i : !- - - - "I-.:- I .. . , L ; ! r : s f I I . I (f '. i ( JT TffY " 4 1 1 1 ft Ui xTHIED SEEIES 8ALI8BUEY. IT. C, APEIL 10, 1879. i " -1 HO 25 - - s . ' ; V .1,. j- .4! !"' ai't r''L I I- the Altchmnr The SaWatb.v- j - v . ijr KKV, 1 BENXKT. a - VTt 1ny K rcf eximiiRt lew I nenic, P - V i ...1 ..irn1llT To-kin tjiy worth; to Ring tliy name, Avith umI"' vh j v i - f 'j.;. 1 '-'j " - " . Tie Wy that first saw snn, moon. starg, Ami all tiling" e1e complete ! -Slilne fortfi in one harmouioas band, Omnipotence to greet. Tjn jiy iatWw t!e Lord arise, ; To a Wcri Hoe ; X Holy Coinfiffter, i lSweetJciengerjof grace. - - - Tl 6rat ffattft of this transient state, j An autetyr of heaven j ri IToluortal creatures given. ' Wftv c tliy tforth appreciate, ' I f hi Anthor'ii iiame adore ; ; And find UcytuMi thia veil of fieah, , A CooiSpnng!. Xr C., April 1 , 1879. DEFERUEI, ARTICLES. tratea in nlljcriniinal cases of. which both the Superior and Inferior Courts have jurisdiction, shall bind over to the near- ent Cohrt, iinu that where any sncii cause in either of such courts shall be cou tinned for any' cause, it shall stand for trial at the first cniirt next to be held whether of life Superior or Inferior Coni t. An act antuonzing (town constables to serve civil and criminal process. An act providing that $2 shall be taxed against the losing party in all actions to defray jury expenses. An act that no witness in a criminal case ; shall be ' subpoened or paid onless me cierK is reqaesieo. in wnuug uy mc solicitor or the tpremau of the grand jury ti summon him, and ithat tickets of uot more than tw witness shall be taxed as witueses fr the State in inUdeinean rs. ! I An act nrovidinx that, the cminty seal shall not be required in the probation of any instrument jio lj nst-d or recorded Willi in the county. J. ? 1 i ii" ii i ai it ii i i COMMUNICATIONS. condition the profits will be immense !' plainly ,w that if public oflcer,i salaries Look in a cocoaunt for milk, and not a f were cut down, fewer appropriations for gou-d. When parties think Progress- so railroads, jthe propagation of fish, 4cc, and lame perhapTthey think we don't know , exercise strict economy in every resict, the difieronce'between cocoa and gonrd. larger appropriations might be bad for Don't be childlike and innocent so Sim-,' this all important canse. I believe that pie j -I close lest some local option inno- i education should be disseminated through cent discover my defective perambulator : out our land that all might enjojr the and place ine. on the list of cripples, blessing to some extent at least, to wincn Progress, give ns your hand there is access is liow had by the fortunate few. blood iu your heart, manly blood, and ! If what we have eaid be of interest to sense iu your brains. Accept the thanks 1 the casual reader or not, I bope it may of a . . .' Stbanoeu. j not prove dcleterions to any one. i - . Oh consistency ! We are aot I ready to For the Watchman, i I)lea(J compos mentis," bat "pro bono "COMMOX SCHOOLS." publico?1 would say "Aoaf oit qui maly TT ' t Laxu Going voh Taxks. The sliei iff KiMkinfrhaiii county -advertises in tnc vi " ci - j : For the '&tchinan. A Strangeron tlie Teiuperancr Question. - Mi:. Eimtouj 'iXotltiug is so repugnant as bigotry. Uigots uie the most uncon- j goninl as.Mciatesi. Their whole being has j not a single spark of generous ..impulse." ! . - .1 .F ... . 4)!ll I tyrUofM!, h... , .w,i Compromise is simply self interest with them. "Tliey have Borne design, the fruit tf tvhw-li will rhn nnt. for thplr bennllL hdtr the law recently passed winch a - Iteligiollf jacUnd all social relations low. sheriffs to go back to 1874 and col- t threaten witll the doetrine of rnle or hjot all arrsarages' of taxes due. The i The an8 lack al)ilitv. ftnd their A . HZ . I idras are mostly sman, noi excceqing nn srergebf$4.ts0 but they make an ag gregate of $1,200. We suppose the num ber of. delinquents in this county is not Whs jKjrhaps larger and thattaking the whole State over the delinquency would Mr. Editor : We (according to "B. O. "Fs11 communication in your issue of Mar. 20th) write a second time with a request that you publish, and then Hi have wo 'productions to transmit," &c. Yoo nev er see a gentle horse 11 inch in shoeing un less he is quieked a tight fitting shoe is very repugnant with right minded people 'Too. bold was never toovwise.n peiience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn at no other, and ncarcely in thait ; for it is true, we may give fn'cc, but t eannot give conduct, as poor Iticfi ard says. A.s'to Common .Schools, "we 8i ak-of tiiat we do know, and testify of that we have seen." "Nono are so blind jicbm" ori this subject. Teacher. t ! For the Watchman. A Iltppf Girl, the iratcana, Progress, Kiarod Ir.,and Bore Anon. Bixwsom Dell, Davie Co., April 7. Dear Watchmak : Your late visit to won. me merry nnmor oi wimriHir-, u,Si was in Nashvil e. 5n a 1 Wlir of "MAlaihn t AUnrvf u,ilA He defends himself , s; handsomelFml enamfre 4aajTi woo Altenrams cloawas ' thrown back ami JAlstoii with such rare wit that we do not expect f jnarried 8am Houston a MisaTrin- .vasireeijtod. -See4't6m': from his4 weep over Ids crashed remains. The ble, I believe. He paid hef ssidd- aeat anf whipping a pistol out of his solemn and mathematical More Anon ha oua ' suit for . several months, and,' pocket, levelled it at his assailant and friends Jo Davie who will not wear a while engaged in this dalliance, form- firei 'Xht baiHtruckAlston in hiaL badge of mourning, because the herculean , 4 ! u," ' ' v u . club of Progress cannot scatter the math, attachment a young Span- uplifted, hand, carrying ; away tw6 ematical columns so skilfully bandied, boy, named Pelat. This boy was fingprs, Thw did not stop Mm, 4n; Dear .Watchman, when ne joW visit friendless and poor, and Alston adopt- brandishing aT bowie, he closed on Davie, please call again at Blossom Dell l ed him', taking him home 1 with him Reed. Before the inert cotttd be nar- when lie left Nashville. It appears I ted ;Keed .was cut pretty sftverely, anal that lhfn WAt nmp CaoWnrr lmliaon I Alaiftn T KaI intra ivaa'niintJJ am2 A FIGHTING FAHILY. , v7- T I ' . ' reiaiana uiaeon Alston ; at any rate I Alston was taken lrotn the room, and r tU lfl :!. i J f f .i . - . : - T u ui. a.-1 1 W,c-T ,c,r ue i oigM Hnu.weub pomv raonuis uomine'; more- waa . shooting affair at Atlanta, Oa., be- ,?th!'??loff P"' rf mO0He day Gen- tweenCol. Robert A. Alston and a ?t Walkin 5 rrecUu lV- v: ! f inn cd"ge txiy, Having just turn-1 of riallahasaee when he wa f red ed) a newspaper writer gives the lowing history of the Alston family, cries tiie -r and dine with the 1 1 i i i r s .u:k i i.i. .: t!fi i wutge wit, uavuig iuai iurn-iui siiimuKBw wttca ne wa are t j.! Dupiiwuwi; iu ttic obtc uuiTersii j. j upuu aj Alston, xne oouienro in a tew moments after he left thelofoiie barrel of .a euotgrin was ponred l' I Davie, graphic review of old times and ma of whom were weIl known in house with Pelat, he was found in inW snoulder, and as he turned ta pieasing, remmisccncrs, noire muu , offlf . i ine yard, witn a pistol bullet through I WUPUI uia MDanam uw oiacr ioaa ni.tbn -w. n-.ly-mn It lu irrn Ml viTliT Ilini I x ne his brain.' Pelat said that he had I -Ml! TJl 4 ...... i . I i ..... . m -m r . I thnr. nimtii I aiwiirlanrallo H 4lna year's stibscription, and now cheerily in- Alston m Atlanta on lucsday, March "V",.."; "" was an mat was ever miuwu ut vue rum. vaunting ambition is parallelecVby vicious design aiid ovcrsliadowing self conceit. They are. creatures of strut and stare, smile and fawn as will best suit plotwid plan. If iu the minority, the resolution of intellectual ami social superiors holds . i - i 1 ..r At iru ... I Jmnlly tiUoeiow an-avemgo oi w n dieck . a)d for the tim aU are tbe coauty. 1 1 p I 4fr s distant music and as pliable as churned cream. If in the majority, they Kaisis Whb.it. Somes men about j go with a sweep that characterizes the towb raise, yeai" by year, from JJ0 to 4t) heartless bully., ; They never pause in buaaei offwheat to ' tlie acre How is it scheme and plan, however cruel and u- By pouring on the land com- just. When victorious they pause not meijcial.fetilizrs? Xo. By large doses until those who opposed, however rep of stahlelinanureT No. Hy extraordi- J a tible and useful in ; society, arc hunted Bjirjr prepiiratioii of the soil? No, not from every position; that .may awako th4 aloii! I By some new .kind of wheat f jealousy and endanger power. Let the JCoA Ah ifyou gve it up. . records of theT past attest the truth of . jVery well, we will refer you to a man these assertions, and throw before the who caii tell you how i is done. . It don't startled gaze, the prison, stake and halter, cost nfuchl the I process is -very simple The bloody crnelties'tof mealyrmouthed lteo toldiby hiia and as he is prepared to ruffianism vtinder: thei garb ofi- religion, present atleinonstration to those who are politics'and reforni bjacken their record. iiiterestwlSon the subject, it. will Ik? letter The orisons of pitiless scoundrels mingle tft hear the story and examine the proof, with, "1 am better- than thon." The jrt! 'therefore, refer you to It. J. West, of elasinid hands, nptnrneil optics and elon gated features j have accompanied the teais, sighs and cries of juinrdered inno cence. The block, galluws and axe reek SklUlMiryj 1 : - j I)o; Stolen. Some very mean thieves (file a hound pup from an old deaf and damU mai named Aly Martin, residing at or near Mooresville. The thft ,was committed some ten or fifteen days ago, a well as we cau learn. The old man is so snxioii to recover his lost dog, which with the blood of hapless victims who perished to satisfy a,nd gratify; the mali cious hate of the sfeek-tongucd, who ad vocated sonie unjust law or pet scheme. Mealy meekness; and with brass-faced im- niilpni't cloaks its claim within the Bales of wa speckled or spotteu houna pup, tnat ne tejigion, politics, and social order: But bas left Uip home and laanched out into noble njeM for jnAic have stemmed the wide world to hunt him up. Ho thinks tido and storm, and inspired others by tiro negroes at work in some gold mine fearieg8 -example. The valor and change- lit- 1 n .11 ifjii u . I.: A i.-. !.... ... T u"r ! t,,"3uo """ less spirit that npheM them still live carries a nar which reiers mm to uo nnd hl8piTeSf We bail the champions who Suairow apd Bob Hambright as the sus pected offenders.' They are colored men, and had better hide themselves or the dog,if thev are guilty, for the old man is iu ftitlid earnest inhis pursuit. quire Vt'nUhman, what of the night T 1 11th, revives the memory of the most w-' lad In the good old days of the long ago famous family probably of the old raaitcr when the magian fires burned and glowed time chivalry davs the fighting A Florida Tragedy. And now fhA hill tnna ,if k ain.. if WAR tho - 5 . as those who won't see;" and none are so : . nr . . . . . Alstons of Carolina. 1 he history of comes" one of the most rtmarkable deaf to reason's dictates, as those who I L w . . ..V. n this audicious strain of blootl is inter- are persistent in $elf-conceit. Out of the,., :JtktmtrMxnm ThithTl. woven with the hisLorr of those tur- mrt7 lir T 7 7 ! Hes below might be often heard calling bulent days when gentlemen fought production, "B. O. T." concludes there is ! . . . ? , , , , . . J . 9 . . ; . UuuCh. ...Owuo.uwu4 , ...... . .nf -.i- :htt Th faithful sent ne .. . . there is no wisdom in that, as it is easy o wer to an insult or insinuation ' " mivn an nli roKonnsn fi the en.se flemanacd. I to obviate.' . .. .... . ; close of all argument. I Hia mini nrniiuiii. itrnirtir reinjnc. 1 uv; w It is consoling to think that teachers are , , .. ... . . . . . I II IIIVIIIUIIM J ..vy.'wj " J vieweu as navuig eouirnry w inj xuiuicr opinion) so much their own series" of books iu the common j J n , j ff eveiwhere r"1 rcckless "gters, and frequently paved the little colony from destruc went into his heart. He "fell and' dietJ Col. Alston's friends sav thai' heHiad given Reed notice that lie in tended to kill him on sight.- r KfLLED by A mob. Willis Alston wejt to Texas, vhere he lived for some time. He settled near Brazoria. tragedies in this history of this section There was a Dr. Stewart, who for so full of tragedies. There was living reason m. other, pursued the in Florida, then a primitive region, mater 0f the Koed killing and nsed young Leigh Reed, a man of great remarks derogatory to Alston, li ability, gentleness and courage. He 8t0n hearing of it wrote tlie remarks was almost idolized by the people of down, and meetin Stewart on the The Alstons were gallant men of that State for his gallant services in prairie one day, asked him to sav' -.t ui i i ii.. t; r l.i . n- T.i?. .... i i i 1 . -the iig icoiiirary w mj iviuicr , - . . i.J. t .... .: .1 11 1 1 ti f 1- . - - .. . . . . I 1 ' :h anthority, that they have, press , upon u. w..u.. genue dioou ana usuauy jarge, lor-: the berce Indian wars, having by his whether or he was responsible inherent right to -select 1W ""V"" "I ' " '.'"" " tunes. A hey were lree livers ana ut- skill and fearlessness several times for thos ferent series everyyeareven, if the teach er demanded it. I consider the manage ment of the common schools at present a mockery, as it were, as to duration, &c, j 'only a drop in the backet" towards edu cating our people. I put the question, can children be educated by an appropriation of eighty or ninty cents per capita, annu ally f Did B. O. T. acquire his thus f Perhaps he is of the fortunate ones, aud canuot properly sympathize with the de pendent. If we wish to thoroughly know those remarks. Dr. Stewart took the paper, and while pretending to honor the trnst by gathering formation "' """ """ uon uy me oeuiiuoiea auu meiraiues. read it, put his hand into his holsters, and giving through the magic silence of drained their estates by costs and A story is told of him that will and drew his pistols. He jumped off your glittering pages the true state of forfeitures. Probably the best known illustrate his character and at the his horse on the side opposite Alston aflairs. The Watchman's voice of, the 0f them, Col. Ben Alston, had sever- same time show how delicate was the and fired into him A desparate fyy: and wounded his sense of personal honor at that time, fight ensued, in -which Alston was lessresponsible. Nations pasJ away and antagonist every time that he went to Gen. Reed was a political opponent shot twice and his stomach so cut thai others arise as monuments of the change the field. He was an imperii, pas- of Gov. Call's and at the same time his bowels protruded. He killed and assurance of what may bo their fate, sionate man, and as cool under fire as his personal friend. Political feeling Stewart, however, pouring a load of but amid (change and failure? Switzer- he would be in his drawing room, ran very high, and on .electiori day a buckshot into him after he was prone a man, "touch his "pocket." - Perhaps B. i I laud, iron-nerved Switmland, has sur- Hs most notable duel was with Hayne Mr. White made some reflections ,mnn th orir Ha nton tn Ull vived the wreck of empire; and save a ,hnm up wnimfiMi :,. i.n uL. On Afn n.ll f-J. jj ti . -.. i. u u .. . ... 1 uvu 1 ti i it-j v vji ui . vuiu i-.M 1 annuo b iicuvi. ne was a jamuiis uu one occassion he was visiting in Au-lat once challenged him for a duel. Ml. nd nmnnrinop n fiddle sat thorn brief eclipse during the mighty Corsi ! can's march, has stood defiant as her lof This spirit of nerve, pluck gusta, when a gent leman, mistaking The men met, both were desparately I entrails protruding," as he wrote to faUin into his c him for an acquaintance, tapped bim wounded and behaved with great a friend, playing the old tunes of hit 9onniUde may deneate iu Ms louduJ ! newspapers not excepted, as your obser- across thcshoulders with ariding whip, gallantry, fighting with bowie knives, boyhood. His body servant gained to wit: I know it iuhv be oooressive to , vat ion d,mbtles has noted. Paper after Alston wheeled as quick as lightning, their left hands strapped together, admission to his cell and had a coil of . nuiuif in KnA'an hua m.tilM A milVTIV IM1W I . . . . . . . 1 . . - . . I sme ; but his motto is, "hold on daddy, Tl r . . w- , ' 1 he gentleman apologized in the most I Some tiraef aterward Reed became m- rope wrapped about his body. With- it is doubtless severe on you, but it is the - " i"v " " i . ' .rU A innb th whin ...U.l : . .ltflRH A U KliJ t. V ..,1 i .a . m . m a. j-m. mamt.. . a a iiaa a k. a - ajj a a bj n . a wm a a w a w a a . bk. a aaaa.Ba aa.w a a. a a a. a a as m a w w m v aa bbbi iatu w va a aa n a f a a iiwtrn aaat I White Pearl MiLLKT.-Pettcr Hender- 860, so well knewn as one of the- most in&essfal gardeners in the whole coantry, has been Experimenting withthe Mijlet Koewa as. above and by several otner Mines, and the result as told by himself t wndwfBl. It it a fodder plant, accept- oUto alt fodder-Mtiag stock. To snake IU iroirih entirely sncceMfal req aires well prepared loamy toil, broken 10 b)ket, manre4 at the rat of 10 tona f ttable intre to the acre, and the crop . - - - - towed In drills 18 inches apart, 8 quarts eed to the acre. plant themselves upon tiro ramparts of justice aud fling the banner of defiance to tho mellow winds of truth, which, like the winds of heaveu, penetrate aud dispel fog, damp and dew and brings, on wel come wings, the healing of health and happiness. " Upon this rampart aud under this ban ner I behold theglory -covered "Progress" leading and rallying the cohorts of com mon sense to do battle and beat back the liberty-robbing fanaticism of local optiou whoM only law nd rale is th bloody minded bigot's edict of eat, drink and think aa I do, or die a dog't dtath ! Progreet goes about the fight in th right manner. He ppose a priacipW that Rowan despises", and will never One plowing withthe Raop , 7 7 ramTff mmtt If fVt AU cuttings Mr. Henderson obtained 98 tns fffwn fodder, which, when dried, made 16 tpni dry jay. ; Oar old townsman, James. II. Enniss, editor J.gO. JParmer, is ottering a seed Package of this Millet and his paper, for oe year Jfor One Dollar. Any one with - log to aceept it thoald address him at Kaleigh. I nels. It is ironically delightmi to aay nothing r about the exceeding freshness of the refreshing idea advanced by the brass-plated lie that asserts no whisky will be sold except for medical purposes, and that the-dry ticket means no more than tho stopping of whisky selling by saloons, and that ao - one can get whisky unlesaJw is really sick, or willing and able to bay by the large naatity ! Progress is awake, and with elegant dic tion and sound sense gives the alarm tha Some Minor Legislation. 1-:: .'.rk . S hl,ntho"?of minor importance, h Totersto see through such flimsy put of general interest passed by the Leg- . . . j. . . ... idatare is- I talk as the above sentence. It is so thin i An act doincr awav with the necessitv so exceedingly thin too illnsively thin of seals to bonds, deeds and other instrn-1 to hide the cunning design of those who "ffiVT8?, Pi?11 t-nt he wora 1 would bo financially benefitted in a com i " w wrCJ aercial point j by having the saloons I An act provldinfftor the following short I closed. -Report says; the saloon keepers Yrm of a deed of real property : 4Ke- I wiU become family grocers and druggists eeiveuTof A. Kii in full fori .. i .u. k'. v.. I lAao-wl ai "I ------ j v" , . i ratnerxnau iev wro Puw w men wuoi- Lftrtff JLr?-3rL,!.ifi"MD: M P. into her lumte. Ty feel a 7 V VV I UHViaiVTt- OSS w MVi v - - . ' . .m - m . ?eed in fee simnie with full warrant v nn- Interest in tfco nencaxe neann oi ineir ?eaa words limiting its effect are added. customers, who ! most have whisky to "aImi provides that tlie probate fee of di8S,lve tncir medicine. Did they not &a fo wLi.tiJi ..- I rrv r drnff store, likclv woald tlunlc of An act disonalifvintr ftnv nersons to sit snnnVvinc tho don and. It would be et- Jrror ivho haa served either on a grand J rimental to those- in delicate health a orpttitjury within two years previous. nclcct M d. ! i'nrtheri did the local produce bn the streets. - I I would 6nch neglect place tho v numerous An act" that no warrant shall be issued j and unanimous healthy sick 1 Should ir oastajdy except npon UiO voluntary I ontionsncceetL many a barrel of vain and annlicatlon nf thA womfiB. I . . 1 . . i i. s An .? 1 .Tv " : . . . i rchiskv ninst oe t oiu to Keep uie neucaie r Anct providing that in counties where J ".niSKJ. u "V" i , iofcrior Coortsl are established, macis-' and others not so dellcato in a health j nnvking of the puppy." Herein we see the Scripture veritied: 'Mouey is the rtHt of all evil." lt is said, and with some plausibility, that competent teachers are driven from the profession on account of low wages the public school funds being so limited. Cheap teachers are often employed iu or der to have more schools. The writer's motto is "live and let live," and nothiug else was meant in our first communication on this subject. I do not claim to know it ally and thiuk an effort by intelligent men to impart information, laorecommeu- dable than censurable. 1 believe education should be more fashionable it is just what we desireaud I think every good citizen should. What does oar prosperi ty and happiness as a people depend up on V As lias been said, "the highest learn ing is to be wit, and the greatest wisdom is to do good.11 Hence the importace of a proper : cultivation , of the minds of all clsse for when ignorance prevail, vice ad immorality will prodominato. At to the conduct of "iaspprechUiv people" towards Uachvrt, the writer feelt satisfied that all haviag ike practical knowledge in this given line, will agree with im. Why is it that so many in our coantry attain their majority in years and cau scarcely read, write legibly, or make the simplest calculation with fig- arcs t The trouble in many instances is, the schools are too short io afford theto sufficient onnortnnity to learn, and their means are too limited to enable them to do so. Now, Mr. Editor, I will be glad if B.O. T. would give some eommon tenet vnrwt on .a . a l a tait important tMDjecr, at rrom ips co munication ono would infer he is compe tent to tht task, and perhaps hit tnergy and enterprising disposition will prompt hint to it. Pnpng; blowing t &., is very common now-a-dayt with all classes. Tbe writer meant to state nothing bat facts, incontrovertible, in his first cowmanica tibn. If what I have refer to be not im pediments to;sncces in com mon schools, I woald like B. 0. T. to imform me what they are. Now, to snm np the whole: can children learn as ranch in a tAort as in a long school term 1 Is there any law to sustain teachers in attempting to compel parents to furnish certain books f Can children be taught without their presence in school t The tenor of Ji. OTs article seems to answer in the affirmative. As to any thing else, I meant what I, said ; and if these things were . incessantly poured forth into the ears of the people, we might expect action taken in this matter that would redound to the interest of our race. One usually rings a vessel before pur chasing "Those having glass windows should bo careful how they they throw ttonttr I answer B. 0. T., "tersely and- tlitm rfttiri fliekered and died. Others 1 0,"r'0 tv'",s' w -,v "'"r vuow iwvuiv; ?im mo io- inis ue was guing w? iry ana escape. 7 I ... , 1 , I .11 mm .. .. . I . i . . . .. aroso timidly to look briefly aronnd, then lrom nis nanus, lasneti mm across tue tons. 1 give the story as, it was given Suddenly a mob assaulted tho, jaM, march to the grave dug by hanl times back and then said, "Now, sir, your mcby Col. R. A. A. 1st on himself. He and seized Col. Alston. He was game and small appreciation. The Watchman apol0gy is accepted." Of course a gaid that an article appeared in a to the last, and fiddled up to the very has lived to welcome eacn, du, oucn erf ,ecting .folu?wedt It j, ttid that newspaper flectingdn Gov. Call, indant he was seized, his daontloa Alston once fought a gentleman who Col Augustus Alston, who was the face looking full upon his assailants, had to assume a sombre look? write tbe D . . r ,. , ' -1 TT 6 , , , Y , , . . nhitnsTV sin a its rivals death chant, then disputed the age of some wine of which leader of the Call faction, demanded He was tumbled into ja : blanket, the fold its bandanua and parsne the even Alston had been boasting, throwing the name of the author. He waa fur-lend? twisted, and he was then hustled tenor ofl its way. Like Switzerland I some of the wine m his face that he nishetl with the name of Gen. Reed, out of the jail. Once ont in tha street Col. Bob Alston came of the fami- "yagcrs , -. . At llr..lAl u. j I . m a rm among tlio nations is uie might get its full flavor. among tlie papers, i ne vy"riu a moini m.l Kr.pf Pr1ini. Rat it took Stone- mat.1. ril lrl nntl Sbrman'H f march to lv know as the Halifax Alstons. iuau a - I prline the IFrtlcAiaoH for even a brief Their estates lay about Halliax, JN. xne weapon wsiecuw were period, and then not until press was seiz- q and they dominated that whole this deadly, weapon being, as I have -a . n mi . ! A!. l.i I . I .i ;S "...fit 1 1 i I i ed, type scatterea aua jimwr in uigut tjon for years They where enor- saul, a iavonte witn me Alstons. searching tor tne remnanc oi tne v,ou ru- ,o we althy and travel lwl from Col. Alston was attended by Mr. eracy. Some things may be eternal m J... Mtmm tn .nrtfuir : ni. Kenmi. his brother-in-law. At the natcn- " i who was the leader of the. opposite! he was thrown" to the ground, still en- faction. He at once challenged Gen. velbped in the blanket, arid a' hun- Rced, and a meeting was arranged, drcd bullets were poured Into hia body. Thus died the last of the "Halifax Alstons." They were a re markably atheletic and handsome race of men. Gideon, who waski li ed by Pelat, is always cited as "Ihe It t ... 4.1irfHn1 m kwnntT's dream. I almost longed to be an editor and to manage al newspaper. But perhaps all is not gold that glistens, and therefore I shall be satisfied with a happy girl's lot, . i . ,. t .1. . i i . . . . . - . I . I - a a. TI L-.l L....IJn t nrnnl "An" I -fil A Ili11l 8 tflin . Ptnin- I knnloAtnact trnnniMfaii nt Ilia Hi v n ;. f l.:.r.. ant thiil I niOKT. rTMTIll SLuLC 1ICV I1UUUICU3 I w..w ft 1 I uauuwuicsn jwuiiiatvi v.j man win write wieir vwuimj - - o - - 1 .... . . . . . . . . . f of slaves, and always travelled with a ded, it being nair-H-iggemu ine may be said here that the "young ..; . P . . .. . J? I I i. iL. .!- I m ...it i.n.i. . These thoughts concerning the Watch- coach and four and a small army oM contents were aiscnargeu inw me air. Mjastilian wfta kiliei-4im was put in- msim mrm unrmnea or iisieainK w "" minni. lie mcu were iinuuciT m , e i " j of the eldest citiaens ef Davie and Rowan I hitt 0f expeuse and pnt the I fired, and Col. Alston dropped dead 1 drowned in the MedittemnemriWU- lis Alston was a man of wonderial strength. Heonce shonlderedjilosd of800ponnds dead weight And ried it through the streets of Bperte , on a bet. His life was a stormy one. His feud with the Ingrams, & brave and powerful family, was the sensa tion of Georgia for the time ( it lasted. . a mm) mm mm m . a He always carried his, "yager witlu him, and escaped the whole difficulty with only one finger shot away.' This feud was dramatized under the title of "The Watch," -and sold largely. Its authors were never discovered, of they woald have been killed, at the heroes of that day did not tolerate the publication of-their trouble.' Tho manuscript was discovered one morn-" in the yard of a fearless widow, who nnblished it. herself and sold it. mak : i ' ing a great deal of money by it. who met and spent the night at Blossom I tht, n;hi. Th women I in his tracks. His sister, a most tpiri- Dell, t ?m a wee nsten,r to eir M. ted woman was nearly craced at the interesting recital ef other days, and n g B J ..,1 . rtf u;fl j.l Rhm tha pleasant remembTanco of the Watchman. 15oD Alston, ! gr.miur - "7. , 77 subject ol tms SKetcii, always cameu , her own sheets and pillows with her her own hands siie moulded it into when she travelled, and a case of loaf bullets and sent them to her brother, sugar. "I have known her," says Willis Alston (the father of R. A. j-. i m it. .1 tttn B.trvn. inA imnlofed him to come ... . ., nmkin nnir ijol. 1 Ouj nonaru. wiihcvuuu, -i j . love to furnish columns of locals, but own birds, and then stand and watch She wrote that he had been murdered they mtM be more plenrrfal than at the the strugg!ft to the deaths" Col. and the Alstons adhered to this belief, Dell. ; Not an item of news ontside the Wijig Alston, know a "Honest Wil- although the general statement is that TisHorsehnt and the farm and i;. Alston" the grand uncle of Bob the meeting was a fair ouc. Gen. Lnl stooghtaaendnela in o.e rtbf-ny like .owie writors in the winter. He killed two men and after the ex plosion of Alston s "yager." Watchman xm the local option temper- was himself frequently wounded. At any rate it was very well under- ance onestion. Temperance a lady might HJc favorite weopon was an old fash- stood that Willis Alston would seek review land give opinion withont tres- . , "rairer " whieh is a I sort of revenge for hi brother's death, as the Lassine xne oonu8 l i , ;nrr . nhlo hand- tamilv lor eeneration nad maae one sex by creation's lords. Bnt yonr tem- ' -i . . . Quarrc,8 The first tueet- a i nite larar enonen al-1 iui oi uuuiw ovv, . .... i"1 7 . r .. I .. k :i.t tw Atlvrl !iti I Sn htwppii Alston and lieeu was j vi. ttta m nnnini nnpunon. intinn. a vuiuiuc uiiiliiii ub uttvu ! run ay io uuno -x ---- - w i , , . . , . . . . X UC jjcglBiaiuic iibu juoi Reed had been elected ; peraneej Jcorps is qnite larg enot I havo stated that they all say what they the exploits of these two brothers, but I have to say gracefully, but so may a poi- deaj onjy wlth tne sons or Lol. ished villain in the most graceful manner AJsto who were the later Als- state the .j most infamous falsehood, and M ,nWKfnnl thus bljgkt character with the mildew of tons' immediate ancestors. , S tU mere fact therefore that grace, AN ALSTON MUST DIE WITH HIS style aad; finish, withoat even a violation BOOTS ON. Old Col. Alston, who of rale tn composition or rhetoric, is no was nimself killed in a duel, had evidence that any. of your present local gonsWi!lis, Gideon and Alt- option writers are right, nor yet that tlrey . thc father aro wrone. But it is an evidence that gusius. - m- , ; : pnt,1ocal option, Uquor or no of Col. R. A. Alston Each of hese liqnor, is jaBt now a sabject of much im- brothers came to his death by violence portanco in Salisbury. Your readers are or as the family tradition runs, decidedly! awake and intensely interested jn his boots." Gideon Alston,1 the in the whisky or no whisky contest. The . three to djCf was killed in classic and powerful article, of Progress hnet wn mr rrtincp both sensation ana aamir- - r www dramatic, met, and Speaker. He was a young man, of exceptional power and popularity, and his life promised to be brilliant and illustrious. He had invited friends to the usual legislative supper, and the banquet was in progress, eyery- jthing going merrily and well. Sud denly a Ull figure, muffle! in a swing ing cloak with a slouch hat drawn down over the face, stalked through the open door. Without a word if made for the bead of the table, where Gen. Reed was sitting. Instantly erics the Quaker city (Philadelphia) is engaged in making preparations to receive thegreat Ulyses,' when he comes home. The Gov. of Pennsylvania, and Mayor of Philadelphia, go to San Francisco to meet him, Tree ride both ways, Big Ingun. His glorionsne, the great sloggef around the world will come back next fall. Who is it, with funeral trea , i Cbmcs slowly home and goes to botl, And utters what is best unsafd? 'Tin he who fished since rose the sun; Subsiding on a single bunn, r. And after all's caught nary one, ! ( 1 ' i J . I i -i ' ! ' ' - r '; ' - T: - ' i