ii a, . - . V t 16 i ; i A ! .r ! ! .5 M ill 5:. ' m I- We regard fotldcr. says Ihe Souih- frjk Cultivator, ob most excellent food for any kind of stock, milk cows in cluded. Korthern dairymen consider d "corn-fodder" made from sown corn as one of the very best milk w producing iced s tney can give their cows. Most 'Southern farmers feed , tooJittle fodder to milk cows, to reach yerv accurate conclusions about it. Apple Fritters. One pint of sweet milk, six eggs, flour enough to . -to form a stiff batter, piueh a of salt, ilfalf a teaspoonful of saleratus, a tea spoonful nf cream tartar j then slice . some goodour apples rather thin and mix fn the batter. Fry in hot lard, browning hem nicely on both sides. Saucea little cream and sugar They are nice made of raisins orcur l rants instead of apples. Delicious if . ! piade of canned peaches, and the juice "of the peaches Fell sweetened and poured over them when served, for sauce. IIo? Fattened Without Corn. J - As I have made a jaaost successful , expenment in fattening hogs this sca on I feel it my duty, as well as my pleasure, to -rive your readers the jjeuefit of it. Early in April, I plant ed an acre inmy extra early sweet -potatoes, expressly to turn my hogs on. I also planted two acres in chu ! P fks for the same purpose. The chufas I plantedJu drills two feet apart, v and about a foot apart in the drills; they nearly covered the whole ground. IPhe sweet potatoes were large enough io eat on-the first of June, but I let ! ! hem grow on until the first ofAu- ' gust, wiicn the ground was litterally 1 full of them. , Then I turned on them some forty hogs. After they had run bri them some six Veeeks and began to ' -get full and lazy, I turned them on the cbufas. I uevtr saw hogs improve ! j so as. As I had heard old -farmers ! say -bogs must have corn to harden ihe flesh, I gave them about eight bushels"; this is alLthe corn thahogs -j jbave ever had. On tle 28th of Nor vember J killed them, and J have the finest meat that lever tasted. ! The flesh is firm and has a sweetness that j have never before tasted in pork, -as fresh meat, it is moredesirable than the teuderest turkey. The same land that I had in tljese syeet potatoes ;and chufas would not iave brought more than twenty bushels of corn in all. I have lonjj contended that we could not afford to raise corn on our Joor, old sandy lands to feed stock, nd when I can make such meat on sweet potatoes and chufas, I would ;pot feed on corn -if I could make one Jiundrcd bushels to the acre. Ciias. JVI Peabody in Fani Jourtiaf. Fruit Trees. j, J find that lime, moo4 ashes and old 'ron put around the roots of declining fruit trees, have a very beneficial ef fect. These fertilizers restore the trees to a healthy condition, and also great Jy improve the fruit in quality and Quantity. I made the application ear ' Jy last spring as an experiment on a Wincsap and Never Fail; about half p, bushel. of mixed lime and ashes to each, and dug it iii with a hoe some six feet around the trunk, and put the pld iron immediately around the base pf each. : The trees put forth with renewed ygor, bloomed abundantly, and yield ed a good crop of fruit, An excel lent wash for trees may be made thus: leat au ouueeof salsodato redness in fin iron pot, and dissolve it in one ganon 01 water, ana while warm ap ply it to the trunk. After one appli cation tlie moss and old bark 1 will drop off and the trunk will be quite jjmoothf This wash has highly recu lprative properties, making old trees bear anew. j v i 11 have i triqd soft soap as a wash )iUl good results, and also a coating , pf liuje in' the $pping seasoh, which is tt fine specific for old trees. The ques tion, is often asked if it is iljet to ma nure trees in the fall or spring ? I : lye found the summer season tobe a good tinre;. have great faith in miilch inS especial ly young trees, for sever al seasons after they are planted. !Ap pjercesjire said to liayo'two growths "during f; thp season the secondary gjrawth takes place after midsummer, lience it is that a top-dressing of go(M ppnure, and also coarse litter, facili tates the late growth, and often nm- duces very marked results iu the habit " .: t .... .,. 1 r.i n ... and fiirmntmn of the tree. ' 'r,Y The ffood effect that hiulching has to young trees is that it wards off the intense Ticat of the sun from the, ten tier roots, and also has a tendency to hold moisture. A good top dressing of stabje manure in the fall around young trees with a good many corn cobs cast over the surface of the soil jjtyes satisfactory results. W. A. Lon don, in Mural Messenger. Sugared or Crystallized Pop Corx. An exchange gives the follow ing directions for preparing this Yan kee bonbon: Put into an irou kettle oue tablespoonful of butter, three ta blespoonfals of cupful of iwhite sugar; boil until ready to candy j then throw iu three quarts of corn, nicely pppjied ; stir lriskly until the candy is evenly distributed over the corn ; set the kettle from tne fire, and stir until it is cookd'a little, and you have each grain separate and crystallized with the sugar. Care should be taken not to have too hot a 1 fire, lest you scorch the corn wheu crystallizing. Nuts of any kind pre pared in this way are delicious. . -1 Old BlamnierV Buttons. i Old Blummer is tight-fisted. Sev eral daysago he said to his wife, "Ma ria, I want you to look over that broadcloth vest of mine and put new buttons on it, 'cause Fra going to a card-party to-night." ; :But, Ely," answered Mrs. B., "I havu't any buttons to match that vest, and" I ' v ; I "Thuuder!" broke in Blummer, "the idea of a woman keeping house as long as you have, an' pretendin' to be out of buttons. By George J I be- Jjeve you'll ask me for money to buy 'em with next." That evening old Blummer hurried through his supper and began array ing himself for the card-party. Pres ently he called for the broadcloth vest, and Mrs. B., with marvelous prompt itude, handed it to him. He took it, hastily unfolded it, and then, as his eyes took in its complete appearance, he stood as one transfixed. It was a six-button vest, and there were six buttons on it, and the dazed optics of Blummer (observed that the first, or top one, was a tiny pearl shirt-button, and that the next one was a brass army-overcoat button, with U. S. gleam ing upon it; and that number three was an oxvdized silver affair, and that . number four was a horn button, evi dently from tlie back of the Puritan fathers' coats ; and then came a sus pener button, and then, as the dazzled eyes of old Blummer reached the bot tom buttou a-poker chip, found in Blunimer's pocket, with two holes punced through it he gave a snort that made the chandelier jingle. There is, after all, a fine sense of hu mor about Bluramerfc and he laughed till 4 he cried. And there won't be any button rnoney grudged 111 that household hereafter. A Robeson county negro died of eatiug.too many half-cooked peas.' WATERS' 'tagfSgra' 0R8A1JS arc tlif moNi Itranliful in M yjv orl--t in lotio t'ver uiiitic.'l nej h;i.vo t-t rclcbruied Cuurbtto fttop lvbi U wauueimitiuioiiri.tt Unman oU'c,ani Z iM'tavetto'Uel' tuitr.l t:i'"i ''4 perfect It rn: ny with ihcrvi'i, li'tlkri: t'fAi rflt-ct i tiis.slcal an t mi-K clc irtfyin. WA- iS3J??5 dim riHMi'iti ai. COBIDICO rt.uiM l "i.J.l tr, volnma of tuct suitable for PA. ft ii flr t. fit WATERS'- Superb Ilirror Top Souvenir Organs The' cases' of Uwm beautiful O'rnns are Ult'Il 1. VFI is: IED it 80M1) llhACIi. -Wii.vi'ip. markab!o nliko for nnrlfT of In . nnfl EXTCEDIKLY IA)V or f?ASII or)iilr.. ll tuenvi. WJU sell a better tnatrnmenC at a m m . '"'y outer kOUKO I it. fi. WATERS' PiAHOS tt."- tmiuship and IMirability UtwarpiLwJ. YTar ra:,a lor HIX VUA US. VII ICI-S Extreme. Iy iJor tah. MentUJy InatRllnentS re. erivcrt. A liberal disracuto Teache t,Miitert. Owckrt &kwl i efc.AtSENTJ WANTED. Special InliireBtrtit tthe Trale. Ill.wtrate.l Dealers, 40 East 14tb Mreet, New York DAWSON fc CO CHAItl OTTE, I K. Crt ! General Asenta for tbe State $400 Pianos for - - - $125.00 $500 do - - - - -160 00 $600 do 180.00 $700 v do 195.00 210.00 do O RGANS "The very best only $80. V Uf j Address 42:ly " Charlotte, X, C." - the cenuins - j ; i--.. ;- gppy-.f TT) n,S;iyaafi.;"l.i;H,Eaac liT PILLS, ! g ' 1 1 : FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis or Liver Compk DVSI-EI'SIA AXU SICK HKAOACHB. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. I)AIN in the right side, .under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; He patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the nairiiis lelt under the shoulder blade, and It frequently extends to the top off ie ; u' 1 ; . . . . snquiaer, anu is sometimes mistaken Tor rheumatism m the arm. Tie stomach is a fleeted with loss of ajpe tite and sicV.ness; the bouels in ge eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heaty sensation in the back part. There is generally a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied with a 'painful sen sation of having left undone' some thing which ought to have been donj?. A slight, dry cough is sometimes 4n . attendant.' The patient complains (jf, weariness and debility; he is easijy startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are lovf; and although he is satisfied that exer cise would be beneficial to him, ytt he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the abov symptoms attend the disease, but cass have occurred where few of them ex isted, yet examination of the bod)f, after death, has shown the i.ivi:r tb have been extensively deranged. j AGUE AND FEVER. 1 Dr. ,C. McT.akk's Livkr Pills, in cases of A(;;:k anu 1-Y.ver, whop, taken with Quinine, are productive cif the most happy results. No betttfr cathartic can be used, preparatory tc, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are aAlictcd with this disease to rive them a fair trial. I For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are unequaleci LEVlt Hi' ISiTATIOJfS. The genuine fir ' nover mi ;r.r roatetl. Everv lxix .has a ri! v.-.-x sonl on the lid with the i:njrcsio:i Jk. .Mc!..m:'s i.IVhk rii.l-s. TIjc '.-eniMie M I.ak's I.ivi x 1'it.i.s henjr the signatures f C. Ml I.am: itul i'i.tMi.(; , Ukos. . n the wrappers. j Iiist u;.jn having the genuine Dr. (j. McI.axk's I.ivkk 1'ii.i.s. prepaieil ly 1'lejnL in;llros.,on,ittlur''h. I 'a., the market leln ull f imitations of t lie name 2lfci,fllM?p spellctl difiereiitlv'hu sann; ronuntiation. ROBINSON Richmond, Indiana. -1 ESTABLISHED IN 1842. WE BUILD PORTABLE ENGINES ijonntcd on Trucks or Frame of 6 810 12 14 and 25 Horgc Power. WE ALSO BUILD THE "PEERLESS" Port Enpes on frame of 4 and 6 Horse Power. These engines have horizontal tubular boil ers, made of No. J charcoal ham mered iron inch thick and of 50,000 bs. tensile strength. They are the best small engine iu the market, WE BUILD FOR G, 8, 10 and 12 HOUSE POWEKSj HORSE POWERS of all sizes . . i SINGLE OR DOUBLE aw Mills. STATIONARY; ENGINES, DRAG SAWS, . ..I i 4 SAW TABLES, CORN SHELLERS, FEED MILLS, &c, &c. We offer special inducements to cash! buyers, i r Send for Catalogue and state what! you vrisn to buy. ,.i , j Address, ROBINSON & Co., '14:- Riebmond; Iud. fTTlPre Is !1 rlrr'tilap nf thlo ttono. r ' ..J Harriware Store, SaUsbury, where information In re wniwui cuurea may d oouuneu. ii 11 iiiu in; Thresmnfl; Machines Hilt. . Sim IT U l ' 5 S P. fJ. IIEILIG & SON, would call attention to their large and splendid stock ol HARDWARE Embracing' IRONS, and STEfcLS every Tartetr ot sizes and shape best qualltj. . Wagon and Baggy Materials, comprLslng all the various kinds required Hprtngs, axles, wneels, &c., ready to set up. Telegraph$Straw Cutters, all sizes, and unsurpassed in quality and durability J Great American Lightning SAWS, every kind and size, embracing MILL & CROSSCUT j NAILS all sizes cut and wrought. ?The most popular and approved st vies Plow Cast ings, all kinds, bolts, c IW1 So. 5 points for $1 Wl N DOW CLASS frorn 8 10 to 24 k Putty, oils. Paints, Varnishes, Lightning Drier, &c. I FAIRBANK SCALES Steelyards and Balances. for Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, Farmers. Champion Mowers and Reapers. i Horse Rakes, Threshing Machines, Horse-Powers, Pumps, t3OraIn Cradles, ! Grass Scythes, Planters Handled Hoes, CUNS Pistols, Knives, and CUTLERY of all kinds, f D"Our stock embraces e ervthlnur to he found in a large and complete Hardware store, and all at low prices for cash sA With thanks for oast favors we hope to merit continued confidence and Increasing patronage. March T, 1STS 20:ly This importr.nt ori;:;n welrl'-s 1 tit rltont tlir -pounds, r.iul liie biiJ i . a ii I. )i- :i a'.n tit three g.-ilons; jnii cr. ti.runh it I - i once evtry half hour, to ii .vu iho Li e .. .r. int; :iri:i-- straiuctl or fllttr-d fr tn it. h'.'s U H.e n:itr.r;tl -f.' 1 I 1 i" . Kipucsuuvcui i.: 2 Lu'.vtis. i i: : tc 4v r ix.. iii;N jtorpid it is n t s.j r.ii-J dutn t'.w i !ot'l, 1 ul ..r y I ricd throiigh t'.ia vciiti to ;.M ji. ris A tlio syst.r.i, fz. and, i a trying to escape through t' . .: r .r-s u the skin, c.uiscs it to tur;i ycl.ow nr a uily i.rown color.' The stom tch b-jcomc .';t:c4. and l)ys- peptis, ludigo'.i.'ii, ' stip:;tijn. I icavlaltc, Liii- ... . - t ... . . : : . t..t..:.t I.'. .. . t):l ... TO aiclc and Soar Sii:i.i-h. atid to.-.cr. I UJ i'tty lot- A ! !OW. Jli'KK L s H;.i AliN-- L J Idiscovciy ir i.jrpidi;v, tntiss t!i-.- I vtr to Ihrou olf liom one to t .o o;ui l.f lil- t:-.fh lint; t'.iff IiIchkI pnesca through i;, rs I. ns tlu.ro i- an c.v- a Cess L4 Li!c: and l'i3 tf. ct ifcv.-ii upon yelio.v co.iipU.ija ct a I .row n t'i-iv U oUtttv skin, Will ! sVo.ii.li nl! v::o tr. ii '.. i..ir;; ;ti. liist symptom to disip',)v;:r. J'iiC cur: i f ait otts di.ier.scs and Livir cumpl."int i nia-'c ccrt.iiii by taking H r. '"INC i t : ccordarc: vi iih I'iroctions. Headache is guncntl ;.' ".:rjj i i: nv.-tiiy itii ititcs, and no disease ih.'.t :.r:.-.ts iront tlie iivv.r t xi.-l if a fair tria! i ' SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PILLS BY ALL DRU'JCLsls. Piles 2q SIC' 1 mm ft- -mi Hi htmMt U t The fatnlit of Co::st'.mptin or Tl-.rrvat and I.ting Distsses, which s-ccp to the grave at least one-tliird of all da.w's vic;ir.is, nrtes frorn the Opium or Mi r;;!ii.ie tr-.-at:r.i.t, wliith simply slu pefies as the vf ; k of dc.;:h f on. fio,--K will be prft if Or:'"'a or Morphine, or any pr iaration of CJt -111111, Murplti or Pruis:-.:e Acid, cn be fou::d in tlie Gt-Oit i r'i atk C01..11 Svu; r, which ha cured p- oplo v. ho nr; li vi:,- to-cL.y with but one rem.1ini.14 It : f;reat.r w rong c.'m le done than to s. y lli. t C ..siiii-iptii.n is ini:ur;o!c. Ths GLor.B 1 tow: t "..i Svkf!vii:l cure it when all titer means liavc f.i!cd.t A!- t 'o'iis. Cough, Asthma, ilrouc'.ii.is, and sill di.se. of the t!u..U and lunu. Ke.id th to ;i:iio:ti..!-: nf the Hon. Alexander H. :-f.phcns. tiov. Str.i;h and Lx-Oov. Drjwn o '"-a., Hon. ti.o. l'et.!-ody, as well as those of o:n--r rc!n:;rkn1.'c cure ill c .r Look free !l O o all at the c'.r .stores and be convinced th:.t if you vi.-.h to be c.'.rcd you c.n be by taking the Ci.ons Fi.ovi:k Cofoit Svr.tp. Tike no Troches or Ix7cngcs for Pore Throat, when you can get Gt.or.ii Flower SvKtir at satae price, ror saie Dy ail jjri'gista g Price 25 Cents and $1.00 Graye mUj-kcs :.re made i 1 the treatment of all diseases th. t :.riso from pos.-i n in l!ic L'ooJ. Not one case of Servii'u!a, J- p' ilis. White Swelling, Ulcerous Sore and J-kiu I i ease, in a thousand, i treated without the ti-.e of Mercury in some form. Mercury rots the lxnes, and the discasts it pro duces are worse than any o.her kiad of blood or skin dis 'e :..n be.. D't. lVrntrr: ton's Stii.i.in gxa or Q vcn's Dui.h.iit is the only r.Ki.icine upon mlii-.h a hope of recovery front icroiuia. Sy philis and Mercurial disease in all stages, can be reasonably founded, and that will cure t'inecr. j;je.,oo i!I be pai-1 by the proprii-lors if Mercury, or any ingredient not purely w-etatlc and harm less c:m l-o found in it. Price by i-.ll Drucrgisw Ji.oo. Glout: Ki.ownn L'ot't;n Sykuj and Mfuffll's Hr.r.vnNH fok thk Livtr for saie by all L'rug gisu in S3 cent and $1.00 bottles. A. P. MSEESLL & CO., Proprietors, PHILADELPHIA, PA. SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO, W. Y0PP, Propr. (At Plyler's Old Stand.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS AT LOW PRICES. CALL AND SEE HIM. 9:tf. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, Are nneanalcd for the eur and prevention of dlaoaaea lnHonet, Cattle, Koga, tb e e p. and f owia. ' i)AVIX XL OXJIiL Proo, Baltimore. Ud. On and Off Slick as Grease ! BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES. SLIPPERS, &c. W. M. EAGLE, URespectfally announces bis continuance at hi old stand in his old line, oiy ilain Street, opposite iinniss Drag Store. He is always ready and anxious to accommodate customers in his line in the best manner possible. lie is prepared to do first class work and can com pete with any northern Shop or Hand made work, llis machines, last. c. are of the latest ard best paterns. He works tbe very best material and keeps on band ready made work, and stock equal to any special order. 11 Repairing neatly and promptly done at rea sonable prices. Satisfaction gnarantecd or Bo coarse. - Prices to Suit the Times. Cash orders by mail promptly filled. 34.6mos. TV; M. EAGLE, i ' I ! o 3 sro o O m 1 ' o - jlj . sww u m 111 I f 4 r i n i5 ' A i cz ! m q ;h h y -pn 1 1 to Cure! EXXISS' CHICKEX CHOLERA CURE- or inonoy leluiuleU it duett ions are strictly followed. PRICE 25 CENTS, at i Warrantea 2G:tf. EXXISS' Drug Storc.O ARDWARE WfSEiV YOU WAHT.. HARDWARE At Low Figures Call on the midersigned at No. 2, Granite llOW, D A. AT WELL. Salisbury ,N. C, June S i. BLACKWELL'S TOBACCO TRIED, TRUE. reojdo J.ro K--tll'-' r.LHjUaiuttHl iiw.l tUutto who aro 'iot ui.-lii t In willi tlio vonderful moritaof tliatfc'mat A' riean llcmcily, tlio MEXICAN Htistang Liniment, EOT HAN AND BEAST. This Hnliwnt very nat nral'.yorijrlnatetl In Ameri ca, .-lierj Xaturi iirovuies i.i la-r Jalioratory such r.in in i.-i i.ntidotes f.r the i;:al.u'.ics of licr cliil iir: Il rr.io l:a.4 lk-Ki spreadins for Cj years until ii...- i- ::t:ivk;i llic haUtablo cloitc. Tlu r.I.'::::.-a:i ri:u :a::j Liniment a matclilesR roiii .'ii f ' )i-:.".U :::iT::li:ilnioutsrir l.ian and beast To . : r:: iv:icr.ir:al farmcra it 1 j lnvjiliir.blc. A i':v ' 'ir-'. '3 rave? a human llfcorf stor.-; l'. ; v.. rfu!r.?...t f an excellent LiirHe, ox Co..-, r : "sr: v. It l .:. ; fiiwl-r;;t, hoof ail. hollow horn, grub rcrovr-v.-i: .".: : .oaMcr-rot, iiiantTt the Idtea fc:id sil-.ij cf ; ' i reytaos r ail iascets, mid ever soc'i urawlxic:: to s:oc'.c brccd!n atal lmsh life. It cures every cxteru-l troitlil j cf horses such as U:ncn:.t, r.cratchc.-., hv. luuy, sprains, founder, wind su'.l, r.a j bo.: , etc., t'.c. The 3Ie.-:cia "n. :r.:i,' I-lalaieut 13 the quickest cure in tho world fr r.ccidcnts occurring in tha family. In the absenco of a jdiyslcicn, htich as turn3, scalds, sprains, cuts, etc., end for rheuma tism, ar.d B'-lffncsr. cindered by exposure. Par tlcalarly valaabla to ailner. It li tho cheapest remcily in the world, for It penetrates tho mnscle to the, 1one, and a single .-pupation Is generally suCTcient to cure, j Jleslcan JXastang Liniment Is put up In three zes of Lotties the larger ones being proportion- &j much the cheapesu Sold everywhere. Subscribe for the Watchman only $2 0L '-Mir ... ?fs.'5.;ttsRt!?. U it l n t.i reprx-Mfd r.-t in rt'ny esppne, 1 pjHn f rript oharpes roth wnyn, Tliig wrt JiSykWlih? Ii a r fii o:r r i i ut th very lwcf t flaruro n-.id thtt I positively will not deviate f ran thl prioc if 7 warranted far 6 year. I w auc this iuatt-u-;i ut mo frcnemlly introduced, htm a this unpliei,. JgLu'L auuii iMtnln o .i fntnuf itarin?. i Order OMce, aa every 0;v ; wrn inti-tHMctiliua ntwlorliiA.,? osiers, it l Mtmndlis lrcrt Iscme:: t. H.-ik-u I can thu siviyoa tH:?lnIM barenln by ttw JoSEf8' . loatCJ .t. j l wl ia wc!l to aicf ,t taiifrr . at baroraiiu Over Scvt-uty 1 housed of Rratty' CcU? PlaM and Orsnna arc now i i actu il usi tiirou::hoit tlie tvilix(l Kyi td, and 1 1 jik-i jrenny uacfoihSJSISf dj.-Huti -vc jKv.ititiifac:;on. j K.-JJiow vcryl3rtTe.cou.-t-iinly inpremanst aXft r..id ru:e. ThenSbZr'" f .il lio.i ic in A::ierk-.i. W iro nnoltcUtV testimonial than any manufacturer. 1 have exti ndol niy xdt?rm t ao entire woili Tie Sun aim nowuerc but It llsht laKtramenta. Eiliee my rwi ut lvturn fnTmr t.-udod tour taromr-i t :..iU.n:;t ,t Karon. 1 a a moid i.?U;rmiit-d tlian ever, that no HtjF.ttrawwn thnHirhu:t the culiiv cl v'llztal world tfiali lw u'ai-etjrewnted by niy celebrated instrumental Kew 1'laat aiS? $135, tHi and uawarda. Beware f IinitaUons! i My tTent success hartrouiclit inf o existence hniHtrI?f l!? ;Kn4jlciuiit..U.r. i..rel Buy the ljst I But avoid tje iinoixili.-U and irrespoiinl houw-sr-itia2T la tao vrry Until, u ul Ut wnt o u yoii'i r, '." n:id iiotliias can be ttaved in tai r one ana m-ise J u Tr:-;:in A'liresg D.lNIIit. F. BE.1TTV) Vr Z.'.ZW TH13 CFtEKDID Price from IsrS tV The Bsst Jiihiih The 'NEV AMERICAN" i? easily learned, does not frt tr'jt o' cder and will 3a more wck with ie.3 labor tha. :any othr machine. Illustrated Ci.oj'a' lum.s.iejj.on application. ;-i , AGENTS WAHTED ." - J. S. D0VEY, Jlana-oK MEROUEYS & ROGERS, Agents, Salisbury, N.C. - I do not hesitate to nav the American Machine surpasses all other machine?. Beside ink all the work that oilier inacliinek can, it from Swi Muslin to L5eaver cluiif. . 1 iiave hnd the American is superior lo thein all. I have used the Singer and other machines, any. ' Meroney& Bro.. Asenls American Sewin? SlKS: 1 have used the Howe, Singer, yiieeler ttVilson, Wilcox & Gibbs, Sewing Vh chines, ami wouhl not give the American for;all of them. It will do all that is claimed forff in the circular. I consider it superior to all others I have ever seen. ? f Very respectfully, MRS. GEO, W. II ARRISOS. j DEEDS & MORTGAGES, i . . j Fee Sjmple Deeds, Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Commissioners' Deeds,, Sberi Deeds,, ('battle Mortgages, Farm Contracts, Marriage and Confirmation Certified Distillers' Entries, and various other forms for sale at thcr ! V ATl'IfM A OFFICE. I SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors, commissioners, call on us tor printed si their property at pubh ntiirpments or tlie law on th snlii' often sacrificed from this cause when a saved it and made it bring its value. Yc PAMPHLETS, : SCHOOL CIRCULARS, ILL-HEADS, LETTER HEADS, Monthly Statement CARDS, Posters, all kinds, Reau ! Read ! ! R EAD ! ! ! ! i ! Try, and be convinced That it is much; Cheaper, Better and morecoqvenieht louse, ''Barkley & Hasson's Enterprise Pure Roast cd Coffee," . j which thousands of families are riow uing ex- clusively. Call on your Grocer, and try a! package' of Barkley & Hasson's Enter-! prise Boasted Coffee, where you swill get satisfaction or your money refunded. For sale by All Grocers, and Manufactured by BARKLEY & IIASSON, 2o.2m Baltimore Md. BONDS Y To make Title to Land, and Laborer and j Mecliauics- Licns,7br sale at this Office i NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN J'J'lttneWV-Sf" n ior Gruj (wT.'f1 iyr.i,L.iiu!rt, j ronteln, Mriir;.vw rUicnatuuSftS. II mmm. If ia.-tniiin.ut by-eorreniiondfnee. Ordt n n.:i :iiitie rrcscui. . iu. is i tnr r i-1 t-s , ,tr - 7 iWasIiinzton, New Jersey, u;' S. Am prCH TO YOUR HE I CMC CHS. .43 il i 25 to 45. Buy only the . NEW t i I r is tub vmy wew.ns i.lachino r i . ' T.. v A t.. . . ' The S iirl xt, the Must Pur a'jW, uiiJ ia L et y LeiCLt ( 1 N. ("i irle Stott. Hal tin ! - over. - eamand wor! hutloii holes in any fabrie u.-td tsingeris, lluwe and Weed Machine, . (f MISS M. IiUTLEDGE. and would not exchange the Amerfc;fol MRS. 11-.-N-. BKlMiU!.. i Sr lisbury, N. C, May 22d, 1872. Machine : ' jslierifls, -eonstables, agents, &c, are adTiefl j; i:- n- AMERICAN itors, commissioners, slierins, constables, agents, xc, are sotiw sale notices. I It is Certainly great injustice to vner-toDP lie auction without- first giving ample notice of the sale. The: rt v on the subject everv botlv knows are insufficient. Property dollar or two spent in advertising might h" furnish sale notices promptly anu cntap. Si ASpecial Offer to the Headers - this Paper. $7.00 FOR 63 CENTS. i s The American Diamojid Wct,on-rMj-; taining 30,(XX)words, orthography, pron. ciatioft and deBnitions according to le.fla. English and American Lexicographers,!" trated with nearly 200 engravings; the wants of the cholir and at theraaeUSV. just wTmt a plain learned person decidedlT Ihe best dictionary ever P""". Contains' 700 double column pages. PD. bound in cloth and gilt. Type dear anu n" . some. Sent fre to any reader lM-JJJL upon recept of 63eents, to pay actual P"T and packing charges. This great offer w F for thirty days only, and is made '.U. purpose of introtluction. Bl,t i,? nries will be sent to oue address. Thu f but once. Order ov. Send silver, c0y or 3 cent Ktag stamps. .Addre j, ;i. National Book Oorupuny, HocUand, MjjJ, Sheap Chattel Mortgages,; his other blanks for sale her ji