If -. Tl" foreign press are njucj divided on tb question of the political morality of Bismark'a manoeuvre in plying the diplo mats with wine at tbe state dinner in or der to discover from befuddled gastrono my those more occult purposes of stain which he could never hope to wrest from tho sober and jsubtle intellect. Hjs at tempt tofind out something by giving si big dinner is denounced in some quarters as savoring too strongly of the methods of the lobby for so great a statesman. To this it is replied that if tho "firijt states- j men" of Europe cappot parry state secrets safely through a state dinner, the particu lar interests whfh they represent should procure other "first statesman" with soun der stomachs, At any rate the particu lars of the ftffair, gleaned from our tot eign exchanges, furnish Mine "might J in teresting reading. When th wil diplomats were about ''half seas over," a large turkey, done to a turn, was brought in and placed; before the Prince. i An expression of surprise at this innovation of custom escaped from the less guarded of the diplomats, whUh was quickly suppressed, however, when Bismarck Tose and solemnly began carr jng the smoking fowl. -Bat Bismarck was dealing with men as wiley as hjrn&elfand they quickly discovered' W purpose. The object of the conferences was the di vision of Turkey, and such was the pnrv pose of the dinner. The Prfnce evidently proposed to trust the preferences of an unguarded appetite to th carefully ma tured statements of the diplomats at the regular session, Having carved the fowl into typical diplomatic portions, Bismarck resumed his seat and asked Gortacbakofftonomi iiate his choice. , While awaiting to anr swer he buried his proboscis in a schoouer pf Pilsner and squinted through the han dle at the, Russian, while his revolving orb sought tljo troubled countenance of Disraeli, Gortschakoff replied, after some deliberation, during which he had found it necessary to scowl at SchouvalofT for whispering to him, and to return PopoJFa kick wjth compound interest, "I regret being compelled to njake the first choice, but, in ibifereuce to tbe vrejjknown tastes pfihe Kmperor, I will tako. ffyoa please, the Bulgarian jortIon, "And what dressing, will you havet1 said tm Prince, as he glanced furtively at the Jew. "Wo don't want any Greece in ours," whsiper nJ Popoff to . his chief, Gortschakoff scowled at his follower, and then said ur banely: M Nothing oleaginous, if you . please." When tbe Russian Jiad been perved, Bismarck turned to the Jew, and fttjd, with a Uii'i'iUJfi sardonic smile : 4(Now will the Earl of Beacon field phiaso state his preferences T' pisraeli f responded, with Home hesitation : "In deference to the wishes of the Duke of KJiubtigh (as I have no personal preference), I will, if you please, take that portion which con tains the merry thought, though I am t so Ignorant of aviary anatomy, that I do not know which that part is," saying which lie winked like an energetic rattlesnake at Adrassy. Now Disraeli Hod, for all knew that this Hrtion was already plac ed before Gortschakoff. Uismaik replied withfe sardonic smile "You. must ad? dress your petition to our mutual friend, Gortschakoff, who has already received that portion." ''Then." said Disraeli. - j Angrily, I withdraw from the conference !" 'Not so !" thundered Aiidnissy, "Such fraud would shame America" Where. nponJie snatched the tempting morse) And placed it squarely before hhe Earl, who drew a dagger, on whiuh he had Joaned a few dollars to Corti, prepared to defend h?sp4i?o, "War war ! 'shouted GortsohakoQ, 'Scliouvuloflf, defend your conatry, Popoff, send for Todelbeu !" Then followed a wild orgy, which would have disgraced a conference of colored Methodists, and for which no excuse can lie offered, save that Bismarck made them drunk. Each plewipo,, instead of hold ing somebody, scrambled for his favorite portion of the turkey. . Into this wild mejeo wa projected an unexpected element, A uey ambassador, dressed in green leggings and fjourisli fug a shillalah, sailed in ainong tljein, It was the Herald Irishman who had been' temporarily domiciled in the kitched pen. ding his admission as onoof "the Powers." 'Howfd, howld hard, thin ! Bizmahrk is not the 'Boss for us.' Wlthdrah the ftate and lave 'ehj fight it out; and don't be Stalin' the whole turkey umjher pretiuce jf wantinLthe Bulgarians to rade their Bibles. They're not so d-d auxions as that !" And then the ahUlalali got down to its work, High above the roar And din of the batto the voice of Bismarck thundered,- Silent in nt J Aod. when order was with difficulty stored, Bismarck said, with forced severity "J merelv de, eired to know your individual preferen ce f bar, aa each' seems determined to have the whole turkey, I thjuk -Vugsfa Ul take it herselfY The coufi reure now atanda adjourned.? Wa$hinytOH postt ARCHOmCAL DISCOVERIES NEAR WILMINGTON. The attention of scientists has reoeqtly been attracted to the BeigliborlnKxl of Mr A K Black, formerly sheriff of this co'inty, unon Middle Sound, some ten luUes east of this city, by the discovery thereof large quantities of human re mains of an unknown race and period, mattered at intervals; along the ocean ' front Of this plantation, Yesterday a pnHy of gentlemen, consisting of Rev Dr Wilson, Mr Edward Kidder and Col Ed ward Onutwejl, of the Historical Society, attended Mr Black, at bis request, upon the opening of two mounds which he had discovered and which he conjectured con tained some memorials of the aboriginal Inhabitants. The party first proceeded to examine the remains already described fn tfiis paper months ago, and of which two sDeiime aVidls. It wttl mmr9&, irere (exhibited to the Historical Society, Dr M J peBossetr, late of this itj, feat now of New Yorfc, .pronounced them' of European origin, These bones appear to have been orginally deposited , square pits about twelve feet in diameter, and to consist of fragments,; some perfect and some fractured, mingled together confus edly and covered with lieaps-of oyster and clam shells, apparently depoittd there a longtime, The pmntatioir has been in possession of tlie present owner and the Moore familyor more than one hundred years. There is not the slightest record or tradition which explains tbe presence of these interesting Europeau remains, probably centuries old, in this locality. Proceeding up the creek a little over a mile, Mr Black carried his visitors to a field near his house, in the comer of which the land rosesonie twelve or fifteen feet into broken knoUs or ridges, covered with a thick forest growth, and consisting' of the usual sandy soil, anderlaid with clay and marl. In the neighborhood there is a large lake, some four or five hand red yards across, covered with water lil lies of unusual size. There is also, as is usually the ease in the neighborhood of Indian remains, a fine spring of cool, de licious water. The mounds are situated at the teriqhio.. of one of the ridges "we have described, and elevated some twelve or fifteen feet above the level of the ad joining fields. Following the instruc tions ot the Smithsonian Institute at Wash ington, for the opening and examination of these tumtfi, Mr Black first caused a trench to be dug from the circumference to the centre of the mound, some twelve or fifteen feet long and about four deep, without result, except in the exhumation of a few fragments of charred bone, which from their great age could not be posi tively located, The examination of the second result in a very interesting dis covery. Digging a circular well in the centre of the mound, at a depth of six or seven feet, there was found a circular de posit of charred coals, mingled with frag ments of human bones, which had evi dently lain-there undisturbed for a long period of time, and in theiroriginal deposit. The gentlemen employed verified por tions belonging to the human cranium, vertebra, the clavicle, humerus, ulna and phalangns. These fragments were, how ever, too minute for more particular iden tification, Amongthe bones they discov ered a black, glittering and unkuowu substance, resembling mica, which they reserved for further examination, and a fine specimen of brown "and transparent quartz. The persons to whom these bones belonged' were evidently fasteued together and burned at this spot, uud af terwardscovcredwitirsoil. Who they were, or what the occasion of their fate, is of course a matter of conjecture. Further explorations may determine their race and nation. We believe these are the on ly mounds of this character, and the only evidences of a similar sacrifice yet dis covered. We hope this article will have the effect of calling the attention of arch atologists to this interesting and unex pected discovery, possibly wo may be on tho eve of a solution of tHP history of the sufferings and the fate of that party of Sir Walter lialeigh's- colonists whose ouly monument lias hitherto been the word "Croatau," carved upon one of the trees of tho forest of Albenuarle, and around whose subsequent fate there is such a glow of romantic and melancholy interest. A JiOY'S POCKET AND A G1KIS POCKET. Tommy U twelve years old. His sister Mary is sweet sixteen and half. The otlier morning Mary accosted hor mother with, "Ma, see what a lot of stqff found in Tommy's pockets." And she deposit, ed on the table the following articles, to wit? Eight marbles-, one top,' broken bladed kuife, a leather strap, a buckle, bunch of old keys, a fishing Hue, piece of lead, a smooth stone, four pieces of slate pencil, a worn out pocket book, au oyster shell, a wounded jevrsharp, apiece of bine glass, a rubber ball, lump of chalk, two dried tish worms, a sling-shot, piece of India rubber, two corks, a fractured comb, piece of licorice root, a song book, two medals and a jnvenile land tortoise. Tommy looked thoughtfully, as the con tents of his pockets vera deposited before the eyes of his mother, aud sullenly re marked that it "wasnoueof Sis' bnaiuess, aud he just wanted her to let his trousers alone, Next day Tommy captured the outside pocket of hs sister's dress, and carryiug the contents to his mother, sarcastically observed in the presence of Mary : "Ma. just see what a lot of trash I found in Sis' pocket!" and he produced from his hat the following knick-knacks, vr Three hair pius, a soiled glove, piece of chewing gum, three cards, a broken locket, elastic gai ter, piece of ribbon, two slate pencils, another piece of chew1ug-gum, photo graph, piece of orange skin, a love letter, broken tooth brush, wore chewing-gum, spool of silk, a thimble, a piece of cottou saturated with white powder, oie njckel, two sour balls, guiter heel, ivory orna ment belonging to a parasol handle, hand kerchief perfumed with jockey-club, gai ter buttouer, withered geranium leaves, ivory-handle peu knife with a broken blade, a fan, five visiting cards, belt. bnckle, box of rouge, another piece of cnewiug-gum, fragment of looking-glass, a peach-stone, a cigar-holder stolen from "Charley," a piece of damasse silk of the pattern of her friend Iuey'a new dress, an artificial dower, horse.-hair riDg, a long brown hair entangled in a hunlf of taffy" and a-slip of paper containing directions for handkerchief flirtations. Tommy placed the last article oq the table aud slid from the room with a. grip of triumph on his rogujsh face, VEQETHJE- - I erer shall Forget tbe first Doe, Dear air. IlLiYe been a great sufferer from drop sy, i was coitflrinj U) m iiause more ctiaa a year. Hlx moatos or (lie Uine i was entirely helpless. I WO--J ofyilged to b ive two men help me J 9 and put of bed. I was aroUaa 1 Incites larger .ttan uiy uatu ral sl-te around my waist. I suffered all a man could and lire. I tried all remedies for Dropsy. I Had three different doctors. My friends all expected I would die : man nlgats I was expected to die before morn- In. . At las vejreilne was sent i veyeiine was sent me oy a menu. 1 never siiaji forget t arst dose, icouia reauze its irood effeots from day to day: I was ifetUtur butter, After 1 bad taken some 6 or S bottles I could smP qu)te well njtfnts. I bean to gain now quite fast, After Ukjnz some u bottles, 1 could walk from one part of my room to t&e ojter. My appeute was good; tne dropsy bad at tbjs tUne disappeared. I kept t ilting tbe Vejfetiqe natl i regained my usual Ueaixa. I beard of a great many cures by using Vegetlne af ter 1 got out and was able to attend to my work. I am a carpenter and bulkier. I will also say It has cured an sunt ot my -wife's of Neuralgia, who bad suffered for more tbau o years, she says she has not had any neuralgia for eight months. I bare rtven It to one of my children for Canker out Humor. I bare no doubt la my mind It will cure any humor. (rive strength and lire to an aged person. 1 cannot be too thankful for the use of it. Iam - Very gratefully yours, JOHN 8. NOTTAGE. Au. Disk A ks or thb Blood. If Vboktini will re llere pain; cleanse, purify, and cure such diseases, restoring the patient to penect health after trying different physicians, many remedies and suffering for years, is it not conclusive proof, if you are a suf ferer you can be cured? Why is tills medicine per forming such great cures? It wor .8 In the blood. In the circulating fluid. It can truly be called the Great Blood f'urijUr. The great source of disease originates In the blood : and no medicine that does not act directly upon it to purify and renovate, has any just cblm upon public attention. VEGETIfJE I OWE MT HEALTH TO YOUR VAIiUBLE VEGETIIIE. Nwtokt, Kr., Apr. , 1871. Ma. II. R. SntviNg : Dear sir, Having suffered from a breaking out of Canktrout Sore for more than five years caused by an accident of a fractured bone, which fracture ran into a running sore, and having used every thing I could think of and nothing helped me, until I had taken six bottles of your valuable medicine which M r. Miller tbe apothecary recommended very highly. The sixth bottle cured me, and all I can say, is that I owe my health to your valuable Vegetlne. Your most obedient servant, ALBKltT VON BOEDER. "It la unnecessary for me to enumerate the disea ses tor which the Vkoktixb should be used. I know of no disease which will not admit of Its use, with good results. Almost Innumerable complaints are caused by poisonous secretions In the blood, which can be entirely expeUed from the system by the use of the Ytotnxi. When the blood Is perfectly cleansed, the disease will rapidly yield; all pains cease: healthy action Is promptly restored, and the patient is cured.' VEGETIIIE ' Cured me when the DOCTORS FAILED. Cincinnati, O., April in, 1S7T. n. R. Stttkns: Dr. Dear Sir, I was seriously troubled with Kidney CumplnitU for a long time. I have consulted the best doctors lu this city. I have used your Vkkti.vk for this disease, tinJ it has cured me when the doctor's failed to do so. 1 ours truly, JEKNEST DUKIUAX, Residence 621 Race St., Place of business, 573 Cent. Ave VEGETIE Prepared by H, R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. DE. BICHABD H. LEWIS, (Late Professor of PUeaes pf the Pye and Ear in the Saraansb Medical College.) Fraef ice iini(eii to the EYE .nd EAR, RALEIGH, tf, C. Refers to the State Medical Society and to the Georgia Medical Society. 47: 1 j. FOB 1878. Don't neglect to call on C. Plyier at the or au Kind or Booka wanted. The best quality and latest rtyles of writing paper kept here. Alj , the renowned Singer Sewing Machine can be had here t frn,m a He rwpectfully mvites all lo calj and examine gwu?j;;u raacnfnes, Jl:ly. it Is a great cleanser Of tee Diooa; it is sate to give a child. I will recommend It to the world. My father Is s years old. and he says there Is nothing like It to o in Si i P i iiii, IS us -a - l3px w 23. -Ms fV pi lilfe 1 i -A JPBI4SHXJ Wuitr-J. J. BRUNER. Jul. and Prop T, . IjttTJSStt, Associate Ed, spBspBirriojff atss; Fr Tear, payable In adyanoe, ss tH montha.,.,,,,. I J5 ADVJCttTJSjisO BAT&S : one inch, one pubjjeatton,.,,, 1 00 twopubUeatJona,. ........ J 60 Contract rate (or months or a rear. HaiW: How Lost, How Res W! Eq- Just ptiblished. a new edition of Dr. JCulverwell's Celebrated Essay " the rqdical ear (vrinoitt medicine) of Spkmatokrha or Seminal Weak new, In volontnry 8eini;a LoeIU,OTENCV, Menlsl and Physical Incapacity, Impediment to Mar riageable.; also, C&vsrjsipTjox, p,pii,ErsY anl Fits, induced by mH-inditlaiute or exual ex trarsgsnee, 4c. CT Price in sealed envelope, only six cenU. The celebrated author, in this ndmirable Eair(cl8srlydemonftraief,from a thirty year' succesKful practice, that the alarming conse quenees of self-abu may be radically cured without the dangerou use of internal medicine or tli0 spplication of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once tiniple, certain, and enect ual, bj mean of wU'wh every sufferer, no mat ter what hia condition may be, may cure him- Mlf cheaply, prlvalfly, and radically. EQawVnla lverture Rhould be in thehn4s ot every youth and every man In the land. Bent under aeal, in a plain envelope, to any adddrew, pott-paid, on receipt of sic cents or two postage Plato pa. Address the Publishers, THE GUIvVERWELL MEDICAL CO. 41 Ann St, New York; Punt Office box, 45S6. OLD, TRIED, A.ND TRUE. People ara pt-ttintf oUuintLHl uikI tbuns who aro not ought -t l wiili tu v -omlerfal merits of tat gn-t American Kfmetly, the MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, FOE, MAN AND BEAST. This liniment very naturally originated In Ameri ca, v.U Nature prviUe i.i I.jr laboratory uca kUrprUini; i.n:;jott- for tho r.:uL-uHe of hcrchil tin-'!, lis fa::':? hui b. :i tro:llnt; for U"i ears 1tl1.il umv ir :i':rt'liMt!u lia-:;..blc i,lolie. V:.j Mc.-.t-.i r:-.Li:a:ir in a ii'mtcliless ! forr'U s:r::..ln!l;iica;.;of man ami boot .". s!oi-;c mv:;on : : I far.iirrs ii 1 ; invaiuublo. A . Ui-y c" :i r:iv; 3 n. l:ii:nan liruorre :nr. 1 :' i r an t xcelleut hurst, ox It i ; : rt,i, hMif-ail, lillow horn, ifrub rcr.-u -v. . ". ..ildor .nt, the hitcd u.:A bi'.-.ij I cf ..!. ii.jc:i r.'i:lV3 lnsttrls, nml every Kiicli dra-.. 'ah -i t- K..jck l-n-i d'.:ig r.:nl IhirIi life. It tura c. rv osu'ni. 1 t:-ot:')V? f liornrs, such as !i:ic:ic.-.., .'-.cr-itcln. -., i.AvInnj-, sprains, founder, wind sail, rlns-ljo::, t to., c ;c. Thoil-. iiv.ixIIa. . .:i I.:::::m iit U tlie quickest cure In tlie wori.l f-r s ..cMvn; i i vcui riiiif in tlie f::mily, lu tao iib. :ic.; i f j: ;1;. ..iui:.n, sm ll as l".rr.'-, scalds, t.r.-.:::r., utr, tt.-., J :id f.r rhi tima tlom, a:vl ti;.Tn :ir-:l red by exposure. Par ticularly va'.-.ia'.j'.j to niaer. It i t'.o ;;v,'i"Kr re:"iVy In t'10 world, for tt . :i:-rrati-3 1 '.if i-.iwli; to t'-e Ixii.r, r:il a singly p'.'..,at:o; i ; p :;cral!;' sur.ieu-nt tooiirc. Mrxlcn-.i JiuRian;; I.;:i:iii. ut 1 j tit tip In three tc;ot lottli-i, thtt larger ntui lwlnr; jmportlon ?ly much the eheapexU Sold everywhere. STOP AT TBIK BOYDEN HOUSE, SALISBURY, N. C. O. S. BROWN, Prop'r. ( Late of lite National Hoiel, Raleigh.) AT HOM E AGAIN. Having leased thin house for a term of yeare, I would be pleaded In have mv friendflcall and ee me. It will e kept n FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN EVERY RESPECT. Board: Two Dollars Per Day. esroMxiBus at every train.-s Large Sample Rooms for Commercial Trav. eller. TRY ME. C.8. EROWX. .In. 1 V. O. S5H ELBURN. J Clerkn. January, lnl, 1 878. 11:: f. J. T. Moork. A. A. Thompson. MOORE & THOMPSON, mil RALEIGH, N. C. Special attention paid to tbe sale of COTTON, . COKN, FLOUR, CHAIN, HAY, BUTTE H. EGGS, FOWLS, &c, Consign&entf Solioited. Highest Price Obtained. Iiefera to CUigeiw National Dank, Raleigh, N. C 22:3om. ffarrantei lo Cure! ENXLSS' CHICKEN CHOLERA CUKE tr inouiy lefunded if directious ry strictjy followed. PEICE 25 CENTS, at 2$tf. ENNLSS' Drtiggtore. NOTICE. H, C, Ra.il Road Company, 1 Secretary an. I Treasurer's OlSoe. Shopss, N. C May 31, '78. j The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Stockholders of the North Carolina Rail Road Company, will be held in IlillfWo, N, C, on tbe second Thursday of July, 1878, and the transfer books of stock of said company will ha closed from this date until after the meeting. W, L. THORN BURO, 33c$L Sec.N. C. R.R, Co, mm 1UU1UU lUUiltllilil 1 L TIMETABLE WESTEBIf It. C. RAILROAD. lo Tect Frid, May tbe 10th, GOING WEST. 8TATIONS. Abjute. Lkavs. Salisbury Tliird Creek. ... Stateville Catawba,,.,...... Newton Canova..,. .,.... Hickory Icard fnr;anton Uridgewater 7 35 A M 8 27 A. M ! y (10 10 11 11 S12 12 15 07 55 07 u u 35 P. M, 15- 59 43 27 07 28 u Marion.. Old Fort Henrr... ( GOIjJG EAST. STATIONS. 1 Arrive. Leave. Henry j 7 00 A.M. Old Fort j 7 12 A. M. Marion I 7 52 " Bri.lgewater... & 32 " Morgarilon.f.,. 9 16 " Icard . 9 56 " Hickory. , 10 36 " Canova 11 04 Newton..,., 11 16 Catawba, 12 04 P.M. Statesville 12 56 Third Creek j I 44 " Salisbury s 1 2 30 " KERR ORAIQE, JLttornes at ato, GREAT BED W IT PRICES ! We are lle first lo ofiVr First-Class Sewing Machines, at prices within tlie rjaeli of all. WE WILL SKI.L THK VKUV UtlST FAMILY SKWIXli MACHINE For Twenty-Five Dollars on an ornamented Iron Stand and Treadle, with Wnlnut Top and !rawer, and ne-essary Attach ment, and deliver it at any Railroad Depot in the United States, FREE OF CHARGE. These machiues nre warranted to do the whole line tf Family Sewing with more rapidity, more tae iiiitniij;c-iMeiit, sind loss (utiguc to the oper ator, than any mai lnne now. i:i uwe. 'I lit-y make tli Dt-i'ui.K ' Hi kai Stit u in 8iif.li a manner that tht-y avoid thf ii.-oe.it y ol winding tlie ini'ler thread, and wil' st-w IVom the liuet caiuhiic to iKe Iipii vit-st nveiroiit v loth. Send i'nr a rircitlar and ample of sewing. Kvery iuucl.inc wair iiited for hive years. AC !:NTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. CKXTEXMAL MACHINE CO., Limited, 47: ly. " 723 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Ta and Morphine Itahltrared. Tb-Qrlclnal""'101''-0'11' CUkE. heud iam; f. r boo on Opium F.ntlni. t- W. B. Squlr WbrUOaeWB, GraaiM lad. R. BUTTS No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. LOUIS. Mo. Who haa fcd gnmter t.xXifcu la th treatment ot thm eznal trouble of both ntle and IHnale than anv phyticiaa in the West, give the rrtulu of hia loua ana 1111 icfnl pTMtliea in hi. rkm, Jm. p.iK!UK yth-ll The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Book! that ara tttOj QmM aa4 lf.latralf la all we, ten perUininf to luM and WamakMa. and aupply vani long felt. They are kraaUfallf lllaralra. and in Blahl lasuage. ea.ny udcrtool. The two book embrace MS ugf. ana coniain mnmiH for both marrted ana Inele, with all the reeentimDrovemnita in medmltiMtrnMit . iuma what our horn paper, aay t"Tbe know Wdge Imparted la Batta new worke la in no war of qneationable char acter, but ia aomethinataa nwjMt thaala kaaw. Tbe aata. the Tirtim of early tndiarretioa the aa.ottierwlaa perfectly healthy way ba.Tajt with wanliwrTlgor lathe prima Of hia. and the Weeua, In miae from tha many Ilia her aaz to 1m to." (it. Loui. Journal. . rori'La raiCESO eta. each pnth la onevoliuoe, t 1 " cloth a fiK, 25 eta. extra. Sent ander aral. recatpiei price NEW LIVERY STABLE ON LEE STREET. Complete in all its Details. CRAWFORD & HOLMES Come forward with ample facilities to aecom modate regular and transient customers. They h?e splendid stock horses and ehi cles for pleasure or business rides. Can fur ilUli any outfit required. Will send travellers on their way to any Kint. Will tMard and groom horses by the day, week, month nr vear. Will till orders for hauling. Will uu and sell horses. Jnvile Uioveis to ooiu to the best aitd cheaesl stand. They proMiHe better services for less money than ever before given, Will buy grain and provender. And an they are in for a lively business they say to all Come and try us. J AS. R. CRAWFORD, IB CHAS. 11 OLM ES, -PRESCRIPTION FREE! For tho sicly CureorKouif.iitl WrakncsT imt Manhool ami all itiaQrrier lrnulit pn b Indis cretion or mwh. Any DruiftriHt hna th Inrro. With Mtrewt? jptamu; p. GET THE BEST, The Raleiah News. DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one year, - $5.00 1.00 E3PSeiid Postal Card for Sample Co OPUM Fkv m m a Address TH5 BALnGH KEWSS, 13 TIIE TlME T0 SUBSCRIBE Raleigh K!d7FOR THE WATCHMAN n ft n n p cr li U U U C f OUR COMfETS m OMig'r OUB NEW CORNET PLAYS IN E FLAT. O. B FLAT AND A. And is perfect in all its keys. W axe aware that many will cry IMPOSS1D1 Pi'. repl is TRY reV- , ; ur IF YOU DO NOT FIND THAT WE HAVE THE SHORTEST AND rrrt, EST PISTON ACTION. THE ONLY CLE A It LORE AND TUEpv.V' CORNET IN THE WORLD, YOU CAN RETURN IT AT mm T EXPENSE. . UU IMPORTANT. In future allotir Cornets trill be SILVER PLATED! the $55 Cornet will U p., neatly bnished with what is known as the Satin Finish. The $70 Cornet will be jy nd pie Silver Plated, Gold Mounted and furnished. . We fiuUh tLia instru. ment as elegantly as is possible to do. NO DISCOUNT. Instriiroentsaent for a trial of FIVE DAYS before acceptance. Photographs of our Cornet Sent on application. F It is foolish to condemn before trial. If our Cornet is not all we represent we pay all .1 for transportation. lrg Address all orders to CONN & DUPONT. TElkhart, Indiana. cwc vmiR 1 urine Ann i mo nv neM Tl Ml ELASTIC ir alter xnai uur mouxnpiece aoes not enaoie you to play longer without fatigue and play higher with less effort, Send it Back and Receive in Return Your Money. AMY SIZE $1.00. Subscribe for the 1IIMPET MTIX The Only Anielner Eaud Instruction and News Journal PUBLISHED H THE UNITED STATES. Subscription Price SLC0. CLUnS OF FIVE sriiSCRlIiERS, (to oneuhhe,) WITH OXE OF 01 R PATENT MOUTHPIECES TO EACH SUJiSRl ltER FOR OXR DOLLAR EACH SUBSCRIPTION. Address. TO THE PRESS: Please kIsow this paper will e a benefit to tle wliole l!:iml. I stake my rppnla'ifn fa musician of the above; and invile coriesotidene from 24:6m. . 1 3t-i''i.Vl..aWT:W A 'SSkl "NaT "" - I aWl fcT . The Best Family Sewing Machine! The "NEW AMERICAN" is easily learned, does not get out or order and will do more work with less labor than any other machine. Illustrated Circular lurn.sheJ o . application. AGENTS WANTED. J. S. DOTEV, Manager, CI N. Charles Street, Baltimore. Cd. MERONEYS & ROGERS, Agents, Salisbury, N. C. CERTIFICATES : I do not henitate to &ay the American Machine nurpuKw all other machine. Bffitic lo in all the work that other machines can. it OTcrheams and works button holes in any ' r,J from Swiss Mnnlin to Beaver cloth. I have u.ed fcii gets, Howe and Wted 31achine, and find the Vmerican is superior to them all. MISS M. RUTLEDGE. I have ued the Singer and other machines, and would not exchange the American for any. MRS. H. N. BRlNiiLE. , SalMburjfN. C, May 22d, 1S72. Meroney & Rro., Agent American Sewing Machine : . Mrs; 1 have used the Howe, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Wilcox & Uibhs, Sewing Mf rhinex, and would nut give the American for all of them. It will do all that ia claimed lor it iu the circulur. 1 consider it siierior to nil others 1 have ever Men. Very ret fully. M RS. GEO. V. HARRISON. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician retired from active practice, na v. In? bad placed In hlH hands by an Kast Indian mis sionary the formula ot a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption, Bronchitis, ratarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for General DeDility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested Its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases, feels It his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. The recipe will be sent free of charge, to all who desire It, with full directions for preparing and successfully using. Address with stamp naming this paper. Ir. J. c. Stonk, 44 North Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. (ilinos.3:) HARDWARE wnuiv VOW WAST HARDWARE Itow Fignrqs Call on the undersigned at Bo. 2. Granite Row. ' f D, A. ATWELL. tKry.N. C, June 8 if. wfk ft ft ft pi d O I U ii ! Bl lITHPEt o- CONN & DUPONT, Elkhart, Indiana. to il e U :!tr if ilu- R:ind in your '!:ce,asit anil r v iHfi'iv ? : ir.-n ii fully enibivsins all mi'iiiii- ' i me. W. 1 1. N HAVE. S, -lisbfn v. N. (V Buy only the NEW AMERICAN IT la TIIK Only Cewing Machine Willi II PAS A clf-hrcndiiihilUc - " has Self Settle Xeeile. Iffevsr Irsaii tta Ttrcai Hsvcr Ships Siitch:s. . Is via Lightest Lirti:g. The Simplest, the Must T-ur-ci:', and in Every Eesn-(t Great chance to make money. HJ cant get gold you can v;et greeno' We need a jH-rson In every wn,tt subsmptk.ns for the Kr,;est,cUea In the world. Any one can become a s.,. agent, rue most elegant work 01 an s1"" subscribers. The prUc Is so low that almost em, body subscribes. One agent reports iiiABflaJ I5 a week. A lady agent reports taking -" . ey la-si. i ou can aevote an j our uur ;z.wlr ness, or only vour snare time. You need not ne a fnt!n4ioineover night. Vou can do it as others. Full particulars, directions and term " tiegani ana expensive uumi inr. Tr,wwts titnbie work send us your address at once u nothing to try the business, no ouc j" falls to. make great pay. Address "lWlf". .VUllUHf V 1. U...V MBH.HW Barham's Infallibiw PILE CURE. Manolartntad by tb , grtta.K Car Ca., Itrhaa, f It acwr hlto U it '""JSJ r wlw aj JZ2 AGENTS WANTED FOR THr HISTORYoftueWORLD Embracing full and authentic accou .ts o. nation of ant-lent and dkk ernUrn m1 hr umuw, hiswry of the rise and fall ot the -reek and f Empires, the growth -f 1!' n.vi f n. rope, the mtd.lle ages, the eras il th lemeU; tm, the reformat ion. the discovery and wU'et" of the New World, etc.. etc. d It cxmuins : tine blsUirtcal engw dm- large double, column pages, and L History of the World ever published lin ;.flf. 8end ror specimen pages and xtra J!;1D0. Ad aml see why It sella faster than any other W dresp. . .. ,,ia tKt. National Ptbushiko Co., nuaai ' GOLD P i: i t t I : r I I I n