7 ( V fi n ri-- a- 0 in . -r-.3?? r-r'K;.,tr. '' "; 'JTVl-"srZil - r tTrreVVTV.Wv- fitted to Iter wort mat my menu couia T-rTyorTespwwta X. 6 CL. i hill and revert, have beeu move prev- . t.?n !,t'.l! t-1nit fnr-AV. ytrs IcforThfeaVe been o.u- . 7w rase ill tbwn. o- - . . . . ,1 !. .-Vt call attcution to a notice in nus .r sigU by !VtLo. legists ofahe iiv It is one of the good signs of the Jin,rrt here for wiiich good'people may be thanktuU , A j,cvr schedale u the Western .Road takes eflt-Pt to-(ky, No change in the tike of leaving this point. - .r There was an accident on this roart List vvi.lav, li n,iU'8 f,mn ''ere, ly whrch the m-o rear cars were tbiovvu irom u- Qd pevemt person more or less biuie. The The visit" jpf "Cousin Annie Barnes," of AtiaritAQa.. on Monday and Tuesday, was s pleasant episodt&quite a number of our gay young geptlemen, especially.,, one was quite-Wcessfutl in Jlier nissiOnjnd jver much gratine-d tritl'her -pleasant reception WASHINGTON. Troopsnot to' be Used in Breaking np UU- cit DittUleries-Cabinet Meeting lute . Telegraph to toe News. . Wahijtott)W, Oct. 10. The (jrrtvern- Of course she. will not forget to mention ncr dccd. thafc tnKpS CAfiM ow- e visit in this part of the State and he pat- tomid.in wrwtkWilplWeit distiller- mi -ir- religions revival which has been C ln.t moll til fstill tiuues in both the Methodist ami church. There have been members dded to the Methodist, and ... arnrnai.tm W the 1'resovienaTi The public feeling is still favor- ftble, aid daily rv,.WiU be Ra tioned wWfe thiVWtef Ma. ;Hr. Nail xonth. u the iWerian Church. ., . xrnm .j: -The young ladies, haty prfl wr fesfoeWeVetrirtg last .week. I.he - wcwtavluigt4 vbuich and were outside Ille gal wbcnfc discovered an nuuaur - ally large'tiilitiiV the dressing rooni they had just left, aMujiickly rettm.ingL were iisfffHime to-df giiod; service? Some light articles of drew had somehow come iu contact withthe gas, and was rapidly reading. , Damage $25.br$:. Insured. ies irr Arkansas as repealed by the , col lector aifcitlie "RdcJc'.l VTUe Internal Kev euue CbmnSisstonr has, however, writ ten to tire Collector authorizing liini to I employ i Urge a force as . necessary to rdns will wait to see and hear. Bv-the-way, a lady raising subscriptions, whether for a newspaper, tableau, or a l,iirr.h festival ia an interesting stnd. She V I VA V- " goes at it wih good sense and never. recog nize a possible failure. She has a qaaer, . ihm 4u d the arrestof the Cleartr, and more accurate perception of the Thc fovilI be well armed. 1 '.r -.1 , tl.inm in t m T a nfkl AC A . . mnwoi Wu u,u H..-ri, -t.r. The collector is instructed to organize a tion to the individuals approached an Is to oveW50niere-f,talle. fflore apt toadapt the addres exactly it- bloodshed if poaslble. a tlnn a man I nt vp 8HI1-I ... ... vu if wc vv- ..P- - r ti, rrAJiter noi t on of the cabinet ses- . .. ' e m Kh. " " P pose, mw siou to.aay Waa devoted to the consider wmga yurnameaTmriw:yaTmo8loeIure . n . ' n4tM fo the enauinir fiscal - . . - n . . vear. ? s . suddealy andAinexpecteajy iney oo, now-r nnderstood that tl.o ever, make sdme-ianny nusKes, . uu- nder absolutely thins but reat cleverness couia pieasanwy " 1; .Hn f i:., a matanro thl TO Otlf TOnnS? I ? . . ' "i .w ... , .n . i.t-.i .S1 expenses., t ; i ad bashtul trienct vv muocK, at gt briefly discussed was hard-ware: "un,s.r,laae ,ur,uut. . Arkansas. The and daughters. oninioaotUie.Attoroney General was, We tell this lor the oenem oi nis piuuij ; , , i ;. s - . ie . I in effect, that the civil authorities must ? . exhViwraiTmeoua to enforce the laws, be lt is ouservau c. inai iruicsuiu Kvuv.- . 1 .... Kj - tore the military can be used. most without exception, -surrender "at once and with the most gratified smiles, iseeming The Assistnut Attorney Geueral for the Post office Department has gone to Little -o-- In-reply to the Concord &mVstatenmit that, cpttpn ; is, sold iii; their tov n fn)in "witiiin Unwiiiles ;of Balisbury," we have oiUy:to $ay thatour buyers here re Ioi t tha't it V not an unfieciuent ocenr relice for them tusbiiy 'cottou hauled here from very near Concord. We suppose ths?fcbange of markets is done by parties whoVe indebted to their home mtMchants,'.ajul';k a distant mar ket to avoid payiiivnt. There certainly is no difference" of aAcon-qience iu the prices paid in tho t n oplaces. - - .... .1 .v imnnimjiit till I ii VO r f 1 t11M r 111 TUB to say ami ottep saying"! am ueiigittcci f ou have done me the honor to call. it is i , also notable thaMhose who are Knownai i" ;-- . nw.l dW B.F. Cornelius , lias been appointed , i . ,..f tiwP ftrriflont-il Jlevenue Store Keeper and Guager for much the larger part ot these actmeniaj w burdens not as burdens but a the cxpectcn " " .w- incidents of society. 1 t wire Loxdox, October 15. Wcstwick &Co, spice meixhauts, have failed. Liabilities, Sheriff Waggoner was the toughest and m'nu. pii atini? man "uousm Minnie en- 111 V O . . pmintord here. He would not touch her ,.fr.t-rifi until she discovered he was a VlllVl I wvZ 70.000. oacueior uim ijniuiocvt i tv- i- i i:.i. iruwth.m iwrame instantlv New i ork, October lo. 1 lie announce radiant with smiles, and he would have men was maue i iu . w.a fti,A "Aomthus" if exenange to-uay mat noar to., vrci i ;i iv lu a uunu vhi" v - u...i ;.;oti it mau urobers, tnc:i, n I"l"-V'- o The firm was long ol gold ana snort oi CHINA GROVE ITEMS. stock. Glasgow. October 15. There is a panic . 1 I. . a 1 ... Mr. J. X. Maxwell, ot this place, nas a m the iron traue nere, iu couscqueucc ui ira ami tun t i U. and a chick- In riuuifd hesivv failure aud rumors of tub n iiu pi a vg's " - 1 - l ! en with four legs, two bills and three eyes, other suspensions. The prices of pigiron He thinks of keening them till the next Were at one time ten pence per tou lower centennial exhibition, as lie iaiiea to exmu- 0u the tiny. fitted to Ite hardly beliere she waa the person.' Jt ex pressed, as she phrased it to mu'cli cul lure." She proved, however, to be tlie, woman auperiuteudent of the, upholstery department of one of our .most famous and fashionable furniture and decorating house?, and ; lightly tClunbed a -step-Jadf der and proceeded, in "a workniaike'wajr to get on the outside of a window ui ,the; furtherance of the objec t she had to ac complish. My friend, who is a lady of 1. . .. JS !ii..1l!iw.niA 1... ... . ODServailou anu inienis3", oewiiue jcry much interested in her, aud noticing, .a plain gold ring on her finger, asked if sae were married. "No.thank God," was the reply. Why are you thankfuL that . yoa are not married f asked Mrs. H. "Because I have two sisters who are married," she: said, "and 1 have to work, not onlyT to support myself and my mother, bat to help support their children." And then the correspondent goes on to prefer his heavy charge agniust the young men of his acquaintance : Few men marry now-a-days with any intention of fulfilling their natural obli gations aud properly supporting a wife aud family. When they are not ancient widowers who can afford to buy a young girl as a luxury for their old age, they are generally thoughtless and selfish young men, who would rather be takeu care of than forced to assume auy responsibility. The majority, who are capable of earning a living, do not even contemplate, mar riage. The clubs offer them the "com forts of home," aud they prefer to spend their money on themselves. This iafvell enough no far as they are individnally concerued, uutil they have reached the age when a personal sympathy and com panionship are worth nunc than anything else in the world, and thev begin to re gret thtir lost opportunities. How far is that allegation true of Southern young men ? Not to any great extent, we hope. But it is easy for a man to answer for himself, whether he is of the class of drones or dependents 009 of those upon whom natural dependents niay lean with safety to themselves. 1 Messrs. Lditors: lOrth Carol witM 1 a iu lei. tin. n'a fewdavs: who have called-in mi J. M. Clement of MoekuTitlp; if 11 ha of f'iir- tbere,nIJi)eleif,"hftd yiWoaWhale 'I and UeartytxiHeorUti-ii bd4-t4awi(Ir rouiire, aoftiaoiiytf f9tjnerri(J;yette- tice of his" prolession .at Qdkhvnd- the citv e laipirial orgh of the whole human system, as it coylolrfthe life, health and, happine of man. When it is ditarbed in iu proper action, all kinds of ailnents are Ihe natnral resolt.,J -The digestion of- food, the movement of lh heart and blood, the action bf the brain and norvoim ovotpm -"are'sll immc- -diately connecltd withthe working of the Liver.. : It ha Jbeen Hiiccessuiily provvd thai Oreeri.' AugiW Flower i n unequalled in curing all DAMniM nfHIltwl riritk' TwncSa . rr f ii Aoropuunt. and all the numerous 'jinploms mat result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Ponitivcly sold in all tonws on the Western Continent." ' Three dose will ' prove uiai ii, in juai vital joa wanu inggooda, tntelidiuto resume Hbnisness at.VlvyleeoniT,.VauJ;yettevi ha lawye show? thejireseni; generation how he made a fortune Vat that comer in tuc gowi oiu town. May ne anu it nave many years of praejierity 'ahd happiness, Chief Justice ''Smitliv aifd'-Missf Ashe, daughter, ot Judge Ashe? who , have both been here for;soiuo:)Yefwudef medical treatment, are, impioveing,f.l .iini glad to say. Tile former was oi.T at clfiircli on Sunday,. and' the latter ft pio'mised that ,IIow sad that In our daily life we neglect so BQary: things necessary to oar wll being. The man of business with an eve only to hi credit in ill financial wnrlii llio ' iniliciliiaf rf aIa. . - ....w..w.wa ' i ."-w ...... . .UUU. V. V rnt IcUnrn whfkftM rtnlv uim !n tn imt him. self to the btt advantage,, the young lady who idly listening to spring's divine harmonies, reel not the approach of disease in the feeling .(i.: 1 I -II in wi languor wiiicu pusw;sstf ntr an aime snr ' . ... ... a . . . rentier i. pjmii in tho :invno-cT!irii nr dia. ease. when, by a iutlicious investment in Port a- line, or TablerV Vegetable Liver Powder, a long array of ills is put to rout. Buy Porta line, or Tabler's Vegetable Liver Powder, and ana ria yoarseii oi msoruers arising irom s torpid liver: Price 5(hcents. For sale by C. K. Barker. prinleffeon Surrdav'tTCxiK Walking aVon Fifth Avenua on Simhty i afteriKHJn, I passod a j-espedtablej looking young mun and ,womanr7andc heard Jiim remark to her. Mfjtuy man had told me three years ago that I would be a coach- man, l'wthrd'Mlate"latigTlca, at him Whsif a ory'lhiri 5Vi,ile4ifeinarli? told: of the-erVil oie Iwrwlkiclii hava fallen 1 Here was a- yosu'Ujg m $n,i: probably iWitlt MC11E WORKS. , Having my Foundry in readiness,, I am nbwC trepared to do all kinds ot Casting,; in1 either, ron or Brass. All kinds of Engine and Boile. Work done with dispatch; also all kinds of Agricultural and Mining Machinery built or repaired to order. T am also prepared to Dresa 1 Lumber, make all kinds of Mouldings,' tnaks . Sash, Blinds and Doors. S.-wh, Doors,1 and all sites of mouldings, kept cotbtrantly 'on haod. A . 1 m w a a -a a sincK oi iuraner always on nana or furnish ed at short notice. . s ! , A 16 Horse Portable Engine and Boiler iorK guaranteea, aio at prices t sun tne imes. .v ,2Silv.Dd. , to hopes three yars agi tel,Uug,hls svyeet heart, itmay be, how his hopes had been blasted, rand yett in uoyi:o'iic of" biVterHess', uatraiueroi resiiruaiion. avowimrtnat. m o it them at the last. The fanners arc busily engaged in sow ing their wheat, though it is difficult to phiw, the ground being too hartl and dry. The young men of the village and vicini ty, have organized a debating socifcty which contemplates meeting -once a week. They expect to colonize the poor negro next week. Dr. Cline contemplates visiting Ohio soon, accompanied by a brother M. D., who ex pects tolring one of Ohio's fairest daugh ters to North Carolina. The oldest resident of this place is in her Mose-JJcLellauil, colored, was taken prisoner by Mr. T. J. Moloney about 2 o'clock, rSunday . nioruiiig, hile unlaw 7uliy'il0 ware house of the Messrs. Meroneys & liogers. He entered by false key s. Mr. M. saw him at the door and snapped a pistol at him several times, but failing to tire he slipped out nfhi led room and reached tlie. .w.trehoiiso in tline'tff.clpscrthedjor on the trespasser. He was then easily capt ured and marched off to pvjswi.y ll'fcf proprietors have for ......u timoJK!isi)Vcted their waivhoiise was . ..i.;.., , I tn vjn fi di'ori'datious. and this!-fi. ,,' iilt)cther biind nil i ' . - - i - ' ' ujim J - o .i i 1 ..... 1 " dicivery can se'arcely ie lcgaiueu u u surpiisc,to;hcuT,- TIhs inuu McLclland hid 4 .bunch bt" keys in ; the warehou&e after timling himself captured, winch, on - examinatioil, proved.to be fitted for very general iti-e. In searhing-the premises of MpLelland ni.dXoah Jedman next day, some SO lbs. of blockade tobaeVo was found in the house of the latter, for which he was -requiicd to enter into bonds for his appearance, it also came out while the two cases were up, that Noah-LMumu made the keys by wliich McLelland entered the warehouse. Mr. EiiiTon. It pains us to inform yon THE GROWING COTTON CROP." New York. October 15. The number of failures for the third quarter of 1873 were 2,853 as compared with 1.81G iu the same Quarter last year. The liabilities for the last quarter are 60,000,000 as com pared with 42,000,000 in the same periord of 77. The trade of the country is be lieved to have survived what threatened to be a serious shock to confidence and credit growing out of the circumstances of the repeal of the 'bankrupt law, aud ex cepting the unfortunate epidemic in the South the general eoudition of trade is more healthy than at any time since 73. The Averaqc for October .4 Crop Equal lo Thai of '76 Fire Million Bales Expected. Cotton is rolling in quite rapidly, with fair priees, we presume, considering-the market. BUSINESS LiQCAIi COLUMN" For Choice Cakes.md Crackers go to LM. M. Lixtox &c Co s. A choice lot of delicacies, Cooked Corn ed Beef, Salmon, Sardines, ..Shrimps, Pot ted Meats, &.C., at Linton's. Breakfast Strips, Hams, Lard, Ham Sausage and Dried Beef, at Linton's: Washington", October 15. The Oeio ber ictnriih to the Department of Agricul tuve iudieate the average condition of the would ratlier le KoOneftniaYi'tha Im noth ing, or .worse tha&fc atothiug- , ' ' WALKING f CASES''! OFrF EVER. ; One of tlie Host IfSMbh Feahtrvs of the 'i EpUleinioinAke thullurx Gities : A No w Orleaas plrysiciau in a private letter, writes us, tliat, -he folldws Ike old treatment iu yellow feycr.Vnnd has had over, a hundred cases, with only sixfi t'ii . .. , fj j .s ,. . . ..(... deaths."" Two of t!ie latter' were "walkiiig Cases'." The tei'nr is n 'technical one, uu ilerstofHt i.i the ?elloV tf-eyerl district. A 'walking caso1' issvipatieiifc .w'io louses to go to bed aadjkejihu.feet until he drops dead. SomeUiuVs jie refusos to ad mit he' has ye-lhnv (everj sonietiiiies 'he realizes thai liliKs the dread disease and : ' V.- f 1 IF Tlie Woman who rejoices in salad and ice crouuj.Mot cakes and warm pie ; . ; ... . . i , IF The Student who eats hastily and ?its down at once to active and mental labor; .- '- '" if ' Tlie Business M:m who bolts his food in eager haste aftd hurries to his counting room - f.l .- -p.. - f IF The Hard Drinker could look at the deleicale glands, swollen. and festered with disease, that caie the throbbing brain; Tlie T.aurvpr ibo Miniitpr the' fprp1i!nt- and all who lead seaentiry lives and are subject to r x r i . .1 . i uyspesia or juuigesiion, . eonsispaiion ana leaaacne; . . . IF Thtio onlv knew what Merrel's IIepatine FOR THE Livek will do Tor their relief, and Practical Blacksmith ; I10USESI10ER. .J SHOP cointcted wlttt Brovoi k. VerMt'a livery. staMes. ZSTW designs ot Snoearv suit any suape of font. All shoeing on strictly k-!JDtmCTrta-clptes ami WARRANTED. All klotls tuckintlthtiif hmmnrfl' rtnnu lw.lu !t- li: On and Off Slick as Grease ! I J. ' .: .' BOOTS, . GAITERS, - 'SlIOES, ' ' ' ' SLIPPERS, &c. W. M. EAGLE, Itespectfully announces his cotitiiiuurice at his old stand iu his old line, on Main Street. vnit the livek wi ll no lor thpir rfiiei. ana .. .. , n . ... . . ' . . r , , " ,, v , I opposite Kaniss" urug tore, ne is aiwajN howqmekly it cures-there vould be much . dv , anx:on, to tomnKHlate ensttiners pu Ktifi'f.rincr ill ah at oresent. The great Liver Metlecines for salebyTheo. F. KLiUtz. fa very serious and .painful accident which happiod,7i)u the 14tu inst, to Mr. John W. Steele, onk'of tlie most energetic and thrifty farmers of Seoth Irish Town ship. The circumstances, as detailed to the writer.are these. His son "in-law, Mr. W. W. Fraley, was driving Mr. Steele's mow ing machine, and. the mules becoming .-fractious 'Mr. Steele went into the meadow, to assist in quieting .them, and stepping too close to the kiiives, (which were in rapid motion) was caught in the rear of the ankle, the kuives cutting almost en tirely through the joint and very nearly severing the foot -from the leg. Doctors Wood and Ranisav were im- : mediately sent for, and rendered prompt Surgical, attentiou. On the morning of the 15th we were glad to learn that Mr. Steele was notsuf feiing much paiu. I't persous-who run mowing machiues be warned by this distressing occurrence. W. R. F. Salisbury X. C. Oct. 1G lS7d. " o North Carolina Jlananas. Mr. Luke Black mer of this place, lias a bearing banana plaut, aud several othefs yet too yonng tosbear fruit. The oliler stem is four years old aud about 14 feet high. . The stalk at the foot is about 5 inches jn diameter. -We believe these plants bear euly one spike of fruit and then die It it a hot-house plant in this latitude and has just been moved into its winter quar ters, having been out in the open, air all summer. - But this is only one of Jhe raro and beautiful plauts to be seen at Mr. Black luer's: His garden and hot-house, both . largo fortius section,' contain many curi ositirs of this kind, collected slowly and C 1 . 1 . A 1 1 J .1. . l" 1 irom uoiu uorineiu auu stiuuiern ueaiers. The lovers of plants cannot speud an hour . more pleasautlv an r where than at Mr. " Blackmer's,' with Mis Fanny Kelly, to j whose devoted -attention and cultivated ta te is clue so large a part of this beautiful display of plauts aud flowers. There is a CalhrcliiiBi in the garden with leavts 53 ' iuches long and froni-33 to 30 inches wide. The steins are from 4 to 5 feet long. The plant straightened Qp is about 8 feet high. This is believed to bei very extraordinary growth for this latitude, as some of the cat alogucproittise for it a height of only 3 . feet tinder favorable ulaimgeient. Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spices, Linton's' v ' ' :- ? . Sec, at Fresh Oysters, at Linton's. For the finest French Candies, Bon Bons, Chocolate, &c, go to Linton's. We will have .weekly shipments of Northern Apples, Bananas, California Pears, See. M. M. Linton & Co. Elegant Cream Cheese, at Linton's. 20 cents lb. - Okra and Tomatoes canned together. Something nice and new, at Linton s. ELECTRIC FLASHES, fty Caole and Telegrap'a to the News. A Spanish official has been murdered by the Moors, near Morocco: aud Spain demands instant reparation. Tlie Eddystonc Lighthouse, famouSnthe world over as a beacon to mariners, has withstood otie of the most awful storms in years. It cannot be reached, on account of the raging sea, which throws its spray high over its lantern. The London stock and money markets are uneasy in consequence of reports of further mercantile embarrassment. The newspaper accounts of Edison's recent-discoveries as to the use of electrici ty as a light fbr.eities bare depressed gas stock iu Gieat Britain. y Subscriptions to the Soirthren Relief Committee of the 'Chamber of Commerce vesterdav, amounted to over eleven huu- dred 'dollars, of which five bundled were from citizens of Montreal. Atlahtar Ga., has sent three physicians, fifty beds and large Contributions to Cliat- tauooga. Drs. Lee, Knott aud Olmstead volunteered to go. Atlanta will equip aud maintain a hospital in Chattanooga untill the fever is passed. VUI V. IU u r - ' - - Q " I cotton crop to be 90 the same as in Sept- despairs of reedveryfi-ointbe start. Some- ember: North Caroliua, 84, decline ot S; nuaes ine r-waiwug ower .raunuosui uic ... I .. t m- l.J" t . ll . .. . South Carolina, 84, an increase of 4; Oeor- mos aojeec jeaiaauflispiiiys uiejcouiage ifia.83.au increase of 4; Florida, 84, a aud iaoiae e.ucqifkspj, feu jo execiuiou. .IIU.H..U. f r- Aliikniia. !1I. ji decline of I : Sometimes the "walking" is. confinod to vv-v. a a- wa,y "-'"--""y 7 '- 1 - ' ''-t. . . . ( Mississippi, bo, a tlecliue ot a; ljouisiana, m iuncut a v(iai, v.. ...w.. 83, iiiicliangedi Texas, 105, an increase of roams the Greets with the seal of death 2; Arkansas, 90, a decline of 8; Tennessee, on his brow, tlie-dreadful black vomit ' 11 ...... . i j. i. ino .... i,. , v.. i,f 1 1 otzintr tronrtuaiups-nu oojee oi uorror f'.in.i.aii.d with October. 1877. the crro'w- to air whom heeiMiouuters., This stalking 1 . ' ' . 7 1-.... t iu- ing ci op shows an improvement ot 11 deatn is not an uncommon iraimc per cent,- The October condition fully iu New Orleans during the prevalence of equals that of the splendid crop of 1870 au epidemic. Many who passed through and exceeds that of any intervening year, the fearful ordeal of 1853, in which nearly ti. ina..t :u niiiiiiiMirhint. The. eight thousand victim perished, will ie- A t a uvv v "j " i - eastern section of the cottonJelt was vis- member the case of: JoLu 0- , a Mem- ited by storms moving through narrow phis pnntoy. He was aman oi spiemuu zones and doing lunch local damage. In physiquo auel handsome presence, but au the Mississppi valley yellow fever qnarai:- untortunatp love t affair Had made nun tine regulations have restricted the mark- reckless. He deeloi-ed a "walking case' eting of crops. of yellow lever, arm ior two j ...... .rw.ri n vprv fi. rrnn. uiitifi nights roamed the streets and. frequented counties a e porting prospective averages the drinking houses of the city, iu spite as high as a bale per acre. Arkansas has oi an nis irieuu um , .'8 fallen off through drought others, vuth on uie snee, anu nyuig GOOD DIGESTION. "fiiva no fli'u v niir il til v hrp.nl." and (rood - . - - . o ul'.Iv-.Miie to diget it, is both reverent and hu i.an . Tun human stomach and liver are fruit- f.il x.iirce nf life'n comfort!: or. disordered and ilise-d, t'.iey tingle misery along every nerve a a (H I :mu inrougii every artery, l ne man or woman with good tli'jestion see beauty as they walk, and overcome obstacles they meet in the rout - . . a a t t ine ot lite, wliere the dyspeptic sees only gloom end stumbles and growls at even iraaginar objects. The world still needs iwo or three new kinds of medecine before death can be per fectly abolished; but that many lives have been "prolonged, and many sufferers from Liver dis ease, Dyspepsia and He-.dache, have been cur ed by Meurell's IIepatine, is no longer a doubt. It cures Headache in twenty minutes, and there is no question bat what it is the most wonderful discovery yet made in medical science. Those afflicted with l.illiousness and Liver Complaint should use Merreli.'s IIep atine. It can be had at Theo. F. Kluttz'... iu his line in tho best manner possible, lie i . . . i . . i .1 . prepared to uo nrsi ciats worit anu can com pet with auy iiortheru Shop or, U&ntl n.adu work. His machiues. lacts, fcc. are. oil the latest ard best pat ern:- He works, tbevery best material and l-cp on hand- ready made work, and stock equal to auy special order. Repairing neatly and promptly dVne at rea sonable prices. Satlsf.vtion gnarauieed r-T n. charjf e. Look each week in the Uocjm.i, for! somethiug new, aud to lie had at no place but Linton's. WTe cordially invite onr conntry friends to call and examine our 6tock and bring their produce'. - M. M. Linton Sc Co. in some quarters and excessive raiusu be conveyed to his" iudgtngs. He would inA ni.r...o- nbintwl. The croo now wite the black voniilrom his lips, hold iiaivuovu Hvv..e ........... - - v I - . . . . . tau out-turn of upwards liver mil- up tne , uanuKereuiei .w cu,... s, of which Texas wiir produce the horrible, exudation, and remark with ue minion ' - "grim lium.ir that his "coffee" didn't agree PRICE CURRENT. Corrected by J..M. KxoX & Co. Oct. 17, 1878. promises liou bale ..fk.i ,'1 1 nun ... I .... ... ..... ,J -r....iv !. .1 1 with hlln that rooming, jjoiuh is ...h..- AlmostaFatal Explosion. , Ifuliit best, but p klisease prtsents so A cutlcmau itistfrom Catawba Station gat Uorror aA a-(valkjug ca,e" of yellow .... w..o.... v..i.i. r,n-..iin? TliillroAil eyer. , ., i , --.i hruifrs lnteliiirence ot an almost iataiacci- - ., .. j -jn, o - deut in the residence of Rev. Mr. Bagby, Umcoid ySiin ? w . ,g.i4tl miue nas a Baptist minister of that place. He .was been started, .in Stanly ,co;:.. : between sitting in his bedroom reading by the Long Creek and thfiad' Juver, winen light of a kerosene lamp, but was some i8 supposed fo kbbutid id iiiuiiense wealth, distance from the table on which it sat. Tlie vein is from six'-Riches to two feet in ... : r of..r);.rr npurff. trvioi? on iu.littiiM.nl vi.Jdsiverv ncu oie.: A Cotton firm Middlings, low do stains Bacon, county, hog round IiUTTEll Eoos Chickens per dozen Corn . Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at Flock best fam. "super. Potatoes, Iuisii Onions no demand Lakd Hay- Oats Beeswax Tallow BLACKHEnniES Apples, dried S CO Alt 8i9 7(8 6 8 1520 10 $l.rj0(a2.00 45 4850 80(3il.00 2.50 2.25 75 75 8l 30 25a:,0 20 C7 3i4 1012i Prices to Sttiltkc Tiuif . Cash orders by mail promptly tilled. 34.fmos. WMEAGLE. POUTZ'S " HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, u Arc anequaled for tb ear and prevecooa jt iiaeemmi loHcnei, Cattle, Iioira. Lb eep..mn JIAVIBE. 'OUai.Prop Baltimore. Md. J. D. McNEELY, Grocery, Mm ail Coppi Acrent for the sale of Fertilizers, Lime. Sawed Shingles, nnd Mountain Produce. Ruy and sell Cotton, Corn, Flour, Meal, and all kinds of country produce on commisiion. Highest prices cnaranteed. Agent fori the celebrated English patent" Milking Machine. Will keep a small assortment f Family Groceries. Call and see him at his new stand, three doors below Kluttz's Drug Store. 29:oruos. AiiMslrar's Sale! As Administrator on the estate of Wm. II. Richardson, dee'd., 1 will sell at Public Auc-i-v-i or r.ifir tlie rnihlic souare in the town r.f SnlUhiirv. on Saturdav. the 2nd November, J prox., 12 o'clock, M., the following : Four U. pan ol ()ne i,umireil dollar 4 per cent, bond:.; one h.ir-c. saddle and bruuejoe-i mom iunmnitan I ' 5 j .. I., .,,. n...i.ii,:i witM I ...... r.wii.i-.ii.iir it jjvvts. ami twelve - . i m m 'lm nil w. ii i ill iitiii 1 1 v.xit'" l aiivj j t u,- '"--' -, n i ...... j i-i. . . . ,..,. . " . ,-. : .... ....i ' -f oi.vheddimr: wearing apparel; miscellaneous oooa-; A. uecaiur, Illinois, uespuicu ni ""'" terrible noise. In an instant Airs. oagy l grains; wnic.UJS.Uil "4 "'.v 1 & and many othr valuable articlee. ICliarles Evernian and a neighbor, while Liothiii" was on tire, as was also the- bed- California mine. Stanly county abound j 'T rm8 0f 8ale cash. nttiiir norn in n. lie.liI7 had mi altercation. I i i... i.u.l irl.ifh two nf the I f.. 'm'.tiT nwl UH in the wor Id needed to SAM'L. IL WILE'i , Adra r. wheu Eveiman struck the neighbor three i children were sleeping. Mr, Ragbywas tvoher'faVnVn'sla3 miiriirg fegion is sim- AU peron!, j0debted"to Wm H Richard blows onthe neck with acorn cutter, not injured, and ""."JyjJJS ply theVmiper meiins f nleteloping nnd w wiu make payment at once and all person having daiu.s against said estate, will ..rpfnt them duty authenticated as required , -. 1 m r " hy law or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ' SAM'L. II. WILLY, Adm'r. Sept. 20, 1878. 49:Ct. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Hon. Wm. M. 'Bobbins will address his constituent on the political-issues of the day at the following times and places : Winston, 'lilesoay, Dobsou, Thursday, Sparta, Saturday, Jefferson, Mouday, . Roone, Tuesday, Taylorsville, Thursday, (ctobet- 4 il 24 26 28 2i 31 The East Hirer Bridge. The last wire of the last cable of the East River bridge was ruu over Saturday afternoon, aud.the compfetiou of tliis part of the work was greeted with the limgiug out of flags and loud cheers by the work i n nien on the' anchorages. Six million eight hundred pounds of wire now. hang between tlie towers and the anchorages, and about twenty-four thousand wires are bound up iu-the seveuty-six strands that form tlie four great cables. r The estimate of Engineer RoeMing was Jhat; it would take no less than tvb and ahalf br1 three years to make the main cables, but the trofkmen have been so expert that the whole process of cable making lias not ltafi1. two-Years. The 'cable are made abouVlive or SIX ect above the position ttvir will nivimv nffjr all t.hn &fr.tlitif has Iblvr .til. W.,',, . O takep place. AV I'.tSmm. The request of the Collector of Internal Iteveuue at Little Roclc Ark., for troops to assist in destroying illicit distilleries will be considered by the cabinet to-mor row. . The War Department officials ex press the opiniou that to furnish the aid asked for would be a violation of the pos se couiitatus clause In the recent army appropriation. r f , v presence oi mum vc - - . ..m, tlie biiriiinc bed aud carried them into making known her wealth. the yard. He then rushed to the assis- tance t ins wue aim u uin, - . . , . 0 r..ahU .is....i..ir..irniiMt, f her dot lUiff anu Asia anu n smothering the- flames, but in doiug so niaiestv tbe Mikaelo having decreed Imrued his hands and arms, riy tins time . i.i.i:,,,, ntlicinl .sifna- ..fownfthe neighbors had arrived and wai au ... o..;M. . mm m-r - - 0 Th rYiNrfuinriSinnonnces that Arm- Hld and 11 rower, the candidates for Con- ill sneak at Hatter Shons. Friday. Oct. 25th, aud at Salisbury, Saturday, . a 11 . . Oct. iiUtb. v e aunex tne louowing : Fork Church. Wednesday. Oct. 23 Jerusalem, Thursday, Mootesville, Monday, Taylorsville, Tuesday,' Brady's X Roads", Weduesday, Olin, Thursday, Cmd Springs, Friday, Statesville, " Saturday, Nov. 24 23 29 30 31 1 2 A HEAVY INDICTMENT. A New York correspondent of the . Bal timore American, speaking of the rapidi ty with which the women ot that city are pushing themselyes forward in business enterprises, elves a number of facts in illustration. One ot tnese is tne ionow Tbe;other ay nj jeayji ice-looking young woman called at the honse of a friend to execute some orders iu regard to the. covenug qt lurniture . anu ine pur- , ........ ciioii .hpaii iup. r.uroiH-aut. inc.. ......u .liH .-ii tv KllCl-':lltHl ill OIlllIU" lll.ii.n, " . t - .J till o f . . 1 " - . . '11 out the lire in the house before the build- ami their wives, tJie, Japanese milliners, in" caught. Mrs. Bagby was burned on ' seen Yasliion change for a the upper part of the body and for a day - :cWsigeil ' to Paris BONDS red entirely out of danger. C'Air. Ob. The Bible Work in this Country. Since the meeting of the Mecklenburg County Bible Society last week, the, ex ecutive committee of the society, appoin ted bv that meeting, has been in session mf ' - - and with tlie sum of $78, raised for that pur .lwses which they bad in stock, and Par iian ladies are wow wearing . them as dressing-goixns.ijhey are aul to be very becoming,, and tlie rSt dyes in ' i'l. -...I1.4 .. fibril will them a secret e ."s"1' stand any1 amount ot fashlrig. ' Chinese ilken: skfrt!,1 o fine that yon can pass hpjn throaah wd4Ungt ring, are also be- t. the attempt to ..... ' i 1.1- o lmrsf, and busrffV for K 'T- ; 1 :... the use of the colporteur for lacking $16 of making the full. This morning. Dr. . bcarr, l A Luj ibAox'fitiWi.Great'Mooii colporteur, will start upon b,s canvass e . i. .mmiv in the service of the liiblei" ...... .V, .f , Ui..: i.u . w. .- . strosiues, -aaa tonoisjm nil . ... 1. .. a uuin 1ivlll.l in- I T ciiuse. inecouiiij ... r- to four parts, the division being tuadeac cording to the railroad lines Hi canvass will be thorouirh. He will .visit every house iu tlie eounty outside of the city, . . . . . ... .1 To make Title to Laud, ami laborer anu Mechanics Lieus, for sale at this Olhce DR. BUTTS JEO WN & VERBLE'S Livery & Sale Stables, SALISBURY, "N. C., ' ". Will convey passengers to and from any poiat iih ihe best stock and vehicles.' THE TRAVELING PUBLIC will find it to their interest to calf upan theu before making arrangement! elaaertV ; '' . Drovers and Trailers will find at this etabUslMcrnt gotd Hrta and stables, and plenty of good J. ay, fodder, oaH and corn. PLEASURE DRIVES.; , Those wishing turnouts for pleasure driinjt will find the left accommodation; at. Stables. Mr. W. If. Kimlll will alwaya be- fnind it the Stables and promises entire salisfaniuu to all customer. 4Z:tf. daeityvttf xtpijieH'PiUW- People of all clas-riH acknowledge that in this world m.ih dpetMla iaonnfiJancial uuuw iu uic wuv -- -onditien, vet now rain; m"".' . v .. . ..... :n ....n i.. n;i.i tn thoa who have uone 1 ' , " jau:a fonfhdaiiooh onr. physical. win oc.i v" - 1 nnancmi unv....v." .. - and m -M t bay. art tl.ee who to itZ not and waut the Bible free. The work is will consume consiuriui..c - j sure cure . ntlah vttn .,r,.aa f tl.A ritr will be made by tho the Throat and Hon. rf T r nr tin no of summer window curtains. Her ! colnorteur of the First Presbyterian church buy 17.- to-Vker.' appearaiices was so thoroughly good and but not just at. present. that. uo. Np. 12 N. Eighth St, sr. inuiB. mo. Who ku kad rreatfr txptrima ta tha (faatewia of tba cznal trniSilM nf both tn.le and female than anr phy.maa in IN a Writ, Rivra th rcmUa ot hi Ions knd aim fill practica in Lia Ivaaaw mrlu, juat publiahed, catitlew The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Book, that are mXj ata wm fWf.laalran hi all mat tara pertaining to Maaaa. and WwaBkaaa. and aupply ararfhrag fvlt- TW ire WUf.H j lilatrar. and !a plaia lb.zuage, eaaily andrntood. Tbr taw book. etnbracaMt para, and contain. alaabialafcnMilaa for both mairird ana suit la, tthtUth neeat innnvaimta ta medical treatnv-nt Brad what out bomenanrn aar :TU knuvlrdfclBtpartrd tn . luiV srw work i in ikj way of murvttttrbl ehar acter, but 1 mrth.'nn that twtf a Wla aaww. Ta Yaalk. thf Tirtira of early lndia.-n.-tKm; taw n.otaacwj perfrrtly hwtlthy marbf . bu t with war mg T;yr in tn. prima of life, ana tM waaata, m iniarr from the many Hit her ex i-nir lo." fit. Looia ioumaL i fOriua ra.ta ow cm. awen SALISBURY DOOK STORE. GEO. W. Y0PP, Propr. (At Mcltit,i Fttrnitnre Booms.) BRIGHT UEWBCOKS K1 boOi in one aolume, II I in rli.h and, r"i . 111-71 ailt, ii. ntra. Bent wnder acal, oci 1 J II J fKelpt ol ark, la aawney or ataraptv UJUU irrffl ' GET THE BEST. The Raleiah News. T LOW PRICES. CALI ASP SKK IIBI v v ;, - 9:tf. : "1 1. k ' Opwk. B n em anil Sorp-kta" naattcf no. 0 REB I W'i INun f-ttcc n W B. fulra, H BVIfl WvUuii.. tteaC,l4.. DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one ) ear. S5.00 1.00 F"8end Postal Card for Sample Copj Addrea THE EALEIGH UEW8, FOE.1878. r i l! Dtnrlnejjlect tn rail on C. Pijler at the Bot.k Store for all kifi.la of Book want'e .!. The beat quality and latel rtyle of vruicg paper kpt here." Alw tlie renown?! Singer Sewing M.vH.;., .nn he liar! here at from $35o $i0. He reapeclfidlr in?itfH allfocaJl ajid eBHns Italeigh, X. C I gOo.U tad wachipes.