For the Watchman. . .... A MULE ittCE.i ; A little uonaease now and then,: Is relished by the uiost of men, And 6ft it will amose the mnAy .To soo some race and ruu behind. iu till Township luis A knljM -To chase aoniv iimju he clatnu the rlgiitj Hut once he wet with ft id ttrpH;, For dust and Band di4 UH' W One eve he took a little chase, And for John Oil pin took a rce, Uut Jolm'i old mule set out fall sail And run like Jlollj-Wtton-ttil., . . . - f T-t" They started in JW" L And soon each mule was in strarj. John took h'is course for setting uOf Geewhilikiu ! how he did rati. On came onr klilght at tortoise peed, Like in the fable tale we read) Our knight was tortowe John was hare, And with the fable will comparer To gO before ft Squire's Cdtif t, - ! Alas! alas! it is no sport. Old Squire's have an ugly face, -And those they judge they have to chase. To them the-law is like d3 'ff That men will draw some jisU to get; lint when in Legal water dep .., Their lead line Jown jthey cannot keep. The crafty fish will under gd v While smaller ones will mesh ittbreagii feat iomp there are that joii iuaj bet Yen neVer get them in a net. Jt t pa went onr John at double quick, . Aj if pursued by a sharp stickj His old fleet mule did run for trne, Jn rain our knight did ufnl' pursue. Onr knight got angry on the path, Ktir up old male you raise jut wrath; I'll put you up when I gee iiorae, There to way stay for days to ipome. I know A nag of racing blood, , He js not young tytit hojs fo$yt That horse I dp' not intend to own, .. I mean that horse of Joseph Brown r If I had rode old Mon's to-day, No man froin nie could get away 1 Milt now my man and track islost, AniLl am minus in the costi Our Johti lay down in rabbit style, And for 'the tortoise wajts riwlifW;' II ut en the tortoise did not come, He then quits race and strikes for home. A two horse, wagon man and colt" bid join the chase tfheu John- did bolt) No ChaldtQ King u Qjnu jQt fine! Could rank in show or cut a shine. . A good old man was nucle Burt . No man would cluuse or do him hurt; But kindly he could vyoo and win, jnd took tho wild John Gilpiu iu. He took him to a magistrate, . -The ugliest Squire in tho State; He gave onr Jtthn a flag ' trace, But tied Yum first then let him loose. That Htbrid Horse we call tho mule No King would ride that well would rule; This long eared nag in ancient days, Made prophets mad 8ovMofce iiyi Then all ye knights that well wocddrnle. I'ray never rjue a kicking mule, r when your mau aud track bloat, You 11 be a Lackey in the cost. , km ; Weeds now demand attention, says the Jottmal of Agriculture, and the persis tence and thoroughness with 1vh tell they are exterminate will materially affect both the excellence of tho present crop and the ease Vlth which the future cul ture can be done. It is astonishing what Vast quantities of weeds the farmers and gardners of thia country raise year after year. It has been estimated' that if al these weed); uere clover or wheat instead p worthless and injurious weeds it would add to the wealth of the country not less than eGO,OrlQQO'aUtiually.., Thore seems to be a very general belief that weeds can ,i.ot be entirely extirpated from farm grpnndj. Bot why not I 1(008 half- ef the Weeds In ft particular' field ' cau! be deatoyml, why, by parsniag tho'i effort ' faf enougfi, may not ihe ither1 Kalf" be destroyed aisdt If the first teniti i can be killed why, not the last tostli ( AboiU, the pnly reason we BVet heard given why the ast as well as the first weeds may hot be exterminated is "because they eadt1' -This lack of faith ia. ultimate and complete success in tilts wotk u one of the great est hmdrances, to its accomplistnneut. A man may believe he can succeed and yet fail, bat a mau who docs not believe success possible is not likely to put forth effort necessary to achieve success. .The great secret ot auccesa and the end at which all should aim is to prevent japy weeds either in tho CUltlvatetl grminds pr adjoining boarders from lipeuiug their seeds. Success jn this will greatly lessen jpio contost jn tho future and if persisted )n a few years will result in complete vic tory. What live Sheep 1Ti Jio. FivC shbep Iwriil enrich one acre' of ojd, roruout mowing land iu three yws so tttftt it ti ill producu one ai4 imelialf ton .pf hay-Jf yeifr, for several years, by plight eprinkje of seed each veitf , sown iu arly spriil' f j will produce r- inunure iu Wlur to the Talu?Vf ilO bv giving them 8atabie)ld?diDgi fevel'ieeik uin-get their liyTng througlrtho summer on ono McrQ of ground the pasEkctng pf theaame ould bej&3k. Fite&'if fai; five lamXis, worth $15. Five slteep will shear twenty 'five pDimdu of "tCoof':W6rrti The largest strawberry farm i n tlie world . - i -I t " .ri s: I. ..... i t js prooaoi;' tnaioiuonn it - lonpg,-jr. about two mjles from Norfolk, V. A. J coin puses aiwuijucre. iw "jgegu sji vt ar .s 2, " Hill nnHi tntli ipm i . .... - THE CRpjft. w. rrlad to'sav that, from tfUf 1 ; 1 - trlBTlf I IS I II LUD I -I. countrr, there witl be good' crops id dear ly every Uicality. In very low ianu mej have been somewhat injured by the re cent freshets, bat in higher locations the yield In nearly all kinds of produce will bo rather above tue average, n w -ru season lias ftt been to propitious as some would wish, but the average has been ....watncui tintwithstAndiuff the adverse conditions under which the labor has been perfornied. This has bcrt BCCdiupluhed aUMBMVWM-W " " - MnCUItural operations among our iwiiu i ru--f lfnw in. inv acres I cap I plaut 1" it i. u.w, Ilo O..C ... I m ralU &H auw ar I I make an acre "produce V and when this latter idea becomes, As It should, the ob J lective iwint io conducting an agricultural jective iwiui w t"""vl e campaign, wo shall see a prosertty and ua, hy mean of which everr sufferer, no mat tnlo!iwndeuco aiuouir the tillers of the 1 ter what hi condition may be. may cure him soil such as we poor denizens of the- city " - i . -1 . I win never kuimi, voiv may be. 117. Star. HE PREFERRED TO WALK. 'She' nrettv hot. ain't alie T said a i : x . . ' backwoods nassenoer, addressing the en gineer of the Mississippi steamer that was raciug with another boat. "So-so," responded the engineer, as lie huiiir an additional wrench on tho aafoty- vaU-APord to ston the steam - from es- . y capllig. 'I reckon we'll overtake that craft Hoou, pursued the passenger. 'That's about it," returned the engi neer, giving the cords another twitch, and ; lalloing through the trumpet to the fire man to "shove up. "One hundred aud ninety-five," luiiu- ined the passenger, looking first at the guage and thcu at the boilers. "That's about where she is rusticating, ' nut in the engineer. Then the nassenirer ran his fingers through, his hair nervously, and walked about the decks for a few minute, : when ie came back to the engineer and observ ed : "Hadn't you better leave that loat go!" . "Can't do it. -Must pass her." "But s'posiu' we should blow up T" "Well," said tho engineer, as he peep ed ever the guard to see how fast he was gaining, "if it's tho will of Providence for this boat to blow up, we'll have to stand up." Then he hallooed to the firemen to roll up another cask of bacon, and to mix plenty of rosin with the coal, jtnd give her a little more turpentine and oil. The next moment there was a splash in the river; but before the yawl could be lowered, the man had succeeded in reach ing the shore, and hallooed out : on with the race. I guess ill walk." AN UNFAILING SIGN. Vhat makes jou think they're engag ed Mrs. Berkley ?" asked the uei:hlir. "Has Julia's mother ever intimated it to yont" "O, dear gracious, tut ! She uever s much as hinted at it," replied Mrs. lierk- "Then what makes yon think it' all settled bet ween them T It ain't over three mouths since he commenced waiting on her." "That don't make any difference they've known each other for two or three years, hhe's as likely a girl as any not bad looking and he's " "Yes yes : all true enough. But what makes you think they're engaged T That's what puzzles me." Vhy, la, bless you, I know it as well as if I'd heard the bargaiu with my own ears." "Go on go on." "Yes; as I was saying, last Snnday af ternoou my Martha met 'em out walkiu' together, and stopped to chat with 'em a minute. As soon as she 'got home and told me they had both been eating onions I kuew it was all arranged, and I shan't bo a bit surprised to hear any day that the cards are out for a speedy wedding. A sign like that never" fails." AV AY-PASSENGER. Louisville Courier Journal. l He was a "cullnd tramp," and approach ed Captain Jase Phillips as the train hauled up at Pewoo. ""Is yu de eapt'in ob dekcars T" 44 Yes," replied Jase. "Don't wan t io' to hire any deck bauds, duz ye No; 1 m not running a steamboat 'Zacly. Mout 1 rido straddle of de cow snatchertode neit laud in' I'm busted an' a long ways from home !" "Get on ! All aboard V and the negro straddled the "coT-nafther.,T Ed Galligaii pulled out the throttle wide open, and th train had not gone more than half a mile before the s.-. i .... cujiiue cuiuueti wiui a cow, throwing it over the fence into a corn-held, and the negro after tlw cow. Next day, coining down, the negro liinped-up to Jase at the same depot, ami &aid: "Hour, I didu't rido fur wid you on dat cow-suatcher, ' ' . V too, au'' dar warn't room fo' bofo of us, we got off together up here in a co'u-field f' to rst De next time I rides wid you I'll freeze'iu tail-gate hit's safer.!! ob de wagou wuat Is the nse of a National V.rtn back pally in North Cartjjiua T Thur- niuu letter in favor o greenbacks aud opipaing - return ption is "greenback" enough for ns. The resolutions' WAopteil 115? Fj1 Strict conyention bjnds Jbe paHy to gifnbacks, fhe Southern dem ocrats, to a man httnost, , stauds squarelv against isumpjlipn and n favor of the I - ' .1 laoorer. wtmt more would ypu hare! It you afc fo gn backs tlie democratic i"r.v is xne piace tor yott. Dou't run af- rpr t'llA liiul. T- J a n . ----- - -----w .. I . 1" BIKLT J. J.-BRUNKR. Ed. and Prop T. K. BUUNEKi Associate fid. scscbiptios batbjs i VI A VB t wiw-w F - - - - - -- -- -- -- - -w- - . . .-..) . -. - L- one lndtt, due joabUoatlQa,..:.' s .11 on . 1 6 Contract rates for tmm$pr m rear. Llauhood: HovLost, HowBestoredl " Just pablhtbed, a new edition' of Dr. Culverwell'i Celebrated Eisay on the radical cure (without medicine) of t 1 1 1 1 T - to,aBWry n.i Lowemln rwrEHcr, Menul and pnTBicai Incupsctty, luipedinienu to Mr. gQr lrice ill senieti envelope, only sia cenw. Tht celebrated authuh in thU admirable - 2SSS3TSES - qilenCrt, f Relrsbue may be radically cured without the dangerou use of internal medicine or ine anpucauon . ....qw.i.r.. . mrvln of core at once simple, certain, and effect- wlf cheaply, privately, and rfeoffy. BfftThi Lecture should be in the hands of everv vouth and every man in the land. Sent under real, in a plain envelope, to anv adddreao, post paid, on receipt of six cents r two postage rtam. Address the Publishers, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO- 41 Ann St, New York; Post Office box, 4"86. OLD, TSIIEB, AKD TRUE. Pcopto are gattlng acquainted nd tboM who are not ought to Ik with the wonderful merit at that great American Remedy, th MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, FOE MAN AND BEAST. ThU Vnlment very naturally originated tat Ameri ca, where Nature provides In her laboratory auch Burpriln antidote for the maladies of herchil dren. Its fame has been spreading for 55 years, until now it encircles the habitable globe The Uexican Mustang Liniment Is a matchless remedy for r.ll external ailments of man and beast. To stock owners end farmers It is invaluable. A single bottlo often saves a human life or re stores the usefulness of an excellent horse, ox, cow, or cheep. It cures foot-rot, hoof-all, hollow horn, grub, screw-worm, shoulder-rot, mange, the bites and stings of poisonous reptiles and insects, and every such, drawback to stock breeding and bush life. It cures every external troublo of horses, such as lameness, scratches, swinny, sprains, founder, wind gall, ring-bone, etc., etc. The Kexlcan Mustang Liniment Is the quickest eon lath world for accidents occurring la the family, la the absence of a physician, such as burns, seaMs, sprains, cuts. etc.. and for rheuma tism, and stiffness engendered by exposure. Par tlcularly valuable to Miners. It is the cheapest remedy in the world, for tt penetrates the muscle to the bone, and a single replication Is generally sufficient to cure. Mexican Mustang Liniment Is put ap In three Hwi of bottles, the larger ones being properUoa A'dy much the cheapest. Sold everywhere. c Q fa; X J Rj3 P. Vl X Zll 8- 5s SS S 2 0 2 it? H fjj $2 2 f 111 3 .a m t-l 2 a in !h;i on Q 04 IH co r ; s 1 a 2 I S" CSS c Blattae? Mil Mm, Attorneysj Cpun$lors aid Solicitors. 8ALISB URY. N. 0. Janoay22 1876ffi 0 O 523 Si 4 W gsf.-sSp-lf 2 H "a ' ; y- ., r ORDERS -FOR-PRIN.TINQ; FROM Responsible persous, or on cash remittancca, shall receive , PHOUPT AWD CAREFUL AnENTIOri. COURT AND JUSTICES', BLANKS KEPT ON HAND. PRICES STKICTLY LOW. giuurtss'WATCnMAN, 1 m , " ,. -.X,, - 1 , - it DEEDS & MORTGAGES. Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Chattle .Mortgages, harm Contracts, Marriage and Confirmation Certificates, Distillers' Entries, and various other forms for sale at the WATCHMAN OFFICE. SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors, commissioners, sheriffs, constables, agents. &c. nre advised to call on us for printed sale notices. It is certainly great injustice to owners to put up their property at public auction without first giving ample notice of the sale. The re quirements of the law on the subject every body knows are insufficient. Projierty is often sacrificed from this cause when n dollar or two spent in advertising might have saved it and made it bring its value. Wc furnish sale notices promptly and' cheap. 2T0TIC3S 70?. POSTING PAMPHLETS, SCHOOL CIRCULARS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER HEADS, CARDS, Posters, all kind PJ (CALL. TIMETABLE WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD. In effect Friday, Mny the 10th, 1878. GOINC, WEST. STATIONS j Arrive. Salisbury ; Third Creek 8 27 A.M. Slatamlle ' 9 15 " Catawba 10 07 " Newton 10 55 ilnnova 'I....! 1 1 07 " llirkory Ill 35 P. M. Icard 12 15 " Morganton 12 59 " BridKewater 1 43 " Marion i 2 27 " Old Fort 1 3 07 " Henry i 3 28 OOINO EAST. Lkavf. i 35 a'M STATIONS. 1 Arrive. Leave. r oo a .m". Henry.. Old Fort. 12 A. M. 52 M Marion Hridgewater Moritanton.. It Aft I 8 32 9 1G I 9 56 1 10 36 Hickory. Canova ll 04 Newton 16 Catawba 12 04 P. Stateaville 1 2 56 Third Creek i 1 44 ' dalwbury i 30 ' M. STOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE, SALISBURY, N. C. O. S. BROWN, Prop'r, tTjtn of the National Hotel, Raleigh.) -AT HOME AGAIN. Having leaned lhi houe for a term of yearn, would be pleaded to have my friend call and e me. It will he Kepi as a r iitox-t-A.oo HOTEL IN EVERY RESPECT. Board: Two Dollars Per Day. fOMXIBU3 AT EVERY TRAIN-1 Larse Sample Rooms for Commercial Trav ellers. TRY ME. C. S. BROWN. Jr. W.O.SHELBURN. Clerkn. January, lnt, 1878. Il:tf FOR-1878. Don't neglect to call on C. Plyler at the Book Store for all kinds of Books wanted. The best quality and latent styles of writing paer i kept here. Also the renowned Singer Sewing Machine can be had here at from S3o to $40. If a roarwrLfiitt w Inrilea all In cT' AnA eramine' goods and Qacnnes. ll:Iy. BONDS To make Title to Land, and Laborer and Mechanics Liens, for sale at tliis Office SALISBURY, N. C. Deeds, Commissioners' Deeds, Sheriffs LAND P.2ADT FP.HTTED. Monthly Statements, 7 KERR CRAIQE, gltomtn at Sato, Salisbury, T. 0 DR. BUTTS No. 12 N. Eighth St St. Louis. Mo. Wh hu hid pcater ipulf In th treatment of th eziial tnniblea of bwlh mie tad nlr than an phytirian ia the Wnt, (firr. the rmilu of hii kmc and mi uiful practie ia hi lira saw vara, jitct publiahcd, "t'tlnl The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Booki that ara mllr CalOa 4 W.laili'iHi'i la all mat tmprruininf to BmImm and KhiuIih. and nipolr yant lung frit. Titer aTabeMUfallj INaalnUra. aad ia plaia laLSuaaje, eaaitjr undrntood. The two booki embrace Ml pairea, and contain alahla tehnaailM for both Biarried and inele, with all the recent improvements in medical treatment Read what onr homepanen sar The know ledge imparted In B. BoUa new worka la in no war of questionable char acter, but ie Jmething that nq one abaaM kaaw. Tbo aeaia. ids Ticnm 01 aarir anaiseretiont Bcrfrctly healthy maybe, tmt with wanlni f liia. and tba Weoun, ia miaer from the many Ills her tax ia he: to." fit. Louil iouraal. roriLAK nticu 60 et. aaeh both ia one volume, (1 1 ia cloth an fui.neia.ntra. twntandersrai,a notlpt of priaa ha money car stamp. 0ET THE BEST. The Raleiah News. DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one year, - S5.00 1.00 3Sed Postal Canl for Sample Copy. Addres THERALEIOH HEWS, Ralf iKl, N. C PRESERVED Wm or Having bought tlie county right (Vr the "Tropical Fruit, Vegetable and meat Preserv ing Proces," 1 will ell receives at $2. It will pceoerve a barrel of fruits or vegetable at a cort of 5 cent, and 100 Iba pork or beef for o cents, and the fruit, meat and vegetable retain their natural tante. The proceai i a dry one, simple and perfectly harmless, and is used in almost every family. For sale at 2C: ENNISS' Drng Store J. T. Moore. A. A. Thompson. MOORE & THOMPSON, ill-: I I1UI ii RALEIGH, N.i C. Special attention paid to the sale of COTTON, CORN, FLOUR, GRAIN. HAY, BUTTE K, EGGS, FOWLS, &c., ConsigiwenU Solicited. Highest Price Obtained. Befets to Citizens National Bank, Raleigh dfllVaJllil rTiror ia theortm aawmaarwlsa ikti tn ii ji Moil H11I0NA mm ' ; OUR NEW CORNET PLAYS, IN E PLAT, O, B PLAT AND A? And is perfect in all its kejrs. . We are aware lhat many will cry IMPOSSIBLE, but 0ar reply i TRY IT. tt rotr do mr rntD that we it a ye thelsh orte&t and ugbt EST PISTON ACTION. THE ONLY CLEAR fiOUE AND TlIE ifJ CORNET IN THE WORLD. YOU CAN RETURN IT AT OUX1 . EXPENSE. . ,;i ,..... ... IMPORTANT. In future all our Cornels will be SILVER PLATED I .The $6o hornet will be vkiti neatly firiihd with what is known as the Satin Finmh. The $70 Cornet will be xri. pie SiUer Plated, Gold Mounted and Burnished. We finish thia instru. , tuent aa elegantly as is poasible to do. NO DISOOTJ1TT. Instruments sent for a trial of FIVE DAYS before acceptance. Photograph of our Cornet Sent on application. Itia foolish to condemn before trial. If our Cornet ia not all we represent we pay all chun, for trauHjKjrlation. . - Address all orders to ' SAVE YOUR LUNGS I If after Trial Our Mouthpiece without fatigue and play Send it Back and Eeceive THE NEW ELASm ANY SIZE $1.00. Subscribe for the RCMPET'-NOTES."- T The Only Ametuer Baud Instruction and LNews Journal PUBLISHED IN THE -UNITED STATES. Subscription Price S1C0. virus or riYi: sriisnnr.Evs, (,) wjTroxi: w orj VATEST MOUTHPIECES TO EACH SV USt'UI HEll FOR OXK DOLLAR EACH SCP.SCHIPTIOS. Address, TO THE PRKSS: Plrn l.ow thin raji will a lienelit lo tl'e wliole llaml. I t:ike niv roj'UlH'if ii r5 h nmsit4:tn of the above; and invite correitondeint? from 24:Gm. The Best Family The "NEW AMERICAN" is easily learned, does not get out of order: and will do more work with less labor than any other machine. Illustrated -Circular furnished on application. AGENTS "WANTED. J. S. DOFEY, Manager, 04 N. Charles Street, Baltimorej XL MERONEYS & ROGERS, Agents, Salisbury, -N. C. CERTIFICATES ; I do not hesitate to ay the American Machine surpasses all other machines. IWfidw l ink all the work that other machines can. it overtrains and worka button holes in any lw from Swiss Muslin lo Heaver clolli. 1 have used Singero, Howe and Weed Mathiues, find the Vmerican is superior to them all. , I have useJ the Singer and other machines, anv Salisbury, N. C, Mny 22J, 1S72. Meroney & Bro., Agents American Sewing Machine: - Sirs: 1 have used the Howe, Singer, Wheeler & Wi!on, Wilcox (Jibhs, Sewing chines, and would not give the American for all of them. It will do all lhat is elaiii.ed for n in the circular. I consider it auirior to all X' l...A.n erjr rcKpevuuuy, PRESCRIPTI01T FREE! For the siiwly l"uriirHemliil Weakness. Manhooii ami all disorders brought on bJndiH crettou or excrm. Any lni;rirt hs the Inpre. dients. nr. W. J4l'l -0.. N. Weak Mxtaa Mml. ClaMaauatl. K HARDWARE. AVIIE YOU WAIVT HARDWARE At Low Figures Call on the undersigned at No. 2. Granite Row. Salisbnry ,N. C. D. A. AT WELL. June 8 tf . ffarrantei lo Cure! E;iS8t CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE or moneys reiunoea--U airections are Strictly followed. PEICE 25 CENTS, at 2q:tf. EN KISS' Drugstore. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and various other blanks for sale hue CONN & DUPONT. Elkhart, Indiana. o AN LIPS BY USING I i does not 'enable you to play longer higher with less effort, in Return Tour Money, w MOUTHPIECE CONN & DUPONT, Elkhart, Indiana. - r lo llie leader of ihe Kami in jour place, is it nml my intetrrl ty as n mnn in fully endorsing ill member of band Ih know ne. W. If . NKA VK. SlW.iirv. N. P. Buy only tho NEW AMERKAN It m ti Only Sewing Machine wiunt Ha a IVtas Self Setting Nt.dli. Kerer Ereais tao Tireti Uever Sldps Stitchei. -U 111 Ugatett Ettrtkf. . The Simplest, the Host Dur able, and in Every Respect Sewing Machine! and would not exchange the American for MK5. 11. i. UKlwl't others 1 nave ever seen. l l?sl UU'i MKS.GEO. W. HAfiRISOX- Great chance to make nony. ""tt cant get gold yam can flSi We neel a penton 1 n every to n.v ' i subwertptlonsjor the Urvcst. cw-ap and best Illustrated family puhlK' In the world. Any one can become a 5wTIZrtT agenU Toe most elegant work of artrgtven irrf w subscribers. The price Is so low that almost body subscribes, one agent reports tnakinp fisoaweek. A lany ageuc repons wikiuk ; subscribers in ten days. All wuo engage -ey fast. ou can devote all your time to the ir'hs, or only vour spare tttne. ou neeo ini from home over night. You can do It as others, full particulars, directions and trf'ni1 Eletrant atul expensive Outtlt free. It " .wani h litabt' work send us your addrraa at nnre. nothing to try the business. o one wn talts to make vreat pay. Address "The PP' Journal, "Portland, Maine Tka ksaaaa mt lis ra Barham'a Infallible PILE CURE. XaMfaHaredby the . BaAim Pll Cur Co., CAia. aa- Mt. whaa a nr f lS M IM aaa kaaa Wmum B. aWt aW ' - TaavVF vrm i n r inavn'i a-.-- a la A( u sutwd. eatBWW1; -C -bvllle.Teun i.m. Wr ion lawsi nonenita DE.EICHAEDE. LEWIS. (Late Professor Of Dtwnaea of the Eve .nE-r iB-jhesyHtiah Medkal CollcgeO Practice Limited to tie EYE nd EAK, RALEIGH, N. C. Refers to the Sate Medical Socifty ??. to the G eorgia McttU-al Society. -47:ly. " cl(.hrcadingh'tile BOLD aUalla