I t' I .- . -vtf;L-M- "r ?- I 1 Ml -.- 11,-11. M ' --l , i.TLW . II M H i fTi MHU ! W V . II II ill II II J I 1 - ... i e . : ' tr i- i - - - i T fc-j---. m m. m m - t ' . , - - , i v mwrn m mm -mm m -ta p m mm m m r: m m . -mr mm. m-- - m i m mm m m m . -Amm m mm mm mmmw m m .mm mm i . . , mm . - .-m-w- . j rw, 7- -u . . rr--i j i - t . - i . 5 i - ' . , m - f m at m a a . a a a a i a a a a a :' a .r a " a - . -- i m a-. . a ' . . . at m aa s aa ' a a m ) m m m ib bb ".aar a a . F-jr a a .. i a - a a i ,. -, The Pistol A pal a. i . nr : r-.T r Greene's last Words. ,9 iiisachU'WprW as jtis to-day, uch rwrV aid way is toa much forme, ; iThefiifls is flouwred from tup toioe, lAndthU'i tlU hull ofwjhat they know; i Tk.ma U mad ort bonds and stocks, 1 V l!gw0fi1,an' stjootib' and picking lock. frmreaf bfraid Jll pe hangea jnyseir lTbet'trerut know..to-daj , it ukm lunatic any war, jiy drejfbl Afraid they'll hang up me 1 There4ntherJhjp tjjat'a peaky hard !lcantjnjieltpF'yarji ; " !to aaVf How fciccM'W Ini-rry-pin But lat tho popcpJ; nare n as., 'l'teae4 to ftay tlve Widdcr Greene Or 'Our worthy fr end Mr.' Greene's gone Doa'4 ( Barkham itead to see her son,' Great erusalcra i can't I stir witoi a-raisnlsojne feller's fur f There lln't no privacy, so to say, tio inoWthan if this was judgment day. And as' for mcetin'j-I want to swear i Etery time I put my head in there ; "VVby, even 'Old Hundreds spiled and done, , jike every thing else under the sun ; , 'oto:8p enwL,and' slow, hprawjslo the Lord; from men below,' rNsw Ugoe like a gallopin' steer, illiglj dfidle diddle! there and here. INw reilect t the tord above a more'n ef He wjas hand and glove With all the creturs he ever made, And aj the jigs th jit was ever played, IprcftUfn' torU- but! here I'm dumb- Bat I tell you whai ! I'd like it some ; If good; old ParsonjNathan Strong -iQut o' few'grave would comelong, (An' give us a stirin taste o' fire Judgment and justice is my desire. i'Tain't all love an' sickish sweet That makes this w9rld or 'other complete, fBut law l l;m old ! I'd letter be dead when tjie world's a; turning over my head; fgpcrits-talkinlikejtarnal fools, . Bibles, MckedTout 0 deestrict schools, i Crazy ifrciurs a-raurderin' round Itfonestjulks betterj ie unaer ine grouna. : So fare-ye-well ! this nirthly scene . Ni more'll be pestered by widdcr Greene." perar.cek.and the Local . Option Uw beets able injio to stajtlie tide thAt sets 'to ;?waid from the' intinite oceUu tt the iEterual-a will! " - . i llntj'da yon j have given yon r correa. pondents timely warning to be short I WHAT SfiXATOtt TAXCE 13 Td DO. Peaclo be lfade by Vie Making will here do. in v preaeut" remarks ire- 4 r . . -A. i t ! " ' v-i,, ly rare. American prod action, ueiving the continuance of iuy..jMm- r j bfFurq s A born hunioriat U a wmprative- The i miutiic uiccuuroe lur imure nriitrtra.- I . .. :,:.y If, li ; j.; 5 FatK Plat. ; f . For tne t The Dark Day In 1780. For nosbandj nflrouesti comtnojilyiknoxtn as u Lflarlc day fclmf adto answer the Tollovf- A Fatal Shooting ml Union- County- rrgaru wj wuat j sxorse race enas in a irageay. iti 1780; J li iHov? large an areavras it noti- tvben spirit "t our iiifltitutian 19 earnest; ecabte in?v ? (ttgerV mditcr-of-fact somewlilit ting- 2. : Dicjj Science giVe'any (ositive I ' ...tl. ' u ...a Wrt u.iin.l!i Wmenn ' Wsi aviila no I inn In tlio mAul Itvnan T jo t' r 1 11 : .rJ e -L.Li jjj.iiJJ 1 . '.. .r 1 i e i il .i ' I e.r "JarryiDg. 1: iiifTiM. viiiv it mn:tii iirnin irLiiiu 111 us ui Lite ti:irKiiir-w t ' irarner. 111 luk uiwresa ai winrrn mp i - ;r, iiv- - r r T : ";ii.r 7 ... . . . . " : T. t. 9 . ;":T-r thinira on te w.l.n.l.oa nnnrfvt:itii tun TV, an nv0rAfp fmvrt r TV' Unw flarlc WM ltat the darkest, i latter shot the fnrmpr t.h hull pntnr. I: ?, UIM I w v wmw.w. w;w " ' 7 www. w w I . : , ' , f Mr. Editor t My old grandfatht ing about midway between two said that he could always tell the iudi- it ia needful to esolain even the most and how- long did the darkness last? l h t ! Rpe tomatoes wilJ.remoVi ink an3 Don't think when too have! woo a r" VM.Trota white clotup r "M oii have also wcin'a slave ' f Baltimore. Anril Dxrfl,., Don t think tliat your wile'hais Jess I' Hi zrTalerson IKnniriA ziA uesdaj afterWoon about SundnoW,1 W-l ?r :sthrKt "fe afternoon. ) ; J , n on their ay home froai Mon. tion to you is : changed, not her (Three thousand dollars worth ?of m about three piles ffrom . . . - " j fish wwe shipr from Wasliington the town, a difficulty sprang ud - S.U Pilafct week, over th railroad: lI ..to,. oUi' wi w,u" a, iee civilities ot iiic at- iD.u.L r . W ., . ' , , i;. ? fiwiicigu ranncra-JUCCAonic.,"l'oor She, appreciates Loae pL. . . . tr-A.:.i i as much as other women. ! Jl'J 'T'i - r -i S.aFca uu iureya iiaa in NortU tjar- vidual member of eachjplace by Uie pe- pointed witticism, so that it bay be coljar twang of their swearing. Bat these the , ,. 1 What scenes are now far removed. Many of . .1 i , V-i .itiL. I.-,- rt humor is current among us is usually settle their accounts at an impartial tri-' i of a grim and solemn sort. Our jokes est inf Essex county, Mass., lower New bunal. Still the world inovea on. j are mainly satirical. They lack tht Hamtwhire.' and in the old province Last Sunday, being iuvited by a yonng o;eQial element whicli distti-zaishes ! of Maine : in IthodeUsland and Con- : 4. jWhcre cau the. fullest history of itbefenndt ! A. A. Reply. V. "Tlie darkness was great- COMMlXICATI0XS. i i j Kor the Watchman. IThe Black Knight's Tarn in the Tern- 'r . I perance i Tournament. "s&tiiiiu 1 , .-1. ,; li Mr, fciiTon : Every inch ofground in tha temperance dicusaiou is already oc- I copied .by one or another of j our t-everal correspondents exccjit that spot upon which stand the dealers and users of in toxictfting liquote.j As in courts of law ;any prisoner is entitled to an advocate, and asthese men jcom prise some of the :brightest intellects and most honest ihearts n theTStatej of North Caroliua, I consider it but fair that I should take up ioe cuqgei in ineir ueuau. ui course shall letcnlled "ai apologist for drunk ards ; but the true knight cares nothing i for hard names, and-it ia of but little uio- ' Jaent .16 ther lawyer if in the discharge of . i Ant-l.Jk j anttm i linn frit f 1saui rotnnrJr .wuj aa v oi i.i a ur ooihv uivuuvivoo ivut4M boat his too active sympathy with the faccusefl-These men stands beside me sir, charged with all the foulest crimes in ;M renU' of humanity but popular clamor! help iti hold Our own in the enployment of de nunciatory epithets, but we have lit tle conception of the uses of that tact ful delicate and good-natured ridicule which is so effective an instrument in the disparagement and discomfiture of an Opponent. Our legislative bodies arc hiiinbruni euought to suit a con clave of rueful-visaged owls. In our courts there are occasional flashes of fair. man who never prinks liq.mr. uea to- genulnc wit fron) ni) kindly sarcasms. .. . . ' r a, ; We understand vituperation and can tionally breaks any of God7 least com- ; . k 1 t . mandmeuts, I went to church. He drove two fine trotters, and wm)h we reached the place of our destination. There were some hundred and fifty people, more or ess, out. The men gathered up in squads and ialkcd politics. I Could frequently tear the name "Wance," The women talked alont : babies aud witches. Ex actly at the apiMinted hour tlie preacher ml I w . came up walking last. lie was a tan sleuder man, some where over the line of i thirty. He hud considerable beard on lis face, low forhead, and thick set hair. The only intellectual faculty in his coun tenance showing development, was mem ory. With artistic self-comnlacency he niouuted the pulpit and rattled off a point less sermon, with great rapidity aud wiud, jnsc like a school boy conning over a ard-lamt lesson. As he advanced he be came more and more boisterous, and now and then a fliug at other preachers. Soon he closed the Book, and repeated as a finish in English : Pater Cotter qui in calls, &c. My curiosity was stirred to know his creed. And having often heard it said that the "Hard Shell Uaptist" always preached .and sung all at the same time, aud also run down other denomina tions, I thought this must be one of them. I interrogated an old lady, sitting by as to the fact. - No, 'was her reply ; if there is anything in God's earth that we do all hate it is the Baptist. So I was left inferring. : I had seen or heard tbe proverb, Like priest, like people. And, as I was at a strange place, a good dpportunity was j cessions. afforded Tor testing the matter, ror this purpose I selected the inost intelligent face in the congregation --a man tall, of dark complexion, with the buiup of self esteem prodigiously high. To one that seemed to know everything, I put tb question : What is that man's moral in fluence in the community f The reply I received was: He has none. Sometime ago in giving evideuco for the State, in yery suspicions circumstances, he fainted on the witness stand in the Court-house. My next inquiry was with regard to a pale old man, whose hair Was perfectly white. He certaiuly jwaa living on bor rowed time. The reply was, That very old. man is under indictment for selling damaged cotton. With regard to the, women but if I were a politician with a very dull axe to grind by the dear people necttcut it was 'not so great, and was less in New1 York." (Letter of y Sam uel Tenney, M. D.) In New Jersey the lower cloud stratum was observ ed, but was: not so thick, and in low er Pennsylvania it was scareely db served. It therefore extended'"all over New England, .being mostin tenselin the Northern, portions, and t. .1 t .i ' i js I Msyit t, tc utuu auu ruue tt iiuuie. mr nhniit thrPA innhos ohnt t lia loft I ; . w . . , w; V"r i A - . ' "'v 1 . , I Had you been that sort of a fellow be- J i 1 1 . : lore nu prooaoiy entering ine neart pro- was noticed j in a less ilegrce, i!New York! and New Jersey. ' 8. iMany scientists have attemped to the jocular, but when they occur it is J account for it. Noah Webster, is his like lightning from a clear sky and "History; of Pestilence Diseases sup- about as rarely. Of them, the bench poses jthe atmosphere on this occasion and bar of the Southern States pre- to have beeii charged with foreign sent, perhaps, the most conspicuous matters emanating from the bowels of examples. The ordinary State legis- the earth, sublimed by intense heat, latures, however, area very dry af- These condensed, nd formed a thick ducing death in a. very short time. After the shot was fired Stack stag gered along the road for about twen ty steps and fell forward on his face In the meantime his slayer, being al ready and has South Carolina. Parker ami his victim, were neigh bors and lived within twelve miles south of Monroe. The ojbl witness of jthe, terrible af fair was Harvey Mangrum, who says ine two men ran a snort race (on horseback) about a half a mile back marriage the probabilities are that you would be sowing, on your own1 buttons still. ! f Don't make your wife feel that she is an incumbrance on yop by giving tier grudgingly. . What she needs olina, died last'weck. , . H , k ' ; r n j g'Ve as cheerfully us if it were a pleas f on h ia horse, lcfuatfull speed u - t ' , . " , . . iM i , . i r ore, so to do, Sha Will feel better, an iias, no doubt, taken refuge in ... a ! i- r - s. fm- pr r- so will yon. f ? ? . . rEmbxER'a ; Past. The: wtrjr to make this paste, is mix halfapound of butter, adding four eggs, a little cinnamon,' to pounds of flour; and just milk epough to form a smooth paste. I The Patriot says- the' work : of fer a dlng.'ihe Cape Tear and Yadkin "Val ley Railroad will be begun by 100 2I)on'-medlejn'tuVaDliW of the cqnvicts at the Gfeensboso end of the hotise under her charge. You have no road the 1st of Aay. more riglt to be poking vour nose in to the, kitcheu than sbe has to walk ! To Dye STBAW.Wheu you wish trj colors straws for frames red. boil into your place of business and give etootld Brazil wood in a Ivc of tt- directions Xo your employees. r ash. and boil vour straw in it. Por . I ft mf Don't find fault with her extra va- bue take enough potash lye, ono from where the killing occured i that iSE0?? a ribbon, etc., until you have pound of litmus or lacmus, ground; tlie deceased claimed the best of the shut down on cigars, tobacco, beer, etc. dake a decoction, and then put the race; tliat both were , half playfully I Don't leave-your -wife at home to straws in and boil iliem. punching each other iu the side; with nurse the children on the score of econ- their ellwwrjas theylrodeQalppg, and omy, while yoa bolt dowu town at finally Parker struck Stack across his nights, to see the show, or spend a hat with a short ridincr switch. uite dollar on billiards. a r i a light blow; whereupon Stack im- Don't, bolt your supper, and hurry cloudy which "shut but the suu. The mediately BismbjunfedL in4 slirtej off to Spend evenings, lounging around THE COMING HUMORIST. Biaicujcuv ui wvuer cyi-mmcaacoj un- wnaius x ai ireu mc lauci , uian- i away iruiii your wue. ieiure iiiorrmgc Auar ! elmwa Ih-lf tho 1 1 rt rK II PS WftK I tnar n tllftfnl tTllllOtrlV .hrm ItH'. IVOntS unn win rin'l cnurni vmir ovoiimcra w w . r- r. I I wa flrfMir.1 rT n 1 nil 1 I - I lin 1 nnninif-nquoAii nfMIVMinf na w wr- : airflrp I mmuhmIi iith darkness was? precexlea: by common une oiow witn the switch was given. Don't prowl in the, loafing resorts clouds, with a slight sprinkling oil btaclc, it is said, did not have; even till midnight, wasting your time in t Sopreme Court DEcisios.-The following opinioos, among others, were filed by the Supreme Court Wednesday : ) E, Mauney & Son v W. II. Coit, from Rowan reversed. I A. H. Boyden va Joseph Williams, from Cabarrus ; affirmed. late years in our politics. We need a revival of the comic. Who is the coming man to answer this great na tional want by inaugurating a regime of wholesome hearty fuu in high ; Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic. dovernor Graham, of noble memory. ? J, T)A mm.m.m. tkwWiA - f mm, . AAMinAII I A WWLmfr L I A It iwtttf T L A O f 1 I 1 I B l t i I . t V ram. oww uc w.u.uuU . jv .. .Vu.u culpable idleness, icaviug your wue was a seventh son, and ictt seven- cloud) and: the earth, there inter- have thus shot him1 down is quite a lonely at home to brood over, your sclns, all of whom are living an3: full wAni nnotlinr oi-otiiri ti 9 r ivri m n rv 1 mvttprv ha tlipir mmmiiinn firntos Iia I j i .ir l-- I 'i L o i. fi.i Lfi nlaees m The era of irood feel ine so 1 "rfc':" -i rr 7r " r , negieci anu iier uisappoiuinienu grown men, op niucu ior ngni nan- - . - - - Ct I I . 1 . " I M xl l I I. . - . -I A i M. XI- A. A. A. - . 1 Innn fiitirllir hnrw-rl 7it nnA an nfton I S .. : permanent reconcil ness. As the strtum ad-1 had nu-idea that ejtber of th,e parties vancetl the darkness co-nmenced and was angry;- - --J ' : ' - :..AMa.1 vitli if. rkPTMvtvtcia fill if. enmp I , RtitJi the men wptp nhnni the mm rl . .r .w. lA Ml IU An ACS m ill w A.U I - , ' ' ' - -. ' t It k !i. U t vhttli lwl nrA.i. tnl I arrMv4. vpnra. Starlr I p-i vm a wife vUlt IIGI.I Uv UI V7U il II I . , . 1 I i 1 !' I 't J . 11 I t-' ' 1 P O I - 1 - : www. w eoAAnn I 4 nl rn a ' sMi Ii . I'u rlr or li-ia ; a unto - , . J 1 ,r ! kj I -J O. ' I. time OveiNpreaci. liie' uncoinraou aim two cuuuren. oiauh. was con thickness of this second stratum was siderably intoxicated, and Parker had ,. "1 probably oecasioued by two strong also been dnuking. The parties had Currents OI WlllU iniDi uie uuuinant i irt.i jjwv .tivuuo. and westward, condensing the vapors On his way home Parker passed and 'drawing them in a northeast several friends to whom he remarked: rl.rww.f1nn " The exnlaiiation is that "1 have killed J-ee otack and am a who can fill the bill. His name is , j u wo d:3tinct currents of ruined man." Zebulon U. Vance. He is a wag ot the . . tht n. . mMvB iwo Bills have been scatterel by Stack's a . TTT.Ir "'""P" v I . . ' . ... ' nrsiwaier. orain secret jo-e j- canooiea. the lower one-ftear brother, oBering a "liberal reward" m m. m m m, a " H l as other men's drains do ideas ot a 4, t . , .u0 for th nnnh;nn of Parker. . ...... -tt t uie utdu ui!" cijr u.iiw. i -rr . mere rationalistic Kind, lie can maKei aL.u w rtmr Tihl i ia iik uai linen nna iii'tivvvt a t up funny Ules all day long, and still Jti f.J , In n(Vthern Massacbu- it all comes as easy to him as terra l jNpw fT.mn(lhrre anj Maine the A Biuxjkader Nabbed. The raid . i ...... ,i. pins iuu to get long fondly hoped for and so often foreseen just at hand only to leave us disappointed animosities, about by sober companions and con I : Ti r. ,w.,.. w. ship have failed to initiate the reqiiir- i 1 - ed solid and tion. There is a mau from North Caro lina in the Senate of the Republic Don't think that board and clothes its and upright character. ; ' , J are sufficient for all your wife does j A colored man residing in ; Win for you. ston professes to have discovered what Don't caress yonr wife in public niany have striven Ibr and ultimately and snarl and growl at her iu private. l,c m perpetual motion. He has Don't wonder that your wife is not a macnine oi some kiuu mat nas oeen as cheerful as she used to be, when oh the go for six weesithoutstoii she labors from early moru till lateat IDS night to pander to the comfort and line A orfA iStote says Mayor Dod- caprice of a selfish man, who has not son, of Greensboro, has received a soul enough to appreciate her. letter from Dr. Lodoux, in whicli he states that it is probable (at after A- Glass Clothing. It may seem a P analyses oi the water oi pub- - transparent falsehood to state that lie wells cauemade free of charge people wear glass clothing, bnt this requiring only the sanction of the sec sort of apparel may yet come into use- retary of the board of health. Glass would seem to be about the last smacks of the cloister. It is not studied and elaborate aud odorious of the lamp. The fascination of his fun is a dm . l- . - J of my native aiaie, or a aevoiee or some . . . Rnontanietv. it, oricrinalitv and religions ism, I would become lovingly . r , MY e r i . .. i m.fi,-.n,npar .inexhaustible fecundity of the is shall not! convict them if lean We should assume that they are innocent till they have a hearing' at least. And can any one refuse it to 'fthetui especially after, so much has: been nuiu ajpiugi niese, oar buq. uui wur.njr ftllpw katizeus f .. 't i' In tlie first nlace. then. I enunciate the Nbolcl and broad proposition that the trade and consumption of ardent spirits are a necessity of man's nature, and that al ,lof thts so-called temperance outcry ;inercly sensational, temporary and tran Ew.ot.i4Tbe whole history of our race provesjt. AH tlie fine-spun theories of ouldbc philanthropists to banish war, v, pestilence, faniine, ignorance, slavery, liatenixerance and other kindred scions of 5 depravity from ! this earth have proved 'letter failures jn the past, and will con- 3 1 iiQue fb he fruitless of any permanent sRood ia the fiitnre as surelv ns the sun shioesl There is just as much bloodshed, sickness, hunger, . destitution of knowi ng6 bondage, dram-drinking, &c., &c, subjective, and prove with mathematical certainty that this noble people were moving in the first rauks of civilized re finement, that they were even now bor deriug on the Elysian fields, and would soon bo overwhelmed with inconceivable glory, resulting" from their own worthy actions. Jesxib Joxks. ailing off a hg into the water tline(J by ;ght aud ere captured a mule team and wagon, out of the rain. His wit never althoU2h there was a little light out loaded with 19 boxes of tobacco un- of doors of a peculiar brassy hue, in stamped, near jooi springs, mis coun- " I . Am. the house no one could see more than ty, last Monday night, the property of iii a moonless niirht. In Connecticut, I P. C. Bailey, of Davie county. The where it was less intense, it seemed raiders had camped for the night, and like late twilight. The Legislature about 9 o'clock Mr. Bailey came rid was in session at Hartford. The House tng ahead of his team, and fell into of Renrcser.Utives" adiourtiecl. the the trap before he was awaie of dan- fed by perennial springs, ever full opiniorl beihgopenly expressed that ger, and all except; himself was nab and always ruuning over. The read i- ti.p of iudirmenr had come. A bed, he making his escape. The team if A imagination which generates it. His mind is a vast resorvoir of humor, 1 now, iu the days of - Noah in fact, i rather! more. Have the Peace societh Sjnauc i oue, soldier less iu the national arinautents t Htve the docters saved a lifeu the Russian plague-districts t Are jaot people starving now in the valley of I the Kite T Are not twothirds of the adoltslin'sorae of write ftheir bwu our States unable to names t Are not the forking classes in bondage to capital Bervwnere T Have not the revenue Vkst assed Ay tliat sainted set of thiev lnS hypocrites, ; the Radical Congress, caused, more lies to be told and more tit 1 va af aIam c vv-.ouwl fli t1 mttl. I uered more of: our poor, hard-working imouiitineers, i and created more devil i nent, deception and bad whiskey gener- 4 ally Ukjlu all! the distillers and grog-shop I keeper ever thouclit of before f What shave the Quakers! the Howard Associa E tioris, the Cltaritable Relief societies the , Lancasterian teachers, the Abolitionists, j tl I tlieWashhictonians, the Sons of Tem- 'p Calculated to Weaken our Faith. The revised Bible which the English scholars have been fixing up, it is said wilr show that our King James revision U full of interpolations aud false structions, and errors of all kinds feared by many pious persons that new revision : will have a tendency weaken the lelief in the inspiration of all Scripture. The change from tlie old to the new Bible will be very marked in deed, so marked that mauy passages in our present Word of God will be omitted altogether. There is quite a difference of opinion among churchmen as to the ad visability of issuing this new edition, now that it is completed. There is no dispute about its being much more accurate than King James1, which it is intended to supplant. Exchange. A Proposition to Endow a Professor ship. At the next commencement of Da vidson College, the second week inJ nne, a stromr effort will be made by the alumni of the institution to set on foot a plau to endow a nrofessorshin. i The proiect has been discussed at the annual meetings of the association for several years, out no nlan has been definitely agreed upon. At last nieetiuir it was resolved that th alumni make a special effort to secure a large attendance at the approaciung an nual convocation iu order that tlie pro iect mat receive the impetus necessary to currv it through. A special committee was appoiated to write to each member of the association and to urge his atten dance. These are beintr sent now all over the Southern States. Char, Ob. ness of his inventive faculty in this wa-made to "adjourn the and spotts We brought to this place direction is as marvelous as its fertili- 'uDjjiiVhenrtjbt. AbWhant, Daven- Tuesday morning in charge of that ty. His quickness at repartee is ut- .rt arked, UI am agatnstan ad- intrepid raider, Millen WalkeV, and terly unmatched. You can never jouriuent h-The day of judgment i one or two others of the service. Is catch him unprepared. Go to him f 'j ff jtil noli there blockading profitable ? It would so with a funny story and he will tell I U tio eause foT adjournnfent : if it is, appear, or people woulddesist. Per con- ' yu on omem, a ueuer oue uu r cx to be found doing my duty, haps 11 IS engagea in ior ine iuu ui . It ia a new one too. xxis manner, more- w:sh therefore, that candles may the thing. otaxesvine American. tins-'over, is irresistible. . fjwjut.'V IThia islhe incident " ' - to This rich store of irenuine humor is i,u cfprf'il fAntifnl version Rotled Hams. Boiled hams, says d nil IVH mm. mm. . Thirtv-seven thousand live hundred dollars in State bonds were , received at the State treasury Thursday frem one . arty for exchange. 4- thing to think of as clothing, but it is nevertheless, true that glass cloth is being made in Germany... If people f Raleigh Observer: Ex-Congressman Deweesein8itrouble. The police are af ter him. Since lie left off carpet bag- i i' 1 1 1 i ..i 1 1 ITHJK e uas aiicu. ins wu traiaic, wc- who live in glass houses should not . , ' throw stones, it is to be hoped that f .. - hail linvA einMied in (rl:iss mavtnveunl . -u . . V " O zz J o t Utah, &c., ozc. His wife No. I is now pursuing him to recover jewelry which she all leges he has stolen from her to adorn Madame No. 2 with. s ( The Bonejj '31. WomenV bonnets have always been considered a; legitimate subject, for ridicule by the opposite sex. In an old copy of the Miners' and Farmers Journal, Rested the basis of Senator Vance's remarka- j 0f yvhittier in 'The Tent on the Beach." Arthur1 are nicer for standing in the ble popularity at home aud the foun- phe darkness in northern New I Eng- water in which they 'were boiled, un dationsaf his political fortunes. It is ianj lasted all day, and was quite as til cold. The outside does not thei . ... . . I - ! i - a. . . Am. ' - I mm m m t 1 this that made hi m thrice Uovernor noticeable after nightfall as belore. in turn black and dry up, as when iney of his native State, on two occasion s I tbe evening it seemed palpable, like are removed froinTlfie water to cool. against immense odds." And now he I tUat j described iu the plagues of But remember to remove the lid off has joked his way into the American Fvit. j "A sheet of white paper held jthe kettle, that the steam may escape Senate. - ? within a few inches of the eyes was This should always be done in boiling Vance has a great deal of oonAotn- equally invisible with the blackest anything. !a, t finA olamonf nf lvni.ll in r I irolt'of. f . 1 I -kt,fc -oww. nr.a A 1 XV lUrher- in his HisJ Col. ! JUMBLES. MIX one pouna oi nour, tiiri what Uciillcl personal magnet- of Connectibut, gives the date May one pounu oi powuereu 8u5, ism does. . There is no bitterness about 19, 1780, and in his notice of Stam- grated outer n o, a , - himrTIis humor is' always tempered ford alludes to Davenport, and re- w n u .rd the incident above narrated. wnisKea wima -i- nimb. ' f U nt Wriiitive. the whole with four ounces of dtssolv IT CUglvl B n-wuu. , "I I mi . c. Li ;. ti:aiAml Rrwf;p-led butter, ana uJm Unmt villwvtinn nf facts con- I Hpoonfuls mj VI wVCi WW. .www. .- - i . . II cerningt, the letter of DrOenny b baking tins, and put the jumbles i; tl fr rh. mt interest) con- in a slow oven for twenty minutes. irioui-iou. i Wje jiave answered length than .usual on account Sillil mWrnm-wmW MM MO V VT J ' ' by -good nature tnat is, it is good natured humor. ' When' haj arraigns Republicans, for instance, jit is as something way of'yender and. the present com pany is always cqurteous ly excepted. ! . ' "": -When the country hears from Vance as it will doubtless before long, all sections will fraterniee in one general grin, and a unanimous laugh .will go with the clerity of an electric flash from one end I of the Union to the jotner. Philadelphia Times. their stone-throwing propensities, not to mention snow-balling, and, if so, the era of glass clothing will be hail- ed with pleasure. The following par ticulars for the porcess are translated for the Detroit Free Press from a Ger man paper by Herman Froeauff, of that city: At Guadenfrei the artist and glass- spinner, A. Prengel, of Vienna, has published in Charlotte, of date of No- established his glass busiuess, offering v.mber 2, 1831, we find the fol low car pets, cuffs, collars, vails, etc., of ing in a local communication signed glass. HeTiot only -pins, but weaves Argus :" ' '' ' "' glass before the eyes of the eople. , '.'Ladies need 110 longer be afraid The otherwise brittle glass he changes of being stared out of countenance; it into pliable threads and uses them for ia the bonnet that a tracts the eyej as making good, warm clothing. It naturalists admire th beauty of a sounds like a myth, but Mr. Prengel shell without npticjjg the freehold introduces certain ingredients, which iugjtsh that occupies it. Many years his aresecret, and thereby changes the agO bonnets were in The form of a entire naiure of the glass. He has J long tube, or steam boat funnel, placed just finished a white, curly glas muff I horizontally, nt the farther extremity for a lady in St Petersburg ; he of which the face of the fair wearer ' charges forty thalers (thirty dollars) might, in a clear day, be discovered for them.' Also, ladies hats of glass, lke a bumble-bee in a pumpkm-blos- with glass feathers. Wool made of com, or rather like a caf at the bottom glass cannot be distinguishd from the of a well. In those days a gentleman genuine article. Mr. Prengel's glass could not take a kiss, if it was offered inventinns are something w extraor- Hin", without crawling intothetube,as. dinary'and useful asclothing, etc., as Gen Putin an did into the wolf's den, glass is a non-conductor, that it will with a rope round his leg." Some probably cause ah entire revolutronin J wicked-AVit said it was this osculatory dress material. If you have rheumatism, eat celery, ' it is said to be a right-down mr cure if vou cat cnotikh of it. But even question, and from the fact that the Lna.jpit star, best accounts of thelienomenon are wilmington 8mm Myg Bol not generally accessible. JV. r. Jour- d6n coloredr died in that city Thursday, no of (immer'ec. 7 , at tbe verified age of W years. , - inconvenience that caused the anterior - extremity of the bonnet to expand and assume the form of a coal-shuttle, dr an inverted wheelbarrow with the arra sawed off. Amateurs no longer rch of proper bonnets and blanched and farmers ought to df the ladieswhich affijnl floral speci raise One hundred bunches where now mens that would make the. heart of they ruite one. Linnaeus dance for joy." " i - 5 . - ' " - 'i . . . I f : A. .L tmm this more tft hg Nathan in ' New . Vorf -ow let J . r , - . ; in., u.. luiKHni nia Aonn imnaii.o ami- yuuiuwi --. - ... w .. . , , OI II1C I "D li-jrw.-waw-:.-" - . w- i -I. ,...' . I It .n1 oaH-vinv Piiuriiiild WHIU - .ii...;.. . .1.. - I nU.a ior luit'inirmv u nn the ww..r--a r ----t - iWiiiR vpifi'iiiiiie urn iiini.Ti iy tiunu i h'-"' ... . r