Carolina Watchman. THUllSD AY, AUGUST 15,1873. a Cotton crop reported on the 14th of tU month, shows a decline of 5 per cenU The yellow fever is spreading rapidly top the Mississippi river. The shrinkage in real estate values con tinue U ruin boine houses. Brown, bleached and colored cotton Koodahaveadvanced in Philadelphia, from 2 to 5 per cent. The Orangemcti and Catholics, of Can- dr arrayed .igainst each other in hostile attitude. TmW John Brase, brother of Gov. AaA nf nnnonlexr at his home in Mobile, Ala., August 11th. Three principal dealers iu Salem, N. C. shipped from that place last year 1,568,- 000 lbs. dried fruit. K child in Paris died from eatiug ker nf nflflh seeds. They contain prussic rid. a deadly poison, and children should be warned against eating tnem. The Democratic and Republican candi dates for Sheriff in Wilkes county, came oat a tie. The Commissioners (radical) will decide between them. -v r..TVT. t rvtr fnrdVof Rowan county, ha an nounced himself a candidate for Congrew the tlh District, in opposition w nou. 11. F. Armfield, the democratic nominee. Mr. Crawford has represented Kowan in t ...:,iJt uwRil terms, and is ex au FOUR MEN SHOT. AND KILLED I American.. Skip W recked off Africa. DESPERATE AFFRAY London, Annt la--Ad vices r from from the Columbia Register. Capetown state that the American bark The moat distressing occurrence ever I Etta Loring was totally wrecked iu Table recorded in the history of this State look Bay. i.l. n.t Fdirefield. Monday. August T2th. About a quarter pastr2 o'clock iu the at- " '" w The London , ..i;fi;, ,i mod stamper ternoon a difficulty commenced in a bar- Manchester, August 9.- per ce 1 . .. , L. tUa miKlin annara lift, ween 1 enrt punondent f t.liH Manchester Guardi- i ltinneerer As there is nguuuuciu mum ucai t. . - -i i i T , ! ' District abont Brooker Toney, James Booth, Thoma an say the Radicals of Soutbwark pro- OI Uissiis""" . . I tr i T i4 W T n:ka 11,1... . .n i l .1 ..,;,, T?rtKKin for the lioun- Booth. MarK toney, aue bun, . . puse m nominate ,v" Aruiueiu --- v. i. o.. ,1 : .. ............ 1 ..l.iJr... lw, .nrnrifted it UiaW- (JOlCUiaU ana Ueuiauilll uootu. ocyci i m. aaiamcu aw wj iica. Li : -Char. Democrat. shots were tired in the house, when all and thus practically raise the question of ThP defeit of Mai. RobbiuM i a public wtuit into the public square, keepingup the woman s right loss, Which neither of the candidate (tf tire a they went, borne twenty or tweu- pAms AugU9t 9.The cabmen of Pari, indeed Mr. Crawford is a cauuiuaie; cu irmcsnMv. " to tne numoer 4,ouJ, are on u bii-ikc. Special Notice? .' Any one 'ULing to parchae or ren- a Cane Mill and Ctuk Tan will do Veil to call on the underfiga- d, fur he will veil low down as be baa two and cannot run them both. For fat ther information call on bim at bis place 4 nilles eat of Salisbury , uiilo left of Dunn's mountain ob the btokes erry road Aug. 7, 1878. l:m J.G.CAUBLE, vuiu .v...v . - i r i..4.1. - in the South, of rotating members or Uon- were killed insianuj , auu ueuj. cirque Fernando to-night til ess is indefensible upon any grouuu mortally wouuueu. " tinft n 4m iard tothepublic welfare. Coleman, Wade Lott, Dr. A. W. Sanders, a - ... . ,i r,t . . . ij.j.u;,,, .. vfrv ant and aevoteu I stenmore uyan auu viarcuce ocigier iondox, August iu. a nuioum rii.u nensatefor. The practice, so common Toney, James Booth: uud Thomas Booth T( wiU huld a ,,1 meetiug at the Prepared to Resist the Russians. learner hud scarcely obtained a position also wounded, but only slightly. The 8av8 the population t . ,aJ,.i.,..fl- l.fore under the operation latter three had nothiug whatever to do preparing to resist the ire arnu'U aim are the ocenpation by the - . 5 ... i,. ;. sdk niilA (inil a witli tli diflicultv. and were accidentally Russians. Tlie local chiefs held a coun- OI lUC ruuinisg luun) i " i . , i i l.:. Tf th rnle of wmmded. Brooker Toney was about 2b f.;i XVednesdav and decided to fiirht preparing new hand put iu his place.- If the rule of wouuded. Biooker Toney 1 . i mill w 1 V The train from Charlotte to Stafesville, Tuesday night, crushed to pieces a negro taati about one mile from Davidson Col lege. It is snpposed he was stealing a ride on' the plow of the engine. Thirty-five fire insurance companies in the city of New York failed to clear ex panse the first six mouths of the present ear. Some of them spent more largely they made. Jndee Wright, colored, of South Caro lina, who was impeached and removed is BOW n Philadelphia, where several years 4go1ie was publicly lunched, but is now uacared for and falling to decay. A terrible tornado swept over Walling ford, Conn., on Friday the 10th, destroy ing a vast amount of property and killing about twenty persons and wounding many then. Houses were carried clear off thr foundations and dashed iu pieces. eii Wednesday and decided to light. The t.....,.i;t,.rirtisausand helping impecu- years of age, and was a very uesperate disaflected mountaineers on ciioruw are ex i . .i-w i. 1 , I ... . A j v ,i riM. -i titnf&a. is i man wiipn exciceu. James uooiu auu i kilhi to iiiiinoer tweniv uiousauu. uo uious iiieu iiuuui icqu " ' i " i . i... niMnbershin to Con- Beni. Booth were about 40 aud 45 ycaw excitement is intense. The Turkish reg LHO . . I I , rpyiR ; tn f obtained. Mr. W. 11. uraw- old, ana were uiuuer. Auuuma uwi" uiar aiiuy i neuu.u. U n miifth entitled to the place as was aoout so 3 curs um, uu 01 ucy auv othe- man can be, and his fellow citi- Booth. All ot them were very desperate, ;JL ueari Jame, " - I 1 1 11 i rii I - . 1 11 zeuaof Rowan, at leasr, will be sure to and were mucn ieareu. urooher ioucj i.,okdox, August iu. a special to me leclare it at the polls. was the inau who killed U us nams, uie News from bheptsche, dated Augusta, r- m m m notorious negro luited Mates jiarsnai, gives the particulars ot a heavy battle Extracts From the Washington Font. Ed-relield last June, while the Court ofLvi,;,., Plurwi tluit dav aUinar the whole line "It has been customary to abuse uu General Sessions was being held. He from Mutrlai to Shentsche. The Turks Infrersoll because, while proposing to de- jie(i very bravely, lighting to the last. were defeated. The loss of the Atisti iaus stroy the religious systems and beliefs of The, difficulty originated from au old js tifty killed andwonnded. The Bosniaiu his fellowmen, he offered 110 substitute lor lllld bitter feud. It appears that same ten tolce8 uumbered live thons;nd and inclu that which he would sweep away j but tins I yearg ago no of the Booth family killeddeli artillery and a large force of Turkish objection can scarcely hold,agaiust a man a brother of Brooker Toney, aud ever regulars led by regular officers. Four since that time a hostile meeting has been huudred of the latter were captured. The looked for, and from the character of all captive Turkish troops claim that they the parties it was known that when they Were compelled to tight by the insunec did come together it would be a bloody tionary Government at Serajevo ening the souls of fearful Republicans is affair. To-day they were all drinking, tiw, l.nfTu Psinaid that Jeff. Davis is to be met. and it was not lonsr betore tne mat- ,mmJ M "O"-' I J " elected to the Senate iu the place of Bruce, ter was settled with the above uufortun True he isn't eligible, doesn't want the ate result. Politics had nothing to do place, and isn't wanted by his State ; but with the affair, and it occurred at least these obstacles are no impediment to a half a mile from the place where the Dem- robust and agile lie. It is Mr. Davis' mis-J ocratic demonstration was held. As soou fortune that his" fate comiKds him to per- as Governor Hampton heard that tlKsnght netual duty as a radical, scarecrow. was goiug ou he ordered Adjutant and In "The Radicals admit that twoRepnbli- spector General Moise to taue cnarge 01 cans to one Democrat join the National the Edgefield Rifles, to go to the spot and ,avt v, aud vet thev claim that the move- quell the disturbance, but happily the imutarj' arm w as nut iieeuuu, i uio.y work had already ceased before their -arrival. The promptness of General Moise and the troops under him iu response to the command of the Chief Executive of NOTICE! In pursuance of a Mortgage executed to me by I layman Critz, I will sell fur cash at the Court Iloiwe in Mocksville, on the 5th day of September next, One tract of lanu known as the Griffin place, adjoining the lands of A. Harp, V . bteadiua'n, and others, containing 8u acre more or le to natisiy h;ii1 mortgage. Aus. 5,1873. 4i4t. A. ANDERSON Davie County IN THE Sl l'ERIOR COURT. M. R. CbafSn, Admr. f J Wal- lace, dee'd., l'luiulijf, A gainst, v I V P Caiinou, Geo A Cum n, Petition to K S Gained it wife L E Gaiues. Vto xell laud J Wesley Cannon. Martha A i lor Assets. Cannon, V C Cannon, Tuos A Cannon and Willie .tuinia Can non, ileirs at law. Dcffts. It apearinjt t the satisfaction of the Court that J W ffiiey Uanuou, one 01 tue uetunaaut: above 11 a ii hhI id a uon-resident ot the State, it 1 ordered by the Coilrt that pnhlTcation be made iu the "Carolina Watcunian lor six successive weeks Notifying aid defendant lo appear at the offic e ot the Clerk of the Superior Court of said couniy, ou Monday the 9th day of Sept.. 1878. and answer the Complaint, which in Died in the above entitled action, and if he fail to answer the complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relict ucmanueu in lue complaint- Witness. II. U. llOWAUU, (Jierk Superior Court of Davie County. July lt, IriTrt. 4 1.Ct. ($7.) who, while repudiatiug hell, predicts an other term of Grant." "The spook with which western Radi cal speakers and editors are now fright VEGETINE Z will try Vegctine. He Did, AND WAS CURED. There is yery geuerak concurrence tfjroqgliQuf thp State, that the convention system of nominating candidates has erred its time, and that hereafter primary Wtions or some other mode must take Replace, Owe of the town officers of Grenada, Miss., has telegraphed to Gov, Vauce for relief on account of the teryiblo affliction 4n that town from yellow fever. Steps were immediately taken iu Raleigh to re- popd to the call. mentis helping the Republicans. We ntve tried to work the problem by analy- proportion, cube root, algebra and geometry, but wo can 6 figure it out. 11 Smith loses two dollars to Jones! one, we , , , c 1 1 1 r the State, as well as their coolness aud don't see how Smith is cetun'r ahead of UUD ' 1 ..... . . . 1 . . .......I.... tii rii n.i courage, were mguij tiuuiuunc w urem The newspapers are denouncing Hayes a a humbucr and a fraud iu respect to fivil service reform. He not ouly cou- fributes himself to the republican elec- ti.oifeering fund but turns out clerks who refuse to contribute. He thinks post masters onght to help 1 the party candi dates "in every way possible1' Jo -secure their election. Jloij, A. G. Thurniau, of Ohio, delivered a greaj; speech at Hamilton, Ohio, on Tuesday last, which is reported by the newspapers as the "key note" of the Dem peratio party for the coming campaign. J rakes the wind out of the sails of the .Matjojial" parcy and shows how they are attempting to trade on borrowed capital. $hall apiear iu our next. Josiah Turner has dropped into the ansa of t)e rdjcal party. They received )tin at Raleigh oq the l'th with a citni- age drawn by four white steeds, and ysiah made a speech and declared hfiu elf aq Independent candidate for Con fre$t le has just beeu elected a mem ber to the Legislature from Orange, but seeing that the tide of his fortune is ebb ing, he will endeavor to take it at its flood and so ride into Cougress. Jones, uules he puts a limit ou him." "We are constantly reminded that the South ought to-be enternally grateful to L Hayes, aud that any criticism of the act- ins President from that quarter is rank ingratitude. This is based ou the fact that Mr. Hayes took the United States troopsTrom the capitals of two Southern SUttes, aud the further fact that he has appointed a very few representative Southern men to office. As to the remov al of troops, he was simply performing an inevitable and unavoidable duty, for which he is really entitled to no more thanks or glory, than for signing an ap propriation bill, or doing any other regu lar routine business. And in the matter of appointing Southern Democrates to j office, he has only handed back to the I party robbed a small iortion of the goods found in his possession. All this may be a loud demand for grateful thanks, but we confess our utter inability to take that view of it. The New York Tribune accuses the Democratic conventions of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Lonisiauna of "a direct pla giarism of the ideas of the Nationals, if not, indeed, of their language." This re minds us of a remark of the noted Prof. Peck, of the Andover seminary He had written several famous sermons which he was in the habit of delivering in certain rural towns in New England. The young "theologs" were so euraptured with them that they frequently stole them outright and got them off in the backwoods. One 01 ins sermons, known as the "refer ser mon," the old Professor said he dared not preach in certain parts of the country for fear of being accused of plagairsm. Thus?, the Democrats who reaffirm their old doc trine of opposition to monopolies, etc., arc accused of stealing from the young National party. It is also due to Captain J. J. Harrison, chief of police of the town to say that he was promptly at his post, and acted with great calmness and bravery in putting a stop to the difficulty. During his efforts iu this direction he was compelled to fire twice at a man, whom he did not recog uize, and who was trying to shoot youug foney, but whether he struck him or not couldn't be learned, as the man ran ofl fljat buxom widow who sued old Simon pamerpn for breach of promise, having o4t her position in the Patent office, ap peals to the District Commissioners of Washington for protection. She reflects pn Simon for tempting her away from her friends, but says she can make her living a Washington if not disturbed. Simon let the widow alone, jmon let the widow alone; - Bitfion let the widow alone, And let her quiet Ik. 1 "1 1 As an evidence of the'growiuir trade be- fween jW United States and Urazil, it is Slated at tlie pity of Para, ou her recent trip from Ro Janeiro, which was accom plished in twenty-two days, brought a cargo of 24,000 bags of eollee, 1 19 bags of cocoa, a large lot of rubber and 14 boxes pf specie. She has just sailed back to Soatk America, and her freight list iii- cladea 16,000 barrels of flour, 700 kegs of Jard, 253 packages of wheelbarrows,, 840 pases of miscellanepus merchandize, and hoadreds of otlier articles in greater or less balk. ; - 1 m mm . J; M. Redw'ix'e, Esq. the independent eject from the 26th Senatorial district - beat Dr. Anderson, a first rate man. But he people of Stanly and Cabarrus com -pitted no blunder in tlie choice they made. Mr. Rewjne is also a first rate man and as trne a Democrat as ever cast a vote. We know Vf. Apderson well enough to Relieve that he is not sorry he was defeat ed, but is probably glad that Mr. Red jj,ne w ill ha ve to till the place. CAROLINA -REAL I ESTATE AGENCY, ,. V. . CHARLOTTE, N. a We buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate on commission: Have agents North work- ins up emigration for this section. Weiidvertise more extensively than any other agency in the country, so mat our chances ior semug ianu-ic 10 any otu;r agencv. We make no charge if no sjile is made. We sjlicit correspondence with those having real estate to sell. We want a number of farms now to till order. those having Agents wanted in every county riti. - Send for our advertising paper."The Southland DAWSON & CO. FIA.1STOS A-ISTD ORGANS. We aVe State Agents for Horace Waters & Sons celebrated Pianos and Orcans The best instrument in the world for the money. 1 ully warranted for six .year. Prices lower than the lowest. Of SHEET MUSIC we have aTuU stock. New. music received as soon as published. Churches, Sunday-Schools, Female Seminaries and Teachers supplied with PIANOS, ORGANS and-SHEET MUSIC; large discount off Seud for catalogue and price list. Any other-make of pianos or organs supplied when desired. Agents wanted in every town and county. Address, DAWSON & CO . 42:1 y CIIAHLOTTi:, N. C. NOTICE ! Notice i hereby riven that wc, the niuler- tirncd, piopiiulorrt !' iliu ulibury t-'ity MilU w ji not lio responsible lor any Tn.-a tuat may be. lost. miplai-t d or stolen the promised time expire.. Furthermore, -these Mills will nut le eoiiriidci ed jiitblic Mills any longer. We will do ail in our power to keep things straight and in their proper pUces but cannot be responsible lor the above Mine accidents. Respect full v, 39;1 111. pd A. H A It I'M AN Jfc SON. Delaware, O., Feb 16. 1S77. MrH K Stevens : Dear sir, I wlsu to (,-lve you tins testimony, mat you may know, iua let otners Know, wnai v egeiHie lias done Tor me. aooui- two years ago a sinau sir- came on my le& It senm boo une, a large Ulcer, so troublesome tiui I co:isu:ii- i tue uk:i-, o;n 1 jul no rrtllet. irrowlnvr worse trom uay to d.ty. I suiiereii t orrihlv-! I .oulJ not l' 'si - ilav or nU!it: I was so r auced my fru'nH tlioaht I would never re.-ovrr; I consulted a doeur at Columbus. I followed Uls ad vice; it dl'l no froo l 1 can truly s iy I was (lis our iged. At tills lime I was loo; inj? over my newsp.i ien I aw vo'ir atlverltsement of Vetfetlne, the 'Gnat Blood I'urtner" for cleausini; tlie blood fro:n all Impurities, curing Humors, fleers. ,tc. 1 said to my family. I will try some of the- Vcjjetlne. Before I hid used the first bottle I bewail to feel letter. 1 made up my miiid I hail got the llsrht medicine at last. I could now sleep well nights. I continued taking the Vegetlne. 1 took thirteen bottles. My healtli Is vrood. The f leer is Kne. and 1 am able to attend to business. I p,itd about four humtrod dol lars for medicine and doctors before i nougat me Veethie. 1 have recommended Vegetlne to others with pood success. I always keep a bottle of It la the house now. It Is a mo-;f ewllent medicine. Very respectfully yours, F. ANTHONI. Mr. Anthoni Is one of the pioneers of Del .lware, o. He settled here in iss-t. He H a wcilthy jr-mtieman. of the lirm of F. Anthoni & Mr. Anth ii is extensively known, especially among the licrnaTis. Up Is well known in t lncimiau. lie ii respected uj all. Impcke Blood. Tn morbid conditions of the bloo.1 and has not been seen. Captain Harrison are many diseases: s i. h as salt-i heum, ringworm, 1 holls. earbuncl.-s. surs, ulcers and pimples. In this condition or tne Diooa try tne vekikk. aim i-mr these affect Ions. Ad a blood purltier 11 has no equal. WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE. ST A L'NTON, VI K G I N I A . This time honored Institution opens Septem ber liih. H7d. Anions the tirst schools tor Vouns ladies in the Umttd Slates. European and American Teachers. Surroiindiugs beau, til'ul. Cliinale nnsurpiincd. Patronized by seventeen states. A MtNfl TllK JlKS'l T Kit MS IN THE UNION: Hoaid, Washing. I.i.rhtrt KiMFliwh. I.ntin. Kicneh. lor each halt ot the Seolastie year, 1 !." Music very low Fjr Oatalo'ics. address 11 v.' VM A. II A KRIS. D. I). I'rest . 39:1 in. Staunton, Va. SAVE THE FRUIT ! Mason's Improved Fruit JaiF. A large lot just in. A long, long ways cheaper than ever offered before. At ki.u l rj s jjr.uu si uki,. KILL THE FLIES. KL.Ui?TZ'S FL.Y PAPER Slavs thefiibv the million, (.heap. ' At KLUTTZ'S DRUU STUUE SIMOHTON FEMALE COLLEGE Statesville, N. C. opens August 28, ISTg in Knglisli.S85.00 per BM! ' r BEST TP YET. KLUTTZ'S BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, is the safest, surest anil most pleasant remedy for Diarrhea, I ) senterv, Ac. Fur sale onlv at KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. ALL FOR A QUARTER. A good Lamp, chimney, burner ami wick, all fur a thmrter. At KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. Mates tie Little Oies Sleep. Does KlutU's Soothing Droits. opium Contains no Onlv at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORK. The next sesxion i v..i .,,1 t,,;i;.x.., nun .i.i.ii.u in -,nf;ii.ii. joo.ou per get. sion oi twenty weeKs. aiaiogue and cir'cuL with full particulars on application. Ad.lress, Mrs. K. a. tiltANT ' I'rinciptl. F IB POLAND CHINA STOCK PIGS, And a Milch COW and Calf FOR SALE. I have a lot f line pigs of ages which I offer ns thorough-bred stock bogs. Also, 4 good Milch Cow. which wiM"te sold at luode rato rates, tiualil v considered. ti K. CUAWH0KD. Solisbury. June 12. l.-Tr1. ;4;4t Tailopih-Stocttofl. i for 10 cent", d and prettiest illumina- Its effects are wonderful. Valuable Land for Sale! I offer for sale Two Tracts of Land" situated on Rack Creek, about 12 mile west of Salisbu ry, known as the Siansill lands, adjoining N. II. Hall, J. T. liny, J.C. Gille-pie and others, containing (hie Hundred Acres each. I will sell separately or together as the purchaser may desire. Terms reasonable. Tor further information call on or address me at Mill I'ridfe, Row an Con. ii v. N. C. J. S. Mi-( URIUNS, Agt. Mili R.idge, X. C, July 12, 1S7S. VJ: 2m. Three Fine Cigar Red "C" Oil. Ho mm oil. I!nim: So.ip-t lias the bluinc already in it. Woods l'ocket Sod. i Foont.iin. ('all and see it. Unparalleled bargains in Hair Rrushes. Toi let Soaps, e. At TI1KC). F. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORK, T wnuldrespfctfiilly inform the citiapnn of Salisbury and the surrounding country, that I haVB- located iu Salisbury (iu ii i- bat k-ri't.ui tif I'lyler's Rook Stoic), and am p-epared to do all work promptly and well, as in a lirst-rW Tailoring Kstablislnient. AVith a tweniv tive years' experience in CutUng. Fitting, Milking, Cleaning and Repairing, 1 can safely juaran tee to my patrons the fullest satisfaction Far the f.ceoinnmda.fion i- farmers, I will tnke Produce in Exchange for Work. The patronage oi Kownn and the surround.. eo nr. ties is re-.lect fully siilicited, Concspoii. deuce invited fro.n persons livintral a ilisineB :54::!m . J. A. STOCKTON. 17:lv. alis :ju rv N.C VEGETINE md bis baton shot from bis band during the firing whether from shots aimed at liiu or stray balls he is at a loss to know. A negro man had a ball to pass tb rough hia pants during the melee, and a little boy bad several balls to go whizzing through his bat while on his bead. The excitement was very great for some time after the shoot inc. and at one time it was o i .,uU rif nnp nf The cr thought that Other trouble Would ensue, your VeReUne. f Have been one of the greatest ui- a - faran tnr tl,. l ict lirl.f Vlirvi lhllt HVIT COIllll 1C UV- caused from the carelessness of a man m?. t io stncereiv th ink mv uoi and your Tege- ...i. ..i : i ... ii.. .l- i i tine tor the relief 1 have cot. The Hlieumat.;. has w nose pisioi was ncciueuiaiiy uisciiaigeti palnPd me tn scli an extent, that my tet broke out Mil H I I H Ilk. IIH K1.rIIlAllV (HHl Oil. L( pistol was heard tlie authorities attempt- work as well as ever I did, and I must say 1 owe it oil In vnur h!n u niinfier. ".i'tlne .j a. . . i i.:. jv: 1. .. .1 v" j - . --.,. eu toui i ctiL nun, iicu ins ii ieim.s, h ihi i thought he Cured Her. Dokchestek, Mass, June 11. Du Stevens : Dear Sir. I feel It my duty to say one woni in re- crarrt to inn trrciit. heiient I have received from the use of one of the greatest won.iersoi me woi m. n is M ENAHDJWO ME H0 FT H ES0 U T H Desiring Pleasant and Profitable Work, are invited to solieil orders for. , THE LIFE OF Gen. Albert Sidney Jolmston. enihrucing his'services in the armies of the Ignited States, the Republic of Texas, and the l :on federate Slates. 15 his son, Col, Win. Prelum Johnson. One handsome oetavo, 722 pages, illustrated lv maps and engravings. Sdd hv subscrip tion. Kxclusive territory piven. For further particulars, auplv to publishers, I. ArPLIv hadn't committed a suflicient M AKOEUY WELLS. VtoCTisn The irreat smcess of the v koktink as a rleanser and lMirftier of the blood Is shown beyond otfeuse to cause his arrest, gathered a doubt by the trreat numbers who u-.ive t4iken It and , . . e received Immediate relief, with such remarkable iiiuuuu iu piuicct iniu. iiit; in iiiijcbs i cures the town and county authorities and the wise counsels of several citizens prevent ed any further attempt at resistance, and the man was placed iu jail. The deceas ed gentlemen were taken into the court house and laid out, when Coroner SI. C Cartledge summoned a jury of inquest All of the deceased leave families to niouru their untimely end. Since writing the above we have learn VEGETINE Is better than any MEDICINE. HEvnEKSON. Kv.. Dec, 1877. T havp lined II It Stevens' Vegetlne. aud like It b.-t- ter than any medicine I have used for purityluR the bloo 1, One bottle of Vegetlne accomplishes more trood than all other medicine I have taken. THOS. LVNR, Henderson, Ky, . 1 - . . . TI . 1 . , .. 1 I I . , -Wl- .! VI- l,.il, VBOKTINK IS COm.tOseu OI uihmis naria. anu .11. v.v i.xi. ijciijrtiuiii mi"!", i.n-uci it u very pleasant to take : every enuii UKes it. REV-EN UE MATTERS. Washington, Aug. 10. A dispatch re ceived last night by the Commissioner of Interna Revenue from Greenville, S. C. from U. S. Attorney Xorthrapaud Revenue Ageut Chapniau says they nreinformed that Redmond is anxious tosnrrender, the Government accepeing bis pleas of guilty for his past violations of the Revenue laws, sentence to be suspended conditional upon his good behavior and keeping faith. He is ready to stand a trial for the killing of Duckworth. The entire body of the moun tain people are begging to surreudei on suspension of sentence, but the District At torney hesitates to go farther than tlie docket without special instructions. Com missioner Rauni replied, instructing them to accept the pleas of the guilty persons without reference to the fact whether they are guilty or recoguized. He says he wjshes to make a clean sweep of all offen ders except Redmond and other leaders who flred upon officers. To-day the Com mifjsioner sent the following to U. S. At torney Northrqp: "Aftcrconsultation and due consideration it has been decided that the case of Redmond is entirely exception al and should nqt be included with those of ordinary offenders, I coufirm my dis patch of last night, authorizing you to ac cept plea of guilty and to suspend sen tences in case qf other illicit distillers who are believed to be acting in cood faith and Who have not beeu actually encased 10 snooting our omcers. rveep me atl riser by telegraph of the number who plcai guut v. Thomas, died while being canied to his home. The above arc all the particulars which can be gathered up to this hour. e will state in this connection, that the frequent disturbances occurring iu this town are not between or caused by 7 the citizens of the village. Many family feuds exist in this couuty, and while here on business or pleasure, the members meet one another and cannot refrain from bringing up these matters, which so often irove fatal to one party or the other. Tliat Lie 3 SHOP P. II. HEIUG & SON, would call attention to their large and splendid r stock or ISAlimVARE AROUND th? CORN Ell. To the Public. "Gkketimi : I ULIAN & FRALEY Presnit coinprr.nents to the public ami ileMre to call renewed attentitm to their clTorUto he Useful as AND CARPEHTERS. VEGETINE. Kcconirueiuled by M. D.'s. II T? Stkvkss : Dear Sir. 1 have sold vetretine tor a ions "me, and And It gives most excellent s itlsiaetioii. liazljum, InJ. VEGETHE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. I'ON & CO., olU IVdway, New York. 38:lt Rowaa Comty Superior Court. Wilson Keeler, Plaintiff, AGAINST Thoman E. Ihown, Defendant. The defendant, Thomas K. Brown, is hereby notified that Wilson K eider has eoinmencetl hii action against him in the Superior Court of itiiwan County, State of Nonh Caiulina, tiiiti tled as above : That the purpose of said action is lo recover the sum of one thousand dollars with interest thereon from the 1st day of J line, 1877. S.iiif Thomas E. Itrowu is hereliy re quired to appear at the Conrt-1 louse in Salis hurv, in the County of Rowan, at the Term of the Superior Court for said County, to he held oir the Sth Monday after the 4ih Monday of Sept em her, 1S78, and during s:iid Term to an swer or demur to the complaint to he tiled in the ofhee of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Countv, within the first three davftot paid C-.r. or nhiinli will for I he relief hooe to nu lit iikiI inn O fonflJcnt'f ij . .i .1..:... " Ddtronovv. March I, is Said Tlionias K. llrown is further notified that h Warrant of Attachment against his pro- i i ...... i i : l r a. . u ! iiertv in saiu v uuinv oas neeu isnueu ironi uie Superior 'Joiirt of Rowan Countv. on applica- ion ol the plauitill, returnahle to the Superior 'oiirt of Raid County at the Court-House in silishnrv, on the 8th Monday after the 4th Monday of September, 187S. .11)11. N . ! . IIDKAII, Clrrk Superior Court, Rowan County. 34: fit: pf $10 Embracing IHONS and STEELS every variety of sizes and shapes best quality. Wagon and Buggy Materials. comprislmr all 'the various kinds required springs, axles, wheels, ic, ready to-set up. Teleapb. Straw Cutters, all sizes, and unsurpassed m quality and durability. Great American Lightning SAWS, every kind and size, eiirliraeimr MILL CROSSCUT. N MLS-'1" sizes eut and wrought. PLOWS The most popular and :sp,iro M st vl-s Tlow Cast ings. a!l kinds, bulls, a..-. i.f No. points for Jl. Windo,v Ct ASS from sx !.to-.'4: -Putty, oils. Palate, arTi'.s.i'--;. i.itfmmn mivt. at. FAIR It AN K SCALES Si eeljards ana l!,il.iin-es. AXTox'ls. Tools For c irrM'iiters. Plai-ksmnhs. siioemakers. Fanners. Champion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Threshing: Machines, Horse-Powers. Pmnps. J-"iirain Cradles, lira-s sxiii, Pi nni'iii llaiidli-d Hoes, CUNS ristol.;. 1 uiv. s. and CUTLERY of all kinds. jjro?ir stock embraces e.ery tiling to be found tn a larije an 1 compli'ie ll.irdw are store, and ail at low nrlces furc.isti.iJ Willi thitil.s tor past, favors we a:ui lrien asiu -o:ly : They till orders in two departments. have so far -riven satisfaction. Ttifv England ha taken possession of another Yeo-etine is Sold bj All Druggists, and, Socotru. It contains a few thou- 5 island 1 1 I j. . . - . . . sauu lunaoirunis ami some luirti lnonu- taius, and occupies a couiinaiidiiig position iu toe iiuckui esseis oin H orn uoinoav I to Suez. l)isr:ieli itid:ildv L.i.l ttd . , . . , ,. . e are glad to announce to the friends and iu uimu as wen as tjvtirtis w ten .... iir.-.m.j i...... .u. :. .:n i I luiruun ui KDiiuiilllu t..aii:iii , iimi it win nc ne spone iu 180 ot 'a chain ot tortresses re-opened on the last Monday in August, 1878 which would Thames." bind the Ganges to the For particulars applv to TIIOS. LACY, Principal, 43:1m. Wood Leaf, N. C. The farmers of South Carolina, accor-1 IHQQill BITIIlrJ FJ flTI and will be better this winter than ever, because they have been working within their means, have spent less money than in previous years, and have bought what provisions they consumed at exceedingly low prices where they paid cash. The copartnership heretofore existing between J. K. Crawfortl and Chas. Holmes was dissolved on Wednesday, Aii. 14th, 1878, by the withdrawal ot the under signed. J AS. Ii. CRAWFORD. Aug. loth, 1878. Posting Notice. Macch Cauxk, Ta., August 10. The men of this region generally, have posted Tin TtiiHraia frlmt U i 1. -' "f viwo mui iiicji luusit iiuve jo0 oasis of wages or they will make a move. A curious thing is that the operators in Ha- DnM States Internal - Berrawe. Collector's Office, 6th District, N.C, Statesville, July 27, 178. The following property havinyj heen seized for violations of the Internal Revenue lawn; the owner thereof will appear before rue, with in thirty days from date hereof, and make Rowan " Consty Superior Com II. l. Roberts, as Trustee of Susun K. Humphreys, rhdhtijj, AGAINST Tlmma K. Ilrown, Samuel 14. Harrison, Defendant. The defendant, Thomas K. I.rown, is hereby notified that 15. 1. Roberts, as Trnxlee of u san K. Humphreys, has commenced a'tt action irr-j i tw.l I.i lit Simm-I K Hnriiyoii in tin. Oil and Off Slick aS GreaSe ! Superior Court of Kowa.reomuy.stateof North Carolina, entitled as ooove: i nat t lie purjue TJieir prices arc as low as it is possible to make them, and their work not" interior ta sinv and have extended their facilities recently, and arc .encouraged to hope fox increased de mands. Their ready made stock in hand comprises a general assortment of house uir niture Hcdsteads, Bureaus, Clothes Pressw, Lounges, Racks, Wardrobes, Hook-Cases, Cupboards and China Presses, CatnUc Stainh, Tin Safes. Desks. Tables, Washtaiids. Chairs, &c. They also keep an assortment of COFFINS ol walnut, pine and poplar, from .f :I upward. Also, Window Sash. They till orders with-, out vcxi-.tioiis delays. Wiil contract for car penter's work and warrant satisfaction. Will' take good lumber and country produce in exchange for furniture. Shop nearly opjw sitc Watchman ollicc. Jui.ia.n a. Fkai-KY. ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHS. J. W. Watson, The old original and reliable Photopraplifr. from Raleigh, has taken and lilted up d't ( Jallerv on Main stieet, Salisbury, N. C, lir execute all stvlen t I ' ' in the vcrv hest le, he is prepared to uranhs. r ereotvivs, iV:c, Call aiid see hint ovt-r Pkler' Work the best in the State. Hook Store. ' 21:1'-. - Hack Line to Albemarle. ROOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, SLIPPERS; &c. W. M. EAGLE, li.'sp;ctfully announce his continuance at his old stand in his old liu, on Alain Street, opposite Knniss' Drug Store. He is always ready and anxious to accommodate customers in his line in the best manner possible, lie is prepared to do tirst class work aud can com pete with any northern Shop or Hand made work. His machine, lasts, c.. are -of the ot saiu action is lo recover the sum ol three thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars and sixtv-fcix cents, for monev loaned, with in terest thereon from the .'51st day cf July, 1S77. That the summons has been duly served upon the defendant, Samuel K. Harrison. Said Thomas K. Rrown is hereby reipiired to appear at the Court-House in Salisbury, in the County of Rowan, at the Term of the Su perior Court to be hi Id on the 8th Monday af ter the 4th Monday' of September, 1H78, and during said Term to answer or demur to the Complaint to he filed in the ollice of the Clerk of the Superior Court-of siid county within the first three days of said Term, or the Plain tiff will apply for the relief demanded in the said complaint. Said Thomas Drown i further notified that a Warrant of Attachment ajrainst his pro perty in said county has been issued from the ThcMindersiiud is rummi a iri-wccWv Hack Jiiie-from Salisbury to A"" marie, N ). Will cmxey passenger- to Hill, or elsewhere on the line, cheaper -any Liverv Stable. Leave Salisbury evrrj Monday, Wcilncsday and Friday, , a. m. r' turn every Tuesday, Thursday and atul. -0 p. ni' r Leave orders at National Hot'. .. . (i. w. wnin.' K. proprietor- 7:Iy. rif I it ill Inteat Rrd hest nutcrns. He works th vcrv hest m&terUl and keens on hand readr mud'e Superior (Amrt of Rowan county on applica- work, and stock equal to any special order. tion of the plaintifi', returnableTo the Superior Uepairinp neatly and promptly done at rea- Court of said county, at the Court-House in sonahle prices. Satisfectiou gnaranteed or no Salisbury, on the Kth Monday after Ihe 4th Monday of September, ie. J.M.HORAH, Clerk Superior Court, Rowaa County. Ill I j III! The Oldest Specialist in America- Dr. J. A. Clopton, uf Huntsville, Ala., charge. Prices to Suit the Times. Treats with si most Universal Cancerous atiections, i"' aw ;" , ,t Cash orders by mail promptly filled. 34.6mos. W. M. EAGLE. 34: 6t: pf $10 zeltou recently conceeded the 1875 basis claim thereto according lo provisions of Sec which is just what the men now demand. ,ibU lk f the same will be forfeited to the Whether the matter wi.l reSUiu a strike Tt X 8'"0"" ..vw v uvu nuuM u. I .1 .1 Mil I T C 'n! rr PRESCRIPTION FREE! For the Rrly Curv nf.Seminul Weakness. lwt Wanbixxl anfl all dinorrters brought on h InUis crtion or f xcpm, Anv Inigeist hm lh Inprc dientur Ir. W. JAUVF-H A CO., Ko. 134 West ftixth Mtrcet. la-iunti, O. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and various other blanks for sale here T. I. AYERS, MANUFACTURER OF FIXE CIGARS, Salisbury, N. C. The following brands kept constantly on band: "Itoval Oem," jro.(i por M. "Little Pet." per M. (Both Havana filled.) "Dalsv," $35. (h) per M: "Stlver Lake." (half Havana rilled.) $ss.tia per M. "No. 1," per M. "Prtne ot ('una."f.'s.iper m. "Little Commodore," $20.00 per M. Orders prompt ly filled. 40: MCCC-5- 3,1 ; universal - ff ,. all Scrofulous f turns, :xcresences n AHiUUIO-i .flee fa.&c Piles, Fistula, Dropsical ' tions, Ac. As the Doctor i..f en fr"B,":fil4 addTess his son, John Robert Clopton, g' U'n name in fill. i,rtnial -Send f-.r Circulars and see Testimony from men known to every one i . 'Hionsands who could not leave horae. lieen cured hv the use of his reinedies-- (f cil directions accompany all I that any man or woman can m-e success. ' .i voiT P' Write-vonr name in full. . 0i Office, County and Rfate. ANays r name, or my sum" name in full. 'J'

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