X. O O A. L . We notice Crawford' Livery Stable is receiving ft new coat of paint. -o- MrAberuethy of the Happy Home Ed ucator houoTcd us with a call lastweek. u -" The Democratic County Convention of Davidson will meet in Lexington on the 2DtU inst. o Mr. 1L F. Rogers, (C."B. A.) lias gone to Winston to attend a. meeting of the Grand Chapter of Masons. . o Dr. Rice the polite and gentlemanly agent of the Raleigh Neicn wade us a call last Monday evening. We enjoyed his visit. . o Mr. 3. B. Lanier, one of the go-ahead tobacconists of Davie, is making arrange ments for opening a factory iu this city. He is Q. K. and will be welcomed here. ' Mr. Vf. S. Negus has shown us some oats from his place which measures six feet- It is probably the finest oats in the county lie also mentioned coin in tas sel. & - Mrs. Citthrell and Miss Alice Wright were accjdeut ly: thrown from a spring wagon on last Thursday. No serious in juries were received, though both were bruised pretty badly. o . , And old negro man in this county has a girl named Fanny Maria Sarah Ann Victory Lindsay Owens. The remarkable feature of the case is that the thing is living eight-years old. o Mr. Theo. V. Kluttz has distributed a lot of Tea-Seed, sent him by the Depart ment of Agriculture for that purpose. Commissioner l'olk thinks that tea will do well in this State. o- - One of our gayest young men has one of Brown & Verble's finest teams engag ed by the mouth. lie goes riding- three times a 'week, and it is beginning to show on him he wears a shining, happy coun tenance. " -o- We return thauks to the four young ladies of Salisbury, who are attending Peace Institute, for invitatbirs to attend the Commencement exereUes of that in stitution, which take place June ID and o Wc asked a country man for the news, he replied that "there was nothing iiew in the country, but you town folks seem to be 'resting up.1" That's "the trouble we have too much to do. 1 'resting up Domestic Snap-beans have put. in an appearance. We return thanks to Rich. I.,i..ll.7t., C.i. n l..-ia!-.f Dew-berries are in the market, and the Maud. o We .return thanks to Mr. Stockton S. Hall, (who was formerly of this place,) J, - 11.,.:. 1.1 It is an. interesting,' lively paper. We make some clippings which will be found on the -first page ot this ikiikt. o Complaint is being made about the time of the arrival of the Raleigh Observer. It goes by-way of Hamlet, to Charlotte and v..... ii. ....... 'tm.:,. .l. i "Ill VU111 llt I v unci ,t (IJ . . 1 IIIA III ii t A LilV arrival of that paper 12 or 14 hours. The Xcics conies at the regular time by the North Carolina R..R. -o- The flower-yard and premises of Mr. Luke Black iner, of Salisbury, appears like a paradise upon eat in, nun we doubt not his home is ditto. The place is one of the attractions of Salisbury that should be viowejL Statesrille American. Without a doubt it is the prettiest yard iu tho city. x " - U r O At U4 annual meeting of the Stock holder! of the Salisbury 'Gas Company, the old oUiccrs were all re-elected, excent- i Superintendent S. E. Linton, who resign ed. Mr. M. G. Crawford, of Glasgow, -Scotland, was elected Superintendent in 'place of Mr. L. A dividend of ."J percent, was declared. ; - O Peach es. Mr. W. C. Kluttz has on his til imrnwr fn Theyjare fully matured and are really uico. They are of the early Reatnce va riety. Also,. on-Monday, Mr. II. G. Mil ler, of Franklin Township, sent us sam ples of ripe peaches, probably the same variety. Reaches and cream just as the strawberries go out4 - o SpAKE Talk.U is a little out of the usual order of things, but J. C. Rogers vouches for it. A favorite dog, belonging to a negro man, came iu from the woods the other day with a'large black snake wrap ped around its tail. One of the boys standing near, knocked it off and killed it. This is true. (Wc prefer to state vm v phatically that it is iruefor there are those now-a-dajs who won't believe any thing unless they see it.) tO . . . "William II. Crawford requests us to take his name out of the card in the Rusi- - , v-.. OUlKIUUlU.-t 11 lilt as a candidate for the Commons, lie says he knows nothin? of its beiuir thow nnA . . - does not desire his name mentioned in such connection. lTi not. :l rM ml ill .i f forany office and says he "wants no office in the gift of the people." Ve ask our brethren of the press to give Rowan credit for that saying. o P T t ........ d ou ret uaxcK ,-v tll.e W Hey sent to . vuiic .uvuuuy louryouug Dirus, nearly as birr aa ty uoiiugs vw nccng oui, ana like them covered with a beautiful soft white down, which he called squirrel hawks. They were youug hawks or eagles, we coald not tell which, bat certainly of a large variety.- They lear captivity with a very defiant look. Eyes jet black. "Y." M. C. A. Mr. T. K. Cree, of New York and Mr. I.JL Fonst, of. Charlotte, came to Salisbury last Saturday evening and commenced a scries of gospel meet ings, with an eye toorganiziug a Young Men's Christian Association. The meet ings closed Sunday night. It is believed that gowl va8 done. A committee has been appointed to complete the arrange ments and organize an association. o CuniosiTr. At the Drug Store of T. F. Kluttz may be seen what is said to be a homed snake. It is about four feet long and is covered from head to tail with lit tle horns. These horns resemble those seen on the wild rose bush iu fact, at first sight you would suppose it to be an old briar of some kind, the head is armed with a dagger shaped bone about four inches long, the edges of which are notched. Altogether it is a curious ani mal, and is probably from the sea shore. It was found in the Lutheran grave yard by the sexton. o Decokatiox Day ix Salisbury. Last Thursday was decoration day among the colored people. Early in the morning they began to flock in and the iullux con tinued until about noon. Altogether there L were- uot-as ninny a usual present. The usual bo liquet of flowers was also absent from the hands of many of the sable pop ulace. Several Bands of music which, to their credit, be it said, was not as offen sive as we have heard paraded the streets, playing the most appropriate they could; for it seems they had no dirges. Ex-Judge Tourgee addressed the assem bled darkeys and a few whites at the Court-house. He was followed by Prof. Richardson, of color, who was followed by Col. Thos. B. Long. The speeches of the two first named were complimented. We do not like to write about this dec oration business the colored people as a rule, know not what they do, and engage in this tiling more as a frolic than any thing else the white people are effectu ally barred from taking any part, because they cannot join hands with the negroes, and do other things which are repulsive. "pConsidering the present mode of decora tion, we cauuot help feeling sorry for the Federal dead buried here. THREE CHILDREN SAVED FROM A horrible death by twenty-five cents' worth of Shriner's Indian Vermifuge. DK. VINSANTE, Is meeting with eat success in the treatment of all chronic diseases, viz: Asthma, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Swolcn and Painful Joints, Liver -Complaint, Nervousness and General Debility, Kid ney Diseases, Tumors, Ulcers, etc. The Doctor guarantees to take out root and branch, every species of Cancer on the ex ternal body without surgery, danger, hemmorhage or pain, in seven days. Call upon the Doctor and be referied to many that are under treatment. Consultation free at his rooms. National Hotel; Salis bury. Permanently located. It. BUSINESS LOCAL COLUMN. C'O Kf We have made arrangements O-' KJ . x v i 1 1 the publisher of that excel lent Agricultural Magazine, "The Caro lina Farmer," at Wilmington, X. C., by which we are enabled to otter it and the 44 Watchman" for $2.50 a year. A bet ter bargain is rarely to be had. Send in your orders. I am prepared with an eighteen inch auger for boariug wells low rates. 3:1 1. PETER F. FULTZ. The World Renowned Wilson Sewing Machines with Extra Attachments com plete, only $20. Address, Wharton & Wharton, Company's Agents, Greensboro, X. C. In accordance with the pressure "both before and since the County Convention to become a candidate for the Lower House of the next General Assembly, I do now acquiesce. S&te.pd. D. BARRINGEU. ANTED. Young man as Corresiioniienl and Aent at Salisbury. N. C. alto one in each neighboring town.' tiood pay for actual work . AddriMH with references (xtaiup lor answer ercaniue isnreau, t;hicago, 111. : Editors Watchman : Please announce the following ticket for the General Assembly : 1 For the House of Commons : WILLIAM II. CRAWFORD, DAVID BARRINGER. MANY CITIZENS. May 1st, 187S. . 28:3m VSTTUe above notice announcing Mr. Crawford's name w as ordered and paid for as an advertisement, ana aitnoagn it may continue to run some w eeks yet, it should be remembered that Mr. C. objects to It as totally without authority from him. It is an effort of the enemy to divide the Democratic parly. To the Voters of Rowan County. ' I hereby aunouuee myself as a , candi date for re-ejection to the office of Hirh Sheriff of Rowan County, at the ensuing Augnst election, and will, I think, be able to satisfy the people that I am acting in good faith. C. F. WAGGONER. May 22,-1373.. 31:te. Some curious calculator-says it would require 1,500,000 horses to do the work of transportation now done by steam loco motives in Massachusetts iu a veaK - Mrs. Kate Burnett, ot Kaleigh, was found dead iu her bed last Saturday morning. Heart disease. She lived on Davie street opposite the old fairgrounds. Public Bcildixgs. The House com mittee has agreed to report $50,000 for a court-house and post-olticeat Greensboro, and the Senate committee on Commerce has reported iu favor of appropriating $150,00 for the Cape Tear and $5,000 lor the Roanoke. Yadkin Mineral Spring Institnte. Stanly Co., May 29th, 1373. The Spring term of this new and prom ising Institution closed, to-dajr y exer cises of a highly interestiug'cliaracter, iu which a very large number of intelligent people from far and near took part. The citizens of Albemarle, in large force, and citizens of Rowan and Cabarrus were among the happy company, which num bered letween 300 and 500 people visi tors, contributors, spectators. The exercises of the day opened with brass baud music on the rostrum, erected at tho back-door of the Institute, beneath a leafy canopy of ample size with comfort able seats for the people. The priucipal of the school came forward at 10 o'clock, and aunounce the opening by prayer from Rev. I. M. Sharer, of Rowan. This was followed by a sacred song by the pupils of the school, rendered in excellent style and with fine effect. Then succeeded the following PROGRAMME : Oration: "The Religion of tlie Bible," by John W Cotton. Recitation : "Oh for a quiet spot,"ib.r C il Smith, fee; by Jimmy Biles. Jiee: "The Modern Belle," by Master Palmer, aicsic. lite j by John B Sppnce. lite: by J J Hamilton. llec : "Boys of Spirit," by Tommy Kirk. MUSIC. Declamation : by Eddy C Kirk. Composition : by Miss M V Palmer. Iiee: "little Chatter Box," by a very small boy. Ree : by J A Kirk. srcsic. lite : "Whipping an Editor," by J D Palmer. Com; "Waiting lor something to turn up" Miss Martha A Kirk. Com : Miss M B CrowelL. Decla: "The Attributes of God." Xame not ob tained. MUSIC. Decla : by A Shaver, of Uowan. Cum: "Music and Flowers," by Miss Luclnda Bai ley, of Davidson. Com : Mary A Kirk. Use: "I shaU be a man," R P Kirk. MUSIC. Deela : "Early to bed," &c, E F Kirk. Decla : "Individuality and Honest Toll," X A Biles. Decla : "The Telescope anil the worlds to be seen by Its use," T II Kirk. : Deela : "Nature," II F Atkins. MUSIC. Com : Miss Fanny Daniel, ot Davidson. Oration: "Civilization," C v Robinson, of Mont gomery. MUSIC INTERMISSION. .- 2 o'clock, P. M. Ora : "Lire and Its Mission," Walter M Kirk. Com : "The Graces" Mary E Calloway. MUSIC. Ora: "Christianity and Political Progress" Wm Huckeby. Com: "Sijns and Omens" Ainy Walstner. MUSIC Ora : "We must educate" D M Hix, of Randolph. C-nm "Formation of Character" Miss s J Shaver, of Rowan. MUSIC. Ora: "National and Geographical Limits" John W Littleton. Ci : "Mli-age of Life"-Miss Llllle D Klri. MUSIC. Ora : "Great Men" W R Harris of Montgomery. Song by the School, "We'ie going home to-mor- rov.v music. Rut the climax of the occasion was re served for the last, and may be stated thus: makkied: By Rev. Authur Atkins, Mr. Oliver Cromwell ; in Concord, dav before yesterday after IIamu.ton, principal of tUe school, and Miss Liluh i , . . "... D. kikk, Uauguter of Mr. W in. Kirk The ceremony took place on the ros trum, iu the presence of the audience and much to the surprise of many; for although the marriage was talked of in the neigh borhood as a probable event at no dis tant day, it was not put down in the pro gramme for this occasion. It was, how ever, a pleasant incident, and friends crowded around the happy pair to offer congratulatio'us. Dut to return to the school : The exer cises were neatly conducted, and the per- foi niance of pupils altogether as good as ever met with iu other similar institu- tions. I would like to mention several j it up he would kill her. When they ar whose orations or essays were . of a high rived at the house, Nicholson flourished order of merit and rarely excelled by the pupils of our Seminaries and Colleges. But to be invidious could profit no one, J words passed between the parties, inl and it is therefore sufficient to say that I mediately after which Nicholsou ran all did well, and reflected much credit on ! around the house and fired at the woman, their preceptors and those through whoso wise and liberal patronage this institu tion was gotten up. It is exerting a fine influence in the community and must ac complish much good. The next term of the school opens on the 29th of July. A notice is duo the "Concord X'ornet Band," whose musical services were se cured for this occasion, and fully met every reasonable expectation. They came down in a line band wagon, making quite a showy display, and were strictly true to themselves as gentlemen and to their profession as musiciaus. They were ac companied by that fine looking white haired old citizen of Concord, General Means, who very justly felt much pride in the musical success of his young towns men. The music struck my car unskill ed, I confess as of the clear and distinct order. I 'menu that it was not such a villainous jumble of sounds that you could not tell what was aimed at. I have heard band music which neither charmed, edified, nor instructed. This was good in that you could understand it. The students gave an eutcrtaiument in the Institute building iu the evening and many of the young people attended it. The writer was then on the opposite side of the river, a mile or more distant; but the music of the baud was often wafted over by the shifting breezes, and he knew the young men and maidens were haying a pleasant time of it. A widow, aged about 50 years, at Springfield, Illinois, May 31st, killed her daughter, a beautiful girl of 16 years, and then herself, with a razor. They were highly esteemed, and no cause for the bloody deed is yet known. The coroner's inquest, which was held over the body of Kate Barringer, the col ored woman who was killed in Concord last Friday, by Win. Nicholson, after a long discussion decided that Hei.ry Etheridge was accessory to the crime. J Charlotte Ohferver. ViUUtca (loioa) Review i :'-Witli the same subtlety with which the government was managed prior to the rebellion , by the Democrats, they are trying to undermine her institutious to-day.M Ah! noy. friend. The Democrats are powerless without the South, and the South has done with rebellion, as you call it. But the Democrats are working for the re-establishment of Republicanism on the basis of the national constitution, and an houest and economical administration of the government. Nothing more aud nothing less. "Those peaceful brethren iu the House have passed the bill providing for the re duction of our staudiug army to 20,000 men." Jb. And they did right. It cuts off a use less expense and diminishes the tempta tions for Executive interference with the rights of the States. The following from the same paper shows how they make roads in Iowa : In full force we "turned outcast ThursT day, Friday and Saturday, to work the "Cowgill" road. There were farmers aud merchants, lawyers and mechanic--, stock men and grain dealers, livery men and draymen aud editors. Such .pitchiug of dirt aud cleaning oil of spades, aud sitting down while we did it, was never known to the editorial profession before; and then, dinner; we were. exhausted that we could not eat enough at the tlrst table aud as a consequence the last table had to suffer the presence of the prolonged editor and muscular grocer. This was one day, and then no more editors and hgrocers were seen iu tiio iield. The far mers did valiant Rervice with their teams, many of them putting in three full days. Of course the road is much improved, but the work must not stop here; there re mains much to be done on this road to keep it in repair and on the other roads leading into town to put them into passa ble condition. Washington, June 3. General li. C. Dunn succeeds General Pelonze iu the War Department. The news from the In.lian frontier as reported at the War DejKirtment to-day is that General Sheridan telegraphs that there is much alarm at H.'Utou as to the situation, condition and intentions of Sit ting Hull, who is thought ready to cross the frontier and again start upon the war path from the Upper Columbia. The news comes that the Nest Pcrces, under Chief Moses, are. anxious to begiiJ another war. The Piute Indians are in the same frame of mind and are itching, for the war path. The military sfnd civil authorities are doing all they can to pre vent an outbreak and are making cvery preparation for the protection of settlers. It is stated that Potter's committee has summoned Minister Stoughton from Rus sia aud Ivasson from Austria. The Confederate Memorial Association will decorate the Confederate graves at Arlington o:i June 13th. THE COXCOKD MUilDER. The Shooting of Kite Unrriatjer bff Win. XichokonA Terrible Story. The particulars of the terrible murder I ih'oii, n;ic jum ueeu reeeiveu ill mis city. It seems that William Nicholson, a citizen of Concord and a native of Ca barrus county, left Charlotte iu the after noon, accompanied by Henry Kthetidge, who some time ago drove it dray for Mr. H. T. Huttler, and the two arrived in Concord about (5 o'clock. They went from the depot to a bar room and got some whiskey, and then started, as they told some one, to hunt for a negro woman named Kate Harriuger. They found her ,'m a house near the depot. Nicholson al leged that she had 30 of his money, and had threatened before if she didn't give j his pistol, and Ktheridgo pretended to I have a warrant for tho womau. Some the shot taking effect in the left eye. She died iu a tew hours. Ethiidge was arrested soon afterwards, but Nicholson attempted to make his cs sape. He was pursued by the sheriff, fired at several times, aud after a long race, was caught and put in iail. Nicholson was at one time a young man of high character, moral and industrious, and is well connected. He has however, been very dissolute iu his habits the last few years, and it wae generally known that an improper intimacy had existed between him and the murdered i,womau Char. Observer (Jan. 2.) ' THE FLORIDA INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE PASSES TIIliOUGH. The congressional committee, appoint ed to investigate the Florida electio frauds, w'ith their clerks, sergeant-at-arul etc., came into the city yesterday on the noon train, and after dining at the rail road eating house, left by the Charlotte, Columbia 8c Augusta railroad. The com mittee left Y alungtou bu inlay evening at 9.30 o'clock, coming via the Virginia Midland route, and expect to arrive in Jacksonville, Florida, Wednesday morn ing, soon after which the investigation will begin. The following named persons consti tute the party : Hon Eppa Hunton, of Virginia, Chair man : Hon Frank Hiscock, of New York, Hon Wm M Springer, of Illinois, con gressional committee ; C H Sargent, of Ohio, and C H Barr, of Pennsylvania, deputy sergeants-at-arms ; Joseph Bailey, of Pennsylvania, stenographer ; R H Hen derson of Virginia, clerk and A P Thorn, of Virginia, messenger. Char. Od. A little negro child was drowned in a branch near Monroe one day last week, while attempting to follow some larger children. MARRIED. At the Unity Manse, May 29th. by the Rev. K. W. Boyd, MrTHOM. soorr woon and Mrs7 Maror:t A. 'rv..jii.i.. DIED. Vlaa S t m,i . v . . inthe4h year of heraCWaiaSirnaUy aorulaS' nJiZ,AicXS'Illy a day or two al the family aD- enw-nodin?eruQUlaftw a0" before h died. How often, in thftsA rt.w ,i.iz. L"r. without warning. u wme An Undeniable Truth. You defterve to snffor nl ;rvn,. erable, unsalisfaclory life in tills beautiful Wftrm tt la l.nti..it. ! i. . . vuur own una ana there ia only one excuse for you, yourunreaaonable prtjiidice and Bkeptici-m, which has killed thousands. Personal knn.-l..l n,l . " mm- VWIUlliUH nense reasoning will soon show yon that Green's yi.t.i r niwir wui cure you of L,iver Com plaint, cr Dynpejwia, with all its miserable effects, such sm sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, Jubitual cwliveness, dizziness of the head, nervou prostration, low spirits, &c. its salts now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cure. You can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve vou. Hobble and limp no wort, but hang vonr crutches on the old oaken peg, and seize" the first opportunity to be permanently cured. Your Rheumatism, Contracted niusclep, Stiff Joints, Frosted Feet, Headache, Earache.Pain in breast, Mde arid back, will yield to that powerful remedy, long and favorably known as Con-wens' Lightning Liniment, which is good for both mail and beast. Price 50 ceftti a bottle. For sale by C. 14. Barker. All those suffering with Hemorrhoid., or Piles, can safely reTy on being permanently cured if they will use Tabler's P.ackeye Pile Ointment, which is sold by all Druggists for oO cents a bottle. For saie bv C. Ii. Barker. GOOD DIGESTION. "Give us this day our daily bread," and good medecine to digest it, is both reverent and hu man. The human stomach and liver are fruit ful sources of life's comforts; or, disordered and diseased, they tingle misery along every nerve and through every artery. The man or woman with good digestion see beauty as they walk, and overcome obstacles they meet in the rout ine of life, where the dyspeptic sees only gloom end stumbles and growls at even imaginary objects. The world still needs rwo or three new kinds of medecine before death can be per fectly abolished; but that many lives have been prolonged, and many sufferers from Liver dis ease, Dyspepsia and Headache, have been cur ed by Mekuei.Ii's Hefatike. is no longer a doubt. It cures llendache in twenty minutes. and there is no question but what it is the most wonderful discovery yet made in medical science. 1 hose afflicted with Uillioiisness and Liver Complaint should use Merk ::i.l's II ep atixe. It can be had at Theo. F. Kluttz',. IF The Woman who rejoices in salad and ice cream, hot cakes and warm pie IF The Student who cats hastily and sits down at once to active and mental labor; IF The Business Man who bolts his food in eager haste and hurries to his counting room ; IF The Hard Drinker could look at the deleicate glands, swollen and festered with disease, that cause the throbbing brain; IF The Lawyer, the Minister, the Merchant, and nil who lead sedentary lives and are subject to Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Constspatiou and Headache ; IF These only knew what Meurkl's Hefatise Foil THE LiVKii will do for their relief, and how quickly it cures there would be much less suffering than at present. The great Liver Medecines for sale by Theo. F. Kluttz. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected by J. M. Kxox & Co. May 22, 1878. Cotton dull Middlings, 89 low do 78 stains 6 Bacon, county, hog round 7 Butt eh 1320 Eggs 10 Chickens -per dozer. $1.502.00 Corn new 45a47 Meal moderate demand at 4850 Wheat good demand at 1.00&1.10 Flouu best fam. $2.5082.00 suner. 2.35 4 fc Potatoes Irish 7o Onions no demand 75 Lakd 810 Hay-- 3040 Oats 35 Beeswax 20 Tai.low C7 Blackberries 5 Apples, "dried - 34 See au 1012i DR. BUTTS No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Louis. Mo. Who hu had greater wpwltnw 1A the treatment of tha exual troirt.lrtof bolh male and female than anr physician in the Wet, Kivci the raulti of hi lone ana cucceMful practice in hia tw e mew wurka, juat published, entitle. The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Booki that are really GaMee aa4 PIMtraeten in all mat ter pertaining to MankMd and t vmaafcooa. and upply want long felt. They ere kn-aaur.il y lli.rtratea. and in plain lei.jruaffe, eaily understood. The two book embraeeMS page, and contain t.laable Infoeai.tloa for both married and ingle, with all the recent improvement in medical treatment Head what our homepaper ay : "Toe knowledge imparted in Dr. Bull.' new work it in no way of questionable char acter, but i eomething tkut ereryoa. tb.ala kavw. Tba l..th. the victim of early indltcrebon i tk. la.otneTwie perfi-etly healthy maybe, put with wanlngyigpr intherrime Ot Ute. ana iae naoaa, in nuern to." St. lyoun journal. riFLLAR fkicu 60 eta. each 9 rrom ine many ui ner au u lieii both in one volume, $1 1 in cloth and! miU 0 ... tout nnder Mal. oni receipt of price ia money or itmmpa. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, Ara unequaled for the cure and PreJn"f iieiye lalforsemCatUe, Hort.t.heepnd Fowl AVID E. jE'OXXTa. rro Btimore. lid. Davie County IN THE SUrEKIOR COI UT. M. K. Chaffin, admr. of J. Wallace Cannon, dee'd, riaiHiijf, Against W V Cannon, Geo A Cannon, L E Gainex, wife of tt S Gaines, J Wealey Cannon, Martha A Cannon, V C Cannon, Tin A Cannon and Willie Emma Cannon, heirs sit law, iJela. retition to sell Land fur Assets. Upon the afnJavit of Plaintiff, it is ordered by ihe Court, that publication be made in the "Carolina Watchman" for six Biiccerive week, nctifving W F Cannon, one of the defendant, who i anon-resident of the Sute, to appear at tl.o .. nf tlipplerk oftlie Suuerior Court of tf 1 1 a VUww v aid county om Monday, the 11 day uf July, 187a, and answer tne complaint wmcn win ue fil !n tlio nhove entitled action, within ten UIVU a -w- - w - ' . . days from the date hereof, and if he fail lu ..naor tli rvkimdaint. the IMaiiilifl" will apldv to the Court for the relief demanded in ihe complaint. ,,T Witness, II. ! I"-'" Aitu, Clerk Snperior Cnri ,( I .irie County. ?A f 7. LXIIIFIH'Q FOR 1878. Don't neglect to call on a Plrler at the Book Store for all kinds of Cook wanted. The best quality and latest styles of writing paper kept here. Also the renowned Simrcr Sewing Machine can be had here at from 35 to $10. He respectfully invites all to call and examine goods ind machines. ll:ly. BEWARE OF OLD SE I HAVE JUST ItECEIVED 5,000 PAPERS FRESH -GARDEN SEEDS, Put up specially for me by the celebrated seedsman, rtolaort Bulat, Jr. with my name and the date pri ded on every jtajter. Every paper has 1873 plainly print ed on it. No other dealer in seeds liere ha3 dared to do this. 'Forewarned is forearmed, and if you buy old seeds now, it is because you won't have your ryes opened. One. word more: Bimst's seeds arc the only ones in the market which are warrant ed fresh and genuine. 8 Papers for 25 Cents, At THEO. F. KLUTTZ-S Drug Store. CLOVER SEED Only 12'; cts por lb At Kluttz s Drug Store. Early Rose and Peerless Potatoes only $i.50 per bushel At Klwttz'a Drutr store. GRASS SEEDS Ool.len Millet. $2 per bush.; OrcUard Crass, $?. Also Blu- 'Jrass for yards, Herds (irass. Lucerne, Sc. At Kluttz s lJni 5u-rt smokersTahoy ! tAyer's new brand, the " DAISY " cijrsr, is the best la the market, eta parh nr siv for Try them : Manufactured expressly for, and sold only at Klutz's' lru store. I7:!y Blacto ani Henderson, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY. N. C Januav22 1 87G tt. 5 P. V T ft Practical Blacksmith I10RSESII0ER. SHOP connected with Brown & Verble's livery St -Abies. C"14 dsi','ns or Shoes, to suit anv stiape or root. Allhljoeln,? on strictly sclent ine prin ciples and WARRANTED. All kinds blacksmltliln promptly done. 1 NEW LIVERY STABLE ON LEE STREET. Complete in all its Details. CRAWF0RD & HOLMES Come forward with ample facilities to accom modate regular and transient customers. They have splendid stock horses and vehi cles for pleasure or business rides. Can fur nish any outfit required. Will send travellers on their way to any point. Will board and groom horse by the day, week, month or year. Will fill orders fur hauling. Will buy nnd sell horses. Invite Drovers to come 10 the best and cheapest stand. They propose better services for less money than ever before given. Will buy grain and provender. And a they are in for a lively business they say to all Come and try us. J AS. R. CRAWFORD, 1C: CII AS. HOLMES. E. H. MARSH'S SALISBURY, N. C. Having my Foundry in readiness, I am now prepared to tlo all kinds ol Casting in either Iron or Brass. All kinds of Engine and Holier Work done with dispatch; also all kinds of Agricultural and Mining Machinery built or repaired to order. I am also prepared to Dress Lumber, make all kinds of Mouldings, make Sash, Blinds and Door. Sash, Door, and all siaes of m-mldings, kept constantly on hand. A stock f Lumber always on hand or furnish ed at -horl notice." A 16 Horse Portable Engine and Boiler for sale at my shops. Work guaranteed, and at prices to Miit the irues. 2S:Iy.pd. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REALESTATE. In the matter of A.J. Mock. 1 r T, , . Bankrupt. j J'rvplry. By virtue of an order of tb District Court of tho United Slates, for the Western District of Nirth Carolina, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at the Court House dwr in the Town of Salisbury, on thelirst day of June, 1878, a IToumo and Lot in the town of Salis bury, adjoining the premises of William Over man and John M. Cofiin being the Iot and Residence of said Bankrupt. Terms Cash. Dated this 1st day of May, 1878 DAVID L. BR INGLE, Assignee. John S, Htssnr.usox, 'Irusu-e. 28:1m. GET THE 1SESL The Raleiah News. DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one year, - a 1 1 k. i HTScnd Tostal Card fjr Sample Copy. AJdress THE EALEICII NEWS, - IMeigh, N. C P U r MACHINE J. D. McNEELT, Grocery, Mm ani Commission MERCITAIST. Agent for the wle of Fettilizew, Lira. Sawed ShingleVand Mountain Produce, liny and ell Cotton, Corn, Flour, Meal, and aU kirtda of country produce on coramisiion. Highest prices guaranteed. Agent fur tho celebrated English patent Milking Machine. Will keep a umall awortment of Faniilr Groceries. Call and see him at his new atatuf, three doors below KIuttzVDrug Store. 29:5mof. ratBi to Cure! EXNISS' CHICKEN C HOLE 11 A Cri:E or money refunded if directions an strictly followed. PRICE 25 CENTS, at ENXISS1 Urn- Store- 2tt:tf. J. T. Moore. A. A. THOurycx. MOORE & THOMPSON, RALEIGH, W.C. Special attention paid to the aale of COTTON, CORN, : FLO UK, ;uaix, HAY, " UlTTEK, - EGGS, FOWLS, &c, Consignments Solicited. Highest Price Obtained. Befers to Citizens National Bank, Raleirh. N.C. - 22:3ms. gjg Making, AT THOS. H. VANDEBFORD'S Gr.OCEUY AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. Gentlemen and Ladies' Fine fori a specialty; Havlnsr eng-agd the services of a t'rrt flass work man, we are prepared to turn out the tintM und beet styles of city-made goods, and at prices to vult tho Uras. Constantly on hand an assorted stock ot superior material, ( all and examine our wrk. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sali-liujy, Feb. 14, 1379. No. 17:t. STOP At THE BGYDEft HOUSE. r SALISBURY K. C. C. S. BROWN, Prop'r, Late of the National Hotel, Kureifih.) Ir AT HOME AGAIN. JIaving leased ilus liouse for a term of yearp, 1 would be pleised to have my friends call and see me. It wiil le kept as k FIRST-CLASS HOTEL iy EVERY RESPECT. Board: Two Dollars Per Day. fisroMxinus at every train.-sbs Large Snrnjile Rooms for Commercial Trav ellers. TRY ME. C. S. BROWN. Jit. W. O. SHELBURN, j Clerk. January, 1st, 1878. Il:tf. BROWN & VERBLE'S Liverv & Sale Stables. SALISBURY, X.-C., Will convey passengers to and from any oint with the best stock and vehicles. THE TRAVELING PIJBLIC- will find it to their inlm-st to call iixn tlieu before making arrangements elsewhere. trovers and Traders will fn.d at this esialdi.-liinent good lot, an stables, and plenty of j;ood hay, fodder, ori stnd corn. PLEASURE DRIVES. Those wishing turnouts for pleasure driving will find the lct accommodations at these Stables. Mr- J. F. Webb will alwsvs be found at the P.-l L. 1 ....... . -i customers. 4'2:tf. SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO. W. Y0PP, Propr. (At -Mclntyrc's Farnittne Rooms.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS AT LOW PRICES. CALL ANI) SEE HIM. 9Af. THE BEST TR I M M I N C SHEARS EVER INVENTED. Having purchnfed the riht to sell thin ffIe COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMEBICAH 1DBEB S5 00 i ljral1 '" 'l,'-' tolikhil ,;f l.J'Vail 1 ' nfTT11'' '"vll- poi lii- .ultjitioo totltiai valuaLl i impleineiii, alriioM iadisjtt-iirable to a tuau dlin h;. fruit trves to irim. lV-rnoiis louing to u tr bliy i( ,11!iy ca al IcttlUjE i,,dlemn' 1 Stun-, Saliltirv. I'rice for the impltTn W Ji.d j fariu rii,ht'io u:.kr i.d i.-.- .l.s.m.e, !r-t. I 2(k3m KRAT'E Lt)V.'NU?4

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