. - . . v.. . .. r.; :. y -; , . Hi :i! jll; t ill 1 : i.I-. Ml- -It- -1- I ft -i 4' ;J;r fr acn: then tA'Sdff, firm velvety skin is liedrlV Hlyraja fotnul a gxl tdw, fliid thick hurt! hide on a poor one f lis is a gtttftl tliiie to turn over Resolve to farm better than eaves did! last yeah . French farmer near Nashville to leniC finds from the 10th of JUue to Ihe Jst of July, the best time to plant Jrl$l potatoes for a late or second t-rop With hlin, the reerles! sue welf when thus plantetb hi . - - Ml i For ft long time the raising of to- I v. fk0' lias been prohibited in Great iiritain id order to enable the govern hient to realize the greatest amout of rtVenue from it. It is now projosed to ailow it to be cultivated in order lo give employment to the people who hrt out of work i . .' . 1 u r 5' ' CT-:-v, 1 hAB a ruie,j)reyeniion 01 mscra '"!fr0!ll ,i,e atmosphere : at least, it has URt ttlrkiuds of live stodk is easier and Lr ulieaiter than the curei Could dumb Uot, and hence fi-om that sodre'e oiie of llnimals make us understand their lan- iuagea vast amount of inial -practice, B TR' , . A .. . ' imjotir part, wou.a oe unagmo i.gnu llegidar feedius, sbelter from storms, f0f MfldatJOnstant supply ot salt, gener- ug bilk insure pcrfetrt health. i . Il -f-M I iTIi& dost nerfect model of a beef HiintnrP in th worhl S. mid to.be the ' L . , , T . , i - 1 t i , pinonuorn iie.ier xc.cn, wincu, at u.e last mithueia lair in Jljngiana, won th6 $200 prize fofthe best Shorthorn j the $250 prize fur the be3t heifer ot'any breed j the $500 prize as the best beast ! .rs I m .1 1 . 1 it the exhibition ; the agricultural hall , -. lfkr. , . . f lie of $o25, and the decoration prise of $525 i in all about $2,000. She is described as a red; foaii Shorthorn heifen not biff in tauture or actual Weight 1 but the most perfect fdt aui rt ' i n 1 e'i T, , T, -,T V 17 oroao anu long, one is very snort fpn tlie leg, marvelously wide and deep i in the breast and very deep and spa- I tiious iu the hindquarters. Her bone iJvorvfint cnv.ll an,l H, pOftion of; offal very small compared witltthat bf meat. t . 1 i. t.. 1 xruu growing ana iarnnng s lonid 0 band in baud. iJotli can be car-J vj 1 rjed on with proht on the same plan- tatiou. It is indeed poor economy to uttend to One interest to the neglect Of the other. There are numerous U ... . I piaees n,on every tarm wmcli a Iru.t tree exactly fits, though for that that- ter, we never saw one out of place any Where, bpace beinsr all Utllieed. ex- , . ; J 1 aic ICUUVCU IU tile lOtTGSl limit, I itnd a respectable income is virtually Tjirm - wirliniif tVinf nf ...... ...vr..v tlUlb IS v 1 . : , , . Ittle comparative Value THE DEPTH TO WHICH ROOTS PEN- fcTRATE. The tap-foot of a common Ired tloyer plant has-been trace to tne 'I - . . I perpendicular depth of nearly berDendiCuIardenth of iiPnrlv flv. fw -; i ... . ' fuuiau W1U eeuus un rootsiu somel tases to the depth of seven feet, onions tothree.feet, lucerne to fifteen feet, rfjoflis Walkhoff traced the roots of a ii t plant downwafd four feet, where v bey entered a drain nipet Proft ftch.iKo f.. f u i i S5.rt ound the roote of rye, beans " and garden peas to extend about four er one newspaper to procure' his nomina jppt ilnwiivap1 . f...r. t on iu 137G, pronounces unequivocally, jeet dawuuarUKof winter wheat, sev- i ft doublilendetl iitnriai in if " ton feet itl a light subsoil, and 4? day8lthereDomiuationf Tildeu and Hendricks -after planting. The roots of dovir il & UA V-lOVer one-year old were 3 feet long, those Pf two Jear old plants four inches - r ur '""c8 U"Ker ' CoTered and Uncore'red Manure. Rnmo vm " - .boraejrears ngo, says an experienced urmer, X had a lot of sheep wiutered armer, In aliiiilillM or,,! fl.-..j . -.i . s .u.u KUWU 1U Willi liigti pailiugs to keep out Vorthless Curs. Iu the sonil tnrV nf u i...:i.i. ing nay was kept ior the sheep, and fed to them .mder thc buHdiu,, which , ope at one ed, so.me Six or feet high, into the yard A?here iha were kMit fitr Ao,i: ' iguq were Kept tor leedtnir era 111. trou r"U4,uo ws wiuier manure acrjumnla- II11.1 n SI. a. . . h a L I plied under the building to twelve or W?" VT. w'Pinjn ! wned by ,!'. A. . t . , . B " l" eM e or te fact that all of the Radical newspapers T....7 vw lu usjiui ouu eAieudeu 111 iff mi iiirwioa in nnni . 'gradually tancrinir to thn o-rmmrl "J!1 mc (uaeni inp :i ... v .Dunning me manure was about twelve inMiM floti. I,. K iV.li... ;.UV.VW UVVJII .IUC lUllUWin tumn, wneu l went to haul out the anu re for wheat, I found that iranie- liately outside of the edire of the jbuildiug, where exposed to the wealh- Br it had rotted and sunk till it was bnly six inches deep, whilst that im- .tnedmtely under the shelter was still ttbont a foot deep, 1 took.a cart and oxen, and drew Ttne ilianUre Wllirh WOQ nn tlio mft.wld 1 - """-x pi uio uuiiding, and put it on a rtnp tke field finteudwl nr wloat - drew out the same ftnaptity ltt built from iiinler the building, and put It in like nijniier oil an adjoining strin Of ftamc Ii!end qua n t i X jr. A 1 1 (was Mowed with wheat of tlifc ame Wind arnfSt th(j sanietime. The croj from those trtd lands itas hot measure Imt every OHe tthii examined the crop be- tiife Leu'tting-dcMie! there was about twice the quantity on the land man ured by the covered mauure. Ex. Plowing in Crops as Manure A lafge nnniWr of farmers arJ nnable ttnderetirid how it fa'poMiiile t better the condition of liititls plowing in c5lover I rvei buck wheat, 'etc., in a green condition. T'lie difficulty is in comi re- hendiug methods by which crops that are supposed to draw their sustenance from the soil in which, they grow can return anythiugniorelto thti soil thftn they took away in theif gtewth Thi point is cleared np' whetl it is trioWri that all plants draw nourishment fiom the atmo phere n vre as from the oiltnuU this n mie cOtlH'e of gin. While the leaves are accumulating stores of fertility from the air the loots al-e busy searching for it m the soil, and thus the two distinct parts of plants work together. lt probable that vnniB nhanrh 'in snniR wnvi lUtrotfeiK v'vi ' " ' ie,, satisfactorily pvoVetl that they do the most voidable of theTariiin forma of plt may be derived If this p,tint Is iu doubt it is certain that the leaves f atmosphere the elements orgitnic matter, aud organize. tliem to form the great body of the plant; and when we 1 turn undrr the clover it 1 . !l- n (lin oo!1 1 till nvlK I1H Uli:i 1C 111 ill 1:1 IU mo mini this is, in an important sense, manure ut the excellent effects of plowing un der clover or other green crops ate not loUO to elements of fertility obMned fro - u air The Ueeppenetrating roots go to a point lower than most of the cereals, and hent'e they draw supplies ot mineral food from sonrces inaccessible to other valuable plauts : and further it is . , ; , 1 - e ' to be observert-that those roots of coarse texture disinfegrslte nd loosen the soil, 80 tjmt u ct n, and in someense the work of the .plow is performed by them. When these roots decay, they form aeon deble portion of organic or vegetable matter, which combined with the miner- al, gives a gdod compost for better plauts to tirfV0 lu Frotu these brief considerations it will readily be seen how it is possible to ma ure laml H plowing in green crops ; and e will here remark that it is a practice not often enough followed by ourhns- bandmcn. The clover is perhapa the best of all the plants for green manuring, and is easily; dntl cheaply raised. A thin , . - , . lx ..,:n Ai. .. .f n 111 uituwav nui j o a w iivu j v-i va red clover Ion common' land, and this ! crop, turned under when at its maturity aml dlowed to decay, brings it into good tilthftnd c1rttUnly afford8 to the farmer ji wide mar trin tor pront in successive : Boston Jo rual 0 Ckemittrg. A ntmiin of coantv ia rmiatAnt iy increasing his crop of wheat by plowine in crreen nfiaa, HU nlan U to nowmiu O , " I I "' 1110 nucai. viup is uu. When tne Pefts ,,ave covered the ground 0 .1 1 . it.. j imcu, iic bo3 wntrai on tue peas anu thfin tnrtls illl4r wh(,ftt AnA WA -a ftl1 nt tliA Riimn tintPi Tbi nrtvpua fnllnwMl Lp from year to yenr4 soon brines no worn out lauds from five to thirtj'lmsh-1 ela of wl,Gnt to the acre. Peas maj not ...... a. .. - be ttet than, clover, but Uie value of the crreen cron iimnnrn avafem hna lwwn so often deniousti-nted the wonder is that all who depend on the soil have not adopted itUd. 41 atchman. Thb Tildem Room. The Louisvilln Couner JourtMU which has been ..one of Mr Tildeh's ablest and most devotod friends, and which did more than anv nth. S f '"ocnaicticket m 1880. lit RilVft 4nriVtllllllT elSA thmi flio M.nAn. . nation of the old ticket, under all the cir- vi i raonwroua." Ihe Augusta Chronicle and ConstiU- tmnnliat. n liih hna nv IJL-f 1- T'.i den, confesses in its issue of Friday last mar "it iooks at tne present verv nine h Mail jir. iiiut'M wouin capiqre tue prize m mo- m mr ' ; I l -mm . ii. Mr. xiiaeu wotuii capture tue prize ot a re-nomination." It says fui .peaking of Ins nivpopnlarity in certai ti.U8s "and yet, with all that is said a; oi a re-notninacion." it savs further certain sec hiui by those who have a dislike for the , t,o,.t ij .Amntl.i S - Kich makes him formidable to his rivals nna winch, in spite of a gloomy outlook. . nI1,rilIino. h.lif fntJi. .wrtlcon. of Thurman, Davard. Pendleton anil th. f.r v-PuVi; caudid survey of the field bring us to the conchisiou that this is "about the .5,Mfir.'i.Atni-..nnA- u as .eaa me "arop ' on all or his com ; 1 1 . . . . M . 1; 1 ... - . . a, "thguaruiug nini witu more than "e usual yeheinence. and insistiug nnon positive uiar. ue is reaarued. a ahmii1v , ' . " V way. uaar. wo no avassa uuano v orss. near Wil - miugtooj owing to an mcreaseof business, 1 will be enlarged rkrwl Mfa- rPl.-. i !1 J" ' . i awe rvspousioiiuy ior ine recenti Alatrtrt mnwln. tn ..A : .1 J hv mnW omrt ti: w p. Smith, who has been discharged ..i.iJ.:.: -J it: i.i.:;.:' for not. iUvp,vtinr It . h t..... J rr, . - . . imve aone so. - lius is a most excel - 4ent exabole. Char. Ob. 45 Years Before the Public1 THE GENUINE ri. I- tlVER PILLS, . ! FOR THE CURE Ol ' ' Hepatitis, or. Liver Complaint, " ' DVrKrtlA AJIO SICK IISAOACMB. Symptoms of a Diseased Lfvefv PAIN in the right side, deJf the edire of the ribs, incrWges 6n pres sure ; sometimes the pi Iti is in the left Q side: the patient i? ffeiy able to lie lr. on the left side i ' Sdiiietimes the pain s , felt under the Shoulder-blade, and frequently cts'tids : to the top of the shoulder j attd is "sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm l"f? stomach is aflected with loss!of appe tite and sickness j the Ixjwels in gen eral are costive, someVimrf feherharivll ' .1 .'L."..l ' 1 i''lwi:l.l J ; iu ' ,with lax : the head IS ttOtiblea WlH 1 pam, accompanica w.ui a uuu, ncay sensation 1a the back , part , 1 herei W generally a consiaerauie loss 01 menv 1 ory, accomiwnicd with; a painful sen sation 01 navmg icu unuone some- 1 thin? which ourht to halve - been doiiti A slight, dry cough; is sometimes 4n attendant. The patient-complains of 1 weariness iind debility ; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are lor; and although he is satisfied that exer cise would be lcneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact; he distrusts every remedy, several 01 tne aooye 1 1 . .. . ' i symptoms attend tne disease, out cases have occurred where few of them ex isted, yet examination! of the body, alter death, lias Miown tne liver have been extensively! deranged. AGUE Ah) 1 EVER. Dr. C. McLaxk's Liver Pills, in cases of Ac;ck ANii Fkver, when taken with Quinine, are productive )f the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, j preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are aiTlicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and las a simple purgative, they are unequalejd. BEWARE OP 1 21 STATION'S. j . ' I The genuine ar? never! -urar coated. Every Ihx has a rcl v.j. on ihe lid, with the iuijrcsion Du.i McLane's Liva Pli.l-s. , The genuine Mcf.ANK's I.ivkr Vu.XS bear the signature ot" j. McLUne and Fl.EMikc Dros. on the wrap(ers. j !. Insist upon havin the fjennine IR.!c Mc Lake's Liver ii.is, prepared by Flefm-1 ing Bros., of rittsbuirghri'a., the market being full of imitations of the name 2Hc i,ttlief spelled differently but same pronunciation Blactmer and Henderson, Attorneys, Counselors - 1 and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. JnQy22 l876--tt. KERR CRAIGE, gttorps at ato, TIN, SHEET-IRON ... AJiD J 00PPEBW0BK.1 i WILLIAM J BRQVN Continues to carry bn his J old business as heretofore. I -4 - 1 1 Keens on hand a full Une ot wares, Cook and Heat slng Stoves, Ac. Repairs stills, puts up Kooflne and SffiFTfcff 5c2ffiSJ' all at as low rates as can be done In toe i 9 special agent for the celebrated Acorn wnicn ne n seumz at very low rates. : CaU betore buying or ordertng. S: NATIONAL HOTEL, Cortl&ndt Street, KXAR BROADWAY, j I HEW Y0EK I ! HOTCHKISS & POND, Proprietors! On The European Flan, j The restsurant, csfe and lunch room sttacli ed. are unsnrpaRsed for cheaoness and Irxctl- lence of service. Ruoms 50 cts. to $2 pf r day to 10 per week.! UonTfinent to all ernei na aiJ l,,r0aa1 Hew Jfnrnitnre. Hew Ui.na.ceratnt 13: lj. Hack Line to Albemarle. .The P!11?'? running . comfrtaWs 'H Monday "v turn everv 1 Livery Stable. ednewlay and Friday, 7 a. oi. Ke Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday, I I m. , ; Leave order at National Hotel. U. V. WHITLOCK. 27:ly. ! Proprietor. r I j j T, L AYERS, j MANUFACTURER OF FINE CIGARS. SaJUbury, W. C. I jr 1 "Koysi uem,-150.00 per m. -utue ret, per M. utue Pet," w.oo per lied.) ; "Daisy," iu.oo per 34. "sriver Lake-mall Havana nued! ias.oo per l"No l.fsO.OT perM. "Frt'le of Cub&T fM.Oope OoperJI. uuia jommoaore,rTizo.oc ret n oraera ly oiled. . ; CSLW-wh KtStot7. Ri I 17 . tm 1 w tttcat wwrMtm. - U V Cheap Chattel MotWesJ ...s...1l;.l:. L..t.L.i I 1 P.l AVTOrJ nQ I lonrl D rnvt OO In h ATAl ju,vx ngugwiuguo iux oaio uvxc i !c n,- kt.-t,. ! ; , . f 1 , I i E 1 1 I P P O fl f 1 I3l BlSLILlU C& CIUH9 would caU attention to thMr large and splendid : . ' , StOCk Ot HARDWARE Emttfttcras IRON arid STEELS-every variety 01 sizes add shape beat quaUty. ,VftLgon and Baggy Material. comprlslnfr all the various Haas relulredBjflng, j axlea, wheels, 4c- ready to set tip. telegraph Straw Cuttera. ugijeand unsurpassed iri quality and durability Great American Ligatning SAWS, every d and size, embracing mIlla crosscut NAILS an sizes cut and wroughu most popniar and approved styles Plow Cast ig u boi. c. . E' tor si f',r'DtnnrRr,w"- 1 fairbank scales steelyards and Balances. 1 worts. i"oox For Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Shoematers, Farmers, r Champion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Threshing Machines, Orai Scythes Planters Handled Hoes, CUM 8 Pistols, Knives, and CUTLERY ot all kinds. : rSur stock embraces everything ,to be found In a large and complete Hardware store, and all at low prices tor casn.a w ltn tnanKs tor post ravors wr hope to merit cont inued conildence and lncreaslnp patronaire. March 1, is-s. i MM TUt important organ wt!gh but about thre pounds, and all the blood in a living person (about three gallons; passes tnrougn it at ic.-moncc ti; half hour, to have the bile and other impurities strained or filtered from it. Bile is the natural W purgative of the bowels, and If the Liver becomes torpid it is not separated from the blood, but car ried through Ihe veins to all pans of the system, and in trying to escape through t'e pores of the M skin, causes it to turn yellow or a amy uw color. 1 he stomacn becomes diseased, ana pepsia. Indigestion, Constipation, lieadachc. Bili ousness. Jaundice, Chills, Malarial Fevers. Piles, Sick aad Sour Stomach, and general debility fol low. M FRKKLL'a H epai iw. the great vegetable discovery for torpidity, causes the liver to throw off from one to two ounces of bile each time the blood passes through it, as long as there is an ex cess of bile: and the effect of even a few doses W upon yellow complexion or a brown dirty loomnc skin, will astonish all who try it ihey being the first symptoms to disappear. The cure of all bili ous diseases and Liver complaint is madf certain by taking Hepatinr in accordance with directions. Headache is generally cured in twenty minutes, aad no disease that arises from the Liver can exist - tf Sold s'substitute for pills BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 25 Cents and $1.00 mm The fatality f Consumption or Throat and Lung Diseases, which sweep to the grave at least one-tiura ot sat oeaui s victims, arises hui . Opium or Morphine treatment, whica simply stu- pehes as tne wortc ot aeatn goes on. io,iw be paid if Opium or Morphine, or any preparation of Opium, Morphine or Prussic Acid, can be found in the Glob Flows Coi gh Sykvp, which has cured people who are bvir.g to-day witn out one remaining lung. No greater wrong can -be done than to say that Consumption is incurable. 1 he Globe Flowek Covoh Svat-r will cure it when all other means have failed. Also, Colds, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all diseases f the throat and lungs. Head tne testimonial ot w Alexander H. Stephens, Gov. Smith and Ex-Cov. Brown of Oa., Hon. Geo. Pcabody, as well as those of other remarkable cures in our book free to all at the drug stores and be convinced thst if you wish to be cured you can be by taking the Globs Flows Cow;h STur. Take no Troches or Lozenges for Sore Throat, wbea you can get Glosx Flower Syklt at same prioe. For sale by all Drdgjisa Price 25 Cents and $1.00 ?i .:.MVn are made in the treatment of all G tKit srise from noison ia the blood. Not M o ft H Hi one ease ot scroiuia. rypnuis, nun .t w-t Ulcerous Sores and hkin Disease, in a inousana, is treated without the use of Mercury in some form. Mcrcuay rots the bones, and the diseases it pro duces are m orse than any other kind of blood or skin disease can be. Dr. Pembbktok s Stii um cia or Qi'MN's Delight is the only medicine pon which a nope ot recovery irom "j--..nH Mercurial diseases in all staees. can bss reasonably founded, and that, will cure Cancer, jioxxj will be paid by the proprietors if Mercury, or any ingredient not purely vegetable and harm- t r I 2. M less can oe iouna u . C3 Price by all Druggists ft.oo. Globb Flowk Couch Srnvr and Msfssli. s HbpatTkk to thi LiTKJt for sale by all Drag gists in aj cent and fx.oo bottles. A. 7. ft C0.r Proprietcn, PHILADELPHIA, PA, II 8ALI8BUHY BUOK STORE. GEO. W. YOPl, Propr. (At Plyler's Old Stand.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS ' AT LOW PRICES. i CALL AND SEE HIM. 9:tf. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, On and Off SUck as Grease BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, &C. W. M. EAGLE, at naMnalad tor th. enr and prrrention of aia.nws Id Korse. Cattle, Hos.thp.and Tormia. OA.VLD S. fOUTis. Pros. Baltimore. Md. Respectfully announces hi continuance at his old stand in his old line, tin Alain Street, opposite Ennifs'Drug Store. He in alway ready and anxious to accommodate customers in his line in the best manner possible. He is prepared to do nxstetass work and can com poto with any northern Shop or Hand made Wbtk.: His machines, last, tc, are of the latest atd best patern s. Be works the very best materiii and keeps on hand ready made work, and stock equal to' any special order. Repairing neatly and promptly done at rea sonable prices. Satisfection gnar&nteed or no charge. - h - Prices to Suit tile Times. Cash orders by mail promptly filled. . 34.6mo. w. M. EAGLE. Subscribe for the Watchman only $2. .... j ...... r . I ,trztL j gt . ) I " P 1 5 o ss ' rsl ' " 4 i- 3 c I -I ia CO :, h ? f 5 -rf r (JJ 1 r"i , 1 ..'Warranted, to Cure! EXNISS' CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE ir nioiipv refunded if directions are strictly followed. PRICE 25 CENTS, at 2(J:tf. ENNISS' Drug Store HARDWARE. WIIF.IV YOU WAIVT HARD WARE At Low Figures Call on the undersigned st Nc. 2. GramU Row, D. A. ATWELL. Salisbury ,N. C, Jane 8 tl. PRESCRIPTION FREE! Forthe SfrdvCimof Kenitnal Weakness lxt Manhood and' all Ui winters brought on bt Indis cretion or rxrHw. Anr Irnirc1st hm thm Inrre dtnts. Ir. W. J H'f 0.. K. 13 Wcstt Hlxtls flrerl, Cissrlassatl. O. OLD, AJtD People ar fretting acquainted aad tboa wk are not ought to be with tb wonderful suertta ot that great American Remedy, the MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, FOE MAN AND BEAST. This Untment rery naturally originated la AJaerV ea, where Nature provides la her laboratory such surprising antidotes for the maladies of her chll Urea. Its fame has been spreading for 89 years, until now It encircles the habitable globe, Tho Mexlc&a Slustans Liniment la a tnatehlew remedy for til external atlmcnt3 of man and beast. To stock otrr.cn end fanners It la Inraluablc A slns'.o loi'.l3 often saves a hnman life of re stores tlis r.Kcrulness of an excellent horse, ox. cow, or plict n. It cures foot-rot, hoof -ail, hollow horn, grub, serew-worci, euouldcr-rot, mange, the bites and stings of poisonous reptiles and Insects, and every such drawback to stock breeding and bush Ufa. It cures every external trouble of horses, sues, as lameness, scratches, swlnny, sprains, founder) wind gall, rlos-boac, etc., etc. Too Uoxlcan Kustan; Liniment Is tat quickest cure In the world for rccldents occurring In th family. In the absence of a physician, such as burns, scalds, sprains, cuts, etc.. and for rheuma tism, and stiffness engendered by exposure. Par ticularly valuable to Miner. It Is the cheapest remedy In the World, for tt pen.tra.tes the muscle to the bone, and a singla application Is generally sufficient to core. ltexican Mustang Liniment Is put p la thrwe - - sesot bottles, the larger ones being prop art I j ; fly much the cheapest. Bold everywhere. ! BONDS To make Title to Land, and Laborer Mtc lames- Lima, for Bale at this Office P 5 i4 5 2. 5 S w TRIEB TRUE t340.0O Piano Usrlght Parlor Organ, 0 Octaves, 13 StoPi tCnee Swells.forf8S.00 it " ---- j ! 2 ' - ' ; , .Of tf It b not as represented return at my expense, I warrMtetferSjrean. I want this lmAvruinent more Sne"25n!??ifeni.iiJJS does not give perfect satisfaction. Soles .now very large, constantly increasing at arapid rate. ral nouse in America, store aeueiteu scbujbwu the entire world. The Sea shine newbere bet 1 tfindod tour through the Oontlnent of J snrougnous sue enure aniun worm AfSiK. AIJA&bJ ara-Kra. Beware nwuj hl.imft.tvra BwiHll RuV th Kewniaper with much information about oort of Pianos and Organs se se very men lot want one yoursel Aaarees. JAW intr nn emijiration for this section. We advertise more extensively than anvintU ncency iu the countrv, so thatUmrliatices tor selling lands aie Raperior to anotk-i . i ! i : i.. ci:: . n agency. e mane no cntiie- it n aiu m iniu. c -mhii iui i i-.mhhipi)cc t& those having real estate to sell. W e want a nuitiDer ot farms, now to fill ( Agents wanted in everv couutj-. heud tor our advertising paper " I he Southland,' 1 i J)AWS0X C0. FIA.ISTOS AND OrtGrAiSTSl i ne uesi lusrrumeiH in me wqrni tor me niuirt-v.i -xtui.v wiiinuura ior six yn? Prices lower than the lowest, j Of SHEET MUSIC! we have a full stock. XeW received as soon as published j Churches, Sunday-Schools, Female .Seiiiitmrin f Teachers supplied with PIAHpS, OR0ANS and SHEET MUSIC; large discojinuj when desired. Agents wanted m every town anil county. AQtiress, j I DAWSON & CO.; 42:1 y. - s s i I l -Jon i Tr:. -Sii Nil li The Best family Sewing I 1 0- T A r n ri liDiitta ao v 1 na A rr arini rt f tssli i t-i a aiti iiificuasi all tltiAP mirIiin4R. A u w UVI s v o t, ( s v. t v raj iiv su v s s v V' H V ' six, nu i j'linrv 17 ai vmvi . nt all the work that other machines can. it oveiheinu and works ballon holes in ; from JSwiss Muxlin to li?aver cloth. 1 have utd bingeri. How.e and r Weed Mcala' i riud the American is superior to them all. ' Uri I have used the Singer and o any. MettOKET A Rro.. Aj?ehl American Sewing Afarliinp " : i . i chines, and would not give the American for all of them. It will do all that is claim i in the circular. I consider it superior to all others I have ever seen. .n I DEEDS Pi Sim nil Hfrl TlPrla lTr rTint5f irrfrrnrvA riAAi0 r'AmmJccinnPTN' DeCu5 ueecis, unattie .Mortffajjres, Farm Contracts, Maxriaire and Conhrmation Distillera' Entries, and various other fonns for sale at the j - WATCHMAN SALE Administrators, executors, commissioners, sheriffs, constables, agents, &c, art 0 call on us for printed sale notices. lit i certainly great injustice to owners n their proocrtv at DUblic auction withorit first ?riTinT amnle notice of the - J I quirements of the law on the subject every body knows arensufficient. u W : 1 f . m -. - 1 lllik onen saenncea irom 11ns causa.vlien a dollar or two spent in auvem'6 saved it and made it bring its value, j "We furnish sale noticcspromptly and1 1 1T0TI0SC POP. iAlTD HSAD? PAMPHLETS, 1 I SCHOOL - CIRCULAR BILL-HEADS, LETTER CARDSJ Pqstem all Bnd and oyt ) bui' "asassSer:: juense powe? "gSM V . R .1 -Improved k2 v andBr?lSrIraJ contains Beii?;?' ' ' l7 Grand Otfct sior Kn BwTii T? KetaU f . ppti Br or teiS ... a .... . k i nosTttiTiHT wiii nm aTiuTmm tnu nijA taanewloc-iit-"" m 1. 1 in is i Uonsrei opoli tree to any address. This AiTenw.!.! AmerkSi 17 SHOW THIS SPLENDID OFFER TO YOUR NEIGHBORS. -fl 3, CAROLINA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, I CHAUliOTTE, X. C. ' i ; . ' . We buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate on commission. Have agents Xortliw We are State Agents for Horace Wafers &c Sons celebrated Pianos and Oram. ! 1 CHARLOTTE, K.t ! : - ! ' Price from $25 to $45. Buy only thi NEW li AMEEICM It is tbs j ; Only Sewing Machini H-HICH HAS A i' - -I It lias Self Setting Keei . NeverXreala the Tireal ' ' Never Skips Stitdei " Is the Lightest Szx! The Simplest, iht UQgpr able, and in Every Jiesptd i The "NEW AMERICAN! easily! learned, does not get out of order, and will more work with less labor thai: any cither machine. Illustrated Circular furni$hi application- - : j - rj AGENTS WANTED. J. S. D0VEY, Manarer, 64 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, U MERONEYSj & ROGERS, Agents, SaHsbury, N. CEETIFIOATES : MISS U.lWlLiw hier machines, and "would not exchange "the I 1 - MiiS. II.X.BRIM Salisbury. N. C, May bias : 1 have cwedXhe Hdwe, Singer, Wheeler X Wilson, Wilcox & GibbiiJeTO Very rePbeclfullyj MRS. GEO. W. IIAKfiW 1 . - '-" w v ASy. A.auOi,f A--rS ltlV -g- V---4 Oy VU1U1IWVW w' fiHttfV NOTICES " a ' " f : . Id a 1 n 7 r - - . . umv i -.. 1.1 - m HEADS ..I

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