ft; If M 1 ! f .1 I If - i :1 r - 1 i I f H 1 ii Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, SEITEMDEU 2$ 1878,.! Pari?. France, fins contributed $ 12,000 for therrelief of the yellow lever sauere in the U. S. ; Capt. Crawford tiiink the Landmark Mittcc.at.l'd'rawing a long bow" than fair inference. His card contains no "bid" for any ; nomination. . m The Democrats of. Nevada: have, ' in .Convention, 'adopted the hard money platform and demand the removal of ail twtrictionH on silver. -.' ' 4 " - The Charlotte Observer U out in a new and very attractive dress. It U one of the bent newspapers in the "State 'and -de-fterves to prosper, and we-arc glad to wit ness this evidence f its success. ' ' i The PresWeirt of the Howard Associa tion at Memphis, has sent to Mr. J. Alleit ii,.rn o-fArml neknmrledffcment of ; flic !m misPil Jiprft last week for the reltet of tlieVeUiW: fever sufferers in that afflict-' ea cnyj r vi ? y hu tii is District Is -pFOrr. grassing quietly, or at least weTiave seef nothing to, the - contrary. ' The candiT .'-'nt Pinv f'tW'k. in'Yadkin or- Wilkes county to-day, aud jrill be at Chw nnt Hill to-morrow. Gen. J. M. Leach, of this State; was at York, Soutlf Carolina, Monday, ind ad- dressed n, audience .of 2,000 persons. The occasion 'was a county, convention fpr nominating candidates, aud the Gen ' etui wWtlfe're on invitation. " ; ScreW, the iild-blooded wife and .---j t fv.Twi.iVrmirt last wfeek', has been found guilty, and was sentenced by Judge Gudger t6 be hanged J, iViMav firt. TStli November, rroiijno. ,t.-L '-c.-v -.: AiUni nr.mA rnnrt ' ' iu : - -r ' ' . The ' Reilu4ilicau8f Counecticutr wHpntatioii of the people he VoW .-ispires , 4 J.' fx:. -1 - . 1 V :. Convention at Hartford, Sept. 24th, reiruscui , ; anu iu vuuveuo u wi u lulinted 'the'Jiard monev 'iilatfonn. ' de- neshiess and honesty amT' faitfifnlness, JkAUUt w. l.rl to.wlor lwi t.M ! in the standard monev ef4he world, and all currencv be redemable in coin at the will Vpithe. hoIWrrfn(VUiat :ci)in"aiid cuixency , be kept at bar ivith the.old. standard of the wo'rid fX ' : , v"" ' ' ' " ' The New Hampshire Reimblicans are inWeatfear of IMngvthe Stato'in "'the Fall elections. "They "are wailing for funds, The Republicans can't do any thing iu elections without inoriey. . .' ! Iowa (is Vxdsy announced as doaulnl. Kut leaving possibilities put of the ques The -loss of Maine has taken the starch Hon and coming down to near probabili- out of the Republican party all over the country, .and . waUhigija the best : relief they have. . : ;f The Avhite republicans of the second district have set to work" to take, down resentative. J ne eyu ive woum innicx O'Hara. the.nogn. candidate for Cougress, "P would only be limited by. his aud they' ale likely to succeed. The tact power to do us harjn. - He imprvea eve is tlie white republicans. ale the devoted ry opportunity to' complain of the treat friends kotheir coloietl.allies only;:o far ,neut he has ?ie.t with at the hands of the as the latter wilt vote to put one of" thenr kVe,,y P"lle. for whose votes he is now in office. Col. Lot Humphrey it is saidtinK- His feelings are embittered to wauts the candidacy and the'scat in Con- wards us,.and ctakeaiittle pains4 ton- gtess.' If j. are uot misinfofnfed the democrats of the 'District intend to make a hot fight'iigainst these, republican wprr.UV.wP?Vr;h hP$ opinions contrary to thies. ' ' The7 MossXchnstts Democrats who 'rouuwiiiVnV-tccept -Xi. nomina'tiqu Hall, 'Boston, yesterday, aud nominated Judge Abbott for Governor and adopted the hard, money platform. There seems, howeverj to have en 'much disorder aud diseeution tt some of the proceedings .of (hWf,cdnventkn,so that ori the . whole it may ha wiid that the Democrats of Massa- chusetts are fii a'ratlier'bad war. The Y e i. low Vyku eontihnes ite mv. jfireiYnaM the cities and town a!o,r tb &ssippVriver-at Kew Orleans, Pafi GiVsoUVil ksburg. Water. Valley,. Holly SpffngsrGraua Jtniction, Memphis, Can- ton scourge continues, covering till with the deepest gleonu , I same instances it has Bpra,uto'tlie--c6iWryf' whu-h is rqther Aiviutwual occurrncQ..,.;Ther.huld le nb relaiiiaoii of ettorts to Veliey tliele RtpirWn pnmmiiniti. ; f ivx wUM M W . . . . 7 . , , v . . .... rT. a .fifth,District Jtia to be hoDed.hiademo cratic constituents will see in these vile reseatative, Tenewed causeto increase 'JVtteireffb'rts tttsecllre his electron. They i.&c,. Thero were hones fUew davs f""" -t w ago, mat uiew was" some ao.ifeiuent ot r ' - - ,. tii? . dJsea4butuHexpintft deaths chir'tiotl sustaiiVtkriMi - terrible aud" the PtileUce mow deVoh ring ,ro ' have1 accused him of encouraging -illicitt"ff? distillers to violate the has been denounced as oTc6mmrf snse ninst kn that; Mr. J Irvefy . tmV'tfttniiig.? the; doctors. The Scales corild not be ciiiltv" of 'aet Toll vl M&$i 'iaai:'wlHn-n : or . inorevof , tlie He may be opposed- to' the i utefnal reve-1 .i j L -i 'i i i , ii - pue-laws-and desire their repeal nd? he wjyr.haxe deiiorfncea 'some oT.the prac-' tii.ifAfif thft rvnnA','nfr1rfflt!? hnKim ni'nn - of sense wiir believe that he' cbniVse resistance to the' cou raged nieri to The largest cotton mills in tne kwm - '.! !? . nrrt thnu at A-nfr.t ill KnsSlA. Oil tllC Gulf , dfFeuraud, ighKUj mUes ;frrh: St. rr "n ' 1 - r lteraUUrJ?.-.Oue.eo,apantder?)io 400,000 spindly The -Harm Juyw - i..iuiiu8-wvw.1u,,i,.. thelargest in. the Uflitea states r . ; Dkathoka UttOUMAj J . -The dcwa reaches us from Stateiville itr Vwiita. Stockton, jw native pt ib&'tdtito. trntfor &n years past a fitizenu ' s - .V;. ii f rr.iilii : I ill 18U I TIC Will Wi mo lummniun uum.u.w j i of Memphis, iws iawo .riod,, should ocenrfonce in adozen years, yellow pbgutf that afflicted f i ty. j.PHJSSioiviiied audstill more wide spread is-mcwrtifiitfirteHfseticcr -nrr vwzkiou was a gentiemaa m uw i""3vi i..f iierhans about years. He was njlow- edVith unusnal talents anil graduated with distinction Jit onrr State University. After the war heeal law with the late Judge (tfceii r Coil Mitchell, and shortly 'h aWTTvlWgTnS ter of the Iat IIofi'Landoa C.' Hay toes, of fiu-m p&fesHoVa about six years ago, acqnired promiupnee at the Memphfs bar and enjoyed a lucra tive pnicticc Cwr. Observer. ' . : J WHICH OF THE TW0 1 The.pcpple"of ' tliis Cbrigressiona) Dis trict iiaAU5 Ihenght to be represented in Coirgfessin the House of Representa tive and ft j8 'their priVilege' to choose kThontrthey Will hare to represent inem, imd it is'theirulutv to :seleet from those mfjjtre t1ilfrithe biie 'i6 will, iii their bfsy iidgnwwj.nvost jaruwuiiy, anu capa- Ayi ''l-eptesettt- them. '. ' Practically, there afe!orrly two to choose from. ' Scales aud Toririree.-XJol.' Winston's chances not be irig rfmbng- me possibilities Jiu manly sptraitfng. I' it possible that men who give the slnect thtft calni : cdusidcration ' l - O" c"' nesiiawi i is iiicie umu, w tver politics, who will earnestly contend that Tourgee' feels ' that sympathy,'" that identity of interest with bUr' people that Gen. Scales does! Can "it, be pretended that Tourgee has better judgment and the capacity to be of more service to us than Gen. Scales? Wherein has Gen. Scales ever proven faithless, in peace or war f Take his 'rerd.;as our Representative, scrutinize his voleft" and poiut outran er- ror if you can. For the moment let us koTgctiall that Tourgee has ill . the past said aud done against the good name and and what could he do for'ns'f He belongs to. that, clnss ku6vh as tarp-t-baggers who by their acts, have earned the Hatred f the Democratic party and the contempt of Republicans. Were he elected slidnld he prove the one exception 'to the rule, and turn out faithful' and honest,' (since Joe Timier has" become, 'the Republican candidate in ,the Fourth tptiict, we entertain propositions of ; the remotest possiouiry,) ne coniu accompusn nouiwg He; would, have no influeiicO; anywhere ties, if not absolute certaiiUies, would not Tourgee, -with his opinions -and feelings wvraraou pcopw oe an absolute curse I to us, as our iiepreseiitativc ? Uetter for ourlistrict that wehould have no liep- ceal il- IIe isuot iu sympathy witli the wants of our people. llpW questions o( ( vl1 wvVeiHNey4i mi oeour uueresis. In a -word wedo.i not believe he tuts the Power or- WW to W of service, to us, as our teirecntoverJn- the, Congress : of tlie Ala" (Meaner.: A TIME OF TROUBLE." "From the Wilmington SUr. We fiud iiuone pf oar exchanges . au ticle th apiieared two or three years ago iu a journal called the ikienet of Health,' i It contains! a most Hlaming prppuecy5iu jctto w iire.ragwgoT tamme I 1 : m " ""denc ju iuauy; portions, of the .Bead ,in the light . furnUlied Uy iue 'events of the last two years, and U U wrfl ca,cla to tliQugutful mauy v,t,B 10 ourde&T South, giwa Mledor plausibility to what was Baid tlnee-yeartt rtgo., ' f 'r WHl 0py;n fyr paragraplm .-.frpm tWitiJe lCetio.aiid.wUb ? mvu may lellect tiud draw their own conclusions. . v -m. -vwi wmv m -mm,WT DHIUf llUUy IUR UU i uiut v iiiiiu tu loura unt i aol.Hgy,' we are approach the earth's Hrstorr.1 Since the comnieiice- Mn"f- the! christian enijtfte periheliu of UUUe-have uot been eoiucidenii But this Is about to occur, aifrJTta the lansuaire f WS. IheiiueakJie suu, Uie pmyvti Jui au eoiflrtionjif our atmosphere are WritrrrbeSSi cause injuriouVviBssK tiidesof weather, Wtreineafxcessife C(Ud) beiribto raitlH-llfall &tAMu firn)An(ril ; i .ii : I lj . i iisiiuii uiua. hii I'Uiii" iii4iunw rii'ir. iium. u&a?- .fT.71':t:"? I l.r. r.r...,.nY ...nr(..i;, hi..)'.Ki4: .':i,,::f JkLvor:.. i -i , i- ' . , - yj i. u uouui uiuiuimi. uuu iuai e chuess 'd and Imd 250 ,,,,, is accompiisiie J in a little less" titan . twelve years; of Saeulw, nfalirte'les8rir,6f ?ihfiihHrf "i it. m. At- Vf r-orin"' I'll-- nfiAiYt eighty - four yean; andW Neptune; Jiu a&u0nJndredaila gUty.fqur yerfw .'f; tiUMivfm. r.iit tha-Wrihfclhv 0f uec i-laucts otcasioa atmospheric llTs:i., tnfivntalilu tt life ?tVAKtilflltil hiJ at lonJrer intervals, lu tracing the historv of epidemics for more than two thousand years, Dr. Knapp finds the AVIS IU Hi .:imj the moiygejjlia em." . . i j Aiceordinfr'to this rpuUica'tkra; 'foi-etfie first time in twhv thonsaud -years1 al four of theUWetslinjhed will lie agaiftst' the' eartliKKiIt'tiayah " !," " fl Ther will be at their nearest approftcW to the san in or soon -after ' ItfcJOju o that. or a few vearR, rjw from .I860 to 185o, the vitaljty of every ,Hyiug tiling ou eartli!wll be pnt to a severe and trying ordeal. We do uot know, how much reliance is to be placed in prognostications biised upon scientinc, so-called, theories. There may De a greib ueui in mem, or uuLiuug. lint erne tnere nave oeen signs u inai- cate something 'u usual in the World around us, and the pestilence and the famines and the 'floods of the. last year or twb prove ohTy tbo ' dhmtstaKably that this is'indeed "a tlnie of troub:e.w . i , S0MflJ FACTS AND FIGURES. . , , ., '(From the RalelgU ObsKsrrcr; . Ma3i,3V.l0pl' Willi hearts -made, sick by deferred hopes of better times are di&((- ed to fret at tlie .delay, of pi"omisel DeawH cratie reforms. In their impatience they overlpok;.theact that one brunch tlie Goveiumeut is in Democratic possession, aud that its efforts to restore proserity are neutralized by tliei other two., How thisisdonewillbe made plain toinipatieut ppeple by tins citation i i a few facts. ;,Iu 1874 1875, and iu the short session of J 876,, the? Republicans had the . House. The appropriatums for 1877, 1878 and 1879, were made by a Democratic House though a Republican Senate had to be fought hard and long, to yield a cent of retieuchiueiiU The Republican appropri ntip bills, and the lemocratic appnpm ntiou;Uills.U8 passed by the House for the years:nanied, areas follows: , i; Republican i - Democratic. 1SI4 .$181,594,64,61 , 18: 181 JUa,9. ,856,72 187S 14I,3K4,606,95 1S79 157,213,;; Total $443596,49144 ia7Js.lt'.. j.i .- ITT,T,47S,n J8i(i... r.,;a,auo,,53 7Qtftl..; $KM,S66,T33,1 Democratic s;iviug, $8a,2703;.47. This saving is manifest and indisputable. TIim House jn reality, however, made a greater savingt;lmt the. Senate ran up the items. Tle appropriation bills, as passed by the House, were: Fpr the Dscal year 1377 fl3S,oso.S5.63 For the flscaf year 1878. 131,309,307.37 For the fiscal year 1879 U7,6s:,7K9.9-r Total $4lT,o77,so3.a Hail the Senate accepted these bills as the House passed them there would have- been further reduction of $3tJ,f)lr,5K1.45. When these bills went to the Senate, how ever, the Republicans increased them as follows : 1STT. J.";... $137,419.76T.36 1S73 14,9SS,SS5.75 1S79 16i,H5.',39 41 Total. Deduct same btlls as passed House taese years as by the above ... 417,071,903.99 . ..$ 51.133,013.53 IaeTease by Senate: A CHAMPJQN MAUUIEU. ;NEW-fYpRK, September 13, A : mouth. ago Mrs.. , , Hillings a reputable... Germ an woman of this city, answered ; an , adver tisemeuifor a jiousekeeper. Her letter was resxndcl toby a man whogiivu thuiiauie pf Franz E ckstein. He said he had mucli money, and displayed some valuable diamond and titles, to veal estiite. .He hinted, that he wanted a wife as mucli or uiorethan a housekeeper. . Mrs. Hillings, struck with his appearance and polLshqd manners encouraged his advances, told him she also was-not without meaus and asked In ni; to. call ,.agaiii next night. He did so, and they y.ere ui.arried. Two days afterward hfi Tnfttji" to be gone from her, aud.ooii utter she -Veoeivetl a letter from him sjivtug that he had failed to revive fernie' Virbney he hat! expected ; would she send him some ? This she did, sending large- amount; She" had prc- vtensly-giVeii him iniiher. 'He did' ft"ot return. 11 To-day sire was suuiriiouetrto the District Attorney's office. Going there slie waV'gHen 'iseat - near five" btfici women,whrt .; f ere also' waiting.' Soo'ij two Depntr" Sheriffs entered. Kckstefii waS'beCwee'tt them. The six women ex claitnwlt VhytheiVmy '; hiisbiind,'" andftH ad Vah CchI town i-d him. It turned tut tltat under - different nanien he had victimized flie entire ix, and a seventh, who was net present' in the Same man -nerjf"' He chose widows who had n littTe mone-, and cheated thein - out f it as qaiekJyU tKwsiWe. Philadelphia 77mc. Seed, cotton s,old iu our .market vi'stor- '.' day 2i 'cent's and lint' cotton at 9 'cents per i'm'u ntt-AVirfcera JN' t Shell: PJi . Onr nutrketis better stocked with grapes tlrik neunon than : f6r a long time. They are mostly senppernoug and sold yester day as loVas 33 cents per bushel. Xttt . Qietcb Time. That firemen inay see with' wlrnt rapidity tire apparatus may be mured, tlie account of an exhibition at The compa- skill In cet- brder at inure: aenate umr nnn i crrmn,. . "",v Li Vvrf SinW- ftli-W-r ' nut uu a im-umil uiiiiipr". nn iiii n mm. tteet-of iiose out ift:R.-beatin Oss 11... . .. oi.f h oml ncrain m thn KIT. 1 coincident! v in perihelion, and those were i"ai convicts art tne work. Ihe delay Dictn, "the liiu ham capi'taT- ist aud engiueer, con tein plates building an elevated ;miiwa5rXwMtrna7n and Chapel Hill. He?wiIl iJuild:ithighoasti i 1 Some one asks why is not the decayed curbing around the capitol square replac ed .by-mfe. of grauite ! It was ordered sbnie two years ago," by the Legislature, rjiUi-r-4LUAce4HAuUblti-OWtw . . , .- . Tornor nado in Jliclnnan. - CPiCixXATi, Scpteml;cr'21 Addition al adrices from i he tornado Whicb vUi ted Michigan .yesterday ,- state that a Rtore ht Peutwater was; demolished,' killing' Mrs.' Griffin.; At Giecnviitetlur Baptist cl'itiriU' was bIqwn-:down; killing it workman.' A despatch Jfrom Cllfpttewa station Rays ev ery- structure i in that place was swept Mail v 'lwnons were scrionlr hi- Many persons wtrc scjioniy iu- away. jureu. . .,' . The Xew'-York Sun sava it is nnwillinir to trustov, Hampton:with a high office . ' ljeusejje; tioycistly: ami concientiously; Miirairod ih'the. Honfederate wnr afninst, " . . . . . l Mr. S'am to 0,.Hr,. ,iriuc.e .-u ,Dn'g caW vJi ranke .vment al nce and n W never hoPesily engagetl in the "rebelliouA'Uir8oifc wili The Sun is a nice; najer tor Southern peo-J .....ix '..; '-.i. :i -I - :.i , iiiw in iitii rim a u in ii ii ib tiikiuu nniiiir i ... . , i,. Southern leaders, juhI is uiiwillini: to trust honest meu,-r-6iii7pWc Democrat., . Sherman has learned ajittle from Maine; Ohio and lixliana Avill teach him oiori; iul notr huA l,v., t'ini. Hnnm. J 7 ' . . . . ho will , doubtless be prepared to confess! how Sherman has made an omnipotent Elizabeth Call and. Davil land for pay National party ami plunged the whole li: Sll;!Sr.5l ''r--1---- -naueial pdicy and acdit of the Goveriir. ahull, tlall iuid . Mildred I . meu t , i n to fearful , u ncei tai n ty . Phihtdel phia Times, 2nd. . Campaion-'OTuatoks is South UNA. It is annopuced that the national executive com in it tec has appojuted Sena- ...... f..t....i,l i i : i . Messrs. I$anning,ot Ohio, Randolph luck- er anu, JLppa iinnton, ot irijinia, as speakers in South Carolina during the pending campaign. They aru looked for early in October. Following the .Scriptu ral principle that those who .are well need not a physician, but they that are sick, tne national committee will . sentl uo speakers to this State. , . Joe Turner was iu town Thursday even ing for several hours, on his way to Nash conntv, but how changed! What a con trast in his reciNption ! When hcrea few years ago, (delivering his tirade against the lloldcii'Kirk war, I'earson's judiciary, Maj. .Smiths railroad lease, Swepson s lings and lings generally) he was met at the train bv warm Demoerutie friends ami continually sni rounded hy them, while our Radicals shunned and despised hint more thau anv other one man in the State. Xt so now. There must have been a wonueriiu cuanse. ii is iormer .inemis went not about him, but our Radical lead ers the men who formerly despised him made up for. this and did .him homage. and old Joe was triad to. have them call and appeared perfectly at home in Repub licau company. UvUhboro Menxenyer. A.Jtailtraii in the Holy Land. The CiYnstaiitinople Al-Fairaift of tin 14th instant says: '"We are assured that a mixed company has obtained a conces sion forlaying down a railroad between Jaffa and Jerusalem ; also to construct n ji arbor Tor shipping at the" former place Gen. Mott, of the United ntesarniy, and a member of the Red -('ro.-r, S: cie y, the representative cf the com puny here, lie sailed last Friday for" Faris to consult with the conipany wiih regard to putting tlie' concession info immediate execu' ions The same journal stale several plans for railroads in Asia "Minor have been sub mitted to the Porte, but tint far nothing in that respect has been officially deci detl. " VflrJlWa.fo marked change in the innrftets of New York ; and Halt iniore since our last. Middling upland cotton (s quo ted ntllt -1 r f rlea ns. 1 1 -1 1. The Danville 'New says of Tobacco, 4 "all desirable tobacco selling very high whether-1 WmplHii-a or tillers. "Would advise'that wrappers be dield for awhile aa they 'cannot be workefl.' Prices range Wtwefi'cdhiiinHi dartc Irrgs at to fa ucy bright ''wrappers- $55$d5.' Lugs,- good bngfrtt.fr.,.t9. 'T.ngs,' fancy bright, $12 20i fjrtaf, common bright, $79. Leaf, good'Ufight, fil-.' " ' J VtiVXTY iTl ATT 15 US. ExUtbits of the Clerk, of the Board of Couuty-Comiurssioncis of the County, of Kowan, to theiiwt Mommy iu September, A. IX4 187b. Amounts aud items audited by, the -Board tq the luemliers thereof:. ! D A Davis," ,jper diem, $;)G 00 do do for o.davs ex. eervice. 10" (X) "G A Bingham. per diem, Jib 00 ' do1 i do for ?lavs ex. service, 4 00 Dr L.W. Coleman, per diem, - 2b 00 do. , , .'ulo ' J tday ex. sernce, 2 00 do , do. J G Fleming, ' do' do D O'lieid, ...... Mileiige, J3 00 per diem, Mileagir, perliein, - 13 00 25(15 ifJOO do do imleagu, . ati,40 . , - . . . O 7 JI f AVtwdson, Clerk, jer die m, as oo 'The' Board was In -session 19 daj's dn'r- ingthe year ending Aug; "list, 187c?. Distauces traveled4 by the membeis of f tlie Board in attehdin'the" sessions of the same : '' '-'" ' ' ' '" ' ' " Dr L W Coleman ; '260 miles. " i H G Fleming . i, '513 miles. -DjDJleid, . miles.. -. . .. HORATIO N. WOODSON, Clei-k. . . August,. 1873. , 4b;4t. , ! , , t n... LO iY JTJU E TIME .TO. SUliisCJaBfi, FOR THE -WATCHMAF At EisMlemAtw ell-ToiiisMp. lVffrrtt:lgilhat ?tliefe6aAl of Justices of th e Peieeof Rowan 'count, kt a meftdng heldaUhe Court House, in SaUsburyt on the 14th inst., ordered another polling plaue to be established in Alwell rownnliip, at Knoch Tille and to be called "Enochville Election Precinct . All electors in Atwell Townsliip, who Uh Vu at 'the EnocliviUe box, must obtain cer rXJ Ui&iidsof removal from the- Registrar of the Atwell Precinct, and register their names with Enochville Precinct. By onler of the' Board At Jnsticef. . . ;,- .IORAXIO N. WOOUSOX,. ( ' - . Register of Deeds and Clerk. vTflll. It, 100.' 4S:7f AflmMstrator's Sale ! Aa Administrator on the estate of 'Win. II. Richardson, (JecM., 1 wijl sell at Public-Auction on or near the publicsquure in the town of Salisbury, on Saturday, the 2nd November, prox i2o'clockM Uie. Wlowing: Four Uj S. one hundred dollar 4 per cent, bunds; tne hoj-fte, Raddle and bridle; bed room turn i pi re and beddinjr; wearing apparel; riiiscellaneoua bookp: 1 . i i -i ai . i "uclee" . SAM'L. II. WILEY, Adnr. in i i t . : ii , i ..-. t j present them drjy , authcuticaled :w reymred bv law or tlii notice Will be pleud ill Oar of , SAM'L. Ii,-VlLtyAdm'r. 40:81. . . . North Carolina :Davie Connty. pieman Foster. " ATHf f--' Uohn 0mlltdc,d.:PfdaMr. Agaitmt Petlflim to sell lUbllt Ca"ll, inft. J)'jls. J It' appearing .to. the satisfaction of the Court upon affidavit of the plaint i H that N.' F. Call Cauo-otfkrt)r ".J no" lication be made in the "Carolina Watchman" for six nccesive weeks, notifying said Mi- fend - ant to appear at the office ol the i.ieric oi me Superior Court of pd county on the oib lay 0f November next, and answer the complaint which is dejosited in said office, or the plnin lifl" will apply 1o the Court for tbe rlii f de raandel in the complaint. , . , Witness, HI .N( U A . Clerk 'Superior Curt Davie Co. Sept. 2Gth. 1878.-49:(t. iil. - r : STATE '"OF XGUni C!AROLINA. Rowan Cbiiiity , iH tiiK st PKKton rintT. BerW' Foster and' Albert Berrt Foster & Son. ostcr, trading as Plaintiff ' 1 ' John S Haigler, ... DeJeHtiil.. To.JuJiu, S. Jlakflfi noH-rpiidcut : You are hereby notiiled.hal the plaintifFs :lve named have commenced an fiction against vou in the Superior CTiut of Rowan countyand State noresaid, foci he purjKie ol recoverinj; aiiuipst v4 4he sum cft.thr-e hun dred and sixty six dollars, Willi inleiest oti said sum from the l'Jlh ddv oT'AMi,'!!.-!, 1S76; ;iid you re'-fcerelr required lit s;'Hir at the Court lliMft in the lowu ,f .Salisbury Jn the Hi h Monday after the 4(h. Monday if Septem ber, 187S, M a1 term' of said Cmirt, then and there to-be hddi and during sani term to an- werr demur, to the couiplaint. which -ili be filed in tlie office of the Clerk of the Superior Court f said rounty; within the first three days I of nam term.- ion are turther irutineil that a w.-wrant of attachmenl has been issued, upon the affidavit f thv plaint iff amfnst vour pro- perty in sai.l conmy, remriianie 'i am iriui of tlie Snjierior Court, to be held at the Court ILxise in the town .of halilnrv. on the sth Monday after the 4th Monday, of September, 1878. -' ' - Clerk SuperiorXourtof-Roviin County. 47;Ct. . . . fV 5 (OH ? x !8- uniM- K fir is f " 135 .1 r o r: Q " fl !2 1 IT".- '. 5 14 ha s8"ca lESco -S3!:- MAlJFACTtJJlEIl X)rFTNE-CIGRS ' Ttkfonbwlr bt'ltettconanM hand bRoyal Oem," $90M er M.V'Uttte Pet,-". $49.w per Oliver Lalte. " (hall Uarina. filled; $:.'per M "No. i "lJO.ooa)r Jt. irrMolifcM$9.(wrM Llttie OommodorfWa-yOrdrrA mmpt- tI -' .i 'S&ii&wS'- as l!lSf' -I" m Eh t ? 13 tr r-T 5 ' 3 ri 1 & tt-jmm rr ,e hi I!:Sfi 5 :' f 2 H ' 3 1 C AROLINA JllE AI CHARI CTTE, N; Wc buy and sell all kimla inf Real Estate on commission. Have agents North 40tV g up emigiation for this section. We advertise more extensively thau any otUi- mg up agency ?ncy in the country, so that our chances ;ncv. We make no charge if no sale is those having real estate to sell. We want Agents wanted iu everv county. Send for AV.Q iird State AUnti firaionice Wafer Tlie tiest instrument in tne worm lor ine . ... m . i . - Prices lower tliantho lowest. Of SHEE received as soon as pnblished. Churches, , . - , Te-achers sni iplicd with PIANOS, ORGANS Send for catalogue ! Ullll price Jisi. ny uuiri in " . uiguug SUpplj-j ,'cnts wanted in epry town and county, . Address, when desired.. Age 42:1 y. SAVE THE FRUIT ! Mason's Improved Fruit Jars. A large lot jnst in. A long, long way cheaper than. ever offered befure. At K I.U rrZ'S DRUG STORE. KILL THE FLIES. KLUTTZ'S FLY PAPER Slavs them bv the million. Cheap. ' Al KL(JTTZ'.S DRU(J STORE. BEST THUG YET. KLUTTZ'S BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, is the safest, surest and most pleasant remedy for Diarrhea, Dvsenterv, &c. Fr aaleoiilr at KLUTTZ'S Dniff Store. ALL FOR A QUARTER. A coofl Lamp, chimney, burner and wick, all for a quarter. At KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. - Males tlie Little Ones Sleep. Does KIulU's Soothing Drops. Contain no opium. Only at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. Three Fine Cigars for 10 cent. Red "C" Oil. Rvt and prettiest illumina ting oil. IMiiing Soip:'. lm the' bluing already in it. Woods Pocket Soda Fountain. Call and see it. Unparalleled bargains in Hair Brushes. Toi let Soaps, cic. At TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ'S DRUO STORE, 17:ly. Salisbury, N. C. P. U. HEILIG & SON, would call attention to their large and splendid stock of HARDWARE' Embracing IKONS and STEELS evpry variety of sizes and shapes best quality. Wagon and Buggy Materials. comprtsfng-all th various ktnls rffintred surtngn, , axles, wnetls, ic, ready to set up. Telegraph Straw Cutters, s .ill sizes, and unsurpassed in quality and durability. Great American Lightning SAWS, i ever- kind and size, embracnit,' MILL i OKOSScTT. ' NAILS all rtizos cut and wronjht. Thrnost popular an 1 approved stjles-riow Cast- ns, aa Kiinis. innis, c- 3EI M). 5 points for WINDOW CLASS from S Kl t0 24X8l lUtt.J',Oll8, rairns, armsuos, l.iutninir niior, kc. FAIKB.VXK SCALKS Steelyarda arwt Balances. . "Wox-lx. Tools For Carpenters, Blaek.-miltb. Shoemakers, Farmers. Champion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Threshing Machines, iTorse-Powers. Pumps, rrain Cradles, Jirass .scythes, l'luntera Handled Hoes. CUNS, Pistols. Knives, andCt'TLEKYot all kinds. . fcSF-.our sun k euibra:ou . errttdn to be tonnd tn a laive and complete Hardware store, and all at low prices for cash. Jg With thanks tor past, tav6ns wc hope ro merit continued confidence and lncreaing patronage. Match T, 137. SOrly PRESERVED 1 Sugar or Salt. Having houeht the county right for the 'Tropica! Frnit, VegetaMe nd meal I'rwerv- nig Fricesp,! J, will eM recti pes at $2. It will preserve a tnrrel of fnuta or teeetaMes a cost of o terns, and 100 lbs pork or heef for 5 cents, and tlie1 fruit, meat and vegetables retain their natural taste. The ncesi i a jlrv onej simple and perfectly harmless, and ixeu ln aimoMi every lamuy. rfirsaieni 20:l . ' EXNISS' Drng Store KERR CRAIGE, ; Jittatn at ?ato, STalisburVf TJ"- O Executor's Notice. All persons having claim ayninst the estate of Francis N. Lnckey, deceased, are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned on op Ivefore tlie oth day of September, A. !., 179; and nil pervoria indebted to aaid etstate are requested to come forward and aet nfmnptlv ftalisbury, C Sept. 5th, 1878. JOHNS. HEX DEHSON, J.G. FLEMING, 4d:CU Jix'ra. of P. N. Luckey, detd. PIANX) FOR SALE. An elegant Schamackern Piano, very low for 'cnah or on i-easonnble terni. Apply to Mrs. G. J. KicJiardnon, or (hi otlke. 4t:lui. ESTATE AGENCY, for selling i.anua are sniertor to auy 0tUr made." We solicit corresiondence a nuji)er,Pt urmsnow to fill orderi. out advertising, paperhe Southland DAWSON & col &. Swns celelratel . riauim and Oriran. monev. ruu.v wui.iuicu ior six : 1. ..11.. ... 1 r . " tear. CJll:SIC wc have a full stock. bunday - ScIiooIs, ttmalo Seminaries aiwl . . . . . . . iMUBin AW IUllai and SIlhlvlVMUMC; large discount off DAWSON & GO., ' CHARLOTTE, X. C. SIMOHTON-FEMALE COLLEGE Statesville, N. C. The neit wsiofl operw Angnut 23,' 1878 lJoardand tuition in Englinh. $35.00 pr sion Of tweiitt-sfeeks.' Catalogue and circuit will) full particiilars on application. Address, MRS. Ji. S. GRANT 34: ly Ucipl. AROTJNDthe CORNER. To the Public, Guketisq: JULIAN & FRALEY Present compliments to the public and desire to call renewed attention to their efforts to be useful as AND CARPENTERS. Their priors arc as low as it is possible to make them, and their work not inferior to any.- They fill orders in two departments, anil have so far given satisfaction. They have extended their facilities recently, and are encouraged to hope for increased de mands. Their ready made stock in hand comprises a general assorfmentof house fur niture Hedstends, Bureaus, Clofhes Presses, Lounges, Racks, Wardrobes, Book-Case, .CnplKKirdaand China Presses, Candle Stand, Tin Safes, Desks. Tables, Washstands, Chain, Ac. They also keep an assortment of COFFINS ot walnut, pine and poplar, from $3 npward. Also, Window Sash.' They till orders with out vexatious delays. Will contract forcar pentermwnrk ami warrant mitistactioTi. Will take good lumber and country produce in ex.olianger"for furniture. Shop nearly oppo site Watchman office. Julian a Fkalev. Hack liae to Albemarle. The undersigned is running a comfortable tri-weekly Hack line from Slibnry to Albe marle, N. C Will convey jjuRenKerj to Gold Hill, or el-where on the line, chesper than ." any Livery Stable. Leave Salisbury every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 a, ni. Ke , turn every 'Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 0 p. m. Leave orders at National Hotel. U. W. WH1TLOCK 27:ly. Proprietor. II The Oldest Specialist iu America. jt. 1 Dr. J. A. Cloptoa, ofHniitsville, Ala., Treats with si most Universal icciw li j Cancerous affections, all Scrofulous tfec tion, Ezcresences and Tumort bot th face.&e., Piles, Fistula, Dropsical LIUIIi UVf n kllC lVWIVI " i-vr F address his son, John Robert Clopton, giTiog h is name i.i full. - Send for Circulari and nee Tettimoniili from men known to every one in the Stitf. ThoiiBsnds who could not leare home, ha been cured by the use of his remedied. Pript pd directions accompany all package. that anv man or woman can use thm witn succesfr- ' . Write Tour name in full, alao yonrPw Office, Omnty and State. Alwaja write bit name, or my sonsname in full. 25.6m. -STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Rowan County Ix the Superior Court. I V Dwanl.t, Adm'r.,-of John Henly. at : , i;". ul,r il.lioii Henlr. 0IW jenv Campbell and wife Kebecca, ; j.u,' Giifley S lienly, James M Uenl. ; T4 ,,., vn..' n w Jieirjj of'K ffenTf deceased. . , . i .u, Kn to- Yoi re bT. noU lhfc 'rT or. ilil.-l .Minn hua liwn conkiDenced tor uie yu' jKe of making real estate aeet lor pajw of debts, and you a rerhereby required toPFr at my nice within 20 day from this date'0 answer or demur to the complaint. 26th Augmd, 1878. J. M.HORAIT, Clerk Superior Court Rowan County. 4:Cl. - -i .... Davie County- IK THE 1'KOBA.Tt COLT- K. S. Jlorria, Plaintiff Againxt W. F. lvennofi, Drfl. Petition to remoT Administrator. Upon affidavit of the Plaintift", it is ordered bv the Court thit publication be made in "Carolina Watchman," foriiHOcci 9tu notifvine the naid DeJendant. V. F. Kennon, jig who k a non- resident of the Slate, to appe' .1-4 the ofEce of the Clerk of the Super ' i uf aid county, oa the 7th day of Notenir. 1878, and answer the complaint which WM " filed in the above eotiUcdction withm da from the date hereof, and if he fail W awer the coiiaphiint. the Maimin"trill spP1 " the Court for threlief demanded, in the com plaint. r "Wtnew, G. M BINGHAM, Judge Probate and O.S-C. DavieCoonJ- September 10th, 1878. 48:6t. pd. at r - r ii fPgjTht'iia I Mortgage Deeds for sale lew

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