t-r ,. ;'. -' - -'4-. ------ -"' ji..v.-t-: '-f .,-,i:;f,; . ; -p v.,;. .. ;' ; , " - v - . , . j r-ii v-;'- , --.--.; ; -- ., - : : - .-. : . ; :y :-:,),: ,;,.-- ...; : - j -.- v- , 7.-. , .('::;; ;.!;v -i ' :i " 1 I I' ' iv fl '! it "I .'-ii Carolina Watchman. THUlisDAY, AHHL, 24, lB7i I j himw at fetiinifbitllAre, 22 incuV j (ioi. Hampton I well qtAVaMiu8t01, ripri.'ntel n tloing )u iit-alth contiuu- i l TTIi irk value if,fili whipped from lizalietb Cjr- (S, C) i8tatwlu8xceiHl iiag one lioiitlfd thouaml dollar. k Tin rJ..iiHr:il -Aaciiil)r if AMV 1 orK to Oeh. Glint m UU return from abrotid -I n frieuds of theHnrgaw and Onslow Railroad will Md their nrt meeting at Jatkson, Onslow county. May 12th, for the purpuae. of ordering a survey- and ' ixMiinir Iwioks of snbscription. The Wil- - ihiug Stnr 'speaks cojitidently of its sue- ! U has teuvdecidel by the State Treas irr, iiiid the law sustains him, that fi nit fiee dealers, must pay one hundred; dol- jars for every drummer or salesman they W-ik out in this State. This will donbt es put a st to traveling nursery agents, I j Mss' Painter and Mrs. Moon arc labor-. "- ing'inccessfully in' 'lialeigli. Large con gregation nsseinble to hear them every "r iiigiitr eoiuprjsiug members of the various ; deuouiiuattonsUiirof whom seem disposed v Jo neourage- tle good work they are OOl Ah act wjis passed nt the last Legisla- It ' u ' m I ? w - - - - - ilev;eft a till of - ou ,-coil victs under in dictnicuLin either court, and 85 ou those in rtvil suits jitymigea to pa3 tne cost. of Deeds po iserve uttices through the mails i Afcwr An Att providing for the appoint Anient of a L'uardiari J for habitual th-unk- l anls. ! - . Col. Walter Steele made a speech" in I congress, aiunpi.v, wuicu orougui I hint and hjii ..tate to the front iu very : I handsome style.- Good sound sense and v: good humor characterized it. Ie went at I the Kepublicaus wjth a ''sharp stick!' and 1 "brought down the house'' by the happy sharp stick, ana use he made ot the instrument. J Democratic press is jubjlaut over it The 1 Senatorsjlanipton and Uutler, f South Carolina rrere t-eceived at Charlotte las r week, witlt. handsome honors. The mili ! tary and citizens generally turned out and met theih at the depot. They appeared 4 o theijatforui witli Mayor Smith, and were greeted with applause. Gov. Hampr 'i: tou' delivered a short address in which, f with thanks for the honor done him, he tld th ,pe)ple tliat he was oii.hi? wjiy to t Washington, to take his seattiu the U. S. t Seiatev4 The occasiou was a pleasant one j :; to the distiuguUlied visitors, and highly E creilitable to the spirited iieoide of Char-lotte.- - - The General Assembly haying contin J ued the appropriation to the. Normal Schools,! fthe State Biard of Education have organized tlie work W 1879. The University Normal School will open on Tnesdajr; June 17th, 1879, and continue six.weeks, A full eirps of trained teach ers have been selected tor thy School, and the work will be prosecuted iwith renew ed interest. The Suieriiitendeut of Pub lic Instruction has su pitied the County School Examiners with circulars and the teachersfate reqneWed to ''call for the sAirife.' Go .-to the University Normal School j i Be there at the opening and re. main till the close. . j - - , . TuEi Pistol Still Wok Ks.-There was a terrible tragedy in, Baltimore on the '?fh.M A Mr. James attacked a young man named Hinds, for the seduction ami desertibu of-his' daughter. James was killed jitter wounding Hiudsin the arm ad-fa?e. It js s tjie , second I time Hinds andtafe. It is ;the, second itjme r has. haU hb life ip jeopardy !oq tin t I H "ecouhjt: Jriie y otmg lady's j brotlj. I tacked him some months ago j they on. tljp same brother at- : thtr fimo-litd With pistol Within live feet officii ntU , . O --".j " " ' v firiM& pdl their- shots without a mortal either, though both; were woun , x lcr Jsuue8 fnetetl the bat m ras week wjth the result stated above. ITie fiidy'diett in March, since when her father has been tduiost crazed with grief audi ijidignatiou. She wais a favorite child and highly accomplished. f1 AND WixsItox. A friend Writes us thus: "A vote was .taken last. Satur- uay mi the towns oi Sailem and Winston! on inejwucn AeXeU topic of consolidation, 1 Jty?.im?au.r, voted! down. So, NileiDraud Vni8tou, though apparently oue jilact', Jieparated only fby a cross itreetl are? so tar as their total govern. WPWK separate as if they were miles Ptrti! Saleiu . is Uicomingi exceedingly ?uMj?Uo. )ife 1w business at all in the IKtrtuut a great deal more iu the opjief part,' vhlch adjoins Winston : while WiushMHseems all alive and growing. thbaec; factories, thickly dotted aninnaiieiug the, cause oflits rapid iw4 crease n size and prosperity, The quiet I rMn8t ?r m are minly moi-e to oe desired for school pnnioses than the i.Uv tirof Winston ; JU U VeJ pn iteersad to see such immbcr'of simps ; and stores closed." - ( ' j fKWSED isCHcfot LAW. -The Attorney General of jhe State hav- fig biyi callett on to give an ,,iuioil ou ; .the School Law question, has decided th-.t the presiding officers of the: Genera As j -,,iu y should iuv sign the; bill, and thos , complete thoevulent designed purS of: the peoples lormaHy expressed ?Er5 thei representatives. We iqk the u T thatitheomiumtosign the law duriii- IinAK.il t ; m . iot lm, d ,s not, fatal t, its vaUi " having Jised,U.rough all the usual ami requ.ret forms of legulation. eon. eludes thus :' Iinlthrore-the School Bill ,hollJd w finned nor ifier nii,.nrn.. . . . " TT fVT ,7"'": give me op nion uponj Ihefacls In this case obtained from " Ikj records in IlieStcreurytif Suie'iioffice ! whid, fuiljr warmiii.it, TImscIiuuI aw ione ! ,."!" ,M,r ille are concerned, and it ;4fnr & f re-uni tliul the LMatiire intended !V lfJ -. ehielibi.al iierm I lj p.nigilieJ.ill m qiiexlloii.! lr houh I j igned nd iiUiNlicil saioii" apt of 187y, and tavalidilT.iH then duuUwl ll.e queniioii I WiMflil iNr deeided bv die (HuiriU ! . .i U UVr h u".d5r","!'d ' 8ve the opinion . i. , IT erv rt-ecially, j V J Your ohedlrnt servant, O ' Tiios.K. Kesax. ' Attorney General, A fyclone pasmi over Ldii.nniie, in., Town Contention. ' ii I j I 1 1 W - 'XriTw 1 . , . and causing great terror. Duelling houses, AnMiKii JLtm u a'A WlosrmliaficMY in nn In. stant. The .width :fthe wihd,i,lvhicli moved in e'rle-,. wais only from sixty to elgnty tcer. aiany person were wtmnueu nil no oeaiiis rejKJi leii. On tiil' 1'iinu Vi'hun T Ton t-iToaa nro. teiulcd friends have t"it iced tJiouMauds of negroes from their pensaut iioinewui jou isinnannd Minsissipjii to Kansas, only to rob t hem of their little money, and then to leavei them destithte to die of Rtarva lion. This wuh not the work of a native born Southerti inan j it 1ie.tra.va "too mnch heartless greel : too mnch political des- iwrntimi. Tlmnanjitla tif liPfrrfM1 1ijivi Stnteiee a"' will be detmletl by. the 'exodus movement io iae rqui or inemseives ami famines. i i 4 " : To Tlirvfj llenrv A: D:ivia.c TTenrv - ' P. Andrews nud Lewis Carlton, luisoners in the jail of Orange county, convicted -of if lmrirlni'v mid iii nttenmt to murder. li:ivinr failetl in nn hmteal to the Snoreine Court, were on Friday hist, brought inU court at Hiilsboro; for re-sentence, his Honor Judge Buxton, presiding. On be ing asked if they had any thins: to say why the sentence of the. law should not be pronounced against them, Davis arose and declared he Was lunocent that his life had beeii forfeited by the misstate ment of the iihtn who turned State's evi dence. They were all. sentenced to be hung on the 2d of May, proximo. The Kili.ixo of! Dexxy. In our last we copied the substance of -rtstatement we saw in our exchanges in resjiect to the killing of the banjo player, Denny-, in Taylofsville, X. C, which, as will be seen by the following authoritative ac count, did Teaugue great injustice. We are glad to make the correction, as we are fortnuately atle to do on the best testimony. For the Watchman. TaylorsviUe X. C. April 14, lt79. Our usually quiet village was jthe scene on Saturday of -a fatal rencontre between W. C. Teague, wlrite, and A. Denny, a colored man. Denny, who wfls considerably under the influence of liquor used some abusive and insulting language to Teague. tinies witj, a sticj, iemiy drew" pistol ami hreil at league who being, also arm ed with a pistol returned the tire. Several snots were tireti. Jtesiwc-uennv was killed Teague Wounded slightly and is I now in jail to await trial, the verdict of a coroner's jury, was that 'Denny came to his death by; a pistol shot tired by W. ('. l eague" cause, whiskey and pis tolsthe first uselessly indulged in, the second needlessly carried. Appointment of Cadet 7th Congressional District. : The competitory exAmination, institu ted by the Hon. R. F. Annfield for the selection of a candidate for admission to West Point Academy, will take place in Statesyille nt the" Male Academy, on Sat urday tho 17th of May, beginnings at 9 o'clock A. M. Every applicant must bo a resident of the 7th Congressional Dis trict. QrALlFICATIOXS. "The age for the admit ion of cadets to the Academy is between seveuteeu and twenty 1 wo years. Candidates must be at least five feet in height, and free from any infectious or immoral disorder, aud generally, f mm any deformity, disease or infirmity which inay render them unit for military service. They must be well versed iu Heading, in Writinq, including Orthography, and iu Arithmetic, and have a knowledge of the elements of English (irammar, of Descriptive Geography , mr ticulatly of our own country, and of the History of the United States.5' (From cir- vuiar, u ar uepai tmcnt.) J. H. Hill, ) I. B. Boone, W. F. Frkklaxd, S Examiners Medical Examiuer. Dr. W. r liKLL. ! StatcKtiile X. C. April 18th, 1870. I All Editors of pajers published in the 7th Congressional District, and oth ers also, who have subscribers in said District, are requested to copy, and call attention to the above notice. For the Watchman. HEILIG'S MILL P. 0. MliJ hDITOR : The rhihln.n f have a post,office, Heilig's Mill, bv name. It is in the region held by the 'tribe of nbe of Kvan. ami of tli -!n.i run .if vaioiiun, ne is very accommodating and kind, and seems to be fully up to the trade. He has a young woman of unblem ished character for assistaut. Hence ev erything about here iin order. But theu, the Watchman sometimes does not come to hand for t wo or three weeks in succes n.. i- . . . v. w sion. .uv who is to.b!amef How can it get lost in a distance of ten miles ! Thev say the same is the luck of other papers directed to the same office. Now Mr. Ed itor, could von hot whisoer in ITn.T ..... - 1 . v. K!t 111 B ear, and have him apioint a committee of imesugauou, to see where those ti nant docuinents sojourn during their absence ? This is a matter of interest to. the press jio pri) is iu me jwor cioti Knocker. ; ' Sit Lrx. We request; Purfiiend, the Postmaster at China Grove, to give a little special at tention to this Subject and report to us any hindrance he may detect. Our packages to go by the niail from China (Jrove ria Ileilig's Mill, are mailed here every Thurs day evening, and ought to go forward in time. j Jievy Nichols, a well-known Wall street broker, was found 1 p:lil in did lv1 at the St. Cloud Hotel, New York,' Satur- iunuug, uavmg committed suicide by taklUS chloroform. Ho wna cb.,,. stocks and otherwise financially einbar- tilfJ.'St-U. . ! I The State Debt Proposition Aocept- KD-JCUY IX THE. PoiXDEJfTER CASE KlCIIMOXD. April 21. .Tho Mnn.il r foreign bond holders.h rough their New York agents, have uotitted Qoy. Holiday of their acceptance of the plan of ett le nient oi tho VI ruin ia debt as imivideil in Itownn. It stands south of Second Creekv i I "Uf "'f8 "lcn. auu, distinguished cit near Organ Church, wJoU b7 Iwl occasion; to y sit Lexington way of Alliemarlp. Ac LS "e;vas a man of nnexcellcmcics honor name is Uriah, snrnamed M IKrf the SViP11 wUS caeo'$ anJ m,lary ribeof Kowaiii a,ul of i, IZLr h.18 I,,e. He was a good tyixof the chrisi the bill recently passed by the,GeueraHb.iu plntiff against said defendant forthe . .j . win uo armnireu in a lew days. A jury has been obtainwl to-day in the I omdexter murder trial from the venire men brought fi t'l'pKRDUrir. The inrvia rnninmMl i.fct- JM'lJJ T.-.Cl CItV. ( fl wv m . ... I. i . . m .. . - - l'arsnant to n calL n, nnmWr of fluit. izense of Salisbury met nt the. Court house last Friday night?. April leth the purjoso being to nominato a nior SatiJ eiirhteoinmiasiontirju vi'uiv th election ta be held ou the first Monday in May uexr. vi-.,. ; v .j . On motion. J. S. I lender Ann n-naVnllAtl to the Chair and C. IL Brnner requested to nci as secretary. . . 1 he names! of Kerr Craige Holmes, J. dJ Stewart and P. N.I eilu were nlaced in uoininntion fur muvnr On the first ballot Mr. Stewart received 32 votes, Mr. Heilig 24, Mr. Crai-e 16, Mr. Holmes 8. Second ballots : Stewart 42, Heilig 29, Chraiger 23, Holmes 2; i Mr. j. t . iioss iiieii winmrew air- Hfniic'n name, and the third ballot fttood, Craigo di, Stewart 44, tioimes i, hieing I.) j ir. Craice liavinir received a Tnaioritv of all the votes, cast, was declared the Democratic nominee for mayor. ; s j I The following eominiaaifiiifrit vm tlin Tf " - tiominated by their respective wards and tneir action raxineu uy the meeting at large : I Nortb Wai-il D. A. Atwell, T. H. derfoi-d. , ; ,-. Van- South Wnrd John Y. Burlier, F. Klnttz. I East Ward Wm. Smitlideal, Smith. ---'I-- ' .n frheo. M. A. West Ward P. A. Frerck, J. wj nev. l; . ; 1 Mau- Theo. F. Klnttz offeml the following, which was citrrietl : ' - - Jteaolvedy That ou the day of election a separate box lie opened in which all nuahtied voters shall vote written or printed ballots, inscribed Hog Law or io trog iaw ; and that the commissioners carry out the will of the majority n thus expressed. ! r- On motion, the the thanks of the meet ing weix tendered the Chairman atid Sec retarv for their Rervieen. " I On motion: the Secretary avjih rennpstwl to furnish a Jcopy of the proceedings to .a. f tne low n papers tor publication. ; The meeting then ndjourued. J J. S. Hexdeusox, C. H. Bri nek, Chairman. Secretary. 1 , The OfESTIOX. Shall tho lnaiilent control the elections, or shall the ballot be freef That is the one question: now at issue ; and a great one it is. It is a ques tion "of realities and nrineinlpsL" 'rin - . i i - fact now stands consnieiionslv IwVfnr t.lm electors of the Unittnl States, that whilst tho Democrats in (!oiiresH urn eiwlpjivnr. ing to protect the rights of freemen, and give them a full guarantee that they shall have the privilege to vote once! and for whom they please that the ballot-box shall be free, and that no bayonets shall hedge it around, the Republicans, on the other hand, are resisting the attempts to their utmost, jmd are the advocates of a system that originated in wrong, and has been pursued in vindicti venes. Theie is a great and manifest .distinc tion and difference in the spirit that ani mates and the principles that control the two parties! at this time. They are as unlike as life and death, light and dark ness, liberty and tyranny, justice and op pression. ! , j "The Democratic doctrine is; that the powers of the Frderal Government are those confered upon it by the Constitu tion, and none other. The Hepnblicaii party has denounced this doctrine for years, declaring that the Federal iHiwers aieeuch as the (lovemmciit sees tit to arrogate to itself.n Wilmingtot Star. I he "Baby's best Friend" is ! the most appropriate title of Dr. Bull' Usibv Swim It is absolutely free fronrOpium, Morphia, and other iiKiwerful siife and reliable under all circumstances and by allayiug the usual Stomach and Bowel Disorder of babyhood keeps tlie ciiiiu irom ii-etting anu crying! so iniuii ous to itself and annoying to all. Fi ice 25 cents. ' The 20th ok May Oka-tor Ifon. Vm M. Bobbins, ex-member of Congress from tne seventh district, resuleut iu Suites ville, luis accepted the invitation to de- nver toe annual address on the occasion of the 20th of May celebration. Thei selection of Mr. Bobbins is an excellent; one in all respects. Charlotte phserver. j DEATH 1 Mrs Louisa Hearne. reliet nf thi atn F.lwin Hearne, Esq, of Albemarle, died at her homo m that village, April 18th. Obituary in our' iicai paper. M a b r v-t-We regret to learn also, that Mij J P 3Iabry, of Lexington, departed this lift! Wednesday morning, 1 o'clock. Few men in private life was so extensively known. S For many years he kept the principal Hotel iu iexingion, ana in nts capacity of land4 lord, gained the acquaintanceship of all th(l nan centleman. hrcrhtv tatfmA r u i.!a neighbors and acouaintances. and rrrontM reverenced by his family Aged 82 years. . J ' o J HO BETTER OPPORTUNITY! A T1Lre ODDOrtunltV fnr a n advantaiMoiia MAnnii Ule buslaeiH la STAi ESVljLLK, Is oBered to a puiu Luaatri ui a uuuieu MH!K U( Wf 11 aSSOTM-a UOUOS, Oft ! EASY TERMS, 1 and one of the best lncntinn in fh nln at a low rent ;nd a comfortable residence if desired, near the Schools, Churches; and business in the place, likew ise at a low rent Offered because the present proprietor is en gaged in other pursuits and has no time to 1 .a a ! . . : aitemi to tins branch ot business. For fuc t her information-inquire at . j I Watciimax Office i April 35, 1879 j 27:9t j NORTI1 CAEOLlNl,SrrEniORConRt, Davidson County, j Fall Trrni, 1879, T. C Ingram, Ptff. r. John C. Bautisou, Win. Stock ham and N. S. Higginn, The Christian Gold Mining! Compa ny, operatinz under the name Attachment and style of Kaussuii, Stockham & tliggins, LM. In this case, it appeiring by affidavit, (hat the defendants. John , C. Ra Stockham and N. 3 Higin. are non-residentx oi i oiaie, er Keen UieiijuJvea so concealed therein a to avoid the qnlinry pfqcemof law upon them, it is tlurefore ordered tfmt a pub lication be made fur x consecutive weekn in the "Carolina Ujitchman," ! a newpaper pub imneu in; uieiownoi Salisbury, XS.U-, notifying said defendanU to appear at the net Snperior Court to be held for the County of Davidson, at the Court 11 ohm in Lexington, nn lt f.J. - - f. - - ... day in September. 1879. and nlnd ...... . Il.inil I I . mi. m At n n a I I . . I ' Mw. ...... ...ni niiiiyu wiuuicucm ut anacnment repuvery: of Six llunlred and ' Seventj-fon Dqliar ind six centa fcr InniWr, proviaiou and merphadlse fnrniKhed uid Company dii id 1R70 kf iiiilirmi.nl be taken an confessed XL F. 'Lfl WRIT'S p j I By K.llEXfn " 27:6w:pr.f$7 Xltxm, 4ty for l!irr to-wi r . mi la thtsDeDartmeiUwecanaxbibit Mip mo desireable Fabrics and colorlnsrsL adanted to thli market, such as Blick and Colored Summer Silk Egyptian Cloth, Satine Royal Bro- caaes ,1 crvaoo Ratine ' Suitings, Mel ange jilk, Bentley's Cloth, E von Cus tom Crlotli, Silk Brocaded Gienadincs, , 1 l j ,(andjjap. Silks, T , ; Black Cashmeres of the "very best such makes ; Black all wool Delaines. Tamtse. Tamertlne; Australian Crepes and oth- ; . er mourning goods. Knlkvrboek-,., as Bliick and colored Bunting: and iriany other desirable Dram Goods, i, ,, . ... ,i . EMBROIDERIES. To Oiir Stock of these must lie seen to be appreciated.. , AD PAMSOLS. I In this line we can loast the great- "... est variety of Novelties UANDKERCHIES. liOOO DOZEN Plain, Bordered, Ilem-Stitehed, White" and Colored.from 5c to 7oc each ! hiteandCohred,from5cto7rceach 1 Dii-i ' ' - . j K j CLOTH DEPARTMENT J F i 1 ll-iVTicmip iir; ivfwt dill. T) l i. T . m lr 8ilk Basket Broche Cloth, i your for Ladies and Children Sac ks nnd ! ' ' I J liooriJepaniieiif eriji ririi ti II If I) I II 9 LACES OT Dalmans; the.se we offer at half MTHJIIFDV I MTT.T.TMFDV I MTT T TIIFDV f i' the cost, of production. ! wujuuijju l ; iiiiJJUUIUlll : illlililLLlllllll I : R Ilanusomest Goods ever produced : CASSIMERES' MIDDLESEX-FLANNELS, &c. CABPET DEPARTMENT. Carpets in an endless variety of NEW DESIGNS, I ; j AT AIJ. PKICiiS. lings flattings, Crumb-Cloths, &e. NO DOURT OF IT, AT ALL. THE PRICES WE ARE ASKING F01J OUli E LEG A XI STOCK OF NEW aoons, is' kak -below' for. MEU Pit ICES WE CANNOT ENUMERATE HERE. ALL WE ASK, IS TO HAVE YOU CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. if - ROSS & GREENFIELD. ; i . . . j . . - April 22d, 167!). , ' Important to the Farmers. Tho "Ska Fowl' Glaxo reduced in price to 450 lbs of Middling Cotton per ton Farmers desiring a first class arti cle cau now procure the well known "Sea Fowl of j J, D. Gaskill, Agent, t i . Salisbury, N. C. XTBW TAILOR SHOP. i JA. Btocktox, Jr. has opened a Clean ing and Repiiii ing Shop in tho old Main BioM Houe corner. He has had experience in his line, and will serve the public at low prices. Call and seo him. 2i:3t." Call and examine my work. All pictnres arc ."gnarn'n teed to gi ye satisfaction. Chil dren should be brought to the Gallery in the morning. Feneotypes, two for 50c. and Gems for fifty cents. :10:3m :: C. W. C. WOOLWINE. A Special Offer to the Headers of ... , ;' this Paper. $7.00 TOR 63 CENTS. The American Diamond Dictlnnarv mnk taininc 30.000 6rd. ofthosrranhv. elation a ml definitianji nrrHirHInrr tin tlM .' "" W "IV TPfc EngliHh and American: Lexicoraphern, illns int J !tk ..... -rt( ..: . the wants of the M-lutl'ir ami t tlutnunmiin. ; - . - . r . . . . . v. jaw what a plin learnetl- person neeiht. It i Contain 700 double column luges. Superbly -hound in cloth and eilt. Tv some.; Stnl frtp u any reader of tlij paper f updn repept of 63 centu, to pay actual portage ' r . . gu-ni lortlltljrday pnly, and u mde sof Jjr for tbe i pnrpoae, of, introduction. put .two dicli6n- ! aries will be aeot 16 oie addresi. Tliia intuari i ' t-'-f-5-'-v-".R'D -, ."f"" VMW tn swiu but oncef , Order now? Send silver currencv, mm ?l AAnl rn I M . . ' - " 'A J t ' ;or accent? postage statu.- Address at once Rational JSooC UumfMHv; Uockla tuf, 3 la u Coli BlooWMnrier! Sob?erile for the. Watchman only $, OFFICE OF iu i it ij i u ii ujii; We have long felt that Charlotte can, and ought to be, not only the Wholesale, but also the Retail Market for the greater portion of the Car olinas, and believing that the public generally, and the Ladies especially, will fully appreciate an establishment. where they may at all times find an assortment of all cpods. at such will justify, no only persous from the uiaie vicinity, UUl irom a distance ill coming to ! superior m icxiure anu wear, i . Charlotte to make1 their purchases: T.JSff , . 1 . ! LINEN LAWNS - We nave made the experiment of purchasing Challenge their equal in this (market. a Stock so complete as to! include all tlierz T - LATEST NOVELTIES in every line of 1 the inspection of which we beg to invite early attention. To those who cannot find it convenient to come to Charlotte, we will at all times be pleas ed to send samples aud quotations of Prices. You will herein find a synopsis of our vari ous lines. CLOTHING. We present this season to the Trade as well as the consumer an elegant assortment of Fine Black, Blue . and Drown Cloth and Diagonal Suits, Drub do Tne, Middlesex Flannels sind Harrison I Cassimtnes ; White j Vests, Alpaca Coats, Linen Suits, Dusters, in as nice ; goods, and at as low prices as cuu be found anywhere. 1 i GENTLEMEN'S i iui ,ss, i, ., xp, to, ! & 50c per yard. I I ! U R N I S H I N a GOQDS; - I n , BBPABTusks ;Domestic Dry GoodsJ 1 O. . 1 . irewveu opecmi attention and deserves, notice. ' :-: l'his Department we have iriven our imt: attention, and believe it comulete wit-h th lntoet ; i isian Novelties, including all the New Shapes in , OOO Pecies 4-i Bleached Musiin-aii , Hats (together with the. finest trimmings, Artificial j the most popular makes. Feathers, Onianients. Black Knirlisli f'lf.iw iis,i ,i i ' Fancy Bibbons of every conceivable shade and color.) Leghorn Flats, Chip, Canton, Milan and . trimmed Sailor and School Hats, at the lowest prices. ! 1,(KK) Ladies Silk Embroidered, Chenelle and Lawn .Scarfs at half price. Call and examine for vour- w-'lven. Very respectfully, WITTKOWSKT& BARUCH. price current: I Corrected by J. M.. Kxox & Co. April 17 1 S7!. Cotton firm Jliddlinrs. 91 GJ 20 8 $1.50(2.00 low do stains U.vcox, county, hog round LiuTTim CutcKENS -per doxs Co nx i Mbal moderate demand at 50 1.001.10 $2.G0 2.50 75 75 810 x :io :i7 20 67 1012i iikat goou aemanu at Fi.ouu best fain. super. Potatoes, Irish Onions no demand Laud H a v Oats Beeswax Tallow Bl.ACKBEHTUEf . Apples, dried -- SfOAIt Information Wanted! Fersunded from my lioine in Stanly county, by one Bob Carter, on Monday the 1 4th day of April, 1879, myLaon Kufus liarria, who ia 18 yearn of age. I ask all good citizens to aid me in ascertain hia whereabout, by dropping me a postal card or letter to Albemarle, N. C, o lh.it I may come and gel him. I will p.iy all expene, and reward niv inllirmant. "Pieilmont lfss" and "Winston Sentiner' please copy one time. GUILFORD HARRIS. Aril 21. 1879.1 Albemarle, N. C. SPOOL COTTON. ESTABLISHED 1812.. GEORGE A. CLARK, SOLE AO EXT, i 400 ?B0ADWAY NEW YORK. The distinctive features of this spool cotton are that tt in made from the very finest sea island; cotton. It Is finished soft as the cotton from which tt la made; It Has no waxing or artificial rtnlhh to deceive uu-.,u, sinooineHt ami most el8Uc sewtn threid In tne market: for machine ormiuji 11, uusuii ruai; it in wound on .. WHITE SPOOLS. . The Black, la the most perfect TJET BLACK NEW ANILINE PE0CE3S rendertns them ao perfect and brtmant that Uppsj. makers everywhere asethem inuiri n o4.";T iui-rn.erer) WDfre USetHem Instead Of SewlntrRllira t W iQJite comparison and reapectfully ask "ladiei Mrinritv!fJLtln1H,1?nTlQce themselves of its 'h h hnrt t irhnit..ii .. ...n tb be had at wholesale and' retail from " ",,..TO '' o 1. I. GASKILL 25:6m. Salisbury N. C. nuiii ir 1 ' . .4i, aiiui it. 1 u ori gases . Pi 9 White Goois Departmeit ' In this department -we have every conceivable iaDric. . , BISHOP and VICTORIA MULL MUSLINS. AWN, JONES SOFT AND FINISHED CAMBRICS, K AINSOOJiS, t ; Both sheer and heavy. Piques in a very great variety of of 6tiles -- 1 and' pricesti' .rrrU's.: -.: We beg to call special "attention to the new fabric in white goods, prices,! -T.F. VOV TIP. SYRP. n inime - La ods similar to Victoria i.dWn,but goods, j MOSiery aUU tlipVeS. your In endless Styles and Qualities. . .,. See our handsome Silk Mitts. SHETLAHD SHAWLS. We have an immense variety at a J f ULU MJ low cost, and offer, them exceedingly? C heap. Lver- lady should have one, even in mid Summer for evening ser vice. - CURTAIN LACE. 25 Pieces of the most Nhvel and Beautiful Designs, 12$, jl3, 18, 20, 23, 10-5 Bleached and Brown ! SHEETINGS : Y. Mills, Utica, Lowell, Wamsuttajj fee, &c. )n.fnl p,,. LINEN DEPARTMENT. LINENS 4-1 White Dress, are exceedingly low, arid R. FRANK GRAHAM, C'OKNKij ok MAIN AND FlSIIKti STUKKTS. : SALISBURY, N. C. Ilavin-j piirehaaeil G. M. IJ iis' !lire Sun k of Grcv rit-s and added it to my ownf, I i.ow if fer to my forint-r friends and patrons, --and the general public - j A Complete and Full Line of FAMILY GROCERIES, All Fresh and of Pirst Quality : ALSO IN- j j Excellent Assortment of Confectionery; B?Am. low Dowx For Cash.,.J : lluve on hands a small remnant of Dry GomU, which is offered at and below cost i" NVill also sell one New Fairbankk' Scales, 2 Pairs Counter Scales, One or two Shov;cases, and one eood Writiny Dtsk. Anv iMrnn needing any of the nbove store furniture, wiiM nnu ii io ineir auvantae to call soUi.. Will exchange Koodn for Country Proilnce, allowing the Highest Cash Prices fur the same- Call in and get Bargains. 24:3m Chjw Jackson's Beat S -oct Xaj-y Tobacdc USE THIS BRAND. BEST IN THE WORLD, And letter than any Saleratns, One teaspoonfnl of tliisi Sod.-v nseil with Hour milk equals Four teasjIoonsfuU of the liest Baking Powdef, sav- ! inlTweuty Times it tost. See packajce for valuable I Information. j I . If the teaspoonfnl ig too largtj and docs nor. produce goort result nt first ! . use less aftcrwardsj Jan. 30: Gm. i- ReaD! ReaD!! Rl EAD HEAT)!! llPan, ,, V V i i Trv. anl be ranvinrwl Tti 1 1 :...'!" Lneaper, Better and more convenient to use - n.. .1. 1 .. n r . . L naritirj a jinsson s tnirrprue Pore td folffe," j Koasf- '' which thousands of families are now min e: clusively. 01! on your Orocerl snd fry a package of Barklev & Hasson's Enter prise Roasted Coffee, where b-ou wili eet watiKfaction or your money rcfundM ! For sale by All Groce anMnfi.ct,, 1 25;2tn Balliiore, Md. BONDS J J Tomake Title Ui hul. aml iJiWr 3feclianics Liens, for sale at tliis Office f . PRINTING OFFirt I The typej preaa and fixture or iW il pcord (at Lexington, N, C.) ire foru r or pariicuiara, aaureaa , ..:fnr: JAMES M. GRAY" j wuaaBuor at Lav H j Office in the Court Hon lorE. tt) Sqnire HnnShtor,. Will prtiS ine vnri tne jtate.-vrf -..-, , ''"an '' ii:? Sjil'- PracticalfBhxcksfi aORSESHOEU- V OM OP connected with Brown Verbis i!.K sunnf! at font. .All Rhnrinv nn ntH.i w Ur clplea and w A RRANTEO.' All kinds Uart,pi promptly-done, - 4 Tt w - B w n.t try. .1 ."M l.'n THi- . ' 1 THAT WELL , KNOWH FERTILIZER CF ruunittn ifcAKS- sTANOiKGt Bich in ! Anmbaia & Ph6jphorift4ci The JiMl.-;VrtWirrli' -e AIORK EXTEXSI VKLY USED filn: ' ANY OTHfcR And Particularly Adapted h THE COTTON CEOP. j Also 'Pncific' fiminb 'Pa's 'WtV ACID PHOSPHATE OF Lllr So well ami favorably known hiN.liiroU KjH.ii fijuir aopiirauon ut tne Wloti, Jno. allex Bkowx, L. C. Hanks. Salisljnry!- Lexlngt Loncnrd, i SlaletrilUi ., MonrwntilL. C G. MOSTGOMEKY. W. A. Lcckeyj C. A. Carlton. StOUGH & SlX)AN, Isaac Harms, c. borrougiis, Charlittte, r Jno. S. Beese & Co.. No 17 Gex'i. Agkxts, Baltimore, 314 SIHOHTON FEMALE COLLI Statesville. N. Cfff; ' The next aession5 opens Aifgnst 2Sf STJ, Board, and tuit sion of twenty weeka. Catalogue andtiitulif with full particulars on application. t Address. Mrs. E. if. dllAXT. : 34:ly Prmcinl J m 1 BLACKWELL'S Farmers, rfi DON'T BE SWINDLES out of - -'I, A BALE OF Cd WHEN ' f ps i'-.-U Ha TIIEO.F.KLUTTZ - will sell you one ton of Boykin, earner CELEBRATED Home H For- 200 l&s. CoUsh; rl PA7ABL23 XIX UOVZTXttl It is the best in use. Easy fo ra'PP Hequires no cotton seed. nter-aUtt'S! No charge for n-cipetr rigjit tu uijel,. to any $50 ruaiu. 'Has been tested Call aud yet particulars arid wt teitiawf1 Don't be humbugged by cheap iniattjoDi .j Vou can jacet the geniiinej oily froni . . ,fTJI EQ.-.F. KLVTTtp$$.! No2'0:ly ; .sole Ajnt for Bi ' ' . " ' - ' - i -a r:fi . i 1MB . Having' purchased . be U J Stable on Lee street and peg all neccssarr arrarigementt ? 1 rtingon the business IB nlete nnd satisfactory iniBi,. public are rolidtedJto give .tj k I are prepared to anorti j j,. i - All usual Accommodati nnrl will tin cr nt tliP most Diodcrate f, psib)e. J5TDR0VEKS are iw' give W a. call. Day visJlorsican stocit caret ul iv -attendeti-to au.'-v-. er attention shewn them.: The stW suvt. 11 inriu. ants are xperienccil and .caren" ,t? Horses boardetf ly tlic day, eek year. Call and try us. .."'..-.( . . -.-- -T aw Mjr ? HOLMES JanT2L 1878. E., H. MARSH'S MACHINE ' 'sALisiu:uv,x.t'- Ilaring my Foundry in prepared to do all kindol "slt,'g,'i1(jJ.?r Iron or Brass. All kinds of EncMH orK none wmi nnnan' : .: - W11 Agricultural and Mining MacluDf. jf Sash, Blinds snd, Doors. Sa.li, W if uunioer. maKe an hiimib v r sizes or monldmcs, Kept co""1"! A stock of Lnrnher al ways onl ni JKHnort nciice , i) ' . v .i ... 1 . .. .' A 16 Horse Portable EnffiB 4 for sate, at mr shops. ! . ' - - - " SolnblR Pamflr, rTiifiiinr TOBAGCO if'- ';'" rtilizEf . 1 - m ' "x i . NOW 1$ rTIf E -TIM E TO SlIBSCHlilE FOR THE WATCHMAN Work guaranteed, and ai PlY ia. 'N 1 111 e si Tiriqns tler blanks for sale hrp ' ,

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