if. poseof going the coreriug roll. business of AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS. To be Submitted to Rigid Analytical Test Letter from Prof Ledvux. Now this strikes qs as very encour aging aud U re11y excellent reading for this aiiltry weather. Jt JJrogresa u tut ligbt diiectiou. It i4.ow enter piie, wisely directed, and energy aud i.luck. . - - . Hut let it look at tua earnings ue of the coiupameu. J he ieuiu win jur- nish the key to such enthusiasm ami growth. It has been found that the capi tal invested was wisely invested. The times have Been hard and unfavorable. While New England manufacturers lost cheated niouey the Enterprise Company of Augus ta made uiouey. Here is tne exceiieui e- Chaj'EI. Hill, X. C, July 4 To the Farmers of North Carolina : -Oar people are bcin -at 1 I, llinii 111 J - . .. . m the Chronicle: doubtless true, i uc . -S'VT ' - ...w..,r tll!lt 1)fcrioj oue vefir 770 having driven fraudulent manufacturers r 14;777 337 of f fertilizers ut of North Coluia, no . .. m CUnunied ll,tili bales doubt many have turned their atteutiou 0f cotton, at an average cost of 10.02 cents 4...i..:..vit(...r fiH.1.1 of selling anurious per pound. 'I he sales of gootis auiouii - -- ..lff tedto$J5f,4l. The number t op cwniicuu iui ,tim .i..i.lov.d was 610. wuose wazea home manure. A prominent aud worthy ainounteti to gG-g.uui). The mill paid Manufacturer of chemicals recently call- fonr dividends of two per cent, each, paid ed mv attention to a man who was sell- off $7,000 ot its bonded debt, and carried , r.., ...lnlih-of 8.470 to its surplus, increasing that 1 llT UIB UIIHUSIHTHIIS "W" M' - . J A.LKI (fJ tA Hinmbuia, and nitrate of soda for saltpe ter. Hitherto me expenmeut 4.- - not been able to offer much protection to tlu furmer in this direction : but at their April meeting the board of agriculture, with n wise liberality, decided to appro priate the necessary money to bring about this very desirable end, and -vm mis vifw I have secured the services ot a amount from $230,550 to $250,020, We commend these facts to the atten tion of the readers of the Star. A South ern factory declares eight per etnt. net dividend in a year that is siugularly dis astrous to EasteriMuanufhcturers. What an eloquent and surprising fact?. Let us take courage. When judiciously man aged is uot a cotton factory in the South a safe and satisfactory investment-f More the fiecouun", t... au oa uer ceilt. ,as been made in 1st, experienced mine anais.. . chemical and agricultural products, A ith . this increase iu our workiug force, there will no longer be any excuse for a farmer to be cheated. J offer to every farmer in North Carolina to analyze for him after -September 10th, 1873, free of charge, any gamples of sulphate of jmtash, muriate Uiwiujuy, potasJi. sulphate ot ammonia, niiruiv vj jshe, toila, and mlpeter, if he will comply witir Davie, le following conditions; - ." ' irriieu, Rowan, Surry, atiiuga, Wilke, Yadkin, The following is the official vote of the Gubernatorial and Congressional election iu the 7th District, for ltJ76i Bobbins Ihda Vance Alexander, the L 1st. The sample must be drawn accor din tn ni-iiited instruction which I will " "n - lurnirtli ou. application. 2nd. The express charges must be pre wd to Chapel Hill. v 'Wre printed instruction for sampling hjobbius, will be ready on September 1st, aud tur-. Yauce, nished ou annlication. To secure an im- mediate benetit, let every dealer antl every farmer who purchases chemicals demand a guarantee of their composition from the manufacturers, and tell them that a sample will be submitted to me, in September, to see if it comes up to guar antee. The analvses. with the name Of manufacturer and agentwill be publish ed in the State papers. ' The experiment station wiIL I trust, contrive to grow iu usefulness, aud from time to time, be able to take up new methods of helping the agriculturists of North Carolina. A II Lkdoux. 607 510 J 1018 141H) 2354 2 nil) im 1328 1XK) 13724 134U7 337 13d 811 6117 1486 1207 1201 U7) 23i 1484 1073 80d 513 1067 101 J 1454 2356 2163 1280 676 1284 840 Settle 352 154 875 708 154(1 1239 1250 1042 301 149y 1112 D640 13467 10072 Robbius' maj. 257 THE FLYING MACHINE FIZZLE. From the Wilmington star. COTTON MANUFACTURING IN SOUTH. THE "Will any one l good enough to tell us why cotton spinning cjinnot be made " as profitable in North Carolina as iu South Carolina or Georgia I Will any oue oblidge us with facts and figures to prove conclusively that cotton manufac turing canuot be made as, remunerative at Beaufort, Newbern, Goldsboro, Wil mington and many other points as it is found to be at Augusta, Columbus, and many other towns and cities South of us T ' , We have ngaiu ar.d again insisted in these columns that a diversity of labor was necessary for the true progress of the South, and that cotton manufacturing off ered one of-the surest and most profitable means of investment jo capitalists and meu of enterprise. Of courseour f;u-tu-ries must bo as wisely managed as those of the North or as those South of us. In the little city of Augusta, Ja., there will 80on.be 80,(K)Q spindles running. Between 2,500 and 3,001. jieople tiud em ployment in the factories. It is estima ted that the persons actually interested iit-aud directly benefitted by these mills number 10,000. The Chronicle says-of tho high standing of this mode of in vejitmeat in that flourishing communi ty : "The lest mark of the confidence which the people of Augusta' have iu manufacto ries is the fact of the entire issue of $160-, IQ0 pf Enterprise Factory bonds, only a few were sold to citizens of this city. The others were-sold to citizens of this place and the whole amount was disposed of in A short time after it was issued. We un derstand that a Massachusetts capitalist wrote" to a citizen of Augusta, a day or Orb bi nee, to purchase him some of the bonds, and was nuiuern t) tt Im tt,irrl, . T w-- w 1. . . 1 4 ill, j:etafew at 110. The new machinery for the Enterprise Factory will be put iu place by next fal! and the mill will then have a capacity of about 14,000 spindles. The total force of operatives employed now is about loo ; witn the new machinery it will be increased to 350, making an ad difion U the populatiou of the citv of -about 1,000. The company will put up iweive lenemenis, ot lour rooms each, in M fthort time, for its opperatives, and oth er parties are preparing to build in the -vicinity of the null." The officers of the dimming Manufac turing Company do notjnean to be out stripped, ;ind a new building will soon be Erected with a capacity for from 25,000 to Z :),000 spindles. - The Chronicle says "There seems to be no doubt of the suc cess of this enterprise. It will irive em ployment, to alwuit 1,000 people and add some 4,000 persons to the population of Augusta. We learn that several parties in lAiwefl, Nashua, Fall River aud Law rence have written to Augusta for infor mation, with a view io establishing shuttle and -bobbin factories and works for covering roll, supplying factory har ness, &c, here. All of tbese materials ire now purchased at tie N.irth by facto ries in Augusta and viciuirv. hut will be obtained here if these works are estahT'i About fifty thomiaud people assembled ou Boston common last Thursday morn- iug to witness the first exhibition of the dying machine in the open air. The plan w as to sail around the tops of the houses and over the "principal streets and de monstrate to a wondering multitude the possibilities of air navigation. Wheu everything was ready the machine was let go, but instead of flying up gradually aud gracefully, as was intended, it shot up like an arrow to a distance of about tw-o thousand feet. Every one came to tho couclusiou t once that it was uu mauageabie, and the poor arouau,t was the object of much sympathy as hctloated upward, lie. went up higher aud higher,, and was it soon evident that he was as much at the mercy of the currents as any haloonists. lie sailed over Brookliue, Boston Highland, aud out through Nor folk county, and lauded at the little town of Farnham. Here he was an object of wonder to the inhabitants, and after they had gazed on him he essayed to fly back to Boston, but on reaching Dover gave it up, aud, packing his machine on the train, be returned home by rail. He explains the failure by saying that the gearing got out of order. The steering apparatus would not work, and oue of the rods was disarranged, lie says he had to tie it with a cord aud strap his toot to the pedals VEGETINE FOR DROPSY. I never shall Forget the first Dose. Pkotid?sj, , Mr, H. B. SrKVEKS: , Der sir, 1 tuve been a great sufferer Iron aroj qp i ,-! r-nntined to my bouse more clian a year. SIX U1U lit 118 Ol I lie umc 1 w3-iriiin7ij . utiure. was oouzed to Have two men help me In and yUt of bed I was swoUen l tnsnes larger t&du my natu ral size around my waist. 1 suffered all a man could and live. I tried ad remedies tor Drops. I Had three different doctors. My friends all expected 1 would die : inanr idznts I was expected to die bilorc mora i ,r' A, isit.xreilne was aent me by a irienl. I never shall lorget tae first do3e. 1 could realize Its good effects from day to dy; I was getting better. Alter 1 nad taU.en some 5 or bottles I co Jld sleep mute well nlffhts. I beau to gain now quite fast. Alter taKinz suic iv ujluot, i nu . part of my room to tne other. My appetite was good; i the dropsy bad at tais tnue diiappeareJ. I kept tifcin"- the Vef etlne until I regained my usual health. I be vrd ot a great many curea by using VegeUne al ter I got out and wa able to attend to my work. I am a carpenter and builder. I will also say it has cured an aunt ol my wife's of Neuralgia, who had suffered for more than M yeara. She says sh8 has njt u iJ any neuralgia for eight months. I have flTen It to one of my children for CjoJuruu Uinnor. have no doubt la my mind It will cure aay humor. It Is a great cleanser of the blood; It Is safe to give a eMld. I wM recommend It to the world. Mytathsr U s years old, and he says there Is nothing Uke it to give strength and life to an aged persiO!i. i cannot hi too tuauMul for the use ol iu I am Very gratefully yours, juii. . -m aue,. All Diseases ok tub Blood. If Vkoktikk will re lieve pain; cleanse, purity, aud cure suca diseases, restoring the patient to peneot health afier trying different physicians, many reoiedles and suffering for years, IS ll uol coaciuaivr yruJi, a juu arc u diu ferer you can be cured T Wuv Is this medicine per forming such great cures ? It wors In the blood, in tue circulating Uuld. It can truly be- eiU'-d the nrt,tt h.,hA I'uriiirr. The irreat source of disease origlaatesla tie'blood : and no medicine that does not act directly upou it t purify anu ronovaie, nas aay Just claim uion public attention. VEGETINE I OWE MY HEALTH TO YOUR VAliUBLiE VEGETINE. Newpobt, Kt., Apr. 29, 1377. Mk. H. Ii. Stevens: lear..Slrf Having suffered from a breaking out of Cankrrwt Sure for more than five years caused by an accident ot a fractured bone, which tructurc ran into a running sore, and having used every thing 1 could think of and nothing bellied me, until l naa taken six bottles of your valuable meaic-ine wnicn Mr. Miller the apothecary recommended very highly. The sixth bottle cured me, and all I can say, is that I owe my health to your valuable egetine. Your most obedient servant, ALBEHT VON ROKDER. "It is unnecessary for me to enumerate the disea ses for which the Vkgetink should be used. I know ot no disease which will not admit of its use, with good results. Almost Innumerable complaints are caused bv ooLsouous secretions in the blooJ, which can be entirely expelled from the system by the use of the Yegetine. When the blood Is perfectly cleansed, the disease will rapidly leld; all pains cease; healthy action is promptly rcitorea, ana iuc patient is cured." VEGETINE Cured me when the DOCTOHS FAILED. Cincinnati, O., Apsll 1 1S77. Dk. H. R. Stsvkn: Dear Sir, I was seriously troubled with Kidney CunplaitU for a long time. I have cousulted the best doctors In this city. I have used your Vroktink for this disease, and it has cured me when the dot-tnr't. failed to do so. Yours truly. ERNEST DVKMAN, Residence W1 Race St., l'laee of business, 573 Cent. Ave. PCXUSBS9 Wkeilt J. S. BRUNSR. Ed. uad Prop T. K. UHVUSUt ASSoOAte Jtd. ' Per Tear, payable la adrancs,.. TIME TABLE WESTERN fi, C. RAILROAD. In fleet Frida, Uj ihm 10th, 1878. . ' 9 r t ft 90 AorBTisixa rates: One inch, one pubUc&tlon, SI oo " " (wo pubUcaUons, 1 U) Contract rates for months or a rear. Manhood: HcwLost, How Eeslorefl! JuRt pnblUhel, a new edition of Dr. Colverwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cre- without medicine) of Spermatorrhea or 8eminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Lowes.lKPOTEXCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediment to Mar riage, etc.; also, Cox9UMPTIOX, Epiuepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex travapance, Ac. CiiSrrice in sealed envelope, onlyaiz cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Esuy, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abue may le radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the Application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effect ual, by means of which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition may be, may cure him self cheaply, privatelv, and radically. CThin Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under j-enl, in a plain envelope, to any adddre, post paid, on receipt of six cents or two pontage f l a nip. Address the Publishers, THE CULVEEWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Ann St, New York; Poxl Office box, 4586 STATIONS. Arrive. Leave. Salisbury TTT.! 7 35AM Third Creek. ' 8 27 A. M. Statesville ' 9 15 " 1 Catawba 1 10 07 Newton 10 55 44 Canova 11 07 " j Hickory , 11 35 P. M. Icard 12 15 Morganton 12 59 " Bridgewater I 1 43 . Marlon 2 27 " ! Old Fort T 3 07 " I Henry T 3 28 ! GOING EAST. STATIONS. j Arrive. Leave. Henry... Z i TOOA.M. Old Fort j 7 12 A.M. Marion 7 52 BriJgewater i 8 32 " Morganton 9 16 " j Icard I 9 56 " Hickorv :10 3b" " Canova Ill 04 " ; Newton Ill 16 M i Catawba 12 04 P.M.; Statesville..... 12 56 ; Third Creek i 1 44 " j Salisbury ; ki 30 " VECrETIE Preared hy H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. Diphtheria. Diphtheria, commonly re garded as a modern disease, is uow de clared ly some physieiaus to have bceu k uow n in aucieiit Ejjypt. It is said to liave prevailed there aud through Asia Minor for five, ceuturies, aud to have ap peared iu Southern Europe some 1,500 yeara ago. jt, was known by it present name even theu. It rarxd iu Southern Itally in the early part of the fourth cen tury , autHong after iu Hollaud and Vrauce. It showed itself iu this country more tnau 100 years since, and recently has been pronounced epidemic. Certain au thorities consider it a modification of the plague. Nothing like it theory in medi cine. An effort will be made, we imag ine, to prove that all the Ptolwruies died of diptheria, and that Isis and Osiris were saved from it only by their divini ty. Xew York Tones. Wilmington Star: State Auditor Love gives it as his deliberate opinion that the new constitution saves the people of North Carolina notlesathau $150,(KX) an nually. That is, excellent. Who will say that the Democrat have not provel a blessing to the State. Humors of a Revolution. Pan ama, July 4. Humors of a revolii tiou are prevalent. It is thought an effort will soon be made by the national brauch of the Liberal party to "oust the present government. There is cousiderable ex citement among toliticiaua. The govern ment believes it will swm control the it uatiou. jAfe Saving Service. Washington-, July 8 The Superin tendent ofthe Life Saving Service will begin as early as practicable to erect new Stations on the coast of North Carolinr, Ifc Lis likely that a life saving carriage design ed to make rapid transit for the stations tp points of disaster, a late iuvention of Lieutenant Walton, Assistant Inspector t r the-SJftlj District, will be employed. ed. They will employ alout forty h. nds. n the aot fJaroliua coast with a view f-yp (parties are already here for "the par- to test its tfijenpy for all the stations. DJ ill iggiiS a!llgaa iMilte d Ml cog g III 35 ViSlm s X .-tiul ., r Za iu J ft t w e n PS I 5 a i j b . 5 - a OLD, TRIED, AH'J TRUE. People nr tcUilitf ucqUaintfil and tho who r not ought to with the wonderful merit of l.i.tgnw( Aiuvrk'Mit llt-meUy, iho MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, TOR MAN AND BEAST. nils Unlnittnt wry naturally oriKlnatwl In Amert ca, Avhi-ro Nature provul In her laboratory uch surprilntf antidotes Tor the nuiliulies; of lwrohll :;. Us fa:;io hus Uu KuroadlUif fr S5 years, until now i: t :jciix-U? t'.is luibitablo j;lole. Tho ;ioxIi;a:i "ur.tauK linlmtnt Is a matchless rem !. f;.r: M xl;-:::.la!lmcnt -. cf r.ian ami beast T-i ; 'cx-'t ov.t.( r.- r.r 1 farrrtr rs it Is invaluable. ' .V !iln;rln lw of;-ii rave, a humnn life or r ftm'i t'.i? i ;ofiilncs of au cxcelleut borsv, ox. ct . r : "i ; . It rv.rvi i" ".-i.t, -hoof -nil. hollow horn, grub crew-v;rr., t '.lo.aili-r-rot, maiio, the bites fc'id :Ll:i;:io? 1 oisono:: rcpill.-s :;.! Insects, and every inch dr.xv. bai i to utocU ).--V.iii3 and bush life. It curt ivory ixtern:.l trot:bl i f horsos. rueh u.i l.xj.uners, imtch. , rwIjiuj , sj.rnin. founder, wind 35 U. ring lxv. , etc., etc. The Mtrx!c:-.n "a t-r.j I.'.:;inient is the quickest cure in tho world far i.vciilits iMi-iirring lu th family, la the abr.nc cf r. physician, such as bums, ealds. spriin-, cut. rn-1 for rheuma tlim, :.::d stl?n:v rnfrr-Tidrred by exposure. r tl.vilarly v.-.laa!)lc to Miner. It is thoo'i: .iTv -t re::ivr In the world, for It -n tnt-s t'.c r.;ic!j to tlie l.f.iie, and single n'.lcation Ij r-:nTal!y mClcient tocure. 'jirnh-oa ?:utan? Llnlnt nt Is put up In three l-'scf l"rl:, tho l:reer ones lieln pmnorttoBp 2ly inucli tlio ciiv-tM-hU Sold tverywhrre. GOINO WEST. KERR CRAIGE, Jittornci at ?atef : Snlisburr, TO". O. - v PR OGRE SSI OU ! FOUR COBHETS IHOHEi OUR NEW CORNET PLAYS IN E FLAT. C. B FLAT AND A. our And U perfect in all its kej. We axe aware that many will cry IMPOSSIBLE Lot reply is TliY IT. ' JF YOU DO NOT FIND THAT WE HAVE THE SHORTEST AND Lim EST PISTON ACTION. THE ONLY CLE AH BUME AND THE Wvp' C0BNET IN THE WORLD, YOU CAN RETURN IT AT OUR EXPENSE. IMPORTANT. In future all our Cornet will he SILVER PLATED ! The $55 Cornet will be pUuj . neatly finished with what ' knoirn aa the Satin Finish. The $70 Cotnet wiJJ be Tri pie Silver Plated, Gold Mounted and Burnished. We finish thia irwu-u-rotnt aa elegantly as t (xxwible U du. . NO DISCOUNT. IiMtriirnentsMtU for a trial of FIVE DAYS before acceptance. Photograph of our v Cornet Sent on application. tw It ia foolish lo condemn before trial. If our Cornet ia not all we repreneot we pay ajj tor trannporiaiton. Addreea all ordera Lo ' THE CONN & DUPONT. Elkhart, Indiana. SAVE YOUR LUI1GS AND LIPS BY USING HEW ELASTIC W mm 11 If after Trial Our Mouthpiece does not enable you to play longer without fatigue and play hiffher with ess effort. Send it Back and Eeceive in Return Your Honey AHY SIZE $1.00. o- GREAT REDl'CTiOX IX PRICES! We are the firsi to offer First-Class Sewing Machines, at prices within the rjach ot all. WS WILL KLi thk vkuv BUST FAMILY SEWIXC MAC1IINK For Twenty-Five Dollars on an ornamented Iron Stand and Treadle, with Walnut Toy and Drawer, and necessary Attach mentn. and deliver it at any Uailroad Depot iu the United States, FBEE OF CHARGE. These niacliiues are warranted to ?o the whole line of Family Sewiujr with more rapidity, more ease of management, and less fatijrue to the oper ator, than any machine now in use. I hey mate the Porni.K I iihkai Stitch in Buoh a manner that they nvoid the necc-ity of winding the nndei Miread and w ir new tiom the hnect cambrir w tne iavit-'t overcoat cloth. Send for a circular and ample of newm-;. Every machine warranted for hree yeara. A(!KTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. CENTENNIAL MACHINE CO., Limited, 17: ly. 72'i Filbert St., Philadelphia, P Subscribe for the nneiriMirDiLinn 'warm The Only Amcluer Band Instruction and News Journal PUBLISHED IH THE UNITED STATES. . Subscription Price SLGO. CLUBS OF FIVE Sl'HSrtn HERS,-(to one address,) WITH ONE OF mil PATENT MOUTHPIECES TO EACH SUBSCRIBER FOR OXh' -DOLLAR EACH SUBSCRIPTION. Address, STOP THE BOYDEN HOUSE, SALISBURY, N. C. O. S. BROWN, Prop'r. (Late of the National Hule!, Raleigh.) HOMK AUAIN. Having lecd iliia hone for a term of years, T would he please! to have mv friendMcall and w t " urn nm i r j o we inf, it will re Kept as a r K.t ti.i HOTEL IN EVERY RESPECT. Board: Two Dollars Per Day. fiOMXIBU3 AT EVERY TRAlN.-fea Ltrjje Sample Rooms for Commercial Trav eller. TKVMK. C. S. BROWN. Jr. 1 W.O. SIIELHUHN. Clerks January, 1st, 1878. ll:tf. DE, RICHARD H. LEWIS, (Late Professor of Diseases of the Eve and Ear in the Savannah Medical College.) Practice Limited to the EYE and EAR, RALEIGH. N. C. Refers to the State Medical Soeietv and to the Georgia Medical Society. J. T. Moouk. A. A. Thompson, ''WPBBfl P BdIorvhin" riMtenrrd. old NHB r?JT1,i'Or!2lr!alni,-n,v g0 g DBI jy CL'kk teUiin,i l.rl oio fit 1 MB DJS 0l'jm K-tir. It W B. Sqni.-, a 9 W WortLiucu b, Crcea Co., liui. R. euns No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. LOUIS, MO. Who bu bad prter t-rprriefm fa tha tiftawnt of tb Mxual trout) !fi of buth niale and frtnale than any phyticiaa hi the Wr.t. rive, the rrault. of hi. tone ana rocoaaaAtl practice in Ml tw. a.w wwlu, juat publiabM, "tit)ti! The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Book, that ara really CM, aad "lMtra rton ia all nut ter, ntrtaininf to afaaawJ and Waaak.. and rapfilr ant loug felt. They ara katlrali7 lllm(rai and la plaia Vuiiage, aaiily -uiKlrntood. The two book, embrace MS p., and contain .alaabl. larWm.tlM for both married and auile,HJi alltli. reoentirapniyeaaniU la Biedical treatment Brad whatour homepaner. aay : The It bow ledge Imparted ia De. lutf new worke la ia no way of aaeetfcmabl ehar rter, but ia eomething that rr.ry M tll. Iht. Tha Xaata.the Tirtim of early tndwcretion t tha aotnerwiM pern-ctij neaitny marDe, bat wita vantn of Ufa. and the Wgau, ia miter: ne many ilia hee acs ia to.M SL Loui. Journal. rort'LAk raicaa 80 eta, each both In one volume, ft t in cloth a ailt. SS eta. extra. Sent aader arat. racaipt of price ia money or ataanna. rtcor tn thenrtma "VlltMLlDH aj 'i l l . j u CONN & DUPONT, Elkhart, Indiana. TO THE PRESS: Please show this paper to lli- l:.tltr of the Band in your placr, a. it will le a benefit to the whole Rand. I "take mv reputation us a musician and my integrity as n man in fnllj endorsinj ii of the above; and invite correspondence from member il bands lo know me. 24:6m. V. H.NEAVE, Salisbury, X. C. Buy only the NEW AMERICAN 1 r is tub Only Sewing Machlna a hi u n-v a - it u lias sell Sett is j Keea. Is tha Li ;hlert Eutai:. " - Tne Amplest, the Host Pur able, and in Eiery Respett The Best Family Sewing Machine! The "NEW AMERICAN" is easily learned, does not get out of Ofder. and w.ll do more work with less labor than any other machine. Illustrated Circular turn. shed on application. AGENTS WANTED. J. 8. D0TEY, Manager, CI N. Charles Street, Baltimore, IL MERONEYS & ROGERS, Agents, Salisbury, N. C. o- CEBTIFICATES : I do not hesitate to aay the American Machine surpasses, all other machine. Braid ! iiife all the work that other machine can. it overseama and works button holts in ay wj from Swisa Muslin to iieaver cloth. 1 have us.d bint;cr, Howe and tttw 3iatuimi find the American U RUierior to them all. MISS M. RUTLLDGE. MOORE & THOMPSON, rnMuissnwMnRrHiCTS UUillLlllUUlUil lUIHlUIIilll I i. Ml I III RALEIGH, . C. Sjiet ial attention paid to the aale of COTTON, CORN, FLOUR, IJKAIN, HAY, BUTTE K. EGCiS, FOWLS, Ac., Consignments Solicited. Highest Price Obtained. Befers to Citizen National Bank, Raleigh, N.C. 22:3ms. Warraiiei to Cure EXXISS' CHICKEX CHOLERA CUKE or money refunded if directions are strictly followed. PRICE 25 CENTS, at 2G:tf. ENNISS1 Drag Store 47: 1 y. FOR 1878. Don't nejrlect to call on C. Plvler at the Book Store for all kinds of Book wanted. The bwt qnality and latent styles of writing paper kept here. Alo the renowned Singer Sewing Machine can he had here at from $35 to $40. He respectfully Invites all to call and examine 'Oodsjnd machines. ll:ly. NOTIGE. d Company, ) Treasurer'!' Office. N.C, May 31,'78.J N. C. Ran. Road Company, Secretary anil Comiany Shops, N The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the stockholder of the North Carolina Rail Road Company, will he held in Hillaboro. N, C. on the aecond Thnraday of July, 1878. nd the tranafer book of stock of said company rjjl be cTvaed from thi date antil after the sieeting. W. L THORNBURG, 33:6t. ISec.N.C. R.B. Co. NEW LIVERY STABLE ON LEE STREET. Complete in all its Details. CRAWFORD & HOLMES Come forward with ample facilities to accom modate regular and transient customer. They have splendid stock horses and vehi cles for pleasure or business rides. Can fur- itUh any out lit required. Will send travellers on their way to any point. Will board and groom hoire by the day, week, month or year. Will fill orders lor hauling. Will buy aim sell hones. Invite Drovers to come to the best and cheapest stand. They propose better services for less money than ever before given. Will buy grain and provender. And as they are in for a lively business they say to all Come and try us. JAS. R. CRAWFORD, 16: CH AS. HOLMES. I have used the Singer and other machines, and would not exchange the America" aI1)r. MRS. 11. N. BUIX.U- Salisbury, N.C, May 22J, MfcBOXKYtfc Bro., Agents American Sewing Marbine : SlRs:-l have used the Howe, Singer, Wheeler & Vi!soii, Wilcox fc Oibbs, Serinf t chines, and would not give the American fur all of them. It will do all that wcluen in this circular. I consider it sunerior lo all others 1 nave eer sent Very respectfully, t , ri nr . MRS. (JEO. HARRISON. COSUiflPTIO CIKED. An old phyjivtan retired frtm act ive practice, hav ing naa putcea in ms naiais vy an Knst lnuian mis sionary the formula of a slmplf vegetable remedy Greflt chance to make Jl cau t trt tfoid you can We need a person in e-n"---7 anll--4lHuMnilMfauiiirpwV"fS f in the world. Any one can oewne a B t aura aia aaa a. ama - r for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, agent. Tne most elegant proncurua, caiarrn, a uima, anu an inroai anu aubscrtla-r. The price Is so low that lsdy auhscrlls-B. (me agent PRESCRIPTION FREE! Kor the spcfHly Cure of Seniinal Watkueu lt "it anliotMl niitl nil UiHortters broonrhton h ludi. cretioii or xce. Any lrtiKK)t bxu th Inrrtv. difiits. Or. W. J kO7RM CO., Mo. IM Wrd Mixtb Mtrevt. Ciaelniaatt. O. GET THE BEST. The Raleiah News. DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one year, $5.00 1.00 33TSen! Postal Card for Sample Copy. Addresa THE RALEIGH HEWS, Balwgli, ii.C I AAna a 1. .. n . linn 1 .i i an 9 . General lebllltv and all nervous mnlalntH. after 1 airji a wwt a la4v sirent reports jaubb navintr morougniy iem.ea lis wonaenui ctirauve powers In thousaruts ot cases, feels tt his duty to make 11 known to his suffering fellows. The recipe will be sent free of charge, to all who desire It, with full directions tor preparing and successfully using. Address wiia stamp naming tms paper, vr. J 8 ton a, 44 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (6mos.s:) c. HARDWARE. others, run particular, """""".T.., Vmt P g Elegant and expensive outfit tree. H you QtaWvork send us your addresrst oaoa- f)i nothing lo try the business. VJ "The J' " falls to make irreat par Journal, "J'ortland, Maine tt'- WIIEIV VOU WAIVT HARDWARE At Low Figures Call on the undersigned at Ho. 2, Granite Row. D. A. AT WELL. Satiabary.N C. June 8 tf. BONDS To make Title to Land, aud Laliorer and Meelmuicn Lions, for al at this Office. Barham's lntainv- PILE CURE. jlPCCfc.l I rn u - rtl f m. .uh - P AGEN'S WA.iilu ICTOBXAf. Embracing full and authentic fC3wirtiJ,! nation of ancleot and modern Uma"" hiHttrv r.f t.h rl unit fall of the (Jree a-. p Empires, the growth ot the nations oljt' rope, tue uuuuie avfca, me tiu.- - . tern, the reformation the discovery of the New World, etc., etc OTQrtnc8 v Z Iteoi.tal&g7S flne hlstortcal engravua large double column pages, ''".r-piiMt; History of the World everpubUshwi. 1? Send tor specimen pages and extra v?. i- r and see why , nm faster -j dress, . pMiadtlf1