IL, O G A. XjV . .l. tr,;,.T- fVmrf i in fiAS .rwi' i lie iuici iui - . ou. 0 f conventions are kalculated to make a Ji. gweat too free, therefore they oujjht be abolished. The death of his father, has ealled Mr. ut Lev of the Lenoir Topic to Virginia. father has been an invalid for several vii. o . tomatoes are ripening. Mrs. D. L. r - liAQJI III III 1 1 i 1 1 V ' ..-w . iii.Q Siia film w- 0riuS. , .,.:1 in 1.r.r (Tie IS i "v , . ' . us some very targe uu ... .... M K Chafiu, of Mocksville haa a fine -ic'h orchard. We had the pleasure of ipliug.Bomeofhis arly peaches bile in that place last week. We learn-that air. r. o.-oiii roung licentiate of the N. C, Conference, Reaches to-night (Wednesday) ut the M. E. Church, in this city. A couple riding last week, ore by wme maneuver of the horse, thrown from ,hebm.itoaditch -by the r-side . , ..t.,,!!,- nmlthe lady walked drive yaca. u - Lome. The Snnday School picnic excursion to Henry will leave here early Friday woruiug. The party will le large, com- prising parts oi several r.v..". (I. llalyhuiton will have the train in FisiiiNG.-The Rev. Mr. Kenn, and Me'Mrs. Gates, BuU and Uaskill, went frhing last week. To the great surprise of everybody they came back loaded -Laving caught between them luo iisii. Tliis is the best fishing we have heard of this season. Cotton is the order of the day just now. Mr. Noah Peeler, and Jacob Shoe brought in samples Monday, Mr, Peeler's the oldest. The cotton iu ihu M.ftioir seems to be in a satisfactory coudition at present. o :: Hon. Cnvs. Firtcn. This geutlemnn was made chairman of the Convention hich assembled in Wilkesborolast Tues- ... ii. . t i ni.nM!iin ftiir T . day. "lie is me uet innim -ever saw in the chair," and other such complimentary remarks could bo heard on all sides.' He did at -once command Taipei anil attention, and conducted the f l,o clmir iti a iminner which jirovei decidedly that he was at home in the chair. o . The Tki.eokakh Office. The Com missioners have levied a tax of 020.00 on the Telegraph oftioe. The- maiuvgers re fuse to pay tlie tax. The office is quite a 'convenience, and should it be forced away it would have us rather down. We propose a corn p. on $10. p. js, x,nv don't say you wo.i't be a commissioner any moreyou wou't sub- niit to be" abused -you have not been abused near as much as wo. have since our return 'from Wilkesboro. v Cantata! ItehearsaU are now going on, preparatory for'presenting very soon, aoombi nation of the two fine cantatas : "The Frost King" and "Summer Queen." Mr. Jas. Wren is engaged in making all the arrangements casting the iarts and airaifgiug costumes,,&.c. Tlio proceeds are to be given to Banal l . v '! ti i . i i. t . .. : : ...... nm.i o. , WJ luriuvr mcir iumiuiuuu buy new music. It is believed that this entertiinment will surpass anything of the kind yet pre sented to the music loving people of this city. That such an entertainment may be acceptable to the public is abundantly proven by the largo attendance given all musical eutertaiumouts presented. The Band and other musicians will assist. o List of Farm Products, &c., in Mt. Ulla .Township, Rowan county, for the year ending April, 1878, as reported by the Assessor, Mr. J. K. Graham, to-wit: .Whole number of acres, 3D,320; number of acres in wheat, 2,657, in eorn, 5,111; in oats, 2,2G1; in clover, 6(35; in grasses, 355; in orchards, 338; in cotton, 783. Number bushels wheat, '22,704: corn, 87,206; Bye 12; sweet potatoes, 577; Irish potatoes, 291; sorgurii syrup, gallons, 3,000; bushels oats, 18,281 f- tons clover, 202; grasses, 545; bushels turnips . 500; bales cotton, 315; tobaccoj JbslOO; number of horses and mnies 402; cattle, 903; hogs, 1,820; sheep, 552; dogs, 264; lost by disease, 64 cattle, 408 hogs; 46 sheep; killed by dogs 65 sheep. Pounds dried apples, 13,036; dried peaches 13,357; butter 15,iXK; num ber panels of feuce, 186,365, or allowing a rod to a panel, over 582 miles. o The young people who have been at tending colleges from this place have re turned, and it is with pride we read their lerord. Mr. Jas. Horah, who has been attend ing Davidson College, won the Wiley mathematical) medal.- It -is no child's lhiy to accomplish such a feat at David son Collegej.; . - Among the. youpg ladies atteuding Peace Institute from this place, Linda ltumple is most forward, having received Beat distinction in all the different brauehes of study iu which she was en- t,"ru. opcciai menuon is also made oi sallie Marsh. Iu music, all the ladies ere prominent, but special prominence as given Liuda Bumple, who is said to have borne off the palm. It must be a ftourceof great gratification and pride to those who -were engaged in the early training of these ladies to hear of the high posithnHhey have taken iu the" higher whooU. The ltnleigh Observer published H long account of the commencement ex ereises of KMn-. ..... t.. e. . .- w . kj iuu till I A)lumr4g, . Fine Peaches.-rAVe are if&ebted to Mr. S. A. Lowrance of Mill Bridge for a lot of beautiful peaches. ; - . Grand Calelsration At Salisbury July 4th 1873. At 10 a. ra. Procession w ill form at the Hall of Hook & Ladder Co ami march on the Public Streets. JOKDEB OP TROCESSIOX President of Hook & Ladder Co. Orator and Header of Declaration of Indepen dence. Salisbury Cornet Band, No. 2. Hook & Ladder Co. Star Fire Co. Salisbury Col. -Band. Colored Fire Co. No. 1. - ' Mayor & Commissioners. Societies nd other organizations. Delegation s from various neighborhoods; .citizens of Salisbury in carriages or on horseback. At Court Hons At 12, M. Oration by Mr. Frank Brown, Heading of Decla ration of Independence by Mr. B. Frank Rogers. At 5 o'clock p. m.t a Fantastic Parade. Come everybody and let us celebrate the day with Patriotism as befitteth the descendants of the Patriotic ancestors of 177U . - . T. F. Kllttz, Pres't IL& L Co. C. D. Clark, Sec. o Remarks from Leggins: I 'bsarve dat de man what hauls de biggest loads pb hay to mark it giner'ly has the poorest bosses, an de man what makes de biggest fuss lout de candidates ain't gwine to be hurt much iu his property, hit don't make no difference who gits Tected. 'Bout de mos' on profitable busiuess dat a man can take aholt of, is to quit tryin' to make a li vin and stan' nrouu' de streets argufy in' an' cussiu' an' gittin' mad for a candidate dat don't care a durn whether he has got pound-cake or green 'simmons to eat for supper. But I b'lieve ef de debbel was a candidate, dars plenty ob dese dried pea-nut politicians what would argufy aud wote for him jes' out of durn cussedness. I've been watchin' dese conventions an' I diskiver dat when a man gits his own way, de convention is all right, an' when he don't, it's a cussed fraud. De longest ' pole used to git de 'simmon, but now ,de dark boss gits it. I like dls, dark boss business, kase I think hit'll let me in arter while, and ef I can jes git a offis what will furnish me in backer an' whiskey, de country will be safe an' de rest of the pa- -triots kin sleep in pcaee. Fur a man to set s.till an' wait forji offis to hunt him, is like settiu' down in a bay winder an' speetiu' de ole Iron to come in an' ax him fur eggs enough to set on. De offia nor de hen don't ante. De crop of blackberries and candidates dia year is de biggest I ever saw raised, an' ef dc markit fur dried candidates was as good as it is for dried blackberries, de country would git rich right off. My vote is for sale to de highest bidder, but I want de kash no promise to pay alter de 'tectum am t vutnunia to me. You heah me ! BUSINESS LOCAL. COLUMN. 0 " e have made arrangements w. tSU. with the publisher of that excel lent Agricultural Magazine, "27e Caro lina Farmer,'11 at Wilmington, N. C, by which we are. enabled to offer it and the " Watchman" for $2.50 a year. A bet ter bargain is rarely to be had. Send in your orders. Jerlsalem, Davie Couxtv,"X. C. July 1st, 1878, Mr. Editor: You will see from the proceedings of the Senatorial Convention of Rowan. and Davie that John S. Hender son only received the nomination of Rowan county, if he accepts - this as a nomination. I as chairman of the Davie delegation authorize you through the col umns of your papr to aanonnce J. C. Foard as the nominee of Davie, he being the choice of the Davie delegation. J Respecfnlly W. H. Hobsox. 37:2t. TICKETS'. TICKETS! - State, Legislative arid County Tickets will be supplied from this office at $1 per thousand.: The money must accompany the order. - CLEARING OUT SALE of our entire stock of Ready-Made Clothing at and be low cost. If anybody wants any clothe let hinf come now. -37:2t MERONEYS & ROGERS. In accordance" with the pressure both before aud si-nee the "County Convention to Income a candidate for the Lower House of the next General Assembly, I do now acquiesce. 33:te.pd. D. BARRING ER. IIJANTED. Young man as Correspondent iff ami "Agent at Salisbury,. X. VT al.o one in each m.'ihhoring town. Good par for icin il work. Address with reference (tnn)j tor ans.veri Mercantile liireau, Chicago, 111. To the Voters of Rowan County. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to. the office of High Sheriff of Rowan-County, at the ensuing August election, and will, I think, be able to satisfy the people that I am - acting in good faith. May 22, 1878. C. F.WrAGGONER. 31:te. For the Watchman. Lexington, N. Cune 29, 1878. The county convention which met here to-day was a large aiid harmonious one. A. H. Ken del was chosen for the Senate, and Jtio. II. Miller and S. A. Mock for the Lower House. All the old county officers were ttuauiioously re-nominated. L)ayid son county has too much con (ideuce in hercaudjdates for the Legislature o pledge them. ' ' '.' ' Datie County, VC July 2, 1873. Messrs. Editors : Whether Davie is to be separated from Rowan in r the comiug apportionment or not, these South River butting matches between hobbled dele gations should be abolished as soon as the preseut tempest spends itself. (No blame, however, should attach to delegates, for want of success, when they go there 'ham pered with contrary instructions.) The county conventions could arrange the matter much better. The right of Davio to alternate nominations seems to be only a prescriptive one that must havo origi nated in the liberality of Rowan. If Rowan had plainly announced that the old rule must terminate and a uew one be made, the matter might have been adjust ed long; ago. I wai not present at the convention of 1874, but it appaar from results that Rbwau broke up the old rule while professing to act under it. If this was the case it looks like a blunder on her part. Iu the recent convention, no body claimed, iu open session at least, that the count was to run further back than the adoption of the new constitution. Maj. Robbias admitted in 1870 that it was Davie's time. If Rowan, in convention assembled, when no man is before the public as a candidate for the Senate, should propose to Davie to giVe.4ier one Senator to Row an's two, I believe it could be ratified in a Davie convention. It would be too pre oftterou& for sober mcu to do otherwise when Rowan has the bit in her own teeth. Besides this settlement would be based on riiihtnnd iustice.. But the most speeioua anil, unfair pr6-1 position that l nave yet heard, and the one that produced the explosion at the recent convention, was for Rowan to have two votes to Davie's one. If the people of Rowan insist upon this arrangement the people of Davie had as well stay at home and save their time and ferriage. But it would bo better for Davie uot to have another Senator for an indefinite time to come, than for these political bull fights to be kept up. Young politicians are in constant danger of having their wings clipped, county jealousy is stirred to n foolith extent, old friends are aliena ted, conventions are brought into disre pnte and the best citizens in the land are in danger of being unconsciously trans formed into a bull-dozing mob. As I am not known to the public, I will not affix my name it can be ascertained at the Watchman office. Respectfully, W. The delegates of tlie Democratic Con servative party from the couuties of Row an and Davie convened in Couveution at South River, June 2Uth, 1378. Mr. r rank Brown was elected tempora ry chairman. By motion a committee of three from each county was appointed to report on credentials and perniauent organization. Ihe committee offered the following report which was adopted. Your com mittee would report as delegates : From Rowan: J W Mauney, Frank Brown, W II Overman, C II McKenzie and Wr R Fialev. From Davie: Dr J W Faisnn, Dr J W Wiseman, T F Eaton, B I Smith, W H Hobsoti, W T Pickler, W F Smith, Frank Charles, B Bailey, J L Adams and J I Woodruff. For President: Frank Brown. Secretary: S J Tatum. TJie chairman explained the object of the meeting to be to select a Senator to represent the counties of Rowau aud Davie in the next Legislature. Both counties claimed the right to name the Senator. By motion a committee of three from each county was appointed to decide which county had the right to name the Senator. The committee retired and after delib erating, returned and Mr. Mauney for the majority reported that Rowan was enti tled to name the Senator. The minority reported that, in as much as the Rowan delegation were not free to act in case they Rhould be convinced that Davie had the right to name the Senator, but were instructed to givo the right of choico to Rowan they, therefore, enter their protest to the report ot the majority. Moved that the report ot the majority be received. Motiou lost 8 to 7. By motion reports were tabled. After much discussion as to the manner n which the votes should bo cast. Mr. Mauney moved that Rowan be allowed 22 and Davie 11 votes iu tlie Convention. Motiou adopted." Messrs. ' J. S. Hender son and J. C. Foard were put iu nomina tion and the convention proceeded to bal lot for Senator. Rowan cast (2) two votes for Mr. Foard and twenty (20) for Mr. Henderson. The Chairman then announced according to the vote Mr. Henderson had received the nomination of this Convention.. Davie couutr not voting. , uy permission of the Chairman and Convention the following protest of citizens of Rowan county was entered : "Protest as agreed by the Senatorial Delegation iir. behalf of the citizens of Rowan county ' We, a portion of the vo ters of Rowau county protest against the actiou of the Rowan delegation : they not expressing tlie sentiment of the people of Rowau county: representing only the wishes of three .townships without regard to. the wishes of the remaiuing eight,' also in their action toward Davie county; de viating from the old and "time honored practice of casting the vote, voting Rowan two against one from Davie aml not-being willing to listen to the wants or wishes of the voters from various townships pre sent. Therefore'wo feel ourselves exon erated from being governed by the action of said convention. C. L. Reeves, axi Many Citizexs. FRANK BROWN, Pres., S. J. Tatum, 30th Sen. Con. Sec. The editor of the Milton Chronicle &iys in his last paper : "Conventions of political bodies are growing rapidly into disrepute, aud hence each new-born year yields a uew crop of "Independent'? candidates, and all theaua tlieuia and marautha that the partizan press csin heap npon the heads of "Inde pendents," are heeded as c-iw-1 11 music they will not down.' t would," doubtless be a good thing if all candidates would come out as independents rather thaudeave the selection to the manipula tiou of packed or bull-dozed conventions. Heuce the necessity of primary elections to select candidates. No matter if live hundred thirsty and amibitious "inde pendents," pop up their brazeu heads, primary elections will make them pop dowu again when they see the shadow on the wall prefiguring their doom. Let us theu provide for the choice ot candidates primary elections, and abolish the so called convention plan. It will rid the party of iudepeudcuetii' in the hour of dau; Grant has taken Holland. This is somethingout of the usual run ; but it is true because the General has arrived iu Amster dam Washington 1'ost. From tha Danville Weekly Xws REDUCTION OF THE TOBACCO TAXI 27ie Effort of Faithful Beprritntativc to Secure it A. Well-Deterved Tribute front Leading Manufacturer io -the Jljficiency and Zeal of Able Pcpresentativte wha "Did What They Could A MeaturaJbU Success for the Present and a Certain Victory in Prospect. -r ' The following papers have been hand ed to us as evidence of the cordial appre ciation which the tobacco manufacturers of Danville entertain of the zealous efforts, uudagging zeal, untiring industry, and conspicuous ability, which thevoiembers of Congress named therein,; who- are tho especial representatives Of the;; tobacco crowing region'' have manifested -in the hard-fought contest for the reduction of the oppressive tax npon out Virginia Stable. The honorable gentlemen may well feel proud of such a tribute from our leading manufacturers, as an organ of public opinion, we add our tribute also by publishing the same with pleasure. To tlie Honorsbles Geo. C. Cabell, jr. Randolph Tucker and W. AL. Kobblns. Gentlemen: Having closely observed your course during the recent 'session of Congress, we deem it only a fit tribute . to your distinguished fidelity tq'yonr native states, to tender you eur hearty thauksfor your manly defense of theT 'rights, the honor and the material in Kraft1 6f those whom you represent; 'fc. . j.v; Whilst we deeply regret tlie failure of mach legislation soeelyneedud .by our own state and section, we fully, recognize the important and conspicuous services which you have reudered in'that direction, and that you have always beea--"faitbfui found among the faithless." Had all the j-ons of the South exhibited iu her behalf the same uudagging zeal and eloqueuce as yourselves, we should now have been able to indulge in mutual congratulations over tho passage of many measures of mere justice to Virginia. We say this not merely as Virginians and Southerners, but because we believe it is only by the display of simple justice to all sectious of our common couutry that a genuine aud broad nationality can bo cultivated. In this spirit we have been gratified to see you shaping your representative action, aud iu this path been treading. We therefore feel proud of your course aud we doubt not that you will find those whom you represent to mete out to you the praise of " Well done, good and faithful servants." We feel that as individuals, possessed of Roman .virtue and as our representatives, you have added lustre to our State and given us and all good men everywhere, bright hopes ofthe return of the purer aud better days of the Republic. Pace, 1 albott &. Co., George C. Avers, Witch er Jones, Arnett &.Wemple, Williamson &. Beth ell, P B Gkavekly &. Co., A W Garner, T C Williams & Co., Wm W Woksham, J F Oiler & Co., C A Raine, Daniel Lyon, L P Stovall & Co., Burton & Cosby, F X Hurton & Co. THE JUSTICESHIPS. vlccepfrtwce of the Nominations by Messrs Smith and Ahc. Correspondence Published la the Wilmington Star. Fleminoto , . C. ? June 2(i.., 1878. $ Hon W X II Smith, Hahhjh, X C ; Dear Sir: I have the honor to inform you that at the State Democratic conven tion held at Raleigh on the 13th inst, yon were nnauiniously nominated for chief justice of tho Supremo Court of North Carolina. It was made my duty by the conven tion to inform you of your nomination, and to reguest your acceptance of the same. I am, yours truly, II B Short, Pres't State Pern Convention. , Rale-igii, June 27, 1678. H B Short, Esq, President Democratic ' State Convention : Dear Sir I beg to acknowledge re ceipt of your letter of the 26th iust, con veying official information of my unani mous nomination by the State Democratic convention, which assembled in this city on the 13th, for chief justice of the Su preme Court of North Carolina, at the election to be held in August, aud reques ting my acceptance. I am deeply impressed by the prompt and cordial action of these representa tives of the people, and the manifestation of confidence aud esteem, a tendering the nomination for a position the Attainment of which may well satisfy the highest professional ambition. While'! am not unmindful of. its grave responsibilities and of my own personal imjerfectioUfl, in -accepting the nomination X may be permitted to assure yon, aiid those of whom you speak, that if it shall bo the pleasure of the electors to' confirm the choice of tlie convention, I shall enter upou the high trusts of tlie office' with an earnest, sincere pnrpose to discharge them faithfully, impartially and firmly, as in reliance on Divine aid I in ay have strength and ability. Thanking you for the courteous terms of your communication, I am, Most resjMictfully, &c, yours, W N II Smith. FlemingtoN, N. C. June 20th, l$78. Hon Thos S Ashe, Wadesboro, X C : Deau Sir I was diretced by the State Democratic couveution, which couvened at llaleigh onthei:Jth inst, to inform yon that you were unanimously nominated for associate justice of the Supreme Court ofNoith Carolina, and to request your acceptane. Hoping that you will not decline the nomination thus tendered, I am, Yours truly, II B Short, Pres't State Deni Convention. Wadesboro, June 26, 1878. II F Short, Esq, President State Democra tic Cuurention : Dear Sir Your favor of the 20th inst has been received, in which you are pleased to state that yea Vre directed by .the State Demoeraild convention; which convened in Raleigh on the 13th day of June, instant, to inform me that I ras nnanlmonsly nominated fet associate Justice of the Supreme Court, mftf to re quest my acceptance -, While announcing ray acceptance, I avail myself of the occasion to express to the members of the convention, through you as their president, my grateful ac knowledgement of the high compliment paid me, enhanced as it was by the flat tering manner in which it was bestow ed. Yours, most truly, Thos S Ashe. --1 - Had on he Doctor. A man calling MmiselfDr TC Laws who has been here for some weeks selling a patent preserving process, was arrested yesterday morning on the charge of lar ceny and committed to jail, having failed to give bond of $ 100 for his appearance at the next term of the Inferior Court. It waa shown to the satisfaction of the court that the doetor had taken from the livery- stable of J W Wadsworth, while tlie pro prietor and manager were absent, a bug gy which he had left there, as collateral, He was quite indignant at being arrested and said he would not bo in jail- an hour. At last accounts he had been there seven. -CAflr. Ob. - - Transportation of one Thousand Million. During the past fiscal year the Adams express company and connecting lines have carried of public money aud securi ties, without loss or damage the amount of $G25,49G,014.23, exclusive of the na tional bank notes sent to the trenanrv fr re demption, and the returns therefore, which added would make in the aggre gate more than one thousand million dollars of value transported. Dr. Asbury of this vicinity, has made a valuable invention in the shape of a Fruit Dryer. Cliar. Democrat. DIED, In Scotch Irish Township, June 22d, Mrs. Eliza beth Turner, wile ot Wilson Turner, Eighty years of ae. GOOD DIGESTION. "Give us this day our daily bread," and good medec-ine to digest it, is both reverent jind hu man. The human stomach and liver are fruit ful sources of life's comforts; or, disordered and diseased, they tingle misery slong every nerve and through every artery. The man or woman with good digestion see beauty as they walk, and overcome obstacles they meet in the rout ine of life, where the dyspeptic sees only gloom end stumbles and growls at even imaginary objects. The world still needs iwo er three new kinds of medeoine before death can be per fectly abolished; but that many lives have beeu prolonged, and many sufferers from Liver dis ease, Dyspepsia and Headache, have been cur ed by Mrrkells IIepa tine, is no longer a doubt. It cures Headache in twenty minutes, and there is no question but what it is the most wonderful discovery yet made in medical science. Those afllicted with Billiousness and Liver Complaint should use Mehri;il's Hep- ATINE. It can be had at Theo. F. KluttzV IF The Woman who rejoices in salad and ice cream, hot cakes and warm pie ; IF The Student who eats hastily and sits down at once to active and mental labor; IF The Business Man who bolts his food in eager haste and hurries to his counting room ; IF The Hard Drinker could look at tho deleicate glands, swollen and festered with dhtease. that cause the throbbing bruin; IF The Lawyer, the Minister, the Merchant, and all who lead sedentary lives and are subject to Dyspesia or Indigestion Constipation and Headache; IF These onlv knew what Merbex's IIepatine for the Liver will do for their relief, and how quickly it cures there would be much less suffering than at present. The great Liver Medecines for sale by Theo. F.Khittx. An Undeniable Truth. You desenre to suffer, and if you leads mis erable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful world, it ia entirely your own fault aud there is only one excuse for you, your unreasonable prejudice snd skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and -common sense reasoning will soon show yoil that Oreen'a August Flower will cure you of LWer Com plaint, or Dyspepiua, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual eawtiveness, dizsines of the head, nervous prostration, " low spirits &c. Jts snles now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist hut will tell you of iU wonderful cures: You can buy a Sam pie Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve you. Hobble and limp no more, but hang your crutches on the old oaken peg, and seise the first opportunity to be permanently cored. Your Iiheumatiam, Contracted muscles, Stifl Joints, Frosted Feet, Headache, Earache, Pain in breast, side and back, will yield, to that powerful remedy, long and favorably known hs Coussens Lightning Liniment, which i good for both man and beast. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by C. R. Barker. All those suffering with Hemorrhoids, or Piles, can Rafely rely on being permanently cured if they will use Tablets 'Bjckeye Pile Ointment, which is sold by all Dru-igists for 50 cents a bottle. For sale by C. It. Barker. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected by J. M. Knox & Co.1 June 27. 1878 Cotton firm Middlings, low do ' , , stains Bacox, county, hog round Butter Ecus Cuickexs -per dozen Corn new Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at Flour best fain. super. Potatoes, Irish Onions no demand Lard Beeswax Tallow Blackberries Apples, dried Sugar 9ld 7&8 6 7 7a8 S1.5Q&3.00 47a48 48(cb 50 80rt1.00 $2.50a2.60 2.3.", 75 75 8040 35 20 C7 5 34 10g,Ui TOWn TM 10TI0E. . AJ P9M living in the corporate limits of the Town ofStlubury. who are nulject to psy S Doll tax to the Ktai n. " l -- - - - www v.iin vi were Possessed of ml or personal property on the first day of April, 1878, are hereby notified to lut the same for tsxslion at my office io Mero- neTsKoeers' More before July 1, 1878. Jailing td do so they will be subject to double taxes. . B. F. ROGERS, C. B. C. June 1st, 1878. 33;4t. Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Bj virtue of s Mortgage or Deed in Tmst executed by K. II. Cowan and wife to Jamt S. McCubbins dated 30th March, 1870. snd registered in the office of the KegUtcr of Deeds of Rowan County in book 45, page 100, Ac and upon which default has been made, I will expose for ssle at public snct'.oo at the Court House door in the Town of Salinlury, on Mon dsy, the first dsy of July, 1878, st 11 o'clock, A. M- the followmr real ptt truwit Tn. U3) tract of land, consisting ot 632 sere, more viimsHimiNin nosin uountr, adjoining the land of Robert Smith, James' B. Gibson Allison Orercash, the Nixon place snd other' One tract of 193 acres, one of 205 acre, snd one of 129 sere;' for boumlrie, see book 45 pagtslOO, Register's office, or the Mortpnge in my pomemion. The lands all join and form one of the jnost desirable plantations in the count v. tvin on both . ... -j ..... u.iiWiiiWn Hnad mix miles west of Salisbury. '.. lerms uasa, iateU at Salisbury this 23d dsyoOlay, 1878. . 7 " Zr ' J. S. HcClIBBINS, 32:5t.' Trustee. FOtTTZ'S NORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, Ax naeqnaled for hs enre and prevention of VP&S&itSSSifr Hotfchp,nd fowl. J. D. McNEELY, Grocery, Proioce ail Commission MERCHANT. Agent for the Rale of Fertilizers, Lime, Sawed Shingles, and Mountain Produce. Buy and sell Cotton, Corn, Flour, Meal, and all kinds of country produce on commisiiou. Highest p sices guaranteed. Agent for the celebrated English patent Milking Machine. Will kep a small assortment of Family Groceries. Call and see him "at his new stand, three doors below Kluttt's Drug Store. 29:Gmo8. TandSHOE AT THOS. H. VANDERFORD'S SGKOCERY AD CONFECTIONERY STORE. Gentan ani Ladies Fine Wert a specialty. ITiiVlBCr ensra!Tffi t.h r-prs nt n flraf -1cc wnt-V- maa, we are prepared to turn out the fin st and best styles of city-made goods, and at prices to suit the times, constantly on baud an assorted stock of superior material. Call and examine our work. Salisbury. Feb. 14, 18T8. No. 17:tf. BROWN & VERBLE'S Livery & Sale Stables, SALISBURY, N. C, Will convey passengers to and from any point with the best stock aud vehicle!. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC will find it to their interest to call npon theo before making arrangements elsewhere. Drovers and Traders . will find at thin establishment good lots an stables, and pleuty of good hay, fodder, oaU aud corn. . PLEASURE DRIVES. Those wihing turnout for pleasure driving will fiad the bett accommodations at these Stables. Mr. W. H. Kimball will always Le found at the Stables and promises entire satisfaction to all customers. 4 2: if. SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO. W. Y0PP, Propr. -v (At Jlclntyre's Furnitnre Rooms.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS AT LOW PRICES. CALL AND SEE HIM. , 9:tf THE BEST TRIMMING SHEARS EVER INVENTED. Having purchased the right to sell this cele brated Primer in nine townshipn of Kowin cotint.y I invite public attention to this valuable implement, alsiont indinpen.oable to a mn who ha fruit trees to trim. lYron wishing to ee or buy it, may call at Kluttz & Kendleman't Store, Salisbury. Trice for the implecitnt and the farm right to make and ne the name, $4. 2ft 3m. . FR A N K DOW N U M NOW IS THE TIME TO SUHSCRIHE FOR THE WATCHMAN in i - r M AMERICAN PR1EB Davie County- IX THE TtOBATE COUHT. 5 W J A&inson. as the next T friend, of Msry A Atkinson. 1 Petition to e minor. Plaintiff, J. move guardisn. Geo Vf Swicegood, guardian, lrf aidant. Upon the affidavit of the PIsinU.T, it is or dere.1 by the Court, that publication I tntde in the Carolina Watchman" for iisjtrcrvv weeks, notifying the defendant, Ueorg TV -Swicegood, who i a non-resident of the Stale to appear at the office of the Clerk of IheSui- - rior Court of said county, on Monday the u day of July 1878. and answer the cpiuulitc . which will be filed In the above entitled a iio : within ten days from the date hereof, and if he laibHo answer the complaint, the. plaimiii will apply to the Court for the reliet demanded iu , the complaint. r Witness, II. B. nOWARD, ' Judge of Probate and Cirk Superior Conrt of Davie Countv. May 17th, 1878. Slt:pf $7. pd E. H. HAESffS II SALISBURY, X. C. TTaving my Fonndryin readiness,' I am now prepared to do all kinds ot Casting .in eilhee ff00,0' Brass. All kindaof Engine snd Boiler Vork done with dispalph: iW all kinds of Agncnltnrsl arid Mlnmg' Machinery built 4r ' repaired to order. ! anralso prepared to Dress Lumber, make all kinds of Mouldings, make Sssh, Blinds and Doors. Sash, Doors, snd all size of mouldings, kept constantly on hand. A stock of Lumber always on hand or furnish ed at short notioe. A 16 Horse Portable Xnine and Boiler for sale at my shops. Work guaranteed, and at prices to suit the mM- 23:ly.pd. Blacker ail Henierson, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C Januay22 I87G tt. Practical Blacksmith H0RSESH0ER. CHOP connected with Brown & Verbles Uvery O stables. "14 designs of Shoes, to suit any shape of foot. All shoeing on strictly scientific prlB ctples and WARRANTED. All kinds blacksnUtuluir promptly done. jsjiy SPEING MILLINERY. Thave just returned from the North and am receiving my stock of goods em bracing all the latest styles of HATS and BONNETS, for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren. FLOWERS and RIBBONS, in end less variety. " TJUMM1XC SILKS, LIXEXCOLLAItS AND CUFFS, FANS, Zephyr Worsted Material frfancy workv Silk Handkerchiefs, Neck Wear, Corset, a good block of Human Hair Goods, &d &c All bonght for cash, which will enublo me to eell as low as the lowest. Call before buj-ing elsewhere. MRS. S. A. GREENFIELD. Opposite Crawford's Hardware Stoic. 20:3moH. PRESERVED Vrtthont Sugar or Salt Having bought the conntr richt for the "Tropical Fruit, Vegetable and meat Preserve z rrocess, I will sell recetne at . It will preserve a barrel of fruits or vegetables at a cost of 3 cents, and 100 lbs pork or beef for 5 cents, and the fruits, meat and vegetable retain their natural taste. The process i a dry one, simple sad perfectly harmless, and is used in almost every fsmilr.. For isle at zo: iiWISS' Drug Store Darle County n; the srrERiOB ronft, M. R.Cl amn. adrar. of J. Wallace Cannon. dee'd, Plaintiff. Againrt W F Cannon. Geo A Cannon. L E Gaines. wifeofRSGai nes. J Wetdev Cannon. Martha TCannon, V C Cannon, Thos A Cannon ami Tk illie tmma Cannon, heirs at law, Deft. Petition to sell Land for Assets. UtKW the affidavit of Plaintiff, it is ordered by the Court, that publication be made m the "Carolina Watchman" for six successive weeks, notifying W F Cannon, one of the defendants, who l a non-resident of the Mate, to appear at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of raid county on Monday, the 1st day of JuIt, le, and answer Pte complaint which will be filed in the above entitled a,ctiuii within Im days from the date hereof, and if he fails to anxwer the complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief -demanded in the complaint. Witness II. B. HOWARD. Cleric Superior Court of Darie County. 31:6t:pf$7. Sparkling Catawba Springs. CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. This desirable watering place will be'V.pen ('or select visiters 2Qth May, 1878. The Spring ire niluated near Hickory Station, on the Western North Carolina Railroad. The bracing mountain atmosphere, wilh Ihe health restoring properties of their wateis, ren der these Springs a most desirable resort for invalids and pleasure seekers. The mineral waters embrace Une and white Snlphur and Chalybeate. It in (he best ami mont extensively fitted op watering placeTin the State, and can accommodate three handrnt persons. A good band of music wiTT remain at the Springs during the season, and all the fat-ill tit mfTurdMi fnr amnarmpnta iiitiiallv fnntut m fivat. class watering places will be offered to visitor, A good supply of ice constantly on hand. Conveyances will meet the trains dally ; Hickory Station to convey visitors to the Springs. Board: $35 per month of 28 days; $12 pe week, $2 per day. Half price for children and colored servants, and liberal deduction for families. ' Dr. E. O.TSLLIOTT. 20:?in. Owner and Proprietor. Mortgage) Deeds for sale hero MACHINE mm