.1. ?i r i7: .fir: 1 ! S ) It :-- " : H .; --V ."-:--! - v ' ; ?j -: ; - :; - i ; ; . 7- 7. . : 77 ; -j ; i f 7 - Kr 7 -k ; -h 7 47- 7- ; i - "7 -7':V"-'. -j v -;j -- -:-77 "' y 7 "7 .-. -'.777 , - it' J :i 'e - B7- ' - ' iv: 7 7;; - 7 ' . V: 7:'" 77; ' - s Vj-V 77-:. j '. v7 : " ' - - 7 "t w.7 7.: 7 7; -: -.777 1 ; '- "7: :7 H 1-7-" - : -: " y :-1v ;-.:y7 " !:y " i- -'. 7:7 7 -7-.;7' ' ' - -7" ": i7-:': "l ' ; , 77;" ! -7 :-v-. .-' 7: .': v:' ! : .:j 7: .. -j 7;- i . i ;j 7 7 . 7:: . : "s.v : 7-'-;---7 7. :7 -7: 7,7.. . -..-r --, i-7j r'.: -: y j: --w :-y .. -..; -i-.,--;.., ::7..,-: - ;t .-Y;; i :-::' : , H f-.., - -7- -7-7: f - ;:77 7- 77.:,77--:.:'-:; ''7 : "7 - ''7.-:"' -'t I -' 7-7 ''' :-"'A --" ' 7- : ' f ' Carolina Vatchman. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1870. f OrriCK-SEEKEKS in Wahingtou are too thick to stir with a piuldle. Maj. Wilson ny that he U rnnuins traius through niud cut daily. The Virginia State dbt bill having ftassed both houses haa gone to the Got crnor. . S " '. -7' John Smith, for murder, was sent yes terday, to the State iirfcson of New York for life; Is that the last of Jonh T l Axotiier affiiir with pistols at Yicks bnrg 'thic time in whicl two meu were killed ajid one wounded. : v I " ; " 7 I The Virgiuia House of Delegates has pasitetl, 70 to 50, the Senate bill for the tfettleiuvnt of the State debt. CotJ Jonx E. Brows is spoken of for -1 Mayor of Charlotte. They want a man who can give a just account of public money. ; - : 7V.J r. ' "X The Cliarlotte Observer of this morning nays Judge Kerr is better; and will go to his liorue in Reidsville on the evening; train. ; ' ' There is'aHerrible famine prevailing in the Nile -valley of Egypt. The people y Are Baked and starving to death by hun dreds. ' "''! Deatk invadedtlie State University recently, and cut off a young and prom ising man named Maurice II. Wilcox, of Warrenton, N. C. , f A terrible storm swept over Memphis, Teun., on the nicht of the22d inst. The Memphis Cotton and JWoolen Mills, val ued at $90,000 were struck by lightning and destroyed. Insurance $GO,000. " J There is to be a stock exliibitiou at Poplar , Tent iu Calwrrus: county, on the 13th and 14th of August. Committee of Arrangements: Chas. J. Harris, TIios. H. Robinson and S. II. Andrews. j Judgp Kerr remains quite ill at Char lotte. TJie Court of Cabarrus, last week, and tlie Court of Stanly, this week, both fitiled. It is likely that other Courts ou the circuit will also fail on account of the Judge1 sickness. I I NahaxP. Pratt, Treasurer of the I Beading (Mass.) Savings -Rank, has de- faulted to the amount of ninety thousand . dollars. ' He has been stealing for tliree ;l : years, and enjoyed all tTj&wliile the fullest I - conGdeuce of the public. Y j ' ' m m ' ' ji ; Coxtixced. The case of the State of South Carolina rs. Chamberlain, Kimp tori, Parker, Leslie and others, came njr at Columbia on the 24th and was cou tin tied 00 the ground of heavy aftjiction in family of Chamberlain, i. Under the new law on appeals from a jnstice's judgment, the apielat& courts when judgment shall be rendered against the appelant, may also give judgment against the sureties to the appeal to the amount of the judgment and cose. it SmiNo;Bci.i is looming up in public notice' again. It Is reported that he is at the head of 5,000 Indian braves, and that his bearing of late betokens bloody work. The officials, at Washington have been much engaged of late on Indian affairs, which : means preparations for war. Troops are moving West. - - - f Congress has not yet dispatched the business they were going to fix up quick and go home. They seem to have been iqtendiug much of their time In reconnoi. H. teringt the ' situation, and sapping and - milling. The Republican newspapers bo "! tray much uneasiness in regard to Demo- f rutic iuflueuces exerted on Hayes, who :- .lai'i: i.ii.'t fe - i.r..- . T ; All the banks of New Orleans, eighteen injnuuiber, y)t a capital of $7,300,000, fsuspeuueu on the SOth. The failure of j several old bauks, known to be insolvent by le vreW ppstwj public,' was about to ane a. disastrous, panic. They will jrobably resume in a few days. r : :P. S. Uiter reports stita tUatthe banks have nil resumed. ; Mmo- CAMERoxhas :anJngly suit be- finjthe; District Court of Washington, iPC-,:tvith Mary S, Oliver, for breach of marriage contract. ) She claims $50,000 damages. Mary does not seem toliave boeu 'a! puro as saow, and Ben, Butler, as -counsel tor , Cameron, makes, the wit ness stand an uncomfortable place for Iter, notwithstanding sho proves the eon-) - aui uu ouuou.- 11 is uisgustmg scandal. " I'Great crowds go ta hear the trial and the northern dailies give it in detail. l'lRi Speaker Morixo recently made L speech to his fellow citizens of Chatham couuty,Jw wjiich he reviewed the:AcU of tb lata Gnaral Assembly It was a fit ting recoguidop jtff the rights of his coal stitneut's to hear fiom him a statement of whaj; had liven done 7 for although th ijw.sia)en had j reportetj almost every tS J1 t was time well spent by Mr Moring to make such an address and by teiMLHipfe ju Jiearing it. f Wo trust oar representatives, Senator Jleudersou and jitomnvmerH Rost and Barringer, wil jcoiho up during the term of our Court! ju-epjired.to give the jwople a sjnlar oynt of t W .siewdjship : . i Oue the beat laws made by the last Iegitilature is the one which prohibits the removal of cases from on county to auother except; when the ends of justice absolutely ? mjuire it. i It becomes the duty of the Judge to hear the testimony for and against the motion for removal, and he must be sat Ufied from the evi dence tliat the ends of justice demand it before he can consent to it. The affidavit of the applicant must set forth the reasons in detail for" his prayer,', which may be controverted by the exhibition of contrary fact. K- f 7 ! HAPPT FARMERS. , There are some hnppy farmers. They have no debts to pay. They. havegood cropii, good wiyea uud good children. Exchange. ; j A 7 .7 ' ; . There was one of them in town last week. . He wasr dressed iiu a suit of dark gray woolen jeans, such as we used to see in the olden time. . It looked very pretty and good, and the wearer looked con tented and happy. lie bilked of sending his son to Davidson College, of money loaned out, of paying for his newspaper. of doing good tb the deserving and re lieving the distressed. lie more thau livesi within his; means be lays by some thing every j ear. Quiet, earnest, and trustful; out of debt, plans matured and patiently wrought out from year to ye-ar ; no; hurry, no worry, there is not a prince on earth more happy than he. . 77 r THOMASYILLE AND, WADESBORO i z RAILROAD. The people along theitmfe of this pro posed road have experienced new-born hopes and unexpected j: pleasure in the contemplation of a railroad through their section. The last Legislature did them a favor by granting the charter, even if the road is nevtr built jlj for it has pre sented a nejv and interesting subject of conversation and aroused slumbering en enries to be exerted in fruitful efforts for : t ' 1 ' - - advancement, jit i believed the people would readily consent to do the grading themselves, though they; might be Unwil ling to subscrile money for even vote to tax the countiei-; ' jAtKsox Hill, Da vidon county-, 21 or 22 miles from Thomasville, is in the route of the proposed road, and is likely to v become a depot. It is already the center of - trade for a large district of country, embracing portions of the coun ties of Randolph and Montgomery, and is destined, we think, ultimately to become the capital of a hew county, taking in all those portions of Montgomery and Ran dolph situated between the Yadkin and Uwharie rivers. ' , The name of urratt, made famous by the mnrder of Mrs. Surratt at Wasliing- Iton, in 1865, beats the Smith iu this neighborhood about two to oue. There are no less thau eight or ten families bearing it. H " I HOW IS IT? - i 1 ! - A good man niny be nnfortnnate, and be so strained that he cannot pay his just debts. This we jallow. But how can a Christian munJbiiy gootls and use them, aud tlien rt?fuso to pay for tliem, when he is able to do so, 7 While thus rfusiug to pay honest men who ave fed him and his children, and clothed them, heiives in style, and spends more for extra living than would in a! few years' pay all his debts We kuoir men who have ample iucomes, who by ja little self-denial might soon yay al their debts, yet who live iu magnificent style, far outshining the men whom theyjiwe, and ; refuse to save a cent to pay their debt. These men may talk in prayer-meeting, jtnd pray aloudj but they can never have any in fluence with those who knew their habits. exeuSoutheriChrUtian Advocate. 7 The. late Re,v. John D. Sheck preach ed a rousing sermon on this subject in Salisbury Lutheran church nearly forty years ago. He quoted all the scripture in the Bible and Testament going to prove that debt was a solemn responsibility and must be religiously discharged. And as he warmed np on the subject he threw into his closing sentences all the power he could command, and that was no small amount. Nay, my dear brethren," said he, ,(I teU yon there is no5 escape from the solemn obligation every man i under to pay; his debts, and I verily believe the man who negligently fails to do so uulil deatlt snatches . him away from earth, will. WAKE UP IX l ELL !" ' - It was an impressive sermon, amUwe havp no doubt it did much good. Preach-; ers of the present day ought, and we be lieve do, occasionally preach on this subject, but parson , Sheck's sermon bad the best ticlig qualities of any we ever heard.-: - 7 h 7:71 . " :. The Washington; Post has trustworthy information that Hayes will "protect the purity of elections? as long: as he holds Mr. Tilden's plaie.. JNo doubt Haves' knows where and how: to intercept elecJ tion frauds a thief to catcli a thief. ' ,.- MARKETS. y -----I ??bv Your. Marcli ss. joiipt h - sto,. dnlL . --7 - t cotton dull ; sales 208 bales: told nin' unlanda 10' : middling orleanaiowi MnS rtnruEiri2! cepts 8,851 ; exports to Great Bi-ltan T.ssw. ' . FlOUr Southern dull nnrt niuhiiiid . . Jalr extra 4. 1.5.40 ; good to cholse do. $3.56 75- 3wWC. Detter 4 Vfiia SutrarstMdvi 2? : 'J 6004 VMUKl at ; prime S ; reuaea quiet ani uacuaneed. !21ola&8 ahnnr. steaajana very quiet, t s - WirrQS MARKET. ' . RALEion. MarcH S3, lain. i Middling........ ...I. ...... 1 ,J 8trtet Low M lddll rv(r : I. . 1 -'I?. htow MlddUnff L., strict. fin,i iffl .. ;v r rm SSCf,SSi""--"H"-l' .4.. Y.'.'.9i4 j low Middling 8tain.i.r....x;::;;;;$vJS;: luiuuiiuz c uuua ; cn,,, bales. Flour.North Carolina...,1,,. '.to I,-' $5 5 5 50 vuru. . Bacon, n c. Hog, round......:,.';." ; uam3..i,. . j. ColTeft. nrlmA T r " "1 65 & 6t T C4 8 T 9. 14 (4 15 1 13 ,7 8 frJT vrv Sugar, white... yeiio-.T s7tthci Ttt-kAM WlUk....... J, ...,.i.. 15.00 rax.... T5 99 55 10 w. ...... ......... Abyv. are WftquteU Trouble In a Graveyard. Correspondence of the Raleigh News. j Rowan Couxtv, JIareh 14. We liavs a very singular circumstance to write yoti that took place at Liberty church, in Mori gan' township, last Tuesday, the J 1th ! In the past two years there has 7 been n new Methodist church birilt on the Stokes ferry road, one mile and a quarter from Salisbury, and last fall the trustees bought a trlat of ground for a graveyard ; after it nau been cieareu off, it was then .made known that all 'lersous who desired toi bury their dead, they -were at liberty to do so. Last Monday. Isaac Goodman's little infant died, oulyjsix mouths and! three days old, aud lie desired to have it buried iu the graveyard ' at Liberty, for two reasons : first, that 4t was a church yard, and eccomi; that be furnished a lot of timber to build the ichurch. So Mr. Goodman sent to the trustees of the chu rch j and two of them selected a spot to dig the grave. At 3 o'clock, the hoar ap pointed ; to bury, the corpse came and forty or fifty people : were present, wheu Joe Eagle, a member of the church, aud the same man that had! proclaimed it a free burying ground to all, then aud there forbid Mr. Gooduiiiu to bury his infant there, .declaring that iff he did that he (Eagle) would dig. it up and remove it. which caused the greatest excitement that has ever been seen or known iu this couu ty i Wo do not believe tliere was a half dozen persons .but what was weeping, praying, or shoutiug. 4 Thei-e vas a heavy tliuuder cloud gathering, the people dis persed, aud the little corpse was taken to a neighbor's house and there kept over uigiu auu uunea in auoiner graveyard next day at 1 U o clock. 1 he j gra ve at Liberty-. is still oieu. and is a memorial against that bold, bad man, who was so enraged that he looked; more like a demon thauhumau. With clenched fists, and black and pale iu the face with madness, he spoke with: such rage and force that he was heard from a quarter to a half ot a mile. Aow this bad man is a groat boast er of his religion;. be has claimed many a time that be was like Joshua of old, "us for him aud his house they will serve the Lord, let others do as they may." Heav en save the man, for I have never heard of Joshua forbiddiug the burial of n little infant ; or have we ever heard - from the word of God that Joshua had a pair ot steelyards that was coudemed bv the laws 01 ins couuty auu toiu louisueigurors uy them. Mem. We copy the above com m un ication from the Kaleigu jews. It is rather strange that nothing of this lieuiurkable occur rence has been heard in this community. juioerry cuurcn, on me otokes roau, is about ten miles from Salisbury, and has a new grave yard j but: we are scarcely prepared to believe the above outrageous story that any good man of Morgan would indulge in or ! allow such a per formance. We hope to hejir from some one in that neighborhood on this subject. 1 Later. We learn from a gentleman who lives near the place that the Xeic' account of this affair is correct. Captions to the acts of the General As sembly of T. C. An act to regulate the holding of Courts in the Seventh Judicial District. An act to define the criminal jurisdic tion of Justices of the "'Peace, cx-offtcio rangersjn the township in which they respectively reside. An act to authorize a history of Jorth Carolina for the use of the Common Schools of tlie State, An act to require Clerks and Justices of the Peace to keep an itemized statement ot all hues received by them, aud lo properly account for the same, also lo amend chap. 1 Gl , Laws of 1873-74, bear iug on the same subject. An act to prevent the desecration of the Sabbath day. An act to compromise, commute and settle the State debt. An act respecting the collection of rail road taxes in Forsyth County. An act to amend an act to incorporate the Yadkin .Railway Companv, ratified 5th day of April, 1871. m , , An act to allow the Raburn Gap Short Line Railway to use fiftv convicts iu constrncting their roads from the Georgia line through the counties of Macon aud Swam. 'An act to punish defaulting Treasurers of religious aud benevolent institutions. An act concerning official bonds to be, given by Sheriffs. " An act to aid in tlie construction of the Winston, Salem aud Mooresville Rail road. An ac to allow Iredell comity to fund her ou8taudiug railroad bonds. An act te incorporate tlie Bennettsville and Hamlet Railroad. An act to make the earn ing of con cealed weapons a misdemeanor. An act to secure the better, drainage of of the lowlands of . Fourth creek, in the counties of Rowan aud Iredell, between Baker's Mill, in Rowan county, and Hayne Davis' Mill, Iredell conntv. An act to amend chap, lb'l, Laws of 187uY77t entitled "An act iu relation to the probate of deeds and conveyances, aud the privy examination of married women.'' An act for the benefit of the Western, Salem and Mooresville Railroad Com pany. - An net to amend chap. 49. Laws of 1876-77. Relating to the collection of arrearages of taxes in the town of Salis bury. .- 7, ; . ; ; . . An act to incorporate the Smithfield and C.1ie Fear Narrow Guage Railrojid Company. 1 An act to prevent live stock from run ning at large within Rowan, Davie, Cabar rus aud other counties. An act to incorporate the Piedmont Mining and Banking Company of North Carolina. An act supplemental to an act anthor- 1 VI - m..i.t.!.. .....Jf a. me nuikiug 01 convicts on tue ure Hill and Mt. Airy Narrow Gunge Rail road, and the Chester and Lenior, and the Caldwell aud Wautagsi Jtfanw Guage Railroad, and the Winston and ! Salem Riiilroad. and the StiitsvillA Air.T.5n Railroad, &c. . . ' . ; . ; An act to regulate practice of denistry and to protect the people from quackery &c . .7" : j !: s i; : ' i - ! An act to abolish private seals,' and to prescribe a short form of a deed, aud for other purposes, .f t . , An act to provide for the purchasing pflanu sold under execution by the Boards of County Commissioners. w 7 7 ; i An act to ajd in the extension of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad I An act to provide that all ( con vpt ji'h ' of real cstatu shall be eoustrued to be iu fee, unless tbe contrary shall appear from the language of the instrument. An act to amend the election law. All net I to nconmrnrn !tli town nf Mathews, in Meckleubnrjr county. . j Ab act supplemental to an act concern ing the tanning out convicts in tins State. Ah act to make the slander, of women indictable. - 1 An act to incorporate the Farmers Bank of Milton, Caswell couuty. . v 4 An act. to authorize to Directors of the Western .N. C. Railroad 7 Company to ex pend a portion -of the appropriations to said com pany for, operating; expenses. 7S II An act to provide- for the completion of the Western Asylum for tlie lusaue. 1 7 An act to amend an act to estalisli a Departmen t of Agriculture,! Immigration and Statistics, and for the encouragement of Sheep Husbandry, ratified March 2, 1877. : - , ';.;!;, y'A:: - ; : :7-7; ' 7" " j An act for the relief of farmers and others from pay meu t uf speciaf tax. 7 1 ! Ah act to empower the W. N. C. R. R. Company to nuike terms with the Caroli na and Lenoir Narrow-Gnage Company. An act to correct an error in the act to compromise, commute aud settle the State debt., " . i i Ah act to compromise, commute and settle that iMirtion of the State debt known a8T.be "Williamstoh & Tarboro Railroad." , 7 1 7 f I An act to iuebrpofate iher Tillage of ligLack, Stanly County. ; . 7 ! Ail act coucerninci-eceivinc freight and shipment of the same, and change of rates of transportation by railroads and other transportation companies. j i An act to amend sec. 343, of chap. 17, Battle's Revisal. Relating to suits foun ded on judgments rendered previous to Aug. 1, ltHicj.l i , ! An act jo prevent overcharges in the sale Jo produce, j ATact for the support of the N. C. In stitiition for the Deaf and the Blind, for ltsuanu isau. An act to incorporate the towu of Troy iu Montgomery couuty. i An act to uehue the meaning of false preteuse. i i An act to amend chap. 122, Laws of 1870- 77. Relates to the duties of the County Commissioners of Mecklenburg. regsiruing tlie tence law and boundarv fence between Mecklenburg und Iredell counties. An act to regulate the size of fish pack ages. Requires all fish packed tor mark et tobe in packages 13 inches in diameter at head of staves, 25 inches in leugth, and con fined by at least ten hoops. An act to aid iu the construction of the Statesville Air Line Railroad. An act for the relief of the blind. Ap propriates 00 per annum to those who lost their eyes in the Confederate service, ilnrinir tn-5r .i iit-1 ! (V. 1 ""'o ........... ,.t.J ,j An act to require town and city cou stables to make monthly reports. An act to prevent tramps infesting or depreciating on citizens of the Slate. An act to amend and conscdidate the charter of Great Falls Manufacturing company, iocaicu at Kockingliam, Jtich inontl couuty. Au act to authorize the Caldwell and watauga harrow uuage Railroad to change its guage. An act toHefine the duties -of Sheriffs Ierforniing the duties of County Treas urer. :. Anpact to amend an act passcV iit this session, entitled "An act to prevent the disectatiou of the Sabbath day.-" For bids the running of railroad trains other than those carrying U. S. mails. An act to amend sections 3 and 4. chap ter 89 Battle's Revisal, regarding official bonds. An act to aid in the completion of the Spartauburg and Asheville Railroad. Allocs 100 convicts. An Kct to charter the Thomasville and Albemarle Railroad Company. An nci to prevent tue sale or giving away of spirituous liquors or wine within two mles of any place at which political speaking takes place. An act to consolidate towns of Winston and Salem. " Au 4ct relating to roads and highways'. Authorizes the election bi-ennially of a supervisor of highways in each couuty, &c. . : An act concerning civil actions for the recovery of debts contracted fer the pur chase of land. . . An act to amend chap. 1.9G, Laws of 1876-77. Ristricts the farming out the convicts in certain cases. An act to provide for the registration of certain deeds and other instruments of writing, and to make valid the registra tion of others, bxtends the time to register where lapse has heretofore oc curred, within two years from ratification ofct. , .. j j - An act to amend section 15C; chan. 32. Battled Revisal. TMakes it ontionarv with County Commissioners whether capi tal punishment by haugiug shall be pub lic or private.! i 1 Ah act to secure holders of policies of lire insurance in North Carolina, j Re quires insurance companies to deposit 810,000 in U. S. bonds with the Public Treasurer. An act to extend the time to redeem and sold for taxes and bought by the State. (Extends the time to Jan. 1. 1831.1 Au act to establish a normal school at I at Trinity College, Davidson College, aud V ake Jb orest College. An act to repeal any and all acts crea ing,' reorganizing or continuing in exis t he Western Division of the Vesteru N. C. Railroad Company. 1 Aii act to amend aud to define false pre tense, rdttfed the 11th day of March. 1879. - .- ; An act to provide for tilling vacancies in Hoards of County Commissioners. Magistrates select. ! Auj act to prohibit the. sale of intoxi cating liquors in numerous local ties. j An act tor tlie more e fleet ual punish ment of horse-sealing. ' j ; j An act to provide for the sale of insol vent; judgments in favor iof counties against defaulting officers. I An act to amend chap. 240, Laws of 187475; entitled an act to prevent dis crimination in freight tariffs by Railroad Companies operating in this State. An act to establish the State lint be tween the State of North Carolina aud the State of Georgia, between the coun ties of Macon, N. C, and Raburn,' Geor- fiia. 1 I An act; to legalize the purchase of land for the Penitentiary.! j j An act to incorporate tbo Zion Hjll Cemetery of Concord. 7 - I iAn acfir entitled 7"An act to secore niail notices issued by Board of Coiinty Commissioners to Justices of the Peace, School : f : Committee of criminal men. An act to reduce the cost! prosecution, i j t An act supplemeutal to an act to settle compromise and commute tlie State debt, passed at this session of the General As- eembly. - j , . - - An act to adjnst and renew a portion of the State debt. : An act to incorporate tho Rockingham and Salisbury Railroad Cpmiany. ' An act to incorporate the North Caro lina and Viiginia Christian Conference. An act to incorporate tlie North Caro lina Bantist Sunday School Convention. An act to amend the charter of the Charlotte aud Taylorsville Railroad Com- ip i j . .An act to incorporate Zion Wesleyan Institute of Vabarrus county. ; , ; An act to provide a fuud for the pay- ment of jurors. I 7 An act to apportion the convicts among the various works of internal improve ments of the State. 7 ! j !'"-' An act to repeal the law j providing for tbe maintenance of lunatics outside the lusane Asylum;. ; j ;- ! - An net to facilitate the navigation of the streams of jthe State, j s 5 I An act to alter the constitution of North Carolina, concerning the debt of the State. Au act to relieve Sheriffs in eertain cases, and to prevent the sacrifice of property at execution sales 7 1 An act t to. amend chap 202, Laws of 1874-To, protecting the State's interest in railroads. I 1 J M An act to prohibit the sale or exchange of produce between sunset and sunrise in the counties of Iredell, Rowan and Cabar rus. I ,- . An act to empower town Constables to seve processes; - An act amendatory of and supple mentary to au act passed! at the p recent session of the General Assemblv, 1 and entitled "An act to prevent live stock from running t large in Rowan, Davie and other counties." An act to provide for keeping in repair rue public rtKHis of the Stiite. An act to raise Revenue. An act to authorize the JTreasner of the State to exchange the stock of the State in Albemarle & Chesapeake Comjuinyj for bonus ot uie State, (not siiechil tax.) a a . au act ior tne more speedy procure ment ot the nglit ot way by tlia Winston Salem & Mooresville Railroad Company, and for, the better protection of laud owners over whose laud the railroad passes. I An act to repeal chap. 59 Private Acts of haws ot iHiO-'H, entitled An act to pro- vnie a suitable House tor the Governor." An act to restore to judgment creditors the exemption and homestead to which they might have been entitled prior to ' the -nui 01 ivpru, ioo. . An act supplemental to an act creating the State Board of Health. An act providing for the cnjjravinjr of bond and expenses authorized by an act passed at the present session of the General .emuiy, cniuiea "an act to adjust ana re new a portion 0 the State debt. An act to change the bouhdrv line be- tween the counties of Wilkea 1 . - and Ashe, An act explanatory of chaj 57. Battle's Revisal. JProvides for the Appointment of a gruardian for habitual and periodical m ebriatedfj An act to cure irregularities in certain i! '. ; . 1 i j iuh mi proceetiings wnerein; tne same i on all the defendants named in the summons were infants, idiots, lauatics, or persensncm compos mencu. An act supplemental to an act to allow Leaksville and other townships in RcK-kincr ham county to subscribe to the capital stock in a railroad. ; ! An act for the better protection of the pupils of the N. C. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind from certain con tagious diseases,; and for other purposes.! An act for the collection of taxes against the property of Corporations &c. ! An act to repeal chap. 12G, Laws of 1874 '75, and to allow the people of certain town ships to determine for themselves the ques tion of the sale of liquor, j An act to revise and consolidate the Com mon School Laws of the State. I An act tp fix fhc number and regulate the manner of appointing the! Board of Di rectors of the Cape Fear and ! Yadkin Val ley Railroad, and for other purposes. j An act to punish the entering of a dwell ing house in the night time, otherwise than by breaking. j An act to provide for submitting the proposition to amend the Constitution of the State in relation to the support of the Deaf Mutes, the Blind and the Insane ofthe State, to a vote of the people. : 7 An act to enable the City Wilmington to pay its present bonded indebtedness, and provide for its bonds maturing inthe years 1879 and 1880. An act for the speedy trial of criminals. An act toi charter the bank of Asheville. An act to incorporate the Cape Fear Bank at Wilmington. An act to amend an act entitled "An act concerning the sale of liquors in certain lo calities," relating to Prospect church, j in Rowan co'untv. The rumrtr seems well founded that a uumberof prominent citizens of Baltimore have resolved to erect a monument to tlie memory of the late Dr. J. W.. Bull, dis coverer of J that wonderful remedy7 Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. i PRINjTING OFFICE FOlt SALE. The type, press and fixtures ofthe Daridon Record (at Lexington, Ji. C.) are for sale. For particulars, address C. II. Bruner, " Salisbury, N. C. RALEIGH, H. C. S. R. STREET & SON, Owners and Proprsj Gr ASTON HOUSE, i ftEW-3ERN, N. C, R. STREET & SON, Proprietors. S. The undersigned having purchased the Na tional Hotel properly of Raleigh, opened Uie I5ih March, 1879, that well known House to the public under their management. They re fer to their Hast ma nacrf-mpnf .f tl. C.ir,. 1 . f O --w w. nqiuu House aa a guarantee that the traveling imt.li will find the National, jn their hands, up to the standard of a first class HdtelJ j The aenior, Mr. Samuel K. Street, will remain in charge of the Gaston ilouse, The junior,! Mr. Wm. j. Street, will conduct the National Hotel.' 8. R. STREET A 60N. JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney and Oonnsellop at Law, . - SALISBURY, N. C. . . Office in the Court Ilonsft lot, next door to Squire Hanghtori. Will practice in all the Courts of the State, ! Road Overseers Street's National Hotel Office Westekk N. V, Railroad,! Morganlon, N. t., March 7, 't9. NO'S'iDia. There will ' be a inefetina of the Prirat StfKskhohlers of this Company at Newton, on Friday, A pril 4th, 18 J . . W ilsoN, j No2l:to24 1 riuriw North Carouna, : 1 1 Tw RiTPirrTfiil GorRT. i u v ft Willi . - s ILL.Vwter.adm'ror Petition to!sll land Augustus Davi. dt'd. I fur awrt8 w . - , . . - Aoaintl Order 1 for I, heir of Wm. Stoker 10 W made parlies dtfen'U James VValser. James Stoker, Amanda Stoker, Mar? Stoker. DefenUt. It appearing to the ratixfaction of the Court .ffiliBit nt Plaint iff" that the Drfend'lfl above named, James Stoker, Mary Stuker and Amanda Stoker are non rt'Fiueni oijiiua oiaie, it ia nrToril i hat mihtir.it ion he made for six auccesitive week in the ''Carolina Watchman," .... W i . : a newspaper puiilifhed in tsaiisnury, s.- fiee of the Clerk uf the Superior Conn of said nmntf williin tn Har frim the date of the summons, and if they fail' tw ankwer the com plaint within that time, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court fur the relief demanded in the complaint, lr f I - ' j Witness, this 8th day of March, 18i. 1 . L O. M. Hisgham, i Clerk Sup'r Court Davie County. ; 2I:6t:Kl - - j Farmers, DON'T BE SWINDLED out of A BALE OF COTTON warn 1 will sell you one ton of BoyldB, CariaoMICo's CELEBRATED 1 For 200 -lbs. COW 1 , It is the best in use. Easy lo manipulate. Requires no cotton seed nor stable manure. No charge for recipe or right to nw Equal to any $50 guano, lias been tested for years. Call and get particulars and see testimonials. Don't be humbugged by cheap mutations. You can get the genuine only from! THEO F. KLUTTzJ driIqgist, No20:ly Sole Agent foi Rowan ROBINSON) Richmond, Indiana. ESTABLISHED IN Sl842. WE BUtLD J P0STABLE ENGINES Mounted in Truck or Frame of G-i-8 10 14 and 25 Hoise Power. WE ALSO 11U1LD THE J I "PEERLESS" Portable -Enpnes ' on frame of 4 and 6 Horse Power. fTliese endues have horizontal tubular boil ers, mado of No. 1 charcoal haui-im-red iron i inch thick aud of 50,000 lbs. tensile strciigthl They are the best small S engine iu the market. WE HUiLD FOR Gf 8, 10 and 12 HORSE POWERS. HORSE POWERS of all iizes. SINGLE OR DOUBLE I j . aw Mills. STATIONARY ENGINES, DRAG SAWS, ! SAW TABLES, GORII SHELLERS, I FEED MILLS, &c, ;&c. We oflbr special inducements td cash buyers. Send for Catalogue, and state what you wish to buv. . ' Address, KOBINSON & Co., Hi Hichmond, Iud. lome Firfiliier Hill III, ! S 1 Threshing Macliuifis , ; j; j 1 " 7 i-" t ): ; . NOTICE! Pnblic Notice in giveik-that iu '0 1 bury city nulls are 110 loii.r the it uay 01 .March, S7). . ' arter 1 N. 11. We will keep oii1,a,Hl flour to exchange forgrnin oilnv l.'N jy:4t. - A. Hautjj' JU, 0 p- 54 Practical Blaclisiaitii AND -i t : . -TU -. ' HORSESIIOEII.! HOP connected with Browa & VerhipN.1. 1 promptly done. ( . rr". UURiiiiUii! N O a? x c 12 Noutii Carolisa, ' Daridson County, y I' Superior Suan . Humphreys and Jltujanirn V u4 yard, Plaintiffi., ! J U;1 Against : f Alfred F. llargrave, iVftmlant. ,1 I The UefenJant atove huinrti iH jlth.i tified that the above acliuii h:wl.; : lo recover damagea against l.im (tjI t lion ofu ieranl, andtihal a warrant 0f uimii na issued flu-rtiii proiieriv. itr.d thl hull llltMlllill;, ..v J T runt of attachment are reluriiiiLle to the fc ."terni oflhe SfiirJor C nr( la be County f D4vid..n at th fmirthoj LexiiUili.nrjm the ixtli (6th) 5h'Hi,UTfi the fourth (4thJ Monday f when and where he can a..ar and L, ' or demur, e. 7 ; j Witne- CV P,Xowf, rk uf ail Cmt oificf in Lexington, the K)ih Any of 1879. C.K. LOnX cTp' : ' . - 1 - s : il , .i uflluifil THAT WELL KNOWN FERTILIZER fir F0UBTEEN YEARS' STANDING j J Rich in Ammonia & Phosphoric !a4 The Lcadivg Fertilher-Of Mc Coum I--'.! BEING Ir.ir MORE EXTENSIVELY USED inh ANY OTHER, . And Particularly Adapted to !po 'Pjipifip.' hn mm Pn'e 4 ACID PHOSPHATE OF mi f 11 I I I ' 1 . .. .. -I c wcu xnu lavorauiy Known fK. Lafnlisi Can be had upon application 16 ih foUoti! AirHiitp : ! Jxo. Ali,e Brown, L. C. IIanes, "U. G. MOXTGOMEUV, W. A. LCCKEY, C. A. Carkton, StDug n odSi) an, I8AAC HaRKIS, J. C. fJORROUOHS, Salishnrj. Jj Lexingtttn. Concord,' " -Iiowan Milli, StaleviJt. j j DavidnCIft Moore villeK Charlttei Jno S. Reese & CoJ Nol7 Gex'l Agents, lialtiwoie, Jlil anil Slorpaln fcaMtm sjTwOriElnnl .twsai7 SIMOITOH FHALE G0L1IH1 , Statesville, IT. C. . The next Benion onetiM August 28, 183.1 a ft. a A T ' ' " i lioaru, and tqilion in Hipglili. 585.00 pr aion of. twenty weeks. Catalogue and circabr with full oarlicularti on nnnlicution ' 7 Add rew, " Miw. E. G KANT, '! 34:1 4- Principil Tit Lit SHOP AROUND the CORNER To the Public, Gueetixo : JULIAN & FRALEY PrACPnf nAmnlimont f n flip nill)llC and desire to call renewed attention to tbw ; efforts to be useful as j ' AI1D CARPENTERS. Their prices are as low as it is psible make them, and their work not inferior t any. . They till orders in .,twb tlepartnifflti, ano: nave so lar given satisiaciion. j hnv oYtrmrlod flioir fUi1itip recently. I are Encouraged to hog for increased j mands.: Their ready made 6tocK m Comprises a general assortment of houa W niture- Betlsteads, Bureaus, Clothes Pre! Rook-Cli Cu plwards and China Presses, Candle StanfK Tin Safes, Desks, Tables, Washstands, &c. Tiiey also keep an assortment 01 COFFINS oi walnut, pine and poplar, froirf $3 upy Also, Window Sash. Tuey fill orders wi ont vTtinna 1flnra Will rnntfaCt forcK" tfllTO frrvul lnmlvi and mntfV trOautC exchange for furnitore. Shop neartV PP0" su n aicnman omcc. Julian ' T IV El STABLE . Having purchased flic .M Stable on Lee street and Fj?6 all necessary arrangements for plete and satisfactory manner, w are prepared to, afford . S ' 1 All usual AccommodationSj auu wm uo so ac me mosi muucii- r- , r.ao?Ktai rra-nnnvrpd tm invited ? irireus a call. " Dav visitors can have tnw stock carefully attended to and every prcf er attention shewn them. Tbe stable ttten Horses boarded by the day, week, niontB 0 - J3 EMM HWHft Ft I year. Call and try us. , J. HOLMES & SO Jan. 21878. -' - r . H:tf ; , A4 u ruud. boJimwl) CakUITi -1