il & 'i 3 I. I Li Watchman Carolina , -,ut!iiMAY. JUNE in, 1870, .1.9 Henting in regard to the veto bnifMM i sign me apr. lirfcitloo bill i'nr i fisi"S n.-It I- fc.mwtt. when Coiigres wilt ad- I jonrn; Tho two jiartiwi are very jealona 1 of Vach other; timl eem to be more intent on! making poMtfctf capital for , the next I cairtjiMijro fhnn .iu the p4:rforniance of their 1 .viyn !tW.-A. lit-w fcri has conie into I W Gently m" tL votf-tlie I x94lu! lMMmr "the Hnye boom j "veto iMKim ic, &c.-'ihe wgna tndi 'f rate thai HayV U losing ground with all 1 haje of li own party, the wore ultra holding him in coutept for the use tbey ! have made of him. since all thejr efforts 3 to put the DemiM-ratu inn falae position ! aeej" likvty to fail Theft b a ,iac if Redaction and itir tier jrUt iw exciting .the people and en gaging tho courts io Atlanta,, OeoffiU A young! vrptunu, well rawed, married ; and aftwr. iiiiiirirtge waismluced, or went ill with h il ot he r ui a n to 1 t.1. r iliaremitc. Her husband fonud I I . . r. i ... . . Wr and to him he told a story J eac tiou ftBt ho,: tilling tti fwcal Re idtttpr, htan4 fcjUt him. Tue cane in icottrt 1U brought out witneaae who testify that the lady, lefbre marriage had ofteu lieeii weq out of night' alouo with yoiiug wen under circumstances of a , uNpieioiiK nature; and when these young I men were questioned they admitted much, and refused to nnawcr qnentious implicating' themselves. And soj from liri'seht peafanceH, the case is likely to jtarn out! against the character of the lady, which imt worth the life of the man laiu, and kIic should heilf have died with 4iim. Young, ladie who keep company with Yoiinir men nmler circumstancca admitting of doubt, are subjecting them selves ti Mispicion, and are disarming their fiieudu should trouble come. Kxpmksiox. There was a dangerous and destructive explosion occurred Satur day last at thehead if the Western Kail road. -Anegro hand who came out of the tuunJ .with his light, entered the powder hmiseftaking with him his light, rather than leave it outside fearing some one. Willi lie was iu, migut come aiong auu carry it off. AVhile in the house, fire dropped from his light on to some kero- sene; which flashed up, of course, aud in i an instjint the contents of the house was I tx A blaze. t Thn torch bearer escaped, but t HUUIlin IUU 111 lliv .llillllj niH ..uw or I fortunate. His clothes took tire before J he could get out. and he was probably i fatally bnrneil. The room contained a j quantity of nitm glycerine, four kegs of jj powdvr, and a quantity of kerosene. . An ' explosion took place in a little white, I which tore, the house into fragments, but I no life ensued. ? Since the above wis written we learn . j that the poor fellow set on tire has died. ' I lie was' drawing oil, and the man holding tW light by careless handling set tire to . I it, aud escaped. Two cars of small value j were nearly destroved, but as thev were ; necessary to the convenient pperation of . I Jhe road will have to lie rebuilt soon. The State then abandoned the ease and Judge Fowle asked for the discharge of iijeTnsjimer,! auu cuaracienzeu tne at-. 4mpt to criminate Mrs. Pierce as the immt Nttrocioiicr thing that had ever come under his notice. He also requested that Chauey Utley, Grace Hurke and Anthony Hurke be bound over tor perjury. The ourt acceded to the 'requests, faxed the informer with costs of the pro feeding and fixed the bonds of the ac Cuseii at $500 each. The decision- wjw received with ap pjaus. lialeigh AVirr - - j This was the termination of a case brough t In-fore Justice Rarbt'e, Ttf Wake, wherein a Mrs. Pierce was acchesed bv thrrc nero servants of having given birth tol twins and killed aud liuried them. It was shown before the Court bv the family physician aud others, that Mrs; Pierce had had a premature birth of twin children of four months, xvhof remaius wero exhibited to confute the j jdaoderers. : , f Boat Racing is almost unknown to people living in the interior of the c)nn- try; bnt in tjie coast towns of thjs and other countries, it is a fioptjlar epprf, and I..' . --?: i o nm oi money are often faked on f roof this kind. The boats ate nroH ' race ielUd atp nn pelled by oars. A race was recently I I f,adp ,n Englaml between Hanlon, a Can r Aian hnd Elliott, a brawny English- wab; who was tho recognized champion fower of the realm. But Haiilou beat I f?11 ,witl et thex stakes which amounted to a Rirge ani, aud gaining hf:I,HlM'4nfi nianj tliousands of rMple whocarneto witness the contest. Tle1'wl njed iu such races is a mile r '-. a fmni to 8 minutes. ' The N. V. Times condepscs reportfi'orj f r'Miff MftMj5 J!?, ncU we learq er has Utii" a large increase in the jjitanjity of wines, beer and hraifdy cou Miilueti iiijthe last year as cpm pared wth former rate. And the effect of it baa been tq jdmw a close connection between' hlcohnl ilth, and vice, accidents, yioleiit tleatjjs and ciime. The health of the vmiple most fciveU to drink. Out bpvp inpiiiredj liy it, t viee nujl tcime igore aboniiditig, accidentK and vjplen deaths jmre fri)tieiit. " 1 ,Th" Oxford Torchlight has told pie prei . i I j xntuui r Miake ftory for this reason, at i I )eastl: There is not iiing left for other editors W this line but to go tp l5eanfort on the 2nd July, discover the sea serpent and ee a ifall jriggU s'hip'nf tlie line with roWs flying sail down its throat. : ft' I BAPE,iuAlEJt, AXD LY5C1I LAW. Marv VolWar1, ft ' woman of respectability hut ior, ' going to yisit rt" uiicte lit Spartanlmrgo.., . C. about two weeks ago, and stopped a Jhe house of one J. iJ. MOore, W inquire u. roa4, Mr. More offered to show her a L-.... ...! TurJdtd-iu coins with lit )t r nu. iiu" ;....--- w her. That was the last eVtT iW of pior Marv alive. Her dead turfy was fouutl in tltM V IHHIX ClClill IS. - ;-- . Iter throat wasWut and tht r was a pist l ....... i" ;.. th! lirKii.;t I Tho ' dreadful crimes of Ripe and murder bad evidently nuuuu a Wn !teriH'trated. Mooro was suapect- ed of it. Jlo was well Known io ue ua mail. ! Moore's wife told of the girl being at her hoHse, of giving her iliuner, of her linslMnd coing to show her the ruaO, aud i) his return without his vest and shoes. Link by link the evidence nguiusJ Moore t, uii. until tinaily tne eaaiu was comt leteV ! Then tho pejit up inrti daf ion of the community broke out, and the neolrie collected in a great uiob and went in a WhU to the jail to demand the i.risoner. The! Sheriff hail heard of their ;i.f nnd niit the iirisoner iuto the t ' rr - . hands of a guard to Jake him outui reach. Uut tho jjuand 'were intercepted A di pr: ticr : a ir t .ra their. The mob Uok hlin back to town and gave public notice I of his execution to take place at the scene or his crime, and there he was taken and hung until he was dead.! All the parties in this dreadful affair were white people. The Burko Blade misapprehends us if it supposes we are anxious about the can didate for Goi ernor. We are "coustitm tionally" consermtive unci opposed to changes, audagitaitioiisforchauges, wheji the incumbent is the choice of the people, an honest man, discharges his duty faith fully aud well, whether he be a Governor, CongressmaUp Sheriff or Clerk. We are Kutisfied thus far with Gov. Jarrisjaud the only consideration that would induce us to prefer! another as a candidate tor the next electiou would turn on the ques tion of ability to sustain the supremacy oftfie Democratic party In the State, aud this we are quite willing to submit to tho decision of a duly constituted State con vention. Th;e referllcewe have made to Maj Robbius was general. We regard him as one of the most available men iu the State! wheu the work to be done is weigh - ty and tho risk great. This opinion is not limited to thjs Congressional District, but we believe is generality admitted through out tlie State. Tho Blade will allow us j to say this uiuch without understanding us us nominating a candidate for Gov- eruor. v e make uo nomination. Take a Good, Sober Look at It. Just about this time, when the power and patronage of the administration is being exerted to secure the nomination of John Sherman as tlie Radical candidate for President, it would be fell for Hayes and Sherman to hunt up that civil service order of His Frattdlency, and take a good, sober look at it. The order reads : y "Executive Mansion, Washington, June -Sir: I desire to call your at tention to the following paragraph in a letter addiessed me by the Secretary of the Treasury ou the conduct to be observed by "officers of General Government in re lation to the elections: "No officer shall be required or permitted to take part in the management of political organizations, caucuses or election campaigns. Their right to vote and to express their views ou public questions, either orally or thro' the press, is not denied, provided it does not in:erfere with the discharge oft heir official duties. No assessment for political purjKses on; officers or sulM)rdinatea shall be allowed." This rule is applicable to every department of the civil service. It shou til be umlerstK)4l by every officer of the" General Government that he is ex pected to conform his conduct to its re quirements. ' . ' , "Very respectfullv, V "R. B. Hayes." Foster's stntcmeu to the Ohio stalwarts that he hud ;leen coavinced qf the failure Hayes1 Southern policy to accomplish its object, and that he and Hayes had prac tically repudiated it, is practically a con fession tlmt because it had failed to Re publicans the South, it had been aban doned. Some people had supposed that nr higher and purer motive prompted Hayes' Southern policy, The Virginia State Senate has refused to enact the bill making it felony to con r nrit ah asstiijlt with a cowhjde. The bill tixed the pepalfy at ijot less than live nor more than ten years in the State Prisqn, togettier with a fine not exceeding $510. Ony one St uat or spoke jn opposition to the measure, which tras nevertheless ta bled by ;f, ypt of 12 to 10. Another riiER . Ixvextiox. Mr. Ellison u alter, of h tee 1 Creelj tqwnship, this r, of hteel Creek township. couuty, received by yesterday uiornius mail letters-patent for an improvment whicl he has recently made in steam enginjea. Mr. Walkf is the iuveutor of tho Walker leather brush for cotton irifts, wnicji ne nas been so.generally intrisluc- ed antl which has nccpiired soph wider spread popularity. The exact nature of Mr. Walker's latest itiventiou cannot be fully explained here. It is enough, at firesehf, that he claims that his engine which can uo useu for all purposes, to which any other stationary engiue can be applied, dan be boilt at from 15 to 20 per cent, less cost than any other engine en pableiof the same work and will furnish 15 per ccutj wore poiver than any qth- er engiue unug the same amount of fit el. MrJ Walker is an injfenious and a thoronghly jpictical man and tlioae who are lest acinniute.d with his previous fq- vcntions have no doubt of the thorough ntr.itr of this. Cl,ari Obserrer. STRANGE MURDER IX XEW YORK. An Old Lady found iW in Her lied. V T?iMtt7 fyM7 in7 " 7fVui yittyf JTeA Trunk RohUd. ! - 4- New Yokk, June . 1 1,--Mrs. Jane L. D. F. Hull, ngtkl 53, wife of DrfA. Graiir disou Hull, was found dead in her - bed at 140 West ! IForty -second streeffwthis r.iorning. Her hands aud jfeet were tietl. She was blindfolded, n g:jg was in her mouth, aud hit trunk at the side of her bed was open jaud iiflel its contents. Mrs. Hull retired at the usual hour last evening, and iio disturbance was heard duiiug the uight. 1 his inomiug one of the servants went to Mrs. lluU's door , to call her bjaj; j-juceiving no resptuiif centered and discovered her lying-dead on her back iu the bed in a! ftemi-irude condition, one foot bound to iither rail othe 'bed, her bauds bound devoss her breast j and tied a; the elbowsi A piece sheeting w straiped urouipd her neck ;aud uciomi her mouth, and it was evident that ner death resulted fro in strangulation. On the ImmIv wtre found several contusion land slight wounds received in the seurae with v the assissius.) The murderer cut two rings from he:: fingers, oiie coutiiining a large diamond aud the other a costly em erald. No due to the ierietrators ot the murder could be obtained. New YoikU June 12. No arrests have yet been niadri iu the Forty ss?coud street murder easel there Wing uU evidence agaiust auy oili'. Full aud coul-isu ht tic meuts from every lufuiber cf the house hold will be taken as to knowledge of the existing feel in r bi-tweeu themselves unu Mrs. Hull. It; is thought tie murder and robbery was an "iuside job." Wants a Southern Ora or. UTiat n Clergyman thinks of Our Propo etttoh. , Springield (Mass.) KopubUoan. I have liked your recent. 'utterances on Southern matters. 1 feel jtist as certain that Jthe great IhkI' of the 8tiitherii pro ide are loval to our ";oveiumeut, ant have no thought of reht-iiion, as 1 do tha I am acquainted with my neighluirs. 1 lelieve, too, that -they are disposed to treat the colored people) fairly. When the blacks are abused I am fclad thete is an exodus till the whites, who need tiieui, learn to protectvthem. 1 lielieve General Armstrong's ! recent letter is the exact truth, and I a n glad he has written it. 1 believe revival of sectioual hate which the politician? seem to have instigated is a madness, pestileut and wicked. I like your suggestions of a Southern man f r oratt.r for the 4th f July. I should like to hear Gov. Vauce. I once hsud him uive a lecture ou- the Mountain i of Nortli Carol iii i, among which he was Uj. n, arid I have ever remembered it as one ot the pleasautest hours of my lite. 1 have heard him ou other themes. He is a very brilliant man. I lielieve as Governor 4)1 North Carolina he has sought the good ot all the people He is the idol of his native State, and the invitatiou to him or some such man to cinuo to Spriugtield wthild, 1 believe, iu tin present state of affairs, do good. Hexkv 1$. Hlake. Wett Spring field, June b ld?l. A correspondent of the Raleigh Air, writing of the late U. S. Court which met in Charlotte, nays: - BILLS OF INFORMATION, SO- INDICTMENTS. - In conversi ng with quite a prominent lawyer from the central section of tin State we weru amazed to learn' what a star chamber existed in our midst, aud to what extent the liberty of its citizens were subje'eted to by the caprice or malice ol one of these district attorneys, or instiga ted by others. Under the present law it seems that air; one can be arrested upon a whtten complaint, or "bill of informa tion" as it is styled, tried .before a judge without jury and sentenced to Albanv piison with no redress save habeas corpus, when two to one, the new Jeniies to whom you apply will howl the same opiuiou as the seutenciug judge. CONGRESSMAN ARM FIELD has, we learn, introduced a bill in the House to repeal this iniquitous statute, aud m the name of libertv everv treeman should wish for its earlv passage. ..Among the incidents of the- court was one of these information bills (rather in fernal) binding a poor fanner, from Union county, over iu a ?!5l)0 Umd tor selling; one plug of tobacco. He was a witness ' agaiust a counterfeiter who informed.! Tue statute states that it must be. made, by a deputy marshal. No matter, the farmer was jailed all the same, and only able to give bail to-day. Poor fellow I but then the grasshoppers and the gang must snatch up all inconsiderate t t itles in the wav of costs. Lincoln and Fighting Democrats. Gen. Steedman's Speech In Ohio Conveotlon. I make auother stoitemeut here to-dajj is a livmr witness in tha who was present wheu MrJ Liucoln made the titterauce. The first time I ever saw him was after the battle of Chickamauga, when 1 wua ordered b telegraph to ivport in person to hi in. 1 went up and (billed upon him, aud James: M. Ashley, who is living, heard the con -j versatlnu. Mr. Liucoln took nielry the hand, greet-! iug me very warmly, aud told me lie was! glad to see me. Still holding mo bv thei! Iiaud he said to Mr. Asnley : "Brother; Ashley, what would h;.ye become of us iu this war had it not been for the righting Democrats from tlie North and West?" Prolonged applause. j With a shrug of the shoulders. Mr. Ashley said : j Mr. Lincoln, I don't know - j! Mr. Lincoln replied: "I believe our, rebel friends! won. d have their tiiig rloat4 in at the Caiiiuil, sir." Applause. i He sitid; jr'i'he truth is, brother Ash4 ley, that our party is made up, to Rome extent, of the religious aud syin pathetic j and they don't make tirbt-cjas. Mildiers.'t Laughter and applause. .i. 11 . ! - Davidson College is t lx conjmended for its refusal, at the recent com tuence-r ment, to distribute around the cttstomaryj degrees. Thps has become a stencil iu the nostrils of the people. Not that it is not well enough of itself, but it abuse! has brought it into conteiiipt. Charlotie Ubserrert The Cincinnati Enquirer. iay the Ohioi Petuocrntic platform vtm written by Mri Tharman bjriiself, ant adopted by tliej convention vfitliont clmncinjr a won! ot it. : ; A Child Gored crj a Ox and Scbsf feUESTLY RCS OVEK AND KlLLED.f-Iufb mat ion was received here to-day ofa horri Ide K-currence a few 4lays ago, in Henrico bounty, resulting in ttadeatb ofa little hjr 4X s.. Alii RMti Jmn . flf I S V 1 - t . - Spiller, of the MethotUst uiuiitii. j Aer y" -.iujc w r, . ,r Li..' .i.. " .i.i.r rat(.r uun State, who ridet within the limit of te . . V ... I ened iu hauliUg niauUre from the uam 1 yard Ut the fielu with iu ox team, ami . v V r V .. -T . uh i ha wd in (Iia rwirot tlltl WillTlMl I Tf y-:V i t T '4--: f.r.t i14fio tlewid Brit day ot April, n re nereny noil loading, the child went in trout of the. , 1J.7n.L.;jsoJ.ii.i. "avinft;. n . TO i 1 U6rt th 30tk dsy ofjane.j a list of their hiiudicerchief. Tho ox, seeing tins lie- pw,u IM ixUe pYorty as assessed for camo excited und njaddened, and uasheil la at the little fellow ami gored , him. The father ran around to the front to rescue his cltjld from the infuriated animal,' but iKffoie he reached him the ox brokiw and ranv trampling the child nnder its feet, J and i turning suddenly in another dircc- tioriL brought the child directly tinder the track oft lie cart wheels, which passed over him and crushed him' to' death.-4 :Il chmond State. MAUKF.TS. New York. June 10 Cotton, nnlands, 1245: Oiltaus. lt. Cuba aud Muscovado iuigar G ; ginnl rcfiniiig,G 5-1G. Cu ba molasses, 4i. Lttrtl, b.4J.4JT l- fee,!Rio, 1U1U. CixctxxATt, June 10 Uacon, siiouid- iersj 4 J ; clear Bides, 5J0&51 ; lard (i.15. Y Raleigh, dune 1 Flour,. G.ti.25; Corn,G0G3; Bacon (N. IV), lng round. SC(f 9 ; bulk meats (Wesferu), 5i ; ?5U- gar; white, HJ(gU ; Oats, 4oioU. urr$ Otter, 5.00 ; Mink, .75 ; Fox, .90 ; Coon, La:? Muskrat, .10; Rabbit, .'.i. i BINGHAM SCHOOL, 1- f MKUANEVILLE, N. C. The 171st Session begins July 30, 1879. Arrangements have been made hy which a limited ihi of you ii iihmi with small mean can Alts" t 6 per nmiith. Board, with famished room. Reduced i to $12 per month; Tuition to S50 per ir S3S3l0n. Iiir narticiilnrn addres ! 35:1m Maj. R. CINGHAM. ! PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE fsJAGHIHERY! At tlte Court Houe in Saliury, on the Hih day f July next. I will ell One Steam Kn vine and Boiler with all the Machinery at tached. Also a Saw Mill and Crist Mill with UU the m ichin-ry attached; ii htinj? the jiro peflv conveyed to me hy John Beard and Kl Init B. I''l hv iurts?e dulv reitered in l lie Refrintrr': l5ee of Kowaii County, in Book Nu. 47, pa-e 3 )1. fir Perm of sale CASH. LUKE BLACK MLH, Tius) June 10. 18"9 Cw To Samuel Xorris, a hoh resident, Jr fondant: Ion trill take notice that the fol lowing Summon ha been issued against Davidson County in tsupanor Uonrt Daniel E. Sickles "j i t'laiiitirF, Againut ) Summons for Relief. aninel Norris :i- Defends it. j STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Tck the Sheriff of K;miol.i ui.iy iireetlng. You are herehy eniiiianlel toniimtuoii Sam uel Norri:, thetirlt-mlaiit iiaiiu d. if he be found within your county, to he and appear be uHe the Jude of our Superior ewtirt, .-t A court tu he held for thecountyofDavidson a the court noiixe in Lexiniitoii, on the 6th .Monday afiei h4tl Monday of Man h, ISTO.and nswerthe complaint which will he tlepositid in the office of the clerk ofthe Supt rior court for said county within ihe ihree tirnt ilaysufsaid Tenii, and Ifi (hen-iitl (lefeixint take notice that if he fail ti mwer the-aid complaint within that time, tht rjaintifl will apply to the iurt for ihe reliel demanded in the complaint. Herein fail not, and of thi summons make hie return. lOiveti nnder my hind and the Bal of sai' cridrt. this the 17tli lay of April, IS79i St C. F. Lowe, Clerk of tlie Superior Court ot Davidson County. And you will also take notice that at the same liinea warrant of attachment was issued against your property for the sum of two thousand ioumi and interest thereon from March 2'JSd, 1$77, and due hy prtnnisory note. Said wurrant of attachment w returnable at said term of the aforesaid court, when and wheieyon cart appear, if vou think proper. C. E. Lowe, Clerk Superior Crart Davidson County JKO. II. WELBOKN, nil's Ally. 31tOI To Samuel Xorris, a non-residentvthe tie fendant: Take notice that the following sum mo ns has been issued against yon : Davidso 1 County-In Snpsrior Oourt. Jno. M. Phillips, j Pluintiil", I ; Against Summons for Relief. Samuel orris, Pcfenilant." J STATE OF NORTH CAE0LINA, To the Sheriff of Randolph Countv Greet ing. You are hereby commanded to suni nlons Samuel Norris the defendant almve niaied, if he- he tound within your County, to be and appear lefore the Judge f purSupcrior -Court, at a Court totcjield for the Countv of Davidson at the Court House in Lexington on the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday of March, 1879, am answer the complaint which will Iks deposi ted in the office ofthe Clerk of the Superi or Court for said countv, within the 3 tirt dai s of said term, and let the paid defend ant take notice that if he fail to answer th unit! complaint within that time, the plain titf will applv to the Court for the relief de mahded in the co niilaint. Herein fail not and of this summons make due return, i Given nnder mv hand and the seal of said Court, this 17th, day of April, 1879. C. F. LOWE, Clerk Sup. Court of Davidson County. i And you will also take no ice, that at the same time a Warrant ot Attachment va is sued against your property in favor of sSrl plaintiff and against you for the sum of Scv entcen Hundred and Fifty Dollars; with in tortst thereon from 2lst of October, 1878, And due by promisory notes. Said warrant of attachment is returnable to the aforesaid term of the aforesaid court, when and where jou can appear if you think proper. : 1 C. F. Lowe, C. 8. C. j. II. Welbsrn, - Davidson County. I Ptff. Atty, 3l:0w NATIONAL HOTEL, i Cortlandt Street, 'xea'u Broadway, ( NEW YORK. jHOTCHRlSS & POND, Pro mmetors. ; 1 On The European Plan. j- The restaurant, cafe anl hinch room attach ed.iare unMiirpHMd lor cUfHpnei" und :xrl leuce of service. Room 6( t. n $2 nVrday $3 io 10 per week. Coii,?nienl lo all fcrrie nd city railroad. New Fornitxire, Hew Management, 13: ly.. yQW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN NOTICE To Town 'III I. ! . .a V t t hp ' v mtj "rr-- i - - - . .y rr . libwMl f ntruifil nrmtertv witlilil Saul ToWrt. " T -' ! 7 . . - .. . . . The ul.w.k will le closed on the 30th ,j f June, and all perns failing to list iheic.,nll or property by that time, will hate to pay a double tax a required by Sec X the Towu Cliarter. B. F. ROGERS, C.B. C.; June 4tbt 1879. KOTIGiE! NORTH CAROLINA R. R. COMPANY. Secuetahy and TrkassirebOfficf, ;' Co.mtaw Snot's. N. C. MAY3l8t, 1879.T -The thirtieth anmtal meeting of the Stock bolder of the North Carolina Railroad Com pany, will be held in Cburlotte, N. C, on tbc second Thursditv of July. 1879 : and the trans ferlxxtkaof Suck of :itI Company, will be cloxeU from this date, until after the meeunjf. V. L. TltORNBCKfi, J 33 41 Sec'y.. C. K. U. Co. FOR SALE! :-o : : A ti()OD SWEEPSTAKES THRESHER : i And HorS2-Powcr; All complete and in Goul Order.' Kir pjtrti. ulari apply lo JNO. B KLiilvS, or 1. H. MAH ALY, 32: It Salisbury, N. C. Chew Jacksun's Best Svreet Navy Tohacx US TKT BRAND. BSST IS THE WORLD, And better M any Saleratos, One teaspoinfnl of this SMla used with sour milk equals rottr tenspoonstuiH : of the U'st Baking Powder, sav ' ing Twenty Times its cost. See package for valuable informal ioi f the teasjmonful is too large and dot not produce good results at tirst use less afterwards. Jan. SO: 6m. 10 BETTER OPPORTUNITY. Mr niTMitunitv for an advantageous mercn- lle business In ST A I KSVILLE, Is offered to a pur- hascr of a llailteu stocn r assort u uuuus, uu EASY TERMS. ind one of the best locations in the place. at a low rent ; and a comfortable residence f dud red, near the Schools, Churches, and business in the place, likewise at a low rem. Itfered because the present proprietor isen- i'aycd in other pursuits and has no tune to mend to this branch ot business, for Itir- thcr information inquire at Watchman office.; April 25, IS7D 2:;it I Blactiaer nl Hsaflersoa, attorneys, Couneelcrs and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N,C J.innay2U 179 tt. Information Wanted I t Permnded from mv home in Slanly county, hv one Holt Carter, on Monday the 14lh day if April? 1879. mv on Kufus llarri?, who i 18 vears ol a-je. 1 ask all coo cuizens io io ine in uncertain hi whtreaboul, by dropping me i postal canl or letter to Albemarle, N. C , .vi ihai I may come and net Mm. 1 will pay all fxp"ii-e", and irwiird niv informant. "Pieilmont Pret" and "Witiston SenlineT' please copv one lime. GUILFORD HARRIS. Aril 21, 1879 Albemarle, N. C. 7:3t. SPOOL COTTON. ESTABLISHED 1S12. GEORGE A. CLARK, SOLE AG EXT, . 400 BROADWAY NEW YOKK. The distinctive features of this spool cotton are that It is mad(irom tne very nnest SEA ISLAND: COTTON. It 1 Unified soft a's the cotton from whlcli it Is made ; it has no waxing or aruilclal ttalah tortecelve tue eyes: it ih ta- sironpsx, smwiaew aua pi-sticsewi'nrttire'ul la t market: for macUlne sewing It has no e;iual; It Iswouaioa WHITE SPOOLS. Tne Black Is tae mos perfect jJ"33T BZjACB: ever produced In pooi nottn, botn? dyed bv a ystem natented by ourselves. The colore are dyed by tae NEW ANILINE P203S33 ! rendering them so perfect and hrHUaat that-dress-makers everywhere use them tnsteail of sewln?slllcH. We Invite comrirHoo and rinectfully ask ladles to frtve it a t4lr trial and convince themselves of its Taifaioi i II l KITC til Mir 11 Oi:rtllClf1 VMARKy snrerioinyoveraoin-n. Tb be had at whoV-sale and retail from J. n. OAKILL 25Jm. Salisbury X. C. ELKIAl TvlILLS. Carding,: Spinning, Weaving;. Fulling j and Dressing. lx , The Elkin Mills. Yadkin County have. taken a long step forwards " ri4y are now mMkinfr tM or twelve ditt'crcnt Varieties ot Tweeds aud Cassimeres, ami nke still ar ranging for a further advance. The prices are tne most surprising mi Win nnn unit vYilir Clplin U'lMll tO the Fi nzaDottt It: actoraml In . or iv-a roopivo ruiric ibe rolls at 6 cents u DOund; have It span into yx at izj t.; at " ""uc''7 to Jeans cloth at t cts. a yard ; or yoa can eet it colored, fulled, pressed and sheeml. flnlsbed up la style, at 35 cts. per arcu toioreu iawx-j io wu wlilte. 14 eta.: uiamteis, wuue. vi u.u. ik f..n mntfin; lbs heavv cloth. Hamplesol the various clctos manulactured can be aeeu at, . . . ., . . ; . ., J. D.'McNEELTS STOSS, Sahstey, Who ts Aiccnt to receive Woot and to deliver Goods tor this estaDlwament. - v. mvs w"i, inu IP you want a good Fertilizer for Cotton or Tobac co, goto II 1'OU Want a lOl OI .UUCnor oiuiurn, A GOOD SECOND H4Nm & REAPER FOR SALE. f Apply to j. d. fi.isKiLn. or I10SS & tjlUIX FIELD. JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney an f Councilor at la SALisnunr, x ci 1 Office in the Court House lot!, next door to -Squire Manghton. Will practice in all the Courts of the Mate. j Praciioal Blackspiith I10RSESH0ER. SHOP connected with Brown & Verble's Uvery stahles. J14 Ufftiifus or Suoes, to suit any siiape or foot. All s!uotng on strictly aclentllic prin ciples and WARRANTED. Ah kinds matksmltrilnjf promptly doi.e. ls:i' THAT WELL KNOWN FERTILIZER OF FOURTEEN YEARS' STANDING ! Rich in Ammonia & Pho3pabria: Acid. The Leading Fertilizer Of 'Ihe Country MORE EXTENSIVELY USED Til AN ANY OTHER, 1 And Particularly Adapted to THE COTTON CROP. Also 'Pacific' Guano Co's v AC?D PHOSPHATE OF LIME, So well anil farurahlv known inN. Carolina. Can be had upon application to the following Agents : Jso. AM.EN Iiat'WN", L. C. Hanks, S.tlihury. LexiiijiN'ii. Con cord. Row :hi Mills. SiHttfville. DaViiUou 'Mge Mooresville. Cllirhtte. C. (J. MoXTtiOMERV, W. A. Ll CKKY, C. A. Caki.ton, Stough ic Sloan, Isaac Harris, Borrough?, Jno. S. Reese & Co., Nol7 Gex'i. Agknt?, Hnltimouv Md. 3IH09TOH FEMALE COLLEGE Statesville. N.C. The next nescion opens Aunt 28, 1878. :; rtL :uid tuition in Knglish. $85.00 per net- i j' i -ion oi twenlv wet-kx. Catalogue ,'uul eircuinr .villi full particulars on application. Addles, Mltv. K. N. (jUANT. o4:ly ; I'rii.i ij al Farmers, DON'T BE SWINDLED . A BALE OF COTTON TIIEO. P. KLIITTZ will sell you one ton of BoyMn, CaraerliCfl's CELEBRATED reriHizar For 200 lte. CiltQE, ? A IT ABLE 217 ITOVISZKZSXSXl ! It is the het in n.e. Eauy to manipulate. Requires no cotton seed nor stable nianlire. No charge for recipe or right to iise. Fpial to any $30 ;:iinno. Ha heen tested fof years Call ami sret particularn and see 't'estintoniaN. Don't be hiimbnzgpd by cheap inutatiotiB. You can get the genuine onv from TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ, DnrGGisT, No20;lv Sole Agent fot Kowan STABLE. - i Having purchased the Uvejy Staldeoii Lee street and perfected all necessary arrangements for car rying on tlie business! in a. com nlete and satisfactory rjfianner, the public are solicited to give us a trial. We are prepared to afford All usual Accommodations, and will do so at the most moderate prices possible. BrDROVEllS ara tinvited to give us a call. Day visitors can have their stock carefully attended to and every prop er attention shewn them. The stable attend ants are experienced and careful men. Horses' boarded by the day, week, month or vcar. Call andHlfy us. j- " Jrt v 'IT.I. IIOLVESI& SOX. Jan. Cd, lP7R. v M:tf Soluble Pacific no i . I nn gionie t. HOW TG SAVE fiioilEyi , r fir JK ! BUY fi WlvnT . 1 ; - 1. ' : ( li. I - - t i i t'" Anfrjou will not only save mointfeT,! the Best Gooda made. Yon wilt fiinHi !H-. Well Selected Htock of llnnlware t llt . Threshers, and Fwinjr matliinwi. Straw-Ciitti;Corn-Shelif - virain v ratlins, vjrain ant Urns Srtiji ' Plowd, Hoen, Mottock aliul ks Spjulenand Korku, (ila, Pai.TT, UiU n j -au.l -Varnhsh, Iah Vh, HinM and s l)iten t CriiSs-Ciil, Hand anu ilill 5a. Blacksmith & Carpenterl OOlS. house Axn mulb, shoes, Tin and Hollow. Ware, Patent Oil Cai. Patent Fly-Fans and' Traps, i BUGGIES, CPI N AUD .With tops. . Huggy-IIarness, Harness Leather ati ' Mountings, Wagon and Buggy Material, a iid many other articles too tciliumT UU'jition. j - j : No. 3, Hediick lov, Near XatioBal Hotel, Main Stm t, i SALISEUEY, Hf C 30:ly ' KERR CRAIQE, ponuij at zK iSallsburvt t 3NT. C. ; Mv Stock of Goods in this Line icfimpUie fir the ju-iity Trade. Having sftiirtd t!ie services of an Artinle hum La lliinore, in turi i. TEIMMING DEPAETMENTr ! I feel justified in pay ing that I nn ruit lit niosi lasUrtioiiS i.-isU' ; ami will guarantee Ml inl'nclioit in all orders intiuMttl to me.- T Ladies, iu the City and (.'otiutrr, 1 would mt, call and examine nry StH k hefnre tuving! elsewhere. M tifi. . .. UKLt.Nr JfcLP. 1'8: -J'ii North Cakolina, Hon an County. Elwn W. Ilovuv 1 Is SrpERiok CorRT, ) April.30tli,.1879. r. j W. V. n-ickley, E, L. Abel, Jr., II. E. Spa-! i done aii'l -L. I. I "sir I y. I In thi case it ; jipoarinjf to the MtUfxeu'oa ofthe Court th it W. F, Hm-klry, E. L AW,j s j Jr., and II. IC. Sp.ilone are iion midrnlit.! ! "" ' this Stjiti', it in Ordered that judication le ! inndf in iheCiiroi'na Watchman , h newapr I- piiii i.4iieii-ui Miiwourv, lor mx conntciiuvr. j weeks, couini.-miliiit; them, (lie iniil-JV,j,, : liuckley, Jv. I- Ahel, Jr., nml II. K. .Sdonj ! to jit the Ler'm of said Court to be! hld ,-it the Court -house in S:ilihlnry on tlif 9lh Monday nfter the 4lli Mnnday.-in Septrii ; tier, 1S7'J, and iinwer the complaint tlmt iH -be filed during"! lie fiivt three dy of term, or indelault thereof the nl.iTntiff anolv lo ihe Court lor the re!if tleinamltd in. hi coiufilaint. J. M. IIOUAII r Clerk Superior Court 'Kuwait Cmintf 20to34 Pcckct-Boofc lost. if: J Ii w i m-the town of IL, and Mr. S. 1 !jut co'icludrd s n:e purcha-en, when he mit j the Kla ilim: di-eovery ihat his Hckell'k wan 1 i-t. . While searcliiii! Iuh pK.kfl found a hiivkeye, and naid -Gentlemen,! mr i po.'ket-hook i.h-t, hut there ha, been iW-, , thing dicivered by Dr. Tabiir, f NlivilK . of far greater value. It i tlie Duckrye Pii; ( liniment whieh w.H cure Iil'i in all we, . ;;.;',tr;';t;fw'; v i Darker. C..nen-' Honey of Tarill relieve wWf coughs of loiii; standing, and prove- a lle:n to all whorirt'er with affections of the tbrt and lungs, nf i cmilidently offered thepubli as the best remedy in the world. Iii oar tit' oroo clime w litre cony Its nbd cold prftwl.j; this favorite remedy should -have a ptwe . everv household. When the little one t, attacked hv croup, or wfioopingcpngli, uothinjE; will afforiLsnch instant relief-as Coun IlonevofT4r. Price 50 cents For nit 1 (.'. K. Barker. Shockoo Machine Works, Manutacturers orrortablts add stationary m 1 and Boilers, Saw Mills, Corn ana v uat - - tins, Mangers and pulley '1 urtifne H atpr nag Tobacco factory Machinery, routfit hoo Brass and Iron Castings, iiactrinery oi j BCTljJtiOlU r Ginning and ThTshinff JCacninci dnf'tillT REPAIRING PROMPTLY CAREFnY Tilbct's Patent Spark Arrester, The Invention of the Age. ... ... er.-v--rrtPrlsrpaHytheoai ly pertect aud re.lable one, ana is K"7ir H attracting universal - JJt Dsaj Mneecoairanles. Its prominent leaturcsanr. ; ltdoes not destny ihe droit. ; It v1ll not cho!.e up. ana nlrnr It requires no direct ! PrJlZTlsWl raising steam (dainpers bHnf objectlonab, y t. may ! bp left open and alloiv sparks to escape-KL mirrequlre8 no water to extinguish sp'rls, bv conflensaritin, nesirov i"v'""'Z jrftaf water la seo. If nelecwnl. the cn.c edr?kep ed bv evaporauon vi uuc mr. n--in a fiithv condition. noon. It isflmple and durable and can be relied np"- It can be attached to anv oouer. , No planter should lie without one of JnfLm nnce companies will Inwre Blnaand hart ' JJtM same rte nsTnnnrpr, .nr -.nirt list. ; Branca House, vnarso-"..' W. C.'MOiOAX, Maagff- S9:Cm . ... . Sd 5uhs?cr ;ho nr thQ atclimnn f Ml . - . ft U - ;;'!;:'-' ' - ' j ; ":- 4 , Wllill T " n ! , - :'- J