- - .- -- . :i I! ..- r 1 ! i . f i: i .- 9 I Carolina Watchffiafl, ' TIIUHSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1878. AVE invite attention -to the letter of Dr. John H. FoardV and to an article from the Wltuingtoa tiaf on the Western X. C. ' Kjiilroftdand the internal improvement XfiAltyvf the State, No one doubts the Hsdom of building up a seaport town in 5nr.owBtate. .Dr Itobbibsofl, and Hot br. ilawks, asrMr. Foard writes, was the ; author of the idea of a central road from 'sEftat U WetJ with latteral branches at uitabla points, pouring down thcT trade jf the wjLole Statclmto a city, on the sea. It-was a capital idea, a nd liad it been coniliJeiiceil even at the time the State first began to build railrontU,:nd carried hi fc wmiplctfoii, all the benefits which wtre promised as Jbc result wHihld now bo realized by tho State. Wilmiugtonybad it been the eastern terminus, (ojr Ikaufort) would by this time hare been commer cially equal to the wants of the State, aiid Would now be paying back In taxtfi the cost of tlie "svhcuj0. y W.e'ihink there is vrjlUtle doubt if.4hi, Imt isitriiow practicable T Our present system of roads Is certainly not tending to build ny & sea port of our own. Tl'iejr were laid out with 'reference to accommodating stock Inducts, reaching the' best inarfeets,' and cwrryJog .passengers, and stand in the way of the system of improvements originally conceived , buf , never, fairly commenced, unless the Western N-C. Railroad, the road from Fayettcville to the Coal Fields and the road from Ooldsboro to l!eaufoi t , may bo considered as forming parts of that scheme. , The road frum Wilmington to Charlotte does not ausw-ei, to ir be cause it not sullicicntly . central, If, the original idea is yet practicable, the easi. . est aiiH qdfekest and cheapest way to re aJtze it would be by a road from Salisbtt ry to tlie Coal 'Fields 'in Chatham, and thence tick Fayettvjlle'to Wilmington, or directly , to Goldssboro, , and thence to llcaujbrt. And as it is never too late to doAvell and a large portion of our people seem to have recently aroused themselves in behalf of the original scheme of a ecu trJ road terminating at the sea, tho east ern terminus most likely to realize tho best results to the'State, froufour view of the subject; is Wilmington. This will secure, In connection with the" Western N. C. Itailroad, the grand trunk road from the Kasttotlio extreme West, and realize, not only the ancient eouceptiou in regard pi a State, work, but guilder results in trarel than our. fathers ever,. dreamed of. Passing VyT tho. most direct route .and connecting with the railroad sy'steiu of Tennessee, Iff will be the shortest distance from Memphis to Baltimore aud the North ern cities, and tyUL present to passengers the. most attractive mountain, scenery of any road in the Atlantic-$tates, -7 "And yet, it must be oWprved that Wfl iniugfoii is already in railroad connection with'ithe' Western K 0.- Uailroitd by hiaus of the N.. Carolina to Goldsborot and thence by the .Wilmington and Wei-, dob j aud by tho Carolina Central ria Charlotte to States ville, which latter is rery direct. If Wilmington derives no benefit from these connections with the W. N C. Itailroad, would she be benefit ed by a'connectjou from Salisbury via tho Cpk elds and Fayctteville t If not a lound of freight reaches her from the W. N C. Kailroad, which her people have geaerously helpeij to build, must not the canso be sought in the usual law of trade! lWnco will seek' the' best market, and there is no way to coerce it into channels ngaiust this governing principle. How ,caa the W. N. C. Railroad be made trib ntary to any point on our sea coast, nn- icss uini point attracts tlieLprodncc pass ing over it by sriperior prices r nnless the low rates of freights shall ' givb it the ajjh autage- over other markets ! - ' : ' I- .-- - . ... Taxes, State' Debt and Pullic Schools All these subjects are of high interest to thts.pooplef and just now as th General Assembly will Boon nicer, it. ii. a. good f'JP'to talk about thenu T)ie taxes rar high enoughjust about as high .as., they can be. borhe If ho way can be 'iound to cemproinise the St'ate' debt' aud put it within the power of tho poople to keep tiowH.yie uiterest, it will have to go n increasing from year, to yar until "times get better," or tlwr debt be forgotten, or rir -uccpniei hopelessly iusolvent. More money m is'- demandud for nablic schools, and the State Jias trot another clainj lui)n her of-greater iiunortam-e. Iere is n opening fop the introduction of . ine "bell punch.". Sovmal hundred thou eafld dollars might be gathered by this meana without distressing the hart! work ing and poorly paid farmer; and tho rev euue fiiii this soiiree would meet the Ad ditional demands of the schools. : - " The next Legislat-nra will not be a very peasant place , to work if the members would da flieir wlwle dnty by their feon- atitueaU. s ouiething oug!it! to be "done with tlio debt, public expenses ; onght to be rediited, the school fuud onglit to" bo 4ncreaed, tho taxes ought to be lowered to correspoud with the low Wtes of pro dactand lioa- to do all these conflicting things will pat the legislature to its best wits. ..Something uight be made by a tax on dogs, bnt this would mostly fall ou the iKHirer!classes. Look which way- we way and difficalties enough arise lo-take the staix-h out of uny meniber ' elect Who joust pass the ordeal of trj ing to - relieve the oatin;Aadyet4f9eii win go at it .liouesrly aud eaniekly to discharge 'their duty con scientionslyi way trill doubt; Jess be found to accouiplish ninth "owl: - -, ,!'! i-iST i-.M;:t ft il i'ri A l;tdy in. IJhoe Island died snddeuly in 4i (it tj( Jiinglijec pn. seeiug her Uusbund ( tlirunb . inista ke); pu t.t i ng . : down fresli jiork in white .sogar instead of salt.;-. . Gold stood at iar on Tucsliiyj ami sales were eren made on commissions. Senators Kaosoni :and .Ierrioion tuade siiecches tn 1 J Iain's billi few rfayi jago and demMnded if aiiinjltteeejl.al be ap- pointed tnai us meetings suaii un ism m public, ' not with closed doors Their speeches arc highly commended- - ' . The mo:ument in memoixoi" the Hon. Win. A G raham, Was erected in the Pres byterian Cemertcry, Hillaboro, last week. The memento isin five pieces of Bhode Island Granite, 21 feet in height, finely finished and very graceful !"'- '':; Senator Hill, of Georgia, having brought vpry. damaging charges against Gov. .Col-. qnitf that Slatei the ; Legislature, took the niatter'in hand, and after a1 tlioniiugh Investigation J! acqnitted ihe 'GVvefiior, whereon there is great rejoicing in ' Geor gia. . Judge Merriiuon made, am .able speech fit the Senate Friday last, on Edmund's bill to provide for settling al disputes that may arise iur respect to counting ; tlie voles for President. lie' advocates' the bill.. . " ; , : Gov. Hamitox. -Tlie news from f this gelitienian. yesterday was painfully uu- favorable. 'To-day his condition' is 're- portcd as slightly improved. He himself think he has passed the crisis. There is yet much anxiety felt concerning him. President Hayes is uuderstoed to.be, in favor of Grant as his . successor iu " the lresideii'tial chair. fHai es; It niay- be1 in fvrr&i, has no hope afH r, Ve-elecf ibu ' hiui- selfr U is not probable that his choice of successor will.be rat iticd by-tho people. The country has had enough of both HayeiraiKl Grant. " " : The Ld Moh ume nt. Tho Board of Man- hgers of the Leo, Monument Association have addressed a circular to the Mayor of Salisbury askiug him to have the town canvassed for donations to aid in erecting the monument to Gem Lee. The 19th of Jauttary is the anniversary of Gen. lice's birth, and the managers suggest that as the must suitablo time for special efforts in this behalf. Tho Mayor heartily ap proves the cause, and will endeavor to give the citizens of the town an opportu nity to contribute to it. ' Here is also a good opportunity for 'the ladies to dtK somethiugr-a. Concert,- or feome eveuiog Entcrtoiument, on the 19th wouhj doubtless bi iug together a very large assembly of citizens who can never be drawn out on ordinary occasions. . t J, Aluex. Huown's Office, iv f Monday, Dee. Mjth, lt57S Tie following citizens -met at this place, uuu nine iu iiuopi. measures 10 peiltloij the General Assembly against the rnn nfng of Itailroad trains' 'on tho ' Sabbath, day, to-wit : : i: ' - ; P. JX. Heilig, Wra. Murdoch, S. H. Wilc)v A. j. Mock, It. K. fjrawford, Maj, S. W. Cole, J. F. ltoss. Rev. J. Itumple. j. D. Brown, J. J. IJruner,' H. Mi Jones, Uobt. Knox, J. A. Brown, Rev. Mr. Smith, pastor Lutheran church, and J. A. Ram- Mr. P. N. Heilig was called to the chair, and Mr. Jl. M. Joues requested to act as Secretary.; ' ' ' ' ' ; 'T : The Rev. J. Rumple stated that he had a printed copy of a petition on the sub ject before the meeting, aud on request," proceeded, to read it. It was found that the form thus read fully comprised the subject matter un der consideration, and'after some slight amendments was adopted by "the ineet ingij - ! o y.-.'n-l :r n.-u i;.-' ?-?! . ha l On motion ohO fhuudml; copies; of the petition wiUi anieiidnicuU werp rdered to Iks printed and distributed ; throughout, the counties of Rowan and Davie, for sig natares. ,! ' ' "' ' :K : The following committee wjisappoint ed to perform this duty towit : Wm. Murdoch, Cant; JIainsav. J. P. Ros.J. n askill,. N. Heiligv.J. J. Quant, L. tsiackmer, J. . Barber, , J. I4. Wrixht. Johb-Hix?'11 :: ' ; ' t ; ; On motfonhe meetrnadjortied.'"' ""' u r- a .r- t i N. HElLTG,"CIim. II. M. Jones, Sec. ... J U THE NEW CRlfSADE OF HATE. , I To a re'ry large! jiortion of the mora ni servant and in telligenf Sont hern men hd wuuieii, n win nov be a wu pi ise to Irani from Mr. Blaine; of Maine, ; that Yankee vengeance ana nucred liave nof been vnpi pea seti uy t lie . cruel . . w rongs , i n tlitrted wirongn lour years or sanguinary strife m be ourl sword, the deatli of many thoiwand. of ar uei. cjnzens an.l the tlieft .of million of our proiHMty. have not been 'knfR. i,t to Batirfy ; li.e avprago ;.V:iuko glut for ..6.iwim ipiencii ii w jealous eumitv ofonr unperiorify; and that another-crusade mmp bq inaujf wrated that, be Mav have an opportnuity.to wreak Ida malig nant spirit against a neovdnu hM of iharaefer lie can never hope to attaiu . It U fitting that the anumincenieut is ade by representative man f that ld-hearttd. narrow-min.l..,l ef:.... mac C41 muicii nas proved the birth place of all thegreat evil triUi' which thi country has been cursed.'- It war tiimt, u f m - ' . OV.VIIIIU "iuhuman ami atroduin crime" ofliuriu antlselliujs slaves first 'rewA'''nZti.?, ana approval : Jt wag there that bio -wy wmimumtlJUICtl Willi CV' tllgtillltl rum and Rent to the coast of Africa with which-to buy: negroes: ft was they who burned witches and set fii-e to warn Ihtiil . .1 I 1 . i . was there that the irreat civil n-firf ti- States wai fnaugnratetl and lienWcbmeV the tidings the assnrauce of a mln .;. JjP-'-Yea, New England, is the,vmother oi nit isms, oi an tlie great political crimes which have marred onr fair f4itm as a uation, abridged the, liberty :foor free borri citizens, or crimsoned tiiiT I of-otir hixiorr with fratt-.icidil L1o.i;h ro t' t Tfl f II lie Hwll'n !. .. a. . .ir 1 Blaine's recent oracular utteranres I.iVi li i-rs..r 1 ... : 1 i - . ' 1 jjwihv uitsutugn anu -vKier ucntiu- .iSaiiiniit hut; iiuertyjAntlT property of tlie people,of the South; that .fwur year of invasiouof the most atroeious vanda lism, rain nnd deolMtion LV'.nr'... ciat ions, of the Southern peopled wo . need but call (v laind the rise ant- progress juf tfmCatwes-wlncucnUinnateil In the' late fbloOU.V civil war WHiatever the alleged preteltt for that warmay haye uceu alter it had been began, ifci.H a ifact no well posted iudividnawill deny that itz was m ' ii.j..i : : if... secreiiy pianueu uuu juTiuiaciuusij prus- ecnted by a large element of the northern people to humble the South aud free the Begroes -. The proceedings of all the- pri mary abolition meetings, the so-called UniU'd States In the Uelttt Scott caSe, and their flagrant warnpon the slave holding citizens of Kans;is una 'other tetiitories, all attest this, to say nothing' of the "' "de clarations of their leading men. aud n thousand other acts of violence and of bloodshed wh ich were perpetrated to force upon the couutry the terrible straggle, t It was thought by many, after the slaves had been 4 liberated" anil - the 'SoutlH'rn tirmteshad been vanquished so as no lon ger to endanger the union of the States, that no further efforts would le made to degrade aud lminUiaia.tljeJiapless people of the Snitli; but mt w. No sooner.had ithe ostensible objects lieen ichlevetl than they turned all their nqwly acquired pow er aud united all their devilish ingenuity jto cousumate the real object. Southern frtate8niau8ip"'was so far HUpe(jdTXor thern staleshuliiisliip that fife goveriVment had in a great measure fallen into the control of tho South; hndtliere ias no chance for mercenary men of thee . North (to secure protective "tariffs and make niojiey out of i the goveruanen t. --.Thest? facts with fliecjift'ilaBtligiiaitd beuringkk the ieople of the South engenderel a bit ter enmity and jealousy which the-jiiorth-ern people resolved to gratify by exter minating, lrosstbIe"tlie whiteV'of the South, under tho plea of doing god ser vice fin the crime of holding "slaves. -'-'So the work of degrading and' exterminating must go on., And the courage audi per sistency they manifested were onlv - out-. done by .the stupendous atrocity of their and severe, yet there is no iustinco on record of anything approaching a com parison, to tiie uiougvel Congress, at Wash lugton. dimple despotism is as old as time, and words havoi lieen- invented to describe its wickedness mim! toperly por tray itsrcrinics and cruelties, liut in the Sheimau bill of aWiuinations .we have the crime of.ilespotisin linked with the U-ast-linesj of ainalga niarlorr. K Surely," there are no. wrds to paint this ci i me of crimes. To demand that one. people sJiall subu.it to the rule of another, is an outiiiga' that good men iu nil ages have held up to the execration of mankind, but where, or when, before on the face of tho earth was it demanded of any people, tliat t'ny should not only. yield to the counuerors. but mu and mate wltkthc nejto. No tyrant of Rome ever reached this acme of atrocity. The blundering butcher Xero.orthe lust i i us and annualized Caraeaila, neVr: cncciv ed of the height, length, breath li and depth of this stupendwusaiid unparalleled outrage against God and man. ' Never, in all the annals of human or inhuman leg islation, was there conceived a blacker, a tnore wicked, a more iitrocroiisor alonii- liable piece of unmixed villaihv than the Shermau bill. .To enforce this infamous1 nfeasure Generals! and Colonel, anil 1 Captains wefts sent irtfmli ns, but the people of the , South be di&uitied forbear ance sm vived all these outnitresand more. and have almost regained the control oi the government. Hence the new crusade of hate... .',.' According to Mr. Blaine the South must vote the Radical ticket or the risht of suffrage av ill be taken away from tho nc gtoat all hazard. Mr. Blaiue and hhs party have sacritietl huudred.4 of ? thou sands of lives, millions of money, stole the negro property of the South, imporur- lsnetl Her people aud attempted to de grade them. to the level with tho nesrro. hi order to set the negro free, aiid now because the negro -won't yote to suit them they are willing to renew the war to take away the ballot froin him. But we think Mr. Blaine will fall both in the attetnnt to disfranchise the negro and to frighten the Southern people. The South will maintain her rights in tlie Unhiu. Her sad experience, has learned her people -a lessou oi patient waiting. Ihe-spmt of the North is not Tijin.-r.' The people who passed the Sherman bill, tjhe filthy Civil Rights bill, audtaxed their, lngennitr for wavs ahd 4 nnqaished ftie and who are still ready fiur a renewal of the work of pander and oppression,' n re the same who burnt witches, sold thq negroes to the Southern people and, then inaugurated .and m-s. cuted the most unjust ami barbarous ot of civil wars to deprive them of the eon- croi oi tni property. The South should not therefore be deceived as to the tdiar "' iiiobo i iy wuoni ineir im:ipm i tfkl. Mf I . 1 I .I.--' tlireat-eued. nor loriret tlmr tl lKuB.H Z . "ttv vigilance. isiitng to settle tho bickerings and Mpntes'that have existed among them. Biiu wnicn nave militated Mgainst: their ' i x . ... . prosperity, the, Chciokeo Indians have agreed to hold a geueral cpuncil at Qnal- lutowii, Jackson county J "for the. electiou of a chief and other otikers on th6 l'Jth va&U They have large 'claims ajraihst the Government, we learn lithe f -Aslieville C't-cit, wliichconld .Ua. realized if. they Would top qnarrclliug ' A GOOD MILCH G0W ' FOE- SALE' AT 20. Apply at This Office for furtlwr '.inform.. on. ' : pec, l'JiSt. . North Carolixa . ; Davie CocxtV, Ix Sl peuioh Court. E S Morris, Adm'r de bonia non rtoei tvennon, aec d. i'y. Against '.. Qep F Kennon, L E Gaines, wife of R FGainea. ' Frank Kennon, J Wesley . Kennon,' Martha Ann Kennon. Letilia Kennon, Tbos A Kennon ahd Willie Emma Kennon, heir at ,aw" . Drftt. retition to h sell land for payment of debu. i ryr . ..ie i laintur, it appeaine to the satisfactma of ll.e Cour ibat W Frank Zti Jl , . " . ordered that pnbhationbe made for ne-sueeuire-.-'ei!lea M,U'2?"Won ifoiday tire 3d iTiof. sry, 18, 0 and ,n?wei the. f cliiiw, vhfch. ; j, depoliteiHn the office ol th rl.rt ".-..mv virik oi ,iiie f5iu)erior IVinrt in penor corl loraairtonnty.t br the Plaintiff 1 .... lilt, ou- I t-Witiem; w v O.if.'iirfrnrTiir fan personal liberty billftfafcsd b ortlfetnr "SJdrf ""r n"'" legislatures, their bpetr-defiance to -tire- '-11 ' 4 ldi decisiou oftho Supreme Court of thu J. W . B UEKE & Co.. Macon. Ga. uicaeurcs. mu worui ior iiiousanus oi i. . , " ----.- n years had kiiowh -what simplo despotism J'J JwSi'Tl TLPf'f f was. The Roman Empire hadsoml forci- We examples of it, aud hundred of w orn1: ?nJ1,c 2ftt1 tiona'jwei inada tribnUvv tU tl.2uaiS;. t1 ... i.:i ..v. .. i i. t,,e tollowins-'Personal- Pronertf. fn--w t iiib nunc mo tiilllllirilll M il Ilili'U liai&ll i i "5 y"r"ui. M.axcumsiis iewsf,aner pnb. Lectures ahd Sormons Bev: T7. K MUNSEYTD. f E, 4 no nnuersignedK.offer for sale, at nnoiesaie and Jietail, the above work. It contains about 550 pages 12inji, with excclleut engraved likeness of Dr. .vi. meet ucr maiL noAt-iiaiil . ft-im M I-'"-" HOTICE. A Imx of honsehold eroods mislaid Ar carried off. from R. 1). 1L I? d, the, 7th inst.' -There are no external iimrk on the Imx recollect fc4l; lt-wa pnt n the platform at tlie above deint. but tb A lc i?et Q.laiU i He tlnnk the. drays nngfif hav'e hiken It to fcoiue of tlie vf ores m balisbnry, or to the Agent at the Wes ten) l.:R.ideiMit. , ff any ,iersonh5W it mey .can identify it .by oneniui? it. If. Im si JmVq uiitfc-iiil hms. iMH.k.s. w i th p fiitMilymbIef.taMi16gHlie fiimilrre eru or J. U. ahd E. Harris. If nm jerson has theiHix they will please? mark ic w me at .Morrow s I nniont, N. C, on C. L. & A. K. l;j and oblige, G: JI. E. HARRIS. .WANTKD;l-i lOshhrcVNC.'R. V - ... t-' l.l)HRft IUI IIU II it of,o.l. ...I.:. I. it aI1.w'i paid." . Apply at this 3t Trn3tse,3 Sale 0,r1Ea;ESTATS, Hy virtue of a" Mortirasre or T)..(.il in True executed by Jolirr Heard and Ellen B. Beard u uukc niacKrnor dated the 31st day of July 18t3, .and registered in the office ot the ueffisier oi uceds of iwnn r.. - V'WUIIl 1. r Ope Stcan Engiae und Boiler, wfth all 'the? macninery tnerct) attached, and a Saw Mill u vusiJiiiuvmijiii tlie machinery at-. tacned; "Ternis (.ash. Dated at Salisbury this 20th dav of No vember, 1878. i 1 3:5t LUEE BLACKMER, Trustee. EXSC0TOBS' SALE - OP. VALUABLE TIP k T 0 71T!1VT1T nn-n-nnm-r P.,,,...! i.-r. ... . . th. " -r -i . .7i -r " ' . .a.'n 'rm V-v n: h:;r&rz " l; 'r:;i: otter for ih -ix tUa i.,i; i. . V.i j , V" on ThunulayV.he 2 I da y i J an n "i r v A I) ' jicepiy ana otliers, known as the i.fmi i.lr.-,. suhject to tlie U'itkiw'-dowtfr interest then in. 2. Another tratt of -about ml seventy flerearof land, Hitirated in Mt.-LMIa lownsnip, rn,waoMiHy, adjtMninjt Uie land ,f ?? Y' f1"1!, John Giiiesjiie, 8tokta Cowan wncijotnera. Aljo one 4-horve wapori, nne'l-linrae wagon joae'wrlky; Keair ahd Mower. fArming hnpfc- uriHK, aiwiH oju ouxneis :t corn, o(f htislieu of wheat, one mule, it number uf cattle and -neep, several baiea of eollun, and perhaps Tt Of! an uroi purchase money is p.iid. JOHN' S. HENOKRSiON; , JOHN G.'FLKvriNlV -A -. Execntora Af FrancU N. Lncliev, dod. oy. 19.1S78. o.Gt. THEY' ALtv WANT' if, Because it is a family newspaper D'ir3, SOUnd reading for !! and yonnjr, an. I it contain.- a rename and .comprehensive. Himituary of all the imporrant Ni-trs, 1TEW 0333RVER THE BEST FAMILY SEYSPAPER, t uuiishes both the rehsjioui ami secular news i ai iswrta -V) T,himilyl whi; allibitf i likely to iloliariu I shut out. it devotes lour page to religious news; and four t. secular. 1 he New YouKOimEKVKB was first pub, whetl IH.J3J.J ; and it is believed to be the inly instance of a ReligTinu XewsnaneV con 1 on tinuing uu even course .ibr -fifty-six Year name, doctrine, intent, purpose, or pleil-tt from the date of its birth; will contain all the important new that can interest or instruct; no thai any one who read it will be Lhqrotigbty pott. . ... Wedo.ntU fun a benevolent institot ion. nd jwe da.nptakf.irthftRiivport ofchaiitv; ,YY LprojHse to make'tiie Best Xewspa rilt that published, and we propose to sell it as ehenp a il cahr afTordea Iet 'tbwlio want re, soirii'd AeniTde. trillhfiil "reVdii.k '" snh- pu !-crioe ir it, auu let them induce other to do the name. We are now publishing i theOn SERVEK the Siirv of ; aOja.xa" ossein 3vxa.xx, by Mrs. Charles, author of 'Chronicles of the .SchonhergrCottaiFmi1y." -! We send no lreimuma. We will send yon the ,o I. . 3 NEW YdRK. OBSERVER onye t-imid, $3.1. k ny I one Un'ding with lug own subscription the name of NEW dllttan.ikaM 1. 1 ! 1 ' ' . . . "...n,..,,,,;,,, linve cointniK8ion allowed in proportion to tlie tmrnher sent. For particu lars see terms in the GBSEEVES. SAMPLE COPIES FKEE. Address, UViJr YORK OBSERVER; ! f4 't f S3 Park Row,iXdiT York. ; ' a -i " ; !? -" . - TBI. MALE COLLEGE Statesville, H. C. The next sesninn niun IniFnit 09 1QTQ Board, and tuition in Knelisli.S85.0u Lr J sion of twenty weeks. Catalogue and circular Wltn lull particulars on mmlic.-.tlon Address, Mas. J5. 2s. OKA XT, ' ' Principal, Druggists Notice. We herebv n-ivft'notiiM. -tlMi-i tt.r i.;J date our stores will be ojien on Sunday ftr the aaJe of metlieines only. We posi tively will not soil rMwira nr Tl that day. ' " ' THEO, F. KLUTTZ, C. R. RAICKElt, J'n. H. F.VVISS. , !Oct. 10th, 1878. 52:1m. age jjeeas ior sale nert fious?ollher blinks;'" -::v' Also' various I iiiuprni m.tpiinnr r m&t.im. .1 .1 1 lJook'o. -47 mcreli")!. r . 'nnri-i,;,.i. n I87U, the .following real and personal Vroiertv aau, sa,u nrm,are rcoitestcti to sett id "the to-wit; Que tract of about n'xea uf lard saI,1 w'th K J. sV et, who may be-jloand situated in Atvri;' To.wnhi Itowan .,' v' : "tho-livery etaliltr - oeeuicd bytliesaid ljinlii!rrlJi lands nf .1. i-a ".' 'inn of Brown & Verble. , , . ?rmsofSaIe? Of nerRnn.il iimnprii- c, . and. one-third cash, one iliird in -! v' n.. ..ti. . d nntMhird h)Hme itHinth.. Bond and an security. Titlf retained until nil - SOIENTIFIO AMEMCAlT. t TniRTV-FOUBfH YEAtt THE MOST POPULAI: feClENTirre PA- ! PER IN TIIK WOKLD. ? - V uniy .jj:ua year, luclmung Postage. Weekly. 02 Numbers a year. 4,000 look pages.. :o: V Thtf Scieniific American is a Finit-CIaw Weekly Mcn..ir of sixteen pageit printed in the nt'Mi ittf.ttitifiil stvle, nrofu Ir illustrated with epIeiKiid ejraving orei-nlinjrlhv newest lnvi-iuiciiK iiiiil the imi recent Advaiicw in the Xx aini .St-itfiicvrt; iiiclii!iu Xew ami In Ifreftinjj Fact ih Aeric-ultnre. Horticulture. 1 tlie Home, Health, Metlical Progress, Social Science, Natural History. Ueolocr. Astronomr. The rnost valuable practical parkin, by eminent wnieniin alPtepartments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. iTcrm, $a20 per year ; $1.60 half year, which' -mi.i--. uwuuin io .rvireni. oinsie copied, ti n cent. Sold bv all Newsdealers Ketmf by iHtnl order to MUNN & CO., i'uoii.iier, 3 l'ark Kow, Jew York. - 1 P A (PFWrPQ T? connr connection.: 'with tlie i-iai Ull X U. - lSienri iff- A iHtKjifi, Messrs fllPNS to. are .Nohcitnrn of American and Foreign PiiieiH-, have !ud 3o vearsiznerincn " ii.itc in; mtj;e esiaoiisnmeni in me World Patents are obtained on the best terms, A futeci.il notice in made in tlie Eeier.tififi American of all Inventions patented through this AKeiiejVwith the ii:iine.-amrre'id.'iH-,of theliaejite,Dih immeiwe circulatiM given, pnhlic attention in directed to the merit of the new patent, and sales or introduction ea sily ftlveted. . h - j.- - .-: -.-',-? ny juTstui who lw male a new uiKcovery or nyt iimm, can. asi-ert.tin, free of charge, whether- -patent- can prolraVilr he obtained, y writinz to the "inderMjiiicl. We alio nend Jrre onr liitinl Iitok about the Patent Laws. Cave:iin Trade Mark, their coi, and how pror curetl, wjih l.inu f.r procuring advance on hiventionx. Addre.ss for the I';ijerf or con cerning Tateiits. MUNN & C0.i 37 Park Row.- New York. Branch Office, Cor. V & 7lh tn. nov-21:o . Washiniiton, D. C. m COPPER WORK. of Wares, Uxii; an I ilet in? Moves, Impairs i'lills. nuts uu Kooflii ' an i Oiittfrtn? a!l at ns lew rates as cna he done in fie "taie. lie is sncciil ncrnt for th ceiehratfa Arorn cook stove, wuicfi he H seiupsr at very low rates. cuu ut-iore ouj lug or onletlnjr, ; a.- 1 ' efmsent," fhswilved the co inrtnefsliii leretfre existing iK-tween them, underthe .he Hvery I aoie misiness. ih thw town ot taihshury. A I V rm, or having claim. JOHN II. VERBLE, FRANK BROWN. November 1st, 1878. S-Gf.v . a , 'i j Fifty Acres of LAND .i , , . Vpi SALT5 OR LEAS . , TJifei ofadeigncfll W&rs a: yal liable ItAu-t adjtiining tho lands of Uobt. tt.'nAi' JaaA-s' VYatson a:uj others. It is well watered and tiailjcri.'d. Terms easv. - - - 3 AMANDA llAtt.- l' A ti: ie Miich Cow for sale. Annlv to E. P. HALL, Vernon, Rowan Co., N. C. Mt. Blactasr ai HsMersoD, Attorneys, Counselcrs and' Solicitors. SALISBURY; N. Jim hi '2; I37H -tf. KERR GB AIGE, r3n.liE3T3-u.x-v, u3NT. jO. New Polling' Place At EotIIub AtYeU-TflWflsiUD. Motive is hereby given that tjie - Boail fi 1 iisi lees T'l trie i eaee ot Kow.in "conntv. at a meeting heIl.aVl4Lkurt Jlowse AaiSalishury, on the 14tliJs ';rUran(ler rfll)nr place to beest.ibilsAeflhi AlweJI I'owiishirnt Kn.u h- ri lie and to be called "Enochville Election Precinct." j f, r T S. All electors in' Atwell Townsliip, who wish to yottLXit. the IviocJi ville box. must obtain eer- til :ift-a ofcrefnotaf frinkUie lititrnrs of kJie i .... l 'll'I.-t. ... t L l JT- ! L .. .. T . I .iwen.i Tr ti i-jifi-i jrejsier wu ir nawics svjth I. A. Lipe ainl 4. M..Kurr, the Uv'J4ra; vr Knehvill) PreeiMrtr h . ; 'f r ',; ';' Bv order of the Board of Jiisliees HOliATK) X. WOODSOX.' , Kegistr of IXeds and Clerk. Sept. 14, 1878. 4$:7p ' ' i v 1 I U Is hereby given thatappli cation wiUJe Biatli to. ilie'neit tieneral As emhly oHCorlh "t'a'roTTiia"to aruind'tne Char ter of Davidson CxllcgVi J. RUMPLE, Secly.BoaTdiTrustces Davidson College. 7 rlec.(7,'lfc7. 8 8wi. : ' i i ' . ; SOLUTION.--.,. Tlie copaVtiiership heretofore Vxislin nmler tlw style of Jouvs & Gaskiy this day disyiolved .Mfiriiu;iJL;ejfi.-4M4V AH persons indebted to us are requested to call and settle ut piico. , . , ; i; , . If. "M. Joxks. J. D. Gaskiix. M. L. HoLMKS Having purchased the remaining stock of Jones & Gnskill 1 . hereby inform my friends and .Patrons if the late firm that I will make fresh additions to the stock of goods and solicit their 'patronage hopitig to merit a continuance of same by close attrition to ba$inesa-titlinewcQods'aniI ut loWesTpiitei. - JiY. . -J. D. Gaskill. Dec. 0,1 73. 4lt - -. PfilH'MG- OFFICE FOR SALE. Tlie r.roprietnr of the VilkeiiboraVi r-i xe&j, Having gone luto otbar -imfemess,; iropoe9 to jtell the Office1 cheap Fir. cash. Pei-poos' tTisldD t embark in tho ' News-p:fperttTtiiies-would do trell:t 'eoinma aicatc vitU us, AMMri?w ''u r .tr..t i ,; TilE WlTNESS, Nov; i; 1378.r:4t. Wilkesboro, X. C. Anllnliaa tnAnpptf ,m lilt. ?3V Ajwn olti.huslness as n-rtorore. f-- . - m m. v t u Illy The Patent xmm and baz ittteecx ed and wrti.7i1wfc ciiy. seniree loanj 4:3t. o-. . . pxr t j CAROLINA REAL h - - CIIAKLOTTE, X. C. ' We buy and sell all kinds of Keal Estate ihi cotmnission. ilavelifrents North ' ins P eMiigratiou for tiii seclion. . Yi adverti.se more extensively than aur agency in the country, so that our chanced fr filing lands aie soperiorto aifv i fbarsi if no salo is ni;tdoi ' mci J ot"r those having real eate to sell. W e want a nniiijH'r o f anils now ' to fill n V Ageiit wantl hi every otiunty Send Piisros !A.isrr organs. Ware Stitte Agent1 for Horace Waters Sc. Sins eelebrated Pianos and nJL Tliobest iustruiiK-nt in rho world for. .tlie; Prices lower than the lowest., Of llEE T, MUSIC wehavc,ai'ull htck. Kew received as stHiii as publishod. Churches, Sunday --lio(dsf Fenialu Seinin u;, aVachels isiplied! with 'PIANOS, ORGANS ami SHEET MUSIC; lave diion Senu for. ratjiloiuo nhd triee list ny when desiredr Agents wanted in every 42:1 y. Masoifs Iin proved- Frail Jars. : 'A'large lot juct in. A loh',,icn wavs cheaper than ever oHUrudU rum . a t iv lu r rz'-s Di:UQ store. -kill; tmi fi!Es.;r' KLUTTZ'S FLY PAPErV -- Slaysthrhv bv the miilioii. Cheap. , , . At KLU TO'S UliUG STOKE. BEST TM YET: KlUTTZ'S. D LAC (v3I HH.y CG2MAI, - ': 1 is the aCist, H ircst and most .le:isant .reuiedv for Diarrhea, lhcnie!'v,,lic. 1 or !e on !y at K IM f I'Z'S I )ni Store. ALL FOB A QUABTER. A good Lamp, ehiiur.ey, burner and wieh, all for a q v trier. ' ' ' ' ' At K Ll'TTZ'S DMUO TORK.' es m Lillls Oass Sleep. poesKitiiU's S-oiIiiiig Drops. Contains no opium. - Only at KLUTTZ'S DRUO ST0RJ5. Tliree Fine Cigars for 10 cents. Red "C" Oil. Best' and prettiest illumina ting oil. Bluing So:uw has the Mtiinr :lrndv i if. Woods I see i t', nek el ijodi Foiiiitaiai. Call aul Unparalleled barg.iins in' ITair Brushes. Toi let Soaps, c. . . : At THEO. F. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE, I7:lv. aiisLnrv, N. C. P.; H. MEIIO SOU, would call atUiiiUoa to .tlirtr" large ani hpl-iiilH . soc"k of ..' O A I&iFiV A BE ' Embracin? IKON'S an ! M-rTTTr.S- -v. :t va-Jcty or i slxe and s i;. 1 i'.i.ility. .' "V7agon and Surrey Materials, comprl.sln-.rai! tl.r virions kin U r.',r.ilml,-:)ria,sl . ' axles. .Whe: l-i, r-a-Ir to h.t u:. -Tclep-aph Straw Cutters, J and uu3i;rpas:-te.l m aUalit anil Uupiblllty. Great American Lightning SAWS, . every kind ami-!.., euiJioi-i.,MIU. CltOSSfl'T. NAILS ail .-! cut arid wrousrhU The mo.-t pnruf !-t; -a J approvej stvles-Plow Cast lnirs, aU JUmU bolU, to. 3TT Ko. 6 points Tor . WINDOW CLASS rr.ims:H .tof:-l:so-Putty ci!s ; I'iilut.-i. VarnHli'M. Mitiiin Diler, i". ' i F A IK BAN K SCAI.fcS Kteeiy...rd.s and Balances, j "VC7"cxi5. Tools - . ! For Carpenters, iiiucksinit in, shouakers, Fanners. ; Champion - Blowers and Reapers. ' ' Horaq Rakec. TJhreabing Stacbines, Uor.-ie-Po-.vers. Pumps. ir-eT'Orstn CraOlev Grass Scytne. Fianfw HanUM lkx-s CUNS, Ilstola, Knives, muI Ct-'l LEltV or ali tlnjs. isroar U l einbr-fs-flcerythintolf found in a larsjtf and complete iUr Unre store. a'Kl all l low ttopc to merit eoail.Ti.Ni eoniidence and incmtsln-r-'l FUEIJCH AHD ENGLISH CisWre ' and Ehifaut-HthK DliKSH PA7TEHXX, GIVEN, IN for Subscribers, at Cub Hat?, to ' EGUTOR'S NOTiO to All persons indebted to the estate of Mrs! Christina K. Ilrmrn il '.l i....,.i. . wi 10 make tiavmpnt at mwo n . . ' - - ! mi hnvinrt i. Ifh.n... Z m. 1 per-onsi ...... Vlltlllin aunsi s;u(i estate will orepen yieni iiinj nathentiealed on. or .before thn'3l day of October, 1879, as required hv law, or tliisiiotree'wSII be'lead in" of' their re ootry,;.; . . .! -,;K( ; . .. ,: f, Ii. 11. CRAWORp, i-" ' t-'W.CRAirFORI), . Ex'ra. Mrfth: the Wjil annexed. ! OcUSJ, J873. 50:6t.' ter Pasture. 10. iaS'aziIlG .CiUfc-Gfit.fr?iTi-.5Fa& 3-3UTT0r1 K!0 GLOVES. IS III? I ior buoscrujcrs, at r6 to "' f f Ti ' $ Cr!' "" Hm'' ' '. ' W Artlm r's Home Maia zim ! u-llfpHj " Ml g;" tluh. specimen nnwUri. nxj. . ff) c ' - " vi-S W t.M'nd ror Ciub-tietters .Special Circnlar con-T 5 gfc 7 sA L1 talain- lull particular of iMs glenoid vtta.J. ?, IrS gS ?-f" t sp; rf) T. S. ARTHUR & SON. 8318. Sixth St., Pi) 11a. W x & S 5 ' OM j X have seTeral-iood. pastures andi pkhtvl i .i;t- , . -BONDS vif ofJshelterapilHill.taKe.lfirty.Jeaa of-4r. I ' " , " XP dttc tointesjt ;1.50 A heal 'cmtbT' fTo lualitieUoXnul'nli.rtai " iiu. Jieciianfcs Liens, forsale at th StActgg Gpw Milker Mtg tcieniuicall explained, by tr. fcl'e hnd utt,f uuaiTM. - "-u oj thiJ XT 1 tibia. eat. ESTATE AGENCY tur oar;adrertUiii inj)(.r uTl0 fcMtnS7'. money . .Mlliiutrii llir ci. .... 1A 'uusie m ami other, make of pianos or organ", 6UDlS town and .county.. Atiure.ss, .l.i.... 1 "'VI DAWSON & CO., il CIIAKLOTTE; x. c. fit st Little si AROUND the CORNER. To the Public, Gbeeti.ng: JULIAN & FRALEY "'Present complinunta to tlvo public and desire to eall renewed attention to their ttforts to lie useful ns flHDGARPEfitgRS. Their prices are aInw as it is possible to make theiii, and their work" nf inferior to any. TheyliM orders in two departments and have yo far iriven satisfnetion. Ttrry h:vve emended their facilities recently, and are encouraged to hope for inf-reased de mands. Thcir-ready made stork in hand comprises a jerieral assortment of house fur nitrrre Bedstead, Bureaus. Clotlips Preswn, Loonies, Racksv Wardroljts. Book-Ca(V Cuplxiantrs and ,hina Presses. Crtnd'e Stands Tin Srtt'es, Deski. Tables, Washstands, Chair! itc. They also keep nn assortment of - " COFFINS ol v.-alnut. i)inc ar.d poplar, froni .: upward. Also, Window Snsli.'- They fill orders with out "vexr.liotis d, !.:' . "Wit! forrar pefttcr's'Work a::l warmer s?it;faft!tn. Will take ood lujiilier ainl ;pMirv prtduce in Mxclsnntre for- iurnifun'. SJtp in-ar'y opp site Wathman'bfiit'e. 'jL:j.f.vN & Fkai.kv. Hack--Line tofllbomarle.. Th ie ini.UT81''lieI is r'inrilri!? a rnnir.irlahlo iri wceklv llack4ine fr.m S':i!;sln.rv ah... -X. c. Will COtiteV l';issenf IV In fJnl.l I i ill, ot elfewhere wn i!:e line, eheaoer rhun any Liverr Stable. iM-hm Siil,i.r. ...... Monday,- Wednesday aiwl Friday, 7 a. m. Re turn every. Tuesday ,' Thnrsday 'and Saturday, 6 p rn. - . Leave orders at National Hotel. u. w. wihtlock-; 2:ly. Proprietor. c .5" - 03 H Qe t-- Ji t 4 ? 3 Q IT 6 1 m - eft v: 1 IT s- llm L i 'fcX'Q 1 . orer ac is urace JSE0P I rzsr r- v. v.v-j-- rry ''' 'y ' I 0.-: j,-';; rJi f- - - t i H 5 . - t-..... ;r 1 . iii 7

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