i ,f A dt -! '-,;', lM:c-;'''::J:."'.j::-'-':1 i;- .- -:.:-'-i'V;. '--.'-,.h.i:.h-, a..---.---. .'..-.., -i ;...,.. --- -- . '. '. : I, . J4: M4 Mr!.-: 4 .4 --. , ' . i v An earihqoaKC or a 30 seconds duration wis felt at Jacksonville, r lonua, juiuu. i-i ,i ij rr 1 1 Jr. - t ,r- : Ve ltdrrhejleath, of Dak- vl IWosri Wood.. He. died of congestion offtue Ja4gVtti'UQxne rnear iniru fVeek IJanVotli, after an illness of only -r . , U- - I. I . . a . - . - mi 3GUoui.. Aged ffl year, ; t j uotheriieUirning Prodigal. Oavjouag 40usihan ywHge j.-juvm who new toriSHs,lst fcill,. jwfpecting to r make it hil faiure (loute, Iiaiiitaf ned.Viser tban solicitvd? to at- -O- riiUH-a WW acWition to the- stock yufijctftnejyVfroni -Xeirall Jt U said nut is lileasant to, the "ttiste aud is ;'be-. .i.Wsi1frokl medicine fr throat and lunjr diseases. I .-A v Another Harrow pe.---TKc 6d wood- n row DD klie soutit Vide" of Main, 'be- JVweenfuuss and Ffsher streets, inade ii another narrow escape from destruction by! fire on jloiiday evening lant.' . This is .! thitd oKfourth narrowAescapo it : has iniil this winter. ; Its time inut be up, d ttrd becoming impatient for, its prey. beu accideptid. .4 . . v Euiehaiiimc nt ijrrrtordMdrw.A-Mr. J. M. Gray gaVe us one of ''ibe plea san test entertaiuiuents at the Court House ,Mou- 'ftv'Mnlnff'. weTiave had here this win- tr or, for Iat matter, for-several wu terlf il was.u An evening with the poets.' Ilicktdibgsl and recif irtions. . interlarded it wm uniorj niid elofiueuce. The iccasiou was made! for the purpose of ais!og liuos for th Lee Monument. It ks;pieity ell -filled aiid the entertain ent itself proved a very pleasant sur- riMC to ail woo were preseni, ro enjoy u. Joq fsw brought gifts with 'them" for the ause to muku it a fine success in all loiiits; but Us a literary treat it could .'. -'.4 ;. . it'. ii.. jcarctiiy foe excel ieu iy ine iuusl tbuuvtb- cl celebrity of the stage. i if,: i . i . : - :ove, A. (J. Jun.7, 179. jlrtmVi.-4Dec. W 1878, by theRev. W. I. Cohejat the resilience' of the same, in his couiity.LMr. IvoIskkt L. Blackwel- EftijU'dj.Muls Makv Alice Bostiax, all f llownu county. 1 - Oil hf Kaipe date as alnive,. and by the ahie,;at ' theiresidencie of the liride's fath , r, M n ;; it M Ij'a t te rsoo, of Cuba rrus c m u -1 friC.t Mi3. HKKy 1 Gj.ass and Miss L" S. PAfTusoX, all of Cabarrus. K AN'Iv'LIX L ZEPHYRS." 4 tVheat and oats, much injured by the Me fiteze SptUiiig Bees,-re jtho order of the day .v!J ! - ' I scTenil localities, Franklin Academy under the manage-J cut of Rey. H. M: Brown, Piiucipal, is a' flourishing condition Oar Tow ii shin boasts of four nrivatA 111 fpouils,, Well stocked with choice kfteties ofiih. :; : - jAferyjlare majority of our iwsople e iu favor if thev "Stock Law," and trybody lisri jpiciug vcr the "Bow cer iu election of our glorious Governor iiiice to thelJnitd States Senate. Taking Fraukliuviile as a centre, we ive juorTowushipi, w ithia a . mdius tnree miles, eleven ; ice-houses, -well ed, aud eoitaiuiug, in thew aggregrate, lout four hundred wairon loads of ice. pay be judged by this that Franklin ends toliep cool. W. R. F. j Raleigh, X. C.; Jan. 21, 1879. lit! JlwToii, -T6-d4y each house voted 13 S. fk;uator. Gov. Vance received Judire Buxton X). Judi'n MiMiimoii 1. ; f Judge Asjto 1. 118 votes beiiig cast JthS llpuiAjjkud onlytwo members ab- iup;ii-:.-.' ! : . ..... T,e, Legislature lias not perfected much JiiDess. Some important busiuess is ; lading mostly iiuthe punters hands - fat Atuiiundmeptio ths constitution ! allow whipping (womeu being except- lias beirr improved! Bv the Judiciary ' lauiitteMf jthe House, aud I think will kiYPi tlM. necessary j Biaijority in that : H'at Iwidy. j Some democrats doubt the ffw Hfafay ,aw ay be partie : fJ objectionable to any class of our kens;.) ;.f,v(i'-1 ;:! - . - Ibeprteseijtativesiof the counties of , 4Vua' i-iueoW"? i Iredell, Davie, Rowan i Cabanas have betn trying to agree 1 a fence law1, or they have been talking wit tt,aud appointing meetings to try to ; me a law suitable to all. 1 fear that 1 Viwill eiylanger the success of any ; 'g of the kind, ,So this morning it was : ygjt by thb lepreseutatives from Ife- Jr CUbarVns'and'lloUan that a bounda-l- hke that ofj JS7G-771 might suit them ' tterj andjf they wer properly support 'titioulthakthjaW' can be passed "l'totilv.lLThia fi iirhteus some m. . k: V I - J " "O " " i fear aMjHyiug away f some iersous ?uViiarfbriuizatiou. Tlie unanimous ?roral of tlise wild ha vertried it makes Mm, and; E would bc willing, with a ; preoii of the best element of our t 2e"iUiP Jo go on record ; believing as 9 that it is liiost luiiiei-a'ti vclr demaud- y all thef fin iiiiug iutereats of ; our ' 7-f x -avp wntten; tlus mucli on tins , m becftusij it is of public iwiKirtauce 4 yi Keiwov-Uls, Jurisdiction of Magis ; f naud sevbal bills'of imporUnce to 1 Iv1? liaw uefcI Jntroduced m tlie .v- Hby Heuderson, and iHie cau j1 ,cm tlntugh that botly, I have no ' I lint r... it . .. V -j- iifo uouikj :wm pajis mem. -t- Seiiati there are 31 farmeus. 11 f r? "chauic 2 Jdoctorsa Bier-I-W-f H8ter8. Among the farm- ffc8(mieofthe most' intelligent niem- L i ; T ro " usceimeucy ill brauohH the General AsMnubly hem responsible for the legisla of the 8essjon.Z. Ar." . . I i i t ..... ! :jFfttff "rtir. TlMm will be a debate on ..ri,e Keiu-fc Law," in LitakcrV Township, fttjctztv' chool-i.ojiso,' tn School,' Dia- BUSINESS JiOC Ali COLUMN. jf r ' r t- f - - V would. 4 ike persons intending to buy for Christmas tree's or Christinas parties to come aad see what we hare and get our lowest prices. We hare a big stock for such purposes. ; ; ' ! M. M. Lixtox it, Co.; This week w have increased oar stock of Candiesi and Crackers. The finest Confectioneries we ever bought. 5 I M. M. Lixtox & Co. Extra Cream Soda Biscuit, Milk Bis cuit, tc, &c, very fine indeed. Malaga Grapes, California Grapes in 3 lb. wood boxes. California Pears, Florida Oranges, New York State Apples, just received at i ; Lixtox's. . ! - i - r. - "?- t.T: 1 ' " fiAVeharei-eceived a nice , lot of Sweet meats for. Holiday trade, . . :rZ N -.- ;:-i.-A'M-M.LXTOX ffc Co. Fresh Prunes: Prunell's Raisins, Figs, Citroi, and Cui renti?, just received at Lixtox's; Preserved Ginger, Cross and Black- well's Chow Chow; At mores Mince Meat, at ' ' : I - ; Lixtos's Young man go to Lin tou's for a box of nice Bou lions for your sweetheart. . M. M. Lixtox &. Co. Saliftbury,- Decj J2th, 1878. Clocis & Watches Repaired very low atrD. A. Atwell!s Hardware Store. 8:3m. f . i Chow JackRon'ri Bet Svreet ifa-y Tobaeec REPORT OF THE TREASURER. State of North Carolixa, Treascuy Department, Raleigh, January 7, 1879. To Wis Excellency Zebulon B. Vance, Gov ernor of North Carolina. Sir: I submit this report of the receipts and disbursements of this Department for the liscal years ending on the 30th day of Septeuiber, 1877, and 30th day of Septem ber, l7d, with statements which explain themselves. Nj k The summary statements of the Educa tional and Public Funds show a balance to the credit of each fund on the 30th of September last as follows : Educational l'uud,i $18,600.25$ Public fund, 100,192.99 $113,793.26 Statements A and B contain the re ceipts and disbursements of the Educa tional Fund, which, for the two years, are us follows : PERMANENT FL'XD. Entries of vacant lauds, $3,563.30 Fines foiieitures and penalties, 9,283.59 $16,85l.89 INCOME OR DISTRIBUTIVE FUND. Tax on Auctioneers, " 197.93 Tax on Ret'lers of Lq'rs. 19,163.21 Interest on U. S. Bonds, 9,156.87 UuiveibitVxSoimal School - . (refuiuled) 6.00 i $23,524.06 Total receipts," . j - 46,375.951 Statements C and contain the dis bursement of the Educational Fund, for the two tiscaryeark, stated as follows: FROM PERMANENT Ft"NI.- Investment in U. S. Bonds, $7,805.00 DISTRIBUTIVE FUXD. x Cowmon schools, $17,501.63 Expense account, 28.50 University Normal i school 2,013.00. . Colored ' Normal School 2.000.00 - $21,543.13 Total disbursements $29,343.13 Statement E and F contain the receipts of the Public Fund, which, for the two fiscal years amount to $1, 066,957.59$. Statemeuts-G and II contain the disburse ments of the Public Fund, for the same time, amounting to $1,147,451.66 1-6. The disbursements, in addition to the ordinary expenses of tlie State govern meiit, embrace the usual special appropri ations to the several charitable and peual institutions, and extra appropriations and interest on bonds, as follows : Westeru N. C. R. R. ' , Insane Asylum, v Penitentiary, ' . : Interest on mortgage bonds issued on account of.Vcs tern N. C. R. R., I $75,19623 50,500.00 100,000.00 118,545.00 $344,241.93 It is proper to suggest that these large special cxieuditnres are In excess of the usual appropriations provided for by spe cial taxation, aud the fact that they have been met without an increase of the rev enue levies, is ".evidence-' of the rigid economy iu the administration of the gov ernment In its several legislative, execu tive and judicial departments,' as the sav iug by th large- reduction of these ex penses luts admitted of more extensive aid from the Treasury to the several works now iu progress under the authority of the Ueuerui Assembly. f I am compelled to! state, however, that the Treasury Jjas suffered eiubarrassmeut iu consequence of a dehcieicy of funds to meet special appropriations for the 'Wes tern North, Carolina Railroad, and public buildings, at large portion of: which re mains unpaid.- ".' 4 In this connection I call the attention of the General Assembly to section 7,, of article V, of the btate Constitution, which requires that "every j act of the General Assembly levying a tax shall state the special object to which it is to be applied, aud it shall be applied to no other pur- pose." - .'; t;; The Treasurer, as a ministerial officer, should obey a statute giving directions to his duty." c ' f ' ' . ' . Sec. 3, page 1, "of the act to raise reve nue, provides that "the taxes hereinafter designated shall be applied to defray, the expenses of the State Government, and to appropriations to charitable and penal institutionM." 'i ..... In making these special payments from the general fund, I did not conceive it my duty to consider to what extent the ac tion of tlie General Assembly, in gi ving this direction to the funds, was consistent with the sections of the Constitution and the Statute above quoted" . I obey the General! Assembly a far as l V 34 ablewith the meaus in uiy hands; The balance to the credit of the Public Fund, on the 30th of September last, was $100,192.99 applicable a& follows; General puhmses, . $55,069,621 i Agricultural Department, 12,827iXJ 13,670.41 8,000 10,625 Insane Asylum, Institution, Deaf and Dumb and Blind, ... 100,192)9 It is seen that of the above stated bal ance, only $55,069.62 were applicable to general p ureses, which amount was exi hausted before any settlements were made by Sheriffs of their tax accounts for the present year, by the payment of the in terest due November; 1st, on the Mort gage Bonds issued for the purchase of the Western North Carolina Railroad, the salaries of the executive and judicial offi cers, and other expenses, such as public printing, conveying convicts to the peni tentiary, &.C 44; r ..-44 4i . PUBLIC DEBT. Statement 1 exhibits the bonded debt in detail, giving date of isane and' matu rity, and authority muter which the bonds were issued. The debt is classiGed as follows: 1. Bonds issued before the war known as 'old' bonds, $3,372,400.00 Interest due on same, 5,007,580.50 Total, 2. Bonds issued since the j war by authority of acts before the war ' Interest due on same, .. Total, 3. Bonds issued since the war by authority of ordi nances of Convention, aud acts of the General Assembly, passed since the war 4 Interest due on same, $13,379,980.50 1,774,000.00 1,015,890.00 $2,789,890.00 2,012,045.00 1,160,773.35 Total, 4. Bonds issued under Fund $3,172,818.35 iug acts of March 10, 66, antl August 20, 1863 Fund'g act '6(i, $231,000 Int'st cm same, 1,310,262 3,541,262.00 Fnud'g act '63, $1 ,657,600 Intr'sn same, 990,937 2,643,587.00 Total 5.' Bonds issued during the war by authority of acts passed before the war, for internal improvement pur Mses to which are added $215,000 issued for Chat ham Railroad under ordi nance of Convention of January 30, 1862, Interest due ou same, $6,189,849,00 914,000.00 674,(590.00 , Total, $1,583,690.00 Total principal of debt ex . elusive of special 'tax b'ds 16,9(50,045.00 Total am't iuterest due, 10,160,182.85 Total principal and int'st $27,120,227.85 The special tax "bonds are eliminated from the geueral statement of the debt, and reported in a separate statement marked K, where they appear as the re sult of unwise legislation. The principal of the "old" or ante-war debt, as shown in the foregoing classifica tion, is $3,371,400. Of this amount $2, 794,000 were issued for the construction of the North Carolina Railroad. Deduct ing tli is amount there remains as princi pal $5,577,400. The interest on thisclass, which is repotted at $5,007,530.50, is sub ject to a deduction of the amount paid by the Keceiver of the dividends from the North Carolina Railroad Company, which amount 1 have not ascertained. The 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th classes are bonds issued during and since the war, amounting in the aggregate to $3,o33,645, principal, and $5,152,602,35 interest. Total $13,741,247,35. The character of the issues embraced in these several classes is explained iu tlie tabulated statement, as well as in the foregoing classification. These figures commend themselves to the serious consideration of the General Assembly. v I suggest thatfsome adjustment of tlie debt should be made with the creditors. It is true that the works of improve ment, which have been constructed an an equivalent for the liberal aid extended by the State before the war, are now almost wholly uu remunerative, and that there are but little, if jany visible fruits of the large appropriations, which make up the debt contracted since the war, on which the State can depend in an arrange ment with the creditors. It is further true that the financial con dition of our people has been changed by the heavy losses which they have suffer ed. Yet the debt bears upon us as an iu cumberance to our prosperity, which is. increased by the continued postponement of an adjustment. Terms of conl promise ought to be offer ed the crcditbrs, embracing, such an amount of principal, aud rate of iuterest. as will be consistent with the ability of our people toassume. it such terms should be rejected by the creditors, the responsi bility will rest upon them and the .end of negotiations will have been reached. The Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Rail road Company has completed it exchange of bonds with the State as authorized by law, iu the redemption of the mortgage of $1,200,000, held by the State on the property of the companv, aud executed under an ordiuauce of the Convention of 1363. By this transaction the principal of the dobt.has been reduced $230,000, and In terest $177,133, making a total reduction of $457,133. The statement -of the debt is made-up with this reduction. ' - 4 . -4 . STOCKS AXD BOXDS. I have omitted the statement, in the unal tabular form, of the stocks owned by the State iu corporations, and bonds held in exchange with them. They ap pear in the following statement,' aud do not include stocks purchased with spe cial tax oouus. 44. 4 s i STOCKS.. . . . North , Carolina :.' Railroad Company, i 4 4 - $3,000,200 Atlantic ana isorth. Carolina 4 : , . Railroad Cohipauy,'.;;.:,. 1,266,500 Western Railroad Company (from Fayetteville), ... 1,100,000 Albemarle aud - Chesapeake Canal Company, 350,000 Koanoke Navigation Com- pauy, 50,000 Total face value of stocks, $5,766,700 I lio market value of these stocks is nominal, and they are entirely iiuremu nerative, except the stock in the North Carolina Riiilroad Company. v - 4 : BONDS. The following mentioned' bonds are held by the State in the nature of exchange and are unavailable : City of Raleigh, date January i;i8G3f ; 14,000 Raleigh and Gaston Railroad 4 f Company, date Jan. 1, 1803- 4,- 20,000; Wilmington, -Charlotte and. 4 Rutherford Railroad Cora- pany, now Carolina Central, 1 diffci-cut dates from Jan. 1, Peuitentiarv. : "' " ' f - July 1, 18G2; incla- ';4!s-"i 04 yvt 4 sive, . 1,500,000 Total face value" or bonds,' : $1 ,534,000 i ASSIMEXTS OF PROPEB.fr. " I call tiie attention of tlie General As sembly td tbn importance and necessity of changing the system of assessing prop erty for taxiition. ?-;r-4, 4-4;r;-4 f . The present mode-has been unequally and unjustly practiced in many counties of the State. 4 An ex teiisiveT correspon dence with; j the authorities of several counties, j as, well as tax payers, gives evidence pf a geueral want of uniformity iu listing property ! for taxatioui The Commissioners - of many counties have construed the law accoi-dinglo their own couvictionsjwithont r regard to ' the niii forni rule! reqiiin'd by i the Constitution as well tts the Statute whose iutent it is to give effect ' to the constitutional provisions. )As the effect of this, t much property lias- been unlisted aud the State deprived of just revenues. A thorough revision of the rulcs of assessment-. and listing of property, is', demanded, so as to equalize 1 nd justly distribute the1 ratio of taxation anions our ieoole.; ' 4 ' ; ' Very Kespectfuliy, " ,4 -1 U 4 lour Ubt. erv t ! J. M. Worth. ; 4 . : : 4 3 State Treasurer. A W01! kixq Body. The Wadcsboro llerald !, ' We liave seldom had a Iegislature so active lis the one at present sitting. ,It has accomplished more than ordinary, amount of business during the past two weeks, j : V- From the start it has made we, too, in cline to tile opinion that this will prove a working body. Char. Obgerrer. This opinion is concurred in here. DIED. In Providence Township, this county, January 80, little JKMMifi, son of John 11. and Fannie Long, aged s years and months. . ills Baffering' here on earth was great ; i tut nothing compared to the happiue&s above; i . lie has lert this world to greet A never dylnr Saviour's love. . ;j Pocket-Book Lost. , It was in ithe town of B., and Mr. S. had Jitat concluded some purchase, when he oiad ihn startling difeovcry that Lit pocket-book was lost. While searching hi pockets he found a buckeye,'' and Maid ''Gentlemen,: my pocket-book; i lost, but there ha been some thing discovered br Dr. Tabier, of Nashville, of far greater value. It i the Buckeye Pile Ointment, which will cure Pile iu all capes, when ued according to direction. Trv it. 1 rice OU cent a , . ... bottle. For aale by C. R. Barker. CotHseiiH.' llonev of Tar will relieve fevere coughs of long Aiaiuling, and prove a blewing to all who siilFer with affection of the throat and lungs, and i confidently olR-rcd the public ax the beat remedy in the world. In our rig orous cliuve where cougha and cold prevail, thin farorite Remedy ohould havea pi are in every houneljold, ; When the little ones are attacked by croup, or whooping cough, nothing will afford audi iutant relief aa Coiiens' Honey of Tajr. Price 50 cents. For aale by C. II. Barkeii PRICE, CURRENT. r Corrected by J. M. Kxox fc Co., Jan. 9th, 1379. Cottox fir iu ; Middlings, low do stains 6 8 1S20 10 tl.."i0a2.00 45 4850 80 1.00 2.25 75 75 810 30 25a30 20 67 3i4 1012i Bacox, coutity hog round Butter Eggs Chickens per dozen Conx - Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at Flouu best fain, super. Potatoes, I RI8II Oxioss no Lard Beeswax Tallow demand Blackberries Apples, dried Sua ar I North Carolix XA, I uty, $ In- Davie Cou Superior CoU,RT. James Holmin, AoainM Plaintiff David Holman, Mary C. Amhort, David Holman, and three minor heirs of Wm. HolmAti, dec, whoe names are unknown. 1 DrfendanU. Petition for Partition. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court on affidavit, that the above named Defendants are nonresidents of thia State, it is ordered that pnbttcation be made in the "Carolina Watchman," a newspaper published in Balia bury, N. C, for six aucceasive weeks, notifying said defendants lo appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said t ounty, on the '23th day of February next and answer the romplaint which ia deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said coun ty, and if they fail to answer the complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the lelief demanded in the com plaint. I ,,t Witnesa, thU January, 1&9. 4 . G. 3d: BINGHAM, 13:Ct. Clerk! Superior Court Davie County. (JATIONAL HOTEL, C0RTLASDT STREET, XBAU BROADWAY, HEW YORK HOTCHKISS & POND,pitOPiiiirroRS. On The European Han. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attach ed, are unaurnawed for cheapness and excel lence of aervicel Booms 50 tt. to i per day; $3 to 10 per week.j , Convenient to all ferries and city tailroads.j . "; j New Furniture, New Management. ' -13: ly. T i ; L- B EATJTIFTJL I LOWEBS, Choice Seeds, etc. JDy Mail j For $1.00 we mail postpaid, either off following Collections, all choice vane ties: -j LI4 t to Verbenas, or 8 HellotroDes: 8 Geraniums, or irucnsias: uoieus. or a tcosea: ivies, ur w jcnrysaninemuma, or iQ aasorteu ureen-uouw i Plants ; S Uladlolus, or 8 Double Tuberoses, or t ia eta, or is 10 eta. p&u usraen Jteeos, or m paca jeis cnoice lower oeeaa.. Circulars, with additional collection mailed to applicants. - j , Ed. J. Evaxs & Co., York, Pai (Local A&enU wanted.); .. .11: 3t. NOW IS THBJ TIME TOi SUBSCBIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN 1860 td mmm, TLk important organ weigha hat about three " pounds, and all the blood ia a firing person (about three gallons) passe through It at least once every half hoar, to have the bile and other im panties stiaiaed or filtered front it. Bile is tha batata : purgaUve or the bowels, and if the Liver becomes ' tOTDtd it is Hot VmntMl fmn llw Kluli( K... ried through the veins to all pans of lite system, sad ia trying to escape through the pores of the slda, causes it to turn yellow or a dirty brown H coior. ine stomacn becomes diseased, and Dy pepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, BUW ousncss. Jaundice, Chills, Malarial Fevers, Piles, Sick and Sour Stomachand general debility fot- . lotr. MtanaiA'a Hkpatixk, the ercal vegetable discovery for torpidity, causes the Liver to threw, off from one to two ounces of bile each time the blood passes through it, as long as there is an ez -cess of bile ; aad the effect of evca a lew doses -upon yellow complexion or a brown dirty looking -skin, will astonish all who try it they being the ' first symptoms to disappear. The cure of all bili-" ous diseases and Liver complaint is made certain by taking Hefattxe in accordance with directions. Headache is generally cured in twenty minutes," aad ao disease that tract from the Liver can exist . if a fair trial is given. ' i SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOK'PIlXft BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ! Price 25 Cents and $1.00 The fatality of Consumptioo or Throat and i Lung Diseases, which sweep to the grave at least oae-third of all death's victims, arises from ths -Opium or Morphine treatment, which simply stu pefies as the work of death goes on. io,ooo will be paid if Opium or Morphine, or any preparation , of Opium, Morphine or Frussic Acid, can be (band ia the Globs Flowex Covch Syxvt, which has -cured people who are living to-day with but one remaining lung. No greater wrong can be done than to say that Consumption is incurable. The Gloe Flows Couch Sykvp will cure it when all other means ha ve fa iled. Also, Colds, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Read the testimonials of the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, Gov. Smith and Ex-Gov. Brown of Ga., Hon. Geo. Pcabbdy, as well as those of other remarkable cures in our book free to all at the drug stores and be convinced that if you wish to be cured you can be by taking the Globs Flowkb Couch S Titer-. ; Take no Troches or Loxenges for Sore Throat, when you can get Globb Flowm Sybuf at same prico. ; Foe sale by all Druggist Price 25 Cents and $1.00 Grave mistakes are made in the treatment of all diseases that arise from poison in the blood. Not one. case of Scrofula, Syphilis, White Swelling, Ulcerous Sores and Skin Disease, in a thousand, . is treated without the use of Mercury i a some form. Mercury rots the bones, and the diseases it pro duces are worse than any other kind of blood or skin disease can be. r. Pembektoh'sStiluk cia or Queen's Delight is the only medicine upon which a hope of recovery from. Scrofula, Sy philis and Mercurial diseases in all stages, can be reasonably founded, and that will cure Cancer. $10,000 will be paid by the proprietors if Mercury, or any ingredient not purely vegetable and harm-. less can be found in it. j Price by all Druggists $i. oo. ' 1 Globs Flower Couch Strut and Msrrkll's Hepatink fob the Liver for sale by all Drug gists in 35 cent and S1.00 bottles. . A.F. MEBBELL&CO., Proprietors,; PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1 FOE, 1878J Don't neglect to call on C. Pljler at tlie Bouk Store for all kinds of Book wanted. The ba quality and latest at vie of wrilin? naner kept here. AIko the renowned Singer Sewing Machine, ran he had here aU from $:o'to $40, He respectfully invites all to call and examine goods and machine. U:ly. GET THE BST. ; The Raleiah News. DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one year, - $5.00 1.00 SfSend Postal Card for Sample Copy. Addrwa THE RALEIGH NEWS,5 U-leigh.N.C Wilmington Sun. Under tlie above name A Daily Democratic Newspaper of twenty-eight wide columns will be Issued In We city of Wilmington, North Carolina, on or about TWayMoraiif, October 17, 1878. The Sew will be published by the 8cn Association, from the Prtntlng House of Messrs. Jackson & Bell. It will be printed in tlrst-class style, on Rood paper, with new type, and will be the handsomest dally Journal ever published In this State. The Scn will be edited by Mr. Cicero W. Harris. The city Editor ship and Business Management will be in competent bauds, and a Correspondent and llepresentatlvewlU travel throgliout the State. Probably no paper has ever started In the South with fairer prospects than those of the Sri. Cer tainly no North Carolina paper has entered the Held under more auspicious circumstances. The Sun has SUFFICIENT CAPITAL for all purposes, and It will use Its money freely In furnishing the people of North Carolina with the latest and most reliable information on all subject of current Interest. Above all things It will be a NKWSPAPKK. And yet an Important feature of the Sun's dally Issues will be intelligent criticisms of the World's doings. North Carolina matters Industrial, commercial, educational, social and literary will receive particular attention. The Sun will be a . NORTH CAROLINA NEWSPAPER. SUBSCRIPTION. - The WiLsriNOTON Sun will be furnished to subscri bers at the following reasonable and uniform rates : For one week 15 Cents I For three months $1 73 " month, CO " six " 60 I " twelve " 7 00 At these rates the Sun will be mailed to any ad-i dress in this country, or left by carrier lu the city. ; ADVERTISING. One square, (ten lines) one time, $1 W; two times, SI so; one week, $3 50; one month, $9 oo; three months, $20 oo; tax months, $35 00; twelve months, $50 00. Contracts for other space and time made at pro portionately low rates. CORRESPONDENCE. Interesting correspondence solicited. . Address, THE SUN, Wilmington, X. C. Unitei States Menial Beraie. Collector's Office, 6th District, X. C, : Statesville, Dec. 4th ,1878. ' The following property having been seized for violation of the Internal Reve uue laws, the owner thereof will appear before mc, within thirty da from the date hereof, and make claim thereto ac cording to provisions of Sec. 34(0 R S; or the same will be forfeited to the nse of the nited States, j About 27 gallons of Peach brand v, aud 29 gallons of whiLey. ! J. J. MOTT, Collector, TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A VALUABLE PARE By virtue of a Deed in Trnut executed to the undersigned by L. C. Earnhart, I will ex pom to public sale at the Court Honne door in tialbsbory, N. C, to the highest bidder, on aturdar, the lt day of February, 1879, at 11 A.:M., the farm, on which the said Earn hart now redden, containing J31 acres moreor,Iei, adjoining the lands of; Richard Cowan, and olhen. M ach of ; the' Und U newly cleared and ery fertile. Terms made known on day of aale. " '" " ' . M-LrHOLME8,-Tratr Cheap" Chattel Mortgages, and various other blanks for tale here ' E. H. IIAESIPS MCHII ' : " f - salisbdry; N. c. hllaTing my Foundry in readiness, I sro now prepared to do all kindest Casting In either5 Iron rtr Rnu n All lin1.'r TT: j n.;i. J Work done with dinpatch; alxo all kinds of ngiiumiiAi nu iummg jtiacnmery bailt or repaired lo order. J I; am also prepared to Dress Lumber, make all kinds of Mouldings, make Sash, Blinds and Doors. Sash, Doors, and all sixes of moulding; kept coustantlr on hand. A stock of Lurnlwr always on hani or furn wh ed at altort notice. i . i-j.i,!yri;- A 16 Horse Portable Engine and Wler Cor sale at mr hopa.4 4- .-:; ,: 'rlnrt I j Work guaranteed, and at prices to suit tk 1 28:ly.pd. , Practical Blacksmith -'4! j ; AND 'l-rf.f.fj; llOUSESHOER. SHOP connected with Brown yerblet Iirrry subles. flTl dtwlg-ns of Shoes, to suit any aApd of loot. . All sboetat; on strictly scteattuo prin ciples and WARRANTED. All kinds blacksmith! ng promptly done, s -ls:ly . On and Off Slick, as Grease ! I BOOTS, " GAITEUS, .j SHOES, SLIPPERS, &c. W. M. EAGLE, Respectfully announces hia continuance at his old 8tand in hia old liue, on Uain Street, opposite Knniss Drug Store. Ue is always ready and anxions to accommodate customers iu bis Hue in the best manner possible. Ue is prepared to do first class frork and can com peto with any northern Slop or Hand made work. - Ills machines, lasts, Ac, are of the latest ard best patents. He works the very best material and keeps on hand ready made work," and stock equal to, any special order. Repairing neatly and promptly done at rea sonable prices, batisltctiou gnarantecd or do charge. , ' . . Price to Unit the Times Csh orders by mail promptly filled.. ' SI.Giiios. W. M. EAuLE. ad Borvalae aaaltcarsA. ThQruilnal1r ' CUKE, feecd .lmp far Wak a Opium Eatlnf. U W. B. Salr VertUncUB, CrMM Co, Ia4. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, OAVXD SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO. W. Y0PP, Propr. i (AtPlyler'sOld Stand.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS AT LOW PRICES. CALL AND SEE HIM. ifctf. BOOKSKMILLIOrj a coapttM ua to wiok. With Chapter OB. A twixHut Wis. Isobood. fvidmeraot Virf iaitr. Stari. UiMbn, and Wifa, CaWbaer aad Matninon V cobidumL lasaadiaaBBi 3 to Marriaxc, CodrucbI Satiaa, Soaaaa 01 Baproducttua. Law of Marriage, La of Divorca. Lifal rif nuormarriad wuma,f.aiooa xaaaoaooi womb. thoir eauM and Cur. A ConSdcntiai work of Sao paa,witli fall Plat EarnTfoKt, wat for SO caeta. MTh Private Medical Adviser, ea th tm:u of lm- pura BMorialiooa, Jtc aiao oa Uia aamt kabiuof jtm la and their effect on alter lite, causing Varicocele, Seiuiaai miniona, Kerrooa debilitj, Im of S.xal Power, au. makinfc marriaite improper ornhapp, (iTiii away val. able receipt for Um xure of private aieae i tain aisa, 6O platea, SO eenta. "Medical Advio." icctaraoa Manhood and Womaaood, 10 end: or all time $L. Thtj contain 600 page and over 100 Illnatrattona. kracinc evenrtkina; oa the generative Ijftm that i vonh kaovini; jind muck thai i Dot published ia aaj other work. bant ib ainrie roiumea. or compiet ua on, tot jrrtce la ; Btasopa, bum or vurmtej. t i ae aataor mvita i Sur or CuiraneT. Tae aataor iavita eoaaaila. letter arc proiiiptlr antwertd wrthoot eharfa.) Dr. Burls' Dispensary. U KorU Su Su i, Mo. (Eetabli.hed 1S47.) , non. ana letter arc AUdrcMi St. Lout,: (I earnasUj aak penona miScring from njRTJITA to atnd me their name aad addreas. they will bar I omothinf to their adTanUga S ot a Tnmm. J. Noktii Cakolika. lio wan County, Ix StrEuiOR Court. Moses L Holmes, Plff. Jehu Foster. Admjc- of Special proceed ings for settlem't Jehu Foster, dee'd., wid J. of estate of Jehu individually Thomasy Foster, and for Foster and others. I sale of resj estate. Defendants. J It appearing to my satisfaction that the Defendants, Jehu Foster and Thomas J. Foster are non-residents of the State, it is ordered that publication be made for six weeks, notifying the said defendants to ap pear at my office in the Court House in Sal isbury on 'the 4th of February next, to an swer or demur to the complaint filed. Given under mj hand and seal of office this 23d December, A. D. 1878. J. M. IIOHAH, Clerk Superior Court Rowan County. 10:6t. Lectures and Sermons i .. OF . . . :' Be?, f . E. HUHSEY, D. D., o The undersigned offer for aale, at Wholesale, and Iietailt the - above work. It contains about 550 pages 12mo, with excellent engraved likeness of Dr. M. Price, per mail, post-paid, $2.00. Liberal discount to preachers and deal ers. Address. ! J. W. BURKE & Ccllacoa, Ga. Hack line to Albemarle. The unlersizned i runnine a comfortable tri-weekly Hack line from Salisbury to A I he marie, S. C. Will convey paaaenaers to Gold Hill, or eIewhereon the line. cheaer than anyLivery Stable. Ieave Salibury every HlonJav. Wetlneday and Friday, 7 a. m. Re turn every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 6 p.m. : Lear e orders at XatiAiial IIotLv ' ' t ? G. W. WHITLOCK. i ; i ;2T;yy . . .- . u T'oprwu , Mortgage Deeds fbi sale hen Also various other bUnki, r...- 3 Ard aneqoa limni w : ' : "" ' " --------V,t--. ' I -4 -' - ; i . ; j I , . ii,4 .i'. .1-'-' T 11 j .t-itci 4 ii STABLE.,;, Ilaving porehased :the Uverjti Stable oaJLee street and perfected , ' all necessary arrangements for ca' 4 ' ' J . r plet and aatjsfactory manner the! ' public are solicited to giye us a trial; iTe andfwilt do so at the most moderate priceafe l pi4ible. FTDKOVERS arc invited . tn irivd US a call. Dav-viairnraWn'1Ura'l.7.'.- lt' stocjc carefully attended to aud every propvii vr o.ientioa snewn mem. ,j lie stable attend Hoitcs boarded by the dav, week, month or jcaii Call and try us. - ; R J..II0L1IES & SOX.V ' " mm !1 i BLACKWfLua DISSOLUTION. Tlie- partnership hiotoAre existing under the style of Joues & Gaskill is this, dsiy dissolved liyimutoal consent.1 'AU- persons indebted to its are requested t call and 6cttle at once. . ' V' II. M. Joker. ; ( J. I). Gaskilu"1 - M. L. HOLMKS. , laving purchased tlx? rruiainincr stock 4 of Jonea & Gaskill I hereby iu form my ineiuis ana ratrons or the late linn ttiat , I will make fresh additions to thestock f ' goods and. Solicit their jtati onage Itqping -to lneTit,a continuance of sjune by close at ti-ntidn to business - with new goods and, ' ? at lowest prices. , , , 4 I J. D. Gaskill. . Dei. 9-1878. C:t . ' - THEYVALL MWT IT, Because it ia a family newpapei pure, fOUAd ' reading j for old ard voung, aad it eoUins 1 , a reliable And comprehensive" summary ofalf ' the imporcant News..:: ; . .: . ' ' ',,;;.4 : . : ; THE NEW-YORK 0BSER7EH - T BEST FAMILY SEWSPAPB. 1 l'ublisltc both the religious and Kecular new , thai i desired fn any family, while all that U'"1 J likely to do harm is shut out. Jt devotes ton ' ii pages to religious news, and four lo secular. Tbe Njew York Observer was first' pubi ' lished in 1823; and it W believed to be the i - only instance of a Religious Newjiaptr con tinning its even- course for fifty-six year1, 4 without a change of name, doctrinv, .inleut, lurtose. or pledir'e froth the date' of its birth. ' TUE57THV0I,TJIiIE . : will contain all the important hews 'that caa t We do not run a benevolent institnlion, and V we do not ak for theannnnrt of rhaihVi'j W '' k prop tjo make the Best H vs pa P1bV (tha( 1 ik nablWied. and we Drenoke to nell it an cheao- ly as It can be aflorded. L?t thou who wanJ,4J pure, Kouhd, sennible trullifuV readilif,. subt scribe forjit.and let them induce'JonerstodflL ' the samej We are now publishing ia lhe Oi servck the Story of . Vf f: byTrs. (RARLkI author of ''Chronicles of tha ' 4 Sclionbere-Cotta Faoiilv." . i. i "iin-:i llr MA r- ; It? 11 TJ the ' " 1; - ' -V. : 5 "; wwxg uu x iriuiuiiin. ii ts win ienu tdu NEW YORK OBSERVER one year, post-paid, $3.15. , Any . one 7dn, with his umn subscript ion -the nanieS of liBW subscribers, "halt have comjaiUft., allpjrtd j;4 proportion to the nnnler aent. For particu. larssee tenua In ifce 0B3ERVEB.- ':' " 6i.lJIPLK C0PfFt3 : FREE. 4iii ii Addresa, 1 9 7 Park Rotf, .e rr nToyk. FJL Xs.tAXaG0:,- maxupAgtcuer or fixe CI01BS. " ! ! ' ! ! .iika;'i wi1 ri1 ''j!.7 4' i'- rhoyal Cit-m," wr M. "Uttle Pet," -MS.oa. wf m. tiMurtiatao -cltwt.) f Daisy? tssMlpetlst. Uver Lake." (Half liavana MlinJ.) sss.os per Mi t "tsa.oeocrM. Prlderf l.'ula."i5.0npw tit I "Little rouimodore,n20.)0 per ji." unlcrs rromnt. 'yQUod, 'j : ., T4 . .a :;i-t':'ij' p4i. ytil D:Ea Hi--- .-v ..4.j'- In-ii-- g filgg';;:i: :;4 ia 311 off 2 jSSg24 H j2oo ; - - 5 g:; SiS2R .3 ft! lIS5h S !fj Z ts SJ s- 5-4 . pig t 5. H' Ci) III " .': .3 "'"i 4' . 4 : .Fjt f': -i ' i 4 i 1