A hi fe :i; i I r !rA-l-himiinworkingon!iwmcfliw.i he n-ferml t!ie mornhig hours for hw lit erary task. He said that he did not;,that hVcoaUlwork letter evenings and f as, in fact, a late riser. - I got enough of early 1 .1.. in m votihtrer days. he rising ." . . : added. The manual lalor of writing "was, ...-i.-,! iUrspful to him. and he! lie ilium nvt , soughV. relief in dictation, altftongn mat thoughts come faster than the pen of lia amanuensis ould secure them. 1 he only person who could ever write fast enough for me," belaid, "was my chief clerk when i I was Secretary of War. He disliked com- position and I equally disliked writing. f WeSvere, therefore, thecomplimenUofeach j other;" f The little library in the pavilion is arranged , very conveniently. A, gallery jjmidway 'up the shelves makes it easy, by means of a step-ladder, to handle Woks on 0. topmost shelves.. .The' large library n j which Mr. Davis jessed betoretiie. war t j was dispersed, the booKs in many cases ue- lag scattered through the woods. All oi ;his present collectionre newly -acquired, rjfJe lower shelves areladenSpftliithe Wl r yrt$Unal QUAean imperfect setMr. Davis , ; remarked- and tue. -American Arcnives. Above-are biographies in great number and political Histories, nana uooKs,.tSC. Jany Jn the afternoon lunch was served in the little library. While we ate Mr. 4 Davis talked pleasantly of men and events' in by gone days. He has "that rare cheerfulness of humor which communicates itself to his 4 tinged witn mtterncssr ite seems to uiscuss i !.!!!. 1 I. '-tl. -..I.!! micirom uiu .urcuer xieii inions. wh. earnestly eg the doetrme sof State rights Without the oiaiea lucre cuuiu. ue sum, m; uu uhiuii, . i v, , i' ' ' , i n 'I In fsil unit rvit IrnFn . All n1P cnffitit ; ! Regarding certain matters which were discussed inthe course of the day, I am :i.u lu ,a. "ui V V . .,, . , w - HuiiiiurH. mu nan ursiuis m uuicitv Mint i , i .1 1 . ... F-i ... JlXA iasa,as ipeycananHyj ltll I ! ?urn. uu M. foisehooU,while heja correcting one, . B . ini? current Dolitics 1 am not at UDertv. to j 2'i':t i"''Ll'Liyr-. i I 1 i y, a, . "").;iv(' aggenuioj. aim tmisreprcscnyion us more repeat. But I may say that none of Mr.: xfa&4kit hofthWdailies 'tan' teh: k- ; T . e.- .TvkJ "V . ' ing tneimpic truth. t" " lormiaauie dimensions, lie said ne uiah.., . t..,.- , T, ia,;, - A , . . dogs and .terribly fierce. He was preparing I T it" -y " r. . W7: ::. ; ioe movement, nor did ne tninn it a tnmng i. ,r r. , , easiiy led. Those who have gone to Kan- sas will probably return, if they have the means; others think they will remain only . to die in that cold country. Some of his negro laborers on his Mississippi River plan - tation went to Kansas, in the outset of the "exodus." They had asked his opinion of . Kansas, and he had told them of its rigor-i-ous climate, but had said to them, if they felt it to be for their best good to leave, to go rather to a warmer, region. Mr. Davis said that there was a great deal of excellent land in Mississippi belon ging to the Slate and General Government, Which the negroes might buy very cheaply. He believes that, apart fromthewhite man. 1 the negro will cease to thrive, and will re- ; lapse into barbarism: Tbe races need each I . otherj .'.'Mr. Davis remarked that it was im- possible for a man who had been reared apartlfrora the negro to have that same af- fection for him as is felt bv Southern men. I who hae in childhood been nursed bv nc- i? gfoes, oeen tne playmates oi negroes anq I grown up with them. ... - h.' On Mr. Davis's estate are pomesranate. citron and orange, and fig trees, their con- dition sufficiently testifying toThc geniality of the climate. ! the people of the region all look healthy ana even rugged. The gulf affords an in- exhaustible supply offish and there are cx- 1 .j -1 - . i cellent oysters in profusion. One wordof the master of the estate at I Beau voir before I close. Mr. Davis, althousrh I fond him temnnmrilv fnrliartneo1 lino 1 gopp general health. lie takes a "constitu- tionar on horseback daily and is a good J pedestriaiL. 'He teld mc that since he had f left his plantation on the Mississippi and Come to the coast his health had improved. When he was in Congress he spent his win- i! ters in Washington and his summers on the yer. l He thus reversed , the true sanitary ruleand malaria attacked his systemr His sojourn in Canada benefited him greatly. ill Oavis believes the necro alone to be hot ilimate. The nesro thrives amid m ma and in swamps. Mepfiitic gases that would kill a white maq do not harm the ne gro. When the negro sleeps he pulls, the bed-clothes over his head, and all night breathes gases which would render a white man sick, if not insensible. . I noticed tho kindly manner in which Mr. Davis addressed his black servants. They show in their physique and drtstho care of 'k kind and liberal master, and.- the peop q of that region tellme thathc ismuch beloved and venerated by his servants. pEKIOR EXAMIJTATIOX AT. UaVIDSOX Collegf. The final examination of ithe ' a- aviason college closed on Friday, May 23d. The announcement of thf relative standing of the members of the class was made on MoudayMay 26th. i he hrsfc uutiuction with the valedictory was assigned to F P Kamsay, of Alaba ma ; the second distinction salutatory, to R 1 Keid, of South Carolina ; the third - ij",""v"vut mjw mc x'uiiosopuicai ora 'JUbn, jtoD-A McGregor, of North Caroli-r:ua.-Cmr. Ob. - - j AH Jfth'cs arc diminutive Cassars, since they jcome, thy see, they conquor, sometimes by f Itheir gentle stillness but oftener by continu--al uproarious crymg induced by Colic, teeth ing, flatulence, etc. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup ly its' gentle yet specific influences quiets the little innes without ever producing the least injurious effect. Price 25 cts a bottle j . - p-:;": i . , , . . , I "WAsnixcTox, -May" 27. The legisla tive bill reached the President yester day. The veto will be sent to the House ."to-morrow. , i ADJtlURXMEXT JUNK IOtH. ' 2 The ways and means committee to-day pgrvnl t i-ejMirt, Wood' resoliitfon fix ing the date.iif , adjournment for Jnc 10th. ! : y - Carblina Watchman; TIIURSDAV MAY 29, lro.i ! JW)GESCHEXCK i ttomnTi sn wnerallv k favorit wherever Ire presides, has been holding our jj-""- i o : ; superior Court for nearly two weeks. We are very glad to be able to say, that in the discharge of his duties, he has given urn rcrSaj 'satisfaction.-Indeed, we are remin ded of the old times, when to be a Superior Jcpurt Judge in North Carolina was an lion 0J anj jj jjjgh 0ne too, when we see the manilpr of Judge Sclienck, in his S adminis- trntion of the law.' Courteous to all,, he i an1 deckfed kVa Caldwell lor Saan dckTKotW moment Of Ihe i public time is jo 0r uselessly expended in hearing friYa- iOUaectio of oopnseb;; - We are informed tba$ his court will cost th countT ies than any held here since the war"rhe Grand Jury was discharge eral davs earlier than usual, and ' th Qtiset ihnf ItenV'of no liftle importance. ehave been prompted to say this much of jadse Scbenek. because he deserves it as a faithful public, servant, f X- Our contemporary of , the Hillsboro Re corder, has undertaken to correct. the. false reports put in circulation "by the northern dailies concerning the execution--: of ' the CliapeJiHiH robbers. It is' a very 'difficult six JEx- .4 York Obrv ofhp wtW ; " ' -:" very, amusing,story of ajoung.: man the Jn iC0Bnionwith one of the lead, dallies ws to write up exaggera- jl., m , ti" tions; and the fellow by way of explaining I A O his business more fully, oien6d one of the papers he had in his hand, and shewed what he had got up about the rata, or Ja pan.: Said he didn't know whether there wereanyratsatll in'thit country,but he had : described them as about the size of i a '"es of articles on the cockroaches of ' , , , ,r . , , China, and asked f Mr. - Prune if he knew anything about them. Our venerable friend of the Recorder will no doubt visit Beaufort on the 16th proximo, and we admonish him to reserve himself for something worth while: It has been a long time since the sandfiddlers were well written up, and we feel sure it would be pleasanter and more profitable job than the one in hand. They went on joyful for about 100; yards when thje heart of the intended bride foiled her, and the, bridegroom conducted her back to herlather's house. After many en- treat,s he,prevailed, and they setou again Ior I,,e J- r-.; out wnen about 50 yards on the oad the bride's heart failed again, and .cR f he w!d': ' A?er 80m time BR?nt l. 'remonstrance? and coaxings the bridegroom nt h try it once more, and this time 8ne b5ke down ten stePs from her father's door Back sne went declaring she would not 6?- mrried to-day. The bridegroom ov" "l,MJr v. uemaaueu sunary presents he had made her for the occasion, ancI tak,ng these emblems of what was to be tne haPPie8t day of his life fie i went off to a "Jstillery, and was cursing his luck in heavy draughts of whiskey In the midst ni3 carousal messengers af4ved informing ",lu "r1 ine onue " relented and would now go. lie returned with the. wedding nxmgs the bride put them on again- and this time went through, and it is said thev arenowhappy The Asheville Citizen gives this as a true! mountain story. Akothku Robbkb BasdJ The crowd whidi attended the, hanging of three of the iisiior roooer uanu, have barely; had time to' return to' i heir homes when the Charlotte OUerrer announces the discovery of another band at Statesville, and names. as memliers of it, two young white , men of respectable parentage one of them a native of Iredell county, and one or two negroes. One of the white men has been 'arrested and is in jail. The other escaped. ' ' :: Still another robber band has come to light within the last week, this time at MurfrcboroVTcnn.; and likeTthesc ia our own State, composed of white men and ne groes." ' 'wj- - A corresiwndcrit of the Raleigh Observer of thelith instant, in a well conceivedi ar ticle, by contrasting the educational, fadli- Pf the pre? time with those of thirty J T "6" fIJ" wnereas as then, w had but;oneftnstituKon (thfe State Uhlrersitv) WhyNhename ofaconeie now have Wake Forest, Trinity, and Davidson. C. College, at Mt. Pleasant, b also worthy ,bf mention as indicating the advancement of vuut"1' interests in the State. David son has undoubtedly gaincd-a reputation which places her in th ft , .. auu, iiju correspondent alluded to, takes pains to ouow misiact. . - . . . : , 'ij.! To the exclusion of several contributi on the prohibition' questiori,ow become unwelcome reading to the general public we present, at the earliest opportunity Gov ance's first speech in the U. S. Senate. The numerous friends of the Governor liave confidently cxpectcd that whenever he at tempted to speak he would have soraethino worth saying, and say it in manner credT tableto; himself and tbe State. They Will not be disappointed in reading the sieech ons "v pcapui lotnis paper. Dr. J. II. Mearea, of Phllkdelphla is now successfully1 working the refractory enlphnretie gold ores (so common in thia State) at a gold mine in Cabarrus coun ty, by a patented process. If Ida in ven tion is worth anything it is" worth mil lions,. for it has hitherto proved impossi ble t o cxt ract more than nbont 50 per cent of the gold in the ores of .'this Viias. THE ELECTION V J L On the Prohibition of tlie'liqnor tnifUc in the townships petitioning for it, taktU place on Tlmrsday, Tthe 5tn ,fdnne. ; The prohibition i a projwr subject for the action of Uie peoile. If they believe the traffic ia an evil which ought to be abated, it ia conceded on all bunda that they have the right to put tt down. The caunot prevent men from drinking Hqnofi It is not expected that the suppression of the traffic will accomplish th in entirely! but the prohibition of the traffic will nj-i move it from public view, iwill take it from before the eyes of the y onug ami put it nuder proscription as a dangerous, deadly evil, and relievo the couscieneieH of citizen's, who feel that they r are rtv sponsible for the public sauct ion given the license system. It la undeniably a a' heavy tax on the industry of the ' couni' try, often imposing optiressive burdeui w iiivu liiii- iiiubi ueiiviij u me iiiuustnous and orderly part of the people J ' If they are unwilling to bear tliese bimleus niii longer (haying liorue them all their lives) they have a right to throw them off, and we shall bo glad to see thera do it. The latest mule 6tory is remarkable : . a mam out in the gold digsring. of the Wes had a spite against a mule at the mine, andj loaded a can with nitro glycerine and set it where he expected 1 the ' mule 'to find and! klcVlt.' TeinuleMid find . tiie "can, "and aftersmelling; of it, sq uared .himself to klckj it. -But seeing- he man who set it out for? him some hundred feet off. skulking and! getting put of the wayi he changed his po- sition, with bis tail towards him, and then' let fly. The can hit the? man between his! shoulders and exploded. I The mule1 went i on grazing, but the malicious miner disap-j peared in smoke and was never afterwards! found even in scraps. A njau named Walker! went over the the Niagara fall on the 25th. It is said of him that he had during his life (of 30 years) saved the lives of 10 or 12 iwraons at the falls. On this occasion he was drinking, and m he was prone to do while in that condition, recklessly ven tured out into the rapids 'above the falls in a boat. But tfiia time' ho lost one of lis oars, and with it his life. He cried or help when he saw his danger but-was beyond the reach of help. In a little while he was dashed overt the falls. Wm. Lloyd Garuisox, the great aboli tionist, lietter knowu in slave time than now, died in the city of XeW York, Satur day night last, aged 74 years. Mr. Hayes, in cutting off supplies from the artny and the country, seems to be guilty of red-handed treason. Bait. Gazette, Dem. , PRICE CURRENT- -1 Corrected by J. M. fcKox a- Uo.i Mav Cottox firm Middlius low db stains 11 10 y lo2U 8 il..102.00 GO GO 1.001.10 $3.00 2.73 75 75 810 30 40 20 67 Bacon, county, hog round 1 Bdtteu ' Eggs Cqickens -per dozer. Conx Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at Floub best fam. super. Potatoes, Irish Osioxs no demand Lard Hay- Oats Beeswax Tallow , Blackberries Apples, dried Sugar 34 1012 FOR SALE! :-o-: A GOOD SWEEPSTAKES THEESHEB. And HorS3-Power: All comnlete and in ood Order. For particulars apply to JNO. B. KEit'NS, or D. H. MAHALY, 32:4t Salisbury, N. C. "Musical Homes ARE ALWAYS HAPPY HOWES !" McSmith Music House, CHARLOTTE, N. C, ; Branch of Ludden & Bates, SAVANNAH, GA. ;-r-'i Li.' i K)i ' & : CO' DO ical Instruments OF ALL KINDS. PIANOS from $125 tip to $1500. ORGANS " 835 " fisno Part Cash and Part Time Very Low for All Cash. Send for Illustrated Catalogue ; Price List Fbee. ) The Best Made! All Guaranteefl for Fifteen Years. Sent ou 15 daj s' trial. We nav freight both ways if no sale. ! '"1 Call on, or address H.McSMITH, . CHAHLOTTE, N. C. 32:4m O v .T4ivuuiaii uuiy Ins BUSINESS LOCAL COLUMN 1 BARGAINS ! Bargains ! 1 - Khavc krge astortment of DOLL BABtE8 and Toy llat lam offering at and beloW ITj-Y. Cost. Secure these nnw and tote a henry -pet el. Alao FAMILY GROCERlES.dnewad freh ttoci. dd Confection aUeheaperthariAeeJieapetiU-Ltm prices anaju-tt dan good is my tnouo. j Hive me a tr mi, and btmlvjlai, , j i A. C. HARRIS. Price's old stand, next door to Katloaal Hotel. If PRESIDEXT HAYES cannot veto the set that jd. BtTERBATll JlpTjhe I he Best Stock of rancy Groceries, Cham pagne Cider, French Candies (fresh every week), Fruita in scast)u; Fiuestliueof Ha vanna and Domestic Cigars iq town. Ciill and see him. j' .' !.; ;i ; Important to' the Farmers. , ,The "Ska Fowi Guano reduced in price to 450 lba of 4 Middling Cotton; per ton. r r ariners uemnnir u tirstt clas artt cle can now procure the well knowu Sea Fowl of J. D. Gaskill, Agent,, ; I ::r- ' ! iilislmiyiNiC.i'i iPARSOrS SXUFP, I Still Increasing in iavor. lry 11. t is mn ana pure, v. praie by J. I. mask ILL. "' (;; tiiti- I. ;ti i. -; i"' Call and.exaniiiic my'work., Anbictiuea arts guaranteed to give satisfaction. X7bil4 drcn should be brought to the Gallery iii me morning.- ricture names, u ;i6:am , C. W. C. WOOMVINE. 'iTo -Samuel ''A'orris,! o- : resident lte- Jendant: low teitl take notice that the fol- lotting bummoug ttai been jttsiicd , ayainst Davidson County In . Superior Court r.;L:i . js..i. i . ii. . . i. il Plaintiff; ii , Agaiuft Samuel Xorria Defendant. . Sum raon for Rel i ef. STATE OF NORTH' CAROLINA, To the Slierifl'of R.indoli.h corinfv Greeting j x ou are nereuj commanded tttwitrtnron fSatn UelNorris, the djfendattt above nmed, if he he found within your county, lobe and appear be fore the Judge of our Superior court, at a court to be held for the countyof Davidson nt the court house in Lexington, on the 6th Monday after he4th Monday of March, 1879, and answer the complaint which will be deposited iu the office of ihe clerk ofthe Superior court for said county within the three first days of said Term, and let the said defendant take notice that if he fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the PlaintiH'wiir apply to tie court for the relief demanded in1 the complaint. I Herein fail not. and of this summons mnVo duereturn. i j Given under my hand and the jm1 of sail jcburt, thisthelTth dav of April, 1879. : i l LVF. Lowe, 1 j Clerk of tne Superior Cotrtof Davl.laou Countr. j j Ahdyoti will also take notice that at the nine jllniea warrantor attachment wax iued against your property for the -sum of two thousand ound and interest thereon from March 22d, 3877, and due by your promissory note. Said arrant of attachment i returnable at said ejriu of the aforesaid court.wheit and where vou Can appear, if you ihfak pnper. ! M! . C. F: Lowe, ! ; i ! Clerk Sunerlnr Court D.ivi.iiu Jjf0. II. W klbors, Fiff's Atty. anmi To Samuel Xorri, a non-resident, the de fendant: Take notice that the foUnirinn sum- wans nas oh tssuea ayantst yon : i . . J . I 1 . payid30Ti CountyIn Sapsrior Court. r"HIt.LIPs. I PliKutiir, Acninst Summons for Kclicf. hainuel Norris, wvjenuant:. ) STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. JTo the blicnffof Randolph County Orect ihgj j You are hereby commnndcJ to sum rjiOii Samuel N4rris the defends! t alxive natned, if j he w founl within your Comity, to be and appear before the Judge (if biir Superior Court, at a Court to be heTd for the County of Davidson at the Court Hbue in Lexington on the Cth Monday alterjthe 4th Monday of March, 1879, and ahsvver the complaint which will bo deposi ted: in the office ofthe Clerk of the Superi or Court for said county, within the li first dkysjof said term, and let the said defend ant tkke notice that if he fail to answer the siid tomplaint withiji that time, the nlam- ! tff will apply to the Court for the relief de- niatuted in the complaint. Herein fail not. id ot this summons make due return. Giten under my hand and the seal of said Court, this 17th, day of April, 1879. h U. r 7 Lk) W JK, Ulerk Sup. Court of Davidson County. And you will also take notice, that at the some time a Warrant'of Attachment was is sued jajrainst your property in favor of said plaintiff and against you for the sum of Sev enteen Hundred and Fifty Dollars,' with in terest thereon from 21st of October, 1878, arid due by promisorv notes. Said warrant of? attachment is returnable to the aforesaid ternt of the aforesaid court, when and where ydu can appear if you think proper. H C. F. Lowe, (;. S. C. ILrWelbrn, Davidson Cduntv. I Ptff. Atty. 31:6w K QWTO SAVE MONEY! U BUY YOTTR IN ! ii" HARD WARE if II I i. you will not onlv save monev. but eet t li Beat Lrooda made, i on will hind in hia Well Selected Stock of Hardware, Mowers l nrepners, anu bewing machinvs, Striiw-Cntters & Coni-Sliellers, Grain Cradles, Grain and Grass Scvthes, 1 Ivws, Hoes, Mattocks and Picks, Shovels, Spades and Forks, Glass, Paints, Oils, Putty, an3 Varnish, Locks, . Hinges and Screws, n,".o ro . tt i a iiiii c aiookv" viv&rvui, Uiiuu aiiu win oaws, Blacksmith & Carpenter j Tools. JJORSE AXI) MULE SHOES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Pateut Oil Cans. Patent Fly-Fans and Traps. BUGGIES, OPEN AND WITH TOPS. Boggy-Harness, Harness Leather and Mountings, Wagon and Htiggy Materials, anil tiiany other articles too tedious to mention. o3, Hedrick VRowf-Xear National Hqlel Main Street, SAIilSBURY, JT. C. 30:1 y puoi xr-i . w - w:rtii.rttk0 - Li.nu enm i.... T wi4iua? iui ease iiciv SHOSJ. POSTERS CO., - I DEALEK3 1 LIQU0E3, TOBACCO. & CIQAKS, General Commission, llercliants, - r ' ' WO. Hi BROAD 8TKKKT, 3 I 1 V Rome, GeorffialK Liberal advances. Consignments' solici'ied. BSi,t;elerencK. K. T. lloyt, J. Cllawlins. 28:3m R. FRANK! GRAHAM, CORNER OF MAIX AKl FISHER STREETS, SALISBURY, H..C. I - riavin rMirt-hased Gl MBuis Kntire Stock of Urocerin and added it to in v own I now of fer to ny former friends and patrons,' and the general public . j ....-r. -i," i ' Complete and Tnli Line of 5 V FALliLY. vGROGERIESV f All Fresh aaxd of First auality : . : : also ax - ;j- , j i'.:. Excellent Assortment of Confectionery; 2T"Ali. Low Dovfx Fob Ca$i.3 liave on hauds a small remnant of Dry GocmIs, winch is 'offered at and below cost Will also xell one New Fairbanks' Scales. 2 I Pairs Counter Scales, One or two Showcases, f artf: one fjo.! -Writing 'Desk?- Any person needing any ofthe above store furniture, will find U to their advantage to call soou. . Will exchanfri' goods for Conntry i Produce, allowing the lirgfiest Cash Prices for the same Call in and get Bargains. 1 24:3m " Chijw Jackson's Best Svrect Xavjif Tobacet USJS THIS BRAND. BEST IN THE WORLD, And tetter than (any Status, One teaspoonful of tins Soda used with soul' milk rquals Four teaspoonsfuls of the 1est Bakingi Powder, Rav ing Twenty Ti tries its cost. hce package for valuable inforinatiou. i ,lf the tcnspoonfnl is too lare antl does 'not produce gool restilta at tirst use less afterwards. Jan. 30: Cm. HO BETTER OPPORTUNITY. A rare opportunltv for an advantageous mercan tile business in STATKSVILLE, ts offered to a pur chaser of a limited bUcJi of wll a5Sort-. d Goods, on EASY TERMS, and one of the lKst locations in the place, at a low rent ; and a contfoittabie residence it" desired, near the Sr-liooU, Churclies, and business in the place, likew ise at a low rent. Offered because the present proprietor is en gaged in other pursuits antl 1ms no time to attend to this branch of business. Jjor fur ther information inquire at Watchman Okfick, April 2o, 1879 27:3t Blacker ani HenflersoD, Attorneys, Couuselcis and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C .Iannav22 189 - tt. luformatioh Wanted ! -t- Persuaded from mv house in Stanly counlv by one Hob Carter, on Mondnv tbe J 4t li dav of April, 1S79, my son Kufns I jarrin, who is 18 years or age. I axk all good ciiizcns to ait me in ascertain bis whereabouts, bv dropping me a postal card or letter to Albernnrle, N. G , ?o that I may come and gel him. I will nay ai expen.e, and reward my informant. "Piedmont Press" and "Winston Serdiaer please copy one time. GU(LFORJ) HARRIS, Aril 21, 1879. Albemarle, N. C. s:ot SPOOL COTTON. ESTABLISHED 1812. GEORGE A. CLARK, SOLE AGKXT , 400 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The distinctive features of thL spool cotton, are that It la made from the very finest : SEA ISZiAND COTTON. l It Is finished soft as the cotton from which! It Is made; tt has no waxing or artificial finish to deceive tne eyes : it w tne strongest, smoothest ana most elastic se wins; thread In the market: for machine sewing it has no equal ; it la wound on WHITE SPOOLS. 0 The Black is the most perfect j JET ever produced In, spool cotton, being dyed by a system patented by ourselves. The colors are dyed by the NEW ANILINE PEOCESS t rendering them so perfect and brilliant that dress makers everywhere use them Instead ot sewing silks. we Invite comparison and respectfully ask ladles to give It a fair trial and convince themselves of Its iiriienoriiy over au otners. i Tb be had at wholesale and retail from J. D. GAS KILL 25:6m. - Salisbury X C. Mortgage Deeds for sale hert Also -arious other blanks. ELECIAS LULLS. Carding, Spinning, .Weaving J Fulling and Dressing. '" i TheElkin Mills, Yadkin; Comity; liave taken a long step forward. 1 1 hoy are now making ten or twelve different varieties ot Tweeds and Cassi meres, and arc still nrf ranging fi- a further advance. j The Drtces are tbe most surprtslnsr thing about It i You can send your Clean Wool to the Factory and ia a lew days receive oacic the roils at cents a pound; have it span Into yarn at 12 V cts. r have it made In- to Jeans cloth at 80 cts. a yard ; or you can get It colored, fulled, pressed and Kheered, tlnlshed up In style, at as cts. per yard. Colored linsey 19 cents: white, 14 cts.; Blankets, white. So cts. per yard, i lb. cf ean wool wlU make i v lbs heavr cloth . ! Samples of the various cloths manufactured can be seen at - '--,, i;- .--:.-f -v J, - J. D.McNEELTS STORS, Salisbmy, Who is Agent to receive Wool and to deliver Goods for. this establishment. J. D. McSEKLY, AgU ' If you want a good Fertilizer for Cotton 6r ToWc co, goto ? .i J D. JtfcNEELY. ii you want a lot or superior sawed Shingles, go to . J. D. MCNKELY. ! PRINTING OFFICE FOR MALE. . ! . v - I .. j i nf type, ress ana nxtures qi me iiaridson Record (at Lexington, IJ. C) are for sale. ,--For particulars, address - C. II. BRtTNKR,- Salisbury, N.C JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney and Counssllo? at SALISBURY, xf a Law. Office in the Court Hons tot, riext door! to fcquire liaiightort. Will practieeii all the Com t of the State. j Practical Blacksmith IiORSKSIIOER. SHOP connected with Bwn & VerblCs Livery htables. rU dehlzus of Shoes, to suit any hiiape ot f(K)t. All shoeing ou strictly sclent 111c prin ciples and WARRANTED. All kinds blacksmlthlng promptly aone. js:iv THAT WELL KNOWN FERTILIZER OF FOURTEEN YEARS' STANDING! Rich in Ammonia & Phosphoric Acid. The Leading Fertilizer (if 'Xhe Country MORE EXTENSIVELY USED THAN ANY OTHER, j And Particularly Adapted to THE COTTON CROP. Also 'Pacific' Guano Cu's ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, So iell and favorably known inN. Carolina. Can be had njon application to the following Agentp : JXO. ALI.EX BUOWN, L. C. Hakes, C. G. Mostoomkrv, W. A. Lvckkv, C. A. Caim.tox, Stouoh (Sc Sloax, Isaac Ha nuts, J. C. DoRKOVfiHS, Salinbory . Lexington. Co 1 1 cortl. Itownn illi. Siauvllle. Dividson tIge Moorex'ViIlr. Charlotte. Jno. S. Reese & Co., Xol7 Gks'i. Ac;knts, Baltimore, Md. SIMONTON FEMALE COLLEGE Statesville, it C. The next session opens August 28 1878. Uoanl, ;tinl tuition in KnglUh. $S5.00 per ses sion of twenty weeks. Catalogue and circular with full particular on application AUdrew, 34: ly MR. K. i OKA NT, ! Principal Farmer, DON'T BE SWINDLED out of A BtLLE OF COTTON TIIE0. P. KLUTTZ will sell you one ton of L Boyki, Carmer & Co's CELEBRATED Home Fertilizer For 200 lbs. Cotton, ! . It is the best in one. Eaay to manipulate. Requires no cotton seed nor stable manure, rso charge for recipe or right to ine. Equal to any &0 guano. Ha heen tested for yearn Call and get particulars and see testimonials. Don't be humbugged by cheap imitations. You can get the genuine only from TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ, Dbcggist, o20:ly Sole Agent foi Rowan IYEEY STABLE. Having purchased tlie Litcry Stable on Lee street and perfected all necessary arrangements for car rying on the business in a com plete and satisfactory manner, the public are solicited to give us a trial. iWe are prepared to afford f All usual Accommodations. and will do so at the most moderate prices possible. g-DROVERS are invited ttf give us a call. Day visitors can have their stock carefully attended to and every prop er attention shewn them. The stable attend ants are experienced and careful meiL Ilorses boarded by the day, week, month or year, tail ana try us. i - 1 Tt. J. HOLMES & SOX. 'Jan. 21, 1878. , lhtf L SoliililB Pacific tao! . f i - lliiGry! Hiiiii 1 1-oi Mr Stock of Goods in il.U Line f i for the Spring Trade, llavihi rTSH services oi an Arttste from , BaTtiuZ ? i 1 's ' to. . 1 1 I eel justitied in saying that I most fastidious taste; and will p"fla oiiicvtuu iu an oroers intrusUd i Ladiea,injhe Pity and Conntry, k'a call and examine- mr-Storlc kr Wlld? J NORTH CAROLINA .1 5?,....r 'Daoson CoFluTSfti T.c.iKORAM, W i i mi hn C. Raiissofl, VVnu StoctJ .'V'-V John C. Ranssoti. V"mu StoU bam and N. 8. Iliggins, The i Christian 0 old Mining Corona, t it- n j, operating under the name and atjle of KaussoiV, Stockbain AHiggins, 1JU. , - ' .. . r ' in una case it appearing bT.fRj ? . ' i the defendants, iim Stockhamand N.S IIiinf of this State, or keep theiusl Z ' therein as to aroid therdinar iiponjhera, it is thtrefbre orlrfofH Hcailon be made for six ronsecm:" 2rWi the "Carolina Watchman," biw lished in thetowji.ofSalisbury v r i-l said defendants to n fazr at tlenm'S'y Conn to W held (r the myfVH al the rourt II.se in UxinatHv ;H dar in Sentemir. 1879 ...i" .a 1 r1 W n oepiemwr, 1879, .nJ plead ,d"W irr in an action rommenred ki i tri idpUui,iffins,sHiddeSte unuiirr in h sa recovr VUr and ix cents ft r lumLc-r l"'.! and merchadU,. rr..;I.Zi " ?., ?ro"!' - ---- ......... TO .mi eMt.LJ.v ring the rear WS and 1879, orll(Cfl: be taken as conffci ur, l"ill s C. F. LOVVK CV f Br E. Hexley, Att'yfyy Pl'ff. ' 2:ow;pri5 j .North Caeoosa, Js vtRucr lowanLouty. j April 30tJ, igfa r Eben W i lore v ... i . ucaiej, e, Li. Abel, Jr., II V done and L. It. Carl.. n- In this case it apjearing to tbe aatisfaciiJ' ofthe tV)nrt th it W. F. Buckler, E. L AW 1 Jr., and H. E. Spadone are nonfli.Uii. J J this Mate, it m Ordered that pnWiitii C" made u thC,,. I Wa(dmJ published in .Salisbury, for hx eonnfy. weeks, commanding them, the ail v P Buckley, E, L. Aliel. Jr.. and H. IV h.,.j1M to sippear ut the term of iA rv-i '..Yr held at the Court bonse in Salislnrv na Z ;l"-Jr ,,tr ,,M 41,1 I'nday uU,, Jer, Ih9, and answer the complaint dial tin be filed during theiM jhree darg inf term, or in default thereof tbe apply to the Court for the relief demanded In hia complaint. J.M. HORAH u Clerk Snnerinr fViiirf Pnu.., . . -L .v.au vuHWy iooi The Mexican Dollar. What in the difference between the" Mexico (dollar and Tabler's Ihlckeye Ie Ointment! One doe what it promise and the other im iot. The Mexican dollar aayn, 1 am bn hundred cents;,r but wher you come to in mi It yon fi.id it ix only eighty-five. Tllerf Mm keye Pile Ointment av ' I will cure i Of File,-" and iiK)ir trial it'U founu1 to do tlir every c:.: It makes but one proqiwe tir Cure I'iles; and dw ?o wiibutit failnre. Price $0 cenin a bott e. For Hale by C. IirEiirlier $alisbnry, N. C. f ; Couswen' Coiirtv.inMnionev of Tar ha wL Mo long and f.ivoruMv kiiuwn t hut it netiU 6 eiu'oiiuum. tor cuiigli, -u,Mx, w.re throat, lorsi-nei,etc it ti.nU npeedy Telief, and-i a most plcasanl and tffic'acins remedy, iowy Mini !arleir.g two of iu injtreilients,. Theitll ofthe cbemUt, ami lheknwredge ofa jliTi. ci:;n were united in its preparation, the result being a compound which in the favorite irrW dy in illi severe climate, ami lias no equaf u a ( lire for coiighscoIdn, hoawene", broiifliili croup, etc. Use Cotuwens' Ilohey of ! Tar, Price 50 cents. For Je by C. 11. ILirker, Salisbury, N. O. "j , North Carolina. iRoj.ixA. 1 In Supkbior Coin, L'oukt 26th April, 1879, i Rowan John W Frick. Adui'r of Jolm Canum Plaintiff; - ' iiyumo ! ? j i Samuel Caunp, Susannah Gootlman, Cmil Ia Goodman, Margaret Cmiup, George A CV niup, Jame VV Can up, Henry A Canup Tliomai" Ii Canup, and Sarah L Canup (the lat twit minors, Vina Campbell (of Cabrrue), Wikh liara Campbell, Iayid CajupWH, Sally Gmi (Stanly), Sophia Kirkpatrick or her Ueir-(ii Indiana), and Caleb Canup'u heir (in Uliiiolf,! MeiendantM. Petition to ett land for artels. Upon the aflidavit of the Plaintiff, it in oi-1 drred by the Court, that; publication be niadt; iii the Carolina Wulehman for MX miccewit' weks, notifying Sophia I Kirkpatrick or ihetj heirs, and the heir of Caleb Canup. who are non-residents of the State, to atear at the of fice of the Clerk of the SuperiorCourt ofjai4; county, on Monday the 9lh day of Jnne, A D, 1879, and anxwer the complaint wbuh h" been filed in the above entitled action, and if they-fail tuauwer the complaint, the Plain--tiff will apply to the Court for the relief 1 minded in the complaint. Witney, J. M. HO KA 11,4 Clerk of the Superior Court, liowan county. 1 -23-Cw,; TALBOT & SO'S Shockoe f Machine Works, Maaufacturera of Tortable and Stationary EaglnM and: Boilers. Saw Mills. vrn an1 wiiai Millsaaf- ting. Hangers and Pulleys, Tnrblne Water WheeWi !; Tobsicco Factory Machinery, : Wrought Iron wore. Brass and Iron Castings. Machinery of Every " scrlptlon. - j - : . Ginning' and Threshing Machine A SFBCtAUTY. ' REAIRrNOJBOMPTlY A CAREFULLY W5E. ' laiDOy s raieni amis. UTtu The Invention of ihe Age. 't Taltx)t8 new Da tent Snark-Arrester Is really ttte on lv twrfnt mi1 rv.lnhlo nno and Im itunrsedUUT others In use. The great efficiency of this Arrestff ' i is attracting universal atteniion, ana isoeina dorsed by ihe bestjnechanlcal engineers and lnso- ; ranee companies. Its prominent teaturea are : ; ; -. j Ikllinsuutumiuj mcuiaih . i : It rinu vr Intorfpr. arlth llMnlnff tllA tllbeS. ! It iwlll not choke up, and require no cleaning. -J- raising steam (dampers being objectionable, as tM7 i. mojwi t lumhuiiiH th. nrHr4iw fa destroy rd by evaporation of the water, and the boiler la kep In a filthy condition. It is simple and durable ana can oe reneu : It ian be attached to any boiler. ; 1 ... u ranee comno nles will insure gins and barn where u" Talbot Engines and Sparfc-Arresters are used at mo samft rates as charged for water or horse-powerr. . ff-wnn ror tuustraten circulars ana p bra m h Uouse, Charlotte, N. '. , ' . ', s$:m W. C. MOUOAX, Manager. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCKii , ! : ' : I' t. , FOI?THE WATCHMAN may be lew open ana auow sparea to escape.; It requires no water to extinguish sparks, wnjv1; iv Min,l.ni.!itnn riostrnin t h ilrft KCJdrtCS. WDP"

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