'jaiUlry Silver Cornet Band re--ort a pleasant trip to the headof the Joad tbey returned Wednesday.' Js- - t prof. W. H. Xeave lias written for Band m.2" an Overture to "Christian Eeid" also a "Jim Wren Quick Step." Dorsey Battle says, 'Salisbury is sweet 1fl ita gadness and solacing in its souibre- jjess." YouDorsey: -uuck-c., uu- nograph. o- Jjrovn & Verbjf , livery stable men of 'tlii r,:ue' aru ru"ui"S a li" of carriages, busies, &c, from Henry to Asdieville, iu onugction. with the fast night train. f l,e ''cold wave" predicted at tho Wash r;,r.0U weather signal station struck this ,7ireTues.la.v 'night.- We have had two Vliful dau-and eights. . IHt- ' Parties running excursions from this ,iut to the head of the AVestei u Road arc bavin" it lively among themselves. They have Their bi-ns swung ncrs the street ud stack on the public w4l, &c. Look foK up the street yon would think ftome thins of great in.port.wa,.to take place, btinVoidy nn exnrion. . : o . have tho advauce sheet of "The "nfubary News," a new oaoer soon to be published in tl.U place by Mr. J. J. Qunutz. 'Mr. QuanU has. had some con .1 ;....ii,iiiii w 'miiimHsm. and BHU'iauiC ... j- -j trill no doubt be v. valuable accession to tin- fraternity. ' His ;.pcr will be Lknio nitic in politick Pi ice $1.50 per year. Tkhsonal. Ii-d mid lady aud their relative?, the Misses Lynch, of Cohimbia, S. CJmve beli sight-seeing in the .mountains for several days re- -r 1 1... turned last ueiio-csuaj. - Mr. J. N- if- Sumnierell, Mrs. Dr. J. J. rimiiue:tir7Mis8 Lizzie Brown aud Willie Wiley, left Salisbury to visit .Mitchell's Peak 'on the Black, last Tuesday. r ' r A goodly number of our citizens are travelling i the mountains we nave hei-u able to -i t a complete1 list. not -- (Jreat things weie'expected of the nc Ktnt iutuiici;yl officers of the town, but the hopes of their most sanguine admirers liuve dwindled Wautifully less. There - (stmus to he no hope for a swine, law 'though there are already laws allecting a certain class "of these rooters, which is uot enforced. Why it is thus we cannot i'r The weather has been hot, health! - pioii, and cabbage, beans, and 'raters plenty, and senppernong wine cheap. It "is not for us to say how much iMtluence drie'tinyfi have had ou the orprology of oui city fadders. - ' ' . o It fins hern Our. idea sure to visit the head of the Western North Carolina R. R., again. , ' We find that Maj. Wilson, Ties, of the " - - . i7 ,lie '.'pcu force" besides, to hasten the eomph tion of this great work. Resides this, he will put a number of hands ou the 4lii t road between Henry and the top ot tin? mountain in the Swauauuoa Gap, and grade it . uirely, so that passengers going -jiver to AsheviRe, or other points west, '-. will have no occasion for complaint even of tlie-stage. road. This we consider to 'baa very wise action ou the part of the Ptrsideut; for by "railing this road he will make" the usually tiresome ride to Artheville, a pleasant drive of a little over four hours. We learn that he will soon make the tii-weekly tiain uow making quick couftection with the R. (c ). R. R., a daily, aud will also put the mail on it. Jiy, this arrangement, the mail willccnch AsheVille about !libufs earlier, iu the day instead of tlie night, as it is .at present. 1 i. is arrangement w ill probably take efe feet about tlie 1st of Aiigust. -: - ' - AT H KX RY you will find that excellent hotel, the St. Jleruard," presided over by Mr. Wm. Sprague. We have never seen iu all onr travels a more obliging, kind and gener- on host. Pai ties stoppin- nt Ilemy have j Mfsrs Editors :-I crave a small space only to let their wishes j.: kiwwn and if! in your paper to say u woul i:i vitidica itv the power of Mr. Sprapne.--or his atren- I tion of myself : - tive clerk --Mr. Bulow Krwin. it will he gratified. ' - ot.p EORT. . ,VV Rjient tv short time in Ohl Fort also. The hotel hero-has chnnged huml.-i Mr. W.rJ. palai),. is now the Proprietor. For . thta'plcasitnt place we will, sir; that "they fare, sumptuously every d:y." Parties le-Hiiqg.to sjM?nd a month ju t; nioun tairis Conld nofflnd a more pleas-.tnt piaro. Tl.re sublimely, beautiful part of the thing u that yon cauUvcdiw per there than ut nome. -s ' - ''fhe greateat improvrnipnt in Old Fort is the erection of a largeFurniture mak- - hig. e8tahli!imetit. "Mr. Calais, in the strperintendant for the company. Though - ft)baildin is not yet completed, they mm 4ttakn.....4 1.. A. . I l ' luiiuiii; iiiu ,1 large iimonni oi ineniier grades of furniture, such as walnut ciiatn Kt snits, tlressing ca?e-, bureaus, wash Bt.ands, Jcc. We notice that thia factory 1 BltTllkl iia1 ll-5tl nil iUr. 1 ....... . A !... .Ui,.iuiu nil iltl IliC MltM ilim UfJl iinprotetl tuachinery, viz: planing ma- chins, Urrning iathes, tennoui and frie-zeroii4.in-hulduig jiiacbiuea, band sawg njortacfn'; machine, Bonlt'g j-unuel-liug tnd earring, dove-tailing and bracket .machine," jankejr loye-tailer, biriug, 'nnmlding and hand-planing and joining and beveling machines, &c. In connec-;:.-.nvitli,-the-.ma0tifactury, a saw mill , i aliu.'run. A horse-power engine ran9 all thia machinery. With these fa cilitJe;iti(l Jhe ueantiful walnut wood growiiig in'pryfusiou on'all the hill sides, they ought and do make a pretty, s good and cheap furniture as can be hpnght elsewhere. McrchaiitR, wlioles-ile dpaler autl private, partie can have this statement verified by writing to the aUoye Uamt.d jnpti Other thing we had pro poedffi iuejitjon,'lnt gpace forbids will ave'up'for another time BUSINESS IiOCAIi COLUMN. OO KA We have made arrangements O V. .'witli the publisher of that excel lent'Agricaltural Magazine, '"The Caro lina Fanner," nt Wilmington, N. C, by w hich we are enabled to offer it and the Watchman" for $2.50 tr year. A bet ter bargain is rarely to be had. Send in your orders. Dr. IL' "P. Besseut is at the Boyden House. He will be glad to see. all hi friends aud the Vest of mankind, provided they will have something done iu the Dentist's liiie. - He think you ought to come and we him; for you need it badly. Come imme diately. It. The second Session of this School will commence Aug. 5th 187d. Tuition, $2, $2.50 and $3 a mouth. Bills presented .monthly. Salisbury, N. C, July 10, 1373. CLEAN, COOL AND COMFORTA1JLE! Kestler's Beer Garden. In rear of A. Parker's Variety Shore. ElegantJy furnished pTeasantly arrang er!; always a cool breeze: ice-cold Dee:; the best wines and liquors, easy chairs, aud all' the late papers.-. THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN". Come and spend a pleasant hour. -Kesj icctf ally. 33: " ' W. II. KEsTLEIi. The grandest of all Excusions to West ern N. C. will be run on the 6th i-nd 7lh of Aug., bv JULIAN & O'NEAL. JO FIN S. UEXDEKSOXESQ. We n re n n th or ized - to a n n on nee t hi s geufleman as a caifdidate to represent the 30th "Senatorial District in the next Gen eral Assembly of the State. 3$:jtf. yf ANTED. Yon fig man a Correspondent 'jMiid Afol at SuliiMiry, N. Cai-in iiie in e;c!i ik ij!horin town. - G..nl pay fur aetnal H'.rk. An Irons wild references (Mump fur answer; .Mercantile llnrean, Chicagoj lil. To tho Voters of Rowan County. . I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the ofiiee of High Sheriff of Rowan County, -at "-.the ensuing August election, and will, I think, be able to satisfy the people tint I am acting iu good faith. C. F. WAGGONER. May 22, 1878. 31:te. For tae Watchman. Smith Gr.ovn, Davis Co., X. C. July 22, 1378. As many persons have asked me if there was an error in the report of the vote in the Senatonal contest wnien oc curred at'the couniy convention of Davie held at the Court House in Mocksville June 1, -1373;' I beg leave to submit the folloUing-statement, in my official capac ity as secretary of said meeting: The county convention was composed of delegates from the several townships, six in number, regularly appointed at the primary meetings. After organization, on motion, the different townships retired separately aud recorded the result, of their voting on sl'ps. The result was read out in public by their different secretaries or chairmen and the slips handed iu to me. For Senator for 30th District. J. C. Foard was recommended by Ful ton, Farmiugtou and Jerusalem townships 3 votes. J. S. Henderson was recommended by Mocksville and Calahan townships 2 votes. ' J. H. Clement by Clarksville township 1 vote. lly mistake the vote was recorded and called out for Foard 4, for Henderson J, for Clement 1. I was immediately ap proached by delegates from Mocksville and Cah:haii townships who" claimed an error. An examination of the written slips, which aru yet in my possession and subject to the perusal of any person, e'on vineed me of, my error, aud 1 promptly corrected it. 'In the noise and confusion of a rather disorderly meeting, many per- J sons tete probably uot aware of the er ror, or its correction. Kcspectluily, Lkox H. Cash, Sec'iy. I At tne primary lm'tMin-r held lor r rauK- I lin Township u:i tlie ()ih day lust, there was no ballot taken t'v of April or reni tor. NfitinT the name f- Mr. John 0. Fo.tt-d, nor that of Mr, 'Henderson my-re-su-d in comiectiou with the was thai. Soii?? one mentioned the snlj:ct, and it was suggested that tho whole matter be left open till the convention met at South River, when and where it would be deter mined whether it was UoWau" or Davie's time to name the man. - ' Franklin To'.vasiip appointed til'ty tlel- -?ttthe County Con venthm in Salis- ourj- iieu uiecou euiiou uiciouiy loriy- oneiotutr delegates answered to their uames. e retired, sis it is well known, several times, to ballot, before the whole ticket was -"nominated. Whilst I" was passing out of the Court House with our delegation, to ballot for tlie last time some gentleman j a ;ed me, why we did not vote tor Senatir I replied, "Simply because we have overlooked it." He said "we ought to vote for Senator." I re plied, "we will doso.' We retired to the ! jail lot ami took a ballot for sheriff, which resulted iu favor of Bingham. I then proposed to ballot for Senator, which was agreed to. I proposed Johu S. Henderson. Mr. Trot t propoesed Joliu C. Foard. 1 asked what Foard he-meant. Ho replied "Old Cicero, gentlemeu, 1 want ': you to iMhlerstand Old Cieero is 'running now." This remarket! used some nierrimeut and we proceeded to ballot, which resulted in declaring Mr. Fotnd to be the choice. 1 acted as clerk and kept the tally, aud my recollection is that there were only seven teen delegates preset t at this balloting ! all of whom except ; two, voting for Mr. Foard. I voted for Mr. Henderson and my son did not vote at all. Now, Messr Editors. In voting for Mr. Henderson, I did uothiug more nor less than every other delegate did, and had a right to do. I "simply exercised my sacred and iimlretralde lightens a freeman, in voting tor thetnan ,f my choice. . No. one found fault of .ino"lhen. No -one found fault of them, for vuliugthcir seiitiments but tor this act I am maligne t and tradu ced, snarled aud snapped at l.j Mr. Foard jo all. his speeches around. the county ; - - and for no other reason, for sooth, tuan the sole and only- one, that I exercised my right as a freeman in voting (of my choice, and that choice did not happen to be Mr. Foard. We have been pointed out, lv lifm" .11 Hio 'A:ii- dllll Kllll-" IV 111 I Vil-4 ted against him. ' I ask the intelligent free people of Kowaii County 'if this is the spirit in -which Mr. Foard ought to come to our county aud ask them for their suffrages! 'Noj a word about the South Biver convention and I have done: r There is no saue man will say that Row an did not fully declare in her eoanty convention in favor of John 3. Henderson, he having received the nomination of nine out of the eleven towi.ships. The con vention appointed a. cominittei, whose duty it was to appoint delegates to the Sonth River feonVetitiou. They did so, and appointed six delegates,, of whom, it was either my fortune or.misfortuue to be one, and that, uot -of my own seeking. We met there and found a delegation of eleven from Davie, high-toned, intelligent men, who received us courteously and kindly, stml showed a disposition, to do everything that was fair aud right. One delegato from Rowaq was unavoidably absent, W. A. Luckey, Esq., whoso ab sence we very much regretted. Oue of onr meinWrs was elected to the ehair. This let til only four 'to vote agaiust eleven. But when Mr. Manuey made a motion to allow Rowan to east 22 votes and Davie 11, the motion carried in open convention', eight for, and six against it ; To n- Rowan, and four Davie men voting in the affirmative. IfthVrewas an t!iii; unfaif in this Why did Hot DaU', wish her eleven deiegntes vore it down ! Th u we proceeded to ballot for the; can lidate, whereupon Mr. ll.-nder.-on received 2') votes from Rowan (2 votes were contvd. d Mr. Foard for Fianklin Township) Davie's j vote was not counted inasmuch as their chan-.nan refused to liana U in, and the i chairmau of the conference, agreeably to j ,. !, , . : parliamentary usages could not iveeivw it from the bauds of anv other person, This cniention was held in road ihiy light ia the open air beneath the rays oft he meiidiau sun and I will undeitake to say j "Give w this day our d iily bread," ind good that no fairer convention ever has been, j meiecine io digt-a ii, l.oih reverent ai.ii lui or ever ill be In Id under the canopy ofimm. Tle liuui.ui siomacli and live r are fruit- Heaven. Cut Mr. Foard did not set the nomination, and hence he is not satisfied: He says the Rowan delegation' was pick ed ini packed and were not representa tive men. I suppose the committee who appointed us knew their duty. They knew full well that Rowan claimed it. as tJieir time to name the man. Tn-y wan ted men who would go there aud carry out Rowan's views, and they would have been a set of Jack Asses if they had not selected such. We met there, and found i'eaiful numerical odds against usj besides a. heavy ouliide pressure from Jerusalem and a port of Franklin Townships. Much firmness and forbearance was re quired at the hands of our little band of Row a delegates. We stood, firm: uot an angry word was spoken by one of us, and with the aid of D.ivie count v, wec-n- ried the day ; aad this is the sum of our i oiTendinir. For this we are to be tra- i r-i tinted an I vi.lifed. I considered that the ligh.s of Row-in -weie entrusted in our hands, and had I proved recreant to my constituents in not endeavoring to faithfully ca.ry out their wishes,'! should have felt that 1 merited the everlasting contempt of the goiftl.' people of Rowan County. It mav do i.n M'r. Foaad's neighborhood to abuse a man for voting his honest sen timents, but the people of Rowan will nut tolerate such a course. ; Finally, as to my own pi-r.-wnal fe-lirgs towards . Mr. Fos r 1, 1 v i 1 1 sar, I have always resjtected liini as a christian gen tleman, and had tt beeii Davie's time to name a man, and ho had received the nomination, no out? would have support ed him metre cordially than I. Indeed, I regret to see hi:u occupying the position he now does, and I think in voting against him, I proved to hen better friend than those over-zealous friends of his who insisted ou his taking the field whetlur he received' the, nomination or not, and if he (Ix-ing in a fa'.se position) be beaten, he will te forever laid on the. shelf. There is no sane man that does .uot believe that Mr. Henderson, the regular nominee, our yallaut young standard bearear, w 11 beat Mr. Fund three tu one iu tjie district. And then, when they ee Mr.Fo,-ird seat ed on the stool, of repentance, studying the fuilutary moral lesson, that the pen alty treads close on the heels oi the transgression, those o cr-zealous ft tends of his will legret that he was ever per suaded into n false position. ,Yerv Respectful! w V. R. Fit A LEY. For the WatrfLnaD . INDEPENDENT-ISM Mk.s$rs. Editors, Will you allow a constant reader of your valuable journal a small space touching that ctmdition of onr ImmIv politic embraced in the new word wliicl heads this aitielef What is inde-p'-ndeut-isni f When we see it spinging up till aioUud us like the Japan clover, "j;msoii" weed, Canada ; thistle, copal, wild onion, sheep-biier, sassafras, sheep sorrel, broom sage -would it not be as well to understand whether it be a healthy or poisonous element -t, Wjf, have heard of inuependent candi dates till of our lives, but such candi dates either generally put themselves for ward or were put forward' on principle. Thus iu good oh times, Judge Kerr ran an independent whig candidate ngaiqst Judge lieade, as opposed to the "know nothings." Mr. V enable as independent democratic eaudidate against Mr. 1ewis on the public land question ; and many other instances might Iks cited. But at this time is there a single independent candidate mailing to defend or' uphold some principle not recognized by his for ty No, for we all agree as to principles. Then any and all merit of, or 'if "you choose, paliation for independent candi dates, has no existence. Tlie probable, almost certain, effect of their course is to divide and discract the party and let elev-euth-hour seeretly-uomiuated republicans run iu between, and as seu.-uble men (and no others ought to be candidates.) are sup posed to intend the pr-bable consequences of their nets, how can such candidates (in many instance good men) reconcile their course to the dictates of patriotism, or their professions of loyalty to -that party and that al jno which can secure for us the blessings of an, honestly administered government f . Cannot these gentlemen be induced to foresee the fatal consequences o( such ac tion f What is thep'roperTemedy f Some times we are enabled JUi suggest s remedy by ascertaining the. eatiift,. j Y,0Br corres pondent respectfully, suggest that there are two causes, or more accurately. a cause and an inducement. '-'?- ' : ' The cause is fairly attributed to the luanintilation by a handCal of meii.cf Ui township primary meetings a meetitigts called the five watt.'pn-turin'g'a full af-teudant;r-4dld..hU fi tends,- and;irne t fines Mi"fof ieir tlie . game succeeds and the township declares for a man whom, fjerhaps,. the .greater. oXfiflMvptera ulf never before heard of. " T . The ConntyiCouventiou, as a necessary consequence, is a body.without will r au thority and satisfies JU. functions by ad ding and subtiactiug the township votes. The syfetem of Ihe -primaries;" wliiteit uiay be liouestly conducted, is so liable to be thus' manipulated that it has originat ed a deep seated feeling against .county conventions, a feeling that the true voice of the 'fiebple of the county has Wen ig nored, and great color is given to this idea when we reflect ujKm the fact that in some instances gentlemen- of the highest character and . unexceptionable, behavior iu office have been without the pretence of excuse, set aside for a new man Rowan erhaps has uot been without such experiences. The germinating prin ciples of this noxious practice was un doubtedly sown hy Senator Merrimon in 1872. Had' he failed in tliat memorable contest, we should not have heard, except very rarely, of independent ism. His success agaiust the idol of our par ty formed a precedent and sewed the seed, the fniifc of which is now ripening. If Judge Merrimon, who (leaving mt the republicans) would have been the worst defeated candidate , who .ever, ran forof tice, coa'.tl with mere liaodfiil be elected then, argues Mr. Dissatisfied, so can I. So we see the inducement. I see no oth er feasible plan, of settling these ditncul ties than by referring them all to the State Executive Central Committee. IJy-the-by, if nothing is done, to stop the epidemic, it will result in crushing Vance without- heneh ting Merrlu.o i. fook- ing to such a contingency,,, wo improbable one, allow m to saygest t!ie name of t'le Hou. Wa. M. Roiiiiixs as the dark horse. DrStrUSTED. DIED. .... . . i . e-n IT . R3BiSUS, m tue tu year oi Ler age. Tle Ueoeasea was a tla-i iuotuer, good luigubot aad a consi- teat meiabcr of the Haul tstctntrcn. " c" mmmmmt nniwi"wiii n mm GOOD DIGESTION. 1 11 Murrtfs ot hie s eoinfort; i.r, disonlettd aiiii iliseu-etl. llicy tingle inisi-ry :i1dii; ewry nvrvi and ihrouii every artery. The man or woman with tjiiod diyeMiuu see beauty as they walk, and overcome o'uMuetes they mjet in the real ine ol titV.-wnere the dyfjiepth'sees only ;l()(iii end stuin'de and -jrowis ;it even i.aainarv n!'jv."ils. 'fh'u Wurii nili int.!.- iro or thn-t new kincU ol' modcine hrfuie tfeaih imii he per Kdfy aliolinhe.'; h it tli.it m ;ay !ivt-s Iiave hedi (irohmued, and in iiy nu'-ror- f n n t l,iv.r tir e.ise, lKs',iepsi- :m l llcdachi:, Ivaw hevn ear ed liy .M KultKl.ls Hepatink, no loner i dnnht. It cures llfa-lneiie ia twenty niin;ilis. and there i 'ju lin Inn w!ni it iilu- urns won. if i fd di-eivt-rv yrt m t ie in tiK-di.-a : MMener. fho.-'c' illlc'l. l wi;'i 1 J : ! 1 1 1 u i e- an,: Liver Uo n,ii.ii..t .-.tio ihi Miomn-.j.i.'s !li:r ATI N ti lt ear? be had at Theo. V. KhitlzV IF The Woman who rrj ir. '.: salad and ice cream, hul cakes and w.u m t-: IK The Student who ets hastily and siu down ai once lo ac:ive anJ menial labor; It The Business Mm who lh)ltht fod in eager I ! taste and hnrriea 10 his ei.untiii roum ; IF The Hard Drinker could-look at the deleicate plan ts, s.v ilien an ! f.-stered with disease, that iau-e the llif j'-jbin brain; IK The Lawyer, the Minister, the Merchant, and all who (lead rfedeulary liven an I nie subject to Dyspepcia or I n lie-ili jii, Constspation and ileailaelie; IF These only knew what Mkhp.ci.'h IIki'ATINE KOU THE LlVKK wiil do for their rvlief, and Ihw quickly it cures there would be much less sddi-rin 1 ban ai present. The ijrual Lik'er Medecines f-.r sale bv Theo. K. Khitiz. Hyw sad tlialin our laily life wo neultct s. in.inv i!in;s uei tvsary to imr well l)f tit-:. Tbf in i it tl bu'iness with un eye only l bin credit in the tiiiMtici.il world, tin. individual of elf s.mt loi-'iire whnsv only aim is to arr.iy liinj -f If to lite lnt advantaf, the yoint lady wliu idly listtiiins; to sjirin'.- divine h.ariiionirs, fit-Is not tiif a.tproauli ot disease in the ftliiig ot" la!i"ior wliiidi .-scsses In r all alike H'.r re:.dor io t-a-ily to the a I vanct'-nard of dir. ease, wiicii, by a j'i iii i..tis in vestim-nt. iri Porta line, or Taoler's Wiretable Li-vtr I'owder, a !oo arrav ol ills i p it to rout. H iv Porta- liiie, or T.d.h-r's Vegetable Liver lWder, and i!id rid vonr-i.'ll of disorders ari-inj; from n torpid liver. Price 5l Cents. For ale bv C. R. Barker. People f a. 1 cl:i.eH will acknovIed.'e that in this wurld much depends upon onr hnaneoit eoiiditiv:i, yet hW nun wiHy leflect tliat our lin.iiieiai comliiion ilepends upon our physical. Yet it is even no, for who can labor without health, and wlnrcau accumulate money with out lalior ? Hence the importance of using Cunsens' Compound Honey of Tar, wliiili isa sure erne lor Coughs, Colds, and all diseases ol the T hront and Lungs. Ueiuetuher yon can buy a bottle of ' Corii pound Honey of Tar for 50 cents. For ;ile by C Ii. U.irkvr. 2Liver is King1. The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole hunnn system, as it eoijrwls 'h,e;lile, health an) happiness' of man. Wlieti if ts drs;iirheVI iu its pro jer act ion, all kin Is of itt'mAits are the natural result. The digestion of fopd, the movements of the heart ami blood, the action of the brain aud nervous system, are all imme diately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been successfully.- proved that Green' August Flower in unequalled in curing all persons nftlicied itli Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. S.tmple bottles to try, 10 cents. Ponitively sold in -all tonws ou the Western Continents Three .doaea. wifl prove that it Is jtfsl tvlfcu you want. - - '' PRICE CURRENT. Corrected by J. M. Kxox & Co. June 27, 1878. Cottox firm Middlings, low do . a taut 9 Bacon, county, hog round Butter Eoos CnicKESS per dozen Cokk new Meal moderate demand at Whkat good demand at 910 7 0 7 15Q20 78 si.-jo-a.oo 47a48 4850 801.00 2.50a2.60 2.33 . 75 . . 3040 35 , , . 20 Flouk best fiim. super. Potatoes, Iriwx OjiroKS no demand Laud Hat Oats Beeswax Tallow Blackberries ' Apples, dned SCQAK f v.; ePAlVffwl mmmmm mm . All pern living in the corporate limiu of the Town of Salisbury who are -object to pay a poll tax to the Slat-; or -who owned r Wt.rV rKMveswed of ral or personal pro-terty 6n terst day of April, 1878, are hereby notified lo list the name for tsrxation at my office in Mefo neT ft Roper' Store befofe- July 1, 1878. Failing w do so they will be futyect to double B. F. ROG ERS, C. B. cf June lat, 1878. 33:4t."" Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. ii virtue of a Mortgage or Detd in Tro; executed by R. 11. Cowan and wife to JHmt S. McCiiitbiii l.,tel 30;li March, 1870. and retisterel in tlie ofii -e .f the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, in look 4o, papo 100, Ac, and ukui which default has been made, I will' exjHse for sale at public auction at the Court Home door in the Town of .Salisbury on Mon day, the first day of July, 1878, at 11 o'clock, A. M., the following real etle, to-wit: Three 3) tracts of I tiid, consUtiug ot4532 acres, ntore or less, situated in Rowan County, adjoining the land)- of Hubert Smith, Jame' JJ. tiibson Allison Overeasb, the Nixon place and others. One tract of 1JS acres, one of 203. acres, and one of 1 29 acre; for houndi ies, aee hook 4o, pagt? 100, Register's office, or the Mortgt; in my paHSfe-Vmtt. The landfall jdn ami form one of tlie most desirable plantation in the county, on both side of the Lincvlnton Uond ix miles west of Saliubnrr. Termo Ca3h. Dated at "Salinburv this 23J dav of May, 1S73. J.S. McCLT.IilNS. 32: 5 1. . Trustee. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, Ard -merrsad for ilia tnr aad praveatiocaf ijiMi-UKJi in JloriM, Cattle, H0aa.iLbec9.An0 Fowl. U VI p a. i'OPT. Prop, TlUrmor e . tld. J. D. McNEELY, Grocery, Praflaca aad Commission A sent for the a lie of FertiiiA is, Lime, I Saw-tl Shinsles, and Monntain Produce. Bnv ! a mi sei iu . uir i. r luur. jiea . anu aii i ii.-.. a ' IM r i I i i. kinds of country prodm-e on euinmisiioii. ! lliytiest prices trnararitwd. Agent for the! celebrated Lnlish patent Milking Machine. Will keep a small aortnietit of Family ( rroeei ies. t'allan 1 fv Uiv.t at 1 is new stand, liiree d irs btlow Ivhuii's Dnig Store. 2U.,j;nos. AT THDS. H. VANDERFORD'8 EGUOCERY AMD COXFECT-o.N EKY STOKE. Gentlemea aii Laiies' Ftee Wort a SPECIALTY. Having engaged the sen Ices of a first class worlc todn, we are prfspareJ to turn out the iincst and best styles of cliy-iuade goo-ls, and at prices to suit the times, constantly on hand an assorted stock of superior material, ca'l and examine our work. Satisfaction, miaranteerl. Salisbury. Feb. 14, ls78. Xo. 17:tf. BROWN & VERBLE'S J I IyerV & Stile StaWeS, SALISBURY, X. C, Will convey passengers to and from any point with the best stock and vehicle. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC will find it to their interest to call npon then before making arrangement elsewhere. Drovers and Traders will liiid at this establishment good lots am1 j .urihles. and olentv of 20od hav. fodder, oata and Corn. PLEASURE DRIVES. Those wUhinx tiirnouts for pleanre drivo will tind the be.t aceornmodatio., at these Stables. ... Mr- W, IL Kimball will alway l e found the Stables and promises entire alisfnction ill w.st nm era 42;tf. - SALISBURY BOOK STORE.-' i 1T7A TT7 T'A'D'D Tfft-nY OTXLiV. V JL VI x f AAWjJi (At Mclntyre's Fufnitiue Kooins.) BHSOHT NEW BOOKS 1 AT " LOW PRICES. CALL AND SEE HIM. 9:tf. THE BEST TRIMMING SHEARS EVER ITvin- nnrchased the right to sell this cele . ir tAtfuthinn nf HnirMi ,fiK Frnner in nine to-rnlnipa oi itowan co mt v I invite public attention to thin vahiable fm emeniftU-tii.d l.na frii't trees to trim Mokmm icii iitii ii or bnyit.may call at Knttr & Rendleraan' Store, Salistmry. Price for th'j implecient and the farm right "to make and use -be srtiae, 4. 'Si.-tm- G. FRANK DOWNCM ; -ii -1- r i . ''fi.. 1 NOW: IS' THE TIME TO SUBSORIBB I FOR THE ' WATCHMAN Making, jyir t" - : T- r- T y AiKinmb.t9 the next , - ; friend of Mary A Atkinson, Petition to re micor.. Plaintiff, move guardian. . MgtA i- . n " p 1 Geo VT ijwicejfftod, gnarcTian, j " " Upon the affidavit cf the Plaintiff, it in or dered by the Court, that publication be made in the "Carolina Watchman" for ail uccewive weeks, notifying tlie defendant, George W Swicegood, who a non-reident of the State to appear at the.omce or the Clerk of the Supe nor Conrt of atd county, oh Monday the lt day of Jtdy 1878. a l answer the t-omplninl which will le tiled in the above entitled action within ten day frnm the date hereof, ami if he f ull to answer the complaint, the plaimili wilt apply to the Court fur the relief demanded iu the complaint. - Witne, H. B. HOWARD, Jndse of Probate and CUrk Superior Conrt nf Davie Count-r. May 17th, 187S. 31:0t:pf $7. pd E. H. MAESH'S I fiTTTlTTI ITTnTiTrr mm. SALISBURY, X. C. Having my Foundry in readout-, 1 am now !repared to do all kindx ot Casting in either Iron or Bra. All kind of Kngineand Boiler Work done with dtt-U-h; al?o all kindH of Agrk-ult'iral and Mining Machinery built or re-wired, to' order. I am al?o prepared to Drena Lumber, make all kinds of Mouldings, make Saxh, B.'ind. and Doora. Hii.-h, Doorn, and all fize!-ofmonlding, kept constantly en; b ind. A tock of Lumber always on hand or furnish ed at fhort notice. A 16 Harss Portable Eneine ajid Boiler 1 . , " I for sale at mv phopa. j oth guaranieeu, ana at prices to imt the i i me. .Pd. Blaclmer and HenSersan, Attorneys, Cottneelcrs and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. ,Tanuay22 I87G tt. ft Fractical Blacksmith IlORSEStlOElt. SHOP coanected wtUi Iirov.ii Si Yerbiev Itverj stables. t& 14 deslL-aa of Mioeci, lo o :it uny suapeot foot. All shoeing on strictly &-lentiac prla-t cipies ana WARRANTED. All tlads blaciCbviiiliUltg promptly done. lKty i SPPJNG MILLINERY. Thave just returned from the North and am receiving my stock of goods em bracing all the latest stvles of HATS and B0XNETS, for Ladies, Mi w-es and Chil dren. FLOWERS atTi BIBB0NS,Tn end less variety. miMMIXU SILKS, LIS EX COLLARS AS Ih CUFFS, FANS, Zephyr Worsted Material for fancy work, Silk Handkerchiefs, Neck W ear, Corset-, a good slock of Human Hair Goods, Ac., fcc, - All longht for cash, which will enable me to sell as low us the lowest. -lheforc buying elsewhere. a- MHS! S. A. GREENFIELD. Opposite Ctaw ford's Hardware Store. 2G:'Juios. - PEESEEYED 1 ff tu Having bought the county riht for the ''Tropical Fruit. Vegetable and 'mett l'reserv- ; im lJroce." I will sell receiies at $2. It witt preserves barrel ot frutte or t-jetalUe nt a rost uf p cents, and 1U0 lbs pork or beef fcr 5 cents, and the fruits, meat .aiid vegetable retain their natural taste. T4ie"i.rocehS i- a . . ' . . - - . - . . dry one, simple and perfectly "harmlct, and is used in ainict-l evcrv familv. -For'sale at '26: - " I;NN1s;' prug Store Davie Couniy- , M. 11. Chaffin, admr. of J. Wallaca Canuoo, ;dec'd- - riainhff, , , . . I : v -y Annintt - . 1 i ir ii .. a. , t Y tr tr : ' 1 P. ..armm lis t Snfiaror Salt ! wife ofli S Gaines, J Wesley Cannon, Martha i rc,lJ ! A Cantun, V C Cannon, Tho A Cannon and!' AtiAIXST . - I Willie Emma Cannon, heirs xf L, J)eft$. : Lewis V. Browti ted Thomas E. Brr-wn,"'1 Petition to sell Laed forAssets notifvlne who is a non-resident of the State tos.r.iiar te.io appear erior Court the onjeeef theolerk of the Suj , said county on Mo.iu?y. the tat day of JuK 18-8, and rw?r tl.e comply filed n the ahoteent.tled actio wihn . .ten t,i days wine .a e nenor aiia to aruwef.tLe eorMnlainl, the t J(ifl will apply J i Tml w : to the Court for . the relief demanded in toe i cfnipiairi. , ' ' i . i rrtii- t T . r ! 5 ; 1 : : i i-v- --n.1 1, r ! Sparkling. Catawba Springs. CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. This deirabI? wUriug pUee-will be "open for s-tect visitora20th 187,1878. TheSprings are situafecf' tieaf rTictory"i?tiilTon oil the Western .orth Catolinn Uailroad. The bracing mountain atmosphere, "" iihihc health resioriiis properties of their watfi-, rrn- j Invfrtids ftnlileanireitfeWnr ' The mineral waters euihrve bin- atvwaUe j Sniphtir Had ChaUbente." It, ia the it.aridj most extensively fitted tip wntt rii.tr jdi.ee in' the State, tld eao aecomnjOdaie three Irtnirt d persons. ' A good band f music will remain at the ! Springs during the Reason, ahn an tlfe facilitiea ! c lass wuterilic places' will he ofitred lo visitors. - A ! M.ppJ V ot ce cons:an,.v on oano . onvev;uire witt meei in -ran oanj ai . ..v . , ... . . . Hickory station 10 convey v.,or io tne 1. j.-aw. . .- r " t - I wikf'iper dajrr ' Half prtcfor fhridmt and snun servant - - . s H riu iiumi tnrui-.ii"fi iui families. Dr.JvO. ELLIOTT. ; i 0rnetf ami Proprietor. .- :,...i m ,t : - . Mortgage DeClS IOr Sale liere Lpon the affidavit of nainiiO. H is ordered V. V , --t . : ry . .i . 1 1- .- i ' a i .i m I'- Brown, are Krtbv notified Uit Isaac bv the Court, that publication bemade In the,, , . - .. - , :-ss,-ttu t . t. t i Lverlv, as juafanin of Man r. Lverlv, .5Mlte "Carolina Watchman" for Fir aiu-cwMve wetks, ; -. . , . . . u'n-'n GREAT RERITTIOX IV PaifESt Wc are the firt f 0 ofTrr Firsl-Class Sewing MacIiineSe at prteea w-;tlii the rjacb of all. WS'ILt. MA,.IJ!!fi miV Ui' FAU1I.V SEWlXt For Twehtv-Five Dollars 0n n ornamented Iron-Star anJ Trrad't, . witn !nut r;a!id Dtawer,-and 'nectary Attart" ntents. r.dtfc!lver it at any ltailroad Depot ia th UniUd .States, ... . , , t FREE OF CHARGE. TIiwnaelfea are warranted to ?o-Mte wboI fine of Family !t".vinK with more rpiituv. mora ease or tuaue-eaietit, anC less fatigue to aWeper ator. than any Miacliifce now ia ve. Th muLo the l'ovr.LK 1-iatAD STtTcti Insuch aWtelww tbai they avoid thn rtpcewftr of wndirr the ittrSer i,iroad-and w,n frra naeat ciubric heavtert overcoat cloth. 8cod for a circular mfi d amide of sewins. , Every ipacluiie ,warr'aUMl for "rteyeais -AUEXTS AVAKTED KVEUY WHERE. CEXTESMAL MACHINE CO UmUfd, 47:ly. 73 Filbert St I'hiladuli bia.JPj Greensboro Female College.! Terms Reduced to Suit th$ Timet. The 4-Tta 'euon will uegru ou Wedtiodav. 23th of August. Char'jtrper 8es$ion of 20 weeks : Board, (exclusive of washing and light), $50, Tuition i;. full Engliid. course, $25. Extr.1 rfndhs moderate.,, Eur cutaloyue applv to . .. . . .... . . TM JONES, I'rM'U. o7:2m.pd. : North Ca,rolina College. Mt. Pleasant, CAUAp.nrs Cor.NTr, f, C. Tft nexte.8ion bin MoIjat, Acocsx '5, I87. The coil rse ot Httnlie U. full, both in the Colle-prittf ami Academic JJrpart m ettli corp . i f intru'toi nhle and . j i tu cd: liri-t c, iKim iiihtitmion furtiifdie.- mij tri r d- vantages lor oiii..i: in; a IIh.oj,!. t J.u"ial and bii-inos duration. Tntlicn i n (Kii-ratr, $2 to p r inon'Ji. i'.oard in priv .te faiui lies Si to J9. At the(idlfe Hout utu-Uii thil board in given l $5. Contingm fee u low. Community morrd n ! !eati u hrslthy: For catalogue and funbir particular ad drefs, ni:v s. s. r mix, vm. 37: If. S.-c of the Kanrtryi COOL SPRINGS fi 7 The Eall Session of this School '.'. i',tu c.i Monday. July 29th, and continue""!'" ;vetk.' Bates of Tuition Per Month : Spelling ard Readingr, ite., fl.Od Arithmetic, Gtography, EyliKh Oiaui-" mar. Ac . Id5 lthetorit , Piiy-;c.-, Physiology. Btdany. U.OU Latin. Greekr 'p-"., Geouielry. ic , 3.1K Contiucnt Fee. Pt v Quarter . '25 Tuition payable at the middle-wind ci i-ef the session. Student charged fi j-m. tiait f eiitrauce to the end of ihe Sesaioii,. tu.Ieif. there in a special contract. Cool S-trir.ps is 12 mile's- Xrrlfi.Esit 'f StatesviiU'.and is nor. surpassed for morality a'idhcalUi. The water n delightuiiy edd ;. and pure. . ILe I'n-Mi; at i. rt. expntcrfed tnLr stm refi-rs lv atiiitia irl(v. K. F. Kockwdl. Cfol SpVi,,sf N. ..; h'ev. J. JJ. Poot.f , State Vi'in. X. (.-., tiWd ICev. Joseph Whvv kr. Ofin, N. :. " 01e appfieati'ut to dHd and strict olxf!- ' ... 1 1 i . , : : .i .. : . .1 . it i e'.i' t au HJ'-' art- posuio. reijuuvu oi-.iw ' puril. j l!onrddrim -Monrfar Friftar, 7 ent t ! V-00 per week. All the tinie.iiiclndoig wfsfc- ins.li'S.OO t.$" 00 per month. There are several vacant houses that can be -rented" on reasonable terms. . . For furLher puMcnlar apply t JOHN JDUCKETT I'.-i & clia1, 3G:2m. " ' -Superior Cfiirt ' tlOWall uOHIll J" Isaac Lyerly, guardian of Mary Franewi J.T erlv.'Jane Lvtrly.and Iaac Alexander Lyr i;n" cli,,l aSIMft the Sultrier Ct-vct ai. iiwal,-co.,,v, Slate of 'orlh Carolina, of .... , "V, .... .... ...... i, -- -..r , fJ R. )ltf frlrl borrovrH raoher, wiih interest e rare ofeMd perV.ent.i.er anV... - j the 12t, darrtf Aueilrt. 1873. Tlf-id - . . Lewis V. Browh and fbonias Broun. r r.eri-by required to appear at the Conrt-11 t-M.V in Saluot ry. on 4lie elh Aionday after ile 4ttt : sard term to artwer or demur to tne complaint, ! which ban been filed in the office of. the Ctrk f the S"f trior Court of Kowsn county, r V plair.tifl' w ili,apply fur the relief demand. d ip the complaint. The aid Lewi V. Brown and Thoma K. Drowit 'are further noti. d that a Varrtnt,of Attarhnutit against their properly in aid Coiirty has been ined from the Superior Coi-it of Kowa'n County on pplicatioiVf.4l. plaintifH ret u i nable to )he suid Superip; Coyr(, ;i the Court-House in Sifuh-u-v, on tj.e.&tlt M .fih.y hffer the 4th Mohdny of -prmb-f. J. M. I ltit Alt,1 .. Clerk Snperinr Cvar 7"U1 UK:L pf$10 . . , TIKE AND INSURANCE .. r.. ft rer on-w a...n? i.. t y, , .y, on i nner j.iie or x-roperiv unum uo ikm I .. , ,j j to call .on d w ant for sohie of the brt Amencan 8 wdl i u- riiLTUsii v. im : mi nr. vi.n i i i fc ;' Ii. y r(.rA Sdliiburv, N". T." . rMi. 1074 37!efe.w-'-i'- "iq ;r ?a BOND! ' To make Title to Load, cod Llqrsr at,tl , Mechanics Lien?, for ealc at tly'i Qfte, ACADEMY