Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1878. CONGRESSIONAL ' DISTRICT CON VENTION. TtiUbodf mt at WMkcsboro on the glHh Juue, AUat 12 o clock the meet ing vas palled to order, Hon. Chas. J'ric of Rowau was elected chairman ; IV, A'PoUtr m?. S. Raiiisa and T. K. Jtraner, Secretaries. The roll of counties VfM ca1c4, all an wrering except Foray the mu4 Surrr. to wit: Alexander, Ashe, A lghoy, Darie, Itowau, Iredell, Wilkes, Watanga, and Yudkiu. Mr, LLnaej of Alexander, offered a 9o)otion for tlie appointment qf a cpm Miittee to prepare rules for the govprnrnent t.f the con ventioii, and to ; Verify creijen tials, which was agreed to nnil the coininjttee waa appointed, coiisjstiiij of Messrs LJn jiejr, Bowers, .Beard, pongiaa, If odges, Yaughan and YvrV; whi reported tliat the basis of representation ihpnld be that 4 th House of Kepresentativcgdele gates being allowed to past fractional votes f k that each delegation should appoint one of their number to cast the vote of the county, and tliat the. uotyiue mmtp receive 7i votes to secure h. U fljec tion, &.c. A resolution to adjourn, and directing the Executive Committee of the District to call a new conveutjQU jn. Aiigustt wan offered, bat defeateil, Nominations were nnqr made ;M. York of Wilkes, nominating H. H. Arnifiehl, and Mr. Frank Brown, of Rowan, nominating Charles Price. The vqte was taken and resulted Armfield., 8i Robbins, Price, 1 J. Mr. Armfield was declared elected. Maj. Robbing, by letter to W: II. H. Cowjes, Chairman Exeputive Committee, protested against the call of the conven tion, and Mr. Cobles' right to call it. to which Mr, Cowles replied in a speech, snowing he had the rjght, wherejn he was unstained by ji resolution subsequently adopted by the convention. A resolution of thanks to Mr. Price for the able manner with whjch lje Ijad, pre sided, and a speech fvo) Mr. Ami Held, accepting the nomination, closed the pro ceedings, ROWAN'S VOTE I! THE CONCESSIONAL CONVENTION. The voters of Rowan will desire to know how they were represepted, at the Pisttipt Convention. Jt is expected, we will tt them. Rowan cast one of her two Yote for Hon. Chas. Price, and tlje other for R. F. Armfield, Esq. IJoth votes real ly belonged to II pn, Wm. M. Robbing, t a. a. . B" Wia W now tjey pame to be given otherwise: Maj. Robbing sent in a letter wh jch was read, before the delegates, protesting against the Convention. He took the ground that Jje Convention wag frrfgidarlj called, and, on too short a notice j tb,at.wrong had been jone him in aome of the counties jn the management pf the eonpty meetings, ike. His friends from Rowan believed that the grounds of jne protest ahoujd be considered, and they acted accordingly. His name was not put Jn nomination Wore the convention : and when the vpje was taken, his frieuds com plimented Mr. Price by giving bin? one vote, i ne otner portion of th,e qn, jo wip? jr. Shober, by his proxy W. J Mills, and his apppiutees, Moses Benciui, ,ias. v. ixwe, Jojjn Beard and D. R. Juli jinf.caBs meir vole for Annfield. Tims nowan, which should hayo bceij rppre- aeuieu as unaplcjously in favor of Hon W. M. Bobbins, apieared divided and wuaounorce. 'ihe appointees of Luke Plackmer aiuHames E. Kerr, Esqrs., (the memoersoi rjje pommittee on dele gat) to wjtf Cha PrTrank Brown, oq. iy. aiauuey, John Keilir. P. P. Me roaey, and T. K. Bruner, digcharged their lloty with due regard to the wishes of thu ptoplftpf Rowan. Mr. 3ifpber, delegatf s, in the discus n between theTepresentatiyes of Rpw- aBj aeclarftd that he (Mr. Shober was tl fr$t choice pf Rpwan, and on beinjj urired te ypte for hjm, aajd no, we will vote for -Annneju. ' ipe counuejuof Surry and Fprsvie were pptrrppresentef in the convention, and the reaspp assigned ff Surry vr Jack of time; and by person; not delp gatps, frpnr Fprsytlift tliat they did not jwnsidir , ppurparittn cnlledby the proper authority, We regret being unable. to give a more grtifying report, but have endeavored ta .present tjiefifpts, JtoHMMtic Projcc(.i'nl unity there Js strengU, L;nt ithont nnity, weakness. ....v.. HnjHf a ivapici or a Jcre injah, jn pow, to ery 3Jpyd to the JeiMocratio party gad s)oW thm the fate which awaiu em. Tby vuJ4 not beed if they J.eard. Like an angry. pa the ctjuttutiiig vayps will continue to lash ach other witb fury uptiUhe storu, shall fxhanst itself. 'Democratic prosi)ects " MC uiej in J-arpJjnaf If rcorr. o4i -maepepaents" pd factions with croga purpospg in almost every coun ty; if weenst supplanting and - heartless Hfiiduies. accrimoijjoos Kflrds and cou- Tuning acnons cmint for anything, the sogpct,ia LrigJit that iu a short time the democratic party wilLexchange attitudes with the radical party : Will sUnd with Iiat in hand and down-cast eyes and meekly "accept be situation" and enter upon a season pf repeunce. If it shall aiot so tarn out, rpeuiaW pf the present lolly aliould begjn pow, a4 every one consent to f reer auoer to himself. Mag jianimity i a yjrtue ami its reward sure. Narrow-mindf! r selfishness may some- timeeseem tofiiiacda;, its vrar4 of jnereBiauoii aim Miaine jm aj pure. It j better to have a conscience void of offense than to till an office rid.iy endowed. It T ft ft f-h mtf i I i i Jf fe? t Wake strife. Thirtieth Senatorial. U will be seen that we havefiw Democratie!candidatei for tlie State Senate in tl I)itriPt-ohi S, Hendersop, Esq., qf Hbjrao, find P. Foard, of Pavio - Tl k TPlt from a disagreen?eB between tw if ft couptjes outhe queiitibp of right to far? uish the candidate, lowfli) b ijilne'rtp, Uiken it "turn about" with Davie, and lias never thpnght of insisting on any ad vantage because of her superior strength j at ballot box, though it is just about j double t-hat of Davie. When Davie had. furuUhed the Senator two tprw in sic-j cession, Rowan would thep fnrnisl iMIfl two terms ; and so it has gpne on for yearn j witb very little contest uutU nmV- T!e record 6hows tbjit Davie had the Senator for the terius 18, 186(5, 1872, and J874. And Rowan furnil)ei hp candjdato jq m, 1870, and. again in 187fl. ft will be pbacrved that each county has held it two terras in succession ; am tbnt cpuuting from 18Q4, Davie has had it ar perms an4 Iowfju three terms. xThis Js record shows, and we caupot understand why there should, be any controversy oyer so si" pie a question of arithnjetct 4t has beet said tliat "accoruiug tp ftp ngrecnieut between tle wo counties, en tered into Jn 1876, Rqwan was tp have it far' that term and 137g." Tbjs statenjen was nade on oral testimony, and as com jng from a gentleman in Davie, whose op portunities entitled him to Huow the facts. But let tlit be waived, -for it is really of po yajue as against the record, which- plaiuly and undeniably shovrs that Rowan must-have it in 178 in order to put. her eyep with Davje, It cajinot change the record to deny that any such agreement was made, .neither would an admission change it. It is immaterial to the ques tion in hand it may be left out or taken in and still wo come back to the main point: Davie has had the Senator four terius and Rowan three terms." Now if Davie must have it five terms to Rowan three terms, it cannot be her purpose to observe the ancient rule, and it acquits Rowan of all blame for the present conflict. Hence we said two weeks ago, "we do not sec how Rowan can recede." But Rowan has another reason besides the record for her cour :c : The name of Mr. Henderson had been pnt in nomina tion in Rowan and several of onr primary meetings ljad dechiredJn favor of him, all of which was published in this paper some days (if not weeks) before it was known that Davie would object. We had there fore committed ourselves, axid it was too lata to recede, except and alone on the ground of error j and as there was no er ror, of course ye cquld not go back ; nor cau we understand why our friend have become so desperate as their nation at South River on Saturdaj- shows. Do they object to Air. Henderson perr sonally 1 There is pp peed to sieak of bis character and qualifications, for they are almost as well knowu in Davie as in Rowan. He is one of the r'mmj. men in Rowan one in w'hom her citizens confide wjth unshaken faith. Th pepple of Davie county know this. It is no secret but kuqwn throughout the State. And yet it is suspected that a few pergons in Davie, who are controlling the opposition ipovement there, would willingly adnjjt $0 right of Rowan to an nounce tlie candidate for the Senate if she would drop Mr. Heiiderson and take up some one else more acceptable to cer tain men in Rowan. Mr. Henderson is not one of that happy class who is "with out an enemy- In the ? world." lie has cqeniies. They are jealous of hiui, and they dread tp see iijin' ruiug.. And they will keep him down if the? can. There is a thousand ways iu which their oppo sition may be brought to bear, not be cause Mr. Henderson is more vulnerable thaa other pi en of his age, but because of the ingenuity and sleepless, yigilence of oiry. If this conjectured cause of difficulty has any foundation in fact, it will not be relinquished for anything tliat may be said in commendation of Mr. Henderson; for in bis popularity is to be found the secretcauseofhate. Ifou the other hand, there is no such feeling towards Mr. Hen derson or those who are known to be his friends in Rowan, then we are simply Overwhelmed. with amazement at the an pmotous condition of the two counties. P. S.-rrSince the above was, put in type we have received a communication from a gentleman in Dayfc, signed "V." from which we learn tho diftjauHy originates in the date at which the ppnnt is. begun, Da vie counts from 13, whereas Epwan has beep cpuutiug frpm I864. Accepting Daviij-4 starting point, the case stands thus : ' - 1363, Rowan, by W. MRobbins. 1870, Itowau, by W. M. Robbing 1372, Davir, by Chas. Price, Esq. IP4, Liavie, by Mr. Clement. J876, Rowan, by W. II. Crawford. Up to thi3 time the rule was to give each county two terms each. It wasRow aii'g time tp come in iu 1876? and she then hadoneternj, and of course is entitled to complete her alternate nniuber of two terms. But our friends at Foard's Mill cati'tsceit. We presume if J)QW 0o late to ar. rai'ge this matte to tl,e 6atisf;ictiop of those who nave created the conflict, aud tbat the quesrion rppt W settled at the ballet; box. Rowan has never cherished Hy Wf pf illiberality fowarda Davie, and w.e fJ authorized ta disclaim fr Mr- Henderson's frepda every gentiment of """"uuue8 W injustice Iu thought, word or deed. .ThoN. York 5 mentions the pames of Gov. Vance, Hon. T. Lt CJingnian, Hon. A. S. Merriipop, and .janjes m. Leach, as candidates jn North Qarolina f:r U. S. Senator. The Su thinks tlie chances are rather in favprpf Gov. Vance, bu. jthat the republicans wiJI puite their forces and try to elect Merrimon :i th jif4 slx years ago. OPALS E ECONOMY. The present Democratic Ifopse of Rep reseptatives commeqeed it work of false ecopomy by cutting HWM yfl$Qa, anij pot satisfied with tbo amount saved, it seeks to swell the sum by stopping necessary public work, . This may ipalje 9 good showing op paper, but it makes a truer showing in the overcroy4tid'jjogr-buses pf our land. Wbat the people want is Piore wwrk, pot Jess, aud, if we are not mistaken, those who have failed to recogr nixo this fact in the domipapt party jp the Hopse will have an opportunity J attepd to their private busipess after ppt Pal), Money saved by forcipg people to be idle will in the end lead to patj'ppa) bankruptcy, fifth Register. What a strange idea of government! Must not economize; must Hot curtail ex? penes and thus reduce the taxes, because itwlltleprive ipen ofempjovuieut ! What s tQ government It is made up of agents wbpm. the pepple elected to per form certain public duties Collect the taxes and run the public machine for the benefit of all alike. There is no law made any where fpr Revising work for idle hands to do. There is no officer in the national system, to tafce care of the poor, the des titute or the idle; and any ope assuming to do any one of these things' would tran scend tlie authority derived from the law or the people. The oflicers are expected to administer the government with the strictest economy, aod employ no one ex cept. as the public interest requires. Valuable.--The water of the Artesia Well at Livingston, Alabama, has been found to possess valuable medicinal pro perties. The analysis, repeatedly made, has shown chloride of sodium in lurgest proportion, bi-carb. of lime next, then bi-carb. of magnesia, chloride of calcium, chloride of magnesia, bromide of sodium, with other things in lesser proportions. It has been found valuable iu cases of dyspepsia, a variety of kidney diseases, debiliation from malarial affections, as eulanged spleens, livers, dropsies, and those diseases which produce nervous de rangement. We refer to this subject wholly for tke benefit of the public. The water is free to all who choose to try it, aud visitors are free to provide for them selves such accommodations as they pre fer. ' "Intervietrer Extraordinary.'" The Ral eigh AVirweport of apolitical talk through a Telephose, with Gen. Clingman, is a very readable thing indeed masterly, in its way but the General's Speech at Chapel Hill, June 26th, before the University Normal School, is such a handsome contribution to science, and utpneg so largely for his recent political blpnder, that we havu't got the face to jrore him with a rehersal of the telephone. The General ought; to be at the head of some grand scientific institution, oc some leading College. His varied learning and great abilities fit hiui for any position requiring tbeso, fn tb or any other coun try, Those of pur merchants who have out traveling salesmen, gay they have no rea son to complain of the condition of busi ness that n)uch better than it was at the same time last year. CharlQfte Ob server . Some of our State papers want to tax these "traveling Salesinen"-rconnerpial travels" $500. WTe tpld thein that it would not do,and pow we reckon they see it wont. 5 CP" The proposition to reduce the tax n tobacco to 16 cepfg per pound., after passing the House, failed for want of time to reach the Seuate before the adjourn ment. Tie discussion of the matter, and delay of final action, has caused consider able loss to tobacco raisers. Maj. Robbing has been blamed for this loss by men who seek his injury. The absurdity of it does not balk them at all. CP Mr. R. M. Douglass, Marshal of the North Carolina Western (U. S.) Judicial District, has been re-appointed by the President. CP A. M. Erwin, of McDowell, and Jno. Gray Bynum, of Burke, have been nomi nated to represent the 36tll Senatorial District iu the Legislature. SERIOUS FAILURE. The most important event of the week to this community is the suspension of 'tit Bank of Wilson & Shober." The an nouncement was made on the 25th inst. that they had made an assignment to W. F. Bowman, the largest depositor: Rob ert Slaon, the Cashier; and F. E. siiober, Esq., of Salisbury. The principle features 01 tne assignment are the following: 1st. All the property belonging to Wil son & Shober is embraced under tho first department to pay the indebtedness of mc 111 2d. Eacb njeinbcr qf the firm has em braced all hjs indiFfdqal property to pay his individual obligation (which are small in each case) and the residue goes to the creditors of the firpj. 3d. The creditors all abare ajiko jn the assets, which the Trustees hoppwillbe sufficiept to pay all the iodebtediiess. The geperal opinion is tjiat the assign ment is the .'fairest instrumept ever nnt 00 record in the cpunty." The honor of neither pf fe gentlemen has suffered but shown put in fuller grandeur by this last act of selfrsaprifice, so trying to men who are called to pas? th. rough it. The liabilities, w understand, are about $160,000; assets consisting of real estate, mortgages, notes," bonds, &c, $200,OOo! In ordinary times the assets would l n., than ample to meet all liabilities aud leave a large margin, aud even iu the present depressed couditiou of financial affairs with reasonably good'nianagement on the part of the Trustees, who are geptjemeu of busipess capacity, the impressipftTpre Fails that tho property in truatViU imeet ail liabilitipaGwiwipro Patriot, i , ... Chariop peniocrat.) COMMENCEMENT AT PAV1P SON COLLEGE, Wednesday apd Thursday of Has week were the two prominept days of the Conjr mepcepjent Exercises at pavjdsop College. Wewere present pue day apd ppept pleasant tipiewttfi old friends apd aiquajp tapces, op special courtesies wp are i' debted to Chief Marshal W. H. Nel, ev. Dr. Hepburp an4 Prof. Martin of t!?e Col lee Facultyi Mf, H- Helper, Rev, W. P. WiHiapis pp( .lady, Dr. and Mrs, Holt, Mr. RA. Brady.. 6nx Wodnpsday. the 26th at 11 A.M., the Hon. G.J. OrroC Atlanta, Ga., (but a na tive pf this county) delivered the Annual Address-to a vpry respectable audience in the College Hall.-. His subject was "How to cljoose a rpfssion," and without any superfluous words or attempts at joli sh ed rhetoric, bisddress abounded in prac tical thoughts apd ' suggestions to the young men ip regard to selecting a busi ness occupation in life. Those who ex pected the Usual abstruse arguments about Seience,' Literature, Theology, Sec, were probably disappointed, but those who are foiid of good coipmon sense and prac tical advice were pleased and delighted. lpUhe afternoon, at 4 o'clock, Frank I. Osborne, Fsq., of this city, delivered the addi ess before the two Literary Societies. The speaker was quite unwell, but he nevertheless pleasantly entertained his audience for nearly an hour with an ele gant and well-written address, filled with brilliant thoughts and references to the experiences of every-day life. A copy was solicited for publication but refused. At 8 P.M. the Hall was filled to over flowing to hear the speeches of tho repre sentatives of the Philanthropic and E11 menean Societies. The following was the Programme: Liberal Education J. A. Wilson, (Eumc nean Society), of Yorkville S. C. A Heroimo of the French Revolution A. G. Buckner (Philanthropic Society), of Asheville, N. C. The Statesman and Politician E. T. Browd (Euuieueau Society), of Gaines ville, Ga. . The Patriots of Warsaw F. M. Williams (Philanthropic Society), of Newton, N. C. The Tyranny of the Majority James L. ' Williams (Eumenean Society), Char lotte, N. C. The Battle of Jena J. W. Osborne (Phi lanthropic Society), Charlotte, N. C. All tho above gentlemen acquitted themselves handsomely, and wc heard el derly gentlemen, who have attended ma ny Commencements in this and other States, say that they never heard better addresses from College orators. All did so well that it is hard to tell which excell ed, but if there was any difference it was in favor of Mr. James W. Osborpe, of Charlotte. At the close of the Society Addresses live young gentlemen were awarded Med als for proficiency in studies. y Commencement Day, Thursday, Jnno 27th, was greeted by a largo attendance of visitors, aud at 10 A. M. 4he laige Hall was crowded to hear the Orations of the Graduating Class, as fol lows : The Latjif Salutatory J. Lindsay Patter son, Saleiu, N. C. The Labor Insurrection of '77 James T. ' Murphy, Clinton, N. C. The Fall of Popstantinoplc Wm. J. Tid ball, Greepibpro, J, p. Sound and its Itecept Developments Jno. P. Little, Jr., Little's Mijls, N, C. Russia, the Coiping power of Europe Wm. H. Neel, Steele Creek, N. C. Music as a Fine Art Geo. F. Robertson, - sbeville., N. C. Th.o EJnfranchiseinent of Woman -Jas. L. Williams, Charlotte, N. C Tb Classics as a Means of Education William S. Flemiug, Wetnmpka, Ala. The Norman Conquest Chalmers C. Nor wood, Fort Valley, Ga. Macaiijley as a Politician W. Walter Moore, Charlotte, N. C. Chemistry and Modern Civilization Hen ry W. Maloy, Laurel Hill, N. C. The ValedictortCharles McG. Hepburn, Davidson College, N. C. Those who heard Ihe orations speak in very complimentary terms of them, and of the good conflict of the twelve young men wlio graduated. At the conclusion of the orations, cer tain prizes were delivered to students, and degrees conferred, which will bo no ticed hereafter.. We learn that.tho Board of Trustees of the College have .01 dered a change in the time for 'holding Commencement Exercises. Hereafter Commencement will take place the second week iu June, instead of the fourth as heretofore. The Board also con solidated the office of secretary and treas urer into one and elected Rev. J. Rumple to till it. The degree of LL.D. was confer red uKn the Hon. Kemp P. Battle, of Chapel Hill. We are pleased to learn that the pros pects of the College are very encouraging. The character of the Faculty is high for abflfty, and the management of the Pres ident, Rev. Dr. Hepburn, is very gratify ing to the Trustees and the friends and patrops of the institution. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Persons wishing to effect an Insurance on either Life or Prppefty would do well to call on J -Samuel McCutybins, who is agent for some of the best American as well as English Companies. Office in Meroueys & lingers store, Salisbury, N. C. July 3rd 1878. 37:2m. Greensboro Female College. Ttnni Reduced to8it theTuaei. The ioth fttsaiop will begin on Wednesday, 28ih of August. . 4 . f v., 1 - ' Charge ftr Smion 0 'QQvetlt; Board, (exclusive of washing and light), $50. Tuition in full English course, $25. Extra studies moderate- For catalogue spp'j U T. M. JONES, Presft, 37:2m, pd, North Carolina College, Mt. Plkasavt, Caparus CouxTr, N, C, The next session begins Monpat. Acqcst 5. 878. The course of studies it full, both in the Collegiate and Academic Department; the corps of instructor, able and experienced; 1 .l!. ! r i i j fieucv, MtiH iitiuJUMfi mmiBttes aupenur ku vntnorM tnr rlla!n!nr a Ihnrnnoli rlitaaial and business edcication. 'Tuition is moderate, $2 to $4 per roop th- Board in private fami lies $8 to $y. At th College House, subslan Iial board is given at $0. . Contingent fee is ow. Community moral and location healthy. For cstalpzue and further particulars ad dress, JfEV S, S. RAHN, A. M. 37:4t, Sec. of the Faculty. Pocket-Book Lost. Lost, at R J, HnTpies1 store or elsewhere in Salisbury, June 21, a leather pocket-book containing a judgment against Jacob Miller for over $80 ; a pote on Moses Trexler's es tate for $19.20 ; apd a note on Wiley Bean for about $40. with other papers of leaa val ue. A suitable reward will be paid for the recovery of these papers if left with Mr. R. J. Holmes. Salisbury. Jas. A. Reio. June 26th, 1878. 86:2t ELECTION flOTICE ! Notice is hereby given that an election will be held on Thursday, firt day of August, A. D., 1878; at the several 'voting precincts in Rowan County, for the following officers, to wit: A Chief Justice, andtwo Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; a Jude of the Superior Court for the 7th Judicial District, a Judge of the Superior Court for the 8th Judicial Dis trict, and a Judge of the Superior Court for the 9th Jndichl District, and a Solicitor for the 7th Judicial District all of whom shall be voted for on one ballot. A State Senator for the 30lh Senatorial Dis trict, and two members of Ihe House 0 Rep resentatives who hhall be voltd for on one ballot. The following County officers, 1o wit: Clerk of the Superior Court, Tresurer, Register of Deeds, Surveyor, Coroner and Sheriff who shall be voted for 011 one ballot. 6?u If an elector has previously been ad mitted to registration in any Township in Kowan County, he will not be allowed to reg ister agaiii in another Township until he pro duces a certificate of the Registrar of the for mer Township that said elector has removed from said Township, and that his name has leen erased from ihe registration books of the Township from which he has removed. C. F. WAGGON ICR, Sheriff. June 22d, 1878. 3G:lm. "cool springs ACADEMY. The Fall Session of this School will oprn on Monday. July Wth, and continue 20 week. Rates of Tuition Per Month : Spelling and Reading; Jtc, 1.00 Arithmetic, Geography, English Gram- j mar, 4c , . . 1.60 Rhetoric, 1'hysics, Physiology, Hotanv, 2.00 Latin, Greek. 'Algebra, Geometry. 4c, 11.00 Contingent Fee. Per Quarter 05 Tuition payable at the middle and el se of the session. Students charged from time of entrance to the eud of tho Session, unless there is a special contract. Cool Springs is 12 miles Xorth-East of Statesville, and is not surpassed for moral it j and health. The water is delightfully cold and pure. The Principal is an experienced teacher and refers by permission to Kev. E. P. RockwellT C'ol Spiiugs, N. C; Rev. J. li. Boone, State villc, N. C, and Rev. Joseph W heeler. Olin, X. C. Close application to study and strict obedi ence to all rules are positively required o( all pupils. Board from Monday to Friday, 75 cents to $1.00 per week. All the time, including wash ing, 4k;., $tVH to $7 .00 per month. There are several vacant houses that can he rented on reasonable terms. For further p irticulars anplv te JOHN DTTCKETT Principal. 36:2 m. Slawof North Carolina, lsSK Rowan County. ) May 3, 1878. A. Yickery, ) again rt Summons and Warrant of Lewis V. Brown. ) Artachnient. The defendant, Lewis V. Brown, is hereby notified, that luminous bas this day issued to the Sheriff of Rowan oounty, commanding him to summon the said defendant to appear before tho Judge of our Superior Court to be held at thaCourt-lioiise in Salisbury, on the 8th Mon day after the 4th Monday of September, A.D. 1878, aud answer the Complaint of ti.e plain tiff; and that if he fail so to do the Plaintiff take Judgment against him for four hundred aud seventy five dollar with interest on the same from the 2-?d January. 1873, till paid Th defendant is further notified that a War rant of Attachment was taken out by the Plaintiff, at the tiine of issuing the summons, against all the property of the defendant to ba fouud in Rowan County, or so mneb thereof as will satisfy the Plaintiffs demand of four hundred lud savonty-fivo dollars wifa all in. terest, cost and expenses. J. M. HOR AR, Clerk Supr. Court Rowan County. 34iAl:pf$8 pd J Rowan County -Superior Com. Isaac Lyerly, guardian of Mary Frances Ly erly, Jane Lyerly, pd Isaac Alexander Lyer ly. Vlnudiff, 3 AGAINST Le wis V. Brown apd Thomas E. Brown Drfendanlt. The defendants, Lewi V. Brown and Thom as E. Brown, ate hereby notified that leanc Lyerly, as guardian of Mary F. Lyerly, Sallie J. Lyerly and Iaac A. Ljrerly, has commenced an action against them in the 8ujerior Court of Rowan County, State of North Carolina, entitled as above : that the purpose of said ac tion is to recover the sum of nine hundred and i x dollars for borrowed raonev, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per oW. per annum, from the 12th day of August, 1873. The said Lewis V.Brown and Thomas E. Brown, are hereby required to appear at the Court-House in Salisbury, on the 8th Monday after the 4th Monday of September, 1878, at a terra of said Court, then and there to be held, and during said term to answer or demur to the complaint which has been filed in the office of the Clerk f .-UP n!r C?Uf f Kowan countr. r the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint. The said Lewi- V. Brown and Thomas K. Brown are further notified that a WVrrant of Attachment against iheir property in said County has been issued from the Superior Court of Rowan County on application of the p aintiff ret.,i nabl9 to the said Superior Court at the Gourt-Ifoe in Salisbury, on Ihe 8th Monday after the 4th Monday of September 34; 6t; pf fftf Count,. SATE Tl FRUIT ! Mason's ImproyerL Fruit Jars. A large lot just in, A long, long ways cheaper than ever offered before. At KLUTTZS DRUG STORE, (ILL THE FLIES. KLTJTTZ'S PliY PAPEB Slays them by the million. Cheap. At KLUTTZ'S DRUO STORE. BEST T YET. RLUTTZ'S BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, is the safest, surest and most pleasant remedy for Diarrhea, Dysenterv, Ac. For sale only at KL'UTTZ'S Drag Store. ALL FORTqUARTER. A good Lamp, chimney, burner and wick, all for a quarter. At KLUTT57S DRUG STORE. . Mates the Little Oies Sleep. Does Klnttz's Soothing Drops. Contains no opium. Only at KLUTTffS DRUG STORE. Three Fine Cigars for 10 cents. Red "C" Oil. Best and prettiest illumina ting oil.. 7 Bluing Snapa -has the bluing already in it. Woods Pocket Soda Fountain. Call and see it. Unparalleled bargains in Hair Brushes. Toi let Soans, $c. At THEO. F. RLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE, 17:ly. . Salisbury, N. C. P. N. HEILIG & SON, would call attention to their large and splendid stock of HARDWARE Embracing IRONS and STEELS evory variety of sizes and shajv-'S ujt quality. Wagon ajid Buggy Materials, comprbdn? all tho various kinds roqulrtKl springs, axles, wheels, &c, ready to set up. Telegraph Straw Cutters, all sizes, and unsurpassed m quality and durability. Great American Lightning SAWS, every kind and size, embracing MILL & CROSSCUT. N A I LS all sizes cut and wrought. The most poputar and approved Btvles Plow Cast ings, all kinds, bolts, Ac fWl No. 5 points for $1. WINDOW CLASS from S Id to24!30-Iiitty,olls, Paints, Varnishes, Lightning Drier, ie. FAIR BANK SCALES Steelyards and Balances. Work Tools For Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, Fanners. Champion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Threshing Machines, Horse-Powers, Pumps, Sf-rain Cradles, Uraiis Scythes, Planters Handled Hoes, GUNS, Pistols, Knives, and CUTLERY of all kinds. taour stock embraces ev erylhlng to be found in a large and complete Hardware store, and all at low prices for cash. with thanks for past favors we hope to merit continued confidence and increasing patronage. March 1, ISIS. 20:ly Rowan County Siperior Court B. Ji. Koberto, as Trustee of Susan E. Humphreys, Plaintiff, AGAINST Thomas E. Brown, Samuel 11. Harrison, Defendants. The defendant, Thomas E. Brown, is hereby notified that B. B. Roberts, a Trustee of Su san E. Humphrey, has commenced an action against him and Samuel K. Harrison, in the Superior Court of Kowan county,Stateof North Carolina, entitled as above: That the purpose of said action recover the sum of three thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars and sixty-six cents, for money loaned, with in terest thereon from the 3 let day cf July, 1877. That the summons has been duly served upon the defendant, Samuel R. Harrison. Said Thomas E. Brown is herebv required to appear at the Court-House in Salisbury, in the County of Rowan, at the Term of the Su perior Court to be hdd on the 8th Monday af ter the 4th Monday of September, 1878, and during said Term to answer or demur to the Complaint to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Riid county within the first three days of said Term, or tho Plain tiff will apply for the relief demanded in the aid complaint. Said Thomas E. Brown is further notified that a Warrant of Attachment against his pro perty in raid county has been issued from the Superior Court of Rowan county on applica tion of the plaintiff, returnable to the Superior Wt of aaid county, at the Court-House in Salisbury, on the 8th Monday after the 4th Monday of September, 1878. , J.M.HORAIT, Clerk Superior Court. Eowan Counlu. 34:Gt:pf$lQ . J Rowan Connly Sopgrior Court. Wilson Kepler, Plaintiff, ACSAINST Thomas E. Brown, Defendant. The defendant, Thomas E. Brown, hThereby notihed that Wilson Kesler has commenced an action against him In the Superior Court of Itowau County. State of North Caiojipa, enti, tied as above : That the .purpose of paid action is to recover the huiu of one thousand dollars TJl- 1I,Ler.?ti!,ereon frolu tho 1st dav of June, 194 1. Said fliomag E. Brown is hereby re quired to appear at the Court-Howe in Salis bury, in the County of Rowan, at the Ttrm of the Superior Coirrt for Baid County, to be held on the 8th Monday after the 4th Monday of beptemUr, 1878, and during said Term to an swer or demur to the complaint to be filed in tbe-office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, within the first three days of said Term, or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint. Said Thomas E. Brown is further notified that a arrant of Attachment against his pro perty in said County has been issued from the Superior Court of Rowan County, on applica tion of the plaintiff, returnable to the Superior f unrt of said County at the Court-House in Salisbury, on the 8th Monday afler the 4lh Monday of September, 1878 m , oJOHN M HORAir, 34: Gt: pf $To tW'' 'y. BONDS To make Title U Land, and Laborer aud Mccliauc8 Liens, for sulp at this Office. vii ojiu yu ouuit as urease I . - ; BOOTS, GAITERS, " ' SHOES, SLIPPERS, &Ci "W. M. EAGLE opposite- Ennis8'Drug Store. He ! i m ready and anxious to accommodate cni y m hia line in the best manner VnbiT prepared to do first class -work and on u pete Tith any northern Shop or HanJ Z0t?' work. His machines, lasts; , , irl n? ateaxard bestpaterns. He work. ?ha V best materiaud keeps on hand readr Z'7 w.rk. and tok equafto an v gut f& Kepamng neatly and promptl v don. . aonble price. t Prices to Suit the Times. Cash orders by mail promptly filled SIMONTON MATI fnurn - Statesville, N. C. Address. M. I' xr ,yr?i,-.: , 34-ly . uiiAisr, ' ; - Principal. FI B POLAND CHINA STOGKPIGS, And a Milch COW and Calf FOR SALE. I have a lot of fiue pi of various ages which I offer as thorough-bred htock hops. ,N0 a good Milch Cow, which wi'l be old atiuHio rate rates, quality considered. K. U. CRAWFORD. Sohsbnry. June J-J. 1&7S. 4:.jt Tailoring 1!- Stoctton, I would respectfully inform thf fit izons (if Salisbury and tbe surrounding country, U,at have located in Salisbury (iu the hack-roimi ,,f Plylcr's Book Store), aud am prepared to d,, all work promptly ami well, as in a first c!a Tailoring Establishment. T itu a twcini -live ye-ars-' 'experience in Cutting. Filling, ilakiiij:. Cleaning and Kepairing, 1 can safelv-cuaraii tee to my patrons the fullest satisfaction. For the scconuuodatiou of fanners, I will take Produce in Exchange for Work. The patronage of Rowan and tlie snrrotindiug counties is respectfully solicited, Correejioii. dence invited fro;n persons living at a distance 34:lhn J. A, STOCKTON Tte Lie SHOP AROUND the CORNER. To the Public, Greeting : 1ULIAN & FRALEY Present compliments to the public anu tieoiic tocatl renewed attention to their efforts to be useful as : AND CARPENTERS. Their prices are as low' as it is poible to make them, and their work not inferior to anv. Thev"liH orrlora in t ivn (lr.inirtnw.rtu and lmvc so far given satisfaction. They have extended their facilities recently, anil are encouraged to hope for increased de mands. Their ready made stock in hand comprises a general assortment of house fur niture Bedsteads. Bureaus. Clothes Presses. Lounges, Racks, Wardrobes, Book-Cases, Cupboards and China Presses, Candle Stands Tin Safes, Desks, Tables, VVasbstands, Chair, Ac. They also keep an assortment of COFFINS of walnut, pine and poplar, from $3 upward. Also, Window Sasli. They fill orders with out vexr.tious delays. Will contract forcar penters work and warrant satisfaction. Will take good lumber and country produce iu exchange for furniture. Shop nearly oppo site Watchman office. Julian a Kit a let. ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPH! J. W. Watson, The old original and reliable Photographer, from Raleigh, has taken and fitted up the oW Gallery on Main street, Salisbury, N. C, where he is prepared to execute all styies of Photo graphs, Fereotypes, Acs, in the very best ty Call and see him over Plyler' Book Stom. Work the best in the State. 21:lj. Hack Line to Albemarle. The undersigned is running a comfortable tri-weekly Hack line from Salisbury to Albe marle, J. C. Will convey pa.sseKer to OoH Hill, or elsewhere on tbe line, cheaper than any Livery Stable. Leave Salisburyeverr Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 a. ai. 1 turn every Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday 6 p. ro. Leare orders at National Hotel. ti. . WHITLOCK, 2r:lv. Proprietor. The Oitfest Specialist America. Dr. X A. Clopt03, of Hantsville, Ala., Treats with almost Univcnal ;acw9ffl! Canceroua affections, all Scrofuloui a tionsr Excresences and Tumors f jr face.&c, Piles, Fistula, D'OP"61.' lions, &c. As the Doc tor is so often from horue. address his son, John Robert Clopton, givu his name in full. . Jait Send for, Circulars and see Testimonial! from men known to every one in the ou Thousand. wh( could not leave iioine, n been eured by the use of his remedies I el directions accompany all pacKage. that any -man or woman can use them Write your name in full, also r Office, Couuly and State. Always naine, or my sonsnsijoe in tun. mw Din

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