p I I . I,' i, M l a S, i- i t- i' A- 5 t t T i SI ! 4 I'll ! t ! i 1: a i I Carolina watcnnidu. THURSDAY, JULY 2., 1873. POLITICAL SPEECHES, w A -MVCLT TIM AT GIBSOXVhCHOOL HOL'SE .. ii.voi: I7N EXPECTED DIPI-A or ...".n itv TIIK WORST WHIPPED . ...-.. tunKri. v TAMB OKATOKS TUE JIUMOKOl'S MAN. - This captbmlooks a little more sensa tional than In nina'Ho this paper, aud it is therefore proper for as to explain that we took "holiday" Monday, and vent to Gibson's School House to hear the candi dates make their speeches and we fcearil -.13 much of every kindof oratory, that we came away feeling, we suppose, like a fellow when he has taken two or three drink and must hollow or buret. " With one or two exceptions we shall only at tempt to give the impression made ou us by the speakers JIaving stopped a )iort phile oa the road we were a Tittle behind time in reaching tho pta and did not ecu the ppening, . ; , MH. AttMFIEi.D ; was speaking when we arrived, and he was giving an jsweount of the manner ia Which ho ob&ffierf tho nomination for Confess from this liatricf, all of which seemed far Tind regular. There' was noopu to exhibit tfce facta on tho other ddft. oi unveil mo muory ui me pri maries Wore the meeting of the JMstrict Convention. Mr. Armfield- talk well, and i$ evidently pretty we)l posted on the financial questions jf the day, fo which the larger part of hi speech was devoted Hi stvle ia nqt veryJbrciblo, If e ban ly pouches t)ie feeiings if Ins auditory, In deed hi themes on Monday hardly ud njitjed of an opportunity to kindle enthu siasm. Ho waked none not even ; cheers The tieople were silent and atten tive, giving no expression for or against the speaker. Next came 3JK. C, KQ.VKIJ, the independent candidate for Senator from the 30th Senatorial ditrict the nuilPKt candidate in the field, and of - courap the uipst . imprudent in- speeph lyike a rattlesnake in dog days he strikes almost at random. Hs chief aim seems to be ta atjng, without paring who he bits. To illustrate, h left the legitimate matters at issue and indulged largely in indiscriminate abuse of Mr. lilncknier, Mr. Mauney and tins Committee appoint ed to send delegates to the South Uiver Pofernpe. ; He Hedges in hi speeches and in a pew circular just issued, that Maj. Kerr and tho members of his committee caller' on townships to furnish tlie mimes -of suitable person to he sent fa the Sna torial CQnfereoce and theu refused to ap point such persons as were named. Thin is prononnced-oy tyaj. Ker- to be utterly untrue; the committee knew wliom to ap point after ten out of eleven Township' had declared - unanimously for John 8. Henderson. Maj. Kerr, Mr. Uhickmer and Mr. Man ney are too well known itt liowan to ! 'injured by Mr. Poavd' reckless -ileiiiiuci-atioo, altltough. they arc members of that profession that demagogues and communr jst love to slander. . - Mr. Foard left all iertinent political m-.it-ters and attacked Messr?. Blacknier and Henderson as lawyer, and nought to make capital out of their legitimato office prac iice. Mr. Henderson 1-epHed to tliw, as o all other charges made, and satisfied the pe 'na' the action complained of was in itself right and proper. Mr. Foard had " B'HiuHhing pecially against Mr. Blackmer. "(Tliia gentlemau had gone to China (J rove in the iuterest of Hendenum while the (ftmdidatea were np in lavic.) He ili.ln't want to tell it. Had hoped to go through f be pnvass without telling it. forit was too bad. But when men assailed himhe would not keep silence. He said the Su premo Court Reports would" show some things' against Bl.icUmer which should silence him, &c- We will say that the cireumttincea of 4he case hcrp referred fa probably, con tain no impeachment of the honor of Mr. Bhwljipef none whatever. Ije U in gnod ; and regular standing at the bar, winch (conld npt be so jf b, had leeij found guil Tj of vilany. Ifu Win good standing at homo among his . neighbors and every wheie else wljere know n. There are no . records fa proyp hinj ujivrorthy. (m 2Ir. parti say qg vivrfr f ) The friemj pf Mr. Iftnijorsoq wil have no pait in a disgraceful' personal wjangle. It eouldtiot protiHJieui wl ft Vlftory -. Af this sort over Mr. Fwnl. Th . will iiot wound the sensibilities of iuncpiit persona In pjitting to shame an imprudent Ane. The gU opjnron of tha imblic ia pot awaiting him who can say the nglivtt Aud hardast things ngainKt'hU Qejgjibor; for the world hat long since learned that , Litterness-of tongue more frequently .springs from conacious unworthiness than from virtuous indiguation. . Mlt. 40I1X S. HKNDEUSOX. came net in, order and found the audi jeiice ltiokjujf af Ijiqi with cm ioni, anTiotw aces. The situation was rendered em barrassing, not by tle fgrcf " jf anything his competitor had said, but by jfts ab surdity, its impertinence, its imprudence, its njpauncss, aud its tenon?. But slowly aud auyejy e )liminatel those points in bic'..l)':7a a public concern : the nesUftO ftfrf'fif as to qf the two ;otnties yaa ejiithlwl to native. flp candfc date; tje' action of the convention at South Xtyrer, .c.and these he fully and natis&ctorliy expljiined. TrlM M ,in? ' ticts of a gentleman and the respect due Jtirt fellow citizens, he sustained the dig. f hlj of bit josition througliout, and left V- V it. i!. f.;r jii 1 :i J.Uwyo)jAi;UIIy assnfedthat ICow. an bad ad made rro mistake in "selecting' hi her ftaudard bearer, Mr.-JIrhacfsou fricuda comprise the solid elemetita of ytu Uu opponent js that lu Da vie coufity ftleml aie old line uenio cratV' and that they are going for him ou that ground aidiie. We happen to Kuow about a dozeu of Xlr. H. most actire fiicuds.in Davie and they, are all "old whigs" but one. Contemptible thought J None but m uumitigateuueui- acognc would have taken it. Nwct in order cjime the candidates for tlie Commons, and tirt of these II. V. BU5I. This voung man went straight to bui- ness, dealing alone with those subject of uiblic iuterest which the people expect their legislators to look after. He spoke of laws yet Heeded, and amendments to nwfi which experience had demonstrated . m . m i i : - .. : .1 .... 1 .. as ueii'Ciive. wr. to. euucuuj man of sound sense and culture. Judg ing by hi speech alone, he has acquired clear jdeas of things that are important to be done or avoided; and hi manner indi cates prompt and direct action to a given ml. If he thinks no, he will RAJ it; or yes, he will go it. He U not a nnlk-aud- water man; and in the points of learning aud ability, he U a long ways ahead of some delegates Ivyan h4 vmt to tho Ijfgiilature. But we niijst; uoy n)ak foom for SQL'IUti DAVtI BAKlilVGSR, the most inconsistent politician and frag mentary speaker wo have ever yet seen with legislative aspirations"! ' He is a cu rious compound of odds and ends, of nil the colors of the raiurbowf and f h5' come together as if they had been shot out of a shell mortar. U has got more nnatcluK of information than any cow iu tick-time has ticks; nd when he gets up to make a speech he literally fake's them as they come." Well, Mr. BrurtngeT made his speech he did. Of coarse he had to ex plain how it happened he was again in the field the irrcsistnble' and constrain ing power of friend!' Every man has friends, especialjy in election times; and it often happen!) that a candidate's hat est frient)s are men who hate some other can didate and want himdefeatetl at all hazr zards. Personal hatred govs- greater lengths on" such occasions than strong convictions of the worthiness of candi dates, It ueyer stops to consider result ant consequences to fljo puhlic, The hating elector will vote for a loon any thing just to defeat the man he hates; aud he will do this and affect to lelieve he is "doing X?od service." ' Candidates are tlie blindest men in the world as to the motce8 of their supporters. They take them all in and ask no questions. Mr. IJarrin ger is not an exception to the rule, nor is it expected he should be.' But it may be well to ask in the name of polit ical consistency, of sense, of propriety and decemty, how can any reasonable demo crat, through hatred, or any other 'motive, rejecf le regular pomjnees pf flie party for Daviil Barringer, who, ukh'oiigb, he claims to be ji deinocrat, has practically shown through a history of ytars flint he is totally unworthy of the honor; and has on all important occasions voted against .the Pemocratie'party; and down to this day, all his disjointed arguments are lev eled against tlie men and acts of the democratic, party. Hut let him pass for tlie present, and make room for r MK. 3, f. FLKMIXO, who came forward with a lively -twinkle in his eye, which xte did u;t understand because we did not know- Mr. F's. Mjwers. Neither (lid his audience undetstand it; but they' were' notjong ju finding it out. He went by Ijegulatjvo qiiKirtious iq the main, touching them lightly. His asso ciate, Mr, Host, had spokcu of tliem, and Mr. F concurred on all points. Ho pro ceeded to consider Mr. Ban iiiger's case his political pi-ofessions and acts; his withdrawal from the canvass and tlie reasons he -assigned for it and his pre sent attitude before the people. With all tlie acenracy of the mathematician he set in order hi faota and daducod his conclusions. And then camo his re marks on tlie general asiect; he brought out the strong points, and tohl his anecdotes to illustrate their character. He did it coolly aad .systematically, It was a scientific sheep-shearing, aud he sent forth his subject trimmed clean to the hjqVrrthe haketlest gaquliestamr biest sabject you (eyes over beheld. It was a perfect surprise,-ami those steady old farmers whoLWitucssrd the operation could not hold in, but fairly, roaved with j angh'ter. Git out, ye indeticudent J But we must hasten oo. Tifc candi dates for Sheriff caine next. There are only four of them all deiuocrats; bat one, add he Is acensed of running iiTtlfo inter est of Bingham to draw oir republican Totes from Waggoter.' ' Mr. t. r."TAGr.nN-ER, t5,e. MW S'jerjff, had very little to' 'say : rl,e P0? H"cw him I: act tried him and fouutl il Jltjifuland dutiful; and if re- el(icte(ljs H ut)4 continue to mrrve them to - the let pf hU ability, : . . came next, and he roda Waggoner "a bug-hunting." Mr. Bingham U;a pretty good talker and pleads his. dwn fcause well. He thinks he is fairly entitled to ti nomination tlenys ihere wa ny fraud and claims the uuited support of th democratic party.-. Concetles that Mr. Waggoner has been . a faithful officer in the coveral pablie poitions be baa filled, but thinks 18 yoaes service in a - paying office is lone enough for any doe man. TJien came the genffe MK. BUCHA-SAJf, as iao4ct and plain a' farmer ; 4u can be fQB4 f) f"ftf o. X FL j. H.tjinge to :iy, a vepuWicn, tkeoiJy pijUticaf briiih Ije baa; for . tt strange that any honest manof ordinary intelligeuee without a hope j of pTty reward, boald identify: -bimcell ml with a p partyatfww vitbiaU 'tbw liberal ideas r tbi laAd'of emiitlhtfioual Ubetty. He has few followers U colored roter; even, standing off and giving him a wide berth. '-'$h T' " ' -f-i fn r-s s-1 I i THK BK. C PI.YLEK " closed the exercises fod m4e thfe best humored Jipeecli ottlie day. Jle had been looking on at the course of events: saw there were some fat offices to be distribu ted, -and that men were not disposed to wait for offices to come to tbe,nj but went running after them; and that as he needed a fat office and the race was open, he put ihY;Ohe '6nil8"eonTjietitor.4"Tiad already grown fat in office and the . otliera" were better off than he, and if the people would just now give him a lift he would slip in before them. He knew the people would le pleased with him lie would make even-thing very secure, and' di-harge everj- dnty faithfully,- &D.- This was the tenor of the speech, but it was interlard ed with pleasantries throughout the out gushing of an emotional natrire all nu skilled in the arts of the office seeker. Mr. Dula, of Wilker who recently an- uouueed himself as a cadidate for Solici tor in this District, against' Joseph Dob son, Eq., the regular uojuiuee, has retir ed from the field. Tlie Court House bell raig Wednesday evening, a signal fr a speech from Mr. Arnifleld. No'siiffiwieMt previous notice had been given, and there is so much bell ringing in the towrt that it attracted little attention, and so Mr. Armtield liad iioau dience and tll.l mtt sjienk. Ji Correction. It seeins we were wrong in last week's paper in giving credit to Mr. Waggoner for the eniploymeiit'of the negro" band which went out to the public speaking one day that weipk, Ml' 'Wag goner, uor trfdeed any candidate, had any thing to do with it ; "but it was file indi vidual contribution of an enthnsiastic private geutlelnau. Jr, tycljlwee of Stiitesville, has Jost his suit against Blabkwe)l, of Durham. Mr. McKlwee rlainitul tho trjulp nark the Bull and the name Durham and the case coming up before the Commissioners of Patents, July 15, was decided in favor of Blackwell. The suit has been pending a long time aud Mr. McElwee is no doubt a heayy loser. Col. Wm. Johnston, of Charlotte, hav ing been spoken of in some parts of the District aa an independent candidate against Col. Steele, writes as follows: -'Believing in the importance of proper party organization, I can assume no in dependent role in the approaching contest in "which so much is at stake to my coun try; and would advise all Democrats to support and vote for Col. Steele, the nom inee of the Monroe convention." That settles it. Acorrespondent of the Statesville Lantl utark says: "The Democratic party i.J Hawaii is in a deplorable condition," .Not so deplorable as yon might suppose. A few days more will show , how it is. The Democrats of Rowan have been a little out of humor, and they think they hare a right to be. They do not apprehend much dauger to the real interests of the party from their local contentions, and respect fully advise outsiders to save their groans aud tears. . TheMagistmtes of the several counties in the State meet at their usual places ou Monday. the 5th day of August, proximo, to elect County Conimis ione.-s three or five as they may deem proper the newly elected members to enter unou their du ties on the 1st Mud.ay in December. This will chauge the county government iu many of the counties of the State, ta king it out of the hands of the radical par ty aud putting it under Democratic con trol,; au event loug waited for by those counties Which have .heretofore suffered from.. the mismanagement of ignoraut and vicious men. Disgnsted,!' iu another column, writes a sensible article, on "independent-ism." wliieh w commend to the careful reading of that cbtsK of men who are now causing so much trouble and party anxiety, fie names Hon. Wm. JJ. Robbins as a suitable man to come iu as the d.trk horse" for the United States Senate under certain not improbable cont iugencjes. The friends of Mr. Kobbins are noniert brjghttday ad herent. There is but 011c oflier man in the Stnterwho can more eft'eotually grap ple tlte hearts -of tho people than he, and and that man is Yanoe. Those who know him respecf him fur hi great abjljty, and ljve biiu bacause thoy beliove iittu lionest and true - - . - ; The New Party. Tbeye seems t be ser eret ageuts slipping abjK ip the country trying to organic whjit i palled the Agit;eiilRickn w "new party." They are rejMrted as worllfng jn ' several piirts of the State with some degi'fcp of success. We have this to say on the subject 1 No nev party can accomplish for the people any desirable end that cannot more sure ly and speedily be reached through the pfesent Democratic Conservative party of tlie country. It is unadulterated Jruni- buggery to preach any other-r doctrine ; and those who go into the "new party" WiU be deceived aud worried by the de ception. ?t is better to stand firm in pres ent party relations than to b drawn off and follow the-leadership of Beu. Butler, who has never yet distinguished himself aa the friend of? the people. The new party, is' faIsolight. ..TJiei, Democratic, prfy;ba8 aought,jand u atiU-awking aecenipifsuUl thftoodjjurposes the.VJiew parryf jaropDttfand todoitin a lawfubind pfpe:way sltteew. ltjTpbxuiiu voiveiiqyttiopaaargciai-jmd politically' wbeu rour fdenii th syatenia'ir hts&s t ' " In$anity. The fact is noted at rather greater length than it is necessary for ns to publish, that insanity is ou the increase in England, France, and foreign coun tries, and also in the northern,' eastern and western States of onr ovfu cooutry. It may also be true of the Southern' States, but the New York Ob$errert to which au thority we have reference, does not men tion them. It certainly becomes a subject of theJi1ghe8t importance ta-jdiscover, if possible, the causes which are operating tu J&ejucreasc .ot.tlii.great . malady, and we shall be glad to learu that Dr. G lissom has bent his searching in iud in this direc tion. . There is enough already kuown, however, to prevent -much of the evil, if the people wou)d only practice it. Live temperately in eating and. drinking; don't fret nod : worry about auythiug; don't over-work, avoid anger, trust iu God and keep his laws, keep the Sabbath, live honestly, do no evil to yourself or to oth ers, but do guod as you haveopjMn tunity, and you will be almost entirely out of danger of going crazy VANCE'S VIOLATED PLEDGE. The former and well-known Senator from Jackson, writes an extended letter to the Xcrrs for publication, and he asks the favor ohV.ie ground that he haR been misrepivKeirFin these columns." The letter is in reference to the memora ble 'Senatorial contest of 1872, and is of fered as a j.istification for the opposition of Dr. Love and the Senators and Repre sentatives who, with him, have been des ignated "Merrlmou bolters," But the let ter leaves him and them scarcely better than it found them. It is now asserted that the opposition of Senator Love, and perhaps tho Others acting with him, arnso from a violated pledge, given by Gov, Vance, or a friend for him, to resign the Senatorship by Christinas 1870, if his disabilities should not be removed and he admitted to a seat in the United States Senate by that time. It is not now remembered that that issue was raised (luring UjP Senatownl contest of 1872, and if it hat it would have hoev promptly met and disposed of, for with all due deference to Dr. Love, no such pledge was ever given "or exacted, what ever his impressions or the impressions oi others may now be, The Senatorial elections always occur red near the first of December, and tt Christinas would have given the Govern or not more than twenty-five days to get a bill introduced, reported and acted upon iu both Houses of Congress, for the relief of his disuhiliiies. No re sonable man would have limited himself to so short a time on a measure against which there was much opposition and sure to be great delay iu its consideration. It was tlie open declaration, and a pldegc to the par ty and tho public, that Gov. Vance, fail ing of admission would-resign in time for that Legislature to elect, he never contem plating holding his credentials to run the chances of a new Legislature that might bo republican. To Dr. Martin, member from Carteret, who introduced a House resolution, March 12, 187 J , requesting Governor Vance tn resign, and wjjo cor responded with him, tlie Governor wrote March 15: promised niy friends, who supported me in caucus, to resign when ever they wanted mo to do so, whether on the first of January, fourth of March, or any other time." These friends did not request or expect him to resign by Christmas or the fourth of March. When the matter was under consideration as late as the middle ot j March, they did not intimate a wish for llim t lvsiirn On the contrary, as is well ! ixMiiCHibered by those who thonght he should resign, and were urging him to do so, it was the sense of a large majority oi the Democrats that he should hold on un til the next winter. "Senator Day mil, of Delaware, and others," never "wrote Governor Vance requesting him to resign aud let another be elected iu bis place who conld 'qualify." Hut Senator Pool did write State Senator 'Cowles, March 17, ftJ71, that tho disabilities of Governor Vance would be removed at the next ses sion, if not then, and he added : "If Con gress remains in session two weeks he will be relieved at this session." It was al ways understood that the credentials of violated pledge-.the caucus would have owed it to itself and the Democratic par ty to demand the credentials of one so un worthy to bold theui uti'ler any circum stances. "" . In a letter to.. ..Governor Vanee, dated Charlotte, January 17, 1873, Col. Hamil ton C. Jones said : "Von desjre rue tu state what pledges 1 made in your name to the caucus that nominated you iu 1870. In )cply I cau only sjiy that these pledges were intended by me to Tte siujply, that you should resign whenever the caucus that noiuiuntcd you expressed aii opinion that it was piojier for you to do so. I did uot intend to convev the idea to. the can cua that you would resign, jf your first ef fort ftir admission unnuccessful, nor if your second was, nor in fact did I refer to any time, but only assured the caucus that, iu case yon were elected, it would stfll retaju control of the matter by re taining tips power of calling for your re signation. This was all you authorized me to say, and. aU tja I intended to say. I have no recollecton of any letter from you being referred to u tljat ciueus,.but do remember that the assurances given by me were the result of , a conversion Imd with you a few minutes before pj rotunda of the Capitol. to4 i Iu ffgard to your resignation, I do nojb knoiv Ijow long I held , it f : I tbin fully 3 jWQ wee probably Jong?;. ,Xourin? - jsction8o It Was rene.rallv I w " d fceuator auce wereat the disposal of Terms reonalIe.: For further information the Democratic caucus, and that caucus call on or address me at Mill Bridge, Rows i did not leqiu-st tbem. Had there beeu a j .,: J. . , v c i i878 yerfttoprntitjrmptieTpBt,cotsautf ,;; ' . kuowpbat-I beid t, 34, 6t; Df 9"1'" rilllTr ' V T. '. " and upon what instructions. I may ald, that when asked by you what pledges I made for you; I answered you to the same effect that I have inlhU letter & These facts are r sufficient to dl rposo of the pretext of '' violated pledge" , upon trhich Senator TLove seeks td 'justify his" action of party disobedience, and which he assigus as the ground of his opposition and hostility to Governor Vance. Ral ityh Air. The late Dr. John A. Gibson, of Con cord, less than 0 days btfore"his Teath,' took a jKjlicy in tlie Equitable Life As surance Society of the C. S., for. $2,500, which amount has been duly paid. New swet potatoes were gold in the Newbcru market ou the 19th of July, L Twenty-one horn snakes killed near Newbern, at one place and time. Xut shell. The Temperature in Europe. London, July :u. liot weather pre vails here, and on the contiueut heat is very severe. In Paris and in some parts of the exposition building the tempera tuie is unendurable. Steamer Situk: New Yokk, Jnly 20. A dispatch from London says, a A dispatch from Ferrol, Spain, dated l!th inst., states that the British steamer Stalfa bound from Xew Castle to M a lago, collided with the steam er Europu of the anchor line from Medit erranean ports via Gibralta fur Liverpool. The latter vessel sunk, crew and passen gers were all Raved by the Stafl'a and landed at Ferrol. , The Third Party. Gentle of the Democratic party have called to inquire what nso there is in a third party, when tha candidates on the Democratic, ticket are all in favor of as many greenbacks as they- can honestly g t, are opposed to heavy taxes, and all manner of 'fraud and corruption iu the lie veu ue department or else were. Demo crats would de well to atiok to the regu lar ticket, give their united support to the nominees of regular conventions, (where no undue haste influenced their call) as dividing to conquer is rather a novel idea ! Salem Pres. The congressional, records will show that the Democratic, party has introduced bills and resolutions for the relief of the people by equalization of taxation, to give the people an adequate supply of legal tender currency, aud in eveiy other man ner has endeavored to legislate so as to meet tlie pressing wants of the laboring clashes. IialeUjh News. T. I AYER3, - M.lNUF.VCrUUER OF FIXE CIGARS, Salisbury, N. C. The following brands te;it eonstantly (a hand: "Royal Gem, .' rT M. "Little Vet,-' ti t. 00 per M. trtotu uaviu:i filled.) "U-iHy," a-.ti per M. "Silver L tkt." ('iair 1l.1v.1ua UUeJ ) $3i.0J per M. "o. i,"30:)i)erM. "I'rtderffuui,"io.OjperM. "UCUe ConiaioJore," 120.0 per M. orders pro;at ly Ililed. "' NOTICE ! - Notice i.-" hcreb- given that we, the under signed, proprietor f'tlie aUfbury tjt.t Willi will not b responsible for ny grist tbut may br ht, mixulaced or stolen aft IT the promised time expire. Furthermore, t'.iee Mill will not be considered public iliih tiv.y longer. W o will do all ia our power to keep tniug straijiht and iu tbeir proper plhceR but cannot be responsible lor the above mme accidents. Kospeetrullr, I m. I'd A. U A H r M A X Ji SON' . WESLEY AN FEMALE INSTITUTE, ST A I" X TUX . V 1 KG I N U Tim timp honored Institution i Sf pJctn. her I'J h. S87rf. Antony tho v II r-t sch 10U f..r yonnsr ladies in tltr T'ntid Siatc. K'lroiM-an ai d Ai'.ierteuu TeacLcr.. . .Snrroiir.ding lrau ti!'ul. Cliu.aU KUMii j a-:ed. l'ttK-i,:?-d liy SereiUeen Mates AMt.)G 'I HE I1KST TKKMd IS VtiK UNION : IJoard, Wishing Lights. v:it);:irb; Latin. Fr-cth, lor eaeh hall of the Scolast-e yeart$tir Masic very low. For Catalogues, address R v, WM. A. II A BR IS. D. U Prest . 3?:1oj. - Stauutou, Va. Valuable Land for Sale! I nfiVf fur alc Two Tracts of Land situated on Back Creek, nbout IS miles west of Salisbu ry, known a llie Stansill lands, adjoining N. IE Hall. J. T. Kar.'J.C. Gilleude and others, conU.ningOne Hundred Acres e.elu l"jefirRtl1recd!1ruf sell sejmrately or together as the nun baser may f.ff fjp sire. 39: 2m. HEHANPW0MtN..QFTHCi0UJH Desiring Phasant and Prcfitabls Work, art invited to ro!u it orders Xot THE LIFE OP Gen. AM Sidney Jotelon, embracing hi services in llie arraie-,of jihe United States, the Republic of Tcxas and the Confederate Sutes. Bj his son, Col. Wm. Preston Johnson. t ' . Uns hndorq otavo, 722 paeev illustrated ibvmtpsitil engravings. Sold bv subscrip- lion, exclusive lerrnory given, ror lurlher particular, apply t publisher,' D. APPLE TON & CO540 B'dwsy, New York. 3&U- Slate of Hortl Carolina, S0R Itowiru Conuty. .J Hay 3, 1876. A. Vickery, . ) again: t Summons and Warrant uf Lewis v. Urown. ) Attachment. The defendant, Lewis Y. B,rown, js hereby notified, that Summon ba. this diy issnad to the Ulieriffiif Rowan owtmty, oo:nman(ing bim to summon the said defendaul (o gupeur betnre the Judge ot our Superior Court to be held at tba Coiirt-tlousc in S.ihsbq.rr.Tn the 8th Mon day afrer the 4th Monday ot September, A. D, 1878, and nnswer the Coaipl'aint of ti.u plain tiff ; aud that if he fail fo to 4u thp Plaintiff take Judgment laesinst bini fir four hundred and seventy fiv dollars with iqterpst on the rame from the 3d January, 1873, till paid.- The defendaat i further. notified that a "War rant nf Attachment was. taken oaf by tp4 Plaintiff,-at tha. time of issuing the sunjtnijn's, against all ibe prnpert'of the defendant ta be foqnd fa -Howaft . Cou ntf. br so maohtbereof as win ssiisiy tne-fiaint iqs demand H four A 9 l Jw mmm. 111 . . ? 1 ! ' I - ; T W W W ttnnrdrctf aad seven ty-nv -dollars wilh all in. ou P1 1 - - 1 m r . w tw SAVE THE FRUIT ! . - r.i ... v r N.e Mason's Improved JSlniii; 'Jars A Urge lot juat in. A longlornr wsys cheaper than ever oflVred bfore. - ' At KliU S UKUU blUKfc. KILL THE FLIES. KliXJTTZ'S FLY PAPER Slurs them by the million. Cheap. ...JU'iatJXIZSJMCOiiTOISE. TMG YET. KLUTTZ'S BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, ia the eafost, surest and m6st pleasant remedy fur Disfrhea, Pvsemerv, For only at KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. ALL FOR A QUARTER. A good' Lamp, chimney, burner sndwict, all for a quarter. .AKLUTTZS DRUG-STORE. Males lie Little- Oies Sleep. Does Kiuttz's Soothing I)roi. Contains no opium. Only at KLUTTZ'S lKUO STORE. Three Fine Cigr for 10 em. lied "CT Oil. Best ami pr.-tties't illumina ting uil. Bluing SbnpR h:n the Muni already in it. Wood Pocket Sdda FumiUm. . (Jail ami see it. -Unparalleled bargnins in Il.-.ir Mruahe. li let Soaps, &t'. y At TMEO. F, KLUTTZ'S DKUU STORK, 17;ly. Salisbury, X. ;. p. 11 mim & son, would cxll aUenUoa- to thflr large and splen Ud stock rf HARDWARE Embracing IRONS aud STEELS every variety "or .lzes and shaposVet quality. Wagon and Bnggy Materials, comprising' all ths various kta 1h required springs, axles, waetls, 4:.:., ready to set up. Telegraph Straw Cutters. all sizes, and uiinrpasc.l m quality and durability. Great American Lightning SAWS, every kind and 5l.e. embr.icincr M ILL r CROHSCTT. NAI LS--an sires cut aud wrought. PJLiOWS The most popujur an 1 approve! style now Cast--lusrs, all ktuds. bolts, A;c ffi No. 6 potnta roxlii. W 1 n d o w C L a s s t rom x 1 1 0 :4 x r.o Putty , olla, rmnw araHtien, Msr.umnsr uner, e. FAIKUANK SCALES steelyards and Ualanoes. Worls. Tool For Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, Fanners. Champion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Threshings Kachines, Hor.-e-Powers, Pump, t-Wraln Cradles,. (Jrass S;.vt!ies. Planters Handled Hoes, CUS, Pistols. Kulves,andci"rLKHYof all kinds tlTidir stock emhraces-e erytblng to touni In a lare and complete Harlware store, and all at low prices for cash. With thanks tor past favors we hope to merit continued conndence and Increasing patronage. March I, 13TS. 2C:ly Rowan County Superior Court. Ii. B. Roberts, n Triiftlee of Siisn E. lluiiiplirfrs, t'lainliff, AOAINSl Tliomn V.. Urown, Kaniuel R. Harrison, Dtfrmtant. The defendant, Tl.othas E. limwn, is livrehv i nviitied that 11. 15. U teris, Trustee of .Sn-1 san K. Iluniidirey-, Ins eommeneed .111 action j ,i2;int him and S.imttel K Ibirtison, in the; Superuir Court hi li'iwan count, Stateof North 1 Carolina, entitled 1 hut the I'uriHj.-el f s;iid notion u to rteovir (he sum id three thousand three hundred and fourteen dnlhu and sixty-six cents, for money .loaned, with in terest ihercon fronj the 31st d.iv et Jul v, Ig7". Th:it I lie snnnijons ha a been duly served upon the defendant, Nanui-1 K. Harrison. j cxcjjrtnge for furnitrire. Shop nearly oppe i:.id Thomas .E.Urown is hereby reouired L,ite Watchman omce. JtiM.N FaiLST. . to' appear U tbe Conrl-Iloiise 10 h ili-horv, in ii... ..r t...1D..r. ' ... t..... t .1. " !.. 1 - "-. 1 .lilLIJ J I liUW.UI, Ilk A Villi 'II lilt, nil perior Court lo be htid on the Sth Monday af ter the 4lh Monday of September, lh78, and during ;i id Term lo answer or demur to the Complaint to be filed to the of nee of the Clerk of the Superior Court of sud conntv within said ferni.or the rlain- relu-i (lemanded in the sain rninpiaiiit. Snid Thonftw "3. Krowtr i further notified that a Warrant of A tl.iebmeut against his pro pertv in said eo'inly has been issued from the .Superior 5urt .f Rdv;iu county on applies Hon of the pmntift.TelnrnMhle lo the Supertor .... ..r .... : 1 , . i. tt . it 1 Salisbury, on vthe Sth Mnpdsy after the 4tb Monday of Ser tember, 1S78. . J.M. HOil.AM. Clerk Swneriot Court, A'oicf County. 34: Ct: pf Sip f ' 1 Kowan LQiin v snnfinnr nun Wilson Kesler, PteiiO-ff, ,i ,. AGAINST t ThomasE. lirown, Defendant. The defendant, Thomas. E. Brown, is hereby notified that Wilson Kesler has commenced an action against hrm in the Superior Court of itowa 11. County, State of North Caiolinw, tnti lieu as above; J hat the purpose id sn actum is lo recover the sum of one thousand dollar with Interest thereon from the 1st day of June, 1877. -Saul Thomas, ii iirovn is hereby re quired lo appear at the Coujt-llouse in Salis bury, in the Counts of Rowan, at the Term of the Superior Conrt for' said County, to be held on the 8lh Monday -after the 4th Monday of September, 1878, and during said Term to an swer or demur to the complaint to he filed in the othceXf the Clerk or the Superior Court of ssid lnty, within the first three day of said Term, or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in the comiainL Said Thomas JZ. lirown iVfdrther noiified that a Warrant of Attachment against hif pro- -perty in said County Jim been issued from the Superior Onnrt of Rowan County, on applica tion of the plairdiflj returnable to llieSaperior Court of said Oounty St he Court-House in Salisbury, on the 8tfc Monday. aft tr the 4th Monday Septeniber, 1878. .. . . JOUS m nrRAH, ' ' (Vrrk Su verier CurL Ramnn. flonntu. ... - for sale, here - , . - auu various ovuer oiants OiraricTOff Slick as Grease I BOOTS, . GAITERS, SHOES, SLIPPER 4c. - W. M. EAGLE : - Rjpectfu1l tanuuacesl'u cuim5c, ' his old stand in hi old line, on Maui Str opposite L'uui.V Drng Store. He is iw! ' ready and anxioutsecommoat eiitotll ia hi.s line in the best manner ynsi-ible u prepared to do first clss WrtK nd tan co' net y' with sny northern Shop or Utmi m.? work. His in.H biiiex, lasts, if., are of latent ai'd bestpattrns. He works the v best in iteriaLatid keeus;ou hatid ready q !7 work, and stock equal to any fppcinl oider - Eepairing iwiatly and promptly d..ne t re. tjaljle prices. 'Satisfection gnarantecd o ehargo. - Prices to Suit the Timeiv Csh orders by mail prompMy filled at.6inW w. M. liAGLt. SIM1T01I FEMALE COLLEGE. Statesville. N. C. The ixxt session ojeii! AujjuHt 2S 18 Board, and taition in KhrIMi. $85.00 Lr '" nionoftwentv wetk. C'ataltue and circul with full particulnm on stpplicntit n. r Addrvs,- Mns. ii. .. UKANT 34:1,,; Priiw.'ipt. FIE POLAND CUXZ mu pigs, Anda Milch COW and Calf FOE SALE. I h:iv a lot of iTne irHf vmi iouk t which I offr as tharoagii-liied Mock !.(.;. ji.0, irovd Milch 0or. which wi'l le ..t Ht rexU. rate ra4is, qnal!v cousrden i h u.:kavfoki S.li,sbury. Juue(2. 1878 34;4t l would respectfully inform the ritirenn of Rft'is!nrv and tre'snrronmlipir eountrr t,i 1 I have leitted in Salisbury (iu the back-room (.f flylern in ok etore). ar.d am )reiaicd to du I nil mnli wromp'ly ud ell. a in a firnt clh iTiiil- r ng ?ftablitiiO't!t. Virlra tvl3.t)l. j years' experience iu Ca tttiifr. Fit i inp, Miiknvf, j I'ieuniKjr nt'd Kenairlnp. I can aie!y tutui' : tee to my pat.mn tiie f il!et ut Ufai-timi t J the 1 een'iiinodutioM-r lam cr?, 1 nil t,lip Produce in Ixchange for Work. The pati;nage o' Jvwan ai.d tl iirniiinlij eountirts is respect f 1 try" Milieiled. (Vrrriijuit. denceJ-nvited from persorT living urn divanc :U::tni . J. A. . STOCKTON. t Little SHOP I AR0 U N D the CO UN Elt To tlie Pubiie, Grkktino : TULIAN& FRALEY - 'Present compliments to the public and desire to call renewid attent.on to their efforts to le useful hs AND CARPENTERS. Their prices aro as low as it is possible to make them, and their work not inferior to any. They till orders in two department, and have so far-given, satisfaction. They have extended their facilities recently, and :ire eTK oifaued to hope for increased dV :iand. Th.-ir readv 'made stKk in hand eoTnxrises a general assortment of huuw for uiture Bedsteads, Bureaus, Clothes Prci, 1 Lounges. Hacks, Wardrobes, Book-Ca, 1 ""'oards and Llima I'nw. l. annit- ?tana, Tin Safes. Dcshs. Tables, Wsshstands. Chain, &c- They also keep an assortment ol '- COFFINS ot walnut, pine and poplar, from $3 upward. Also,-Windowitash. They till orders with out vexatious delays. Will contract forcu- penter svorkand warrant satisfaction. iu take L'ood lumber and country produce in AETISTIC PHOTOGRAPHS. J. W. W-atson, The fdd orsiinul and reliable Photographer, from Ralebh, has lak'.-n aud tittel up the Clallery on .Main street, Salisbury, N. C, '' he is prepared to execute all slylcs of Photo graphs. Kereoivpes, te., in the very Ut ! Call and see bim ovrr Plyler'a Book - I ,',, rk tlie beiit in the State ZI.-IJ. t -1 i TTa.P.k LlTlfi tO AlDeiIUtrlg mv 1 ' j The undersigned is. ryiouni ft "eonitruU.. SnlUhiirv to Ai'"' ; ziy. tr conv Hill, or elsewhere on the line, heser tn L"ve Sibsl.ury nul any Livevy-'Stable. Monday, Wednesday and' Friday, 7 a. m. turn every Tuesday, Thursday and SatnrtUf, fi p. m. Leare order at National Hotel. . G. W. WIIITLOCK, 2.:lv. Propneiof. The Oldest Specialist in America. Dr. X A. Claptoii; of HuntsvUIe, Ala., Treats wiih almost Universal DCCf,V! Canceroui affections, all Scrofulous u. tions, ExcresenCfsniid Ttrmorf face, &c, Piles, Fistula, DroP Uons, &o. As. the Doctor i o often from wm address his son, John Robert Cloptoa, his name 1rr fill. " . ltu Send for Circulars nd TesUmow: from. men kiHiwn. to, every 'n5. "! 1 L,r Thousands who could not Iesve h.otu JL. beerrletiferl nv trie uof his remedies. rr etliirecUoils: awmpsny all JM jbaAny(manorwnm.an can e1u. sncce'ss. .---' - AVriteyljnVbwmei all.-l 'Af Office. County: and ,StiUt Alwajl naaae, or jay sons nameio full "' Tioriil-StocKi. mmm Hi ii n