i . I : Tlie Cai iMira VOL X. THIED SERIES . ' -HATIKKIIKY rt,' NUV KMKKK. H i ...... . . t -C , r 1. For the Watcnmaa. TUB OLD SOXGS. r1 1 1 love to hear the plaintive songs That rang around my childhood's home; Vieiil memories their tone prolongs, And back, like spirit echoes, com Tunes with which nurse soothed me to ! vyild lays of corji and cotton field The Sabbath meioaies soocep. ty billions, (perhaps, a little less,).of use leas or nevcr-to-be-used models of patent mummies line the shelves of the modem catacomb of Yankee invcution. They are buried there, sir, as securely as the old Miataobs under their pyramids, or the drownded sailors at the sea-bottom. But I predict, without fear of contradiction, that Edison's patents will live 411 of them lire, sir. He's got the genius not a particle of doubt of it. Ami our grand children will be able to tell-our great- DAVIDSON COURT. THE YELLOW FEVER. From the Davidson Record. I REPORT OF THE CMMISSIOX INVESTI- Tanrt adionrned to-day. Having been in I GATISO TT, session a little more than two weeKS. consequence of the election ou In INGERSOLL'S CREED. ' -" ' 1 t: J, ; LoulsTlJle Courter-JournLj , , Bob Ingersolljs creed, ,as ; announ- ruesday of The Disease Not Indigenous Not Af- bX l,im . in - Cincinnati r da or FALLEN FROM JIElt HIGH ESTATE. fected by-Drujs dr CDiHnfecrds tilth Its Jt'ood The Man ner of its 1 Transmission. two since, is as follows i That thro' the village chmxlies pealed ! grand-children how great a man lie was. - "j 1 E. P. IK- Voterand piano's sweetest pounds, u-un tondied by fairy lingers soft rebounds 'liUuinder which're ' From temple walls to heaven aloft ; Nor martial bands nor richest treat ! Italian opera may biiujr, With home-made music can compete - The dear old songs they used to suig. 0, sing them o'er anoToYr again T aicwlien Xm sick and taint - With mental anguish when hot ps" Holds this poor body 'neath restraint ! 0 sing them always when I'm glad ; I'hey fall on joys like sp:M kliug dew ; 0, sing them always when I'm sad Sly bitterest sorrows they suulue. . j-or the Watchman. mt. vkrxox, x. a, rk-t. eth 73. : Dear Watchman: As I turn over the newspapers, I get mad once in a while, Liind feel like loading up y g'111 1:Un- iHing away; So here goes: ' Massachusetts wont allow anylwHly to tlint ran'tr read and write. Now what a atire on this pretentious book-worship and boasted civilization is the mere fact FRIENDS AND THE HATTLE OF GUILFORD G., H. At the time of the Kittle of G nil ford C. H. March 1781. the Friends were there holding their yearly meeting. Our army the first week, Court was not opened nu- i til Wednesday. I At the begiunig. there were 103 cases on the. State docket, and 112 ou the civil. Of the former 3G were disposed of, and of NEW YORK, Nov.20. The report the latter 24. ft , of the yellow fever commission, com- Except theirial of the capital case from posed of Drs. Bcrnis, Cochran and Rowan, IitUe business of public interest Howard, who, together with Col. T. has been transacted. The trial of tins & T . . ,, negro, Bill Locke, for the killing of Pleas. S. Hardee, san.tary cngmeer, in all Bamngerac a saio o " .T1 I 1 Z", Z' mother and child against parents A NEW CAVE DISCOVEUY,lN AKENTUDKY. m nU Another wonikrAil cavks receuti tjr heea discovered near Qfasgor J unction, Ky. Iuhas-already been explored lor a distance of twenty-tlireo mile in Ana ?tiAt -..lti J One of the frequenters of Broadway is a. woman in i poor garments, Willi her effects in a satchel on her . arm, "Thie Bible has built ctery! inooi- a countes by.marriage. She ibelontrs to a New York fAmilv driven .vptvu DOf a and went toMadrid when a irhi ra,lsla.one direction, called ihVlon icmJi l. . j I where he brother ws mnsnl Tb roote and. sixteen miles in another every thumb-screw, every iaclci dislo- 8n married a French count d,rectI0n' cal,ed the rt routWThe cated evorv inlnt i It , l,--v Wflnl and for several years led a cay ife at 7 w,ueJ every sects and classes, has set fathe of rouen hefewhicl, thU.morning. Solicitor Dobson moy has been taketo justify the with diicultv they .could matcluJeavii and Qen. Leach Appearlbiutlio State, ief tne first cases in-NewOr- theirtrack ofbIod on the giound, and and W. II. Bailey and P. C. Robbins for f Mrtfu ne t., r .-xnectinir to meet the enemv and have a ,.Woo ti7 fnw wnd..n Satnr- leans about the month of June were battle. In this condition they appealed to Gen. Greene for permission to euterjlie Friends meeting and furnish themselves "with shoes, as their necessities were so great, and this was their only chance. The General replied, "1 know your wants my brave fellows, without the power to re lieve tliem : say no more to me," and he turned around from them. They went into the house, aiid Capt. Lee, addressed the Frieuds most feeling ly, showing the men's lacerated feet, de- clanni' that nothing but the most of Ben Ihitler, (that incarnation ot all that th 8i,oultl uot is vulgar, low, indecent and thievish m Udy wiUl , i Anieiitan polities,) coming om h ;i caa .VuhiUt for Governor, not by regular nomi nation, bat. by the "acclamation . of the Those "masses' may nave a impe rious necessity could influence him to .luv wav euj:aired iu tho light: and that . . i -t. .1 W Uf u I J J 90 ...... take uis nuenueu cuurw. hmj m mm i,su i0..n5.,rr nfraiimt thin lo' looking on. gave most willingly their shoes, while 7 - i i rnt.v hi... Hthers were fwced. Major ;Jazuett was Kill Locke ran by him and struck him on the women's side to assure them that with a knife, from the effects of which he be molested. One old died iu a few davs. day evening, and Monday and Tuesday UIUUB1U t,1Vi ' w . . were sieut in takiug the testimony of the yet unknown; that their investigations witnesses which is entirely too volumin- and maps show that the fever invaria- ous for these columns. Argument begun al)y tent3 to range itself in groups Wednesday. of cases, in marked contrast with the The State proved by several witnesses . . , - , . 1 J . , e , , tendency of malarial fever, to occur that Ban in cer was on one side of a log y . two feet and a half in diameter, and that n separate, disconnected cases. a tight in which Bill Locke's father was They say in respect to the sanitary engaged was going on ou the other side, conditions of the towns visited : "We close to it; and that Barnnger was not in Niave t0 report the same character of m uiui-screw, every racK uiaio- mhh.wh hhvu wuu . , t : every joint; It has produced and for several years led a gay life at f' "every wide; a span' .iu.,- -AfAAAJ' Paris. : Excess of wine rninl W nonescan.be easilv driven thro tvuciuuo iai, uivjucu ua lulu i " - " I C f a r w er against though a fine musician, a painter in . even mues.,i jLAreo ;nt8 . this oil, mistress of several languages and nversvideand very deepj. are eni. rid 'with elegant' in conversation, she comes an on the long route.One of blood j ihae-covered the Kunw6-fee- -back uome to a!ee in,tle parks and h mu with tears; has crushed honesty ; has station-houses and spend what she can e ff?0"?68 JtS?F offered a nreminm for mlitv t. earn and beg for drink.-A comnan- to a?m,t a Th,s form . ' ' , or river route, whioh .hM rt ionna across tne ixortn . . . . ' - w plored in a boat. The caveisTrorider- pidity and hyprocricy : has opposed ,on Piece 13 : : r. i :j x I river in Holmlcen. where nn Ttalinn tvcir uivcuiiuu ui iuau : uaa buiu 10 ,i i. i , t ' - 1 . . - - I fill hAVAnJ t r(i.. , 1 . tnot tell the duke is makinS raonev kePinS a reM r ur- taurant. The duke came to New r granuuer me juamrnotti or York and flourished in fashionable any. T evcr bcfore discovered. Sev eral mumraified remains have been in one of the large rooms. They were reposing in stone: colli hi, neglect and violation of the laws of health common to all or nearly all in land towns in the- United States. 'strong head, but it is more than likly that tliey have a great deal stronger Htomacli. There are three sehcxnVof thinUiog i" rffardtothe best poliey "for flie treat ment of the negro. First, there is Wen dell Phillips', wherein he is to be hugged and made a brother of ; secondly, Govern or Hampton's, wherein you conclude, (as he 'is-saddled on you, with no chance to unbuckle the girth,) to -make the best of liini justly, lxth as laboreraud voter; and tliirdlv. Mr. Can's, of Missouri, wherein run inake an ouraniroutamr of him and feet and eoarte shoes, in sisted on lTis taking hers1, and she gave them to one of the men herself, while others offered theirs. They took their horses too. This little affair was of great These are neglect of drainage, inat- The defence proved by 6ercral witness- tention to deposits of fetid and re- es that Barriuger went into the crowd where the fight was going on with a threat ening remark ; that he struck Matt Locke, importance to the army, though General tiefemiaut's father, a blow iu the mouth, Ureene never wished to hear ot it, as he had great respect for Friends, being edu cated by his parents in their principles. felling him to the ground ; and that he was en him and beating him or trying to fuse animal and vegetable matted and inattention to the purity of drinking water." The commission unanimously agree in stating the following facts in regard the astronomer, you mus secrets of the universe; this Bible has opposed every man of science, put Galileo in prison; made Coper- untl1 hls nioaey was gone, nicus afraid to publish his immortal Then he went to a Hoboken restau- , Vere 1 work ; made Kepler keep his three rant M finally became waiter laws a secret; pointed the finger of and in time saved enough to buyout scorn at Descartes ; hooted every man the Placc when the landlord died. On that was investigating for himself one occasion a distinguised Italian I .111111 and endeavoring to make this world wnom ine auKe naa Knowu in ms na sublimer and better. It has been tive Iand was a Suest at the Place- Postal TroubU and Riot in Alabama. a perpetual obstruction upon the high- rhe proprietor served at supper as way of progress, and I am opposed to waiterJ but was not recognized until, it and am going to do what little I after tbe mcaL was over hf me can against it." back in evening dress with a diamond xt- t -n : :,iu order on his lappel. The duke serves rudely construted, and from appear ances may have been in this' eaVe for centuries. They present every ap pearance of the Egyptian mummies. "Washington, Nov. 20- Postmas ter General Key to-day rdered- the Spring Garden (Ala.) postoffice to be How does the word behold, acquire the sense to see f An old writer, 1652, says, "as my eye can never be united to anything till my sight see and receive it, and by that means that thing be united together with my do so when the defendant ran by and gave to their investigation, up to the pre- the fatal thrust. This is substantially gent ti reserving the right to in- the evidence. The State's witnesses plac- , , , . , 1,10 CA , i troduce at any subsequent time such ed Barriuger on the opposite side of the . , 1 lo" away from the fight; those of the Ue- "l"5"" J " - fuinv niiiflf liim one of the narticinators. ercl : A The State claimed that it was a case of discontinued and the mails for that tempted no demonstration of this pro- UP fine dishes and is now a rich place to be sent to the neighbbrjng If he really believes it, eior postoffice at Ladiga, on account of position civilization can butpity him asadense- ly ignorant and fanatical man. He should explain why it is that the i-ii .1 I . . . m i e r ii j i inn. in iniiini i i rm u iiri k liiis i uig w.n.i... ii.tn the river Stvx. The on Iv I sigiii, so, neiiner can we ue mauo uue w;ilfni wanton murder the result oi a stance iound a case ot veilow lever : .luv..-....,.,. i..f .m.'.!!-! i.iv l l-!iiintni"x il:in I with tied till we see and behold him, be- I , ... . . has a constituency. It is a matter of illiitn.iin . , i ',1 I ft Uelineraie UlieilllUIl IU Kill rmu ,, mi nuill v; Uliuiii juanunui vuiicmvi no riill'theteil' "Our nVtcl insists that man, the tight being between whites and of de novo origin, or indigenous to its fact that the Bible has built no inqui .1.. it.,..'. I,, ii ..in1' mill rninniK t'X ttillic SO I lie l'ilVS UllSS from the visible object and blacks. The defence argued that it was locality. sition. nor has it obstructed the "high LIP "IMIll II llllllll (lint 1 UlinMIi. .til V iiif -r i - i I : i j ii The tobacco tax reduction will be u "uu ana uire i ,:f. t ; made by a portion of the inhabitants agitated again this winter. It is a J 1 - HfA.ml th ficrht thi time. The against the special agent of the depart- highest and most aggressive civili- j proportion8 of the conflict is ment, who had discovered gross frauds l'st. We have not in a solitary in- in the.WOrlf ha8 foreshadowed by the Virginia Tobae- in " of the village co Journal. The Journal appeals to master and Procured lhe lr's arrest in hho'rt, between sense mid nonsense, llamptoii lias proved himself a mau of ac tion ; these other fellows are only idle, blatant theorists. In reply to the question, "Will not h:it is called orthodox religion suffer by tlieiw onslaughts of sicence That mouthy niaii, Henry Ward lieeHier, naively says: "I think not. My intpres- toiicli the retina ot the eve. ami they are like, the restored blind man, we assimi late vision to tactile perception." Lord Moiihorftis made the required contact by conceiving that the soul goes forth front the ye and touches the dject which is seen; foir how can any one object oper ate on another, wo say, except by con tact T ' the natural act of a sou to protect a fath er who was in harm. danger of great ... i 1 T . , . ii "jMx-onu. in respect 10 most oi uie of-wroress." I 1!1. I : . ... 1,:,.I. ... n.irl I 1 O uotlllji I variiJlla iu lir wiiiuh nc y isucu ami i . . ,VIIIVtt 1 1 - wiliw v. v.i w... . w Men have done were instigated by the planters and manufacturers to stand shoulder to shoulder. The Jour nal says: "Our trade, our time, our means have been largely expended in the ef- uiiui la flirir tin- 'v 'IVsi T colltnlllS ,.w.r u..;..ntiiii. trntli tlfini wo riVe it eied- sensation, and particularly of vision, may it f,r. V..r l:inl siliw now.'l tliink he be solved only by real motion of bodies; but they I .i. i t .i t-mi rri .1 The case was fou-ht hard fnwn the be- prevalence, the testimony showing ini- nothing to te lounu in me liiuie. xue fort to retluce the tox on tobacco. ginning. Every inch of grouud was con- portation was direct and convincing best dcsertation and guide to liberty jt us away wjth everything like tested by the able counsel on the respect- in its character. in the world is the bible. It Mr. . . r i i. I uTMiiiwl Tim tf-i liomlcclnn rt uollnw I n i .1 i ?i v ive sutes. v o never saw j.iwjcis nu i xinm. ua....... . i incrcrsoil DCiieves iiiat h oners, a for rascality, he stamps a fraudulent would shine, as an evolutiouist.'' He might have to oscillate betweeu that and a good many other high-rlving kites, if he was alive and in charge of LMyniouth clrarch, and desired to retain his pulpit and his s;ilary, even for the space of two consecutive Sundays, lie would have to W a sleek and holy I'harisee, terribly abusive of all unpopular things, and al ways head over heels in love with any pet idea of the populace ; he would have to lie sell-righteous, and down on Calviu 1 1 jit is, either by corporeal ami! vision, streaming continually from -the surface of the object, or rather, as the later and more retiued atoiuists conceived by pres sure made from the object to the eye by means of light iu the medium. So that this sense, taking cognizance of the object by the subtle interposed medium, that is terse and stretched (thrusting -every way from it upon the optic nerve) doth by that, as it were by a staff,' touch it." Thus, according to the notions of the hesitation or indecision, and stand shoulder to shoulder this winter, plant ers and manufacturers of twenty-one upon a warrant from the U. S, com missioner at Jacksonville. The agent further reports that in consequence of this action, which was preceded By some of the riotous demonstrations re- ferred to, he was himself arrested on the charge of libel and bound over for trial next April. After a night's detention by the sheriff he procured bail from Jacksonville, and is now at 1 . . .11 . 1 I .. i.,.i... ..inn on r 1 iMvnr hptweon noints senaraiea ov anv umiworin says, -ine coi jmuthi jiai i 01 1 moio e.iiuvonj , iuu tmuuvi -- ,- ----- , . pretjjjuni , ' . 1 t himself as a fraudulent leader in I r tt n fn iir.rl libcrtv. but informs the department The charge of Judge Graves was clear Wholly UUC to numan intercourse, xu - " oiaies 01 tuc ou.u, w&"" . - 4. t " - iiai. .vmia lino vr nairur 1 . . 1 - 1 . a- .ii. in b'iiiiviii iu vi ni:iii'i 1 r j ini r And iust hci-e we will some instances tne poison was carrieu inougm, iui c ua3 c.uCUu; "' i trammelleo traue against me powenui - i - say that this gentleman has made a tine in clothing or about persons, or people read a line of the book lie crticises opposition of the Government Such inioi-essiou among the bar and the iK-ople. going lrom iniectcu uismcis. in a ficdit will reouire all our care, all I ..4 1. .ni.tniiini ,f 1 10 virrm 1 l Glioh I ml 'V- -- A-r ! 'I,:i TT I O 1 He is learned, courteous, patient. uiuw hwiuum.ou uic iew iorK riuune, xiuipei b The jurv retired Wednesday night, and fomitcs as cotton bagging or other goods Wcekl an( tcr being out ten or twelve hours re- of the same description. bigoted pan med a verdict of manslaughter. The . "Fourth. The we.ght of testimony f after tin Judge sentenced ism, thinking himself the liual effort of ancients, when we see an oi.ject, we nave time, thus far, in aspiring after perfection; bold of it; the mind through the eye comes he would have to preach that the Hible in contact with it. The ideas of the an nas some good streaks in it, but that it is cients are impressed on the language. Hy hv 110 means quintessential! v perfect, like another step, we get moral obligation; we the absolute iCrlixion: he would be sure are "beholden" to some one, tor some- the prisoner to eight years' confinement at hard labor in the penitentiary. Efforts will be made, we learn, to have a sjMicial term of Court here in January. id similar sentimental and ipers are quite indignant at l... I I . M isverv pronounced against the fur- the Delaware law wiucii temporarily ther use of disinfectants. The physi-I disfranchises all persons who do not our energy, and all our intelligence. But we shall succeed. In a popular government like ours, the case of the people against the Government, sue- ing for an injunction to prevent the they will "fix the jury" when the case, comes to trial and are already exuK ting over the prospect of seeing him set to work on the county roads. cians in the infected towns almost ay their pDU tax, aJ bounce it as from going beyond logit- wiwmwuv -.. - a jjeniocratic tricK ior preventing me useless agents to arrest the spread of lhe number of cases ou the dockets would I J , . . ... iU LKrtm rn nnnr sind nnah e to nav their . . . J , .... .... nrm in tneir convictions mat me i i w . the business ot tne people win De gain- vapors are seriously prejudicial to the tax trom voting, a more uiorougu d T . njunction wHl issue and sick. investigation oi tne suojeci, wuum "Fifth. Personal prophylaxis, by iave silown these wise journals that a means uf drugs and other therapeutic rfmilar law is in force i Massachu- moans nas proven a cousiain jitnutc. , , i i sens auu wuitvo Miitiu.i; to inform his hearers that Jesus of Naza reth was very wellrbut in His day, time had not progressed far enough to produce her great ultimate, ami 'that it took par turient centuries to gender her last-"rid-iculas-nius," namely, the jidve.nt of the absolute-.religion -preacher ; and he would Soon make them believe that man was formed either for a paradise or a menag erie. He would not pereiuptorially and totally pronounce the tenets of Christian ity one priestly "lie. He would assert a God, a conscience, a free-will, an immor tality ; he would even ffge alyout estab lishing their own righteousness,'' having ft tort of inspiration and praiseworthy piety. If he didn't dodge about this way, U the complete edification, the uudisturb thin". E. r. it.. A man passing through the suburbs of KINDNESS OF QUEEN VICTORIA. a large town noticed a sign, with JJie words, "MTiKS-for sale here." Can any one tell us what it was ?" If not let him look in Webster at the word emptying, and the secoud definition. THE WHIPPING POST,; The constitutional convention ,of California has voted that whipping is imate purposes, and preventing by its not to regarilel as a cruel and. un- justifv such a term, and it should not be limited to shorter time than is necessary to clear up all the old cases. we shall have activity and prosperity once more. Webster savs that hominy is an Indian - wordoHiiimincrt, parched corn. s The first agreement in dates between sacred and profane history on record, is Qnceu Victoria was not twenty years of A respectable number of physicians asce when she ascended the throne. Com- think the use of small doses of quinine ing into possession of power with a of some use in prevention, heart fresh, tender, and pure, and with "Sixth. Quarantine established with all her instincts inclined to mercy, we may such degree of surveillance and vigor bo sure that she found many things that that non-intercourse is the result, has 1 ... ..c ... th. i.f ofVW.ti valtr wit limit PTOPntlQn. nrotCCt- U1UU UCI DllCIIUUl Ul ICW1UIIIIU W HO ui- I .w,v.. . j , 1 ,j . ..,.1 il - most. On a bright, beautiful morning, ed its subjects from attacks ot yellow oer oi me uineue.a, lever. ABOUT RESUMPTION. tageously to the Democrats of that State, who, as a general rule, belong to the poorer classes. The poll tax law is identical in these two States, and Delaware not having been a mem- usual punishment. Not long ago" an effort was made in the California Leg islature to establLshingwhippipg as a penalty for wife-beating, but nothing came of it. The whipping post cxUts by law in Virginia and Delaware, and the action of the California con vention indicates that public opinion in that State is largely jn .favpr: .of the young Queen was waited upon at her palace ef Wiudsor by the Duke of Wel- "The only preparations of the banks arc closing what are known as gold accounts. - It has been the general adopting that mode of punishment for rule of the banks to keep a separate certain crimes. A law was ' enacted account of all the gold deposited, so in Nevada, about two years ago, rro- that a person drawing on his account! viding that brutal- husliands should 1 1 IJ . I .w. t-n. reason wuy ik .."u.u .. , f , , . than "" r 7 - " . . " 1 1 . ' '. T . m m cunipiie euiuciiiioii, ine uinusiui u- i i j ir - - i J' ' ' ' HT f ' I Prnrtret -ed comfort ami ceaseless amusement of iu Jeremiah, ch. xxv : 1 : "The fourth xjenr liugton, who had brought from Londou j Virginia s Material progress. the' front pewsln the Circus-church Coli souuvof the Plymounthians, it would be said: "Exit l'aul wtr'll hire a better clown." - A Boston paper preaches an editorial ser mon on repudiation of State debts, blam ing the' dishonesty of defaulting cashiers, clerks and other slippery individuals up on the force of legislative example. I wouder if they are ail really as honest up there as they pretend to be !" I'll bet ten chiuqnepiiiM against a goose-egg that somebody almut that office had invested a few dollars in State btudVto till Tip his assct8 in biiukruptcy with just In-fore the imal collapse of the great; cheating Act. of Jchoiakiu, the son ef Josiah, King of j various papers requiring her signature to Judah. that was first near of Nebuchad-I render thein operative. One of them was nezzar, King of Babylon." lleeoveriiuj. Through private sources we arc pleased to learn that the liev. J. N. Craig, of Holly Springs, Miss., former ly of Lancaster, S..C, is recovering froiril his protracted case of yellow fever. His faithful wife stood by his bedside for 6ix long weeks and attended to his wants, and while all around her the scourge was taking off its. hundreds, she stood to her and didn't get his bady to the depot in iost of duty at the bedside of her devoted times."' a sentence of court martial, pronounced against a soldier of the line that sen tence that he should be shot dead. - The Queen looked upon the paper, and then looked upon the wonderous beauties that nature had spread to her view. "What has this man done ?" she asked. The Duke looked at the paper and re plied : "Ah, my royal mistress, that man I fear is incorrigible. Ho has deserted three It is about time for Virginia to give np talking about the state of things ' before the war." Charles Dickens, please the Republicans any more Massachuseets. Of course if North Carolina and other Southern States were to follow the example of Massa chusetts the Republicans would have that he deposited. The keeping of several towns, but we believe that the. those gold accounts became very pop- act was promptly declared' flneonsti- ular. The New lork banks Have ttitional and never en forced." extensive gold accounts, which will all I time for the cars. husband, and remarkable to say, she sav- I i Krv Irirwl tf o r.i.w.1,;.... 1... 1 vented except the one whidi has beeul 'd I"s,,itu5ind escaped the dreaded scourge promised ior a goou while, viz., a double- I oerseii. aucn a wuiau, we say, urou action-rotary-universal-motioii and nev er-railing or wearmg-out concern to col - lect bad debts, pay taxes, make money and keep death away. I do sincerely hope that Mr. Edison will turn his attention. to , . it afiesli, and revive, jHJifect and'puton the market this long-looked-fomnd niuch - desired convenience; Iii a domestic point of vie xk, its -benefits' would be simply in calculable. No more squalling babies and no more down-faced men and women bless her! Lancaster Ledger. And you cannot say anything in his behalf, my lord 1" Wellington shook his head. "O ! think again I pray you V Seeing that her Majesty was so deeply movWI nnil filitifr nro elu roiill not pondeut does not know is hardly worth . 4l , . . . . , ! , ,J I have the man shot at any event, he final- knowmg. lhe Baltnnere Sun's corres-1 , , . it . , ly couiesseu tiiat ine man was urave, aim What the average Washington coiTes- the State before the war, testified that everything was going to ruin. Dickens especially noted the "decayed appearance" of ante-bellum Richmond, and it is certain that the State capitol is now twice as large, and ten times as beautiful and pros perous as it ever was "before the war." It is since the war that Norfolk has i ..f fb, TTInn. Tt can official, a melancholy solitary, scl-uuu '" i I ti,l mo .'m tiP ent re jJ iiout v . f be closed when the government re- and sumes specie payments. Gold being a standard everybody can nave u, aim The constitutional convention of California has put the declaration into its bill of rights that the State, shall forever remain a member ,of, the Fed- I 1 f i n l nfAastt? nnd everv other traveler who visited grounds ior comp . v I f . I 1 i i ( Knl Untoe calf intr i;fil i hut or tnese laie icuci ....j, il V . ror-L- nl managing tneir own auaus-m. Alt nnd draw out ...,.. I 7 . . .. . n . I IC1CII UJt J w... -1 " " " I . . . . .. ... mining the qnaiitrcations ot tne.r own - Greeobackg and siiver mnstbe era I Union, and, resist all eCorts.fcat voters without paying the proper re- , u Kcause there will not secession. A proposal to take thd be enough gold to carry on the busi- paiuomng iwer iiuui.ujuvwr. ness of one large city. One mistake nor and vest it in a board.. o beeom- that Congress will persist in making, I" of the Governor, the ' Attortiey ;a onlnimr dollars. Peoule do not General, and the Chief Justice; of the 10 w o want dollars, they want smaller cur ard and attention to the Northern nress and people. As a consequence of its home polity Delaware is the champion Democratic State. Its Legislature is unanimous- - T ... I want "una. , " " ly Democratic, and but one Repubh- lncv Bankes r4W. pondeut reckons Coukliugs chances for the Presidential nomination first aud Grant second. That it lies between Conk ling and Grant is the opinion of many of Euniss, of gallant, and really a good soldier. "But," he added, "think of the influence." "Influence!" cried Victoria, her eyes flashing, and her bosom heaving with strong emotion. "Let it be ours to wield influence. I will try mercy in this man's case, and I on this earth. No iub.ro -tears. No more 1 the shrewdest politicians around Wash sorrowing of any kind. No nitvVe Jiomc- j iogtou. aieuu ana nnuKrunt laws, a o more tax-col- 1...: i . ... . . The house of Mr. Geo. B V, ..iw i.:i i.i.Jl.. -. r!...i I ot. Marv s townsino. W ake conntr. was luuioiutiunni luuuvrv illlll W(V SlCill- I - ' ' 1 i r . , . I . ,,. ing. No more "ltadieal Consrressn.cn. No entered a few nights ago and robbed of charge you, your Grace, to let mo know mer3 have no reason for grumbling is since the war that Danville has risen from a city of two thousand to nearly twelve thousand inhabitants. It is also since the war that Lynch burg, Farmvillc, Staunton, aud many other towns have increased their trade and multiplied their inhabitants. Doubtless the landed aristocracy were better off "before the war," but all other classes, including the small far- State. Ral. News. Terrible Casualties. Saint Paul. Nov. 20. Yesterday court of last resort was voted do wit, and the same disposition was made of a motion to give the Legislature the power of determining how pardons shall be granted. The pardoning aire war. No more conscripts. No more $113. cnppies. so more earth it would all be heaven.: Will not somebody going North call upon Mr. Edison, suggest this impor tant duty to him, and urge him to lend his best energies toward the task of its speedy and happy fulfillment ! JJUt, joking aside, isn't Edison a trump card in the Patent-office' pack ? Only for-1 in. Do the best you can where you are, when that is done you will see an opening for something better. It was George Herbert wlio said 'a hand ful of good life is worth a bushel of learn - the result. A good soldier, you said. O ! I thank you for that. And you may tell him-your good word saved him." Then she took thopaptr and wrote with a bold, firm hand, across the dark page, the bright, saving word "pardoned !' at the changed condition of affairs. Farmvilte Mercury. Dispenses With the Brakeman. One of the latest inventions in connection with railroad cars is an instrument which is intended to su persede the incoherent squall of the thick-tongued brakesman, announc ing the stations. It is a revolving roll morning Otto Montgomery, 'living at power was Jen wiiere it lias been the St. Paul House, attempted to com- entirely within the r discretion,. ;tho mit suicide by shooting himself, inflic- Govern, r, . . u . ting a severe wound in ins neaa. ms The pemocratic Tiy not Jn uy son, about twenty years old attended dangcr of killwl in baUle.L The him lasHiight, and while standing at i uestion is whether it will corahiit his father's bedside fainted from ex- -Je . I .:, haustion, and dropped a kerosene man On the rail a scold ing woman. ! ,i .k;1 ft thin en n v AS J . . ... ill 1 ... ,a hoM in in hfliui whieh ex is wound, and on tins roll is printed - , 7 7, , , T, the name of the stations. Thisinstru- ploded, setting fire to the bel. The ment is plaectl in the cars, and one father was burned to a crisp. The The sagacious Josh observes: Yang 'tarn ot a cranic on u.e JhVre h is burnin- crotl.es were ex- . ,, .mi mi'! ,ir as the train moves off where bis burning crotiies were ex- . set down, ana Keep sun, yu wm , uic ' - ' - i . . a:-.. 1 .a tlin Tine. I been intlicte I. . i a ai.m. t.Mo i iinirii k iini m in rr i iiiui ils 1 ..i., 1,,Q ,,f in ,nke a from each station reveais iu me v rr ..i.i Mr...meAifMAr.iFA vii die. seiKrers the name of the next, - n had phool of ytircself before yu die. The N. Y. Tribune say g Blaine is looming rapidly as the Radical candi date in 18S0. Republicans who op-. posed his nomination at Cincipnati now confess their mistake and declare their purpjse ta work - fur ?Uiu '4 188a -

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