' ' ' ! - - - j ' ' ' . -! ! ' A j 1 iv'JHIBD SERIES SAIISBUEYi II. 'C., JUNE 5; 1879. HO 33 ., .. . i ? ? ! V ) n Trrm niTa ' iiiwdMal:: i UciLl Oil -ir.'i.!-'- - ' I ' " - i ; -Si" as ' Si A Years, whenever a man became a candi- date for any office, : and desired the uf- Lexington Items. One Step Too Far. S a . v -r '" t rv c i . - , - v. . ' . vnjps life iuoa.iuti ncu vii-aii.v i tic suarii iiac iu vuc aisw wuuvj ' 1 SSSuS; SnsUhe We V18 Ur8 dry weather.-. A good rain is much needed market, as notice in Tuesday .afternoon's Ahi riiuiterJn the boutuern ;,t , ,"i i in this section. , . . . I quotations, appears to create some surprise idlest JB'HT.'.' r !. -t r . - J,vrf I Af nil vntm thn tioliof tlmf tiA ssinnnnR. i , ,, I ' r ii . .i to some defect in the title, opera- ng business pien, and naturallr they Silver Hill have suspended pro iur . uuw v. r i , i " ' I vtatvinrr i htt- f financial mnvenTP.nta nf the The TIce of Treating. 1 Out in West Pfiiladclphia-vcster- Tf thprp' U si nnKTA Immnn immilsA 1 day a man knocked a three-story house or virtue perverted and abused worseldown with a sine Wow of a hmmer j 1 5n ,rni tlienai-ro nvcr; Forever endtrhildien than vote for its repeal. So strong was the belief in it, as an all-popu lar electioneering theme, that fumost every ex-tnemberjof 5 our Legislature, when asking fop-re-election, would claim to be its father, or Isomevery near rcla I viewing the-j financial movements of the ! - l I nast fortniffht it is not hard to find, howev- Schcnck jsays, and truthfully too, p A MnuXu ittA it is the result of a I ' I VI , V -U WAWHW J T . . that the March House is the "Delmomco or . , ; si-etarv Sharoan that, no me DUUllk I Since court of "some bouq A Talk with Judge Maekey. ! ', . . ( ! - f TIrAai A taa to ay o ; M State of i jijjair ai nasningion. i j From the Charlotte Oteenrer. i Judffe T. J. Mackevi of Chpster. CJ - t j m , t LUC t.i W . j S. C,, arrived in the city yesterday neficeuce may he found in that degen- andj the flowers that garlands wreathe, iui i.aaumgwu, tuiiiur uc weiii j enuea custom commonly known oy la gentle mm oi summer in me miuu a dog or chicken ( with nItUOU8 tiu"" , r eeiveu ancuwimuoozieu uuu.ium, lilesaJJia tsouderoua. grater,. . Ijsffprerao; Court of ouij State rS5lVarint, pm-e devotion. would good against all debUr tud tte trill join a count ess vuruug A,fnt9ttiud angels .bleudin,? TUir harpii and wiee ronno tne irono . instance j Whicli occurred last summer. lIonMlsloadsceuUiug. . aaeo( fiDe abilities and long Iv -Velt relef frooi pain and grief, experieucejis a legislator,ivho came very 9 rroiiilalknessj sin and danger, ear loosing his election: by claiming to Si . to testify before the Wallace ( former- 1 1 Via t ! I mawer now weu iuicuuunc, uuc u nu ua mc icmu; vuuiunucc. a jgm may oe tracKea Dacii to spoaianc- me ! spmers .anq me anis. lonKqriy , our town has the appearance vanceof what the' country needed... We re- part of his testimony was published in ous generosity, but if so, how widely QazdU. ' "-"-.I : l'fl quct hall deserted." Npteven fer to the issde of the $10 certificates the yesterday morning's Observer. Judge has it divereed from the first princi- xr fi ''"'-l' i rn 1 ' kenifieht to while aWay the remarkable sale of which is, violently con- a 3 uf,8 "vergett irom uie orei prima Mr. Thomas Jones, member of the - eu i u(,u w i i . ii ..." I . . .. , L MackeV Was OUe of that claSS Of Re- nlpnftlip ndmirnbla virliiA which ' - . - i . .. ! - A . i itracting tne!urrency ine unanciai rer . - , . . r nouse oi representatives irom ijuge-" 1 ; ! Lr vlIivt i?tv T.r ehnw publicans who reftised to arahate with crave it birth. L. i-i . . , . . a5 .....l. rant hii!i wkv innch1 longer ! - The room occupied by Mr. Jno. Smith, in r-f . . fi , T .f 4,; f V.r"i7 I Ii... i ..r -bi:i i ... . new county, uieu ,irwr TOwenwt inb. .UUo 1W5ple .re tot,Ml not Jo adore, i -nj wh- LL ihatcit, rk loi uiDoi 'in leg; ten- sented by Scott, Chamberlab, id 1,7 leroPfc 5if I Abbeville Prut and JZanner : Il is . n Anrrh r aft Id I - . J i . l . i tive of its fiitlier. But thanks be to heav- ! time. corrupt class of Radicals repre- T.,t i.n nn. 1, nffrnntorv tu-. o.ri:i.t ' i vr. scott. chamfeiain.dLi:,i: . ouuu hold our Savior's Jacc J IV . u"wu' nignu ' ' . ; - -z- . ' -- . - s. -tf. it r . ; m a.w i I t r : . i uiiliit fir.il ix. null liiic uiaoii ciiz l-u iii i i. i-: -i . a - a a a :. a a. -.i M i i- . i s--. v - - -4w.r. - nionoii; s iiuntrAri nmL Minhnnz mi ana toiu.i even oy siniui qunuuij 01 nuu&cj bhu a n i . i , - i.Li;L. i a ii . ..v. - - c a i which nrumuis men iu leuiut uicu tIb ui.uv.auou . i one-fourth of a ntfllion over tte ' " r 1 tellow-men T CJtrangeiy enougn, ne is . ,A i , , , tb- mu; th. female revivalist; is ex- L..; wi. 1 TWwni.. nmqnty elected judge by a Democra- nmAf.mi,illl wrm-hprtfHl. whole saiain" onerraan a , pummers .are , , . ,CHu..w r r i . . ! vr.. . I . " iamonr me npirnwsot tins countv-urc-, tA i here to-niaht. She will find an I r .tiM iparA KA Vpot I tic lesrislature. - 1 i.j -: ti DEFERRED ARTICLES. For tae Watcbman. Jackson Hill fetter. May 24; 187JT. Men who arc blessed with enhance hi popularity. . It is hoped that fiill candidates who may be hereafter fool hardy emmgh to desire to shoulder the pateinityof such cadaverous monsters, will meet defeat commensurate with their nonsense. . Now the writer does not suspect that Dected here, to-night. 8he will find an I w((k of sucn work would leave the New tic Legislature. abundance of material to work upon, v, 1 York banks without any reserve whatever,! Judge Mackey has been in Wash- w'ti,inV thatonr Tonn? ladies oucrht to and thu3 plate thein in the same be fflad there is a livery stable in town. A those of New Orleans were placed ! moment since a! brake load passed. Ben weeks ago. ....... .. . i , uA mnr than hi KhaM. three to one is too I i as auove lia - i . much of a good .thing, Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Canada, has oc- cn for bly souled man who leads his nei w. , e I among the negroes of this county, urg-, S,lb0r inn Ms hlaima tA the nrositlpncv: link t 3 I f - A' . A At. - LiA.l IT- A lt. . , .... .v -w - i lion oi auairs at me caunai. xae uiitts i AS above istateci, tins is me resmt oi ai r bhmder on tie part of the Secretary of the remarkably well, and freely express- Treasurv.. .The Sissue of these certificates ed his opinion on the situation at . It L ri.fpnn ,rfu i...itl. nml tWencth. should recollect the homesteadlaw can or will be repealed thltlit il teir duty to lead active, honest, immediately j but he does think and hope eirgetic lvcJ i if rich, it is their duty flmt the people of North Carolina desire toStrJik tialTthey may. be' useful to uian- its repeal, and are ripe in veadiuess for it. likf if poor, it is' the more encumbent Its vep-al would give new vitality aud oitlim twork that thy may not be energy toall the laudable pursuits of men. brirthcusotiie to Others. None, who have It would cast iuto the fire Sail those iufer Bieutal aiul physical health, have any nal movtgages, mechanic's; lieus.c that jolt icuslfor being long wretchedly podn have so embarrassed all sorts of-busiuess, fi)itunemav! sweep away all earthly and enable honest men to I breathe easier, eflb:U, hall corporeal and mental activity j sleep better, live more comfortably, and k,2,Liw Aiil ' P.iir!retieallv directed, can riia better Christians. It would throw -JO v ' . t goou replaife theni, at least, to the exteut Kvery mau Upon his own resources, and teach him that through honesty, industry, bouoniy aud prudence, of a coaifoi table competence. . 1..lr nucui. S ii-i.ik1(i1 tlitr. any aiiiu j&r I womii i should live a jnero 0TO1KV , HP IIU jliOl IllltlJU, uiuiuac m, ; in u ildiii. 'ami for incom nreheusibl : v ihe purposes, had afflicted Laziirus, and itused .hirii to be a proper object of .char- press, both secular and religious, will take the matter iu . hanit"nnd discuss k fuflv omits merits and demerits ; so that State Convention of the Young Men's limited in amoutt. This safeguard amoun- Christlan Association. ; Office of State Ex. Committee, ) 31U. ) ted to nothing, for, as stated Jdaily in the press, the applicants clothed in rags, were i : XT -r- , 0ft,T io-ft f I OUt ine agCIHS O unnivcis mil ppc.uitti.uAo. . . , i' , .. ai I Millions are dfawn daily in tins manner The third annual convention of the I " f .T. ! $, . Tm' ...:.!nfWnrth Irom itlie'CWK,8iIl Villages Ul iu mim Young Men's Christian Association of North 1 vj .u. r ... : . . . n ti i wnercver tuey aire sum, mm nuui on incsw Carol na will assemble in Salisbury, .Thurs- wuc,v 3 r,.M.i day evening, June 2Gth, andicontmue in whatever, J udge Mackey has been m W ash- to te bar and him tQ . b , ' position as ;n?ton fnr ten davs. and has had full L.V. .r ,u.t -.u- u" Pul tor fhcm iCea a CW I . f fl j ,.a Ko ulfnn-I .. I. t '' . i 1 .The latest swinillA ha cvwirri! in tion. : BeHtion docs not improve the Stanstead, Canada. A raanUms sold I complexiou of this worse burlesque vvV r t s " .T-T upon liberality to the sad ettects ot ir" r v5i v r"""" f . , i. i ;t .1 r --a.u 1 insr animals as with Paris preen" The wreicii I ? ...... 0- j .. every I PackaSes were hot to be. opened until , A larce city uiuc m use uieni. vne victim iiaying . , , . j i a three, opened bne:;and lrouud;two clusively to hisjelass the sales to each Were Democrats will have decided to pass injiousatur the custom- of square flocks of wood, oh which was- j . : .. . .1. 1 I '(l.'V.IA . A IWV lll WUH VII tlti.1 tponfiner urnn ti vpt. hea riillCUIOUS One. I i. L . . r . t -a r tl and press firmly with the other."- Imagine its application to tire pur- 0if. ennse ni niner cuuiuiuiiiiiea mau li quor and cigars. the appropHation bills and go before the country on the manly efforts they have made to dispense with troops at the polls, and in favor of free elec tions; As to the bill abolishing the jurors' Think how ludic- session Friday and Saturday, closing with special religious services on the Sabbath following Two tears ago, in this city, a little band joined in the' exercises of our first annual tralherinjr. We were few in number, but came together in harmonious council, be- 1! i aKa il,. tfiira n-nnlrl tritnneo tno he can succeed lf'M ..-l nnmftnt r our orffanization and , Ua.u..w. : c. SH1U lllilfc tlUlCl iovj lie uugu aiw, not expect success. lie hopes that the it,lioeivo ajieji.eirher sick "or sore Lhc'1)eolje nay have their, miuds fnlly bfitazy'oilyi shoiihI have'aiiy just claims timltV iiicfMazy Allows scatrered over the conatry ; uanv whose names arerenroljed alweailwfs of jthti church,, and others, efea -luiinsers! of the Lord s gospel. WhileaU must a jp reciate orthodox pirach' lllg UabeU OU DI LIIUUUJL l.ltlll, UIIU l.-.auui icwij ialliwed iipsfas of inestimable val ue (oimiiikiiid, none, I presume, c.fn or Jo?ld say that they want such lazy fel lows to atjteuipt! to point out the way for min, even iu regard to woruiy auairs.. Both Church aml'State aftarrs should be made-up before the next election of mem bers to the legislature ; which legislature lie-also hopes - will take the surest and iimM expeditious route, within the bounds the constitution, foi-sneli repeal. ICHTHYOPHAGOS. No icon fas Mt. Pleasaxt, N. C, May 26th, 1879. Mr.' Editor ; The chief events of inter est that have occurred recently were the closing exercises of the schools. Week be fore last Prof. Kothrock entertained us two ' nights with music and recitations by his pupils. The youngjadies: acquitted them- to isCpurjige; as tar.as selvcs satisfactorily to all who were present. tim nnr ffurta would be blessed. After the lapse of a year, our second convention was.held in Greensboro where our most san guine expectations were seen to have been fulfilled. Fourteen associations were repre sented bf nearly two score of earnest, en thusiastic young men. Our meeting togeth er on that -occasion, was jdelightful in the extreme, and an impetus was given to the work .the full scopp of which cannot be de finitelv ascertained until the re-assembling of our association in convention at Sa'.is bury. ' ! Each regularly constituted association. will be allowed four delegates, but associa tions whose active membership includes any persons who arc not members of the Evan gelical church, are excluded by an article in the Constitution of the State Associa tion, from representation in the convention. places therejeonfes a sudden and unnatural J tegt; OVLt which lie considers tar more uemanii mr legai-icuuc.N va.., I ',,. ,a Gva i I 10 Hrpsident like Ithc ordinary outflow which is both ' - , J , r ! j . , ,.nW?i I toiu nun, in me cuucisttuuu uar un caused anq compensated by commercial j . ' , , ! , 1 i I l a 1 . A.. 1. ... r Ii 11 movements,! takes away currency to be em- iore yesieniay muu..uS,iU..Bru ployed in this systematic fraud until it gets sign it as soon as it was presented to iockcu up in ine iruasurj, aim umcoo "'uumj tnat ne naa saiu mis inucu ui greatest cap i inaeu, u-c """ the meeting ot the cabinet on tne gay a a - a.x..a, i . , unnnriiPfl l anii iraClIOn jeSUJllljS IH'UI mis uuuaiu.i -A.1.V. i . ' ... r V v.. ASWXA. W A A. UJU A AJ. A-A. all J rous would be the proposition of a tUingsin young 1eopie lrenL young man to his companion, while der themselve very imlolite : Loud they were promenading the pavement ,ai)ghter . ding When others arc iDiKwu ouuw . talkinfr: Guttinjr finser-na sin It 111 1 " I T fA. com nan v : lACaviuc meetmo Iwforn "Ah, come along, I say, and have :t :s CT0SC( . Whisnerinp- in meeting a pair of spectacles with me; I want Gazing at strangers ; leaving a stranger without a seat; A want i of. What if one of the company of reverence ' for superiors: Readii sunenors : Keauincr- taii . - i : a - - discreditable process will cause serious I . ? " ' r -Jf 4. tt imL'f I voans eentlemen on the street fihould ajoud comrianyithoot beineUsk-: ., i a i urj B1J i5, lillliJvi, ai.i . . I - r . 1 '" t trOUUie. .t-i . I ... . . I .. . I oH " KAfViivirior n uroconr willirttifr i ! This blunder on the part of Secretary in Congress which urges a relusai to . ' . , , T' V ". " ' " . " 4, , " ,L..J , :mlluiufjtf i 41. lll ;.. !th "Now boys, I want to set em up some manifestation of gratitude Mak-1 o Herman sitoum itv 1 ct.mcM imiutmami jj i,a!o . aji ihwia . - t . . , . 4 , , , , withdrawing tie certiiicatcs altogether.- 10,)e of compelling the President to for the crowd ; comeinand have a ing yourself topics of convention lie snouHi Know oy -tins umc mat . ib im possible tojpref ents wholesale disregard of the law and of his orders; and the futility of any attempt! to prevent the organized capital of tjhe untry from absorbing the profits of thesejlpales has leen fully demon strated. Anil another thiiig. as long as the certificates areil worth over 3 per cent, more than the legal-tenders demand for them the Government is robbing itself for the benefit of speculators 4nd bankers. W",T" -"-v " roT l:fvcs great creau lor n.s u .r- representative man from a comma .Tuica,f eueram lVu ing cSorts t.ojmiia up aorougn noo.- , . thcre i$ no formai organization f olmrong.f wpurgnuuu: th ng exercises just over iuuy "? U-iU be received and accredited as a dele- WfVIvr. inf T gate on presentation of a certificate from mewjand; ,h in Au- that he g a ,neml)er in -.i.i'J ! .. a4 . '"-a.-- .ItStT'i-''. .. " . . . . . -I KWU u """"'6' " - ru vv pnFHUHc,uo uieiiwiiiwMj io. A-uii- f.ounnp jaaics prescDi aitipus oft tlie -r children of uieu, both, in a j Tst week, as afin hope ot compelling tne rrcsuieui 10 v w.wi, -- ., "b f r . . .. , accede to their demands as to the chroraoor bracket, or something with Jpkiugothers in company ; Correcting riders, is composed almost entirely of me !" ojder persons than yourself; especially the Northern Democrats. The South- let which would be more vaiuaoie ypur parents; lo commcuce talking ern:elemenr inclines to the opinion to a mau and his family, chromos, Ajcfore others are through -- Answcs that it would be unwise to adopt this brackets, and even spectacles, or li- i,,g questions when put to others. ; i... .1. ka isnnh- I niior enous'ii lo maivu niiu uiuun. , i ; : : courae, ,ioi me reuou mat tut- inru- i o - ; i;m, Wmihl lv, nhln to train gome- It is a lamentable fact that "treat- j i.l..... . i. k : I il lining at the North at least by their ing" s accustom as pureiy aiuiuu . i .at. ' tu- i I oa if la riiinnus in its effects. And I J n Heal church. L We earnestly desire that every association in the state shall send at least one delegate. Let us come together, brethren, earnestly desiring to promote the ! welfare of young men, and with ardent zenl for the honor bf the Master, and his bless ings will, surely crown our efforts. Our aflnounced, the commence- I ipiritnal .ud temporal pointinYryie; C. Cllege took placc. iteadlaws. All ill attmit-thaVthegoV- niou 0rt the 18th. It was one of his hap- ?rnmeot ias gpoaoughbefbrc the war picst efforts, and the appreciation of the ykea We had iw-anich laws, avoDfliTy an conrrejation was1 fully shown by the close ttenmtion. of aiverv small amount of her- tfntinn nnid dtirfncr the! discourse. Soiial: iiriiiiiirt.vJV- TTipV ni-e thn iustiLMtttrs i nn Tiwulftv. h literarv contest between int&pjiufte the societies occurred. The representative fctnsceindkuow -thisWliythenton- speakers were D. II. Wadsworth, G. W. tnuuq taem. m; lorceT .lney are uat a Daywalt, antl u. A. Kose oi me j-i-oigma- tched job, at best; and have ever been phi society, and C. G. Ileilig, D. E." Hed- llielmost direct conflict witlrthe time- rick,nd J;ll. ox of the Philalaithean. Iwd minciDli of constitutional law. The young gentlemen acuiUed themselves jrimrrefTOspectiU applicatioiiicing now very creditjd)lyj and hate received much estopped by the decision of bnrhighest 1 praise. lor tneir euons ironi " " ni;.. i. i , a .i ... - I Kn'.Ti . .T?.v J j A.' Linn delivered the IWIIUUII I I llllll II' I" lT. !l I I .III m-m -1MB I I'll wi J&arcn Hud StatJii comlune i to puttheni AhmUdss Tuesday afternoon, x &tm i .a J i' a..i-. i if... I. YtJio Snmnr t'irMes. and the address to -u. .iA;t Biinisierejw uie gwsjici oi cv--pv - . i that tne committee oi arrangemcuw m dcnoniiuation tell tlieir congregations the literary society, oy ir. waven oi inu- bQr may provide for their, entertain ?tlf A.r.L, i -i Iff vPnl!(rn. tcmklnlaceh Wednesday. It I v - rtliee$t uieL ill; atdUlVa v tliy V. C's. first visit to our village and fletMmhu thv cloakiksoaiMf many;irf oOr ,pfiad I never, heard him Speaker Randall tells his friend hat Congress! will sit until tlie 1st of ninffattne ixonu at icasv i mcu - i , , ; ,,f t, . , -. j i fe - , rv.. i . I aa : ia r.iinnna in its effects. And July, and the Speaker s friends say, ''iwi.lAtWind bankers. cry o revolution. iue jugivui s- - -. . . A; : v i i speculators anu oanKer. e, J t"i xr i with thi as manv other iniuri- that he encourages a prolonged ses- We are disposed to credit Secretary Sher: qUeiiee of this, Judge Mackey argues, yet, with this, as many ouier lujun , e, i & ... i i . ii At,s 1 ... . .. wwt.tio towwn.v(wl sion. and holds that the -Army. Ap- man with nonest anu oencvoiem Would be to stop the wheels oi gov- ous piutiitra, PT.w..Wj,...- , , - . advocating anci securing the issue of these I w .ntirplv rlo-e all the debark knowledge their evil influence and propriation bill ought not to bepassv certificate,!; bu at the same time it would disband the army and call in power, but will not abandon or con- ed and that (the struggte with tho rtlJf hrtlwns endeavorinsr to score a ments, tllSDailU tne army, anil caii f , XpnVtUnt nnht -in lw mnd a nrn. .X.., nb. Prudential the national ships of war from the demn them oecause uiey UP u ."n'i," ,1 " . ' ,7,' i'' wutim rr - . , Ae,0 UnrAlv nliurvpd bv those who oouncea ana outer as possiaie. i-ii'l-A i. ..1 ,:ti. n-ctnnni . k ..... Tkn nntno! PAiciilt ho nl fi i n I customs larffd V Ouberv eu uy uioai, W 1JU , . r rn r tniift ki iinr mo uiiusuu o.ui.v. 1 1 1 11 peas. aii uliuui v i . w - - . . j .j- 0 - - .. .. Should this appendage to his financial plan W0U1J be that Northern Republican be still adhered to as forming a part of the it i- : M offijr to furnish the whole, wejapprehend that when the trouble ffnlWnment. and uiaii o would then cry out that they had j saved the republic. He represents Senators Hampton Tho have the name of being generous and Speaker has a good deal of influence i i .i . I 1 I in frfA Honspl whmh. rivp his nmn- breaks, aslbreak it will, his popularity will take wings and vanish. Ral. Rett. shunned by the stingy, hard-fisted W the Honse which, gives his lous ana wishes importance. class. Ycto dumber Three. Senijtor jTance at Lynehburg S SenatorjVance spoke to a large audience A summary of the message which Mh. Tjii4bman -a'd the Ohio QovernorsHip. Wellington-J- d i s- patches to the New York andCinciu- nd Butler as favoring the policy of Mr Hayes gent .to C011gress y ester- j,ati papers assert quite positively that ... iJ....i 'a1.-... f..;- of T vnliliiir(r n-iucimr t!l il nnrniirint ioll bills. ! and I i . I i-il.-i l.J Ill : at ine annual ;;iuum.i.u - -j e ru,-,",'b ---- n t i aay in reiuriiiugio inai uuuy uusijjucu i ine irienci.s c ! W lnrHiv. The renort of the Xeirt. of pynrpsincr tho oninioil that theLi " i' : A I I t jj r. i -v ( j o ine legisiaiive, ciecuiiv that city, jives the following : Democrats have nothing to fear in appropr;ation bill, is to -After die conclusion of Col. Maryo sad- , , with their 4 ' , Senator Tliurman have ve and judicial j determined to press him for the Deinb- 1 Salisbury brethren have I extended to us a dress, Senator !Z. B. Vance wayescorted to & o cordial invitation, and delegates will re- 1 1 j,e 8tand Iby the following named gentle- reconl. iiien: Hon. K,1E. Withers, Uen. J. Aany, Walker. Hon. Thomas be seen in our ceive a generous welcome tb the hospitali ties jof that city. We will make application to the railroad authorities in the State for special rates, and information concerning the same will be given by the secretary, as soon as arrange ments are made. ! - We trust the various associations will elect delegates at once and notify the Se cretary, T. M, Pittman, Charlotte, N. C, so that the committee of arrangements at Sahs- Hon. Jarhes ;;A. Whitehead, D. A. L Clark, and Messrs. C. W. Button, John W. Carroll, T. C. S. Fer guson an E. 1. Goggin. "Senatqr Varicc was introduced oy um. Mr. Hayes' trouble, he thinks, is that he is under he control of the worst element of this party, -and has stiusrsled with his conscience against the party necessity. He has been cratic nomination ior viovernor oi at-arms John u. recognized as Sen- telegragphic columns this morning, phloi. Scrgeant-s This messa ire. like the others, is mere- friioirmson. who is 0 , . - , . j 1 j , . ly a campaign document, and even as at0r Thnrman's-right-hand man, is such, will not carry much weight with represented as expressing tfie opinion mcnt. A full programme of the convention, an- neara mm i ....u...; anhipct for wiui imic uiv j'ai . uiov , .suu i - - -. l - I 111111 iii'iii' i no ti uci v av - - rtttttliL Iwl ...J .....t. ;Aimi;Jtc betoreinirepbtatipn however, had led ...:n u t u . f-w r fet if sued at ithk law. tl.ev shoiihl in an it sltitlk' awaJrV and! hid'tWr "coat isusejs to tell Worth t jronnians .. to ;W' Vesent and address the ,rWUiebe:fttinlil: tor tl,ft ,liphnrirMf luai 1U i4"'r " 'iJ ' 7'r a. a , -f . a- v 1 convention, that his duties did not I to remain with us longer. 1 1 Fraternally, L H. Foust, Chairman. Uiwr;detW ILeJ hem iwarp lthe debtor M3c re-? X 'snWiif "tlLt l.l.:ii!;-iAjsi.?;r.'l nermit4he Dr. ifcvl!ir :t ! .lL?i .:. V - a ai. The exercises were enlivened with music 4 -"-"l"1 uiij ejiruuy noinesieau, iu vow i - i i., 1 a t. -i w j mT o their1 eili ti i,v thWdebtr by the."Mt:'PleaSantA(Jornet Band," a band : Wi able tri live comfortably- xther- Uhat owes all of it. pnncency to the caretul iftbar ito thenjoymentof that and aecurateUaimng of ro . v. ti jneare !n.j.:?' . :il .. . r . .. -I cailirV snffif.ient testimonv that the i "vuitaa ol mi it vcrwhicn -lies in ute j v'xt " r:"; j i i - " i' .! i J f .' -i .. ' I miicii wn PTrellent t I . . pri '1 -I-! ClnrAnn r'oiaa ueius bcVond the trrave.-v ? T L - . - ; I . j. . Wtrongiy. -jne arrawta v ' uu,Ufc"' !! r -.1 is t l . v I v nntir.e m our community a party 011 . fv every; school-teacher, anu 4 every 1 ; t a- i.- . ijNewxoric, WiilbfU J. - . ' : Knrthern centlemcK recently come, who ! , . Tuosl iL PrrncAir, Sec State Ex. Com.r Foreign immigration is setting in again -teacher. and every . "v-------.. 1 wew 1 one, last wcck, v SiiiUrj'fc-. ;:t . - ., . 1 1 a: Korthern centlemch, recently come, noi ,. .- . . a f r wi aiamnv, . aaopc, some piau 01 1 -. . ! n,. lHe 8irauH,( 8tuw J Ji-1 ' 1i - ' . .. I nrn lrwikin &11CT minilli; IirullCI tj.. licit I .. .... . . a nuigpy example, lectures, nml other- 1 -;- - . ai1 c ... inatineimmigninis 1 ' .v . " , . - I: ..iftweprhnn in the State than thlftl , .. . . . w,;timrincinlesof honesty. That the " "i a u last week: were about 6,000 and they have advices ... " Ml ue this jweeK win this larsre number. The new wijirincipiesoi nonesiv. 1 uat iiie 1 . - '--..! . iJ.j u I c' cu y rUru;.I ..... 5..t..u h, for paying property of that kind, and it is emhnce .11 nationalities, but the Wmkthk iu. ,li."..;i,t hoped that the parties just alluded to w. l . .. G-illu predominate. et killer, i - iiii. iiiiiifniwhii niniicn 111 iinr iiiiii 11 ii 1 t. -. - -'4- r w- ? L v.rr r.nrnrirttpsneech. af- nursuuded to thuk I that the Demo . A. JJMtJ v J "J-J'.-r -.j--,---, , yht irlmppplpd to deliver h moKt Lrfl;n nnrtv in the i excellent Uddress, which from the first sen tence to the last, rivitcd the strictest atten tion, an4 elicited frequent bursts of ap plause, itn ateinpt to print an abstract of the snecci would do manifest injustice to the distinguished sjcaker, out we ecno mo opinion of all vho heard it wlicn we say that it wasconspicuuusij v...y..j -practical,! common sense address, full of u - f 1 1 Li sound locic. interspercea wiui ms cnaiau- teristic wit, and clothed in the most choice 1 Breaking up a Band of Thletes. w I;. -- i it. It docs not lie in the moutu oiJthat JUr. lhurman will ue. tne nonii- Mr. Hayes, least of all raen to make nee, an that war upon the system of tacking poli- tion no matter who the Republicans! tiral legislation unon appropriation mit no . , . . - o t .1 r in hi -Srtllll 1.4 lint 111 IK I I 1 - I... a.1 :.. f . uduu pai ijr in i-ii . o uuis since lie iia vuieu 111 vugii else than the old Confederate army i faV0r of this very thing, and it without the uniform ; that it is jfull- doesn't stand any Republican in hand fledged and ready to fly at the first Hayes nor any one else, to argue fair day. that supervision of elections is nec essary to maintain, their purity, see- ing that that party has never exercis- Qre whUe Thejr foral a gan ed this supervision in the past except s -a10 w beeni a ter- Nashville, Texn., May 25. Haifa score of robbers have been ar- languageJ Pijrhaps no'address on a similar ! .. AiJl : . t..n nirsn cn inmnlptn occasion m n wj " i' " i -!satisfacti4n, 4d delighted so many classes and condtion$ ot-people. There was some thine in ik to Inlease everybody, and even those whose expectations were highest, were more than satisfied. Speaking editorially of the address, the Jteittsaysi: Hthespeech of thisdistihguish ed gentleman; yesterday, at our fair, not only ! Senator Hampton, he says, will make his first speech in a lew days, j and will have a word to say about Con federate brigadiers. ; restckl at Mufreesboro -and are v. now, in jail. Some are colored and desper; ror to the neighborhood for a long i . : .' ..." m .' time. A great quantity ot jewelry: goods for the purpose of falsifying public I sentiment as expressed at the polls. Words. Professer Max Muller quotes j Upon this point Mr. Hayes's theory the statement of a clergyman that eonie of jg very excel!cnty as a theory, butf the the lasers in his parish had not 300 words . ! p,e kuow o teir what Jt in thiir vocabularv. A well-educated per- r , . . . in tneir vocaouo.. , Avheii put into practical opper- son seldom uses more than about 3,000 or j . . r ! ntion. 4 UUO WOraS in actual wuiumuuu, ... . nem tiuzciiiui tntit kvnu, iaaov! rate thinkers and close reasoners, who se-1 The veto develops nothing new. It of lynching are made. ..iti, n.dt nicptv thp words that ex- ..iritlf ifnMi nupr thi (rrniind traversal- :' . V " " I ire I. n mi ... j oiiaji h . ar.tlv lit their meaning, empioy uiutu , , i?phl can Senators and J . j VVI UJ ,MV . larger stock ; and eloquent speakers may j.,, in tieir discussions irito a command ot iu,uuu. jsuaKspeTe, , I : . . i . Ihia lull fll . ' .il i was! rccovereu. Among uie; was found an array revolver, i carry ing such a ball as was used in the assassination of Maj. Pugh, a promi. nent citizen jof that town, last week. "rto loziiiess anu uisnonesij , i , , i x&Jmr.. 'thafc uil i F 'L - , a i a ii they have invested. Weare ,; m l lafmcs 41 dishonesty -beget all r. 1 mm nd :liahouestv , beiret ail l " s. . - -i ; a. lortRisfU a 1 Jr- ' . ... . . . see enterprising men visiting our, wuiiiij, todi'fifi ow -v"-it make us feel that we are a factor m the .T.H StatN Laaess and dishon- nf thtt .woriaa t wealth. We wel- :J1 Howodi. itl.Pv nrri! H.w bliirht- v.. . . " !.-. 3."-:'J.. i : ; a.- A nrnnnrtinn nfT.nirlish is looked for I A A, IttltiI 11A w. "--3 succeed oace gumnierhan heretofore, owing to the always glad to ;r An..i Mra there. W IVAV IraCSVA iiiuuemHi 1 Birr Svstkmatic Jubt Packixc There nroduct ot ine :wons iwcauiu --ne 1 . .. . .... prouu v , : t . are some State courts where juries are occa Come men w no come oere-irora ihc wuiuii .. . .. . a ca "s i - come , : a I v?n11v nocked .bv corrunt country officials. IUIIOV - v " " f ' , . to de-1 hnt svstematic and lawmi jury-pacxing omj ml con I AKfB:no .n thn TWIpr&l pourts of the South the hocUt Tk7 r ' fi f-Vv def them among our greatest public uen- hl the Veto power to v uc pockets of burglars with falso keys, .fctori Let them continue to come, and J -"r M At- r Mmd i.rilf I etactors. fl ' tinne thJs ;,nfaraous wrong. 11 LL:r.w.; tn h!a JiparPtn. but cave general wow" -- , . to coramana oi iu,uuu. oiibkbic, - , - .... - . . was the cjccaslon of some brilliant hits in a j " diglaed a greater variety of egress- of this bill, and even as a campaign cross-fire jot wii, in won ii ocuatvr. , .. Drobablv any other writer in any aocuuieui n is uui RC7 w j.w.w and General J. A. Early took part. The i . n produced all his plays with about Verv efiective. DaiU Charlotte 0b- 15.000 words. "Milton's works arc built up' with 8,000, and the old testament says au it has to say with o,G42 different words. Governor! as tjur people call him, hai added to his hiib rebutation m this city, j j - - 'i . " . Rock Iill JItraU: Passengers from to wards Cliarldte report that on Monday af ternoon a most desstructice liailstorm I ' . . Al. C-A-A. swept actoRs the country, near ine fDiaic arson. I nmv thev always e succcssiui. i The Reporter says that on some of t,r .urnTnNAiu. -The term the i! ulautations a few miles west of A . i '- A .''A1' t I -'-.I penny as applied to nails is supposed, to oe (jiiester, the negroes, nave oeen seizeti men ork the .. . o . 1000.. Ac "'T' I swept across itiie countrj, v f .iw .. - .a 'minr in n 1 corrnntion - ot fwvna. inus FCU"J ,ith a relirious lervor Or ireilZV W I line, niieen nuivs t- o -r r r . i .. . -t--- . - . r terlv direction. It is said that the stones 'nails equals 4 R to the 1000 nans; o penDv vprv rcatlv with farm 'were nearly al large as hen eggs and that !eQnals 6n,to the 1000: 8 penny equals 8 lb . " r i i . . - :t a i...aa n.ro cntmif r-nt n , . . . . . in nip nrrxi'iiL uiaav wumiuvii v j wheat, corn anu 4 1M0. 10 penny equals 10 10 to uie - - - . .. :- i ti, 4Wlr of the stortn. whiclwas :l ine iw i j i . r T,. .v . inffum pitvto i!- :--. - , Most of us pass ourlives in regretting tho past, complaining of the present, and indul ging false holies of tire future, when it would ' be vastly better to cut a pole, dig sonic" biit; and go fishing. Oil City Derriel. The Bjoh.Sobt. pF..llA3r.Thj8' ?Ticin ity of Port Belknap swarms with Bioux. A man nameti Lloyd, while camped-twenty-milqs from the post, was attacked by fifteen warriors.' He scooped out a rifle pit wjth T his hands, and- after a desperate fight of . twof hours' duratioa iu which three Indians were killed, the intrepid white man suc ceeded ih driving off his assailants. Lloyd had1 but three cartridges left when the ar aei abandoned their attack. - ! , ' t i-.i i v 4 -.- i i ;1 it i !H" Hi ; j r .TiJ i If f : A -i V ':h : It : m : o 7 - v Wl uo l Hinuu ni.ll lllv.1 4 ..- , ' 1 1 A ! I 1 i . - I i S . ' 6r i n v. I taC. It Lai, Stakxs. ic custom tor tuc last, ici i ."I t - r--' .r-.- - ; ! L-'i ir- v-. -: . ; , T; f -; :A-: : - k-: . ri ! - w.:;.;v:k.?.. - ;V...-v

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