' M 1 11 i'i i - 5; ' i,t. ! If aTl . ir - " Carolina Watchman. THURSDAYAUGUST 1, 1878. As we go to press to-day the struggle tpn reiralarly nominated and inde pendent candidates of the Democratic lrty in thu portion ot uie aww.""" i Mn the 'DemocraU and republicans in tfie eastern ceuutie i drawing t close. V. .hill not 1ms 8urirfel if Independent-- iat ba lost us several members in the West,.nd as the republican voters or tne . wr party for elwtion to he EMtuave preserved the semblance ot or- Uuitea state Senate! - ... iriaixaUon it may safety "be calculated denouncing a caucus or convention ue- Sanuauen .J ..r. - ;,, ...niu, llll4 4j believed a majority there- that they nave ' y aDother, this uncing a- that section, it not a n . - itiou of expressions of preference oy re- AXOTHEHKAP FOROEXCLIJfGMAS The Asheville CUiseu is very ;and justf lr severe upon iw ieiiow-uwu.- r- T Thos L Clinjrman. After swung r i. ltfrra attacking Governor Vance and uTnC insubordination in the ranks of the Democratic party, have been struck ffin riiriilar form and are being distri bute! broadcast throughout that section by independent and Radical candidates, it savs: a .., tihnir insubordination a disregard of party rjniuiMtion will Ueu. Clinirtuan be a canuiuaw - CYPRUS AND THE EASTERN QUES The N. Y. Times says, that the public were far from supposing a few days since that Paphos, the birth-place of Phoenician Astrate, was destiued to become as cele- hratMl in our century as when tue an- From the Wilmington Star. GRANTS TABLE TALK. YELLOW FEVER. The intelligent correspondent ofthe Philadelphia Ledger writes on the 25th : inspection of all vessels thence is, there fore, insisted upon, and this rule will be The ex-President, who did vo ranch evil and inflicted so much damage upon the country, was for a long time regarded as the silent wan, who kept his owu coun- Mfl. and could not make a sneech. Since cients worshiped the seaborn goddess un- , , from offi . . ..f atfd hectune a - VI 1. I ... I ... . TW der the form or a conicai oiac . , . - 4i, i, t,OB ;mnmTM k;. aUUerea to tnroueiiouc tne Beasou. tu probably an rolite. A PhcBuK-an colo- g .- abilit,.f and ha8 become : .?5,I? JK! commercial interests to be cared for. Be- Vw York Herald kpoitfi the world nrettv ( kiiIck. it mnr well 1m asked. If we had an Egyptians, the Persians, ami tlie L.reews ugi, jKstetl us to where Grant goes outbreak of yellow fever in New York, became a part of the empire oi Aieaouer j mt he the Ureat, ana was wriu iroi iv TUe jjeraJ(i Uaa ftl, excelleut newspaper SAVE THE FRUIT! "Jt is known to the auirantiie' aiABofH r anra TmnrOVed Fmit Jarg. t:... Iiom hi tlm i1i.iiiu liiti !imii irtftlr- I . roto wilt bUO uiotwiv; w-ww . I . .. . iu ranLl nrAn.u nt. Hairsina Situtl nnd I A laree lot jus in. A lone, long-ways . a.1 On and Off Slick as Grease 1 BOOTS, 1 GAITERS, what would become of eveu the commer cial interests V of the Ptolemies, by Cato, in the venr "581 traein1); XvitU Grant Jolm Russell B. C. It was hero that the Apostle oi ue Youn He liaa ret.eutly seut to the Jler- Getiles landed on ms journey irum .a, tW R long aud y interesting aecouut and after the convertion of the Roman of Qniut'4 remaiks abont the men who KILL THE FLIES. KJjTJTTZ'S FLY PAPER Slay them by the million. Cheap. ' At KLtTTTZS DRUG STORE. BEST THJG YET. KLUTTZ'S BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, SHOES, that the aggregateote o! lUe prefentat.ves this - Governor, Serghis Paolus, assnmel tne t ,n the -th in civil and mili- how a edorfdrable falling off noUwth- lSa nameofPanl. Conquered from the By- tav ,ife anj ou e(ther bitle. We do not coding the effurts of the candidates for of 'the zantine Empire, of which it was an aP- doubt that Grant is corn.tly reported in county officers to bring out t he now l)eniralic partv autf promotion of one s pge, by the Saracens, these last were tbt iuaiu aUhough the Inaulier 0f stating strength of the party Ihjs will be due f d- M a . "repuUble and forcetl to maUe way for Richard of Eng- u doubtleS8 Mr. Young's, ionosmall measure tr the content ons the UeIll4Hr,atIC party ... U 'e such ft of r themselves. There a contingency, .mve r-""T..i ...,..- k h mnmiMt " . . ' .: , , Anything for Ojfice. - . - I ii,...! minxit tnil most nleasant remit! T Gen. Clinginan, of North Carolina, has 1-;h ' Dvwterv, Ac. amon2 tlie. Democrats have , been so many greedy aspirants throughout the State, aud they have iu so many instancessought to take undue advantages of each other by p.ickiug con ventions, tampering with tlie primary meeetings and resorting to unlawful -means to control the election in their fa vor, that many good men have been dis gusted and may make it the occasion for staying away from the polls and other wise taking no part iu the election. Of course these views are merely con jectural, based eutirely on the natural course pursued by men under the circum Btances. We apply the remarks to the Democratic party nt because the peo ple of ' that party are moro1inlaithful n.l niKreuerous towards each' other than eou n.Pn af anv other nartv. Men are in in South Carolina has written to the com ternul revenue that h UIO uuuu - i . ..0..T .1 . . . i i "i . " who seek honors ana a-iirrUlore ne commBuwu confidence at its hands, and punish all Palestine. But he of the Lion Heart efforts at insubordination and disloyal- waM us fotid of money a he was of glory ty. and hard knocks, so the Island was ceded, If we mistake not General Clingman for a COl8iaeratioii, to Guy de Lusiguan was at one tin.o one of the most extreme t,lJlt tne treaty was siguetl on IMjitical dicipUnaries in North Carolina. the back model's guitar whose de- Wheu was it in 18J0-his extreme reme- -n.ient 'preserved the' sovereignty for dy agatust the union men of those hj, centnrities, when Catrina Conaro, endorsed by Grant before it was forward ed to New York. It is really worth read ing, however erroneous we may believe his judgment, or however biased his state ments. The Herald lias coniiueulcl editorially uimhi some of Gi ant's opinions. We copy wiitteu a letter in which ho makes the follow iug startling atatement: "There are more thau 120,000 Democrats in the State who, like myself, havo not, aiuce the war, beeu candidates for any high ottice, but have steadily labored for the promotion." Now, these 120,000 are so hungry for high oftice that they will strike an independent attitude and go hungrily for long-delayed loaves and fishes. For sale only at KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. ALL FOR A QUARTER. A good Lamp, chimney, burner and wick, all for a quarter. Al IVbUl I i o I- iw v i- a Maies tie Little Ones Sleep. DoesKlutU's Soothing Dros. Contains no num. Only at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE.- Grand Lodge Session. The Grand Lodge of North Carolina Independent Order of Good Templai-a. meets t Newbern ou j tinj? oil Three Fine Cigars for 1ft cent. Ked"C"Oil. Bt and r-ttiet ilhnnin.i- iM""B'ar- . .... T.,i,f .i.M i:tt.h dav of Auirnst. -He tliinks Jeffersim Davis did all he J " . , proposed ? The' "J O ' ... I I - i 'lie IIIIIIKS ifCUCKHlll I'Oim Wl lilt tl. I . . , . ... . who would not join tlie Heeessioiusts, was wid(hf of jacque8 m., Rold out to the could fwr the Confederacy and did mt de- indications are that the session will -be ii. if i liAYM turLnven titiii.. v f rl l miwuin hp imf Hh i isinrt'iv attended. KHinceu rates ou uic imv i. j . v pniinnx. luucu mo vitain v. ' nenv un ..... o - - . F I - , . . . . . I I . . . rail roads to members. Jn Accident. Our old friend Mr. J. C. Palmer while opening his store on Fayette- ville street yesterday fell and sustained a very painful injury. We hope that he will soon recover. His many friends will miss - . at General those hard terms. His political 1Utmi branches of the family, some thinks Monewaii jaewson u.ig. i uoi. u, , ua u.,nil man ...... . . ; ,. oroved so etlective a general -later in the career is at an end. He .w a learurt man rf whoIU ,tin Cs!t in a state of dismal AuAmHMsd to men like Sherman and we respect him for his fane anilities. jmWJCuniority, in France and Italy, one .llui Sheridan, when his peculiar tactics Rluinir Soarw has the bluine already m it. WofKli Pocket Soda Fountain. Call ami ace it. Unparalleled bargains in Hair Brushes. To. let Soajw, Ko. At T11EO. F. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORK, wtiuld have failed. In this he is probably hin!T a nensioner on the Russian Govern ment. Eighty rears aHer her purchase right; Jackson outmarehed and outn.an- riven out bv 'l3,l'l:, "Ia . "ko".-', -' ... . our troops gained commanders who also ion the island . , -rh 4.,j(ri,v it ;s doubtful if Jack- has since remainwl, natnrally going from gon'a famous phrase to his soldiers, 'When his kind face at his door, aud joiu us iu coin held eat enough to H.ia ...j m, W(s iiave uo doubt. Kalcvih THE SOUTH CAROLINA CASES. WEEarle,of Greenville, the social the Queen of the Sea was driven out unsel of the imprisoned revenue officers the Turks, in whose possession Uie ,sh I lias Since reuiainwi, unmnmj S'""o m bad to worsi as is always the case where you get into a coin held eat enough to this wUh w rhHv are. swaved by the I lliav le exnected iu Washington in the - I " ' . ... . . llm.no lim t:ntll l fit 1 Hell IO Lite I . 1 i ..: UUil Itlll fUH lUJi .l.lit .mil fiikt 'lil l like, circumstances show no difference in tou correspondent of the Baltimore bun v !lt,r4M, ri0n the man. He was never so uneasy when iu the character of their actions. If the re- Myg be (Earle) "has had a letter from . ; 'l ' of Sa;,ov a8 front of Ix-ems some of our other com- oubUcaupartv had been iu power, the judge Kershaw, who expresses a desire money comeu oy u. . . . , luamlers, aud he descries him asi man v r s'....i f- -i.... . , ..t..iri.ii n.i t.tli Sunreme heirt to the Lusignana. Jlut ine sovcr- . . Illiiui without iinairination, aud M.k na oninniii. sii . nun iiili in l t i in 1 1 ; i liili aav m . . i :: iZw w-Wn . itnessld a,nonC f the State, and hope to see this eignty was purely tn par ens, and never f dignity o .demeanor 0 IVFIIO 11 VUOl - I w - r them. - It would be the same with any done. He also expresses an entire will party possessing u.c u.Su.. i..-- ingneaa, lU(lv? - resiirne.1 when .a a? .1 ... ; l ill I r Id 11 II - I a a - 1 1 . . . , .1.. Virtnr Emanuel assumed the crowu of ao continue. dcrstood that tne rresiuoni anu uio It U no proof that the party is uuwor- torney General -both favor this course, Italy thy of public support. 'Hie virtues of a for which Judge Kershaw also expresses Possibly , under the fostering care of party uro to be judged of by its public A preference." England, the Island may once more blos- acts, and not by the indiscretions of its Then right here is an end of all the soin like the rose, but at present it has no individual members in elections. Jf the trouble out of whkih it was so abuudant- trade, no manufactures, no roads in the administration of 'public affairs is good, jy predicted vmld grow auotlwr war. interior, scarcely a decent harbor upon that decides the character of the party iu (jf COnrse the court room is the only its coast, although Famagosta was the jiower. If it has been evil, tluit also de- ,)lilC0 wI,eie such a case as that of these rendezvous of the alllied fleets before the tides its character. Tried by this simple re venue otlicers could properly be cjixried battle of Lepanto. Its folorn fever-stnek-.,! ii.Ht. rule, no amount otmivate offend- t,.r S4.ttlinnt. ami it was foolish to have en population of 135,000 fanatical Mus ing willjustify us in casting off a good par- ever gUp,OSed that any grave trouble sulmans can scarcely gaiu enough for ty and taking up w ith another whose whole would arise out of it. Judge Kershaw their own suDsistence nou. ue m-ui.u- is willing to have the constitutionality of vated fields; tne oowers luaua nav .k., his opinion put to the proper test, the burned for firewood the enchanting sites irovernineut is willing for this course and of Amathon are in rums, ami u.e zea.ous kom what-source, therefore, is trouble to bigots, in tneir ounu ooeoieuce io aiise?-Ciaj7oe06erw. Koran's.laws, have destroyed the once Since the above was put in type it has celebrated vineyards. But, it Cyprus leconie apparent that this case would not has no commercial value, it is of an iucal be so easily got rid of. The question of eulable importance as a naval station and iurisdictiou is still to lie decided. a military depot, as it covers the ap- proachea to tlie coasts ot hynaand tgypi, Man Killed By Accident, or Design t protects England's communications with Davie County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. M. R. Chaffin, Admr. of J Wal-" Ucc.dec'd., I'laiHlijJ, Auatn.it. I V F Cannou. Geo A Cannon, Petition bi ! It U Lin.'.s .t wife L E Gaiae". Ui sell land for Asset.. Geueral 1 Joe. Johnston, in his opinion, was the ablest commander on the .Southern side, j j,,. Cannon, Martha A nf HniLrir he anneals to have but a poor (Vimim. V D -Cannon. Thos A opinioii.'' In 18S NovciuImt the month -we had a two hours' private conversation with It apvearin- to the saU-slaction of the Cmrt, n . that J Wes ev Cannon, one of the defendants Gen. -Grant. N e mention tin that we abov ,iamci rt non-resident of the State, itis mav make intelligently one ir two coin- ordered by the Conrt that publication be niaile in tue "Carolina atcinnan mrsix miciwue Cannon and Willie tiiiiuin Can non. Uvii-rt aLlw Dejfts. SLIPPERS, &c. W. M. EAGLE, Respectfully announces bia contioDauce nt his old stand in his old line, on llaiu Street, opposite Eunis' Drag Store. Be is always ready and anxious to accommodate customers in bis line iu the best manner possible. He in prepared to do first class work and can com pete with an j northern Shop or Hand mad work. Hi machine, lantP, d c.. are of the latest aud best pat em 8. He work a the Terr best material and keeps on baud ready made work, and toek eqnal to any special orders Kopairing neatly and promptly done at rea sonable prices. Sdtisfectiou gnaranleed or no charge. Prices to Suit the Times. Cash ordersby mail promptly filled. dl.Gnios W. M. EAGLE. SIMOHTON FEMALE COLLEGE Statesville. N. C. Tlie next esiion okmi August 28, 1878. Board, and tuition in English. $55.00 per ei- hioujOI iwniy wetKH. v niaiotue mut circulir with full particular! on application. Addre, Man. K. (i KANT, a4:1y iVincifal. PI B POLAND CHINA STOCK PIGS, And a Milch COW and Calf FOR SALE. I have a lot of linehij: of various agf which I offer as thorouph-bred xtock hogs. AUu.a giMd Mih-h Cow. which wi'l be. void at uiodc- ratefateA,qnalitv coumdereu. K U. CRAWFORD. SoHsbury. June 1. :M:4t octton liiatory U evilj nor in joining any new thing simply because it makes line prom ises but has no record. It has been well aidf parties ate tliingi of "growth, and thoRevhich have proved themselves to be meritorious aud have the greatest vita lity, promise the greatest good to the State. Crushed in a .VoMCMf.-Conductor, Mr. John Xewrand,-reports the instant killing of George Houk, at Speigfe's Turnout, West. N. C. lload, at 1 1.15 o'clock Satur day night last. Houk liad In'eu drink ! Tji 1q Sunday morning, a man named Geo uer inman ihwiuus, u, Houk was found dead near the track of former fortresses of Gibraltar and Malta the Wes:ern North Carolina Railroad, virtually makes of the Mediterranean and The Knglish laKe. ui tne pouucai monamy :.. i..:- .... .!... 1 1 nf thft ncoiination of the island, after the fugintri saw iimi iug tu ilia i!iM.&. nui-- . i.o .liirimr Hio ilar ftnil if CfAIIW fl'11 All . , . , about livo miles east of Morganton the track and went Ur sleep, at the above . , . , . .? . . . eninneer saw him lvmir ou the tra place just beyond a curve iu the road. I - . . ' ,piteratl nroteatitions that England b . . . " I i . j r J! t- was seen until within a few feet of the The train was at tall speed. .o obstacle - ; t. , . wi8l,ed for uo ainrrandizement of her nos 1 11. Ml UCCII IU iUUI illllllU unj uw- i - elombering man then too late. The engineer saw him raise himself on his elbow just before he was struck saw his hat fly in the air, aud knew a inau had been struck. The train was stopped aud backed up to the place and the above facta verified. The body of the deceased was terribly mangled. He was 45 or 5(1 years of age. I. S. Later reports show that Houk had been previously shot by some un kuowu person. Persons in the neighbor- liood heard pistols shots before the train jjj-,, to lmv came down, and a bullet wound was found on Houk'sbody. DR. GUISSOM.. We find on our table a document en titled "True and False Experts, by Eu gene GrUsonij M. D. LL. 1)., Superinten dent Insane Asylum of N. Carolina, to I . . i i . .1. e fore and left the town iu an intoxicated serous ana acteu Boieiy in ueieuso . condition, accompanied by two other men the general interest of Europe, mucl may who w.r also drunk, it was at first be said. But with this we have nothing thought that Houk being drunk, had laiu to t- Engd had certainly- right to down on Jhe track and goue to sleep, but demand and take guarantees, and from later there was some suspicion that he English point of view, Lord lieacon had beeu killed amLhis body placed there, field has made a masterstroke of policy. His two companions testified that he left British diplomacy has won an uuq.ies them before he reached the pot where tionable victory, and the treaty of the his body was found, and sometime after- h ot Juno skilltuiiy cointuiiea ami wards thev heard two pistol slrots. The crowned with success, is destined to dis- body was examineil for evidences of vio- place, or at least to divide, the hegemony lence, but the only wounds which appear-!0 Lurope. e been made by the cars, I The work of Turkey's vivisection may were two slight cuts in the neck. The thns be considered as completed, for the matter will" be further investigated. present, by the revision of Gen. Igna Char: Observer. tiefTs famous document. Russia has ob tained a little less, although Turkey has k 1 . . O !. I All . 11 1 . I . j litMAun iui.t oiusE.-jir. it. a. i lost a gooii oeai more. Austria nas got incuts upon the above. He talked q lite freely about the war, for we were inquis itive. He had asked us a hundred point ed and intelligent questions concerning the Southern people whites and negroes and told us why he did so. He had beeu sent South by President .Johnson to examine into the, condition of aff.iirs, anil he desired to lind out all that was possi ble concerning the wishes, purposes, feel ings, aud nec-shies of the people of this section. We gave him what information we could. Having been closely catechis ed, we hi, turn became the 'inquisitor, and found hi iu pleasant, sensible, and but once disposed to reticence. In fact he showed ability and judgment in the ques tions he propounded, for there was logic al connection in them all. We remember with the utmost distinct ness that he did not speak of Mr. lavis then as reported above. He said Mr. Da vis had shaped hU plan of campaign for timH that Vicksburif would never have fallen but for a speech he made at that historic place that his (t Slant's) plans were altogerther different that he was aiming at another strategic point, but when" he read what Davis said that Vicksburg was the Gibraltar of. the South, the Key of the Confederacy, that he said to himself Davis ought to know what he is talking aliout, and if Vicksburg is all weeks Notilvinp awl ilelcnuuiit to appear ai the office ol the Clerk of the Superior Court f .U cimiy, on Monday the lHh day of ept.. IcTrt. ami answer the complaint, which is tiled in the above entilled action, aud if he fail to answer tho complaint. Mm I'.aiutiff will apply lo the Court for tho relief demanded in the comphiMit- Witness. II. H. HOWARD, tllork Superior Court of Davie County. July :Ust, i7rt. 4 1. (it. (7.) P. N. HEILIG & SON, would call attention to thrir large and splendid stock ot HARDWARE Embracing IKONS and STEKI.S ovrry varltty or sizes na siiane ihwi iuaui. Wagon and Buggy Materials. comnrlslnir all tlie various kinds required siTrtns, axles, w!ieeis, tc, rady to s(A n. Telegraph Straw Cutters all sizes, and unsurpassed in quality and durability. Great American Lightning SAWS, even? kind and size, cnibraeiiic MILL X CROSSCUT. N Al LS -all sizescut un-1 wrought. TailoriDg!--St I -would respectfully inform trie eitiienn nf Ralisburv and tbe snrroundinjr country . that I have located in Salisbury (in the back-room oil IMvler's ltook Store), and am prepared to do all work promptly and well, as in a tind-claM Tailoring litablisbnient. AVith a lspn5T-tie years' experience iu Cuttinjr. rittmjr. Makiu?. (Jleaninjr and Kcpairin. 1 can alel y gmmn- tee to in v patrons the Lillest satislactioii for the tecoininodatiou of farmers, 1 will takt Produce in Exchange for Work. The patronage of Rowan and -the surrouTidinjr e.oiiuties i respectfully soiieitcu, Lorrewper deuce invited from persons living a1 a du'anrtt W Little SHOP The tollowtns? brands kept constantly on hand: M (Boin llavini lined.) "li.itsy," $. IK-r M. ..... . . M 7mi L.r M irtde of Cutw,- S.h lM-r M. "Little' CV.iumovloiv.- i-'o.tw per M. onlei-s pnnupt ly nil.-d. rn T AVTT.PSS X Xt A A -JM.vwrj FXjOWS wivi-pinTi'imi! lV VISV. riOARS. 1 I Tho mnst nnniilar and annrovett Stvt-PlOW Cast- gadisbury, N. C. 1 iaSi aa klads, bolts, e. No. 5 pnts for H. WINDOWCLAS S tn m " i t o 24 3" - - rut ty , oi is. Palms, Vanilslies, HifUtnlnir lrP'r, av. FMUliANK SCALKS Steelyants and Ralanres. Worlt Tools For Carpenten, hlaeksmUlis, Shoe;n:ikers, Farmers. Champion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes Threshing Machines, Horse-Powers, Pumps, tyuraln Cradles, Urass Scythos, Planters Handled Hoes, CUNS Pistols, Knives, andC'UTLKKY ot all kjnds V!ir stoi-k embraces e-.erythlnsr to he found tn a larre and complete. Hardware Store, and all at low irt-esf(ircajh.tl nn tnatiKS ior pasi i:i-in i- ,iu,.Hl or stolen aiUr the proiuiseu V - V-u i :,V " ....... , . ..' .I . . -ii i naLroiiaire. .nau . mi". .-..j .. tl. YTIUW. II I I I I H Mill I time expire. ruuiinmir, i.i not he coiiMdered iublic Mills any longer. SvESrr Bfltai cmitj Siperior Court. liof pect fully. :W:hn.pd A. II All TM AN & NOTICE ! Notice is hereby given that wo. the nndor signed, proprietors of the falisbury City Mill will not he respousiuic lor au g" WESLEY AN FEMALE INSTITUTE. STALK TON. VIRGINIA. TliisUnie honored Institution opensSeptcin- iwr I'J h. 187. Among the nri son.H.i. ior young ladies in the Cnittd States. European .. . . . -ii i... owl American Teacher. hurnuiP- that ne says men i w in i.nk in.n , ..,,i tlllll t.linifLIH UIII.UI l'r-- of Inwiue Ayluuis for the United States and Cauadus in May last on "True, and Fulse Experts," st irretl up one l)r. Ilain- Barkley of South Iredell, sent us a ntone her foot iu Bosnia and the Herzegoviua, which in size and Khap, is the exact roun- Greece, -without officially firin a shot, t,e.-:ll-t. of 11 rriwise1 ecw. Il ld-li'tr In liia miirnd nuii1or)tdu inoiunui rxi' which i. appentHl A Rejoinder tu Dr. aml ,t . .. Meilteuegro: haye lUmmond s Open letter. was fouinl on the ldautatiou of Mr. Tur- been rewarded for their efforts in the It seeina that Dr. Onssom s paper, read s- . JAnrnU. otulutv u1mmiI. m.ni, wL.M,n,P,... before the Association of Superintendents I , , , i i . .... . . . . 1 .. . . ' 1 I vi'ird 'l cri finrl line 11 L'f.i.r iu i rn-irci 1 ..,.1 ... .1. ... .......I 1..... . ..id '-v .. v . w UD ii i uiiiroi sins iuu in uoiii vi jmii, iiivs ueen ity ever since. The most remarkable left out in tlie cold, and England, after feature about this stone is, that you can wg-zagging all over the shop, obtains tie 5i strillir Stromal it mid the IO:lfer5al iinaenoinn nf llin n-wiat iinnApf.ml 51, ,wl B,ond, of New o k a professional expert, th;lt comiose3 thc gtrln,r wiU llot le iu. j th Mediten,lneau. next fal sieilv. T. ,, r wr i, jnred by heat. Thu writer in eo.upany treaty which Europe is called upon to 1,u, T , 7 , V . uu" with a few friends, made the experiment Ualute aa the end of an era of war aud mi. lit. lla.a.inMn1 nnil iivlnl.it. I., n-. . a I f - "ww liu fit. I . I m i ii r. ii miffnn btMnif n ivl n .1 I .1 1 .1. . . i j u,iok wt.wi "in", i uuuu uangcr, auu us me coiuiueucciueiit or a the stone aud covering it with red hot J eriod of progress, peace, and social de coals. When tiiken from the tire, tlfef velopnient, unbelievers in the immediate string was not even charred, 'though the advent of the millennium consider to be stone was so hot, it could not lehcld in only a patching np of the old quarrel and the hand. A baud of cotton cloth was Us an arrangement permitting the ele sewed around it, and taken from the flre nhant and the whale to come to blows. with the same result; ouly that portion Sooner or later Russia and England must of thr cloth had been burned where it did fight it out, and Asia Minor will be the not tit closely to the stone. If the atone threatre of the couflict, with the Cauca had been heated to a red or white heat, 8as on the one side and the Mediterra we suppo8e that the internal heat would nean on the other, as the biues of opera- him tlm inflationists aud ar.tLre9,,.. r uous oi wie oouigerenra. . . .... , . . . I heat did not injure it, though vigorously the country aa a dishonest and totally un worthy man; one who takes lees ou both Hides of case iu court, and whose 'Pro- Jeaship" is ouly employed to make money for luuiself without regard to truth or the interest of science. The Congress to bo elected this fall will riot meet until December of next year. JLong before tuen specie payments w ill I have been resumed and the currency ques tion will be substantially settled. In that tionist will have lost their grievance, for when, resumption is ouco achieved no body vHl be crazed enough to dUturb it. Meantime the Greenback, Labor, Nation al and other organizations show a good ideal of strength, and will contribute to tne destruction of both the old parties as applied. Will - some scientist rise and explain this singular result T Sou thtrn Home. Any other i oot h stone is just as re markable, we suppose. - Archibald McCriumon Wanted. lira. Sarah McCriuimon, in care of Nor mon McLeod, Xo. 48 South Green street, desires to learn the whereabouts of her brother, Archibald McCrimmon, who re There U no doubt of yellow fever pre-J sides somewhere in North Carolina, hav lhe Kearney movement caused the sudden J vailing at New Orleans, and it is alto- ing immigrated from Inverness-Shire, iisappenrauce of both in tlie recent Cali- gether probable that it will become epi- Scotland, or any of his children, if he be fomia election, WiL Star, Identic. Owing to the large number of dead. She writes to tho Governor of new residents who are not fairly accli- North Carolina, and reauesU him to ask A balloonist named L. i). Atchison, mate and Have yet t; pass the usual Uie gtate pa to make R notiee for her, .. " i . ......,o.-.i vimuonil rdeal that awaits all who would live iu , . , . vhile making an ascension to x.lmwood, ...... wm ;11V . . - and they are requested to copy this. 111., r-nuday evening, was killed instantly jality if the disease continues to spread. The proier address pf the lady is given Vs WUing a u.&uime ui inu ijhuuicu i. 11 umn'nm oiar. aoove. every hazard, lie, therefore, changed all his plans instantly and shaped his cam paign to capture tho Southern Gibraltar. He spoke of Mr. Davis' want of wisdom in not concealing his views better, and the iujury he inflicted upon the cause he hud at heart by his indiscreet utterances from time to time. We do not mention this lo injure in the least an aged statesman and soldier we very greatty honor, but. show how Grant talked iu I8.. Grant did not praise either General Lee or General' Jackson. He said Lee s great trait or quality as a commander was his ability to excite enthusiasm in his troops, and that he was a good man, repeating the last two words. He said Jackson was a brave man, but a fatalist. He censured President Davis for his folly in removing General Joe. Johnston, "who was con ducting the, cauinaiirn a a soldier, to quote his exact language, and that Hood wasa gallant fellow without brains. He thought Bragg the weakest man on either side with the exception of Hood. We could reproduce, if necessary, the whole conversation, almost in the language and order in which it occurred, as wo had oc casion to repeat it several times to friends soon after we met the General, and it be came iueifaceably lixed in our mind. He talked about his campaign at Shilo, his relieving Rosecranz, his campaign against Lee, and other points. That our readers may see that Grant's judgment of men is by no means infalli ble, we mention that General Joe. John- atou was the only Confederate he praised, and that "Piegan" Sheridan is his model of a soldier. He told us that on the American continent there waa no greater soldier than Sheridan, and that if a mil lion soldiers were to be put in the field to fight a foreign jiower he would select the mill burner, and slayer of old Indiana and children to command them. Pitroiiizid hy tkuh IX Til K UNION : Boaid, Vbin, biirht. KnKli.h, Latin. French., lor each hair of U.eSeolastic year. $115 Ma-oc very low. For Catalogue adore It t. WU. A. HARMS. P. D. Trent . 31hlui. StaunlonXi A fnr Sale! laiuomu .w. - , . Mf r f,'1!'- I ler the 4th Monday of September, 1K78, and ,V . , 1 Jl" durine said Term to answer or demur to the B. B. llobert, as Trustee of Susan E. Humphreys, Plaintiff, AGAINST Thorna E. Brown, Samuel il. Harrison, Dcffiulants. The defendant, Thomas E. Brown, in hereby notified that B. B. Boberts, m Trustee of Su san K Humphrey, hni eoniiueiieeil an action iviiiKl Kim anil ituintiei Jw. llarnon. in lite Superior Court of Uowan eottniv,Siateof North Carolina, entitled an Ikit : That the purpose of aaid action ia to recover the sum of three thousand three hundred and fourteen dollar and Rixlv-six cenl, for money loaned, with in terest thereon from the 31ft day cf July, 1877. That the summons-ban been duly served upon th defendant. Samuel K. Harrison Said Thoina L. Brown 1 liereby required to appear at the Court-House in Salisbury, in the Count v of Uowan. at lhe Term of the Sio AROUND the CORNER. To the Public, Ukeetixu : - 1ULIAN & FRALEY r resent coinliments to the public and desire to call renewed attention to their efforts to be useful as AND CARPEHTERS. Th ir prices are as low as it is possible to make them, aim tneir worn, um win mm v. Thev fill orders in two departments, and have so far given satisfaction. " T hey have extended their facilities recently, ana arc encouraged to hope for increased d mands. Their ready made stocK m nanu comprises ti general assortment of house fur nitureBedsteads, Bureaus, Clothes Presse?, T.onnsres. Hacks. Wardrobes, Book (. ase, Cuplxi: rds and China Presses, Caudle Stands Tin Safes, Desks, Tables,Washstantl9, Claii, &,e. Thev also keep an assortment ot COFFINS of w alnut, pine and poplar, from f 3 upward. Also Window Sash. They till orders with out vexatious delaysl Will contract for car penter's work and warrant satisfaction. V ill take irood lumber and country produce in exchange for furniture. Shop-nearly oppo- ... - l ' . . .-v site atcliman otnee. Julian & Frai.ey. I nffer f.r sale Two Tracts of Lan ... P...I rr..L u1i.miL 12 mile west Oil IW" v . , . , x- I41lirillK!illu Ariii "v. ... .. .... . .i. I mild adiolliini; 1. I .... , .m.j . iw r . i. rv, Kliown as uic . n'()mpallU IU neincii m inc m.nr in invvmit H. Hall, J. T. Kay, J.C. UUlespie anu oiun- Superior Court ( and conntv within ' .. 1 1 .iiiitriut ArrM eaeh. 1 Will I , . . i i i t .. hi.:.. coniaininj? viic jumim --- i uie nrsu niree oav oi m k, umnaiu. se desi ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHS. J. W. Watson, The old original al reliable l'uotogrtrr- II separately or together as the purchaser may tiff forJ)ie rejef demanded in the fr,.m Kaleih, has taken and lilted up U.t oiu sire.' said complaint. (iallerr on Main street, Salisbury, N. Terms reasonable. For further information Said Thomas S. Brown i further notified he i prepared to execute all styles of rnmo- dl on or address me at Mill Bridge, Rowan j Warrant of Attachment against his pro j.raId,s l-'ereotvpw, Ac, in the very best t)i- t:onntv. N. C. J. S. McCUKr;iI?, Agi Mill Bridge, N. C, July 12, 1878 39: 2m. oertv in said cotintv has been issued from the (a mx. see him over JMyler's Superior Cburt of Rowan county on applica tion of the plaintiff, returnable to the Suerior f?otirt of said conntv. at the Court House in MTU AWn WnMFM OF THE S0UTU SslislHirv. on the 8th .XTondav af;er the 4th 1 " "' . k; , ' V Mondav'of September, 178. Desiring Pleasant and Profitable Work, - j. M. noRAH, are invited to solicit orders for j Clerk Superior Court, Homm Ce'tnty. THE LIFE OF 34: Ct: pf $10 Work the best in the St3te. Book M"". .-ly- Hack Line to Albemarle. Gen. Allien Sidney Mnston, ' I Tl. HmtimI. flnTtnminii ft n ti w4- embracing I.U services i.. the i.nn.M lhe K 1 UMHIV UBmyi I.MIIII , and the United States, the Republic of Texaa, Confederate States. Bj his son, Col. Wm. reston Johnson. One handsome octavo, 722 pages, illustrated bv mans and engravings. Sold by subscrip tion. Exclusive territory given. For further j Darticnlars. apply U publishers, D. AFPLL- TON A CO., 649 B'dway, iNew lork. 38: It The more Grant is talked about zta the caudidate of the liepublican party iu 1S80 the. less chance he will Uuve for the noni iualion. This is the teaching of history Phila. Xorth American Hep. Wilson Kepler, Plaintiff, AGAINST Thomas E. Brown, Defendant. The defendant, Thomas E. Brown, is hereby notified that Wilson Kcsli r has communed an action against hun Iu the Superior Court of ilowan County, State of North Caiolina, enti tled as above : That the purpose of said action is to recover the sum of one thousand dollars with interest thereon frmn the 1st day of June, 1877. Said Thomas L. Brown is hereby re The undersigned is running a comioni"' tri-weeklv Hack line from fcalisunry i in . i the line, clieapi-r i Leave Salisbury marie. C. Will convey passenger Hill, or elsewhere on :inv L,ivcrv oiame Mondav, Wednesday and Friday. 7 a. J turn ev'erv Tuesday, Thursday and .Nit"' 0 p. rn. " , Leave orders al isaimnai " Propnei"'- 27:lv. ) I auired to amear at the Court-Hoiise in Sali- Summong and Warrant of bury, in the Conntv of Rowan, at the Term of Slate of Horth CaroM, PcSSt0.'1 Kowan County. ) y A. Yickery, .imin't r- . Lewis V. Brown. Attachment. the Superior Court for said County, to be held The defendant, Lewis V. Brown, is hereby on the 8th Monday after the ith'Mondav of notified, that Summons has this day issued to I September, IS 8, and during said lennto an the Sheritt of Kowan county, commanding bun swer or demur to the complaint to be hied to summon the said defendant to appear betore the office of the Clerk of the Superior Conrt the Judge ot our Superior Court to be held at I Mid County, within the first three days of said riifiR V Ik Ik ill trill The OWest Specialist In Amfrici Dr. J. A. Clopton, of HiintsTille, Ala., id .h the Cotirt-IIouse in Salisbury, on the 8th Mon- Term, or the plaintiff will apply for the relief Treats with almost Universal ncre ' ffK. day after the 4th Monday of September, A.D. demanded tn the complaint. rnrrnna affections, all 8crofuloQ 1878, and amwer the Complaint of the plain- gaid Thomaa E. Brown is further notified TTa vZwlmmmnm and Tumori face,&e. Piles, Fistula, D'W hr.' lions, Ac. As the Doctor i ri address bis son, John Robert LloptoP. g Ids name in full. TostimOlli titt ; and that if ne tail so lo ao tne f lamtitt .bt . Warrant of Attachment U n perty in.said County has been issued from the take Judgment agaiust him for four hundred and sain Th ran 1 seventy five dollars with interest on the guperior Conrt . Rowan County, on applica- .'ddrhisVon J nc from the 22d January 1873. till pani.- . f laintifr ntnrnM9 to lhe serior "?mr1n full e defendant is further notified that a War- r.., r , ,t . v ins mime in niu. it of AtUehment was taken out by the fs? L.l .'SLVf 'JlJ ! . SeRd f"Cl Plaintiff, at the time of issuing the summons, I i"nl UC I TlfTlVTT-klT -I against all the property of tho defendant found in Rowan Connty, or so much thereof as will satisfy the Plaintiff's demand of four hundred and Reventy-fiye dollars with all in terest, cugla aud expenses. J. 3d. UOttA II. Clerk Supr- Court Rowan County. 34t 6t: pf$jpd i.-.'MIS,sr cnowtt to every one i ,llV who could not leave lioine. JOHN M. HORAH. Clerk Superior Court, llomn County. t 34:6t:pf$10 t t Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and rariotiH other blanks for sale here lorn ikimwii ' iw.mp onuands who could potlcate p ;r- Wen euretl by the use of hi, rejneji ie el directions accompany m l t that any man or woman can u , success. . ' , your Write vonr name tn ful1' , wrii ,n' Office. County and Stale. 1 J- . 05 fi.u D ime, or my son name in full.

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