i - -is k ?4 .4 It 5 1 I THISD SERIES SAIISBUET.1! IT. 1C ; HASCH 20. 1879. Mi NO 22 . J - "' ": -:,.- -- ' t - ; - " .' i- ; ;. ': c '-.' . - --' -i-:-::- V ' : -,V - : 1 , :A . : . - ..- V- 1 .V----- .... . -V'-.; ' V-f -d- -. t'Vi.- " .- -- - . , - - v- . - - - -t- l-tp -.. . j, -.w ..r. i v ... ..4,,,. , 4. ; ; j . - - - I ; 1! , - - It -j. I , , i. . 1 ' i -' . 'ivu ??:. .v. j- fj 1-..-. - . ..r.; . - ; ,.s . , . J ' --7 ' ' ' ill.; ..""T llo Yonr.Best f you'ii- ritflit f lien. t Miiead..' ;eboiMetl Utter than ) knew.n : voifrd l icit ; hr come us hmr L riklj't Jii Mortal "inau way ter ; ngeU tliemi'cIvfHcaii io no more." i,i.h 'vour tin"" if .v tniM, l..r iiito(ailHi win .in?- in in . 1 did intsif mUscirtlu' uiit j a,, lias tusuiy H : prouder one. VI iscon f aed- wrk wa,v . are not linilcTecl in n rt.i.v lnti rlomb en W-;i i you far Htnl wide, ; r ...ii.:.... the other side i; F 2 1 ...i'i-1- fur tit Imi1i hrt-vii r' r. rrn tliU will vary ; .lue e, men, Untacy in dwelith ineiu : y iiliapHtiiefform may 1y if force Ljila littl; cliantt of cohjmj It vH'ljl wi l c;ui',.nd when you can, Lirt ytuirl'imipti-jiiglit ou," again. A NICE LITTLE GAME. Flak lV - -J' ! jiff! right Dolly Ha sat before the? globing grate, i feet on ofie aimer if the mantel, chair ti;d back. His young larked At hini land her pretty ickfeye, vfhieli only ajninute be- had been with tears, emitted a ; u Irks of fird Her rosy" .mouth closed j a linn expression a ml-her dain- fxit cameTdown upon the rug in :t V IWeih'djiin:inneT. H M-:...'t tWnl if P slm ssihl im.Tpr thieath l j1! can't -'twill kill ine ! r -Mb him i-liii-. irlit. nfW niirlit. frl divi.l.Hliiiiiiiii.r Itoth Mini . I niust save him for my J'hetVslie ht and icditatvd. Thcv- ,1 ueeu nirneu a lit tie over .two rsl ahd tGe bahv iu the wicker llc wa afthriviug Imiv. No hap- x iV(maij thanj Dolly the wild rid held -hut for one thing Her .h1 his hli;i(l wiishl drink. He 1ohh ili jihiurtrs I U.. .i.. n!:u.t i,;s .XV 1.41. IMH -.- 1 . -- 1 , iHitolttu ''camel hoii e iu the -stnall Jif!aiiinstejidy eondition.X )iJv trieil ever'tiiin"r tenrs, en- ituy, : ' pefsuasions but ' lie . only lulled her !oO r Whete'.ithe hnrm, Dolly? jCau't j Lllovv he ijicrry now and then; with friends?! :V i . ... Ii -- - ; j)i(t Dolly saw the awful evil grow- u'jMiii hhn, and knew what the n 1 wouhl lie., S ;! r eyes tilled witji ic shuddered, and tears but the min- after ahev .flashed fire.i and she eu. - I i . ' .. I "nil i '-' f- 1 ! . ' i- o - - i. . - . t ni J 'j:y r irv ik; riii k:iki in nrrsoii ir a tiO'-lirood. it can t do much 1 run i ' ITIienljJielsaidi Vi'l erJiusband roused up, ami open is eyes with an Imbecile stare. 'AH right' Dolly.' ' 'Frank1, you .believe that a wife Dllld follow in hnr liiKK'HiiPil f.u.f- ri don't lyou V 1 jTo be stirej You're a sensible iminDofiy.: ''''"'. ... AJiu yu re a sensible man, Frank. iat s right for you to do i slight for i. isn't ?' r t I ... ; i i rIFecisc; pol!yj just so, exactly. P re a wise woman, vou are I picrywil, Frank, if yougo 1 velii juorel'ai nights, I'm I -ti :- i. l 4 ' I I! ' - i to the going I HF.1iusband looked up, half sobcr- Ivt.?.:! , 'i. tt fthatV rri.i.nrl . I fPs vouy,' ne said ou'lj do no ijuch- thing.' ''ll tliat I will, Frairk !' ie "answered resolutely ; I love you Uvliatyou do I shall do 1 too? If jaejfitl.o ruin! yourself, soul and Hfo'atol ,slume your son, 1 shall jllqvt youfexample. 1 care tor noth- ,!iiai you cannot snare, as vou E jlUs cheek paled and his lips quiv M cr fvords touched him to .the t . i - - ; s . ;., . , , , : , ., lcf' )H satl silent , for a minute, cahe goup and said : : j'Nonsen, Dolly. Come to bed. Se IblldAvetl him obediently, and luig mqrc was said on the sub- Pt For three or four nights Frank me homft punctually ; then his bid mastered him. is supper all waiting, jdjlus simpers and Mrt-ssiriir-zown c the fire, but he did not come. aevnilvt .nimomnht nurl it, I'mi uii lift rujs. j 'Sit by , baby's crib, -jNIary, ami wlien Mr. Mavfair comes i tell liitn X have gone to the Keindecr. ! Ask no questions, ami tak gool care of baby ami you shall have- a dollar extra", this immthi' ! I 'Very M-elly ma'am with womler- in eves. : i .! i Twelve o'clock, one, ami th n the young husband le his latch-key,' and the sitting rootn. . himself In' with came reeling into i iiere sot uiu iaiu Wide the sleeping child. ! rrank Jookeil about .. iiiru a - . . . , . , . litth niixioiody. i - Ah, Gist asleep, ifinc little fellow,' he sail, Iwndiug oyer the crib. Mary, niv girl, where's vour mistress? Gone to. bed?' - -f-trr ,- r ; rki t No, sir, shea's gqire to the Ileim hotel. : : ' ! '1' "y .He stood and stareil. S , a , ecr ' What dp you say, girl ?' ' - She went out at 10, sir, "a ml llad e me tell vou vhen you cauie that slie'd goie tot he Hindeer k lit ! 1 he young liusbaml stitliHl some tiling like an oath, and sat dMWiijbe- f ire the hearth. Ilalfani hour went liy then he started up, and glanced at the cliK:k. 'Great flesiyen ! ftis nearly 2 o'clock and he nut here. lie seized his hat and rushed from the house like one mad. - llv the time he Mas hall way tolthe .Keiudccr he. was perfectly; sober, j 'Cnuld she have: meant wliat she said ?7 he asUeiI lnnisclg over ami over aixain. I'resentiy a carnage fame down from the lighted tavern on the hill, and as it passed hijn a wojmau's voite rang out, 'singing: the chorus, We won't go house till! niornihg.' j It was wife's yott?e. Jle caught at the horscjs' hVads, .'frantic? 'jvyTth rae Dolly's pn fyVurly thrtiu1hHikirui as I he-vehicle sfonlied. j '1. 4)Ut ns ihe-vehlele sfoiue . i - i Frank, old fellow hi is that you ? Get iu, get in why didn't you come- up ? Oil, we had a jolly time hie we did ouch a dance. Joii t b!:i:nc von for lEoinir lut, Frank. Didn't know it was so pleifisaiit hie X - A IllVilil IJtf Jw ti VI infill, Yon ilo? he'gasped, leaping into the scat beside heiiirrasninir her arm. ' 'EverMihrre to do sticli a tjiing ' agaiu, 1 i :ii i ... -..A ..:c. .'e :.. -i ami von wit. in uo jci uiiuu. i 1 E DoUy latiglHHl uproariously. ? (J. -t : Nousen.r, Fraiik. Le'me dons you do, that's fait. Letjgo itiyf'srin,- you h'urt and you'll break my flask; 'tisprime brandy, Frahk take a drop.' I j He caucht it from her hand and flunjr it oui of the' w indow. Bali !' Sivi.d Dolly, her checks flush ed, I wish I'd stayed at the Uerndeer. Whatmakes you so cniss Frank?' 'Hush Lav no more,! Dollvl he answered, his teeth set hard. 'I can't bear it. I -I may do something; I'll be sorry tor. . - Keep silelut I don't wah't anv moic crMikel words, j 'lla ui's horn, if I die for it!' cried Dolly. - V ' Then she clapped her j hands, and laughed gleefully, breaking olf into -A inoonliirht night fori a Ramble.' Frank let his head fall;inlodiands. r i r Good . heaven !f he groaned ;Lld rather , have, died tlian hajve seeu ithis shrhtl' He got her homo and into her own room, at last, but ishe was very uu ...;i.i ... i i itH Mlii.A maungeaoie, aim K.nisicii in ciuung up all maifber of capers ;i dancing and singingjLlier cheeks flushed and Iter hair streaming jand asking him if they would not go again-it was such jolly fun ? .! . 7 j ' His c jwetty, niodest little Dolly !. Ivonjj afier sJie had fallen into a deep slcepliusband sat oyer the smoul- derinlrnrS. with his face hidden in his hands. J t J "' J A , 'Dolly he said, when she awoke late on the following nioruing, Svhat hapiened last night must never hap pen again., ' She looked up eyes. '- - with her old clear , ! . -r r-. i Very well, "Frank; tliat is fori you to say. Just as voti do, so will 1." 1 He was' silent for a mement. ' h ; 'I woulti ratherdie tllan see jwbat I saw; last night over again hej said then. . , - -- I Frank she said, her lips quivcr- i ng, 'Ivt seen the samesight once or ! twice every week since thp day Hiarried you, and only God knows what it cost-ne.' ? ... -; , - ' ! . He caught her close to his heaving heart. lnor litth. wife!' he almost 'fcob- i i i - ' lis ueti,,"you snail never see sucu a nigu- nirniii. I islmll Kttrii f h lfdf toUlaV.' o - i - ' "Tliey both signed , it, and kept it too. Ten years after,' May field t was a rich inahPand one. of the most! re- nowned temnerance leadert of the day. , ., ,: , - 'Frank said, his pretty wife, one day, as they watched theire! playing on the lawn, I did fool you handsomely that night, Frankit was all make-believe. I didn't go to the Iteiudeer that night,, and not a drop of the hateful stuff had .passed my lips. Didn't I foil you handsomely, and cure you in the bargain ?' ! -You little witch !' he cried; but the instant after his eyes filled Yes, Dolly he said, drawiug hwcfosejo his sile, 'ou cured me of a habit that would have been my ruin.' t The Yoniuj Merchant Two country lads came at on carlv hour in nwrtrf ... t,.wn n,l tirmn.r. ing their i little stands, sat down To wait tor customers. One was furnish- ed with; fi tiils and vegetables of the lHy's owii -cultivation, and the other supplied whl, lobsters anJ fish. The n.:.. kpt hm.rs ,Miwl nhuur and eai-h lift!,. i.l... uw with ,.U...rn hi stores sieadilv dec-easing and an equi- a.id publication of this baud bKk. It iterv,ew with a correspondent, Sun vale.it fii silver shining in his little iS f course, imperfect and incomplete ay last, said he was as yet uncertain -cup. The last melon lay on u . 1 1 - t ' I H iirv'Jttniifl who. i n rpnt i.iinii oiiint i! ..!.'.;..., 1.;. I. 1 " u ijj j iit u0 1 144 at ti fvr as c J f Wluii ,U vo., W for it my boy ?" "The -melon is the last I have, sir : I . ' . and though it looks very fair there is uu unsound spot iu it," said the boy, turning it over. ''So there is." said tl tie man ; i fiiinL- T ivill mi t.tLrn if But," h -rl.l.-l !..! :... t.ft lw - fin t i I alUlSt-i I niiitiii sill i v ' j J v ...... im ojrei, crMintenunce, "is it busmess-hke to point out the defects of your fiuit ivitt..l, I Ivnri.lilL. .. a ....v. I ' I t, tlw. (ntiiiiiufi: I ..'.' . . . it it ; hot tor Hmn homer ilislinnpsi " i ' I said the boy, modestly. "You are right, little fellow ; always remember that principle, and you will find favor with God and man also. 1 shall remember vour little stand Tn the future." "Are those lobsters fresh ?" he con tinued turning to Ben Williams. fresh this morning; I caught them myself," was the reply, and a -purchase being made, the gen- tleman went away. Harry, what a fool you were to how the gentleman that spot iu the melon. Now you can take it home - 1 .... - - for vour paius, or throw it away. How much wiser is he about those lobsters .1 caught yesterday ? Sold them for the same price 1 did the fresh ones. He would never have looked ait the melon until lie had iroiie "Ben. I would not tell a lie. or act one cither. Ibr twice what I have earn- edthis morning, besides, 1 shall be better ofl in the end; for I have gain- ed a customer, and you have lost one." A man who, by lying 'aud cheating tl rives away one customer a day, will iu a little ( while have very few left, for they will soon find him out and leave, liiui. . ' An Illinois Hurricane. St. Louis, --March' 12. Information has reached here that a violent wind storm, amounting almost to a tornado, passed over the southern portion of Macaussin county, Illinois, yesterday, destroying houses aud barnes and other7iroperty. Utah a delusion and a snare, and ask ing her to exert her influence against the vast and increasing crime of po- 1 . . 1 . lygaray. I my I time ? w I ment 01 igricuiiuic w oriogri, J;?''? m. T?u?"?"?ft"Wm :l I.i lAn rivor the exulorers found UotWaterUhe first thing in the tion to the practical, literature 01 tuej - . - . - . . - . f .1 . . . 11 ii.JIbo ooetom nalisade. for about two f llO Tt i HnVlMil ' Wt-t n1 in mil il 1W 11 " in ' 1 e ii". vu..- ; uiuiiiiu.. wf ' . . . Mi ti.j , u n lono-th. to consist of vertical I "I "didn'tl brino- it upland lave it at hands of every reading xamuy. ine m....- .-..0, your reverence, out it is didntlrn uup a n.:M& neknowledtri pillars, hundreds of feet high, of glis- Wlt tlie u.o0t ? t's tl,e dark nights j ttieaooriwrnigm, w i 7- . xr Ll.Uot W1W. mottled, or band-' we want it,- . I , f ry.i , ments to "that , de voteq son 01 popu .Ku.6v.rr j - j - . , Hand Boot of the Department Of A?rl 'enltnre. ut Commissioner Polk, of the Deiart- ,vl !l",c "ao m -m now irettinjr ihrodrh the press, a hand ; book of ftorth Carolina,, embrac- i r"tf!i ,!. TV ' j lng Iiistoricalrafid - iiliysiosrapliieal 1 sKeicuesoi inqoiaie,, wiiii :suiiintcui and other information relating, to its iimusines, resources ano iimcai con conjpilatipn, practical test and obser dition. :' i j i j : , M.-irri .wl I - a .WW" "tf'W",' At, .t" wim me aci creaijng me -LepanmeiH Conditio-IIU Tfews oi (iieKitiii ever giveu hi me pwtt,tc, of North Carolina ami results from that wise iolicv Ion tlie imrt of!..tIii Legislature, th(j pursuit of which led; h ' two years ago,! toithe establishment or our State AgriUiltural Bureau.r This !departmetit ls been of vast benefit' tn thn aicnliiinii and .11 other inter- ests of the 'Staty, and AKr6m its i '...Ji :Jiti.iLt.L- :. i.-i ? icjniia auvj J'UM iwhim ifc lias iiupui i ; - ted informatiUillito our: people, the MCP past'three montlis has de value of which ino one can approxi- velo,l dysmsia, which catises him mate, and in a thousand wavs ouickw ened the industrial and material ' i ; i , ' !; . . Mirit nf th iJai Ie ofthrwhole StateJ While the isiuccess and rapid de-m velonmeiit of the! Asrricultural Ueoart- ment has bc; unexpected and unpre cedent, and the; results ot its workings 1 most gratifyiii i and satisfactory in every respect,! t has done nothing during the two years of its exri- mental existence I at all aiiliroachimr in irenem use 1 ness the nrenarat on imnany respects. The Commissioner - w..i..; ...wi iw.L-.inivliltrHi il.U faot recoi?uize& ami ackuowietisres mis iaci i Ir ..sarilv and unavoidably so. V : f for us irreat as is tlie asnrreirate amount -f statistical i.ifonnaliou alrea,ly! ob- iinl n,d on tile i,r the Dcnartment there is Still Wanting much of detail inf .rmation td all localities Irom which such information comes. The Com missiouer savs : " l lie tacts and iiiiormaiion set lorui it. ... i I l "lese mL'ts.iiavt: inxi. uh ihv , hwi I'll . . I . I . . . . I I . I . in r.li Inn t?fi ll nr-iii I , 11 I I part obtained through the v 0f puspiritedcitizetis i c uiai, and has been com pi iuiuiiuii i iii various piled with ... tlx. i.it tlii iti.mllia it ivurL' t i - i -IJj - i.- i.iv.M la similar character has ever betore i i i k ;i . o . . . beii pub ishedlin our State, and do- tcclive us it may be, suouiu iins voi- nine stimulate; jnquiry and investiga- ton, ami axyakenan interest that should lead to a higher Watm" if m. r flumiotor Hfltl ilitriiitv ns a tteo- nle. and of those bounteous bleminss wim which a kind Providence has so graciously faired us as a. State; one ..TtliA ..Im.! j.tiicwt u .it' t ho tviirLc ' t will have beeniccumplishetl. The Hand l3oid Is of three hun- dred pages, containing, in part, a his- torica W the State, from 1584 to the present! time, presenting the names of every sovereign body assem - I mfm bled since Mecklenburg Declaration ot Independence- Executive and State officers and members '6TCon;rcss since 1663; natives Ut North Carolina who Hiave become distinguished citizens oi other States ; distinguished divinesJor volcanic glass, and a road made and emiuent physicians. An alpha- I ,.. (rod descrintion of the tuountici of the State appears, also a V- m ' ' J I nhvsiosrraphicat description of the Stateby State;Geoiogist Kerr, compre- bending its situation and extent, its physical geography, geology and mm- erals, climate teui)craturc tables, rain ot the lake, inus lorming a oarr.er and clouds, mean humidity for 1879, 'where it was very desirable that a winds, comparative climate, torests wagon road should be, as the glass and soils.. Part third is devoted to barricade sloped for some 300 feet high our . fri oi" government, taxation, at an angle of 45 to the lake, and its new debts, ! municipal corporations; glisteu ing surface was therefore im education, homestead, liens, punish passable, there being neither Indian ments, charittea and modes of amend- nor game track over it. Tomakethe ing the constitution, the relations of road, huge fires were made against ho nntivP i.roducts. fishinir in- the glass to thoroughly heat and cx- terests, the propagation of food fishes, pand it, and then by dashing cold wa mii'mml. elevations and a partial list ter.from the lake against the heated f XVnh nuti'li,, inventions. Part four contains Ihe public and literary :....:...: iUf.l.-Kt-tA. tho. miblic schools, State press, tabulated state CUllUrai OrKlUIZatlUlia, Jf ' ... a a capacity of tl.e'citics, towns aud quarter of . m.Ie long wascon.truct ; I.. J .ilw'.-.Huro. beckeemnz.and ed, about m.dway along the slope, fruits .daptld to our soil.. Tlie Hand Book of the Depart- I .Tit I tirnt;' !rth I lie Carolina the venerable urid patriotic historian Hon. Joliu 11. Wheeler' and he also consulted tlie histories of Hawks, Lawson, Williamson,! Martin and Wheeler, and It u din's Sketches of North Carolina, and the work may be relied on as historically authentic,whilc tbfe'eciinUfioi, statistical, agricultural aVl(l industrial contributions arc the results of. patient research, I careful penmenU Observer. on A Charleston (S. C.) dispatch states ft t I . r-. f ine om visio.e.iraceoi sunernsxjenv "I -r ,,t4" "0m si,,ce his accident is a slight fncrease i"lis whiskers. His gen- era 1,ea,t,, ,s excellent, except that the change from his former active out- oWoorlifeto the necessary bonfine- w .-.;.. o.cvp. A..8 ,,eg mu. . . i.i j r ,,,lu ,Cdk """' u .rue...- 7 ,ntensc lmf tlieend of the remain- l'"---- ." r" rvt,,v,""' y hs au opportunity to come off itself, - & l,ext month h wiH proUal.ly have to uc 1 u.r y,i, .... ,9 - j wuiung ..w ..cairn unncouuw piair . v.., 1.. .. p .er ue mngion 1,10 extra session, aiinoiig.il ne wouiu ' ,f he lbly could and his doctors !H.lrly important he w,!l go nynow. in rep.y 10 a qucsuon asio l i : : .i. r ",s concern.. . g uie acuun oi e "oiwe in rerusmg to pass t.ie ap- propriation bills, he replied that he thought the House was right. He would favor Congress sitting forever .1 .ivrs;irv lwtnrA it rnonrlwl im inrh j iiviii lis j ii, i n . lit uiu iiui iiimrv . . . ' . -I I .o f m I -I in niil lint r ll t rl L jjr Haves would have a right to op- pose the amendments if Congress con- t nuea 10 urge inem, as sucn acuon ' would show that they were the will oi me people, wn me nincie ques- tion he expressed the opinion that Mr Hayes' action was right. Iu the first p!ace, he did not think Congress had i ' tho lower to abrogate a portion of a treaty. He thought that body wrong I j yielding to the clamor from Cali I f A Glass Monntaln and Road. Mr. P. W. Morris, the Suiierinten dent of the Yellowstone National 1 Park, on a recent visit to the capital gave a lecture on some 01 me natural I t . t . ' 1 curiosities of the region over which he presides and is engaged in exploring. Among these may be mentioned as the most novel a mountain 01 ousutian from this material. I . jm v... Near the foot ot lieaver Lake the explorers uiscovereu u.is mountain o glass, which there rises in basalt-like columns and countless huge masses many liunoreus 01 leer nigu noni a nissmg not spm.g r,H.HS .u.gm Mass suddenly cool the latter, causing large fragments to break from the mass, which were afterward broken - up by sledges and picks, but not with- ' M",tht ? road ot native glass upon u.e - lit" ' ','!' ' .' Ou reaching tlie Grand Canon of ed obsidian or volcanic glass. J This obsidian has beeu and is still! used by the Indmns fimakmg arrow. of the gue -which -devastated heads and other weapons and tools, Europe rcpeate41y diiilng ' the iiiddi j and the mountain has formed a vast-- Si anceased its ravages ia' En'roa.?nts quarry tori the making of such instru-lon1 t behnlagotthepreseal centl?'-' ments or weapons of a quality and . ii i quantity unequaled clsewheie. - 1 he lecturer gave a graphic descnp- i tion of "Old Faithful," and other gey- sere of Firehole Basin, and the Lib- ; erty Cp and other gevser ones, re-1 i - t i " r .i .1 sembling in their grotesque forms the ' . monumeiits of an extinct raw HeKlid. q also exliiblteil a number of specimens ahle to Combat disease than were those "J j of minerals found in the park, includ-1 oft!,e lfl8t- Sain'tary science-has been ! ; develonid. and effective nnarnntinp nri'f - " 6 , uiuaiitBU, tiituis, I trifled wood, lava, etc. Miss Maria L. Eve, a young lady of Augusta, Georgia, who has recent ly acquired some literary reputation, ' was awarded the prize of $100 ottered . in Mobile for a poem expressive of Southern gratitude to the North for its munificent liberality last year du ring the yellow fever epidemic. A Virginia lady, residing in Mobile, was the second on the list. It is said the committee had much difficulty iu deciding between the two. We pre sume that Mrs. Preston and Paul Hayne did not contest, orwe should ask for the rejected poems,. Miss Eve's. poem is going the rounds of the press. I IV. ttr. The Cincinnati Gozette has taken the trouble to feel the Democratic iiisle iu Ohio and Indiana. It ar rives at the conclusion. that the Demo crats of Ohio are for Thurman while those of Indiana arc for Hendricks, but it is convinced that they will both accept Tildcn -with alacrity. FatDonan In Trouble- The Donna Cunningham Affair. From the CUarlotte Observer. Considerable intercut has been excited iy the lately published statement in re ference to a difficulty at N oho, Mo., be tween V. Donan, the well-known beiiU and journalist, and L. 1'. t'nnniugham, a lawyer and railroad man, of Aeoalio. 1 be Observer published the first statement of the iraitsaclion, subsequently punished a traveler's version, and annouueed its purpose to publish Col. Douau s version as nearly as he could get it. A copy of the UentonviIIe Arkansas Advance, ot February 22d, containing this statement over Col. Donan' signature, has been placed in onr hands by a geutleman of this city, who wrote to Col. D. for it. Col. Doiiau says : For the-first time is my life. I have recently experienced what it is, in hor Iht phrase, to let a scoundrel "get the drop7' oii me, and, for the first time, have appealed to the laws of the country for mires of a personal wrong. After detailing a numbering of circum stances which had led to his newspaper attacks upon Cunuitighain, Col. Douau gis on to say : Friday, February 7th, while stopping at the same hotel with Cunningham, iu Neosho, 1 received a message from him asking to see me iu his room. Unarmed and utterly unsuspecting, I walked into his room, spoke to him, and carelessly dropped myself into a chair, partially turning my back to him as I did so. In a moment 1 found a cocked revolver at my bend, with a demand that I sign some pajK-r mi the table instantly or have my brains blown out. Standing as the would be assassin was paitly behind me, one glauce satisfied me that it would be im-pot-sible to knock the pistol from hia hand, and satisfied me that he meant assassination, for which 1 gave hini credit for just sufficient courage. Sitting down, unarmed, with his cocked revolver to my head in such a posit iou that I could not iMissiblv reach it, he had "got the drop" on mecomptetely ; sol simply said : "Cer tainly, under the circumstances, 1 min 1 would sign almost anything ; anu sign- ed it without knowing or caring what it for fiftv thousand dollars, or surrender wasji.Ht as 1 won. . ,ae s.Si.e " i.,w ...ml l.illtira tr irriiider- ed ihv purse to a James Boy or other hiirhwavnian, uuaer snn.iar circuuisum- ces. it was my urst eiciicii. kind and ) aai fire, to admit that there . . " n a. . ,s a power. P - " H1I UHIM IUCU lllrtis s mM . 1 u ... . . . ... I . 1. .a 1.1 n fi w lu .wl .IT AIIUUI1 I at eighteen luchea range, even in tne liands f the mast cowardly assassin. Bv reference tuthe jtrfrawcf we see that the grand jury of NVwton county tho county iu which Neosho is situaled-de-tiined ito find uu indictment ag.iiust Cunuingham. Col. Donan continues : I I.m1 no idea what it was I signed. though 1 suppose, and have since heard that it purported to be some sort f a tritwlif-lltitltl of Cuniiincham' character. But i think he aud the company that employs him will find that no so-called "vindication," 1 got by the assassin's or highwayman' art, will vindicate before the clear-headed, honest, fraud-hating people or Arkansas the reputation of a man who has such a record as that from which I shall now proceed to exhibit a few sample slugs of villainy." The colonel then proceeds to unfold his assailant's alleged record, interlard ing his story with epithets and things, the whole coustitnting one of his average specimens of word-slinging. As the story of Cunningham's public aid pri vate character is of no interest tm our leo ple we. publish only so mnch of this arti cle as Is personal to Cob Donan himself. Father : "Good evening. Patsy. I ' a ue moonlight night." Patsy : ""is, t . U.j, . Lr-TV. : ;' il i""4 ""i08810"" fa on " V viMunuiy uiu uiiunrcu 3 cars ninij ntien . Euron ,,h iHraLSlS. than nofv, It haslbeeu estitnateuT tliatnbt ' lens than 25,000,)00 people criibed. It ij4eed, a 'common thing In 'former age l611" communities to bo utterly w'pcd otit of existence by thi' teirXlai ,,1, . r. J ieir.u lICBt. Thslf. ritlllil nif hnniun haw I possible Besides meu are more intelli j j ' i - - ' gent nof, and better fed,' better housed, and more ameuable to sanitary regula tions. Kit of w hich is true : and we sin! eerily trust that the experience of tlnF coniing year will demonstrate the present'' THE MENACE TO EUROPE ini possibility of any widespread epidemic ' of plaS"e "W' MS Earope wttbt' -j alarm. But ijurope mlnst not neglect" to' taket --"' ncconntSof conditions now prevailing in WcRter4 and Central Europciudeed,. all over the Continent specially favorable to the f development of an irresistible r "-' scourge, which may diminish the popula tion of Europe by one-half within the next five years. " It must not be forgotten that the facil ities for rapid communication character istic of; modem civilization may be a source ff deadlji ieril in case of a disease so malignantly infectious as the plague. u Nations) are most intimately bound to gether by commerce, and every letter or bale of goods inay be a means of trnns inittingliiifection. - Victims of the disease ' may trayerse tlie entire breadth of the Continent between the time of exposure and theffull development of the disease. With ef cry extension of the area of the " plague Jbe possibility of staying its ad vance by quarantine regulations becomes less, and after ii passes a -certaiu limit, pestilence, like! fire, is uncontrollable. -The supply of physicians and medicines at any time is adequate only for ordinary conditions; let! the usuaFbounds of dis ease be! much overpassed and resistanco is hopeless. Such a state of things is by no means impossible iu Europe to-day. , Consider the! situation of affairs iu Eastenv Europe Turkey is a chaos, aip tho military power which keeps ft senir blance 6f order there would "soon" break, down with the plague iu its camps. The local governments have neither thepowep nor theE intelligence required to snpcpss full' cmbat jui epidemic. The spread., of the plague is little hinderel by cli matic conditions. Kussia seems to be nn-. able to stay its! progress. Tljo ljuiian people ire already upon the brink of des? peration and revolt tlirough "'poverty an& military oppression. Iet tlo controlling arm of the government, the armyTbe par nlyzed, lis it is liable to be by the plflgae, - and Russia will present scenes of disorder mid death appalling to think of, On such, . food tlio plague fattens. The govern? ment would be blamed for every disaster, and mobs crazed by fear, and revenge, and hunger and blood, would do their fatal . work iu evcryj city. All who could command means of flight wonld fly, and carry the infection into adjoining lands in spite of the strictest sanitary regula tions. Germany is almost ripe for revo lution. ; Add to existing hard times and financial disorders the.busiuess derange ments which precautious against conta gion miist entail, and a general lack of food and remunerative labor would nee 7 essarily ejisue. Under sucl. conditions, socialistic outbreaks would be inevitablv, The experience ; of , Kussia would be re peated and the steady adi'ancp of tlw plague .over Western Europe would celr tatnly follow. jOnce under way, the way , of death would sweep over Europe as , gureiy ;an ag destructively as it did m . t,e fouiteeuth century. I ' Do wo, thereCore, predict a repetition of those terrible times ! By no means, ... . . .t i .1 . . f '- j ve nave oniy suown mat nicy are ywvir i Euroim pieseuts conditions 1 wIliH,.:with nlisae anon its Isirder. must . ! V fj - - be considered, to say the least, as decid- elly menacing to the entircrContinentrif ' not to the entire civilized worlds If, re ports are true, and the pjagne is steadily : approaching tlie heart of Russia, the promptest, most rigorous, and most thor oughgoing measures to stsiy its advance. are iniperativety needed. Indiffereijfl-- -and inaction nbw will entail the most fearfalcousemienw.-W?c4'Van j lL The Western North Carolina li1road i has achieved a decided victory la the Housef That body. Tuesday night, by 07 to 1?5, tabled a bill to repeal the an- ! nual appropriation of $70,000, for the . prosccutiou of the work 9) that road. I Lumberloa Bobeaonlas. - : A VfcBBATiMl Cofjr.r The fiillowing is a copy of a report by a Senator verbatim tt literatim : j i the Committee Coperatiou has exam ion the willi in bill to oregaui.zp and In cor porata the ChrMion Assorccatfon Begloye jaend tit. it, do. Pass. and Heiyny Eppo for Committee .sia- 1 ' 7i Z '. ' V .''-.-:,.'' 1 1- -J - X i " " : " "v, - - ".,. t'L . ".- -,. .. . - " ; , .; fi. r . -: ; J: -.rr? i J -

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