Hi -if. Hi ! r i" if :: .. I 4 I' i V()L SESIES . j 1 ' ' ' : J ' -. l ' ! : r- " ' 1 ' ' , 1 1 - - ' - - K ' '--,--lU -H:l, 'A-:r - - - 1 UT KATIIAKINK i hot vuul(lt-i vc iuu J i ;!i t.- p ! i fiAleu reto guul!e feet -r- w I 4. j..t '111' 'I'll Yll ' It 11 I ttft ! L' . I...,. r i 4 i Jlow oui I ever ' prove 15 aJlr 3 J-"-. . 5' l l 1 A m. m - . Tl. M'T"V ' T - V i l lle fi(;iilc-m my love. f ; j , j I If hhtfie dmirviw ay A 3HOTIIEKVS L'liAYElt , c.- . . . t, ' i"b"'ubu uiw inifw w iiBwurj i js . . . v . , - j jimcmoemL vis wet ana cxtraorain&niy I..HTWtm.i, ePW'idark: BJwSana SJVctolcthe enfn- jinxinr.s car'. i icuyijjw ur j ;f . . : i I v c snufing engine in tue vara 01 tne cadi th dow o death aiid ..three htindied thousand dollaranomi--KUuli ia.nuiig tlie funeral hnt- rea11 jeighteeii thouaatid dol- : i hellJ-V.. "i kiieU, r TlH--llittl efeet tilioilld tr;iy. I ilow itrnhi 1 U-iir Jhe pin. i i.....-l..,..;..i;..i.it..v......... i jjt)Jl .iiiii J i i-v v'1 ' I'ltjri o milt it iiin ittil uiitcli'l'iil emit ot' jtiaVK. inimtli stud : . 1 1 f tJ T " ' ' yearns - J . , Had all Ih'uii but itt.vaiu! m Father, hutifiom T,eJ -- fbr jTrycuUo help lue do my work aright Thk.gi! t( huittn-e,'Hiidf the ill to light, j .j Cmi c4'MlJ''8treuriieii'iue. i Hi) Father, b j Help me to train aright ' ? - ' Tlii'M! .null Is whom Thou has! given to my I cdni' tS Thee, my -Father, with this 'F-.fi';' I,?'aVr.!' : i VL . ' . , fc .r. J : I f From put my heart to lught. t .... ; - .; t" f s ; Ami when this earthJv.life; Ha th eiiiud with it toil and n eariuess, t Its ilarn anl yarsof darkness'and distrcs - ttif strifgglo: :aud of stiife. v .: i .- - c I Oh, niOy tese little feet, t , i Wliiqh 1 hive guided iu tlie blessed way ,'i'liat leiid't h to t lie ert'rct, end less ckiy, 1 t tfotitiul Tliv vouris be:hieet " r ;- r- i ; f Ami ill that "Wtter JamT .Wltere all kre gathered who have follow (vil Thee, - r-. ' u- ' --'' With ti uejand steadfast steps, ohl may r wee i ' .""- - -, ' 1 .StiU nn unbroken band. ' 1 F ' ft FKOTES'll Of N' VTtWl WlU.IAMsiOX AXI OTHERS TO jtilK r.SiiC OK TIIK BH.L 'C1IAUTKK- I INU T1IK .i'Al'K FlvAU AXDYADK1X VAl.l.Kr KAltHOAl roSll'ANr :; AM TIIK , Al l'UOlMJIA- , ! r TIoNsiT.IKUKFOU. he u iKlersignel respejbt fully protest nain.Ht tlielpiiHfae of 1 louse Hill Xo. ati7, iM-uaic iii. .mi, -i.io. T j !KiHithl 'iiu 4cti it change the name, of the tniuthie the Toiisilidati)o wesreni iMiiiroau n ompau v, aucno com jilte wild id.' ! fstj lu i'diir opinion the preamble to the T:iS i K.t .. I '. .;. ' t ii i . . iiij ii uh rnuvu mid wen caictuaiiMt to iniflt'ail nltu its full meaning. It. K'cites, ; 4iuil thesfiK'.k has :leen pieserved ly ! tiui action fof the l'ne.sident and Directors fhe coiopany at: heavy ''expense and i juniaryresiMinsibility (msirk yoa, iut "l)C(nmaryllOss) ti thetu, without expense iuclii roil lj the State." w fij. ouV lijui ted k no wledgi fra u k- ir admit tllS Ntilto Iiail mifrcrfil ,m il..tri- nieiit befife the passage of the bill, but I aftfr its plisjigqvo4lpareri5tltiifc ajplain Btatcweut f accounts show as follows : t. r - i -I; "-. . I Ste intefest' iii5 railfiiauV IH $1,100,0001 s y jixj limit GG.000 lAl'I'KolKIAfTKlXS UNDEU TJIE BILL. IJifrtt apropriati(Ui, $50,000 KijieiiKe ojf convicts, clothing nnd tj-e4 75(ifor 187- . 78,000 Expense .;! ; im. 7d,000 Total of. irect and 'indirect . . ; pprpriation8, j . . : - f200,(XX) .r ilj-TU bill(orIaw) accoinplishesiid Kffects ajdephrt are rohi Well ' establ ish -(ISfiiies tnpolitical Jpcpnoniy, ami is a hld imio'ation; oi'i well settled princi pUs m tlir financial world. fc , H It compels the State to give two Iiuri ard ihoBisaud dollars of good money' tp iajre sixtysixthousaiid of bad, with a rroluible coutiugency that, iu the future may rilize eleyeu liuiidred thoUsiiBd 44lars.''--1 T'fl-j:'Jm'' l. - iiilejt is cUunuHi t by the fnettds of the bill that this upiiromiatiou Wand li0juW jbVmade"to sate tfie uTterest oftlio State il tie road, it Iu ectiamoSnts td a gift of tvo houdred; thousand dollars, nU it is proposed ! to Ini mediately niort- gnge Uieafoftiuaiijftd thousand djafSj '; IvhicU being accomplishetl, at oiu:e the tv hierpryiHirty is ii t the mercy i mi tgage:boud-hoIder, who will iu a short tiine 'inevitably 'own the whole rici, uiiie, Jug p tates in ereiveHisity caiiesfoward audby increased, taxation li cjiase i t ilt a eacrifice; of probably, ouo injlhoa dfrllnrs a 4 bit. r - t-t ' 4th. Wi TpVViiril tnrb 1irndu.tlnnnl1lli! hill; perfej: ts, asdTrKfIyfithe interest ofnilrojul inonopolies and combinations m conflict uiet5tate aud in view of the fact thatonr viuzeus arenovvpurtU'uea .ji$iixanoii. tire Jtat4 laboring iuuder n debt whivjhlal gid ineif desire taMf adjusted and 'al lutclligeilt - me wlcriow J Uiat the dearly hep pved old State i of . North ' Caroliua is ibling and . cowering on tho Tery k of he abyss that leads to repudia "on and idishonor. "We do not think it J orl statesmanlike to ma e i any appropriations other than those thei:on stltwion 4id law of the StUte makelm pejitive. te'tl o. We are aware of and depreca fait tliatitlie railroad coriHuatious iu .the L'iiittd ' gtati's as' in Europe, aieiirely - 1 g . j rv-v.;,. -r-:i-.,ji axaimi)lie KKltiou of llio most ny- ftfif itiHllllla in 7 rant rt r mill itr1- i f nl couibiiiatiutis ar cxertins fluence uion Jhe Coucreis f Uie IJniteU weir f fere in ?orth fln UniteU wlijcli mast e Jiurtful touthe iuasse of A Ji 1 H. TOe Trienas of the bll!4 in their zeat ouh Hiipnort of tins measure used the verv lIauMible, but in our opiuiou fallacious 1... ! ' ; .- 1 -i . argUniff ut,! Mat it jtv Loncnt and right 1 to make lh aipropriatioD this . bUUcalls for. to ive tluv iirivutM Ktjicic.holdfrR lar, iKH'atiMe tlie patriotic atock-Jioiderft, . sa.ed Ui the State eleven hundred thou- : sand dollars, really sixty-six thousaud uouars. Iii view of all thene" recited facta the i Mate appropriates twihUiidied tlionsMud f dollars tV;ivc Kiih'-six lhous.iml with a ivuuroau couiui-eney.or jejeven. miuureit tl,OU8aml I,,lJi,rs remote future. Well might this good oIl : commonwealth we do dearly4 hive, exclaVm, 44God save Itailroad coutim;eney,of Jejeven . hundred us from such friend- !n The undersigned believe that t lis bill tvjll lie injurious to the; interests of the "StaU'.'hey believe.that increased tiixi lion, tiitotnutridycoiiriifaiiiiii peoii V; i , i inut twwKNirUy follow, jaud tlk-y kuo tiixa- people uaw the masses of our citizens are noor and linabletl ttV pay greatly Jut-reused! taxes; hence they respectfully ask to enter this protest against the jKisslige of this bilL' AutTat the same time disclaim 'all inten lion to wound the- feelings of any one who has differed with hs to tlie wisdoui of this lueastir'i ,v M 'J'. XI. KedWIxe. 1 - r. A. Mon:,-- j -0 no. A. UlCAIIAM, K. Lvox ,' iv.. ........... tJ. 1. I)1I.I.AHI, '! f JasTKksiass. THE WESTEIIX XOUTII CAUOLIXA 'r-l: ItAlLKOAD. vmxr it I ii.vs oot, axi j wii. cocst the CdrrespoDdeooe of the H;ilelrfb-Xews. - i - i- f i r -: : ; IlotfsE of Kkimieskxtati VES, : I 1 - Itideigh, Feb. rioth. Ill ytur issue! of the 24th yoiir issue! of the 24th we were Aliow n what the Western North Carolina Railroad costs the tax -payers per annum, and what proportion of this is aid by B.mie of tfie eJnHi4tntauf counties. I In this I projMisej to shovv, by p our permission, an approximation of tins total cost of the ral thus far, and what proportion of the annual taxes paid by the State Is paid by !.,. ... L.. . ....... tS.. t i i ik liiincuii'iiMiiiv i.Muiinn rhe following w ill show some of the exjK'iiditUres, t wit : I i. r l' .i . .i' . s. i ! ' ... '-"'li iouus imihii nno.vr ncrs n me i (Jeiieral Assembly prior to the war, 1 i 4,000,000 nterest panl on ame, ji!00,000 lomls issiieL tor. puichitse of road iu 1877, when sold uu- nder mortgage, i ' 7 850,000 nterest paid on same to Jau- naiy lsf. I87U, I -''" hf 178,500 aiil foKirouI1iij878": h&Qor&M Vance. WiUer act orfcteU, 73,000 FeetSg,l clothing, suaidugvr iU ill ur., cuuviciis Liu xo aim ai nings opthe road exjieuded ; 73,950 1 40,000 on thi work fui- 205 months iu 1877-78rn n .t !'- - . $4,417,450 By reference td Section 1, Chapter 1 OS, Laws of 187G-7, it will be seen that the General AsseuiblyAery generously gave tof the stock ufd- other thaii fheState,' one-fourth of the; road for which tlie State issued Ininds tot!ie9amotintf!if Sd'SO.CXXI and which are now ii first mortgage on the three-fourths which wus not, unfortunate-, ly, given away also. . . t The State now, claims three-fourths of tho Western North Caroliua ILiilroad, which JjaaVbeeit 'completed about 120 miles, aud a good part of which is nearly worn out, costing tho btate about $J7,(XX) per mile' H -i ' fy'l The animal cost to the' State is about as follows, to wit : ' 7 Interest on $850,000 i Feediugj &c cpyiesr-p. r Annual appropria'tion, "-' KJ $59,500' 55,000 70,000 24,000 Animal earnings,. ,. - . : '; 'ni.' ', $208,500 - Leaving out tlie earnings : of the road, we haro; an actual expenditure of $184. 500 per annum ; more than oue-thinl of the entire btate. taxes. Or this amount the trdnsnwHttine comities, including McDowell aud Burke, pay as follows, to Buncombe, t .1 ' $2,200 ;.- GOO 400 Jackson, .-,; Swain, H'.n'i Macon, jr : '. Haywood, iulraham Clay, Cherokee, Henderson, Transylvania,' 250 s:t50 : 750 ,150 200 'Us " 700 1,000 500 McDowell - 600 ' 300 950 Yancyr llurke, !, I-V It'- I -.; . r. $9JJ5l Wakejconnty alone pays more for this road than the fourteen I counties . named above. MecklenbnTg and New Hanover imf more than $4,000 tuore than the fourteen counties -above namexL Kdge combe and Halifax pay $400 more.' Wayne, Granville and, Pitt i pay $2,000 more.! -yyRfTXrrfTi y For further ! information : study thn Auditor's report!. Edo. f " " t : . . a , . . .' i i ii i-iiiiii inr IllH li V 1 I d mm mi in i i iiitii ni THE REMEDY.' ' ; am ny imn for U e8tern North Car- oliua.Hailroad. I- Let it repeal the $o0y000 subsidy, passed : is session by a minority vote iu each Lei et luiieu pass an act like those pre- vailing in Georgia, Tennessee and other States to farni out tho 'convicts to the highest bidder. The result of these three bills Vould be to save $300,000 of the taxes auuually. The AVir has heretofore given the fig ures. As man 3" or more miles of railroad would be built by them annually than- under the present expensive system. The bond-holders of the Western North Caroliua Railroad would then go ahead aud build their own laud to make their bonds good; - - Add to this $300,000 the $93,000 that it is estimated would be saved by the Salaries aud Fees bill, the Deaf aud Dumb ami the Penitentiary bills and the $5,000 already; saved in reducing the price of public printing, and the nett saving will be $400,000 annually, being over 25 cent ou the $100. By disregarding railroad' mortgage boud-holders ami their agents and ofticial lobbying, this j real Retrenchment and Reform is easy.j The Legislature would thou earu for themselves an eternal record of honorable mention on the j pages of our State's his tory. Will they do ic ?- Raleigh A'eics. CONSISTENCY. There are those who assert that to pay $100,000 of interest ou a compromise ef fected of $27,000,000 of honest State debt for $4,000,000 will throw the State back into It.ulit'.il haiids. Over $3,500,000 of the debt to lie com promised were issued to ijnild tho Wes tern North Caroliua Railroad. Yet with rare comsisteucy these same legislators insist that over $200,000 of taxation must be annually levied now t build the Western North Carolina Railroad for the benefit of its mortgage bond-holders. Be just ami honest before you are gen erous has no place in their rules of conduct. It would seem that the honor of the State is lesn with them than the interest of the railroad companies. It ould M'eni that the chief reason for the. existence of population iu North Carolina is that it may be taxed for subsidies to railroad corporations. It would seem that their objection to settling the State ebt is really1 because they fear that enough nia not be left in the treasury Tor the railroad1 subsidy Raleigh AVir. GOD HEARD HIM. A story of faith and chairty from Rus sia : Not long since a government func tionary died, iu St, Petersburg in utter destitution leaving without friends or rela tives two small ftiildrcn, ,oue of whom was a boy about seven years old.' Alone, ni6neylek;Tdodless wltir-1iisTiK Stilt crying for bread, hot wrote ou a piece of paper as a last resort the petition: 'Please, God, send me three copecks to buy my little sister a roll." This he carried to the nearest church to drop it iuto an alms box and start it on its way to heaven. A passing4riest, seeing him try to put the paper iu the box, took it and read it, where-upon he carried the children to his house, fed them and clothed them. Tha next Sunday he preached a sermon on charity, iu which he alluded to the incident. The collection that followed amounted to ucarly $1,000. i - BAKING POWDERS. Dr. Henry A. Mott, Jr., an eminent chemist, has published a report of his analysis of various brands of bakiug pow ders. He also cives the aualvses of Prof. Henry Morton,' President of Stevens In stitute fof Technology; Prof, R. W Shedler ; Dr. Stillwell of-Walz & Still well,' anyalytical chemists; and Prof. Pelrick, of Missouri. " '. ' The following preparations or brands were analyzed, and alum' Was found in all : t ' 'Tii'viHiblii.'. KiivjIof ni-ntTiam x- rA " ---- , . A..WU. I9 W WW., Christian & ,Co., St. Louis; 'Andrews' Yuk city j Orient Crou Co:,wSynicit;; N. Y.'V'Ai so, Walwortlt &. mazon'Erskine St 4rskine;LonisvilUv Ky. ; itrikeide,' t;. o. t'erriue, Chicago IW. : 'Twin. Sisr Crombie & Co., Milwaukee,7Wiss. ; 'One Spoeu,V .Taylor Manufacturing Co., St. ner Schoch ieaVSpeiicer Bros & CovChi5igo,Ill. Excelsiot' IA' E; Taylor, t,hifcigo, 111. f Chartot TU : Now, when it lias been declared by eminent medical men that alum, as used in these bakiug powders4 is damaging to health, often producing a troublesome I ana uaugei-ous aisorder of the system. .J people shuald cease, to use thetn. f q . I T - -.1 "1 1 mm - s . m m mm i-w a s nui Cincinnati ; 'Lhioiey's,' liooley & Brother, New Y'ork; 'Patapsco,' Smith, Han way &, Co., Baltimore, Md. ; 'Cllarlll., Rohrer. lCegitj ILSK 'Andrews ii Ci.2 Milw-auketf) 'Qnf; f Ilennett, Sd, fehiau JNewf Hateoi Uouii T ' 4Viehha 4 CTiUrcli & XTo)2 'New ters,' Uniou Chemical Works, Chicago, HL; 'King White, Lily,' Jewett &, Slierniau Co.. i Wis. i Mouarch Bicker. iouis, .uo..'jmpenal,' Sprague, Wai & lirisWold, Chicago; Honest III. ; 4GrautV J. C. Grant, Philadelphia; Giant,' W. F. McLaughlin, Chicago, 111. f Queen,' Star Chemical Works, Chicago. '"! I; A Jack-0-the Lakterr FoolA as Ejigi- unoif wmruiuai .uitiifci lb will 4 w was bringing some cars up frooV the 'junc tion to tint dinnt ' ' Itk tr tninnin rr fit m. i ' if , . Central crossing saw a red light on the track waving liiin down: Weltonped -hort like grandfather's 'clock, and presently1 the light waved him ahead- II followed it slowly and cautiously, and after leading him along.about a hundred yards if disap peared as suddenly as it had appeared to him and left everything around as black as before. Then he realized what ' it was and brought his cars along into the citv. Sunday morning in shifting at the junc tion some pf the cars broke loose and four teen bumpfersjiwcre broken. Tlie mishap was instantly ascribed to the evil spirit which hadj been seen up the track the night before. CJutrlotte Oherter. Druxkex judges. If there is an out rage on public decency and a danger of magnitude, it s for a Judge to go t he Bench drunk or under the influence of liquor. Com plaint; has often been made that the District ofj Columbia has been cursed in that way and a Washington correspondent last week speaks as follows of the matter; "The uiual scene was presented to-day in the Circuit Court of this District of attor ney beforcjit charging the Judge, an Ala bama importation by Grant, of drunkenness. The offender is named Humphreys, and his besetting sin has so grown on him that he is unfit to ski as a Judge. One or two efforts have been made to hate Congress take cog nizance of his frailty, and he was ' at one time the siibject of investigation; but by some freak; of luck he has been allowed to remain-' I The Boy OratouJ rThis phenomenon discoursed; again last night to a crowd even larger tha:i that which greeted him on his first appeafance, and the auditors were, as a general thing, pleased with his perform ance. He is chieliy remarkable for an unu sual development of memory, and there is a quaiutness!in the contract between the long and nbs truce sentences which he utters and his perfect y childish face, which affords a decided attraction. A contribution was ta ken up after the ierformancc, and quite a nice little Sum was raised to help educate the little fellow, lie M ill give his exibitions at points along the Western Norh Carolina Railroad, after; leaving the city. Charlotte Obmr rer. j j A Stkoke ok Pahalysis. News was re cwived in the city yesterday that Mr. Con stantine Davidson, of this county, was sud denly seized with a violent stroke of paraly sis while seated in a chair in his dwelling, Sunday aAernoon. The extent of the affec tion had n?t been definitely learned up to last nijjht, but! he wast reported, to be in great danger. Mr. Al B. Davidson and Dr. J. M. Miller lea the city 'yesterday morning for his bedside, and his friends aud relatives arc awaiting the result of the physician's examination witl painful solic-i- tude. Charlotte Observer. niunt JShmarcl: T.nviwv. Feb. 25 A detailed renort of Bismarck's ; speech In' the Reichstag in debate on (the Austro-Gerimiu treaty of commerce: contains the following relative to his commercial policy : It is my duty to stick to my convictions, that is, how I mean to act, and if I do uot obtain im mediate success I shall try again. That is all.w 'If j ' ' ' ,,: Xatches Being detrried. Natchez; Miss., is threatened with, the fate of Viksburg, namely, desertion by the river. The recent rise of the Missis sippi river! has thrown the tow-bead near the Louisiana shore, land there is now a current running on the Louisiana - side which threatcusto cut away the bar there aud throw: it uik tlie Mississippi side, directly in; front of Natchez. The English language is Wonderful for its aptiicsd of expression. When a numberj of men and women get; to gether and look at each jptlier from the sides of a! room, that's called a socia ble. When a hungry crowd calU up on a poor; minister and eats him out of house inu home, tliat s ca lieu ado: nation party. CuuistiAN Statesmen. We de voutly tliatik God for ssch men in the councils the nation. Light is break ing o'er us ! Hampton lives by the a iaVmJ, i. prcaoLi.. the -gospel of theL &GoJ fromLbbattoSaU- Ixitb, a..,! iur own Goveruor ha, con- secratcd liimself to the Church of God and recently stood up iu, this city, pleadingj for the spread of vthe eospel of the Son! of God. Let the oeonle pray on. Let the tide of Christianity j""om uvu. w roll ou until it sliall sweep down all He died fifteen years before Mary s wickedness in high places ; until all ' execntion ; aud it was truly said of our rulers shall rule in righteousness, : him wheiV he was laid to rest ju the and we I snail ' be a tappy. people old churcliyard of St. Gites, Edhurg; whose GImX Is the LorJ."--N. C. Ckn'Hv Hes ooet who never feared the Hon Advocate. i i " A Queen's :Conquerer- ; ,-Mary Queen ofScots waa Tconf tess- ed by every oue (o be the mostcharni ing princess'of her time.' She pad a brilliant complexion, dark, flashing eyes, yellow or auburn hair, exqtiisite wands, a fine voice, a tallj raajestic fig ure She was a great dancer, j rode Well, su tig sweetly, accompanying her self on. various instruments, snokft , r .- .. , .- i several languages, and wrote both in prose and verse. j I By the death of her father, James V., she became a queen before she was week old. She was. educated, in France, and brought up in the Roman Catholic religion. When nineteen years old she returned to Scotland, leayiug France with great regret, aud feeling no love for her native country. John Knox, the "great Scotch Re former," was thirty seven years older, than Maryl . Jte was educated at plas gOW University, became an enthusias tic Protestant, and preached with tre mendous power. " f ' Only a few days after Mary's arri val in Scotland, she sent for Knox to come to tlie palace, where they had a long talk in her brother's presence. She accused him of attempting to de stroy her authority over her subjects, and using magical arts to carry out his purpose. Hut so completely did his eloquent defence overpower her that she sunk into a silent stnnor. from which she was aroused by tlie dinner bell, putting an end to the con versation. Not long after, Mary gave a splen did ball iu honor of the success of a brutal massacre in France. Oil the following Sunday, Knox preached a sermon denouncing the atrocity and the festivities. Mary was told that 'he had spoken in a manner calculat ed to bring her under the hatred and contempt of her subjects.' She sent for him to come to the palace, frhere he received him, surrounded by her counselors and maids of honor, aud administered a long rebuke. Knox listened quietly, and then re peated the whole of what he had said in the pulpit. For. the only time iu her life, Mary was compelled to listen to & plain, fearless , sermon. As he left the room, one of her attendants was heard to mutter, 4He is not afraid.' Nota great while elapsed befcre he was summoned to her preseuce iu Lochleveu ' Castle. For two hours she pleaded with, him on behalf of the nationality of her own religious ser- ! 4Vill ye allow that ray subjects shall take my sword iu their hahds?' ; Tho sword of justice is God's,' the Reformer answered, i The queen was very angry, but the next day she sent for him again, aud adopting a plau unlike any she had ever,before tried attempted by every art in her power to charm and faci- nate him. 'For my sake was the plea, equally unsuccessful. , There was only one more interview between them. She sent for him up on hearing that he censured her mar riage with Lord Darnley 4I cannot Be quit of ye ! she cried, in a passion of anger, 'and I vow I will be reveng ed 1' She sobbed and wept, but KnpX was as unmoved as before. 1 4I 'am sorry to hurt you, 'madam, lie said, 4but I shmiTd be more sorry to hurt' my conscience. This speech infuriated her, and she ordered him from the room. Ou the occasiou of her marriage with Bothwell, the supposed murder er of her first husband, Darnle, the uatiou was wild with indignation. Some proposed banishment, others imprisonment for life. Ivnox used his 1 i n Ik.... a liai triod tn T f " murder ahcre w w doubt that the 6rey eloquence oi 1 e iest agencies in bringing to punish ment the 'queen 1 whose beauty and whose tears could' never swerve him face of man-Thc Oiampion. GORDON AND BARLOW. Their First Meeting at Gettysburg and their Second at a iWashingtoo Dinnerparty. ( . ' ' j From a Waaaangton Letter You may not be aware that it was Gen. Gordon's command which struck the flank of the Eleventh Corpse on the afternoon of the first day at Get tysburgnd after a short but despe rate conflict broke its Hue and swept it from: the field. In that fight Gen. Barlow, of New York, commander of the First Division, fell dangerously and it was thought mortally wound ed. He Was shot directlv ihrmifrh tho body. 44Two men attempted to bear him through the shower of lead from field, but one was instantly killed, and Gen. Barlow magnanimously said to the other: "You can do me no good; save your self if you can." Gordon's brigade of Georgians, in its wild charge, swept over him, and he was found by Gen. Gordon himself, lying with upturned face in the hot July sun, nearly paralyzed and apparently dying. Gen. Gordon dismounted from his horse, gave him a drink of water from his canteen, and inquired of Gen. Barlow his name and wishes. Gen. Barlow said: "I shall probably live but a short time. Please take Trom my breast pocket the packet of my wife's letters aud read one of them to me," which was done. He then asked that the others be torn up, as he did not wish them to fall into other hands. This Gen. Gordon then did, and then asked, "can I do anything else for you, Geueral?" 44 Yes," replied Gen. Bar low, earnestly, 44my wife is behind our army ; can you send a message through the lines?" "Certainly I will," said Gordon, and lie did. Then directing Gen. Barlow to be borne to the shade of a tree at the rear, he rode on with his command. The wife received the message and came harmlessly through both lines of battle and found her hus band, who eventually recovered. Since Gen. Gordon s election to the United States Senate both he and Gen. Barlow were invited to a dinner party in Washington and occupied opposite seats at the table. After in troductions Gen Gordon said : "Gen. Barlow, are you related to the officer of your name who was killed at Get tysburg?" "I am the man," said Bar low ; "are you related to the Gordon who is supposed to have killed me?" "I am the man," said Gen. Gordon. The hearty greeting which followed the toUching story, as related to the interested guests of Gen. Barlow, and the thrilling effect upon the.company, can better be imagined than described. A Duel is a Ball Room. Two vounj; men, Samuel Toinlinson and George McGreiror, were present at a ball at Cedar Hill. In the ball room were collected young ladies aud gen tlemen' of the best society. Among the dancers was Miss Burdett, who was engaged to marry Tomlinson. Both Tomlinson and McGregor clai m- ed Miss Burdett for the next dance, aud a quarrel arose, but McGregor triumphantly led-the lady out on the flor. Torulinson drew a pocket knife and attacked his rival as he and the girl were swinging corners. McGre gor also drew his knife and a terrible fight "ensued. Both contestants were badly stabbed. Miss Burdett fainted. McGregor is fatally cut. St. Louis G lobe-Democrat. Eliza. Embert, a young Parisian lady, resolutely discarded a gentleman, to whom. she was to have been marri ed, becaucse he ridiculed religion. Havinjg given him a gentle reproof for some impropriety, he replied, 'that a man of the world would not be so old fashioned as to regard God and religion.' Eliza started, but soon re coveriner herslf. said, 'from this mo- ment, as I discover you do not respect religion, I cease to be yours. -Anecdotes for tlie Young. Z 1 1 v. The business of taking the census must not be left solely to the Radi cals. Those who steal votes will not hesitate to falsify the census. While tlie grip of the Republican Dartr crows fainter and fainter, and the hour of complete Democratic as- cendeucy draws near, the public cied - it steadily improves. 1 -s tt-t r - t 1 --j.--: -j 1 SECESSION TALK. kiintsas to wtutcaitornu wai do, tf the Chinese don't go. It is stated , that the San Francisco' jDairy Stock Report, the oldest finan jcial paper onthe Pacific coast, in urg- png thata monster mass meeting be held fn Sjm Francisco, tojeniand of Hayes jthathe sigu the Chinese Bill, uses ihei y toliowing extraordinary language: - if 'IJhis is a most critical time xx the t Mstory of California. Whether there ;f jra to? be bloodshed and anarchy in oar fr J State; riot, incendiarism, and , knurper ; whether our green fields are to be blackened, and our garden spot aidlwaste; lor whether, rather than yncuj: these great evils, we shall calm ly in the end, all other resorts having failed, meet1 and sever our connection , with the national confederation, mkk- ing laws for our preservation and tho preservation! of our children's heri tage the events of the next two days ' uiay determine. Already such a dreadful possibility as secession from L the Union in the event of our failure to obtain the relief we demand from the Chinese evil; is broadly talked of in Mgl circles.! The East has utterly jfailed to understand our situation, jind to extend the aid and sysmpathy we have the right to expect from the sisterhood of States. -Leadfng men say hat we have pleadedpiave ex hausted arguments, have cried aloud r for relief, but our most carnesfc ap peals have been treated with indignity, and our sufferings have been a mock- 1 jery. As a last resort, we may take advantage qf the geographical lines that surround us, the vastlextent of soil within lour boundaries, the ex- hauftless resources of wealth that are ours, and will set up an occidental republic, which, if it cannot Tival the old republic in its glory of the past,' will at least be a magnificent empire of white freemen, whose heritage shall . . be preserved to their children and their children's children forever. Ouit Boxi. Teach them self reli- lance; teach them to make fires: teach them how to saw and split wood; teach jtheijieveryjday, dry, hard, practical common sense. Teach them how to darn stockings; teach them how to eat what is set before them and be thankful ; teach them how to black- their boots it I i and take proper care of their clothing; teach them how to say no, and mean it, and yes, ?md stick to it; teach them to wear their working clothes like kings; teach them that steady habits jare better than riotousliving ; teach them that the further one goes beyond jhis income the nearer he gets to the poor house ; teach them 'not' to have . anything to do with intemperate and idissblute young men, or with idle of frivolous young men. ! I -1 ' i i Don't Do It. -Your enemy is at . your feet, arid it is in your power to crush him I Don't do it ! Better is an ounce of forgiveness than a thousand tons of vengeance! If hardness and bitterness still linger in your heart if actual and deep wrongs have been inflicted upon you go and look in z the Nearest open grave you will not. have to go far rand see what is the end for your enemy and fbr you. Goi and; think for a moment ' beside the nearest gravestone how little worthy5 it id for an immortal soulTto be cher ishing the passions of a wolf or tigery and then forgive your enemy even as yon need to be forgiven ! ' 'iDo you know that I think Mrs. G.-a very mean woman ?" said Mrs. Smith the other day. "That's pre cisely the opinion I heard her express of you," rejoined her friend. V The most common error of men and Women is that of looking for happi ness outside of useful work. It has never yet been found when thus sought and never will be while the. world stands, ilobt. Lewe, who is one of the finest classical scholars in England, pro nounces in favor of the study of the modern languages instead of the an cient, "j ' . ; . When cliiuaman makes love to a white girl bedoesn't ra ve abou t how his j heart pantifbr her, etc No, he sin.r 'pljr tells her he loves her better than J he does rats and she believes him. . ' :v 3 : - r 1 ill J: i i-'Hl1- f. 1: i i -" H U 1" i-f ; -in. S 'r M I 111 I iij i t. i ...ii T. If -1! I

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