viiZ SX pTHIRD SEEIES J i i-v:V '. -: SALISBUEY. H"; C.,' JAHUAEY 9, Si on c ,7;jf imilSUAJlVTS SOXCL Vniliitleijtous Jiaiwl ou vvom.ui f.ii ' ;:iff th4tI may pll in vindication of :fhp: north I f - CJIK5f4?CA SYSTEM:, ; ktX'hapei.HiU. ile iiesin inc 'agfiatipi-i oi niu miu- ihirovenjcpi iihoe jajl wav though the biiWof'tlre. Stat'boglttniiiW the water! )ffUeaufart ' Hitrrancl running est to tlie ffennessee' luie at. ipaint lloek.l I . i - that aiif jxir-lme from Xewbern, to aleighfnna'ljnv Raleigh to! ;luint tfochf io.tliiough tho ieentre of the katcJfwoStlfliest serve th. pur i))sean conventence of all the peo-: j)le, planng the great nuijontx within Ji fty. in i leH or le-4 jnf the line Hf ra i f road,' after. lea ving the east em sect i o n , where thef State j attains its greatest Width, and whVrctheJiattiml fat ilities of, water f-aiis()()rt?tion wre enjoyeil. -rlt il iuieristing to trace xn the map tlie"J)roKied line ;of this grand old. man. : From Nuvvbjrne he would have osiccrUie'JTeiise six :milfs Jhoftheasy Jf Kjtis)ot,; niml entering Greene, pawiH cd six rnile so:ilh( of Snow llillj striking i Pe icfl Wayne, rjoljvc eieock'ji ' and , Fremont in ft'ayne, TwUvCs' lindge inT-J4rhston, Tossing t use '-again oesr yi lie and cm to -vICTcrgfr'througli the ; neigldiorhooilof Clavton and "Aubur. Frin R)leigli7vcst theair-Hne would i fiuye touCj-ed CaiV, ",pa!selN through ie unjieriportioiii or vChatham -tiye j Ciiti itfitiiiryoyiin'iwJiiiiiart. .Uw H 4lJ tuiil;I -rtlni iiia tiiy wh friVWilf. (;jhvffriniloiis in its decay ; i '': :',j,Wannsjfa hiUt?f;Mi6 away.? if :feit;t;li4 mi xfU&ti,. 1 rt ' ! i . 1 1. . I i 1- f 1'rwMleht It I el 1 .pfi fie V th vcfrsl nff ti t . ... : . . . lcoiiiotl-tanil he ifirst. proj)n.sey anil itle.uoifJi j of riltbbopv lhrougi.Statct, in the, prospect of gain, would Randolph! six triijeY north o AshbtnO,1 j !?. i . . i:L r ! .! i .n-w'-.i? I...' Iionciieo icxHTgioiiicii oawynrri;u coir, ami rnc oiu ones would have en tuili's, bVfVillcTiye, aiidImi'gaiN ' larged( their .ineauff of business to the .tjon'heveu ?ni(A south, passing tvidvejit.uost. j 'UlliWwou Id -1 ' created ,; 'til 1 Liulcs to fliuortf "Svvit tta'u na jBajy. 'ihei4'i va (ship iiSl ;cai i'a 1-ttecessarir to t(4ityUtu4iTcs jrorth V -Ashevine;;l,?ne5ure tljie best market to theagricitlt uid on iMii-Bsscclmcyw jfurist. '- A h)cmnolive jenjrine would 'l This line oiH4iaveUeii tbree Ii'm n.1 rin Itmuuwi : H4UU rr-wiiH j-irvv n I liq North Carolina and Western North j irimiTaUailrpatt' trouij jJeau tort to ahit Roelc, i,. slidvt-moilihVatioii J the roiit suggested by Doctor fa paid wcU, is . seen )i by re ference to a have brought his ivrposeMrid'citlibr lioV'HilrVJtr.wtuiJd the trade of North Carolina ivinscon aid uouisooro, aud praeti-1 I Ralii; peeii.incJudod without destroying im tliaracter of an air: line. :rj . " . W" I ; Praetically,iheij,- oll Doctor Cald- ell. Was tlie fatlicr, of out- -Central siemiv io him,fmore thanto any J Vf,w :T "v1!1 oi f uie paie, .sua u 1 J'iV1 W.;ft!ecti6rf IrtWIl WTTPI1 if' tliM?riio liiAri errt I any taken tlie rftnte oi tite? wiiroa-d-i i iat olacc. as a Iie m hhhit.niits of hies east! from 'Raleiirh: and . from these connties !knov hns: loner bnon c?l? i5'' V Ji ttslor', fAsli toro-T i er-1 i n i ng!.a ?ul is nows ii u k' to a very y JStat es v U 1 e New ton, MorriloW ebb.1: 1 It is struggling to maintain nton,iuni prt Asluiydh?, arni ! itselt and revive its hopes, by enlarg fprings aiid Paint Roctc-ouldiaye fng the guake of the Elizabeth' 'canal. NeIi5iye isHaj-ga6iihti3tbUTalnIIPanUeo, raise Beaiitort as with a f; """lyt'ir hammered, jt he . Mea into'jprotieal slrape. "As was Vtown. yeserila)r,ijiafuni! ; .reasons and erQ4l hijterests' diverged 'from Jie route qf an iair line, greatlv to the fuvantige; oTa, - large sectioir of the i . t-n a i-"' . iuiryrs well asftotiie Central and Teste fh r Jvorth Carolina Railroad lad the line from Raleigh, through nauiam and UaidolphVto fealishurv. een adopted, as was proposed, long fie'r the day of Doctor Caldwcli, the leyiatilm rom thJine; yected by mi would have been, comparatively In an age of prdgrcssiveness, and aggresston,"ike ! the-jnt, it - is aggression ell to; ien ah hd as uch I' icage pent en the ideas of a former genera- on. etjwhovin raid the Carlton !"ers ofrjljoctor jCaldjvelj and ho iukI reabie that, not onlyVjwere- ho n.l.UI. A i ' - i , occasionajiy rjjc.urour great j agiiiii. e imend to ceier to the New d their Pchemes-otMJier davs. f v.: :r?Uni JiUl ':AuA!i i:f:Ai.utZ wedb. we -shall -find that I4-' ' it "1 ,-,.T ; J,-,- Aca r ' - V r!Cgans -as .our,-; waywaru . pontemiiora- br4he4oasteil improvement 4of ii (fy An.- , 'v", isVaf tcr al If biit-5an im nro Vev " tV,vV V.UMr-fc" ".""P8: U a kild thIounde now. than wo were filroacj IiiteriialMmproWmcnt Sys!"T r. fi, :niollified only.. to meet the de- ?Snus of:tchangtnsr -corfditions: but d idejii.ot hbss fathers iir th1 tl .'Vd- interest (manifest .'in . llio Jnw crrienr ot Ortr'WV ayCTTlie pieme of j njand m vigalion bysh ip pnaacrjfsthe easterripor tf H" beiMJ testetl ior liraW. ticabi)ity hjr actual survey, j Uioray;duCo!t2fres3; was as nncha theme of discussion by Doctdi 3 Cald well ;and ' hiklrcomiWs;,r as i by tlie people pur Own ilayj-y Sq that .wc fathefs.r fur our system of government, State-onri National, but lor otir sys tcnj internal improvements jas well. VMiiroHliee reflections fare, perhaps, not calcnTated' to insnire the false to(I t Ife tStObmlscru X mv-of an 1 i ti tense )racticattageiarej themselvesf of n'Keify')ruc that in ret n riling to the idiaAofbur fathers aiirureumthenvyeli on tlieojyipetlmt complete rcstorationftour Statetaiid e tloi'ougb iieveIoj)ment of ,Jien re-s soiirceswinttnstrv and wealth: J J In respect to the restordtion, com- lete development uhd maintenance Wf a Ntirtti ptrolina. System; wliicli lihe Oos'prver'has advwiitedlVnd will etintinue to urge, the strongest argu- iiiciit iu uiai ueiiaii is, jnai it was me iiJca ofjour .fathers, the idea' upon jvhicli out gneatest works of , internal improiiiqnt Imie tbeen Voitf iied, an iiiciiiiuicii nassiuuu iiie inai-icsi of time aud .eltperfebceahd yhicl? has its vindication along jvith .the other great thbnghts of a race of men who fanned a iStateV prosperity, and con Hecrated; their nobility of Hutellect to tfie SQr.vjce of a hiotheibommon wealth as their best legacy to posterity. "T. In Viuml)j?r;uine of his Qirlton let ters, dated October 27, : 1827,si.ty niie. .years ptiSt and gone, D)etorCald ve'l, having traced out the North Carolina;" System to completion hav ing t retched a line of coniniuuiwition the waters of ; Beatify rt Harbor through the State to ber Western boiiiidaiNV said ; ,i4Adiftittiug alHhis ! to be acctim- idishediiAreare now; h rived at tlie inosnentlwhen the whole . scene is Rine-fvhangedi. That which till now was a Ksubjei - t of anticipation, howevefwell fouhdetliis brought to the touch stone of experiincnt. The Harlow canal wouhh -be opeii for steamboats. New merchants troni.'. our' own and othe have lloked into Newberneand Rcaii- run thrbnh the wholu-distancn in i ICU HUUi., YltlI I II C U 1 U 1 1 til C Ul ItJ- uuj;rng me price oi conveyance oy oikrrvinrr fifi v ions in ifs ti:iin. Tfi entire population' of our extensive sou nds rami their tributary rivers. would see them betrinniiiir to disnlav frequented theatre of steamboats. moving ten miles, an hour. It is such 'a revolution a&'nutst be! felt." No lon- te seen running away; to Norfolk. and. thus orenarin' to swallow nnd subsist upon our sooilsj It is for us ! I O : to say .whether the coininerce of all th !it iioi'itui'n of nhr Slnf rIi-iII there or at iSeaiifortrfK This grand .tit ion j may ue decided in a short aoil happily the decision is in & K L t.. '. . l - wand in(i'a popular and commercial sea - port.f - . p t j ' ; ,, Conciliation by New Melliods. ... I- I ;-s ; i ? Since we have read the iistnfdonh. tionstseht'bv i. - . i ; " .. Northern people to Yicfcsburg, to - relieve the distress to I caused ellow fv'ver, we have v5nnly Ujeterminedv never toxall a "tiorthbrd man 'u ) i- I Mr; Blaif ciiizen of Brotiretn toca Nr. Butlerbft Massachusetts that old ;Rwfsf,Hhatdi;Sp tells a rea! bfy' one nlxmt ihn finnfli't w designed ito remark ;-that he is in-M-UJiyle, thoughtless, but ; -'', . . ut .n iiuiii ..... i v Htmld; ? L Mgi emaiu Beverly ; Douglas, rep-' . iiniitiiiViiAl Firt flfstHrt. Wf villus.. diedjit thetional Hitcl ia Washington city lit an early iiour Sniiday morning cf- iinsYrom;Tnlrlanjatioa of0thei lo?vols r j iV i i.i ii iii r DIVERGING AND ST 1 RAIHROAI) XINES. The location of the North Caro ina Railroad has often been the subject of disparaging remn rk and 'criticism on account'f jts clriJitoiis routed taking in '.the Uourt-houM;s of Urange, A la mance, Guilford -and 4 Davidson; in stead of gojng direct by airline fVom Raleigh to Salisbury, through s Chat ham and Randolph, and the southern point of Davidson, thereby pa vingf; it .lias been estimated, forty to fifty miles uciweun ine points. , , . ; Such criticism is in no sense a jiist one. Itwas eminently rwise, in point of con veniece and a useful nkss-tb it he greatest hhmber of pebpe,4ant1tnani tcstly toHhe interest of Ihel railroad,. to loceief it oy ;tne route taciotited; rct airnesareyei I enpngn The connecting links ot jjreat .Jniu roads, where every, other' Iconsider at ion must give, way mi oftl ie shortest 'possible distance, jhnt witb a j StaUr roaiL designed ; for the develop. hient of i tho Jargest portion of the State, the air-line idea must! give w--y to local ? interests, and counties and towns be consul I ted. As a1 through line, delayed in its Western connec tions for t went v five years; and' tat- ped as it Was at Greensliofo,Ul raining it through1 north and .south I business and crossed by north .and south at Raleigh, 'the North Carolina5 Rail- road irouhl 4 hitve sfarved 'Jong ago through ; business, deprive of the local snppbrV which" the", towns; and cou nt its through-which it passes Iiave given itT; As a thriingh Jibe of tlie f uturt,j saving of forty 'miles w pnM never eonipeiisale for the j valuable business, that Ora nge, Alaui-ince and Guilford assure it for all time. And. what the State has gained In the de velopment thi litic haswrbught j in tlfose c6uhliescani"ut now lib aprox i matel"'est1rnifed.''i"Inlatrng a I"n t of railroad it will nearly - always be found i wisest to st'ri kc as many of the establishefl; trading points of a sec tion of country as practible.! "When the greatPennsylvania Rail road was about to c-onstruct jts Baiti more and Potomac connection, it w as suggeKtcd by a distinguished railroad manager Ifroni this State to avoid Washington and go through by the Point of Rocks. The then President Edgar Thompson, inquired -y by tlicy shouhl do so. On being told thai it Would save seven miles in distanccihe replied : "Is it not worth the building arid running of seven additional miles of railroad to ass through the capi tal of the nation? 1 he pertinence of this inquiry. Jshouhl never; be lost I .1. i '.pi --...:' .. i .v i i i bigntoi y our people in ine! location of any of their railroad lines. Our country towns and market places were mostly located by the phyical laws that govern trade and ' direct! the or dinary business of the country; It is well to consult these circumstances in every applicatfou of artificial means I to material development, j j Almost every great railroad route was out lined bv nature when the entnueer came to locate it. Thus, Mr.; Calhoun is said to have predicted, as; far back as fifty years ago, the 'present1 Atlanta and Charlotte Railroad along the pre cise route it occupies, because, as he said, it was the old buffalo trail, north and south, the instincts of these wild animals of the primitive forests fort running the intelligence "of man, and fixing the guide mark to his cbnimer cial interests. - It i-vtherefore, very deferentially suggested) at this time of general re vival ofinterest in internal improye meuts, that the peoplt of ou State, Ofcyery-ection, in prtSjectfrig their 'railroad lines, Vcoiisu It localities and establisfied towus and points of busi ness iivt the, selection of; Lroutlcs. .Throughout the Piedmont andi;Nbrth west sections, which the Obseirer has ijeen stuTIying of late with ; reference to theirrailroad facilities and 't con nections,, there are established towns and trad rdgi places that it may ie wjse to include, even at thea'dditfoial Ex pense of longer and less direct routes tluin bypureuing straightpr', lines, avoid the towns, trusting to the build ing up and development of neV jilaces." Instances might he referred to jwhefe- in it won Id have been to the interest of the railroad., the people ami the State to' have pursued uiore; c1 evi jus routes, impenetrated better ajricul tural:; sej;tlotis, and br.iugh . ; un dtr ' devejopmeut richer volumes-, of (bail 1. bttsiness. The Atlatitip aiVd Nor 1 1( Gattil i na Ra i 1 road is J i j i 1 1 i is tration fiTpbint. ' A less direct! f-oute iii'the- Oiise of this road, so asto have Included botli the the counties of Greene'aM Jones, and calling within rmachoif the cmntyof Qnslovt, buld hve iiiajl ita paying road from jrjts lecal Vbusincss alone, for all time, whereas, cut :oQ from all jthrough business by the suicidal policy which has governed all North Carolina! cor porations ibr all ast timetlie At-; Ian tic Railroad has had a suuggling and preisiriousexistencej numbering but three intermsdiatfc stations o aiiy imoortance on a lentrth of line of near- ljr allitfndrcii vmilesLav.-GraucV Kinston Ad Ncwbern. -Under Such circumstauces it is next to impossible in luaiuiatu a, line ; or jocar The good ple.ofjthe'Piedjnaiiil Nortb-wesfc ouiitTesy VfelTaVof all other sectin, are cauliohed against' the repetition of any1 1 Ike mistake in, the location pf iiew Ihiesf TH Hiture patronage jofjthe roadsj the 1 sections to be penetrated and 4 developcdi J and number of people to be accbnini bdateof all, all; alijkc point to the necessity of sacrificing straight lines to the wants theresourcesSand the busrnesslDapaci- ncs oi tne jargest i sections of coun try, i . ..'( '-;! s'" t-i-'ijiJ.- The rule of departure from1 direct lines has ptty generally prevailed in the railroad conslritctiori of North Carolina, th(i Wilmington ainl 4 Wei-5 Ion and the lAtlantio being Uhe.only Rutherfortl Railroad, next to our old North Carolina Central system! the greatest of our 2Cortli. Cared ina Tail- roaus, louening the Court Houses ot eight of thp ten counties it penetrates and should the lino be extended to Asbeville,! it will touch the' main towns of the remaining cmnties.- But there has been nothing so comprehen sive as the North Carolina Railroed, including all of the ten county towns from Goldsboro to Charlotte, except Smithfieldj and missing that point by only three (miles. The success of this road from tj$ local business is a suffi cient indication of the Hlicy of di verging from straight lines, anddt is an example that should not be j lost oiVany of o'tjr people in the cHusfruc tio'n of railroads for local ervice, and affording jransportation facilities to outlying tributaiy sections. Iialcigh irecr. 4 AN INIQUITOUS SYSTEM. It is givh out that, after Congress shall have reassembled, Senator Coke of Texas, wilt move for a change in the system of tloing business by Uni ts I Stat 8 District Ai o.neys in the South. The bill which he will intro duce proposes' to abolish the present ve sybtenij, and substitute instead thereof a regular scale of salaries. Mr. Coke s;lys and he is not alone of the opinion, that there is no other way to put a stop i the' petty csplbuage' ex ercised by the agents of the attorneys over the small dealers in whiskey and tobacco in the! South for insignificant and purely ttchuical olleiiccs. But it is not in - the Southern State aloi that dealers are bound down and fined without the least benefit there from accuring to the Treasury ; nor is it the small dealers only who uf fer by th s i iniquitous procedure. Neither are the prosceut ing attorneys' of the Government the only ones vrho are ehrichcI .by this quasi-icgal meth-, od of black mall. The pernicious prac-: tice of givihgi fees to officials and moieties to informers has grown in vogue in nearly every branch of the Goyernmcul; Customs spies have become rielij in their loathsome, pur suit. Yet men have been found, to defeud, in our own - halls of legisla tion, the practice and the acts of the spy and informer. We are gratified that one has,rat last, been moved to attack the system which has obtained: under the GiOvemment. In the specclr which lie will make : advocating the passage of the bill, we are told Mr. Coke will rb; over the whole ground. But the desired object will not have been accompHshetl unless his bill, , or some other to become an act, shall be broad enough to sweep out 'the whole secret service as well as the list of fees and .emoluments. , I'rcitdcniia! f Gossip. While Bayard is able and brilliant he is also young -too young Iq he. . t .. i . f ti ,i. i . ii - :. - - -. t ....-.- President abd he hails from a Ouf h- ern i State. Bayard is particularly oli noxious to t and fof that - 4 1 ie Greenback-Democrats' reason: is not a safe can didate. Seymour has made no recent record on thp subject, lit is a 4Jemo7 bratand easily, chief of the? party! No (Democrat can object, with reason to sulSportiiTg him. ; ! Bayard cohtailis tlie feikihg Hbf a grcat' Democratic leader ahd statesman, but Seymour is, a gfeat Democratic, leader aud statesr madfl He ?jwupies a ;commauliug political situation.' - New YTorkmust' be carried toa Democratic President: True, be was defeated once, but on i iQ had no chaube of election. WJUi.tbo South in sha.ckles Seymour was handn capped j f W Jtb the SoutUJvfreei he Ai the stronsr2st niaui the Democrats 5can I 17 jToaus tnat! seem to have attempted fiorTine preservation ot. strictlv air-iineaf. k i lie old V ilmington, jUharlotte ant THjE.FAI , jAfterfgiving fulf sketch t bis v!u f i ffw.f jtorit. j tmea: saya soi Gov. Aloses present condition1 1Jfl- a1Mptrtnne4to.i&uthr.CUr0!Ia after his father died, begging of his P,?11 to'Aneuds togivplum one tnore chancer His mother sold Wot al-feW hijndrea !lblla aniali piecS ofjr- perty, giving hira the prbceeds;' yfith Vcft 3e 'Kromise'; to go ; to , texas auv oiuii;agaiu.,.-xat ne: uau nardly Juitltd thirrsight wbeu'tliev jii ered that he had taken the few trink ets arid: articles of1 valueHhaliliiwife anu inoitrer hart preserved from the wreck: of their iortunes.C'They ed him, tp New 1 ork,. procured an. in- Oiptment agarnst Jiim and serittab onicer to arrest hi m. w He .made ome restitution, and" the -officer 'did 'not take liiih; into'cntody-Tiiia wife has lately procured a divorce, and ke when last heard from, was Will liv- ing on his wits in New York. He has keen frequently cuqwii" to- beg so small ttdoan as halfa dollar,' to !sa ire himself from absolute starvation The Golden Age of th6 Repubtic: " e hayeJiad,a period of unbridled extravagance, of .. reckless waist , ; bf heetlless enterprise, of prodigiou bns incss expansion, of speculation; K kite flying ahd wild issues of irredpetnabie -. ' i ' -, paper money, lot lowed by a natural collapse, ruin, bankruptcy' and stag- iiaiiou. nc are now commenci.lLig to build; jin, -a firmer foundation an edifjcei that shall bo both lasting-and grand.1 In fact, the golden age ofth Repub lic is fairly ushered in by an immense favorable balance of tradt.prodiiious a. ii f a i uuiueuueiporis, luejapiuexiingUlSJl- ment of the foreigu debt, .the large and steady accumulation . of gold in! th- Aational Treasury, the siiccessful res toration of the coin basis, the triumph of Anierican, ma nu fact ores in Kuro'pe an markets, the increasetlpowerand self-reliant enterprise ,of donioctic catj- ital and the progressive 'reduction ' of the' p'rincipahand interest" of 'tlul;na tional dchtr Philadetbkia MM American. . A Darkey's f&tL-pjt ft01 JAvzJIw csily ..,,1 -1... . i .M ' ': ..i A few dayy gincb h gentlemap was endeavoring tp secure thejser vices spfJ an African as a farm hand, aud efler in him the sum of $KLler month. The darkey said he could,, uot worjc for so little money. He was then told that he must work to live. To this he replied that rather than work torso smair'asitii-he wouhl go Jo the petu'tentiary., ;opestiy7, j iTfee gentleman; was. overcome and gavo hp his attempt at. being in disgust. 7i. Xcws. ' ' sr. ' XOItTir CAKOLIXA INVENTION'S. i i . . ?',' .. ':. ' ' - ; , ., , ; i .T. ' t ' ', ''Mr. II. A. JJust, of Ihidgewatear. Barke coi'iuty, passed Hickory last . Moatlay'ou liiV way to Valiington and New York, to secure juiteuts for peTera, inyenieiis recently hiade hV hinjftejlf.. lt invented it-coinbinatfoii axo fast (Jyfar and j .ws Allowing the liiodel to oinei icmls ou the streets of 'ciiarfotte. ' wh Jn ow T. Km IJoWnmg, of Mississippi ltoticed it very cl6fe"1v, liad a model ni;ulti at once, and went directly to ashinctQir and seenred ! , ,. L . . ji. j-l jll," ... i f"'7' ' a patent before Mr. Iawt appliedMrjIL entered s'uif ag-.dnst iiini vrhicli wa4lei, ded a few weeks since in favor of the renj inventor. Proceedings-vilV be institatrd to recover damages. Before the, case was, decided against Downing, he hatynauAg ed fosell the .illt in uiue.Says, from ' The pole of the axe is so arranged as to receive- the uiade or bit of six different useful farming Utensils the. riixe, bi-oad-axe, hoe, &c. . ', r ,. .,.iKt-t t; '" He bad' w'itli him a model f f a nfnvly inveiited gan lock, for wjiicb he f.huuicd . j " J I t. ' : A r.1f siinniiciry-anu cuea imw, ja, niuuiug . ....,!. t v-i . ' V 1 -. " spring is the principal parrot thejnia- chiuery,'and'lt can "adjusted so'as o iiiake a hard or light 8trokt ( JleySayaj r : . l ' m .it if t' ' ' - . t - - T tliat it cau be niaiiuiaciureu aim sotu lor fiftyceutseach. , ; , . j xi He lias also in venteiFa process for fast; en i its toirether the rails on a railroad tcwhich be clalnis is far' 'superior to J tho "FishT'Barvnrdcess: The end of tlittl rails are'uhited bylbttbiuieiM.. together j instnsiil f -n?ifini iir tliu 'ends Arith bolts. rail. niSik!t.iTlivlJ tniif tlieni toirether I &c.,,IIe says thii will be a saving, of i ? 4 . 9 .'' :'t . !f'o . i Fk ' - 1 cenis bo each rail.7?f 2Vf?7vi j. !o mi: il H jSalcnt iVw; I'liil lip Keed kU! ed iiisjmammotb hog ;a few" days isiuce, hi! net M weight- - bemg' 85 pounds. This immense 140 coual ,4t i t.Brst sight Jt; mar a seem -tinrliorifo J m tojrejoiee oyer ant event whicIi -deJ WW'' - f " ' -7 put e manyof ur cittzns of tbr ?,iU prevail when we ntatt that th I nf4 ftTerajfered to are none other tharigbtd4 broker. What to theinls an Iir-wiuh and; Wa? Shffetiballar 3W?Al-'NwYorJc GoId4 Ivtiom was oqo of thenany afflictions gen eratea by our cirri-war. Born, in si, tyvcxx Iatireerail!It4oickly ia power, ;VdiiciveN; shadowed Jndastry fud commrce$ "and its operations beginning' witli lefftthnate transactioiis iir the purchase and saie" of W.lH ? developed tafo ;a grgaut'c ysteift f camWig The mcr- ennat premium mai keil its highest point iri J nlyj 1864, when. $ I iu cold was ex 5T!?Srable tif$2,S5 . UniteilStatcs legal.' teiuler notes. Thenceforth the steadily. diwiDishel. In: .1809 adarins King raided the market aud' pushed the inOtatiO-'itp froni lU l-2, tb 'lfiJlS, only to luve the fiuiers of inokt of the conspirators badly lu rued s in the uemo- rable reaction of Black Friday a dieas terfroni Which som of Grant's iinmedi- ate.crouies, if not Grant . liiuiself, are re- puieo jp iiTfs gayiereu considerate Mil. Since then gold and greenback, ? impell ed -by the natural laws ftrndthave been slowly but snrely grtivitating to tli e nam e place, winch they have now 1 practically n-Hciicii, joric mar. A Jiattleof -AulA?' niitb between red. and black' unts is described 63 ivwii-r ter ia flarprrt Mivjaziua lie says that he had watched and fed a culouy of bluck uts in his dooryard, jlK'ing interested in i st ndy ef .tneit' reiihtrk'able. iu tell i seucc. One day he was sufpiisejl to fiud that an army of red'ahts had made ,un invasion, nd that tlo eouflitt 4TAS raging oVcr a spaie of a squaiei yrd.j ,In - nearly erery instance a, rectjWaa pitted against a black, but soinetiuies a fighter found himself with two assailants, iu which cixm he . was quickly dispatched. , The battle lasted many hours. The combatants,- locked in- each other's embraceirpUed. and tumbled about, ueyer .separatpig .uutil on was killed., The surTiTorj was often so firmly held by his dead victim that he could with diltlculty' frec . hiinseJf., The obserrer picked up several of the conules, but so intent were, they., 011 their, light that his handliuc made u .3MtVii"euce. , took twenty of thui into Iris room aud watch ed them wjth a uiaguifyiug.gkiss. It was an hoiur ; beforp the tirst a blacks-was killed and torn lie reel y to .piecea. Tlie red Victor then ,.weuttt,o. tho , heUt uf a conjrader , F,iually,J.lm . jteu ; blacks and four of the, reds, wcrQ . killed.; t The Glattyoio JiankrA gniu L.oxper. pee, 31.4-DeTelopments. re spect ing. the settlement of the, a Hairs of the City of.Glasgqw bank are very unfa vorable.. -,The: liquidators made a prelim inary report to-day, of the result of their labors ; thus far. They ... have received 5)1,803 up to yesterday fioni.he share holders,, npon; whom rests the burden of paying the debts of jhe bank. Of this 8UIU -56,372 reuresent payments ouseci ond jnstalments, Itviiovr begins, to be feared that a great majority of the share- lolders will be foundlojbe uteijy nna- bled to pay even one-teuth ofthp part of their share of indebtedness. The secre tary, of .tri bank, who has been imprison ed in the Glasgow jail since he aud tlie manager and diix'ctors were committed for trm), has given tothe Lord Advocate much important, informatfoa concerniug the.traasactions of his fellow-oflicers, and on their triaf at the approach ing assizes ho will bo used as a witness for the Crown. Fie has been liberated ad interim for this purpose. Publie fcoTpig Is Very strongly excited against the directors', and their coudeinnatioi fs thought to be certaiuv 1'iieir fAinilies hro plitnged in deep dis- tress. ' ' " ; A new indusfrv ha! "been coitimencetl jii'tlie matter of' the cattle trade which Is' ikely to wemne very 'profltable to Vir- giiua. .lit is tne uirecx: smpmeat irom Norfolk! to Liverpool off beef kittle aiid sheep, j mx ear lails, nave just been sent to SVifolk for shipment to Liverpool by MessrsJ Cloyd & Bell, of Washington 'conntv.and this is but rie of a number ' 1 1 t.:.S.-.l. i .l I.....I..U . 01. SJ us liar targe bii interns mauo iiiriu. fliio tirt 'shiiimenrmade was made as'an exjieiiiient, ,onle,, months ago, arid wis attended -wiUi'such success and profit tliat these gentlemen were; Induced to contin ue the shipments, audt 4smrprobable Vhat they made eTtry inontlf-or Ullliei j iIUC.caillo'iiiijij:u' mi best quality. 1 iThey are' pht " on board !a sVeanicr t'Noifolk aid m-ejandeil at LiV- ernoollii good orderod condition; and; iigood re placotl upon tho market at prices that compete with those ul the Uestv quality of 'native ineats1 .Thisjprouiisesi to open up fosouth-west , Virginrii a vast ; lieht for pniti table- en ter pj so, fpr t he ; cattle of that regunf is oroiMmuced thei best, iu the cbmpetf with th .-..-lt"Tf- l Ul IU. -rlAwriltc Setrs. Hi'. - ft' 1: tThe Col ambus u,fujrefzStK tliiuks tie best solution of, the coy vie t question lies .. ... . . iji' 1 iu tho eniptoymeut.byeacu county , of ito ll . . . ..1. own Convicis o ,worH, upon ine roau.-, eic. -!-' . ...,.! ' ' number of wbmenVTfior HULit I hfltsaUutM'yearsV one mrt reacliek theage ofJdPgSriJ WZj and not niomthanWln 500 WitfKacll -ill if Vl mx jr die every year, Sl,83t dio eVeVv4 flaV?M 'hi f' :rf - bout 33 vlMvi AdrJuL'.jiViui I I every houriana ffl flio lossei are ualauced by khnal nani-ffi4fi " ber of birthul TliLlWi.Ji. ul ir. siA 1 . , -; "v uuiwcu urcuojOliar lived than 1.a . ... . 1. longer? tjiaii short nesvVMnenUve a ?0 to i00.'3farrialAtoW more chances Of lite reviorts1! of fifty yearV bnt'ftwWa The numliiii- f miiAr'l r t'K xl . vi uiHiiui"ra iiiii lrfllwiTTln - flueuihftertlu cqxesVlfiaidorfnffdf; thei" nro'ntha kt '.ItiZJiiXx rtrjiElw m T mi Hi i , born in spring are'moremiut Chan m?ni ersl births and'deathiar by night that by day."1'1 !) ! ' 'Hg! '. a,. -A ' ob- thUi 4fk:Ut Si I . on J '. ;. . ;Mi ;;hl-fci.4.j.! ji Two years in Brirope' ' hate uAfiW head of Grant. aiid unideliiui a coufirniel believer ttr-oroflg ''jiVrnWcnFaMtt'ik1 "' iniitator oithe usages' bfiugsnifia ' iU Pe'rorsi-i It..lmrcny coheealeti this Wrttiai:h with Pririco Bismarch,; when Wsuostan-8' A tially expressed tho opinion' tnabbcm4 I ence was tihe 'first' ddty Of Uheeabjejfc fe J anu resistance to hereditary ty rannyMod 4f not be punished witb to tench WverUy.,Ji ' He had. established a sort of 'shouV?clirri, I befin e he went abroad, and bfHwiircom N 'f back filled witjrtheniionsetrtd yp, f H 1 Roiuething more-like the genuine articled r i He will exiiect the lJeimbHcanMrtuMU iK-cept hiwnnd to approve his coarse ani W' bitlou. X T. Sum . f i;jv M j;.'ll HI. IMMORALITIES OF PUULia MExMW 4 - - Fromthei New Tbrlr Stak ?vf the tendency ;UV coudoB against morality on the' parr of'iMblfeH: j meA is not a- creditable one. There iajo V,u 1 good reason whyhe-Innfh slwajd.; - bo hushed up while thc fmaligrsHjnsjf ; i less favored liefsons are1 Visited ' witllill I the rigors which law or iftiifcfrA I can command. Because -uiaiaiijbqfa tfe Hi posiessiori of talents or weitlth or soxffl rank, it does hot to!16w that hlstticsiarnj to lie viewed witli rt Jumre lehieiit pVe4tnin thejvicos oroue;w1d,1fiVnoneofanitaicw,t4 vautagesvjThe'ei ljg nblfj people to save prbhriihtFpersonsHim,? d the ilue ieualtie8 ofthefr infiuoWty, aroa, B most injories id their eftnpoW generally. Snch orTorts' teaeh tneolf;'411 iug iloctrine-thata hianneeVlUuli? 1,o"le,U IowW aud'ibflueuco ,whlcMieuWsi or'r attest station cow hfaods, to t iotafenimolt 'r with inipunifythe caiious of iionor ..''litwt NEGRO REGULATOKSr i id 1 . a- - m- J ( vo o i"'i r ? ' i tlie rock quarry, something happen- , T ed a day 'or two sTnce, which' shows that t tX nv J'J' 21 'li p:.jr.;l illicit in kiiuttb uo coior 111 lllOSC WbO - practise it and believe in tts'ef!lV. . m j ; -v-'.' -wi-n i -13 iinolu Ttrn nrfiru.a cf sl j. a iiiimlum nt 1 belonging to some of the ether laborers; . , , iu u e worKs, wnereuppntiie latter pur- 11& great difficulty SA singular scene Mvk,;1 ensueu. ine iwo ouenuers were. bauJeu up, a court was organized inirguartforjDi ; k arid the cutprit were afraigued, eahrire . were preferred, arguments, pro. and cqflC, j,i 4 , "i, S' ? " ; l fciiT'"'Hiqq4 were made, tho judge delivered his charge .V, to tne jury, and the jury rendered a Ter- A UIVl VI UUIIIJ., 1MB JUUVr TIMB. lOIlOWltl ocuMJiiyx, nuicu n an jsciwnre JUSUCe.i. ; i i- and f'no fooliu V thirt y-nipe well laulon - j i t.tin naf'P. TiJlflf 11 liumii. ii 1 : mwmmv mm mm v v a a v v a m r W 1 i jtf.'WijfKj "t!! ' . i ;.';-. : 3i.;iV 1 .ill: l.i'ii (.illta Ve . "Odf I ' ' lx- -'-t '.. If.-. C ,1 11 , f o n wt A! company 'of Ameucan merchants , , iiave planni-d, with'tlio ftenW'euww r I Hgcifieni. ui Jif. ue .tiiiiiicoua, llie. JJCX icanf-M iuister in this tHiuoTry; ahtnyaion , fid kind, friiey wiir presently set out on : yf a visit to oar neighbor. Republic, areied ; withsa ui plesef Useful Anierw and nuiriiared bVaireqb'Mk Ml M Known 10 ine .iicxicau people:, anu ,tu -.;.. ear for themselrmaVu Mexico can be usefuHyTinpoiled into the IT .force is to, 09 welcomed fit Vera, Cruvftn4of uh.-s preparations, nave been-made 'on aeoiJV? siderable scafe tfrnhow s'tiuniljewtnt theuntry. . , 1 11c tie uc 01 1 en nesse messete is- at .preseut : u payer tnar nctnal repuuiatlou ;ha ,en,ji- suggested as possible It is Saul that the k: Governor, -when theL7giiature meets. n-'tl'ifnmrtwtfia.l li'trtl liil?,' will reconmielid tliat' tlmw delft n seletf ni.BUij crniH ou iui- uminr, mhii iurr . 1 - cent, wnicn vui pnionoiy-wjiccepieju uy the Legislature 1 a rill flni -lmidholdrsS tetdeigkSttrg. . : " i I -Tim niiMt imuiineiit irahres'Tii 'the Lor- ir- r i.- it;i.1' t4r.r i?". arc uiucou1iciis,t'ienjaiiiin ,r . nauc, . ? William Bt4irntAJosenti -'Jleutia: ..1 . ii .!; it. ,iF'J,rT"M "! Bayard Taylor; ' Fire Uuetnbers of Coiir J . : , i. L il til gross liau passeu away in iue same muo ; - Messrs. Leonard, WdcliI QuiunT Wltl il.lllio lllivt vii,m.i 1 i - - .i i I-. 4:; i-V ' ... ' i , .1 i . J-t:f "4 - "i - :rr.-- ( J . V - H: !'---1- - tt--' . I . Mir- fc ft. . . ... n ; f :j '1 : YtV t f 5 r in .El : i ' - ":rt- t ; v . .- . . I s - ' ; ' ' ' : : ! : 'r i :H fi --' ; iV- ..: .L.T r2M