i - J" -i of ouhjelvcs-and I confess! then frit j j Lori lox'etl tue, and he was. more of i M" :.Tk W - ft 1 3 ruy 'happiness than I had ever tl ream ed. jl'hil Hotlgc overheard a few-1 words, and saw our earnest manner. VVheh lie-came 1 1 my room he fouml me dressed still, as I was when I left - . - . . ' I .1 - I uf L.l I 1 .. v ! nn!ca. 1 With1 alum in his breart, coloring inc panor, mm, BiiuwmBim m L.,, L hU butter, earnl in his so- asked me what trtfc ithe. matter with 1.- - J nrtWtn in his ltfiuor, the av- me, to which I ansttered oa indifier- crage man lias-hard work in getting entl as jmssible, n6thiiig.: A e.eX r, u drink that" tfill not make changed 8?tera comnion-place; re- hini skeleton nor.icill,- him. i.Now marks; after which he asWed me quite comes tjie adulteration of. coffee with harslil AUdie, dht Lon Follett ev ; . . i . :i.5k l.. u lUtonvor or tpll vnit I he " loved ; vou 71 I " an nate sione9y which una uwuj.w j vi- t-- .-w . . -i ., ilS. , ,; Klmknd. . swemd 'nc-4 'What was your con- : i7 j 1 : , ' I' . Venation to-night?' His eyes were f A' gill ff raw (unSoiled) linneed 0po rae ; I dared not tell aught But liit, J Ven to a sowjiist Ixrfore and af? the truth j (they seemed to, pierce me ter farrowing will prevent tne dijMw. through I told him the whole truth, aitioK' to eat ,;her - of?priiig. This axMJ I .when! I had finished, he said habit ia an acquired one, and is cans- wtrg coldue&j calmness and stubborn' i:tA by keeping the sow with others of resolution :! Addie, you love Lori 1: ' ' '""! ' ? r: ..l".i ,1 . n - ii i 1 1 t- 17 : htf own species, wuo wurr mu an- f otiett : ne snau marry you. we hoy heirr Perfect quiet and isolation wiH nevor ! meet again I begged THE GENUINE ,, . DE. G. EXcLAHEtiS ,if " ' .Celebrated' American' WORM SPECIFIC YBRMIFUGB.' $340.00 PlaAo Uprlfiht f arlor Organ, 8 Octaves, 13 8top, 2 Kn SwtlU.for (230 f ' i 3 SYMPTOMS OF WORMS;j THE countenance Is Dale -and leaden colored, with occasional flushes, eft a circumscribed spot on- one.'or both . cheeks; the eyes become dull the pu pils dilate; an azure semki'rclQ runs , along the lower eye-lid the nose is if ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds - a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing 1 of the ears; an unusual ' secretion of ialivaf slimy Jor furred tongtie; breath" very foul, particularly in the morning J ; Appetite variable, sometimes voracious, witn a gnawing sensation 01 me siom upe considerations which ehdulq lie nefftected ' ' not fj him, on my knees, not to leave rae, but it was of no avail. When the dawn came he kissed rae- epotl-by. Crude petroleum is excellent lor - -v ith a Qod bless vou passed iheputeide work of buildings, and for out froni me forever. My fceliug fliwirs it iii better than paint. . It can be purchased by the barrel, for from twelve! to fifteen cents per gallon. were indescribable ; the room was hor rible in itsj darkness, ray mind lost its reasoning nowers. and thus I passed Apply it with a coTnmon paint brush. n n , Thromrh a mutual An unpainied surface will absort) a fVietid I heurd of him often,' of his coireidjrable quantity, which will be wanaeriQgj, dissolute life, and death more durable than me uest paint. 11 pon the froutier. Well have our desired, the surface may;, be coated bghted iveH paid tlie penalty of a with any of the lead and oil prepar- f gte- hcn Lon 'ieard Qf hia , ationsj but-care should beken to jgath he came immediately to see me. have the petroleum wen unea in ; r refagej to see liin. Then he wrote ... ti !i i.'.-,. . . -.- - ., ' ' .r , L . . 1 i ; I ;'-rt . i t K '''''' -J '" ' "''''' ftd iV' I . . - h - ! S ,.-? "sr -s i Would call attention 'to their large and splendid u jT r " ? ' cer ' n 'ilL '"'rxJ ' I1 CT, . ' T-.- lltil--'- l SortfO Rakes. Threshing" Machines, 1 V' I Horse-Powers, Pumps, kVGralfa Cradles, j J Ih ' 5" 1 5 I tlflfTTTlTT I nil I i UK ; : r4irh tnlr' Lb. Would call attention 'to their large and splendid i f i u BtocKoi; HAKDWAI8E t her wise badly. the paint , will u i.. A JlRACTlCAlFAKMERa PLAN. In tlij above conuectionthe following account of the system of composting practiced by Col Cloud, of Screven county) Ga., will be read with inter- rac a long letter, telling-of his love, his1 never forgetting me an hour these long years, and I have consented to marry him ; but we will.'not meet till our wedding night January 9, 1879." ! Embracing IKONS and STEELS every- taiiety pt . , flzes and shapep best quality. . j - - !!) Wason and Bufirfify KaicrialsV' gch, at Others entlf elf gone fleeting Jeomprktnsr aU the VArious Un ls retiulred-aprlngs. ni n in thn itomnrh t occasional I !! . , raiui nausea and vomiting -violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive ; stools slimy; Hot unfreqaemlyinged with blood ; beUjr swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, ian accompanied by hiccough ) ' cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; wneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but gener ally irritable, &C-r- j Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure, j IT DOES NOT CONTAIN' MERCURT in any form; it is an innocent prepara tion, net capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLanr's Vrr- MirtGi bears the signatures of C Mc- Lanr and Fleming Brfbs. on the wrapper. :or DR. O. MoLAITZTS Teleffraph' Stf-aW CJutters. all sizes, and unsurpassed in quality and durability I Great American lightning SAWS, , efery kind and size, embracing MILL & CROSSCUT NAIL S aU sizes-cut and wrought. , 7CTJSI . The most popular and approved styles Plow Cast ln?s, all kirnu. bolts, ic o. 5 points lor i Wl NDOW CLASS tromSK u to 24 X 30 Putty, oils. Paints, Varnishes, IJfflitnlnj? Drier, &c. FAIRBAXK SCALES Steelyards and Balances. For Carpenters, Blacksmiths, SUoemakera, Farmers. Champion Mowers and Reapers. HortO Rakes. Threshing- Machines, Horse-Powers, Pumps, tralh Cradles, Oras.4 Scvthes. Planters Handled Hoes. CUWS Pistols, Knives, and CITLEKY of all kinds. i reour stock embraces e errthinc to be tonnd In a large and complete llanlware store, and all at low S rices rorcasn.a itn inanKsior pnsi iavors wr ope to merit continued confidence and increaslnp patronage. March 7, tsrs. 80:iy Qentlemex Who Will Bear li. .' . . .11- ll : - - - est: "Col. Cloud tills ins stauies antii Watching. The bank cashiers over barnyard with rich loam and oak and the country are telegraphing around hickory leaves taken from the forest, to each other to have an eye open for: or wire grass taken in a green state the genteel-looking Mr. Kingsley, or with turf and mould. He lets the Kinley, who played the Central Na- stock tramp it-for aoout two months, tional Baijk like a flute, aud theoth then puts it in. pens, mixed with cot- er open for Mr. John M. Ryan, form- ton seed, lime, and a little salt. By erly of Memphis, more recently of this method he has succeeded in com- Louisville, who pretends to be genet posting a better fertilizer than he can id agent for several insurance corap; - buy, and its benefits are perceptible mes and who takes great pleasure in for three years. showing letters "of credit froth Barton, I LIVER PILES tre not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to,1' but in affection! : of the IiTer, and in all Bilious Complaints.; Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diseases oi j that character, they stand without a rWal.j AGUE AND FEVERi I No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. ' As a simple purgatirc they are unequaled, BEWARE OF iniTATIOXS. The genuine are neirer sugar coated. j Eachbox has a red wax seal on the lid with the impression Da. McLane's Live Pills, Each wrapper bears the signatures of C McLane and Flimino Bros. j Insist upon haying the genuine Dr. C Mc Lame'S Lite Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being fall of imitations of the name McLanet spelled differently but same pronunciation, i Blactier and Heflfterson, Ryan & Go., of Louisville -a myth- Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors.; SALISBURY, N. cj Januay22 18G tt. KERR CRAIQE, ittomen at fato, j : 8allaburyf POT. O. Its Alleged Cure for Hoo Chol- ical firm. I Ryan is the man whose ERA---TheLewiston,Ga.,Gtrzrfcsay8: exploits at Salisbury and elsewhere "Burnt corn is a certain speedy cure in this State made the name fragrant for hog cholera. The best way is to in North Carolina. He is known all make a pile of corn on the cobs, ef-. throughoutthisseetionanditmay.be fectnally scorch it, and then give af- of value to some one, should he mat fected hogs free access to it. This hanging around again, to know that remedy was discovered by accident 6y he is wantedin Chattanooga, Tenu., as E. E. Ixxjke, Esq., at the time his Kingsleyiis in Columbia, a C distillery burnt in thiscuonty,togetli-iaiy Charlotte Observer. , er with a large lot of stored corn, fU iaIi Inn a rvvtlAla ihiiiwa1 mm 4 v Ka uist ua ou wuvu iujutm us iu uc I a . . i.-.. o unfit for useand was hauled out and . ... , greedily eaten by the hogs, several of " Clt,zen ,of Statesville reports a which were dying daily. After the ve? ?ual and d,stressinS series i second day not a single hog was lost, cidences occurring in the, family and the disease entirely disappeared. "l5'-,nearoiaiesviiie. The remetly has been tried in a num. lr' Stevenn' aMv,ery respectable cii !er of cases since, and has never fail- pneumonia ij V about ten days ago, and died a day "- , - or two afterward. - T VVnl I - "iSJ"fi"?JF55 vnw.T , 1 ,ntt.!I.J A. I state. Ue la special agent .tor the celebrated Aconi a u&ib aiuiii;uai'itvAAAi;c 1 V """S naa viaiuug i ue i cook Hiove, wiucn ne is selling at very low rate?, i lw,. Vtt- TX-J-L" ' ji - uau Deioreouymg or ordering.. 4 ' s:f This important rgaf! .weigh but about three pounds, and all the blood in a living frson (about tbree gallons) passes tnrotign it at ie;isi once half hour, to hav the bile and other Impurities strained or filtered fmrn it. Bile U. the natural purgative of the bowels, and the Liver becomes torpid it is not separated from tho blood, but car ried through th veins to all pans of the system, and ia trying to escape through lite pores of the skin, causes it to turn yellow or a dirty brown color. The stomach becomes diced, and Dy pepsia. Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Bili ousness, Jaundice, Chills, Malariii! Fevers. Piles, Sick ana Sour Momacn, ana get.erai ucwmj low. Mbhkeix's Hr atinb, the great vcgcuble discovery for torpidity, causes the 1 jver to tnrow off from one to two ounces of bHe each time the Wood passes through it, as long as there is an ex cess of bile ; and the eflcct 01 even a lew uoso upon yellow complexion or a brown dirty looking skin, will astonish all who try it thry being the first symptoms to disappear. The cure of all bill- OUS diseases ana livit compiami ; by taking Hbtatinb in accordance with directions. Headache is generally cured in twenty minutes, and DO disease that arbwjs from the Liver can exist SOU'SUBSTITUTE FOR PILLS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 25 Cents and $1.00 Throat and Lung Diseases, which sweep to the grave at least one-third of a!l death's victims, arises from the Opium or aiorpnine treatment, wmm miuju pefies as the work of death goes on. $10,000 wiU be paid if Opium or Morphine, or any preparation of Opium, Morphine or Prussic Acid, canbo ftund in the Globe Flower Covch Svrvf, which has cured prople who are living to-day with but one remaining lung. No greater wrong Can be done than to say th:.t Consumption is incurable. lle Globb Flower Couch Syri-p will ctire it when i nil Mho. nx-in hnve tailed. Also. ColdS. CoUCh, K Asthma, Bronchitis, and all disc;ses of the throat M and lungs. Read the testimonials of the Hon. W Alexander H. Stephens, Gov. Smith and tx-Oov " Brown I Ga., Hon. Geo. Peabody, as well .as H those of other remarkable cures In our book free M I to all at the drug stores nd be convinced that tr Piyou wish to be cured you can be by taking the ft Globb Flower iough syrup. ?Wialrtr5S inatrantans more fTermlly lntrodwd, hence thU upendlelwl offW. k If it Is not m npresented return at my expetise, I rnWWfD Bemmnber thla offer to t the very lwt Br re and that I positively will notoeriatefrom this f.a it b.i fautmniMt noii (enenUTlntrodiMd, hence thie nDare boat tne actual cost of manutacturinjr. Order ejMe.ee evOT J ."trodwwd la a new iocaify am ml ttsL Taa will ao well to accept uus creas inus&ui. . vrw ."T-r Pleaee h4 Wtnuts doee not give perfect f ul tumia in Xmariee. the entire world. The tended tour tbrongn tne uonunent or. x.frpe a aJ" ""Y V"! 2T!iCTll "71 or tui- Uuhout tlie ratu dnil SStBtSTISntvt UT aildraaa. Ykla byeoweivoadenee. Oreer w Ji Addxeaa. reet na nowung can ne awva on wim uwnuwm vj ""TSTi i mww i u m melf, oder one and make yon friend a handaome preeenfc tarThie U the greatset offer rfmE. DANICI F. BJSJLTTY, Waablngton, Now JTeraej. V. S. AaertJ tr SHOW THIS SPLENDID OFFER TO YOUR NEIGHBORS. 1 o -J -if war r anted to EXXISS' CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE- ir moiiev refunded if fkrcctlOIlS are strictly followed. i PRICTE 25 CENTS, at 26:tf. EX N ISS' Drug Store. HARDWARE. CAROLINA! REAL ESTATE AGENCY, ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. "j rr We buv and sell all kinds of Real Estate on commission. IIavea;entsXorth i. ing up emigration for this section. We advertise more extensivejy than any j auency ia the country, so that Our chances for selling lands are superior to abvatU agency. -e miiKe nu cnargB it nuo w mmiu. c wmin voi i eisnunuence & those having real estate to sell.! We want a linniberof "Tanns now to fiirroiiii I A (mnfa wnntful In a'arv ntmrt-L Smul fnr rnr nilvi'ff luliicr tmnp.r ,iTln-f5mtl.l at 1 uawsun tea, ; i FITSrOS! A.iS"D ORGANS. We are State Agents for Horace Waters & Sons celebrated Pianos and 0rpj. The best iustrnment in the world for the money. Fully warranted for sis ra Prices lower than the lowest. Of SHEET MUSIC we have a full Rtock.1 'Siwm received as soon as published..: Churches, Sunday-Schools, Female Seniinarie u Teachers supplied with PIANOS, ORGANS and SHEET MUSIC; JargeiswanU Send for catalogue and price list. A"y other make of pianos or organs Impria wnen uesireu. geuis wiimeu in cm-ij iuu.uhuuiii)V .iuiires( DAWSON & CO., , CHARLOTTE, X.C 42:1 y. Price from 25 to $45. Take no Troches or Loienges lor sore- nroet. all Druggista when vou can eet Globr r lower &vruf at same price. For sale by Pries 25 Cents and $1.00 o a o TIN, SHEET-IRON AND OOPPEBiWORK. WILLIAMS; BROWN Hi i : i Continues to carry b hla old business bm heretofore Keeps on hand a lull line i of Wares, Cook and Heat- nsc Stoves. Ac. Repairs Stills, puts up Roofing and 1 WIIE. YOU WAIVT Ii A II D W ABE At Low Figures (Tall on the undersigned at Ko 2, GraniU Row, i 1 D. A. AT WELL Salisbury ,N. C, June 8 tf. PRESCRIPTION FREE I For the NicrUv Cure or Seminal Weakaea. Liiet UanbOiHl and all dixorrlers broucht on b Indie- Buy only tta NEW A late phase ef real romance, artdjof Mf8. William Herereon, who lives roar me wnoieot n wit waich al: w:a . v- perhaps reasonaDie pnunc can fiare any eon-t I eem, is given in a recent , number of ! the Cincinnati Enquirer. I f - Ten years ago, in Lewis eonnty, Kentucky, a young lawyer named Phil Hodge married Miss Addie Sil- f let, amid flowers, music and hearty . congratulations of friends. . At early dawn Hodge left the house, and in passing out he met a servant of his wife's lather, to whom he said i "Tell I I T "your master I am gone forever." f The' new-made father-in-law, upon receiving this message, hurried to his daughter's room, where, to his 'amaze ment, he found her still in her wed- ; : ding robes, with her hair dishevelled - and well torn off, and in a state of j great excitement. ;A severe spell ot fever, followed, but never, in her wildest delirium, did she betray the cause of her ascony, and thus it re- I malned a theme of conjecture ever since. To a friend, the other day, shej told the cause. Here is her story : , r 'fLon Follett and I had been rais led together. I had received a most marked attention from him, but nev er (Jrearaeo! of marrying himfor he , had a mother and sister . depending upon him for a livelihood. Phil j - Hodge, whom I had known a few ?j years, courted me. I accepted him, and my admiration for him tempted U tne to believe I loved him. The f night of our wedding, Lon and I from the Dur conversation was onl were sitting a little - part croud. V NATIONAL HOTEL vidsom Cellego, wat In Statesville, Oertlaadt Street, perfectly weir, rn Friday following near bboadwat, the late Mr. Stevenson's daughter HEW Y 0 SK. . - 1 w - was at scnooi and appeared to be in HOTCHKISS & POND, pRormiCTous. perfect health. Day before yesterday I On The EuTODean Plan, i ! K.lT' ...i l i -I f uuui were corpses, naying died Ot The restaurant, cate and lunch room attach-! pneumonia within an Hour of each eJ are u"urPMed ror cheapness and eixcel . i . . Hence of service. Room 50 ct. to S2 Derdar Otner. j Jliss Henderson's remains $3 to 10 per week. Convenient to all ferries were brought to Davidson College on Cll7 'I,road8- I - ! I the train yesterday afternoon. Daily I . Qvr nmiture, Kew Manageaelit VharloUe Observer. 13: lj. t Queen Victoria will probably visit her daughter in Canada on a pleasant and not unexpected occasion, nearly connected with an addition to the Guelph; family, and will no doubt make us a brief call. Goodness gra cious I what a time we will have I Hack line to Albemarle. Grave mistakes are made in the treatment bf all diseases that arise from poison In the blood. Not one case of Scrofula, Syphilis, White Swelling, Ulcerous Sores and bkin Disease, In a tnousana. is treated without the use ol Mercury in some iorro. Mercury rots the bones, and the diseases it pro duces are worse than any other kind of blood or skin disease can be. Dr. Pmbebton'Stii.uh gia or Qukbn's Delight is the only medicine upon which a nope 01 recovery iron, ottuiuia, sy philis and Mercurial diseases in alt Stages, can be reasonably founded, and that will cure Cancer, lioiioo will be paid by the proprietors if Mercury, Of any lngreaient not puruy vejjeuunc wu lest Can be found in it. Price by all Druggist i.oo. 1, . r.tn. Fiwna Cough 8Yrr and Mntnt Hbpatik fo th Livkk for sale by all Drug gists in as cent and ft.oo bottlea. A. T. HEEBELL ft CO., Txvprletort PHILADELPHIA FA. 3ALI8BU..Y BOOK STORE. GEO, W. Y0PP, Propr . (AtPlyleifs Old Stand.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS AT LOW PEICES. CALL AND SEE HIM. 9:tf. POTTTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, cretinn or rxct. Anv Irnrtrtit h(a rh Itin Jl Rl dfc l Ke. 1U West Ktxth Mtret, CIssclisMtt, O. dlotits. Ir. W. It taa Self Ssttisg KeedU. Ufcver Breaks tia Thrui - Never SHpi ititdik4 . . i . - The Simplest, the Hoitlk able, and mEiery Bctpett The Best Family Sewing IBSachioi The, "NEW AMERICAN" is easily reamed, does not i?et out of order, and will d more work with less labor thao any other machine. Illustrated Circular furnithed, OLD application. AGENTS WANTED. teied; TEHJE Are aneanaled for the en re and prevention of ee in Horses, Ceuie, Hoga.feheep.andl'owisv AAVXD K. roXITi Ptoo. BaltTmore. Kd. t A convincing proof of the eminehce this country has attained in manufac turing Is had in the fact that the tariff's of Germany and Canada are both avowedly to protect their markets from our competition. It is a compliment to our genius and energy worthy of tne hard task by which it was earned. -1 ' ,- - - t Jaoqtlin Miller say3 of one of his tangle-haired heroines that "she swept the lonesome sea." It, would have been more to her credit to have been at home sweeping the lonesome kitchen, or helping her poor old mother; wash the dishes, instead of tramping off with such an ocean in her headr The nnderaigned ia running a comfortable tri-weekly Hack line from Salisbury toi Albe marle. N. C. WiU convey Daswen?ers to tin Id I,,ffwr r'lJi ?eHpe? l4n On and Off Slick as Grease 1 V j a c oaiiouuryj every Monday. Wednesday and FridaT. 7 . niJ Rt. - ' - i t- Tin 11W 1 D, tarn every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, w p. m. i ' Leave orders at National Hotel. i ! i G. W. WHITLOCK, 2":ly. Proprietor. T. I. AYERS, rs GAITERS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, &c. p E CR "W- M. EAGLE, a. O. 1 1 j Renpoctfully announces Lis continuance at MANUPACTUREE OP Salisbury, Tae followln? brands kept constantly on hand: ol" 8tand in hia old line, on Main Street; "Royal Gem," $50.00 per M. "little Pet, $40.00 rjer opposite Ennis Drug Store. He is alwavs 'No $30.00 per M. "PrtleotCuDa,"$25jooDerM ln ni ""e m the, best manner possible. He is uivvm uvuuuuuuiG! ew.w it: i a., uraers uromrjTj-1 h'sk"1 v uu urst untax wuik ana can com lyniled. i40t WirehtStot7. nwml a&oa uver 100 latest NevelUee A( niNi Be4appvOs.NaArUM.TiM Cheap Chattel Mortgages, various other blanks for sale here H Mortgage Deeds for sale! Also various other blanks tier petu with any northern Shop or Hand made macnines, lasts, tc., are or the latest and best paterns. He work the rerj mcov uiahcuai autt aeeps on nana Teaay made work, and stock equal to any special order. Repairing neatly and promptly done at rea sonable prices. Satisfection guaranteed or no charge. i Prices lo Suit the Times. Cash orders by mail promptly filled. 34.6mos. W. M. EAGLE. People ore getting Mqaatntod mO. tkoM wb are not ought to b with the wondwfnl Wertts oC that great AmitlcM Remedy, the MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, 1011 HAS AUD BEAST. ThU liniment very netarelly oriclnsted In Ameri ca, where Nature provide In her laboratory such surprising- antidotes for the tneledlee of her ehll drcn. IU feme h been spreading f of 85 rears, until now It encircle the habitable globe. The Mexican Mustang Liniment lsaxnatchleu remedy for &U cxternalallments ot man and beast. To stock owners end fanners It Is Invaluable. A single bottlo often saves a human; life or re stores tho usefulness of an excellent hone, o& eow, or cheep. '."." ; j.. It curci foot-rot, hoof-ail, hollovr horn, grub, screw-worm, shoulder-rot, mange, the bites and stings of poisonous reptiles end Insects, and every such, drawback to stock breeding and bash life. It cures every external trouble of horses, mh as lameness, scratches, swlnny, sprain, founder, wind-gall, ring-bone, cte etc . j The Ucxlcan Uustang liniment ia tha a.alckest cure la the world for accidents occurring Ik tha family, la the absence of a physician, suen as barns, scalds, sprains, cuts, eta, and for rheuma tism, and stiffness engendered by exposure. Par ticularly valuable to Klners. J, It Is the cheapest remedy In the world, tor It penetrates the muscle to the bone, and a single explication Is generally sufficient to cure. - Mexican Mustang Liniment Ls put up la tare sea of bottles, the larger ones being proportioa rly much the Cheapest. Sold everywhere. , ...' I do not hesitate to aay the American Machine surpasses all other machines. Bw j ni all the work that other machines can, it overfiearn and works button holes inJ from Swiss Muslin to Beaver cloth. 1 have ued bineers. Howe and Weed Macii. , tind the American is superior to them all. r 'jLLe f MISS M.BUTW-iff I , I have used the Singer and otiier machines, and would not exchange tbc Amerpf any, I MKS. I1.N.BRI chines, and would not give the' American for all of them in the circular. I consider it superior to all others I have ever 1 Very respectfully, MRS, Subscribe for the Watchman only $2. ' BQNBS ; To make Title to Land, and Laborer dnd flircuKnics L,icns, ior sale at this Office J. 8. DO YE Y, Manoffcr, 64 N. Charles Street, Baltinore, -O CERTIFICATES: Meroney& Bro., Agents American Sewing Machine: Salisbnrv. C. Maj 22u,lF 0 t ' Sins: 1 have used the Hore, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Wilcox & Gibh,SW n. It -will do all that w cisuw- LGE0.V HABKJ DEEDS Fee Deed MORTGAGE s Simple Deeds, Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Commi8sione9, Deedii g jeds, Chattle Mortgages, Farm Contracts, Marriage and Confirmation Cenjj Diatilleri, Entriesj and! various other forma for sale at the: j I- WATCHMAN 01 SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors, commissioners, sheriffs, constables, agents, c, re M , call on us for orinted sale nntlpp Tt U rptainiv owncri f T( their property at public auction without firstgiving ample notice of tbeal(J qmrements of the law on the subject every bod f knows are insufficient. .WJ ojwrmceu irom mis cause wnen a dollar or two spent in aavertJ's r saved it and made it brine its value. We furnish Ralprnotiees nromntli anddw NOTICES TOE, e?OBTI2Ta LAND PSADT P?-ST PAMPHLETS, v I SCHOOL BILL-HEADS, CIRCULAR CARDS LETTER HEApS -Monthly Stateme! Posters, all kinds. , f ! -

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