. .,..mFV ..-V i .. PBS&feiixp Wxjext J. J.BRTTJKR, 1 -r.lXf. r "riy.l For 1 k't livid ,7ulj dJ ai ioioO-d diw wiiJai l"!l ';5 ! I Jtii naximentor tnas omccr,' a . rmr M .... v W- : 1 nmiATtiihnnniim I Per Tear, oavaoie la advance. iw U3 i .1 ; 1 B 1 .!-.( ! advertising 'bat$ s : ' t, b iLj.m. c i . w a a a a a ivals if Suguar Beets, nd other bJ ti0&locH. pae publication, .,.,.,. ... , ...... 1 00 1 ntm-icwwa mn?fKT' PLAYS IN , . - . " .... , tie a VUUUMUMW CUE 1UVUM19 V ar V VU ill ! v - , ia if, i,,4i E FLAT. , Gk0B. J'LAT ANfir'AV , Barham's Infallible , PILE CURE. . MmMgndbrtlii Strttm Pi Cut Co., SuUa, XT. 6. ' ItamrtMWte Mr IrMrrtaMi mr FUr. vha ar b MMibia, . rrW. IM u4 Uu I4 mill lM And h rfert in all Sukj?, wU1 ct IMPOSSIBLE, but our TV YOU DO NOT FIND TlitlXnWJE, HA VE THE SIIORTSf Nlf LIGHT 1 JyVVV v."1 . rrv nr. v. AH nmtW SNT) THE BEST ;i-i !' "! EST ai npc? IK OHE Betwixt tb livins and the dead.- Uent to the Station will - be namea,i tlifcjguage with a heay. accent, bthfTfCfia CAPTt AS --' nliot 9mfCt;?TfLd their iauiir wbea Ibowd, aucj .the and;in factf read the GwpeUKin- rorall L&tS3 DS extermioatiDj them gj the German publishers. The ffi8 And while thy jewels nip the flow'r, - of charger ; .". - - - ! - Sacred Book was called inftliaMu eV .Th6fthe-afd At nnra lhecerowlireJoaJWth, . I ihc State is earnestly reqiieMr ,Tiw. Jfiir i,anrnM,,M of the Station i Jf 'Kh&i!lii CAROLINA NEttSPAPER. CVf, tllv . liau u4 "JS-,7" .l aSI- LIl.l a 1 1(1 1 I F0n IIPIII I U ' 1. : Til n.n Kirriii.T." " 'iiili ana most reuaDie lnionnauou uu ui suuiau 8PAPKR. . Aoa yet anmporLai reaiureoi iup 1 4 hw a- nil a w i ilminoton Scs will be turulstied to subscrt- tue watciialir 1 hrftinrlirThofore allour farmers, ml had freoueutW WU)-J ,c!.L ! J uuttb uw t,.vVj(-- i iiiii iaa I 1 1 rrnmt Im; rioieu. nowever. inai siiuuiihj areola tan epuairjr , or tv wv-w m w-jm .... i ! Viae 9UUiUi:i uquiiwi;w (r -j i- y, - -- lif eratur htS ? mniu, , by j lorca M Xt t $1 w; me week. 3 M: one montft. $9 WJ; tnree monens, i i.U .... .... .-Hi : , . I 1 : : Empty inc tlinT th corn-field jfaps rsl5rtaai.ABdftire,4 Dwn p i& JpbmtrW a ? - And weteehtUll theit -A 31 iogled pumpkin aftd papaw, Two-hrw, four-borse, Iort ndill lUrnr ox and lne-eared irtale, Straining 'natb the hiclreeivP'8 That encumber trelfifttrtnre8, Come from?-0'r wbat.weay miles, Man's "awcet toia un5xrEHiu tvi Whsre do alhltfrlieSpD lieapf Crowded round the creaking mill, Ctnclnaatl Commercial. , , . . l speech made at Cincinnati, truthfully c"a, . ... ' said reeanunz tue unjust tax on 10- ;, . ' s ' v.1, aiu regat j beyond Iiat of mot men 'din tlia( jatexetingieoapoadeimeaoaaitiiai. 1 VUI a 1 ft 1 il I... I - - : f I I B Ja 'VLfiOAAia.'S J i ii - i I Coring f lie? because' the , corr I "lrt. .Wa HB4i " , ,4, - ; ! nf.i .taxation-. 'imDOseUJ Vf. W. w' r . . . i - K 'JPM i n do n iui j l . . i i. 'au.iLj3Laj 5.xu : M Unrw that liave heretolors ieen.euiu rr-r-s tu, ..x - '. f T 7 .. i . . n thp first fittine- OCcasiOO,! iiO' vatirtUiWway. a no i ,,,. fy. w;' r VwhaTL.t...; KtYMSVHK 1 assembled forVlne4Hi l 1 . T - I ! m m nun - iinnnnnnnn i i A1 V. IMPORTANT- In future all our CmeU wW be SWF MEm; earllr neallv fiHihe.l with what ia known as lhe Satin Tinwlu 1 he S70 Cornet will be Tri y nlStverplared, Gold MbiinAihd'BWhW.ed. We it n Ufa thUftiStro- ' . NO DISCOXJNT. IBirument8 sent for a trlaV of Vfe D AS ! Lefof e acceytauce, PUPgf ph oC pur New Cornel Sent on application? ' ' " . . - --ir - n . , . It W foolish lo conUemn hejore ,41 tomet is uui iv v-v... r-y t for trannportation. . .. r ' ' , ,J ' ATtD TRUE. Address all orders lo ... - I, v (Thoserelwwaieakeeps . - cVatetl, because the burdens and ;wc'77 Uravrlnif;-eiwr-t"l,) w ., . . . i.., c11l ,LnK y-resatiou hatl-1 HaaDs Vitr;ui:ht aad crab-gra bimnd,. restrictions imposed are such that the HHSrSa:wayW : - rcal valtief theartfcie whenproduc. worship, Jacob addressed thertV hiJfh 'T TO PAT T li B1 1 lWpl ar geUlnK ocqulatl-d tboi who r not ought to be-wlt the wonderful aaerlta of ihat great American Bemedr. h 1 ! ......... MEXICAN t Mustang Liniment, FOIL ELAlf AND BEAST. ' " Thl liniment Tery naturally originated In Amert- P'1 aihei Nature provides la her laboratory auca jiargriiiny tntidotea tor tho lualaUles or nercnii Its rav.io r.iis ueen sprcauing iur wjta. W!rT3 no iSc-.M.-:r;lc'jUKJliiilitablo elol , f, fljj Mcac-u Unhncnt is a matclilcss "' r"nclv f6rr.Tlrsiv-.:r.lannK?ntot man and beast .r . i To stocl; owners r.ul (afiacrs it It invaluable ; THE N 11JJII I . m . , i . ..... . llfn tr ra I tr man MOP I , 1 t -I . - . .1 As n: ? W;. o v-1 WU! "u,-" " nV'tZY ' edtS notCqual tO theCOSt Of the Capital WUOWU.g te.c ".i'JaTf.p 'l " Wor'c, feVss3 of an excellent horse, o, ConirtroMlSawisorgkuiii paysi ea noicuai iu J . r , tBret,ren . I ,afa few words to f H U'lYE FJ u Hn41 FUU ' 'crc!l" How maeb 1ise ('" "1.,-J - . npr ,ir0il(3 say. i.doefi 4 nk,d; abostlfiSi, of aJc; S7w! i- '' w.ouidrr-rot. mance. the iHe.;ai V,li' - : XZlto old dimes waa,tery shmurt me, - ALI8BTOY? K.-- M S2r Cubic fiwt atid cubiOtdT . ; acres ceases tototluce ot ootttsh , , ... .Jiw .n A,lWrictltu V!WW ' lii 'YStS extern,! troubio horse,. uch- ' NevcWfo ,easoa t0 einpiov iabor: and when hev they did- ivotndetant what iMte 3. BRO WQpUTa-. , JSi 4tchc3;-.w,y.,ra,.ro.ndcr. Boiled to caudy, woufdtUinakPi t iv ; ceases fo mpiov auui . . 'j ' p ..u P0r bresentWv. I 9hes' ' . t , . wind-san.'.rm3-boa.et-x. SevllaaJrltd! , u . , ceases to employ labor, of course there peeble f UMUfcWt1tlbhkimief?ralVelgW''- (! ThaMexiccarnrunt u the q.ickea. T)..ir.j:.lfirf .mU - i V . . . ... i r i . .i ? !i t 1 therefore mdof that we have some new .. luiiw .u-c. i-u nt-i U sit in tbovw fw. tixidmts occurring in the ":ru,r!r?r:rr;r-ii isan addition to . me, euiorceu .wua-i .v,uV.; . J - h:'' w..ft " a t itom e a(sain. , .... 1. . raauiy. u u1B atel ,r a physician, such., c UOUW r.k-vr,tir Rut tint onlv SG aDOSt aUDOIUteU tO FrJlui Vr rVr TR' t.ara3.fcaldsVpra::vrctr..te..end for rheum. Then tl,.riUii.ckfcd fovorr draft - i.tHhe bosmesa of maouftdaring th.s tM x... .,J:iaS, '"ic.kP " ; rgttm.- article, and the great tobacco estaU- ror1"."n.'' LVwhri h'""" ' . " "1 '"iajS33S3teS?JBh bave bcettBnd- bo.art,en and iSt foKtelnp. n , Two.!DolIars.PW-V. f "riT.K'-- K&XflM? burden, vood nonnnat. fi,r one, aWIe n.v ,. ftto.f e gallua.wwe. -v - j. . u .1 r sonv Beter. who, is, mighty good at en-1 j uji nxsn-him'J i9U' ' " -.it - fST fo constantly dimmish the amount of r"..TM..Jf i ....'f. , , . , 4rftr 5 leir bisini, and have been, from ng.- - Uoie to time, lessening the number of a.weryoa fT , vSM1 1 " ?rWofc . ' 0 ; X 1 it- that mv. ne urhbor. Jo in. who) wVery4'S . a W.Q.SHELBLRrT Clerka. , . t mmm noww'H their employes,' ttittg- again auumg 10 , A-iUJiW.rk.totf. -4-"-i "m .u .,. iJISVAf I.1U . who stand explitem tne uermau ami oc ig-i--"--V.V i - rffWftW T V M V t . .;. lish toneW he 5 vohld makcvd tferyT iB r,-,--.-, A .. - A .v, .l & a-a a m iiLAiia ih.f mi 7 mi a. 1 tn unnta onn uriiri ru hup 1 - w w i 1 vp w xa in cs t t? "r ' r a tai a. ..a-e. a w at-itw i ' ,!- ' ' I fat.K eJM f t r. f4M W W W W jff. flR STL .T, tW. 7SGsgsi3eris tt- t- -t- ; j - ...x- - - -. - t&Tr CONN & DUPONT. ' ' Elkhart, Indiana. SAVE YOUR LUHGS AKD UPS BY USING If after Trial Our Mouthpiece does not enable you to play longer without fatigue and iilay liiKher with less effort, lend it Back and Eeceive. in Return, ; Yriiir , Koney. Subscribe for the "TIIJIf IT Nf -i," - The Only Ametuer Band Inst ruct ion a r. d, . Jfey, JgiirD al PUBLISHED IN THE UHITED STATES. Subscription Price 81-00. ' 'L'UliS OF VfVE srpSWtlliEK!, (to one aMren.l YlTIIrOXE OF OUR 'VAT EST MOUTH PIECE TO EACH TUjEn Eolt- ONE - jtoLiAU each avuscmrTioy. Address, :ONN & DUPONT, Elkhart. Indiana. JJought thejittOi Hauling e&liXKj' Down to Uai4Ua For "bacloadyryj Many a wagawsr Sopped hi Many a little L t TO Til E PRESS : PWn ow thin iir to the leader of the Band in our place, a it will 'e a benefit to li e wlioli- r;ir.l. . ,,. f l - - . . . ... i TrllWllrti'lumr"''' " 1 t I'htfve tl Lag their aasaeijus Ifwa,,..,.! t,jS goot aoostle !" . - . m. a rr"'- -"i .r - -'-;rnr nhn.it. th noint ot the oia n.l. ,Mi'rl.irtdHHrlr ''"-"'w ! V 1 1 fWta t h Rtnfpmpnta -I Deiieve. OI r - ' Sorghum roae.Htviclatau:! f. UcrMAThh blisinessiiti) 8 speecn, a auuueu uuu -aau- f?AnafiimtH ii-rnn tat- 1 " LabilcWheflsfStat , Sweet'fUtnr or :ft)Y!U!retr brfea t"f; w.ujL"iii. fi ti.- -a '. l vt--""w, - - i - , .i.r i. : ,-,' cannotdure this enormous burden, they ever reassembled whether tne and that unless some relief comes to aptles were, appointed an whtr, I .tauiii ailuJ them their business N.il! destroyed or not tu, -ew iK AgTicna) perjmeaan IJertUizer of most seriously affected." - ,baa: - it ms-r w m m a 1 1 .- -m l ili fill ijaj nuui a.u ui vtii w w w v w - i - i n a r m DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. . , i . a ou, ik w ""f iSt fy,, . Tj.r v n A beautiful girl has been discover-lquary may yet bring it to tbf hgri ea in vraco, lexas, uresseu in niaiei n uyauum um Vtwv-. s,."-. ViV aMlt-o Aftpr hpr nrrpst. sh rvinfpsspd 1 Otlt Ot lite fulness of tbe Stati wt:ii. - -ttjrXu u ,u. v.c iwjr ujc ,c- . . Aft her t ghe confess rj. etenaclts "V f- wrauu ... l j 4-1.1 t.' benefits, atteDtioaJs called -to the tol- A - . , . t . . . . . . v v , . According to her story, she is a girl lowing synopsis frits aim and wori 1 - - - , . . t l Zj tj. - 16 years of age, belonging to a weal- IAK3raQPT ;irtUZEBS ,: thv and nrom nent family in the State SaninlesaEVfir' "1 rand soldi n theXoA Missouri, but whose name she State are taAlheC5 A young man of Airricultui2Ca3lanafvzed al ho I ..irtP hpr hnf W hmthpr.m.Litv 1 .Re station. The r1sullsfTheanarvse"i tobiect! tor the raaffiage and ven I r WHS .whep ptfier&a eji4wg. U iv a a . i a . a and thereoramiayki tilizers 44Mt1 lulls ot these analyses objectetl tor tip) raafriage arui -even T i.,Ld' miv rint:ii ion UK !. Jl IlKloian lid my rf il, 1.mv.- mill invile oorresimn.letue Ir members of b.nil who know me. nte'ritv an n wian in fully endoninf all ui1 who know me. V. H. NE.VVE. Ralwhnrr, N. C. ?l5CflEOT'-lflMr EVER. 1 reporter cannot ten xi. 'may ia Jjfaj it was written aiid depositeds56 the . a i at a coou oia.age ana reier rstisS '.U" ,tti .Mini. s wv f'jj j. I'engraped jjis , nibTtoi.rgrll'fS .; f l VII (WieVO.il sum! j.!'- 14, T I 1 h I . i j. n i i n IMPOLITE THINGS 1 I .'-.r, -1A 7 7i I f i It hV - nil, Tin ,iiitW !,,tH3 -:naojaiiI r s V aa-t1 ! ' 1 ResppnsjJiiijgrrprQfl cash remittances, shall receive s. til I : 1 - iir Buy only the NEW AMERICAN j ' ..lT I TH Only Sewing Machlna , WI1ICB BAi a --: tile 3 SflS m4 " -Y .Ja ib u&3 aciii4uA tactw. Never Ireiii Uis Taresi. . Never Sldps Stitcaei. Is the Lightest fiusirg. The Simplest, the Host Dur able, and inJZvery Respect iachme jhd,uiaS ag ;!. io .w PfiOHPT APD CAREFUL ATTENTION. UJwkinsr others in coraDanv. i.,., T - l, vu;ii i KlL- ng others in company. Gazing rudely at stratfgets. ...rMi iHrMbl-n4,olrT t -vtra CVPT flV TTWR CVlUrtl 'Aflll dUoIlViO Ul.v nu v, ,a lleadlng aToud in :;6ouipanyi!lioiif ' s IZ rrMir I VTI , i' tJitit . . f i girl has' the bashfulness of girlhood, butseems perfectly at home in brecclies. It is4 believed that there is more of romance and mystery about the case than the girl has yeJECfCCiGto re-vekls-rBuffalo Courier,, -, "VfThe Hiing Kong 'Daily Press' Is it I a . wonaerm? oer trie "nev tLepp-rUire from' heMrJJ Qf, HBHW len , by JmswZpdlGXy ttie JChtuese lttniaterhJ5lk)4ef .ej)tertatiTeat juTnduuran'allo'wing his wife to be will be luruiliea on applicatioo, ' . present, ajijlttdftrioiorta8Jtojslf'.fl HavinrnTfeetofy 'a en are considered of liIe moment a a a- naratus vr tenirs ttm? kinds, we are prepared- roak sib ' tests for anvon in tlie Ste wl wjll scud aSiiSiSbiy iail, fhi anjpb nji lairly rprp tKr from ifc hwoU it was takeo and he not less th4tttSPW$W ViflcJciallv and" tr here! theif :' are V kpnl smciiy seciue ( fronrpuoi ic inspet?- t on.? r. Kf ... . Br TlegfctfrtpjifeSjewv " ' ' ! ': Washixgton, B.C., Oct. 13. The .mail ifig3Ssfflbata1B"hJ b3,fi?fir"' VnnnrKPr-firorl0n cl I Carolina against Bcvotia Agent Wag- pvvuw a uwuwa &.Ka VVVUVa Avw w QVQ r-fl8 d ft Fl&3r aad -soaiir V fiOJ fA iJSjf R AJilAtEJBS, 39 ont!ij ess 'Correcting persons older tu f $ f ! form, and -will Jwt sent, free to -any ad- She ebrae fo Texas one year-' ago dress, AVmioni1 frAflo; jrpfe'laVt JuarHe. the object ; No sample of,corheiiSa1i-i5tilUer of her affections: Some weeks ago: will be analfzed at the . station with.-. i hearing lliat her relatives were on. her out the previMsipdbUibed consent ott track, she was obliged to admit this -Leaving urfiUa before, i.thAfW CS SteT feil'" rSKhiS: : SALISBURY, N. C. it au t( 4 iv,m.i v. ) ... front their wrath, knowing that no house ot tr. y-wwwWiwi m has" ever y;et been punished for chasing cbeuW utWdi :Teias; 'The fair pume use uave mem analyzed free orMebfcrge al W Station; The fieauer must, however, prepay the fix press charges to ghapeUWL ,fgij Southefji.pjwwpoj packages raav be prepaid farany'rjfljce 'i4 M "&ah to Chapiilill, aUJKjh-tWr U iri(V eampleajpfijbqiu?! must be selected r6s E2 . I'. , ,. ' ! ., ;t rL- I lT-'Vr-T,TT-T,T-T"-T"T-T -tJiI-tU-I-11"!. iXTC J7. .Li, tljh. 1 " s r ivyr r-J tw M w T- - - w -vr- "TX. VS. c-V- -. tW. . - tuan your- ls? 'Jg ar 'r '.r ' il f rtAiii 1 1 ar -va ha it I -Receiving a present without an ex- 1 ,V 1,' I VV .Aa , V 1 1 . I K. I I.T.A I T P S. ' . . A, i I I Jl J I y k .Ta wi a vy .a. a v 1 m r r,. - b . , . - i . Not listening to what any one is say- . r c c dj -,ez I . A - 1 J W .... . . ng in company,,, n1 i .iiw SiiRple Deeds.' 'Defeas Tnftt, Mortgage 'Deeds; UoBlmMSlonere, Deeds, blienita hat have berf Deeds, t;hattla MortgagfcMFarnr-CoBtraotAlarriagei ana Uonfinnatiou Lertincates, ,9 y Answering questions that put to others ! ' ' 1 ! rComnliriciiig to talk beforeothtef T"1 " aughing at mistakes pilars nutillfrs' Kntrieuid x&riouA .other farms for sale at the II Al lUJial V i iViJ. The Best Family Sewing K The "NEW AMERICAN is easily learned, does not get out o: oraer. ana w.t w more work with less labor than any other machine. Illustrated Circular lurched on application. ' ' AGENTS WANTED. . . J. S. DOVEY, Manager, GI N. Charles Street, Baltimore, JId. MERONEYS & ROGERS, Agents, Salisbury, N. C. I do not l.e-itate to say the American Maehinaaurpawes all otl.ermachines. Be in, all the work that either machincH can. U uv. ." tZllFJSU from Swish Milin to iSeaver cioin. nave utu oi,.6., find (he American i ' superior ttfMrtm HHP" Wtttt FTXl E. any I have used the Singer and other machines, and woaU' noCMcba. tae-ericM for Salisbury, X.C., May 22J, 1872. XLekoxey & Buo., Agents American Sewing Machine : ,., , j.-:,,- Mi- Siks :-l have used the Howe, Siner Wheeler & W lUon, 3 (or it chines, and would not KiveMhe Amerieaa for all ofthein. U will do allihai .iaciaiue in lite circular. I consider ii.wiieriral.'lI!f. 1 l,aVe Vii'sTin V IHRIUSOS. Very respectfully, MKi. tLO. . UAltmavi PRESCRIPTION REEI ManlKHi'l jiikI all ilisiri!Tt linniglit n Uj nulis cretinn or xcwr-Any Druast h:M 11 ; 1 dients. Ir. W. JAIW. A .. . Ii Wnt Mas-tls KlreeL. C'lMlnnaiia, . - TIMETABLE WESTERN H.C.RMLR0B. . , Im effect Thur.-da, October 17th. ".878. p tThere is a prospect that will presently 'once more behorda pnnce.4 'Tlie second son ' of die crown ' 4Wce oOermany ' js Aouf arV 6H2 a voyage, around.Hthen worjtl qiv ward , v a.'. Uernian corvette. h-Jrri nee IXeJiry holds the rank of a lieutenant ifljfche navy, but his fafh"ertias "espe- ciaUy , cbmhiahded thaVe s!ia1tte ueatea iikc an oramary caaeu. ,, ,, i : .t-.t . .,4 sati'rwotfife : HARDWABE.! Aduiinistrators, exeeutponaisswpi?. sheittconstables, agents, c., are aaviseaio -jfj ' , 7" call ph til for printed sale notices It is certMnlj great injustice to owners fo put up A4V America ie1fVoptaDn6ah There- . it. . , r a.u - thp eninwr. pvprv Trtrfv knou a . are insumcient. - rroDertv is mvrrrrrr-zrjrr. 00INC WEST. otifiPMnnt ofri-RRoriaced froia.this!att3a iiem dollar or two , spent in advertbing might have yeiitd rflebrjng ijVUifif ;Vpifuriale Notices promptly and cheap. r-owossOft Wfcj&g'ggbp aADT-PRareas. CijjjxHOOD.--Make the bridge from the cridla? td ailaftlrrJrJdjuit, iHdrfgVsr you caur,l.tavfc',voYirl'cri.!! a chiftt itistfas ongas jo .anesaJiy '5u livv.iu, .ft pityr aJiaatA. f . lo making arreaU of il L?yfUKlwl.liHl. WM jcit distilfers and others, "-ree trtedf veld made vthn thnder'.'rvnfhe jejai .Gfitroxov and resulted permissCV aeuittal.pf Tlhefentixa rparty a wa uaWt thiug else. Let iteW eSfl&4.ft not a little ape of a man rnnning" aboat ihe town.r-pwro y " ! ft, w :i 4i dK-1 , ti ;ii JiriTT;j T5,i,',i 1 li Ui b 7JI 1 " " V-"' T a. " n -it ."...CIRCULARS, STATIONS. Abbive. 'JJl- TUirA frwt 7 A. . a' Y. i o i Statesville ; i V 'CatAwba.-.- '" w a jiiaaryaajoe - I t. ! . . ap.ca-c tia 1 1 ' v n . J : - ? um XTAWUl LiUJ.,1 : iv, WVx --. V -a t arii - at'iii' I 1 Bi 11 kinds AVIIEi lOll. WAST: II A R D W A'ilCE ., At Low Figures- Call on the undersigned at 2, Granite r ' 1). A . AT W il LT V ' S;tli-bury ,N. C. June 8ii. JfeWn ('a nova Hickory Icard Morganlon Iiridjjewater'.. Marion Oh! Fort Henrr 10 11 ... 10 20 ..in m ' 1 O Art tl ii ;i2 33 " 121 P. M. .. 2 9 . " :!3 1 Warranted.-to Cure! EXNISS' CHICKEN CHOLERA CURErr or money reiunaeu il , uirecnons aie strictly Followed. . ;, puinE 25 (Tents i at . : jfXNlSVDru-.Sft)c. 26:tf. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, , and var;6us other blanks fcrsale htie r GOI(J'EA8T. li STATIONS. i lAaarag l Leav- " l"7 00 aTT. 1 i n rv Old Fort v ttj A.'ar.j Marion ....... . . ...t-rS 00 Bridjrewter.- .o.rt..i 8 62 M- hMorganton..-.,..-..; jcank -..10 " Hickory...:...-..... :,i I to " Canoya....r........J-..l40l' Newton.... 11 55 :; ; Calawbaf 12 -52 P. M. rStateaville. 148 Third Creek... Jfly 43 -- Saliphnry..... .-vi73.40 'V VTatrlrt3to7. KfT'TSUl f.oV. W vi i" Y T ,,T Ta ta tu-

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