E Kerr, Hon. Cnas. Price. J. M Horah, Kerr Cral?e, L. Blaekraer, J S Henderson, W It Fraley, H G Muter, Jamea U Hudson, i C O Graham, Richard Culbertson, John Bailey, John Graham, Wm. A Luckey, R F Johnston, J K Graham, J S MeCuublos, 8 R Clark, Dr. F N Luckey, Dr. J B Galther, Joseph F McLean, C H McKenzle, Thomas J Sumner, Jacob A Fisher, P A Sloop, I Frank Pat terson, John Sloop, Esq., F H Mauney, J C McCan le3s, Dr. L W Coleman, Jsaao M Shaver, D C Reld, J W Miller, John Agner, Stephen A Earnhart, Henry Barringer, John W Mauney," J F R033, G A Bingham, C S Brown, Tbeo. F Kluttz. D A Davis. V E Suobek, ) L Blackmkk, Committee. Jas. E Kerr. DKLEOATKS TO THK DEilOCKATIC JUDICIAL CONVKN- tion. Hon. F E Shober, V 11 Overman, FranS Brown, J J Stewart, James E Kerr, Kerr Cralge, P A Frercks, James R Crawford. J F Ross, John Agner, B C Arey, S A EarnharL F E Siobib, L Blaccmkr, V Committee. Jas. E Kkkk. j TOWN COM MISSIOXEliS' MEETING. May 17th, 1873. A contract with the Gas Co., to furnish gas for the street lamps at the rate of $4.50 per thousand feet was presented and approved. The following ordinances wefe uuaui monslv adopted: Be it ordained, That the Town Treasu rer shall pay out no monies for the Town except on the warrant of the Clerk of the Hoard of Commissioners, countersigned by the Town Tax Collector; and it shall be the duty of the Town Tax Collector before countersigning any warrants to ascertain whether the payee of the war rant is indebted to the town for taxes aud if he is to make such entry on the back of the warrant which entry shall bea voucher for the Town Tax Collector. Be it further ordained, That the Clerk of the Board shall number and tile every account approved by the Hoard and shall then issue a warrant for the amount of the account so approved bearing the same number which shall be subiect to ta.( .uuj Ue countersigned as above specihed Be it further ordained, That no receipt I lor rieci.u ijtcei:se AiiA, .is on rcuiiiuiir :J .. i: ;.: . .. i. . i I !-MI U UOiiS JlvjUUl, IIUICI illi I UIC1 CI Ml li I S, .! shows, Scc, shall le valid unless signed by the Town i ax Collector and counter signed by the Clerk of the Uourd. Be it further ordained, That the Town Tax Collector shall be -provided with blank receipt books for the purpose of issuing receipt.-? tor the speeial taxes which he shallcollect from each beef, veal, mutton or hog sold iu the corporate limits, and he shall issue a receipt lor the tax ou each beef, veal, mutton or bog mold, as aforesaid, to the person selling it, and keep a record of the same on the stubs to be attached to each receipt. A standing liuance committee for the year iwas appointed. Aldermen Wiley, Frerclfs and Bernhardt. Ordeirod that no member of this Hoard shall be eligible as a bondsman for any town officer. Walter L. liankiu was elected Town Treasurer. Tlie Clerk wa. iustrueted to make a contract for having blank drafts and re ceipts printed tor the use of town ofiieers. Ablermeu O Neil, Atwell and Rogers were appointed a committee to take out the pump at the corner of Lee aud -Fulton streets and have a- substantial windlass and shed erected as an experiment. J he regular meetings ot the Hoard were fixed .on the first Friday iu each month at .JoVloek, P. M. On motion of H. r. Rogers the Finance Committee was directed to furnish a de tailed statement of the Town's indebted ness at the next regular meeting. Ordered that no person be allowed to purchase material or supplies for the town or order work done or make contracts ex cept the Mayor unless by special order of the Hoard. Adjourned till May 24th, 1378. May 24th, 1878. Thebouds of W. L. Rankin, Town Treasurer, and M. L. Arev, Tax Collector iu the tin in of !.VKH) each, with proper securities were presented and upprovetL- 1 he tullowiug resolutions were adopt ed-. BtMolred, That W. L. Rankin theT roas- urer elect be instructed to demand from the retiring Treasurer, 1). R. Julian the sum of .8."i.:J2, the amount reported by the last Board ot Commissioners to be due from him to the Town of Salisburv and that they be informed of tbe passage of this resolution. Aldermen Atwell and Frercks were ap pointed to superintend the cemeteries. Ordered that the sexton shall not dig or allow to be dug any grave iu the ceme teries except on an order from the Tow n Treasurer or Mayor, which order he shall immediately afterwards turn over to the Clerk of the Board. The Fiuauce Committee of the last Hoard submitted au amended report which was ordered to be spread on the minutes "that upon further enquiry they find that voucher No. 107 in the Treasurer's account should be $7.58 insteadof $100 as for merly reported which will! make amount due from him $58:.:J2 instead of $4ll.iM), as reported." Account approved and ordered to be paid: John W. Ilamniill, repairing pump, $2.50. Adjourned. B. F. ROGERS, C. B. C. For the Carolina Watchman. THE CINCINNATI SING. ' The May Musical Festival (the nation's musical prule) has now passed into his tory, and has become a thinji of vesterdav: but ere the sod which now rests so light ly over its silent tenement, is drv, the exhalation of the roses that have sprung up. aud blossomed to its honor thas filled the air of St. Louis, and sent a halo of in spiration to the hearts of her musical devotees, aud soon she, too, is to have a Musical Festival. Music, the pabulum of the soul is the world's greatest civilizer. Truly, "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast." It is this electric w ire, when touched, "makes all mankind kin." The baton of Rosini in the Acad emy of Music at Leipzig re-echoes the symphony of Beethoven under the baton of Thomas in Springer Hall, and the na tive language of Liszt and Schubert be comes the language of our own Dexter ami Cary. Ciueiuuati, the Paris of America, is now the acknowledged Alma Mater of Music, art and science. Last week: the holy communion was administered to her after the baptism of the immortal Jlozart. The orchestra waa perfect, as also was the solos duets and quartets. Ouly one mis take occurred in the chorus. " One young man whoso soul was . overcharged with musical Xitro Glycerine exploded,1 and sent the tune flying up above the highest seat iu the gallery. An able bodied boy was immediately detailed to go and hring it down, but at last accounts the afore said seeker, the inspirational, had suc ceeded in only reaching the foot of the ladder upon which it had proudly perched itself. After this accident everything went on as merry as a marriage bell, aud as harmonious as the sw eetest strains of divine music could blend. Xo citv in the Xew World has ever en joyed feuch a feast. May the name of our munificent philanthropist, Keuben It. Springer be engraven iu letter of gold upon tho tablet of the heart of every lover of music, and may the friction of time's Wheels serve only to polish his uame and make it shiue brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. Cleaveland was ably represented in our Medical Academy and at the Musical Festival. Alas! we looked in vain for the Hon. Chas. Price, of Salis bury, hoping to enjoy the pleasure of giv ing him an airing on Spring Grove Ave nue and Eden Park (for sometimes disci ples of yEsculapius aire as vain as disci ples of Gamaliel.) Xo place of its size in the State represented as much beauty and talent as Euclid. In fact all of the cities and provinces in the west seut hi creditable representatives to both the State Medical Society and May Musical Festival. Xo such outpouring of talent beauty aud wealth has ever been seen iu this city lefore, but these things must needs be, and the cud is not yet. W Cincinnati, May 21st, 1378. THE SUX, THE SLANDERER OF THE SOUTH. (From Tarboro suotherner.) 7or Southern men can contribute to the circulation of the paper and pecuni ary beuefit of so bitter a South hater as Chas. A. Dana of the Xew York Sun is a mystery to us. We do not believe in carrying the doctrine of lieking the hand that despitefully uses yo i too far. We publish two extracts from tiiat niaglig nant sheet and ask our readers, in all candor, if they can conscientiously sup- j port it. Dana has alwayshated the South, illewa assistant Secretary of tli3 War ! under Mr. Stanton, and U'eause ho failed I to ret a desired appointment, turned a,r;lj ,lst (.J rant and all tho powers that be ever since lie is totally without princi ple, unscrupulous blatherskite whose pen is pointed against every one not a worshiper of his immaculate self. He has never .said a w ord for the South, except it was his own personal interest to do so. Expecting to get oiTice under Greely, he sup-ported that great man and became a warm advocate of Reform and Reconciliation. For the .same reason he espoused the cause td" Tildeu. But these extracts show his sincerity. He "would 'rather support Beast Battler than a South ern democrat." The. New York World comes ably to the rescue td the South and deals the Sun bad blows. If you must take a North ern paper, whv not take the World, but do not subscribe for the miserable South hater aud slanderer as the New York Sun. These extracts speak for them-, sel ves : tiii:"slx"i)i:ci. nr.s fuu ui ttleu auaxst "tiik south kun kkukls." (From the X. Y. .Sun May 13tii.) There are a few former rebels in Con gress who, if they have ever heard th war is over, seem to think the South was the conquerer ; and there are a few North ern doughfaces id Congress of such ab ject natute ihat they prostrate themselves to the manes of the departed institution of slavery, and remembering the despotic sway it once held, conceive that its very ghost may lift some of their number, more fortunate than the rest, into the White House ! Vain and fatal delusions! It is said the Democrats will start iu the contest in ISSO w ith all the old slave States solid in their favor, and that they are certain of the comparative small additional num ber of electoral votes requisite .to a ma jority. That makes easy reckoning. It is a simple sum. . Anybody can do it. There happens, however, to be anoth er, just as easy and just as simple. If all the old Slave States can combine, so can all the old free States. The only thing needed for this is au occasion, made plain to . the comprehension of the masses. Then there is this difference: All the old slave States combined still require help to elect their candidat ; whereas the old free States combined need no help, but in themselves constitute a ma jonty, and can elect their candidate with out extraneous aid. The Democratic candidate in l?r was tainly elected, co we maintain, on the evidence, at all events. Certain old rebels in the Demo cratic party traded off tha election to the friends of Mr. Hayes. They connived at the fraud by which Haves was counted in, anil they now couspire with their Northern doughface Democratic allies to block the way to au investigation which would uncover and expose the great fraud. Do men who conduct themselves in this way suppose that the mass of the Northern Democracy are so base-liorn, so absolutely waufing in self-respect, as to continue to act, to cooperate with them What guarantee can these treacherous men give that they would not again sell out the party on tho heels of a second vic tory ? The North the old freo States will not loose sight of the fact that the Demo cratic candidate who, after he had been lawfully elected, was sold out by South ern rebels, was pledged agaiust the pay ment of rebel war claims. It is evident that this now constitutes the greatest barrier to an investigation which would 'be liable to put Hayes out and Tildeu in. It is all very well to talk sentinieutal Iv about burying the dead pai-t, only we want the rebellion buried at tho bottom that is all. ! We regard the question of patting an end to the election frauds of 1870 as the supreme political question of the times. We are therefore for those who nro witlT us on that issue, and against those who are agaiust us. If a pronounced Republi can like General Butler or Senator Howe should take the lead in exposing these frauds and destroying their fruits we would support him for President in 1880 in preference to any Democratic candi date who opposed to the invesgation or lukewarm about it. The next Presidential election is not yet decided. AN LXJUST INDICTMENT OF THE SOUTH. (From tho X. Y. Sua May 13th.) What the slaveholders rebellion failed to achieve by force to-day stauds accom plished by fraud. The Govemtment of the United States, wliich the Southern armies were unable to overthrow, has been underminded by corruption. It is not surprising to liudsomeof thoss who were most active iu the futile at tempt to destroy the Government by arms now delviug under its foundations with the devices of fraud. It is quite con sistent for various Southern rebels, now ycleped Democrats, to bolster up Hayes in the office of President. There is no other way they could do so much to destroy the Government against which they once openly appeared in battle array, and which there is ot late too much reason to believe they still regard with feelings of hatted in this crisis extremely ill con cealed. : Those Northern Damocrats who look to au alliance with these former rebels of the South as their own road to political promotion naturally but basely go with them in resisting an exposure of the Presidential frauds. These modern ser viile lollowets of the determined South ern conspirators had their prototypes iu the Xorthern doughfaces of the slavery. The people see into the true condition ot things. The day of retribution will come ANOTHER CHURCH ORGANIZED. A meeting has just closed at the Meth-f odjst Church in this place, conducted by Rev. A. P. Smith, D. D., of Dallas, aud Rev. (i. W. Boggs, the Evangelist of East Texas Presbvterv. During this meeting a Presbyterian Church was organized in connection with the Southern General Asscmby, cousist1 ing of twelve members, two of whom Mr. L. V. Brown and II. W. Devault were ordained and installed as ruling El ders. Mr. D. R. Long was appoiured as Trus tee, to receive and hold any property which mav b.' given for the beuefit of this organixation. We take this opp-irtuuity of expressing our thanks to the Pastor and members of the Methodist Church for the use of their house of worship. Wc hope those, who belong to this branch of the Presbyterian Church, who may be coming into this community, will lenoit themselves to tho above named Elders, as we expect to have preaching from time to time. B. Denton (Tex.) Monitor. MARRIED. In Uowan Co., X. C, May 2Ut, is;s, by Rev. Saml RotlirocU. Mr. KrKus 1 Kosemas ana Miss Sakau K., ilauiitcr of (ieorge Lyerly, E. Liiver is iing". The Liver U the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life, health and haoniness of roan. Y hen it is disturbed in its proper action, all kind's of ailments are the nuturul result. 1 he digestion ol lootl, tne movements of tlie heart and blood, the action of tiie brain anil nervous system, are all imme diately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been successfully proved that Green'- August r lower in unequalled in curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy condition ot the Liver and Stomach. Sample buttles to try, 10 cents, rosiiively soul in ail ionvs on me Western Continent. Three doses will prove that it is just what jou want. People of all classes will acknowledge tliat in this world much depends upon our financial condition, yet how many wisely letlect tint our financial condition depends upon our phy-dcal'. Yet it is even so, for who can labor without health, and who can accumulate-'' money with out lahor ? Hence the importance of using Coussens' Compound Hor.ev of Tar, which ia a sure cure for Couch, Colds, and all diseases of the'Throat and Lungs. Ketuember you can buy a bottle of Compound Honey of Tar for oO'cenis. For sale by C. K. Uarktr. How sad that in our daily life we neglect so many things necessary to our well bein. The ninn'nf business with an eve only to his credit in iheTinancial world, the individual of ele gant leisure whose only aim is to army him self to the best advantage, the young lady who idlv listening lo spring's divine harmonies, feel not the approach of disease in the feeling of languor which. possesses her all alike sur render loo ea-ily to the advance-guard of dis ease, when, bv a judicious investment in I'oria line, or 'fabler's Vegetable Liver Powder, a long arrav of ills is put to rout. Buy Porta line, or Tablet's Vegetable Liver Powder, and and rid yourself of disorders arising from a torpid liver. Price 30 cents. For sale by C. K. Barker. GOOD DIGESTION. "Give ns this day our daily bread," ami good medecine to digest it, is both reverent and hu man. The human stomach and liver are fruit ful sources of life's comforts; or, disordered and diseased, thev tingle misery along every nerve and through every artery. The man or woman with good digestion see beauty as they walk, and overcome obstacles they meet in the rout ine of life, where tire dyspeptic sees only gloom end stumbles and growls at even imaginary objects. Tlie world still needs iwo or three new kinds of medecine before death can be per fectly abolished; but that many lives liavo been prolonged, and many sufferers from Liver dis ease, Dyspepsia and Headache, have been cur ed by Merreli.'s Hepatike, is no longer a doubt. It cures lIdohe in twenty minute, and there is no question but what it Hthe most wonderful leovery yet mane in meoieai , science. Those afflicted with DiUiousness and j Liver Complaint should use Merkell b lltr It can be had at Thco. F. Kluttz's. ' : . -; IF ,: -' The Y miri who rejoice in naiad and ice cream, hot cakes and warm pie ; - , IF . The Student who eat hastiJr and iu down at once to actire and mental labor; - IF The Business Man who bolU his food in eager haste and hurrietto his counting room; IF The Hard Drinker could look st the deleicate glands, swollen and festered with disease, that cause the throbbing brain; IF The Lawyer, the Minister, the Merchant, and all who lead sedentary liv? and are uject to Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Constipation and Headache; ' - IF These only knew what Merrel's IIepatijsi: foi: the Liver will do for their relief,' and how quickly it cures there would be much has suiTering than at present. The great Liver Medecines fr salebyTheo. F. Klnttz. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected by J. 31. Kxox & Co. May 22, 1878- Cotton dull Middlings, 89 low do 7(&S stains 6 B.vcox, county, hog round 7 Bcttek " 15(20 Eogs io CnicKENS per d07.es $1.'502.00 Corx new 45a47 Meal moderate demand at 4850 Wheat good demand at 1.00(&1.10 Flocu best fam. $2,508 GO super. 2.35 Potatoes, Irish 75 Onions no demand 75 Laud 810 Hay 30(40 Oats 35 Beeswax 20 Tallow C7 Blackukkrtks Apples, dried - :$&4 Suoak, 1012 FOR 1878: Don't neglect to call on C. Plvler at the Book Store for all kinds of Books wanted. The best quality and latest styles of writing paper kept litre. Also the renowned Sintrer Sewing Machine can be had here at from $:V to $40, He respectfully invites all to call and examine goods .in d machines. 1 1 :ly. BEWARE OF OLD I HAVE JUST ItKCEIVKD 5,000 PAPERS FRESH GARDEN SEED?, Put up specially for me by the '"""'"" celebrated seedsman, Ilobert Buist, O" r." with my name and the dttte jiriitcd on every paper. Every paper has 1ST8 plainly print ed on it. Xo other dealer in seeds here has dared to do this. Forewarned is forearmed, and if you buy obi seeds now, it is because you won t have your eyes opened. One word more : Buist's seeds arc the onlv ones in the market which are warrant ed fresh and genuine. 8 Papers for 25 Cents, At THEO. F. KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. CLOVER SEED Only 12 V cts per B At Kluttz's Drug Store. Early Rose and Peerless Potatoes Only fl.50 per bushel At Kluttz's Drug Store. GRASS SEEDS Ooldon Millet. $2 per bush.: Orchard Grass, t'2. Also, Blue lirass lor yards, Herds (inusx, Lucerne, e. At Kluttz's Drug Store. SMOKERS, AHOY ! tAvcr's new bran 1, the " DAISY " C'lgsr, is the best lu the market. 3 cts each, or fix for as cents. Try tnetu: Manufactured expressl tor, and sold onlv at Muttz s Drug store. u:iy Blactmer aii Hemierson, Attorneys, Counselcrs and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C Jannay2: 1870 tt. 0 P ractical Blacksmith HORSESHOER. SHOP : connected with RrownA Verble's Livery suibles. designs of Shoes, to suit any shape of foot. All shoeing on strictly scientific prin ciples and WARRANTED. All kinds blacksmlthlng promptly done. is:iy NEW LIVERY STABLE ON LEE STREET. Completer in all its Details. CRAWFORD HOLMES Come forward with ample facilities' to accom modate regular and transient customers. They have splendid stock horses and vein-i fur pleasure r business rides. Can fur-! nivh anv onitit required. Will send travellers on their way to any point. Will board and j groom horses by the day, week, month or year. ! Will till orders for Imuling. Will buy and ! sell horses. Invite Drovers to come to the j best and cheapest stand. They projH-se belli r ; services for le money than ever liefore Will buy grain and provender. And &j are in for a lively business they say to Jvei. thev Come a,.J try iw. - JAS R.-CRAWFOKD, Ifi: CHAS HOLM K& Cieap Chattel Mortaraces, and varioivs other blanks for sale here J. D. EEcNEELY, Grocery, Produce and Comma Aprnt for the sale of Fertilizers, Lime, Sawtd Shingles, and Mountain Produce. Bny anu sell cotton, Corn, Flour, Meal, and kinds of country produce on commLsiion. Highest prices guaranteed. Agent for lh celebrated English patent Milking Machine. - IVill keep a small . aiortnett of Family Groceries). Call and see him athiuew stanJ, three dnrs below Kkittt's Drug Store. 29:e.inos. Warrantefl to Cure! EXNISS' CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE- or money ifuiuled if directions are strictly followed. - PBICE 25 CENTS, at SlStf ENNI-Dm Store J. T. J.IOOKK. A. A.THOMm. MOORE & THOMPSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, EALEIGH, K. C. Special attention paid to the sale of COTTON, CORN, FLOUR, -(iKAIN, HAY, BUTT EH, KG US, FOWLS, Ac, Consignments Solicited. Highest Price Obtained. defers taCjii7.en National N.C. Bank, Raleigh 22:3ns. aking, AT THOS. H. VANDERFORD'S GUOCEKY AND rCTNFKCT. iXKRY STORE. Mm and Ladies-' Hue fori r SPECIALTY. Havlnjr en-raj,"'! Uk- services ot a lirM. class work- m-ui, we are prepariM u turn m:t tin- :i!.eM ar.rt bort siyles of clty-maile Koixlti, and at prtc s to suit the t tales. Constantly unhand an .".-v-iui ml stock su;-rior material. Call and examine our work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Salisbury, Feb. 1 1, lsTs. No. U.tf. STOP AT THE BQYBEN HOUSE, SALISBURY, N. C. C. S. BROWN, Prop'r. (Late of (lie National Hotel, IvaleiRli.) A T IIOM E AGAIN. Having leased this house for a term of yeari, I would be pleased to have mv friends tall and see me. It will he kept as a' FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN F.VELY RESPECT. Board : Two Dollars Per Day. JC" OMNIBUS AT EVERY TRAIX.-a Large Sample Rooms for Comraertial Trav ellers. TRY ME. C. S. BROWN.' Jn. W.O.SIIELRCHX. Clerk. January, 1st, 1S78. ll:tf. BRO WN & VERBLE'S Livery & Sale Stables, SALISRURVTX. C., Will convey passengers to and from any point . with thejjest stock and vehicle. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC will find it lo their intercut to rail nf rn tl u before making arrangements elsewhere. Drovers and Traders will find at this establishment good lots an stable, and plenty of good hay, fodder, oali and corn. PLEASURE DRIVES. Those wishing turnout for pleasure drivM. will find the Lett aiooinnlalioiis at thee htables. Mr. J. F. Webb will always be fom d it the Stables and promises entire Fatisfaclion to nil customers. " 42;lf. SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO. W. Y0PP, Propr. (At Mclntyrc's Furniture lioonis.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS AT LOW PRICES. CALL AM) SKK III.V. 9:f. I 111 TIIK I'.KST Tltl MM INT. SILK A Us KVhl? INVENTED. I Ilavii g purchased the right lo sell this cele ; hratnl J'riitier in viue t.wt.sbip nf ficaatj ( toiiiit.y I in rte jnjl iic n"-n'mn to ll.is r: n;ibl implemeui, ulniM.,t i.. Ju eiaLic to .. Uiuit 1 u ! Ii!j fruit trr-e fn Irim l'i'rvfx ?!c!'!it;' fn ff- ! or buy if, may call at KltUlz & KniUmn'n , Store, Salisbin v. I'ricc for w impletient n. j the farm right to make nnd i.se the same, S. i 20t3ta (J. FHA-SK PV.M'M, AMMAN i nun Hi

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