j li O O A. T-j. election of officers for the Salis- At au wry fStar Fire Coitipany, held last 4k Mr.jTi Fred. Murphy waa elected -O- il.vkAt her home, in Davie county, , the 19th, inst., Mrs. P. J. Tiioairsox, ' i -rt-jjfvrtrof her life. 1 the deceased was tne j-onngest sister tuf esteemed towfisinan, Mr. J. Sam'l tt'ubbin, Jr. Vv 1 tf lisburuLitcra ry Society" I'rcsideu t, I MGravl Esq. 5 Mr. S. W. Coleand Mr. frank llrovrn, Vice" Presidents j N. S. Vcgus; Esi-, Secretary, fleets weekly, at CrK-ftie residences. At tendance good; and korcie yery wujuttuic. - I j. : . I v::.' ' " - - - - --i the swallow fly . homeward at the Lof two cents a inile the, past weeK urougur. air. i nomas olgtienoqry -brother of Capt. Cham. Jnnrir. Mr. C. has been in Texas brt about i twelve years, during which 4 he vim engaged in merchandising Fn j far in i n . j 1 Ie n n no ances h i s i n ten tion L jeuiaiu here; - :'r'.: ' :'- -I Mr. T ana. uapiaiu w in. a, juc- M'jI have also returned, after several ear' S'or experience; in the West. h; Carolina, now and forever. r; 1 V: - ' o" H'Tls St? Valentine's day jnd a privilege they say "' To send Ihcni where e're you may And I'd like to share M &c. 'wo of Salisbury's sickest swaius re :iied alentines begiwiing as above. hey are exceedingly anxious to learn the nflers' nme, npd do pledge themselves it fthe girls fault -if thoy don't hare;" &fc. It is their opinion that the me girl sent both, If so, she. has two "V I - : - - i Jftiejition is called to the fact, that the ail Caiiirarior, v ho fumis mo .u nit-niit;- hi$n WUMillertowii mail, fails very of- ' t , - u in Wood "weather, to deliver the mail. liil isui greht lucouveujcuce to parties rt'laZ ill' HHkse iiuiiiimjj uwuu, 11 iiici u ei iio nial route, they would not ex- ctaiiytliiiig, but: as there is, they de- nloilitjivnd are disappointed about ree timeslout of fiur. AVe know this to - afact, it6d the department at Wash- 1 . r - i , f xton should know it. ' a -o- u Xo. 2,M of this place, has been I gaged to Jurnisii luusic at tne next Da- .-ii 't- : . .. . .-.. dl)n I College t!o:nmencenient, which tiff iiif tlio latter part of June. We 111 itate ia:this coiiiiecttou. that the Band n$" ifoh'deir-Prof. V. IL.Nexive, who-is t()f both cvni posers njid tcacliers t!ie Soutli. They are preparing a new Idieldganf 'colecth)n of. music for the ming;seastH, and will not fail to de- Eit!ifMij liners, in (he quality and ex.r lilHiltlJ j-iv-. ' :l;i:SOllUTlOXS OF KE'SP-ECT. Aia iiu'etiii of fho teachers and Kchol- Juke's feliK)l, held February hh I-Sri, tlie fol!twiug resolutions, prc- suiH nuetiBg, ,werv read and uiiaunitous- a)n;ovf;I: , ; A"5ipresit has pleased;, our Heavenly ltlitl -ill Ills lii ilMif to taki IVniii our j(Ut-ur IftloveiL litt le friend and bchool aitlj, (iKOKisE HitoW'N, therefore, Uifr'flfrwi, p.r I hat St. Luke s School has, JiU-renioVaf. met with a severe tcss. Jieblvedil. That we hereby place up-.' liecoru quraiigu appreciation oi ins yiriu ter n a truthful, reuerous and fcrai-heartcd boy. ' . fMcolvecU I II.. That we tender our.deep-k-Hymjathies to his bereaved parents Itlkindnui. : M fyi&itlyeil, JV. That a copy of these res ttiibos sent to his parents ; and also, atjthoy Iwi; )lacetl upou the records of fr sclitK)!, and published iu the Carolina ilithbian; signed by ithe CpuimitteoJ in - behalf of scuodl FJL4NKLIX ZEPHYRS. :T.1i ... ; ; - - Dttr enteriSrisiuff fellow citizen. Mr. Jno' MjHcrj h.-is recently purchased, and is rw improving a farm, in Locke's Town fpubitVitsonville. A.t. Half, Esq., lias bought the entire rp4tiu Itis niotlier's plantation (sub It to he dpwer), four and a half miles niSaliidnry, on theWilkesboro road. he mjty, some . day, become our HSr:i'i: , 1 '. -Tfc jljave, a our neigh lorhood, a genu- tJKj opiiitiquityVto wit: A trough of lluaiiiifoUured by JI rs. II illory El- ptin nie vear lts,i.i. m:ikin' it. now. for- oijr years old. ' l . . z j. : . During these years, has niuvpd no less than three times, ays taking it with her. aud hnvui" at tiniesjiad a plenty of soap, has never p vLccasipn; t use it. - theiyear 1KJ7, she moved to the house jv bccnj iefl by Mrs. WilsoiUu Salisbu- Wlieibbhb remained quite a number.of JiiTJ, and. as she was then a ueighlMr of rV Mlf. Editor, l seiul von. herewith. kwity of hi trul; antique toaj. ' ' ' '! . " - 'i sot '1UI RIVER- RIPPLES. .-A !:-Li i : : . ' Mi .Hi ic. pst haS paid us another -vis- t ie is Mf King weiiina lett this mor- )ij:H.M(U d.-f for 1J:iVi.t1, 5a colds Tlie worst we ever had," j : coniun u n this comn unity now. No ioiis case of sickness in the neighbor- W J-V; .;. I,,-- , oli,n llokvardja votinc man livincr with LillallJ 4slh:is invented a plow tiiat ipiongu and thin cotton at the same e.j It ha a hoc attached that can lie arranged that it will cut tlirouirh the F; f cotton, or on the sider Tbe plow rs niade with a pocket knife, i oinc unknown hand Tias sent the wri of this article a leautifHl "bouquets" tripnrted-reach bunch tied with silk pad, and a skein of blue silk entwines ?i all. Geranium,, crocus, hyacinth, P. others I cannot name. The fair one. "iH, wlioYorined the"lotiquet," which! ''ally beautiful, inav be fliberallv re- f dd by leaking herself, or themselves WH. - TI,A .'n,rlil. In.. in Atord adequate if it does I can frt them together to expi ess my "'gs on! the reception of so charming a n'l't. It tfslia.ll lie kept as a precious !'iitb o1 solue one until it crumbles to a: F.S EXOCHYILLEl ITEMS. ! FBRUAttT, 26th, Mr. Dobcy, of i Hickory. I was 187D. in our village several days last week engaging building material. lie expects toj supply a want long felt t here by opening a shoe and tin shop iu a short time. Kcv. W.Kimball, of China Grove, preached to the congregation at this place last Sundav. ! " ' Franklin is happy with honest negroes, but more happy! is Enoch ville without any negroes at all. . ( A numbr of persons, assert that they have frequently j seen lights forithe last Ihree y trk j near the spot whej-e Ct A; Rose was found brufallyi murdered nine teen year agojt has loot yet been in restigatedi pomiTyoang nieu haye been plavinff ctiost there lately, which has caused a good deal of eiciteuieuti in the neighborhooil. Better stop itVbojrs, or it might result in something serious W. fW tae Watchmao. To The MATOR.-fL- suppose that the citizens of Salisbury feel (a deejier concern in the condition of the public roads lead ing into town than any out-sider ean. This is perfectly natural for reasons too obvious to enumerate And j et they are very much at a loss to fijul the means for relieving the present bad condition of roads by any yalnablo improvement lust now, and proitably will not attempt! any thiug beftre spring, or until alter the rains and frexrzes are overl The severity! of the weather duriugtho jwiuter is the cause of their disorder a causo which is general in its effects on a'l red soils where much travel is made. But the time will soon be at hand when some important im provement should be undertaken, and whether the roads are within thej coro rate limits or not,; the business interests of the towii involved nre sufficieut to warrant the' active concern ot everv worthv eitizeh It is not the puipose of pose -any particular kind tne w ii ter.to. propose :auv pa of improvement, j though this question ought to be under consideration I at the present moment,! in order that all the necessary preparations inight be fully nade, ieady4for immediate action when the, more favorable time shall arrive. I do not think that the work should be delayed-until midsuinmer, when the ghmnd will have become too hard for the plow and the .road sciaperraud when the work ean only be done by the; slow Tun! costly process of the pick. I never see .this sort of thing going on that I - do not feiel out raged as si tax-payer at jso shameless a waste of public money. A pair of mules, a phnv, a road scraper arid a heavy! roller, with two or three liands j to man them, would do more and bette-r work in a day than twenty ;inen with picks mid shovels could -do in three idays. j And ye. year after year, just when thciground is hard est, we seo from ten to twenty nogro laborers -with picks and; shovels at this kind of work! in our streets. The Work done by them looks well for a fewj days; but who would believe, to view llieistreets now, that tuur or hve nuuuicd dollars worth of Jhis kind of work was put on them last summer J Yet; we all iteinem. ter how overseer Clark and his gang ot niggers were digging! and yhoreliiiig for weeks "repairing the streets ';" or; rather prrjwriiiff them to Imj in ,u worse icondi tioo when winter weather should set in i han they evjer were Itefore. T am sore that every intelligent, tax-payer must be heartily sick of xthis ;w retched sham work, and Ion: to see isomethinjr of a more pcrmuireut '. aud enduring nature IjHKe. its place; and I.nmj equally certain that the same, amouut ot mouey thus expeuded could be made to accomplish a valuable imjrovement ; Jor, ifthat ean net lw attempted, the same quantity and quality of.work cau be done for less than half the money usually :bcstowcd!oiithe. pick aud shovel, simply by more discreet selection of time abd means. Tlie writer means no disrespect to those' good citizens who constitute the present Board of Commissioners, and who have closely followed iu the footsteps of their predecessors in their public works. lit? means only to suggest that the present system of road making and the method of doing if, are too costly and defective, and shouldn be changed. Look at it for a moineit : Wo will employ 20 men' with pick and shovel to shape up a road by throwing the dirt to the; center, i When this luis befl don, We cover it with about six inches (generally not more than three or four with rotten stone. When finished it is very rough, anid as it is always done in thesummer when the natural roads are good, no one will travel on if if it is possible to keep off. It lies in that condition till winter, and when the natural roads become -too bad, then teams are pulled up on tho "McAdumized road and as the dirt was not packed, and the superficial layei- of graver-vrjis thin, down go the wheels j through 'gravel and loose dirt until they strike the bot tom from eight to twelve inches jbelow. In a little while the gravel disappears beneath the mud, and the improvement is found to bo worthless. And hus it has been going for -years; a constant ex penseand a constant failure. And with the same process-Continued, we fihall have the same result for! Jhc next' five centuries. Our fathers did it that way, why should not we T ; . Is it not practicable to do something like this: Pnt on a pair of strong horses or mules before a suitable road scraper, ami while the rutted streets are moder ately damp aud soft, scrapo them down smooth and even-taking . earc to liave the implement set so as to throw tlie dirt to the center. When the road is properly scraped up, hitch the team to a .j heavy roller and pack; it as firmjy as possible. It will then be ready for, the superstruct ure, whether that be broken stone or piauK. li tueiormer, lay on eiit or ten inches t the least, and pack that with the heavy roller ; and if it be de sired to make it firmer, cover with sand to bind it. It is conjectured that a road made in this way vould cost but little more than one jnade in the usual way; By the one method we have a mere squinting at a McAdainized road, whereiis by the other; we have tho genuine article. It is believed, however that certain portions of our road ways could be more cheaply planked than McAdainized. "Gray's Avenue," for instance, f j But however this may be. it is a question out side, of the present I aim of the writer, which was to induce; others to think, of new systeias and che;ier jncthods for executing thein. If he shall succeed iu this it may not be fruitless of some pub- he good. r i . i Modus. A mugements. Theatre goers and all such as keep late hours are very liable to con tract a severe cough or cold. A safe, and reliable cure is Dr. Bull's SCough, Syrup. i , For the Watchman. THE TOWN CIIAKTEU AGAIN, Mk. Brunei:: i . Your correspondent was- unintention ally made to fjifo expression last week to statements wineli are probably not cor rect. If he has done so, he certainly did not so intend or desire it; and he took, as he thought, the proper precaution to pre vent any mistake. In the first place, he was writing from memory, having had, the day after the last election, ouly one glance at the full vote each member running for commissioner received, and he distinctly recollects that between- 50 and Outvotes seemed to be the highest the major part of the aspirants .reached. There were four . tickets in the field, aud by some ho cus pocus, a goodly , number of the suc cessful candidates were voted for on near ly all of these tickets. . Notwithstanding, he believed to the best of his recollection (at the time of writing), that no member of the preseut) Board, living received a majority of the entire vote of the' town, uor one-third of it, and a plurality not one-seventh. But he was not willing to publish this statement merely on his hon est convictions of its truth, and therefore requested the gentleman by whom his communication was sent to you, to ascer tain the exact facts and insert them iu lieu of the statements in question. - After persistent effort the geutlemau failed to obtain the exact facts, and not being able to see your correspondent, resolved to submit the article for what it was worth, inteudiug to correct errors, should an v there be, in this issue. If there are mis takes, this is the excuse for them, aud he regrets their publication as much as the writer or any one else can. It is alleged that there are misstatements, but the fact has, not been shown. One thing is cer tain, there are members on the preseut Board exercising a controlling influence who did not receive one- third of the legal vote of the town, and there are those who did not get one-seventh of it. These facts cannot be denied. So much for the al leged misstatements. Now, uuderi-all the circumstances would it not be but a matter of simple justice to the citizens of Salisbury for the Board, which we have shown is not in a popular sense representative one, to make known the projosed amendments to tne unarter, so that, should there be objections, those interested may have a chance to give expression to their senti ments. If the changes proposed are good, all will go for them, notwithstanding the great aversion which exists to the persis tent tinkering with the Charter. You will publish thoabove, Mr. Editor, in justice to all concerned. Vox POI'L'M. Burglary. U Monroe An Accomplished Villain. Sunday night a burglar entered the res idence of Mr. A, F. Stevens, of Monroe, and made oft with his pantaloons, in the podkets of which were more than $100 in money and that gentleman's store key. Having occasion to get up dining the night, Mr. Stexeus discovered the theft, and calling assistance hurried to his store, and was just in time to prevent a man getting in. The thief ran, but the next morning a suspicious looking negio with a valise iu his hand was seen going to wards the dejot, ami the town marshal followed and arrested him in the train. lie was torce to deliver up a quantity of money, together with two watches and a pistol. In reaching into his pocket for a second time, however, ho drew a revolver for-lhe'supposed, purpose of firing on the policoman, when, in jerking it from his pocket it tired, the ball lodging in his own thigh. He was knocked down, secured, and upou a hearing confessed and was jailed. His name is Lewis Rowlaud. Vfiarlotlc Observer. A GLOOMY VIEW. For all purposes of national politics the colored vote would seem already to have been well-nigh eliminated. It fails, to secure recognition even as an "element" to be conciliated, and seems lacking in leaders of sufficient ability to secure such recognition. Without that the colored people will be subjects ofsuch encroach ment in their unequal contest to maintain their place in tho social and politicial or- uer as win practically nnlitv their votes and reduce them to seridora. In that con test, which is the struggle of civilization, they must take their chances ; jn l the chances seem so much against them that it must be reckoned among the possibili ties that within comparatively ajfew gen erations the African nice in this country will bo extinct. Chicago limes. Yellow Fever Slalislics.Dr. Holt's sta tistics ot yellow- fever in New Orleans show that three men were takeu sick to ffvery woman, and the death rate among them was O per cent, greater than amouj tho women. The children, however, suf fered even worse than the male adults, for while, only one adult in twelve sick died, one out of ever nine sick children t ..!. a -t: V ien victims to tne epiaemic. The most- remarkable di Terence, however, is exhi ted in regard to color. . The ierceutage of whites, taken sick was 12,-vhile t of negroes it was" only 3 per cent. : the death rate of the white population was 2, of the uegrKs 2.5 per cent. The negroes ap pear hlso to have f been attacked" by rthe disease later on ; than tho whites. In- de;d, there was not a death among them from yellow fever, iu either the months of July or Aogust, wheu the epidemic was already raging among the whites, aud in November also they eased to die, It was only during the height of the epidemic that they were aflected by it. - Those keeping cows should not fail to giTo.thein once a week a mixture of brim stone, 6oot and ashes, as it is a safe-guard against distetuper. -Cattle noticeably pre fer at times to slate their thirst froin a roadside pool, than from a running stream or well, and still-kept stock should oc cassloually bo given muddv water to driuk. We publish these facts as handed us by a friend who gained, his knowledge of them from experience. Salem Press. ,.;-..-. j i . A i Uoston paper says : "The ice in ouujc ui mo ciuuoeasi, rivers IS SO thick that when jy it is taken out there BRIEFS. Twenty-one oat of 4G rolling wills in Ohio' are idle. ' ' - ' Great Britan has 143 daily newspapers; the United States, 752. New York has one hnndrcd and five.! - Philadelphia claims to have a popula tion of nearly nine hundred thousand on the strength! of its new directory. Gas stocks are tending npwardall over tle countryj showing little apprehension of danger frpm electric light. Uufus Morgan, the. welKknown artist and bee tnari, has moved to California and gone into the bee business at San Diego. -j A- " -'-.i he new Salary law of Maine gives the Governor f 1,500 a year The highest salaries paid aro to tho Supaeme Court Judges, but: tho ; sum rj is only $2,000 a IpiCCe. r -jf :. ; ;-ir ;- , - ! The door of Wittenbnrg church on liich Luther nailed his famous thesis, is w now removed to Berlin, where it is in ns at St. Bartholomew's church. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO REGULATE INSURANCE IN THIS -4iji-. STATE. , : ( Tlie General Assembly of Xorlh Carolina do enact, Sectiox 1. That any nolicv issued by ajiy insuniuce company, or4ts jigeut, doing business in this State, or auy dwelling house, store, warehouse, barn -or other building, purporting to insure the same against loss or damage by fire to a certain amount, the premium on which amount has been accepted aud received by such company or its agent, shall be deemed conclusive evidence of the value of said property, and said company shall not be allowed iu case of loss or damage to the same, to claim any reduction in the amount of liability by reason of any after appraisement! of value. Sec. 2. Iu every case of iusurance against loss or damage by fire in this State, the company so insuring shall be liable for the full amount of loss or dam age to the proporty insured, provided the same do not exceed the amount of insur ance of said lironertv. " i , Sec. 3. TJit in case i of any policy be ing issued by any insurance company, or their agent doing business in this State, in which said company i Khali reserve to themselvesjthe right to cancel said policy at auy time previous to its expiration, the same-right shall be construed as be longing to f ho party to whom the policy is issued, and the said pqrty may on the same conditions as are reserved to them selves by tlie said company, deliver up his policy to the agent of the company and demand the amount of unearned pre mium on the same. ' Sec. 4. This act shall bo in force from aud after its ratification. The audience during the performance of Rip Van Winkle by Thome's comedy company in Monroe, last Thursday night had a very exhilarating experience, iu tercst being lent to the proceedings by the enactment of several scenes not on tho bills. The Express tells very graphi cully that que J. J. Phillips, of Lancaster county, S. C., got iu the show without paying. The door keeper went to him for thojnoncy and he declined to settle. The door-keeper put him out after he had refused to go, but as he went out of the door, he drew a revolver aud fired on a young mau by the name, of Odell, from Concord, whom he supposed to be the door-keeper. Fortunately, the ball struck the door aud glanced oft', doing no harm. However, just as the pistol fired, a mis erably intoxicated person, perched high on one of the seats within, lost his bal ance and fell heavily to tho floor. Of course the pistol report and almost simul taneous fall of the drunkard, impressed every mind with idea that some one had been shot, jand for awhile they had old Cain around 'there. Finally order; Was restored and tlie play proceeded, but not until both the! male aud female stars of the company bad repeatedly implored thfe crowd to maintain silvuee. Char. Oli. - In view of the present low price of the best and safest burning oils, there is not the slightest excuse for families exposing themselves to the-well known danger of using cheap and inferior oils, more partic ularly as Pjratit's Astral Oil cau be procur ed from auy dealer at a moderate price. I j- J. D. Qaskill, Agent. The fjouisiana Election Cases. . New Orleans, Feb. 25. The jury for the trial Of the Natch ctaches electiou cases was (completed" yesterday aud the evidence taken to-day of fifty-nine y per sous named iu the indicf.meuts. Fifty- -j : j ; - r L ' I ... four answered to their names. '1 lie v are charged with violation of the election law in conspiring to preveht certaiu persims voting for the caudidatc of their choice for member of Cougress. Southerners Presiding Over the Senate. Senator Withers occupied the vice presidentVchair in tlie Senate ji few' diiys ago and pr?sided with the same easy grace that distinguished him while president of the Virginia. Senate.!: ! It was noted as somewhat remarkable' that he is the only Southern Senator who has been so honor ed under the new order of things. Rich mond ( Va.) State. OBITUARY. Mrs. M aro ABrs C. Fleming, daughter of the late Jacob Krider. and wile ot J. U. Fleming, Esq- died January setU, as t v . The deceased was a member ot Third Creek Church slace the dars other girlhood, and she always adorn ed her profession by aa humble and consistant walr. She was constant la her attendance at church, and took her part In the work of the Sabbath SchooL While always enjoying the society of her friends, iier Heme washer Kingdom. There, upon her hus band and children she lavished all her love. No mother or wife could be more thoughtful or tender. During the last few years she was an Invalid, and was called to endure great suffering; but through it all she exhlbitjed the spirit of a true disciple. BUSINESS IiOCAI COLUMN. GRANTS 3-DI21E TEAST POTT is warranted to be 20 per cent, pur er and stronger than any Yeast or Bakiug Powder now iu the market Every Can is guamntecd.to give perfect" stitisfaction or mouev refunded. For sale bv ;' J. D. GasKiliL PJ2ATTS ASTRAL OIL i pnre and perfectly safe, will burn iu ordinary ker osene lamp, (use new wick). Diploma and medal awarded by , the Centennial; Own mission. Use it and feel afe. For Rale hyPt - J. D. Gaskill, Agt. A nince lot of Men's, Boy's and YpuUi's Fnr aud Wool liate just received at I r r " , " - ! J. D. Gasklll'sl PARSON'S SNUFF,' Still increasing in favor. Try it. It is mild and pure.j For sale by f J. D. Gaskill. WA TT PLO W8 and a splendid lot of Castings now on hand. f ! lb: J.D. Gaskill,' Agt." J PHOTOGRAPS 1 1 J Call and examine my work. All pictnres are guaranteed to give satisfaction. ; Chjl- di-cn should be brought to the Gallery !in the morning. Ferreotypes aud Gems two for fifty cents. i ' s . . lC:3m C. W. C. WOOLWINE TO THE FARMERS. As itis now about rime for preparing your Compost Heaps, I would call your atten tion to the fact, that! can furnish yon pure Chemicals (Ammonia, Soda and Pot ash), and Super Phosphates (being Dis solved Bones, or Acid Phos.), at lower prices than ever. No charges made you for Formulas and Kecipes, with full di rections, i j Don't forget, though, that I still contin ue to keep the two Most Reliable an Pop- Uir bnanoes ever sold in the market, viz : Navassa" and MPacihc," which I ex pect to sell on reasonable and satisfacto ry terms. No freights to be charged yon. Call at once and leave orders. I JG: J. ALLEN BROWN, i We would like persons intending to buy, for Christmas tree's or Christina parties to come and see what we have and get our lowest prices. We have a big stock for such purposes. M. M. Lixtox & Co. This week we have increased our stock of Candies and Crackers. The finest Confectioneries we ever bought. M. M. Lixtox & Co. Extra Cream Soda Biscuit, Milk Bis cuit, &c, &c, very fiue indeed. Mai aim ti rapes, California Grapes iu 3 lb. wood boxes. California Pears, Florida Oranges, New York State Apples, just received at . Lixtox's. We have received a nice lot of Sweet meats for Holiday trade. M. M. Lixtox & Co. Fresh Prunes; Prunell's Iliiisinf, Figs, Citron, and Currents, just received at Lixtox's. Preserved Ginger, Cross and Black well'n Chow Chow; Atuiores Mince Meat, at Lixtox's Young mau go to Linton's for a box of nice Bon Bon s for your sweetheart. M. M. Lixtox & Co. Salisbury, Dec. 12th, 1873. Clocks & Watcles Repaired very low at D. A. Atwell's Hardware Store. 8: 3m. a MOTICE! We hare politely notified all persom in debted to us to call and settle. Many have paid no attention to pur request We again give notice that we will extend the time to 10th, of March, after which we will put our ac counts out for collection. No other notice will be deemed necewary "! Joxra & Gaskij.l. 18:3t. " Pocket-Book Lost. Tt wan in the town of Ii.. and Mr. 8. had - - w - - juat concluded some purchases, when he made theelarllmg discovery that las pocket-book wan lost. While searching hi pbekett he found a buckeye, and said '"Oentlemeri, my pocket-book id lost, but there ka been some thing iacovered by Dr. Tabier, of Nashville, of far greater value It isttlte Buekt-ye Pile Ointment, which will cure, Pile in all cfe, when iusd according to directiorta. ' Try it. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by C. R. Barker. j CouAenV Honey of Tar will relieve wevere coughs of long standing, and prove a blesning to all who suH'er with affecliona of the thront and longs, and w confidently offered the public as the best remedy-in the world. In oiir r'm orout clime where couglw and coldit prevail, this favorite remedy should have a plae in every household. When the little ones are attacked by croup, or whooping cough, nothing will aflord such instant relief a t'ouwens' IIonevofTar. Price 50 cents. For sale by V. K.'Barker. PRICE CURRENT. f Corrected by "3.11. Kxox & Co.f Feb. 27th 1879. Corrox firm Middlings, low do stains Bacox, county, hog round Butter EtHJS CntCKEXS per dozen Coax Mkal moderate demand at Wu K at good demand at Flock best fam. super. Potatoes, Irish Oxioxs no demand -Lard Hay - I Oats Beeswax Tallow Blackberries Apples, dried Sugar ; 81 4 . i . 8 1520 10 $i..'oa2.oo 47 4850 801.00 2.5(J 2.25 75 75 810 30 37 20 G7 Hm 1012J Chew Jackson's Best Sweet yavy Tohaccc NOW IS. THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN Tbi Important fgim -welsh, bet boot three pouads, and all the blood in a living person (about three gallon) passes thnni-h it u kst oacc erery haU hour, to have the bile and ihcr imparities strained or filtered from it. E! is H mmnl H purgative of the bowels, and if the Liver becomes ' torpid it is not eparaied from the blood, bnt car- ljcied Uunough the reins to all parts cf the system, ; rf i " " J'"8 in wape inroun tne dotcs ol ths skin, causes it to turn yellow or a dirty brown color.' The stomach becomes diseased and Dys- -pepsia. Indigestion, Constipation, Headache. Bill ousness Jaundice. ChiUs, Malarial Fevers, PUes, Sck and Sour Stomach, and general debility foi low. i MeitKBtx's HrPATiss, great vegetable aiscrnity for torpidity, canscs the Liver to throw off from one to two ounces of bile each time the i blood passes through it, as long as there is aa ex- w W ccss oi duc; ana tne effsct o even few doses upon yellow complexion or a brown dirty looting ? '", win ioiu&a ait no uy it tney Dong tne first symptoms io disappear.' The cure of all bill. oos diseases and Liver complaint is made certain by taking HerATtsra ia accordasoe with directions. Headache is generally cured 'in twenty minutes," and no diseasthat arUes from, the Liver can exist if a feir trial is givrn. B6SlS,TUrORPIlX8: Price 25C8nts and $1.00 The CttalirV of CVmcnnntioM U! Tltmat afwt Lung Diseases, which sweep to. the grave at least one-third of all death's victims, arises from the Opium or Morphine treatment,; which simply stu pefies as the work of death eoes on. $ 10,000 will be paid if Opioni or Morphine, or any preparathm of Opium, Morphine or Prussic Acid, can be found in the ULonk t lowhr Co;gh Sykup, which has cured people who are living to-day with but one remaining lung. : Ko greater wrong can be done than lo say that Consumption Is incurable. The Globs Flowkk Couch Syrup will cure it when all other means have failed. Also, Colds, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Read the testimonials of the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, Cor. Smith and Ex-Got. Brown of Ga., Hon. Geo. Pea body, as well as those of other remarkable cures in our book free to all at the drug stores and be convinced that if you wish to be cured you can lie by taiciugthe Gloek Flowek Cough Stkup. ' :. Take no Troches or Lozenges for Sore Throat, when you can eet Globs Flowks Stbot at same price. For sale by all Druggist . Fries 25 Cents ana StOO Grave Mistakes are made in the treatment of n& diseases that arise from poison in the blood. Not one case of Scrofula, Syphilis, White Swelling, Ulcerous Sores and Skin Disease, in a thousand, is treated without the use of Mercury in some form. Mercury rots the bones, and the diseases it pro duces are worse than any other kind of blood or skin disease can be. Dk. Pembcrton'sStillim gia or Qi-ehn's Delight is the only medicine Xn which a hope of recovery from Scrofula, Sy is and Mercurial diseases in all stages, Can be reasonably founded, and that will cure Cancer. $10,000 wnl be paid by the proprietors if Mercury, or any ingredient not purely vegetable and harm, less can be found in it. Price by all Druggists i.eo. Globe Flower Cough Syrup and Mbrrkll's IIefatinb for thk Liver for sale by all Drug gists in 95 cent and 1.00 bottles. A. P. HEEBELL & CO., Proprietors, . PHILADELPHIA, PA. H M H 03 tnte of IVoi-tli Carolina. Howan County- IX THK SUPERIOR COURT. Simon Khitlz, administrator of 1 JOIin L-ippard. Against Jno II A .ippard; Eli S P Lip pard, Allison Lippard, Adol phns Linnard. (Ipdor.-i f.in. pard, Rebecca Yost and Mar- ! Petition losell nn xon, uer nusoand. iUiza- land for aawets, ofiu isennonr, it,nzn llrown, Lunda JL Lippard, J. S. Lippard.jE. A. II. L. Lip nurd. Calvin Rusher. Danipl Kusiier and Alary Jane li usher Upon affidavit of Plaintiff il is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the CakounA Watbhhan for six auccewive weeks notifying Allison Lippard and Adol I'huft Lijrpardj two of the defendants who are non-residents of the Gtate, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior fJourt of aid connty, on Monday the 10th day of March. 1879, and ; answer the complaint which will Ue filed in the above entitled action, within ten days from the date hereof, and if they fail to answer Ihe complaint, the Plaintiff will ap ply lo thej Court lor the relief demanded in the complaint. John M. HoriAH, Clerk 15:6t, Superior Court of Rowan County. USE THIS BRAND. BEST III THE WORLD, An4 tetter to. any Saleratns, One teaspoonfnl of this Srwla used with sour milk equals Four tenspognsfuls of tlie best Baking Powder, sav injr Twenty Times its co&t. 8ee package foi' valunblo inforiuation. If 4he teaspoonful is too large and does not prod we good results at first use less afterwards. I YE'XtY STABLE. Ilaving purchased the Livery Stable on Lee street and perfected all necessary arrangements for car- yAr rying on the business in a com- public are solicited to give us a trial. We are prepared to afford All usual Accommodations, and will do so at the most moderate prices possible. ST'DROVERS are invited to give us a call. Day visitors ean have their stock carefully attended to and every prop er attention shewn them. The stable attend ants are experienced and- careful men. Horses boarded by the day, week, month or. year. Cull and trv us. li J. HOLMES & SON. Jan. 2d, 1878. ll:tf BLACK WELL'S TOBACCO T. I. AYEES, MANUFACTURER OF FIXE CIGARS, Salisbury, N. C. "The following brands kept constantly on hand; "Koval Gem," 0.(w per 3. "LltUe Pet," I40.0W pr M. (Both Havana UUed.) "Daisy," 35,00 per M, "Silver I Ake." Half Havana nued,) 35.o pr U. Xoj i,"w.wpcrM. "Pride ot Cuba," $-25.00 per M, 'LtttJa Coitto-jorcsszv.wxei 11, Ora;rs prwapt- it iiiii p j n 1 w Oi iXoRTu Cauolixa, . ; IMvie County, J is Scpewoii Counts James Ho! man, Plaintiff rjTid nolman. Marr C. Petition for! iAtnhbrt, David Holman. knd PsrUtka. thre minor heirs C ! Wm. I lot man, dea, whose name are unknown. s5 DrfrndunU. ! Tt Inrunrihft 1 tK.. ..I.r i n j i on affidafit. that the bLotr nniMl rx.r.r.-.. r. .yl.reniueriis oi una atate, it u ordered ' " w ujnue in . ine -uaroiin V atchman," a newnpaper DublLdt! In. R.i; L i . - ; t "vwnyn ws, notiiTinr paiu ueienaanu to appw at the ofBce of the:1 Llerlt of the Superior Court of aid countv. on 1 ine zotli day of t ebruarj next end answer the - .uiuiiiiini irnicn m a ntniipif in iiiin;'. r Ihe Uerk of the Superior Court for naid cotm-r it, ana if they fail to- answer tlie comnlaist T nUiui that time, the PlainiifT will apply t -" wi wuruw tue ieiiei uemandcaia th cam.; WiitnesR, this Januarr, 1 879. V ; 4 1 1 ' i 1 , ( O. BINGHAM, , ... . "rem oun;rior VOUri lavie UOUDtJ E. H. HARSffS INE repsired to do all kindntrt CnMiprj in either row $r Uraso. AH kindsof Engine and Boiler Vork done willi 1iarMtol .11 t!.j: . L , i 7 1 i- mi lliun 01 Agricultnral and Mining Madtinerj LoiH or renaired to order, f nm 91M nMj t-v Junmoer, make all kinds' of Mouldings, maW aah. JJlinds and Doors, . Sash, Doorx, and ilt sizes 4f mouldings, kept coiwiantlv on haoA. j1' awr aiwaya on hand or rurnlah ta atriiort notice. .?. : . , . . , A 16 Horse Portable Engine snd Bofltr for pale at my shops. Work guaranteed, and at prices to mil tli mes.l 28:ly.pd. i ' 1 I.ti Practical Blacksmith : HOUSES HOERj r ijhup conneciea witn nrown & vermes uvery w 1 SLiiiilpa rru riiuaimu n ahmu unit U lu nA . . 11 . . I. I . . . . . a '""'i'" v iwu au suueinx on nincny ttcieniinc pnn- Wiva uu nNKIIKn LU. ALL JL1XIU9 IMitCJtaUllVIiilAK J. uiviuiij uuue. WIT 1- . : - On and Off Slick as Grease . BOOTS, " 4 . ,1 G A ITEMS, SHOES, . ! t - -SLIPPERS, &c. ! ' - t M. EAGLE. Reapoctfally announces hi continuance" at opposiie Enuifs' Drn Storey ' Bq. is always rcad!y nd auxiotis to accommodate1 cn'iftouivrs.1 in his line in the best manner posMbli?., iU ia. prepared to do first class work nod can, com ' pciw nun iiuj inniuciii ouiip mi ii a uu in au e -Work, j III machines, lasts, ic are of tb Utct ard best patqrn. lit- works the Terr best nxateridl and keeps on band ready made ork, knd stock equal Ui any special order. ! I Repairing neatly and promptly done at re a snablc prices. Satisfcction gnarastecd or b charge. rrices io hii me l lines. Cash orders by mail promptly filled. . 34.6mos. W. U. EAGLB. I and Borpbla aakltMrai. Th Original tr nw CUSE. lUf ht kMC Opiaa CUag. W. B. Mta Vrwtkiact.a, QrMHC,bt ! FOXJTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. JLrmeqnsled for tit ear and prrntjot -llssnsisla Hor u Cmult, Hog. fct eep.sm A fornix i ) A VII) . fOUTla. Fro9m BaiUioor e. SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO, W. Y0PP, Propr. (AtPlj-ler's Old Stand.) . . t ; IRIGS1T HEW BOOKS ! " AT A LOW PRICES. CAfiT, ASD SEE UlSf. ;" ' 9-.tt. ' BOOICSr.QILLlOH A - - - . ' - W.4lMk. wun vifccr. m. m. iiiiiwi mm w . j&r ... . - - . . ' c ' 1 snnoM. Lnaracn at w lrrtfiii. MHO e T in wou, Atnct to U riiiirinf mad YtiU. Clttxr. ami MatrMMmjr eomparrd, I 1 rnwlf t0 Mart sts. Connnl dntics. 01 Kcpruaucmm. Law ef Mmwmm, Law NDmm, Lsfai rigau or roamm urora,c. iwei swsaast wossMk, UwroMH mmd Cut. A Oonfldatit fMk ml aae MeHUvMh fall Piste Enftrsrhiiri, srat fcr SO Wots. "Vhm Private Medical Acivieer," m(Jm n,'mr las. par aMoriativBS, km en lb atrm mmbtu mtymmU aad their effecU on after IHc, miting VukwI. ff- f-i tnion, tientmi k biUtr, Low ttt Ssiul rtrrr. at, snakdiy mrrir fanpnrr orunhmpmf, (trio May walav. abia MceipW for (bt cm ot priraf Jiumhiwim ataa. m 50 piata,co trot. "Medical Adtrioe." Kanhoed and Wonanood, 10 crnui r all tan $1. Tky contain eoo pax aa4 onr la Illatratena, mm- braciBg wmliinr on the graarairvt arataa thai ia vanh kaovicf n4anea that is aot pubiiakrd taaaytaar aia. -Bmat m aiiigla voiuniM. or cetnpUta la est, far Priaa ia ttanpa. Surer or Cvnwncjr. T-t rrthir InTitat anaaalla ttun. Sad imm ara framr'.y anavarvd wKhaat eharra.1 fdrtaf.Dr. B Diprary. K.UKirUUau (las to m aoatat TBattiy ak araooa avfirrins froi KVVTPtt d tna thoir UMM mmd mAArmmm IK.. ,H C ) hmg to thai advaoU Mot ft rrart Hack. line t bemarlp it ne nnaereignea , runnine eojnfoj-iablit tri-weefcly Hack line from Salisbury to Alhe mrle, C. Will convey nmengen to .Gold Hill, or elsewhere on the line, cheaer thaa any Livery Stable. Leave KalUbury every Monday, VVedhesnldy and Friday, 7 a,u . Re turn every Tneaday, Tharaday and Hatordav 6p.m. 1 .- . .- I . , " Leave orders at National ITottJ. t G.W.WHITLbC STsty.. , Pojtieto.!: 1AH EE NATIONAL HOTELS CORTLAXDT STJBFJBT i - NKAU BROAPWAT. HEW Y0E3L ' HOTCJHKISS & VOXD, PuorfitcTosi. ,0n Tha European Haa. . The restaurant, cafe rui lunch room altacli ed are unur passed tor cltfapneaa and excel lence of Berlee. ' Room bOcU. to $2 per day $3 to 10 fcr week. Convenieat to all ferries and city iailroad4. Kcw Furnitttre," NewIanaeiaiat ; 13: ly. . The pric js only 25 cents. won t be any water left."

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