; - J , . 7 . - , . ' . Yfritten for U Watchman. BABY BOY. Thon human germ and little man I Thy father pride and mother joy ! Cubits of power within a span ! Yet may thy onl expttuding bloom Pierce hearen itself ere it fiud room I Young player on life's real stage, Fond eyes onheo expectaut bewi! Perform thy part; for storms and age Shall q.feucli the lights, theeurtaiu rend! If snared the seven lamed acts to fill Kt Shakesueare limued, Gutlgrant thee t die skill! wW mb Ids for thee to-nieht, Mv bov. but breathe this glowinsj ; prayer: I t f ! thir law bo h S delifflit; . , ..' t.:' ... tk ii,Atir'i snare. fT, AOl Sve uuu ..wu. ... . ' Tliariur cs owieatn m m--p -tiold's glitter, bed of libertine. And Mlph'roui, blood-pollatwl breeze The war-stol wiiffs, ambition-mad; From dangers of the laud and seas: From sickness and misfortune aad; From foes that wield the carnal sword, Or blast the, life by slanderous word; From Ignorance's slavish chain; , From Poverty's deep-galliug yoke; From Crime and Folly's solid stain; From sham Hypocrisy's urst cloak; 'From Passion's foul debasing sway; W. ,-ni, tliidrndatliedav: roin ' . , . , . - From all the thousand ills mat uirong, Like Furies dire and Cyclops grim, Life's dark and rugged path along, 0 Lord, wilt thou deliver him ! And make him gentle, kind aud true. E'en th-j his gains or friends be few1. O, may he love the toilfr part, And hrAvftlv earn his dailr bread 'Neath pure skies, which the pare in heart Look up to witn no lazy uiuau. Far from the city's enioke. and din, Ad from the-little art that win. A brief, luxurious tenure here, Sated with Glorv's fulsome glw. And Wealth's on-earned enjoyment drear, And baubles Vanity must show. May honest sweat give him the charm Of health and freedom on the firm ! E. P. H. July, 1873. DO IT NOW. The best time to do anything is at the M & ' . a . , . ar I nrst convenient opportunity tuat ouers after the doing becomes a necessity. We would jiot have a man leave a hay field, and go a mile or two for tools and appli ances to replace a broken tooth in a rake but we would have him replace it before the rake was again taken to the field. A strap or a string may serve to repair a ViruVnn kirnMi for tho-timo tint, fha fir. mer should no m6re think of continuing its use in au unsafe condition than the sailor should think of putting to sea for a new voyage with the jury masta he had rigged with which to make port after his pars had been carried away by a gale. Neither should he neglect to keep close attention to everything about the prem ise, 'i hat gate post is an luch from the perpendicular to-day not sufficient tb attract general notice. It will require but little labor now to put it in place Dona wait till it leans six inches and the the gate touches the ground reqiring much eflort to swing it. A loose nut maybe discovered by an examination, which, ii left' to itMtf, will result iu a break-down. at a very inconvenient time and place. The horse's shoe may be tightened now, if the necessity be observed, with little trouble ; delay may cause reribug injury. To do things promptly and at the ear liest moment, you will make just the dif ference of allowing you to drive your Work ahead in accordance with your proposed plans or to be djiven to do your work at a disadvantage. - If you can choose jour time and plough , a field when it is just in right condition, you gain If yon are compelled to plough when either too wet or too dry, because other work is dri ving and you have no choice, you will loose-and so with every department of tana work. If vou will keen ahead. -if not your work will keep ahead of you and: .when the season is over, you will have labored more and accomplished lew than your neighbor who has learned that delays are dangerous, and does, every taing in sea&on. J?urn JWw Yorker. Moving Strtncberry Beds.YoT several years past I have adopted the practice of mowing my strawberry beds at the peri od that the plant cease3 to put forth new leavea, and the old ones look dry and rusty. The treatment prevents the pro duction of runners to any great extent, the bed being renewed by offshoots from the crowns of the old, roots. Usually by fall the plantation will exhibit one masV of fresh grown leaves. This treatment fails onJy when a dry and hot spell suc ceeds the mowing. I have never suffered ut once in this way, when the beds were ! hadly horned and thined out, I did not lose them, however, as they afterwards revived, and though five or six years old, look, this season like new beds. I am o well aatiafied with this system, tbafl lwJ continue it, taking the risk ct having" the 'operation defeat by a drouth which- fte all happens occasionally. With plenty of rain it succeeds perfectly. IlorHcultmriaU Shipment o Grapii. Last Tuesday Mr. H. B. Horne, of the well-known and extensive Tokay vine yard sear this place, made, quite a large sh ipmen t North of early ; table grapes Delaware, Concords,' in fine order, jieffertf '-tpo and Tery fine and luscious. We cdagrrftulate "Tkayw ou this fine hviuj. Fayettrille Gazette. VEGETIflE FOR DROPSY. I never shall Forget the first Dose. PKOTtDKXCS. Mfc"-r.I"L" droP sv i was confined to mr house more than year. fk m.mt&aor the timet was entirely belole I obliged to-iiAfe two rnea help me la and out or bL I wis swollen it Inches larger thin my natu riaroo.'d myw I aatrered all a .man could and live. I tried all remedies tor Dropsy. I had three KntSrs. My Mends all expected I would : many nights l was expecieu jrr;, i lne. At lost V emetine was sem. uis j " .V,.irv:rr fh tir ri,.w i could realize Ita iSffi15rI i hn eiiin now aulte last, Tsrr tikiiw wMae 10 bottles, 1 could walk trom one mm ta mro 1 1 nitrnu trinw' MvaJoeUte waseood; m,-Tv thi time disauoeared. 1 Kett ..1v:rnrtirnnedmyumi am a carpenter and btUklrtr. Jwlaalso say it naa cured an aunt ot my wite of Netiralglu, who had ! KUb lUl UMII WW w suffered tor more tnao to yeara. duo "-- not had any neuraifiia ror eufm muia. "- rven It' to one of my children tor CmnkertuM Umr. have no doubt la my mind it will cure any humor. It is a f ft cleanser of thblood; it saf J Jwa child. I wlU recommend it to the world. Mr Uier is ho years old, and ne ayn were jrtve strength and life to an aped person, i cannot be tno thaaWul tor the use of it. 1 am Very gratef ail youw, rfu. o. n A ix. pisBAftes or the Blood. If Veobtimi wlU re- ana care uca uiacwca, mrMir nhmiiin m:in reaiedles and suffering I tor years, U It not conclusive proof, U you are a but-fm-vAj can be cur&lT Why H tola medicine per- fonntmrsuch ereatcareHT It works la the blood, la U.ve ,nfcalJtUn: fl-Jld. can truly be eriuea me w :ion.t WfAw.4 The irreit source disease ortirtnates la the blood : anJ no medicine tnat noes not act directly upon it to purify awl renovate, has any Just claim upon public attention. VEGETINE I OWE MY HEALTH TO YOUR VALiUBUB VEGETINE. Kxwpoet, Kv- Apr, WT?. Mb. II. It Stevxws: lx?ar Sir, Havt&jj surleren irom a ore&ung oui Cankerout Sorts lor more man live yean cauocu uj in iu--t,lpnt of a rracLured bonn. vrblch fracture ran Into a nmnlnf sore, and having mea every tning i oould think of and nothing beipod me, until 1 had taken six bottles of your valuable medicine wnrca Mr. Miller the apothecary recommenaea very muiy. The sixth bottle cured inc. and all I can say, is that I owe my health to your valuable Vegetlne. i our most obeatent servant. - A LBKKT VOX BOEDER. it is nnneftessarv for me to enumerate tae disea ses for which the Vkoktink should be used. I know of no disease which will not admu oz its use, witn good results. Almost Innumerable complaints are caused by poisonous secretions la the blood, which can be entirely expelled from the system oy ine use of the Veuetinx. When the blood is peneciiy cleansed, the disease wl'd rapidly yield; all pains cease; bealtoy acUoa is prommy reswrea, ana me patient Is cured.' - VEGETINE Cured me when the DOCTORS FAILED. Cincinnati, April 10, 1377. Drh.xvins:- - f. , . . - . r k.. n ah p.n i . k m luwt Complaint for a lone time. I have consulted the best doctors in this city. I have used your Vsornxx tor this disease, and it has cured me waen the aoctrt failed to do so. Yours truly, EKNEST DUKIQAN, Residence 6i Race su. Place of business, 5T3 Cent . Ave. VEGETIE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. DR. RICHARD H. LEWIS, (Lat Profdfcaor of Diaeanes of tb Ere and Car in the Savannah Medical Collie.) Practice Iiimfted to the EYE and EAR RALEIGH, N. C. Refers to the State Medical Society and to the Georgia Medical Society. 41 j. . FOE, 1878." Don't neglect to taJT on C PIvler at thm Book Stort for all kinds of Booka wanted: Th beat QBliy and latest styles of wmiaf paper kepthere. r Also the reoownsd Stneer 8iwf MachtseesnJiehad her. .at. from $35 to : 10. lis reapcetfully invitrs all to call and examine goods jnd machines. llrly. I heard of a great many cur oy uslns vegeune ai- mit ran ahTi In KttOriil til HIT WOfK. 1 Ci y i-a CO . CO sllcapf h 2 h Wgs-5p5 $ CD q is 8? - 2 ills' -tf s - E'sli " i n 06 hso3 z 5- ' 04 SS - q 4 Pcsusbbp WaxtLT J. J. KHVSKR. Ed. tad Prop i f j . T. K. BUUMCU. Associate Ed. v- SUBSCRIPTIOS BATES : : Per Tear, payable In advance, $S 00 ; ADVEBTISIXO BATES : one Inch, one publication, 00 two publications,.. 1 &a Contract rates for months or a vear. Mailooi: How Lost, How Refcfl! Just pitblinhed, a new edition of jTr. Calverwell'i Celebrated Essay on the radical care without medicine) of Sfkrmatobehcea or Seminal Weakne, In voluntsry Seminal Lowe,lMtOTKHCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar rU&e. etc.: aluo. CoxstTMFTiox, Epilepsy and Vim, induced by -indulgence or sexnal ex- travaeance. etc. SeKmi rice m-weaieo envelope, oniy ix oeni. The celebrated author, in this admirable Ehsv, clearly demonMrntef, from a thirty years' itticceWol practice, that the alarming conw qnenceof felf-abune may be radically cured without the dangeroua use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of core at onre wimple, certain, and effect ual, by mean of which every sufferer, no mat ter what hi condition may he, may cure him- nelf eheaol. privately, ami radically. B5uThift Lecture should be in the handu of every youth and every man in the land. Kent under feal, in a plain envelope, to any adddreM, poar paid, on receipt of six cents or two pontage riant pa. Address the PuMUhers, THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO- 41 Ann St, New York; Post Office box, 4586. OLD, TRIED, Aim TEUE. People ar pwtlir.,- equjUnwU uii.l iho wk arc not cmjrht to 1 wlU tU v oudrful nr1t of tt frnal American ll-mu.v, tb MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, rOR HAN. AND BEAST. ThUllalroent wry naturally orlxlnatd In Ameri ca, where Kstnr provide In her laboratory sue orprUinx antidote for the maladies of hcrchll drea. IU fame has been spreading- for S years, until now it encircles the habitable globe. The 3f extern Slostang Liniment is a matchless remedy fornllczternclallmcntsof man and be art. To stock owners end farmers it is inraluable. A single bottlo often sares a human life or re stores the usefulness of an excellent horse, ox, cow, or sliccp. It cures foot-rot, hoof-ail, hollow horn, grub, screw-worm, shoulder-rot, mange, tho bites and stinss of poisonous reptiles and Insects, and every such drawback to stock breeding and bosh life. It cures every external troublo of horses, such as lameness, scratches, swlnny, sprains, founder, wind -sail, ring-bone, etc., etc. The Xexiean Slustans Liniment is the quickest cure in the world for accidents occurring in the family, la the absence of a physician, such a barns, scalds, sprains, cuts, etc., and for rheuma tism, and stiffness engendered by exposure. Par ticularly valaiblo to Miners. It Is the cheapest remedy in the world, for It penetrates the muscle to the bone, and a single ppUcatlon is generally sufficient to cure. Mexican Mustang Liniment la put np In three Vs of bottles, thelarger ones being properttoa- . -'Sty much tba chMpwtU Bold everywhere. STOP AT THE BQYDEN HOUSE, SALISBURY, U. C. O. S. BROWN, Prop'r, (Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh.) -AT HOME AGAIN. Having leaned this bouse for a term of ytarn, I would be pleased to have mv friend call and ee me. It will be kept n a' FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN EVERY RESPECT. Board : Two Dollars Per Day. teOMNIBUS AT EVERY TRAIN.-gia Large Sample Rooma for Commercial Trav ellers. TRY ME. C. S. BROWN. Jr. ) W. O. SH ELBURN. Clerk. January, Irt, 1878. ll:lf. f J . T. Mooxb. A. A. TuoMrso. MOORE & THOMPSON, N MERCHANTS, EALEIGH, N. C. Special attention paid to the salt of COTTON, CORN, FLOOR, GRAIN, HAY, BUTTER. EGGS, . FOWLS, &c, Consignments Solicited. Highest Price Obtained. Befera to Citisena National Bank, Raleigh, S-C. 22:3m. f arrantei to Gflie! ENXISS CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE or , money: refunded if direction are atrictly followed. e PEICE25CEKTS,at 2G:tf. ENNISS'Dr Drug Store. UOTICE. N. C. Rail Road Compakv, ) . Secretary and Treasurer's OiBce. CoxrAmr Snow, N. C May 31, '78. ) Th twentv-ntnth annual mntino nf th Stockholders of the North Carolina Rail Road ' a a - Cnmnan K- h.M u;u v r the S-cond Thnrad.y of July, 1878, and the transfer books of stock of said cempany will be closed fwra thisdstsnnUl after the meeting, " L. TnORNBURG i 3C:6t. Bee. N. C. R. R. Co. COMl liSSIO tta ffim mM'Ms ORDERS FOR PRINTING FROM Responsible persons, or on cash remittances, shall receive" :m PRoriPT him careful attention, m COURT AND JUSTICES' TRICES STRICTLY LOW. Wrtss WATCHMAN, mm- mmimmmw tf7 -jar iTi Tpr '.pr ?z ar F V V W 'I' 'I DEEDS & MORTGAGES. Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Commissioners' Deeds, Sheriffs Deeds, Uhattle- Mortgages, Farm Contracts, Marringe and Confirmation Certificates, Distillers' Entries, and various other forms for sale at the WATCHMAN OFFICE. SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors, commissioners, sher-fis, constables, agents, Arc, are advised to call on us for printed sale notices. It is certainly great injustice to owners to put up their property at public auction without first giving ample noticcof the pale. The re quirements of the law on the subject every body knows are insufficient. Property is often sacrificed from this cause When a dollar or two ppent in advertising might have saved it and made it bring its value. Wc furnish sale notices promptly and cheap. iTCttxcaa pop. ?csT;Na land pjsad? pp-iutes. PAMPHLETS, SCHOOL CIRCULARS. BILL-HEADS, LETTER CARDS. Posters, all kind N (CALL. viiirvinipiiir.vrnuu M mil nnia I lime i ABLt wcaicnn n. w. kailhuau. In effect Friday, May the 10th. 1878. GOING WEST. STATIONS. Arrive. Lkavf Salirtburv Third Creek Stateimlle Catawba Newton i 35 A M ' 8 27 A. 1 J 15 ilO 07 !l0 55 M. Canova 11 07 Hickory Icard Morganton Bridgewater Marion Old Fort Henrv 1 1 35 P. 12 15 12 59 1 43 2 27 3 07 3 28 M. GOIa'O EAST. STATIONS. Henrv Old Fort Marion BrMgewater Morganton Icard Hickory......... Canova Newton Catawba.. Statesville Third Creek... . Saliobwrv I Arkivk. Lkave. rooT5r. 7 12 7 52 8 32 0 16 9 5 . M. !io 3a 11 04 11 16 12 04 P.M. 12 56 1 44 2 30 Pocket-Book Lost. Lost, at R. J. Holmes' store or elsewhere in Salisbury, June 21, a leather pocket-look containing a judgment against Jacob Miller for over $80; a note on Moses Trexler's es tate for $19.20; and a note on Wiley Bean for about $40, with other papers of less val ue. A suitable reward will be paid for the recovery of these papers if left with Mr. R. J. Holmes. Salisbury. Jas. A. Reid. June 26th, 1878. 36:2t ELEGTIOnjiOTIGE ! Notice is hereby given that ao election will be held on Thursday, firtt day of Augiut, A. D., 1878; at the several voting precinct in Rowan ikrtiuty, for the following officers, to wit: A Chief Justice, and two Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; a Judge of the Superior Court for the 7th Judicial Oiatrict, a Judge of the Superior Court for the 8th Judicial Di trict. and a Judge of th Superior Court for the 9th Judicial District, and a Solicitor for the 7lh Judicial District all of whom shall be voted for on one ballot, A Stste Senator for the 30th Senatorial Dis trict, and two members of the Houae of Rep reaentativea wbo shall be voted for on one ballot. The following Connty officer, to wit: Clerk of the Superior Court, TreMirer, Rginttr of Deeds, Surveyor, Coroner-and Sheriff wbo aball be voted for on one. ballot. tg. If an elector has previously been ad mitted to registration in any Township in Rowan County, he will not be allowed to reg ister again in another Township until he pro daces a certificate of the Registrar, of the for mer Township that said elector has removed from said Town-hip, snd that hU name has been erased from the registration books of the Township from which he has removed. C. F. WAGGONER. Sheriff. June 22d, U78. 3C:lm, as BLANKS KEPT ON HAND. SALISBURY, N. C. i tmi . v "k HEAD Monthly Statement S, KERR CRAIGE, - tforMu at Sato, Salisbury, 3J". O. DR. BUTTS SH No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Louis. Mo. Who has had fresh cxpf iteixw in th treatment of the exual trouble of both male and female than anjr phyiiciaa in th Wtit, give, the mult, of Jii. Ion a ana eucoeatiUl practice m hi toe aaw lrark juct puitllaluM, tntltiftl The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Book, that are really Cat aa SelMaatraetara hi all met. ten pertaining to nihwS and Wmmm4. and lunplr vant long fcit. They are fe-vaUTallj IllaMratr. and in plain Jatuage, eaiite- nndrnrood. The tre book, embrace MS page., and contain eataabl tofwaartiaa for both marrird and ainzle, with all the recentimproTeinrnt. in medical treatment Head what our honMpaper. aay i The knowledge imparted m Dr. B.tu" mw work. t. in no way of queitionable char acter, but ia aomething that every oaa .koala k.aw. Tba Teal b. the victim of early indiacrctioB tb aa, otherwise perjfetly healthy roaybebot with wantegTimr in thr prime yi uie. ana in. rt imib. in Bluer rrora the many Ola har sex la to." St. Loui. JoumaL . rorCLAB raiCKS 69 eta. each Dota in ens volume, gl ra cloth an gilt, JS eta. extra. Sent under oal, 01 nccipi 01 nrio ia money c (raicpa. NEW LIVERY STABLE ON LEE STREET. Complete in all its Details. CRAWF0RD& HOLMES Come forwsrd with ample facilities to accom modate regular and transient customer. They hs.se splendid stock horsea and vehi cles for pleasure or business rides. Can f'tr nih anv outtit rtquiretl. Will send travellers on their way to any point. Will board and groom horses by the day, week, mouth or year. Will fill orders for hauling. Will buy and sell horses. Invite Drovers to corne to the best and cheapest stand. They propose better services for less money than ever before given. Will buy jrrain and provender. And as they are in for a lively business they say to all Come and try us. JAS. B. CRAWFORD, 16: Cn A3. HOLMES. aa4 BorpblBA nafclteared. V Qrlgl nnl abaalnta Oyrram KMlBg. It W. . Sqclra. Wu.is-v a, Cra C. Lad. GET ME BEST. The Raleiah News. DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one year, - 85.00 1.00 HFSend Postal Card for Sample Copy. Address THE RALEIGH NETiTS, HI BED a i iu ! hairf J B 1 a SJ H n vi i.-innji mm PR OGRES SI OH Foxiii emm OUR NEW CORNET PLAYS IN E FLAT, 0, B FLAT AND A, And is perfect in all its keys. IF YOU DO NOT FIXD THAT WE CORNET IN THE WORLD. YOU CAN RETURN IT AT QUR EXPENSE. IMPORTANT. In fntnre all our Cornet will be SILVER PLATED ! The $55 Cornet will be pUud taii neatly finished with what is known as the Satin Finish. JThe $"0 Corbet will be Tri pl Silrer Plated, Gold Mounted and Hurnidied. We fitiish ibis iuatru- ' menl aa elegantly as i powible to do. - NO DISCOUNT. Instrument enl for a trial of FI Cornet Sent on application. E DA"S It is foolieh to condemn before trial, for transportation. Address all orders la If our CONN & DUPONT. o Elkhart, Indiana. SAVE YOUR LUNGS AND LIPS BY USING THE Kf ELASTIC If after Trial Our Mouthpiece does not enable you to play longer without fatigue and play higher with less effort, Send it Back and Eeceive in Return Your STcney. AMY SIZE $1.00. Subscribe for the "TRUMPET 'NOTES The Only Ameir.or Bawd Instj ndion and Nhts Journal PUBLISHED Hi THE UNITED STATES. Sutscription Price 81.00. CLUBS OF FIVE SUBSCRIBERS, (to one addre$,) WITH ONE OF Orit PATENT MOUTHPIECES TO EACH SUBSCRIBER FOR ONE 10LLAR EACH SUBSCRIPTION. Address, TO THE PRESS: PleHe show lhi paper will he a Leneut to tre wlioJe isand. I stake mv repnta'ion n n innnirian of the above; and invite correspondence from 24:rra. The- Best Family Sewing Machine! The "NEW AMERICfN" is easily learjied. does not get out o- cder rd wiH do more work with less labor than any other machine. Illustrated Circu'ar Kjrn.sr.cJ . i application. AGENTS WANTED. J. 8. DO VET, Manager, 01 X. Charles Street. Raltlmore. JIJ. MERONEY8 & ROGERS, Agentsr Salisfcuxy, N. C. CEinUFlOATES l I do not hesitate to nay the American Machine surpass all other machine. Brnide tux all ihe work, that other roathii;kR can. it overeTOK and work" huttoti holts in urty Uitie from Swiss Miilin to Ueaver cloth. 1 have i;t-td binger, lime and Weed A.Hchjnti1, s find the imerican is sui-erior to them all. MISS AI, RUfLEDGE. I have ubil the Singer and other macl.ir.ts, anv. Salisbury, X. C, Msy 22J, 187S. Meroxey & Rro., Agents AmericanSewing Machine : t. f Silts: I have used the Howe, Singer, Wheeler & Wi!on, Wilcox & (Jibhs, Sewing Ma chines, snd would not give the American for sll of them. It will do sll that i. claimed fur w in the circular. I consider it superior to all other I have ever set nT Very respectfully, MRS. UEO. W. IIARRISO.V COIVSIJIIIPTIOIY CUKEZ). An oM physician retired from active prartlof.hav lng iiid placet! In Ul hands by an Ea.si liJUn mis sionary the roronila ot a simple vegetate remedy tor the speedy and permanent, cure ot .Consumption. Bronchitis, ( atarrli, Abthma, an t ail 'J nroai and Lung affections, also a positive and nwUcal cure tor Oeneral Debility and all nervous complaints, after powers ta tbouaanib? ot cases, tcets It bis duty to make It known to bis sufferin;; fellows. The recipe will be sent free ot charge, to all who didre it, with full directions for preparing and succerisf ully using, Address with stamp naming this paper. Dr. 3. C, SroNK, 4 North Ninth street, Philadelphia. Pa. (mos.S:) PRESCRIPTION FREE! For the rely Cure of Seminal Weakiw. I"t XtanhoO'l snanll disordirrs brou?lit on rt Indis cretion or excess. Any DruareiM bin tht InrTf dients. Dr. W. JAUtFA A ., '. lit Wctt ftlxtla Stret. Claielntaatl, O, HARDWARE. W llEX YOU WAST H ABDW A RE At Low Figures J Call on the nndersigned st No. 2 Granite Row, P. A. AT WELL. ! ETSIEOHE! We are aware that many will cry IMPOSSIBLE, but on. reply ia THY IT. HAVE THE SHORTEST AND Uonr before acceptance Photograpls of our ytw Cornet Is not all we represent we pay aUchargcV RIM MOUTHPIECE ! CONN & DUPONT, Elkhart, Indiana. to tl.t Un!n of lite Hand in your place, a it and mr in!-vrilv o p irxn in fully endorninp all member of band who knn me. W. H.NEAVE. S.lwbury, N.C. Buy only the NEW AMERICAN r i iui Only-Seyvlng Machine Is lit 2i:htes: tzrrirj. The Simplest, the I'ust Dur able, and in Erery fit. neit . -o- and would not exc'ltMiice the American for AJKS. 11. N. HHlXihE. Great chance to rnaic money. " JM cant get jroW you can get gretnbMKi W ned aperson in every tow n to u subscriptions lor Ue Urgest, cte ana ix-si lUustrau t i.uy 'ic1l. In tne world. Any one tran necome a suc ageot. Tne most elegant work of art SvlS Subbcrlbers. l ire prti e Is so lot tliat alru.t everj tKKiy bunacribet. 115ft fi WftHlc ' A J ertast. ou can devote all your ttnie u tne " ness. or only vour soare time. You d! nl rti otheis. Full particulars, dlrectlonscd trnn nj? tome over rag tit. ou can a - KUgaut and expensive Outfit tree. " i " " ''"Sat litable work send ns your address at once. " " noUilng to try the business. No od who eq falls to make irreat py. Addresa -The JournflT."Port.ln.nd. Vatne Tba Zmr4j b Tmh Barham's lnfinw PILE CURE. MaiwtWitofadbytba - , JTU PU Cat Cs., srbJ iimw aaw w ""111211a ar PltM. kn a rafw " F .... 1tI IM a4 Wa . ' aaraJahadaa aaajiaa WthfS9to$7. BeyolTfra At u wtaui. iw.S'?ijCa.W'iif.T, AGENTS WANTEDf OR THE a?a HISTflRY6?rai!W0HtU aV Si jar Embracing full and authentic 5Coa" Jat naaon of ancient and modern times, JJ Rntn history of the Use and fall ot the Greek snap Empires, the growth ot the nations of njj;, st rope, the middle ages, the mis ides, the t tm ttm ntnnnitlnn th l..1MCf rV &Bd BCW1 tern, the reformstlnn. the discovery aad GOLD Oue agent reptna ra"" lady agent irrxms iasiuB - of the New world, etc., etc. and It contains 67s On- historical enRmrtne !'ru lanre double oolnmn pages, and Is theTi History of the World ever pirfiushed. Ita Send mr irpsciroen paare aii 'rtra term ' A and see why it sells taatf r than any other iua' satxohxi rr wshwo co-TPhiisdoir6"- - lialeigh, N. C Salisbury, N. C., June

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