mi mm V, A 4. -il - m 4 I It e . r-, rvvur 1r Cown (anil iafycs too)Mo'yhcfi t bezant salt Tund jnst bow- inuch fljeywaut,; Si !2nU. If ej)t.wipre ihpy.can get it yiMheywant it, thcywill cttj ust tl aruouiit thpy rctjuirc,: and not -one 1 narticb roore. ; 3rcl Suit flni in tltf way lias much influenSce oa tlie milk atul butter anil M fcnunal economy r gci crally, as .; tood or drinkt v&i 'J -. I i 4tb,' 3alt fed ns above, will a fleet the time of churning ctjual to four lirgress of tenipersturc , . t 5tb. Salt gives butter a clearer and brighter look; and the butter' will Jcccp longer, - - " f 0thr l)ck salt In large lumps is letter adapted and more economical for cittle I ban any ot her kind. 7 " 'lit. -iv-:-: The Pi?. . ijj Black or flesh colored ptgs are freest irdni skin diseases in hot cli- juates. The choice is practically be tween the Essex and Berkshires for - males with which to improve Ue Native stock of hardy grubbers of ltie jrootHjr-die variety .Those who have tried the former have been delighted "at first, but after a few, years began Ao recall with longing the leau : Jiams and slim but solid and fla'vor xU9 bacon of the old racehorse breed. The trouble vrith '-the Essex pigs x for the South is that they are not active jenough. They are the catand-sleep ; to Isleep-and'Wakc-to-eat kind, and iheir grades are, of course, like them. The side fat is. superb and so is the " Jeaf lard, and so far" the breed is ai that could be desired ; but the hams i and shoulders are too fat lor profit, nd the ham is not marbled with fat I like the Berksliires. These (the Berks) re much more wide awake, less easi ly controlled, but good foragers. !" Their grades are a . wonderful im provement upon the .original stock, jriiy be matle very fat, and yet the proportion between the fat and lean hams, ' shouldeis and side pork or bacon i such as to develop aud pre serve the excellencies of the meat lneiiams are large ana ricu anu iuicy, witlr diffused fat. Berkshires are! not quite so easily fattened when penned and systematically fed as the xssex grade, but they will take much tetter care of themselves in the woods, arid when penned or fastened for ifat tenios may ba finished off' with half the feed ;the original "land-pikes" would require. With many Northern - and; Western .breeders the Essex is a T ' "" !! !- -. more .profitable pig than the Berk- . shire, because his nature leads him to take a little exercise, so that all he pats"goesto flesh' and fat. Ilespira tion which, if rapid, reduces fat great V ly, is with him never accelerated by moving about, and with plenty of l; feed, the sole burden of life is to di gest it. This breed is pre-eminent ? among! the black breeds and ex-celled hy none as fat producers. American Agriculture. f - - Judge Bogran. jWhen Judge Boganwaj a practicing lawyer in Georgia he weighed about pOO pounds. He was a short matr, and had no coupling pole betwixt his : head and shoulders. His back was bfpad as a cellar door. Of course he was a good-natured man, but some--times was very "sarcastic in the use of language before a jury. One day he had a case in a justice court in one cf the upper counties of Georgia, and there was a littlo lawyer on the other ide named Wiggins. Wiggins weigh - i)d about ninety pounds, and was game and sassy, like most all litflemen, and i had a voice as fine as the' E string ou a fiddle. . ; ' ; r I Well," the Judge was rollicking ' alonj in a good -nat u red way to t he j u ry a4 made .some , allusions that iusijU led Wiggins' dignity. Whereupon V Wiggius hipped up like a killdeeand f" Kit;the Judge a whack on the baok, i The Judge boked around a little, ahdsays he, 'What you bout, Wiff- ginsu hat you bout r r ; Tm fitiu' V says Wiggins, i 'Set down and behave you rself said iheJudge, and his eyes twinkled mer rilyj as he continued his rhapsody of ;FPtl'a"rk. Pretty soon hej)fV ' frnded Wigginsagaiu, who, rising ,fbrwahl,tu hiqj Jhree or four' times more, making as -I PHicli impression aa if hV ha4?hit the ;.'. sidjjqf a housej ; , : ' I ': -v JYImt yotf Vut, Wiggins? what ryiii Uif sahl the Judge as le winked at the jury, : ? fl vH 'ynu'tilr, I'm a fitinVscrcani- Vggins,and he jWe4 him again, , .'f he .Judge , reached hU. arm hack T and i gently "eqnashet Niggi ns down : ;.ju ld4' chair, sayinj ihi4diair,suyinSet-downrVl t!e nape of ithe neck b and seat of the brcechc and throw, you iip so high that the bluebmlwill build in ybiir Jacket : iwicket before you come down. Be still, I say!' H '-V; Wijrsina "beed still," but lie stu died the code of honor for va few dayt then went backs iq his tailor's trade. I jWhen the Judge was - elevated to the bench he didii't give the jurors much latitude in making yip a ver dict. If the verdicts didn't suit him he chafgcd 'em over again and sent cm back One day; Colonel Foster was defending a fellow; who was sued a promisory note and wound up eloquent speech with "these are on an grand principles bf the law,' gentle men, which con troHhe case. They are as Sold as England, as solid as the blue Ridge and have come down to us untarnished by the tide of time or the wreck of bloated Empires, and so will his Honor cl arge you.' The Judge was leaning forward, his eyes sparklin g and his mouth twitching at th! corners. 1 Hardly wafting for the Colonel to sit down hejsaid: Hi8 lienor won't charge you any such thing, gentlemen ; for those eternal principles my Brother Foster has elucidated have no more to do with the cat e than' the Koran of Mahomet. Tli is" defendant admits that he signed th s note, and if you believe him, then all these dilatory nugatory, purgatory pleas that he has ripped up, tripped up, dug up, sump- efl up, and trumped up, won't avail him. What do 'Brother Foster e f'Xothing, sir vou sav to that, 9 ouly that 1 am obliged to differ with the Court," said the Colonel. 'Ye, sir, you can differ; you have the right to diffeF; but where the Court and the council differ, the Court prevails, and that's the law of this case, gentlemen -Retire aud make up your verdict.' ii ;. ' zr The Blue And the Gray. Two of the illicit distillers tried at this term of the United States court were soldiers; in-the war. One, Joe Lewis - i - j ; by , name a noted moonshi uer of Nort h Carolina,, was in the Confederate arniy ; the other, Henry Wildner, of this! couuty,"was a union soldier. While in prison awaiting trial, they in dulged in many political discussions over the "unpleasantness." Col. John C. Summers was employed as counsel in both cases, j When the sentences were being passed, Wildner reques ted the Colonel to call the attention of the Judge to the fact that he had been a. true aftd Ifaithful Union sol dier, which was lone. The Judge replied that for Vthat reason, he should have been- a 'better citizen," and sen tenced him to the penitentiary for one year. Lewis, the more notorious of the two, got off with one -month iu jail. Turning to Lewis, Wildner said : 'I don't see; why he sent me to the penitentiary, sind not you." "That was because you Were a Yankee," re plied Lewis, "and he oughter huiig you for it." All around joined in a gooOlaugh. Ab ngdon (Va.) Stan- Hard. The?English people gave a tremen dous ovation to Rev. Do Witd Tal niagc of New Yorjk, last Sunday in London. Before U r. Talmage reach ed the rresbyteriajn Church, where he preached, he was taken from the car riage aud carried bodily into the church. Thousands were unable to gaiu admittance. Wboays a man is not dependent (in newspapers for his fame? Ifithand't been for the press of the country, thtjre. would have been no press in the crowd that greeted this eloquent and eccentric minister. Charlotta SANJTARY COKtllTION OF OUTH- ltx Cities. Memphis, Tenn., June Official reiKihs to the agent of the n estern Associated Press at Mem phis, Tenn,, from mayors and presi dentsrof boards off health of the fot owing cities and towns ; Memphis, Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss.; Cauton' Missl; ShreveporiJ La.; Collierville, Teniiix Hickermaii, Ky.; Grenada, Miss. ; Helena, Ark. ; Hoi W Springs, Missl; Decatur,' Ata.; Tuscumbia, Ala. ; all bearing the date of June 20, ring'the gratifying intelligence' that fn none t the places ! mentioned has t he ptesent health outlook been more avorable. In no instnn lin- - - mmmK IIIVIG ecu any indications of a return of ,'ellow-fever. Better health than usual at this season of the year prevails, 4nd every prevention that sanity regu lations ca suggestf lias been accom. pd towards preventtng a reoccurrence of Jast year's epidemic. Quarantine - . f .1.. .. . ri ! V "lavished, MiHiiuus nave been estahlisiPil 45 Years. Before the Public. j THE GENUINE DBwiO.iMbLAHS'S CEI.KIJRATEP ; LWEB, FOR THE CURK; OF .1 HcriitJtis, pr Liycf pomplai nt, Symptbms of a Diseased Liver. A IV in the right side imder the i r r ------ - Jedgp the ribs, increases on pres 'ill sure; pometimcs the m;n is in the lelt side: p4 patient is rarely able to lie on the lelt side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder ' blade4, and it frequently extends to jthe top of the shouiqen ana is sometimes mistaken for rlieumatism S in the arm. The stoma:h Is affected with loss pf apje tite ard sickness; the (bowels in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax the head is troubled with! pain, acq sensation bmpanied with a dull, heavy! in the hack Jart. J here is a considerable loss pf mem generally' ory, accompanied wiili a painful sen sation i off having left f undone somc- thinsr which ouuht to have leen done. A slight, dry cough i;i sometimes an attendant. The patient (join plains of weariness and clebih'ty; he is-casily startled, his feet are c 11 or burning, and he complains of ; prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are low; and a! hough he is satisfied' that exer cise wankl he beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon uj) fortitude enough, to try it. In fact, he i!istriists every remedy. Several of the above sympU ms attend the disease, hat cases have occurred where few of tjjem ex isted, vet examination of the- body, after death, has shown the iIivkr t have lleen extensively derangt-d. GUK AND FE V it R Dr. casus C. McLanf.'s 1;:v::r I'ili-S, in ok A:lk a:d ll.vi.K, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results.. ; No belter cathartic ran be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise- all w lio are afflicted with this disease to gixe them a fair tiual. For all bilious derangements, and as a simplle purgative, -y r.re urequ-led. S&IYAKE OF 2?I:TATIXS. The pc ii in no r.ro ?v?r u ! v. x rjr oo.it ctl. ja) on t!ic lirl. 1 1 VI TV with thJ Ljii!n':o:i l)U. Mil i.IVKK TIMS. I ho conn. TV Mfl. ,-NI S J ., r.i.s hear. I lie .i nti:ur.s o CMv!..iM :na lis. uA :.Ur wrrnrcrs. 1 IVk. C. McJ.Nj:,. I.ivkk prepai'eu hy l'lcm- ini iSrosj. of !'itturh. l'a..t!i mark leing full of iJi;i!a:i'nn of h - nni:.i t.finvt spelled titivretily but same iromuiKiaiion. ROBIIMSON Richmond, Indiana. ESTABLISHED IN 1842. WE BUILI) PORTABLE ENGINES i tiii 1 - ; Mounted on Trucks or Frlmie of 6 S I -' i i 12 14 aud 25 Horse Power. WE ALSO BUILD THE 1 i 1 "PEERLESS" Portable Enpes on trarae 6f 4 aud 6 Horse Power. These engines have horizontal tuUnlar boil er, nlade of No. 1 charcoal ham mered iron i inch thick and of 50,000 lbs. tensile strength. They are the best small ; engine iu the market. FOR 6, 8, 10 oud 12 HORSE POWERf iiuusii iruwuiKb of all size?: SJXGLE OR DOUBLE X Saw Mills. '' '' ' " ! ' IN STATIONARY ENGINES, DRAG SAWS SJW TABLES, : CDRII SHELLERSj ' FEED MILLS, &c, &c. e oacr special inJucompnta In -,! buyers. j , Send for (Catalogue, and state what you wish to buy. : 1 1 j Addres?,! i ROBIKSON 4 Co., JkentotL felrcttlir of tMa nouse &t: Crawford's Hardware Store, Salisbury, wiiere information lnra! IICBIIIj itiiiis ' I ! WE BUILD j Tiresliifli Macies -.1 wmmmm : Nu. HEiLiG l isorj, would el attention to their larre and splendid i -Ji i .-.stock of. hi i -, ! HARDWARE kmbraelng IROjrs and STEELS every Tftrtety ot l M tikes and snapea l)est quality f". j Wagon and Buggy Ma,tetalp, omprlslni all the vartoas kinds itjqulrtd-fej.rtngs, r ; ales, waeels, ready to set up.: j . Telegraph Straw Cattrs. ill sizes, and unsurpassed in quality and durability 1 Great American Lightning SAWS, every kln4 and size, embracing MILL & CROSSCUT NAILS aU sizes cut and wroughu The most popular and approved styles Plow Cast tntfs, aU kinds, bolts, c Xa 8 pornts for $1 WINDOW CLASS from smi to8430iputty,otls. f Palikts, Varnishes, IJghtnlng Drier, &c FAI RD AN K SCALES Steelyards and Balances. i f XA7 cX?l3L Tools For Carpehterti, Blaeksuikns, Shoemakers,' Farmers. : CHanipion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Tflireshdag Machines, Ilqrset-Powers, Pumps, t'OraJn Cradles, (iraks Scytlies, Planters Handled Hoes, GUNS Pistols, Knives, and CUTLEB V of all kinds. tOuristock embraces e-erythlng1 to be found In a larjre and complete'Hardware store, and all at low prices for dash, - tt'lth thanks lor past favors we hope to merit eoatlnued conlldencc and Increasing patronage March T, 167$ 20: ty YELLOW FEVEE--BLAOK VOMlT. It s too toon to forget, the ravages of this terrible disease, wp;ch will no doubt return In a more malig nant ana virulent form in the fall months of 1ST!. ' MEKUELL'S HEPATINE a liemedy discovered In Southern Xuula and used with such wonderTul re sults In South America where the most aggravated cases of fever are found, causes from one to two ounces of Ulle to be filtered br strained from the blood eachj urn? It passes through the Liver, as lo as an excefcs of bile exists. By l wonderful action om the Llvr and stomach the HEPAT1NE not only prevents to a certainty any kind tf Fever and Black Vomit, bull also cures Headache, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases. ' No one need fear Yellow Fever who will expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bite from the blood by using MEM rt ELL'S HEPATINE, which Is sold by all Druggists In 25 cent- and i.oo bottles, or will be sent by express by the Proprietors, jj ! J A. F, MEBKELL 4 CO.. PuiLAj Pa. l)r. Pembcrlan'sStillicsiii orQnern's Delizht. t3f"The reports of wonllerful cures of libeuma tlsm. Scrofula, Salt Kheum. Synhllls. Canotr. fleers and Sores, that come from all parts of the counliy, are uui uaij remark.uuic oiji no miraculous as to DC doubted was It not for the abundance of proof. ; Kemarkable Cure of Scrofula, &c. I ' CASE OF COL. J. C. BRANSON. If . f Kinoston, Oa., September 15, ISTl. (Jknts : For sixteen years I have been a great suf p.er from Scrofula In lis most distressing forms. I stave been confined to my room and bed for fifteen year with, scrofulous ulcerations, 'ihe most ap prove t remedies for suoh cases had been ued, and the most eminent physl.-lans consulted, without anv deohled benefit. 'Jhua prostrated, dutnsed. c!e sp ndl.)g, I was advised by Dr. Ayer, of Floyd Coul ty, Oil. to commeucethe ns3 of your Compound Ex tract StllUiigla. Language Is a lnsufllcleut to de scribe the reiier I obtained lroin the use f the SU1 Ungla as JUs to convey an adaquate Itjeu of the In tensity Ot my suffering before using your mediune: sufllclent to s.y, I abandoned all other remedies and ucnttnuel the use of your Extract "of SUIliagia, unt il I can say truly. '1 am cured or all pain," oi ail dis eases, with nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of ray profession. More th.m eight mom lis have elapsed sluce this remarkable cure, wltlfout any ie turn of tJiq disease. Kor the trutn or the cDove statement. I refer to arty irentlc man in Bartow fouatv. (Jai. and to the members of the bar of Cherokee circuit, who are ac- nuainieo wun me. j snail i-ver remain, with the deepest k rata ude, Your obedient servant. j J. C. BKANSuN, Atfy at Law. Gknts: lly West Toixt. ua.. seDt. 16. is:o. Gknts: My daughter wiis utkeu ou tue 2atli dav of June, lStH, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same with no success.- In March, following, places ot bone lepan t work out or the right rtn, and continued tau- pear till all the bono from the elbow tu the shoulder o.nt came out. Man- pieces of bone came out of lie rig iit not and lef. Tho ca.se was then pro nounced one of White Swelll g. After having been conUnel about six years to her bed. and the; case considered fcopeless' I was luduced to try Dr. Pem bcrton's Compound Extract of stillinsU, and was so well satlsfliKl with Its effects that 1 have continued the use ot it until the present . - My daughter was conrtin d to her bed about six years before she sat up or even turned over without help. She jiow sits up all day, and ews most of her time has walked across tut? room, lier general health Is. now (rood,, and I beite e tshe will, as her limbs gala strength, walk well. I attribute her re covery, with the blessing of t;od, to tive use of your Invaluable fnedlcine. With gratitude, I am, ycurs trulv, W". B. BLAXTOX. West Point, Ga., Sept U, 18"t. Gents: (The above certificate of Mr. W. B. Blan ton we know and certify to as being true. The thing IS so ; hundreds of the most respected citizens w ill certify to It. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, ' CKAWFOPvD & WALKER, Drujglsts. HON. 11. D. WILLIAMS. Z3T- mi. FEJiBifiKTOX'S STILLING! A is pre pared by A F. MKKUELL & CO.. Phila., i'a. . . i So d by all Druggists in $i.oc bottles, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhere. Send for Book "Curious Storv" free to all. Medi cines sent tp poor people, payable In Installments. j SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GEO. W. YOPP, Propr. (AtPIjrlsr'a Old Stand.) BRIGHT NEW BOOKS AT LOV PRICES. CALL AND SEE HIM. 9:tf. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERJS, Ard nnonaled for h evr and prevecned of itiatinHrB03.Cattle.Hocs,t.bp.anoX'oWi. HAY JO . Jt'ODTii. lao B:iiTnor, Aid. i : On and Off Slick as Grease ! EOOTS, I ! GAITERS, SIIOES, SLIPPERS &c. Eespectfuljy announces his ci.ntinuance at ni old stana in his lild hiip, on Alain Street, opposite J3r ni' Drug Store. He is always ready aud anxion tottccomuiodate cutstoniers iu his line in the best iivtuner posihle. ; lie i prepared to do first clan work and can com pet' with aty northern Shop or Hand made work. Hi machine. laets, K-.. are of the latest arq nest pat em. Be works the 'yery best material and keep? on hand ready made worK, ana ntnek eqaal to an' special order. i liepairintdueatlr and DroniDtlv done atrea enable pnejes. SatisJtction gnaranieed or no cnarge-H Price I o Salt the Times. Caib ordefg br mall rtrnmntlr fii!rdi 3l.6moa. j M. EAGLE." '-:-. :..-f"i '.';.-; Tr : : -1V 'v:4S f'li- "i'.v':'.". t"Tf" V-,:'. ft' rzF; k 2.13 O S - ts o f Ji rr eg & k1 mm ;s z twii - 5? f g arrantefl to Cure! ENNISS- CHICKEN CHOLEia CURE or money rel'tiuded if dirt-ctioiiH are strii-tly followed. PRICE 25 CEKTS. at 2G:tl. ENN1SS' Dm- Store. WARE. wsii:. VOU WAST II A 11 D W A RE At Low Figures I Call on the undersigned at No. 12, Granile Kow. j! D A. AT WELL June 8 if. Salisburv .N . C. TRIED, AND TRUE. rople sre E'ttlug tcquaiuted iul tho who rn not ought to tic wit h tho wonderful merit of t".jit erreat American Remedr. the MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, FOB, HA1T AND BEAST. This liniment rerynaturally originated In Ameri ca, whero Mature provklest lu her laboratory such surprising r.ntldotes for tho laaladles ofl her cull C.ron. Its far.'.e has leon sprcatling for ' C3 yearn, until no-. il c::cirt-loj the liabit&bl clobei The Mexican riu-sisuj linuncnt is a matchless remedy fore 11 est orarl ailments of man ajnd beast. To stock ov.ncrs c::d farmers It Is Invaluable. A sln-lo bot'.lo often raves a hnman life or r stores th-s nrefulncss r an excellent horse, ox cow, or shoe?. It currs i.ot-rot, hoof -ail, hollow horn, grub. scrcTr-woria, !'.oider-rot, nwigi', the bites and rtlns of poisonous rcptiici uixd insects, and every snc! drawback to stool: Lrccdlnj and bush life. It cures every cxternrl trontio f horses, such as lactones, scratches, twlnny, sprains, founder, wind gall, ring-bone, etc., etc. , j1 The Mexican 2Iustan3 Liniment Is the qulcteet cure In tho world for accidents occurring la the family. In tho absence of a physician.; such as burns, scalds, sprainr,, ruts, etc., and , for rheuma tism, and stiffness onnendcred by exposure. Par -tlcularly valuable to JUncrs. j It U the chcapcf-t remedy in th vrorM, tor It' penetrates tho muscle to the bone, and a single implication Rpncrally f uTlcient to cure. I' jlo-lcan Miistan? L'-nimtnt is put tip in tore 'res of bottle, the largrcr ones being; proportlonp . ely much thechtiapeKt. Sold everywhere. mm DLACKWELL'3 DURHAM, HARD i ens $340.00 Piano Upr Upright Paho'Qrsan, 5 r ; . .... It tt Ij n-t a reprMntd rpfran at mil s wirr jl-.-J fn 6 rca. i ir.-Uit this liiLru ! t iuor 'to?tf sSPffeiN : i f&h?01t -rear 0 C! Aa 1h i-v-inni?. ruvr oace, Rscvtry vrysi wiwn mu-iiliM-cU ia a new l.v-ii . V -tor,ltU otndHxaavr:terneit. IlTic (canUiaji'iyou th:s rlea;d tarMln I.t UiuirJSr?11' '! ..LAsto.fc . . . ..- ..- i ... F ' . I . . . . . . c- . . r. -. . .... J "'1 UM i Uj-ji.jii..vu iwv. c UttsfaqCan. SI!:. w vpy btrsa. ta eaur vearl A. tended tour taroa torouf ho'.'.t urn 10 txwta l.'.it ii.'u uii .iiat'uu.i 1 IB L . v. . nip . ' i uum Vt m: yo.i;-: .7. t l;roij a-.iit itatje Ti rr'oojl Al-resa, DAIVIUX F. JpJS.ttjTSfV, IVifccfrom T!.e -NEW AMERICAN" mor' work wi:h ie.s Ijabor th AGEUTS J. S. D0VEV.3ianja-cr,. iu'ru unH:iici irs. ici uo&jau caiicnv nuimuiuTurtr. i nave evt-iMii ' t- f - Th3 . Best pyily Sewing lacliino!-: ji$ e?.4ly learned. do?s not fe f; any other ;nachine ecpiicaticn. j- - MERONBYS & ROGERS, Agents, Salisbuiv. Ni. C. L A; 1 do not hcfitate to sav the Airj inji at! the work that oilier lUJieii i.ts i4uji, it iroiu Swiss Muxliii to Ucuver tioiltu J l.at tiud the Imericau ir. uierior lo lllieui 111 I have used the Singer and othir inucliiiH's, any. . MicnoxtV iS: Rro., Agenls A meiioan Sewing Slu: 1 have ut-d the Howe, Sin er, chines, and would not give the Aikieric in the circular. 1 consider it sifperior m for lo all Very respectfully. "1 Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in T ust. Deeds, Chattle Mortpnjjfes, Fafni Cbntractst Marriare and Continuation. Certificate Distillers Entries, i and viiriou) other SALE Administrators, executor commissioners, call on us for printed snIe,noticek tt is their property at public fiction witljout qinrement of the law oi the iubjei olten sacrificed from this Cause when saved it and made it bring its vtiluc. 13 A A TI O U T SCHOOL BILL-HEADS, LETTER I -. ; Mo'n CARDS) IMstei-s, ?rr Reau! Readii Ruad 1 1 i l ry, nnu le ronvinccd That 61 1 much Cheaper, Bittcmnd more rouvf em lo tiie "Earklry k nawot's Eninnhc Flirt aast rd Ccffce.1? srhieti thonsanv'rt of fa mi lien pre no' ti-ijg ex clu.ively. Call on vo u rover, and try a package of Barklev & Hasscnfa E Ete I' Drise Roasted Ccffe witere you w ll! get f;iiiFfactKMi or your monev r7ffrrf, ; For sale by All CJrocer, ind Ma'niifetnred by ISARKLEY& IIASOXJ 25:2ra ftaltiraAreJ Md BONDS To make Title to 11 ml, and Lai forir and Mechanics- Liens, for aale'atthii pffi.ee 4- Mortgage Deeds for sa Also various other blanks. Octaves, 13 Stops, 2 53welltfcirirr i .. . xi-- miuS12 -vnk I r-STioi fwisrht rhanres ttH wti Thisecrt-imi i fi buiskHt ir.tforiiH'rd. hmiro to fiwo tills pri-c. isrvrii' tittliiOHl ui a new kiiif,f! u- tJbtbr iuomiwnir at r.itd ia;V. Ti.-iJS!!.?'t,ut The moat wicim otr an at. Kk-rutl instrument. Ks, I'no. kiiA IV a ha bimcut intopxi.ristU ImiidwuJf i iS "it-' free t j ny addpf-sa. ThUertCi!S f' tvoia tno mourn a:i i uiir3ji!i r- t i but uuuiimh. . .1 . . . la.-i Nome incnt. r'-rThLi i th ,i....t.i -JrL"7, tY'astltiairton, Xexv Jersey; U. S. Amer! 825 to $45. Buy only the: NEW AMERICM It is tut " Only Cev!hs Machln UK it I AH A' ' ii e. '"'Kercr Si::: S.iichsjT . i: Is -.is li-V.::; 1-. I The S'mplfat. t!:r Xu.-t Pui , 1 able,' and iu Lpij Lesnt Out o O' 3er Illustrated Cod.'"- um.sht'd c WANTED. G4 N. i'harlp Street. Ualtimored. U erirah .Muclane surpasses all oilier niacliinep. lieside CO juvti ciJ ,t i i Wurs button lioles in. an v fabric ' Liad SintrH, Jlowe and Weed MacliiiiLi", and ! MISS M. RLTLEDGE. not exchange the Anierieai for MIW. Ii. N. BKlMiLE. f and would S lisburv, X. C, May 22d, 1872. Machine Wheeler t Wi!son, Wilcox & Gibhf, Sewing; Ml- nil ol'theitK li will do all that is claimed for H oihei s I have ever seen. i MKS. GEO. W. HARRISON, j - MORTGAGES!- Mortgage -Deeds, Com in isi oners- Deeds, : SUrifli forma lor sale at the WATCIIMAX OFFICE. NOTICES. sheriffs, constables, agent?, &c. are adriscdio certainly great injnstice to owners to put up first giving ample notice of the sale, t The re t every body knows are msumcient. rropcnj a dollar or two spent in advertising niight I We furnish sale notices promptly and "cheap. CIRCULARS, HEADS, Statements, all kinds; f T :ASnr!lflflat tn h 'Rfiaderl j , this Paper. ; i i ' . $7.00 POB 63 CENTS. ; The American Diamond Dictionary, con taining 'JO.tJOO wordf, orlho?radiy, prwion eiationind definitions according loilhr English and American Lexicograplier V1" t rated with nearly. 2110 ensraijng; fW? ihe xrnni of the l.61ir i.d at theaine tirne just what a plain learned person needv;J decidell the bwt dictionary ever printej Conminf'700 double column p1- onPrbY.."--bound in doth and gilt. Type clear ad hand oome.v Artjx wte to any leaaeroi u" i-r-: i upon receptee 63 ceula, to pay actual i Vli : , and p?u-kinsc charjrefi.. i Innreal nerig I for Ihirtvdav only, ond h wade solely wMP? purpoxe oi iniroaiiciion. uui arie will be aent to one fddreA Tlij!a,rMrt but tvrice. Order ncvu S-.nd filver, currency, or 3 "cent postage ataoipo.' Addrewt .oD'Th National Bool Company, 'JtutlUfiXtai j . Jcap Ohatte! Mortjragcs, yarioiiioilier blank It .A Sfli 1. ft